#lorena talks
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artdonalldson · 4 months ago
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Ok now I need an Artrick cowboy AU
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cellbitupdates · 4 months ago
🟡 ¡Cellbit respondió a los tweets de Lorena!/❤️ Cellbit replied to Lorena's tweets!/🟩 Cellbit respondeu aos tweets da Lorena!
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atthebell · 7 months ago
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atinymexicanbird · 3 months ago
For the record, I don't appreciate my art being reposted without permission nor credit. I like it even less when it gets reposted on a site where I have an active account (such like here). If you want to have art on your blog, do the art yourself or reblog it from the original source like a decent person would. That's it, that's the message.
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saleintothe90s · 1 year ago
478. 93 things about 1993, part 5
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(part 4)
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26. G.I. Joe and Barbie's voiceboxes get switched.
A group of performance artists switched the voiceboxes of about 300 G.I. Joe and Teen Talk Barbie. This was later referenced in the Simpsons episode Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy:
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Poor Celeste.
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27. Bill's Half Brother
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Leon died in 2009 at the age of 70. He and Bill met a few times! 1
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28. The first dreidel in space
Spun by Jeff Hoffman.
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29. Lawrence comes out in For Better or for Worse (April 10th)
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Lawrence, Michael's friend in the strip came out of the closet in the spring of 1993. Of course, people got mad and demanded the strip be pulled from their local papers:
In the next few weeks, Lawrence, who is 17, will also reveal his sexual orientation to his mother and stepfather. Reader beware; the next two sentences give away plot details. His mother will insist Lawrence is mistaken, and his stepfather will throw Lawrence out of the house. He will spend a lonely night in a doughnut shop until Mike locates him and brings him home for a reconciliation with his famiy.
The plot line has already proved too rich for some tastes. Universal Press Syndicate editorial director Lee Salem says about 20 of some 1,400 newspapers subscribing to “For Better or For Worse” have asked for backup material that can be substituted for the Lawrence strips, and eight have canceled the comic outright.
Lynn Johnston, the Canadian cartoonist who writes and draws the 14-year-old strip, says she knew she was entering a sensitive area, but she’s a little surprised by the scope of the negative reaction.
“What I wrote was kind; it was caring,” she says. “It explored both sides of the issue.”
Thomas Mitchell did. He’s the editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, one of the newspapers pulling the Lawrence panels in favor of backup material.
“We had a pretty little heated argument among ourselves,” he says.
Mitchell finally decided parents shouldn’t abruptly find themselves explaining the material to their children over the morning Rice Krispies.
“It’s the comics page, man. Give me a break,” he says. “It’s an interesting topic. Teenage homosexuality: How do you handle it; how do you talk about it?”
Mitchell says he wouldn’t object to a feature story on the subject, possibly illustrated by strips from “For Better or For Worse.”
Bob Hansen of Enfield probably wishes he was getting Mitchell’s newspaper. Hansen is a Courant subscriber who called the paper Monday to complain about the tack Johnston’s strip had taken.
“I’m very upset about it,” he says. “Comics, in the first place, comics are for fun.”
Hansen says he doesn’t object to homosexuals, but he objects to having homsexuality pushed at people who aren’t interested in hearing about it. In particular, he disliked Lawrence’s remark, in Monday’s episode, insisting he isn’t confused about his orientation: “Everybody else is confused.” 2
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For the record, I obsessed over For Better or for Worse almost as much as I did Funky Winkerbean. Good to know Lawrence had a good ending as the strip wound to the end in the Summer of 2008.
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30. Dana Carvey almost becomes the host of Late Night.
He said no when offered. 3
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(eBay user 3d-ology)
31. Addy becomes an American Girl
There was some controversy among the company whether Addy would be "too real" for kids:
Indeed, the story of Addy may be too heavy for the frail shoulders of a doll, and it clearly represents a dramatic shift in the tone of these children's books. While the other dolls face such traumas as wild bears, sailing during a storm or even choosing between loyalty to the crown of England or the patriots of the new Colonies, none can really compare with watching your brother being whipped by a cruel overseer because he "done run off." In "Meet Addy," the first of her series, she escapes from slavery with her mother, after they are forcibly separated from the rest of the family.
Pittsburgh novelist Connie Porter, who was hired to write the Addy books, is aware of the criticism. "Some people don't want to see a character in slavery -- that's ridiculous," she said. "You can run the risk of being so politically correct that you can lose whole periods of history. Children are more ready to talk about these things than some adults are."
Porter, who met twice with the advisory board to discuss story content and the use of dialect, said that she has not trivialized slavery in any way. If anything, she has made it more real to a modern child than it might have been before, she said. "I tried to show how a black child would be treated during the day at the age of 9," she said. "That she had a job like a grown person. Addy works all day worming tobacco plants. She also serves occasionally for the master, who treats her with indifference. At one point they treat her badly. She's a piece of property." 4
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32. Krusty gets canceled, but marge doesn’t say anything. (May 13th)
Y'all Ever notice that Marge has no lines in the classic Simpsons episode "Krusty Gets Canceled"? She's there, but no lines. According to the DVD commentaries, Al Jean said that Julie Kavner felt uncomfortable being in an episode with so many celebrity guests, describing it as "tasteless". I guess she changed her mind through the years.
