#( she's ready to fight him at all times of the hour . she's also immature enough to just . poke her tongue out at him )
bunnyshot-a · 2 years
»»———-                     BUNNYSHOT  ANSWERS                          ———-««
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ INBOX PROMPT ࿐ྂ  ╰─▸ ❝ @ragnfinder​​​  ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡  Accepting ‼ ༻ this smile is angelic. there's the tp tp, tp of a swagger coming her way & the crinkle of his eye does veil it from view entirely. there's fewer inches between them than propriety demands - she eye-level with the luciousness of his- furs, of course. arms cross / a casual thing beneath his lazy blink down. leant against the wall he shimmies juuuuust that lil bit further into her space- "---i'm going to tell jean you wasted half an hour chatting to old mister dijkstra." though, by all rights, jean herself ought be reminded of her actual job.
                               »»———      𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .    ———-««
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    ❝   H-Hey ‼   ❞    Oh  she  should  have  known  he’d  be  up  to  something  the  second  he  dared  to  evade  her  personal  space.   Surprise  from  his  accusation  fades  immediately ,  instead  jumping  on  her  tip  toes  with  hands  on  her  hips  as  she  throws  him  a  pouted  glare  in  return.    ❝   You’re  one  to  talk  anyway  ,  just  what  exactly  are  you  doing  here ⁇   ❞    It’s instinctual  how  she  balances  on  the  balls  of  her  feet  ,  up  and  down  ,  with  a  burning  energy  that  never  seemed  to  die  out.    
    A  hand  pushes  out  to  shove  at  his  chest  ,  giving  her  some  much  needed  room.   The  bow  atop  her  head  twitches  and  stands  firm  as  she  puffs  her  chest  out  ,  eyes  shutting  close  with  a  loud  huff.    ❝   I’m  not  lazing  around  like  some  people.   Besides  it’s  in  the  scope  of  my  job  ,  so  what  If  I  get  a  little  carried  away━━━━   ❞    Abort  ,  abort ‼   That  wouldn’t  look  good  ,  not  if  he  really  went  ahead  and  told  Jean  ;  though  she  doubts  he’d  actually  go  through  with  it  ,  he  was  just  being  annoying.
    ❝   Anyway.   I  have  every  right  to  tell  Jean  that  you’re  wasting  time  talking  to  me  when  I  know  you  should  be  working  too.   ❞    Arms  fold  across  her  torso  ,  greeting  him  once  more  as  eyes  flutter  open  ,  glare  sharp  and  her  authoritative  demeanour  strong.    ❝   So  there ‼   ❞    Nope  ,  it  left  her  the  moment  those  childish  words  passed  her  lips  and  she  sticks  her  tongue  out  at  him.
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stramberryparadice · 3 years
Here is the English translation of the post I wrote here in French.
I apologize in advance for my mistakes, I'm not good in English but I hope that will be understood.
Shingeki no kyojin is finished. A leading manga of the 21st century has just ended in tears, blood, mourning, disappointment, frustration… and love. So many emotions come to me when I read this final chapter, I needed to express them as clumsily as it is. I’m sure it’s going to get lost in the Internet, but whatever— it is necessary to remove both the joy and the frustration that I feel to pay tribute to Isayama who offered us a work as powerful as it is cursed.
As intense as it is uneven, as perfect as it is imperfect.. like his tragic hero Eren Jäger, who shows us that men are so weak and pitiful in the face of time and the cruelty of the world. How much even if this hero possesses in his hands the power of a God. My analysis will surely be clumsy, I apologize. And I will not fail to point out at the end the bitterness felt on the final development of some characters including that of Misaka Ackerman.
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Eren like “CryBaby”
What a slap for the reader to witness such an emotional picture. Yes. Isayama reminds us to what extent Eren isn't a brave knight, not a charismatic hero, not the genocidal demon of this story but a child.. whose weight of Destiny is too heavy to bear. Scan 139 reminds us to what extent we have lost ourselves, just as Eren has in the way, forgetting the very essence of the story that has been told to us from the beginning. It’s not a story of geopolitical warfare, a biological parasite, titanic monsters, a northern deity, or a philosophical-esoteric trip. It's the story of a boy who wants to emancipate himself, to live for himself, tasted of the thirst for adventure, the tranquility of his loved ones but born in a cruel and alienating world that leaves room only for death, abuse of power, betrayal and despair .
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A journey where the child becomes an adult at the cost of his or her life. Learning the most painful lesson… To be an adult is to renounce one’s dreams, to bend one’s knee in the face of the servitude of one’s mortal condition, to be content with one’s cage in order to enjoy the little that one can have at one’s disposal, to mourn those who may disappear from one’s life.
A young boy who dreamed only of freedom, surrounded by people who love him. A child whose inspirations, as impulsive, unreasonable and immature as they may be, will push him to his limits. A child who grew up too fast, who could not mourn his mother, aware of her physical and spiritual weakness, who was confronted with the violence of this world which reminded him of his condition of being insignificant, a pawn on the chessboard of the "Way".
A child whose powers worthy of a God then gives him the possibility to realize the unthinkable, almost the absolute fantasy of every Man : to shape a world in his image, to be as free as a bird flying above the clouds without reddish stain to touch the sky. Move forward, Move forward whatever the price… move forward for an illusion of freedom, for an infantile obsession.
And by assuming the role of the wicked “demon” of tales so that the brave knights can free this world from the evil that eats it.
Lost between the present, the past, the future.. time no longer makes sense. Only finality counts, annihilating its titans whatever the price. They have to pay for his mother. They have to pay for his fallen comrades. They must pay for reminding us of our pitiful helplessness as human beings.
But the Demon also has a heart, remorse, feelings, there are people who attach him to this world. Therefore, what to choose?
Divine Freedom or Mortal Love? The impossible equation... Although Eren may have travelled the road in search of the answer, how can freedom and humanity be reconciled? Free your people and protect your loved ones, though imperfect?
He will not find the answer— neither by searching the past of the goddess Ymir, not by consulting the other Titans carriers, not by creating the different alternative realities that led to the same observation… only death can free the bird from its cage, only the death of Humanity is able to reconcile the sublime and the hideous. Or rather, a common enemy that will crystallize all their ills. But who would be crazy, brave enough to accept being the victime ?
Like a Christic figure, Eren will assume this role. But not without having to confide his last wishes, his last secrets that can no longer contain… because yes, the demon is limited by his adult condition of 19 years. Yes.. the child has grown up. Recklessness, impulsiveness, daring in the face of death, the omnipotence of the child leaves room for a teenager who is now afraid of dying, who has succumbed to love, who doubts, who is aware of his weakness.
Eren has finally become a man...in pain. He finally accepts his feelings, his weakness in the face of death that awaits him.
He’s not a running child anymore. The plates are only explicit about this. The power of narration.. we come back to the fundamental of this history, which is human psychology. The feelings, the relationships that unite all people between them. Friends or enemies, men or women, child or adult, Eldien or Mahr... Despite our differences, our disagreements, we are all equal and weak in the face of death... but also in the face of the love we can bring to others.
Yes, Eren is a weak hero. Yes, he admits to loving Mikasa. He admits that until the very end, he didn't know how it was going to go. That he was himself a pawn in the divine game of Ymir. Another puppet at the service of a little girl who is also blinded by her duality, by her toxic love for her executioner. One cannot remain insensitive to this remarkable development of the character of Eren whose death was inevitable. For whoever plays with divinities can only lose his humanity, his freedom too. By the ultimate sacrifice of his selfish and human desires finally. Eren alone became the true savior of this world. He will also have kept his promise to his friends, to the beings he loves by offering them last memories through the “Way”.
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Selfless Love or True Freedom
As Mikasa said: The world is cruel, but also … Very beautiful.
Whoever sets a glance without hatred on the world, with compassion, with love for his neighbor will be able to claim to touch with the finger this Freedom so sought.. a selfless love, not turned to satisfy one’s own selfish desires.
Because Love, like hate, takes different forms.
Love connecting us to our roots, our family of blood…
Love binding two beings who love each other, desire each other, cherish each other, seek each other….
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Love that binds us to his comrades, his battalion, his family of choice, his heart…
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Love that life brings to us in all its forms…
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Love… this power that is unpredictable and uncontrollable.
And that can become the obsession of a lifetime. It is by becoming an obsession that love becomes as destructive as hatred, and sends us back to our condition as an alienated Man… locked up in his “Path”, in his cage.
It's by demonstrating resilience and self-sacrifice that man can taste freedom. We can find redemption in the love that others have for him, that we also have for him. For a few hours, a few years…
At the cost of a renewal of the cycle of hatred, because man remains selfish, not all are ready to make sacrifices. Therefore, Mikasa and Eren have made the greatest of sacrifices for the survival of their comrades and the world: they give up their chance to be happy together, sacrifice their desire to be together for the rest of humanity. As in tragedies, the main heroes are victims of Destiny, are those who will pay the price so that others can flourish and live. The children have become adults.
Just as Armin is no longer the whiny little boy to protect. Unlike Eren, he managed to learn from his mistakes, grieve, face his own fears, confess his love to the girl he loves. It is finally he who will raise the wounded little boy, who will comfort him.
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The frustration
Mikasa is the main character of the story. It's through her that awakening is made, it is through her hand that she closes this long journey. In Eren’s memories, it is always central. It is the key, the final solution.
It's his psychological, his emotional journey that we will follow throughout the manga. Eren is only a complement, the character who crystallizes his goals. In a world where men are “dominant”, the woman must bend her knee, support her prince so that the light shines on him. Isayama knew how to play perfectly on this classic code of narration. Whether one agrees or not with the conclusion of certain female characters, the work often highlights the fact that men are only victims of their passions and obsessions.
Only women seem to emerge victorious in the face of the cruelty of the world : they take up arms (Historia), continue to fight in the face of despair (Mikasa), enjoy life and bring joy around her (Sasha), support other women in their emancipations ( Ymir with Historia) question their education (Gaby) disobey (Annie), go against the “moral” principles to survive (Ymir Frizt who continues to love his executioner), sacrifice for the common good (Hanzi Zoe)… But of course… without also paying the price of sacrifice and making concessions.
