#((honestly what the fuck))
melociraptor · 2 years
How to crochet a temperature blanket in eight easy steps (with pictures) :
Step 1: choose your colors and set the ranges
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Step 2: get started crocheting!
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Step 3: hmm. This is only a month and it’s pretty long.
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Step 4: maybe a double crochet was the wrong stitch for this
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Step 5: haha yeah it’s a little big
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Step 6: stop looking at the blanket as a whole.
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Step 7: keep crocheting. Ignore the fact that you can no longer easily lift the project. Stop taking pictures of your progress entirely. Keep the finished parts folded so you never really see it all at once.
Step 8: finish and gaze upon the titan you have created.
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m00neroni · 14 days
the way the canon marauders era ship and the reason we have a main character in the original saga has been reduced to absolutely nothing by this fandom the last couple of years will always make me incredibly mad
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purururururfe · 9 months
I realized I hadn’t shared this wonderful vexing material with the people of tumblr yet. About a few months back, I discovered House had ONE known Doujinshi in Japanese from 2009.
Anyway, me being me..of course searched far and WIDE for this cursed material. Now it resides in my home. 💀 LMAO.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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that pretty fucking smile~🎃
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watchyourbuck · 9 months
There’s people bashing and insulting Buddie and its fans on the 911onabc’s Instagram page,,, listen, people can like or dislike a ship, but what’s the point of saying that a gay couple would be “disgusting” or “wrong” ??? I’m so upset and it’s not even noon 🙄
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How did Netflix manage to censor The picture of Dorian Gray more than the edited 1891 edition did...
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reireichu · 3 months
excuse me as i go bury myself in a box of rocks bc it is with sincere regret and pain that i must inform you that as of s02e08 ARMAND STILL HAS NOT YET FUCKED THE OLD MAN.
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ramim · 11 months
Elain Archeron is not introvert, she is traumatized!
There is a difference
Thank you very much!
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gossamerorigins · 8 months
We are all super normal about The Impossible Heir production stills.
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rip-rbg · 2 years
judy hale deserved so much better
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pyrrhicraven · 6 months
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Figured I'd share a little thing 😉
J'onn watched Batman as he sipped coffee, filling out paperwork from the latest mission with the Justice League. The silence other than Batman moving minutely or sipping his coffee was calming. But, that was something he wasn't used to anymore...Sharing companionable silence. The last person he'd done that with that had felt similar to this was M'yri'ah, which sent a shock through him. Did he really feel that close to Bruce? They had spent more time together, but it was for a mission...Yet he could not deny he'd learned about Bruce and the rest of his family. How they took their coffee for instance if they drank coffee even. What they did for fun, he'd been included and it had been amazing to feel so apart of a family again. Of course, they had completed the mission and arrests had been made. But going back to the way things had been would be harder than he'd expected. "You're thinking too hard over there J'onn." He blinked and Batman had a ghost of a smile on his face, something he'd learned to read from the other man. As much as his family likes to say he never smiled they all knew he did. "Too? I suppose." He sat at the table a few seats away from Batman as the other man had files scattered around him at his spot and J'onn didn't want to disrupt the organized chaos that was Batman's workspace. "You're welcome in my home any time J'onn." He blinked and wondered how Batman had even realized that was what he'd been thinking of. "Oh?" Batman nodded, fingers tapping away at the keyboard but still clearly invested in conversing with him. "The family was thankful for your presence." But it sounded like he-Batman was thankful...Because he distracted the younger ones or because Batman was able to be fully himself in front of someone who wasn't his family? "If anyone should be thankful it should be me, it has...Been a long time since I allowed myself to join in human activities." Or rather people he would spend time with, to do simple human activities like watching movies or hiking. Mind the Hiking had been more work than not, but Dick and Tim said it was fun even though they hadn't found any clues for the mission. Batman's frown told him that the man wasn't happy with that answer, but it had been truthful which J'onn knew was something Batman appreciated. "Everyone would be glad if you showed up then from time to time, I know Nightwing and Red Robin were planning more things to do with you in mind." That was rather thoughtful of the duo, and it pleased him to know that others thought of him. But something nagged at him, why would Batman mention any of this? He was usually much more reserved and would have waited for the boys to invite him rather than tell him, that they had thought about him while making plans. "I take it you?" Batman sighed and nodded. "It...Normally when someone comes to my home it's...An invasion, but I didn't feel that way with you there."
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leclerc-s · 14 days
trigger warning for c.horner
this man should promote yuki tsunoda and give liam lawson a seat instead of wanting to ‘go out of the pool’ this is one of the MANY reason’s why red bull is falling apart. ​yuki’s proven himself countless time and yet he never seems to be in contention for the red bull seat.
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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what a fuckin babe~🎃
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cypher-unsolved · 9 months
Trolls 3 (Trolls Band Together) is an acid trip and a social commentary all in one and its pretty great-
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zuorancoded · 4 months
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cowboys aren’t my cup of tea really so im chill about this card but oh this little nuzzle
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simonsapelsin · 1 year
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