[AO3 - FF - Buy me a Ko-Fi] Introducing The Lord of Smut, The Queen of Angst, Smasher of Hearts and Maker of Tears, The Dark One, Lady Hades herself, Salem! Writer and artist. She/Her. Old. Mohawked. Legit Dedicated. NSFW. Whumper. I'm not kidding...I will kill characters.
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Goddess :: CS AU :: E
Title: Goddess Rating: E A/N: So, this little, delicious slice of smut was written for @cscocktoberfest and is my second contribution to the event. It is a second fic in the series I have decided to gift this fandom, in which Emma has a daddy!kink and Killian is her Daddy. If you haven’t already read it, how they met is explained in the first fic in this series, Ultimate Fulfillment.
Three months. That was the amount of time that Emma Swan had known Killian Jones. They had met through the Ultimate Fulfillment dating app, thanks to her meddling friends, and it had been one of the best nights of her life. Well, scrap that. He had made it the best night of her life and continued to be the highlight of her Friday. When he said he wanted to see her again, she had lit up inside, the warmth spreading through her like a shot of whiskey, warming her belly and making her skin tingle.
Of course she wanted another shot of tall, dark and handsome. Mr. 99%. Though Emma would most certainly beg to differ on that one. Her only complaint with the app was its inaccuracy, because, every Friday night since she had first met Killian Jones, she had been more than 100% compatible with him. 100% on the stairs. 100% in the bathroom of their local bar. One hundred fucking percent every which way you swung it.
At first, Emma had wanted a daddy. Who wouldn’t? To be controlled in the bedroom by someone who knew how to pleasure you in ways that you could only dream of. But then, quite by accident, Emma had discovered that Killian liked to be controlled just as much as he liked to be in control. She hadn’t meant to, but in the heat of the moment, she hadn’t even realised that the words had slipped from her mouth, seven little words that had him crumbling to his knees and begging like a puppy for more orders.
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Ultimate Fulfillment :: A CS AU :: E
Captain Swan Secret Santa 2017
Title: Ultimate Fulfillment Summary: Emma Swan does not want romance or the complications of dating. She just has an itch that she needs to get scratched, and soon. When her friends David and Mary Margaret sign her up to an app called ‘Ultimate Fulfillment’ with no idea what it is actually for, Emma finds a key that seems to fit into her lock perfectly! Rating: E Word count: 5323 - AO3 Author/Recipient: @artistic-writer for @queencatycat AN: Written for @queencatycat for the CS Secret Santa 2017 - I really tried to stalk you enough to make this worth your while. I hope you like it, because in truth, who doesn’t like a little bit of daddy!kink with their CS ;) It was fun talking to you all December, and again, i am so sorry this is late but it got away from me and I wanted to make sure it was perfect!
At one stage, Emma thought she could have throttled Mary Margaret and David for buying her a subscription to the damn app. And then she thought she would phone the company directly and give them a piece of her mind, insisting that privacy should be their key priority and what use was their app for that if anybody could simply buy their friend a subscription using said friend’s personal information. Dating was not Emma’s strong point, and luckily the Nolans knew her well enough not to sign her up to one of these lovey dovey, ‘real match’ websites. That was not what she wanted.
No. What she wanted was intrigue, mystery, and a man who could rock her world. She didn’t want to get tied up in emotions (maybe just tied up) or spend the night, she simply wanted a man who knew what she wanted and how to show her a good time. She wanted to be gone before he woke up, leaving him yearning for more. Emma Swan didn’t want to brag, but she was a lady in the street and a freak in the bed, so she had wondered if Mary Margaret had realised what a subscription to ‘Ultimate Fulfillment’ actually was.
Luckily, Emma never had to tell her. All she had to do was sign in, fill in a few more intimate fields and upload a photograph that didn’t give her six chins and make her look like a bloated corpse. ‘Ultimate Fulfillment’ was supposed to be an algorithm based app that paired like minded people with certain kinks, eliminating the need and time required to attend specialist parties and conventions. All she had to do was wait for the app to pair her with a suitable date based on similar interests. Sexual interests.
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CS AU One Shot :: But, There’s Only One Bed :: Rated E
Title: But, There’s Only One Bed by @artistic-writer Rating: E Summary: Whilst trying to fly to Norway to visit his brother at Christmas, Killian Jones encounters a grounding snowstorm and a charmingly beautiful blonde who keeps him company at more than just the airport. A/N: I originally planned for this to be finished in time for Christmas, but you know, 2020. Then when i finished it, with a tasteful fade to black, my lovely beta, @hollyethecurious was very insistent on there being more. So here you go. It’s fluffy and filthy, so it will rot your teeth and your genitals! Enjoy the fun!
Taglist: @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @shireness-says @wingedlioness @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife @notoriouscs @killian-whump @darkcolinodonorgasm @mariakov81 @strangestarlighttree @shardminds @donteattheappleshook @thisonesatellite @carpedzem @lfh1226-linda @strawberryfieldsbricksonwalls @itsfabianadocarmo @stahlop @elizabeethan @reggieshamster @shardminds @ultraluckycatnd @jrob64 @swanslieutenant @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic
(I’ll, l of course, untag you if you want)
Yet again, with a flick of his wrist, Killian checked his watch. 10:30pm. The hour hand had been creeping around the face slower than usual, he was sure, and he had run out of things to occupy himself. Liam had been right when he had suggested a later flight back home for Christmas, but Killian, a natural observant, was finding the lesser population in the wee hours somewhat droll. Sure, there were the usual midnight flyers, shuffling through check-in like the antisocial zombies they were, but nothing really of much else interest. With a hefty sigh, he plopped down into one of the waiting area seats, the flimsy plastic creaking a little, and resigned himself to the fact that the only good things of value to watch, were the snowflakes outside as they drifted dreamily through runway spotlights like diamonds in the night sky.
