#((but ye I had fun today. hopefully I didn't burn but if I did... oh well))
queenharumiura · 8 days
I have returned from the Renaissance faire. I am not really a picture taking person, so I really didn't take much. I went with a friend and her fiance. We watched some shows, ate food and looked around some shops. I got myself the lil elf ears I wanted last year. I could've taken a better picture, but look... I sweat a whole years worth of sweat today. I'm tired.
Warning: bad pics below lol
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This is before the lil elf ears thing. It was pirate weekend, so I gave it a go.
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With the ears applied. Also took a pic with the fire eater/breather. He was open for pics so I said yes why not.
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Spoilers to The Isekai’d Oracle
Sun wukong x Fem. Reader
Here are some future scenes, that I plan to write. Hopefully, I won't spoil too much, I still need to keep some mystery to this.
“You’re pretty lucky, if that goddess didn't react fast enough, your soul would have been consumed by that blessing, congrats on escaping death a 4th time!”
The masculine figure applauded cheerfully, while you were on the ground. Your body felt like it was lit on fire, trying to burn away the very essence of your soul. Only a groan left you, the pain made it unbearable to do anything.
“Painful isn't it? I was in the same situation but I know a way to stop it.”
It took everything in you to look at him. He looked familiar.
“Now that's more like it! Also, for an Oracle, you sure do lack the ability to see into the future.”
A wicked smirk stretched upon his face, it was clear that he had an ulterior motive, yet the pain made it hard to care.
“What do you mean 4th time and why do you care if I can see the future or not?” You blurted out, after everything you won't be anyone’s pawn that easily.
“Technically 5th but who's exactly keeping count, I know you sure aren't. Anyways, have you ever thought of the reason that goddess gave you that title? Especially when you don't have that power.”
His steps hardly made a ripple on the blue waters. The once-sunset orange skies turned red the closer he got.
“Well let's not spoil anything, shall we? I know something that could change your life forever. If you get rid of that nasty human essence in your soul, you'll finally unlock that power. Join us, it's a lot more fun like this.”
“And if I don't?”
“That special power of yours will be locked and you'll be consumed by the blessing. Leaving nothing but an empty shell.”
He kneels trying to reach your eye level.
“I can send you back but you'll be on a time limit. Get rid of it and you no longer be in danger of disappearing.” He smiles at you, still clinging to his act.
“Why? Why are you helping me? If what you said is true, why?”
His smile finally drops. A hint of nervousness and shock was plainly shown.
“Do you not remember me? Then again, it has been a while for you. I'm hurt, I really thought you'll remember me.” He sighs, standing up and walking away.
“You didn't answer my question!”
“What do you like to say? Oh! It will all make sense in the future. Have fun [Name].” He snaps his fingers, your vision flooding with gold light, blinding you.
“You know after the whole wanting to consume my soul, I would expect you to kill me within seconds.”
The chains hold your arms up while the pillar of ice forms around your legs.
“But come on it's been weeks! Just finish the job already!”
The Lady Bone Demon eye twitch.
“Maybe if you stopped melting the ice I could!”
“It's not my fault, I can't control it.”
“Yes it is!”
You stare at the mural, the faint paintings of the Oracle were jarring. The details of it were amazing but what shocked you the most is how it looked exactly like you.
It was as if seeing a physical timeline of their life. The last thing is her being dressed in red.
“Did you painted this?”
“Tell me, how would it get here?”
“A simple yes would have been enough, you know?”
“Oh I know but you're not asking the right questions, so do you now believe us?”
“Nope, still think you guys got the wrong person.”
“The proof is right in front of you!”
“What proof, all I see are drawings.”
Wukong covers his face mumbling something in his native tongue.
“I give up, let's go.”
“Wait where are we going now?”
“You made a promise and I'm making sure you're keeping it.”
“I don't remember making no promise.”
“You're right, but she did.” He points at the mural. “Now let's go and get married. We're burning daylight.”
“Oh- wait what?!”
“Come sit across from me, my little Oracle.”
You sat on the ground crisscross.
“What are we doing for today's lesson my lady, Guan Yin?”
“You’re going to start practicing meditation. We'll go easy and do it for 5 hours.”
“F-for 5 hours?”
“Is it too short?”
“No, on the contrary, my lady.”
“Then 2 hours?”
“A little less please.”
There was a short pause.
“An hour?”
You stayed silent, eyes darting away from the Mercy Goddess confuse stare.
“30 minutes?”
You didn't want to respond.
“Dear heavens, if you can't reach 10 minutes you're going to clean my temples for a month.”
“I'm sorry! Please forgive this poor spirit wandering mind, my Merciful and compassionate Goddess.” You cry, wiping away the fake tears.
“Oh fine, if you insist, we'll do 5 but I'm adding more lessons.”
“That's more like it, thank you for understanding Guan Yin!”
“Oh, I can't stay upset with my lovely oracle. We'll take things slow and easy. We have more than enough time.”
Her arm stretches and pats your head, affectionately.
“You got 2 minutes to explain what you want and leave. If you fail, I will kick you out.” Macaque said being on edge. You kept your cool and ate some popcorn.
“The Lady Bone Demon is back and I want to piss her off by interfering with her plan.”
“Doesn't explain why you're here?”
“One, I wanted to see the show, and two, the lantern. She needs it so if you give it to me, I'll keep it safe... until she finds out.”
“Yeah no, thanks for stopping by and seeing the show but leave.”
“Come on, don't make this harder for me!”
“Last thing I want is to get anywhere close to the Oracle let alone work with you again.”
Before you can question it further, you fell through the seat. Landing outside of the theatre with a thud.
“That fucker! He made me drop my popcorn!”
You walk up the path, already having it memorized. The small bird followed you very closely. You push the bushes aside making a mental note to trim it.
“Finally you're here! I was getting bored-” Wukong cuts off staring at you and then the baby crane.
“Who's the father?”
“I am not a fucking crane and I did not slept with anybody!”
You kicked the ground, throwing dirt into the trapped monkey. He let out a yell, using his one free arm to wipe it out of his eyes.
“It was a joke, you damn harlot!”
You kicked the ground again.
“I am not a harlot either!”
“Ahhhh, stop it already before I tear that foot off of you!”
The baby crane seemed to understand the situation and went to peck his face. Wukong groans and swat his hand at the bird trying to scare it off.
“She has your temper. Good fighting spirit too, you did a nice job at creating her. So how did it happened?”
“I have no clue, I was by my usual spot by the lake,”
“Such a typical crane spot.” He mutters. “Go on.”
“Then there was this wind and a plum blossom land on my skirt,”
“It's called a qun.”
“Are you going to keep on interrupting me?”
“Depends, continue please.”
“Hmph, fine, I picked up the blossom and now that I think about it there was a feather attached to it...”
“Have I ever told you how intelligent you are?”
“I will kick dirt into your eyes again.”
Wukong let out a laugh, making your cheeks a bright red.
“Moving on, I blew on it so it drift off in the wind. Next thing I knew it turned into a baby crane and it hasn't stopped following me.”
“Congrats on entering motherhood!”
“Ah, stop it with your teasing! You're not helping.”
“I can eat her and call it a day.” He grabs the chirping bird that tried to escape his hand.
“No, no, no! Wukong stop it, that’s not what I meant!”
“I’m joking! I would never eat your child, maybe if you annoyed me again, I might consider it.”
You yank the poor bird out of his grasp. Quickly nesting into your arms.
“You’re awful, you know that.”
“Trying having a mountain pinning you down for a hundred years. Let’s see how good your mood is after that.”
You blow a raspberry at him. The small crane mimics the sound trying to show her annoyance with the monkey.
“Great now there are two little cranes running around.”
“I am not a crane, I'm a human!”
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Summary: Y/N (stylist!yn) applies to be a styling intern for the One Direction crew during the Where We Are tour. As she gets better at her job and closer to the band and crew (especially Harry Styles), some of her dreams seem to be coming true, but so are some of her fears.
A/N: This one is going to get the ball rolling between these two. I know it's all a slow burn, but I feel like it'll be worth it!
Disclosures: Some language, alcohol consumption
August 15th, 2014
You had avoided Harry at the second show in Philadelphia. Not necessarily on purpose. Well, maybe a little on purpose. You love this job and don't want to get distracted, but you also don't want to make it awkward for Harry. He doesn't need some intern fangirling over him.
Then after the show that night, you and the girls took a late flight into Detroit.
Set-up should be pretty calm today, at least for your nerves. You overheard that the guys are all enjoying a day off, which means you won't run into any of them.
You notice that some clothes are missing, so you help Sarah and Jade while you wait for Amelia.
She comes rushing into the room- not panicked, but annoyed and rushed.
"Harry's entire rack of clothes for this weekend is missing." She announces and she rolls her eyes.
"What??" Sarah asks. "What do we do?"
Amelia thinks for a split second then answers, "I have to stay here so… Y/N and Jade, can you go shopping?"
"Where do we even go?" Jade asks.
"I'll text you a list of some stores you can check out. Here's my card, you just need to find maybe three button ups and a couple of plain t-shirts."
You and Jade call an Uber and head out to hunt down some new shirts for Harry.
"What is life right now?" Jade chuckles while in the car. "Like, I know I signed up for this, but I didn't really know what this actually was. Y'know what I mean?"
You nod in agreement, and then shake your head in disbelief. "I definitely know."
You find some options that you are excited to show Amelia, and grab some coffees on the way back to the venue.
Jade was repeating how bold she thought the choices were, in a good way. "You totally get him."
"It's my job. You picked out a great shirt too!" [And you're just good at your job, that's all]
"Yeah, but I had to take a while to pick it out. You just… you just grabbed them and got them." She explained.
"Doesn't mean they are good picks." You say, humbly.
"Come on Y/N. Yes they are, and you know it! You're already a great stylist" She encourages.
You're back and walking into the dressing room, hearing Amelia ask, "Hey girlies, what did you find?"
You eagerly pull out the three button ups that you both got, along with the plain t-shirts.
"Those are perfect! You girls rock! Great job!"
Natalie gives you a wink, but Sarah seems to be pouting a little. [She probably just wanted to be the one to go shopping]
Amelia hangs up the shirts and lets out a huge sigh of relief. But now you are holding your breath a little to see if they will be received well.
[Of course it has to be Harry's clothes that disappear]
August 16th, 2014 - Concert Day
You feel like you're really getting the hang of things quickly. Set-ups don't take as long now, and Amelia seems to be trusting you all more now. It feels good.
Since you won't be rushing around and sweating today (hopefully), you choose to wear a tight grey t-shirt, dark denim skinny jeans with thin white vertical stripes, a brown belt and brown boots to match. Comfort is your friend, but you do love dressing up a bit. You feel good.
Getting there early helps you relax too, which helps make the whole process a lot more smooth. You even bring your headphones with you today, for some fun vibes while you work. Everything feels good.
You are bouncing around to Starship's 'We Built This City' when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Oh shit!" You jump, as you turn off the song and take out your headphones.
"Oh! M'sorry I scared you!" Says a familiar voice.
"No worries. What's up?" You ask, realizing it's Harry.
"I heard you had to go shopping for me. Thank you for doing that."
"It's my job. No need to thank me."
"Right." He pauses, with a look of pondering. "So… what did you find?"
You motion him over to his rack and pull out the three shirts that you and Jade found. You hold each one up- he bites his lower lip and slightly furrows his brow as he thinks them over.
[He looks cute when he's focusing]
You discreetly shake your head to get the thoughts out. You need to stay professional!
"They're great! Thank you." He points to the two that you picked. "Umm… I'll wear both of these this round. And the other one later."
You try to hide a smile but it pushes through.
"What?" He smirks.
"Oh, I- I picked the two you want to wear first." And there those cheeks go, betraying you with a red hue.
"You've got good taste. Or… am I the one with good taste?." He winks.
"Well you do have a really great style. You always look good." You blurt out.
He looks down at the ground. His eyes are usually locked in to whoever is talking, but he drops them a lot around you.
"Well… yeah, thanks for doing that" he mutters as he stands there for a few seconds. His eyes quickly glance you over then snap up to yours and he starts to turn around.
[Did he just… check you out? Nah…]
You go to hang up the shirts when you hear his voice again.
"I visited that museum yesterday."
You face him again. "The Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum? Wow!" you think for a second. "Wait, that's in NYC. What made you go there?"
You swear he is starting to blush now too. "You made it sound so wonderful and I just had to see it for myself."
"I'm glad you got to do it." As you meet each other's gaze, you both break out into a wide grin.
You start to talk about which exhibits you liked most, and the tour guide with the very interesting moustache. You mention a bakery you had found with the best mini fruit tarts, and he is disappointed that he missed out on it. He asks what you were listening to when he first walked in, and the conversation switches to your favorite music. You've started doing mindless tasks, and rearranging the racks over and over. You both just seem to be enjoying the conversation. He's actually very easy to talk to.
Neither of you notice that Natalie, Sarah, and Jade are walking in and dropping off their belongings.
Natalie interrupts. "Hey you two. What're you up to?"
Harry clears his throat. "Just, umm, figuring out what to wear tonight." He checks his phone for the time. "Shit, I've got to get going for sound check! Thanks for helping me Y/N. You're the best."
"Anytime. Although I hope no more outfits go missing." You add as you stick your tongue out.
He goes in for a quick hug and mumbles "thanks again, Sunshine."
He says goodbye as he walks past the girls and they all snap their heads back over to you.
All you can do is roll your eyes.
[Amelia said a good relationship with the guys is okay, not a romantic one. The butterflies you're feeling right now are not a good sign!]
"You're dancing around a bit more tonight." Natalie smirks as you all watch the concert.
"It's a good concert, and it was a good day." You explain.
"I'm sure it has," she snickers, while you roll your eyes yet again.
[A good day at work. Talking with Harry. Ahh!! No! Just a good day at work]
August 18th, 2014
Today is a day off in Nashville, and you do something that's not like you… you sleep in. You all sleep in.
The four of you invite Dana over and order room service for breakfast. You spend a few hours chatting, laughing, and watching Friends. Hanging out is a nice change of pace.
Next thing you know, you receive a couple of Instagram messages.
:niall horan: hey y/n! me and the guys are going to a bar tonight. you girls wanna come?
:niall horan: sorry, i don't have any of your phone numbers
:you: haha, this is random.
:niall horan: yeah, we just wanna hang out, as a thank you for making us so beautiful :D
:you: oh geez. let me ask the girls.
It doesn't take them but two seconds to answer with a resounding "Yes!!!"
Dana declines. She already has plans with her merch people.
:you: apparently we're in!
:you: let's make it easier, here's my number (xxx-xxxx)
:niall horan: cool. i'll text you the details later
"I'm a fashion design graduate and stylist intern, and I have no fucking idea what to wear tonight!" Sarah shrieks.
"Girl. You look sensational in every option you've tried. But, I think the black one you just took off is perfect." Natalie reassures.
"You're right, I did look good in that,' she winks.
Sarah puts on a black form-fitting skirt with a deep v-neck crop top. It's a little too much for your taste but she really does look stunning. Natalie is wearing a bright red ruffled romper with a waist tie, which you had picked out for her birthday last year. She is always so bold. Jade is wearing a army green puff sleeve crop top with black jeans. She has such effortless beauty. And you are wearing a thin knit white v-neck top tucked into some ruffled black faux-leather shorts.
You are excited to finally be dressing up. The comfort of jeans and a t-shirt for work has been great, you do love comfort, but now your style gets to shine. You love your outfit, you think you look good, but you are suddenly very aware that you are going out to a bar with mega popstars. How are you even going to talk to them? Your life has not been nearly as interesting as theirs.
Sarah's life seems to have been pretty luxurious, Natalie is always grabbing people's attention, and Jade's presence just makes you want to open up about everything. You've got… nothing.
"I don't know if I really want to go out tonight," you suddenly mutter.
"What?" Proclaims Natalie. "You are the one they sent the invite to babe…and you obviously get along with Harry…" You can see Sarah roll her eyes a little at those statements. She's probably annoyed that you are holding them up.
Natalie continues. "We've barely even talked to any of them. We've been working so hard, you especially, you deserve a fun night out… Y/N/N, let's hang out! Do it for me?" She pleads.
You can't turn her down.
You meet the guys around the corner of the bar, so that you can slip inside without too much attention. It's Niall, Liam, and Zayn there. Some of their jaws have dropped a little as you all walk up.
"I'm sorry, we invited interns…" Zayn quietly jokes.
Natalie replies, "would you like us to go back and change into our One Direction tour t-shirts?" Everyone laughs.
As you enter the side door, you are ushered to a private booth. The music is loud and the drinks are flowing. You sit in between Niall and Jade, so you know you'll be somewhat comfortable. Maybe a margarita will help loosen you up.
The waitress takes the drink orders and Niall turns to you and Jade.
"I'm glad we get to hang out, yeah?" Like a statement in question form.
Jade answers immediately. "Yeah! It's nice to actually have a night out!"
"I betcha don't get to do it too much."
"No, we are always busy making sure you'll be beautiful, remember? It's a tough job." You chime in.
He laughs. Niall still loves that one. It's become your inside joke.
Jade starts asking Niall all kinds of questions about his X-Factor journey, music tastes, and growing up in Ireland. You're literally caught in the middle of their conversation and interject with a sentence here and there, but aren't contributing much. Even with a margarita in hand, you don't feel like you have anything interesting enough to say.
Sarah makes her way to the bar for a round of shots, while Natalie chats (and maybe flirts a little) with Zayn and Liam. You just smirk, and admire how self-assured she's always been.
You start to wonder where Harry is. He's the one person you could potentially have a conversation with. And to be honest, he's the one person you really want to have a conversation with.
As Niall takes a sip of his beer, you ask where the other two guys are. He tells you that Louis was on a video chat with his family, and that Harry just didn't want to come.
"He's a dumbass! Who wouldn't want to be here with all of ya?" He states.
You push out a laugh, but you can't help but feel a bit disappointed. He didn't want to come. He didn't want to hang out with the group. He didn't want to hang out with you.
You internally roll your eyes at yourself. You feel like you're the dumbass for thinking he'd come, and definitely for being bummed that he didn't.
You decide not to think about it anymore and to enjoy the night out.
You order another drink at the bar, as well as another beer for Niall. You get back to the booth and see that Jade has switched over to sit by Sarah, which leaves Niall alone to chat with.
"Thanks Superstar!" He grins. "How've ya been?"
"Good. Busy dealing with some hooligans at work, but otherwise good."
He laughs that familiar, contagious laugh. He is actually really easy-going and you can definitely relax around him. You feel as if you're pretty good friends already.
"I heard you had to go shopping. Get any goodies for me hey?"
"Sorry bud, Harry was the one missing outfits. It was an as-needed mission." You smile.
"Yeah, I bet he's more fun to shop for anyway."
You shake your head. "The rest of you are easier to shop for. He has a bit of a different style. He's harder to pick for"
"Ha!" He blurts. "At least you understand it, according to him that is. He's thankful someone does."
"It just means I'm good at my job."
"I think he's happy that you're here anyway." His eyes go wide with alarm. "You know-" he quickly adds, "so someone can help him dress the way he likes to."
"That's what I'm here for." You sigh a little.
A third margarita appears in front of you at some point, and it kicks in quickly. Before long, the entire booth is belting out every song that comes on and taking embarrassing selfies. You end up playing 'Never Have I Ever' and Sarah is surprised when you admit to skinny-dipping in the ocean. "This one is trouble" you say as you point to Natalie.
She throws her hands up in defense and shouts "it was your idea Y/N!!"
Everyone busts up laughing, and you realize it's actually been pretty easy to hang out with everyone. [Margaritas help]
Once the night winds down, everyone starts heading out. Hugs are exchanged and everyone agrees you should do this again.
"So you like us lowly interns?" Sarah jokes.
"What? You're good people, doesn't matter." Zayn declares.
Niall adds, "it's nice to make more friends on tour too."
You girls let out a resounding, drunken "yay!" and head out to get into your Uber ride back.
:you: tell harry he should have come
:niall: ya miss him or what?
:you: he just missed out on a good time :P
:niall: okay y/n, I will definitely tell him you said ;)
August 19th, 2014 - Concert Day
You certainly weren't surprised when you woke up with a bit of a headache. You down some water with two ibuprofen, and do your best to look presentable when you get ready. Even with a mild hangover, you are determined to show up early- especially since there was no set-up the day before. Doesn't mean you'll be happy while doing it though.
You get to the venue and groan as you realize you didn't grab any coffee. Now you're really in a grumpy mood. You set off to the catering area, your head down to avoid the blazing bright lights, when you hear footsteps coming towards you.
"Woah, love!" You hear and you almost bump into Harry.
"Oh. Damn. I'm sorry." You mumble.
"It's okay. I, umm, I brought these for you actually…" and as you look up you see him holding a coffee and something in a bag.
Your eyes widen. "That's for me?"
He smiles. "Yeah, I heard you all had a good night, and I figured you'd still come in early anyway. Umm… so yeah I brought you a coffee and a breakfast wrap." He pauses, looking shy. "They didn't have any mini fruit tarts."
You can't help but giggle. [He remembered the conversation about the bakery]
"This- this is actually perfect. Thank you." He hands it over. He starts walking with you back to the dressing room, you're still looking downward to escape the bright lights.
"So, was it worth the night out?" He asks.
"It was nice to get out." You grimace as your head starts to throb more.
"Mhmm." He pauses. He furrows his brow slightly and speaks again. "I'm bummed I missed out on all the fun."
You meet his gaze and see a half smile that only creates one dimple instead of the usual two.
[You need to stop noticing his dimples and keep it professional for goodness sake. He's just being polite… he told Niall he didn't want to come]
"Yeah. Well, um- it was just the guys and us interns. You really didn't miss out on much."
"Oh." You see his smile start to disappear. "Well, I want to go next time. Hang out with ya. I don't really like to play 'Never Have I Ever' that much, but the guys said it was very enlightening!" He starts to regain that smile.
"Oh geez." You place your thumb and pointer finger to the bridge of your nose- partly from the headache, but also from embarrassment. "I don't know if I'm going out like that again for a long time. Now matter how fun it was, I don't know if it's worth it the next day." You growl as you rub your temples.
You can hear that his voice loses its chipper tone. "Oh. Well, umm…" he stutters, "I hope the coffee and wrap help. I'll let you get back to work. Hope you feel better Y/N." He pats your arm and walks away.
[Hmmm, he didn't call you Sunshine]
"What is wrong with you Y/N/N?" Shrieks a frustrated Natalie. "He brought you breakfast! He told you he wanted to come next time! To hang out with you! And you basically told him not to bother."
