#( war. ) sour apple baby but you taste so sweet
lokadottr · 2 years
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the absolute CHOKEHOLD these gowns have on torvi i—
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aikuutv · 2 years
Train Rides & Gummy Bears
Tagging – @effulgentfireflies | @anzepanpan | @antiv3nom | @mcdonaldsnumberone
Gender neutral reader (they/them)
Warning - food, fluff
It is the afternoon beginning to wane into the evening. You are in another’s presence without any small talk. His hands in yours. The smell of his cologne brushing your nose. His head resting on your shoulders. Occasionally he darts his eyes from your hands to the minuscule strands on your head. 
Sometimes he wonders how he went from a playboy who had dozen of random girls on his phone to fill time, flirting with anyone easy enough to break up with, to being with his now partner of seven months on a train to nowhere particular…maybe he invented his luck when he mistaken you for the girl he was supposed to take out on a date (said girl was pissed but you had agreed to a second date).
He was so deep in remembering that he didn’t process the crinkles of a bag being open nor the gummy bear tapping his lips, “Oli, open up.”
With a slight brow raised, a little drop of his jaw, the gummy slipped into his mouth. It was sour. “You know I think these are the worst gummies out of all the gummies you brought, right?”
You simply shrugged and turned your head to the vibrant bag of gummy bears. “Too bad, you suffer the hand you're dealt; in which case are lemon gummies that aren’t the worst gummies. You like the green gummies, which is not the vibe.”
That is wrong and he knew it.
Oliver did what any sensible boyfriend would do when their partner’s opinion is wrong (and in need of teasing). He took your jaw in his hand, looked straight into your unsuspecting eyes, and pressed his lips onto yours. 
For a moment, all he could think about was the warmth of your face, the way your breath hitched for a moment before relaxing into him, your hand making home in his hair. All of it felt so right that he almost felt guilty for slipping his other hand to the gummy bear bag. He knew the kiss had to end soon from the way his lungs felt  constricted. Oliver broke away with panting breaths but you pulled him back in with pecks across his lip and cheeks, “Baby I’m not going anywhere–“ 
“Shhh you're talking too much Oli…”  
Next thing you knew the explosive taste of green apple filled your mouth. “Ewwww! How’d you grab the worst one first thing!?” Now you shoved a laughing Oliver away from your vicinity to make a grab for your water bottle.
“Hey, you’re the one who started the whole ‘I’m gonna hate on the green gummy bear that’s clearly superior to all others” thing; you're just mad cause I didn’t kiss you long enough.” He could see your eyes dart and cross your arms to show your displeasure in his rightful claim. Once again he took his hand to yours in a firm clasp, signed wistfully as if he was a wife waiting for her husband to return from war, “if only someone with crap taste in candy would take me in a passionate lip lock as we speak on this conveniently empty train…”
With a groan that had too much fondness, you took your boyfriend’s face in both your hands. His face was like a portrait painting: mismatched eyes of neon lights, chin lightly stubbled (you were going to shave him down after the train ride), his cheeky smirk making grooves on the side of his mouth.
He is a painting and your hands were the frames and all you could do was pull Oliver into a kiss. Soft and sweet and a little sour.
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hayffiebird · 2 years
Taste of Strawberries, chap. 33
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Hayffie Post-mockingjay Multi-chapter, Rated M SUMMARY: Four years have passed since the end of the war when Effie returns in to Haymitch’s life once again. An old friendship is renewed. Will it lead to something more? Meanwhile Panem has entered a new era. The rebellion’s over, the borders are open but in the shadows, anger and mistrust are smoldering. Something that will affect Haymitch and Effie’s life in a way they never saw coming. Chapter 33 Clouds on the horizon Mrs. Pluckrose had a silver door knocker shaped like a wolf’s head. It shone with moist after the latest rain. Empty eyes stared into Effie’s when she lifted the heavy ring between its jaws and knocked three times. The November wind whispered in the apple tree and she wrapped her cardigan, Haymitch’s cardigan that was, tighter around herself as she waited. Almost a full minute passed and right when she thought they would simply ignore her, the door swung open. Mrs. Pluckrose’s ten year old looked back at her, startled and big-eyed, standing there in his stocking feet and red knitted sweater with blue dots on it. Then his face closed shut and he stared her down, defiantly and suspicious. “Hello, Timothy. Is your mother home?” But she needn’t ask for now Mrs. Pluckrose herself appeared in the doorway, next to her son. “Something I can help you with, Ms. Trinket?” Effie’s gaze flitted to Timothy who remained behind his mother’s skirts. “Do you want to tell her, Timothy or shall I?”
