Finn Wolfhard
120 posts
Actor and Musician IT, Stranger Things, The Turning etc
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finnwolfhard7137 · 2 years ago
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Finn Wolfhard | GQ | February 1, 2023 | 📷 Julius Frazer
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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STRANGER THINGS | 4.09 “The Piggyback”
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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David Harbour, Finn Wolfhard and Joe Keery for NetflixMY
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
finn wolfhard in blue lighting… bro’s beautiful
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
New magazine cover baby
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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Sorry for the spam they’re just so cute 🥰
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
The Unexpected Encounter
Part One: The Blessing in Disguise
Pairings: Finn Wolfhard × The Reader
Story Summary: You are a runaway from a turmoil household. On your journey of self discovery, you meet someone who will love you more than you have ever known and felt before.
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Warnings: cussing, angst, mentions of family trauma and alcoholism but only in the beginning
Word Count over 1k
Today. Today was supposed to be a good day. Today, is my eighteenth birthday. Today is my day, but of course, my parents had to ruin it in some way, shape, or form. All i wanted to do was go out to my favorite restaurant, open up two presents that i asked for, and then see my friends to end off the day. But no. My father, didn't allow it to go that smoothly.
"You aren't hangin' around those freaks Y/n-" he shouted at me after i asked him if i could go out tonight.
"They aren't freaks!"
"Oh please, open your fucking eyes Y/n! Anyone that dresses like them aren't right in the head!" He was referring to all black outfits, dark makeup and different colored hair that isn't societally approved in my small town.
"Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean that i don't! I love them-they're all i have!"
"You have us." My mother butted in, infuriating me even more.
"No i don't mom. You are never home, dad is an alcoholic and treats us like we are shit beneath his fucking boots!"
"Watch your damn mouth-"
"No, I'm done. I'm leaving." I start to head towards my room to gather my things that i still had packed from my first attempt of running away.
"Y/n, please. This will only make things worse!"
"Worse?! How can it get any worse? All i wanted to do was spend time with you guys, and dad couldn't even do that for me!" Tears started forming now, looking at my father that is emotionless. He chose to go to the bar as soon as it opened instead of spending time with me on my 'special day.' "And now i can't even see the only people that actually love me?" She says nothing. "I'm leaving. I will stay in touch with you mama, but i can't stay here anymore." To much of my surprise, she doesn't stop me. Nor does she even protest. My father, on the other hand, grabs my arm and squeezes it tightly.
"Let me go!" My mother intervened and he eventually let me go. I ran out of the house, sobbing uncontrollably as i hear my father scream at my mother for letting me go. I know what he will do to her, but i need to save myself this time. I have been through too much to stay any longer. It is time to finally live my life. And i will never let anyone stop me from finding my path in life, ever again.
It is freezing as the sun goes down. Only two cars drive past me as i walk down the whimsy roads alone. My phone is on ten percent, which makes me panic. But at the same time, it doesn't at all. With no one bothering me, maybe i can clear my head. Figure out where to go next. As the hours continue, my feet feel like i have been walking for days with no socks or shoes to protect my feet from the road. So i sit down on the sidewalk, by the only store that i have seen since my left my house. My eyes grew heavy and i let the sleep take over. When i wake, i feel a tap on my shoulder. It is the store manager of the convenience store i fell asleep in front of.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" The older women asked kindly and innocently. Her eyes were glossed over with concern for me.
"Oh uhm, I-I'm so sorry. I fell asleep-"
"No no, no need to apologize..where did you come from?" She helped me to my feet by giving me her hand.
"Oh uhm, that's a long story."
"Oh okay. I've said that before, come on inside. If you can give me a few minutes, i can give you some food."
"I don't have any money."
"It's on me dear, come on." For the first time in years, i felt safe. I watch her make me a bagel with eggs and sausage on it and it takes me seconds to finish it. She was shocked but she was relieved that i ate. "Aw sweetie, you haven't eaten in a long time, have ya?"