"Well, because he doesn't need to bother."
She shakes her head. "I love you, but you're an idiot!" She grabs your shoulder. "He likes you!"
"Natalie, come on, he is Harry freaking Styles! He dated Taylor Swift! I'm not even close to her level! He was being polite"
You continue, "I'd actually be an idiot to think he likes me, and I can't risk this internship because of some stupid unwelcomed feelings."
Her mouth drops open. "Feelings? I knew it!"
You start getting flustered. "None of this matters anyway. Amelia told me to be careful and it's just not a good idea."
You try to calm your breathing. "Nothing is going to happen!"
"What's not going to happen?" You hear Amelia ask.
You look at Natalie with a panicked expression and clear your throat. "Umm… umm…"
Natalie interrupts, "I bet Y/N ten dollars that someone is going to fall on stage tonight, but she doesn't think it'll happen."
You give Natalie a look that you know she'll understand is to thank her. "Ooh, I definitely think Natalie is right!." Amelia says. You see your best friend hold back a laugh.
"We will see I guess," and you get back to work.
You don't go to watch the concert tonight. You can't wrap your mind around Harry's sudden change in demeanor, and what Natalie was desperately trying to convince you of.
[Nothing is going to happen]
Series Masterlist || Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
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poprock-the-baker · 3 years
Daddy's Work Trip
(My First Ever TF Story I Made, Enjoy!)
-[The Past Week]-
My dad had been ordered on a business trip, he was to be going off across the states for a good solid week. Now normally that wouldn't be a problem at all, normally I say. But he just so happened to ground me earlier this week had taken all my electronics other than my phone. So before he leaves on his trip I need to find them so he can't hide them before I can get them safe. Today I just so happen to have the chance to go and search.
-[Present Day]-
"Now don't you think about finding your stuff James. I will return it all to you and get you something else if you don't try to pull one over on me. I need to go get another suitcase at the store before my flight. So I will see you when I get home to say goodbye before my flight out." My dad said before he kissed my forehead and turned to the door. "Don't be mad. You were the one who decided to break coffee pots with your fucking stupid soft drinks. See you soon Jamey." He reached for the door and proceeded to walk out and headed to the store.
About ten minutes when by and I felt it was a good amount of time by then. "Ok so he should be gone for now. Now let's check around his took for my laptop. He will just easily think he misplaced it when he gets home. So lets check his suitcase first. He might take it with him on his trip to keep it out of my reach the entire time." Proceeding to his room I looked around for his casually vibrant pink suitcase. You could guess he was either a very feminine man, or he was gay. Him being the latter. He came out to me about 8 years ago when I was 11. So I have known his sexuality for a while, doesn't bother me though. I pull his suitcase onto his bed and zipped it open. "Ok dad. Lets see what you are taking on your trip." Looking inside I couldn't really see anything other than his clothes. "Please don't tell me I betrayed his trust for nothing." As I say that I move the clothes over and see my computer. "I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO TAKE IT WITH HIM! Well, don't mind me while I just take my property." I reach inside and go to grab my computer. As I do I brush my hand against something sharp and get pricked a little deeply. "Well shit! That hurts. But it isn't like i got blood on anything. He won't be able to know. I just-" I start to feel lightheaded. "I just need to… To… To rest…" My body gets extremely heavy and starts to burn and soon they all end and I pass out.
-[2 hours later]-
"H-Huh… What happened?" I try to go rub my eyes as I opened them but I realized I couldn't move my arms, and not just that. I soon realized my entire body was paralyzed. As I started to panic I could hear a car pull up. "Shit! What do I do?! I guess I just need to tell him I'm sorry and get his help." I waited in my dad's room for about ten minutes before I started to worry. But they are soon brushed over as my dad stepped into his room. "Oh thank god. Dad! Something happened! I can't see to move, can you call the hospital?" Nothing. "Dad? Why aren't you answering me?" No answer. "Dad?" I don't understand whats going on. Not until he gets closer to the bed, and he keeps getting larger. "Where did that damn boy go, cause it looks like he tried to get his computer Cyrus.." He wasn't talking to me, but he turned and I saw her had his ear piece in and was on the phone. "Yeah I know I was just a bit hard. But he can't just decide he has the right to break everything and leave it for me to pay for." Is he still upset? Why can't he notice me! "Do I see the piece you sent for me to buy? Yeah I'm looking right at it babe. Are you sure its ok to if I wear it? It looks very beautiful and I don't want it to get saliva on it. And before you say it, yes I know a tongue piercing is supposed to get saliva on it but you know I collect some and just dont wear them." As he spoke I got worried. He was speaking of a gift he bought as he looked at me. What is going on. "Ok fine I'll wear it babe. Thanks for getting me the piercings babe. I love you." He hangs up the phone and then gets on his knees and looks at me. "You are one lucky piece of jewelry little guy. I'm positive James would have stolen you if he found you. But now you get to come along with me for my trip. And get to see the inside of my mouth as well!" "Dad? What are you doing. What do you mean jewelry! It's me! James! Why can't you see me! I'm your son not jewelry." I said to him. But nothing seemed to register for him. It was like… I wasn't me. And soon I realized what was happening. Jewelry? Tongue piercing? Not noticing me? I couldn't believe it and didn't want to. But soon my dad grabbed me and took me into his mouth, and having taken out his old piercing, he put me in. I started to panic and soon, even though I seemingly had no brain anymore, my anxiety kicked in and, having an anxiety attack, I passed out. Days passed without me waking. By that time my dad was already out of our state.
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-[3 Days Later]-
I hadn't figured out where James went before I left for my trip and I hadn't gotten a call or message from him either. I was now in Portland, Oregon. My business meeting was taking place later today but I was currently eating at a cafe and waiting for my boyfriend to meet me here. I finally see him and wave him in. "Hey Cyrus! I'm glad to see you again." I got in and take a hug before I kiss him and slip my tongue inside his mouth and letting our tongues play for a second before I go back and sit down and drink my coffee.
I wake up to a harsh and assaulting situation. I was in a dark place and there was no light coming in at all. It felt really damp and humid. And something kept on hitting me under and over me. Soon, I figure out where I was. My father still hasn't noticed I was his tongue piercing. What just happened was that I had taken a part in my dad's makeup session. I feel like it can only get worse from here.
Cyrus comes and sits next to me and I kiss his cheek softly. "So you are gonna meet me again tomorrow after my business duty is over right? Its gonna be the last day I'm here so I thought we could enjoy our special time together doing some special things. What do you think?" He seems to be thinking it over and I soon know he is just playing with me. "Of course babe! I got a new place as well and we can bust it in when you stay before your flight home." I lean in for another kiss and decide to whisper in his ear. "how about we feel you up and suck your off big boy? Let's let this new piercing get broken in as well, not just the bed~" I bite his ear playfully before he speaks. "I actually have a gift for you to have once we get to my place. So just you wait and you'll be having tons of fun! I got to jet now though. See you at my place tomorrow?" I accept and wave him off before finishing my coffee and heading to my business conference.
Over the course of the next hours I am assaulted his hot beverages that burn my skin, cold water that chills by metal bones, gritty food that hits my head, and so much more. I am just excited for this trip to be over. Hopefully my dad will find a way to get me back to normal. Surely he can figure out I'm in his mouth. The final test approached as he drove into a driveway though. His boyfriend greets him and he locks the car and proceeds inside.
Enjoy in the drive I finally get the embrace of my boyfriend and we head inside. "So what is this gift you have for me babe? I already have this piercing." He looks over at the table and I soon proceed to as well. It is another tongue piercing. But it is a special one. The exact one I lost the first tike I met him. "Took me a while but I figure out where it was. Someone turned it in a bit ago after finding out it wasn't worth much of anything. I cleaned and disinfected it for you. So now that old one you are wearing now can just be tossed out. Cause this one is more important than any." For a second his smile seemed to be hiding something sinister it seemed but I brushed it off. "Babe… I'll put it in right now!" "NO DON'T! I meannn… Um lets still break that one in while you can. I'm sure you won't take this one out for a while. So lets start getting dirty. Starting with this." He soon proceeds to undress, my predator instincts kick in and I tackle him and start our session of intercourse.
I didn't like any of this. Was I going to be thrown away? Disposed cause of a new old sentimental relic? But most importantly, what is cyrus doing. I don't have a lot of time to think before my father starts to tongue at Cryus' asshole getting in and feeling all around. I can still somehow smell and I can only describe it as revolting. The smell was so bad and the experience only got worse. "Get ready big boy, someone is gonna get some rod suction." Then my dad proceeded to give Cyrus a lot and agonizing blowjob that lasted for longer than thirty minutes. It was so painful. His hot and throbbing shaft kept rubbing into my bulbs as he kept on pumping my dad's face over and over again until finally. *Release* "Be a good boy. Take all of daddy's seed. Swallow it all. Not one drop left." My dad did just that. He swallowed every single bit of Cyrus' semen. Afterwards they cooled down but stay naked. "You wanna try the old piercing on babe? See if it fits?" "I'd love to. You want to hold this one?" "Dad. Dad no. Dad don't take me out! No please don't! Dad!" The plees go unheard as I'm undone and placed into Cyrus' hand. "You mind if I wear it from now on? My old one just broke and I could use a good and new one. I would really like it if I could use this one." Say no. Please dad say- "Sure! As long as you take good care of it I don't mind. Its not like I'll need it back anything soon. So just have it." No… Please… "Good! I'll put it in right now!" Cyrus takes me undone into his mouth and secures me into his tongue as he sticks it out. "Like it? It feels so good." "You know I do. If James was here he would have a hoot. He is in love with piercings and he would want that one so badly." "Don't worry Malcom I'm sure he knows it very well. Don't worry." The smile I see him produce chills my very core. "Hahaha. Yeah he probably already has it. Well I'll be heading to the airport. I'll text you when I'm home. You get some sleep ok?" "I will. I'll enjoy this gift from you. Something tells me it will be just perfect. And I have a feeling it won't ever break." What…
After exchanging the piercings I kiss Cyrus goodbye and head to my car and start driving away. Still nothing from James. I'll have a talk with him when I get home. Until then its me time.
I see my dad's car leave from the view of cyrus' mouth. His next words chill me even more. "Your dad sure is hot isn't he right?" Did he just talk to me? "If you are wondering, yes. I was the one who did this to you. I'm what they call, a channelist. I have the ability to change anyone I seem unworthy into objects for as long as I need. Now you have a choice. Well two." I don't pay attention to him as I'm processing all that has just been said. If I cry I would. But I can't seem to feel anything other than Chris' hot and humid breath passing by me. "I can tell you aren't listening. I give up on trying to help you. I will make you become so close that you wont ever be able to get away from your father." He proceeded to call and ask my dad back over so he can give him one final gift and do it one more time. The answer my dad gives us clear. "Yes."
I had dumbly forgotten my flight was tomorrow and was about to just wait the night out alone when Cyrus called. He invited me back and I immediately accepted. I rushed back to his house and opened the door. I saw him sitting in a spinning chair as he spun to face me and I saw him holding a small crystal human figure. "What's that babe?" "I thought we could have a final go at our experiment from long ago. Remember your cock vore days? Well I had been saving this little guy for such a day. So what would you think about sending this little dude down yous shaft to be trapped inside your sentence tank forever?" "Oh hell yes."
The motions were going so fast. I couldn't believe what was happening. My dad walked into the room and the conversation was going good until they noticed me. Then cyrus said they should put me inside his cock. The closer my dad got the more terrified I became. Slowly he undid his belt them his shorts and finally lost the underwear. He went and grabbed me and held me in front of his face. "I feel bad for you little guy. Only now getting to see a real man. But don't worry, I'll keep you with me all the time till I die. You'll be a good company for my semen. Just you wait. I cant wait for this pleasure to come, so I am gladly going to enjoy using you." His words didn't show a sign of concern. Cyrus was giggling as he later back and watched. My dad stuck me in his mouth and slowly coated me in saliva before spitting me out and grasping his erect and lethally large cock. "Down the hatch fucker." He showed no sign of compassion. He was a harsh and cruel ruler as he lowered me into his slit and I cried out to no avail. He slowly worked me down as he kept me traveling closer and closer to the end before. *plop* I fall into his sentence chamber and I hear his moans loudly. "Best gift ever babe."
Cyrus never told my dad about me. And after he got home he never found me. I was declared missing and search parties started and ended. Days turned to weeks which turned to months then years. My dad and Cyrus got married and all the time I never despise inside his semen, I was there since that day and I was part of everything. From the beginning I never should have been ungrateful. Cause I would still be a son instead of a cock toy. But there isn't a way to save myself now. This is my life now. As my dad's work trip toy.
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
Birthday boy
WORDS: 1838
WARNINGS: swearing, smut (graphic, 18+)
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader {A/B/O AU}
DISCLAIMERS: English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
I stole pic from ig of man who looks just like Bucky!!! 😱🤣
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You woke when Sun rays tickled your face. Space next to you was empty and cold which meant that Bucky, your Alpha and husband, went to check borders with his friends. Today was his birthday and you had plans for you both. Nice yummy breakfast, you as a dessert, small party with your big family and then hopefully special evening for you present. You checked if it´s still under pile of your t-shirts and then went down to make breakfast.
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Bucky walked in the kitchen twenty minutes later, sweaty. „Good morning beautiful.” he kissed top of your head. „Morning handsome.” He wanted to hug you, but you pushed him away, laughing. „Have a shower first.” „When I´ll be done with you, we both will need another one! Do I really have to go?” He looked at you with puppy eyes. „I dare you to sit to the table dirty and sweaty! Now, shoo.” „Damn you, you feisty Omega.” He groaned but left.
You have been together for six years, four of it as married couple. When you were younger, you were sure you don’t wanna tie down to someone in very young age. But Fate had other plans and one day you literally fell down the stairs right into arms of the most beautiful Alpha in the college. Since that day you couldn’t get his smell from your head. Few weeks later you went on your first date and years later you were married. He worked as auto mechanic and because you didn't have kids yet, you still had your work too.
You heard when he stopped the shower and put bacon and eggs on pan. „All clean and fresh wifey!” Bucky walked to you and kissed you. You smelled cypress and sandalwood from his warm body and deepened kiss a little bit. But sizzling sound ruined everything. „I think our food is ready my little Omega.” he smirked at your pouty face. „Quicker we will be done with this, quicker we can have fun.”
He seated you on kitchen counter, your legs open. Your hands were everywhere, his on your hips as you were stealing air from each other in heated kisses. „Bedroom.” he breathed and picked you up. You were on third step when Steve and Sam walked into your house. „Sorry Y/N, but we need Bucky.” Your husband growled and you apologetically smiled at him. „Again? I was with you in the morning guys.” „We know Buck, but as Alphas we have duties. Even on your birthday.” said Steve. „We will wait outside.” He nudged Sam. „Yeah and girls are waiting for you in the Dome Y/N.” They both left and he finally put you down. „Sometimes I hate being an Alpha. Too much work.” He buried his face into crook of your neck where your connection mark was and then kissed his way to your lips. „I´ll see you later, my sweet Omega.” You kissed his cheek and went to change your pyjama for something more appropriate.
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You loved your small family. As you walked to Dome you saw younglings playing with youngest Alpha of your pack, Peter. You all lived in cabin camp encircled by forest and you couldn’t imagine better life.
„Y/N! You are finally here.” „Hi Wan. I heard you need me?” „Yes. You know one Alpha eats for three and we need more food because of guests. Pepper, Sharon and Laura are in the kitchen.” „Yes boss!” Laughing, you walked in the kitchen and were surprised that there was still space to walk. „Are you ok?” you asked your friends, who looked like they were hit by heat wave. „It´s not funny Y/N. It so hot here and windows are not very helpful.” „Sorry Pepper. I´m here to help.” You end up baking cakes and bread and gossiping about your Alphas.
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Bucky found you hours later, dressed nicely in jeans and flannel shirt. „Why is your hair wet?” you asked him and yanked croissant from his hand. „Hey! I´m hungry.” „You will have plenty of time later. Now lets go home. I can´t show up on your birthday party covered up in flour.” He laughed with you, easily picking you up and carrying you to your cabin.
You were in shower and he sat on the toilet. „Boys took me to cliff. You know we love jumping in water. Thus wet hair.” „You are like small puppies in adult bodies, I swear.” „Yet you married me.” His eyes were scanning your naked body with dilated pupils and his tongue wetted his lips. „I'm the happiest Alpha on this planet.” His mouth crushed into yours and somehow you ended up lying on your bed underneath him. „I wanted you all morning doll.” He nipped at your neck, clavicles and you gasped when his tongue touched your hardened nipples. You could feel him getting hard as he was rubbing against your wet core. His kisses travelled down your ribs, belly and hips. And finally when he was ready to taste his finest dessert, noise from outside stopped him. You both sighted, defeated. „Damn it! Why they have to cock-blocking me on my birthday?!” You stood up with a huff and put on Bucky´s favourite dress with over-the-knee socks and you chuckled when you heard his breath hitched. „You like it?” You turned to him. „Fuck Omega. You are killing me! Once we are done at the party I´m putting a baby in you.” You moaned at the idea of it. „That´s what you want?” You nodded vigorously. „Words, my sweet Omega.” His fingers traced your face and shoulders. „Yes Alpha. I want your pups.” He smiled wildly. „Great. I love you doll.” He kissed you gently. „Time to go.” He took your hand and together you went to welcome your friends from other packs.
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Bucky was happy. He was having great time eating, drinking, singing, playing games and telling stories with other members yet he was checking you from time to time. Once you were with other Omegas, then eating and talking to young Betas. But his heart fluttered when he saw you playing with kids. You were laughing and tickling them and you glowed under warm light in the Dome. He felt his Alpha stirring deep inside of him and your smell overpowered the others. It was feral feel he couldn’t fight any more. He had to have you.
You instinctively felt his eyes on you and when you looked his way he was already standing and walking your way. He was few metres away from you but you smelled his cypress and sandalwood immediately. It made you all warm and your heart sped up. „Sorry kids. I need some fresh air.” They all protested but you were already walking away.
„Fuck you and fuck all my friends.” he growled once he had you pinned against barn wall in the dark. He wasn't angry, just frustrated. And his voice was making you wetter with every word he said. „I will make you feel better.” Your small hand was fumbling with his belt but he stopped you. „No. There is no time. I have to be in you. Now.” You quickly took off your panties and seconds late you were lifted by his strong arms. His cock was warm at your entrance and his breath shallow. „Please Bucky. Keep your promise my big, strong Alpha. Put a baby in me.” He snarled and pushed himself inside of you in one movement. Your loud moans for sure heard guests at the party even over the music. But neither of you cared. „Please move Bucky.” He smirked and started shifting in and out in fast strokes. His thumb was playing with your clit and in mere minutes you felt him growing inside of you and you revealed your neck for him more. His knot swelled and his teeth sank in your soft flesh. Your body was built for this but it was still like someone threw you under hot water. Your body was burning, you were hardly breathing and your head was numb from all that pleasure. Bucky was slowly licking drops of blood from your neck and then he kissed you. „You are the best my sweet, sweet Omega.” He pushed damp hair from your face. „You think it worked?” You were trying for baby for over two months now. You cheekily smirked at him. „It worked three weeks ago.” He was shocked. „What?! And you didn't tell me?” „Happy birthday daddy.” He kissed you again, this time tenderly. „I can´t believe it! All those role plays and other things we did, worked.” You smiled at him lovingly. „It did.” For moment you were quiet. „We should go back.” he sighted. „But damn girl your triggered my Rut again.” He pull out off you slowly and helped you to clean yourself with his shirt. „And you my Heat, so we are even.” He crouched down, his face in front of your belly. „Hello baby.” he said softly. „I love you. And your momma.” You caressed his head and started to cry. „Oh baby, we made her teary. Don’t worry. I´m gonna fix it.” He stood up and took your face in his hands. „You are not going on the party again. Go home. I will be there soon.” He kissed your nose and was watching as you walked to your cabin.
He went the other direction. Some unmated Omegas were glancing at him but he didn't care. He stood up in the middle of small stage and tapped on microphone. Everyone looked at him. „I wanna thank you all for coming to my birthday party and for the presents. But now I have to leave you and take care of my pregnant wife.” His smile was wide when he looked over the surprised faces. „I'm gonna be a father!” he shouted and room erupted in happy screams and congratulations. „Ok, ok. Yeah, it´s amazing. Thank you all again and good night.” He almost ran away from there as he felt another hot wave rush through his body.
You were waiting for him in your bed with wooden box and card on top of it. „Is it for me?” You nodded and watched him as he opened the card and started to cry over black and white photo. „It´s so tiny.” he choked. „I know.” Now you were crying too. „Our baby Barnes.” „And what´s in the box?” „Open it.” He did and took out small pair of trainers. One had 'girl' on it and the other one had 'boy'. „I don’t know which one we are having so I took both.” you whispered. He reached in box again and found soft bodysuits in different colours and a dummy. After few moments when he was just staring at it and silently crying, he smiled at you. „It´s best birthday present ever. Thank you doll.” You put everything away and climbed on top of him. „Ready for round two, birthday boy?”
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Hope you like this intro to:
Hide and seek (ft Goku)
Part 1
You kept as still as you could–despite your uncontrollable shaking–steadying your breathing as not to hyperventilate.
Breath in...breath out...breath in...breath out
The only thing you could hear was your breathing in this unbearable silence. Where was he?
Last you saw him, he was counting to 10. But you didn't stick around as you started running as soon as he reached 2.
You tried to control your sobbing and quietly prayed that he wouldn't find your hiding spot. It was dark and cramped on an especially dark night. Hopefully he'd miss you if he ever were to come by, if you just kept still.
Breath in...breath out–
Then you heard it.
The sound of a broken twig and crunched leaves as his footsteps became known, followed by the loud clanking of chains that spoke wonders of its intended use. You could hear his goofy chuckle, that which once brought you joy now brought you chilling goosebumps.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
"Found you, (Y/n)!"
A shriek left your lips as you were tackled to the ground.
"Goku! Goku, let go of me!"
You rolled around the grass in a fit of giggles and laughs as you tried to push the spiky haired man off your smaller form.
"Not until you give it."
Still struggling to free your self, you thought up a plan that was sure to work...and if it didn't then you'd die from embarrassment.
With Goku looming over you, you cupped his face with your hands, closed your eyes and hoped for the best as you leaned forward.
"What are you doing?"
You froze. Your lips just a kiss away from his and the man of your dreams was watching.
"Uh," You immediately pushed Goku off your form and jumped up from you spot. "Hey Vegeta. We were...uh just wrestling."