When there was no response her attention returned to Mrs. Pluckrose. “Your son has been harassing my children. Calling them names.” “I didn’t! I just…” “Today wasn’t the first time either and I will not stand for it.” Mrs. Pluckrose turned to her son. “Have you said anything inappropriate, Timmy?” Timothy worried his bottom lip. Looked surly from Effie to his mother. “No. I only said what you…” “In!” Mrs Pluckrose snapped, pointing. “Go to your room!” The boy shot one last glance at Effie and walked off. With him gone Mrs. Pluckrose turned to her neighbor again, smiling a smile sweet as a lemon. “I’m sure this is nothing but a big misunderstanding. You probably just heard him wrong, that’s all. I know how tiresome the baby years can be.” “I heard him perfectly clear, Mrs. Pluckrose.” “Our Timmy is a good boy. And this is a good neighborhood. Nothing like what you said has ever happened before. Not until you moved here.” “Oh, my dear Mrs. Pluckrose,” said Effie and shook her head. “If you are bent on playing this obtuse, then can I at least talk to Timothy?” The neighbor flashed another sweet-sour smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “That is never going to happen, Ms. Trinket. Pardon me for being so frank but if you feel like the Capitol isn’t agreeing with you then there’s always the option of moving. Why don’t you just heed my advice and take your family back to District 12. You’ll be happier for it.” xXx “I should’ve gone.” More rain tapped against the glass ceiling of the roof terrace while Effie poured coffee for them both. “Goodness no.” She checked on Amy sleeping in her baby bouncer before settling into the sofa with her cup, her feet tucked underneath her. “I’m way too exhausted to wipe that woman’s blood off the walls.” Ian moved sleepily against his father’s chest but with the rocking of the old hammock he didn’t wake up. Haymitch rubbed his free hand against his aching eyes. Felt like someone had poured sand into them. Effie was probably right. A few weeks ago she wanted fresh tulips to celebrate the fact that the house was now hers. Later, when they pushed the stroller out of the flower shop they crossed paths with an elderly couple. 80 years old or more. Him leaning heavily against a cane and dressed in a pearl gray suit and matching hat. Her, petite and viciously laced up with a dead Eastern bluebird on top of her elegant hairdo. “Oh, don’t mind about them, dear,” the old lady said and patted her husband’s arm. But the man had halted to a stop and when Effie met his frosty stare with her head high he spat on the ground. “Filthy half-breeds!” “Hey, pal!” Haymitch shouted after them. “If you don’t want me to knock those false teeth out you’ll keep your opinions to yourself!” So yeah. Haymitch had always fancied himself a level-headed man. Someone who could keep his cool under pressure. Even be diplomatic when the situation called for it. But with Amy and Ian… If something threatened them, he saw red every time. “Do you want me to take him?” Effie asked when Ian let out a long whine and bumped his mouth into Haymitch’s shoulder. “No, it’s alright.” He kissed the top of his son’s head. “Boy’s just determined to have his father jump off the fire escape. Aren’t you, sweetheart?” In response, Ian hiccupped and the next moment something warm ran down Haymitch’s shoulder. Effie burst out laughing and covered her mouth with her hand. Haymitch shot her a look. “You gonna do that every time they spit up on me?” Effie cleared her throat to try and contain herself but her eyes glittered with mirth as she helped him with the paper towels. “At least you have a burp cloth,” she said. “If you could just remember wearing it. That’s more than I had when you puked on me during the Games.” Down bellow, the door bell suddenly rang in a fury, followed by a thunder of feet and distant laughter. Haymitch sighed. In the weeks and months that followed their first visit, they’d spent a lot of time in the Fountains of Youth. Other places too. The river Theseus, Cupid’s Garden. Always in the morning when the least people were up and about, giving them a hard time. But it was only kids who advanced like this. Who dared more than looks and whispers. And Timothy Pluckrose wasn’t the only one. Far from it. It got so bad that Haymitch and Effie would probably have kept to the roof terrace with its bullet proof glass as much as possible, if it was all up to them. It wasn’t a bad place for someone who needed a break from the world. If not a safe haven, then at least a quiet, peaceful hideout, overflowing with potted plants. A comfy couch, armchairs. Soft carpets. A small book case stood in the corner filled with children’s books and glossy magazines and a family of Effie’s origami frogs. In here they fed and changed and cuddled the twins. Read them bedtime stories and played records for them on their grandfather’s old gramophone. Even enjoyed a good lunch or a catnap, when given the chance. It was a good house. No matter what his feelings were toward the rest of the Capitol, he had to accept that it really was. The rooms, the roof terrace, the little garden with the tree and the wishing pond. A good place for children. And with each memory built that included them, the more it became their house. Amy and Ian’s. And that made it the one place in the Capitol he could actually stand. But Amy and Ian loved being outdoors. They loved riding in the stroller. Especially through the Fountains of Youth. Haymitch didn’t know if it was the sound of water or the wind chimes or simply the soft bumps and bounces of the stroller itself but it was the single best way to make them fall asleep and sleep hard. Overall, their sleep cycle was out of whack, despite Effie’s careful planning. When she was still pregnant, it had seemed like a non-issue – staying up with a newborn at three in the morning – since he’d be awake anyway. But what he didn’t take into account was the fact that Amy and Ian needed him just as much during the day. Every day. 24 hours a day. No wonder sleep deprivation was used as a torture method. He’d confess anything at this point. The crying was another matter. Effie said it was all normal but he’d be damned if her genes hadn’t given them a head-start in the voice department. Because how else could someone so small be so fucking loud? He’d be deaf in one ear before their first birthday. His entire existence had narrowed down to just recognizing what the twins needed and give it to them. Course, his life hadn’t exactly been chockfull of ambition prior to them either. Or any kind of meaning, for that matter. xXx ”Tattletale! District breeder! Twelve Whore!” Hands banged on the windows and the twins shrieked, startled awake just minutes before being put down. “Goddamn punks!” Haymitch hauled himself out of bed. Seeing him coming, the kids fled, giggling hysterically. He slammed the window open. “Come back here, you ignoramuses!” Their laughs echoed as they all scattered to the wind. “Go back to District 12, traitor!” one of them piped. ”It’s OK. It’s OK, baby girl. I’m here. Mama’s here.” Amy wailed in Effie’s arms. Ian too, alone in the crib. That’s what finally moved Haymitch from the window. “Come here. Don’t cry, little ‘un.” He lifted his son up, holding him close. “I ain’t never gonna let anyone hurt you. Not ever.” Haymitch knew his children’s cries. Had heard plenty of it since the moment they were born. He’d even started to recognize some of them, able to tell what cry meant what, with Effie’s help. But he had never heard anything like this and he never wanted to again. The wrong cries. Frightened cries. Like they were scared out of their minds. He cradled Ian close to his chest, rocking him. With his hands clutched into fists the baby wailed from the top of his lungs. Amy did too and all they could do was waiting for it to pass. Ian calmed down first. With his little face buried in his father’s sweater, the safe and familiar smell comforted him. Amy had a worse time. Sometimes there was a pause in her cries with nothing but the occasional whimper but then it was like she remembered it anew and it set her off all over again. Effie rocked her and kissed her and whispered a soft