"Not much. No time, no money."
She nods slightly, "I've been there too. It gets better honey, i promise."
"That's what I'm trying to find. The 'better.'"
"Do you have any friends, family?"
"Three friends, no family. Well, a mom but..she is in a hard place." She nods again, just listening to me intently. "But i honestly just want to start over new. Anywhere new. Meet new people."
"I hope you find it honey."
"I'm Y/n by the way." I offer her a sleepily smile and she smile back.
"I'm Mary. It's nice to meet ya." She shakes my hand.
"I should get goin'.."
"Well, at least let me give ya some food for the road." She gets interrupted by two guy's coming into the store. I notice the tallest one first and he notices me. But i look away before he thinks that I'm being too creepy.
"Uh, yeah okay. Thank you Mary. Seriously, for everything." She talked to me as she cooked my breakfast about her upbringing and how she knew what I was going through just by the way i look and act. She is the most human being that i have seen and talked to in a very long time. I watch her make a few more sandwiches for me before the guy comes up to the counter with some snacks and a few drinks in his hands. He puts all of my favorites up onto the counter and i can feel my stomach rumble for them. The other guy must have noticed me staring and he spoke.
"Are you hungry? You are staring." Shit..
"Oh yeah, sorry.. those are all my favorites that's all." I admit and the guy starts to chuckle.
"Do you want some?" He asked me.
"Really?" Mary starts to smile at me and i smile back, shocked that he even offered me anything.
"Yeah, i don't care. Just let me pay for it first, then help yourself." And he does just that. He walks closer to me and he holds out everything like its an open buffet. "Take your pick." I look up at him. He is much taller than i am and his curly hair is covering most of his brown eyes but he's wide smile is what caught my attention. I snap out of my own thoughts and take two snicker bars. I quickly open one and take a few bites and the other guy looks startled.
"What?" I asked with a mouthful.
"Nothing, you're just..really hungry!" He bursts out laughing.
"Yeah uh, sorry. I just haven't had anything like this in a while. Thank you for giving me this." He nods, "I'm Y/n."
"Finn. And this is my friend Jack."
Jack "It's nice to meet you."
"You guy's too."
Jack "So where do you live?"
"Uh hours away from here, how bout you guys."
Finn "Like a half an hour away from here. But hey, are you okay?"
"Why ya ask?" I look at Mary briefly and she does the same. Just offering me reassurance that I'm doing good.
Finn "Look, I'm not trying to be mean but, ya look like shit.." i realize that my hair is in a terrible bun and my jeans are stained and my tank top barely fits.
Jack "Dude!"
Finn "I'm asking her if she's okay, shut the fuck up!"
"Uhm," i force a chuckle, "I'm trying to figure things out right now. I've been through a lot and if you must know, i just ran away from home so, I'm not okay if I'm being completely honest." Mary smiles at me because she knows that that was hard to admit, but i did it.
Finn "Hey, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. You just gave me my favorite candy bar..i haven't had a snickers in months so, thank you."
Finn "It's the least i can do-"
Jack "Hey, we gotta go..we're gonna be late." He cuts Finn off in a hurry.
Finn "Oh yeah-totally forgot, uhm," he bites his lip as he thinks for a moment, "here's my number." He grabs my phone from my hand, but the battery is dead.
"It's dead.."
Mary "I have a pen!" Finn thanks her and writed down his number on a little piece of paper and hands it to me.
Finn "Call me if you wanna hang out or something okay?"
"Yeah, thanks again, really.."
Finn nods and smiles, "It's nice to meet you Y/n." I say the same thing back and i watch them walk out the doors. Wishing that they didn't. And Mary watches my smile and the light in my eyes, fade.
Mary "Go after them!"
"What, no!"
Mary "Hurry, before they leave!"
"Are you crazy, i just met them!"
Mary "Yes but they just made you happy, did they not!?"
"Yes but-"
Mary "But nothing. You are looking for your path. Your new adventure. And in my opinion, God just showed you the path."
