#( th: heavenly kind )
lgcnayoung · 1 year
heavenly kind
seeing haru again in the flesh and not through an instagram post or a text was quite surreal. time seems to fly and she can’t recall when the last time they had the chance to actually see one another face to face was, which was hard when she preferred to spend quality time with her friends. 
“my gosh, it’s your birthday soon. what are you going to do for celebrations? don’t tell me, a.... vlive!” nayoung probes in a joking matter, but the jokes don’t feel quit the same as before since they might become a reality for her too. after she and the girls prepared a birthday surprise for sena while being filmed... life felt a lot less private. the realization that it’s easier to have walls up, so that they won’t get in trouble later on, or say the wrong thing and not having it edited out in videos, but lives - being in the public eye, it’s a lot. she’s been working up to this moment. hell, haru’s been doing it for years prior to her even tiptoing in as a trainee. her shoulders slump as she 
“you know, i’ve barely dipped a toe into anything and i already feel a bit overwhelmed, if i must be honest.” she doesn’t admit this a lot, especially as the oldest member of nova. nayoung takes her self-proclaimed calm, collected, and carefree older sister role very seriously. “imagine me missing my normal school life, when i’ve graduated, i must be crazy.” the older girl huffs. ( older by a few months, but apparently she’s counting. ) with schedules fuller than ever, leaving future dreams behind and not having access with the ‘outside world’ in a way has her ill-prepared for how busy she is. coordinating it with those she is close to, even worse. nayoung’s voice drops rather low. “how do you do it?”
she hadn’t meant to go into such doom and gloom, but it was almost that feeling of trying to squish everything into one meeting after having not seen haru this period of time. and at least, let the conversation dip low before bringing it back up to do a pre-emptive birthday surprise before the day ended. 
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Prince of Monaco
Charles Leclerc x Princess of Monaco
Summary: what better way for the honorary Prince of Monaco to celebrate finally winning his home race than with the Princess of Monaco?
Warnings: 18+ content
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The roar of the crowd is deafening as Charles brings his Ferrari across the finish line, finally winning his home race after years of heartbreak. His mechanics swarm the barriers, nearly delirious with excitement, but Charles just leans back in his seat, letting the accomplishment sink in.
He’s done it. He’s conquered the streets that have taunted him for so long.
As he’s ushered up to the iconic podium, Charles looks out at the sea of fans cheering his name and spots you, radiant in a summery yellow dress, beaming up at him.
For a moment, time seems to stop as your eyes meet. You give him a little wave and he nearly stumbles on his way to the top step, feeling lightheaded.
When you step forward with the winner’s trophy, Charles’ heart starts pounding. Your fingers brush against his ever so slightly as you hand it over and he swears he can feel an electric current pass between you. The sleek lines of the trophy blur before his eyes as he struggles to catch his breath.
“Félicitations, Charles,” you say warmly, resting a hand on his arm.
Charles blinks rapidly as his cheeks start to burn. Up close, you look like an honest-to-god angel descended to earth. How does one even speak to heavenly beings?
“Th-thanks,” he stammers out, mentally kicking himself for sounding like such an idiot. He needs to get it together. “I mean, merci, Your Serene Highness.”
You laugh, the warm sound instantly putting him at ease. “Please, just call me Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he repeats dumbly. It’s easily the most beautiful combination of letters he’s ever heard.
“You should celebrate your big win tonight,” you say, a playful glint in your eyes. “But maybe don’t get too carried away with the champagne.”
Charles frowns in confusion. Is that a royal decree to take it easy on the partying?
“I was hoping you could pick me up tomorrow evening,” you continue blithely. “For our date.”
Our … date? Charles’ eyes go wide as his jaw drops open. Is the most beautiful woman in the world really asking him out right now? In front of millions of people?
“Uh, I … we … huh?” He sputters inelegantly.
You just smile that radiant smile and lean in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “We do now,” you murmur against his skin, sending tingles down his spine. “I’ll see you at eight?”
Before Charles can formulate any kind of response, you give him one last brilliant grin and turn to congratulate Oscar Piastri on second place. He blinks down at the trophy in his hands, wondering if he’s dreaming all of this.
The rest of the podium celebration passes by in a blur. He holds up his trophy and waves to the crowd like he’s supposed to, but his mind is elsewhere, utterly consumed by the feeling of your lips on his skin and the knowledge that he has an actual date with the woman of his dreams.
As soon as the ceremonies conclude, his team is all over him, shouting congratulations and patting his back enthusiastically. Normally he’d be caught up in the revelry, basking in his victory, but now all Charles wants is to get out of there. He needs to chug about a gallon of water and take a very cold shower.
“Party tonight, eh mate?” Carlos calls out with a playful elbow to the ribs. “Got any special plans to celebrate?”
Charles feels the blush creeping back up his cheeks as he thinks about you — your warm laughter, your gentle touch, the promises of a date in your sparkling eyes. His lips tug up in a helpless smile.
“You could say that,” he murmurs, already counting down the hours until he gets to see you again.
The post-race celebrations kick into high gear, with champagne flowing freely and music thumping from every corner. Charles goes through the motions, reveling in his hard-won triumph but unable to fully let loose and enjoy himself. Not when a much bigger prize is waiting for him tomorrow night.
The hours drag by interminably as he waits for an acceptable time to make his excuses and leave the party behind. His friends rib him relentlessly for his uncharacteristic restraint.
“What’s got you so distracted, Calamar?” Pierre teases. “This isn’t like you at all!”
“Yeah, our boy’s got his eyes on something else tonight! Or would it be more accurate to say someone else?” Joris chimes in with an exaggerated wink.
Charles flushes but doesn’t deny it, fighting back a smile. If only they knew ...
It’s nearly 2 am by the time he extricates himself from the club, pleading an early morning commitment. No one believes his excuse for a second, but they let him go with plenty of cheers and well-meaning shoves.
As soon as Charles makes it back to his apartment, he starts feverishly getting ready for tomorrow, picking out the perfect outfit and incessantly checking the time. After tossing and turning fruitlessly for a couple of hours, he finally gives up on sleep, instead spending his morning going for a long run to burn off excess energy.
The day drags on at an excruciatingly slow pace. Every minute feels like an hour as he wills the clocks to move faster. He triple checks the address, runs through conversation starters in his head, and showers for the third time. This date has to go perfectly.
At 7:55 pm, Charles pulls up outside the royal palace, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he tries to control his nerves. He takes one last steadying breath before getting out of the car and smoothing down his shirt.
Like an angel from on high, you suddenly appear in the palace doorway, looking impossibly radiant in a gauzy pink sundress that matches your warm smile perfectly.
“Y/N,” Charles breathes out reverently, drinking in your beauty. Up close, his heart is pounding so loudly he’s sure you must be able to hear it. “You look … wow.”
Your smile grows even brighter as you move towards him. “Well, you clean up pretty nicely yourself.”
There’s a brief, charged silence as you stand face to face, just drinking each other in. Then, seeming to make up your mind about something, you grab his hand and tug him close.
“Come on,” you murmur, eyes sparkling mischievously. “I’ve got the perfect date night planned for us.”
With your hand in his, Charles would follow you straight into the depths of hell itself. He manages an eager nod, unable to tear his eyes away from your face.
Whatever you have planned, he knows it will be perfect. So long as he gets to spend the evening by your side, he couldn’t care less what you do.
You lace your fingers through his, shooting him one last brilliant smile, and lead the way to what is undoubtedly going to be the best night of Charles’s life.
Warm rays of morning sunlight filter through the sheer curtains, gently rousing Charles from the most blissful sleep of his life. He blinks slowly, taking in the lavish bedchamber with its soaring ceilings and intricate moldings. Plush rugs cover the marble floors and the bed he’s cocooned in is easily the most luxurious he’s ever experienced, with soft Egyptian cotton sheets caressing his skin.
For a delirious moment, Charles thinks he might still be dreaming. But then his eyes drift to you, sleeping peacefully beside him, and his heart stutters in his chest. It all comes rushing back in a torrent of sense memories — your radiant smile, your tinkling laugh, the feeling of your hand in his as you led him out on the most magical night of his life.
The two of you stroll hand-in-hand through the winding alleyways of Monaco, ducking down tiny side streets to places only locals know. Charles is enchanted as you show him hidden corners of your city that he’s never seen before, sharing fascinating stories and anecdotes all the while.
“This little trattoria has been run by the same family for nearly a century,” you explain as you lead him into a tiny, unassuming restaurant positively dripping with old world charm. The smiling owner greets you like a beloved daughter, embracing you warmly.
Over a seemingly endless parade of rustic Italian delicacies and a hearty red wine, you and Charles talk for hours about everything and nothing - childhoods and ambitions, favorite books and movies, embarrassing stories that have you both crying with laughter.
When the owner sends over a giant slice of homemade tiramisu with a wink, you steal the first bite right off Charles’ fork with a cheeky grin. A bit of mascarpone clings to the corner of your mouth and without thinking, Charles leans in to kiss it away, savoring the sweet taste of you mingled with the rich dessert.
You make a soft noise of surprise against his lips before melting into the kiss, cupping his face tenderly. When you finally part, both a little breathless, there’s a new burning heat in your eyes that makes Charles’ heart skip a beat.
“Shall we go for a walk?” You murmur, already sliding out of the booth. Your hand finds his and you lace your fingers together as you lead him back out into the night ...
Just thinking about last night’s date makes Charles’ heart feel fit to burst. You had taken him on a romantic tour of Monaco unlike anything he’s ever experienced, showing him secret nooks and hidden gems even he didn’t know. He had been so entranced just drinking in the city through your eyes, hanging on your every word.
But those heated looks you started sending his way after that first electrifying kiss had made it clear the real night was only just beginning ...
You stroll along the moon-dappled harbor, pointing out your favorite super-yachts and regaling Charles with scandalous stories of the jetset lives of their owners. He laughs delightedly at your wicked sense of humor, tucking you against his side as you wander the lamp-lit cobblestone streets.
When you lead him up a winding path to an old stone overlook, his breath catches in his throat. Twinkling lights from the city and harbor spread out as far as the eye can see, the tiny pinpricks glittering like a million stars. You come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you nuzzle against his back.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” You murmur reverently. “This is my favorite view in all of Monaco.”
Charles turns in your embrace until you’re pressed flush together, hardly daring to breathe. “It is,” he rasps out, getting lost in the depths of your eyes. “But not as beautiful as you.”
You let out a shaky breath, eyes flicking down to his lips for a heated moment, before surging up on your tiptoes to capture his mouth in a searing kiss ...
Unbidden, a low groan slips from Charles’ throat as he remembers those heated kisses on the overlook, one thing inexorably leading to another in a heady rush of lust and longing until you were both feverishly tugging at clothes. He swallows hard, feeling himself start to stir beneath the sheets.
That was just the start of the longest, most incredible night of Charles’ life. Your romantic tour had eventually led you both back to the palace, where you scattered a trail of discarded garments across marble floors and lavish furnishings in your wake, completely consumed by your desire for one another.
You press Charles back against the door of your bedroom as soon as you stagger inside, hands roaming hungrily as you devour his mouth in a bruising kiss. Charles groans deeply, fingers tangling in your hair as he spins you both around to walk you back towards the bed ...
A warm weight suddenly drapes itself across Charles’ torso, jolting him from his reverie with a sharp intake of breath. You’re curled against his side, smiling at him with eyes still heavy-lidded from sleep. His heart kicks up a furious gallop as you scoot closer, trailing a path of featherlight kisses along his chest and shoulder.
“Good morning,” you murmur, voice still scratchy and deliciously rumpled sounding. Charles nearly swallows his tongue at the sound — not to mention the fact that he can now feel every luscious curve of your body pressed against his beneath the sheets.
“Morning,” he croaks out, throat gone instantly dry. How is it possible that you look even more beautiful than he remembers?
You laugh softly at his dazed expression as you work your way up the column of his neck, seemingly intent on covering every last inch of bare skin with those incredibly soft lips. “Sleep well?”
Charles manages a strangled noise of agreement just before you capture his mouth in a slow, smoldering kiss. He groans against your lips, looping an arm around your waist to pull you more fully on top of him. Every nerve-ending feels like it’s engulfed in flames.
When you finally break apart, you brace yourself up on your elbows, gazing down at him with bright, sparkling eyes. “Last night was incredible,” you say candidly, tracing the line of his cheekbone with a fingertip. “Thank you for such an amazing first date.”
A low rumble of laughter escapes Charles as he grins up at you, dizzy with happiness. “I should be thanking you. Last night was … just, wow.” He reaches up to tuck an errant strand of hair behind your ear, marveling at how impossibly soft your skin is. “Have I mentioned yet how breathtakingly gorgeous you are?”
Your cheeks flush prettily even as you let out an adorably bashful little giggle that has Charles bewitched. “Charles Leclerc, you beautiful charmer,” you tease, dropping your head to nuzzle against the crook of his neck. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Mmm, I have a few ideas ...” Charles murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear. He trails his fingertips up the delicate lines of your spine, reveling in the way it makes you shiver against him.
You lift your head again, pinning him with a look of pure want that steals the breath from Charles’ lungs. “Is that so?” You purr, rolling your hips ever so slightly against his in a way that has him biting back a groan.
“Oui,” he husks out, slipping a hand into your tousled hair to draw your mouth back to his. You melt against him instantly, the kiss rapidly becoming heated and desperate as you both come quickly undone.
With you pressed so tantalizingly close, Charles can feel the heat slowly building between you as he maps every inch of your body with eager hands. Your skin is so silky soft, he can scarcely believe you’re real. Last night’s passion comes roaring back in a tidal wave of desire so potent it nearly overwhelms him.
Your fingers dig into his shoulders, clinging to him like a lifeline as you finally join your bodies in a fevered rush. Charles surges up to capture your lips again, unable to get enough of your addictive taste as you move together in perfect synchronicity. Slick skin sliding, breaths mingling, every sensation is heightened and electrified as you make love with an abandon unlike anything Charles has ever experienced ...
A strangled groan tears from Charles’ chest at the memory, his grip reflexively tightening on your hips and pulling you harder against him.
You let out a soft whimper against his mouth, fingers tangling in his hair as you grind deliciously against him in response. Charles feels utterly intoxicated by you — your taste, your scent, the exquisite softness of your skin pressed so enticingly to his.
With one fluid motion, he rolls you both until he’s caging you beneath him on the luxurious sheets. You gaze up at him with eyes gone molten and dark, chests heaving in tandem. The ferocious want simmering between you is nearly tangible.
“You’re so beautiful,” Charles rasps out in reverence, brushing the backs of his fingers along the elegant curve of your jaw. He leans down to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat, feeling your rapid pulse fluttering beneath his lips. “Perfect ...”
A soft keen escapes you as you tilt your head back to allow him better access. Every nerve in Charles’ body feels electrified, like his skin is humming with unreleased energy. He’s drunk on you, body and soul.
As his lips blaze a path lower, nuzzling between the delicious swell of your breasts, your back arches sharply up off the bed with a gasp of longing. Your fingers clutch almost painfully at his shoulders as you struggle to pull him even closer.
“Charles … please,” you whimper, voice pitched low and heady with naked yearning.