lullaby. Wonderfully out of tune, yes, but the sound lit an idea in Haymitch’s head. “Come. Imma try something.” Holding the twins, they headed for the living room. Haymitch laid Ian down on the couch and Effie had a seat next to him with a crying Amy to her chest. June and Annabel’s piano went with all the rest of the furniture when the moving van rolled out of the Capitol but Effie had one herself. One that belonged to her parents, though not nearly as fancy. Now Haymitch pulled out the music stool in front of it and had a seat. With his fingers on top of the ivories, slow and sweet music filled the air. His first performance since before they were born. It was one of her absolute favorites. Haymitch had played it to her as many times as she liked during the pregnancy. Baby Mine. That’s right. Or Babies Mine as Effie’d come to call it. A mountain air as old as the hills. Haymitch even taught her the lyrics when asked. She heard the words in her mind now, just as clearly as she did the music. Amy quieted down as the music registered. With tears shining on her cheeks her cries turned to sniffles and then nothing at all. Ian nibbled on his knuckles, blinking up at the ceiling. Both the twins listened, in wonderment over the sounds. Then, almost immediately, their eyelids started drooping. “Oh,” said Effie in a hushed voice. “I think they remember.” Haymitch’s dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes as he kept playing the soft lullaby. Effie kissed Amy’s temple, holding her with one arm; her other hand rested against Ian, throughout the rest of the song. xXx “You should’ve let a Capitolian knock you up instead of me.” Haymitch lay on his side, watching Amy and Ian’s chests rise and fall with each breath. They slept soundly now, lying in the middle of the bed, safe between their parents. Effie met his gaze from the other side, caressing their hair. “What kind of rubbish is that?” “I’m serious. You wouldn’t be having this problem if they weren’t my blood.” “Don’t start that again. I don’t care what people think. Amy and Ian are yours and it’s exactly how it should be. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. You know that.” “OK,” he said. “What about them? What will their lives be like?” An hour later the cab pulled up to the curb. The glowing sun was on its way down, setting the world ablaze. Just the kind of orange Peeta loved. Mrs. Pluckrose stood in her doorway, watching them lift the last of their bags into the car. So giddy she was practically flying on her feet. “We’ll be sorry to see you go,” she thrilled. “Oh, just let it be, Effs,” said Haymitch but Effie had already turned around and left him there with the twins, slumbering in their child safety seats. “We’re not moving, Mrs. Pluckrose,” she said, coming face to face with the neighbor. ”We’re going to District 12 to visit our other children.” Mrs. Pluckrose snorted a laugh. “Your children?” “That’s right. And while we’re being this neighborly, let me just inform you that if you don’t teach your son some decent manners until I get back I might just tell your darling husband about the gentlemen you enjoy spending time with while Timothy’s at school.” Mrs. Pluckrose’s face turned an ugly red. “That’s a filthy lie! And even if it wasn’t, my Carl would never believe the words of a fallen woman like yourself!” “Maybe he will and maybe he won’t. Do you really want to take the chance?” Mrs. Pluckrose’s teeth were clutched so tightly it was a miracle they didn’t shatter like dinner plates at a tourist attraction. Her pale eyes stared into Effie’s who looked straight back, steadfast and unwavering. ”Twelve Whore,” she murmured through pressed lips. “Capitol cunt,” said Effie, loud and clear. Mrs. Pluckrose gasped, gaping like she couldn’t even believe the words. “You!” was all she got out. “You… you!” Effie didn’t stay to hear the rest. She turned on her heel, back to Haymitch and their children. Mrs. Pluckrose wasn’t the only one who stared. Haymitch looked at Effie like he’d never seen anything so magnificent in all of his 40 odd years. “Did you just…?” “Oh, shut up, Haymitch!” She lifted Ian into the car. “Let’s go.” Author’s note: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Effie is boss! Baby Mine is from the movie “Dumbo” of course. The 2019 version. You can listen to it on Youtube: “Disney Piano – Dumbo Baby Mine – Relaxing piano.” I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Leave a review if you wanna make my day and make for faster updates.
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simeonstans · 4 years
Hey! I really like your work! I’ve been thinking about this all week, so May I request Simeon with an Angel!MC, but only one of them becomes a fallen angel? (you choose who)
This took so long cause I wanted it to be 👨🏻‍🍳💋 for Simeon so let's goo !!!
TW / manipulation, death, reincarnation, no happy ending, angst
Words: 1,449
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Another exasperated sigh escaped Simeon’s lips as Michael sent him off to run another errand from the human world. Ever since Lucifer and his brothers fell, it seems as if Michael’s gone crazier. He couldn’t blame him though, Lucifer helped Michael with nearly everything and now that he’s fallen, all his work got put onto Michael. The air was still stiff and going down to Earth wasn’t as easy as it used to be. Can’t cause another war if all your actions were now tracked.
However, Father did introduce a new angel to the Celestial Realm in order to give Michael a hand. It wasn’t easy, honestly. Simeon never saw this new angel as Michael has been training them the past couple decades on what to do. But from what he could hear from other angels that work close or have seen them, this one was just as, or more, beautiful than Lucifer. It could have been an exaggeration considering no other angel could’ve come close to his friend Luci and no one has seen him in a millennia so memories could fade.
Finally after finishing his errand, he went back to the castle to drop off what Michael needed but instead bumped into another figure down the halls. “So sorry, I didn’t see you. Are these for Michael?” Simeon got up, picking up some items while the unfamiliar angel stood across from him with some items in their arms. “Yes, these are, you wouldn’t happen to see him?”
“Oh, then I’ll take these to his room. Thank you so much.” the angel bowed and turned away with the items and headed down a hallway. Simeon, although having just met them for the first time, hummed and felt rather warm around them. He brushed off the feelings just thinking it’s from meeting someone new. It has been a while since he’s seen a new face around.
Afterwards, they kept bumping into each other more frequently. Simeon now understanding that they’re nearly completed with their training so they were allowed some extra freedom whenever Michael needed to complete some of his tasks or prepare some final training. While they first kept running into each other on occasion, they then started hanging out more and more. Soon enough, Simeon got the new angel stuck in their head. Anytime Simeon went shopping or running errands, he’d ponder if he should buy these sandals for MC, remembering that they wanted to get new ones since theirs was wearing out. Or picking up some strawberries as they mentioned that they’ve seen the small red fruit but never tasted it. “It looks like it’ll taste sour,” they told the dark skinned angel a while ago, “Believe me, they’re very sweet.” he would reassure the newbie.
Really, he never noticed how much he thought about the angel. Michael even pointed it out a couple days ago that whenever he sends off Simeon for another errand or task, he returns in a better mood compared to before he met MC. Even notices how much sweeter Simeon’s smile is.
You know, at first he brushed it off thinking that Simeon was just happy to have met a new friend. Until he saw his little helper also in the same position after a solo mission down on earth. It was then that Michael decided to send MC back down to the Human Realm for another solo mission that may last a while. You know, take care of a human family as a nanny until they get back on their feet. Simple.