"They could be serial killers."
Mary snickers, "Well those two kids fooled me if that is true. But seriously hurry, before they leave." I think about what she said and i go for it. I hug her because she is the sweetest woman that i have ever met. "Now, come back to my little shop once you figure it all out and then tell me what you find. I'll be waiting."
"Thank you Mary, i will." And just like that, i ran out the door. With two snickers in my hand and a heart full of hope. "Hey, wait up!" I shout at the two of them just chilling in their car, about to drive off when Finn hears me.
Jack "What's up?!"
"Can i come with you?" I ask them as  i hold on to the passenger side door.
Finn "Really?"
"Yeah, i don't even care where ya guys are headed to just, can i come with you?" Finn looks at Jack like, 'seriously?'. "Please..i don't have anyone else. I don't know what else to do." Finn thinks for a moment and Jack just nods and starts giggling and plants his face into the palms of his hands.
Finn eventually nods, "Get in the back." I breathe out in relief and get into the back. As i buckle up, i see Mary give me a thumbs up from in the store and my heart feels full. Once again, for the first time.
All of the windows were down and the music was blaring. And i feel so, unbelievably free. I hang my head out of the back window like a dog enjoying it's ride, and the boys laughter fills my eardrums like the music on the radio. After a few moments of pure joy, i get back to reality.
"So, where are we headed!?" Finn lowers the music so that we don't have to shout.
Finn "We're heading to Venice!"
Jack "The be specific." He says, looking at me from over his shoulder.
"Oh, I've never been to the beach. Is it as pretty as everyone says?!" Jack's smile fades and he just looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
Jack "You've never been to the beach, any beach?"
"No." I said calmy, like it was no big deal.
Finn "Well, that's gonna change today. But first, I'm gonna get you a bathing suit."
Jack "Yeah, there's a shit-ton of stores on the way there!"
"Oh uh, you really don't have too-"
Finn "Y/n, you can't go into the ocean wearing jeans. You'll never be able to get them off. We are going." I agreed after a few more seconds of protesting. I don't feel comfortable in my own body. Another thing that i have to work on. That is why i didn't want him to buy me one, but he does. It is a plain white, two piece. Jack actually found it for me and i tried it on and, to be honest, i felt cute in it. Finn pays, which i felt awful for. This is the first day that we are together and he is paying for everything. But even if i could, i couldn't because i simply do not have any money to put out.
Finn "Here." He hands me the bag, "now, we can go to the beach." He said with a huge grin on his face.
"Thank you, i really don't know what else to say."
Finn "No need, I'm happy to do it." I smile and Jack nods.
Jack "Yeah seriously, we don't get out much so it's nice to meet new people. We are actors but-"
"Wait, you are?" They both nod, "that's so cool."
Finn chuckles, "Yeah, it has it's pros and cons but we both have a long break so, here we are."
"Well, i got lucky to meet you here before you guy's leave again."
Jack "Nah, we're the lucky ones..c'mon!" He runs off and jumps into the backseat, leaving the front seat open for me. Finn says, "I'll race ya," and he bolts to the car. No shocker, he won. He is a six foot man and i am a five foot two's inevitable. We both laugh through catching our breaths before he starts the car and starts driving again.
Jack "So, how old ya?"
"I'm Eighteen. Yesterday was my birthday actually."
Finn "What?! Happy Birthday!"
I giggle, "thank you!"
Jack "We are the same ages then!" I nod and take a drink of my water and i hang my head out the window again, inhaling deeply, the fresh cooling air. It burns but only for a moment.
"I'm so fucking grateful to have stumbled across that little convenience store and met Mary." I broke the silence, "if i hadn't-i mean, if i kept walking..i wouldn't have met her, i wouldn't have met you guys." I look at them then and they're smiling kindly, "i wouldn't be with you guys right now. Hell, I'd be walking still, not knowing where to go, who to trust."
Jack "What a coincidence huh?"