He slides a hand up your silken thigh in answer, molding his palm to the flare of your hip as you shift restlessly beneath him. You’re warm and pliant and bewitching like this, coming slowly undone under his attentions.
With a ragged groan, Charles surrenders to the inescapable gravitational pull between you, fusing your mouths back together in a searing kiss that instantly turns all-consuming ...
Your nails score lines of delicious fire down his back as he drives into you with deep, powerful strokes, hips snapping together in a primal rhythm. It’s all heat and friction and tangled limbs, the world narrowing down to nothing but the places where your bodies join so intimately.
You keen out his name like a prayer, the sound sending hot shockwaves of lust ricocheting through Charles’s core. Every nerve feels simultaneously set alight and yet thrumming with a paradoxical electric chill, sensations somehow magnified tenfold.
He’ll never get enough of this feeling — of being completely consumed by you, your passion, your overwhelming desire for each other burning so bright that everything else fades away into glorious insignificance ...
A guttural groan is torn from deep in Charles’ throat as your hips roll sensuously against his in wanton invitation. His head drops into the tempting curve of your neck, lips tracing maddeningly along your overheated skin as he struggles to maintain the barest thread of control.
“Y/N,” he rumbles out, your name laced with pure, undisguised reverence. “Mon ange ...”
You cup his face in your hands, forcing his heated gaze back to yours. For a crystalline moment, everything hangs in breathless suspension before you surge up to claim his mouth in a searing, all-consuming kiss.
Like a switch being flipped, the tenuous grip Charles had on his restraint abruptly snaps. A low groan tears from his very soul as he lets the irresistible tide finally pull him under, lost in the relentless thrall of your passion.
Your urgent cries spike higher as Charles’ hips drive forward in a smooth, powerful glide, joining your bodies with exquisite friction. You clutch at him wildly, nails raking lines of delicious fire across his back as the room narrows to nothing but scorching skin and thunderous heartbeats.
At last, the spiraling tension reaches a blinding crescendo, your release crashing over you in shattering waves of pure ecstasy. Charles’ own climax follows swiftly, torn from his very depths with a hoarse shout of your name.
He collapses bonelessly on top of you, lungs heaving like he’s just run a marathon as you both simply cling to each other through the sizzling aftershocks. Sparks still seem to crackle across his nerve endings from your earth-shattering joining.
After an endless stretch of languid moments, Charles finally gathers enough strength to ease himself to the side, gathering you in against his chest. You come willingly, draping yourself over him as he nuzzles into the top of your head and just breathes you in.
“Wow ...” you murmur at last when you’ve recovered enough to speak. A breathless giggle escapes as you press a soft kiss to the hollow of his throat. “And I thought last night was incredible.”
Charles rumbles out a deep chuckle, pressing his smile against your hair as his arms tighten reflexively around you. “Last night was just the warm up, mon cœur,” he husks out, voice still gloriously ragged from your shared passion.
You pull back just enough to gaze at him through heavy-lidded eyes, cheeks delightfully flushed and hair wildly tousled in a way that has Charles’ heart clenching near to bursting. Brushing a knuckle along his jaw, you give him a look rich with teasing promise.
“Well then ... if this is what I give you for winning Monaco,” you trail off meaningfully, letting the words hang suspended as your fingertips trail down the ridges of his abdomen. “I can’t even imagine what you’ll earn when you win the World Championship.”
The low, sultry purr of your tone sends delicious little licks of heat swirling through Charles’ veins despite his delightfully sated state. A wicked grin tugs at his lips as pulls you more fully on top of him again, glorying in your lush curves molded so perfectly against his own.
“Is that a challenge, Princesse?” He rumbles out, dipping his head to nibble along the elegant column of your throat. You let out the most deliciously breathy giggle that has his blood absolutely simmering.
“Mmm, maybe,” you hum out coyly, deft fingers trailing through the short hair at his nape in a way that makes his toes curl. “Although I suppose you’ll just have to win it and find out for yourself ...”
Charles feels a possessive growl rising up from deep within his chest as he abruptly flips you both, pinning your breathless laughter beneath him on the luxurious sheets. Gazing down at you with unbridled adoration blazing in his eyes, he steals another scorching kiss that leaves you both gasping for air.
“Oh, I fully intend to,” he vows fervently, reveling in the way your eyes have gone molten and dark with renewed desire. His hands map every inch of your body with fervent devotion as he leans down to murmur hotly against the shell of your ear.
“And when I do, Princesse … I’m never letting you go.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Omg I love your benjicot Blackwood fics can you do a x betrothed reader soft fluff please
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There wasn’t many things in life that had brought you happiness, not since you became of an age where it was deemed necessary by your father to start looking for suitable suitors, for you were quick to catch on that life wasn’t fair especially towards the good and honest people of the realm.
They often died too soon, leaving for the rest of the realm to be poisoned and left in ruin by the selfish agendas of the richer and more powerful great houses.
So when you were made aware of your fathers plans, not bothering to ask for your permission in the matter, your initial response was to scream at the old fool of the unfairness of it all but instead you chose to ran for the Weirwoods as though that was going to change anything.
That day whilst terrible as it was, was also the day that you met Benjicot Blackwood or Benji as you liked to call him nowadays.
‘What’s wrong.’ He had asked, kneeling in front of you with a worried look.
‘I’m to be engaged.’ You told the boy with the short dark hair and stormy kind eyes.
‘Do you know to whom?’ He said as he tried his best to figure out what he could do to help, he wasn’t use to this whole comfort thing, but he was more then willing to try and to get use to comforting others for similar circumstances in the future.
You shrug, keeping your eyes downcast so that he wouldn’t see your tear stained face. ‘It is undecided for now but I know in my bones that it’ll be to a gluttonous lord of some unknown house with shady origins.’
‘Why not get engaged to me then?’ Benjicot then said out of the blue.
‘What?’ You looked up at him, unsure you had heard him right the first time.
‘Get engaged to me and you’ll never have to worry about being some shifty lords bed warmer.’ Ben said in a nonchalant mannor, which was soon betrayed by the cherry red blossoming upon his cheeks. ‘We don’t have to be in love it’s just-‘ he was abruptly cut off when you flung yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly as you whispered a million thanks into his shoulder, all the while Benjicot was stiff and awkward as a board before he finally relaxed and rubbed your back.
‘It’s fine, no need to thank me.’ He utters as later that same afternoon the news of your betrothal to Lord Benjicot Blackwood had been finalised, bring about the end before it had even began, and needless to say for the first time you had felt a twinge of happiness for your future.
Now as you stood beneath the very same Weirwood tree you did that fateful day, you sat beneath it with a smile upon your face and peace within your heart. You didn’t think you’d fall in love with Benjicot during your betrothal but you did and you did hard, the man was nothing short of perfect in every way shape and form, you didn’t expect yourself to fall in love with his dark hair, his stormy but kind eyes nor his chapped but kissable lips that withheld the most heavenly laughter you’ve ever heard.
He has made your heart full of happiness and joy that you didn’t know existed in Westeros, he treated you with such kindness, respect and loyalty that you couldn’t help but wonder if you were one of the lucky few to have such a devoted man such as Benjicot. You never wanted to know a reality where you weren’t betrothed to him for every man would fail in comparison, regardless of whether they came from a greater house, for all you ever wanted was a man who was undyingly faithful and wouldn’t dare let his eyes wander and you found that man in Benjicot Blackwood; and ever since then you have been falling for him every single second of every single day.
You had found your soulmate that day without even knowing it as you chuckled to yourself just as a body sat closely beside you, but instead of moving away from it you leaned into it, already familiar with the bodily warmth of your dearly beloved Benji as he pressed a sweet to to the top of your head.
‘You’re smiling today my beloved, is there reason to that or is it just me.’ He joked as you playfully scoffed.
‘I’m merely reminiscing the time we first met, right here beneath the Weirwood tree.’ You told him as you craned your head to look up at the leaves that hung above you both.
‘Still glad you’re not married off to some gluttonous lord from an unknown house with shady origins?’ Benjicot asked as he too looked up at the ruby leaves of the Weirwood, not wanting to admit that after all this time you still managed to make him nervous but in the best ways possible. Your smile widened at your own words being thrown back at you as you looked over at Benjicot and admired his side profile with adoring eyes.
‘I am because my betrothed is the sweetest man the realm has ever seen.’ You told him as you kissed his cheek softly before resting your head on his shoulder. ‘You saved me that day Benji and I am forever grateful.’
‘What did I tell you way back then? It’s nothing that you should thank me for.’ Benjicot said as he looked at you with a soft expression. ‘I’m just glad that I could offer you an alternative solution.’
You looked at him as found yourself smiling as he rested his forehead against your own, closing his eyes as he relaxed again you. ‘You also once told me that we didn’t have to fall in love during our betrothal too.’ You replied as you heard him chuckle lowly, brushing his nose over yours. ‘We did a pretty shit job of that didn’t we?’ Benjicot asked as you giggled and the young lord swore he could hear the heavens sing, for he had fallen first but saw later on that you had fallen just as hard for him in return, which he thought was solely because he had gotten you out of a predicament you didn’t want to be in.
You would later prove to him that that wasn’t the case at all and that you feelings for him were genuine and true as your heart that beats solely for him.
‘One could assume so, yes.’ You replied, kissing him on the forehead before letting your heads rest against one another once more. ‘But I don’t regret a single thing, word or moment that we have shared since for I love you far too much to depart from your side.’ You added as you moved yourself as close to him as you could, wanting nothing more then to be in his arms and listen to the sounds of his strong heart against your ear.
Benjicot didn’t put up a fight as he was quick to bring you into his strong embrace, holding you against his chest as he back remained supported by the trunk of the Weirwood tree, your head pressed to his heart as it sang its song just for you. ‘I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you cry under this very Weirwood.’ Benjicot admitted. ‘I looked at you and thought how beautiful you looked even when you were crying, which hurt my heart to witness. I want you happy and in that moment I wanted to be the reason you were happy and since then I have only fallen further each and every day, aching to one day call you what I’ve always wanted to call you.’
‘And what’s that.’ You murmured against his chest, his warmth providing you too much comfort that you were on the periapsis of falling asleep.
‘Lady Blackwood.’ Benjicot said as he pressed a kiss to your head, finding the same level of comfort you had as he too was fighting his hardest to keep his eyes open to gaze upon you longer, but alas his eyes were already closed and he smile widened as he thanked the gods for weaving your strand of fate with his own that fateful day under the Weirwood tree.
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inumakis-boo · 4 months
May I have some dating Toge Inumaki headcanons? Both sfw and NSFW... If you're comfortable.
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headcanons 𓍢ִ˖ hello and thank you for the requests! i am current rediting all of my posts, so if this looks a little different than when you first saw it, thats the reason why!
anyways, i hope all of you enjoy! and if course, NSFW will be tagged and is written for a female perspective.
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safe for work headcanons
- would probably not notice each other the first time you meet, maybe an interested glance but it doesn't really hit until the second or third time that he really sees you
- probably asks for your number just so yall can talk better, and once you do, its an instant connection. he literally wouldnt be able to stop, staying up all night to text you
- texts you out of the blue, and although probably feels embarrassed to double text, he is just that interested in you
- would totally deliever a bag of goodies he bought at the store for you, and additionally maybe offer to make you a lunch to try before he makes it for everyone else
- you comment on one of his t-shirts he wears and he puts it in one of the goodie bags he buys you, doused in his cologne because he wants you to think of him
- would totally send annoying memes and tiktoks and bully you over text, also play 8-ball COMPETITIVELY cause he aint gonna lose to you (he doesnt even pity lose to you)
- shows up unannounced just to kiss you in the door frame of your dorm room as a goodnight and then leaves you there
- that is until you invite him over to your dorm at night and he brings post-it notes and teaches you his semi-bilingual language for easier understanding, and utterly loves you for it
- the talking stage would be him just pining over you cosntantly, writing it all down in journals or in his notes app
- after yall started dating, it is very much a no public affection mostly because he doesnt want anybody to be in your business. especially with his noisy ass friends
- but no matter what, he is going to hold your hand, especially when going on dates and walking around campus at night (would definitely talk u into sneaking out)
- he would be hesistant to kiss you even after yall became offical, probably go a few weeks before you just say it straight that you want him to kiss you and you dont even get it all out before hea pinning you to a door and giving you the best kiss of your life
- would absolutely use his speech on you so you cannot resist it when he tickles you or when you are beating him in a game
- he is not the sappiest guy, but if you start to get sappy over a movie or a sad book, he will rub your back and give you head-kisses to help you feel better
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below is not safe for work content. mdni.
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not safe for work headcanons
- you find out very quickly into the relationship that he cannot resist a challenge of any kind. therefore, using that to your advantage always works out
- challenging him through text to sneak out of his dorm will work, but ofc he wants a prize at the end (you are on your knees for the next hour)
- the benefit of his speech is that you don't feel any fatigue whatsoever during its use, so that makes it really easy to make your body endure while you deep-throat him over and over.
- it doesn't diminish the pleasure though; being told to stay still while he fondles your chest takes away nothing from the experience, and he knows how much you like having no choice.
- not that even if it was tiring, you wouldn't let him throat-fuck you, the noises he makes are heavenly for someone who can't speak straight, the struggle of watching him grip the bedframe and biting his lips so he doesn't utterly ruin you is SO worth a bruised throat.
- he might be nervous to use his speech on you the first time, but after you make sure that you can handle it, its becomes so much more confident in using it
- he loves making out with you, he loves making your lips red with all the biting, he wants to see them glossy and wet right before he puts his fingers in your mouth (you know where they are going next)
- sexting is so fun, yall thought it might be cringy, but its literally the best when he calls you with a command and he gets to listen to you whimper and moan as he jerks off to it, can be totally unexpected
- "Ride me."
- hand on your thigh when nobody can see, and his pinky is awfully close to your panties that it makes you nervous.
- ofc he can easily make you cum, but will he always let you? not without a cute little 'please' hes not. begging is fun, isnt it?
- lets be honest, the dick game is so good he don't even have to tell you to go to sleep after
- ofc he would definitely lay it down on you exactly how he described through text, and then clean you with special wipes he bought from the store because he aint a dickhead, duh.
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I have so many more, especially for different situations, so lmk if you want more! Thank u for all the support as of recently!
bye pookies!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
HH cast crushing on the reader 2/3
Forgot to mention in the previous post alastor will be excluded for this prompt. "But admin you write for him-" I tend to approach his writing with queer platonic ideas and while I do think this prompt can still work with that, idk how to put it into words
Characters: Lucifer, Adam, Lute, Emily, Velvette, Rosie
Notes: reader is GN, mostly focuses on canon characters, if your character isnt here check the other parts unless I dont write for them
CWs: none
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On one hand he wants to be with you. But on the other I feel he is still a bit hung up on Lilith. It's wouldn't be fair to you to pursue someone else when there's already someone else in his heart. He flipflops between approaching you and shutting you off. It's going to take a lot and you might have to ask him if there's something going on or if you did something wrong. He's crushed that you think you did something wrong. Baby steps with him, give him some time and the two of you could possibly make something. He finds himself sitting at his workspace making art (ducks) based off of you.