He knew MC was keeping a diary, as Michael once recommended to MC that keeping a diary would help track their development and that they may rely on it if a future problem arises. Or if they felt lonely from all the training it could be her friend. The archangel entered their helpers room, easily spotting the book that Michael gave to them on their desk and he decided to flip through the rather thick book.
First few pages were multiple paragraphs. Each one of the paragraphs was just what their training consisted of and what principles angels must follow. Then they got to when they first started meeting the other angels like a new baby named Luke that was born a couple decades years ago, their first meeting with Gabriel, and of course meeting Simeon. After a couple pages or so, the pages went on about Simeon’s charm and characteristics that called out to them. Then the latest page was about how their last trip to the human world, they listened to some children on the street and found out what love is. “Love, the children said, is when you feel tingly in your belly when you see someone you like. You like them a lot and they make you smile. They said there’s a difference between liking someone like a friend or a mommy or daddy and like liking someone. That is love. And I think I love Simeon. I like like him.” the diary entry wrote.
If this were back then, he would tease his little helper to no end. But then he remembered how the last time love happened in the Celestial Realm. And a rule every angel abides by is “you may only have love Father”. Love is dangerous. Love gets you killed. Love, although it is fragile, is the most powerful thing that can cause so much destruction.
So, Michael set the book down and decided to wait for their helper to come back. And he then set out to try to decrease the amount of time Simeon and MC hung out. He’s already lost his best friend, he can’t afford to lose more.
Slowly Simeon and MC saw each other less and less. And when brought up to Michael on how MC never saw their “friends” by Simeon, he simply brushed it off by changing the topic and said that the times on earth are changing fast. Angels can’t lie of course, and he wasn’t lying, the humans were going through a new era at the moment. Then MC complained that they weren’t seeing their friends or that their previous mission was exhausting. And after a while, MC asked Michael to give a clear answer. “You’ve gotten stubborn. Have the humans influenced you?”
“Michael, can you please answer the question?”
“Which was?”
A sigh escaped MC’s lips. “I’ve been feeling lonely. Why can’t I see my friends? You see Gabriel every day, even the little boy, Luke, has been latching onto you after you baked him a cake when he said he wanted to try one. Then there’s Simeon...”, although the last part was mumbled, Michael heard clearly. “Can you repeat the last part for me, please?” he asked, walking closer to the smaller angel.
“Simeon. I must confess, I missed seeing him. I missed trying new things with him. He promised me apples the next time I would see him. “Oh MC, I could get you apples anytime you want. You don’t have to ask him solely. I’m here for you to as well. I’m training you but we’re the same rank. Don’t let love blind you. Don’t get blinded by something that doesn’t exist.” MC blinked and took a step back. “You know I can’t lie, I’ve read the diary-” “You’ve read what?” “-I know you love Simeon. And normally I would brush it off but… well let me tell you a story I think you should know about.” He lead the MC down and took a seat.
He then started the story of Lucifer and his siblings. How their youngest and only sister died. And how it was love that killed her. “Keep falling in love and see how it’ll damage you.”
“But Simeon is an angel-”
“Our love belongs to Father only. Love for everyone else is false. If you fall in love, Father will kill you. The humans are rubbing off on you, so I’ll have to change your schedule for a while.”
“You said we’re in the same rank. I’ve been training for a millennia or so and I’m done with it all. I can do solo missions and take orders from Father so why are you trying to control me again?”
“MC, you’re going back to phase one. I have to get you under my wing again. Father can’t see you go around like this.”
Deciding not to continue the argument, MC sighs. Apologize to your superior, MC repeated in their head, remembering what they learned in training. “I apologize, Michael.” Then MC felt a hand on their head. Michael was patting their head. “Just don’t fall in love.” He said before walking out his office.
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dahkani · 5 years
Music helps me write, and I believe many creatives share that vibe! So I wanted to share a few of the songs that give me Fair Game vibes and I find myself writing best to, categorized based on the mood or vibes you wanna sell! Please enjoy, and I hope you like even one song out of this selection. It’s all under the read more! All songs have hyperlinks on the title! I tried to use male artists when possible since it’s an MLM ship but the majority of music I listen to is sung by women, so apologies for that!
p.s. please message me and just fuckin talk to me about fair game and rwby and everything... pls..
                    ( energetic is used somewhat loosely, but i wanted a divide between songs like these and more chilled-out ones! )
↪  w i l d - troye sivan ( i envision this song as shared between them. perhaps the blue neighbourhood is metaphorical for qrow, due to his long-lasting troubles with his mental health, and clover’s blue neighbourhood is atlas. )
↪ b u r n i n g - maggie rogers ( “ running from that day i snapped ” - the day he found out about Salem, the day at the apathy farm, the day he fell right back into his old habits. “and you said / let me help you open up” oH LIKE CLOVER IS DOING FOR QROW???? )
↪ s u p e r s t a r - marina ( “ you never judge me / for any of my fears / never turn your back / always keep my body near. “ )
↪ j o y - bastille ( “ i’m your walking disaster, keep on dragging me / from self-pity, poor me.” )
↪ a n i m a l - aurora ( clover to qrow, the best thing i could find! “ isolation makes me hungry / will you stay here while i sleep? ” and “ lost in a concrete jungle “ were huge driving forces for how i characterized clover in one of my fics! )
                   ( more relaxed! the type of songs that aren’t super high energy but instead... are much calmer! )
↪ a n y w h e r e  u  g o - tove lo ( “ stay together / you make me better / and i said i would be there through it all. “ )
↪ w h a t  a  h e a v e n l y  w a y  t o  d i e - troye sivan ( “ what a heavenly way to die / what a time to be alive / because forever is in your eyes / but forever aint half the time / i wanna spend with you. ” )
↪ r e a l  l o v e - carly rae jepsen ( this is a clover song and i’ll take it to the grave. real love is all he wants bro. it’s all his perfect life is missing. )
↪ e n d  o f  t h e  e a r t h - marina ( “ do you ever think / of how this life could have been? / if you never took the chance / a leap of faith and dance / with losing it all / so just wait, wait for me. ” )
↪ f i n a l l y  / /  b e a u t i f u l  s t r a n g e r - halsey ( “ your eyes, so crystal green / sour apple baby, but you taste so sweet / you got hips like Jagger and two left feet / and i wonder if you’d like to meet. ” )
                  ( songs that have angst potential! not necessarily break up songs tho.)