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33. Lorena Bobbit copycats
In a four-month period, at least three men besides John Bobbitt had their genitals trashed by angry women. In April, a 29-year-old woman in Milwaukee partially severed her boyfriend's penis after he announced that he wanted to break up, reported the Milwaukee Journal. In Waynesville, N.C., in July, Cynthia Mason Gillett, 28, was charged with setting her husband's genitals on fire while he slept after an argument, reported the Charlotte Observer. In April, Jose Dogelio, 31, was shot in the penis by a woman he was "flashing" on a street in Dasmarinas, Philippines, according to the Manila newspaper, People's Journal. 5
Cynthia was put on probation in January of 1994 because her husband refused to testify against her. She doused his genitals in nail polish and caught them on fire! 6 I could not find Jose's condition.
When I was a kid and I'd see pieces about Lorena and John Bobbit on the news, I pictured Lorena cutting John's penis off with scissors.
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Barker, Jennifer, and Medianews Group. “Former Paradise Resident Ritzenthaler, Clinton’s Half-Brother, Dies.” Chico Enterprise-Record (blog), January 14, 2009. https://www.chicoer.com/20090114/former-paradise-resident-ritzenthaler-clintons-half-brother-dies/. https://archive.is/YqjO4 .
Hartford Courant. “COMIC TACKLES CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE AS CHARACTER ANNOUNCES HE IS GAY.” March 31, 1993. https://www.courant.com/1993/03/31/comic-tackles-controversial-issue-as-character-announces-he-is-gay/. https://archive.is/dZIGX
Carter, Bill. 1995. The Late Shift: Letterman, Leno, and the Network Battle for the Night. New York: Hyperion. 225-226.
Rosenfeld, Megan. “WHOLESOME BABES IN TOYLAND.” Washington Post, May 24, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/05/24/wholesome-babes-in-toyland/b4ed92ca-1571-4ec9-9290-4dfb4ded0b7b/.
Shepherd, Chuck. “1993: THE YEAR OF THE WEIRD.” Washington Post, December 26, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/12/26/1993-the-year-of-the-weird/cca1ec6a-5dc9-4be6-9087-e26abe3c657f/.
Tulsa World . “Woman Who Burned Mate Gets Probation.” January 22, 1994. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftulsaworld.com%2Fnews%2Fwoman-who-burned-mate-gets-probation%2Farticle_910a1d92-ff60-57f9-af48-af57d99ad8e2.html
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roseworth · 2 years ago
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im obsessed with her btw
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appleciders · 2 years ago
the fact that we never got lilith speaking spanish onscreen...the real villain origin story
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floralovebot · 1 year ago
Would you be ok if they made Garth’s story less emotionally brutal? Like if the titans were nicer, Arthur considered him a son from the start, Tula stayed alive or was brought back after she died, he was able to make more genuine friends?
I MEAN... like part of me does desperately want to see a universe where Garth is just chilling and nothing bad happens and his friends are nice to him. Like yeah absolutely.
But also him being doomed is what makes him an interesting character to me. I don't think I'd like him as much or even at all if his story was devoid of all drama.
That being said,,, I do think it'd be cool to see an elseworld where things are scrubbed a Little clean. yknow how the batfam have wfa? I desperately need that for the aquafam :')
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coeuranxieux · 10 months ago
Before I made DFT (Deep Fried Tofu), I made (FT) Fried Tofu. They were kind of a joke cookie based on some really good fried tofu I had, so I made a character who tasted so good that gods would swoop down and try to eat them.
In FT's storyline, a god kills their parents while trying to get them, and they manage to run away. For DFT, he actually fought back, and somehow won.
He ended up stuck in the heavenly realm for a long time, and by the time he could return, he didn't remember most of outside life. DFT was afraid of not fitting in, so he didn't go back. (not counting needing to slay gods that got to earth)
He has a small pantheon of gods who have agreed to follow his rules, but he isn't really close to them. At all.
Eventually he found out about FT, and followed them to work at the time balance department to try and convince them to join him
Timekeeper found him taking his afternoon nap (very important, according to DFT) in a nearby time pocket. They found him very interesting, and when they realized that he didn't know much about how the earthly plane worked, fed him cog food out of a bowl just to see if they could. They could.
DFT considers Timekeeper a friend and keeps bringing them weird gifts.
oh my god i love him
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saltyfilmmajor · 11 months ago
It’s the immediacy in which I recognized Lorena Gallo being an Immigrant informing all her decisions
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
3, 13, and 20 for Jack and Lorena for the ship ask game please Camy 🥺💕? Thank you so much 🥰!
Link to the ship game ask. 👆
Lorena's bio:
3. What was their first impression of each other?
They first met at Lorena's place of employment, the butcher shop. Lorena almost knew who Jack was immediately from the robe and the amount of mana she sensed from him. She just didn't want to let on that she did. While she never spoke to a Magic Knight Captain before, she didn't want to be unprofessional or deal with someone trying to flash their status for a bigger discount. So she treated him like anyone else.