The snow in itself was not much cause for concern, the light flurry barely settling on the wet tarmac of the runways, but the airline’s propensity to cancel flights at the slightest sign of bad weather had Killian a little apprehensive that he would make it back home to his family at all. When Liam and Elsa had married in her native homeland of Norway, Killian hadn’t minded the snow. In fact, Killian had thought it rather beautiful, and the whole ceremony had firmly convinced him of the romanticism seen in the delicate, barely frozen crystals by so many. Right now, however, stuck in an airport on Christmas Eve well after most of the retail outlets and gifts shops had closed up for the holidays, Killian was finding it hard to see the snow as anything but an inconvenience.
He fidgeted in his seat, letting the heavy duffel bag he had convinced himself was enough to travel with, drop to the floor beside him. With a move that made him seem more flexible than he was, he hooked his foot around the edge of the bag and dragged it in front of him, unzipping it and rooting around inside. He had turned off his phone earlier in the day in an attempt to preserve what little battery power he had left, or so he had thought. When he pulled the device from where he had tucked it between two shirts, the screen lit up like, well, like a Christmas tree, the background image he had chosen of him and Liam as teenagers only briefly flashing before the final one percent of power drained, and the phone died.
“Bloody great,” Killian huffed, throwing the phone back into his bag with a little more force than entirely needed.
“I have a charger you can borrow if you’d like?”
Killian sat back in his seat and noticed that a woman had, at some point, appeared next to him. He couldn’t have been annoyed if he had tried. She was amazing, stunning, actually, with a haze of light around her which Killian wasn’t entirely convinced wasn’t intentionally set there by some otherworldly being. With her rich, blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, she offered him a tentative smile, the rise of the apples of her cheeks drawing his gaze to her where he found himself suddenly mesmerized by her beautiful golden flecked green eyes. He stared. Just stared. Like he had been caught in the majesty of her beauty as a rabbit would be in lights, frozen to the spot, incapable of uttering anything more than a slight, unmanly whimper in the back of his throat.
“I’m sorry?” She asked innocently, her smile fading.
“Oh, I didn’t say anything,” Killian said hurriedly. He felt like the air had just whooshed back into his lungs after holding his breath for hours, and it was exhilarating.
“Oh, I thought you-”
“No, I-”
“If you need-”
“Aye, but-”
The awkwardness of them talking over each other like a couple of blithering idiots was, thankfully, witnessed by nobody but the other person, and after a few attempts to restart her initial offer, she gave up with a wide grin and an almost too happy sigh that made way for a giggle that melted his heart.
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 24/24 [complete]
Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: So…here it is guy, the finale to this six month long labour of love. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Thank you to @hookedonapirate for the tireless hours you put into beta reading this <3 Thank you to @hollyethecurious and @doodlelolly0910 who have listened to me rant and rave non-stop about this thing for half a year <3 And of course, to @kmomof4 who not only came up with the @cssns event but persuaded me that my decade old seedling of an idea COULD be something spectacular - thank you lady! Massive thanks also to @cocohook38 who has been arting this thing on and off for so long, I really feel blessed to have been paired with such a great fandom artist! <3 You the best, Jules!! And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld@chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom@thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife @notoriouscs
David had expected this. It had been a long time coming. The rage that his brother held inside had been bubbling just under the surface for far too long. Something had been bound to give eventually. As civil as he seemed, James had always wanted to wear the crown, the rage of never having it reflected in every blow that he dealt to David’s body.
A kick to the stomach had David doubling over and gasping for breath, cheeks flushed with red and lungs burning with spasms. David had no time to recover, barely able to grab at his skin over his diaphragm before James’ knee smashed into his face. David felt his nose break, and his head was thrown back from the force, nasal bones crumbling and crunching together as he cried out in pain.
“Come now, brother,” James taunted over the sound of David’s roar of pain. James tossed his brother away like a rag doll, delivering a kick to his back for good measure. David stumbled across the room, one arm wrapped across his stomach and the other held out to break his fall as he crashed into a huge ornate globe. “I am almost disappointed at how easy this is.”
David growled, a low rumble in the back of his blood filled throat, before spitting a mouthful of bloody spittle to the floor. His eyes never left his brother’s, the ridiculously charming smirk plastered on James’ face making his blood boil even more. David was strong, but James had clearly pushed himself to the brink of perfection when it had come to combat training. Having never needing to defend his title physically, David was aching all over from exertion, his hands trembling from the surge of adrenaline as he clutched the sphere of the globe and pushed himself to his feet.
“Am I being too easy on you, brother?” David spat, rolling his bottom lip into his mouth and sucking the coppery tang of blood from the swelling there. His face was smeared with crimson from his nose bleed, and he wiped it across his upper lip with the back of his hands.
James laughed through a smirk. “Not as much as I thought.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” David grunted through a wince. He wobbled forward, clutching his side as he steadied his footing, locking eyes with his twin once again.
