#(( lemme know if i should clarify anything-
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shattersstar · 2 years ago
in film & sexuality studies
big into horror films/media
another jason todd apologist unfortunately
been writing on tumblr for too long
i follow back from @/neptunesdyke
for writing/blog related updates check my writing tag
i write for; dc, castlevania, vhd, sw & general vampire media
reader is gn (unless requested otherwise)
for characters i write for see my masterlist or send me an ask <3
masterlist will indicate if requests are open or close
i don’t take specific/very detailed requests, simple prompts & ideas are welcomed
when sending a prompt from a post, please send the whole prompt and not just the number
indicate character w/request or its my choice
not a rule but comments, replies, asks, etc are always appreciated and encouraged! i try to reply and love talking abt my writing with y’all <3
*wont write: incest (blood/adopted/etc), aged up minors, self harm, addiction, dubcon, real people, or ships. i stick to self inserts*
* this will be updated with additional/up to date info when needed *
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gizdathemxel · 8 months ago
*gripping my hands so hard on a young trans persons shoulders that their bones are about to break*
do not log on to 4chan.com. do not get involved in passing olympics. you will always lose. do not put afab/amab/tma/tme* in your bio, that is cisgender society trying to know your “real” gender. you do not exist to please cisgender people. there is no ‘right’ way to be trans. learn your goddamn history, listen to your elders. listen to other disenfranchised groups. listen to intersex people and check yourself for intersexism. listen to trans poc and check yourself for racism. listen to disabled people and check yourself for ableism. be open to learning always. labels are meant to fit you, not the other way around. you are not weird or predatory for simply being attracted to others. you’re fine if you’re not a skinny white twink or a barbie doll. you’re fine if your body is ‘weird’. you’re fine if you don’t have heavy or any dysphoria. it’s okay if you actually don’t want to transition or anything like that. life is worth living at any stage, you deserve to be happy. I SWEAR THAT YOU ARE OKAY!!!!!
*ok editing this bc i think there are some major misunderstandings here and also ignorance on my part so lemme clear the air. when i wrote “don’t put tme/tma” in ur bio i did NOT mean to say that discussions around transmisogyny aren’t important or that tme/tma cannot be helpful terminology, and i’m super sorry that it came off that way. i will admit that i was unfamiliar with the history of tme/tma as a term and was introduced to it through some really bad online queer discourse. but it’s always been of my opinion that discussion around all forms of bigotry, including transmisogyny, are important and need to be had. i explained in a rb, which i’ll link when i have more time, that my issue was with the way the term is used as only identification/oppression olympics rather than genuine nuanced discussion about the ways that transphobia/transmisogyny/transandrophobia/etc function and interact with each other. i advised young trans people to not put tma/tme in their bios, bc i know that the wrong people (not just cis people, but transphobes and assholes who just want to get under your skin) would use any indication of your direction of transition to try and misgender you. or specifically in the case of tma/tme, tell you that your experiences/thoughts are not valid or reasonable bc you were tma or tma.
i realize how not originally clarifying that makes me look stupid (and a transmisogynist), so seriously, i’m sorry for that major mishap. tma/tme are not inherently bad words and you are 1000% allowed to use whatever terminology fits you and your experiences best. so as another word of advice: please do not let some rando on the internet tell you how you should talk about your experiences
(also idgaf if you don’t “log on” to 4chan or that it’s “not a website”, the fact that any of you know that is shameful and upsetting)
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robo-writing · 4 months ago
yes!!! sexual teasing!!! i’m sorry i should have clarified
Oh yeah, I can do that.
Poor little thing, he coos, knuckle deep in your cunt. You hiccup with every move, the wet slap of his fingers loud against the four walls of your kitchen. He’s got you balanced against the countertop, legs dangling as he stands between them and plays with your aching cunt. In and out, in and out.
It’s hard to focus like this, when you’re so aroused all you can think about is Logan and his two fingers massaging your insides. Even air stops becoming a priority, a deep inhale only achieved when Logan reminds you to breathe doll in that low voice of his.
This is the third time, you remember, hands buried into his shirt. Maybe he’ll let you cum, you hope.
And just as he did the last two times, he dashed your hopes away when he stops.
Right between the purgatory that lies between heaven and hell, that precarious edge right between bliss and frustration. You desperately rock yourself against his digits only to be stilled with a hand against your hip.
“No movin’ princess, you know the rules.”
You cry into his shoulder, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you let out a pathetic little whimper. “Please lemme cum, please, s’not fair—“
“What’s not fair darling?” He asks, scissoring his fingers inside your velvet walls. The action makes your thighs tense up, head falls into his neck as you beg him for more, anything.
“Just wanna take my time, play with my favorite girl for a bit,” he murmurs, right into your ear. “I’m allowed to do that, ain’t I?”
You’re tired—you’re desperate. You’re not sure how much more you can take, but at the same time you know you can’t live without him so you nod your head yes when he asks, gasping when his fingers pick up speed.
With his free hand he tilts your head up, marveling at your lust-glazed eyes, how your head lolls to the side when his fingertips press against your g-spot over and over. The desire written on your face, immediately followed by your weak attempts to push him away as his fingers plunge into your wanting heat. I can’t, I can’t, you repeat, but yet you spread your legs further apart when he thumbs against your clit—a juxtaposition that has him rubbing your sensitive nub in little circles.
“My pretty baby, should see yourself right now, you look beautiful when you’re whiny,” he breathes, and it’s at that moment you let out one of those same noises he loves so much, fanning the fuel to the fire that is Logan’s desire.
“Say, think you’ve got one more in you?”
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royalreef · 1 year ago
The distance to Miranda's leg down from her shoulder was, perhaps, a longer trip than would have been expected for literally anything else, and the journey was such a downward slope that Ava would have had to lean down to touch Miranda's leg proper, instead of just her back or the top of her hips or the sides of her body.
Her legs, too, were short. Perhaps comically short, considering her usual company, but unexpectedly short, a short that did not leave questions as to itself. They were the same length as her arms, after all, and those in comparison did not feel so terribly miniaturized. The distance between her shoulder and her hip exceeded the length of her arms, meaning Miranda would not be able to reach back to touch her legs without bending some other part of her body. So too, that meant it was a stretch just to reach back up, to find Miranda's hand.
As it was, the top of Miranda's hips would have sat just below a human's hips, and if she were to lean down, to touch her hands upon the ground like how her body seemed more and more likely to be intended for, then she would have been about thigh-high. With her legs sat under her body, as precariously as they were, it was quite a while to go to reach them.
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Her legs, like her arms, were thick, stocky. Muscular in equal measure, coming off from her body like the hind legs of a crocodile, and made even thicker by the membrane that ran up the sides of her legs, likewise matching with her arms. They weren't plainly visible like her arms or her shoulders were, wearing an outfit that connected to her neck and stretched over her front, leaving much of her upper back exposed, but there was a distance of bare scales that could be seen below her pants legs. The membrane, the same as her arm, was thick, decorated at the edge with a strip of the same creamy yellow as her fins, with a parallel line on top of the leg itself. More than mere skin, it had to have perhaps fat or keratin inside of it, making it stiffer and thicker, so that the transition off of her muscular limbs wasn't so drastic.
It moved down, maybe connecting somewhere to her foot or to the side of her leg, impossible to tell over her shoes. On her hands, the matching membrane, turning the silhouette of her arm into a proper fin akin to that of a whale or a marine reptile, connected to her first and third digit, so, following the theme, it was likely to match. However, first Ava would have to get the shoes off of Miranda to see, and Miranda had not spoke of that permission being granted yet.
Her shoes were interesting, however. Much like the rest of her clothes, they were tailored and fashioned primarily for her body first, which belied certain underlying differences. Miranda's shoes were wide and multi-part, intended to be able to spread or to move in closer, even if the thicker material needed for this time of year meant limitations. They connected together into one surface, not suggesting how many digits she had, but it looked like she could move them, and perhaps even needed to spread them out for traction or balance. The shoe sat her ankles against the ground, so she was plantigrade, not digitigrade. There were pinched ends, points with textured rubber wrapped around them, where there were likely claws beneath, so those too were probably needed as a vital component of movement. There were four of these points spread evenly, so suggesting each digit had a matching claw, that would mean four digits per foot.
Miranda's hand suggested a little more to what her foot might have looked like. She had five digits there, standard, but two of those digits had been converted into opposable thumbs, the first digit and the fifth. That left three digits in the middle, the fingers which the membrane of her arms connected to, although they had no webbing between them. The thumbs, by contrast, seemed to almost tuck beneath the outline of her hand and the membrane-fins, making them hard to see from the outside, while the fingers sat closer together to each other in a singular shape. All suggested streamlining, but did not solve the mystery of her hands, and why Miranda had something so derived instead of a more typical fin like other aquatic organisms.