↪ h a b i t s ( s t a y  h i g h ) - tove lo ( “ you’re gone and i gotta stay high / all the time / to keep you off my mind ” )
↪ h o l d  m e  w h i l e  y o u  w a i t - lewis capaldi ( a song about (clover) loving someone who doesn’t know what they really want, and wondering if you just aren’t good enough. )
↪ 9 0  d a y s - p!nk ( " i feel the space that’s in between us / convince myself that this is real love / cause you made this shit so easy / and i told you my secrets / so i don’t know why im tongue-tied at the wrong time / when i need this. ” )
↪ s u p e r c u t - lorde ( “ cause in my head, in my head i do everything right / when you call, when you call i’ll forgive and not fight / because ours are the moments i play in the dark / we were wild and fluorescent / come home to my heart. ” )
↪ n u m b  w i t h o u t  y o u - the maine ( “ you are the violence in my veins / you are the war inside my brain / you are my glitter and my gloom / i am so numb without you. “ )
↪ g o t  t o  b e  y o u - don broco ( “ so easy / i could be replaced / you could bait fresh meat / plenty fish in them seas ” )
↪ d r i v e - oh wonder ( “ and i promised i’d be there / but you don’t make it easy / darling please believe me. “ )
                 ( some songs i wanted to add but they don’t really fit any category, or they have a few things that stick out (as an example, maybe they use female pronouns) or they just aren’t QUITEEE fair game-y enough! )
↪ m a t e o - tove lo ( “ never stood out in a crowd the way you do / wish i could spend some more time alone with you “ )
↪ c r u e l  s u m m e r - taylor swift ( “ i don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you, and i / snuck in through the garden gate / every night that summer just to seal my fate / and i scream for whatever its worth / i love you. ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard? “ )
↪ s t i l l  i n t o  y o u - paramore ( “ i should be over all the butterflies / but i’m into you / and baby even on our worst nights / i’m into you “ )
↪ m i r a c l e - paramore ( “ i won’t let you give up on a miracle / when it might save you “ )
↪ i  w a n n a  g e t  b e t t e r - the bleachers ( “ i didn’t know i was lonely ‘til i saw your face / i wanna get better, better, better, better / i didn’t know i was broken ‘til i wanted to change / i wanna get better. better, better, better “ )
And that’s about all I’ve got in me right now! Please feel free to add your own additions, I promise I will listen to absolutely every single song anyone suggests is even remotely 1% Fair Game.
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colorfultristesse · 7 years
  CHOOSE ONE! Then tag 10 of your followers!
 1: hugs or kisses?
 2: night or day?
 3: internet or tv?
 4: sweet or sour?
 5: red, white or blue?
 6: 1800s or 1900s?
 7: space or the ocean?
 8: ice-cream or frozen yogurt?
 9: reading or writing?
 10: raining or sunny?
     raining when I can stay inside, sunny when I’m outside
 11: winter or summer?
 12: spring or autumn/fall?
 13: too cold or too warm?
     too cold
 14: elevators or escalators?
     rather the stairs :D
 15: apples or oranges?
 16: fire or ice?
 17: plane crash or car crash?
     what kind of question ist this? xD how about no crash?
 18: planes or boats?
     both are fine, but rather boats
 19: the sea or a pool?
     the sea!
 20: singing or dancing?
 21: long hair or short hair?
 22: january or december?
 23: your first child - boy or girl?
     at the moment… unborn?!
 24: chocolate sauce or strawberry sauce?
     chocolate sauce
 25: coffee or tea?
 26: in your coffee/tea - sugar or no sugar?
     no sugar
 27: gif or jif?
 28: science or religion?
 29: tornado or hurricane?
 30: black or white?
 31: laptop or desktop?
 32: cat or dog?
 33: chicken or turkey?
     none, but both alive
 34: shower or bath?
 35: disneyland or universal studios?
     that’s hard… i kinda wanna see both…
 36: potatoes - mashed or baked?
 37: eggs - fried, boiled, scrambled or poached?
 38: cake or pie?
 39: ben & jerry’s or häagen-dazs?
     have to wait until next year to taste them
 40: christmas or halloween?
 41: books or magazines?
 42: inside or outside?
 43: movies or tv shows?
     tv shows
 44: mcdonald’s or burger king?
 45: the past or the future?
     the future
 46: superpowers - fly or read minds?
 47: piercings or tattoos?
 48: end of the world - zombie apocalypse or world war 3?
     it depends… you can try to survive the zombie apocalypse, but what if all your beloved died/turn to zombies? at ww3… we might all be dead in a glimpse of an eye… so this?
 49: starbucks or subway?
 50: love or lust?
 51: kitten, puppy or micropig?
     gimme all the baby animals!
 52: if you could, which would you stop - 9/11 or the holocaust?
     the question is so retarded… how about no suffering and wars at all?
 53: mermaids/mermen or unicorns?
 54: america or britain?
 55: dumbledore or gandalf?
 56: ninjas or pirates?
 57: firefox, safari or chrome?
 58: marvel or dc?
 59: pepsi or coke?
     bothe tastes nearly the same…?
 60: circus or amusement park?
     amusement parks
 61: ebook or physical book?
     physical book
 62: greek or roman?
 63: thor or loki?
 64: sam or dean winchester?
 65: stefan or damon salvatore?
     neither (and: who?)
 66: brown or white bread?
 67: sunrise or sunset?
 68: drought or flood?
     …? flood…?
 69: train or bus?
 70: kids or pets?
 71: poetry or song lyrics?
 72: horror movie or chick flick?
     horror movie
 73: play video games on - pc or console (xbox/playstation)?
     i don’t really play games
 74: cookies or donuts?
 75: saturday or sunday?
 76: lord of the rings or harry potter?
     harry potter
 77: bands or solo artists?
 78: art or music?
 79: get lost in - london or paris?
 80: new year’s eve or christmas eve?
     christmas eve
 81: museums or nature parks?
 82: lightning or thunder?
     scared of both, so neither
 83: lions, tigers or bears?
 84: popcorn or candy floss/cotton candy?
 85: be stuck in a room with - clowns or insects?
     ….neither. or I’d die in both cases.
 86: soup or salad?
 87: asks or fanmail?
