#( writing: molly weasley. )
rewritingcanon · 3 months
started tweaking without ao3. anyways i made a uquiz for what marauders character you are because im planning to get around to every generation.
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alwayshinny · 5 months
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Hinny 💍 - The One With No Voldy and Where Everyone Lives
AU, where Harry happens to hear a conversation between his grandfather, Fleamont Potter, and his father, James. Fleamont, who has been looking weaker by the day, tells his son he knows his and Euphemia's time is coming to an end, and his only regret is not being able to witness Harry grow up and get married. This bothers Harry, and while on a playdate at the Burrow, he confides in Ginny, who responds as if it were the most obvious solution: "Then let's get married."
They persuade their families to arrange a gathering, and they con the Weasley brothers into decorating the backyard. Ron stands by Harry's side as his best man, while Luna is Ginny's bridesmaid. All it took was one look from Harry and Ginny to convince Sirius to turn into Padfoot to be their ring bearer/flower girl; his outfit consisted of a bowtie and a tutu (James, Remus, Gideon, and Fabian nearly fell off their chairs laughing so hard).
They made each other's wedding rings. Harry's ring was made from the metal from his grandma's old Auror badge (which Euphemia gave to her willingly) and the very first snitch he caught for the first time and gifted to her. Ginny convinced Fabian and Gideon to transform into a ring. Ginny's ring was made of her favorite green bubble gum (that was suspiciously similar to Harry's eye color) and twigs of their broomsticks as the band, which Harry convinced his dad and Sirius to smooth out and place an unbreakable charm on with an auto-replenishing charm on the bubble gum.
They both dressed themselves for the occasion, and Harry asked his mom and godmother Marlene to help him pick flowers for Ginny's bouquet. He smelled each one and was very picky persistent it had to smell like Ginny's hair. It took Harry HOURS until he was finally satisfied with the arrangement. Molly volunteered to make their wedding cake, and a few days before the wedding, Ginny told her dad in a very grown-up tone to wear a bowtie because he was walking her down the aisle on Sunday. Hinny asked Hagrid to marry them, and when it was time to kiss the bride, Harry was just about to protest/lecture Hagrid about how he should have asked Ginny for her consent instead of giving him permission "to kiss the bride" (the boy was Lily Potter's son and a true feminist at heart), when Ginny pulled Harry down and gave Harry a big kiss on the lips. The kid was frozen for a solid minute and then couldn't stop smiling as he followed his 'wife' around all day.
They made Fleamont and Euphemia's wishes come true.
Then, 16 years later, they got married again.
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allamericanb-tch · 6 months
happy birthday to everyone’s favorite pranksters, fred and george.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
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(Based off of something I mentioned in this ask)
Oh Deary,
I’m so sorry. So so so very sorry. I hadn’t ever meant any harm when I signed that god forsaken petition but when Arthur had come home one day from work and mentioned that there was word of an obscurus going around I panicked. Not only that but that the obscurus was going to be brought in to take a position at Hogwarts, among our children. A flurry of fear, worry and outrage was going around regarding the whole situation but Arthur wasn’t worried about it. He had trust in Albus and if Albus was invested in it then it couldn’t be nearly as awful as everyone was making it seem. And I should have shared that same trust but I couldn’t. Not when my children were involved. I had let fear and anxiety regarding the topic consume me and I took action against Arthur’s reassurance. And I took action against you without even knowing.
My main concern had been for my children and their safety. That was all I could think of. And honestly, I had felt so much relief after I signed that petition that I hadn’t thought twice about it again. I had taken action and with knowing that I did something for the sake of my children, I felt content.
When the new school year started, one of he first things Percy did was notify us that there was indeed an obscurus at Hogwarts and made part of the staff, assisting the groundskeeper with bits and bobs. And also about how Fred and George had taken to befriending the said obscurus. I had immediately been plagued with that same feeling of worry and anxiety all over again. Of course, Fred and George would do something like that! But as I continued to read Percy’s letter he spoke so positively about the obscurus, about you.
You were nothing like anyone had presumed you to be or made you seem, you were someone just surviving and living with what they had been dealt with. Given what all Percy was saying, I felt all the overwhelming and intense emotions fleeting away. I was glad he could shine some light on this situation and give us some ease to know that all our children were going to be safe and sound.
It wasn’t too long after we received Percy’s letter that we had gotten Fred and George’s letters as well. And their letters certainly made a whole lot of difference to me. They spoke so adoringly of you. It was obvious just how much the two had taken to you and that they were clinging on to you as much as they could. I could feel my own joy bubbling up inside me as I continued to read through their words. But it wasn’t until I saw the pictures that the twins had sent along with their letters that I felt my heart clench. There were a few different pictures of the twins, Ron, Harry, Lee Jordan, and a few others, but it was the ones that had my boys and a new face that garnered my attention.
Reading the back of the photographs I learned that this new face was you. That’s when I learned that you weren’t even all that much older than my own children, you looked to be around Bill and Charlie’s age. I couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that washed over me in that moment. You were still a child yourself, it didn’t matter how self sufficient you were or that you were taking on an adult role as a staff member at Hogwarts. You were a child.
The obscurus everyone had been so fearful and worried about, the same obscurus I had been so terrified to have my children around, was only a child themself. I took part to get rid of you at Hogwarts. I took action in trying to rip apart the only piece of acceptance or belonging you would ever experience. I had a hand in taking everything away from you; a home, a livelihood, friends, mentors, a family. I couldn’t believe I took part in something that would have such a drastic impact on you when you were only trying to exist.
I had sobbed all night after coming to realize what exactly my taking part in that petition would come to mean. I know Albus had put a stop to it pretty early on but who knew what the repercussions of it would mean if you or anyone else came across it. Every part of me wanted to apologize to you right then and there after coming to realize everything but I didn’t know how. So, all I could muster myself to do was tell Fred and George to invite you to join us for the next upcoming year’s holiday break. I would welcome you into our home, into our family with warm open arms.
When the holiday break came rolling around and the fated day you would be arriving was growing nearer and nearer, I was running around trying to make everything perfect. It wasn’t though, nothing ever really was perfect in our home but I tried and when you got here you were an absolute delight. You didn’t mind anything and were more than happily content with our home and what it had to offer. You had just been so excited to be invited over at all and that made me want to envelope you in all the love I had to give.