Jack got a huge kick out of that. When he first walked in, he wasn't expecting the desk to be managed by a gorgeous woman. He also wasn't expecting her to speak to him with such expertise on the subject of hunting and dressing. What threw him off was how Lorena seemed unfazed when he leaned into his reputation to intimidate her. She maintained eye contact and wouldn't budge when he let his mana radiate throughout the building. She remained unbothered in asking him for the standard rate instead of granting him a discounted one. He HAD to get to know her after that. Her good looks were one thing, but Lorena intrigued Jack on a personal level.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
Jack and Lorena are both too busy to write to each other. Plus, being sentimental in such a way is not their strong suit. They're doers and show they care through their actions and by showing up for one another.
It's hysterical imagining En using his talking mushroom spell for them to talk back and forth for a while. Jack eventually splurged on magical communication devices that he would use to call her while he was away.
They would be used sparingly because they can be detrimental while in a stealth mission. Ultimately, they'll kinda wait it out the majority of the time until he can meet her at her job or vice versa after work.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Jack's really good at making Lorena laugh. There's something about Jack's zaniness that she really likes. Perhaps it's because he doesn't take himself too seriously. He's the total opposite of her stoic younger brother, Ben. Jack bringing levity into situations helps lift her spirits. He also lightens the load on her whenever she feels overwhelmed with cooking and looking after the kids.
When Jack is upset, he won't try to voice his needs because he's so used to dealing with things on his own. He will seem more irritated and take time away to sulk a bit. Lorena is very good at picking up on when he's in a certain mood because of her daughter Agnes behaving in a similar fashion. She lets him have his space for a while to blow off steam and will have a homecooked meal ready for him when he comes back. When they're alone, they get into long cuddle sessions with her running her hands through his hair and down his back.
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artdonalldson · 1 year ago
This scene. That's it. That's the post.
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thembohux · 2 years ago
6, 29 and 66 for the "be nosy" asks?👀
6.) who was the last person you held hands with?
My wife! While we were watching a show (the new Bridgerton spin-off bc that series is one of our favorites to watch together)
29.) how many months until your birthday?
Just under 4! My birthday is at the beginning of September.
66.) are you the type of person who likes to be out or at home?
It really depends. I do like being out and doing things but I need to be in the right frame of mind. I work retail full time which is super draining and I have a lot of mental health issues that can make leaving the house hard for me. Staying at home and binge watching shows or writing is great sometimes. Other times, I need to go places or I feel like I’ll lose my mind lol
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atthebell · 8 months ago
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anyone surprised in the replies is nuts the amount of manga this woman owns should be enough of a tip off
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heysatanitsyourgirl · 9 months ago
Just got sent an email welcoming me and giving me a space at an event for Afro-Latinas to learn the importance of reclaiming their heritage at this beautiful theatre that I’ve been too.
Only problem is, I’m white as fuck.
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liesmyth · 3 months ago
In her essay “Venus in Two Acts,” on the dearth of contemporaneous African accounts of slavery, Saidiya Hartman talks about the “violence of the archive.” This concept—also called “archival silence”—illustrates a difficult truth: sometimes stories are destroyed, and sometimes they are never uttered in the first place; either way something very large is irrevocably missing from our collective histories.
The word archive, Jacques Derrida tells us, comes from the ancient Greek ἀρχεῖον: arkheion, “the house of the ruler.” When I first learned about this etymology, I was taken with the use of house (a lover of haunted house stories, I’m a sucker for architecture metaphors), but it is the power, the authority, that is the most telling element. What is placed in or left out of the archive is a political act, dictated by the archivist and the political context in which she lives. This is true whether it’s a parent deciding what’s worth recording of a child’s early life or—like Europe and its Stolpersteine, its “stumbling blocks”—a continent publicly reckoning with its past. Here is where Sebastian took his first fat-footed baby steps; here is the house where Judith was living when we took her to her death.
Sometimes the proof is never committed to the archive—it is not considered important enough to record, or if it is, not important enough to preserve. Sometimes there is a deliberate act of destruction: consider the more explicit letters between Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok, burned by Hickok for their lack of discretion. Almost certainly erotic and gay as hell, especially considering what wasn’t burned. (“I’m getting so hungry to see you.”)
The late queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz pointed out that “queerness has an especially vexed relationship to evidence…. When the historian of queer experience attempts to document a queer past, there is often a gatekeeper, representing a straight present.” What gets left behind? Gaps where people never see themselves or find information about themselves. Holes that make it impossible to give oneself a context. Crevices people fall into. Impenetrable silence.
[...] Consider: What is the topography of these holes? Where do the lacunae live? How do we move toward wholeness? How do we do right by the wronged people of the past without physical evidence of their suffering? How do we direct our record-keeping toward justice?
The memoir is, at its core, an act of resurrection. Memoirists re-create the past, reconstruct dialogue. They summon meaning from events that have long been dormant. They braid the clays of memory and essay and fact and perception together, smash them into a ball, roll them flat. They manipulate time; resuscitate the dead. They put themselves, and others, into necessary context.
In The Dream House, Carmen Maria Machado
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