 88: scottish accent or irish accent?
 89: ‘friends’ or ‘the big bang theory’?
     FRIENDS, there is no question…!
 90: ‘supernatural’ or ‘the vampire diaries’?
 91: ‘the simpsons’ or ‘family guy’?
     the simpsons
 92: toothache or earache?
     no ache please…
 93: ‘x-men’ or ‘guardians of the galaxy’?
 94: be stranded in antarctica or the sahara desert?
     i will die soon at both places, so it doesn’t matter :,D
 95: penguins or polar bears?
     polar bears
 96: 'frozen’ or 'tangled’?
     TANGLED. We do not talk about „Frozen“…
 97: snowmen or icebergs?
     how are these compareable?? like, snowmens that you can build yourself, and an iceberg like the icy, spiky, titanic-sinking-things? in any case… i hate ice and snow. xD
 98: handwritten letter or email?
     handwritten letter
 99: apple or android?
 100: the end or the beginning?
     the beginning
 tagged by: @call-my-master thank you! :D
 tagging: @jirouchi everyone who likes to do it!
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lokadottr · 2 years
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@starsspin spoke: 👗 for a moodboard about my muse’s fashion style [ i went with queen au ]  (   moodboard meme / / accepting )
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makwabear · 8 years
A gift would be delivered of a wicker basket with a lid tied down to hold what was within contained. The lid tied with a orange color ribbon with a bow at the top. Also attached to the basket, held down by the ribbon was a envelope. The envelope having written words of, to Makwa upon it. Within the basket would be oodles of goodies, things collected that was edible. Assortments of fruits from a batch of berries, a vine of green grapes, banana’s, oranges, green and red apples, peaches and plums. To a few wrapped and selected hand sized blocks of cheeses, several breads such as honey croissants, soft banana bread, high mountain fry bread. To a few variety of cookies of chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and ginger bread. The basket was neatly packed with the sort of snacks that can last a while, with one more thing. A few jars of honey. Within the envelope would the letter be found with the written words.
Dear Makwa,
I’m sorry that it took me a while to write you back. I been busy gathering some goodies for you, something to help and hopefully get your mind off of things. I do not know if they know what is your favorite or not. But I got some things that we eaten during our travels. Majani had grown some of the fruits, others I got from the city of Dalaran and the rest I searched for while traveling around on the Broken Isles. Such as the berries I had those growing in my little garden of the grove. They are really good, the red ones are called dream berries. Don’t worry, they won’t put you to sleep or nothing. They taste very sweet, the purple kind are called fox berries. I guess fox’s like to eat those berries, they have a slight sour and sweet taste. I’m sure your already trying out what I stored in the basket. Do try not to eat it all in one day. Haha, that was a joke. But really it’s to perk up your day and just some things to snack on when you want to. The cheeses and one of the breads come from the high mountain tauren, try out the fry bread. It’s really good, crispy and soft on the inside. The cookies and other breads come from Dalaran. And your most favorite of all, the honey I traveled around Grizzly Hills to collect enough honey. Those bees were not too happy about it but I managed to get you some, the furbolgs were to busy warring against each other that they had no idea I was there.
So do enjoy and I’ll try to send you things to help pass the time and I hope that they will send me a letter or something to let me know that I can visit. I don’t mind collecting, it helped me get my mind off of a few things and to put together something I know that you would like put an ease to me. I’m glad to hear that you gained your balance of speech back! I really hope they contact me soon, it sounds like maybe they can allow me to visit you very soon! Being stuck in bear or any animal form can suck, I remember when I was first learning how to shift to bear. It’s a bit of a long story but I was stuck as a bear for a while and not being use to the form lead to me wandering off to find what I am smelling, nor was I able to talk at all either. It took some time but eventually I was able to change back, so I am confident that soon you will be able to change back too.
As for the friends I met, once again most of them have disappeared, I do not know what had happened. After visiting my family for some time since none were around as often as before, that is when I decided to visit family. By the time I came back, they are gone. I only just returned so maybe I just haven’t bumped into them yet. Speaking of family, that went well. I helped out and learned a few things on how to properly fix up a hut. Being with my family was refreshing. So I’m gonna work on gathering some resources to fix up my parents hut for some work later on when I got the time and focus on it. With my return I ran into Ishi, she is doing well. I think she’s working on balancing herself out? I’m not sure but I do know that she has been training to learn the primal ways. She’s just about the only familiar face I have run into so far and guess what. I learned to find out she’s also pregnant. She’s in the early stages so her training is at a pause for now. Maybe with her having a child it will help even more balance her out? Who knows, I just hope she and her mate name Gul are not only happy but will be even happier parents that are raising their first child. I wonder what the baby is, a boy or a girl. To early to know right now. I also bumped into Ama..or she bumped into me actually. She’s doing well and got herself a mate too, she said she was sick but she is well. She wants to talk to me to show me the things she has found.
As for anything else, I been resuming to help the nightfallen elves. A progress to get them further into the city, all sorts of elves are coming from different places to help them. There are the Sindorei, the Kaldorei and I’m not sure of the name but I do know they call themselves High Elves. So all these elves that are somewhat different from each other and yet the same are gathering in large numbers to prepare for a war against the elves that sided with the demons in Suramar. There is also the human mage name Khadgar that is leading all of this, I know you don’t like these elves that much. The nightfallen ones with their demands and stuff, but once they found a entry point to put focus to infiltrate there. Maybe we will finally be done with this, the nightfallen can have their city back and all the demons are gone from the city. Not sure what to expect entirely but still work needs to be done and the druids have me focusing on how to use my nature spells to defend myself. I got the healing part down but since I’m not ready to fight in my feral forms, I been learning the ways of the balanced druid.