Each digit was short and thick, muscular in a way eerily reminiscent of a harpy eagle's. The expected tetrapod condition was present, with the expected number of bones to each finger, the last converted into a claw with a bony core and a keratin sheathe. This was where the comparison felt most apt. Each claw was massive, easily the length of someone else's finger, thick as a bear's and sweeping inwards with a wicked curve. Hooked, even. Each pointed inwards, towards the palm, so that if Miranda curled her hand into a fist, it would all fit together into a cage, trapping anything that happened to be too slow to escape. Even though Miranda held her hand loosely, idly letting Ava examine her without a large amount of fuss, the size and thickness of her hands suggested very few things could escape in time. Even worse to what happened to anything that could not. Miranda's claws, more uniquely, perhaps, looked a little overgrown, further past her quick than expected, but nothing unusual.
Furthermore came another point of comparison, though this one was a stranger one. There were pads on Miranda's palm and across the underside of all of her digits — one behind each of the five claws, one below that on the digits, one where each of the thumbs connected to her palm paralleling the other, and one in the middle of her hand below where the digits connected to her palm. They were large, squishy, like pressing down into a stress toy. It was even a little fun to do so, though the fatty pads represented their own mystery.
The back side of her hands was thickly plated with scales, looking the very most like armor, wrapping around the top of her hands like she was expecting someone to stab them. On her palms, the scales grew smaller, as expected. However, on the pads sitting on her palms, they grew in a strange pattern, which was especially odd, because her palms were the softest part of her so far. They were silky, soft to the touch, suggesting no obvious use and nothing that would make sense in tandem with the cage of her claws. These scales barely provided any texture, no great addition on top of the underlying skin, and the patterns that they grew in were peaked and pointed in zigzag patterns, not providing any more answers.
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Miranda, less curious about her own body than Ava, leaned her head down and back to follow her, more interested in keeping watch over where she was touching. It meant her head bent more to the side, body slightly leaning forward and closer to the ground, her other arm lifting up and pressing closer to her chest, perhaps for balance.
If she was having any issue about having a harpy feel her up, then Miranda wasn't saying it, remaining with a strange, nearly befuddled little smile. Maybe she wasn't having issues, but it was odd. Especially now that she was patting her through her clothes, although Ava hadn't reached anywhere inappropriate, not yet. If anything, it was almost stranger for how much closer this resembled, to Miranda, her experience of knowing other merfolk and the way that they would touch her, pressing hands down against her body and holding her close, solely out of sheer friendliness.
"Yes — well, I do, less so of my people as a whole. Blue light, so you should be able to see, but it is not very strong compared to...." Miri dipped her head up and to the side in a sort of quick shrug, trying to gesture to the daylight itself. "Not as though it needs to be as strong, when it is easier to see down there."
Even just a single touch, gently running a talon across muscle and scale, told Ava volumes. Osteoderms, a powerful and streamlined form... it all made sense for a seagoing apex predator. It was interesting, how differently the two of them had evolved: Ava had become more humanoid than any other bird, while Miranda--part of a species that was popularized in myths as having a humanoid upper body--was anything but. She had a sudden desire to see Miranda in her own element, cutting through the water with ease and... snatching up fish, she supposed? Maybe that was just because she was hungry, though. Mmmm, fish...
She was getting ahead of herself, though. The harpy ran her hand down Miranda's leg, glancing up to meet her gaze briefly and make sure she wasn't overstepping any boundaries. She didn't want the merfolk to think she was just petting her like a giant cat or something.
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"Interesting... that makes sense, though. Oh, do have any form of bioluminescence, too? Within the visible light spectrum, anyway." Ava's eyesight was good, but not so good that she could see into infrared or anything. "I imagine that would be very useful in the ocean depths."
Confident that she had no way of accidentally hurting the well-armored merfolk, Ava added a second hand to the exploration, gently patting Miranda's own clawed hand.
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miimo96 · 29 days ago
I feel like I have to really get this off my chest but I honestly still don't understand how people didn't really enjoy TBHK's old animation style, saying that it was either bad or lazy when in reality, it couldn't have fit more PERFECTLY with how the show is presented, with heavy colorings, dramatic and unique visuals, and ESPECIALLY simplistic yet beautiful designs, It was iconic and unique to its show, it paired well with comedic and dramatic moments, AND it has the one of the most BEAUTIFUL color palettes and backgrounds I have ever seen in my life Besides the immaculate beauty that is Demon slayers like WTF.
This is basically what I'm talking about, sure the anime may have had the budget of 2 paper clips and a shoestring back then but it at least had flair and KNEW how to utilize itself with its shortcomings, the new season however so far has just simply been NOT hitting with me at all this season, and I think it's because of how it's been executed/ animated rn, I think the one thing that people don't understand was that TBHK's anime Biggest strong suit wasn't it's lack of animation or unique style, it was how that style TRANSLATED well with its amazing voice acting and beautiful backgrounds, leading to some certain scenes coming out way more better and impactful than we expected, with the both of them complimenting each other very well.
Look I really hope I don't come off as whiny or anything but I really HOPE the studio notices these mistakes and starts go back to old ways of how they animated things, because it just FIT better and was executed very well, THIS however feels like I'm watching the same show but not really, like if the show has just lost all its identity and what made it truly stand out, Now to clarify this bc I know people are going to think I'm just SHITTING on the new animation but in reality I'm actually not, I actually LIKE the new art style hell I think it looks really good especially for some of the characters and moments, my ONLY gripe with this season is HOW the show has been executed, with them literally taking away all that identity it had before with its panels, text bubbles, and exaggerated scenery/ moments and whatnot ya know with scenes like with the flowers and stuff.
Look you can HAVE better quality animation for characters and whatnot, but as far as STYLE, Yeah I think lerche needs to reevaluate themselves and should go back to sticking to with what worked for them and made the show stand out and so iconic for people in the 1st place since it worked so well and translated PERFECTLY with the style and tone of the series, like imagine some of the old scenes with better quality animation but with ALSO the same style and old soundtrack, that would be amazing. but in the end those are just my thoughts, lemme know what you think and do ya agree? ^^
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onyxino · 4 months ago
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🌙Under The Crescent Moon🌙
Word Count: 1.2k
Cw: Aizen, creampie, semi-Somnophilia Aizen receiving (but not really bc Reader isn’t slick and Aizen isn’t a heavy sleeper still wanted to be safe and put it in here), Afab reader, clothed sex. Aizen has feelings for reader if you squint hard enough. Pet name little mouse used like twice. If I’m missing anything just lemme know. It’s kinda vanilla tho.
This was written from a request I can’t find now, I’ve had it ready for a moment I just haven’t gotten around to posting it. Enjoy
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Fire. You were playing with fire right now. Your groggy eyes fixated on your sleeping lord and beloved husband’s bare chest rising and falling gently. Your eyes trailed down his body taking in everything that you could readily view.
Despite being as groggy as you were, you found yourself pressing your thighs together looking for something close to replicating the relief you wished to feel.
Being as brave as you were could be attributed to the grogginess you felt as you slowly laid yourself on his chest, legs straddling either side of his hips. You’ve never been so bold with your want before.
Sosuke’s hands immediately came to your sides, locking you in place. “Exactly what do you think you’re doing?” His raspy voice pulls you from your thoughts. Tilting your head upward you meet Sosuke’s lazy gaze, eyes half lidded.
Your throat went dry, you didn’t think you’d get this far in your conquest. You were having a real tangible ‘what now?’ moment.
Sosuke cocked an eyebrow at you as a wolfish grin appeared on his features “Well? Do you not possess words?”
Your eyes widen as you realize you’ve just been staring at him. Him talking down to you sent a gush of liquid into your panties reminding you exactly what you came here for.
“I want you.” Was all you could manage to squeak out as you grind your core against his in an attempt to further clarify your needs.
“Is that so?” He replied, eyes darkening, mischief brewing in them “Show me how much you want me then.”
It wasn’t a request, it was demand. It sent a shiver down your spine. A small but audible “Yes, My Lord.” Leaving your mouth on instinct.
Groggily, you sit yourself up allowing both of your clothed sexes to be fully pressed together. He’s hard, almost impossibly so.
You lazily pull the straps of your nightgown down just enough to put your breasts on display for him. Your lord wastes no time bringing his hands to your chest pinching and squeezing the hardened buds between his fingers.
You grind your clothed pussy against him once again, breathing increased and heart pounding relentlessly in your ears.
His hands leave your chest and are now at his waistline pulling his sleep pants down just enough to allow his cock to spring free.
Hiking your nightgown above your waist and pulling your panties to the side you immediately sandwich his dick in between your pussy lips and his body.
Sosuke sucks in a sharp breath at this signaling a silent approval. You take this as the go ahead and you slowly run your cunny up and down his length, a small squeak leaving your lips every time his thick tip bumps up against your clit.
You watch his face as you set the tempo. You can see frustration mounting in his eyes as you continue your slow methodical rotation of your hips.
His small and sharp gasps turn into rough grunts as you continue to tease his dick. The dark look in his eyes demands a fast pace that you are just unwilling to give.
You should have known better.
Large hands slap themselves against your hips halting you in your tracks. You whine at the lack of friction hoping the pout on your face will be enough to get you out of trouble.
You’re foolish.
“You little Minx. You think you can just do what you like?” With this Sosuke lifts your hips up positioning you perfectly over his cock before forcing you down on it.