Historia bears a child of a man whom she does not seem to like but assumes the role of the mother whom she would have liked to have while assuming the heavy attribute of the office of Queen in a country plagued by nationalist tendencies guided by fear. With Eren’s help, she did not give in to the temptation of self-sacrifice but decided herself who she would save or not, what path she wanted to follow. Her desire was to be a mother, a good mother. Whatever the father, it was an indestructible motherly love that she wanted to offer to a child. The one she never had.
Mikasa agreed to kill Eren because, if she had given him another answer, their life as fugitives would have been but a fleeting dream and Eren’s death was inevitable.
Despite her powerful love for Eren (as addicted as he may be, explained by the power of the Ackermans?), she will break the chains of her servitude by killing her only Love. She is the light. She accomplished the journey of a true heroine by demonstrating resilience, by giving of herself for the world.
She had only eyes for Eren.. was open to others, to show empathy, a desire to continue living for other comrades who are dear to him.
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Mikasa also leads the way in Ymir Fritz… you can love a monster, you can be a prisoner of a toxic relationship but you can free yourself from it. One can become free, but the price to pay will be to carry this infinite sadness, this frustration of having been able to live another story if things would have been different. By her kiss, she showed what true Love is.
Although the frustration is present, although we would have liked her to turn the page and rebuild her life, she must also pay the price of her “freedom”, of her “survival”: haunted by the sacrifice of Eren, guardian of her memories, from her grave as if to preserve her existence as long as she can live.
Once again, women show that they are stronger than we think. So Ymir was also able to free himself of his toxic link with the King by making the Titans disappear.
In the image of the bittersweet end of the chapter, which shows us that the disappearance of a monster, of a divine force “responsible” for the horrors, is not the long-awaited salvation.
The vices, the human fears will remain the poison, preventing us from reaching this illusory freedom. Men do not need deities to dig their own way to death.
From "occidental" point of view, it is true that this is a blow to the “strong” women of the work still alive. Reduced to being collateral victims of Love, as toxic as this link may be (Ymir-Mikasa). Reduced to attaching themselves to winning or losing romantic figures depending on whether their love-interests is the villain of the story (Mikasa-Annie). Reduced to their role as mother-benefactor (Historia-Gaby).
It’s awkward, but I think Isayama wanted to show that no one is spared. That no character can claim complete tranquility and sweet freedom.
Everyone has had to sacrifice something to survive, and women and men are equal in this judgment. Women also remain victims in a world that remains dominated also by the cruelty of Men (the human race in general). They are not completely free, they are also trapped in roles.
Everyone carries the weight of his choice. That characters have a duty to remember, to pass on to future generations the horrors they have lived to try not to reproduce the same mistakes. Even if their new life choices are imperfect, disappointing for those on the outside.
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Levi sacrificed many of his comrades to fulfill his promise to Erwin in his quest for truth and to continue the fight for Eldian freedom.
Armin and Mikasa sacrificed Eren: their friend, their love, the dearest being to fulfill their promise to discover the outside world and touch that freedom.
Like Levi Ackerman and his love for his battalion comrades. As for Mikasa and his love for Eren (because she saw the human behind the monster). She has been waiting for a sign for 3 years to see him again in order to follow up on “see you later Eren”.
Finally, a bird comes to give him his wrap. To encourage him to go forward again. To continue to live…
The most free people are those who honestly and sincerely love someone. Those who are able to see the beauty of the world despite its ugliness. Who give without waiting for return. Those who continue to look at the world without hatred, those who do not succumb to its cruelty. Tears are running down…
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 7 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: Sunday lunch with the nightcrew bois, what secrets will come out?
Warnings: Emotional abuse
W/C: 1.9k
Part 1 Part 8
The sun was too fucking bright. You groaned and rolled over, mouth dry and head pounding. Your phone told you it was almost eleven, which meant you only had an hour to get ready. That was okay, though. You weren’t exactly dressing to impress. It was only Manny and Frankie . . . Frankie.With a wince, you remembered your conversation with him last night. Had it been painfully obvious that you were talking about yourself? Surely not, if he was drunk too. But as you showered, you thought about what he said, and realised that he was right. At least, he was right about what you could remember him saying. Leaving Kurt wouldn’t mean you would be alone and unloved. You had Manny and Sara; you knew they loved you. But that didn’t change that if you left, you’d have nowhere to go. You had never been the type of person to ask for handouts, especially sympathy handouts. There was just too much to think about.
A text from your phone from Sara told you as much as you needed to know about her night went.
Manifestation WORKS 😉 sent 8:34AM
You spent a few extra minutes washing your face, enjoying the feel of cool water on your skin. Flecks of makeup that you had slept in swirled down the drain, grey and black and blue. Tiny bits of glitter glinted on your cheeks, reminding you of days past when you would drown yourself in glitter to go out clubbing. The memory made you smile, remembering how carefree and happy you were just a few years ago.
Grabbing your darkest pair of sunglasses, you were ready to go. You hadn’t bothered with styling your hair beyond running a quick brush through, and your face was devoid of makeup aside from any remnants left from last night.
It was a quick walk to the bistro, your stomach roiling the entire time. You knew it was food you needed; you had already thrown up several times last night after arriving home. The thought of filling your stomach spurred you on, your feet moving slightly faster. You whipped out your phone to text Manny.
Get. Bread. Please.
There were a few unread messages from Kurt. You knew that avoiding him was immature and would only come back to bite you on the ass when he came home, but the thought of opening them and actually reading them made you feel ill. And he would know when you opened them; he complained whenever you turned your read receipts off. So, you kept them on, to keep the peace, and just avoided opening his messages until you were ready to deal with them.
The bistro came into view, and you saw Manny already sitting at your usual table on the outside terrace. You sat down gingerly next to him and flashed him a weak smile.
“You look terrible,” he said gleefully, pushing a basket of bread and butter your way. You grabbed a small roll and broke it open, inhaling the warm scent.
“I feelterrible,” you told him. “Hangovers don’t suit me.”
Manny laughed ruffled your hair. You groaned loudly, swatting his hand away, which only made him laugh harder.
“Lover, I’ve never seen you in this kind of state before, let me tease you a little,” he said. You flipped him off and ate another roll.
“Is Frankie here yet?” You asked, trying to keep the hope out of your voice. Judging by the look on Manny’s face, you had failed miserably.
“Crushing on the cook, are we?” He waggled his brows.
“No! Of course not!” You said quickly. Liar a tiny voice whispered in your ear. “I was just wondering if he got the right place.”
“Well, wonder no longer, that’s him isn’t it?”
From your spot on the terrace, you could see the familiar figure walking down the shady street to the bistro. Your palms dampened with sweat at the sight of him.
“Francisco!” Manny called, waving him over. Frankie broke into a half jog, raising his arm in a wave. You sunk slightly in your seat, praying that he wouldn’t bring up your conversation with him last night.
“How’s your hangover treating you?” Frankie asked, taking a seat at the table.
“Fucking terribly,” you said, “this is not at all what I was promised last night when I did my fourth shot.” Manny snorted and turned to the waitress who had appeared at your table.
“Good afternoon, dearest Andrea,” Manny said.
“Manny, hun, you know I hate when you use my full name,” Andi, as she preferred to be called, said. You liked Andi, she a couple years younger than you and working her way through a master’s in engineering. “What are we all having today?”
“My usual, please,” Manny said.
“The greasiest thing on the menu for me, I don’t care what it is,” you said. Andy smiled at you in sympathy, knowing the tell-tale signs of a hangover. She then turned to Frankie.
“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting before,” she said, her voice suddenly an octave higher.
“Francisco, or Frankie if you like,” he said. “Can I have the alfredo?”
“Of course, Frankie, anything else I can get for you?”
You and Manny glanced at each other, Manny with his eyebrow slightly raised. You knew Andi was a flirt, you’d seen her flirt with customers dozens of times, but something about this felt different. Personal. You chewed the inside of your lip, hoping your annoyance didn’t show too plainly on your face.
“So, what didyou do last night, lover?” Manny turned to you once Andi left.
“Drank too much,” you said. “Kurt’s out of town and Sara’s in town so I . . . I could go out. And I saw Frankie and his friends out.”
“Are your friends all as gorgeous as you?” Manny asked, turning to Frankie who blushed deeply.
“I wouldn’t say I’m gorgeous,” he mumbled, adjusting his cap slightly. “I’m just average.”
“Gorgeous and humble,” Manny said, “your partner is a lucky person.”
“I’m not- I uh don’t- I’m not with anyone,” it dawned on you that Frankie was terrible at taking compliments.
“Maybe it’s my personal bias, but out of all his friends, Frankie is truly the most attractive of them,” you said. You knew this could lead to something dangerous, but the chance to see Frankie flustered was just too good to miss.
“Yo-you do?” he asked, turning an even deeper shade of red. You nodded seriously.
“Whoever you date in future is going to be very lucky,” Manny said. Then, never one to linger on a topic for too long, Manny took a sip of his water and declared that it was feelings time.
“Feelings time?” Frankie sounded uncertain.
“Well, neither of us can afford therapy, so we use each other as therapists,” Manny explained. “We started it when I was working at Lou’s, and it’s been so long since I’ve had a good feelings time. Of course, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to, and if you do want, keep it as light or as heavy as your heart tells you. Consent is key.”
Frankie nodded, obviously still unsure of the whole situation. It struck you then how strange you and Manny would seem to an outsider. Andi returned with food for the three of you, placing down the biggest burger you had laid eyes on in front of you.
“Enjoy,” she said with a wink to Frankie. “Come find me personally if you’re not satisfied.”
You could’ve thrown up at the blatant flirting. What made it worse was Frankie seemed to be enjoying it, smiling up at Andi.
“I’ll start,” Manny said, once Andi was gone again. “I’m feeling overwhelmed recently with my new job and the house renovations James and I are undertaking. We had a big fight over fucking tiles last night, and I know we wouldn’t have if I could just be decisive.”
“Does James know how you’re feeling?” You asked. Manny shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’d normally tell him about it in a heartbeat, but he’s been stressed too, and I don’t want to add to it.”