He raised an eyebrow at you. At that moment you could've died from embarrassment and you'd be happy because the last thing you'd see is Vegeta.
"Wrestling with your lips? Or actually was it tongue wrestling?",he teased.
"It's (Y/n)'s distraction technique to put her enemies off guard." Goku said, placing a hand on your shoulder. His way of saying that he was backing you up. "I gotta say it sure did the trick for me." He chuckled and you couldn't help but notice the light blush on his face.
"Uh huh, so if you two idiots are done with your little games," he then turned to look at Goku. "We have a match to get to."
And with that, he left.
"Sooo Goku–"
You were immediately cut off when Goku started rummaging through your backpack that you left on the ground. Realizing what he was looking, you rushed over to him but it was too late.
"Aha! Found it." He raised the box he found, up in triumph while using his other hand to stop you from trying to take it.
"Sorry (y/n)",he said before making a run for it, with you chasing after him.
"Goku, get back here with my donuts!"
After chasing Goku and failing to get your donuts back, he made you a deal that if you stayed to help him prepare for his match against Vegeta then he'd give you your donuts back.
You didn't really have anything else planned so you decided to stay and help him warm up, also while trying to find where he hid your donuts. Priorities, right?
You were currently holding the giant punching bag still while Goku sent a flurry of punches so fast and hard that you thought you were the punching bag. The reason for his sudden aggressiveness was because of all the eyes that were immediately on you he moment you walked into a gym full of thirsty male wrestlers.
"Oh, sorry. (Y/n) are you okay?",he asked when he realized he almost punched you.
"Yeah.",you reassured. "It's nice not having you going easy on me as usual."
"But you know I'd never hurt you."
You gave him a smile and playfully punched him in the arm. "I know, big guy." You stood on your tip toes to match his height, your face dangerously close to his. "So does that mean I can wrestle today?"
Goku blinked comically before he chuckled. "I don't know (Y/n)."
"Aw." You crossed you arms and pouted. "Can I at least have my donuts?"
"Yo guys I found a box of donuts. Let's eat!"
Goku's eyes snapped towards the donut thief and you noticed him somewhat trying to forced back the scowl. You figured it was because someone found the donuts so you paid it no mind. You ran over to hug Yamcha and chow on your donuts like the world was coming to an end. Unaware of the burning glare a certain spiky haired man has been giving Yamcha. Though he kept his mastered fake smile whenever someone came near him.
It's no secret that Yamcha has been after you for a while now. Making no effort to hide his feelings or keep his hands to himself. He'd always make up an excuse to be around you or to have you to himself even if it was for something like watching a movie. You never really picked up on his flirty nature since he was like this with most women and you thought nothing of it but seeing him so much as touch you made Son want to cut Yamcha's hands off, break both of his legs and literally kick what's left of his ass with them.
He hated it. He hated that he loved the idea of having Yamcha scream in agony. Goku was a nice guy. He is a nice guy. Most loved in the city.
Goku had tried to convince Yamcha to leave you alone with some lame excuse but Yamcha wouldn't give up.
He watched as you laughed at whatever Yamcha just said while he wrapped your arms around you in which you thought was a loving brotherly manner.
6 weeks.
6 long weeks of seeing that shit and he was tired of it. It would end...tonight.
Walking over to his car in the dark, empty parking lot, Yamcha couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if he was being watched. And the more he tread towards his car, the harder the feeling felt. Reaching for his keys in his pockets, he pressed a button that lead to what was music to his ears.
beep beep
Now sure his car was only a few steps away, his nerves slowly calmed as he quickened his pace.
"Haha, what was I so worried about. No one is here but me.",he tried convincing himself.
Yamcha immediately stopped in his tracks at the sound of the sudden voice seemingly echo in the parking lot.
"What?!" He started freaking out as he heard it again. The voice sounded so familiar but he was too scared to find out who it was.
The voice chuckled. "8"
"Who are you?!",Yamcha yelled only to be answered by another number.
"Fxck this!" Yamcha started jogging to to his car cautiously as his eyes searched the darkness for any other signs of life.
"6...5... You better be running the opposite way Yamcha because if I find you...no one else will."
Increasing speed, now running to his car, he tried to ignore whatever it was that was speaking to him. Once he reaches his car, he'll be fine. He'll be fine. That's what he keeps telling himself.
"4...3. Yamcha turn the fxck around before I kill you~",they sang.
They were delusion if they thought that would happen. Yamcha was getting to his car if it's the last thing he does.
The mysterious voice was soon heard laughing as soon as Yamcha touched his car.
A horrific thought came into Yamcha's mind of seeing this person in his car.
He cautiously opened his door, his guard up just in case.
"Oh thank God!",he shouted after letting out a breath of relief. He jumped into his car in excitement. "Yes, I made it, now let's get the fuck out of–"
An explosion seared the air and earth in large expansion of smoke and flames leaving only a few large burning scraps of what used to be Yamcha's car.
Fixated on the glorious sight from his hiding place, he couldn't help but let out a derange cackle.
"Nothing like a bomb to make everything lit!",he joked to himself, clapping his hands excitedly to have gotten another victim in such a long time. Though he had to admit it wasn't as much fun as chasing after his prey in a nice little game of hide and seek but it was exceptional. He wouldn't waste all that energy on Yamcha.
Letting out a content sigh, he composed himself as he wiped a tear of joy from his eye. "I've missed this."
Looking back at the tiny destruction he's caused, he scowled at the thought of seeing that bastard Yamcha again. To think that one wrong move could have destroyed their friendship so fast that it'd have to result in manslaughter.
No regrets.
"I warned you Yamcha but you just had to go after my (Y/n).",he said. "You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. (Y/n) is mine and anyone who thinks otherwise better hide, because once the countdown ends I'll come seeking. And when I do, you better pray to Kami that I don't find you."
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: couple’s quiz (prompts are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 1,766 words | themes: gen!reader. youtuber!reader. fLUFF. i got carried away but this is pretty domestic honestly.
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa (send a dm/ask to be added!)
rv: i know i did say atsumu’s love language here is different but love languages can change especially when you’re already in a relationship. i actually answered the quiz this time in atsumu’s perspective and it’s very difficult but yeah it has to happen lmao. i pretty much agree with the results and yes don’t take it so seriously because i’m not atsumu himself and well this is just from my own perspective, hopefully it was close enough to his character. special mention to my honey @liliannyah nia i’m tagging you here because i know you’ll be simping on tsum tsum here ya go hun
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✒︎ love language
mornings with atsumu are peaceful. afternoons are full of fun, and well evenings are the best. that's usually because; around these times are when atsumu is at his best and most positive energy throughout the day.
however for you, you had a schedule beforehand and you have plans on how to spend your day, and it's with atsumu.
"hey babe, can you film with me today?" you situated yourself by the doorway of your shared bedroom, seeing the dirty blonde specks of his hair peaking under the blankets that was covering his body, the rays of light coming from the sun, escaping the gaps from the thin fabric of the curtains by your window. you wanted him to rest as much as he can since he doesn't usually have cancelled trainings, however this is also the best time for you to bond with him more, and you've got the perfect idea for that in your mind.
all he need to do is wake up and-
"i want to sleep." atsumu's voice overcomes the silence, however muffled it was. a frown forms on your lips as you made your way next to the bed, pulling the covers from his form just for him to groan and try to pull it back.
"i want to sleep, (y/n). five more minutes." he has his eyes closed as the fringes of his hair tried to protect them from the brightness of the surroundings, even from you.
atsumu must have felt the bed dip as you sat on his side, his brows furrowing at the faintness of your touch when you reached out to brush his strands away from his handsome face. you grazed lightly on his forehead, removing the sweat that must have formed due to the warmth that summer brought to the temperature.
your frown curls upwards as you admired how atsumu leans onto your hand, even for just a second. you skimmed your hand on your shirt before leaning forward and faced atsumu with an arm supporting your head on the pillow.
"you have to wake up, tsumu. i've got breakfast ready." you sang to him gently, still looking at his face with awe and wonder. most of the time, you question yourself how you got a guy like this. in those silent moments where you just feel so lucky how someone like atsumu miya could love someone like you.
"you're looking at me like that again."
you were broken from your trance as you were met by his gaze, not even looking at you before he said those words.
"what is it?" he breathes out as he closed his eyes again, now snuggling his way towards your form. you sighed and brushes his hair again, feeling out its softness despite the fact that it was dyed and it should be dry under your touch if it weren't for how atsumu takes very good care for it.
"come on, tsumu. the food will get cold." you say, only to feel him slide his arms by your waist, pulling you closer to him, embracing you even.
however no matter how much you liked it, you pushed him away, "tsumu! we're going to film today, wake up!" you whined, prying away from his grasp.
"film?" his face brightens up in almost an instant, his eyelids opening at the same time. "we? you said we?"
you smile at his reaction, relaxing and nodding your head. "yeah, i did, i literally said it five minutes ago. don't you want to?"
"of course i do!" he sits up, an evident pout on his lips. "why didn't ya say so? y'know how long i've been waiting for this day. i don't really get why you keep me from yer subscribers if you loved them so much."
you sat up as well, grinning in amusement. "you really like the attention, do you?"
"wha-? no i don't."
"oh my dear tsumu, you do." you giggle and climbed out of the bed. "come on let's eat first. i already set up everything so we can film right after eating."
time passes by and before you know it, you and atsumu were already in front of the camera, the lights not bothering you anymore with how you were so used to having them around you. atsumu also seemed to be in the similar situation and was much more comfortable with where he was situated, as if this was his moment.
after all, you made him wait for a long time before finally deciding to show him in front of the whole world.
“is this live?”
you nod at him, “yeah, are you nervous?”
“huh-me, nervous? ‘course not.” he scoffs but as you poke his chest and stopped there for awhile, you gave him a smirk, to which he merely slaps your hand away and pouts away.
“hello there! how’s everyone?” you immediately smile at the camera, your laptop showing the bountiful of comments that spams in an instant. you could see atsumu’s reflection on the screen, his grin wide and slightly bit awkward, but it’s not what your fans are commenting about.
“uh-so you guys probably guessed who our guest is.” you smirk, glancing sideways at atsumu. “and yes, he’s my boyfriend. say hello, tsumu.”
atsumu was a natural as he introduces himself on the screen, a welcoming smile on his face, as if he had been filming for a vlog as long as you do and that he was completely adjusting with the situation. you couldn’t help but curve your lips upwards in turn, nodding off eventually at whatever he was saying.
“so! today we, me and atsumu are going to answer a quiz in front of everyone.”
“a quiz?”
“yep! a couple’s quiz.” you purposely didn’t inform atsumu beforehand what you will do and you explained it on the screen as all the attention turns to you.
“what? you scared, tsumu?” you teased him and he juts his lower lips as a reaction.
“‘course not. i’m gonna answer each of them like a pro.”
you laughed heartily as you grabbed your phone, handing atsumu out his at the same time. “me and atsumu are going to answer a couple’s love language quiz and compare our love languages. you guys can answer with us if you like, just search it up on your search engines,” leaning forward, you muttered with “i’m not gonna tell the site coz y’know this is not really a sponsored video.”
your hand suddenly found itself on top of atsumu’s as you explain the five love languages briefly, feeling his gaze on yours despite not looking at him directly. you have no idea if he was paying attention with your ramblings but if he’s busy admiring you, you’re too humble to even think about it.
or not.
“so, are you ready tsumu?” he was cut off of his trance and he pretends he was alright when he smiles in the camera and answers enthusiastically.
“but what if i like both?”
“there’s no option for both tsumu.”
“but i like hugging you and receiving letters. remember when you confessed to me with a-“
your hand immediately shoots up to his mouth and he chuckles in delight in the victory of having to tease you in front of your fans. by now you’re wondering if you should regret having atsumu for the first time in your vlog in live.
“these questions are really difficult.” you say, finding yourself stuck into yet again an array of indecisiveness.
“where are you already?”
“i’m at 23%” you answer, glancing up at atsumu. “‘bout you?”
“30%,” he says, shooting an eye at the camera. “(y/n)’s really slow especially when answering these types of quizzes. they’re that indecisive.”
“i’m the decisive one in this relationship. that’s why i have to always ask them three hours before our date which place they would like to eat at.”
you gave up on reprimanding atsumu as you focused on your questionnaire, picking an answer as atsumu chats with your fans who commented about how they noticed about it too.
“see? your fans agree to me. we’re already best of friends.”
you shook your head as you found yourself grinning from atsumu’s words.
“oh- a back rub seems nice.” you heard him mutter later on and when you glanced at him, he was not looking at you but you could tell with how he gripped on his shoulders that he’d need one sooner or later after the film.
it was not unusual for you to massage him every once in awhile, or maybe more than that. that habit actually started way before you two had gotten together and he always told you how you’re good with your hands. he admitted one morning after some time of being officially a couple that he liked your massages a lot.
atsumu finishes the quiz first before you and he takes the initiative of talking with your fans as you finish up yours. you laugh along with them every time atsumu attempts to make a joke and read along the lines of the comments section.
“yay i’m done!”
atsumu turns to you with a “took you long enough” but he places a hand by your knee, his attention now on yours. “so, what did you get?”
“my highest is quality time!” you leaned to the camera lens as you showed your results to the screen, making sure that you were able to really make it visible. “followed by receiving gifts and physical touch. how about you, ‘tsumu? what’d you get?”
he places his phone next to yours before he answers with a bright smile. “i got the same too! looks like me and (y/n) are real meant to be, don’t you think?”
you could feel your cheeks burn especially when he pulls his phone away and reaches out to your side just to place his hand on your waist, keeping it there like a protective and proud boyfriend he is. you were speechless for awhile and it was a good thing that atsumu led the conversation on in your silence. whether it was intentional or not, that you didn’t know.
but now that you realized it, atsumu and you had the same results most probably because both of you wanted to spend more time and moments like this with each other. sooner than later, he’ll be busy with trainings again and you with your vlogs.
feeling that familiar sense of radiance in your chest, you leaned your head on atsumu’s shoulders, once again feeling lucky to have him by your side, even with the littlest of times.
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jd-loves-everyone · 4 years
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➤ Recording your newest youtube video and talking back to your boyfriend, Chan, ends up getting you into a lot more trouble than you expected.
➤ genre: smut
➤ wc: 2.3K (well this got long)
➤ warnings: dom!chan, sub!reader, minor preparation (be very careful or you could get hurt), use of the color system, dirty talk, power imbalance, finger sucking, explicit language, strength/size kink(?), mentioned aftercare.
➤ a/n: Yes I have a youtube channel. No, I am not self-projecting (maybe just a little bit :)) Also, please tell me what you thought about this because I haven’t written smut in nearly a year so I’m not sure if I like this, plus english isn’t my first language so let me know if anything doesn’t make sense :) 
Perhaps pushing your boyfriend, Chan, wasn't the best idea. No matter the situation. But, in your defense Felix had taken you telling him to "suck my nonexistent dick" quite well, so what you told Chan wasn't THAT bad. At least in comparison. But perhaps it had been the seemingly endless build up to it that made him blow a fuse.
You had recently found out that videos of playing Uno with friends were not only fun, but also extremely popular. So it seemed like a great way to spend your Friday afternoon with Chan, Felix and Jisung, while also recording a video that would no doubt be entertaining.
It was no secret to anyone that all the boys were quite competitive (in various degrees, but all very competitive nonetheless), and to anyone that watched you play any sort of game it was also no secret that you were very competitive as well.
So, everyone you had invited to participate were people who could: speak English, were competitive and got frustrated quickly, which would all hopefully make for a pretty funny video. What you didn't account for was your own (unexpectedly) short temper and unfiltered vocabulary, all probably due to the presence of a microphone.
And so, with Chan in the next room in your house, you in your office and Felix and Jisung in their own houses, the game began. It started pretty slow, with everyone getting used to the setting and the game, but all eventually loosened up after the first "f bomb" was dropped. From there followed many minutes of frustrated yelling that rapidly grew in volume every time someone screwed someone else over. It seemed most prevalent between you and Chan though. And with every card he played to make you lose, your playfulness dissipated. Chan had tolerated your bratty behavior for most of the game, but that statement was the last straw.
“That’s it. You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” You deadpanned amidst Felix and Jisung’s booming laughter, after your boyfriend made you pick up 4 more cards just as you were about to win. The silence that followed from his side should have made it clear to you that a line had been crossed. But you barely noticed as Chan seemed to go back to his normal self not long after.
The game continued normally and you ended it after getting enough footage for a video, ending the recording and saying goodbye to your friends and moving to Chan’s office.
Upon seeing him sitting in his chair, facing his computer, you decided to move towards him quietly to surprise him, given your current good mood. As you reached him you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in the side of his neck and filing it with loud kisses.
The last thing you expected was for him to grasp your wrist tight enough to make a point: that he wasn’t pleased. With something you had done, most likely. Most definitely, otherwise he’d be telling you about his frustrations and not keeping vice-like grip on your hand.
“Chan?” You asked, oh-so innocently. It almost made him snicker. Instead he turned his chair around, tugging you forward to stand in between his spread legs, staring at you with fire in his eyes. Meanwhile you wracked your brain for the reason as to what you had done to make him mad.
“I’m a little disappointed with my baby girl today. You know why?” His voice was dangerously low, and suspiciously devious. You were almost sure he was doing this just to toy with you because he knew you loved it.
You furrowed your brows in concentration. What could it have been? None of what you had said or done seemed unusual or out of line. Maybe his patience was running low today? Perhaps there were simply so many little things that could be considered “mistakes” on your part, for you to figure out what the catalyst was.
"You don't know, do you?" He chuckles mockingly, his hold on your wrist loosening, lulling you into a false sense of security.
“I’m disappointed with my baby girl, because she was being a brat all game. Talking back to me with that attitude, trying to convince everyone you were in control. But we both know you’re not. I even let most of it slip since it was for the video, but I feel like perhaps you forgot who’s in control here. I also think that you were enjoying being on top for once, too much.” Chan spoke huskily, rising from the chair and looking down at your form.
“Maybe I need to show you who’s in charge.” He said absentmindedly, placing his hand on your cheek and stroking your bottom lip with his thumb, smiling softly when your lips parted to let his finger through. You licked it softly, hoping to please him. He saw right through you immediately, smirking as he pressed his thumb down on your tongue, making your mouth open wider. Saliva pooled at the bottom due to the dominant presence he exuded and the darkness in his gaze which promised an eventful night.
"Go to the bedroom, take your clothes off and maybe I'll think about going easy on you." He whispered, stepping back to give you space. Strangely enough, without his scent surrounding you, you felt dazed and somewhat cold.
But you hurried to carry out his order. Part of you wanted to push him just a little more, just to test him. But another, bigger part, just wanted to be his good girl.
You felt exposed and vulnerable as you stood in front of the bed, naked and waiting for Chan to step through the bedroom door. As he did, you felt goosebumps appear all over your skin as he looked you up and down appreciatively. You tried covering yourself as he made his way to you. He had seen you naked before (and in much more compromising positions) but the way his predatory gaze traced every one of curves, taking you in as if it was the first time, every time, just set fire to the blood in your veins and cheeks.
“Why are you hiding, baby? You seemed so confident just a few minutes ago. Where has all that attitude gone?” Chan taunted, taking his clothes off painfully slowly before sitting against the headboard, watching you with those keen eyes. Even if you were both naked, you felt nowhere near out of his grasp. All the muscles now exposed to you made your mouth water, just at the sight of his statuesque body that he worked so hard for, covered by marble-like skin.
“Come closer baby. Don’t get all shy now.”
You moved forward meekly, crawling until you were knelt in front of him, trying so hard to not let your eyes drop down to follow his v-line down to his cock. It was so enticing every time that it took all your willpower to keep his lustful gaze. He smirked, as if noticing your struggle.
"You're in the wrong spot, baby. I want to sit right here." He said as he patted both his thighs. "Since you like being on top so much, I want you to ride me. You do all the work this time. Because you're only coming tonight if you work for it."
The cockiness in his voice made you shiver in anticipation.
You crawled forward once more, straddling his lap and squirming at the feeling of him rubbing against your already dripping folds. Even though this persona of his never failed to get you wet enough for him to slide himself in smoothly, you knew the stretch would still be a bit painful, which perhaps was his intention. 
He cupped your cheek in his hand gently, looking at you with unveiled concern despite his lust-blown pupils. 
“Color?” He asked carefully, stroking your flesh soothingly as you leaned into the touch, making him smile fondly. 
“Green. But, please go slow.” You replied once the fog in your mind cleared, looking your loving boyfriend in the eyes, deeply appreciative of his carefulness. He patted you cheek softly, nodding, before the switch flipped and he was back to his darker self, no more gentleness left in his gaze, hands grabbing you hips tightly and jerking you against him slightly. You jumped in surprise, letting out a whimper at the feeling of his hard member against you.  He sent you a look as if to say: 'get to it'.
You slowly trailed your hand down your body as Chan stared unabashedly, before he grabbed your hand.
"No no. You seemed so eager to finish during the game. So why don't you just get to it?" He said lowly, scratching his nails on your thighs before groping the flesh harshly.
Not wanting to contradict him anymore, you grabbed his cock in your hand, spreading your essence on him, before positioning him at your entrance.
As you slowly sat on him, his breathing became harsh and labored, and you winced and whimpered at the stretch. It burned slightly but it wasn’t nearly as painful as the first time had been since you were going slow enough to adjust to his size. But it seemed as if Chan was struggling quite a bit,
He leaned his head back, neck on full display as his jaw clenched, trying his best to hold himself back from thrusting up into you. You realized that this was not only a punishment for you but also for him. Perhaps his plan backfired? Or perhaps he had planned this but realized he actually wouldn’t be able to hold himself back in a few minutes. Only time could tell.
Your eyes locked onto the prominent veins just under his fair skin, looking so inviting that you just couldn’t resist the urge to suck a blot of red onto his neck making him groan as he moved inside you as you leaned towards him. His grip on your hips tightened.
“Fuck! You’re so tight!” He said breathlessly, easing the grip he had on you to let you move. 
And as you felt as if the pain had passed, you held onto his shoulders tightly and started moving up and down. The feel of him rubbing against your walls was almost too much as you could feel every bump and vein of his cock as you clenched experimentally. It made Chan let out a startled moan, probably louder than he intended as his cheeks reddened for more than exertion, eyes rolling back at the feeling. 
Upon seeing the effect you had on him you got a sudden boost in confidence, riding him with fervor, determined to do your best and get more of those delicious reactions out of him. 
The room filled with the sound of skin slapping as you bounced on his lap making more euphoric noises spill from Chan’s throat. You were in a similar state, the position allowing him to hit every sweet spot inside you, making you emit countless moans and whimpers. 