I had decided from that moment that you were completely and utterly, irrevocably a part of our lives. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Arthur and even Percy all adored you to no end. And I couldn’t help but to do the same. In such a short amount of time you became something truly special to us all.
…Only for it to all come crashing down…
I’m not even sure if you will bother reading this but I just want you to know how truly sorry I am, (Name). I don’t know how that petition got to you or where it came from given that Albus had gone to great lengths to erase any trace of it, but I am so sorry you had to see it. I can’t ever forgive myself for my actions and the fact that they have caused you so much hurt. I don’t expect you to forgive me either but please don’t hold anything against the kids. They are all so worried about you since you left Hogwarts. The other teachers at the school have also shared their overwhelming concern for you given that you haven’t answered anyone’s letters. Even, Albus hasn’t heard from you for awhile, it’s even been rumored that you up and left the place he had made a home just for you and that has him noticeably anxious. Not to mention, Hagrid isn’t holding up all too well either.
Please, I know I’m not one to ask anything of you especially not now, but would you please let someone, anyone know that you are okay. And if you’re not then please tell us. We just want to know what’s going on and that you’re safe. Please.
With love,
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impishtubist · 6 months
saturday snippet
Ty for the tag, @soloorganaas 😘
The doorbell rang. Sirius’s hand twitched towards his wand holster, a habit he likely never would be able to break himself of--and frankly, didn’t want to.  He cast a charm as he approached the door to show him the identity of his visitor, and his eyes widened in surprise.  “Percy,” he said as he pulled open the door. He then caught sight of the man over Percy’s shoulder. “And--Mr. Wood, is it?” “Just Oliver, please.” Oliver Wood inclined his head. “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Black.” “Sirius,” Sirius said, stepping aside to let them in. “I apologize for the state of the house, I wasn’t expecting visitors…and, well, I’ve got a six-year-old.”
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
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This little story was written as part of @thethreebroomsticksfic’s Weasley Week 2023. Today, it’s all about Arthur and Molly, who in this scene find themselves with an empty nest. Enjoy.
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff.
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September 1992
The Burrow was quiet, eerily so.
For as long as Molly could remember, noise had been her constant companion. She and Arthur had spent twenty-two years with their family growing around them, and their home had always been a place that hummed and thrummed with the comings-and-goings of everyday family life.
She had become so used to it that she could barely remember what quiet felt like. It turned out that quiet felt a lot like purposeless.
Earlier that day, the Weasleys had said goodbye to six children at Kings Cross Station. It was a goodbye that she was familiar with — she had been making it ever since Bill was eleven, after all — but this was the first time she had returned home without any of her children with her. Now, even little Ginny was at school, and she was left alone in this empty house that felt far bigger than her home.
In a vague, desperate bid to distract herself, she picked up her wool and began to knit, the repetitive clicking of the needles bringing her some much-needed respite from the oppressive hush of the room around her. She was so fixated on the task that she didn’t notice one hand of the nine-handed clock on the wall moving slowly to rest on the word “home”, and jumped at the sound of the door closing shut behind her husband.
“So, I went all over London,” Arthur told her as he made his way across the living room. “Couldn’t find the car anywhere. I can only think that…”
His voice tailed off and he frowned, looking around the room as if he were trying to find something.
“Did you rearrange the furniture?”
Not even looking up from her knitting, Molly shook her head. Her husband’s eyebrows furrowed deeper.
“Then what’s changed?” he asked. “Something seems different here.”
Molly knew exactly what was different, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. The loops on her needle seemed to blur, and she looked up at Arthur with eyes filling with tears. Arthur sighed. He had realised. He could hear it too, the near-silence that threatened to deafen them both.
“I’m not sure what to do with myself,” Molly told him in a voice that trembled with near-laughter. “There’s nothing that I need to do.”
“Well, that’s good, isn’t it? You can do whatever you like for once.”
Arthur was trying to reassure her, but his words did little to comfort Molly.
“I’m not even sure what I like to do anymore,” she confessed. “All I am good at is being a mother.”
“Well, that is simply not true,” said Arthur, taking off his glasses and cleaning them as he spoke. “I know for a fact that you are a spectacular dancer.”
“I haven’t danced in years, Arthur.”
Arthur smiled and pointed his wand at the wireless, which began to play a song by Celestina Warbuck.
“Then I think it’s high time we rectified this.” Arthur picked Molly’s knitting up from her lap and took both her hands in his own. “Will you dance with me, Mollywobbles?”
“I’m getting wobblier by the day,” she muttered as she stood up to join him.
“Oh, hush.”
Molly fell quiet, and danced slowly to the music with Arthur. As the tune reached its end, they continued to side-step without it.
“It’s not so bad, just being the two of us,” she heard Arthur murmur.
“I suppose it isn’t.”
“And there are plenty of other ways for us to fill our time now that we have the house to ourselves.”
There was an almost mischeivous glint in Arthur’s blue eyes that made Molly smile, her cheeks blushing like the schoolgirl she had been when they had first met. Arthur’s head bowed towards her, and she rose up slightly on her toes so that her lips could meet his.
But before they could, there was a loud crack from outside the window. A moment later, the door opened to reveal Molly and Arthur’s oldest son. They quickly moved away from one another.
“Bill, dear!” Molly exclaimed, self-consciously patting down her hair. “What are you doing here?”
“Came home to surprise you, didn’t I? Thought you two might be at your wits’ ends without the others at home to look after.” Bill hugged his parents in turn, before kicking off his boots and flumping himself down onto the sofa. “Have you two heard about the flying car they’ve been seeing going north? It was all over the Evening Prophet.”
Molly shot a dangerous look at her husband, whose face turned a brighter shade of red than his thinning hair. Apparently oblivious to his father’s discomfort, Bill swung his legs up and rested them on the sofa arm.
“So, Mum, what’s for dinner?”
It was with a small sigh that Molly made her way into the kitchen, pausing only to use her wand to tidy away her son’s shoes.
She should have known that this peculiar quiet would end up being too good to last.
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masivechaos · 2 years
Put Your Head On My Shoulder✧˖*°࿐ fred weasley x fem! reader
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Warning/content: kissing, first time writing for fred be aware, my English
w/c: 0.4k
masterlist/ golden masterlist / navigation / taglist 
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Everyone was excited about the Yule Ball and Fred Weasley wasn’t an exception. As much as he tried to seem relaxed about it, he was freaking out. Asking you out by throwing you a paper at the other side of the table was easy but actually spending the evening with you was stressing him a bit.