A guttural moan leaves your lungs involuntarily “S-Sosuke!”
Sosuke’s pulse rises and pupils dilate at the debauchery in front of him. You are absolutely fucked out already. Your breaths are heavy and your eyes are almost shut. You haven’t even started yet and you look like he’s just fucked you dumb.
He sets the pace; it's rough but slow, you grind your hips back down to meet his. Your whines and pleas for him to go faster fall on deaf ears. He’s selfish and always has been, he’s addicted to the way you look right now.
You’re almost crying now begging for him to give you what you need and it only gets him higher. He feels an unfamiliar pang in his chest at the sight of you. He could look at you like this forever.
“Sosuke- please, need you to go faster. I wanna cum.” You beg, trying to grind your hips into a fast pace.
A sick grin spreads across his face “you wanna cum? Then tell me, who makes you feel like this? I wanna hear it, loud.”
You gasp at the particularly hard thrust that accompanies his demand “Pease, it’s 3 in the morning people will hear!”
He cocks an eyebrow at you “You don’t wanna cum then?”
You let out a choked sob at his cruelty and it’s amplified by the addition of his thumb to your neglected clit. Your core clenches around him trying to milk him dry.
“It’s y-you Sosuke, you make me feel this good!” You call out, head flinging back as you rotate your hips on his cock looking for that release you are so desperate to feel.
He takes his hand away from your clit and you choke another sob.
“Not good enough. Louder, dear wife.” With how uneven his voice sounds you can tell he is barely hanging on as well.
His thrusts up into your cunt pick up pace just slightly “Sosuke, you make me feel like this! You make me feel so good! Please let me cum, my lord!” You call out louder desperate for him to take mercy.
“Ah, what a g-good little mouse you are.” He says, grin widening.
In a singular moment you find yourself flipped on to your back. Legs tossed over your husband’s shoulders as his thrusts pick up an animalistic pace. This new angle is deep and it has you seeing white, the pleasure amplified even more so when his thumb finds your clit once more.
“So good for me. Now cum, little mouse.”
The coil that had been wound too tight for too long in your lower abdomen finally snapped. With a chant of Sosuke’s name that sounded way too much like a prayer you found yourself coming down from your high.
His thrusts became harder and sloppier as he chased his high. This undoubtedly was your favorite part. He becomes very vulnerable in these moments before climax.
His shaky breaths combined with the mixture of your name chanted along with uncharacteristic sweet nothings whispered in your ear were a sight only you, his wife were able to see.
He came, hard. He let out a primal groan. Stuffed all the way inside you,forcing your womb to take everything he had.
He stilled for a moment above you, eyes closed as he focused on evening out his breaths.
Your hand meeting his cheek in a sweet gesture brought him back to reality.
“I love you, my lord.” You said quietly.
His irises softened at the sight of your sleepy face. Choosing not to reply but only giving a short nod as he collapsed beside you before pulling you back against his chest.
“Sleep now, little mouse.”
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cozymochi · 1 year ago
Oo I love Elena of Avalor, what's Emilio's relationship to his cousin like? and his dorm mates?
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Gonna answer these questions in reverse to test the waters. I briefly mention it on his bio image but I think I mixed up the subject pronouns in my sentence structure when referring to his relationship to the other guys 💀 i realized too late that it reads awkwardly- SO LEMME CLARIFY.
🦜 Emilio’s relationship to Kalim 🦦: Kalim —much like how he wants to treat any first year in his dorm— really wants to seem like some really cool older brother to his younger peers. Emilio finds this sunny disposition a lil’ off putting to a degree BUT…. Emilio does wanna get close to Kalim if only to elevate his own sense of worth and perceived status. Which can translate to Emilio being something of a bootlicker.
He doesn’t necessarily care about Kalim’s wealth per se, heck Emilio himself is already from a noble family in his home country— but being close to the Kalim Al-Asim looks really good on the outside in Emilio’s mind.
“Humble” little Emilio managed to network with THE Asim heir? Now that’s something worth talking about, especially back home. Business is one thing but to be in his inner circle? That’s very special.
In general their relationship is amicable, but It’s hard to say if Emilio actually cares for Kalim on a personal level, if at all. But Kalim definitely cares for him as he does for anybody else. It’s probably the least complicated situation.
Of course Kalim sees Emilio as his friend. And not just his friend, but his little brother!
…Which segues into-
🦜Emilio’s relationship Jamil 🐍: Jamil does not care about Emilio, and Emilio views Jamil as an obstacle— but a necessary one. So naturally he wants to get in Jamil’s good graces as much as possible too!
Emilio frequently tries buttering up Jamil in some shape or form via giving him information he’d find valuable or emulating how Jamil treats the other students in the dorm to “set an example.” If Jamil rejects an impromptu party, Emilio is right there to second that notion!! (Note: only applies if Jamil is present) He tends to, dare I say… parrot Jamil…? 😉
But unlike Kalim, Jamil is not as easy to sway. Jamil can spot a fake smile a mile away, takes one to know one as it were. At first, Jamil assumed something far more nefarious about Emilio’s intentions, but that dissipated quickly after investigating further.
…That said, Jamil will use Emilio’s desperation to get in good spirits with Kalim for his own reasons. It makes Emilio rife for exploitation. Kinda scummy but Emilio would do the same to Jamil in return if it gave him a leg up with somebody more important.
Jamil will often test the waters to see how far Emilio is willing to go. Still, Emilio has his practical uses. He has his own invaluable connections, and underneath all that phoniness is someone genuinely capable with an eye for detail that most in the dorm don’t seem to have.
At first, Jamil didn’t trust Emilio at all because of his incessant behavior… and now? Well, he still kinda doesn’t entirely because Jamil is just like that, but he eventually learned Emilio himself is generally harmless and his interest in Kalim is purely surface level for petty vanity reasons.
…That and Emilio is similarly from a noble family, so Jamil generally doesn’t want conflict to start with should anything crop up. He has yet to figure out why a guy from a noble family like Emilio would feel the need to overcompensate so much.
Why would he feel the need to elevate his status, shouldn’t he already have it? And for that matter, why go to so much effort?
That said, as much as Jamil finds Emilio’s constant - and I mean constant- schmoozing annoying, in an ironic twist it makes Emilio seemingly the only somewhat capable person he trusts in the dorm to watch Kalim should Jamil be out of commission for arbitrary shenanigans of the month. He both trusts and doesn’t trust him, it tends to flip back and forth. They’re kinda both “useful” to each other.
…Kalim thinks Jamil and Emilio are best friends.
He’s happy for them both.
🦜 Emilio’s relationship to his cousin 💎:
Much like anything in this universe, Emilio’s relationship with his cousin more or less directly parallels the source his whole character draws from. So, it’s parallel to Esteban’s relationship with Elena minus the indirect hand in parental death (side note: This show is bonkers).
I feel like I’m not doing many favors by NOT going into depth on the Esteban and Elena stuff, but for the sake of brevity on the long post I’m going to have to leave it out. Watching the series informs a lot of the directional choices here, but that’s an unreasonable ask. So, I guess I’ll have to leave it at “if you know you know.” BACK TO THE MEAT AND POTATOES:
Emilio is jealous of his cousin.
Unlike her, he wasn’t born into nobility. He was born and raised in a humble fishermans home. He was just let into her family as a child after both his parents perished in an accident. (Note: His maternal aunt married into the nobility.)
While his cousin looks to him like an older brother and Emilio to her like a younger sister, his cousin often gets showered in praise and receives far more attention from that side of the family than he ever gets.
He often wonders if the family even remembers him. In fact, they usually do forget he’s there. No matter what it is she does, she gets rewarded and lauded whereas if Emilio does something similar or arguably more impressive, it doesn’t earn much fanfare. In fact, his family just assumes it was due to his cousins influence.
Emilio, in an attempt to gain their praise and attention, has developed something of a vain complex where overcompensating is his way of getting recognition.
He wants to be seen as capable and worth seeking for advice and wisdom, so he makes it a point to learn as much as possible and make as many connections as he can (Ironic, considering what his signature spell is). That side of the family works on the Grand Council to the Queen of their country “Shining Peninsula,” so there’s a lot he wants to live up to.
His family loves him, they do, but in their way of just being content with letting Emilio have no real expectations put on him or responsibilities, they don’t exactly notice how much he wants those things. They don’t truly listen. He has so much freedom that he’s hardly considered a viable factor, as it were.
He wants to prove himself as worthy of recognition by the elite and able to stand amongst them. His cousin, however, is just expected to already have a spot by default.
As for her, it’s not that she’s incapable either. Far from it. Despite his jealously, Emilio does love his cousin. She’s very understanding and down-to-earth, but her sheltered lifestyle and need to live up to the expectations put on her leads her to being extremely impulsive and act on instinct.
Did I mention her magic reserves are crazy high?
In another ironic twist, she’s the one who seems to notice that Emilio is very knowledgable on a lot of things she’s blind to, and while she might turn to him for help… she kinda falls into the same pitfalls the rest of her family does. She doesn’t usually listen.
In a weird way it also kinda parallels Kalim and Jamil. So, maybe Emilio could find a kinship in a certain somebody.