“Please do,” James nodded. “I was expecting you to be too old for this shit.”
David laughed, ignoring the pain in his ribs. They were clearly broken, the shattered tips grinding against each other as he moved, the severed nerve ends in the bone making him flinch as they touched the sharp edges.
David was just about to give his brother a witty come back when the door to his study flew open and Snow appeared welding a cast iron skillet high above her head. He stared in shock, his emotions a mixture of anger and fear at the appearance of his mate, the gleeful look on James’s face telling him exactly what he was most scared of.
James knew who she was.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 23
Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Here is the penultimate chapter of Werewolf! Thank you all for coming on this journey with me, especially those of you who have encouraged me so much along the way. There is another art to post, but I am unfortunately not in the right place to do so (it’s saved on another computer) so that will be posted tomorrow with a reblog. I have also been sick all week, and not been able to complete ch 24, so i am aplogising in advance if there is a delay with the ending, especially as I have left this one on a cliff hanger.
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssnsThank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan@sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones@bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan@onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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“What are they doing?” Graham asked quietly, his voice barely audible.
David was at the window, peeking through a gap in the curtains, but he had seen all he needed to see. The barrage of werewolves on his land was a real threat, fanning out in human form around a single truck that David knew held his brother. James was dramatic, he always had been, and he would be the last wolf to appear.
“Awaiting orders,” David mumbled, watching the array of wolves with a narrowed stare. His breath fogged the glass in front of his face as he spoke, clouding his view of the attackers.
They were organized and methodical, moving into position like they had been practising for years. David heaved a sigh at the thought. Knowing his brother, these wolves had probably been conditioned to the highest degree, beaten until they were unable to take any more and then made to take more. James was pure hatred and in his world, only the strongest survived.
David wasn’t sure how many wolves had lost their lives at the hands of James. The only one thing he knew for certain was that they had.
“Speaking of,” Graham interrupted his thoughts with a gentle hand on his Alpha’s shoulder. “We have wolves ready throughout the grounds, inside and outside the house. Will is awaiting my next instruction.”
“Will is here?” Emma asked, almost a little too excitedly.
“Who is Will?” Killian added gruffly, a darkness to his voice that had David staring directly at him. The Alpha cocked his head sideways and looked at his newest pack member.
Killian looked at Emma and the blue of his eyes had turned grey, taking on a coal like darkness that echoed the clench of his jaw. She matched his stare, green eyes boring into his, the silent conversation between them of assurances not going unnoticed by their Alpha. Emma was telling him it was okay, that she would explain everything, but Killian only had rage in his eyes.
“Something I should know?” David prompted them, interrupting their stare.
Graham looked to Emma, who gave him a sideways glance, not committing to the full act of looking at him. He had no idea that mentioning Will would cause this sort of reaction of her mate, and he looked to Killian nervously. The only other wolf he had ever seen with the same sort of look was James.
“Answer your Alpha,” Graham insisted, nudging Killian with his elbow.
“We don’t have time for this,” Emma said impatiently.
David silenced her with a wave of his hand, moving across the room towards Killian. He took him in, Killian’s stance closed and aggressive, shoulders hunched and stiff from tension. He was angry, but David couldn’t tell why. His scent had changed, a more masculine scent than before invading the space between them as David approached him and shook him from his fury with a slight nudge.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 22

Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Here we are guys! This WAS the penultimate chapter, but then after writing Ch 23 (sorry Hannah! lol), I needed another. This is also a 10k plus chapter, And a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Sorry, not sorry. For all of those worried about David, this chapter should ease your worries and I hope you all like it :)
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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Following the directions set out by the she-wolf in the passenger seat beside him, Killian tried to focus on the road in front of him. They had been driving for over an hour, the rain pounding against the windshield of the truck in a steady rhythm of thuds that echoed in the cab. Killian’s fingers gripped loosely at the nearly smooth wheel as he watched the wipers furiously clear the screen of the raindrops, the rattle of the engine and the whirr of the wiper motor the only sound between.
Emma was almost hunched in two, curled up on the passenger seat with her head resting against the cool glass of the window. Her arms were wrapped around herself, hands clutching her elbows tightly as she attempted to make herself as small as possible. She had ignored the seat belt light that flashed as they set off, the dim orange glow telling her something that she had already known. Killian knew better than to force her to belt up, instead offering her his jacket which she snuggled under appreciatively.
Killian reached up to scratch along the line of his jaw, fingers brushing through his longer than average beard and the rustling noise catching Emma’s attention. She rolled her head against the glass, looking over at him with a small smile and she inhaled the scent of him from his lightweight jacket as it moved with her and enveloped her in his smell. Killian gave her a quick sideways glance, dropping his hand from his beard and planting it firmly as close to her as he could. Almost touching her sock clad ankle, he proceeded to smooth his thumb over the jut of the bone there.
“You alright, love?” he asked gently, quickly flashing her a grin before returning his eyes to the road. “You’re very quiet.”
“Thinking,” Emma told him quickly, her legs stretching out towards him so that she could gain more of his touch through the fabric of her jeans. Killian smoothed his hand up her lower leg as if reading her mind, yearning for the same contact she did.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Killian asked, the compassion in his voice almost breaking Emma’s heart.