Oh he is so open about it and it's kind of obnoxious. Well.. open isn't the right word. He's very up front with making sure you know that he thinks you're... desirable to put it lightly. But to actually be soft and vulnerable and say he wants to be with you for more than just wanting to bang you? It's going to be like pulling teeth to get an actual confession from him. He teases you a lot more, and makes comments about you and he leans into it if you're receptive. Just know that if you catch feelings first and he notices, he's going to hold it over your head and use it as ammo.
Similar to Vaggie in the previous part, she's going to get... closed off. Unlike Vaggie, she's going to totally close herself off from you and try to bury herself deeper into her heavenly duties. She's hardwired and trained to devote herself to Heaven and she believes she doesn't have time for you. She almost feels like it's a betrayal to have these feelings in the first place. She won't confess, at least not out of looking for a relationship. I can see her doing it as a way to release her feelings in hopes that saying it out loud will somehow get rid of them. It's a little sad when you sit and think about it, but I do think with enough time and patience you two might be able to build something.
Very giddy and very quick to telling you how she feels. She takes time out of her day to check in on you, as well as giving you something she knows you like or something that reminded her of you. Noticeably happier around you and perks up at the mere mention of your name. She always has time for you, she makes room in her schedule for you. She's a lot like Charlie in regard to her being a bit overbearing and clingy, but she really does mean well with her intentions! Just let her know if she needs to scale it back!
I can totally see Velvette being the type to hide her feelings and translate to something else. Bonus points if you're a rival of hers in the industry, all the more reason for her to try to twist her feelings. I guess in a way you can call her a tsundere. Even through the meaner things she says, there are some teasing words slipped in here and there in your interactions that admittedly leave you feeling a little conflicted and confused. If you shut it down and be firm you miiiight get her to cut the act, but it is not a guarantee because she's grown to like the game.
She doesn't throw herself at your feet, she has some dignity. She is polite and kind towards you, though... but just because you've got her attention doesn't mean she's going to date you just yet. Think of it as her giving you a chance to show yourself off to her. She sometimes does small favors for you in town, even giving you some special privileges thanks to her status as an overlord. Waits for you to confess, if you're showing your signals as well. There will be subtle hints, though, even if she's not outright flirting with you... most of the time... she can't resist sometimes, even with the above stated. Really it just depends on the circumstance and how you are as a person.
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
i kinda really wanna see a big ol vent/rant from you about genshin now lol. I would read an essay
I'm not sure you understand the insanity you just unlocked in me but ok
genshin impact is probably the clearest modern example i can think of of capitalism absolutely eviscerating a creative project. For context, I started playing genshin in 2021, just after the 1.4 update. it was venti's first rerun/the first windblume festival if that means something to you. and I really genuinely thought that it might have had something special. It was a gacha that didn't FEEL like a gacha, which was a huge feat to me.
it began with a very simple story pitch--you, the protagonist, are one of a set of twin siblings traveling through space. you come upon a seemingly unassuming world and your attempts to continue your journey are suddenly stopped by a mysterious, all-powerful figure. you are separated from your sibling and wake up alone on the shores of this planet you were attempting to leave together. throughout that opening cutscene and scattered through the world and your character's dialog there are implications that all is not as it seems, that your character is something unique to this world and that they possess powers and abilities that you've yet to unlock. You are told that you must travel the seven nations of this world in order to find your sibling, which is great--a simple, zelda-like objective which drives the player to explore the secondary narratives of the world. none of this is bad on the surface. in fact i'd argue it's pretty good. there's a ton that can be done with these story bones. even at launch the map and combat system were full of potential as well.
Note: for ease of reading, i'm going to label the different storylines of the game now. A-plot refers to the central objective of the entire game; the find-your-sibling plot and everything that encompasses, including the abyss order/dain, the heavenly principles, the fake sky, etc. B-plot refers to the secondary objective present in each new nation, usually meeting the archon and/or solving a problem for the archon. (A and B-plots will occasionally intersect.) C-plot refers to any story, location, or background information which remains in permanent gameplay but which isn't directly related to the A or B-plots, such as dragonspine, the chasm, enkanomiya, etc. D-plot refers to any story, location, or background information which is confined to limited-time events and does NOT remain in permanent gameplay, regardless of its connection or lack thereof to the A and B-plots, such as the golden apple archipelago, the infamous albedo/dragonspine event, the infamous kaeya/diluc event, etc. Lore as i will refer to it in this post refers to any information which is present in permanent gameplay but which is not directly told to the player within the A or B-plot story quests and objectives, including books, weapon, artifact, and item descriptions, world quest dialog and puzzles, etc.
So now we're in mid-2021, there are two nations' worth of B-plot story quests released in full, and we've run into our first problem, which is that the game isn't finished yet. I don't have any actual information about how the game was/is written, but based on what i've observed over the past few years, my best guess is that the A-plot has been fully written since the beginning, at least in some form. there were very early-game events and information pertaining to the A-plot that would take years to see any actual payoff in the main story quests (kaeya's origin story, the 1.3 scaramouche fake-sky drop, the flowers in lumine's hair, etc.) but those kinds of A-plot story easter eggs very quickly dropped off when the game absolutely EXPLODED during the pandemic.
this sudden burst in popularity was the true beginning of the end for genshin, i think, because suddenly they had a HUGE fanbase that desperately wanted more content faster than they could pump out new A-plot or even B-plot story quests. one of the most pervasive complaints about the game when I began playing in 2021 was that there was nothing to do between story quests. update 1.4 (which was the update I started playing at) was important in that it was the first time since genshin's release over a year before that players recieved any new A-plot, in the form of the archon quest We Will Be Reunited, also known as the quest with the most fucking misleading name of all time. you'll never guess what doesn't fucking happen during this quest. anyways. we were a year into gameplay, two nations out of seven released and a third on the not-so-distant horizon, and it seemed obvious that players were owed some sort of A-plot payoff. and that's very much what WWBR was advertised as, from the quest's name to the banners full of art of the twins staring wistfully at each other. The thing is, what i'm describing as A-plot payoff was actually. not really A-plot payoff at all. WWBR was the reveal that the protagonist's sibling was working with the abyss order, and that the abyss order was connected somehow to Khaenri'ah, which at this point casual players would only have known about from THAT QUEST and MAYBE kaeya's character descriptions if they were diligent enough to get him to friendship level 10 (which, btw there is no indication that you should do to get important context about the story of the game, because kaeya is a 4-star starter character and the only character in the entire game that actually has genuinely important story hidden in his character descriptions.) So what I'm calling A-plot payoff felt at the time a lot less like A-plot payoff than it did like an abyss sibling cameo in an attempt to satiate everyone who was begging for more story. We actually gained almost net 0 information. this is very quickly going to become a pattern.
As I've already alluded to, the motives behind this writing decision are transparently obvious. Genshin is a free gacha game which relies on a consistently active and engaged userbase to make its money. With fans getting restless about the lack of engaging story at the time and a new, very ambitious B-plot quest gearing up for release that would require major support from that fan base in order to remain profitable, the writers were backed into a corner. they HAD to throw the fans some sort of bone in order to keep them engaged with the A-plot, since it was originally pitched as the driving force for the story as a whole, but they were also clearly not at a stage of the writing process where it was prudent to give the player any REAL information about the A-plot. This is how we ended up with a 10-second abyss sibling cameo and an offhanded mention of Khaenri'ah, a nation whose plot-relevance was at that point still basically unknown.
The real problem is, WWBR worked. at least, it worked as intended at the time. It satiated story-focused fans in the interlude between B-plot nations, as hyv was gearing up to release inazuma, which required a lot of time in preparation. WWBR was followed almost immediately by the C-plot golden apple archipelago in 1.6, widely regarded as one of the better events of version 1. GAA was memorable especially because it was the first event that involved an entirely new, limited-time-only map, meaning the event had much more longevity than the standard events players were used to. This is, imo, most likely the update combination that led to the standard formula which hyv uses for its quests and events nowadays. the back-to-back release of WWBR and GAA satisfied both fans who wanted A-plot story AND silenced criticisms about the game lacking endgame playability, which at the time must have seemed like a goldmine to writers desperate for a solution to their content-to-fanbase ratio problem.
From here, genshin started following a standard method of release for their next three nations--inazuma, sumeru, and fontaine. the formula generally went as follows: one major version update (usually version x.0) containing a major map update which included all B-plot relevant locations in the new nation, and the first chapter of the B-plot story quest relevant to that nation. this would then be followed by 2-3 version updates which would each contain the next chapter in the nation's B-plot story quest, sequentially. After the nation's B-plot quest ended, during the downtime in which the next nation's story and map would be finalized, subsequent updates would be largely C-plot, and would contain minor expansions of the map to increase endgame playability via exploration and world quests. This is how we ended up with updates like the chasm, the several extra islands in inazuma, and the quite frankly ridiculously large sumeru map, as well as the offloaded maps like enkanomiya and the sea of bygone eras. with the possible exception of the chasm, none of these areas are A OR B-plot relevant. hyv has realized that artificially inflating the map makes their game technically more engaging during the downtime between nations. However, this comes at a price. While the scenery and set design of the game remains consistently beautiful, the actual, mechanical gameplay that populates that scenery very quickly became mind-numbingly boring if not borderline unplayable. While the 1.0 questlines were not perfect, there was at least an emphasis on the player actually DOING things. 1.0 B-plot quests would have you going to mini-dungeon temples and completing challenges which would acclimate you to the combat system while also serving narrative purpose. There were quests that required you to navigate open-world dungeons. Because your characters were lower-level, combat challenges that arose during these quests were CHALLENGES, rather than two-second buttonmashing segments. By the time we get to sumeru, though, both B-plot AND C-plot quests have become little more than moving your character from location to location and tapping through (usually unvoiced) dialog. there's no GAMEPLAY in the quests anymore, because gameplay isn't what makes money. What DOES make money is giving players 300 hidden chests to find in an open-world map segment, each of which gives them 1/80th of a gacha pull. And so the story suffers and the map gets bigger.
Along with the map expansions, downtime between nations usually also nets us one A-plot quest, usually involving the character dainslief, who was the driver of the initial WWBR quest. This is the second half of hyv's magical formula for keeping fans happy between major releases. the A-plot quests will, as a general rule, give players either very little new information or no new information at all, but will dress up the delivery in such a way that it ALMOST feels as though the protagonist has moved forward somehow. the most recent example of this writing style, the 4.7 quest bedtime story, amounts to about an hour and a half of gameplay and, while it DOES contain a segment in which the protagonist finally actually has a conversation with their sibling, that conversation literally begins with the line "I have so many questions, but for some reason I don't want to ask them right now," ensuring that the sibling will not actually be required to give away any plot-relevant information whatsoever, and the quest ends with the protagonist FORGETTING THAT THE CONVERSATION EVER HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
As I think I mentioned before, the cardinal problem of genshin impact's writing is that fans want answers faster than the writers are prepared to give them. I don't doubt that there's a game bible or relevant equivalent somewhere within hyv which contains the explanations we are currently lacking in regards to the A-plot. the game is consistent enough in its storytelling for me to believe that this isn't all just being made up as we go along. But I'm also certain that a lot of the late-game A and B-plot that is planned (especially if the Khaenri'ah is truly planned to be the 8th nation of the game) hinges on the player knowing very little about the A-plot. this would be fine if genshin was a standard single-release video game that players could work through at their own pace, but it isn't. it's unfinished, and each nation in the game releases months to years after the last, leaving the writers to scramble to fill in the gameplay gaps and players struggling to remember plot-relevant information when it's brought up literal years after they last heard it mentioned. Not only does the time between updates leave players frustrated about the lack of A-plot, it makes the A-plot harder to understand when it is brought up, because the writers are required to throw in so much dense C and D-plot just to keep engagement high enough to make the game profitable in its downtime. we joke about the insane convolution of genshin's lore, but that is first and foremost a byproduct of its financial model. the game requires engaement to be profitable, and adding lore for players to look into drives up engagement. The fact that having so much story with so little plot relevance muddies the waters and makes the A and B-plot stories considerably harder to understand doesn't matter as long as money is being made.
I want to take a quick detour here to talk about the release of sumeru specifically, because this is when I really began to clock the fact that genshin was declining. on paper, racial sensitivity issues aside (Not that they're not important, but i'm doing this deep dive from a storytelling and game design point of view, nothing else. that's a whole can of worms i don't have time to get into here) sumeru was a really promising addition to the game. The new B-plot quest which was set to drop in 3.0 was highly anticipated for several reasons. Two fan-favorite characters (kaeya and scaramouche) were expected to play major roles, because of earlier C and B-plot quests, and much of the nation's scenery that was teased in trailers and promotional content appeared to tie into the A-plot. the most exciting draw about sumeru and version 3.0, though, was the major update to the combat system.
Arguably genshin impact's most interesting feature upon release was its combat system. The map was basically a botw clone at that point, and the story quests, while decently engaging, were rough around the edges to say the least. What genshin DID have going for it was a unique real-time combat system that rewarded strategy and quick thinking.
Genshin's combat system is elemental, and on release there were 6 elemental affiliations: anemo (wind), cryo (ice), pyro (fire), hydro (water), geo (rock), and electro (electricity.) in a sort of pokemon-like system, certain elements were weak to other ones, but more importantly, certain combinations of elements could drastically boost combat stats. Players got to construct four-slot teams of characters, each with an elemental affiliation and certain "skills" which would match their element, and you were encouraged to use the interactions of these elements to build teams. very quickly, a huge community formed dedicated to optimizing teams and tiering characters. People would even make a game out of building teams specifically to do high-level damage with "bad" characters or characters who weren't designed to be damage drivers (my 100k jean burst was an incredible moment fr.) this was, of course, also a picture-perfect driver for the gacha aspect of the game, which was how players obtained new characters.
Pre-3.0, combat was... well i won't say it was balanced, but there was no elemental reaction that had any MAJOR advantage over the others. when you actually ran the numbers, i believe vaporize was the best reaction in terms of damage output, with the best team being raiden national with kazuha for EM buffs. but a well-built freeze or melt team could do similar numbers, or even better numbers depending on your artifact rolls. (ayaka permafreeze you will always be my #1.) Despite a steady stream of new characters with each update, characters from the earliest version of the game like xingqiu and xiangling were still topping the charts in terms of usefulness and versatility in teambuilding. However, as early as 1.0, players had been teased that a major update to the combat system was planned. There was a seventh element, dendro (plants) which pre-3.0 only existed as an elemental affiliation for menial enemies. there were no playable dendro characters, and the only elemental reaction that existed relating to it was very low-level and not particularly useful in combat.
Originally, dendro was projected to be added to the combat system somewhere in version 2, but its release was delayed substantially, meaning it came out along with its affiliated nation, sumeru. And as soon as it came out, it basically broke the combat system. I assume that the scaling they ended up going with may have been out of fear that players would be hesitant to integrate a new element into their pre-established team builds, and thus they may have been worried about sales on their dendro character banners, and i assume that the fact that 3 elements are required to get the highest-level reaction was an attempt to make the meta more balanced in the face of that scaling, but, well... it didn't work. At this point, the genshin impact combat meta is basically "if you're not using hyperbloom what the fuck are you doing." there's basically no reaction in the game that comes close to it in terms of both damage and ease of use. you are not going to beat a hyperbloom team with anything other than a better-built hyperbloom team. combat is now very heavily skewed in the direction of dendro, meaning that if you DON'T want to use a dendro team, you're going to be doing significantly lower numbers. And since enemies are added with each update, post-3.0 combat becomes difficult and annoying if you don't have a hyperbloom team on-hand.