“He’s your husband, right?” Frankie asked and Manny nodded. You glanced at him in surprise. “Husbands should support each other. You usually feel supported by him, right? So why is now any different? His stress is your stress, yours is his. That’s what you signed up for when you got married.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell him what’s going on with you,” you said, realising how ironic that was coming from you.
Manny looked thoughtful as he cut into his vegetable stack. “You’ve given me a lot to think about. Now your turn, lover.” You groaned. Feelings time was fine when you were listening to other people, and when the feelings you had weren’t so messy. But you could filter your feelings, and you trusted the two men you sat with.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m feeling like I want to end my relationship. I feel like I’m fucking miserable, but I also feel like I’m trapped. Frankie, you remember that friend I told you about last night? It’s actually me.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah, it was pretty obvious, but I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable by saying that.”
“Oh, my god,” you rubbed your face. “Right. So, like I said, I want to break up with Kurt, but it’s not easy to do.” You waited for one of them to interrupt you, when they didn’t, you went on. “For one, I don’t have enough money to move out. I don’t have much in savings at all because I keep needing to dig into it when he’s short on rent or money for bills or whatever. I don’t love him anymore, I don’t even know if I like him. Also, he said hedkillhimselfifieverleft.”
“Excuse me, he said what?” Manny leant forward, rage curdling his usually placid face. Frankie too, looked furious.
“He said he would kill himself if I ever left,” your voice was small. “I tried, one time, and-and he sent me a video of him tying a noose to a ceiling fan telling me it was my fault he was doing that. So, I went back, because I don’t want his death on my hands.” You realised with growing humiliation that you were crying.
Manny reached across the table and took your hand, holding it gently. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to bother anyone,” you said, “it was my problem to deal with.”
“When does he come back?” Frankie asked quietly.
“Tomorrow,” you said. Manny and Frankie exchanged a look and Manny nodded.
“If you let us,” Manny said carefully, “we’re gonna help you get out. We won’t force you into anything, but we want to help.”
“Wait,” you sat back, confused, “wait. Have you too been conspiring behind my back? How? When?”
“No, not til this morning. I gave Frankie my number when I first met him, in case he had any questions. Then he messaged me this morning, and we got to talking about how we can help you.”
“If you want our help,” Frankie said. Part of you felt like you should’ve been angry, but you couldn’t be. Instead, you were overwhelmed with gratitude, with love. You grabbed a napkin and dabbed at your eyes under your sunglasses.
“I think I want help,” you said finally. You knew you couldn’t do this without help, even though it embarrassed you to admit that. Frankie nodded, satisfied.
“Alright, we need to make a plan.”
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209
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sisterofsomeone · 3 years
Personal Training
- Katsuki Bakugou x fem!reader SFW
- Warnings: mention of harm, bandaging wounds, choking
- Summary: as a third year, you and your childhood friend Shinso have been moved from the general studies course onto the hero course. No one seems too keen on you two, until you meet Bakugou late one night in the training city and he seems to take a personal interest in you
Wandering around the testing sites at midnight wasn’t something you should be doing, but ever since you got moved from general studies into the hero course it was the only way you could calm yourself down after a day of training. It was dark, the cold air still around your skin and the only light shining was from the full moon above you. You’ve always dreamt of being a hero, but knowing you couldn’t control your quirk, knowing you had the ability to seriously hurt someone if you lost control, you applied for general studies and vowed to learn to control your power before you tried to move into the hero course. Your thoughts drifted to Shinso, you two had been friends for years going all the way back to nursery, just two toddlers constantly holding hands and only ever with each other. Your chest swelled with pride thinking about how both of you had beaten the odds and been moved from general studies to the hero course after all your efforts. You were in your third year, you’d missed a whole two years of the intense hero course training but it meant you two finally got the attention you deserved. You were finally seen as hero material. Sure you felt bad for the people who got moved out, but you didn’t know them and they were obviously not making the most of the opportunity, so you were glad to take their spot. You had to be a hero at any cost.
It was quiet around you, the only noise you could hear was your own footsteps, your breathing the only sign of life. Your breath was coming out softly but because of the cold it was visible, the curls and twists of your breath softly disappearing into the moonlight. You’d been wandering around the town for a few hours now, watching the silent, dead city around you, the buildings towering over you and the roads stretched out and empty. It reminded you of home, disappearing after long days being bullied at school and skulking through the dying streets.
“You shouldn’t be here.” You hadn’t noticed the boy sneaking up on you. You could understand why he currently held your throat in his hands, you did look exceptionally different in and out of class. You didn’t bother fighting his grip, you knew this boy and he would certainly overpower you in hand to hand combat.
“You with that hand guy? He sent you in here to spy on me huh?” His grip tightened but you never once broke eye contact. His red eyes blown out with anger, his lips curled into a snarl and his breath warm on your face.
“I-I’m in your c-class dumb arse.” You managed to get out between shallow breaths. “The o-one with Shinso all the time. The new girl.” He seemed to believe you, releasing his grip on you ever so slightly but still eyeing you with intrigue.
“She has floaty purple hair, and that weird dark aura quirk thing...” You weren’t necessarily in the position to roll your eyes at him, but surely he should have noticed that your whole ‘dark aura quirk thing’ changed your physical appearance too? You’d fought him enough. You decided to indulge him, letting your power grow until you changed in his hands, the light from the moon almost being drawn into you as the darkness swirled and danced around you. Your body surged with the release of this power, your skin feeling hot, as if it was about to burn right off of your bones. You had never been able to control yourself before UA, and this place had shown you how to harness this power and use it to your advantage.
“Okay creep -“ he released you suddenly when your darkness started creeping up his arm and pulling him in. “- I believe you.” He was wiping his hand on his trousers now, obviously feeling the same burning you always did. You pulled your darkness back in, your hair falling flat against you, your eyes returning to their natural colour and your skin settling down. Dusting yourself off, you stood to face Bakugou. He towered over you, the boy growing to be over six foot during your time at UA.
“It’s almost as if you should believe me, seeing as I also live on the same floor as you.” Raising an eyebrow you tried to register his reaction but he didn’t seem to be paying you any more mind.
“Oi, I’m talking-“
“Shut up, I’m not interested anymore.” Sticking his hands in his pockets he turned on his heel and walked away from you. But you weren’t gonna let him get away that easily.
“Oi fucker! You don’t get to talk to me like that!” You walked after him, grabbing his arm.
“Get off.” He snapped back, his eyes dark and angry.
“Not until you apologise for trying to choke me out.”
“Not gonna happen sweetheart. Don’t wander around on your own acting all sketchy and I wouldn’t have had to.” This was ridiculous, all you wanted was an apology.
“But what about you huh?” He stopped walking and turned to face you.
“You’re skulking around here too, does that mean I get to choke you?” You smirked up at him feeling proud of yourself when his eyebrows furrowed.
“You can try, but I’ll kill you if you do extra.” This fucking guy.
“Are you serious right now? Like, does this act usually work on your classmates? Because I’m not scared of an immature man child who can’t even apologise when he’s done something wrong.” In a blur he’d managed to pin you up against the wall that you swore was 15 foot away from you two only seconds ago, his body pressed into yours and his hand around your throat again. You felt his thigh in between your legs, and you couldn’t help the shudder that moved through your body when he spoke.
“You should be scared of me, I’m gonna be number one, I’m the best.” He was staring directly into your eyes, not breaking the gaze he was bearing down on you.
“You think you’re gonna be number one? I beg to differ.” His cockyness seemed infectious. “I’ll beat you Bakugou, just you wait.”
It had been a few weeks since your little scuffle and you had been trying to keep your word.
“Y/n, are you seriously gonna try and fight Bakugou right now?” You’d filled Shinso in on what had happened between the two of you and even though you knew he believed in your abilities, he really didn’t think you were ready to fight him.
“I need practise, and I can never go all out with you because I care about you, you’re my friend! It doesn’t work!” You laughed and Shinso rolled his eyes. He always asked you to go all in when you two sparred but you couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him, even if you knew he wouldn’t hate you, you would hate yourself.
“Look, he’s finally done with Kirishima so now’s my chance. I’ll be okay I promise.”
You totally weren’t okay. Bakugou had kicked your arse, and all he had to do was get close enough that you could feel the heat from his skin and place a hand on your waist during an attack and your hormone-riddled brain freaked out. Not that he’d noticed you’d frozen mid fight, so he just kept firing off attacks as you scrambled to think up a defensive strategy. But it was no use, one well aimed hit and you were down.
You were with Recovery Girl in the nurses office when Shinso popped his head in.
“Told you so.” He said bluntly, drawing a tut from Recovery Girl.
“If you’re gonna be negative she doesn’t need you in here. She need positivity for healing thank you.” He apologised and moved further into the room.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“Tired I guess, and a little sore, but nothing bad. How did the rest of the lesson go?”
“Well, Bakugou and Todoroki got into another fight, Deku tried to break it up but that didn’t really work so they’ve all got dorm cleaning duties for the next week.” That got a chuckle out of you.
“Bakugou? Cleaning? Unlikely.”
“Oh yeah, Aizawa said he’d stop by randomly to make sure they were cleaning.” By now Recovery Girl had ushered you off of the bed and had begun handing you your clothes back.
“You’re all bandaged up, now get dressed and get out of here! And take some candy! You! Make sure she gets back to her room safely will you?” Shinso nodded as you slipped your jacket and shoes back on, wrapping his arm around your waist as a support. You were thankful for him, even if he was a miserable bastard most of the time.
Shinso had managed to get you back in one piece, placing you on your bed softly. No one else had come to help, but you two had expected as much. Since being transferred in you had been singled out as the outsiders of the group, no one had even tried as much as to have dinner with you guys or watch the tv with you two. You were always alone together, you were each other’s rock.
“Hey Purple hair.” The voice behind him was rough and angry, you recognised it in an instant.
“Bakugou. What do you want?” Shinso tried to take no mind, keeping all of his focus on tucking you into bed.
“I need to speak to y/l/n. Alone.”
“I don’t trust you alone with her after today.”
“Let me speak to her.” Shinso turned to face him, his eyes burning holes into Bakugou’s head.