You felt your orgasm build, tears gathering in your eyes at the overwhelming feeling of being so close but so far from the finish line, but being unable to reach it as your thighs became sore from smacking against Chan and fatigue started to weaken your limbs. You let out frustrated whimpers as you held onto his shoulders tight enough for your fingers to go white from pressure, which made Chan groan. 
“Chan please! I can’t… anymore…” You begged breathlessly as your movements slowed down. 
“Ah, fuck it.” He said, taking hold of your hips before flipping you onto your back without separating your bodies. He settled between your widely spread legs, pushing his hips forward with all the strength he had been holding back, grunting with effort. 
“Poor baby. Can’t even make yourself cum without my help, huh? Not strong enough to handle it, are you?” He spoke smugly as your moans became louder and louder at his words. 
Your breasts moved in tandem with his movements, attracting his attention which made him lean forward to take one of your enticing nipples into his warm and wet mouth. With the way your voice kept rising in volume, you knew your neighbors couldn’t be too happy. 
“Are you close baby? Are you gonna cum for me?” He said as he took his mouth off of your chest, revealing the erotic sight of his saliva covering your nipple sloppily. 
“Y-Yes! So close, Chan please.” You didn’t know what you were pleading for but Chan seemed pleased with your response as he pressed his lips against yours, trying but not fully succeeding in muffling your noises, as his hand trailed towards your center to rub your clit harshly which gave you that extra push. 
As you tipped over the edge, barreling towards an overwhelming orgasm that made a few tears spill from your eyes, you clenched impossibly tight around Chan’s cock making him break the kiss, moaning and groaning openly into your mouth as you did the same.
Your breathing slowly returned to normal as you felt Chan’s sticky essence drip out of your hole as he pulled out, an image wished seemed to have captured his attention as he openly gazed at you red and spent pussy. Despite all that you had already done, and with the haze of lust no longer present, you blushed at his laser focused eyes set on your dripping core. 
“I’ll never get tired of this.” He whispered almost to himself, smirking at your flushed and pouty face. 
“Let’s get cleaned up, alright baby?” He said as he kissed your forehead gently.
“Just one thing Chan.” He tilted his head cutely, to show that he was listening. “Next time, try to not be such an asshole and maybe I’ll be nice in return.”
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marsbutterfly · 4 years
The Scientist’s Gamble - Part 2
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Summary: As the formation rides out, Hanji takes a moment to meet your eyes, and you smile at her. Today is going to be a win for humanity, you think to yourself. You could not be more wrong.
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
After an hour or so peacefully riding your horses towards the forest, you begin to feel the floor shaking in the distance. Not long after, the first red flare is fired. A Titan. Thinking back on your knowledge acquired studying Titans with Hanji, you know it is a 5m from the way the ground is trembling - not tall enough that it will necessarily take more than a couple of Scouts to kill, but could still cause damage if it wasn't stopped in time.
You move your face to the right, enough so you can look at Hanji to see if this is the one she wants. She shakes her head - she doesn't want a regular titan. You know that that crazy look in her eyes can only mean one thing. She's after an Abnormal. Goosebumps travel up and down your body, and you reposition yourself on your horse to face forward once again. Without even realizing it, a smug smirk spreads across your face. This is going to be so fun!
"Reiner! - " you scream. Your throat hurts from the effort you put into the sound, yet you still prepare yourself to do it again.
" - I need you to ride to the center of the formation. Inform the Commander that if an Abnormal appears, bring it closer to us. Tell them they should not kill it unless absolutely necessary!"
"Of course," Reiner screams back, allowing his cloak to fall back against his shoulders. His blonde hair ruffles in the wind, a ridiculous smile plastered across his face, "but I'm just curious," he says, and you know exactly what's about to come out of his mouth before he says it as he yells, "Who the fuck put you in charge?"
Before you even have time to laugh at his stupid comeback, the beautiful brown haired scientist riding alongside you responds, "I did!"
Eyes wide, his lips scrunch up as he turns away to avoid eye contact with you and Hanji.
"Now go, Reiner!" Hanji says.
"Yes ma'am!", is all he says before he steers his horse left and rides out of sight. He doesn't give you the chance to say anything in response.
You can feel the laughter bubbling up in your chest, from deep in your throat to burst out of your mouth. You try to hold it in until the blonde soldier is out of sight, but you know he can hear you.
Tears form in your eyes as your stomach starts to hurt. You just can't keep it in. The look on Reiner's face is the funniest thing you've seen in a long while. Once you finally manage to slow down and take a deep breath to pull yourself together, you look over to Hanji to find she's been carefully watching you the whole time.
"Thank you for defending me!", you shout, flashing her the biggest smile you can manage.
"Of course! I'm not going to let anyone undermine you! You are my second in command right now! You know me better than anyone else! That's what makes you such an amazing assistant," her grin widens, "and an amazing friend!"
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks once again, but before you can reply, you notice something in the corner of your eye.
It's a black flare.
You and Hanji lock eyes for a brief moment before you both let out an excited scream at the same time - "LET'S GO!"
You can see it now. The Titan is easily 7 meters tall, if not taller. It has blonde hair and brown eyes, and a relatively normally-proportioned body and facial features, but you notice it's walking with a strange limp. At its ankles, the Titan's feet were pointed in the opposite direction they should be. Yet, it runs ahead eagerly as if nothing is different. You've never even thought this was possible.
Perfect! You think to yourself.
You stand up on your horse and switch to your 3D maneuver gear. You shoot your grapples around the top of a tree branch and swing on top to land on your feet with a sense of balance that you're proud of. Multiple horses ride toward where you and the rest of the Scouts stand above them. The massive titan follows the Scouts closely, too close for anyone's comfort, but they're not giving up.
Once the monster is close enough, you and Hanji share a look before you run towards it, preparing yourselves to jump down on its shoulders, cut off its limbs, and strap it to the floor before it regenerates.
Data collected on previous missions showed that it takes approximately 4 minutes for its arms to regenerate, but it shouldn't take you that long to trap it. You're all extremely prepared for this, you've practiced for this and almost every other situation.
Now it's the time to prove you know what you're doing - except nothing could have prepared you for what came next.
The trap used to capture the titan is a fraction of a second late. You're already in the air, arms flung back in preparation to cut its underarm when you notice something is wrong.
Everything happens in slow motion as you see it's massive arm intercept the cables of your grapples, yanking you like a yo-yo across the trees. Your body collides against one of the many enormous trees surrounding you. The pain shoots all over your body. It is too intense, and your vision gets more clouded by the second. You could hear Hanji screaming your name, but you didn't stay conscious for much longer than that.
A few minutes pass by, but the damage caused by the titan makes it seem like much longer. You could see bodies all around you, at least 10, 15. Your comrades, your friends, dead because of a mistake out of your control.
Huh?  you think, and that's all that goes through your brain at moment. There is blood dripping down your face, and you're unable to tell if it's yours, the Titan's, or to one of the many bodies lying next to you.
A 5m titan wanders closer to you with every second, and somehow you manage to pull all the strength left in you. Your body is finally forced to sit up, despite all the pain, in your head, your bones, your heart.
"Why is this happening? This is not how today was supposed to go. We prepared for this expedition for weeks!" suddenly you stop talking. Your mind starts spinning as you desperately look amongst the pile of bodies, searching for one in particular.
"H-Hanji?" you manage to force out a whisper, but as soon as you take a deep breath, all the pain you were feeling, the grief for your fallen comrades, the rage towards titans, "HANJI!"
As you become more aware of your surroundings, the warm blood dripping down your face and the pain of your broken ribs are almost enough to make you stop fighting, but a small voice in the back of your head says: You need to find a way out of this forest and back home. You can't let the titans win!
You grab your blades and swing them with all your might, trying your hardest to keep the 5M Titan away for as long as you can until you have a plan. The truth is you just can't die now, but you also can't fight for much longer as you feel your body starting to cave in. The pain from your ribs is becoming unbearable, and your lungs feel like they will collapse at any moment. With every breath is getting harder to breathe. You want to keep fighting for longer, but in your condition, it just doesn't seem possible.
It's alright Y/N, you think to yourself, Your efforts weren't enough, but that's ok. Putting the blade down, you accept your fate, but hopefully, it will be quick. You close your eyes as the massive hands wrap around your already crushed body.
"Oh no, you don't!" someone screams, and their voice is the last thing you hear before passing out once again.
You wake up to a bright light shining in your face. Your eyes open slowly, groggily.
Is this the afterlife? No. You can hear the saline dripping, in what kind of afterlife would you be hooked up to an IV in?
The pain in your head travels all over your body as if it's using your veins to move around. You try to readjust, but stop when a new pain shoots through your chest. You count one, two, three broken ribs. It could be worse. At least you're still alive. Your eyes slowly travel down the bruises that cover your body. Some scratches, stitches, broken fingers and toes. You are not even certain that you still have all of your teeth.
The shape beside you shifts ever so slightly, but it's enough to catch your attention. You turn to look, and into focus comes Hanji. Her head lay on her arms, which rest on top of your mattress next to your right hand. This is one of the few times you've ever seen her hair down - it looks a little messy, but it's still as beautiful as ever. Her glasses are folded on the bedside table in front of her. How long has she been sitting here?
"Han...ji..?" The effort you put into making the sound for only her name to come out is considerable. It scratches and burns, to your frustration, but the weak noise is enough to get her attention.
"You're awake!" she says as tears fill her tired brown eyes. "I was so worried about you - please don't ever do that to me again!" A small hiccup forms in the back of her throat. Her lower lip quivers.
The mere sight of Hanji crying is enough to shatter your heart. You try your best to comfort her within your confines. You reach to touch her hand, eyes softening. The sharp pain of your ribs again forces you to gently recline your back on your pillow once again, but you hold her hand tightly.
"What happened?" you ask.
"The Abnormal we were trying to trap moved faster than anticipated it would. The soldiers fired the net approximately 1.9 seconds late but it was enough to derail the entire plan."
She lifts your hand to plant a kiss on it, almost like she was buying herself time before she had to tell you what the rest of the losses were. Flashes of memories come back to you snippets at a time, not enough to give you a full understanding of what happened, but enough to make your heart sink.
Hanji continues, "Your jump would have been perfectly timed if everything had gone according to plan. When the Titan got out, it tangled your line, and you went flying into a tree." You remember the pain you felt at that moment, you've never felt anything like that before. You could remember clearly the sound your ribs made as they broke.
"After that, it became clear to everyone that our mission had failed, and by the time Commander Erwin gave the retreat order, the Abnormal had already eaten everyone around you. Your body was laying among all the corpses around you and I thought I lost you forever -" Hanji abruptly cuts herself off. She catches her breath and closes her eyes to compose herself.
"I heard you scream my name. I ran back to find you, and you were in the Titan's hand. I couldn't let that happen, obviously. I cut off its arm and caught you while Captain Levi went for the nape. I carried your body to the medic's cart, and I haven't left you since."
"How long?" you croak.
Hanji sighs, "Four days."
"And you've been here the whole time?"
Hanji smiles. "I only left for bathroom breaks."
You roll your eyes, but for a few moments, you forget about the pain covering every inch of you. You were never one for impulsivity but now, your body moves on its own. You're more than familiar with how this scene plays out - you think about it constantly. Your hands shake, and you feel your nerves getting worse the longer it takes.
You've been wanting to do for this for years, and now you have the perfect moment. After what happened, you need to kiss her, even if it's the only time you ever do. So, gently but quickly enough that you can't take it back, you grab her face and pull her to your lips. As they seal together, Hanji is taken by surprise, but just as quickly melts away in your embrace. She places her arms on your shoulders as you deepen the kiss.
It's exactly the way you imagined it would be. Goosebumps rise on your body in response to her soft breath against your mouth. A tiny sob escapes your lips as you're all at once reminded you of how much it hurts to move. But that doesn't stop you. After what feels like hours, you pull away reluctantly. You don't want this moment to ever end.
The bright red blush covering her cheeks makes her look even prettier than usual. She gently touches her lips, looking off into the distance like she's lost in thought.
You pull her back into the moment "Squad Leader..." you begin, taking a deep breath and forming fists with your hands. You gather every ounce of courage you have in you. It's now or never. "I've been in love with you for quite some time, and I should've said something before but I was scared."
Once you've started talking, the words pour out of your mouth.
"Now that I almost became Titan food, I don't want to keep it in any longer. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you're talking about Titans. I love the way your hair falls over your shoulders when you're training, and the way you adjust the straps of your glasses. I could sit here and list everything that's great about you because you are the most amazing person I have ever met."
Your hands start to shake, and your throat burns with effort, but you push out your most important statement. "I'm deeply and completely in love with you, Hanji."
Her mouth hangs open slightly.
Did I just make a huge mistake? It doesn't matter - I had to get this off my chest, you think to yourself.
She's extremely quiet for a few seconds - no more than a minute, but enough time for you to start panicking.
"Since when?" she asks.
"Since I listened to your guest lecture on titans when I was still in the Training Corps."
"Why haven't you said anything up until now?"
You can't help but laugh. "Everyone in the Survey Corps, and probably everyone in the entire military already knows. I just assumed you weren't interested."
"Huh?? I've never noticed!!" she says, waving her hands above her head. You laugh again as you readjust yourself on the bed. "But now that I think about it, I guess you did hug me a lot for no apparent reason... and Erwin did insist that you be my assistant..." she counts off on her fingers, "and you always blushed when I touched you and - oh wait."
She looks down at her legs, her fingers flying to fidget with her hair. "I can't believe I didn't notice..." Her blush spreads deeper once the realization hits her. "The truth is, I've been liking you too, but I thought you liked Captain Levi, or Eren."
You wrinkle your nose, shaking your head. Hanji laughs, standing up to wave you over to the other side of the bed. She lies beside you on the hospital bed, placing her head on your shoulder while carefully lacing your fingers together. She's careful not to bump your injuries. The smell of her hair awakens the butterflies in your stomach, and you place your chin on her head to wrap your free arm around her shoulder.
"I'm glad you're alive." Hanji says. Her voice is barely audible, her words meant for you alone. "From now on, I won't leave your side. You'll be out in the forest killing titans in no time."
You smile. "Right now, there's no other place that I'd rather be than right here next to you." She looks up at your face, flashing you a grin before she pulls you closer, and your lips close against each other once again.
A week later, you listen to birds chirp outside of the window while you read your book. The sunlight feels warm and nice against your legs, and the rare silence you're in is much appreciated. It doesn't last long.
The door barges open to reveal a gaggle of teenagers stumbling over one another.
"Y/N! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Sasha yells as she runs to hold your hand, but her attention quickly shifts to the half-eaten bean soup on your bedside table. She looks at the soup, and then at you once again.
"You can have it, Sasha," you say with a smile, gesturing to the small bowl. The starved brown-haired girl doesn't lose a second and instantly starts to devour it. A giggle escaping your body as you watch her.
"How are you feeling?" Eren asks before sitting on the bed.
"I'm alright, but I'll need to stay behind during the next few expeditions. I should be good as new in a month or two!"
They stay with you for a little less than an hour, telling you all about their experiences with the failed mission. You find out from them which soldiers were lost and which were injured, along with other small details Hanji didn't mention.
A knock on the door causes all eyes to turn away from you for a moment. Hanji starts to enter, and then gasps as she realizes you have guests.
"Am I interrupting something?" she asks.
You flash her a caring smile while reaching your hand out to grab hers. She blushes slightly, but sits beside you. "Of course not. I was wondering where you were," you say. Mikasa makes eye contact with you, and then looks pointedly at your hands as they sit clasped. You blush too.
"Meeting with the Commander," Hanji sighs, "It went on for longer than expected, I'm sorry."
You could hear the giggles coming from your friends as their eyes rest upon you and Hanji.
"We should get going now, but we'll be sure to come over again soon!" Armin says as he and Mikasa push the rest of the group through the door.
Hanji leans forward to kiss your forehead. You close your eyes, and when you open them, you meet Mikasa's emotionless gaze from a crack in the doorway, Hanji's lips still on you. Your eyes widen, but Mikasa just nods, face unchanged, and closes the door behind herself.
"They're good friends to you," Hanji says after a few seconds.
You smile."They're also a handful. But yeah, you're right."
A long, rather comforting silence passes between the two of you. During the silence, you take time to focus on how soft her skin feels against your fingers, tracing the visible veins on her hand as your mind drifts away. You're pulled back to reality as soon as you hear her voice.
"It's a beautiful day outside, would you like to sit on the grass with me?"
The breeze rushes through your messy hair as you adjust yourself on top of the blanket. You squint your eyes and places your arm against your forehead in an attempt to keep the sunshine from hurting your vision.
"There's something I want to ask you, Hanji," you mumble.
"Yes?" She inquires, tilting her head while looking at you.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" The expression on your face remains the same as when you had been peacefully basking in the sun, but you can hear your blush rushing, heart pounding in your ears. She looks away while blushing, and you're able to notice a smile appear on her face.
"There's nothing I would like more," she says, turning to face you once again. "Well maybe an abnormal, but I do want this a lot."
"You're impossible!" you say while gently pushing her arm.
As you two laugh, your bodies get closer as if they are moving on their own until your lips are sealed in a love-filled kiss. You wrap your arms around her neck while she grabs your hips, slowly pulling you onto her lap.
"I'm in love with you, Hanji." you whisper against her lips, not wanting anyone else to hear these words but her.
"And I'm in love with you, Y/N."
You hug her tightly, feeling her hair against your face as the smell of her shampoo fills your nose. For the first time since you started to prepare for the now-failed mission that led to your injury, your body isn't in pain anymore. You can relax in Hanji's arms, knowing that your long time crush is finally your partner. You can worry about researches and experiments and missions later, right now all you need is Hanji.
"Let's stay here for a little while longer," she says before resting her back against the grass, carefully pulling you towards her. Your head rests on her shoulder as your fingers lace together, a feeling of peace takes over your body knowing that from now on, you'll have her by your side no matter what.
"Yeah... I would like that." You say as you close your eyes, focusing on her breathing as the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze lull you to sleep. Maybe the next time Hanji comes up with the idea to capture another titan, you'll stay in the lab instead.
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finnwolfhard7137 · 4 years
The Heart of Mine-
Miles Fairchild × Reader
{Based off of The Turning}
Story Summary: You are an 18 year old nanny and you take on a job for two orphans-Miles and Flora-in a gothic mansion in the Maine countryside. Unexpected events occur, pulling you and Miles towards each other and hearts connect.
Chapter One: Meeting Miles and Flora
Word Count 2,889
Warnings: slight angst (will change throughout the stories progression)
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All of your life growing up as a kid, you loved taking care of kids. You loved looking after them, teaching them new things and watching them grow. So now that you are eighteen, you are now a nanny. You have been putting your name all around Maine and you finally got a call. Her name is Mrs. Grose, and she needs a nanny full-time for two orphans: Miles and Flora Fairchild. Miles is 18 and Flora is 7. The house is in the countryside which you loved! It is beautiful there, well the parts that you traveled through. You told your best friend Rose about the job offer. 
"She said it is a mansion!!"
Rose "oh well you definitely have to take it now! You can be rich by the end of it!" 
"Come on Rose, you know I'm not in it for the money."
Rose "I know, you got a good heart Y/n...I am going to miss you."
"I know I am going to miss you so much. I will come visit every chance I get. But it's not going to be right away."
Rose "yeah that makes sense. So when do you have to leave?"
"In three days."
Rose "damn! Well I guess I have to hog you these three days so I can get my sister-time in!" You and Rose are like sisters. You have been friends ever since elementary school. You two are polar opposites though which you find funny how opposites attract. She is more of the partying type while you are more calm and mellow. 
During the three days, you and Rose went shopping, to the movies, to the bowling alley, etc. It was really fun but now you have to get ready to go to work. You put your bags in the back of your yellow car and are about to leave.
Rose "I guess this is it huh?"
"Only until I see you next!" You try to make light of the situation. You know that you are going to be away from each other for a few months, and that'll be the first.
Rose "okay well, drive safe! Call me when you get there, and keep me updated! I want to hear all the details." You agreed and gave her a quick hug and left. You watched your friend get smaller in the rearview mirror as you drove further. You are excited to meet Flora, from what Mrs. Grose tells you, she is very kind and sweet. On the other hand, Miles is more of the rambunctious type and gets in trouble a lot in boarding school. However, you can handle it. And who knows, maybe you can tame him down a little bit. The drive there was beautiful: lots of open farmland and trees but when you got closer to the house, the landscape changed drastically: many of the trees were dead, not many people on the road. You got to the gate of the manor and saw the house. It was absolutely beautiful! More on the gothic side but you loved that. You could see a maze field as you drove by and a pond. You couldn't wait to see inside. Once to the front door, you knocked but no one came. So you decide to walk around the house and you find a greenhouse. The doors were open, so you helped yourself to the inside. It was filled with beautiful flowers and plants. You were admiring a peony plant when Mrs. Grose came up behind you. 
Mrs. Grose "beautiful aren't they?"
"Oh! Ye-yes they are. They happen to be my favorite."
Mrs. Grose "you must be Y/n." 
"Yes ma'am. You must be Mrs. Grose." She nods and shakes your hand. 
Mrs. Grose "come now, Flora is inside. You won't meet Miles until he comes home from boarding school." As you walk through the house, you are taking in your surroundings. Paintings we hung on every wall, every wall was painted a different color, and there were so many antiques. Once you get to the living room, you see a beautiful little girl sitting on the floor playing with a toy horse.
Mrs. Grose "Flora...this is Y/n, your new nanny." She got up and ran to you. 
Flora "Hi!! You are very pretty!" She was right, Flora is very sweet. She runs to you and gives you the biggest hug.
"Aw thank you sweetheart! But not as beautiful as you...it's so nice to finally meet you." She lets go of you and smiles. 
Flora "Miles is going to like you."
"Oh, is that so?"
Flora "yeah...he melts when he sees a pretty girl!"
Mrs. Grose "Flora, enough of that now." She raised her voice which made you jolt a little. 
"Uh so...tell me about yourself!" Flora told you about what she likes and doesn't like. She loves riding her horses with Miles. But one thing that stood out to you was that she isn't allowed to leave the house. Why isn't she allowed to leave this property? You didn't want to ask so you changed the subject. 
"Do you want to show me around the house?"
Flora "YEAH!!" she grabbed your hand and started running around the house. Showing you where you sleep, the bathrooms and kitchen. Once you get to a long hallway, Flora stops. "That's the East Wing...we don't go in that part of the house."
"Why not?"