You know. If he actually wanted to.
So, someone out there is probably wondering if this cousin is twst Elena. Yes.
Her name is Marisol.
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eschergirls · 2 months ago
January '25 Caption Contest Winners!
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It's been 2 weeks so it's time to pick the winners for the January caption contest!
The submissions as usual were really good this month and I had trouble deciding a winner! Since we didn't get as many submissions as last month, I'll pick 3 winners and 1 honourable mention.
Each winner will get to choose a prize if they wish (but you don't have to, you can just participate for fun too.) The prizes are extra Steam codes that I've acquired. If you won and want a prize, please contact me. 
The honourable mention can get a prize if any of the winners decline (I will contact you if that happens, the prize order for honourable mentions will be selected randomly).
So here are the entries, organized by the platform they were submitted on:
adriano: "Sir  Sir! Have you considered Femur Insurance? The Femur is the longest bone in your Body. If anything happened to it and you weren’t insured, you could be financially ruined!" waitworry: ["Thriller" plays]
Imry: "And it's recording now?" "No, you gotta hit the red button." "What red button?" "The one in the middle." "There's no red button." "Oh ffs, lemme see. ... ... I have no idea what you did." "This one looks kinda orange, maybe that's it?" "AHH FLASH! MY EYES" "Sorry sorry! I'll just uh--" Mel: It's the line to the ladies room. They are both obviously doing the potty dance and the line is often long enough to feel you've been mummified. Left mummy is screaming at that one woman taking bathroom mirror selfies and holding everything up. P J Evans: mummy mash?  
atomicmosaic: *vogues aggressively* chaoscheebs: The funkiest of Weeping Angels approach! Don't blink! fyrenwater: "...and you get to be your own boss! Wait, why are you running away?" glassphemy: it's called "me trying to catch a kitty cat" harukami: You know it's thriller / thriller night / and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike haveievermentioned: Halloween Horror Nights doing auditions for Mummy Strippers madfishmonger: "And we out in this space..." "On the Planet of the Bass!" milkawa-and-co: Woman on the left : *freaking out because of the flesh things on her shoulders* Woman on the right : Ugh, stop moving ! I'm trying to peel it off of you ! needsmoarg4: This is just behind-the-scenes footage of the Weeping Angels. This is exactly that footage. silvereyedowl: Weeping Angels on Casual Friday. therealityhelix: Walk like an Egyptian taken to its logical extreme.
The honorable mentions go to: @chaoscheebs, Mel, and @silvereyedowl
The runner-ups are: 
In third place: @harukami: You know it's thriller / thriller night / and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
In second place: adriano: "Sir Sir! Have you considered Femur Insurance? The Femur is the longest bone in your Body. If anything happened to it and you weren’t insured, you could be financially ruined!"
And the winner is... @glassphemy: it's called "me trying to catch a kitty cat"
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you so much to everybody who participated!
Stay tuned in February for another caption contest. I've been saving a picture specifically for Valentine's Day!
If you won and would like a Steam code as a prize, please message me with which prize you would like.  If you came in 2nd, message me with 2 choices in order of preference...  I'll give you your top choice that hadn't been taken by the other winners. (To clarify, every winner only gets 1 prize, but winners other than the one in first place should give me their list of games in order of preference so if one is taken, I'll give you the next on the list.  It makes it easier for me to hand out the prizes.)
If the winner or the runner ups don't claim a prize, then I will pick from the honorable mentions randomly to claim a prize if they want one.
The Steam codes I have available as prizes are for: Aragami, GoNNER, Hotel Giant 2, Peachleaf Pirates, Riot: Civil Unrest, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, Shortest Trip To Earth, Such Art: Genius Artist Simulator, Survivalist, and Uncertain: Light At The End.
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soobberries · 2 years ago
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Edit: this is a repost from my old blog including the little description below and I decided to not change anything about it. The blog I tagged below doesn't seem to exist anymore. :( also lmao I already started working on a part 2 xD yay!
Guys ahsdgajha. Lmao please I need to provide background for this post. I read @atiny-thingz Dilf!Ateez post and lemme tell you, I screamed. It brought back the memory of this running joke my friends and I used to have in 11th grade about this really hot dad that everyone crushed on. So in honour of the post that inspired me and my real life experience, I decided I would write this.
It is only a headcanon/au thing, but let me know if I should perhaps do a part 2?
Edit: here's part 2
This is the first time I’m writing kinda suggestive content and I’m pretty new to it so go easy on me, but I would love some feedback. It’s only suggestive at the end though lol.
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age-gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Ah yes, another day, another random school fundraiser.
Your mom got you to look after one of her colleague’s daughter, Nila, for the week while they went on a business trip.
It was the middle of the week and, while this kid was adorable, you’d literally do anything else then go to this weird fundraiser on such a beautiful afternoon.
Oh well, duties are duties.
So as this cutie kid drags you along throughout the whole school, showing you all the stalls and requesting that you buy her some food before she has her ‘shift’, you can’t help but notice that there are only parents here. No other students, siblings - nothing.
A deep exasperated sigh left your mouth because you were here for a good three hours, and quite frankly, despite this little fundraiser having some talks you could attend, you really had no idea how you would busy yourself since the talks offered were a bit boring and you had to pay a large chunk to get a space. Bummer.
Anyway after sharing some mouth-watering cookies with the little girl she asks you to come with her to her stall where she and her peers would be selling cold drinks, and of course you couldn’t say no because this kid was actually a sweetheart and you had it nowhere in your heart to do such.
So obviously you proceed to accompany her there.
It’s a cute stall, and you smile at the youthful, yet ignorant excitement shining in the little girl’s eyes as she exchanges the ‘duty cap’ that one of her classmates had on just prior.
Oh if only they knew what a real job was like.
It wasn’t until after the other girls left, that you realised she was alone, causing you to enquire about her job, wondering if she’s working the shift by herself.
“No, don't worry! Yerim is also doing the job with me. I’m sure she’ll come soon. See? That’s why there’s two hats.” She said, gesturing towards the other cap on the counter.
You nodded quaintly and silently decided to wait with her until her friend came.
“Daddy! Look! Nila is working with me!” A shout came from behind you and a little girl came running to bear hug Nila, causing the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.
You smiled at the pair and watched mindlessly as Nila got Yerim her hat.
“Oh? Are you looking after Nila?” A voice called out.
‘Oh boy, here we go. Time to get out the speaking to parents voice’
Those were your thoughts as you dreaded having to act somewhat proper so the snobby parents around you wouldn’t undermine you. You took a quick millisecond to gather yourself before turning to face th-
Holy shit.
A blessing.You’ve been blessed. You can die happily now.
This man’s smile-
It’s shining. Blinding you and you do not care, he can have your eyesight.
Cue the slo-mo scene in the movies where everything looks ethereal and suddenly you picture him taking your hand, giving you flowers, and asking the same thing he just did in a softer more seductive tone.
AHaha but it’s not a movie so get yourself together you thirsty piece of flesh.
“Uh yeah, I am, her mom is away on business.” You said smiling, dying inside at the realisation that today was the day you decided to wear such a boring outfit.
Oof pain.
“Oh? I don’t recall Shannon saying she was going away,” He said furrowing his eyebrows, before staring at you,
“nor that she would be leaving such a cute babysitter in her place.” He chuckles nonchalantly.
How is he so calm after saying that like it’s nothing??? Tf???
Fine, two can play this game sir.
“Well she didn’t tell me she was acquainted with such an attractive man either.”
That wasn’t the strongest comeback but like you're nervous okay?
He smiled at the remark, seemingly about to say something, only to be interrupted by his darling daughter.
“Daddy you have to buy something ya know!”
He let out a chuckle that you could only describe as handsome.
“Mhhmm! You too y/n” Nila said toward you with such bright eyes you couldn’t bother saying no. [as mentioned earlier, this cute kid has you weak.]
“Hmm okay you two, since you're all grown up, tell us the prices of your drinks.” You say egging the two girls on, to the man beside you’s amusement.
As the two little girls hurriedly tried to find the price list and decide who’s speaking first, Mr. handsome man turned to you.
“I like that name, Y/n,” He reached out his hand in front of him, “I’m Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hehehehehehehe play it cool.
Daintely placing your hand in his and gently giving him a small squeeze as you do so, you let out:
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The two of you end up buying water bottles, him insisting that he pays for you so the girls have less to work out in terms of prices (apparently)
You greeted the girls, leaving them to attend to their shift, and discovered that Seonghwa was going to be here a while as well, in which the two of you concluded it would be a good idea to talk off the hours rather than wandering around alone.
You both wander around (a little awkwardly in silence mind you) until you find a table made to look like a wine barrel for a rustic vibe with two high chairs beside it. It matched the theme of this area which was made to be like an expensive barnhouse.
Now lemme tell you, water ain’t as classy as wine but that didn’t stop Seonghwa from calling over one of the workers serving cocktails, and asking for two empty wine glasses.
He then elegantly poured the water into both wine glasses.
“I suppose it’s too early to be drinking but never too early to stay hydrated in a classy way.” He said.
LMAO this guy has dad humour or very dry, dead humour.