“After the stunt you pulled? No-“
“Toshi, I want to hear what he has to say.” You tugged on his shirt feebly, and his guard dropped. He always softened up around you.
“Fine. But I’ll be outside.” You mumbled a thank you as he barged past Bakugou, hitting him with his shoulder as he passed. Shutting the door behind himself, Bakugou entered your room looking oddly sheepish.
“Hey.” You started softly, not wanting to jump straight into a fight with the guy.
“Hey. About today? I mean, I’m not gonna say sorry because you asked to fight but I just wanna say that I should have noticed you freeze and let up a bit. I didn’t notice and Kirishima had to point it out to me later on, so yeah. Don’t come in unprepared next time.” Well. It was a start.
“Oh, I mean I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean to freeze up on you trust me!” You tried to laugh it off, but the atmosphere in the room was way too weird.
“Was it because I touched you?” You blushed at this and dropped your gaze to the floor. Where you really that easy to read? “Because if it was then Kirishima owes me $20.” Oh.
“No. I don’t know why I froze but it wasn’t because you touched me.” He smirked at this, moving to sit on the end of your bed. You instinctively pulled your legs closer to yourself but he took this as an invite to spread out more. You took in his toned shoulders, his strong arms and long fingers. Your mind drifted, wandering how good they’d feel slipping under your shirt and -
“You’re not even listening are you?” He pulled you from your dirty thoughts and you shook your head.
“Wow. I said that it’s a shame, because I’d love to explore what else I can make you do with my hands.” He had to be joking right? You blinked at him, your mouth agape with pure confusion. 
“See? You’re all frozen again. I must have an effect on you.” He started moving closer to you, shifting on your bed until his lips were a mere inch away from yours. His eyes were boring into yours, but the pupils were flickering slightly from your eyes to your mouth. He raised a thumb to your lips, rubbing the calloused skin across your bottom lip. You swallowed, suddenly aware how fast your heart was beating and how clammy your hands had gotten. 
“Bok-” He placed a finger on your lips as if you quiet you. 
“Call me Katsuki, y/n. I have a feeling we’ll be training much more closely from here on out.” With that, he pulled away and stood from your bed. He left your room, glaring at Shinso who was waiting patiently outside. The purple haired boy ran into your room as quickly as he could, inspecting your face when he saw you red, hot and flushed. 
“I’m not even gonna ask what happened here.” He scrunched up his nose in disgust.
“Oh, n-nothing happened. He just offered to train with me more.”
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lizbotw · 4 years
Would you do Haikyuu headcanons for Daichi, Akaashi and Kuroo when their s/o surprises them at training camp?
Daichi, Akaashi, and Kuroo When Their S/O Surprises Them at Training Camp
yes, i would and i did! ;) i loved this idea plus you chose some of my all time favorite characters!!! also, i keep getting a little too carried away with these “headcanons” and they basically turn into scenario/one-shot outlines so oops? i should probably stop doing that or else it’ll keep taking me forever to finish them. i hope i did these how you wanted though and please enjoy them~ i spent a little too much time on making them perfect so please let me know if you like them! ♡
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Sawamura Daichi
Listen, Daichi is EXHAUSTED and it’s only what? The third day of camp?
Karasuno is as lively as ever, pumped up with the desire to improve their techniques and win, and of course he’s in charge of keeping them all in check.
Late night practice after a grueling day of losses followed by even more losses during practice matches against the other schools, with dinner right after filled with him having to make sure everyone was eating enough to refill their bodies, but also not overeating (Nishinoya and his bottomless pit of a stomach). Please give this man a break.
In between practice matches when he’s feeling a little dejected with how the week is going so far and just how good all the other schools are, he’ll send you a message. And of course you have free time for him since it’s summer break and all that so you reply almost instantly! Especially because you know he doesn’t have that much time to text you before he has to get back to training.
Throughout the day you guys continue your little conversation and you don’t mind much if he can’t reply for a few hours since when he does get the chance to answer, his replies are sweet and filled with lots of information.
He obviously doesn’t care about double texting since he’s dating you and you guys are so comfortable with each other, and he’ll honestly send five long ass messages in a row without caring because he hopes that’ll be enough to make up for his long stretches of not being available.
If you asked him a question before, he’ll answer it, plus ask what you’re doing. And if you tell him what you’re doing, he’ll ask for more details, and then let you know what he’s doing as well, plus maybe even snap a few quick pics of the gym so you can see. He’ll make sure there’s lots of content for you to read and reply to whenever you want!
Right before he goes to bed, while everyone else is showering and getting ready to sleep, he’s the most available so you have your longest conversations then and he feels like it’s the perfect way to finish off such a hard day of practice.
Your conversation is just one continuous stretch throughout the day with long breaks in between, but with lots of meaningful content as you guys try to make up for the distance.
Similarly, he assumes you’re busy hanging out with your friends and enjoying summer break like everyone else, so if you take a little while to reply it’s fine.
However, what he doesn’t know is that you and your friends decided to take a trip to Tokyo for part of the week and hang out. After all, who wouldn’t want to go exploring in the big city with their best friends? Plus, it does get a little boring in Miyagi, being in the quiet countryside and all.
To pull off this idea, you enlisted the help of none other than Daichi’s right hand man—Sugawara!
You demand all the details from him and he gladly supplies them. Where exactly the training camp is being held, specific directions to get there in case you get lost, what the schedule is like, when the boys are dismissed for free time, and, most importantly, Daichi’s routine for the day so you know exactly where to expect him to be.
Suga finds the whole thing hilarious and tells you he feels like a detective stalking following Daichi around and documenting his every move to you. Hmm, he seems to be getting a little too into it but honestly you two love scheming together about how to bother Daichi so whenever you’re texting Suga about your plan you can’t help but giggle at how much effort you two are putting in to make this perfect.
Suga mentioned the idea of you coming to Coach Ukai and although he thought the idea was cute, he initially wasn’t sure if it would be okay with the other coaches since they had been the ones to so graciously allow Karasuno join their training camp.
Coach Nekoma overhears their conversation in the hallway and startles Ukai when he appears behind him and claps a hand on his shoulder with an eye crinkling smile, telling him it wouldn’t be a problem at all and he’ll let the other coaches know. As he goes to leave, he turns back to get in one last taunt, saying that maybe you being there will do some good for the Karasuno’s team spirit and they’ll actually win the next practice match, and then walks off with a hearty laugh as Ukai is fuming and shaking his fist saying that they were going to win anyway.
Suga, having stood there watching the whole thing unfold, is ecstatic and practically sparkling as he quickly texts you that your plan is a go! You can basically feel his blinding white smile through your screen and you’re sure your face looks similar when you read his message.
The day finally arrives and you and your friends are all packed up to head off to Tokyo and stay in a small motel for a few days. You choose to make a detour to head over to Shinzen High where the training camp is being held and are positively bursting with excitement at how surprised Daichi is going to be, plus you really miss him and can’t wait to finally be in his arms again.
At Shinzen High, you get a little lost as you explore the new place, weaving in and out of unfamiliar buildings and peaking your head inside gyms only to find them empty. After a while of this, you’re feeling pretty defeated and text Kiyoko to please come save you. She tells you what gym they’re in but you still have no idea how to get around this place and you can tell she’s laughing at you when she texts you back that it happened to her when she first arrived as well, but not to worry because she’s coming to meet you after you tell her which building you’re standing in front of.
As you stand there waiting and hoping you don’t look too suspicious (feeling awkward just being at a strange new school), you realize you can make out the faint sound of yelling somewhere in the distance and decide to walk towards it. As you get closer, it’s clear it’s the telltale sound of volleyball teams getting way too into their matches, and you smile, knowing that you’re almost to Daichi.
When you round a corner, you run right into Kiyoko, who went looking for you because even though she told you to stay put in one spot, you couldn’t help but go investigate the voices you heard. After a quick hug, she leads you back to the gym where everyone is practicing and you slip in unnoticed, the teams too focused on their matches to pay you much mind.
It seems as though Karasuno was on break, which was why Kiyoko was able to leave on such short notice, and you easily spot your boyfriend giving a pep talk to the team.
When they separate to go grab their water bottles, you sneak up on him.
“I hope you’re winning, captain,” you purr as you wrap your arms around his middle, leaning up to whisper in his ear.
He’s in the middle of taking a sip of water so he chokes, sputtering at hearing your voice so close. He coughs and wipes his mouth his the back of his hand as he turns around to face you, eyes wide.
That seems to get the attention of the rest of the team and before you know it Hinata and Nishinoya are jumping around you and bombarding you with questions about what you’re doing here.
Daichi is watching this all unfold speechless when Suga comes up and claps a hand on his shoulder, grinning. “You’re just going to stand there and watch this? Your girlfriend came all the way here for you, go give her a proper hug! Or else Noya probably will.”
Oh wow, Daichi sure does not like that visual, and he marches forward, shooing Hinata and Nishinoya away from you.
You giggle at his sternness, but once he turns to face you, his eyes are soft and he reaches out to grab one of your hands and play with your fingers between his.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to surprise you, silly! Why else would I be here!”
You’re giving each other lopsided grins and he just can’t take it anymore, and pulls you into a hug. “Well, I’m glad you did then.” He usually tries to keep PDA at a minimum in front of the team because he knows how immature some of the underclassmen and Suga can be, but he doesn’t care much now and gives you a peck on your cheek.
You smile and bury your face in his chest as he shoots stern glares at the rest of the team who started to cheer for you two.
During the rest of the break, he keeps an arm around your waist and you two sit together, watching the other teams as he rests, and you talk about what you’ve each been up to the past few days, even though you basically already know from all the texts you two exchanged. You just want to enjoy each other’s company for now. The other Karasuno boys come up to talk to you once in a while too and everyone’s mood seems to be improved seeing you cheer up their captain so quickly.
Eventually it’s time for the next match and he has to go, but you tug on his arm and stop him before he leaves. “Make sure to win. I’m watching this time, don’t forget.” You throw in a wink for good measure and suddenly his cheeks are dusted with a light pink.
Karasuno ends up winning that match and puts up a good fight in the ones afterwards too, not letting any losses get them down. It seems having you there really motivated the entire team, especially a certain captain.