Flora "don't wanna." She runs off, leaving you to wonder why no one goes into that part of the house. 
"Hey! Wanna show me your horse!? I love riding horses." She nods and takes you to the stables. 
Flora "this is Miles' horse, he only lets Miles ride him. And this is my horse!" She was white and beautiful! Flora handed you an apple that she keeps laying around the stable so that you can feed her. 
Flora "did you know that the seeds have cyanide in them?"
"Umm no, no I didn't. How did you know that?"
Flora "my doll told me." And she grabs her baby doll off of the ground. 'She's been through a lot, don't freak out.' You think to yourself. 
It is dinner time and you sit next to Flora while you eat. 
"This is delicious, Mrs. Grose!"
Mrs. Grose "this is Flora's favorite, isn't it darling?" Flora just nods. You begin to think that Mrs. Grose speaks for Flora most of the time. That bugs you, but this is only your first day so you don't want to start anything by bringing that up. You finish your plate and are ready for bed.
"Flora, will you show me to my room again, I forgot." She nods and takes your hand. She has such cute little hands and it makes you melt. You already love this little girl with all of your heart. 
Flora "this is your room!"
"Thank you lovebug. Did you have fun today?"
Flora "yeah!! Tomorrow can we go riding?"
"That sounds like a great idea! Sweet dreams Flora." You give her forehead a kiss before she leaves the room. You put on a red nightgown for bed and brush the knots out of your hair. As you are doing that, you hear creeks coming from outside your door. The creeks got louder so you decided to go check it out. It is completely dark since Flora and Mrs. Grose went to bed also. It was deadly quiet once you got out of your bedroom door. You walk towards the hallway leading to the East Wing, and stop. You hear what almost sounds like a woman screaming. You open the door at the end of the hallway and the screams stop. It was a room filled with paintings and mirrors. You look in the mirror and see a boy, it made you jump and let out a little scream. You turn around to see a boy standing in the doorway.
Miles "you shouldn't be in here."
"Jesus you..you scared me! Are you Miles?"
Miles "yeah."
"Why are you home? Shouldn't you be in boarding school?"
Miles "I got sent home early. You really shouldn't be in here, you should go to bed." And just like that, he walks away. Now you know Miles, it was strange but hopefully tomorrow you can get to know him.
The next morning…
Mrs. Grose "good morning miss Y/n. How did you sleep?" You see Miles sitting next to Flora on the sofa. He smiles at you and you have to admit, his smile melts your heart. 
"Uh good i guess. How did you all sleep-" the phone rang, cutting you off. Mrs. Grose gave you the 'okay' to go get it. You answered it and it was Miles' principal, telling you that Miles has been expelled. You were shocked as to why he was expelled. He is staring at you as you talk on the phone, almost telling me through his mind not to tell Mrs. Grose. 
"Okay. Yes of course I will inform Mrs. Grose, have a good day!" You walk over and sit down.
Mrs. Grose "so, what was the news?"
"It was Miles' principal. Telling me how well in school he is doing!"
Mrs. Grose "oh very good!" You gave her a smile and looked back at Miles. He was smiling at you from ear to ear, as if he was thanking you. You had to ask him why he did what he did but not right now. 
Flora "Miles! Y/n and I are going riding today, do you wanna join us?"
Miles "yeah of course!" You get up to get dressed for the day.
You put on a pair of brown pants, a white shirt and a black vest with some boots. It was perfect for riding horses! You are in the middle of pulling your hair up when there is a knock on your door. "Come in!"
Miles "hey um, I just wanted to thank you for doing that back there. You didn't need to but yet you did. Thank you."
"You're welcome. But I have to ask you, why did you do it? Why did you hurt that boy?"
Miles sat down on your bed and patted the area next to him so that you could sit down. Once you sat down, Miles explained, "they burned a photo of my father and it made me mad. I loved him and I miss him. I just lost control."
"It's okay, I understand how you feel. I also lost my father when I was young, I miss him too. Just promise me that you will try to control your temper, even when someone is in the wrong?" 
Miles "I promise y/n. I'm glad that you are here. I gotta say though, I wasn't expecting a girl my age to come nanny me and my sister. But I'm glad that you are. Flora all morning, would not stop going on about how much she likes you!" 
"Well i like her a lot too, she's a sweet kid."
Miles "yeah she is. Well hey, you look ready to go so come on, let's go riding!"
Once he explained to you why he did what he did, all was forgiven and honestly, you liked him. You can't wait to see how this all plays out. 
Miles "do you know how to ride?"
"Yeah, I used to ride growing up! It's just been a bit."
Miles "do you want me to teach you? To ya know, refresh your memory?"
"Yeah, sure." You got on the back of Flora's horse and started riding. Miles informed you on how to keep your form in check and how to keep control of the horse.
Miles "you look good up there." You blushed at his comment. Maybe Flora was right, Miles does like me..
Flora "see I told you that Miles would like you!!" You both laughed. 
Miles "okay you look like you are ready to ride without my help. Follow me and Flora, and we will take you through the maze." You nod and did as he said. The maze was long and complex. 
Flora "you can easily get lost in here!"
"Yeah, no kidding! There are so many ways to go." You weren't worried about getting lost because Miles was leading the way and you trust him. You try to familiarize all the twists and turns of the maze. It was pretty extraordinary! After you got out of the maze, you all went to the stables and got off the horses. 
Flora "did you have fun!?"
"I did! It's crazy in there." You get down to her level, she was tall for her age but she is still much shorter than you.
Flora "tonight, can you read me a bedtime story?"
"I would love to Flora." The whole time you were talking to her, Miles was looking at you and smiling. He has never met anyone quite like you. Yes, nanny's in the past loved Flora too but not like you. He is really starting to like you. You just don't know that but soon will find out. 
You walk back to the house and Miles is walking next to you. You look up at him and smile. 
Miles "what?"
"Nothing just, thanks for today. Thanks for showing me how to ride and the whole maze."
Miles "of course, it's my pleasure really. Are you liking...staying here?"
"I mean I've only been here for 2 days but yeah, I am."
Miles "good! I really hope that you stay. Everyone who comes here, normally ends up leaving….without saying goodbye."
"Hey..I'm not planning on going anywhere." Miles grabs your hand and gives it a quick squeeze. 
Miles "okay, good. Let's go inside, it's time for lunch." When he touched your hand, it was like a spark ignited in you. You felt something for Miles that it was too early to quite put a finger on. All you knew was that this is only the beginning.
Nightfall finally came and it was time to read Flora her bedtime story. She picked her favorite one and she crawled into bed. You got into bed with her. 
Flora "Y/n..can I ask you something?"
"Of course sweety, anything!"
Flora "are you going to leave?"
"No of course not! Why would I leave you?"
Flora "I don't know. Everyone just leaves me and Miles and never says goodbye."
"Miles told me that today, it broke my heart. I am so sorry they did that to you but I promise that I will not leave you and Miles."
Flora "promise, promise?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." She leans into you as you begin to read. She falls asleep and you can feel yourself start to fall asleep as well. You lightly get up, making sure not to wake up Flora and close the door behind you. You make your way to your room and see Miles in his room. You smile at him and continue walking. Unlike last night, you fall asleep pretty quickly tonight. You were in the middle of a nightmare when you woke up, seeing Miles standing in front of you. 
Miles "I-I'm sorry! I heard you whimpering in your dreams and it was killing me. Your door wasn't locked so I helped myself in...I was about to wake you when you woke yourself up."
"It's okay..I am sorry for waking you. I get these terrible nightmares sometimes." Miles sits down next to you.
Miles "it's okay, no need to apologize. It just scared me a little, I didn't know what was happening. I am glad that you are okay."
"I am now, thank you Miles." He put a piece of hair that has fallen into your eye behind your ear and smiled. 
Miles "I heard you reading to my sister. She really loves you y/n."
"I love her too. She asked me tonight if I was going to leave her, as you did earlier. I promised her that I wouldn't. I care about you and Flora too much to do that."
Miles "good because we care about you too," He pauses for a second, " All I am going to say right now is that I promise to always protect you."
"What..what do you have to protect me from?"
Miles "just listen to me okay...I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise. I know that you have only been here for two days but I have grown to like you, and I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" 
"Yeah." He kisses your forehead and then leaves. You didn't know what he meant but from the way his voice changed, you believed him. You just didn't know what from. You struggled to fall back asleep after that.
《I have been wanting to write this for a while now, I hope that you all like the first chapter!! It is only the beginning and i promise that it only gets better from here!! ♡♡♡ let me know what you think in the comments》 《im tagging my girls!! I hope you know this movie and love it so far!! If you do please share it》
@hvitserkmarcosource @moriartysringtone7137 @azurebrock @kid-that-likes-to-xplr @daddydobrock @taradummy @cutiecolbsss
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, hopefully your doing well today/night! And idk if you want it, but I worked out what happened to Ran when he was on the run for a few years a bit. Not a whole whole lot but originally I had nothing so its improved a lil bit. 
There where halls that lead to mines under the sea floor! But there where also mines right outside of Mizu on the mainland that where also often used. The most they would go is a less than days walk away, they werent allowed to go any futher. 
1: Yes! In the group of people who never choose a idol, the most mature, fast learning, and reliable one is picked to learn everything needed to be a council member. Sadly no, he only meet them when he was extremely young and Dreams possession of him just further blurred and ruined his young self's memories. And no, cause during their travels the groups tries to avoid larger cities where most of the travelers tended to come from for safety.
3: Nah, at least not right now. Maybe when the main story is done I can have like Benjamin having to travel back to his family home after a family emergency and everyone just kinda tags along. Allowing them to meet Benjamins family. If I do decide to to that then I'm definitely having it so the brothers keep getting bothered, Watson keeps getting called Grandpa, Cletus, Grievous, and Jackke are terrible influences and Charles keeps having to run away because the kids are oddly obsessed with him and he's genuinely terrified of them. 
8: Burnt. Ranboo and Technoblade had a fucking blast finding a lot of Woodland mansions and burning them to the ground. But ignoring the ones that where the victims of arson, theres just not a lot of them. Over time more and more have been found which leaves less and less to be discovered. While in Kelalen they spot it and ask to be taken to it, but Mirpat, Asidi, and even Atlas refuse to take them. And Asidi has threatened to kick them out if he or anyone else spots them heading to it. Lucia explains that its a relic of the past, and due to the damage and erosion its faced its unstable, only certain people are allowed inside to record and explore it, and its very heavily guarded because people have tried to get in it before. But he reassures them that their doing tests to see how to repair the erosion damage and when a plan is fully formed the town is going to try to fully repair it to its former glory. From then it'll just be used as a guards base or museum type building. Pandoras vault is also a ok-ish distance away if that makes sense, but super far but also not super close. And the area around it is scarred from wars. 
They just ignore it, its better to not engage them and add fuel to the fire than to give them stuff to use against them. The Fishermen don't really care, both before and after the two groups merged. Sure they heard of Mizu but always decided that instead of just believing what everyone else says, if they see it themselves then they'll give it a proper judgment of it and its people. But because the city was in ruins when they saw it they decided to judge it based off Ranbob. And they've henceforth judged it as a strong, close-knit, resilient, and nice community. Which also speaks of how the group sees Ranbob. The Gladiators where suspicious of Ran when they very first met him and heard he was from Mizu, as they only really hard bad things about it. Like how the people there where savages, followed the old ways, how people there where stupid and quick to judge. But over time and talking with Ran they changed their opinion to more positive, taking in Rans tellings of Mizu and how he personally is. It was just a simple game of Spoons but played with flowers, Charles ended up winning, he was smug for the rest of the day.
10: No, he didn't even consider he was the cause as he was so used to living for years without needing food and water he forgot people actually needed that stuff. Shock, disbelief, just general distrust. They do not believe at all that Dream has a actual good side. Any attempt Good Dream would make at being their friends or making up for what his Evil Side did would immediately get batted away and ignored, if anything he'd probably get pushed away from the group by Ran, Cletus, and Watson as the rest escaped. It would take a long time for anyone of the group to believe that Good Dream actually existed and wanted to help and make everything up to them. 
My night/day is going well, and I hope the same for yours!
1: Well, they sound prepared! Dream effected his memories? Was Dream already influencing him around this time, or did his possession screw with memories he had before, because if so....well. Oof. 
3: I feel like Benjamin may quickly come to regret his decision if you do decide to do that, because uh. That sounds like a train wreck in the making. 
8: They just burnt them all to the ground for fun. Maybe one of the brothers ask about it, and Edward goes ‘oh, yes, that was your ancestor. He enjoyed doing that a concerning amount’ and just leaves them with that. Kelalen sounds cooler and cooler by the day, honestly. 
It’s interesting to hear how the two groups felt about Mizu, honestly. And wow, it sounds like Mizu had a lot of damaging rumors about it. 
This may make me sound like an idiot, but what, pray tell, is Spoons? And how do you play it with flowers? But very good, Charles deserves to be smug.
11:  D R E A M. He’s not a evil spirit, you have to feed him. Honestly. I am curious though, if he didn’t think he was the cause, what did he think was? 
And general bad reaction, got it. That’s pretty fair, all things considered. 
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virgilisnotemo · 4 years
NEW MOON (Stories With Virgil)
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It was a pretty gloomy day today. I could tell you that much. The rain was pitter pattering against the window as the clouds were a dark grey. My thoughts were quite clustered together at this very moment. Yes, today was the day. It was tonight, and Patton is going to help me prepare for it.
I just couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. Pretty normal for me huh? Yeah, it's normal for me to get all anxious about something and then overthink about it. Besides that, I was nervous for a different reason. A reason I will not tell you all yet. A reason that would scare you so bad, you'd probably never talk to me again.
I closed my curtain as I didn't really enjoy the light in my room. Even if the sun wasn't out, I hated the brightness of outside. The rain was perfect for tonight.
Something wasn't right at the moment. It was a feeling of being uneasy. What was causing me to feel uncomfortable? I hurriedly checked the time and my eyes widen. It's 11:57pm! I'm screwed once it hits midnight! Midnight was when I started to feel... well, where I started to feel really hungry. It wasn't a normal hunger per say, but a ravenous hunger that wanted to break free and devour everything in it's path.
That's when midnight hit. I swallowed nervously and the burning sensation started to settle in. It started to burn in the back of my throat, soon dripping down my esophagus and pooling into my stomach. I wanted it so bad at this point. The burning sensation in my throat to my stomach was enough to make me run to the nearest person and drain them of their blood. I stopped that urge though. I couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Not like this.
Soon, a sweet smell had hit my nostrils. I inhale deeply. As the smell was processed, my stomach decided to growl pretty loud.
You need this. You need to sink your fangs into their throat and suck them dry. Just the thought of their blood sitting on your tongue and soothing the burning sensation made you feel pleasured. You want who's ever blood that is. It's yours.
What was I just thinking!? Those thoughts were definitely not mine! Were they? No, these are my thoughts. They're just corrupted thoughts. Thoughts that I'm having because of how hungry I felt. Whenever we get hungry, disturbing thoughts can sometimes pop into our head. It was basically that but as a vampire, these thoughts can be very very... what's the word? Hmmm... Oh right! Those thoughts can be very morbid.
The burning sensation was worsening. I had to do something. These thoughts were becoming worse the more I stalled.
Mmm, this'll be fun.
This cannot be fun at all. I couldn't hurt my friends. But with every second I stand here, the more hungry I become. The more ravenous and morbid my thoughts get.
You need to find someone to eat.
Without thinking, I got up and rose up into Patton's corner of Thomas's mind. He looked at me quite ecstatic as always.
"Hiya Kiddo!" Patton greeted.
"Hey," I greeted back, "How are you?"
I swallowed nervously, backing up as I kept my distance from him. I put my hood up to hide my now changed features of my face. I couldn't hurt Patton. He's too naive for this.
You need this Virgil. You know you need blood to get over this night. Do it. Sink your fangs into his throat and drink his blood. It'll be so much fun, don't you think?
These thoughts aren't mine at all! This was my vampire side talking. He's very persuasive with his words and sometimes I fall for it. I can't this time. I won't hurt Patton!!! I can't hurt him!!
There was a small part of me that was begging me to just sink my fangs into his fragile flesh and drink his sweet scented blood.
He smells delicious, doesn't he? Just go up to him and bite him. You're hungry Virgil. Don't ignore it or I'll make you aware of it. You will get his blood because it's all yours.
I'm caught up in my own head and Patton doesn't notice, hopefully. I just can't let myself hurt him. I just can't. Maybe he does smell a little good...
"Kiddo, are you okay?" Patton asked.
"I-I'm fine P-Patton," I had obviously lied.
"Kiddo!" Patton gasped, "What did I tell you about lying?"
No! I couldn't catch my hood that had fallen off my head. My eyes were a glowing crimson, fangs protruding from my gums. He knows who I really am now.
"Oh deary me... Houston we have a problem," Patton exclaimed.
"P-Patton, I-I'm fine," I stammered out. I was lying.
"You don't look fine to me," Patton interjected.
"I-I'm fine Patton," I stammered with a shaky voice, backing away from him, "Seriously... I-I'm fine..."
"Kiddo...," Patton looked upset as I backed away from him.
I backed up until my back hit the wall. I swear to god Patton, don't take a step closer to me. Just don't.
But do take a step closer Patton. Come closer so Virgil can sink his fangs into your neck and drink your sweet, delicious, thick nectar from you.
I need to ignore these thoughts, but I'm losing control the more those thoughts try to intrude into my head.
"S-Stay away P-Patton," I warned him, my voice still shaky, "I-I don't want to hurt y-you."
"Kiddo... I want to help," Patton told me.
"J-Just please stay away," I warned again.
I bit my lip, and it started to bleed. I gulped. Patton walked over to me, grabbing a cloth and dabbed my lip to get the blood off. Please back up Patton... Your blood really smells good... I can't take it anymore...
I pinned Patton to the wall, starting to sniff his neck. The smell was so much stronger... I want it... No... I can't hurt him...
"W-What are you doing Kiddo?" Patton asked, his voice a little shaky.
My fangs traced his neck delicately across as I didn't want to break the skin. He tried to shove me back gently. I had to stay away from him.
I escpaed out of the window and out into the depths of Thomas's mind.
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Powerful Chapter 9: Prince
Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
Warnings: homophobia, use of the word f*ggot as a slur, Remus being Remus so it gets kinda ick
Pairings: Mostly Dukeceit, hints of prinxiety, background Logicality for this chapter
Summary: Remus joins the party! Use "Flirt" on Dee? *Yes *No
Notes: Congrats to @paranovigilant for guessing Remus' power correctly! He's...not subtle with how he uses it.
Loud shrieks filled the air, which caused a crooked grin to spread across his face.
Remus surveyed his brother's friends; Patton was still there in all his good-two-shoes-ness, and was that Logan Trams?
If he remembered correctly, that was the guy Patton wanted to bone.
There was a guy with dark eyeshadow under his eyes and was leaning into Roman, and another with curly brown hair, mismatched blue and green eyes, and a large burn mark taking up the left half of his face.
Ooo, he looks fun!
"Remus!" Roman hissed. "How the hell did you get in?"
"The normal way?" Remus scoffed, green eyes never leaving the scarred boy.
He was cute.
"I was just down by the door." Eyeshadow-dude said, looking confused. The cute guy nodded in agreement, apparently thinking Remus had meant walking through the front door like an absolute cowardly loser of a person.
"No, stupid, I climbed through the window. Geez, Ro, why are your friends so dumb?" Remus stretched his arms, yawning.
"You climbed through my window?" Logan demanded.
"Ugh." Roman groaned, rubbing his face. Remus grinned. "Guys, this is my brother, Remus. He's...well..."
"Hi, Remus!" Patton waved, used to his shenanigans already so he was unaffected. Remus waved back.
"Hi, puppy!" He chirped back, sticking out his tongue out at him and showing off his tongue piercing.
Logan narrowed his eyes in response but said nothing.
Ooo, drama much? Someone's jealous.
"I'm Logan Trams." Logan introduced.
"So I've heard." Remus winked at Patton.
"Does everyone here just automatically know who I am or something?" Logan huffed.
"Virgil." Eyeshadow-dude moved on, completely ignoring Logan. "Uh, nice to meet you, I guess…"
"Raccoon." Remus nodded thoughtfully.
"..." Cute-scar-guy said nothing. Remus frowned.
"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" They met eyes for a moment.
"Dee." He blurted, cutting eye contact quickly. "I, um, like your hair."
"Aw, thanks!" Remus beamed. "I like your scar!"
Dee frowned but said nothing in reply.
"Hey, Rem, maybe not the best thing to say." Roman elbowed him in the ribs.
"You guys are all so boring!" Remus whined, pouting a bit and kicking his feet up on Logan's lap. "So, what exactly are we talking about? Mutilation, hopefully?"
Remus plopped down beside Dee at lunch, directly across from his brother, who he promptly kicked under the table for no reasons other than he could and he wanted to.
"Hey, double D." He said, nudging Dee lightly with his arm. "What's up?"
Dee looked...surprised? Why would he be surprised?
"What? You look like you saw a ghost or somethin'." He smirked, resting his elbow on Dee's shoulder for fun.
"Oh, um, I'm fine." Dee muttered. "I just, uh, don't get asked that a lot."
Remus licked Dee's scar in response.
Dee squeaked a bit, leaning away and flushing bright red all the way up to the tips of his ears.
"What the hell?"
"You taste like salt."
"That's called sweat."
"Ah. Fun fact: dolphins have sex for pleasure, but they don't get sweaty!"
"Thank you for that vital information." Dee answered, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Wow, now that was a good look for him.
Remus definitely wanted to get in his pants.
Dee went back to picking at the school lunch. Remus looked at it and pulled a face, over dramatically gagging. Even he knew it was nasty.
Looks like rat vomit with blood and boogers and shi-
He set down his neon green lunch box with a black outline of a clicker villain's mustache on it.
"Fuck that," Remus nudged Dee, "you can eat some of my lunch. That looks like when you throw a guinea pig up into the air but the ceiling fan catches it and hurls it against the wall full force and hits a cockroach on the way down."
This is how you flirt, right?
He'd have to ask Roman later.
"Oh." Dee said softly. "Thank you. I like your lunch box."
"Thanks! I like your ass!"
As it turned out, Remus had a few classes with Dee.
Which was perfect, especially gym since he got to check him out in the changing room.
And apparently Dee had the same train of thought since he was almost 100% staring at Remus when he took off his puke green t-shirt.
"Eyes up here, Big D." Remus teased, even though Dee was a decent amount shorter than him. The boy next to Dee made a face and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like 'faggot'.
Remus narrowed his eyes.