The major gripe i have with dendro isn't even the scaling, though. I mentioned offhand earlier that the 1.0 B-plot questline had a section which taught you the basics of the combat system via mini-dungeons. These mini-dungeons, of course, taught you the version of the system that existed pre-3.0, so there's no tutorial for dendro reactions. Rather than integrating the tutorial into the story and world like they did in their early quests, upon playing 3.0 for the first time players were given a popup that explained, very wordily, how dendro reactions worked. there was no opportunity to test these reactions in an environment without consequences--if you wanted to try them you'd have to remember the relevant information, build yourself a team, find an enemy to try them on, and just hope you got it right. This lack of integration is something i began to notice more and more with genshin as it progressed, especially in sumeru. where in mondstadt and liyue open-world puzzles would be explained to you by an npc or via environmental context clues, in sumeru you'd be stopped while exploring every two seconds by a popup explaining some puzzle or another which, of course, you wouldn't read, because you didn't want to do the puzzle right that minute anyway, and then by the time you DID want to do that puzzle you'd have no in-game way of figuring out how to do it. The puzzle popups may seem like a small thing, but it's one of the clearest examples in the game to me of the fact that the player experience is so clearly not being prioritized here. the game doesn't even TRY to be immersive anymore. they have no qualms about pulling you out of the story to read a paragraph about how the puzzle works. they don't care how your character, in-universe, is supposed to have acquired that information. they don't care why your character, in-universe, is doing the puzzle in the first place. because they know the reason YOU are doing the puzzle, which is to unlock a hidden chest that gives you 1/80th of a gacha pull.
That was not "a quick detour" was it lmfao. ok anyways. back to the story. Now i want to talk about D-plot, meaning limited event stories, and lore as i defined it earlier, meaning contextual details not present in quests or playable story. This is where i think genshin's story becomes completely inaccessible.
Already, we've covered the fact that in order to consume the very basic story, players have to be willing to wait years between A and B-plot quest releases, punctuated by irrelevant map expansions and interlude quests. I mentioned before that genshin's incompleteness is one of the major problems of its story. the fact that players have to wait years, remembering plot-relevant information that they have no way of knowing will even BE plot-relevant, for the payoff of these narratives is frustrating at best and actively malicious at worst. But in theory, there should be an obvious way to circumvent this. One could just wait until the game IS completely finished to play the whole thing. Sort of like buying a game in early access but waiting until it's actually finished to play it all the way through. that's theoretically possible. but, as i have been hammering home this whole time, genshin is a free game, and therefore genshin relies entirely on a consistently engaging fanbase in order to remain profitable. if genshin does not have a base of players who are willing to log in every day, or at the very least once every update, the game's financial model collapses on itself. therefore, genshin puts on limited-time events. this is a standard in gacha games, as a way to keep the fans consistently engaging. What is not standard, however, is the way that genshin uses these events as vessels for its story. about 19 out of 20 limited events in genshin impact will be useless menial bullshit with no effect on the story or really even the player aside from maybe making you fucking angry. 1 out of those 20, though, will be innocuously named, with nothing in the banner or event description to indicate that it's special in any way, but it will contain serious A or B-plot relevant information that exists nowhere else in the game. My personal favorite example is the infamous 1.3 scaramouche appearance, in which he showed up, told the protagonist that the sky was fake, and then immediately fucked off again. Scaramouche did not show up again until at least 2.0, and the fake sky wasn't so much as MENTIONED again until 3.2, almost TWO YEARS LATER. but there are others, such as the (almost equally infamous) albedo doppelganger event in which a major character's loyalties are called into question, or the event where major biographical information is revealed about kaeya, the only playable character with major known connections to the A-plot and Khaenri'ah. With all of these events, once the event period ends, the information contained within them vanishes from the game completely. there's no way to replay old events that you've missed, even sans rewards, so if you miss a plot-relevant event the ONLY way to catch up on that story is through word of mouth. again, this is a transparent way to keep genshin's userbase engaged during downtime between B-plot quests; if you don't log in and play every event, how will you know if you've missed something important? You might not be able to fully understand the future story if you miss out on the D-plot now!
The D-plot problem is something that I think could, in theory, be circumvented by dedicated record-keeping. if the wiki had anything resembling an easily accessible event database that marked story-relevant events and contained summaries or gameplay videos, at the very least you wouldn't have to fear being completely lost on the off chance that a random throwaway line in an event from fucking 1.3 becomes plot-relevant. but hyv obviously doesn't want that, because it undermines their financial model, and the sheer number of events and the amount of rerunning of irrelevant events they do makes the task of recording and categorizing them all daunting if not impossible.
Then, of course, there's lore. this is arguably what genshin is infamous for in certain circles of the internet. You know that unraveled video where bdg reads every book in skyrim? if you tried to do that with genshin the video would probably be about 10 hours long. and it's not just books; genshin hides (potentially) plot-relevant information in weapon and artifact descriptions, in random hidden world quests, in character bios... the list goes on. and 9 times out of 10, the information is essentially written in code. Plot-relevant characters will have multiple names, or the relevant information will refer to them as vaguely as possible, presumably to further the "mystery" and encourage theorizing among fans. but the sheer amount of information like this that exists within the game makes it all but impossible to determine what is plot-relevant and what isn't. For a topical example, the most recent A-plot quest bedtime story mentions the name Rhinedottir in connection with events in Khaenri'ah, suddenly making that name A-plot relevant. Rhinedottir is an alternate name for the character Gold, whose existence you would only have known of before this point if you'd unlocked and read the character Albedo's character bios. (Albedo is a limited-run character who hasn't been available since november 2022, btw.) the only other information about Rhinedottir permanently available in the game comes from the description of the weapon Festering Desire, which was only obtainable from a limited event back in 2020, anyway. So basically, if you wanted ANY context for that remark, you'd have to have been playing the game since AT LEAST 2022, AND you'd have to have taken the time to go over your weapon and character descriptions with a fine-toothed comb. keep in mind that as of right now (june 2024) there are 85 playable characters in this game, each with 10 unique unlockable character bio sections, and over 150 weapons, each with their own unique descriptions, not to mention over 50 artifact sets, each with 5 unique artifacts, which all have their own unique descriptions as well. there are also 51 different collections of books which contain written lore as well. the idea that any player could keep up with all this, or that anyone could even sift through it all to pick out the important things that they NEED to keep up with, is insane, especially when the game makes a point of withholding crucial plot information from its players within the A and B-plot quests. this amount of written lore only exists, again, to drive up engagement in the hopes of subsequently driving up profit. Even if the average player isn't reading and absorbing all this information, the fact that it's there coupled with the fact that the writers consistently refuse to reveal anything beyond surface-level A-plot information means that there's basically ENDLESS theory fodder. and THAT means that people will be posting their theories and talking with each other and getting into arguments. it means "genshin impact" trends on twitter. it means engagement, and engagement means money.
basically what it comes back to is that everything is so transparently money over player experience with this game. I think what we're witnessing with genshin is what i would call an end-stage gacha game--a gacha game that's gone on a little too long and gotten a little too popular, and so the veil has started to slip a little more than usual. Gachas work primarily because they operate by toeing the line between what is fun to play and what is a predatory mechanic. As long as the actual gameplay remains engaging and rewarding, players can ignore the unsavory business practices underneath. At this point, genshin has swerved too hard into the money-hungriness and is still hoping that they can use their old tried-and-true engagement farming methods to remain popular regardless. currently, it seems like those methods are still working, unfortunately. Like I said in the post that prompted this, i really can't wait for the hyv writer NDAs to expire 10 or so years down the line, because I can only imagine what an insane shitshow writing for this game must be. I want to see the tell-all articles. I want carnage.
That being said, I played genshin impact religiously from 2020 to 2023. I loved the game. Despite myself, I am still really, REALLY interested in the A-plot. I want to know what's going on with the protagonist and their sibling; where they came from, what happened to them, what the heavenly principles are, what role celestia plays in all of this. I want to know Kaeya's full backstory, what role Khaenri'ah plays in the overarching story, and what happened to it in the past. but I don't really have any faith that I ever will, because I know that as long as keeping their fans in the dark and stringing them along remains profitable, that's what hyv will continue to do.
Do I think genshin impact is unsalvagable? in its current state, yes. If I was given the ability to turn back time and convince a bunch of executives of the profitability of this venture, I would change almost nothing about the story of genshin and completely rework the mechanics of its release. I would make it a series of single-release self-contained games rather than a constantly-updating gacha. Each game would be one B-plot quest, or one nation, eight games in all, preferably released once every year. Removing the gacha mechanic, players would be given access to a certain pool of characters to build teams at the start of each game, and then periodically unlock new characters as the story progressed. for example, if you were playing the inazuma game, you'd start out with only your protag, and after progressing to a certain point in the story you'd get a pool of inazuma 4-stars to teambuild with freely. Then, as the story progressed and you met plot-relevant inazuman 5-stars you'd add them to your pool. I'd change basically nothing about the combat system except for a properly integrated introduction of dendro when it makes its appearance in sumeru. Once you completed the story in that nation, you could move onto the next game in the series if it was out, or if it wasn't, you could continue to explore the open world while waiting for the next release. Would this be as profitable as the gacha model? probably not, but what it WOULD do is allow for much more consistent pacing and writing, with the added bonus of not making your userbase feel like you'd shoot them in the head for their pocket change.
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
I want you to eat well
Vampire!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
warnings: Kurapika eats you out while you’re on your period, rough sex, creampie, breeding
A/N: I posted this in my discord months ago, if you want more content come join!! Here’s the link
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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Kurapika was attacked by humans and fled into the forest. He collapses near a cottage he thinks is abandoned, but it’s yours!
You walk out and just panic!! There’s a bleeding man by the treeline!!
You rush out, and all he can think is how easy it would be to pin you down and drain you dry. He assumes you’re there to finish the job, so prepares to strike… that is until he sees you crying.
“Oh my god, are you okay? I’m going to help you, just stay conscious, okay?”
He blinks. Do you see that he has red eyes? Fangs? That he’s cold to the touch and his blood is almost black? No, you don’t. You’re too busy half carrying, half dragging this man into your house.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been treated so gently before, not even when he was human. You sit him down, pushing back his hair to wash off his face with a rag before bandaging his(slowly healing) wounds. He can’t help but sigh dreamily when you tuck him into your bed, humming as you watch over him.
“What is your name, girl?”
You tilt your head. He’s the same age as you, you think, why is he calling you a girl. “Oh, I’m (Name).”
“(Name)? That’s beautiful.”
You can’t help your cheeks heating up, going about your task of preparing a meal. He’s very handsome, almost alluring.
Over the next few days, your guest doesn’t eat a single bite of food, and you notice he seems to be getting weaker. He still hasn’t given you his name, you’ve started calling him “dear”.
“Hello, dear. Are you feeling hungry today?”
He’s sitting up in bed, a bandage wrapped around his head. He gives you that pretty smile, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. “I’m sorry, (Name), but I cannot eat anything you make me.”
That’s what he says every time. You pout, sitting on the bed next to him. “Come on, there has to be something I can make you! I’m no stranger to cooking!”
He sighs. You’re sweet, awfully kind to a man that had planned to end your life before he got to know you. “No, what I need is something you cannot provide.”
You leave after changing his bandages, cooing softly. “Aww, you’re almost healed! You’ve been such a nice guest, I’ll miss you when you leave…”
The mentioning of him leaving makes him tense. This brief time with you has been some of the best of his life.
The next few days pass by, and you come in that morning with a grimace on your face. “Hello, dear. Sorry I’m late, I’m… unwell.”
Your guest seems worried, his hand lifting to cup your cheek. “What is it that ails you, (Name)?”
And before you can answer, a heavenly aroma fills the air.
Kurapika feels his fangs dig into his lip as he holds himself back from pouncing on you.
“Well… um…” you seem flustered, and he finds it cute how you fidget with your pajama shirt, glancing up at him. “It’s my time of the month.”
Instead of looking disgusted or embarrassed he seems… intrigued.
He gestures for you to sit with with. “You mean… you’re currently bleeding?”
You’re embarrassed to be talking about this to basically a stranger, but you nod.
He hums, red eyes taking your form in hungrily. Kurapika was a virgin, a man that had lived far away from society since he was turned into a vampire at the age of 23. He hadn’t been around a woman in a long time, and he had to admit, he had been feeling some… urges.
He places a hand on your thigh, eyes half lidded as he stares at you. “You know, (Name), I do find you… quite gorgeous.”
Your face heats up, your legs rubbing against each other. He smirks, knowing women are more sensitive during their menstrual cycle.
“O-oh. That’s sweet of you to say.”
You pat his hand, giving him that pretty smile of yours. You get up to move, but his iron grip on your thigh keeps you still.
“This may sound a bit forward of me, but I have to ask. Have you ever lain with a man before?”
You stare at him slack jawed, face hot. “L-lain… do you mean sex?”
He nods, tilting his head. “Your answer?”
“N-no. I have not.”
He hums, eyes staring in between your legs so intensely you cross them.
“Would you like to?”
He’s having trouble controlling himself, the blanket falling down around him as he crawls towards you, those pretty red eyes staring into yours. It’s hard to look away, especially when he’s inching closer and closer to your lips.
“You’re cute, and such a sweet girl. Would you mind if I… tasted you?”
His cheeks are pink, eyes half lidded as he sniffs your neck, before leaning back and placing a kiss on your lips.
He’s gentle, lips cold against yours as he pins you with ease. You don’t complain, wrapping your arms around him as he shoves his tongue into your mouth.
“At least… at least tell me your name before this goes any further…”
You pout up at him, the man almost cooing with how cute you are.
“It’s Kurapika. I hope you’ll remember it, (Name).”
You nod. “Kurapika… that’s such a pretty name, I’ve never heard one like it before.”
He pulls your shirt over your head, eyes on your bare chest. “It’s a cultural name, one from a clan long forgotten.”
He kneads your breasts, marveling at the softness of them. “Soft, and so warm…”
You hiss slightly as his cold hands slip down your body, until they’re pulling down your pajama pants. “H-hey! Wait! I’m-“
“I know, (Name). You being on your menstrual cycle is the exact reason I want this.”
He pulls off your pants and panties in one go, cooing at the sight in front of him.
“How delicious.”
You squeeze your legs shut, eyes gone wide. “D-delicious? How could this b…”
He glances up at you with those red eyes, resting his chin against your knee. “You know, I find your innocence rather adorable, but I’ll clue you in, angel.”
He extends his fangs, a little confused when instead of reacting with fear, you react with acceptance. “Ahhh, okay, that makes sense.”
He doesn’t question your strange statement, now prying open your legs with ease.
“Now that you know, will you let me feed? This could really help me feel better, (Name).”
He kisses your thigh, his red eyes boring into yours. You pout a little, but cup his cheek. He leans into your touch, surprised at his own actions. “I guess… if it’ll help you feel better…”
You don’t need to say another word, he’s already burying his face between your legs.