After the practice matches when the whole team gathers up, you reveal that before you left home to come to Tokyo, you had baked cupcakes for everyone at Karasuno as a reward for their hard work. Sure, they’re supposed to be eating healthy and what not in order to get their bodies in shape but no one can resist your sweet gift.
You’re pretty sure you see Tanaka and Nishinoya getting a little teary eyed at your kindness too, but you’re honestly not sure.
Daichi makes sure to let you know how much he absolutely loves your cupcakes and when he gets you alone outside of the building he’s giving you lots of kisses and telling you how much he’s missed you.
You hang around for late night practice and dinner too, cheering Daichi on as he works on his synchronized attack with the others and sitting with him as he eats with them later. You plan to head back to the train station to meet back up with your friends in Tokyo afterwards, and even though it isn’t far, Daichi absolutely refuses to let you go anywhere that late. Even if he walks you to the station, you’ll still have to take the train alone and walk in the dark to the motel your friends are staying at, and if anything were to happen to you during that time frame he would never forgive himself.
So you’re basically forced to stay the night and although you pretend to be all pouty over it, it secretly seems really exciting to spend the night hanging out with all the cool people you’ve met that day from the other teams. Kiyoko lends you an extra pair of pajamas since your friends had carried all of your stuff with them to Tokyo—because you had thought you’d be spending the night with them as originally planned—and you hang out with the managers in the girls’ room, playing games and talking about life.
In the morning, Daichi wakes up extra early so he can walk with you to the cafeteria for breakfast, and after you’re done eating, Coach Ukai allows him to walk you to the train station before training for that day starts again.
As much as you’d like to stay for the rest of the week, you don’t want to get in the way of their training either, plus you already have a ton of plans to explore Tokyo before you have to head back to Miyagi.
Before you leave though, Takeda and Coach Ukai let you know that they and the other coaches are inviting you to come to the barbecue they’re having at the end of the week—which just so happens to coincide with your last day in Tokyo and when you were going to leave to head back to Miyagi—and that you can even bring your friends too if you want. They also tell you it’s a secret and that they haven’t told any of the boys yet so you shouldn’t say anything. As you’re walking with Daichi, you can’t help grinning at the thought that he has no idea what’s going to be at the end of the week and when he asks you so funny, you just shake your head.
At the station, he gives you a kiss on your lips, hands snaked around your waist and foreheads leaned together, and tells you to make sure to text him every thirty minutes until you get to Tokyo otherwise he’ll assume you got lost. You know he will leave camp to come find you so you have to agree.
As you wave goodbye to him and head off to board your train, you’re already planning how you’ll tell your friends about the exciting new plan to end off your week, what you’ll wear, and what you’re going to do next time you see Daichi (hint: it involves sneaking up on him and surprising him with your arrival again).
‘Things couldn’t be any more perfect,’ you think as you unlock your phone and see a text message filled with hearts from him, your fingers already swiping across the screen to reply.
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Akaashi Keiji
You knew about the volleyball team’s training camps with the other schools that are a part of the Fukurodani Academy Group, but it doesn’t hurt any less when Akaashi has to leave for a week.
A whole week of not being able to go to his house, hang out at your favorite cafe, or have picnics at the nearby park that consist of him making and packing for your favorite snacks like the thoughtful boyfriend he is, long walks by the lake, and playing catch with a volleyball in a sunny field? Not on your watch.
That’s why you concoct the master plan to sneak into the camp! Or, er—visit it. “Sneak in” is how Bokuto puts it when you tell him your plan, knowing that the help of the captain would be good because he understands the pain that comes with not seeing Akaashi for extended periods of time (yes, you also bribed him a little with the promise of you baking him a cake).
Bokuto, always with Akaashi, has been relaying what the two have been up to since the week started.
Of course Akaashi also texts you, especially late at night while he’s finishing off his dinner and winding down for the day, telling you about what all the other boys are doing because the dining room is always pure chaos when you put a bunch of hyperactive teenage boys together.
Bokuto will sometimes snap a picture of Akaashi when he thinks he’s not looking and text to you. [Pssst, (Y/N)! Look at what ‘Kaashi is doing now! He’s texting someone 👀] is what his messages accompanying the picture usually look like.
You text back, [Yes, I know Bo. He’s texting me.] And then you’ll look a little closer at the picture he sent, maybe even zoom in a little because Akaashi is BEAUTIFUL. [Thank you for the picture tho, keep them coming.]
Meanwhile Akaashi, basically sweat dropping as this all is happening, is texting you, [(Y/N) help, Bokuto is taking pictures of me when he thinks I don’t notice and is then typing frantically on his phone. Do you think he’s selling them on the black market?] This poor boy. The amount of convincing it takes to tell him no, Bokuto is not selling pictures of him eating on the black market is a little concerning but that’s just one part of the silly, lighthearted conversations you two have over text while he’s gone and you can’t stop giggling as you’re texting him. He’s definitely smiling at his phone too and taking forever to finish eating because he keeps stopping to text you back.
(To this, Bokuto snaps another picture to send to you with another over enthusiastic caption. [He’s smiling now!!!])
(You reply, [Yes, I know, I just sent him a joke.] Then you proceed to save the picture he sent and demand more because even though this isn’t really part of your plan of crashing the training camp, you can’t turn down free pictures of your cute boyfriend that you haven’t seen in a few days FOREVER.)
(Bokuto keeps the pictures coming, thinking he’s helping you somehow with your plan and you don’t have the heart to tell him that this part is purely self-indulgent and a way to fill up your “Akaashi photo album.”)
(Essentially, Bokuto seems to be a little confused about what his exact job as your spy entails, but he’s got the right spirit.)
It’s the middle of the week when you plan to show up, deciding to appear as the boys are eating breakfast and just waking up for yet another long day of practice.
It’s perfect because you had just sent the night before texting Akaashi very late as he got ready for bed and the conversation only ended when you demanded he go to sleep like Bokuto was telling him to. And now you get to see him bright and early the next morning? This plan couldn’t be any better.
When you arrive, you ask Yukie and Kaori to meet you at the entrance to the school because you have no idea where to go and they happily comply, chatting with you the entire way to the building where the boys are eating. You ask them about the training camp, even though you’ve heard most of the details from Akaashi and Bokuto, and in turn they ask you how are things back home and what you’ve been doing for summer break while Akaashi’s been gone. They know that if he was there, you guys would be spending practically every day together.
They tell you how they and the other managers were just making and serving breakfast to the boys but they managed to step out for a bit to come get you.
You’re having so much fun talking with the two managers that had quickly become your friends back in school when you started showing an interest in the boys’ volleyball club that you almost forget why exactly you were there in the first place. However, soon you arrive at the building and you have the sudden realization that Akaashi is right inside there, just a few steps away.
The three of you are giggling and shushing each other as you get ready to make your grand entrance.
You’re a little nervous because everyone else at the training camp was in there eating as well and would also surely be looking at you once you walked in. You were starting to wonder if this was really a good idea, but then Yukie pushes you into the doorway before you can back out and all heads swivel in your direction when you let out a little squeak.
Well, it’s now or never.
A deep breath and then you briskly walk over to Akaashi, who you had spotted after a quick sweep of the room, your eyes drawn to him as they always were. He had glanced up at your arrival at first like everyone else, but did a double take when it realized who it was, squinting a little to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Now he was staring at you like he was still dreaming, lips slightly parted and head titled a little to the side as he took in the sight of you.
The Fukurodani team, breaking out of their initial shock of seeing you, started cheering and teasing Akaashi as you headed over to him, and that seemed to wake up the rest of the room too as the other teams were now very much interested in who this mysterious girl could be. Some of the members from the Fukurodani Academy Group knew a little bit about you from the games they’d seen you attend, always cheering on your setter boyfriend, but Karasuno didn’t know you at all and Kageyama had to hold Hinata back from going up to you to ask who you were and what you were doing here.
As you got closer to his table, Akaashi blinked and managed to stutter out a few words. “(Y/N)? What- How-“
You couldn’t help but smile at how his morning brain was struggling to comprehend the sight of seeing you. He looked cute all dazed like that, eyes wide. “Yep, it’s me in the flesh.~”
You were rounding the corner around the table to go to his chair when you said that, and somehow that seemed to be all the confirmation he needed before he was springing up, taking two long strides towards you, and enveloping you in his arms before you even had the chance to react.
If anyone in the room hadn’t been paying attention before, they sure as hell were now as good natured jeers and teasing comments erupted. You were so embarrassed and buried your head against his chest, feeling him laugh at the whole situation and give you a small peck on the top of your head.
Bokuto decided to join in on the hugging fest and enveloped both of you in his arms, squeezing you two a little too tight. “(Y/N)! I can’t believe you’re here! Akaashi couldn’t stop talking about how much he missed you!”
“Um, Bo, you knew I was coming,” you manage to get out as you’re crushed by his giant bear hug.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot,” he says, but his grip barely loosens.
Akaashi’s face is red from Bokuto’s comment about how he was always talking about you, but since you didn’t say anything in reply to it, you hoped you hadn’t heard it. “Bokuto, we can’t breathe. Please release (Y/N).”
Bokuto quickly lets go when he hears that and starts apologizing, but of course you just laugh and say it’s fine. Akaashi decides that you two need some alone time from the rest of the team though and leads you out of the room to the hallway where you tell him why you decided to visit and show him the convince store snacks you had brought in your bag for him as well, knowing that he wouldn’t get anything to eat like for a while. He also gets you to confess that you and Bokuto had been working together to set this up, although he already suspected that something was up with how weird Bokuto was acting.
You guys talk in the hallway for a little while longer, smiles stuck on your faces, but you eventually tell him he should get back and finish eating since he still has a long day of practice ahead. He invites you to eat with him but you decline since you ate before you came.
Right before you guys head back in, he stops you to press a soft kiss to your lips and tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear, then walks off, leaving you dumbfounded and wide eyed. You had definitely missed things like that.