I gotten strong enough that you know those feral worgens that roam around Val'sharah in random places? Well, I was panicked when one spotted me and was barreling at me. So I wrapped him in vines to buy me time so I can run but the large beast broke out of the vines alot more quickly then I had planned. He was nicking at my heels, I can feel his breath and his drool at my feet. Quick spells I would cast to inflict damage but it just made him more mad. That when I felt weight drop from behind me, I had the scythe of elune carried on my back and before I knew it there was this rush of bright light. I heard the beast howling and I couldn’t see either. When the light cleared the howling was no more and there standing and looking lost was a night elf. To my surprise he was a druid! And a druid that suddenly started to thank me for freeing his mind! It was nuts! I wasn’t harmed but just shaken from all of that, so I went to the Dream Grove to ask an Arch Druid of what happened when I explained and they said it’s the power of Elune from the staff. And they taught me how to harness the power so should I run into a feral worgen again I would cleanse faster then they can attack. They said I was lucky that the worgen touched the staff and that’s what caused the chain reaction. I read the history of the Scythe of Elune, the history on it is nuts too. Now I know where worgens came from and I will have to be very careful with wielding it. This staff has been forged by the fang of Goldrinn, a large white wolf that is one of the ancients. And empowered by the moon goddess Elune. Not sure someone as me should be using this but they said I am ready for it since I got a knack with nature magic. And should I show signs in my training that I can’t handle it, than I can focus on something else. It is something new to learn, was getting bored with healing. Even if I am not a grand healer I at least know enough to heal even the gruesome of wounds. Guess they want to be sure that I can also fight, they know I been wanting to learn how to fight with my feral forms. But I don’t mind to learn balance, I plan on learning as much as I can and we all got to start somewhere.
Anyway, enjoy the goody basket. I look forward to reading your letters. I still miss training with you, it’s not the same without you. Maybe when your back you can teach me about the feral, maybe by then I’ll be ready. Shall see. There is just so much to get done and I’ll be wrapped up busy with all this stuff going on. But of course I will find time to write to you.
From, Spots.
P.S. Tell Miss Roe that I thank her for helping you to write to me! Loa watch over you.
The letter was in the previously done hand writing loopy letters, and hearts dotting the I’s, a perfume scent on the parchment. It was obvious that Makwa did not write the letter, but most of the words seemed to be his. There was small braid of hair inside the envelope clinging to the parchment, with what one might think was resin from a tree, but in fact it was honey, who knew if it was an accident or droplet off of Mak’s ursine mug.
Hey Sassy Cat,
 Sorry about the last letter, it was the best one out of many. I think we worked out all the kinks, or most of them when it comes to Roe writing for me.... Roe, says you’re welcome, she’s delighted to write for me to you. If things seem weird it’s because Roe only writes down what I say, and not what she says in reply. Beggars can’t be choosers, I’m happy for all the help.
Man, that was really thoughtful that you went to all that trouble in getting me those snacks. They were great and didn’t really last as long as I thought they would. Seriously, Majani grew the fruits?! He must be sixty feet tall by how long it feels like I’ve been gone. How’s the growing coming with him? I bet your trainers are freaking proud of you. Ooops, too late on eating it all... Roe am I going to get the sh---- Okaaay... I won’t worry. I’m HAPPY, I gobbled it all up before Roe started reading to me. Live and learn.  Mmmmm going to have to say the honey was the best, it had a gold clover taste, much better then the stuff-- Never mind, Roe, I mean your stuff is good. It’s just, this stuff was from the Grizzly Hills, and tasted different, don’t stop bringing me your stuff either, please.
About shifting well there has been progress, and a little regressions. I was able to get my whole arm back, wiggled my fingers. I was so proud, I was going to write you a letter, showed the druid in charge of me that session. Well then I suddenly B-slapped him.... Not booty smacked him Roe, I meant another word which I’m Not saying to you...  but anyway it was a hit in the face when my arm spasmed shifting to bear. I bet you can guess how well that went over. It’s not like I’m not trying, or anything, I am... but then once I got it, and I’m thinking ‘ Hey, I’m doing good.’ One stupid thought, comes out of left field and knocks out my concentration. I told the boss, maybe if you were here I would have an easier time, someone to talk to, to work things out with. They ain’t hearing it, they keep telling me that’s what they are here for, to help me. But man, it don’t feel like help, it feels like pressure. I asked for a different helper because the fellow I smacked, he don’t like me very much, and when I can’t remember something he does this thing where he forces me to remember, and it pisses me - Sorry Roe. off.  I’m telling you he has a chip on his shoulder, I know that doesn’t justify my swearing, I’ll try to keep it check Roe. I just get worked up when working with this guy... I guess he’s being punished with helping me. I guess I did something bad to a friend of his, and he likes to remind me of it even though it’s foggy. I talked to another druid and they said the Arch druid that’s in charge of him is trying to help him learn how to forgive me, to show him I’m not a bad guy by working with me. My problem is, his punishment is becoming mine, and I don’t think it’s helping. I talked about it during one my progress sessions and I was told I needed to learn patience to take it easy and see if we could make amends. I told the guy a million times I was sorry, even though I can’t remember it, nothing helps. I’m so sick of being stuck here and monitored, when I eat, when I go out for walks, I think this is how a prisoner feels, and that’s wrong, because I never felt this way before with the only family I have man. It sucks. I know they are doing the best they can by me... but it just feels like something big is missing when you’re not around. At least they’re letting me write you, or Roe write you for me.
Sorry about your friends, maybe they’re working, or maybe they got like lives family and all that, or maybe they’re all stuck like me in bear form because of a mass wave of a savagekin infection from some unknown cause. Orrrrrr.... they took a wrong portal and are stuck in the twisted nether like half the stuff I mail out. No, not really, Roe, I‘m joking. No kidding, ha! I mean you know what, about the pregnancy thing. What.... Did... I.... say? Maaaan, if you don’t know a lot about a knocked up woman. I can give you a few pointers.... Keep a distance, and only steal their food if you can out run them. When their milk comes in, put cotton in your ears. I can’t tell you how many ear infections I got from the females shooting their milk at my head. It don’t seem like it has range when they have a baby on their teat all the time, but it does, especially if they take the kid off them. I swear a stream of fifty feet, and more of an arch and sharp aim then the largest pi-ee you’ve ever taken. Just keep a safe distance, females are as unbalanced as they are ever when they are with cubs. I’m glad she has a mate to handle all that, could you imagine if it was just me and you trying to deal with all that? So what you do if her eagle eye focus falls on you, is just point out all the wrongs of her mate. Like if she says get her some food, just say, have your mate do that for you.  I’m not mean Roe, I’m trying to protect Jai, I’m not around, I don’t know how far along she is, the name seems new that she’s mated to I don’t know the chap. Ayup, could be a good guy, but serving a pregnant woman is the mate’s responsibility not everyone elses. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just saying when it gets thick, like the demands and whatever, it ain’t Jai’s duty to serve her, he didn’t sign up for that, her mate did, okay? Okay... As far as telling the gender, this is what you do, get their tusk rings, or a finger ring, don’t matter as long as it’s a ring of bonding, take a strand of the mother’s hair and tie it to the ring.   If the ring moves in a back-and-forth pendulum-style motion, the test indicates that the baby is a boy.  If the ring moves in a circular motion, the test indicates that the baby is a girl. Easy as that...  Spots, I’m glad everything is working out the way she wanted it to, she wanted a mate, she wanted a kid, and she wanted to be a primal. I really do wish her the best, and give her a kiss on the cheek from me, if you would? Loa’s blessings be on her and the peanut, alright?