At first he devours any blood he can get his tongue on. When he runs out, he realizes he’ll need to really put in the effort to make you secrete more.
He glances up to watch for your reaction when he swirls his tongue around your clit, earning a gasp. Kurapika blinks when your hands bury themselves in his hair, pulling him in the right direction. “K-Kurapika!”
He purrs against you, pumping a finger in and out of your bloody cunt as he sucks on your clit. “Like that, angel?”
He’s almost embarrassed at how hard he’s gotten from hearing your moans and feeling your fingers tug at his hair. “Yes! More please!”
And he gives you more, inserting another finger. “You’re delicious, (Name). If I knew a woman’s menstrual blood tasted this good, I would have done this much sooner…”
You whimper, pouting down at him. “W-well I’m glad it’s with me first…”
“Oh, (Name)…”
He pulls his fingers from your cunt, licking them clean. “I intend for you to be the only woman I ever feed from like this.”
This makes both your pussy and heart thump. “Really? Hahh!”
You don’t have much time to think, his tongue is already inside of you again. Now he’s tongue fucking you as he rubs circles into your clit.
“Those pretty little sounds of yours have my body reacting in such embarrassing ways, (Name)…”
He looks up at you again, blood dripping down his chin. “Would it be alright if I took your virginity, (Name)? I’m a creature of the night, would you lay with me, knowing that?”
You nod, running your fingers through his hair. “Yes… you may be a vampire, b-but I-“
You gasp, feeling his tongue wiggle inside of you. “I know you’re a- hnn… a good man!”
He almost feels his undead heart thump against his chest. You’re making him swoon, and it’s not just your sweet blood he’s craving.
He has you cumming on his tongue, surprised on how much he enjoys the taste of your cum mixed with blood.
He wipes the blood from his chin, crawling on top of you. “My sweet girl, so warm…”
You feel his cock prod against you, your hips bucking against him. “P-put it in please! Need you!”
You’re so needy, tears beading at the corners of your eyes as he coos. “Shhh, shh, you’ll have what you want soon. You’ve been such a good girl, allowing me to feed to my hearts content. I’ll take care of you, alright?”
You nod, the blonde satisfied with your obedience. He prods his cock against your cunt, delighting in the fact that your blood makes it easier for him to slide in.
You gasp when he bottoms out, legs wrapping around his waist. He stays like that for just a moment before pulling all the way out and slamming back in.
He takes you like an animal, pounding into your pussy until you see stars. He tries so hard to be gentle, but his head has gone fuzzy with pleasure.
You don’t seem to mind though, you pull him into a kiss, causing him to come back to reality and melt into your embrace, his hips smacking against yours.
He glances down, dipping a finger to your cunt, lapping up the blood that collected on his finger.
“So so pretty, angel. So pretty when I fuck into you like this…”
His fangs brush against your neck, but he doesn’t bite you. No no no, he won’t do that. Not to his now mate. No, he’ll only drink from your pussy, a taste he would soon become addicted to.
When he cums inside you, he doesn’t pull out for a while. He’s not sure if he’s still able to produce children, but if he can, he wishes to get you pregnant, and soon. Though, he’ll be upset when his favorite snack isn’t available for nine months.
Kurapika pulls you into his arms, keeping you plugged up with his cock. “Tonight, I will take you again and again, so rest for now, my love.”
He plants kisses on your neck, before resting his chin on your head.
He’s so sweet, waking up and cooking you a healthy, iron rich meal. It’s not JUST because he wants you to produce as much blood for him as possible. No, Kurapika has fallen in love, and he’s not letting you go anytime soon.
You’re his now, his mate, his lover, his.
You stumble into the kitchen, body weak and tired from his rough thrusting. He rushes over to settle you down into a chair, cupping your cheek. “What is it my love? Was I too rough? Are you hurt?”
You shake your head. “No, no I’m just really hungry, that smells amazing!”
He sighs. “I’m glad you are alright. I may not be able to eat human food, but cooking is something I am efficient with.”
He sets an omelette in front of you, paired with rice. “It’s a spinach omelette. Enjoy, angel.”
He watches you eat from across the table, absolutely smitten.
He follows you around throughout the day, watching as you do various chores. Now that he’s… fed from you, he has more energy to help, though he can’t go outside due to the sun.
“My love, is it strange that I am excited for night to come? I must admit I am desperate for another taste of you…”
He has you sat in his lap, nose brushing against your neck. He seems to enjoy your scent, constantly shoving his nose into your neck.
“No, it’s okay, I want you to eat well. I care about you.”
His leg bounces, his excitement evident. “Truly? It is not wrong for me to feel this way? To want you in this way?”
He doesn’t seem to have noticed that he’s bouncing you on his leg, causing your face to heat up.
He nuzzles into your neck again placing sweet kisses. “I love you, I apologize for not saying it sooner, but I feared your rejection. You’re a beautiful woman, and I feel I may now need you.”
You can barely hear him, breasts bouncing slightly at the intensity of his movements. “Hhhnn, Kurapika.”
He sniffs the air, tilting his head. “You’re aroused? Why?”
He glances down to see his leg is between your legs, knee pressing against your pussy as he bounces you up and down. “Oh.”
He grins against your neck, the feeling of his fangs brushing against your skin making you mewl. “Oh? Is my angel too needy to wait for tonight?”
Kurapika’s head stays between your legs for the next few hours, being thoroughly fed by his precious mate!
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nyoomerr · 7 months
How about half demon SY fic? Maybe with some Cinderella-esque elements?
I can easily imagine Airplane making another half demon (of the non-heavenly variety) as a character foil for Binghe.
The original version was regularly mistreated by his full demon relations, saw them sucking up to the also half-demon emperor (maybe even trying to marry off a bratty full demon half-sister), and in his rage set up some dramatic ‘revenge’ plot that ended in his death.
Of course, with Shen Yuan in the role (and not wanting to die like the OG-version), he somehow bungles the whole thing into a seduction instead.
i'm not sure about cinderella-esque, but here's some half demon sy taking pity on things he really shouldn't be taking pity on, lmao
Luo Binghe was not the only half demon in Proud Immortal Demon Way, of course. Between cultivators that wanted to get a little freaky with it (weird) and demon lords who took human women as war prizes (downright terrible), there were plenty of occasions for mixed breeds to be born. 
Luo Binghe was, however, the only successful half demon.
His spiritual pathways developed perfectly suited to balance demonic and spiritual qi without getting the two energies tangled, and none of his demonic traits interfere with his human ones as so many other half demons experience. His demonic teeth sit without discomfort in his human mouth, he has no extra demonic appendages that struggle to reconcile with a human circulatory system, and his claws don’t even bleed when he retracts and extends them in a way that would cause any other half demon to be crippled with pain.
Perhaps it’s a result of his miracle healing blood parasites working overtime to keep his body from sabotaging itself; perhaps it’s simply the protagonist halo at work.
Either way, the less fortunate half demons of Proud Immortal Demon Way had every reason to despise Luo Binghe. Most of them did, or at the very least started off that way - several partly demonic women had of course been won out in the end by charming smiles and the discovery of just what other benefits Luo Binghe received from his successful mixing (read: his monster dick).
Shen Yuan had not transmigrated into a woman, though, and the character he had landed inside of had been one of the less fortunate half demons Luo Binghe ever stumbled across. 
Shen Yuan’s body had tried to grow both human and demonic ears alike, one on top of the other, warping each other and resulting in permanently impaired hearing. His pupils were stuck in the large, open shape of the sorts of demons that live almost entirely in the dark, but his human retina was not similarly adjusted, and Shen Yuan suffered near constant migraines whenever he went out in the sun. His teeth were made of rows of sharp needles, but his diet had not adjusted to allow him to eat as much - or as raw of - meat as his demonic ancestry had prepared him for, to say nothing of the way the sharp points of his teeth always left his mouth bleeding.
It was miserable. 
Even the good parts - the interesting parts, the things like the way his hair looked iridescent in the light or the general increase in energy and durability that Shen Yuan got to experience - did not seem to make up for the downsides of his mixed blood. 
And that was all before taking into the account the way that Shen Yuan was nearly entirely shunned by both demonic and human cultures alike, too.
Ah, it was unfair!! What kind of transmigration experience treated its host so poorly?! What kind of shitty wish fulfillment left the victim so deeply unfortunate?! Shen Yuan wanted a refund, damn it!!
If there was one saving grace to the situation, it was that Shen Yuan was not beholden to the plot in any way. The original host Shen Yuan had taken over had, in the later chapters of PIDW, been one of the prominent figures at the head of an attempted coup. His resentment towards his own life had burned and burned until he’d redirected it at Luo Binghe, a symbol of unfair success that he would never see, and he’d gotten himself barely half a paragraph in PIDW to describe his vengeful death for his troubles.
Shen Yuan refused to be such a small footnote in Luo Binghe’s life. If he was going to suffer by living in this world, then he’d wring every bit of joy he could from the world that causes that suffering. 
Naturally, the only good thing that this world offers is Luo Binghe himself.
“My Lord,” Shen Yuan demures, his tone hushed as he bends to refill Luo Binghe’s goblet. 
He had not been able to win a direct audience with Luo Binghe; outside of Luo Binghe himself, no half-breed is considered of good enough standing to be allowed the emperor’s time in such a way. Instead, Shen Yuan had taken a job as a servant in the Underground Palace, carefully biding his time and working his way towards this very moment, where he’d get to lean in close to refill Luo Binghe’s drink during a meal.
Luo Binghe cuts a sharp glance at him, then at the drink Shen Yuan has poured him, but says nothing.
“My Lord,” Shen Yuan says again, wetting his lips nervously. “The cursed mirror you seek is in the Fire Grass Marshes.”
Luo Binghe hums, his expression unreadable. “And how does a little servant know of such a thing?”
Shen Yuan swallows thickly. ‘I read it in a story about you in another world,’ isn’t exactly the sort of answer that would cut it, here. He can’t just brush it away as rumor, though, either; Shen Yuan needs to prove that he is uniquely useful to Luo Binghe. A usefulness that will both excuse his impudence in approaching Luo Binghe this way, and will allow Shen Yuan to remain close to Luo Binghe in the future.
Shen Yuan will not lose this gamble.
“This lowly one is a half demon like my Lord is,” Shen Yuan says, voice hushed. “My Lord is blessed; the rest of us are -”
Shen Yuan’s words catch in his throat. He’s only been in this body for a little under a decade, but it’s still - the hardships he’s had to endure, and the discrimination, and - Shen Yuan swallows again, trying to steady himself.
“In general, half breeds are not accepted in either culture,” Shen Yuan finally says, voice still low and deferential. “We have had to find livings in places that are not generally hospitable.”
“And you’ve lived in the Fire Grass Marshes as a result, then?” Luo Binghe asks.
Shen Yuan nods. The rest of the dining room has fallen silent by now, watching closely as Luo Binghe considers the daring little servant that has approached him as such. It makes Shen Yuan sweat, just a bit, but then again…
Their attention is not nearly as heavy as the single-minded focus of Luo Binghe himself. 
“The Fire Grass Marshes may not be worth the trouble to retrieve such a small item,” Luo Binghe says after a long silence, turning his gaze away from Shen Yuan at last. “There are other artifacts this Lord can use instead.”
Shen Yuan… maybe panics just a bit. He didn’t make this much of an effort to have Luo Binghe’s attention only to be dismissed outright like this, as if it isn’t worth the bother, ah!!
“Of course, my Lord wouldn’t have to fetch it himself!” Shen Yuan rushes to say. “That is, this lowly one can - if it pleases my Lord, I mean - for you -”
“If you’d offer to fetch it yourself, why didn’t you simply bring it with you now?” Luo Binghe asks blandly. Then, a bit more dangerously, he adds: “Don’t waste this Lord’s time, little servant.”
“If the mirror isn’t good enough, this servant can fetch something else,” Shen Yuan tries. “This lowly one knows much about lands that aren’t usually fit for exploration, so -”
“Why?” Luo Binghe interrupts, turning back to once more fix Shen Yuan with his full attention. “The only reward you will receive is your life, should I decide to spare you for the insolence.”
Shen Yuan swallows thickly, once, twice. He needs to fix this, or else his life - if he manages to keep it - will only end up more miserable than it was before. 
He refuses to go back to that, not now that he’s managed to be so close to Luo Binghe.
“This lowly one only wishes to help spare my Lord of unnecessary suffering -”
Luo Binghe stands suddenly, his chair tipping behind him and the dishes on the table falling and spilling at the sudden jostling movement.
Shen Yuan doesn’t much notice, what with the way Luo Binghe has wrapped a single large hand around his throat and begun to squeeze.
“Do not dare to speak of my suffering,” Luo Binghe snarls, his teeth inches from Shen Yuan’s face. “Do not dare to presume to know what I can and can not tolerate.”
Shen Yuan gasps, scrambling with his stupid, defective claws at the hand around his neck.
“I’m sorry,” he manages to choke out, “I’m sorry, but - but regardless of what you can tolerate, you shouldn’t have to suffer at all, it’s -”
Luo Binghe’s grip tightens, and Shen Yuan falls silent, focusing on trying to breathe. 
He does not break eye contact with Luo Binghe, though.
Because this is the truth of it: Shen Yuan’s mixed breed body sucks ass, and he’s suffered for it, and he’s been humiliated for it, and even the cool, kickass parts of transmigration have been kinda lame for it. He kind of hates it. He more than kind of understands the resentment that the original goods had harbored.
But Shen Yuan has the insight of a PIDW reader, and he knows that despite his perfect biology, Luo Binghe has suffered far more than most half breeds have. 
Shen Yuan and his kin are shunned, but they are not outright beaten or discarded or starved or pushed into the Abyss. They may be given shitty jobs, but they are given jobs; they’ve never had anyone try to sabotage their cultivations or been forced to overturn the demonic hierarchy just to find a safe place to sleep. Most people dislike them, but those that do care for Shen Yuan and other half breeds like him can be trusted; their regard is honest, as it can not be motivated by any sort of desire for power or influence.
Shen Yuan has suffered, but he has also experienced luxuries that Luo Binghe has not. 
He’s suffered, and he’s hated this stupid fucking transmigration, but - 
But in the end, he could have found ways to enjoy it that didn’t involve walking up to the protagonist and offering to help. He could have used his meta knowledge to get rich and powerful enough to explore the world on a cool vacation, instead of trying to use it to bargain for a spot at Luo Binghe’s side.
“Binghe should have someone looking out for him,” Shen Yuan wheezes. Maybe wheezes. Maybe he doesn’t say it at all. His vision is spotty and his brain is a bit foggy and he certainly wouldn’t have dared to say such a thing if he was fully conscious. 
Luo Binghe’s grip slackens all at once, and Shen Yuan crumples to the ground, coughing. 
“You’ll get only one chance,” Luo Binghe warns him. It’s very clearly a threat.
When Shen Yuan manages to look up at him, though, his expression is not as cold and dangerous as it had been a minute ago.
It looks hungry.