But he didn’t have time to think anymore because, at this exact moment, you were in front of him, wearing the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. “You look stunning,” he said, not able to keep the information to himself.
You looked up at him and smiled “Thank you. Could say the same about you” 
Fred let out a laugh before taking your hand in his, leading you to the dancefloor. You both danced for so long that your legs felt sore. Thus, you were more than relieved when Fred invited you to take a break, taking you to an empty corridor far from the other students.
You sat down on the cold stone floor with your back against the wall. Instinctively, you got closer to Fred, who had sat next to you, letting his arm slide around your waist. Fred’s heart missed a beat when you put your head on his shoulder. You both stayed in silence, comfortable with each other’s calm presence.
Fred wished you could kiss him, pressing your lips against his. He wanted this for so long and hoped tonight was finally the moment. He wanted both of you to just fall in love, stay with each other, happy.
And as if you could read his mind, you lifted your head, looking into his eyes with a smile on your lips. You checked for any sign of resistance and leaned in, drawing your hand to the back of his neck and finally pulled him into a kiss. You were a little surprised that you were the one making the first move tonight.
Without even thinking, he kissed you back, cupping your face with his hands. He forgot about everything else, his stomach was all butterflies and fireworks. You kept kissing him, the muffled music mixed with the dim light and the moonlight was making you feel like you were alone. You and Fred against the world, together and in love.
One of his hands came to your waist, slightly pinching the skin there, making you gasp so he was able to deepen the kiss. He let out a small laugh at your surprise and you pulled away “You really are an idiot,” you said but your large grin was betraying you.
“You love me,” he replied. And Merlin, he had never been more right.
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⋆ ★ fred weasley taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @elenatries2write @juneberrie @f4iry-blush  @gilmore-angel  @sparklenarniawizard @songs4themoon @moondemon123 @siriusblackstwin @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @innerloverpainter @vancitycharlie @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @badsmellyboy @oncasette @locke-writes @dori-and-gray
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the-delta-42 · 8 days
Abused and Broken 2
Abused and Broken
[First] [Previous] [Next]
Chapter Two: Parents and Child
Harry awkwardly sat across from his double, his father, unsure how to begin. James was kicking himself, he suggested they talk before going to Hogwarts.
“So…” Said James, glancing around, “What’s your favourite sport?”
Harry blinked, before shrugging, causing a wince, “I like to play Quidditch, there aren’t any other sports at Hogwarts.”
James frowned, “Not even duelling?”
Harry shook his head, making James sigh, “What about summoner’s court?”
“What’s that?” Asked Harry, frowning.
“You basically use a summoning charm on a ball on a stage that has been divided into five, each worth a different set of points.” Explained James, “What about gobstones, or chess or, I don’t know, broom racing?”
Harry shrugged, “There a gobstones club, I think, I’m not sure about chess or broom racing.”
James sighed through his nose, before looking at Harry, “Do you have your school stuff?”
Harry nodded, prompting James to stand, “Alright, give me a moment,” James waved his wand and sent Harry’s belongings to Hogwarts, “I’m going to disappertate us to Hogsmeade, it’s a small village near Hogwarts, and then we’ll go to the castle and meet up with Lily.”
Harry swallowed, before reaching out and grabbing a hold of James’ outstretched arm.
Regulus groaned, staring down at the newspaper, he knew for a fact that Sirius wasn’t a Death Eater and that he certainly wouldn’t betray the Potters. He’d considered telling the Minister as such, but decided not to as he was a ‘known’ Death Eater.
Which also made his knowledge on Peter Pettigrew dubious to the Ministry as well. He hoped that the Potters cleared it up, with both Dumbledore and the Ministry. His father had left for Gringotts early in the morning, Regulus hoped it was to find a way to exonerate Sirius.
Regulus heard his mother disenchanting the various defences around Grimmauld Place, she’d fainted when Regulus told them about the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes. He didn’t know what his parents thought about Sirius now, but he hoped it’d somewhat improve their relationship with him.
Frank scowled at Neville’s book list, “At least most of them aren’t dangerous.”
Neville cowered a bit.
“Neville, that’s not aimed at you,” Said Frank looking at him, “that’s aimed at the idiot that thought it’d be a good idea to give students a living book.”
Neville seemed to relax, getting another sigh from Frank, “I’ve been told that you’re not very good when it comes to magic.”
Neville looked down and nodded.
“I don’t know what she was thinking, making you use my wand instead of getting you your own.” Continued Frank, “And she’s clearly trying to make your choices for you, because I highly doubt she went over your options for your electives.”
“She said I had to make her proud.” Mumbled Neville, getting a groan from Frank.
“Right, we’re going to Diagon Alley.” Said Frank, with a tone of finality, “We are going to get you a wand and talk to actual experts on the elective subjects, because I’ll be damned if you have to share a room with the drama queen that is Trelawny.”
Frank picked his wand up and helped Neville to his feet, “While we’re there, I’ll see about grabbing a broom, since your mother keeps complaining that the one we have isn’t sweeping anything up.”
Harry lurched forwards as soon as they landed and threw up.
“Ooh, I forgot why I hated that so much.” Groaned James, leaning against a wall, “Never disapperate on an empty stomach.”
“I didn’t.” Coughed Harry, straightening up.
“I know.” Said James, before coughing and standing up, “Right, it’s going to be a long walk to Hogwarts, what electives have you gone for?”
“Divination and Care for Magical Creatures.” Answered Harry, making James stop.
“Really?” Asked James, frowning, “I’d’ve thought you’d at least go for Ancient Runes or Arithmancy. What made you go for Divination?”
“Ron and I thought it’d be easy.” Answered Harry, making James’ frown deeper.
“Harry,” Said James slowly, “you do know that you’re the heir to an Ancient and Noble House, right?”
Harry stared at him as he shook his head, “What’s that?”
James took a deep breath, “Right, change of plans. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks and I’m going to strangle Dumbledore when we get to the castle.”
James led Harry to a large inn, before going up to the woman behind the bar, “Hello, Madam Rosmerta, would it be alright if Harry and I occupied the private room for a few hours?”
The woman, Madam Rosmerta quickly overcame her shock, nodded, “You know where it is.”
James smiled, before guiding Harry up to the private room.
“Right,” Said James as soon as Harry sat down, “A very brief history of House Potter and our roles as a Great House.”