Did she? Did she really want to talk about the fact the wolf she loved was driving to his death? And for her. Emma felt guilty about that fact; Killian had barely lived a life, and yet was willing to snuff it all out to make her happy. To save her father, the wolf who would surely be the one wielding the final blow when the time came.
“Not really,” Emma shrugged, heaving a sigh.
“Excellent,” Killian smiled at her warmly. “Neither do I.”
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 21
Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Werewolf sunday! And oh look, Emma’s heat is over ;)
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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There was a storm when Emma awoke the next day, the grey skies stopping any light from penetrating the windows of Liam’s loft and the sound of hailstones bouncing off the panes of glass in each window. The room was dull, an invisible fog making every colour muted, which heightened the ambience of the storm raging outside. Emma’s eyeballs rolled under her lids, tiny white specks dancing around in the blackness, her brain trying to catch up to the sound she was hearing, processing each tap against the glass, one after another.
She shifted her weight, one leg rubbing against the hairy calf of the man who was asleep next to her, their legs entangled under the thin sheet that covered them as they lay awkwardly askew. They had spent most of the night making love, holding each other after each euphoric release that had left them both exhausted and wanting more. Neither had wanted to sleep, unable to accept the fact that they might be holding each other, feeling each other, for the last time. Neither had wanted to stop gazing upon the other.
Each moment was precious, the night turning into day quicker than they had realised. Emma swallowed a thick lump down her dry throat and curled her body closer to Killian’s, the warmth from his naked form enveloping her and making the hair under her hairline flush hotter than usual. Emma peeled one eye open, the smile on Killian’s face even in sleep, catching her eyes immediately as he slumbered on his front next to her, his face pressed into the pillow and Emma resting her head on his forearm.
His hair was a mess, likely from how many times she had raked her fingers across his scalp the night before and the ear she could see still bore the light bruising inflicted by her teeth when she had bit down on the tough, pointy flesh. Emma smirked, recalling the noises he had made, the way he had sighed her name time and time again like it was his last earthly breath, and her name was all he could say.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 20
itle: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Slight delay with this one - sorry guys! This chapter is a little bit of lightheartedness in the gloom. I thought you guys deserved a little :)
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89@courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom@thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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Not long after their conversation, Killian had heard from his father, who assured them both that he would know the time and date of the attack before the end of the day. He was confident it was not imminent. The Neverland wolves were not ready, still training all day and all night, and James was predictable anyway. Brennan had said that he always let the wolves go out the night before an attack, to blow off steam and prepare themselves, but so far had not instructed them to do so.
“So, we have tonight,” Killian told Emma softly, his eyes flitting over her figure as she sat on the other end of Liam’s couch. They had tried to stay apart as much as possible, restraining themselves, and he offered her a small smile when she caught him looking at her. “By tomorrow my father will know more and we can head back to Misthaven.”
“Only tonight?” Emma said sadly.
Killian nodded, giving her a short nod. “Don’t worry, we’ll make the most of it.”
“Don’t talk like this is our last night together,” Emma said curtly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” Killian began, but Emma cut him off with one of her adorable rants.
“Because this isn’t, Jones. I swear, if you think I am willing to give up what makes my heart feel so complete, you have another thing coming.” Emma exhaled hard, a pink tinge to her cheeks.
“You’re cute when you rant,” Killian told her with a smile, the distance between them still too large.
“I mean it,” Emma told him firmly, sinking further into the cushions. They enveloped her body like a pseudo hug, a poor substitute for the wolf two seats over, but it was all she could endure right now. It wasn’t just Killian who was fighting his urges, but they had agreed that if they worked together, they could manage. Maybe.
“Emma,” Killian said her name like it was everything, and she met his sympathetic gaze with a sigh. “We have to be realistic. We both know what’s going to happen when we go to Misthaven, so if tonight is all we have, we need to make it count.”
“As good as the sex is,” Emma smirked, her lips curving into a grin as she recalled the feeling of having Killian over every inch of her body. “I don’t want our time together to be a reminder of what we could potentially lose.”
“I understand,” Killian nodded in agreement, wetting his lips with his tongue. Emma was right. Again. He had to live in the now and stop treating their future like it wasn’t going to happen at all.
“I just want to spend time with you, like a normal couple, cuddling, playing games, just…” Emma blew out a breath, her frustration evident.
“I know,” Killian agreed tenderly.
“Now I know you are half human, I am almost in love with the idea of getting to know that side just as much as I am in love with your wolf.” Emma flopped her head back and rolled it sideways, catching Killian watching her babble with a reassuring smile.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 19

Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW) - Ch5
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Werewolf Sunday! Here is ch 19 guys - sorry it’s late but I am back at work now, and I forgot to queue it up!
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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“To Graham and Ruby!” Brennan declared loudly, arm raised above his head and a small, glass tumbler in his hand. The amber liquid swirled in the glass, and the sound of ice cubes clinking the side of glasses echoed in their corner of the pub as Liam and Killian joined him in his toast.
“Graham and Ruby!” Liam echoed gleefully.
“To Graham and Ruby,” Killian repeated quietly, his voice a soft whisper next to his brother’s. He was happy for his friends, he really was, but he was also now sitting in a public place with his brother and his father, so his anxiety was a little spiked. He gave his father a suspicious sideways glance as he threw his head back and swallowed the rum in his glass, the burn of the liquid causing a warmth in the pit of his stomach.