They got you working for those pompous, arrogant, jerk faces again without ME?! Why the nerve! I’m heading up there right now and giving them a piece of my mind... Strike that. Who they got you working with? Who are they sending you out there with? I want a name, so I know who my replacement is... I’ll fix this as soon as I’m able to. I’m working hard to get better man, I can’t believe they would do that. I don’t say this much, but I’m feeling a bit low in the collar. It’s bad enough I’m stuck here, and I’m not saying you’re not capable, but man... Knowing you’re going out there alone, or with someone that don’t know you like I do, it makes my stomach all fluttery like that time I ate those six barrel of sardines. Demons and sh--ooot ton of elves, I don’t like it. Fudge, peanut brittle, son of a bucket.... 
Glad you’re strong with healing, and getting stronger every day, Spots... Be careful out there. Be safe, you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Be knowing that if you ever get in trouble, reach out to me with your dreams, or send words with a certain bird lady we know. Please write soon, I miss you. I can’t get you out of my mind being stuck like this, all I can think of is getting out and getting to you. I’ve even tried to leave a couple of times but of course I failed. Take care... Here’s a little something so I can be there in spirit, even if I can’t be there in body.
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of the Top 10 Best Candy Of The 90s. The 90s were a glorious time and featured some of the most amazing candy ever, these are the top 10 best candies of the 90s. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 There are some types of candy have really stood the test of time. These delicious treats trigger happy memories in a lot of people, thanks to their great taste and iconic packaging. Let’s take a sweet trip down memory lane, by checking out the top 10 best candy of the 90's. If you enjoyed this list of the top 10 best candies of the 90s, then comment: #Candy #Candies #90s TIMESTAMPS: 0:19 Sour Jacks Are A Fat-Free Indulgence 1:27 Baby Bottle Pops Are Cute Candy Options 2:43 Nerds Ropes Are Satisfying Treats 3:43 FruitStripe Gum Comes With Temporary Tattoos 5:11 Tongue Splashers Come In Quirky Paint Cans 6:16 Sour Punch Twists Come in 4 Flavors 7:24 Sneaky Stardust Is Tasty Gum Powder 8:24 Bazooka Gum Had Many Fans During The 90's 9:55 Caramel Apple Pops Are Fruity And Sweet 11:11 Warheads Deliver Intense Sour Flavor SUMMARIES: - Sour Jacks candy was very popular during the 90's and it's still available today. Those who prefer candy that bursts with sour power love Sour Jacks. - Babies are so content when they are drinking from baby bottles. Kids (and some grown-ups) are content when they are enjoying iconic Baby Bottle Pop lollipops. These fun and cute suckers were launched in 1998, by a brand called Topps. - Do you remember Nerds Rope candy? This type of candy is still sold and it's made from a rope of gummy candy that is coated with a bunch of Nerds candies. Chewy and satisfying, Nerds Rope candy satisfies sweet and sour cravings to absolute perfection. - This chewing gum was great fun in the 90's and people are still loving it today. These days, FruitStripe chewing gum comes in a host of fun and fruity flavors. - A lot of people think that this fun and popular chewing gum from the 90's is discontinued, but it's actually still available online, so it is possible to get your hands on a cute paint can full of Tongue Splashers gum. - Sour Punch Twists were gobbled up in the 90's and they are still going strong today. These candies are part of the Sour Punch collection of sour and sweet treats. Today, these sour candy twists are available in blue raspberry, apple, strawberry and cherry. - This unique and interesting 90's candy comes from a company called Sweet Bandit, which has been creating quality candy for two decades. Sneaky Stardust is still sold today and it's renowned for its powder-to-solid formula. - This legendary bubble gum was first sold when World War II ended. It was launched in America, by a Brooklyn-based company called Topps. The gum featured patriotic red, white and blue wrappers. - Caramel Apple Pops are tasty lollipops that feature apple-flavored hard candy with a chewy caramel coating. If you've ever enjoyed a real caramel apple, you already have a pretty good sense of what Caramel Apple Pops have to offer. - Warheads were a big deal in the 90's. These days, these candies, which deliver explosive sour taste, are still on the market. They were launched in 1985, by a company named Impact Confections, but they originally came from Taiwan, where they were introduced during the 70's. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://www.youtube.com/babbletop/join 👕 Check out our MERCH! https://ift.tt/2xcFumO 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOvb3ZRIwh0&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg Top 10 Saddest McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXjSIxWR9Jo&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=63 Top 10 Most Popular Secret Menu Fast Food Items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEDoWmFKBWI&list=PL2AXIR2uRsIlSkW5W0YF4gcw66jKxXUCy&index=13 Top 10 Candy Bars America Wished They Had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVIx10iBgc&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=40 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEqcMBAbur4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=15 10 McDonald’s Items That Would Make America Great Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UksU5Ki0SW4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=9 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
0 notes
lokadottr · 2 years
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torvi aesthetics: ( pretty ) lingerie / sleepwear 
non-mutuals do not interact
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lokadottr · 3 years
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since we’re posting our muse’s nye outfits....
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lokadottr · 4 years
tag drop ( basics )
( vis. ) bigger than my body & colder than this home
( abt. ) but then i realized i am no higher power
( muse. ) maybe you can make me love me
( m. ) keep on hanging on the line ignoring every warning sign
( aes. ) my identity’s always getting the best of me
( war. ) sour apple baby but you taste so sweet
( des. ) can you feel it too when i am touching you?
( ooc. ) local bi disaster makes another blog
( hc. )  it's just these things that i'm thinking for hours
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