Lily frowned when she saw James leading Harry up to the school, “You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
“We got sidetracked,” Answered James, “Harry didn’t know anything about the family history.”
“And the books?”
“I got him an Ancient Runes and Arithmancy books, because he told me he decided to take Divination because he and his friend thought it’d be easy.” Said James, before noticing that Harry was hanging back, “Harry, it’s alright.” He gestured for Harry to come closer.
Lily sighed, before crossing the distance between her and Harry. She examined him for a moment, easily looking through the glamour he’d made and took stock of his obviously broken nose and the swelling that was going down around his left eye. Lily and Harry looked at each other.
“…Mum?” Whispered Harry, trying not to sound hopeful.
Lilly swallowed, before grabbing Harry and pulling him close with Harry tentatively returning the embrace. James took a step back, before heading toward the castle, intent on interrogating Dumbledore.
Ginny laughed at she watched her Uncles mock duel each other.
“That’s cheating, you swine!” Bellowed Fabian, after Gideon sent a shoelace tying jinx at him.
“Says who?” Barked Gideon, as his nose lengthened.
“Says me!”
“ENOUGH!” Bellowed Molly, getting between them, “You’re setting a poor example for the children. And, besides, they’re going to bed. We have to go to Diagon Alley in the morning to get their school supplies and Ron and Ginny new wands.”
“What’s wrong with them?” Asked Gideon, shortening his nose.
“Ron broke his when he and Harry crashed Dad’s car into the Womping Willow.” Explained Percy, “And Ginny’s core burnt out at the end of last year.”
“What happened to it?” Questioned Fabian, frowning.
“In the morning.” Growled Molly, pointing her wand at them menacingly, “So, you two can clean this mess up, no buts! You made it, you clear it up.”
The brother guiltily looked at each other, as Molly walked away.
“And don’t use your wands!”
Fabian and Gideon groaned.
“So, Sirius Black was a traitor?” Asked Gideon, as they got off the Knight Bus.
“From what we can tell.” Answered Arthur, “It’s the obvious conclusion.”
“The obvious conclusion isn’t always the right one.” Stated Fabian, as they entered the Leaky Cauldron.
“There’s also the knowledge that Black kept saying ‘He’s at Hogwarts’, before he escaped.” Said Arthur, as they followed Molly and the children into Diagon Alley.
“Ron!” The three men were practically pushed aside by a thirteen-year-old girl with bushy hair and unfortunately large front teeth, “Is Harry with you?”
“Hermione,” Said Arthur, getting Hermione’s attention, “I’ve already spoken with Professor Dumbledore, Harry’s at Hogwarts with his parents.”
“Oh…” Hermione breathed heavily, “r-right… he’s safe at Hogwarts…right?”
“Not bloody likely.” Snorted Ron, “He faced a Basilisk a few months ago and before that there was the thing with Quirrell and You-Know-Who.”
Hermione nodded, before looking around and spotting Fabian and Gideon, “Oh, hello.” She held out her hand, “I’m Hermione, Hermione Granger.”
Fabian and Gideon looked at each other, before both outstretched their hands and simultaneously shake her hand and say, “Nice to meet you, Hermione, Hermione Granger.”
Hermione stared at them, before slowly turning her head and looking at Fred and George.
“Oh, brilliant.” Grinned the Weasley Twins.
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ellivenollivander · 1 year
Can I pretty please request a drabble wherein Leander swears for the first time and is SO FLUSTERED by his own language?
Love you.
Love your Leander.
Have a perfect day.
Eat lots of warm, fresh bread.
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Baby's First Swear Word Coming right at ya babe. A/N: Thank you for sending me this no longer a drabble because i don't know how to shut up request! I love you! Word Count: 896 TW/Rating: Naughty Words LOL
When Leander had used a swear word for the very first time, always having been the prim and proper boy his parents had wanted, he hadn’t meant too. Really he didn’t. 
It was just because he had already been having a less than ideal day, he had stayed up far too late the night before,  in the light of his bedside lamp, studying for potions class, and was exhausted by the time classes had ended for the day. Thus, being cornered in the library by the Slytherin boy who had quickly, and unintentionally, become his academic rival in their short time at Hogwarts had him fighting back tears of frustration. 
When Sebastian Sallow had made a grab for the book in Leanders hand, demanding he hand it over… things had just begun to spiral out of control fast. 
The Gryffindor had been grateful for his best friend and fellow first year Garreth, who stood at his side, trying to look as intimidating as an eleven year old could. Leander had held tight to the book, explaining he needed it for his Herbology essay, trying to keep his calm while he stared down his adversary. Sebastian had made another swipe for the book, exclaiming he had needed it for the same purpose, coupled with a biting remark on Leanders reading abilities. 
Things only went downhill from there, though it had been two against one in the stand-off, the little Gryffindors had met their match in the quick- witted Slytherin. 
With insults flying, and Leanders nerves fraying, he was tipped over the edge when Sebastian had called him a talentless prat. 
Leander had snapped, and threw back a word he had only learned from listening in on his older brothers. 
“Well, you’re a CUNT!” 
Their steadily rising voices and the tension in the quiet library had already drawn the attention of Madam Scribner, who had rounded the corner of the bookshelves the three boys were standing between, just in time to see a red faced Leander clamping his hands over his mouth, and an equally red faced Garreth Weasley, who looked as though he had just been told he’d won the Quidditch Cup. 
Sebastian’s smug grin had been painted over with a look of abject horror, playing up his feelings being irrevocably hurt at the sight of the stern librarian, a finger pointed right at the teary eyed Leander. 
The moments following the outburst were blurry to Leanders recollection, filled with anxiety and mortification at his own use of such a word. He barely registered the points being taken from Gryffindor, accepting his punishment with his hands still over his mouth, head nodding frantically, and He did not protest alongside Garreth, who insisted Sallow was just as guilty. 
He let Garreth lead him back to their common room, the cursed herbology book forgotten at Sebastian’s feet; Leander laid in bed that night, heart still racing and his flustered blush unfading, absolutely not catching up on the sleep lost the night before. 
After succumbing to his exhaustion for just a few short hours, he felt a bit better about the entire ordeal as he sat down for breakfast. The word of his word had apparently traveled around the school and a few of his housemates had given him cheerful claps on the back for his use of it against a Slytherin. His ease was short-lived, however, when on his breakfast plate dropped an angry, red, hissing envelope. 