Is that a walking piece of shit I see?
The boy shoved past Dee.
It is!
"Hey!" Remus jogged over and tapped W.P.O.S. Boy on the shoulder, grinning as his bare fingers made direct contact with the other's skin.
"What do you want?"
"Oh, nevermind. I thought you were someone else." Remus lied through his teeth, turning back around and pulling on his black tank top and green shorts. Dee had already changed, and damn if Remus wasn't going to admire his ass in those black shorts.
He had other things to do at the moment, sauntering out the locker room door after the boy. He waited impatiently for Dee to come out as well, quiet as ever, before he snapped his fingers and the boy's eyes turned the same shade of forest green as his own.
This will be fun.
"PENIS!" He shouted as he stood up straight. "VAGINA! ASSHOLE! FUCK! PUSSY! I'M A HOMOPHOBIC PIECE OF SHIT!" He twirled and danced like a ballerina with a broken foot who had her eyes gouged out and stuffed down her throat. Remus kept his hand hidden as it guided the boy's movements. "I HAVE A TINY, TINY, MINISCULE PENIS! FUCK! SHI-"
"SHIIIIIIIIT!" The boy, Rodney exclaimed one last time before blinking hard and slouching, eyes returning to brown. "I-"
"Rodney, to the principal's office right now!" Mr. Orick snapped, writing Rodney a pass quickly and handing it to him.
Dee was covering his mouth to stifle a snorting laugh, which Remus considered a huge success.
"Geez, I wonder what his deal was." Remus said, admiring his sloppily painted black nails. They were already chipping.
"I don't know, but he seemed like a jerk anyway." Dee said, messing with the gloves he'd kept on. That was pretty weird.
"Why do you have those gloves on?" Dee tensed. Remus didn't really notice. "They're cool! But why?"
"I don't...wanna talk about it-"
"Why not? Oh, are they burnt like your face? Are they all crispy and black like overcooked French fries? Do they look like burnt pans? Or twigs from a forest fire?" Remus continued, looking up at the ceiling as he rambled on, thinking up different ways burnt up fingers could look. "Or maybe they're all red and bubbly, like-"
"Remus." Dee hissed, glaring at him. "That's enough." He scooted away, looking away. Was he uncomfortable?
Remus frowned.
Was it something he said? Did he do something wrong?
He lifted his arm and sniffed his armpit.
No, he'd actually showered today--and with soap!--so the smell wasn't it.
At least not this time.
"..." Back to the quiet? The silence Remus so desperately hated?
Oh, blood coated booger teeth! And things were going so well.
So much for flirting...
Powerful Taglist: @sea-blue-child @ab-artist @freepaperie081 @soft-transboy @zamoradraw @beach-fan @nerdy-as-heck @cute-anxious-kitten @imjustawibba @theangstking @the-dumbster @theunoriginaldaisy @romansleftshoulderpad @what-a-catch-joe @clcloudsh @fuck-the-sushi @sevenstevearmy @soul-of-a-vixen @paranovigilant
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if you want
· - - - -
he has a bit of a difficult time being patient.
word count: 2143
pt. 2
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It was a little untoward but did as good a job as any.
A blush burst like confetti in a rage rash across his cheeks; and if you didn't know any better, you'd think the mighty Katsuki was actually maybe a little embarrassed.
He shifted in his place, trying—and failing—to maintain a façade of a complacent blasé boy just casually asking out a close friend.
"Close" was a bit of a stretch for you. Yes, you found him quite brash and obnoxious and a little insensitive; but you couldn't deny what he meant to you. At least, you thought highly of him, and you were sure you could tell him anything—but you weren't positive that was reciprocated.
Was he one of your best friends? Yes.
Would you even dare to ask him how he felt about you? No.
You! Didn't! Want! To! Ruin! What! You! Had! It had taken what seemed like ages for him to finally warm up to you, without, like, actually exploding—and if you think you'd run the risk of watching that go down in flames? You considered yourself an idiot.
However, unbeknownst to you—Katsuki thought you were the world. If he could put it to words and send them out through that angry trap cursing everything to hell—he'd say you were a force of nature. A worthy rival, a trusted partner, and a kind and wonderful friend.
Except all he's got are angry bees and a tornado in his brain, at all times. As such, anyone he admired, he felt the need to challenge. On all levels physical, he planned to annihilate them. Which wasn't necessarily the case, well, in your case.
Although, there were—a few physical levels— He shook that thought away. That's an idea for a later date. The blush flared. 'Much later.'
But really, he loved provoking you. Only because you're so cute and intelligent and warm and messy—so, so messy—and he got a serious kick out of that. You're complex and human and alive. Despite your faults, you refused to let anything stop you in the end game—you refused to let that keep you from what you wanted. He watched you grow, and evolve and adapt to those weaknesses, and suddenly the line between strengths and not began to blur. He even dared to call you one of his personal heroes.
Thankfully for him, no one in the class noticed for the longest time.
Unsurprisingly, Kirishima was the first.
Bakugo would casually watch you walk into the room, head in his hand, eyes trailing each step you took. A silent Ejirou, sitting beside his best friend minding his own business, would look up startled—at the now fuming boy with a hand to his temple, or rubbing the back of his neck.
"You alright there, man?"
The dear boy would stare on in confusion, but keep to himself—a man's business was his business. Puzzled, he witnessed Katsuki all but sprint out the door, noticeably more red than his usual complexion. Then, minutes later, Katsuki would return, smelling notably more of burning sugar, and looking like he'd run maybe half a mile. Kiri wouldn't question it. Until, after that, across the room you'd laugh at something Denki or Ochacko had said, and Bakugo would stand right back up again.
"What's wrong?"
"It's back again." And that'd be the end of that.
It became a reoccurring thing throughout the weeks, when finally—bewilderdly—Kirishima would come to the conclusion Katsuki had been stubbornly avoiding. He popped the question a few weeks later.
"You like someone, don't you."
Class had taken a recess, and his best friend took the liberty to gravitate toward him with a pencil and notebook in hand to work on an upcoming assignment—hopefully without being disturbed, which already wasn't happening.
Bakugo's whole body twitched. "I– you– what– you weirdo what is that supposed to mean?"
Kirishima blinked owlishly at his friend. He wasn't sure what to say next, as he honestly didn't think he'd get this far.
"Well... you've been acting kinda strange lately... around someone in particular..."
Bakugo raised his eyebrows defensively. He hoped that did a good job of masking his expression, because he suddenly had a pretty good idea as to where this was going.
"Well, I mean..." Kirishima dragged a path along with his eyes, coming to a stop at an angle, gazing at you covertly through his lashes. Katsuki rolled his eyes, trying really hard to keep his heart from racing anymore than it already was. He pointedly looked back down at his paper, a tighter grip on his pencil.
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
Eijiro couldn't keep a grin from crawling across his smug face.
"Oh, but I think you do."
After that, the secret couldn't keep to itself and the rest of the class began to trickle into the loop. Much to the surprise of everyone, they weren't all that surprised because they thought you're quite wonderful. But Katsuki? And a crush?
He couldn't help it; the guy seriously respected you.
With all of the determination rivalling theirs to become professional heroes, the class set to work on making this happen. They split up and rearranged classroom chores, made up excuses as to why they couldn't make it to study sessions where you and Bakugo attended, and shut out any outside obstacles—curfews, misplaced lunch seatings, Mineta.
"Oh, no, it's okay! You go ahead, I've got this," you chirped, in a positively upbeat mood. It was so absurdly warm, Kaminari felt guilty about moping the entire day to get out of his after school tasks. He'd managed to convince you he had a sick baby bird at home to tend to, before having to return to the dorms later tonight. Of course, that was a lie.
'It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause.' Denki knew he was a simpleton; but he'd be damned if he didn't have his moments.
"Are you sure? I'd really hate to trouble you, ya know," he offered, conjuring his best solicitous veneer, silently hoping he wasn't overdoing it now.
"No, yeah! Go on ahead; I heard you mention you had some personal things to take care of—you sounded really stressed about it." Denki had to will himself from openly clutching his chest and bursting into tears.
'Attentive and kind as always! I would expect nothing less of you.'
He opened his mouth to reply with something a little more heartfelt, but the burning gaze of Mina—probably stealthily situated peering through the windows facing the hall—stared holes into the back of his head. Kaminari's mouth snapped shut, and he took that as his cue to bounce. "Great! Awesome. Noice, thank you—" he rambled in an absolutely-not-guilty-at-all lilt. At the door though, he paused, throwing a suggestive smile over his shoulder, "—you kids have fun."
You wrinkled your eyebrows, not yet having received the eight new text messages from your other friends, conveniently busy with their own matters, as well.
After a while, Katsuki came to realize that this dancing around his feelings business was getting to be a little old. He felt pathetic, ordinarily used to tackling things head on. It took some serious convincing, on his part—but he knew what he wanted.
He tried small things, at first—microscopic, all considered, but this was Bakugo. Katsuki began propping doors open for you to pass by if you were walking together, like a real gentleman would.
He dropped snacks by your desk;"You forgot your money again, didn't you, dumbass?"
Always kept an extra water bottle on hand with your name on it; "Don't need you passing out during class, idiot."
He even gave you a little star sticker he had "found" on his way back from an orthodontist appointment; "It was stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I don't want it, you take it." It was in too perfect condition for that to be true.
By then he felt silly, recognizing that this probably wasn't going to be enough to get his point across; even if his friends, at least, noticed the small attempts (trying very hard to keep their mouths shut, all the while).
Katsuki didn't know where the fire was, but eventually he'd had enough of himself. This was going to happen, and it was going to happen today.
After an afternoon of mulling and seriously suppressed grins, Bakugo approached you with an imperceptibly wavering stride. He could launch himself into the heat of a fight no problem, but Katsuki Bakugo was not perfect—no matter how arrogant and prideful he was to admit that.
"Hey. Come practice with me."
You blinked in surprise, running your fingers along the hem of your uniform almost self consciously. It was nearing the evening, and you'd figured he would've joined everyone in studying back at the dorms.
'Although, I suppose sparring is a form of studying,' you reasoned with yourself.
'But... why me?'
He brought you to a secluded clearing, amongst the woodlands surrounding the campus. It wasn't so deep in as to hide evidence, but it was free enough from prying eyes and ears—he made sure of that, with a totally justified menacing promise on his classmates' lives. The overhang of leaves, swooping branches, and glistening waters—complete with lil frogs leaping amongst the moss—made this probably one of the best places he could think of for this exact situation. It was definitely the most fairy tale thing he had ever seen, which said a lot—his mother had dragged him and his father to TDL on many an occasion when he was a child.
Of course, he supposed it was just his stupid, newly developed romantic bastard brain romanticizing everything.
Setting the scene was the trick—because if that had gone wrong, then this would've been glossing near "patronizing", and would probably be much closer to a threat. In a way, you wryly wondered if it really was.
"Hey," he nearly barked. "Anyone home?"
You'd been standing in a silent stupor long enough for Katsuki to grow nervous-impatient. He'd put his hands in his pockets and kicked a little bit at the ground beneath him, trying to maintain some sense of calm. The glower in his eyes gave him away.
Your lips popped open in a fish face motion as you grappled for your words. "I–I– I'm really– I–" Your tongue stumbled over itself. Katsuki gave you an expectant look and you felt your cheeks turn a brand new shade of red.
"I just– I can't– I don't–"
You tried so hard, trying to find the right words. They stubbornly refused to appear, wrestling with each other in the deepest part of your gradually dizzying consciousness. Your hands trembled, waving around aimlessly, making a point you hadn't even begun to form yet.
Bakugo suddenly felt as though he had hit a wall. An invisible one, because this was exactly the thing he was trying to avoid. It grated at his ego and he was slowly getting more and more agitated, his deepest insecurities writhing under his skin. You stuttered and gestured, wringing your slicked palms on your clothes.
After a long, silent moment, his face fell into a stone cold stare you'd never seen directed at you before. It morphed from uncertainty, to a grimace you associated with catching a bad smell, and into an equable scowl. Your heart thumped to the pit of your stomach.
A forcibly steady breath through the nose. "Fine."
He straightened his posture.
"I get it."
The dark look stared down at you, something you were sure was one of his special moves. "It's whatever. It doesn't matter, anyway." Except it did.
Your eyebrows knitted, your pulse quickening. "Katsuki, I– that's not–"
Biting back a sneer, Bakugo seethed through his teeth. "Save it," he hissed. "I don't want to fucking do this if I'm the only one giving my all."
The shock that came to you is what you assumed being struck by lightning felt like. You wanted to laugh, and tell him that was such a Katsuki thing to say in a situation like this; but he was already stomping away, taking strides to double yours.
"Katsuki, wait!" You called out, feeling coming back to your legs, and made to move in after him. "Katsuki!"
His silhouette gradually disappeared into the leaves that had initially felt so welcoming, like they promised something.
You went as quick as you could, mindful of the roots and pockets of earth at your feet.
As Bakugo slid out of reach, his words were a deafening whisper in the hushed world around you.
"Just—leave me alone."
{a/n: hello!! i have this split up bc i wanted to write a few more scenes under the same premise... plus!! having something extra to do gives me a little more motivation & inspiration to make new things; thanks for reading<3}
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lovetheplayers · 5 years
Taylor's interview with Shannon Burns | CHUM 104.5 (April 30, 2019)
Taylor: Hey, it's Taylor.
Shannon: Hey, how's going?
Taylor: It's going so great. How are you?
Shannon: Good! Thank you so much for this chance to talk to you. It's an honor.
Taylor: Oh my gosh. Thank you for saying that; that's so sweet.
Shannon: Okay, so I want to start off by asking, Reputation--it was so full of, like, angst and snakes and things. What made you decide to go in a whole separate route for this new single?
Taylor: Well, I think I was feeling differently. You know with my albums, they're very reflective of kind of my mood and how I'm feeling and what's going on in my life, and so it's always very reflective of that. And so, yeah, I feel like I'm in a much brighter, more glittery place in life, so that's why the music looks more glittery and bright colors.
Shannon: Can we kind of expect the same kind of theme for the whole album?
Taylor: The album has lots of different kind of emotional tones to it, you know, just in the same way that, like, a person's never going to just be happy all the time. When I make an album it's not ever just going to be a happy album because, you know, we're hopefully complex individuals and as a songwriter you try to reflect that and, you know, I think that with this album it's definitely very—it's got a very diverse emotional spectrum of things that are on the album and that's why it's so hard for me to always pick the first single. Like, that's always the most difficult choice that I face because when the album is such a vast landscape of emotions it's so weird to have to pick one song that represents all of those. That's why it's good that you can put out, you know, a lot of music before an album comes out and kind of give people a taste for what the album actually is.
Shannon: What made you want to go with ME! for the first single then?
Taylor: I wanted to go with ME! for the first single because it's just sort of a celebration and it kind of bursts open this new world that I see as this new album. It's very—it's very flamboyant and colorful and sort of playful and mischievous. Like, it's definitely like a very playful song but at the heart of it... actually I think with a pop song and especially a very catchy pop song... Like, when I wrote it I was like, "Okay that's pretty catchy." So, like, we have an opportunity as writers to say something that other people are going to sing in their head consciously or subconsciously, right? Like, sometimes you don't even mean to have a song stuck in your head. But if you have a song stuck in your head and it's saying, "I'm the only one of me," like, that's kind of like a mantra, so you know I hoped that it would, like, go out into the world and, like, make the world a little bit happier. I don't know.
Shannon: And I definitely think that that song does it. It's perfect for that.
Taylor: Thank you.
Shannon: Yeah, so there's a ridiculous amount of Easter eggs that are in this new video. This isn't a totally new thing for you either but what made you want to start playing that game with fans in the beginning?
Taylor: Well I started doing this when I was about 16 and I put out my first album and put out, you know, the album booklet and I just had this idea where I would capitalize letters and, like, if you put the letters all together they would spell out a code, and I was like, "I wonder if any of the fans will pick up on this?" And they did right away and they loved it and told me that I should do more of that and so it's kind of—it's kind of escalated now to a point where I will plan out a music video months and months and months in advance and think about, like, "What can I drop here, what can I plant here?" And it's the more that they've had fun with it, the more that I've had fun with it because I think it kind of expands a music experience. It kind of makes it more of, like, a visual experience; it's kind of like a brain teaser; Kind of, like, something that makes you think about what you're seeing. It makes you go back and, like, notice the details and so that's kind of why I do it because it also kind of plays into, like, the mischief of this new era of music that I'm trying to put out which is, like, a little bit more playful than last time, you know?
Shannon: Oh totally yeah. I can see that. Is it frustrating watching people guess things online like the album title in the video and then seeing them get it but not being able to just tell them?
Taylor: No, no I—I definitely am going to tell them.
Shannon: Yes, but is it frustrating seeing that they they get it already but you, like, haven't said anything yet?
Taylor: Some of them have gotten it but some of them haven't so it's, um, they're very clever and, like, all their ideas are very well researched and they have a lot of reasons for why they have their theories which I think is great. Like, I'm a big Game of Thrones fan. I have you know, I've had theories going the entire time I've been watching the show and when my theories are proven wrong I'm not, like, disappointed; I just find it fun to have a theory in the first place and to see if it'll happen. But just—you know, just like some of my theories about Game of Thrones have been right, you know, a lot of their theories on the album title have been right. A lot of them will be, like, high-fiving each other when they realize they were right all along.
Shannon: True. I like that. Also, congrats on your new family member.
Taylor: Thank you so much.
Shannon: So you didn't actually plan on adopting him until you met him on set. Is that correct?
Taylor: That is correct, and we actually just put up today—on YouTube we put up this behind the scenes video of me meeting the kitten and, like, I literally meet him—I'm so glad they were filming this; like, I didn't realize there was a behind-the-scenes camera filming the whole time they hand me the kitten. And I fell in love with him immediately because he's so sweet. He loves people and so he just started purring as soon as I, like, held him and he is the sweetest, most loving little cat I've ever met in my whole life.
Shannon: What made you decide to go with the name Benjamin Button?
Taylor: I really liked the movie Benjamin Button. Benjamin Button in the movies is just such a good guy; he's always doing the right thing.
Shannon: That's true, that's very true, yeah. I like that a lot. Okay thank you so much for letting me have the chance to chat with you. I really appreciate it.
Taylor: Thank you so, so, so much. It was great talking to you.
Shannon: Alright have a great day.
Taylor: Have a good day.
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artistic-writer · 6 years
The Three Times Killian Jones Made a Bad Decision (And That One Time He Didn't :: CS College AU :: E
Title: The Three Times Killian Jones Made a Bad Decision (And That One Time He Didn't) Word count: 10k+  Summary: CS College AU - Killian is a twenty-one year old virgin in love with his best friend, Emma.  Rating: E (because, let’s face it, I wrote it.) A/N: This is written for the wonderful @resident-of-storybrooke because today is the anniversary of when she escaped from her mother’s womb! Congrats, dude! You are a great friend, and it has been my pleasure to write this for you, least of all because you have been there for me recently when I needed my friends the most <3 A massive thank you to @hollyethecurious for actually listening to me ramble on about this fic, which for the most part, was a dream I had. For fucking reals. I was horrified/aroused/intrigued when i woke up, and you’ll see why when you get to that scene, and so i wrote out lots of notes. I shared those notes if Tori, who was very eager to see it on paper lol A massive thank you also to @kmomof4 who stepped in to beta this because I didn’t want to disturb @hollyethecurious on her trip!
“Swan!” Killian called, racing across the short, neatly kept grass between them. “Swan, wait!” Emma turned just as he reached her, her hair flicking out and almost catching him in the face that he dodged sideways to avoid in a well practiced move.
“Killian, hey, what’s up?” Emma looked him over, his cheeks flustered and the tips of his elfen ears burning a bright pink. Emma frowned, rearranging her rucksack strap on her shoulder. Her bag was full of reference books today because she was heading to the library to study for a big exam in a few days. “Did you run to stop me?”
“I, uh...maybe?” Killian blushed, reaching his hand up to paw at the patch of skin behind his ear. It was a nervous habit Emma had noticed he did a lot when she was around. “Maybe I just enjoy running. In jeans. Whilst carrying heavy textbooks.” He gave her a sly grin, one eyebrow jumping up on his face cheekily.
“Yeah, right,” Emma laughed, rolling her eyes and clutching at her bag strap a little harder. She pulled it forward a little, trying to relieve the pressure on her shoulder, rolling the joint to help the weight shift.
“Here,” Killian nodded towards the bag on her shoulder with a motion of his head, reaching forward and grabbing the strap. Emma’s skin buzzed at the contact, even through her sweater, and she dumbly watched his hand guide it down over her arm. “Allow me,” He smiled, the back of his hand brushing her fingers as he pulled the bag free.
Emma gulped hard. Killian Jones, her best friend in the entire world, was like a mythical creature. He was a unicorn. No, he was a winged unicorn. He was a fucking unicorn Pegasus that couldn’t be tamed and everyone wanted a piece of. Especially Emma Swan. She had waited over ten years for him to notice her romantically, ever since the day she had fallen off her bike whilst trying to jump a dyke and he had helped fish her out, but it seemed that she had well and truly been friendzoned.
“Daydreaming there, Swan?” Killian chuckled, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.
“Hmm?” Emma blinked a few times, righting her thoughts and fixing her eyes on his. They were the bluest hue she had ever seen, the barely warm Fall sunshine making them dazzle and seem transparent, and when he smiled back at her, the tiny crinkles of skin at the corner of his eyes made them look even more sexy.
“I asked if you were heading to the library and could I carry your bags for you?” Killian beamed at her, bouncing her rucksack on his own shoulder painfully. “Not that I am rushing you, but this thing is really heavy,” he insisted dramatically.
“Oh, right,” Emma flapped, looking behind her to the huge on campus library building behind her. Like something straight out of a movie, it was the biggest building on campus with huge stone columns and Bibliotheca etched into the stone above the steps. “The library, yes,” she confirmed again out loud as she began moving in that direction.
“I take it this means you are not coming to Will’s party tonight?” Killian asked hopefully, falling into step beside her. Emma looked at him, tucking a strand of her silky golden locks behind her ear nervously.
“I’m sorry,” she winced after her words, half closing her eyes at him to avoid his reply. “I really have to study for my midterms next week.”
“And you can’t skip this one study session? It will be no fun without you there,” Killian pouted playfully, fluttering his long eyelashes at her and sticking out his bottom lip. “Who will make sure I don’t drink too much and make a fool of myself?” Emma all but died when all of her breath left her and her heart skipped a beat.
“I’m sorry, I really can’t,” she groaned, hating herself instantly for saying the words. “I’m sure you’ll have fun with Graham and Tink,” Emma offered with a snort.