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zykamiliah · 2 months
What kind of skeletons do you think are in SY's closet?
so the context for that is the conversation he's having with sqh, when the latter asks him if he sees lbh as "the apple of his eyes" and adored him as his "darling baby and disciple", going on on how sqq had been "out of his mind with grief, his thoughts wandering all over the place", according to th qjp disciples, and how he would call lbh's name and stand at the sword mound and "sigh in sorrow" (lmao if it weren't for the qjp disciples gossiping about it we would NEVER learned of what was going on with sqq post-IAC)
then sqh asks the million dollars question
“Cucumber-bro, can I ask, how did you see Luo Binghe? I remember you were one of his fans, right? You roasted a huge number of the characters I wrote, but even so, you never roasted him. To you, is he a character, or is he a…”
and sqq panics in his mind and thinks that sqh's interrogation was similar in tone to "high-school girls gossiping in the dorms after lights-out":
“Tell me! Do you have a crush on ___?” “N-no, what are you talking about!” “Dodging the question~ Don’t be shy O(∩_∩)O ha ha~” “I hate you, go to bed!” Lightning. Lightning from the nine heavens! Shang Qinghua was in fact innocent. He was honestly asking and was interested in discussing the matter. It was Shen Qingqiu who was overthinking the skeletons in his closet.
sqh was not asking if sqq had gay feelings/a crush on lbh, yet sqq's mind immediately jumped to that assumption lol you don't do that if you're straight lol and it definitely feels like it's a situation he's been before, where he's had to suppress and hide from himself his feelings for men. he even (mentally or otherwise) slaps himself when he's having what he deems "inappropriate" thoughts about binghe and/or his relationship with binghe
He was scaring his disciples, putting on the act of a grieving widow whose husband had just died. Hadn’t it been only a couple of days since he’d last seen that child? No! Bah! Shen Qingqiu mentally slapped himself. Who are you calling a grieving widow?! Whose husband died?! That’s not something you should just say—you’re really getting worse by the day. A negative mindset produces nothing good. You deserve a slap! ch4. conference
and then later in the borderlands when he thinks about what name lbh would have if he'd been born in the demon realm
(...)then Luo Binghe might as well be…Heavenly Pillar-Jun? Ha ha ha ha, fuck! Luo Heavenly Pillar! Ha ha ha ha, how painfully exhilarating! Shen Qingqiu had been laughing for a while when he abruptly slapped himself. The fuck is wrong with you?! Getting carried away, using the Great Master protagonist to come up with a tasteless dirty joke in your head! What’s funny about this? Don’t you get that some people are off-limits for your crass humor?!
he's just...very repressed 🫠
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kakushino · 1 year
Kyojuro's first
He's weak
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"Don't close your eyes, baby, look at me," you said softly cupping Kyojuro's cheek. He had a bright blush on his face, eyes previously clenched shut opening slowly. He could hardly look at your kind expression without nearly passing out. You were so beautiful to him. "Good boy."
Kyojuro let out a high pitched whine at that, making him blush even more. "Pl-please, don't say things like th-that."
You giggled and guided him closer, into your arms - into the cradle of your plush thighs. "If you don't start anytime soon, I'll get cold," you said and leaned in to whisper into his ear teasingly, "Kyo~ju~ro~"
He ground his cock in between your soft and practically dripping pussy lips, groaning quietly at the warmth. It felt incredible to him. Was it even possible to feel this good?
Impatient, your hand stroked him once, twice, before you positioned him at your entrance. "C'mon, you know you want it~" you teased, urging him to finally slide in and fill you up with every delicious inch of him.
"A-alright," he breathed out shakily, slowly pushing the tip in, your hand letting go of his cock as you moaned at the feeling. Even the tip felt heavenly. 
"Please, more-" you begged needily. 
Despite it being his first time, he was determined to make you feel good, to fill all your expectations of him, and so, he slid inside in one smooth move.
Big mistake.
Kyojuro nearly choked on air; the heat, the softness, the snug fit, the pulsating muscles inside of you - it was all so overwhelming. "Fuuuhk-" he was going to pull out to keep from cumming on the spot, when your ankles locked at the small of his back, keeping him inside for one, two, three seconds and-
He groaned hoarsely, first spurt of his cum coming out quicker than he could react. His hands gripped the sheets by your head with desperation, as if it could save him from wave after wave of pleasure his first orgasm inside brought. He panted like a dog, ashamed at what happened, ducking down and hiding his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry-I'msorry-'msorry-sorrysorrysorry-"
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shadedheart138 · 4 months
I'll Be Here Until You're Okay
Legend was fine when they landed in Skyloft. It'd been ages since Sky had seen Groose or Sun, and he quite literally cried when he saw them again. Sky deserved to see his partners, deserved to see his Loftwing, his home. It was a blissful few days of rest, before they had to leave due to hearing of a group of black blooded monsters nearby.
Legend was fine when they landed in Outset, even with the memories of the waves, the sand, a girl and a dream. Wind had missed his grandma and sister so much, and he'd screamed as soon as they hit the sand. He ran faster than Legend had ever seen him run. Wind had smiled more than he had in a while too, and Legend got really sunburnt and quite miserable.
Legend was fine when they landed in Four's world. It was good to see Four's Grandpa again, to trade stories and fix some of Wild's broken weapons. Four had been excited to see the Minish again, and get a chance to talk to Dot.
They were fine when they landed in Time's. The ranch was quiet and felt almost like home. Malon was kind as always, and they had good places to sleep. Fighting was easier, almost, with the knowledge they'd have an actual bath and mattresses to sleep on when they were done.
Fine in Wild's. Flora had been ecstatic to see her partner again, and Wild relaxed a good bit around her. Seeing Farosh had been a rare treat, and the hot springs Wild had brought them all to were heavenly.
Fine in Twilight's. Ordon was just as quiet as the ranch had been.
Hyrule's. Good to see Hyrule acting confident for once.
Warriors'. The bars were good.
But they were most decidedly not fine once they landed in Wild's again, after only a couple of months away from it. ***
Legend stepped forward out of the portal, Hyrule right behind them. They blinked in the bright sunlight, expecting to see a familiar landmark, the house they shared with Ravio...
When none of that was seen and instead they were greeted by an open field, Legend froze. Why Wild's Hyrule again? Why? Hylia must really hate them if she won't even let them go home. Legend hated her just as much, she never let them rest, not even after all the adventures. No matter how many times Legend did her bidding, she was never satisfied. Legend clenched a fist, angry. They wanted to go home.
Oh, Ravio.
Legend's eyes watered. They let their hand unclench, suddenly gripping the side of their skirt instead. It'd been almost five months since Legend had seen Ravio. Legend bit their lip and didn't notice their name had been called until the entire Chain was watching them with worried expressions. Legend took their hands from their skirt and clasped them together instead, with a sort of finality. "Wild. This is yours, right?" Fuck, Legend's voice broke. Legend took a shuddering breath, watching Wild. Wild nodded, expression sad. Legend nodded stiffly right back, before turning around and beginning to walk, shaking. They didn't care where they went, not right now. If the road didn't lead to home then Legend didn't care.
Legend ignored Warriors, continuing to walk. The longer their mind dwelled on home, on Ravio, the worse they felt. Legend was quite tired of feeling sad already.
Ravio. Legend missed him so much. The space between his teeth, his scarf. Sheerow. His laugh. The feeling of his hands against Legend's. The gentle curve of the back of his neck against Legend's hand. The stumble when they danced together.
Legend hadn't even received a letter from their husband in what, three, four weeks? Almost a month? (Married for tax purposes, Legend always insists. Lies.) What if Ravio was hurt? Worse, what if Ravio was dead? Fuck. The thought alone... Legend choked, giving a soft whine. They brought a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle it. Tried not to cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't-
A soft hand came down on Legend's shoulder, encouraging them to turn. Legend turned, eyes squeezed shut, biting their lip hard to try and make the pain there worse than the pain in their heart. Legend was gently pulled forwards into someone's chest- Time, only Time had that height -and Time's hand came up behind Legend's head to cradle it close. Ravio had always held them the exact same as Legend was being held by Time right now. It hurt.
"I'm sure the next portal we go through will be yours, Legend." Time said quietly. Legend gave a soft sob- the way they were being held, how much they missed Ravio, the soft tone, it was all too much- and that was all it took for them to lose the tiny bit of control they had over their emotions. Legend shakily put their arms around Time, fisting the back of the man's shirt tightly.
"I miss Ravio." Legend whispered, crying harder as soon as Ravio's name was out of their mouth.
"I know, Legend. You'll see him again soon." Time soothed, hugging Legend for an undetermined amount of time. By the time they were done, the rest had set up camp most of the way and Wild was making lunch. Legend sat down next to the fire, close to no one.
Warriors offered Legend whatever Wild had made for lunch. Legend refused, staring into the fire. An apple was put into their hand.
Legend looked at it, and reluctantly took a bite. It wasn't long before Hyrule was pressed to Legend's left side, trying to comfort. The soft tingle of magic against Legend was soothing, even if only a little. Wind quietly came to rest against Legend's other side, small hands fiddling with a seashell. Legend tiredly watched the fire, tuning everything out.
Ravio, Ravio, Ravio. Every heartbeat pressed Ravio's name into Legend's head. If they closed their eyes they could see their home. The place they put their shoes. Where they packed up their gear. The rocking chair. A table with a cup Legend had carved out of wood, when their hands didn't shake. A blanket that Ravio had crocheted, at the end of their shared bed.
Legend hugged themself, bringing a shaky hand to an earring in their ear. Enchanted with both a minor protection charm and a resistance to lightning. Ravio had given them to Legend for an anniversary. Legend took a shuddering breath. Their anniversary had already passed, and Legend didn't even get to spend it with their husband.
That night, Legend slept away from everyone, and poorly. They were grouchy all the way to the nearest stable, and then some. Warriors didn't jab at them even once the entire trip.
A week passed in Wild's world. A week and a half.
Every day, Legend was worse and worse. Everyone was quiet around them, lest they shatter whatever fragile state Legend was in. They cried, and frequently. No further words from Ravio, no reassurance that he was okay.
Three weeks.
They spent a month and a half in Wild's world. When the next portal appeared, everyone cheered. No matter how pretty Wild's world was, blood moons were no fun and neither were the guardians. Legend stepped through the portal first, and even chanced a prayer to Hylia. Another one to Lolia for good measure.
Please, let this one be mine. Let me be home.
They landed in an apple orchard. Legend rubbed their eyes and turned around to help Sky through, then Wind. When everyone was through, Legend put a hand on one of the trees, thumbing an engraving on it. L + R.
Link and Ravio. They'd engraved their initials in every one of these trees, after an escapade with a good bottle of wine.
Legend was home.
Legend started stripping themself of their gear, much to the Chain's surprise. They got their boots off, ignoring the questions, and started pulling on the Pegasus Boots. They started cursing up a storm when they had to untie the left one. As soon as they were on enough to stand, Legend clicked their heels and fucking bolted.
It didn't matter that they ran into a tree on the way there. All that mattered was the man in the purple button up, sleeves rolled up and hands in the garden soil. What mattered was the way he hummed and the way his fingers moved and the wedding band on a cloth beside him. Legend wrenched the boots off their feet as soon as Ravio was in their sight, and yelled for him.
"Rav! Ravio, I'm home!" Legend had tears in their eyes, scrambling to get to Ravio.
"Link?" Ravio's head whipped around, and he dropped whatever he had been trying to plant. He'd barely risen to his feet before Legend barreled into him, hugging almost tight enough to bruise.
"Link-? Oh, honey." Ravio whispered, as Legend started crying hard.
"I missed you, I missed you so much, Rav. I love you. I was so worried when you didn't send any letters, I thought you could've been dead and-" Legend whispered, the rest of the words lost against Ravio's skin, holding so tight as if Ravio would disappear like the girl on the island. Legend wouldn't be able to take it if that happened again.
"Breathe, dear. I missed you too, and I love you just as much. If not more. I was equally worried, since I haven't heard word from you in months." Ravio said softly, and even though his hands were covered in dirt, he brought one of them to cradle the back of Legend's head very firmly. Even though Time had held them like this more than a month ago, it hadn't felt the same.
This was home, and it smelled like lavender and apple soap. The other hand landed on Legend's back. They were still swaying lightly together when the rest of the Chain caught up. Sky flopped down onto the grass, wheezing. After a few moments, both Hyrule and Four joined him.
Legend whined very audibly when Ravio tried pulling away, tightening their grip.
"Link, we've got visitors."
"Don't care. Please, stay, please. Just a little bit longer, Rav. It's been so long. I was so scared." Legend's voice was soft, barely heard, whispered against skin.
Ravio sighed, and kissed Legend on the forehead.
"A little bit longer, then." Ravio sniffled, tightening his hold.
Link's wedding band glittered on their right hand, the only ring that Legend had brought themselves to wear for a while. They'd polished and fiddled with it a little obsessively. Sheerow twittered about, pulling at Legend's hair, nipping at his ear tips, his own little way of saying, "Hello, welcome home, missed you."- no matter how irritating. Sheerow was gently told something by Ravio, and after a moment, Ravio's right hand had the same ring resting on the designated finger.
"You're alright, honeybun. I'm here." Soft, whispered against Legend's cheekbone.
"I'm real."
Legend sobbed, squeezing tight.
Ravio was here, and he was very, very real.
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yeonboy · 7 months
𝐚 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 ♡ choi yeonjun. ⇝ teaser
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For the past two years, you have been an ordinary—if a bit more stressed than others—college student with a life so normal, it almost falls on the wrong side of boring. And then in the middle of one uneventful night, your college’s darling ace student, ace sportsman, the ace cutie that every girl has a crush on, Choi Yeonjun decides to slip into your dorm room – and your life turns upside down.
❧ choi yeonjun x f. reader | 16+ | college!au ♡ strangers to lovers!au ♡ humor ♡ fluff
❧ words! 1 k for the teaser [~8 k for the entire fic]
❧ warnings! profanity, suggestive language, exams related anxiety, incorrect econ major related discord + and more in the actual fic (:
❧ note! hey, everyone! tho i'm not a fan of teasers without a concrete posting date, i needed to put sth out there for the sake of my brain :// mental health's been on a rollercoaster and writer's block been heavy this spring! i hope y'all enjoy this lil cracked up (and a lil concerning) bite of fluff and anticipate the actual fic!
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❧ masterlist | inbox ⁘
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Sighing again, you blindly move your hand towards the light switch in the room – only for a hand to wrap around your wrist. 
Heart stopping and brain freezing in bone-chilling fear, you unhinge your jaw to let out a scream. But not even a whole second later, a palm is placed over your parted lips and a body pushes you to the wall next to the light switch with an urgent hush whispered in your ear.
“Please don’t scream, I’m not gonna harm you, I just need your help!”
The stranger sounds and feels like a male. 
What the hell is a strange man doing in your very all-girls dorm?
You wanna scream louder, something that this stranger senses because he suddenly presses his body tighter against you, this time dipping his face into the crook of your neck, lips against the shell of your ear when he shushes you.
Okay, now why did that cover your entire body with goosebumps? Of the good kind?
“I’m not a creep I swear, I was just escaping an embarrassing situation and this room was unlocked so I slipped in, please let me explain!”
You try to calm yourself down, taking a deep breath which immediately lets you know that this not a creep actually smells really heavenly. You kinda wanna sniff him again, but catch yourself at the last moment.
Leaning your head farther away to press it against the wall, you narrow your eyes at the short-haired silhouette of the guy that is lit up at the edges due to the light entering the room from the window directly behind him. The hand which held your wrist moves, then, and flicks the light switch.