Leander had watched many of his fellow students receive Howlers at school, but this was his first. His heart felt like it had stopped beating, and his blood ran cold as he watched it tremble on his plate. When it burst open with his Mothers angry voice filling the Great Hall, he buried his face in his crossed arms.
As it continued, the little Gryffindor was so lost in his shame and embarrassment he didn’t notice the sympathetic glances from his elder Gryffindors, or their whispered words of encouragement of First ones’ always the worst. He also, gratefully, did not notice the teasing laughter from the rest of the houses, or from Garreth who was chuckling delightedly at his best friend's misfortune of his first Howler, having been on the receiving end of many. 
When it was finally, and blissfully over; the telling sound of a hissing tongue and shredding paper coaxed Leander from his hiding place in his arms. The prefect sat next to him quickly scourgified the red confetti from the table with an encouraging pat on his back and a smile, while Leander fought back the embarrassed tears pricking his eyes. 
Leander tried shooting a scowl in Garreths direction who was still laughing at him, and he tried to avoid glancing back at the Slytherin table, where Sebastian Sallow was wearing a smug grin that matched his housemates. He felt a bit ill, and he was still shaking with anxiety and panic. He contemplated getting up and leaving, running away from the entire ordeal, but he stayed, not wanting to give any of them the satisfaction of showing any sort of cowardice. 
His tiny act of bravery paid off, and a smile grew on his own face when Garreths laugh was abruptly cut off, replaced by an exasperated look as a Howler of his own plopped down in front of him.
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joka13 · 2 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): George Weasley x Squib Reader (Female) - Empathy - Part 2
WARNINGS: mentions of death
You had an unexpectedly wonderful time.
You opened your birthday gifts, receiving a book from your mother, a scarf (knitted by Mrs. Weasley) from the Weasley family, and a simple though lovely pair of silver earrings mailed from your grandmother.
It seemed childish at first, but you enjoyed having "Happy Birthday" sung to you as your mother carried your cake to the table. You closed your eyes, making a wish as you blew out the candles and everyone cheered.
After being dished a slice, you brought your dessert and new book to the living room couch. You took your sweet time opening to the first page, smiling at the popping sound of the book's fresh binding and running your fingers over the clean, smooth paper.
Soft chuckling startled you away from your delight. You hadn't noticed George, who stood in the doorway to the dining room. He leaned against the frame casually with his hands in his pockets and his eyes on you.
"Oh, excuse me! Am I interrupting something?" he teased.
"No, no!" you laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed that he caught you in a vulnerable moment. You closed your book and set it on a side table for later. "Come in."
He did. George sat down on the other end of the sofa in a slouch, sighing leisurely. "What I'd give to feel the way you looked just now," he sniggered. He meant it jokingly, but the distant look in George's eyes abruptly reminded you of his brother's passing, making his comment seem very sad.
You laughed, trying to keep the mood light. "Nothing makes me so happy as opening a brand-new book. There's something so... satisfying about it."
George nodded. "Hmm... I think I remember feeling similarly when I was younger every time I opened a chocolate frog. I used to collect—"
You gasped in excitement, cutting him off. "I remember those! My dad used to bring them home for me... every now and then..." You trailed off as you remembered vaguely your father telling you about a particular chocolate frog card featuring a famous witch.
"Ah, that's right. You're... probably not buying much wizard candy these days," said George, and you're thankful that he continued the topic of sweets instead of your father.
"Nope," you said bluntly. "Even if I tried, I don't think I could. I assume I'm not allowed."
George surprised you with a disbelieving snort. "There's no way you wouldn't be allowed. You're a... a squib..." He paused, as if expecting you to be offended, but you only waited patiently for him to go on. "Not a muggle. As far as I know, no one should reject you, especially candy shops."
"Really. And if they did, it'd most likely be for your own safety." He laughed. "Now that I think about it, I definitely wouldn't want you in my shop without my close supervision."
"You own a candy shop?" you asked in astonishment.
He chuckled smugly, taking pleasure in your amaze. "I do! Well, I sell more than candy. It's a joke shop really."
"Oh, I wish I could see it!" you groaned and imagined all of the fantastic things you were missing out on.
George's expression changed to something of consideration. "Now that you know you're allowed, the only reason you don't is because you have no way of getting there, correct?" he asked.
He gave a lop-sided smile and sat up straight, leaning toward you in excitement. "How would you like to come with me? To my shop I mean. I can even show you 'round all of Diagon Alley if you'd like!"
George laughed. "Really!"
"I would like that very much!" you said, grinning ecstatically, but your smile began to fade away. "Although... I'll have to talk over it with my mother first. She worries about me enough already..." It was then that you started to worry. You'd always dreamed of exploring places where witches and wizards gathered, let alone the famed Diagon Alley. But, since the Weasley's made you feel so happy that night, you'd forgotten for a time about your new little fear of magic until now.
George seemed to notice your anxiety. "Well, you can tell her that you'll be in good hands," he said cheerily. "I know that spot like the back of my hand, and we'll only do what you want to."
His words comforted you only somewhat. It wasn't that you didn't trust George; he was a childhood friend. You were more concerned about the other wizarding folk you might encounter in Diagon Alley.
At that moment, your mother walked into the room carrying a full tea tray. "Hello," she said as she set the tray down on the mini table in front of you and George. "I thought this would go nicely with the cake."
"Thanks, Mrs. y/l/n!" said George, moving to pour you and himself a cup.
"Yes, thank you," you said, though it was only out of politeness. Something about the way Mum was acting seemed suspicious.
She nodded. "You're very welcome." When you expected her to leave and go back to conversing with George's parents, she didn't. "I couldn't help but overhear something about a trip to Dragon Alley," Mum said, and you could tell she was trying to mask enthusiasm.
Ah, there it is, you thought to yourself.
"It's Diagon Alley. And yeah, George offered to take me. That is, if it sits well with you," you said. You weren't yet entirely sure if you wanted to go, but Mum's opinion would solidify your decision either way.
"Oh, of course!" Mum responded, all too encouraging, and you wondered if she had been intentionally eves-dropping on your conversation with George. "You are an adult now, your own person! You don't need me to tell you what to do or not do. Just stay safe and have fun! Enjoy the tea!" And with that, Mum went back to sit with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in the dining room.
George sipped his tea noisily to catch your attention, eyeing you with raised eyebrows.