You let out a genuine giggle since that was such a dorky thing to say.
“My peers would probably disagree with you as most of them pop out a beer by 9:05.”
“Yes of course, around your age, you don’t quite have the same responsibilities as I do.”
“Oh? Such as working and taking care of a kid? Because it would appear that I have to worry about that too” You replied cheekily even though you probably know he’s living a bit more of a tiring life by the way he spoke.
He let out a heavy sigh which you didn’t expect after your poor attempt of making the convo entertaining.
“Well yes that may be true, but at least you aren’t dealing with a toxic relationship - Only staying and sucking it up for the sake of your child.”
Oh. well that’s quite the share.
“I’m sorry to hear you're dealing with some hardships.” You utter out, genuinely sympathetic.
“But in my opinion, regardless of the child, you should make a decision that makes you happy. You can raise Yerim with no issue even when separated. Rather that, than letting her grow up in an unhappy home, no..? Then again what do I know?” You say while spinning the water in your glass as if it really was wine.
He paused while circling his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His head resting on his other hand, seemingly in deep thought.
He looked towards you with an intense gaze. One that made you feel small and had your body urging you to run away. But it also captivated you, so you fought your body and held your breath instead to calm down the intimidation you were feeling.
His whole aura changed for some reason...
“You’re not wrong in what you're saying,” he leaned over the barrel, a little closer to you, “But what if the decision that makes me happy is looked down upon?” He said lowly, looking you up and down once again.
This shouldn’t make you nervous. In fact nothing could be considered remotely inappropriate and yet your breath was hitching and your stomach was churning.
Why? Why is this random man making you feel, for lack of better words, so weird.
Bad brain! Bad!
You must be looking too much into his words to think he could be insinuating something...right?
You wanted to back up a little, and lean away from him, feeling as though you needed to gather yourself, but as you leaned back the wine glass full of water was knocked over, splaying it’s contents over you.
The glass was saved, thankfully landing on some grass, protecting your wallet from a potential bill from the school or whoever owned this damned glass.
Your clothes and dignity however?
Can’t really say the same thing…
You stand up immediately picking up the glass and placing it on the table.
Only then do you tense up at the sudden coldness against your skin.
“Oh dear, are you alright, should I get you some paper towels or maybe a napkin?” Seonghwa stood up immediately at your side.
Even though this was painfully embarrassing and the looks you were getting from others didn’t help, you wanted to play it cool.
“No, no, don’t worry. I should’ve been more careful.”
You decided to look inside the little bag you had brought with you, trying to see if you have any sort of tissues with you.
What an awful day to be wearing a shirt that becomes somewhat transparent when wet…
As you're searching, you fail to realise just how transparent the shirt is, obliviously just trying to find an easy solution.
You may have been oblivious, but Seonghwa was not. He couldn’t help the large gulp he took as he saw the shirt stick to your skin, basically exposing anything underneath for everyone to see.
He had a few intrusive thoughts but he shook them off, instead, taking his jacket and placing it over you.
“What are-”
He takes your arm in his grasp and your bag in his other hand, leading you away from some of the snobby parents who had the audacity to still be looking at you in disgust because of your now ‘revealing’ shirt.
We don’t stan those parents alright?
Anyway he knows this school well and so he leads you towards a much more empty area and opens a door to what you’d assume is to be a guest restroom since it looked pretty fancy compared to the normal trashy bathrooms you see in highschools.
He placed your bag down onto the sink and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t as small as a cubicle, but it was still a very small space to be in, not leaving much room to move around too much.
“Sorry, I just thought it would be more convenient if you cleaned and tried to dry up here.”
Oh? Well yeah this works you guess…
Then you see the mirror.
Cue heat rising to your cheeks and your breath hitching a little.
Oh that’s why he thought it would be a good idea…
Bro your torso is on display. Like, deadass.
Mental note: don’t wear white shirts and be a clumsy dumbass simultaneously in the future.
As you’re staring in the mirror in a small state of shock and further embarrassment, Seonghwa mindlessly grabs the towel next to the sink in the small cubicle, and tugs up your shirt a little bit so that he can place the towel on top of the wet mark a bit more easily.
Haha what?
It’s only when he notices that you’re extremely still, that he realises he shouldn’t just be wiping down a stranger’s shirt for them…
He immediately comes to a halt, while awkwardly glancing at you with the same slightly panicked expression that you held on your own face.
However, Seonghwa realised that, your face, flushed out a little, is frustratingly endearing to look at.
He almost felt the urge to just cradle your face in his hands right then and there...Maybe pulling you in closer
Mr. Park NO!
He shakes his thoughts away, immediately apologising, slowly retracting his arm.
But you know what your dumbass did?
Held his arm in place.
You don’t know why, but it’s like your brain was straight out malfunctioning.
Body, actions, thoughts, rationality - all of it was not communicating with each other and you couldn’t logically explain your actions.
It just felt like maybe you should keep him there and let him take care of you, no matter how strange that may seem. It seemed right…
Either way this is just awkward and now there’s just so, so much tension.
The air is literally weighing on you a bit, especially since Seonghwa went silent after you instinctively grabbed his arm.
It was still, silent, and it felt as though if you moved, reality would break into pieces.
Dramatic way to explain the situation? Maybe. But it really did feel close to that.
“I uh...It’s okay. You can continue.” You let out shakily.
I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment lmao, moving on.
He just adjusted his throat and gave a quaint nod before continuing what he was doing.
The issue was that now he was hyper focused on trying to not make any direct contact with your skin. His touches are so light, that it’s obviously ineffective, and you and him both know that, but no one wants to say anything.
He’s keeping his eyes glued to the wet patch on your shirt and as you look hopelessly at the soggy thing, you can’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms.
Holy shit his arms. You were already flustered, and now you have to sit still knowing his arms look so good? No way. It’s over for you.
His biceps bulged a little since it was bent, and the dress shirt he was wearing tightened around it, only accentuating how firm he was.
If he’s just that firm on his arms...Imagine what he’s like everywhere else…
Great… Now your feeling heat rush to more areas than just your cheeks.
Look away Y/n. Look away. Literally anywhere but there.
Ah yes, look at the ceiling.
You bit at your lip nervously, and in hopes that it would be a gentle reminder to restrain yourself from looking over at him.
“Can you-”
Your eyes meet his, and he darts his eyes elsewhere almost immediately.
He straightens himself up, letting go of your shirt and placing that hand now on the towel.
“Can you not bite your lip like that..?” He steals a glance at you before sighing.
His ears are definitely a shade of pink and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
Honestly you couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful and more confident knowing that you weren’t the only one being flustered here.
You felt like you could breathe a little now.
Maybe your brain did a 180 a bit too quickly, since now you decided to lean closer to him, ensuring that your head popped up within his eye view, which was predominantly the floor at the moment.
You tilted your head tauntingly.
“Why? Does it make you nervous?” You said with a playful undertone in your voice - the seemingly newfound confidence urging you on in your antics.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side in disbelief before turning his head to look at you with his eyebrows raised, ready to challenge you.
He now leaned closer, clearly asserting a dominant aura with a small smirk graced on his face.
“Trust me, if I wanted to see you wet, this situation would be a lot different.”
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
That was unexpected.
No you won’t back down. You’ve been flustered too much today and you’re tired.
Game face: on.
There’s no time to let the wet shirt of yours get the best of you. It is now no longer your priority in this moment.
[A/N: let’s go Y/N, show ‘em what you got]
You saunter close to him, pushing your hands on his chest causing him to lean back into the wall.
“Is that so?” You chuckle, reaching for his tie, tugging at it a little, before busying yourself with tightening it and making it look a little neater.
“And in what ways, would that situation be different?” you uttered out in the most seductive voice you could muster.
You held back a smirk as his breath audibly hitched.
He found his hand, crawling to grip your hip. Pulling you a bit closer towards him - bodies just touching.
“Well for starters, you wouldn’t have a shirt that would be able to get wet in the first place.”
You flattened out the tie, coming to a halt, taking time to gaze at him.
“Oh? And why’s that?” You said lowly, acting dumb.
His grip tightened around your hip, finally pulling you into his chest.
The slight dampening of his shirt didn’t bother him as much as his urge to touch you more did.
“Because, Y/n,” He spoke, leaning in so that you could now feel his breath fan your lips,
“In an ideal situation, you and I would both be naked.”
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docwritesshit · 11 months ago
Redson x Sister!reader Angst as redson is kinda mad about her dating now and then they get into a huge fight and some PIF mother comfort please and a happy ending? One shot please...........
Ooooooh? Gladly!
Redson x Sis!Reader Angst
“YOU CANT JUST GO OUT LIKE THAT AND NOT FUCKING TELL ME!” Redson exclaimed, flames already starting to spurt out the strays of his hair. You growled, slamming you hand down on the table
“It was a spur of the moment thing! I texted you the first chance I got!” You shot back. She scoffed.
“That’s hardly any notice! And how long have you known this one?”
“That’s why it was a date. The point is to get to know each other! And I had fun! They didn’t even do anything!” You explained. Redson gave you a stern glare.