For the rest of breakfast you help out the managers with serving and cleaning up after the boys since you felt bad that Yukie and Kaori had to leave their duties to come help you earlier. Even though all of them insist that it’s fine and that you should go spend time with Akaashi instead, you still remain in the kitchen with them, having way too much fun talking about random topics, and playing around and slashing each other with water as you wash the dishes (the water also helps you cool down because it’s way hotter here than it was when you were all comfortable in front of your fan in your room back home, although you wouldn’t trade this experience for the world).
You help out the rest of the day with manager duties too because 1.) you don’t want to feel like you’re in the way and 2.) it’s fun hanging out with the other girls. Refilling water bottles and keeping track of the scores isn’t too hard, plus you get to see all of Akaashi’s practice matches up close, cheering for him and pressing small kisses to his cheeks when Fukurodani wins. He has to deal with a lot of teasing from his team but he secretly loves the fact that everyone is seeing how much you love him.
Hinata also manages to escape Kageyama at some point to come talk to you because he’s still brimming with the questions from earlier. You think it’s cute and slightly use the opportunity to brag a little about Akaashi. When Kageyama comes to drag Hinata away, he sees that you don’t seem all that bothered by the orange-haired boy’s presence and decides to join in on the conversation, interested in knowing more about Akaashi since he looks up to him as a setter. Daichi calls them back once their next match is going to begin but you decide you definitely like the duo that make up the infamous quick attack of Karasuno. Plus you met Kiyoko and Yachi earlier when you were with the managers, so, all in all, this team was looking pretty interesting.
At night, when everyone is dismissed for free practice, you finally get to meet the infamous “third gym squad” Bokuto was telling you about, and get to know another member of Karasuno’s team, a tall blond middle blocker named Tsukishima that Kuroo seems to have too much fun teasing. You also see what Akaashi has to deal with as the rowdy group is constantly bickering and playing around off the court, but it’s also a lot of fun watching them so you can’t complain much as your sides hurt from laughter at the pure chaos going on. Sadly, you have to leave partway through to finish helping the other girls with dinner, but Akaashi offers to walk you there.
After practice and dinner are both done, Akaashi waits for you outside of the girls bathroom after you finish showering and getting ready for bed, and walks hand in hand with you back to the girls’ room where you’ll be sleeping. He gives you a goodnight kiss—lips soft as always—as you’re about to go in and your heart practically leaps out of your chest because he looks so good in the moonlight that’s coming through the hallway windows.
You can barely sleep that night, excited for what the next day will bring. You were planning to stay for the rest of the week and the managers seem grateful for the extra help so you know you’ll be around him a lot more until the end of camp. You’re looking forward to lots more wins during matches, walks during the night between the different gyms and other buildings, and stolen kisses in the dark as everyone else heads to bed.
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Kuroo Tetsurou
Kuroo always rants to you about the woes of being volleyball captain and being in charge of a bunch of unruly boys, so it’s not exactly a surprise when the training camp day approaches. You’d been hearing about it for weeks after all and how excited he is to train with Bokuto and the others, but also how much he really doesn’t want to go and leave you all alone in Tokyo.
He comes over to hang out at your house a few days before the training camp and arrives and as he sprawls our in your couch, head in your lap as you two watch a movie, he’s lamenting about how much he’s going to miss you and how he just wants to stay here. He’s all pouty about it but you manage to convince him that you’ll be fine without him, even as you can barely hold back your laughter at how overdramatic he’s being.
The day for him to leave comes way too soon and just thinking about him being away for any amount of time is making you sad.
As his team is about to board the bus to head over to Shinzen High, he FaceTimes you so you can say hi to everyone and wish them luck. The whole team loves you because Kuroo always likes to bring you to practice matches for motivational purposes and you bring them snacks whenever you know they’re going to have a particularly intense day.
The boys are jumping around and all trying to talk to you, but eventually Coach Nekoma forces them all to get on the bus.
While the others are getting on, Kuroo finally gets some time to talk to you alone and gives you a proper goodbye and tells you how much he’s going to miss you even though you both know you’ll be texting and calling every day no matter what. You blow him a kiss through the screen and he pretends to catch before he has to hang up because Kenma is poking his head out of the bus window and telling Kuroo if he doesn’t get on right now they’re going to leave him.
Once Kuroo hangs up, you get back to packing and stuffing things into your suitcase.
Oh? Packing for what you ask? Well, unbeknownst to Kuroo, you’re heading out to stay with your relatives for the week in the Saitama Prefecture and they coincidentally live fairly close to Shinzen High. It took a little convincing to get your parents on board with the idea, but before you knew it everything was confirmed and your relatives were more than happy to have you visit.
You were meant to leave for their place the day after Nekoma left for the training camp, so you would have to spend one day away from Kuroo unfortunately. On the bright side, that gave you the extra time you needed to finish packing as you put the finishing touches on everything the day before you had to go.
That day, while you were still stuck in Tokyo, Kuroo made sure to text you constantly about what was going on and how Nekoma was absolutely crushing all the other teams. He even sent some pictures of him and the other players, namely Kenma (who looked annoyed) and Bokuto (who threw up a peace sign with a bright smile). Akaashi was usually dragged into the pictures with Bokuto against his will it seemed.
He also made sure to send lots of complaints about Lev but also how funny it was to see Karasuno react to their newest and tallest member in action.
Whenever he mentioned Karasuno, you were even more intrigued to know more about them. Based on what you had heard about Nekoma’s practice match with them a while back, they seemed to be an interesting bunch. You made a mental note to make sure to see them in person when you got to the training camp. You had a long list of things you wanted to do there actually because it was a lot of fun observing the other volleyball teams.
At night, Kuroo let you know that they had time for free practice now and let you know what he was up to with Bokuto and Akaashi. Since he had the time now, he managed to sneak away from them and head outside for a bit so he could FaceTime you again. He was giving you a mini-tour of the surrounding area and you were trying to remember all the buildings he was showing you so you didn’t get lost once you arrived. You also made sure to remember Gym #3 was where he seemed to like to spend free practice.
The video call came to an end when Bokuto, deciding that Kuroo was taking too long to come back, came out of the gym to look for him. Once he saw that Kuroo was on a call with you, he made sure to butt right in so he could talk to you too. Dating Kuroo came with the perk of getting to know the Fukurodani captain (and, by extension, Akaashi as well) pretty well.
Despite Kuroo’s best efforts at fighting back, Bokuto had already captured both his phone and your attention and was telling you all about his day at training camp. You found the whole thing hilarious as you watched Kuroo struggle to reclaim his phone in the background while Bokuto just kept talking to you.
Once Bokuto starting talking about how Nekoma had lost a match against Fukurodani earlier, that seemed to be the tipping point for Kuroo and he snatched the phone back, giving you a quick goodbye and promising to text you later before hanging up. Obviously he couldn’t allow himself to look uncool in front of you and let you know if he had lost any matches, even if it hadn’t been that many compared to the likes of Karasuno.
Even if it was one day you guys were separated, the way Kuroo made sure to keep you updated throughout the day and always stay in contact made it clear that even if you weren’t going to surprise him at training camp and had to stay home for summer break like everyone else, he would still make sure you felt loved, even if it wasn’t in person.
The next day you finally got to go to your relatives’ house. The drive there was pretty boring even though it was short, so you had a lot of time to text Kuroo whenever he had time in between matches and although Coach Nekoma kept telling him to stop spending so much time on his phone and smiling at it, Kuroo made sure to tell you that it was all worth it to talk to you.
By the time you got to your relatives’ house, it was already evening and getting pretty dark since you had left Tokyo so late. You bid your parents goodbye and headed inside to unpack some of your things.
After a while, you checked the time and, based off of what Kuroo had told you before, you knew it would be free practice soon so you got ready to go and let your relatives know you were heading out for a walk.
Google Maps saved you from getting lost in the unfamiliar area and once you got to Shinzen High, you did your best to remember the buildings Kuroo had shown you on FaceTime and navigate around the campus.
Somehow you managed to find Gym #3 on your own without getting too lost and you could hear the sound of volleyball players practicing inside.
Grinning to yourself, you peeked into the gym through the entrance since the doors were wide open and instantly spotted Kuroo talking with Bokuto and Akaashi. His back was to you and that gave you the perfect opportunity to sneak up on him.
When Akaashi spotted you creeping up behind Kuroo, you made a shushing motion so he wouldn’t say anything and paired with the fact that Akaashi was good at hiding his surprise, Kuroo was none the wiser to what was about to happen. You were lucky that Bokuto also had his back to you because you’re not sure he would have been to stay quiet or not give away that there was something behind Kuroo.
You contemplating jumping on Kuroo’s back but you were also pretty sure he would accidentally drop you if you did that because he would be so surprised.
That would definitely ruin your exciting entrance so you came up with a slightly anticlimactic alternative.
You wrapped your arms around him from the back and squeezed hard. “Boo!”
His reaction was priceless even though you hadn’t done much and he jumped out of surprise, screeching. You and Bokuto were rolling around on the floor in laughter as Kuroo whirled around, gaping at the sight of you. Meanwhile Akaashi watching all of this and once again wondering what he was even doing here and how he dealt with you three for so long.
“(Y/N)???” Kuroo kept opening his mouth like he was going to say something else, then closing it, then opening it again.
“Kuroo, stop that, you look like a fish.” He immediately stopped but you and Bokuto were howling with laughter again.
By now Kuroo has finally come to terms with the fact you’re here (he just needed a few minutes okay? you can’t blame him for that) and is smirking. You could recognize that look anywhere and stop in the middle of your laughing fit. “Kuroo, whatever you’re planning, don’t d-“ You don’t get to finish before he reached down to scoop you off the floor and into his arms, and you’re once again in awe of his strength.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby. I can’t believe you came all the way here to see me,” he said with a teasing tone and he’s kissing you all over your face as you struggle in his arms. Your face was hot with embarrassment and you know Kuroo was trying to get back at you for scaring him.
Now Bokuto is laughing at your expense and Akaashi is silently judging the chaos your arrival brought.
At some point you manage to wiggle out of Kuroo’s arms and once everyone calms down you tell him how you’re staying just a few blocks away for the rest of the week so you decided to come visit him at camp.
Obviously he’s happy and secretly he’s really touched at how you would do something like that for him. Definitely expect him to try to make it up to you once you get back home in the form of gifts, physical contact and praises, and lots of dates whenever you have time.