You immediately squeeze your eyes shut due to the blast of photons across the room, and the stranger slowly steps away from you, very tenderly letting go of your mouth – which had honestly started to hurt a little – at the end. Massaging the side of your jaw, you slowly open one of your lids, and then the other.
Then you blink. And blink again. And nearly have an aneurysm because damn does the campus It-Boy look even hotter up close.
Choi Yeonjun stands before you in his pale orange hair glory, wearing a fitted off-sleeves, off-white sweater. And, shit, are those pearls around his neck? Yes. Yes, they are.
While you’re still hovering in the limbo between shock and awe, the guy launches into a rushed and stuttered explanation.
“Th–thanks for not screaming. I’m… Ugh, I don’t even know where to begin, but like – I – I was trying to surprise my girlfriend who lives in this very dorm, a floor above—you know, where all popular seniors live—and, um, just as I reacher her door I heard sounds of the…sexual nature…echoing inside, so – so I investigated and guess what? My girlfriend is fucking my best friend behind my back!”
Your jaw drops open. “I… what the hell, man?” you whisper, stunned and disgusted. “That’s so awful…”
“Right? And embarrassing.” He shakes his head. Then his eyebrows suddenly fly up. “Oh! I am Choi—”
“Yeonjun, the uni’s ace Senior. I know. Everyone does.”
A faint blush rises up his cheeks, lips pursing as he shrugs one bare shoulder. Okay, damn, his biceps have got some good definition. “Yeah… well. So you know how I was—or still am, I guess—in a relationship with—”
“Kim Yerim? Know that too, unfortunately, all my friends in all the srats are obsessed with y’all.” You give a small sigh. “Her cheating is such a pity.”
“God, I know right? This is gonna be so horrible,” he murmurs, almost to himself, and bites down on his lip.
You snap your fingers in front of his face. “Um, excuse me? Is that all? I’m sorry for you, man, truly, but um, can you leave now? You’re really wasting my very precious time.”
He really is. The only reason why you didn’t flip out yet was because—as embarrassing as it—you were distracted by the guy’s astonishingly good looks. But his beauty isn’t gonna help you pass tomorrow’s exam.
Suddenly regretting wasting the ten minutes that you had saved by ditching Chaeryeong at the convenience store, you clap your hands together and reach for your door. “Great talk! Or not? I guess? See you around, Choi Yeonjun!”
His eyes grow very wide at that and both hands come up to stop you from unlocking your door, before you have even made the move to fully turn around, and—
Now you’re caged between the door and both his arms. The same arms with all that muscular definition you just saw up close. 
“Please don’t kick me out. Let me stay here. Please.”
This time it is your eyes that bulge out. “The hell? Why?”
He retracts his hands to brace one of them on his waist and pinch the bridge of his nose with the forefinger and thumb of the other. “I can’t leave…”
You lean away from him. “Dude, if you’re looking for a shoulder to cry on? You’ve come to the absolutely worst person. And if you’re looking for a rebound hook-up… well, could you wait till I’m done with tomorrow’s exam?”
Yeonjun’s face goes from confused to intrigued to humorous. “None of those, actually, but – I’ll keep your offer in mind.”
His wink shoots sparks through you and you immediately purse your lips. “It wasn’t an—okay, then what do you want? My econ exam is tomorrow and I stand to lose all my credits if I flunk this, so please—”
“Wait, econ?” He spins on his heels to peek at your textbook and the slides you had pulled up on your laptop, leaving you gaping behind him. “Ooh, Consumer Behavior? This is a good one. D’you have flash cards? Don’t skip decision roles, Professor Jeon is obsessed with ’em.”
You look at the guy with wide eyes. “Uh—what?”
Looking at you over his shoulder, Yeonjun flashes you a grin. “You’re talking to a 99 scorer in Consumer Behavior.”
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© yeonboy 2024 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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lmk-oc-competition · 17 days
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click to see full image
Blossom belongs to @blossomnightshade
Xingyun belongs to @leyyearts (art credit: @morelegos4youu)
Learn more about them below the cut!
A long time ago, Siming, the goddess of balance, allowed one drop of moonlight to fall from the celestial sky, and the scarlet moonflower sprouted from this one drop of the red moon. The red and blue petals shimmer in the blood-red moonlight, both as a temptation and a warning to those who aspired to positions of authority that were well beyond their grasp.
Stories of the unusual flower's relationship to the celestial body above and its immense power for those who were willing to eat its petals began to circulate among the creatures. However, they were unaware of the high price they would have to pay for their desired road to invincibility, — as often as you’ll find in tales of this kind, this gift came with a cursed attached…A fate so hideous and jarring only to make sure that the peace and balance remained intact for the universe and their loved ones…
Given its incredible powers and rich history, the sacred blossom has been regarded as the most potent item in numerous realms. Many also knew that the Moon Drop might either lead to the universe's devastation and disaster or it may bring justice and prosperity to the rights of all people, thus whoever decided to become its new consumer would need to exercise caution. As a result, the moon drop was securely concealed and kept out of the hands of evil and darkness.
However, the flower was harvested in the following years, which led to the emergence of numerous demons and other bad entities that were hunting for the flower's next rebirth or, possibly, for the person who had eaten the moon drop's powers.
This story begins with none other than an innocent little child who went by the name, (Kāihuā) Blossom…
In her childhood, she and her father were being chased after many bad entities as the years passed on. Their runaway was much of a hassle and trouble, but it had never broke the love of the two Huli-Jings for each other.
Until one faithful night, Xiangliu had managed to to corner them to an edge of a cliff, just beneath the East Sea. Seeing no other choice, Blossom’s Father quickly threw his daughter into the Eastern sea to spare her as he fought Xiangliu to his last breathe.
Thankfully, Ao Lie and Ao Guang saved the drowning girl and bought her to the grand palace of the East Sea for shelter. I spent over a week with Ao lie in the Great Grand Palace. Of course, Blossom was grateful to have met so many wonderful and compassionate people in the palace after that save attempt. She had a lot of fun with my new friend, and she admired him for being such a kind brother figure.
However, even great things must come to an end. As arranged by Ao lie's uncle, Ao Guang, she was transported to the celestial bars of the Celestial Realm above. As the incarnation of the Moon drop, she gotten a lot of attention for their concerns up there.
Due to the worry and fear that she may become a threat as the Moondrop’s incarnation if she were to fully reach her full potential in the future in result of her traumatic and horrible past. The celestial court and the Jade Emperor came to an agreement - Blossom's prior memories include her upbringing, encounters with innumerable evil beings, bitter runaways, and, finally, her family. Blossom's memories were wiped clean, allowing her to create new ones in the Celestial Realm. She is completely unaware of her past issues and tragedy, as well as her loved ones.
Afterwards, Miss Chang'e and Princess Iron Fan, the Celestial Realm's other residents, and the heavenly minister raised the young Huli-Jing as their protector and guide. She does go to Ao Lie, her best buddy, frequently as well. She also has a very close bond to Redson, making them like siblings together. While she’s also been Nezha’s closes friend, since they were young, to the point that she’s also grew feelings for him.
Blossom used to frequently inquire about her past and her acknowledgement of her biological parents, but she quickly stopped talking about it after receiving the same justifications—that she was just like every other Huli-Jing in the realm and that her parents had just passed away before she had met them.
Blossom learned and grew up to be a calm and selfless skilled individual ,thanks to PIF’s determine and precise training. She's also shown to be a pure-hearted and honest individual with the guidance of her motherly loving guardian Chang’e. She may turned out clumsy and oblivious most of the time but she’s always there to lend a hand to everyone. She has undoubtedly mastered a small number of extremely strong skills such as: healing powers, crystal manipulation, shapeshifting between a few forms etc. Though, she is still oblivious to the bigger potential of her incredibly power…for now.
When she met the Monkie Gang, she turns out to be the most comforting sister/daughter-like figure to team. She prefers talking things over with her enemies and as tries to find a way to befriend and understand them better. So don’t let her soft-spoken and small figure fool you because if she witnesses any her loved ones being threatened, she won’t hesitate to reach to the breaking point where she appears to become intimidating and possibly become a living nightmare to you.
She's a popstar skater
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kisakis-boyfriend · 11 months
Trans Taiju Headcannons (but filthier this time 💙)
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Pairings: Taiju x reader
Warnings: GN!reader, top!reader, bottom!Taiju, dom & sub reader parts, sub and dom Taiju, trans Taiju, rough sex, daddy kink, choking, use of the term 'tdick'
Genre/Format: Smut; Headcannons & scenarios
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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This guy is a kinky and kinda rough motherfucker
He is a switch & vers through and through, but either way he likes it rough
It's either pound or be pounded 99% of the time. The other 1% is when Taiju craves a gentle touch or craves treating you gently (though he'd never admit that out loud...)
If you have a dick it's no longer yours. That dick belongs to him now, to use however he damn well pleases
“F-fuck! Taiju please...gah! Baby, slow down...” You plead through labored breaths, sweaty and flushed while your body is used like a toy for his pleasure
Taiju grunts loudly as his hips slam down onto yours, riding your dick with a hunger that no other man has ever known before. His dripping pussy squelches with every harsh slam down, swallowing your cock entirely. You swear he's trying to get himself knocked up whenever he gets into these moods; cuffing your hands to the bed post and yanking your pants off before stripping off his own clothing. Crawling on top of you, licking your dick and sucking on it until you're seconds away from shooting down his throat, then releasing you just to hover his soaking cunt over your thick member before sinking down onto it
Taiju's eyes cross as he slowly begins to move, grinding onto your cock as it stretches his walls euphorically. A dangerously seductive look hides behind those pretty eyes as he keeps you pinned to the bed below and uses your cock as his personal dildo. Drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you until you can barely even breathe. His own juices drip down your hips and soak into the sheets because he just can't stop cumming! The feeling of your loads shooting straight into his womb is too good!
Afterwards, you're usually wrecked; overstimulated beyond belief from your partner riding you for hours
He's surprisingly good with aftercare though, so you at least know that you'll be taken care of!
He'd never admit this either, but Taiju is kind of a cuddlebug. Even though he just bruised your pelvis and probably left some bite marks or more bruises on the rest of your body, he still needs to hold you afterwards. Still needs you snuggled up against his chest or in his lap 🥺
If you have a pussy, Taiju is going to trib with you constantly. No you do not get a choice 💙
Your pussy is also his toy, meant for rubbing against his pussy until there's a flood of juices underneath your bodies
“Taiju–!! Oh god that...th-that feels so good...aaahh!!” Your screams fuel his own pleasure as another orgasm caused your entire body to tremble below him. Taiju has a firm grip on your leg as it's thrown over his shoulder, his other hand wrapped around your throat while the bed creaks from how hard he's rocking against you
Your pussies are both puffy and sore from hours of grinding together, cumming over and over, squirting on each other, occasionally having your clits spanked by Taiju. Every kind of stimulation possible. Taiju just needed to have you pressed against him, tribbing the night away until one or both of you collapse from exhaustion
The way your tdicks press together feels heavenly. The overly sensitive nubs are coated in slick and sore from countless climaxes, yet neither of you want to stop when you're connected in this way. Desperate to frot your cocks together while you pant into each other's mouths in between sloppy kisses. Far too wrapped up in pleasure to care about anything else
Taiju loves to have his hands all over you. He has to grab you somewhere, somehow
Gripping your waist, tangled in your hair, choking you, squeezing your thighs, holding your hands (don't bring that up though. Taiju probably wouldn't admit to doing something ~sappy~)
Taiju has a major daddy kink...like, it's really major
If you have a dick:
Taiju's large hand squeezes your neck while his pussy squeezes your cock, both of you on the brink of an orgasm. His husky voice brings another wave of heat to your cheeks and ears as he purrs, “Call me that name I like so much, darlin'. Nice and loud, yeah?”
“D-daddy...mmph daddy!” The words tumble out as Taiju's hips snap down sharply, his walls clench around your dick at the sound of your voice addressing him with the title that he so adores
“Mmm daddy...it feels too good...wanna fill you up again, daddy...” You repeat. That seemed to do the trick as Taiju growls, bouncing on your cock until you fill his aching cunt again, screaming one last ‘daddy’ for good measure
If you have a pussy:
Impulsively wrapping his large hand around your neck, Taiju slowly tightens his grip as he nears his next climax. His cunt clenches around nothing from a particular thrust where your clits brush against one another. He needs to cum right fucking now, and the best way to relieve that ache is to get a little motivation
“Mm sweetheart, needja to call me daddy so I can cum all over your little pussy. ” He drawls in that husky voice that you love so much. You eagerly nod, choking out the title while you roll your hips against his
“Fuck...daddy, right there...fuck me right there...” The word sends an electric shock to his system, but it's not enough. He asks you to repeat it louder, say it again.
“D-daddy...yes daddy...want you- want you to fuck me, daddy!!” Your sexy voice pushes Taiju to the edge as he slides his hand in between your cunts, alternating between rubbing his clit and yours. With a loud moan, Taiju finally cums again, hips stuttering as his oversensitive folds slide over yours as you manage to cum nearly at the same time
As for submissive trans Taiju....
I know for a fact that this man loves to be collared and leashed. Craves the feeling of submitting to you so deeply that he'd act like a pet for you
Have him suck you off/eat you out while you tug on the leash every now and then. Pulling him against your pelvis as your cock fills his throat. Pulling him further into your cunt until he can't breathe
Taiju's so eager to please you, it's really cute
He does enjoy the humiliation though. Of course it's embarrassing to be on his knees in nothing except way too small panties, or maybe even nude, while you pet him and call him a “Good kitty~”
But he enjoys being knocked down a peg in the safety of your presence. Being conditioned into your perfect whore with every honey-coated praise and loving brush of your fingers against his skin
If you have a dick:
Taiju's grip on the pillow under his head is violent as that sweet spot inside of him is repeatedly stimulated, bringing him more pleasure than before. Your cock hits deep inside with every thrust while your hands rest gently on Taiju's waist
“Oh honey, that must feel good. You're gushing around me sooo much~ ” You tease, gingerly touching lower and lower until your fingers find Taiju's tdick and stroke it. Obscene moans fill your ears as you play with your partner's body, knowing all of the things that make him tick and using that against him. Fucking his wet cunt so much that his brain basically turns off and he mindlessly agrees to every word that you say
“Are you gonna cum again, lovely?” A frantic nod from Taiju followed by your hips pistoning into him sends him reeling. Arching his muscular back like a slut as he wails in pleasure, chanting “Thankyouthankyouthankyou—!! ” as another flood of his nectar spills onto the bed
If you have a pussy:
“Uh-huh~ Mmm just like that~ ” Taiju moans, fucked stupid by your clits rubbing together. His legs are wrapped around your waist while you lean over his large body and thrust against him, grinding your cunts together vigorously
“Yeah? That feels good, slut?” You spat, carding your fingers through his gorgeous blue hair and lightly scratching his scalp in the process. “You love it when I fuck that lil pussy of yours, don't you?”