As a group, they usually liked to hang around as a foursome. Graham and Tink were not exactly a couple but more like friends with benefits, a situation that no one really talked about or found particularly odd. They didn’t have the drama of a relationship and when they all spent time together, they didn’t really act like a couple, so there was no uncomfortable third wheel situations. Emma and Killian bickered more like a married couple sometimes, something Graham and Tink teased them over relentlessly.
“I’ll try,” Killian sighed dramatically as they reached the steps of the library. The huge stone steps were worn, the edges rounded by generations of footprints and the white slabs were almost smooth to the touch. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” Killian slid Emma’s rucksack off his shoulder, stopping the weight from hitting the floor with a flexed arm, something that Emma didn’t fail to notice.
“Tomorrow,” she smiled softly, reaching out to grab the handle of her pack. Again their fingers brushed over each other and she let them linger, her soft thumb pad tracing over the outer ridges of his knuckles innocently. “Have fun,” she winked playfully.
Killian watched her climb the steps, the hairs on his forearms standing to attention as goosebumps rippled over his skin. He tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans, almost cursing himself for not having the guts to ask Emma out properly. They had always flirted, but that was all they ever did, and Killian was patient and he knew that she would come around in time.
The party was boring. Killian knew it would be without Emma there to keep him company. She was all he could think about, moping around the crowded rooms in search of more beer to drown out his foul mood. He was a person with a high limit for alcohol, but somewhere between when he began drinking and when he reached the passing out stage, Killian became someone who was prone to stupidity, and usually Emma was around to protect him from himself. Except tonight.
His first act of idiocy was challenging a sober opponent, David ‘The Hulk’ Nolan, to an arm wrestle, barely able to focus on the hand waving around in front of him as he planted his elbow firmly on the table between them. His tongue poked out, wetting his lips as he squinted at his opponent, a heavy set semi pro football player who, surprisingly, no one else was willing to challenge.
“You and me, buddy,” Killian slurred, pointing between him and the guy with a wobbly finger. “I got you,” he threatened, hiccuping the last word and shaking his head from side to side, trying to clear his vision as the room chanted his opponents name.
His stoic rival simply stared at him, the corner of his lips twitching up as they locked hands awkwardly, both of them leaning forward and setting their grip. Killian’s palms were sweating and he fidgeted, trying to test his adversary, but he was only met with a solid weight, David unmovable, and when someone screamed out behind him, the back of his hand was slammed into the table quicker than he could blink.
“Winner!” Will screamed, grabbing David’s arm and pulling it above his head. David simply smirked at Killian, grabbing his red solo cup newly filled with beer and chugging it back in two large gulps.
With a grunt, Killian pushed himself to his feet and stalked from the table, heading to the kitchen area where there was a new keg being set up. With a sway in his step, he eventually found his feet and was just about to reach for the beer tap when Tink grabbed his arm.
“Dance with me, Killian!” She squealed, spinning him around and pulling him back the way he had come. He stumbled after her and pulled her upright when she threatened to fall.
“I can’t dance!” Killian called over the boom of the music. Tink shook her head at him, pointing to her ears with a shrug.
“I can’t hear you!” She laughed, reaching her destination and giving him a quick nudge of her head. “Come on, live it a little!”
The table behind her was larger than it should have been in the room and Killian suspected, in a moment of clarity, that Will had installed it for this very reason. Tink toed off her shoes, turning to step up on a conveniently provided chair and letting Graham pull her the rest of the way up onto the sticky, polished surface. Killian paused, looking up at his friends dumbfounded, Graham shirtless with some kind of lipstick drawings over his bare torso, a sweatband askew across his forehead and a beer in one hand!
“Come on, Killy,” Graham teased, wrapping an arm around Tink and pulling her back flush against his torso, the music providing them with a reason to grind against each other. “Don’t be a virgin for every fun activity for your whole life!”
Killian’s jaw clenched at his friends words. Graham, Tink and Emma had all grown up together, ending up in the same college after high school but when Killian had confided in his best male friend that he was still a virgin, he hadn’t expected him to announce it to an entire room full of people. Luckily for Killian, the music was too enticing for many people to bother even listening, but it didn’t make him seethe any less.
“Oh, Killy…” Tink cooed, beckoning him with a crooked finger and wink. “Come and dance with us!” She took a sloppy sip of Graham’s beer only disengaging her lips from the plastic cup long enough for him to pull her shirt up over her head and leave her in just her hot pants and bra.
Killian ground his teeth together and grabbed the beer out of a nearby dancers hands, throwing his head back and gulping it down quickly. He was ten beers in now, most definitely three sheets to the wind and his head began to spin. Toeing off his shoes made him wobble, his feet barely supporting his weight as he swayed backwards. Lifting his leg up onto the flimsy chair was the second bad idea of the evening, his hand reaching out for Tink’s who pulled him up and flush against her slightly sweaty body with a coy smirk.
“Woooo!” Graham cheered loudly behind Tink, his back arching and his arms waving in the air. “Jones the virgin can dance!”
“Shut up, Graham!” Killian slurred, pushing his friends shoulder who retaliated with a chuckle. His beer spilled forward out of his cup as Graham sprung back forward, the fizzy, yellow liquid sliding down the valley of Tink’s breasts.
“Oops!” Graham laughed, licking his lips. “You want me to get that?” He whispered into Tink’s ear, one hand on her hip and his bottom lip rolling under his teeth as his eyes flicked up to meet Killian’s. “Or Killian?”
Killian felt his skin flush hot, his cheeks turning hot and his mouth dry. It was already coated with the stale stench of beer, his tongue feeling foreign and his mouth fell open a little as he let his eyes wander over the lace clad globes of Tink’s cleavage.
“You wanna lick me, Killian?” Tink teased, trailing her finger over the swell over her breasts. “You wanna taste me?” She cooed as seductively as she could over the thump of the bass. Graham pressed himself into her harder, making her shift her weight forward and towards Killian’s frozen, dumbstruck figure.
“I think he does,” Graham noted his friend’s discomfort and watched Killian swallow hard. “How about we all go somewhere a bit more...quiet?” Graham drank the last of his beer, tossing the empty cup sideways and not caring where it landed. Killian finally tore his gaze from Tink’s ample assets, his breathing heavy and his vision blurry, the sunshine glow of her hair and the sweetness of her smile morphing into those of the woman he really wanted to taste.
“Emma,” Killian whimpered her name with a frown, conflicted. His body wanted so many things right now and his brain was struggling to compute his actions as he reached out and smoothed his fingertips down the side of Tink’s bare torso. She was warm and soft, her ribs like piano keys under his touch, and like a fool, Killian listened to his mind when it told him she was Emma.
“Not quite, Killy,” Tink chuckled, fisting her hand in his hair and pulling his head forward until her lips were next to his ear. “But we can pretend, if you want.” Tink’s words echoed in his head, swimming around with the alcohol as her fingers soothed his scalp with a gentle caress. Killian couldn’t focus, his hormones raging, and he felt like he was in the middle of a very erotic dream.
“We know you love Emma,” Graham added over her shoulder. “Don’t you want to be ready when she finally says yes?” Tink’s face erupted in a sly grin at Graham words, nodding in agreement and anticipation.
“We can show you,” she added, her hands sliding to cup Killian’s cheeks in her hands.
“Alright,” Killian said quickly, a little too eagerly and his brain barely registered the words leaving his mouth. He felt spaced out, the buzz of inebriation coursing through him and making the blood in his ears pound louder than the bass track. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was agreeing to, or where they were going that was so quiet, but Killian had just made the third bad decision of his evening.
As it turned out, Graham and Killian’s dorm wasn’t as quiet as they had promised. Everything was so loud, Killian’s hearing amplified from the thundering tunes at Will’s party, the voices of his company still at a high volume as they all tumbled into the room giggling. Tink and Graham even kissed loudly, lips smacking together sloppily and heavy pants filling his ears as he watched with a morbid fascination.
“Don’t forget my friend here,” Graham smirked when he slid Tink’s hand down to his hardening erection. “He’s missed you,” he groaned when she grabbed him through his pants.
“Oh, he has?” Tink teased, rubbing her palm over his length and making him growl. “What about this one?” Tink looked over her shoulder at Killian, his own erection clearly visible through his jeans. “Does Jones want to see what he has been missing?”
Killian gulped as Tink advanced on him, his throat drying out instantly despite his efforts and his hands balling into nervous fists at his side. The cold chill of the night’s air had done nothing to relieve his drunkenness and Killian felt even more eager to explore their offer.
“Yeah, he does,” he fumbled with the button on his jeans, eagerly tugging the fly down and kicking them off his feet when they fell to the floor.
“Mmm, I like this,” Tink looked between them, smiling hard to herself and biting on her tongue when Graham shed his jeans in the same way. Killian tugged himself through his boxers before pulling his thin t shirt up and over his head, throwing it aside without taking his eyes off the siren in front of him with a long exhale. “Two, big hard boys ready for my attention.”
Graham spun her back around before she had time to reach Killian, pulling her into his arms and enjoying the way she moaned into his mouth when her body fell against the hard planes of his bare chest. He kissed her hard, tongue pushing into her mouth without invitation and hands kneading the globes her ass as he pushed her denim hot pants to the floor. Killian’s heart almost stopped when he noticed she wasn’t wearing panties but Graham simply slipped a finger between her cheeks, grinning against her own smile when he found how wet she was.
“Oh, baby, you’re wet for us,” Graham panted, shooting Killian an excited glance.
“And you’re a dirty boy,” Tink told him, pushing against his chest firmly. Graham looked down at his torso, the red etching of his party going antics smeared and smudged. “I think I’ll start with the pure one,” Tink purred, turning from him and stalking towards Killian on the other side of the room.
She stopped just short of his tented boxers, the fabric brushing over Killian’s tip without remorse, his body betraying his mind as he struggled to fight the urge to betray his own heart. He was drunk, plain and simple, and without Emma to guide him, he was most certainly lost under the influence of Tink and Graham. Tink especially had a way of getting what she wanted, and judging by the way she licked her lips as she took in his generous size, she wanted Killian.
“Or we could shower”? Graham suggested, catching her attention. They might not be a real couple, but Graham was not immune to the feelings of jealousy that came with Tink lavishing her attentions on another man. Tink turned to him and Killian breathed a sigh, the sound a little too audibly relieved as it left his mouth. “You like a good shower,” Graham purred at her, sliding his boxers over his hips and letting them pool at his feet, his words the exact opposite of what they sounded like and his erection bobbing proudly against his stomach.
“I do,” Tink cooed, looking between them. “You wanna shower with us, Killian?” She teased, reaching behind herself and ridding herself of her bra. Her nipples pulled tight and even in the dim lighting of the room Killian could see them rock hard on her rounded breasts. She nodded at his boxers and he dug his hands into the sides, letting them fall to his feet and freeing his own rock hard length. Tink gasped a little, a seductive moan tumbling from her lips. “I am in for a treat!” She squeaked, sauntering off towards the bathroom, Graham and Killian in tow.
The water hit Killian like a whip as he stepped into the cubicle behind Tink. Graham had led her in with a dirty grin and a prominent erection and she had encouraged Killian with her dulcet tones and a wave of her hand. The room seemed to spin, or maybe it was just the steam clouding his vision, and Killian reached out and gripped onto Tink’s shoulder’s for support. She rolled them playfully, smoothing her hands over Graham’s chest as they kissed, lips sliding against each other, slippery and smacking over the sound of the shower as the water pounded Killian’s back.
His eyes fell to Tink’s rear, blinking to clear his vision and focus on the pearly white globes before him. From the back, she could have been Emma, the enticing curve of her hip and the dimple in the centre of her back something Killian had dreamed Emma possessed as well. He often yearned to run his hands over Emma’s back, the sounds she made in his slumber as he did so filling his mind and making his erection even harder. Tink wiggled her hips, knowing he was watching, and without thinking, Killian stepped forward and hissed when his hot, hard length pressed itself between the crease of her cheeks.
“Oh,” Tink gasped, pulling her lips from Graham’s. “Someone feels neglected,” She cooed, letting her hands fall from Graham’s neck and slipping over the smooth planes of his chest languidly.
“Take care of our friend,” Graham whispered darkly, turning Tink around so she was facing Killian. He felt himself blush but it was lost in the heat from the shower, steam filling the room and masking the ragged sounds of his breathing.
“Do you want me to take care of you?” Tink purred, sauntering towards Killian until the gap between them was closed. Graham filled the space behind her, pressing his body to her back and making sure she could feel both of them between her body. Killian took a breath, his eyes flicking down to her lips, plump and kiss bruised from Graham’s assault.
“Of course he does,” Graham encouraged with a smirk. “Look at his little innocent face,” he teased, his words dripping into her ear and barely audible.
“Yes, look at this handsome…” Tink leaned forward, her lips a hair's breadth from Killian’s mouth, her words ghosting over his lips. “...pure…” she breathed, her tongue darting out to moisten hers and inadvertently touching Killian’s in the process. “...boy.” Tink’s mouth curved up into a salacious smile, her lips finally meeting his with all the confidence Killian lacked, his body rigid to reflect his hesitation and a gentle frown on his face because, inside his alcohol soaked brain, he felt like he was betraying the woman of his dreams.
In that moment, Killian thought he should run. There was a moment he figured he was just a naked third wheel in a Graham and Tink sex game, along for their amusement only. If he was honest, he was probably going along with all of this to see how far they were willing to go, how long their teasing would last about his virginity, but sober Killian would never have agreed to this. Sober Killian would never have got naked in front of two of his best mates, he would have never stepped foot inside the shower and he would certainly have not welcomed Tink’s slippery body against his when she turned around to kiss him.
Unfortunately for drunk Killian, at the exact moment Tink’s lips touched his, the love of his life burst into the steam filled bathroom with every intention of using the facilities, and the loudest thing he heard that night was her gasp.
She was gone before he had time to register her presence, but her look of disappointment would be etched into his brain forever more. The way her face paled, the colour draining from her cheeks, all very clear in the sudden clarity of the room as the steam escaped out of the open door, made his stomach fall away from him. Tink giggled and fell backwards against Graham’s chest, touching her lips with a single finger and offering Killian a coy smirk.
“Oops,” she laughed in a tipsy tone, Graham joining her. “Guess you’ll be a virgin forever now!”
Killian clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, pushing passed both of them and escaping the confines of the shower in haste. The room was spinning, his messy hair still wet and dripping onto his skin and adding to the pearl of droplets already clinging to the dark thatch on his torso. He grabbed his shirt and his boxers, tugging them both on with effort, the materials clinging to his skin and instantly soaking up the water there.
“Emma!” Killian called feebly, his words muffled in his own ears. He shook his head sideways, the room becoming much louder when the steady tinnitus tone in his ears disappeared and he heard her footsteps pounding down the hallway of the dorm. “Emma, wait!” He called louder, barging the doorframe painfully as he gave chase, his heavy steps unsteady down the hall, his body bouncing off the flimsy walls every so often.
Luckily for him, Emma didn’t walk as fast as he could run, and he caught up to her in no time, his bloodshot eyes focusing on her outline in front of him as he called her name one more time. “Emma, please, will you just stop running away from me,” he gasped, the cold October chill taking his breath away as soon as he had stepped outside.
“You're drunk, Killian, go home.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest. She was angry, and couldn’t look him in the eye, even though she knew she really had no right to be. Killian was not her boyfriend, he could fool around with whoever he wanted, even if it was Tink and Graham. For a second she wondered if they had been doing this long, behind her back, keeping it from her whilst they sneaked into each others dorms and each others showers.
“I feel like you might be angry at me,” Killian frowned, grabbing his sides when a searing tearing pain ripped through his abdominal muscles.
“You won't remember this in the morning so it doesn't matter,” Emma said quickly, averting her gaze to the floor between them.
“Of course it matters, Emma, I love you…” Killian blurted, his words more a plea than the romantic gesture he had dreamed about. He cut his own words off as quickly as they had left his mouth, and stared at her when she lifted her head suddenly, her green eyes locking with his.
Killian stopped breathing, his lungs burning in his chest and his feet ready to flee. He had said it, finally, after all these years. Okay, so it wasn’t the way he had planned to tell her, drunkenly apologizing for a very big misunderstanding that he blamed his other two best friends for, but at least now she knew. He gave her a weak, nervous smile, the apple of his cheeks turning a bright pink.
“How am I supposed to answer that?” Emma snapped, annoyed more than anything. She sighed angrily and his smile disappeared instantly, his own fury rising to the surface.
“Be honest! For once in your life Swan, say what you feel in your heart!” Killian’s voice rose a little higher, his face erupting into a hopeful grin.
“Okay…” Emma said firmly, fixing his gaze once more. “I hate you.”
“Not the response I was hoping for…” Killian looked away, deflated. Even the slightest movement of his head made him sway and he had to quickly right his stance. Emma reached out to grab his arm and his eyes fell on her hand, clutching his bicep lovingly only briefly before she pulled her hand away as if she had been burned.
“You are just like all the other college boys. Fuck ‘em and flee….” Emma sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I thought you were different.”
“I've never slept with anyone…” Killian shrugged, shaking his head a little. Emma absorbed his words, watching him squirm a little.
“You were never this person in school, but then you met Graham and alcohol and you are two different people now.” Emma was almost shaking, the cold night permeating her sweater and tingling down her spine.
“I’m not…” Killian began but she cut off his slurred words.
“And I want Killian from before, not the pirate you are now.” Emma looked up at him, her words clearly falling of deaf ears with Killian’s face erupted in the childish, shit eating grin of a five year old.
“Argh!” He crowed, one arm waving around as if he was holding a sword and the other bending his forefinger into a hook shape and clawing at the air between them with a quirked eyebrow.
“Jesus Christ, you are so drunk I can't even talk to you right now…” Emma waved a dismissive hand at him and turned to leave, her arms pulling tighter over her chest in part protection from the cold and part protection from the hurt in her heart.
“No, you are drunk,” Killian sang, hopping from one foot to the other as he pursued her with a sway, his entire body moving much more than it should. He began to shiver and when Emma heard his teeth chattering together, she stopped and turned to face him once more. Killian was so focused on following her he didn’t even realise she had stopped, bumping into her with a oomph.
“Killian, you’re freezing,” Emma noted, taking in the way his shoulders were jumping up and down, his shirt clinging to his chest and his hardened nipples clearly visible through the material. Her eyes roamed over him, the normally distinct bulge in his boxers much smaller than usual, something Emma chastised herself for even noticing. “Come on,” she relented with a roll of her eyes as she grabbed his arm. “Let’s get you warm. Follow me.”
The only reason Emma took him back to her dorm was because he was cold and she had a conscience, unable to let him freeze to death full of beer and in only his underpants. What would his parents say if they found out how he had died? She wasn’t going to be the one to tell them that their youngest son died of exposure in just his skivvies because he was too drunk to make it home.
And besides, Mart Margaret had gone home for a few weeks, so he could crash in her bed. Even if he had other ideas, falling into her bed as soon as they made it to her room, snuggling down into Emma’s sheets and unashamedly inhaling her scent from the duvet covers with a smile so wide Emma thought he might be a perfect cast for the next Joker.
“Why do you look so sad Swan?” He shook her from her reverie, his words croaky and full of strain as he wiggled under the covers and dropped his wet shirt and boxers out the side. They hit the floor with a slap and Emma averted her eyes.
Great. Now he was totally naked.
“You wouldn't remember even if I told you,” Emma said sadly, perching on Mary Margaret’s bed. It was opposite her own, enough space between them to quell her unjustified rage that boiled just under skin when she was near him right now.
“Is it me? Have I upset you?” Killian nuzzled his face into her pillow, his stubble scratching against the pink case, his eyes fluttering closed a little longer each time he blinked.
“You have no idea what you’ve done, Killian,” Emma sighed, knowing he wouldn’t even remember tomorrow. There was no point exploring the issue now, not when he was filled with so much booze he would just laugh it off.
“Can I fix it?” Killian asked her hopefully, tucking the covers up under his stubble littered jaw until he looked like just a head poking out of the duvet. If she wasn’t so angry, Emma might have laughed at the way he clearly felt most comfortable, but his child like pleading stare almost broke her.
“How can you fix something that you don't even how you broke?” She told him softly.
“I'm very handy,” Killian winked, laughing at his own joke weakly.
“So I saw,” Emma muttered under her breath, the image of Killian’s black hair plastered to his forearms under the spray of the shower as he had rested his hands on Tink’s hips something she might never forget. She had often dreamed of him in the shower, but not like that. Not with another woman, and most certainly not Tink. It was a reality she had only had nightmares about before now.
“Saw! Ha! That's a tool!” Killian told her joyfully, his words muffled by a yawn.
Emma rolled her eyes. “Go to sleep, Killian,” she whispered, shifting her weight under the duvet covers of her roommates bed. By the time Emma had got comfortable, turning over to look at him once more, Killian was asleep, finally succumbing to the alcohol fuelling his brain and passing out with an open mouthed snore.
The next day began like any other, only Emma didn’t feel comfortable in the bed she currently occupied and through her hazy sleepiness, she didn’t register why. Her eyes were still closed but she could smell the faint whiff of beer in the room, a damp, half dry clothes smell she recognised from being a student too acutely, and when she finally opened her eyes, she could see her bed opposite. She frowned and groaned a little, wondering why she was in Mary Margaret’s bed for a second before the sound of the shower in the next room caught her attention. She yawned, pushing herself into a sit and blinking to clear her vision, the sound of the water turning off causing her to remember.
Shit. Killian.
She would go to the library, leave him to work out why he was in her bed by himself. It would be a cruel joke, but after last night, Emma thought it was the least he deserved. To wake up in her bed and wonder where she was and what had happened? Perfect. Maybe he would learn to not drink so much. Emma smiled to herself as she gathered her clothes, pulling her sweater over her head and dragging her fingers through her sleep messed hair roughly.
Emma didn’t want to see him right now. She was still angry, the vision of his lips on Tink’s flashing before her eyes, and she knew he wouldn’t remember a single thing. Killian had the luxury of acting the fool and never reaping the consequences, but Emma didn’t, and she feared she might never be able to look at him in the same way again. That was until the bathroom door opened, a cloud of vapour wafting out into the room and a very wet, very handsome, Killian Jones dressed in only a modest white towel stepped out towards her.
“Swan,” he greeted her with a grin. “Good morning.”