You hang out with the boys for the rest of the night and cheer them on as they practice.
Kuroo is NOT shy AT ALL about PDA and is constantly giving you kisses on your forehead and wrapping his arms around your shoulders if you’re next to him because he still can’t believe you’re here!!!
When it’s time for bed, you bid them goodbye and even though Kuroo insists on walking you back, you force him to stay at camp because you know he’ll get in trouble if he leaves, plus he’s obviously really tired. It’s not too far so you say you’ll be fine and promise to text you when you get back home. That’s not enough for him though, and although he agrees he’ll stay at camp, he still wants to talk to you on the phone as you walk to make sure nothing happens on the way.
You’re really tired when you finally get home because dealing with a bunch of energetic boys is a lot, but you’re still excited for the next day.
You had told Kuroo you would come over every night to hang out during free practice, but he managed to convince you that no one would mind if you came over during the day too. He also tells you you’re his lucky charm and he needs you to cheer him on. Yes, he included a lot of winky faces with that message.
When you show up during the practice matches the next day, all of Nekoma is happy to see you because Kuroo had kept your arrival a secret from them so that they would be surprised as well, and even Coach Nekoma is glad to see you, having become familiar with you ever since you started dating the team’s captain.
For the rest of the week, every morning you head off to the camp and every night you head home, making it full day adventure whenever you go. You’re actually really glad that they let you spend all day there because you would probably be bored if you were stuck at home all day. Your relatives don’t mind either because they’re very much fine with the “freedom of youth” concept and all that, and as long as you get home in one piece and don’t do anything your parents will get mad at them for, they don’t care too much. Plus it’s summer break! It would be cruel of them to try to keep you inside.
During your nights with the “third gym squad,” you get to know Tsukishima—who was forced to become part of the group and who Kuroo seems to have way too much fun teasing—and you ask him lots of questions about Karasuno. How he deals with the combination of you, Kuroo, and Bokuto is still a mystery to this day. You still like hanging out with him despite his salty attitude though and find it funny to poke fun at him just like Kuroo does.
Lev shows up sometimes too when he’s trying to escape receive training, although Yaku always comes to drag him back, or Kuroo—like the good captain he is—makes him practice until he’s too tired to stand.
You even get to know another member from Karasuno better later in the week when Hinata shows up in the third gym. He’s way more excited to talk to you than Tsukishima and you can clearly tell why Bokuto likes the short middle blocker so much.
You had heard a little bit about Hinata from Kenma and had talked to him a few times, but it seems you get to spend most of the time forming friendships during the free practice hours since the boys are constantly busy with training throughout the day.
Speaking of Kenma, he can’t tell if he’s happy you came because you take up all of Kuroo’s attention so he can’t reprimand him for playing games, or if he wished you stayed home because Kuroo has way more energy whenever he’s around you. Jk, Kenma loves you and is always glad to see you. Finally he has someone else to talk to at camp.
Overall, the whole week feels just like when you attend Nekoma’s practices back home since you’re still spending so much time with them and helping Kuroo keep them in line. You guys are sort of like the unofficial mom and dad duo of the team and you both absolutely love it.
In other ways, it’s way more fun than just attending normal practices because 1.) you don’t have any school work to do so you can spend all day goofing off and 2.) you get to meet so many new people from other schools!!!
It feels like a dream how much time you get to spend with Kuroo, and even when he’s busy training, just watching him do what he loves is enough.
Kuroo even sneaks out a few times to walk you home despite you telling him you can just walk alone like you did the first night.
He walks you just about everywhere actually, whether it’s between the gyms, or to the cafeteria, or to any of the other buildings, he’s always there holding your hand.
You best believe he’s giving you lots of kisses when there’s no one else around and even if there’s people around.
If your relatives cooked anything tasty that day, you sometimes bring him some of it as a reward for his hard work when you come in the mornings (you have to be careful that the other boys don’t see though because they’ll definitely be jealous).
Kuroo’s captain duties can be really stressful, but having you there always keeps him grounded and helps him get through anything that’s bothering him. He had resigned himself to just focusing solely on training this week and working hard to make sure his team got better until he could go home and see you, but with you showing up at the camp and taking care of him throughout the week by just being there, he remembers to take it easy and just do his best. You definitely made the training camp a million times better for him and the rest of Nekoma.
When you guys get back to Tokyo, he’s going to make sure to show his appreciation for all the big and small things you did for him throughout the week so he prepared to be spoiled galore. ♡
821 notes · View notes
Hey steph!! This might be a specific ask but could u like recommend me some fic thats like slow burn, unresolved sexual tension, and some bottomlock. And please please please let it be long so that it hits the sweet spot of satisfying your fic needs but also not stupidly long. Also I love your blog
Hi Lovely!!
AHHHH I’m glad you enjoy!! I try my best, LOL. 
AHH I’ve SO MANY slow burn fics, it’s ridiculous, and I do have separate lists for bottomlock, so I can direct you to those.... BUT I DON’T HAVE A LIST FOR MY U.S.T. FICS YES. So can I do that??? Please??? ANY EXCUSE TO START A NEW LIST :| Hee hee. Forgive me??? 
AND as per usual, all my fics are in word-count order, so you can start at the bottom and work your way up, hee hee. CHEERS!
As usual, add your own, friends!!
First, here’s the lists you asked for:
Love Confessions / Slow Burn / Dev. Rel. (Fluff Version)
Falling In Love / Slow Burn / Dev. Rel. || [MOBILE POST] (April 2019)
Platonics & Domestics Pt 2 / Hugs, Cuddles & Kisses Pt. 3 / Tooth-Rotting Fluff Pt. 5 / Love Confessions, Slow Burn & Dev. Rel. Pt. 2 / Established Relationship Pt. 3
Slow Burn / Dev. Rel. / Falling in Love Pt. 3 (Nov. 2019) 
Slow Burn / Dev Rel. Pt. 4 (Apr 2020)
Bottomlock (April 2019)
Bottomlock Pt 2
And now, check out my UST/URT list :)
The Other Shoe by thewaitwasworthitlove - (NR, 1,053 w., 1 Ch. || Pining Sherlock, Angst, URT, Post-TSo3) - Sherlock realizes how deep in love he has fallen for John. Only Sherlock Holmes would manage to be more shattered than crystal dropped on concrete.
Clarity by socomessnow (thoughtfulwishing) (NR, 1,283 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV, POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Tarmac Scene, Stream of Consciousness, URT, First Person Present Tense, Implied/Referenced Drug Use) - During-and-post-HLV piece tracking Sherlock’s thought process from his phone call with Mycroft to his return to the airfield. Part 1 of Rifts
Untouchable by greengrapegaze (T, 1,368 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-S3, UST/URT, Oblivious John, Lonely Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Emotional Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock) – “He never would. Petty, childish, immature-bitter. Jealous. She had all that he wanted. All he could never have.” Part 1 of Steps to a Bittersweet Symphony
Love Hurts by Grac3 (T, 2,215 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Realism, Pining Sherlock, One-Sided Pining / URT, Sherlock / John Whump, Angst, Ambiguous Ending) – In a world where someone's physical injuries manifest themselves on the person who is in love with them, John didn't think that there would ever be anyone who was willing to risk falling in love with him - until he got shot on a case, and it didn't hurt. Unrequited Johnlock.
The Dance Lesson by bittergreens (G, 4,596 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3 Missing Scene, Dancing, Pining Sherlock, URT/UST, Romance, Angst, POV John) – Sherlock teaches John to dip. Part 1 of Goodnight, Vienna
There's Something Living in These Lines by teahigh (orphan_account) (M, 4,676 w., 1 Ch. || Mutual Pining, Love Letters, Angst, Mutual Pining, UST / URT, Dirty Talk) – Two men, complete opposites in almost every way, who speak only in letters and pages torn from books.
You Can't Always Get What You Want by hubblegleeflower (E, 4,804 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Sexual Tension, UST / RST, First Time) – John wants. He always has, but now that he's living with Sherlock again, it's all he can do to hold it back. And Sherlock isn't helping...
Wasted Hours by songlin (E, 4,973 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || O!John/A!Sherlock, Pining, UST, Angst & Porn) – John is respectful. John keeps his distance. He doesn’t look at Sherlock when Sherlock decides trousers are for dull people. He doesn’t breathe in and savor it when Sherlock flings himself onto the couch first thing in the morning, wafting alpha scent, dressing gown settling around him in a cloud of blue silk. He doesn’t linger when he’s piecing Sherlock back together after a fight, even though he’s half-dressed and beautiful and right there. He can ignore it. He can control it.
Captain John Watson, Genetics, and Other Crazy Things by cyerus (M, 5,581 w., 1 Ch. || Torchwood Crossover ||  Humour / Crack, Jealous Sherlock, Sexual Magnet John, Captain John, UST / RST, Three Continents Watson) – The explanation for John "Three Continents" Watson? Jack Harkness is his father. Sherlock doesn't know whether he's going to die from jealousy or sexual frustration first.
No Light, No Light (in your bright blue eyes) by orphan_account (G, 5,915 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Pining, Songfic, Mutual Unrequited Love, Unresolved Tension, UST/URT) – Relates to both Sherlock's and John's feelings for each other and highlights select moments of hurt and inner turmoil starting from right before the fall all the way to HLV.
Drawstring by May_Shepard (E, 7,412 w., 1 Ch. || Post S3/TAB, Friends to Lovers, UST/RST, Fluff and Smut, Post-TAB, John POV, Sherlock’s Pyjamas, Rimming, Wanking) – John is bothered by Sherlock’s slowly-falling jim-jams… as in hot and bothered and he is trying to deal with a sexy dishevelled Sherlock while also keeping his pining in check.
High and Tight, Soft and Loose by cwb (E, 7,429 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous John, Miscommunications / Misunderstandings, First Kiss / Time, BAMF John, Insecure Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock, POV John, Embarrassed John, Adorable Sherlock, Junk Size, UST / RST) – John pressed the knuckle of his index finger against his mouth and sighed. “So, you're coiled like a spring and ready to be ... sprung?” “If you want to be pedestrian about it, yes.” “Like I said, you should do something about that.” “And like I said, pedestrian. What would you have me do? Take up jogging? Yoga? Oh! Unless you mean –” “I don't mean anything. Let’s drop it.”