You chuckled awkwardly. "I suppose that's out of the way now..."
"My schedule is open on Thursday," he said and proceeded to drink his tea whilst staring at you.
"Hmm... Alright. Let's do it."
"I'll pick you up at 10:00?"
"That's fine."
"It's a date then!" George stated gladly, placing his empty cup back on the tray.
You weren't sure of what he meant exactly when he said "date", but all that really mattered to you at that moment was the fact that you had plans to visit Diagon Alley. The Diagon Alley: only the biggest wizarding shopping district in the UK! You could scarcely believe it.
You took a sip of your tea.
During the next forty-five minutes, you listened to George list all the things you could do on Thursday while at Diagon Alley. It made you so excited that, by the time Mr. Weasley came to tell George it was time for them to go, your face hurt from smiling so excessively.
You and Mum bid the Weasley's goodnight, and each of the three Weasley's bid you one more happy birthday before leaving.
"See you Thursday," George said as he was the last to step off your front porch, and you were taken aback when his smile disturbed the butterflies in your stomach. They had been dormant for so long, you had almost forgotten what it felt like.
"I look forward to it," you replied, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from grinning stupidly, and closed the door. You turned around to come face to face with Mum, who was all but jumping up and down with eagerness.
"So? Tell me what's happening!" she demanded.
"He's gonna come get me at 10:00 on Thursday, and we'll just go from there!" you responded, and your own giddiness surprised you. You then pointed an accusatory finger at Mum. "Don't think I didn't know exactly what you were doing with that tea nonsense!" you laugh.
She giggled, shrugging shamelessly. "I've got to play my part as your mother! You might have chickened out if I hadn't."
"Wha— 'chickened out'?" you repeated.
Mum nodded. "You were this close," she said, holding her fingers together in a pinch. "Ever since you graduated highschool and your father passed away, you've really made an effort to hide away in this house. I want you to get out and... grow!"
You opened your mouth to make a rebuttal, but Mum interrupted.
"And you want it, too," she added. "You just don't know it yet."
"I understand where you're coming from, but I don't imagine getting a tour of the magical world is an easy start to 'getting out'," you snorted. "Aren't you a little bit... you know... afraid?"
Mum took a moment to think over your question. "Well, if I'm being honest, no," she said. "The threat that You-Know-Who... Voldemort and his followers posed is gone. Sure, there are still bad people, but that's just how the world is no matter where you are. You can't afford to be scared of reality, my dear."
You sighed. "I know. You're right."
"I always am," Mum chuckled. "I'm not sure why you were angry at me. I helped get you a date with a cute boy." She winked and nudged you in the ribs.
"Yeah, yeah, thanks a million," you snickered, rolling your eyes. "For the record, I'm an adult now; I don't date cute boys. I date handsome, young men."
Mum laughed. "That's more like it!" She then kissed you on the forehead, following with a hug. "Goodnight, y/n. And happy birthday."
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan @deathtonumber7 @elmolovesw33d @coffeebeans11 @dumb4person
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Werewolves, Beetles, Kneazles, Demigods, and Gods, oh my!
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AN: This is a continuation of this fic here! Thank you to @sinsiriuslyemo for her lovely words on my Remus Lupin drabble. If any of you are interested, I do have another fic where the reader is a demigod in the Harry Potter universe. It's called Discovering the Past and it's available on AO3. In that universe, the reader is a daughter of Demeter and while the final pairing will be Severus Snape and the reader - there will be some soft platonic moments between Sirius, Remus, and the reader.
Warnings: canon typical behaviours and attitudes, a hint of violence, and a steamy moment between Remus and the reader.
“Look here, little girl,” Rita Skeeter sneered distastefully across the table at Hermione.  “You don’t have the power to make me stop advocating for a Marriage Law and for a more suitable partner for (Name).”  She stirred her tea, “As the daughter of the King of the Heavens, she deserves the best that the Wizarding World can offer her.”
Hermione drew her wand and pointed it at Rita underneath the table, fully intending to use the forced Animagus transformation spell that she had been practicing at night at Hogwarts.
“Hermione may not have the power to make you stop, but I do.”
The Three Broomsticks went deathly silent; everyone in the pub seemed to be holding their breath.
“Lady Hecate!  You honour us with your presence!”  Rita uttered breathily.
Hermione remained silent.  “What do you say to a goddess?”  She wondered.  Nothing that came to her mind sounded sincere enough.  She kept her wand pointed at Rita just in case.
As the goddess drew to their table, Hermione felt the goddess’ power.  At first glance, Hecate appeared to be a normal citizen of Magical Britain but the longer the goddess remained in front of them, the more Hermione felt her power.  Hermione’s heart thumped erratically as the realisation dawned on her that since all of Wizarding Britain was Hecate’s creation, Hecate would know that Hermione was pointing her wand underneath the table at Rita.
Hermione figured the only thing she could do now was to point her wand at Rita above the table.  Rita flinched as soon as she registered Hermione’s movement.
“I would much rather stunned, awed silence than false flattery.  You have nothing to fear from Rita, put your wand away Hermione.”
Hermione’s hand tightened on the hilt of her wand but she complied with the goddess’ command.
“I had intended to arrive earlier but while I was here, I decided to tie up a few loose ends. None of Wizarding Britain has anything to fear from Voldemort or his supporters any longer.  Speaking of my reason for being here: anyone who attempts to interfere with Remus Lupin and (Name) (Surname)’s relationship will answer to me.”  Hecate stated evenly.
“Silence!” Hecate commanded, slashing a hand through the air.  “For too long I have allowed you to run roughshod in my world.”  The goddess clicked her fingers, “As of now, you have been registered as an Animagus.  Everyone will know your scuttling form and you will face an unbiased Wizengamot to answer for the scandals and crimes you perpetuated due to your unauthorised methods of gaining information.”
Rita gulped as the patrons of the bar turned around in unison and glared at her.
“It is time to return to Hogwarts, Hermione,” Hecate ordered in a far gentler tone.  “You have my thanks and admiration for your willingness to protect a member of my family.”
Hermione swallowed nervously, “(Name) means a lot to me and many others.  Words cannot describe how much she loves Remus.”
“Go to Hogwarts Hermione.”  Hecate ordered again.  “I will not have you witness what is about to happen.”
This time, Hermione heeded the goddess’ words and returned to Hogwarts.  As she climbed into Gryffindor Tower, a feeling of calm washed over her and she knew that somehow, everything was going to be all right.