Finn "There are no such thing as coincidences Jack. Everything happens for a reason." He shouted and looked at his friend from the rearview mirror, then back to me. "But back to you, how are you feeling now?"
"Happier than I've ever been."
Finn smiles, "Okay good."
"But hey, why are you doing this for me? You barely know me."
Finn "Well, i saw a girl my age, struggling in an old store and i wanted to help. I didn't know that you were going to ask to tag along but I'm glad that you did. And i know that life isn't easy, if anything it's hard as fuck but, moments like these are what Jack and I live for. It's not for the fame or the money, it's for friends and family, loved one's we all meet along the way that we can make memories with. And i can see it in your eyes that you don't have many good memories, if any at all. So that is why I'm glad to help Y/n." I wipe the tears off of my cheeks and Jack puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I was not expecting those answers and it felt like old wounds were being healed as he spoke to me. Something about Finn is special, i know it now.
"Thank you." I said as i suck up snot from crying.
Finn "You're welcome. But i am the thankful one."
Jack "Uh don't you mean 'we?'.."
Finn snickers, "Yes, we are the thankful one's."
"How?! I'm not payin for anything and I'm literally a stranger in your car."
Jack "Now, stranger isn't true. You were in the beginning but not now! You're our friend." I smile at them as we stop at a redlight. I undue my seatbelt and practically lunge myself onto Jack, embracing him as he laughs and hugs me back. I do the same to Finn and he holds me longer than Jack did, but i did not mind it at all. As he held onto me, i felt my tension in my body just release and i felt at peace. I pull back when the car behind us honks their horn and Finn flips them off, shouting out the window "we are having a moment here asshole!" The car honks again and Finn finally goes. What an unexpected encounter..that has changed my life for the better. That's it..Finn and Jack are my 'better'! Surely they are. Just like Finn said, there are no such thing as coincidences. I sit back into my seat, relaxing into the leather. Finn turns on the music and Jack starts screaming the lyrics. We burst out laughing because it was so unexpected but that is the thing with Jackie, he's very unpredictable. But that is what i love about him. Finn looks at me, curls in his eyes-i don't even know how he can see to drive-and grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze before letting it go. He smiles and then looks back towards the road. And i think to myself, 'thank you universe, thank you God, whoever did this for me, thank you.'
It takes about another hour or two before we even get close to Venice. But we know once we did because of the palm trees on every corner. I let out a 'wow' when i noticed the change of scenery and Finn just looks at me in adoration.
Jack "We must be gettin close."
Finn "e.t.a is about fifteen more minutes." He says as he looks at his GPS on his phone. Luckily, Jack brought his charger so my phone could charge on the way here. As soon as it did, my phone started blowing up and all of my emotions got triggered. And of course, the boys notice.
Finn "You're quiet, what's wrong?"
" past not leaving me alone."
Jack "Who did you tell that you are leaving?"
"No one but my parents who i ran away from.."
Finn "Well that's why-"
"I know, i know. I would be doing the same thing if one of you guys left me without any warning. But, i don't want to talk to any of them."
Jack "So don't."
"Shit.." they both say 'what' in unison. "My mom is calling me."
Finn "Answer it. We won't talk." I hesitate before finally answering it on the last ring.
"Hello?" She speaks, "no mom, I'm fine."
"Where are you, I'm coming to get you-"
"No, mom. I'm not coming back. I'm fine, and I'm safe."
"Your father wants to apologize."
"If you hand him the phone, I'm hanging up." I warn her.
"No Y/n, please don't hang up."
"Mom, i really don't wanna talk right now. I told you that i will keep in touch, it hasn't even been Twenty-Four hours."
"I know but you're still my daughter, and I love you."
"I love you too." My heart broke again. I do love my mother.
"Will you at least reconsider coming home?"
"No mom..i will come back to visit you when you tell me that he is not there, but not for awhile. Can you please understand that?" I hear her inhale deeply before answering me.
"I do understand baby, I'm so sorry."