Exhausted and shaking, Taiju nods his head, biting his bottom lip hard as another orgasm bubbles to the surface. You notice this and swiftly stuff his cunt with your fingers, immediately pushing on his sweet spot as more of his juices drip down your knuckles. The lewd, wet sounds of his fuckhole turn both of you on even more. So you finger him a little rougher, a little faster, curling your fingers and scissoring them while Taiju bites back a gravelly groan
One quick slap to his impossibly sensitive clit is all it takes to rip that climax right out of him, forcing your baby to cum on your fingers while you call him the most beautiful thing you've ever seen
As mentioned before, aftercare is surprisingly delightful with Taiju
Whether you're bigger or smaller than Taiju, he's going to demand that you curl up in his lap or at least on his chest or something
If he was the dom then he wants to baby you for the rest of the day/night
Now if Taiju was the sub, that's your chance to baby him and coo all sorts of sweet praise while he's vulnerable
He might whine as your hands glide over his skin, whispering loving words against his neck or shoulders, but he does enjoy and appreciate it
Taiju can be really sweet when he lets go of that tough guy act and opens up with someone that he trusts dearly
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 215 Thoughts
Yuji remains one of the most interesting shonen protagonists in the manga. Precisely because being the protagonist affords him no special breaks. The world of Jujutsu Kaisen is challenging for everyone to live in, especially Yuji. Now, Yuji after losing Sukuna has basically lost his protagonist status. He’s lost his entire purpose for becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer in the first place because he can no longer become the sacrifice to permanently exorcise Sukuna. Yuji is no longer “special” and never really was in the narrative. Whenever Yuji acts like a shonen protagonist in the shonen manga Jujutsu Kaisen it never works out for him. 
More thoughts underneath the cut.
1. Hero to Zero
What struck me with the whole Sukuna and Yuji fight scene is how tropey it was. Stop me if you’ve heard this before. In a shonen manga the villain suddenly appears easily knocks out the rest of the hero’s friends. All hope is lost and the protagonist looks dead, until they get back on their feet again and start fighting back through sheer force of will alone. 
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Yuji was having his protagonist moment when facing down Sukuna. He even gets to make a speech. Yuji and Sukuna faced off with their opposite philosophies, Sukuna beliving the weak should be crushed and put out of their misery, and Yuji continuing to fight Sukuna even if he’s too weak to make a difference. Yuji was determined enough to resist being sliced apart by Sukuna’s cleave technique. Not only is Yuji strong enough to fight back, but he also has Megumi fighting back from within in a show of the power of their bond. 
Not only that but Yuji is shown to have unlocked a new level of strength for as-of-yet-unexplained reasons. Sukuna’s line of dialogue that it’s Kenjaku’s meddling, he either unlocked a heavenly restriction on his body, or Kenjaku was planning something else for Yuji when Sukuna left his body. Either way, Yuji survives being punched through a building and falling several stories.
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Yuji fighting Sukuna at this moment is stronger than he ever was before. He gets the last minute power that shonen protagonists all seem to get at the most convenient moment possible. Maki also shows up at the right time where it looks like Yuji might have a fighting chance, especially with Megumi fighting back from within. Maki just like Yuji is at her peak physical strength. Her fight with Naoya allowed her to climb a  greater height than before. She was strong enough to massacre the entire Zen’in Clan, and now she’s even stronger. 
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Maki is strong enough at this point that even Sukuna is acknowledging her strength. Maki and Yuji have near-perfect teamwork and neither of them is holding back, they’re both fighting with the intention to kill Sukuna if that’s what it takes to stop him. 
They fight with everything they have, both of them having a recent power-up, and they still lose. They lose because of outside interference because Kenjaku and Ura-Ume both have plans that Maki and Yuji are unaware of. There are outside factors that are bigger than either of them no matter how individually strong they may be. 
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Yuji has all this strength, he just keeps getting stronger and yet at moments like this there’s nothing he can do but shout at Sukuna. Sukuna just finds all of his efforts laughable. This scene is clearly a parallel to this. 
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Yuji even repeats the line and has the same moment of realization. Think of how much stronger Yuji has gotten between the young finish and reverse punishment arc. How much he’s grown. He was strong enough to face Mahito. He accepted Mahito’s statment that they are the same, and resolved to continue killing curses as a cog in the system. Yet, after all this time Yuji ends up in the exact same situation. He is as powerless to save Megumi as he was to save Junpei. 
This happens because Yuji is not the protagonist of a shonen manga. Jujutsu Kaisen is a deconstruction of the kind of story Yuji thinks he is in. 
2. The Protagonist of Reality
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Yuji’s assumption that everything will work out fine once he releases Gojo from the box, and finishes playing his “role” just reeks of storybook logic. Yuji employs narrative thinking a lot. Basically he assumes that the world works like a fictional story. Instead of everything being random and meaningless, events are connected to each other, those events have meaning, and things progress naturally towards an ending. Which is why Yuji says that Megumi and Gojo gave him a “role” to play, like he is a character in a cast of actors performing on stage and reading off a script. 
This is not to say that Yuji thinks fiction and reality are the same thing. He just employs narrative thinking as a coping mechanism. He thinks of his life like a story and gives himself a part to play in that story to give his life meaning. If you think about it, Yuji’s trying to cope with an extremely tragic situation even before Sukuna is unleashed. He is a fifteen year old who will never grow up. His only living family member died at the start of the story, and the few friends he does make through his new school are always risking their lives. He is afraid of losing them. Then he does lose them. 
Yuji goes through a lot of suffering, and at the end of that tunnel he doesn’t see a happy future, no he’s going to die for the sake helping others. Yuji is trying to reconcile his death by giving himself narrative purpose. He wants to die a meaningful death because he can’t accept the unfair reality he has to die young. 
Whether or not Yuji actually sees himself as the main character in the story he’s telling is up for debate. This is not much of an answer but he does and he does not. Yuji clearly does not see himself as important as Megumi and Gojo. They’re the ones who gave him a role to play. That makes sense because they were already Jujutsu Sorcerers at the beginning of the story, Yuji is just the stranger who wandered into their world by accident, he wasn’t even born with a cursed technique and he can only fight thanks to borrowed power from Sukuna. He also only sees himself as a cog in the machine and constantly belittles his own importance. 
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At the same time, Yuji can have quite an ego sometimes in a sneaky way. Gojo tells Megumi that someone like Yuji is always swinging for the fences and even likens Yuji to himself. Also, Yuji’s martyr complex still puts himself as the center  of the story. It’s his sacrifice that’s going to save everyone. His sacrifice is important, and matters, and he has a function as long as he plays his part. 
Yuji may regard himself as the main character, or maybe the selfless savior of the story, but the people around him do not. Especially Kenjaku who created Yuji and played author for a good portion of his life.
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Kenjaku mentions that Yuji has no longer specific role to play. He’s just the firestarter, it was his actions that started the story by eating the finger and becoming the vessel to Sukuna. What he says here, and the fact Sukuna was already registered as a player in the Culling Games before Yuji entered the boundary (and Ura-Ume was preparing the bath in advance) all imply that Kenjaku always knew that Sukuna was going to leave Yuji’s body. Yuji’s purpose wasn’t just to be Sukuna’s host like Yuji assumed it was. 
Sukuna also reveals that what we as the audience and Yuji himself assumed that Yuji being a one in a thousand special vessel that can contain Sukuna without losing control or dying is not actually the case. Sukuna could have jumped into Megumi’s body from the beginning and was merely biding his time. 
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All of these things that made Yuji special, the attributes that made him the main character have essentially been stripped away. He was made into a vessel by Kenjaku, but Kenjaku has no specific plans for him anymore. He was set to serve as Sukuna’s vessel, collect all the fingers and then be exorcised but now that Sukuna has jumped bodies he no longer has that purpose. He no longer is able to just simply die to save the world because it’s Megumi who is possessed by Sukuna now. They might not even be able to free Gojo considering Angel’s fate is now up in the air. 
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This is what makes Jujutsu Kaisen unique as a manga, whenever the characters assume that things are going to work out the way they would in a story they get punished. This isn’t just Yuji who’s affected by this. Megumi loses his body to Sukuna because he assumes he can save Tsumiki and makes the mistake that she’s a princess waiting for him to rescue her. Therefore he doesn’t notice that Tsumiki isn’t even acting like herself. Hana is grievously hurt by Sukuna for assuming the exorcism worked and she managed to rescue Megumi with the power of love. That leads her into walking into an obvious trap and not listening to Angel’s warning. 
These characters all walk into obvious traps and pitfalls because they’re not looking at the reality in front of them, they’re blinding themselves because they want the world to be more like a story. 
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philistiniphagottini · 9 months
Hi Cookie, glad you stopped by. Aww thank you so much for the kind words, I'm blushing :) And thanks for the request. I hope you like it.
28. Period Sex
(cw for period sex, mentions of blood, fem!reader, aged up characters)
NSFW below the cut
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You couldn’t suppress the spine-tingling shiver that wracked your body when you felt the crown of Haku’s erection kiss your poor, neglected clit. You sucked down a sharp breath as the bundle of nerves throbbed harshly, prompting a trickle of blood to leak from your swollen pussy. You whimpered softly, squirming underneath your partner as your body retreated further into your makeshift nest, soft pillows and fluffy blankets tickling your bare skin with every move you made. You choked on a moan of pleasure as Haku’s hips tilted forward, the head of his cock pressing intimately against your soaked entrance. A small hiss whistled through your teeth as your hands flew to his waist, sharp nails scratching his skin as you tried to anchor yourself. 
"Haku" you whined. "Sensitive."
A patient smile tilted Haku’s lips as he gazed down at you, warmth swimming in the depths of his eyes. He smoothed his hands over your plush thighs, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into your searing skin, easing the tension out of your muscles. 
"I know, I know" Haku replied. "I promise to be gentle."
"Are you sure? It’s really…messy down there."
Haku pressed a fleeting kiss to your cheek, fondling nuzzling the tip of his nose into the soft skin before he leaned back. "It’s okay. A little blood will not put me off. Just let me spoil you."
A contented noise bubbled up your throat as Haku continued to rub soothing patterns into your body, coaxing you into relaxing further and easing your troubles away. Your stomach still ached from menstrual cramps, a dull throb settling in the pit of your gut as you constantly shifted, trying to find a position to lay in that didn't aggravate the pain. A moan stirred in your chest as Haku nudged his hips forward, sinking more of his heated arousal into you as your silky lips parted for him with little resistance. You continued to watch him ease into you with dazed eyes, unable to tear your gaze from where your bodies were joined in fervorous rapture. A shaky sigh fell from Haku’s lips, long lashes brushing against his hot cheeks as his eyes threatened to slip close from the onslaught of bliss. You always felt so heavenly around him and right now, your pussy was so warm and tight it made his nerves fray at the edges. He paused when he was fully sheathed inside of you, his hips flush to yours. You struggled to breathe, pulse racing frantically beneath your skin as your blood simmered in your veins. You dragged your nails across his porcelain skin, leaving behind faint red lines as a tight knot coiled in your stomach. 
"Does it feel good?" Haku asked. 
You nodded; hair ruffled against the soft pillow supporting your head as you swallowed the budding saliva on your tongue. "So good."
Haku hummed softly as he started to move, slowly dragging his cock through your slick folds. The leisurely pace of his hips made you moan beneath him, your voice gracing his ears like a chime from a shimmering bell. Another warm smile pulled at his rosy lips; the bruised skin parted around soft sounds of your name.
"You take me so well" Haku praised. "Such a good girl."
You fought to peel your tongue off the roof of your mouth long enough to form a coherent response. But all that escaped your parted lips was a breathy whisper of his name as your body trembled beneath him. Your body continued to burn with bliss, the discomfort in your stomach rapidly dissipating as Haku slowly dragged his cock through your plush walls, letting you feel the veins on his steadily throbbing dick with each punctuated roll of his hips. Your ears burned red hot at the wet sound coming from between your joined bodies, your thighs dripping with beads of arousal that stained your clammy skin as your insides were turned to mush. 
You whined and twisted beneath Haku as his warm hands skimmed your sides, fingertips dancing over your torso as they walked up your soft belly. His greedy hands pawed at your heaving chest, cupping your soft, bouncing tits and giving them a firm squeeze. A loud squeak was wrenched from your lips as his deft fingers plucked your nipples, the slender digits rolling the sensitive buds into stiff peaks with practiced ease. Your walls fluttered around him as his fingers rubbed at the sensitive nerves, sending sparks of electricity to race along your back until your spine curved into a beautiful arch. 
"Ahh, Haku" you moaned, each syllable dripping from your mouth like warm honey. 
Your toes curled into the soles of your feet as Haku hummed gently, the vibrations dancing along your skin and making every hair on the nape of your neck stand up with a silent shiver. Long strands of brunette hair tickled your skin as he leaned forward, forehead pressed to yours as his lips grazed the tip of your nose. 
"You look beautiful" Haku whispered. 
His words only made the heat inside of you burn hotter, smouldering embers turning into brighter flames as your body was edged ever closer to your inevitable high. With each slow and precise rock of Haku’s hips the tension coiled tighter, threatening to shatter at a moment’s notice and drown you in an endless abyss. You weaved your fingers through his hair, silky strands curling around your fingertips as you pulled him closer, lips desperate to find his. A soft moan stirred in Haku’s chest as you caught his lips in a searing kiss, your breath puffing against his heated skin. You whined against his mouth, tongue pushing against the seam of his lips as you grind your hips against his, desperate for any extra spark of friction that could help you stumble over the edge. 
"Are you close?" Haku asked, hot breath tickling your lips. "Is my pretty girl going to cum?"
You nodded along to his words, grip in his hair tightening as your nails pressed into his scalp. A small smile tilted his lips as he kissed you, a hand slipping between your bodies to toy with your aching clit. He adored the sound that crawled out of your throat as his thumb pressed against the tightly packed bundle of nerves. You threw your head back as a loud moan stung your throat, echoing around your stuffy bedroom as you pressed your face into the comforting embrace of your pillow. Haku dragged his lips across your jaw, butterfly kisses tickling your throat as his tongue darted out to taste the sweat dotting your skin. You could feel his cock throbbing inside your creamy walls, the head of his erection grinding against your sweet spot and making stars waver in your vision. He rubbed your clit in tight, firm circles, the swollen flesh shrieking from his attention as the pressure inside of you finally reached boiling point. 
You could barely utter a warning, mind dazed and head feeling light as your world exploded around you. The coil in your stomach unfurled, bathing your body in white hot rapture. Haku wedged his bottom lip between his teeth, stifling the sultry moan that tickled the back of his throat as your ichor coated his entire length, your pussy gripping him like you were afraid to let go. His hips stuttered, fingers squeezing your pliant body as he moaned your name, warmth spreading across your abdomen as he spilled his seed deep inside you. Your body sank into the comforting confines of your bed, heart racing frantically in your ears as you tried to regain control of your breathing.
You shivered when Haku removed himself from you with a loud pop, pearls of his sticky cream dribbling through your folds as you pressed your legs together to try and stem the flow of fluids leaking from your core. You leaned into Haku’s comforting touch, your senses sluggishly crawling back to you as he pressed his lips to your temple.
"You did so well for me" he whispered, pressing another fleeting kiss to your skin.
You purred with content, soaking up all of his attention as he pampered you with more sweet affection and words of affirmation. The mess you made was a problem for future you to deal with.  
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