*Extended ending*
“I should be worshipping you,” Remus gasped out in between sighs of pleasure, pleas for more and breathy curses.  His hands gripped onto your hips as you ground down on his clothed erection and left wet kisses across the expanse of his neck and bare chest.
Molly Weasley’s scream had the two of you jolting apart and fumbling for your wands.  You unlocked the bedroom door and dashed towards the lounge room.  It took you a minute to process what you were seeing.  In the lounge room Sirius was in his animagus form, wagging his tail.  His forelegs were bent and resting on the ground while his hindquarters were in the air.  You had seen his play bow before but what you hadn’t seen was him doing it to the medium sized kneazle that sat attentively in the middle of the room.
The kneazle mewed as soon as it spotted you and moved over to you on unsteady legs.  Your eyes scanned the room’s occupants.  You noticed Molly, a fully clothed Remus, the twins, Ron, and Harry standing off to the side before the kneazle scratched gently at your leg.
“Well, Hermione.  I guess this means Lady Hecate likes you.”
The kneazle purred as you scratched under her chin and looked up at you with a question in her eyes.
“Focus on what it feels like to be human.”  You instructed.
In her new form, Hermione retreated and closed her eyes.  Her kneazle form rippled and then it grew larger until she was once again human.  She shook her head from side to side before reopening her eyes.
“Am I an unregistered animagus?  How much trouble will I get into?”
“I doubt Lady Hecate would have put you in a position where you would be facing serious consequences since you haven’t offended her.  We will still check the Animagus Registry.  If it helps, no one in Magical Britain is going to risk Lady Hecate’s wrath by interrogating you about your new ability; there were too many witnesses in the Three Broomsticks two weeks ago.”  You placated the teen.
“Wicked!”  Fred and George gasped in unison, “We are going to have so much fun with this.”
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
Louis headcanons… 🤲
looks mostly like his dad with his mums colour palate. also a little more snatched like his mum and not as built as his dad. but you can TELL he’s bill’s son if you were to see them side by side
french fuckboy
grew his hair out and had a ponytail era. when he let it loose people genuinely confused him to be a girl (yes he gets hit on by LOTS of confused men and lesbians 😭)
gryffindor with dominique. only a year older than james sirius potter.
closer to dominique than to victoire but respects victoire more funnily enough. kind of like victoire is a second mum. has no problem roasting the shit out of dominique but will check himself with victoire
has begged victoire to give in and date teddy because he desperately wants a cool brother (was happier than teddy and victoire combined when they did get tgt)
is the vain delacour that molly weasley feared fleur was, except he’s masculine as hell and flexes in every mirror he sees (he still looks like a girl)
VERY pretty and could win miss universe or best waifu
he was the femboy reckoning at hogwarts but against his will. he wants women but he keeps pulling men. like that inosuke guy.
best subject was charms and DADA, courtesy of his dad being very talented and his mum being the same except also add her being a drill sergeant
nepo babied his way into interning at gringotts but got on the goblins nerves sm they fired him anyway (louis still pretended to go in because he was so scared about what his parents + victoire would say)
made a secret tiktok account for posting his thirst traps until dominique and victoire found it and he was so embarrassed he deleted it
favourite cousin is roxanne despite their age gap just because shes always so hilarious and always down to do whatever and just never takes anything seriously (also she was the cutest baby in louis’ opinion). its less a friendship and more like a one sided smittenness on louis’ side— he has a whole folder on his camera roll dedicated to her being generally goofy
people use his face for clout and to catfish people all the time. every time his girl friends need to loyalty test their man they just snap a photo of his face
that being said, he IS the man you need to loyalty test. mf has fifteen girls on the back burner that still think they have a chance with him
that also being said, hes waiting for marriage 🙏 (he wants his first time to be special guyz)
that ALSO being said, absolutely no one thinks he’s going to last that long
likes bantering with his mum a lot and getting on her nerves. she’ll start swearing at him in french when rapidly lecturing him in english doesn’t work and he finds that to be the funniest shit ever
bill weasley is such a Daughter Dad so he’ll baby tf out of victoire and dominique and then get louis to do all the household chores 💀
but louis is also the biggest diva in the family by far so bill and fleur drop more money on him than victoire and dominique combined. and then they complain about how spoilt their son is and the girls are just like “🙄 stop buying him shit then 😒”
meh at quidditch but decides he hates it because he’s not the best at it (it’s an ego thing)
really likes his maternal cousins and only allows aunt gabrielle to plait his hair
godfather is uncle percy 😭 every time its his bday louis forces percy to go shopping so he can drop some big bucks on him (whatever karma percy accumulated in his youth has taken the form of his godson now).
lucy is a year older than him and they keep feuding over her dad. think blue haired liberal versus white blond conventionally attractive man. thats the relationship, and its hilarious especially during joint family dinners.
used to be very scared of the dark and couldnt sleep by himself and so victoire was always forced to let louis sleep with her when they were younger
also always goes to victoire for hair care help and his mum for skincare and fashion help
despite being seemingly easygoing and carefree, he can hold VERY mean grudges and will never apologise for something if he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong.
also will fist fight someone over a yo mama joke (yes he’s sensitive about his mum, don’t insult her to his face)
everyone knows louis for the menace he is except grandma molly who treats him like hes the sun that the earth circles around (yes grandma molly likes bill’s kids the most, what of it?)
louis is surprisingly very sweet to old people. he does his due diligence and visits them the most, brings new presents to arthur and helps molly with chores and lets them fuss over him.
okayyyy i think ive yapped enough
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scarlettwriter91 · 10 months
New favorite line from chapter 8:
Harry exchanged looks with Ron before they both took seats at the end of the table, facing the adults. He wasn’t sure he liked how calm they all were. Normally, Snape would have already been standing and pacing in front of them by now.
“To be clear,” Snape said after a moment, “I wanted to ground you both on the spot and be done with it.”
“Me too,” said Molly.
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And also:
Ron, clearly deciding that one of them should show some form of self preservation, said, “We’re sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Harry snapped his gaze to him. “I’m not sorry.”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandere Molly Weasley w/ Harry’s Muggle!Aunt!Reader Headcanons (platonic)
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(Related to a post I did here awhile ago.)
Molly would absolutely adore Harry’s beloved aunt to no end. The absolute love and care they so unashamedly show for him just made her heart want to burst. In a good way of course.