Three glasses hit the dark wooden table together, years of grime evident in the thickness of the lacklustre varnish coat. It was patchy, shiny in places where others were dull and Killian tapped his outstretched arm at the spot next to his glass. His focus was on his fingertip, the nail digging into the soft table top where it really shouldn’t, and he ground his back teeth a little as a silence fell over their table.
“So,” Brennan began, twisting his body in the chair next to Killian’s so he was facing his son.
Killian knew what was coming and he held up his hand to cut him off, his pointed finger turning into a balled fist instantly. “Please, don’t apologise again,” he bit out.
“Killian,” Liam admonished, a frown on his face. “Not here,” he warned gently, scooting his chair forward under the table when a gaggle of humans sauntered past laughing.
“Look, Killian, you asked me here, remember? I can just as easily not be here.” Brennan looked to Liam for help with his wayward youngest, but neither had time to say a word before Killian snapped again.
“Oh, that’s what you are good at, isn’t it? Running away.” Killian slumped back in his chair, fist balling even harder on the table, leg twitching under the table and bobbing up and down on the ball of his foot.
“Okay, let’s all just calm down for a second. Shall I get us some more drinks?” Liam pushed himself to his feet, pausing to await Killian’s response. He was met with silence, his brother clearly haunted by not only his past but also more recent events.
“I’m not sure that would be wise.” Brennan shook his head, pointing at Killian accusingly. They had been in the pub some hours, firstly to celebrate the birth of Davin and then, once the excitement had dissipated, to talk over Kilian’s plan.
Killian had wanted answers. He was convinced his father’s mistakes could change his future, teaching him how to avoid the council and allow him to be with Emma. Only, his father had given him nothing more than the cold, hard realisation that the more he tried, the less likely it would ever be that he could be with Emma. Maybe if she was a lesser wolf, but the heir to Misthaven would never be able to simply disappear. “I think your brother has had enough,” Brennan whispered low, his words directed at Liam.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 18

Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan - Ruby
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: It’s ADL Sunday! Ch 18 guys, and this chapter is so tension filled, and emotional, and I cried writing it, so to all the haters out there (i’m looking at you @doodlelolly0910 ) I CAN cry! And it might surprise EVERYONE to know that this chapter doesn’t have much angst in it. There is a little tension, but it’s ultimately a little happy to break up the inevitable angst to come *evil grin*
It also comes with some SPECTACULAR art by @cocohook38 - this week its Ruby! How gorgeous is she guys!?
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her birthday and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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Emma had heeded her beta, for once, the tone of Graham’s voice when he had asked her to take his mate upstairs was one she recognised instantly. It was business, stern and calm, but with a dark undertone that she realised Graham had learned from her father. Nobody knew how to command a room like her father, or so she had thought until Graham’s words had left his mouth and left her chilled to the bone.
Ruby’s farmhouse was big and old, the decoration from years gone past but still fitting with the character of the house. Emma didn’t know if she had inherited it or bought it, and just liked it this way, but the decor was certainly quirky. None of the furniture matched, but somehow she still did, each piece clearly hand picked to go exactly where it stood, like a statement in each room. There was a phone table in the hallway landing that held no phone, but a framed photo of Ruby and Graham. As they walked past it, Ruby waddling up ahead of her, Ruby smiled through a contented sigh, making a point to step over floorboards that creaked under Emma’s boots.
“So how long have you lived here?” Emma asked casually, crossing the threshold of the off-kilter doorway. There was a step down into the room and Emma almost tripped, righting herself just enough to be bathed in the warm sunshine glow of the afternoon that was bursting through the perfectly placed window. It was huge, taking up almost the entire wall, and off to one side was a small glazed doorway that led out onto a terrace.
“Forever,” Ruby told her with a reminiscent smile. She motioned for Emma to sit on the bed and perched on the other side, which was likely Graham’s by the scent Emma was picking up from the unwashed sheets. “My parents bought this farm when I was a kid.”
“So, when did you meet Killian and Liam?” Emma asked quickly, sinking down onto the bed with a bounce, unable to hide the jealousy in her voice. She watched her hands rub over her knees, instantly regretting her words. “I’m sorry,” she added quickly. “I don’t mean…”
“It’s okay,” Ruby assured her, scooting back and sinking into the pillows. She tugged at one of them, rearranging it behind her as she attempted to get comfortable, but failed miserably due to her oversized stomach.
“Here, let me,” Emma offered with a smile, jumping to her feet and offering Ruby a hand.
Ruby took it with a sympathetic “thanks,” pulling herself into a sit, letting Emma fluff her cushions and easing herself back down. “You’re too kind,” Ruby smiled genuinely. “I can’t do anything like this.” Ruby motioned to her belly, the wobbling mass vibrating as she spoke, her fingertips poking against the sides playfully.
“It won’t be long,” Emma assured her with a twitch of a smile, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she settled back down on the edge of the bed. Ruby winced a little, twisting her torso sideways and clutching her side, holding her breath as if she were riding out a contraction. Emma’s heart stopped in her chest but began again as soon as Ruby exhaled and smoothed a hand over her bump.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 17

Title: Alii dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam - Brennan
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Here you go guys, chapter 17!
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday TOMORROW, and for creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious@kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89@courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat@teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz@therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones@bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan@onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked@snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615@delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910@tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer@rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife
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Killian was thankful for finally being able to stand upright. It had been two more days of strict bed rest but Emma had finally let him stand up long enough to shower on his own. Not that he minded her helping him bathe, but her heat was making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than wanting to bury himself inside of her. Especially since she had somehow managed to get Ruby to bring her condoms at some point in the last twenty four hours and they hadn’t left the bedroom since.