"I love you mom, it's not your fault." I say even though some of it is her fault, i can't say that to her. "I'm gonna go okay. I'll call you tonight."
"Woah, wait, who was that?" Jack giggled at something and my mother overheard.
"New friends that i made along the way."
"Are you safe, Y/n?"
"Mom, I've never been safer. I'm gonna go, i love you." She says it back and then i hang up before she can say anything else. I throw my phone onto the floor of the car and i bury my face in my hands. Jack rubs my back to try to comfort me but it doesn't work this time.
Jack "You okay?"
"I'm fine."
Finn "No, you're not. But you will be soon, look up." I do as he tells me too and i see the street sign: Venice Beach. A small smile appears on my face and Jack shouts.
Jack "There she is! She's comin back!" I laugh then. Jack is the joker, he's the comedian in the group and Finn is everything balled up into one person.
Finn "Jack, rip her tags off of her bathing suit, she's gonna need it in a few minutes."
"Are we really that close?!"
Finn nods, "e.t.a says three minutes." I got to admit, i felt nervous then. Not wanting to be around anyone but those two. I hate crowds but maybe the beach won't be crowded. I mean, i have never been to one before so i don't really know how it all works. Finn slows down and he comes to a stop as he parks.
Finn "Ya ready?"
"I don't see it.."
Finn "We gotta walk from here. Just go into that little changing room and Jack and I will be here when you get out."
"You're not gonna leave me here, are ya?"
Finn "I would never leave you. Go on, we gotta change too." I oblige him and i change into my suite and try to salvage my hair. I end up placing it back into a bun but it is neat this time around. The wind, somehow, made my hair look less dirty than it actually is. I inhale deeply before heading out the changing room and walking towards to entrance. Much to my relief, the boys were standing by the door, waiting for me. They had their bathing suit bottoms on and their t-shirts on. I put my jeans back on out of being too uncomfortable to walk around showing so much skin. My father would always harp on me about showing so much skin as i got older. Nowadays, i barely show anything.
Finn "You good?"
"Uh yeah."
Jack "It looks good on you." He compliments me. Something that i am definitely not used to.
"Thanks, you guys too."
Finn takes a few more things out of his trunk, handing some things to the both of us to help out. Soon, we all start walking. I stay close to Finn and he doesn't protest. He nudges me a few times to make me smile and Jack starts to get excited when we turn a corner and see the blue.
Finn "Here we are!"
Jack "I'm never gonna get used to this being your first time being at a beach."
Finn "Jack, don't be an asshole."
Jack "I'm not!" He says in a high pitched voice and throwing his hands up in defense.
"Nah, it's okay. I know it's not a common thing."
Finn "Well hey, at least your first time comin here is with us!" He says happily. I agree with him instantly because he is absolutely right. Truthfully, i wouldn't have even wanted to go if it wasn't for Finn and Jack. Once we got onto the sand, my senses get blown. The feeling in between my toes feels funny, but it's enjoyable.
Finn "Cool right?" I nod. I must look like a child to everyone else here but i do not care. They help me not to care.
Jack "Here, drop your stuff and lose the clothes..we gotta find a spot and then we can enjoy the waves." We all agree and we do just that. We eventually found a desolate spot, close by the water and away from most of the crowd.
"It's so beautiful." I say aloud.
Finn "Isn't it?" I nod but then i feel Jack pick me up from behind and throw me into the water. It was freezing but it wasn't too bad. I gasp as i come to the surface and then i splash him as hard as i can.
Finn "Real smart buddy.."
Jack "What?!"
Finn "What if she couldn't swim!?" Jack's smirk fades when he realizes that he is lucky that i can.
Jack "Shit..Y/n I'm so sorry."
"You're fine." I said laughingly. Once Finn joins in, everything got even more fun. We all started playing and swimming in the waves. No one else was around to care about what we were even doing, where we ended up. Jack was under the waves, trying to find the big seashells to bring back to shore, leaving me and Finn by ourselves pretty much. His wet hair was away from his eyes and slicked back. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown, with specks of red and green in them. I got lost in them for a moment or two and he swims closer.