“You are old enough to be courted now. And you know that you have to run potential suitors by Father and Mother, and me. You should have done so before going off.” Redson clarified. You gaped
“Do you hear yourself? It’s modern times! Many don’t do that anymore! And Mother said that I can pursue who I want until I’m ready to marry them!”
“That was when things were different for us. With Father back-“
“Again with Father! You are so uptight now that he’s back. You are so desperate for their approval, it’s laughable. And so pitiful"
Redson paused, looking you in the eyes, a mixture of pain and flames of rage swirling inside them. Your gaze softened
"Im sorry, that was-"
Redsons' chair screeched as they pushed themselves from the table. She stalked away.
"Go ahead then. Go live your fucking life. Seek your own approval from the swine and let them break your heart. I wont be the shoulder for you to cry on when they do." He stated, turning the corner and disappearing.
Cut to you now in your room, going between curling into a ball and crying and punching your pillows. You couldn't see why this was such a big deal. It was such a little thing. Why did Reds-
Someone cleared their throat, making you whirl around to see your mother standing in your doorway, standing tall with a book in her hands. She smiled at you.
"May i come in?" She asked. You wiped your tears and nodded. Princess Iron Fam closed the door behind her, seeming to float over to the edge of your bed. She beckoned you over, sitting on the mattress. You reluctantly shuffled over and flopped down next to her.
She flipped open the book she carried, laying it on top of her lap. You glanced at the first page. Your eyes widened, seeing a beautifully drawn picture. A picture if… something familiar.
There was little you, only a toddler, sitting in the dirt with a circle drawn around and little Redson standing in-front of you, wielding a stick with his tiny chest puffed all the way out.
Your mother smiled softly, caressing the page gently.
"He always was your knight, in his mind. At least, when you two weren't causing havoc around the home."
She flipped to the next page, where you two were a bit older and he stood in-front of you as you cowered behind him, scared of a little bug that was just crawling around.
"He always protected you. He might snark and say the petty comment more than the genuine compliment, but he cares" She affirmed. She then closed the book, and looked at you.
"He is afraid he might not be able to be your knight here. And he cares too much to think you can handle yourself. Prove that you can, my little spark" She said. Tears pricked your eyes again. She tutted, wrapping you up in a hug.
"We all care, darling. We are all here. Just remember that," She murmured. You cried into her shoulder, sobs racking your body.
She was your sibling. He was your shield. You just needed to be able to proved yourself as the sword
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saysike-skedoodles · 6 months ago
Treat Me Like Your P3T
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MORE SILLY ART! MORE OF THE FUNNY COYOTE!! I was listening to some Femtanyl as I usually do and got the idea for this drawing thanks to her song 'P3T'. I really like it, really energetic and fun :]. I based her makeup look off of the eyelashes present on Token (the character usually seen on Femtanyl's music artwork) cuz I liked the look of them. Also, I should probably mention this but uhhh don't take the phrase on the art literally. If you did treat Silly like as if she's an actual dog you'd be getting a free ticket to the "Getting Punched in the Face By Silly" experience, don't do that. Obviously you can see her already not looking too happy here but just to clarify that before anyone actually does HAH.
I also went a bit experimental on the likes of posing and head views in this drawing. Of course it's not absolutely perfect, but it's still an attempt nonetheless :]. I'm actually really happy with the result. I've always wanted to do the likes of tilted heads and such but just never tried it cuz to be fair I was a bit scared of trying it. Get experiemental with your stuff guys, it's not as scary as past me thought it was going to be. I'm honestly really glad I'm getting the energy back to make digital art, been sketching in my sketchbook a good bit outside of digital art which is neat too. Which does remind me, I dunno if yall would be up for it but I have thought of sharing more sketchbook stuff, stuff like design pages, doodles, all that. Kinda like me posting some craft stuff, just changes things up for this account and my content if ya get me. I'll decide on something anyways.
Also, I may be posting a speedpaint later after this, it's most likely not going to be of THIS DRAWING specifically, but I figured why not post one since I haven't posted on my youtube in a little over 5 months. I know my upload schedule on youtube is anything BUT consistent but it's only cuz making youtube content takes a lot more time and energy out of me than it does posting to DA, Tumblr, Newgrounds etc. Honestly I don't usually like posting speedpaints to me channel, I always feel like it's "lazy" content to be put on my channel, I dunno what you guys feel about it but that's how I feel personally. But that's probably just me. ANYWAYS- speaking of Silly actually since this drawing features, October is about 3 days away (YAYYYY) which means that, yes, Bex, Silly and Stacy will be back once again to show off their Halloween costumes for 2024! I definitely think this year's is gonna be the BEST in terms of costume choices, I don't wanna say much but lemme tell ya that this year's Halloween costumes are gonna be AWESOME. ALSO ALSOOOO- with October around the corner, I HAVE A GOOD FEW SPOOKY DRAWING IDEAS READY TO START DRAWING. I also have a few horror related drawings that I've been working on in the background that I wanna share when October comes around since I'm proud of some of them :].
I think that's it for me and what I have to say, go listen to Femtanyl
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sophies-junkyard · 1 year ago
Seeing the new PJO content has me thinking way too hard about growing up. Its crazy because it’s like…. I think that chapter of my life is over? Which is a BIZARRE feeling. It’s all pretty stupid to write out but I’m drinking coffee and staring out the window and don’t have class for another 6 hours so lemme scribble some thoughts.
I read the Percy Jackson books when I was the same age as the characters, and so whenever I look back on those stories I sort of… remember them as peers? I remember how much I related to them and looked up to them. It was the first story that ever told me my ADHD could be a gift, and that it made me just like my heroes. It was so, SO important to me. I JOINED TUMBLR for the PJO fandom! I made camp t-shirts and painted necklace beads! I learned to draw because the fanart inspired me. Those books were such an escape for a lonely kid. The characters grew up right alongside me, and eventually got older than me. So when I picture our trio I still picture people… more competent than me? People I would aspire to be. But seeing that trailer and remembering like… holy fuck they were kids. I was a kid. This is a faithful adaptation because they were TWELVE… where did the time go?
It’s just strange because if you scroll back through my tumblr you’ll find a kid who camped out for the release of HOH. Who saved her allowance for a year to get an autographed copy of the Blood of Olympus. Whose eyes would glaze over in euphoria at the idea of my favorite thing in the world coming to screen. At the idea of a new BOOK!! And from Percy’s perspective?? That girl would’ve exploded. This was HER blog! Push a few buttons and you’ll find her!
So how odd is it that… it’s simply not for me anymore. When I saw that the book was set in Percy’s senior year of high school, I had a tiny flash of disappointment. Obviously I can’t relate to an 18 year old, and I felt myself frowning. “Why isn’t Percy for ME anymore?” I wondered. And I immediately felt silly. The answer is because… I don’t need that world anymore.
They’re not making this show for me. They’re bringing it back for the next generation of kids who need those role models and those stories. When I watched the trailer I thought “oh that’s cool” instead of “oh my god I can’t wait!!” Because it just doesn’t make my brain light up like it used to. I’m never going to relate to it like I once did. Ever. And that’s okay because I’m not that kid anymore! Insane.
It’s not like the series doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. There’s a copy of The Lightning Thief on the bookshelf directly across from me. Its smooshed between The Secret History and a level 4000 Spanish textbook. It’s yellowed with age and shredded around the corners. The first sentence has been underlined repeatedly in smudgy mechanical pencil. There are about a thousand folded pages and the back cover is missing. I don’t remember the last time I opened it, but it’s moved with me for years now and I have no intention of letting it go.
Those stories and that fandom shaped me into the person I am today. I wanted to be brave like Percy and smart like Annabeth. I believed it was possible because I saw myself in them, and it turned out to be true. So while it’s sad to know those days are behind me, I’m so SO glad that other kids will get to have that experience. I hope these stories live on for decades to come.
I don’t really know what the point of writing this was. I think I just wanted to have these thoughts written out somewhere. A sort of acceptance that time goes on and things change, ya know? And to clarify: this is NOT meant to discourage ANYBODY from watching the new series or reading the new book. People should absolutely go back to the things that bring them joy, should discover new worlds to escape to, etc. live your life baby! Hell, I’ll probably end up liking everything PJO related that floats across my dash. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. If you read this entire post I hope you have a great day lmao.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 2 years ago
In Your Dreams
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Moodboard by @softhecreator
Chapter Three: Would It Really Kill You If We Kissed?
AO3 info one two three four five six seven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
I know you don’t belong, I know you  don’t belong to anyone. No, you can’t be tamed, love. And maybe I was wrong, maybe I was wrong for this, but you feel like the sun on my face.- All Time Low, Favorite Place
She was dreaming again. 
Lately, most of her Tim-related dreams were sexual in nature, and this one was no different. Of course, she could only really recall what was said and the actions they took rather than any actual sensations. 
Her head was bobbing in his lap as he sat on one of his couches, her tongue laving over the barbels in his shaft.
“Fuck, Lea,” he grunted before pulling her mouth off his dick and into his lap. “Lemme have you, sweetheart.”
“Okay,” she giggled.
