#(>0<; ) anon
nightwonder7 · 25 days
I love your Norton and Ithaqua's beefs so much XD thank you for making those!!!!! Your artstyle is so expressive and moveable, the comics are a joy to read! :D
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Aww thank you so much!! ;//W//; I'm so glad to hear! How this beef came to be was actually so random cause it's such an unlikely duo. But they are fun to draw, and I love it whenever people are referencing the comic where it all started XD
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chick-it-out · 2 months
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vg-bird-reviews · 8 months
Psychonauts 1 seagull owo
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what the fuck
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buttercupbuck · 3 months
so if it was about eddie, why did buck say it was about tommy?
so we're just trusting what evan buckley says now? evan "she really sees me" buckley?
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fernsproutxx · 2 months
Un dibujo tuyo de Springtrap x Ballora, wows. Por favor.<3 (me encantan tus dibujos, sobre todo tu diseño del apestoso Willy. Épico, dibujas épico)
ahh muchas gracias qwq
perdón por tardarme en responder sobs, me tomé mucho tiempo pensando en cómo hacer el dibujo y pues termino siendo una ilustración completa pft
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ella era bella, frágil como una rosa
él era una bestia, esclavo de sus impulsos
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etoilesbienne · 4 months
oh wait actually my real request for the qsmp fandom is this:
stop sharing bad tumblr takes to twitter. i don't care what you're reasoning is, unless its a private five follower account and youre complaining to friends, you have zero reason to be putting bad faith criticisms that were already hidden on a site barely used by cc onto the site they DO use and possibly right in front of them. we wouldn't be in this mess if people weren't reposting anon hate of all things onto twitter for some reason.
by all means, share fun analysis! share positive longform thought posts! don't share anon hate death threats being sent to other fans. stop feeding trolls. don't answer asks like that either. it just gives people the satisfaction of a reply. delete it and make them seethe and move on with your life.
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
may i request uhhh.....the papas reacting to their s/o teasing them in public?
Papas with s/o who teases in public
You knew what you were doing when you wore those stupidly small shorts and tank top with his jacket over your shoulders, half pulled down and showing off your chest.
And you made sure to press real close to him when you sat down for the dinner, placing a hand on his thigh.
At first, he just thinks you're being touchy, and smiles softly and holding your hand on his thigh.
But then you start to slide your hand up, and he softly asks what you're doing, turning to you with a adorably confused look.
And when you cup your hand over his dick, gently rubbing at him through his robes?
He's growling into your ear, warning you to not play with fire.
And of course, you jump headfirst into it. Continuing to palm and practically jack him off under the table.
But primo is a patient man.
He can wait until you two are back home, then throw his robes off and bend you over the nearest surface and slam in over and over until you're nice and mindless.
Unlike primo, he is not a patient man.
You will be dragged to the bathroom and fucked against the wall, hand on the back of his head and keeping your head shoved against the wall and a hand cupped over your mouth as he rudely pounds in.
Will not stop until he has came twice and you've learned your lesson. Then clean you up best he can and take you back to the Ministry.
If you're still being a brat, he will fetch the paddles.
If not, he draws you a bath and scrubs you down, so you can both go lay in bed.
He is patient.. to an extent.
He will tease you back. Only tenfold.
If you have a dick, he will purr and whimper of how much he need's you to fill him up, how much he needs you to shove him down and fuck him stupid.
If you have a cunt, he will growl and beg for you to slam down onto him, begging for you to ride him stupid, pleading and kissing your neck.
If you manage to not fuck him in the bathroom, and manage to get back to the bed?
Don't expect to walk.
Oh this poor baby.
It won't take much to get him to cum in his pants
He also has to bite down on your shoulder to stay quiet, because this boy does not know how to muffle his moans, He will scream with each orgasm.
He will not last to the bedroom before cumming at least once, but when you two are back at the ministry? He will begging for your cock or cunt, sobbing about how much he needs you.
Will need a bath afterwards.
Old Nihil
He's been staring at you the entire time with a happy dreamy look on his face.
Then you place your hand on his thigh and he just grins even more. He was happy enough just to be in your company, but this... this is even better.
As your hand slides up his thigh he raises an eyebrow with a little chuckle. It takes him back to his youth.
He cannot believe his luck when you continue and he rests his head back with a contented smile.
He is too old to even care it's in public so he'll let you take it as far as you want to.
When you get back to the Ministry he'll wrap his arm around your waist and take you straight to bed a glint in his eye.
Young Nihil
Brave idea with this one. He knew exactly what you were up to the moment he saw what you were wearing.
Of course he immediately starts playing his own little game. His shirt buttons are undone lower than usual as he fixes you with his charismatic gaze. it's enough to make anyone melt on the spot, but you hold your nerve and just smile.
You put your hand on his thigh and Nihil gives you the most lascivious smile you've ever seen.