“I’m sorry, brother,” Killian chuckled to himself against the spray of the water, his voice drowned out by the drone of the droplets as they hit his chest and puddled at his feet. He was finally able to tend to his healed wounds now, lifting the shower head from its cradle and carefully running the soothing spray over the dirty areas. Emma had tried her best to keep the sites clean, but there was nothing like a steaming, hot shower to wash away the grime of his ordeal.
The water at his feet was a muddy brown, pieces of the forest that had previously been stuck to his skin making their way into the plug and clogging up the escape of water from the shower tray. Killian’s toes flexed in the murky bubbles, pools of soapy water at his feet draining slowly until the larger clumps of mud that had fallen from his body hair had dissolved in the circling water.
His shoulders still hurt the most, his rearticulated joints stiff, reminding him of his first change. He never thought he would experience pain like that again, and he had never really wanted to, but since he had met Emma it had become apparent that he would never have another choice in his own fate again. They shared one destiny, bound together in everything, bonded by the moon, and Killian could sense her at every juncture of his life. Even now, as he swiped his shower gel laden hands over his wet torso, he couldn’t escape the thoughts of her.
The sounds of the shower droplets hitting his skin morphed into the sound of skin slapping skin, his groin twitching when he grazed it with another swipe of his hand. His arousal was imminent, he could feel it, and if it weren’t for his brother’s shower being the tiniest he had ever seen, Killian would surely have invited Emma to join him. He wouldn’t have been able to drown out the sounds she made as he pressed into her and he never wanted to, his nipples hardening under the spray as his finger lingered over the hard nub and gently gave it a pinch.
He ground out his own groan, his voice soft and disguised behind the pounding of the water. Maybe he could just touch himself here and now to relieve some of the tension? Maybe he could get away with a quick wank and Emma would be none the wiser? She knew her wolf heat did things to him, and she felt it too, but if they continued to fornicate at the rate they were going, neither of them would have the energy to meet his father later that day.
But then, would that be so bad?
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 16
Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Here you go guys, chapter 16!
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped with the last few chapters. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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Every wolf knew that they healed much quicker in wolf form, but Killian had shifted back to human to comfort Emma as soon as he was able. He could tell she was going crazy, worrying over his battered body, tending to his wounds as if he were an injured dog she had taken in, but not really sure of what she was doing. As soon as he could, he had shifted back into human form, his muscles still tight and aching from his forced change, but nonetheless on the mend, the need to be with her stronger than the pain.
His joints had reformed, previously splintered and broken from the backward angle of his change, and his senses had returned to normal function. And if he thought Emma was incredible smelling in wolf form, it was nothing compared to when he had changed back to human form and been more attracted to her than he ever had. When she had told him she had her wolf heat it had all made sense, and even his extensive injuries didn’t stop him from trying to woo her into bed with him.
After Liam had left and he had told her of his plan to talk to their father as soon as he was back to form, Emma had insisted that they try and get some sleep. Neither of them had really had much lately and Emma was grateful for his human form to snuggle up to, but as Killian felt her hand fist against the contours of his chest and a soft whimper escape her lips on a sleepy sigh, he was instantly transported back to earlier that day when he had craved her.
He needed her. It wasn’t just want, it was an insatiable obsession to feel her skin against his and to taste her on his tongue. He was like a wolf possessed with a one-track mind for only her, so, ignoring the objection of his almost healed muscles, he craned his neck to inhale the smell of vanilla and lavender from her hair. His cock twitched beneath the covers and he shifted into a more comfortable position, even the mere scent of her conjuring up visions so explicit he growled low in his chest.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 15

Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language, and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: This chapter can be read directly after 13 if you have skipped 14 - but if you have any questions about 14, please message me :)
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on this fic. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious@kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89@courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz@therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones@bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan@onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked@snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615@delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910@tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer@rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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Liam Jones was the complete polar opposite of his brother. He was neat, obsessively so, and everything in his open plan loft apartment had a place. There wasn’t even a speck of dust, and the man had been out of the country for over six months. The walls were modern brickwork, a huge skylight style window at one end, lighting the entire place, and a huge concrete column stood in the middle of the whole floor. None of this had mattered to Emma as Ruby had used her spare key to unlock the place, guide Emma into the bedroom and give her a quick crash course on pain management.
After they had tracked and rescued Killian from Walsh’s torture, Emma had carried him back to Liam’s loft. They couldn’t take him back to his own apartment because Walsh already knew where he lived, and Emma wasn’t willing to risk that Graham’s fight with Walsh hadn’t scared him enough to leave them alone. Emma was reluctant to suggest Ruby’s farm, because as a human she would never be able to fight off a wolf attack, and they most certainly couldn’t take Killian to Misthaven. After Walsh had fled, that only left them with one option - Liam’s loft. Graham had agreed to watch the place in case Walsh managed to track them there too.