“C’mon,” Tim muttered, aligning himself with her. “One last time, baby. C’mon.”
“One last time?” she questioned. “What’re you talking about?”
“Won’t get to do this anymore, even in dreams,” he breathed as he pulled her down onto him. “Fuck, that’s it. Bounce on it for me.”
She was too distracted by his body and general presence to question him further and did as she was told, and—like always—only really dreamed of the words between them.
“I love you, Lea,” he groaned into her mouth. “I love you so much.”
“Dream-Tim is the best,” she told him with a grin. “Wish I could have this all the time.”
“It’s me,” he insisted. “It’s me, baby. I’m real. You can have this whenever you want. If you want this, just fuckin’ tell me.”
“Don’t distract me from how hot you are with your dream-fantasy shenanigans,” Lea told him, running her hands over his bare chest.
“Dammit,” he moaned. “Fuck it, I’ll take what I can get.”
The dream faded away, morphing into his bedroom, where they lay tangled together amongst his sheets.
“I love you,” he murmured. “I love you more than anything in the world.”
Flushing despite the knowledge that it was a dream and therefore not the slightest bit real, Lea buried her face in his neck. “You’re a dork even when I dream you up, huh?”
He hummed, but didn’t respond directly. “You won’t forget me, will you?”
She pulled back, looking up at him with a frown. “What’re you talking about now?”
“When I’m gone,” he clarified, “I don’t want you to forget me.”
“What, you mean when you’re traveling or something?”
Even in her dreams, he still gave her that sad smile. “Or something, yeah.”
“No, I won’t forget you,” she told him slowly. “Though you should know that since you’re in my head.”
“Good,” he murmured, kissing her again. “I’m not in your head the way you seem to think, though.”
“Eh.” She waved him off. “Dream semantics.”
Tim looked at her for a long while before quietly asking, “Will you miss me?”
She blushed, burying her face in his neck again. “I always miss you. Whenever you’re not with me, I miss you.”
He wrapped her in his arms, kissing her temple.
“Why’re you asking me weird things, anyway?” she wanted to know.
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart,” Tim said. “Just let me hold you.”
“Uh.” She blinked. “Okay then.”
His arms tightened around her, and he held her closer.
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It was late at night in the middle of June when she got his text.
Her phone buzzed from where it sat on her bed, and she went to pick it up.
Come to the park with me ?
She frowned, wondering why he was randomly asking her to meet him somewhere so unusual. Still, she didn’t have anything else to do. She wasn’t visiting her mom back in North Carolina until the following month.
He texted her back almost immediately.
Now, if you can.
She was always excited to see him, and she hadn’t seen him at all since May, too, so she squirmed happily as she replied. 
Okay! See you in a bit!
Lea managed to get ready in record time, pairing the ruby heart necklace and earrings he’d gotten her with a white ruffled top and bubble skirt from Saks.
She shot him a quick text that she’d see him in a bit, and then she skipped out the door.
She never got tired of hanging out with Tim. He was most definitely her best friend by that point.
He was sitting on a bench in Central Park when she found him.
“Hi,” she said with a grin, plopping down next to him on the bench.
“Hey,” he greeted, and then he looked over at her, turning towards her in the process, and she saw…
What the fuck?
He looked… well, he looked dilapidated, frankly. He’d always kinda looked nineteenth century orphan-esque, but now… now he looked starving. Starving and very, very sick. He was skinnier than normal—which was saying a lot, ‘cause he was already thin as a rail—and his cheeks were sunken in. His eyes were sunken, too, with dark circles under them, and his skin was even more pallid than it had been when she’d seen him last.
“Tim?” she asked tentatively. “Are you okay? You look like you should be in the hospital, not hanging out with me.”
He smiled at her slightly, his eyes sad. “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”
“You look sick,” she pointed out, brow furrowing in concern.
“I know,” he said with a soft, barely-there chuckle. “Sorry you gotta see my sorry ass looking so awful. I’m sure it’s unpleasant.”
Lea shook her head with a frown. “No, I’m always happy to see you, I’m just worried.”
He sighed, leaning his head back against the bench.
“Don’t worry about me. Told you that before.” He sounded out of breath, almost.
“If I looked the way you do right now, would you worry about me?”
“Of course I would, sweetheart,” he muttered. “No way around that.”
“Then it’s hardly fair of you to not expect the same of me.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose not.”
“And wouldn’t you want me to tell you what was wrong if I was sick?”
Tim was silent for several moments before softly repeating, “Of course I would.”
“Then you should tell me, too, don’t you think?”
He sighed. “I’m sick, Lea.”
“Are you, y’know, getting treatment?”
Another sigh. “It’s terminal.”
Her mouth fell open in shock. “Terminal as, in, like— you can’t mean you’re—“
“I’m dying, yes.” He said it with such nonchalance that she wasn’t even sure if he was serious, but he didn’t laugh orsay he was joking, so he had to be serious, right?
Still, she hopefully said, “You’re joking, right? C’mon, tell me you’re joking.”
He looked at her sidelong. “No, I’m not joking. I asked you to come here so I could see you amongst the flowers when I went.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re dying now?!” 
He nodded slightly, a small dip of his chin. “Wanted to be next to you for it.”
“But— but why?” she asked brokenly. “Why are you dying? When did this happen? Why me?”
He stared at her with those sad eyes. “I’ve been dying since I met you.” She opened her mouth to speak, and he added, “It’s not your fault, and I wouldn’t change a thing if I had the choice. I’m happy I got to meet you. I’d do it a million times over. I just wish I’d had more time with you.”
“I don’t understand,” she said tearfully. “I don’t know what I’ve done to… to make you so sick, but—“
“No point in dancing around it, I suppose,” Tim mused. He watched her for a moment, considering. “I’m an incubus.”
She blinked at him. “A— a what?”
An exhausted smile. “An incubus, darling.”
“A demon who feeds on…” she trailed off, too embarrassed to say the words aloud. 
“Sex and orgasms, yes,” he confirmed with a tired sigh.
“Oh, well, um…” She recalled the dreams she’d had, the inexplicable pull she felt towards him, his strange ability to disappear. “I kinda figured you were a fae, but that… makes sense, actually.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You believe me?”
She shrugged. “You can just poof in and out of places. Plus, the dreams—“ she cut herself off. 
His lips split in a slow, lazy smirk. “The dreams? If I had more time, I’d insist you tell me what you remember from them.” Lea blushed bright red, and he laughed softly.
“You’re very sick, Tim,” she said instead of answering him. “If you need, uh…” A gulp. “Someone in order to get better, then I know there’s countless people who would jump at the opportunity—“
“Won’t work,” he cut her off with another sigh.
She blinked at him. “What? Why? I doubt anyone would even mind the whole life-sucking issue.”
“Suppose I should explain this to you.” He exhaled. “We don’t take anyone’s life force. I don’t even know where that idea came from. We actually prolong the lives of those we feed on.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You do?”
Tim nodded. “It’s possible for a human to survive indefinitely if one of us is feeding on them regularly. We’re symbiotic rather than parasitic.”
“Well… you should have no issues finding meals, then, if they have nothing to fear.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” He looked away from her, gazing out at the trees surrounding them. “Finding a meal isn’t the issue. The issue is it no longer has any effect. I’ve tried plenty of times.”
“No effect?” she asked, concerned for this strange new friend she’d made these past few months. “So what, you’ll just starve?”
He hummed. “It would seem so.”
Tears prickled at the back of her eyes again. “I… I don’t want you to die, Tim.”
He turned his gaze to her once more. “I don’t mind it, really.”
She furrowed her brow. “You don’t want to live?”
“Of course I do,” he nodded, “but I don’t really mind the idea of dying.” At her shocked expression, he chuckled. “I have lived a very long time, Lea. Death doesn’t scare me.”
It was several seconds before she recovered from her shock. “And just like that, you’re fine with it being over?”
“Well,” Tim chuckled, “I’d certainly prefer to stay alive, but…” he paused, his eyes warm with affection as he gazed at her. “But if I’m going to die, I want it to be while I’m looking at the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Is that the real reason you asked me to come out with you today?” she asked. “So you could flirt?”
He smiled softly. “If you like.” 
His breathing was shallow, and his voice was breathless.
He was going to die. He was very close now.
“I don’t want you to die, Tim,” she said again tearfully. “Why… why can’t you eat? Is there anything I can do?”
Another sweet, gentle smile. “Nothing I could ask you for.”
Her heart leapt with frantic relief. “So there is something I can do!” Eager to help, she clasped his hand in hers, not really registering that his breathing evened out at her touch. “Tell me. Tell me so I can help you.”
“Alright,” he agreed reluctantly, his voice a bit stronger than it had been before. “If you really want to know, I’ll tell you.” He took a deep breath. “Most human women can’t have the child of an incubus. They’ll waste away if they try. But there is an occasional woman who can. These women are our mates, intended for a specific one of us, should they accept what we have to offer.”
“Which is?” she prompted, though she had no idea how this could relate to her at all.
He stared at her thoughtfully before saying, “Safety, wealth, happiness, children, more pleasure than they can comprehend, and an eternity of worshipful adoration and love.”