Finn "So," he says out of breath, "is this everything that you imagined?"
"Yeah, but better." I admit to him and then i feel myself start to drown in my emotions, "But hey, thank you-"
Finn chuckles, "you don't need to keep thanking me-"
"No but i do. You have no idea how bad my life is-was." It was as if he understood instantly by the way his eyes changed, "as soon as i met you..both of you, that all changed. I finally feel so happy and so fucking free!" Jack comes up then, holding tons of shells in his hands proudly.
Jack "Woah, what did i miss?!"
"Nothing, they're so pretty!" I swim towards him, grabbing the prettiest one's from the pile and examining them closer. Some are sharp, some are smooth. Some are all white and some have brown in them. Just simple beauty to your eyes.
Finn "You were down there awhile.."
Jack "Ya know me brother, i am a man of many talents!" Finn roles his eyes playfully before splashing him. After a long time in the water, all three of us couldn't swim any longer and we had to get back onto the sand. My body was so tired from holding itself above the waves for so long that i practically collapsed onto the towel. Jack and Finn do the exact same.
Finn "it gets tiring after a while.."
Jack "nap time." He says quietly and shortly before laying on his stomach and resting his head on his arms. I rest on my back and Finn does the same. I didn't even realize that the sun was going down. The sky was turning beautiful shades of oranges and yellows. I was snapped out of it when a group of girls started screaming. I grab onto Finn out of fear and he does the same. He sighs as soon as he realized that it was just a group of teen fan's. Their phones were already out, taking pictures.
"Finn Wolfhard?!"
Finn "Yeah, hi!"
"And Jack-THERE'S JACK!" Another girl shouted and started to run towards us. I stay put while the boys took their pictures. I can tell that they were so tired but they are too sweet to say no.
"Who's she?"
Finn "She's a close friend."
"Hi, I'm Y/n." They stick their noses in the air and turn their attention back to the boys. But Finn quickly but politely asked the girls to leave. They didn't agree at first but they eventually left. Finn looked so apologetic towards me and i wasn't bothered by them. I'm quite used to girls treated me like I'm scum, even though i am not.
Jack "Sorry about that. It comes with the title.."
"It's all good. I'm surprised that we didn't have more come up."
Finn sighs, "Sorry that they were rude towards you."
"Ah, I'm used to it."
Finn "You shouldn't be though, so I'm sorry." I just smile at him, trying to think of a way to change the subject. That was when the sun was on the cusp of setting. Just above the waves, it was absolutely stunning.
"Look, the sun is setting!" I point and the boys change their focus. We were all in awe as we sat quietly together, watching and taking photos of the sunset. "What a beautiful way to end the day.." i said with the biggest smile on my face."
Finn "I'd say.." i look at him and he pulls me in for a warm embrace. Jack soon joins in and I'm just holding in on this moment. I'm finally free and I'm finally happy. I do not know what else is next but as long as i have these two, i know that I'm going to be okay. I know, that i am going to find my 'better.'
@moriartysringtone7137 @jk97-wolfhard @btsarmygirl417 @richietozier69 @jadeaudri08 @selfishdreameredit @0baby-girll0 @poffergranate @melonmochi @softiediana @mariskata
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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[Under ‘experience’, you put ‘friendly’ with a smiley face.] I didn’t really know what to put.
FINN WOLFHARD as Trevor Spengler Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) dir. Jason Reitman
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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Finn Wolfhard as Trevor Spengler in Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
Finn Wolfhard w/ Jack Dylan Grazer for YSL<3
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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 Stranger Things season 4 new stills 
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
Hmmm..should i make another chapter of my story for this movie with this gifff😈
Watching The Turning... man Finn Wolfhard does a good job of being a spooky creepy boi...
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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finn wolfhard
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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Mike Wheeler in Stranger Things Trailers Through the Seasons
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years ago
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ok but their outfits are so good like please hand over your closets 😁
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