The first time Molly ever saw you, let alone met you, was at the train station after Harry, Ron and Hermione’s first year ended. You had been amongst the family there to pick him up. She remembers so vividly how much you stood out from the other’s around you. They were stiff and looked extremely uncomfortable, like they had rather been anywhere other then there. On the other hand you were a ray of sunshine amongst rainy clouds that day. And you only shown brighter once you caught sight of Harry. She couldn’t help but notice how much happier and at ease he looked when he saw you too. Molly knew right then and there that you were a good one.
In second year when Harry ends up at the Burrow he of course gushes about his precious aunt, especially to Molly. It’s no surprise that he’d be reminded of the one true place he’s ever felt genuine belonging and love when surrounded by the warmth of the Weasley’s and he just couldn’t help himself but to share how amazing his aunt is compared to the family he was forced to stay with. Meanwhile Molly couldn’t be all the happier hearing how highly and adoring Harry spoke about you. She really did want to better know the person who meant oh so much to him.
Molly would especially want to bring Harry’s aunt into the Weasley family after getting word of their kindness and generosity from Ron and or her other children. When she heard that you had gone out of your way to gift not only gift their children with Christmas presents but also her and Arthur as well. And muggle presents at that (Arthur was completely over the moon)! She was incredibly overcome with emotion. She immediately got to work on knitting you a jumper of your very own and writing such a sweet letter, as well as nagging her children to write their very own letters as well.
From then on Molly would consistently stay in contact with you. It was something that really made her happy. It especially made her day whenever she got a letter from you, although with Errol she always worried whether you’d get hers or not. (Ron would often tell Harry how giddy his mother got when she heard from you.) Molly would most definitely share her recipes with you and absolutely adoring the ones you sent back. Even if she didn’t quite understand them.
When the holidays come along you can bet Molly invites you and Harry to spend said holidays at the Burrow with them. But when she gets an answer back accepting her invitation, as well as an invitation for them to do the same and visit you and Harry any time, she is a mess. She’s absolutely and utterly excited but she’s just as nervous too. Molly would spend the weeks and days leading up to your arrival cleaning and trying to make the Burrow look as perfect as possible but it doesn’t last long. By the time you get there it’s already a chaotic mess but you don’t mind. It’s their home and that’s all that matters. Molly never thought she could adore you more than she’s grown to but that one statement means the absolute world to her and her heart melts. She can’t help herself, she pulls you into a bone crushing hug and doesn’t let go for sometime.
Molly would be increasingly protective of Harry’s aunt. Not only because you’re Harry’s most treasured person but also because of you being a muggle and not having any magical capability. That she knew of at least. To her you were vulnerable and in need of taking under her wing. And she would do just that. Molly would even be overprotective towards you around her own family, particularly the twins and Arthur when he tried to bombard you with questsions about muggle related things.
Once Molly has you in person she doesn’t want to give you up. She’s more than happy chatting the night away with you. She’d be inclined to stall you from going home, persuading you into staying the night allowing her even more time with you. Only for the cycle to continue again and again every time you came to visit or vice versa when they visited you at your home.
I feel like Molly would be the type to take the aunt’s word for gospel. Like, whatever you said she’d be more likely to agree and go with it. Like, for example when meeting Bill with his long hair and fang earring as much as Molly dispproves of it, if you were to say you liked it or that it suited him or anything positive then Molly would undoubtedly leave him alone about it when you’re around. Or maybe even leave him alone about it permanently. Molly wouldn’t want you to view her negatively if she were to continue to be openly disapproving of.
Molly would completely and utterly love to take you to Diagon Alley. Having heard how Harry talks about how excited and amazed you get Wehrmacht it comes to magic and particularly his homework, Molly would make any excuse to show you magic and anything pertaining to the magical world in general.
Whenever you’re around Molly would definitely show of her magical capabilities. The look of utter amazement and wonder shining in your eyes would be really too hard not to want to see again and again. The one thing she would be extremely adamant against you having any interaction with is Fred and George’s Weasley Wizard Wheezes. She doesn’t care if you find it admiring and or incredible, Molly will not take any chances with you and their products. No doubt the twins would still find a way to get their products to you, ‘gifts’ as they call it. Of course the much more tame and less altering ones of course, Harry said so.
Overall, Molly would absolutely cherish Harry’s beloved aunt. She’d be overprotective and loving towards them similar to Harry. They would not only become a great friend to her but also very much a permanent part of the Weasley family. And if Molly’s invested so is the rest of the family.
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
May 28; Roller Skates
Ship; Molly x Bellatrix (Mollytrix)
It's completely inappropriate, what they're doing, but Molly can't help herself. She's so enamored by Bellatrix it's almost sickening. The woman is downright insane, but Molly can't seem to get enough.
It's all secrets, what they're doing, sneaking around together in dark corridors and little alleyways behind pubs. It started off purely physical, both just drunk and desperate enough for something that it happened.
But now they're here, holding hands whilst rollerskating because Molly's never done this before and she's so clumsy. Bella laughs every time she slips and stumbles, teases and makes fun, and Molly can't help the butterflies in her stomach because of it.
She can't help the shock of electricity that bolts through her every time Bella helps her up too, lovely thin hands on her hips to steady her, pulling her along gently before zooming away to go show off a trick or two before zooming right back.
And they kiss, and slide along the varnished rec-center floor, Bee-Gees blasting over the speakers as they try not to get blinded by the flashing colorful lights.
And Molly knows it's bad, both fighting on different sides of the war. But this, what they have, their little secret, it's everything to her. And she knows it's everything to Bella too.
She just wants to stay here forever, in this moment, in these stupid fucking roller skates.
(I'm literally having so much fun with these. I'm just randomly generating the ships with a spin the wheel with all the marauders characters in it lmao. I'm loving all the dynamics popping up so far) (halfway through writing this I remembered that Molly killed Bella and I'm like hahahaha even better. I like my ships sinking)
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the-al-chemist · 11 months
Weasley Week 2023
A collection of stories following the Weasley family over the years, written for @thethreebroomsticksfic 2003 Weasley Week fest.
Hush (Molly and Arthur - 1992)
Not Mine Is The Glory (Ron - 1994)
The Prodigal Son (Percy - 1995)
No Turning Back (Bill - 1997)
Laugh Again (Fred and George - 1999)
The Opposite of War (Charlie - 2001)
Jitters (Ginny - 2003)
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