Jealousy towards his mate—whoever she was—swirled in her stomach, acidic and burning, her hand tightening around his unintentionally. “But why does that mean you can’t feed?”
“Once we meet our mates,” Tim began, “we can’t feed from anyone else. If they don’t accept us in time, we will starve.”
“So she rejected you?” she asked, shocked.
He shook his head. “I haven’t been rejected. I haven’t said anything about it until now.”
“Then you should tell her!” Lea insisted, standing up abruptly. “Tell me where she is, and I’ll tell her myself. I’m not letting you die, stupid. I—“
“Lea.” He grabbed her hand again. When she looked down at him in surprise, his expression was resigned and fearful all at once. “It’s you. You’re my mate.”
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Tag list
@ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence @timmymyluv @oddlyenoughiamweird @leecrunchybones @s-we-e-t-t-ea @almostg @leespparker @bubblebuttwade @glizzymcguirex @starberry-cake
To be added, please ask 💗
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thegamingcatmom · 2 years ago
it’s me again! haha calling me “odor anon” made me laugh as much as the foot fetish gif!🤣 i forgot i should have said “it’s me…pee anon!” so you would know i was back again!👋🏻😂
i didn’t have much time earlier when i sent my message asking about the smell thing. i had just quickly sneaked on to check momma’s tag and speed read your new post.. so that’s why it was so short, ‘cause i was rushing to get my ask sent before i had to log off, hoping you would be on here at some time before i got back on tonight😭
OK so i have another question lol! so sometimes you call maggot momma ‘she’ and sometimes you call her ‘it’.. is this on purpose?
i was reading your long post again…the one inspired by mommy kink.. and in it you switch between ‘she’ n ‘it’ freely. so for example.. sometimes reader will be ‘hers’ but other times reader is ‘its’. or sometimes you’ll say ‘her hand’ and others you’ll say ‘its face’ etc.
so i was wondering if there was a reason for the switching between both? (that i’m missing because i’m dumb) or if it’s just something you hadn’t even thought about?😁
Ohhh well then, hey there and welcome back! 😄🥰
I guess that makes you...pee-odor anon then? 😅
Oh that´s okay, no need to rush at all! I do check in on my tumblr multiple times a day, especially since I´ve started writing about Maggot Mommy in greater detail. So if there´s a new ask I usually answer it right away (if I can). 😊
Although, Imma start working again on tuesday so I might not have as much time as I do now ´cause work sucksssss. 🥹
Also, pls don´t worry about an ask being too short or anything like that, really. I´m happy to receive any ask, no matter if it´s a full paragraph or a short sentence. It gives me the chance to gush and obsess about Maggot Momma and her certain someone and, ofc, there´s a real chance any new ask might just turn into the next installment of what-the-actual-fuck. 😜
So yall, don´t be shy, lemme know your kinks and quirks...
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As for your question, I´m so glad you asked. 😈
Because yes, me switching between her/she and it is on purpose for multiple reasons.
As yall know, I see Maggot Momma as animalistic, feral being which acts on instincts more than anything else, is driven by them. Her deceased, rotten brain is just wired differently (meaning: she thinks her precious Drama Queen was meant for her and they belong together and she wants to climb into them and she thinks a certain someone is just as besotted with her as she is with them and-) and whenever I wanna show what´s going on in that rotten brain of hers, I use she/her. Basically Maggot Momma´s POV.
Now, imagine finding yourself in that situation - being hunted down, clawed at, sniffed at, licked like a lollipop, smothered, used as a humping pillow and-
(Doesn´t sound so bad though, does it? 🙈)
And all of that happens all day, every day and It looks like the walking dead and limbs get sent flying on a regular basis and there´s always this fear that It might just get tired of you after all and any day could be your last because you have no idea what´s going on in that rotten brain.
So, whenever I use "it" that means the story is being told from a certain someone´s POV.
Switching between "she/her" and "it" is basically me trying to show and clarify that there´s a distance - physical and emotional (more so emotional though cause Momma does as she damn well pleases and personal space wha-?) - between Maggot Momma and a certain someone. Because we have to remember that, while you as a reader do know what´s going on in Momma´s brain, they don´t.
When I write I focus mostly on the animalistic, unhinged nature of Maggot Momma and how someone would, realistically, react to that. So me using "it" means I want to stress that feral nature of hers.
Also, I rarely use actual conversation in my posts, as you might have noticed. What I do instead is trying to describe a situation as you would experience it yourself. Always keeping in mind that Maggot Momma and a certain someone have quite the different mindsets...
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If you got any more questions I´ll be happy to answer them all. 😊
And now Imma get back to that rather full bladder of a certain someone...poor thing indeed.
Until then! 🤗
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her-satanic-wiles · 1 year ago
Hellooo, curious anon here! I had a couple of questions regarding your commissions. I wanna request something through there someday and I just wanna be sure of a couple of things ☺️
The first, what are some topics you will NOT write for? Or are you comfortable with writing about anything?
Secondly, for the multi-part fics, what would the writing process look like between you and the person who requested it? I know each story is different, but how often would you and the person keep in touch, and would the two of you brainstorm the story and fix all the plot pieces together?
I firmly believe everybody should make a living being a fanfic writer! You guys work so hard creating the best content, you deserve it! 👏🏻👏🏻 I checked the prices and, lemme just say, if I had $1,000 I would gift it to you in a heartbeat ❤️ If possible, I’d gladly give you $20 every week after requesting a multi-part fic. I love your stories and I wanna help out as much as possible with supporting you! Keep up the fantastic work!! 🫶🏻
Hello, beautiful! Thank you so much for the ask. Thank you for your consideration of the requests! I hope, one day, to see you in my commissions!
Answers are under the read more!
To answer your first question, I'm comfortable writing most things with the exception of super extreme things like necrophilia, beastiality, underage, scat, or emetophilia. If we're talking bodily fluids, then I limit it to blood, cum or piss. But those I'm happy to write pages on. 💀
Secondly, the process is different from person-to-person. I have one person who gives me a general overview of the story and says, "Here you go." And then leaves. I have another person who has given me detailed plot, and character personalities and knows exactly what they want, and I usually send them each chapter as it's finished, and they make changes as they see fit. It all depends on you and what you're comfortable with.
I do usually have a word limit and try to stick to it, but I have been known to get carried away. So if I break the word limit then that's on me, but if you ask for more once I've finished the fic then I will ask you to tip me an extra £2 for 1,000 words. Anything more than that it will be roughly commission prices: £5 for 2,000, £10 for 5,000 and so on and so on.
Members of my monthly subscription get a discount when they commission anything. This is applied automatically at checkout.
Also, I need to clarify, I do not under any circumstances take requests and commissions from minors.
With any commission, the 2k word ones included, I always ask the following questions:
1. What pronouns would you like the reader to have? (All are welcome.)
2. Smut, fluff, or angst? (Mix n' match.)
3. If you want smut, do you have preferred genitalia you'd like me to write? Or would you rather I kept it ambiguous?
4. Are there any kinks you want me to include? (I won't write scat, necro, beastiality or underage.)
5. Are there any kinks or scenarios you DON'T want me to include? Do you have any specific triggers you need me to avoid?
6. Would you like to remain anonymous?
These are the most important questions I will ever ask. For one of my commissioners, he wanted he/him pronouns with cisfem genitalia, but asked me not to include certain aspects into the smut, which I am more than happy to do as long as you're available to answer my questions and let me learn about your identity and comfort levels. Obviously, this can be a very intimate thing depending on what you're asking for. Your comfort is top priority.
If you wanted to commission something (were a member of the Bishop tier or higher), but didn't know what you wanted, I have a list of everything I want to write uploaded and frequently updated on my Kofi. This is here because commissions take priority, and it means that I won't get around to my stuff for a long, long time. So, if you liked the sound of something and wanted it out faster, then you're free and able to commission it.
That's so kind of you to say about fan fiction writers making a living off their work, and believe me, if I could, then I would. I'd love to be a stay-at-home freelance writer who doesn't have to leave the house if I don't want to. I'm getting tired of people irl. 😭
Even just reading and reblogging my stuff is support enough, and I can't thank the people who do that enough. I'm genuinely so honoured that people like my stuff enough to sit there and read it all, request more, and patiently wait for the next one. Thank you so, so much - truly!
I hope this helps!
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plushefemme · 1 year ago
Hello ! Just to say that I found your answer to my previous question very, very cute ! ^^ I learnt something at least, I didn't know "femme" had a meaning in the US :) I asked this because I thought you were French and thus, could let me know some people into it too, IRL I mean. You made clear enough that you're lesbian so I wouldn't have asked anything more to you :) Oh but if you ever know a female feeder/feedee in France, lemme know, I'd be happy :D
hi french anon!! hahaha thank you, i’m glad!
i can completely understand the confusion and i’m sure you’re not the first. i should clarify that ‘femme’ (we pronounce it like ‘fem’) in US queer communities and several other countries influenced by US queer culture, is not only used by lesbians! many queer people use it as an identity term that means alignment with femininity among other things.
any of my followers from france?? or know some feedists there? help this lovely anon out!
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