Eventually your hand reaches it's destination as you rub him through his jeans. Nihil lets out a soft moan, then some louder ones, people start to notice. "What's wrong babe?" he says with an innocent smile. He's calling your bluff, "too public?" For all his bravado, you can feel how hard he is, you have him.
His hand now rests on your thigh and he traces gentle circles with his fingers, higher and higher until it's too late, you as much under his spell as he is yours.
You both get up at the exact same time. He takes your hand and hastily leads you out of the room, enjoying the shocked expression on peoples faces. Then up some stairs and out onto the roof, it's a beautiful warm night and there you fuck under the stars.
Papas I-IV Written by Zenith/Jasper.
Papa Nihil Written by Nyx
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @dio-niisio @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @choco-meow69
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l0vergirls · 3 months
Hi there! So glad to see you posting, It’s always fun to read it!!
Could I ask how long do you think yan batfam would take to bring the reader to the mansion? And would they keep a tab on how many dates Tim and reader had so they can make sure everyone has the same amount?
Thank you very much and hope you have a great weekend!
as mentioned, they're very patient people, and when it comes to something (someone) they want so badly, they're very careful not to mess anything up.
i think soon after tim and reader start dating, they'll both spend a lot of time at the mansion instead of reader's apartment. i would say reader has no qualms about this, seeing as they have no emotional ties to that place? it isn't the best apartment ever, quaint and small as it is, so they definitely have nothing against spending time at the mansion.
it'll snowball into reader sleeping over for a couple weeks on end, only coming back to their place to grab some of their things. they'd be well accustomed to life there, after getting over the shock of the fact that multiple people in their life were apparently so connected (they're a bit suspicious, but they've all been nothing but kind so why worry?). not to mention having to see bruce wayne almost every day without fail.
living alone had been quiet, so being in a house that's well lived in is a nice change of pace for them.
at this point, there's nothing preventing them from tim's offer to move into the mansion with him about 5 months into their relationship. too quick? probably, but you only live once, right? who are you to turn down the opportunity to live at the wayne's mansion?
your friends would be wary, but tim's won them over fairly quickly, so they see no problem with you moving in with such a gentleman.
besides, why wait when there's a proposal coming just around the corner?
as for the dates, they definitely have a tally going to keep track of it. hell, they even considered the unofficial "dates" which, as far as you were aware, were completely platonic.
when you've warmed up to the idea of all of them, they'll definitely be more insistent on getting those numbers even.
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thank you for your kind words anon!! i hope you have a lovely weekend as well <3
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screampied · 4 months
The thought of clingy and overprotective bodyguard geto has taken over my brain this week and i feel like you're the perfect person to write him
ooooh imagine you’re the daughter of some famous celebrity. so of course, you’re basically required to have at least a bodyguard or two.
that’s when you stumble upon geto, and the both of you don’t get along at first at all.
two opposite personalities, yet despite his stubbornness, he takes his job quite seriously. he always has you practically attached to his hip, wherever the two of you would go. sometimes not even realizing it, an arm would be slung over you as the both of you walked.
“suguru. you don’t have to follow me everywhere,” you’d grouse, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you dragged your feet. he was so tall, towering over you by a few staggering inches. in a purely black suit, long uncut hair that danced against his shoulders. his hands were always buried in his pockets — he was pretty quiet.
“yes actually, princess. it’s my job, so shush.” and that’d immediately make you suck your teeth. his tone always had the perfect mixture of softness and authority—you groan, staying close to him as if your life depended on it. because in reality, it did.
there’d be a point where you’re caught in the middle of danger. at that point, you get a close glimpse of how overly protective he really is for you. you being in harms way — without a thought, geto would jump in front of a bullet for you. who would have thought that small tactics like that would be all it took for you to say you love him.
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amelia-yap · 6 months
Die Roobie Rose
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nuh uh not on her watch
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greetings-inferiors · 5 months
0 is a natural number
I think they should stick the heads of people who say 0 is a natural number on pikes outside of the maths department at the local university.
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0 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
0 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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aura2023 · 6 months
👉👈 do you have more content from your DW/Hijack crossover?
[ Edit January 2024 -> This was an ask from june 2023. I didn't realized that I left this ask in the drafts for more than 7 months and didn't post it. I'm so sorry anon :,( ]
Hello! And yes i do! Here are some of the sketches :D I don't have written down how i want the interactions between the characters to be yet. I choose the 10th doctor for now but i'm still in doubt of which regeneration i want hiccup to meet
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I don't have like an AU or a story planned (? but i can share some little ideas under the cut.
The first time they meet is by accident. Hiccup and toothless got separated. It's the night fury the one that hears a strange sound. Following it into a cave there were dragons in cages along with a man with strange clothes opening those cages. The man sees the dragon and greets it, He calls himself The doctor. And tells toothless to get away before the dragon trappers get back to the cave.
The doctor invites hiccup and toothless to travel with him. Promising an adventure not only far away from the archipielago, but far away in the stars. When they see the tardis for the first time hiccup couldn't believe that it was bigger inside. He even started to take measures and making notes.