That had been two days ago, and Emma was starting to worry that Killian would not change back into his human form. He had been through a traumatic ordeal, there was no doubt about it, and Emma worried that if he ever did change back, he would never be the same because of it. Changing took its toll on a werewolf, that was a given, but a forced change under such horrific circumstances was sure to leave its psychological mark somehow. But there was nothing Emma could do. Killian wouldn’t change back, if at all, until his body was healed enough that his human form could contain the pain.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 14 (NSFW)

Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language, and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: TRIGGER WARNINGS: Torture, Killian!Whump, chained to a tree, bound, forced change, electrocuted, cock and ball torture, scalpel, medieval device, blood, bruised, bloodied, broken bones, cries of agony, captor taunting, delirious dreaming, awoke with cold water
If you are, in any way worried about what this chapter may entail, please send me a message and we can chat about what worries you. Alternatively, you may skip this chapter altogether, head straight to ch 15 when it is posted and you won’t miss any information.
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on this fic. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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Killian wasn’t sure if it was the flow of Emma’s dress that made it look like she was moving in slow motion, or if she actually was. She wore a full length ballroom gown, the skirt held outwards by a stiff petticoat and a silken ribbon around her wrist to hold the trailing train aloft. It was the most brilliant white, covered in iridescent pearl beads that caught the lights as she descended the stairs.
Her hair was plaited into a circle that laid over the back of her head like a tiara, a slither of wire adorned with silver leaf shaped beads woven into the golden blonde locks. They were sparkling in the light, twinkling like the stars, and a similar pattern of beads was incorporated into the bouquet she was carrying. Blood red roses mixed with white, the human symbols for romance and a new beginning, were carried at her chest, a delicate charm bracelet fitting loosely around her wrist with opposing half moon shaped charms dangling from it.
When Emma reached the last step, Killian stepped forward and extended out his hand to her, which she took and finally stepped off the staircase. The heels of her shoes fell silently on the ultra plush cream coloured carpet which was laid out like a runner, the edges held to the floor by bright, shiny silver metal fixings. It was just one thing about the day Killian knew he would never forget, even if it distracted him from the beautiful creature in front of him.
Emma fit into her dress perfectly, almost as if she was sewn in. It rustled as she moved into his space, the scent of the roses between them invading his senses and making him smile. It was a joyful smile, almost one hundred percent happy, but as his eyes roamed up and down her glitzy figure, he couldn’t help but let a few sideways smirks slide over his lips as he imagined how Emma’s skin felt underneath the skirt.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 13

Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language, and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham - Liam
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Ok, so, don’t hate me but this chapter offers you no resolution to what happened in the last one. I’m sorry not sorry , but its another backstory. This time its Brother Jones backstory, and we also find out how Walsh got the scar, as well as a few other little things. Also, next week I will posting TWO chapters, because Ch 14 is very NSFW on the whump front, and as i understand this is not for every reader, I have written ch 15 so that you can skip Ch 14 if it is too much for you.
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke@courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on. And to @flipperbrain who drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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A decade ago
Liam Jones was too young to become a parent, or so he had thought, but the second his mother’s hand had gone limp in his and her last breath had left her mortal body, he knew his life had changed forever. He was twenty-two, barely an adult himself, and he was now in charge of his younger brother. Killian was just sixteen, not yet legally an adult, so Liam had stood in a solicitor’s office and signed a single sheet of paper whilst an overweight, middle-aged man explained what he was signing.
In the absence of any remaining family, he was Killian’s new guardian.
In truth, he would not have had it any other way. His brother was just like their mother - a hopelessly romantic empath whose world crumbled when she had died. It wasn’t quick, nor painless, and both of the brothers had watched her slip from reality, fading away to nothing more than a grey shadow before their very eyes. Liam was older, stronger and had coped with the loss of a relative before - he was young, but he remembered his grandfather’s funeral. Killian, however, was not equipped to deal with the emotions he was feeling.
One doctor had called him delicate. Another had called him explosive. Liam had learned quickly that even if he had been a sixteen-year-old boy himself, he had never been a sixteen-year-old boy who had lost his world. Killian was angry, at everything, and only six years into his werewolf change. He had shifted and remained in wolf form for eight days. Liam had covered for him, telling his school he was under the weather, but he knew nothing but time would heal his wounds. And so he let him remain a wolf, curled up into a tight cat-like ball on the couch, fur greasy from where he had been comforting him with tender strokes and his heart breaking at each whimper his brother had emitted.
Liam understood the appeal of wolf form for Killian. It was where his brother felt safest, strongest and able to take on anything that came at him. He had been like that ever since his first change, obsessed with his wolf form, shifting whenever he could to escape humanity. Liam was the opposite, choosing to live as human a life as possible because even though their mother had always told them it was okay to be a werewolf, society would never accept them as such. Humanity would never know of their existence, and the Werewolf council would always make sure they didn’t exist, so what was the point of trying to belong where you were not welcome?
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 12
Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: This chapter contains a fight scene which does not go in the favour of Killian. Like, in a four against one scenario. If you would like to know more before you read, please message me, but the trigger warnings are in the tags. Lots of you have been asking about the last chapter - and thank you for all your lovely comments - and all will become clear from here on out :D
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke@courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on. And to @flipperbrainwho drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook@snidgetsafan@sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910@tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer@rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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Walsh took another long drag of his cigarette, inhaling the smoke, which had now become so familiar to his senses that he no longer exhaled in disgust. The back of his throat was coated in the earthy taste of tobacco, the faintest hint of charred herbs lingering along the taste buds at the back of his tongue, and the crackle of burning paper echoed in his hyper sensitive ear canals as the thin paper burnt away. He blew the off white cloud into the air in front of him and threw the remaining butt to the ground where he crushed it beneath his boot. Walsh kicked the butt aside, and the crooked, foam filled tip landed in a pile of discarded kin.