“Feeling better?” Emma gulped hard, her words distorted in her throat as she took him in. The bulge of his biceps, relaxed but clearly present under the skin of his arms making her imagine what they felt like wrapped around her own body. The thick layer of chest hair that littered his torso, like a dark forest of softness she yearned to run her fingers through sticking to the planes of his chest and accenting his shape. The dip of his hips and the thinned line of body hair that disappeared into the low slung towel, directing her attention to the now much larger bump in the towel.
No. Now she was sure she might never look at him the same way again.
“I didn't drink that much,” Killian chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her when she snorted a grunting sound. “Did I?” Emma looked away for a second, the steady blush creeping up her neck because of how he looked now, dripping wet and naked all but for a tiny towel. She let out a breath. Seeing Killian naked so often in such a short period was started to have an effect on her to the point of distraction.
“Swan, what did I do?” Killian prompted gently and she turned back to face him, trying to keep her eyes fixed on his.
“Nothing,” Emma shrugged and then paused, watching a droplet of water race down his lightly thatched torso. She had tried not to objectify him, but damn if he wasn’t making it difficult.
“Swan…” He chastised, his voice a little darker than before. He knew something was bothering her, she could tell, but she couldn’t focus on anything except how his chest hair would tickle her nose as she kissed her way down his body.
“Nothing okay, just...could you put some clothes on, please?” She covered her face with a hand, the sight of him burned into the back of her eyelids.
Killian looked around the room for his clothes, unable to locate them. He frowned when all he could find was some boxers and a almost see through tee, both of them sitting in a wet heap on the floor beside Emma’s bed. As he moved Emma couldn’t help inhale the scent of her shower gel, coconut and raspberry invading her nostrils but tinted with his masculinity. Killian lifted his clothes aloft, looking to her for an explanation.
“Why are my clothes wet? Where are the rest of them?” He looked around the room and spotted nothing else of his. Emma sighed. She had to tell him, but surely she could leave out some of the details to save his dignity. That’s what friends did after all.
“You got so drunk at Will’s party, you tried to take a shower,” she lied, pointing to his underwear in his hand. Killian grimaced at the damp cotton, surprised as she continued. “You thought it was a good idea to walk over here in the cold and I had to rescue you from the elements. So there...that’s why you only have boxers.”
“And why you are so angry with me,” Killian added observantly. Damn, if the man didn’t know her better than she knew herself.
“I'm not angry at you, Killian, I am angry with myself,” Emma sighed, palming her face in her hands so she didn’t have to look at him.
“Well don't be. You can't be as angry at yourself as I am.” He moved to her, perching on the edge of the bed next to her and waiting for her to look up from her hands. “I've clearly hurt you and that I cannot abide. Being drunk is not an excuse for whatever I did and I am truly sorry that I made you hurt, Emma.” She looked at him, the remorse in his eyes for something he didn’t even remember paining her even more. He was amazing, willing to apologise without even knowing why, and Emma’s heart pinched a little at lying to him. Killian gave her a weak smile, turning his attention to his fingers that he was idling his his lap. “Tink and Graham are terrible influences.”
“Yes they are,” Emma laughed lightly. “That doesn't make it hurt any less,” Emma said honestly.
“Would a hug?” Killian offered with a shy smile. He shifted his weight on the bed, turning sideways and opening his arms invitingly. Emma nodded, matching his smile and let him pull her into his embrace, the damp hair on his chest sticking to her face but feeling so soft against her cheek that she audibly sighed happily.
She couldn’t lie to him anymore. He was her friend, regardless of her own feelings, he had a right to know why he had upset her. He would want to know, because he was a gentleman and would always try to make it right. A million things ran through her head in that moment; His declaration of love that felt like more than all the other times he had said it as her friend. The shy emotion in his voice when he had specifically said he had never slept with anyone, even if drink had made him say it out loud.
“You kissed Tink,” Emma groaned against his chest, hoping her words would be muffled enough by his hug that he wouldn’t realise.
“I did what?” Killian squeaked, aghast. He released her from his grip, his arms sliding down her arms and taking her hands in his, his fingers fiddling with hers nervously.
“You went to the party thing with Graham and Tink and I found all three of you in the shower...doing...stuff,” Emma blushed, looking down at this hands and swallowing hard. “I wasn’t going to tell you because I knew you wouldn’t remember.”
“God Emma, I am such a bastard,” Killian announced with a shake of his head, the taste of discomfort invading his mouth and making him turn up his face. He had known she was hiding something but her revelation had him fuming. What had he done? Killian dropped her hands and pulled away from her, standing from the bed and looking around. Emma always had one of his shirts here somewhere, he just had to find it so he could leave. “I don't deserve your kindness. I need to go.”
“Killian wait, don't go,” Emma implored, jumping to her feet. His self hatred had kicked in and told Emma exactly what she needed to know; He didn’t remember and had never had any intention of getting into the situation he was in with Graham and Tink. It made her a little happy, but his frantic searching of her dorm room made her nervous he might never speak to her again so she moved to him, stopping him with a hand on his forearm. “I need to ask you something.”
“Aye love, what is it?” Killian looked at her, the kindness in his eyes and willingness to forever please her something Emma was noticing for the first time. She had been in love with him for as long as she could remember, but did he feel the same way? Was he so ashamed because he thought he had ruined his own chances with her?
“Last night, when you were super drunk, you said you hadn't slept with anyone,” Emma began gently, Killian straightening himself up and the prickle of pink invading his cheeks. “Did you mean...anyone?” Emma pressed, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
“I said that?” Killian winced, eyes pinching closed. Emma nodded. “So it seems we found the why as to my actions last night.” Killian licked his lips, grinding his teeth at the faintest memory he had of Graham’s torment.
“The why?” Emma asked confused, her head cocking to one side.
“Graham and Tink have teased me about it for years and I suppose, uninhibited, I figured I was sick of the torment.” Killian let out a long breath, his entire body humming with heat as the words left his mouth. Confessing to being a virgin at twenty-one was only amplified by confessing it to the woman you were in love with. “Only Tink wasn't the friend I had hoped would take my virginity.”
Emma looked at him shyly and he offered her a reserved smile, scratching the patch of skin behind his ear with a gulp. There were definitely no secrets between them now.
“How? I mean...you're gorgeous.” Emma couldn’t stop the words as they left her mouth, her thoughts out loud. He laughed sheepishly, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that sexy way she loved so much and his hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Whilst I thank you for your compliment, Swan, I have only ever wanted to sleep with one person but she has never seen me as anything more than her friend.” Killian looked into her eyes, boring deep past the sea green and into her soul. She knew what he was saying and her throat went dry.
“If that is the case, why is she so angry you kissed another woman?” Emma almost whispered, her breath hitching as he took a step closer to her.
“I don't know Swan, why are you?” He purred, hands caressing the soft skin of her elbows and holding her upright. Emma’s entire body screamed out with his touch, the new, more intimate way he was holding her igniting the fire in her belly.
“Because you have never kissed me.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth, looking up at him through her eyelashes. The look he gave her was dark, lustful and she couldn’t move.
“Would you like me to?” He whispered, dipping his head so that their lips were almost touching. Emma’s lips parted a little, a silent invitation that she knew he would never accept without hearing the words. Gentleman.
The word hadn’t even left Emma’s mouth fully before Killian fused his lips to hers, the specks of white behind her eyelids like fireworks in a night sky. Her hands went to work, tracing the outline of his muscles, the sinew and tendons flexing under her touch as he pushed into the kiss. Emma pushed back, her tongue slanting over his lips and tasting him, the minty freshness of his breath invading her senses when he parted his lips and invited her tongue to duel with his.
Emma’s hand found his shoulders, grappling to get closer to him and his hands found her hips, pulling her flush against his barely covered body. Emma smirked against his lips, hands carding through his wet hair and holding his face to hers, the ridge of his teeth hard against her tongue as she kissed him back with as much passion as he was offering. Killian spun them around, the friction between them making his towel fall, and Emma moaned into his mouth as he backed them towards her bed.
“Killian…stop...please...stop…” Emma panted, pulling her lips from his and avoiding him as he chased after them hungrily. Emma pushed against his chest feebly, her inner turmoil visible on her face as she licked her bottom lip and savoured his taste on her tongue.
“Emma? Have I don't something to hurt you again?” Killian looked confused, wide eyed and his breathing heavy.
“No,” Emma assured him with a glorious smile, her hand palming the side of his face tenderly. “But if you don't stop kissing me like that I can't promise I can let you walk out of here with your honour in tact.”
Killian met her gaze, swallowing the lump down his throat that had formed with her words. He knew Emma was not as innocent as he was, best friends knew this sort of information, and it had always killed him to know she was with another man. But he only had himself to blame, his lack of courage to admit his true feelings overwhelming him. Until now. “So don't…”
“Killian…”Emma gasped huskily, their foreheads meeting as she struggled with her decision.
“I've wanted this my entire life, Emma. Do you know how hard it has been to wait for this moment?” Killian chuckled, his hands pushing her hair behind her ear, enjoying the warmth of her blonde locks against his fingertips. Emma’s eyebrows jumped up on her face as she peeled her eyes open and looked between them, his naked form leaving nothing to the imagination and the sight of his solid erection making her ache.
“I can see how hard it is right now,” she purred salaciously, trailing a finger tip up the side of his length.
“Gods, Emma…” Killian shuddered, grabbing her wrist and stopping her movement. “Tell me I am not dreaming.”
Emma hummed a laugh through her nose, pulling her face back to take in his wrecked features. He was visibly shaking with effort to compose himself, his browline a mixture of sweat and water from the shower, his face contorting in a pained pleasure when she pulled his hand from her wrist and took him in hand. He was hard and hot with a sizeable girth that made Emma’s core clench with need.
“Have you dreamed of me?” She teased lightly, watching the pulse in his neck thump harder as she stroked him. Killian groaned, biting his bottom lip with a nod. “Was I doing this?” Emma purred seductively, twisting her hand a little at the top of each stroke, his foreskin rubbing over his exposed tip and making his hips involuntarily thrust forward.
“Gods, yes…” Killian breathed, his whole mind in a daze. He couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening. What was about to happen. When Emma released her grip his eyes fluttered open and he tried to focus on her as she backed towards the bed, beckoning him with a bent finger.
“What else have you dreamed about?” Emma asked him softly, a sexy smile on her lips as she shimmied her pajamas off, leaving her gloriously naked before him. Killian struggled to find his voice, coughing a little to rid himself of the lump obstructing his breathing. He let his eyes flicker over her body, the enticing curve of her hip, the round swell of her breasts and the flat, toned abdominal muscles much more vivid than he could ever have imagined. “Don't go shy on me now, Jones,” Emma teased, swaying from side to side with an innocent smirk.
Killian was on her in a second, the space between then nothing at all once he had begun to move, the excited squeal that left her mouth like fuel on the lusty fire that was busy burning its way through his loins. She was warmer than he had imagined, scorching a pattern against his chest with her own, her rock hard nipples crushed by his weight as they tumbled onto the bed behind her and he crushed his lips to hers. Emma grabbed his face, clawing at his stubble in a desperate attempt to keep him close, his tongue invading her mouth and massaging her own.
Emma could feel his hardness between her thighs, both of them a perfect fit for each other. She gently parted her knees, resting them against his hips as he was cradled between her legs, the slowled motion of his kisses matching the movement of his tongue with a rocking rhythm of his hips. She was wet against his tip that dipped between her folds, teasing him with the promise of home.
Killian was not a prude by any sense of the word, and he had fooled around plenty, but there was only one woman he had ever wanted to really be intimate with, and it was Emma. His dreams were filled with her smiles and gasps of pleasure as he licked, sucked and nipped her into a ball of putty, her screams filling his ears and leaving him with messy sheets when he awoke. But now she was here, as real as can be, writhing under his bulk and radiating with desire and his confident air disappeared.
“I’m sure,” she told him gently, her thumb brushing over the outline of his lips as she read his mind.
“I don’t know...how do we…” Killian stammered nervously, the heat rushing to the tips of his ears once more.
“Well,” Emma shifted a little and felt him brush her entrance again, an action that made him wince and shift his hips away. “It seems you’re very worked up, so why don’t we try a little foreplay?” Emma scrunched her nose up playfully and she bit her tongue, pushing his floppy hair from his forehead.
“Oh?” Killian smirked, pressing his lips to hers chastely. “Do you have anything in mind?”
“I’m sure you want this to last for as long as possible,” Emma smiled at him and he nodded. “But if we go in all guns blazing, it won’t.” Killian laughed and shook his head in agreement. Even the feel of her naked form against his was torture and he thought he would come at any second. “Have you ever gone down on a woman?” Emma blushed nervously.
Killian shook his head and met her eyes instantly, the mere thought of it sending his heart into a pounding frenzy in his chest. “No,” he breathed timidly before his face erupted in a broad, cocky grin. “But I’ve taken a class,” he joked, sliding down her body until he was hovering above her neatly trimmed mound.
Emma relaxed a little knowing he was too, watching him go south with a sly smirk as she slammed her head into the comforter and felt his breath ghosting over her bundle of nerves. Emma let him part her thighs, the cool air on the room contrasting the heat at her apex and when he tentatively sucked on her clit, Emma stiffened and groaned in painful pleasure.
“Oh God, Killian,” she whined and Killian stopped instantly, lifting his head quickly to meet her sleepy glare. “Why did you stop?” She asked breathlessly, her brow knitting together.
“I thought I’d hurt you,” he panicked. “Shall I continue?”
“Yes!” Emma laughed, letting her head fall back. “It’s good, trust me. Good noises.” Killian smiled to himself, watching the rise and fall of her breasts, her struggle for air as he resumed his sucking, the moans that came from her more enjoyable than any he had ever heard in any his dreams.
Killian flicked his tongue over her nub and Emma shuddered, her entire body writhing under him. He grabbed her hips, holding her down, the taste of her sweetness like a drug he couldn’t get enough of. It coated his tongue, his lips and even his beard and made his spine tingle with the familiar pull of his own climax. He sucked in a breath, his jaw a little tired and pressed his cheek to her inner thigh, watching the muscles of her entrance ripple and clench. “Is that good?”
“Yeah,” Emma breathed, her words barely heard.
“Shall I...can I?” Killian asked gently, tracing the wetness outside of her entrance with a single finger, her clear, viscous juices coating his digit.
“Yes, absolutely yes!” Emma nodded eagerly, lifting her head and looking down at the way he was watching her with fascination. “Use two fingers,” she panted, pressing her eyes closed and relaxing back into the duvet.
“Two?” Killian asked alarmed, inspecting the width of his two fingers side by side. It looked a lot, much bigger than their destination, and he stroked them through her wetness again. “Are you sure?”
“Killian,” Emma groaned, a little annoyed. She was so close her patience had ebbed away. “Trust me, you’re a big guy. I’m going to need you to stretch me a little with two fingers.”
“Oh,” Killian blew out a breath. “Alright.” He didn’t think he was that big, but having never seen many other penises in his life, Killian was sure Emma knew what she was talking about. And he most certainly didn’t want to hurt her. He felt her go rigid when he pushed two fingers into her, her inner muscles grabbing his fingers and pulling them deeper, and he felt a little precum ooze from his tip, his erection painfully hard beneath his body.
“Yes,” Emma hissed salaciously, her hand moving to grab at the half dried hair on his head. “There,” she shuddered when Killian twisted his hands a little and brushed his fingertips over the ribbed muscle of her g spot. “God, Killian, right there. Like that.” She was so aroused already that when he skimmed his fingers over it again and again, amping up his strokes on her command, she felt the burn in her belly and all of her hairs stood to attention.
“Is that okay?” Killian whispered, even though he was sure with how wet Emma was he was doing it just right.
“Fuck, yes,” Emma stammered, her lip rolling under her teeth where she bit down so hard she thought she might draw blood. She was so close, her orgasm mere seconds from tearing her apart. “My clit…” Emma gasped, tightening her grip on his hair and Killian knew exactly what she needed, closing his lips over the throbbing bundle of nerves and flicking his tongue furiously.
When she came it was hard and fast and Killian was taken back, unsure if he should withdraw his fingers from the now much tighter sheath of her core or leave them there. Her inner muscles spasmed around his fingers, stronger at first and then more gently, pulling and throbbing against his digits as Emma’s shattering moans filled his ears. He lapped at her hungrily, taking every last drop she had to offer before he kissed her clit and felt her wiggle away from him.
“Sensitive,” she panted, looking down at him, his hair a mess and pulled to one side, the tint in his cheeks from the heat between her thighs and his grin proud.
“Was that okay?” He asked her bashfully, setting himself up on his elbows, eager for her praise.
Emma gave him a coy smile, motioning him upwards with a crooked finger. He moved instantly like an obedient puppy, crawling over her and watching the darkness in her eyes with a sense of satisfaction that he had put it there. Emma simply nodded with a hum, cupping his scruffy cheeks in her hands and pulling his face to hers, their lips meeting once again so softly. She could taste herself on his mouth and it made her ache with more need. “You get an A,” she teased playfully.
“Does this mean, that if I asked you out, you’d say yes?” Killian said, one of his hands pawing behind his ear again. Emma smiled at his nervousness, an audible laugh escaping her mouth.
“Maybe,” she shrugged, her eyes flitting over his features. “Maybe we should see how you do next.” She reached over to her bedside table and pulled open the drawer, fishing around inside for the foil packet of a condom she hoped would fit him. Killian watched as she tore into it, pinching the tip and rolling it over his length as he hissed.
Emma lifted her knees until her feet were flat on the bed and reached down between them to stroke his erection, the solid length of him heavy and ready in her hands. He hadn’t even softened a little, clearly more turned on that she had realised. Killian buried his face in her shoulder, his breath ghosting over the crook of her neck and Emma felt him turn limp, a shudder passing over his whole body.
“Killian,” Emma warned softly. “You are not going to last long, and that is okay, so don’t try and hold on for me.” All he could do was thrust his hips into her fist, taking his pleasure at his own pace before Emma lined him up at her entrance and felt his tip push in. He felt as big as he looked and she tried to keep her voice calm and steady as she guided him in. “Slowly…” she whimpered when he stretched her a little too painfully. “Take it slow, okay?”
Killian gulped hard with a nod, his brain fogged by the feel of her around his length as he inched his way into her warmth. There was more of him than he realised and it took an agonzing amount of time before he was fully seated within her, both of them relaxing and adjusting to the feel of each other. Emma throbbed around him, her earlier orgasm still fresh in her muscle memory, and he was sure that if he moved even a millimeter that he would lose himself.
“Are you okay?” Emma coaxed kindly, her hand on his face shaking him from his concentration.
“Aye, Swan,” he said on a shaky breath. “You just feel…bloody amazing.” Emma was flattered and perhaps a little too cruelly, she clenched her muscles around him, enjoying the way he had stretched her to a satisfying burn. Killian gasped, his fist clenching the duvet beside her head and his eyes squeezing closed so tightly, Emma knew he was trying to think of anything but coming.
“It’s okay,” Emma said softly, angling her hips upwards, knowing that the movement would send him into oblivion. “Take your time.”
Killian growled through gritted teeth. “You’re a bloody siren, Swan,” he laughed. Killian shook, his whole body shivering over hers as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him harder into her, the movement making them both cry out and something inside of him snap. Killian planted his hand on her hip, firmly grasping her like she might leave him at any second, and pistoned his hips without warning, long deep thrusts that made Emma ache for more. As quickly as he began it was over, the spasm of his erection felt along her entire core as he emptied himself into the condom with her name on his lips.
“I’m sorry, Emma, I’m sorry…” he stuttered, trying to regain himself but quivering, every single cell in his body caught between pleasure and shame. He hadn’t lasted long, she had known he wouldn’t, but with a soft smile she nuzzled her nose against his and pressed their lips together once more.
“Killian, you were amazing,” Emma purred, trailing her hands down the side of his torso, over the jut of his narrow hips until she was kneading the globes of his ass with her nimble fingers. It made Killian jump, surprised by her sudden fascination with his ass, something she had admired for many years.
“I hope you are enjoying yourself,” he smirked, kissing her cheek as he softened inside of her.
“Oh, I am,” she grinned. “And next time, we will both enjoy ourselves even more.”
Killian made a content noise in his throat, pulling out of her and apologising, yet again, for the wincing pain that Emma couldn’t hide with her expression. He saw to the condom, tying off the end and tossing it in the trash, before scooting under the covers and pulling Emma into his arms. She smiled, her fingers tracing the outline of his nipples through his chest hair as she idly combed it, enjoying how smooth it was despite it’s coarse appearance.
“Are you alright, love?” Killian asked her softly, his cheek pressed to the top of her head as he watched her hand dancing over his chest. “You’re quiet.”
“It’s nothing,” Emma assured him. “I don’t regret anything, if that was what you were thinking.”
Killian frowned, shifting his legs under the duvet. “Well, I wasn’t until just now…”
“It’s just, last night...” Emma pushed herself into a sit, clutching the covers to her naked body and tossing her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist. “...In the middle of everything, you said something.”
“And what might I have said that has you all frowny,” Killian teased, stroking her thigh with a warm caress. Emma blushed a little.
“You said you loved me,” she said quickly. “Did you mean it?”
“Of course I meant it,” Killian said firmly, tugging on her arm until she moved nearer to him. He sat up and pulled her across his lap, her swollen sex brushing against his spent member as she did, and her arms looping around his neck. “I don’t remember saying it, but I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life,” he said softly, cupping her cheek in his hand and tracing the apple of her cheek with his thumb. Emma looked down shyly, only lifting her head enough to meet his blue eyes through her eyelashes. “I love you, Emma Swan. I’ve loved you for over ten years, since that day you crashed your bike into the shallow dyke out the back of your house.” Emma blushed harder at his words and Killian smiled, pulling the duvet until it was draped over her shoulders and swaddling her against his nakedness. “And I promise to love you for the rest of my life, if you’ll have me.”
“I love you too.” Emma studied him, his genuine gleeful smile and the post sex glow etched across his face. She stroked the fine hair at the back of his neck, noting that he needed a haircut, but she didn’t mind so much because she had spent the last few years fantasizing about running her hands through his blackened locks. With a tender motion she kissed him and he wrapped her even tighter in his arms.
“What?” Killian asked gently, his eyebrow jumping up on his face when they parted and she stared at him with a cocky grin.
“Just trying to work out how I’m going to get in my study time now,” Emma smirked.
“Whatever do you mean?” Killian asked innocently, letting his body fall back against the bed so he could take in her naked figure one more time. Emma was a thing of beauty, even more precious than his imagination had conjured, and he decided he could look at her all day long.
“Well,” Emma leaned forward a little and placed a flat palm on his chest, grinding herself down on his member until it twitched and began to harden under her assault. “I think we have a little more practice.”
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