Hiccup learns that the doctor can speak dragon. He watches as the doctor and toothless hold a very long conversation. When he asks about it the doctor just says "Isn't it obvious? I speak dragon. Don't worry toothless was just saying good things. " Hiccup wants to learn dragon speech.
Hipo at first goes traveling with the doctor without telling anyone since they can go back home 5 minutes after leaving, time travel stuff. This is perfect for hiccup, he can go and have this crazy adventures without compromising his duties as the son of the chief.
Of course if you are observant you would notice that the boy started to became more taller really fast, and when asked about things that happened in the day he wouldn't remember those very well. This starts making problems.
- Hiccup and toothless go with the doctor and see different worlds, space whales and dragons surfing through the stars. The technology and the change of scenery can be too much but they are de terminated to explore and learn.
For the hiccup and jack ship in this Doctor who crossover.
This is in our time present (2023). When jack first appears, he is like a ghost. Can't be seen so he is always alone. Like a wind. He spends his time doing pranks and helping missing kids go back home.
His body is trapped in an old alien machine but his mind is " roaming free" in the world. That machine is inside an alien spaceship that fell into the earth many years ago. Jack "found it" when he fell into the frozen lake +/- 300 years ago. Jack like in the movie has seen the world go forward.
Jack can't go time travel into the TARDIS since his connection with his body will be broken. They can still travel around the globe.
In between adventures Hiccup and the doctor visit Jack. It's the most "normal life adventures" they can get lol. Jack teaches Hiccup about the technology and what the 21st century has to offer. Videogames, comics, how he spooks people in old buildings. Hell they can even go and urban exploration. Stop the typical alien invasion with the doctor. Jack meeting toothless. Hiccup talking about his life back at berk and his adventures with the doctor.
One day a group of aliens attacks a city searching for this machine. The doctor alongside Hiccup, Toothless and Jack try to stop the enemies plan. They discover the machine and that jack's body is inside of it. If the enemy finds it they will kill jack in order to use it themselves, the doctor wanted to destroy the machine but now they now is the only thing that is keeping jack "alive."
Now i don't know what they will do after that. Haven't thought much about it. But i know that i want Hiccup to meet both jack in the future, and in the past (before getting trapped in the machine) Maybe he does time after jack is gone. The doctor takes Hiccup 300 years in the past and meets Jackson Overland the week before he falls into the lake and into the machine.
He can´t stop what's going to happen to Jack but he can prolong it. So one day he asks him if he would like to join them. He does. Until jack decides to go back with his family and the day after that he falls into the ice.
I'm sorry that Jack/Hiccup doesn't have a happy ending. My friends told me that i can be a little angst machine.
Edit January 2024 -> I kinda remember that i made another ending but i can't remember where i wrote it. I'm so sorry anon, perdoname por las tardanzas y las respuestas largas. And please forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes and not correct use of words. Tried my best.
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emperormoth101 · 6 months
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tags and notes under cut!!!
@rubicons SO SO HAPPY TO HAVE MET YOU!! You are so cool!!! Tysm for introducing me to cherrypie I love them with my whole heart
@sugarr-moon And thank you for introducing me to bathbomb!!! You’re an awesome person and I think you’re ver cool :]
@tomfoooleryy YOU!!! You are amazing!!! I love your art and your rainworld designs and au is so cool :D
@cheddar-inq YOU TOO! I love your dark au sm I swear i’ll start sending in more asks soon, my last one was to moon about sacrifices (that was me yes)
@weeeeblr HII I’ve not known you for very long but I still am such a big fan of your designs and art :D
@pookapufferfish I may not know you that well but still drew your little guy!!! You seem like a really cool person and I love seeing your stuff on my dashboard
@draagu !!! You are so so awesome! All of your designs are so unique and amazing and I love seeing your pufferfish content!!!
@sleepinginmute Hello!!! I think you’re so cool and I also love seeing your stuff on my dash :] your art is awesome and I love seeing it all
@druidshollow Been a fan of you for awhile now, im so invested in your iterator story and I totally would’ve drawn Phrases or River if I could figure out how to draw iterator…still, i love reading your rw thoughts and comics
anddd @failed-inspection ! I only found you a couple days ago but I love your slugcat designs! Im also a very big fan of spearmaster campaign :D
If anyone wants separate images I can grab them!
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nyastuffs · 28 days
Ser magra o suficiente para experienciar isso no meu casamento 🤍
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paper-mario-wiki · 11 months
Scout Angelsona Fanart inquiry but is it cool to put her into other outfits? Any guidelines about that sort of thing and whatnot
o ya thats not my Default outfit by any means. that's just the first outfit I ever got commissioned! (from @tanooki-tales)
I dress up however da hell I want.
Also, my halo changes color depending on the fit 0:^]
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(this one ALSO by tanooki tales!)
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