It felt like days since he had left Neverland, half way to Misthaven before he had caught a scent of something intriguing in the breeze. It was familiar, he’d smelled it before, but it was tainted with something that he had not been able to forget since visiting Misthaven and it made his skin itch with excitement. It was a sweet, honey like scent that was poorly hidden by the human sweat that lingered with it, and it made him salivate when he realised what it was.
Walsh could smell Emma Nolan, and she had her wolf heat.
He had hightailed it back in the direction he came from, unsure as to why Emma would have ventured Neverland bound, but trusted his nose nonetheless. The scent became stronger the closer he came to the city and he had followed it around the streets, crisscrossing over his own tracks more than once as he dedicated his time to tracking Emma. James had given his orders, but there was nothing wrong with having a little fun first.
It wasn’t just Emma who Walsh could smell in the wind. He recognised the Misthaven beta too, his scent much stronger in some places than others, but Graham was without a doubt nearby. This meant he had to watch out and be on high alert. Who knew why Graham was in the city, or why he was there now, but Walsh didn’t need to take the risk that Graham would find him. Staying downwind was his only option, so he had been reduced to lurking through alleyways and over rooftops in search of his quarry.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 11

Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: Here is ch 11! I know you all have waited for patiently for a resolution to how I left ch 10, so here is a whopper off a chapter to help explain things, and tie together a few loose ends. This is a RedHunter (Ruby/Graham) backstory chapter set in the past, but you can’t skip it because we meet another character! lol Also, HOW GOOD IS THE ART BY @cocohook38 ??!?! Seriously never been as attracted to Graham as I am right now lol Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on. And to @flipperbrainwho drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan@sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
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Three years ago
Many people in the world would enjoy their free time with some socialization, or some other kind of fun. Werewolves were different, creatures that wanted nothing but the feel of soft, freshly churned earth beneath their paws and the smell of the night in their nostrils. Graham was no different. He had been the Misthaven beta for as long as he could fight, standing shoulder to shoulder with David and making sure the entire pack was safe.
Tonight, however, was a rare occasion when David had suggested he go and right what ailed him, as he was no good to him as a beta when he was so clearly distracted. Graham had become irritated recently, in need of something to help him relax, and David all but forced him to take a leave of absence to right the worries in his head. Graham wasn’t sure he could relax and stay away from his pack for so long, but he was also loyal to his alpha. If David insisted, he would go.
Graham wasn’t sure what he was in need of. He had reached a certain age, thirty-four in human years, and if he were a human, he could have said he was heading into a mid-life crisis. He craved what he couldn’t have, plagued by a yearning he couldn’t place and it was made all the more poignant when he was around David and Snow. He was coming up to a milestone in werewolf culture and he should have been so many things by now.
He had no reason to begrudge the Nolans for anything. They had taken him in when he was lost, raised him as their own when they really didn’t have to and gave him a place to call home. Misthaven was his home. It was where he belonged, with the strongest pack of them all, and yet, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else that could fulfill his aching heart.
Graham Humbert was lonely. He was a wolf with everything and yet had nothing that made him feel whole.
There were plenty of potential mates, and as the beta, he could have the pick of any she-wolf he desired, but apart from a little bit of harmless fun, Graham had no connection to anyone in his pack. He had tried reaching outside of the community, dipping his toes into the pool of loner she-wolves, but again, nothing struck him. No one knew him, no one gave him the life that included a love connection he so wished for, and he had all but given up on finding it.
Like many wolves, Graham ran to wind down, to release some of the pent-up tension acquired in human form, and at this particular time in his life, Graham ran to feel. Running was a high. His skin buzzed beneath his pelt as his muscles shifted over his bones with every stride, his huge paws pounding the compact forest floor, the only sound for miles his low, grumbling pants as his breath left his lungs. If he couldn’t feel love, he could at least still feel the freedom of cantering through the forest.
The forest seemed to disappear, only the wind against his face, pinning his ears to the flat broadness of his skull as he galloped. His fur snagged nearby bushes but went unnoticed to him at the speed he was hitting. Graham was a light coated wolf, the silver guard hairs of his outer layer more visible in the darkness than some of his other pack members, and his light, fair tanned face soft and welcoming. He was deceivingly meek looking, having inherited the faded agouti shades from his mother, and if it were not for his imposing size, he could have been mistaken for her at quick glance.
Wolves were discouraged from running alone, but Graham loved it. It was freeing to run alone, if not more so than with others, and there were often times he and Emma would tell David they were running together but went their separate ways. They were so similar, like true siblings, and they both understood the need for space, despite what they had been taught. They had been raised with the understanding that there was strength in numbers, that they were at their most vulnerable whilst alone, and it was always the last thing on Graham’s mind when he was running solo.
And maybe that was why, as he broke through the edge of the trees, and the ground turned to asphalt under his paws, he was blinded by the brightness of headlights and overcome with searing pain in his foreleg before his world faded from view and he passed out with a weak growl.
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#cs fic#cs fanfic#wolves of misthaven#book 1#alli dimidium lunam#adl#cs au#captain swan#killian jones#werewolves#my own verse#re-reblog#proudest achievement
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