Alone On the Water by Mad_Lori (G, 7,725 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, UST/URT, Angst, Euthanasia, Love Confessions) – Sherlock Holmes never expected to live a long life, but he never imagined that it would end like this.
All the Times Something ALMOST Happened by allonsys_girl (T, 9,049 w., 6 Ch. || POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Canon Compliant, Angst, Friendship/Love, UST) – John and Sherlock dancing around what they dance around in canon.
Someone I Love by hudders-and-hiddles (M, 10,002 w., 2 Ch. || Canon Compliant, HLV-Filler Fic, Pre-Slash, Jealous John, PIning Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, UST/URT, Dog Tags) – John gets married and Sherlock finds comfort in wearing John's identity tags around his wrist.
Ravish Me by amalnahurriyeh (E, 10,025 w., 1 Ch. || UST / RST, Makeup / Lipstick, Sympathetic Sally, Experiments, Pining John, First Kiss, Face Fucking / BJ’s, Cuddling) – Sherlock is experimenting with patterns of wear on lipstick in daily encounters. John is going to go insane.
Their Great Reward by BeautifulFiction (T, 10,095 w., 1 Ch. || UST, First Kiss, Fluff) – Boxing day, in John's opinions, is the worst day of the year. Christmas is over, the tree is wilting and stripped of gifts, and there's a week of dead-time until the clean slate of the new year. However the combination of a blizzard, a power-cut and Sherlock might just make it a day to remember.
The Five Stages of Mourning, Plus One by SunnyRea (T, 10,557 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, Pining / Grieving Sherlock, URT, Heavy Angst, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Drug Use, Graphic Death, Depression, Unhappy Ending) – Sherlock did not want this, did not want another stalemate with John in the middle, a gun in Jim's hand. This cannot have happened without a sign. There has to be something he missed anything which said today is the day I kill for real.
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by cypress_tree (E, 10,669 w., 1 Ch. || UST/RST, For an Experiment) – John helps Sherlock with an experiment: for an entire month, they are not allowed to touch each other and must remain at least one metre apart at all times.
I'm content as we are (but) by inqui (The_Circus) (E, 13,086 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous John, UST/RST, Pining, Victor Trevor, Minor Whump, First Kiss / Time, Misunderstandings) – In which John Watson sees something unusual, becomes jealous, and makes too much of a small thing as an old friend of Sherlock's shows up in the middle of a case.
Say For Me, Love by MirabileLectu (T, 13,147 w., 1 Ch. || UST, First Kiss, Drama, Pining John, Victor Trevor) – If you had asked John this morning what the result of his quiet afternoon at home would be, discovering a truth about Sherlock's past startling enough to shift the foundations of their friendship would not have been his first guess. So naturally, that was what was bound to happen.
Barricade by stitchy (M, 14,127 w., 1 Ch. || HLV Fix It, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Happy Ending, UST, Mary’s Not Nice, First Time, Pining Sherlock, Time Skip Filler, Drunkenness) – Sherlock has been struggling to keep his feelings at bay for everyone's sake. Part 1 of Barricade
Second Chance by SilentAuror (E, 15,816 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV, Post-Divorce, Friends to Lovers, UST, Romance) – Now that John's divorce has gone through and the dust is settling, Sherlock thinks that he would very much like to see if there is any possibility of moving their friendship in another direction. The only thing is, he has no idea how to go about doing that...
Anytime by SilentAuror (E, 17,995 w., 1 Ch. || UST, Porn With Feels, POV Sherlock, Romance, UST/URT, Happy Ending, Drunken Endeavours) – Sherlock blinks and attempts to focus. There is a little too much vodka in his veins at the moment and it’s having an unfortunate effect on his brain and retinas both. There are two Johns sitting across from him, and both of them are frowning at him. “You’re drunk,” the Johns tell him. Sherlock blinks some more. “Says the man with Mrs Hudson’s doily on his head.”
John Watson doesn't have a Boyfriend by naughtyspirit (E, 18,932 w., 7 Ch. || UST / URT, Fluff & Smut, Voyeurism, Masturbation) – John's date has gone very well. Sherlock requires tea. John wishes he hadn't resolved that their relationship was strictly hands off and isn't about to address it. Unless he has to. Smut, fluff and shower time for a naked John Watson.
For you, there's only me by shock_blanket (E, 19,557 w., 7 Ch. || Jealous Idiots, Virgin Sherlock, UST/RST, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss / Time, Insecure Sherlock, Masturbation) – Sherlock realizes he has fallen in love with John, but believes he is unlovable. Cue lots of pining and jealousy on Sherlock's part, followed by our favorite cuddly marksman making it all better. Because for Sherlock, there's only John.
Love Is by SilentAuror (E, 21,508 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, UST / URT, Post HLV, Romance) – At Mrs Hudson’s urging, Sherlock finally decides to tell John how he feels about him. Part 1 of Love Is
Brief Conversations with the Woman by May_Shepard (E, 21,906 w., 20 Ch. || Pining, Love Fairy Irene, Filler Fic, UST/URT, Drug Use, Clueless Sherlock, Relationship Advice, Angst w/ Happy Ending) – Sherlock has a puzzle to solve, and his name is John Watson.
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
Knotted by naughtyspirit (E, 23,166 w., 4 Ch. || UST/URT, Cuddling, Sharing Body Heat, Confessions, Kissing, Masturbation, Frustration, BAMF!John) – John has to cancel a date because of Sherlock's case, which leads them to be tied up in a basement from which they have to escape. They get wet, get tied up close and John has to step up and save them. Because he's pretty. And hot. And just a little bit of a BAMF.
Hellfire by testosterone_tea (E, 28,596 w., 9 Ch. || Fantasy / Magic / Mages / Elementals AU || Mage Sherlock, Elemental John, Developing Relationship, Torture, Powerful / BAMF John, POV Alternating, Dark / Blood Magic, UST, First Kiss) – Sherlock is a Mage that gets involved with a case involving Dark Summoning rituals, leading him to John Watson, a man with Berserker blood. The only thing is, Berserkers have been extinct for centuries. And of course, nothing involving Mycroft and his interfering ways is ever simple. This time, even Sherlock may have bitten off more than he can chew.
That Partitioning of the Things of Youth by wearitcounts (E, 35,353 w., 7 Ch. || Humour and Angst, Post-TRF, Fake Relationship, UST / RST, Friends to Lovers, Jealous John) – Victor Trevor is in town, and nobody's happy.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Wars We Fought, Things We're Not by blueink3 (M, 55,204 w., 10 Ch. || Post S3 / Post TAB, Parentlock, Fluff & Angst, Kidnapping, Whump, Post-TAB, UST/URT, 3G, Mild Peril, Slow Burn, Couple for a Case, Protective Mycroft, Infant Death Pre-Story, Friends to Lovers) –  Five months after John's world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
A Hundred Crimson Sols by elldotsee (E, 55,536 w., 16 Ch. || Astronauts AU || Mars Exploration / Space Travel, Slow Burn, Shy Sherlock, Scientist Sherlock / Biomed Engineer John, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, UST, Angst with Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, Suicidal Ideation, Zero-G Sex) – Will Holmes is a chemical researcher recognized widely for his contributions to the new Mars exploration program. Thanks to his ground-breaking developments, the IMMC (International Mars Mission Corporation) is one step closer to Martian colonization. Will and his team of scientists are headed out on the first of three manned missions before the first group of settlers arrive. Three days before launch, one of the crew has to be replaced. Will panics because...new people. The replacement is of course one John Watson, biomedical engineer and space hottie who was pretty sure he had retired from actual space exploration and was now content to work in the nice, quiet research lab. Can the crew survive this TOTALLY ROUTINE trip? Will they be able to endure each other for the looooooong trip in close quarters? Gonna be a wild ride... prepare for blast off. Part 1 of SpaceBois go to Space
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) – Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada & ShinySherlock (E, 125,492 w., 23 Ch. || Historical Pirates AU || Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Doctor John / Pirate Captain Sherlock, Sailing, UST / RST, Masturbation, Action / Adventure, Mild Angst & Peril, Romance, Shaving, Molly/Janine, Bottomlock, Hand / Blow Jobs, Past Drug Use, Slow Burn, Mild Violence, Facial Shaving, Happy Ending) – Here be a tale of adventure for both body and soul, but beware if ye be not of stout heart, for this be piratelock, ya savvy? Luckless ship's surgeon John Watson takes a chance, and finds himself eye to eye with The Ghost, the scourge of the seven seas and a definite thorn in the side of the blaggard, James Moriarty. But when John finds there's more to this most cunning pirate than be meetin' the eye, he has to choose... is it a pirate's life for him?
The Adventure of the Silver Scars by tangledblue (NR [M], 142,458 w., 41 Ch. || S3 Fix-It, Post-HLV/ Post-TAB / Canon Compliant, Case Fic, No Baby, Angst, Humour, UST, Slow Burn, Angry John, Reconciliation, Not Nice Mary / Leaving Mary, Dependent Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Caretaker John, Fist Fights, It’s An Experiment, Virgin Sherlock, Dancing, Drugging, John Whump, Pet Names, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Scars) – It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
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lostinfantasyworlds · 4 years
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Words: ~4,200
Cw for some descriptions of the pain of childbirth.
Includes my drawing of Inuyasha and baby Moroha later on in the story! (I will also post separately).
Read on AO3
A/N at the end.
The first of the evening’s stars twinkled against a darkening sky above Kaede’s hut, where Kagome lay inside, deep in the throes of labor. The initial pangs of discomfort had begun shortly after daybreak that morning, the recent sunset marking thirteen hours since then. Now well into active labor, Kagome braced herself for yet another painful contraction. She groaned before clenching her jaw tightly shut, feeling the muscles within her lower abdomen begin to tense.
The fingers of her right hand were laced firmly through her husband’s, who sat diligently at her side. She squeezed Inuyasha’s hand with all her strength, grateful that she could do so without hurting him too much. 
Although it was not traditional for the father to be allowed in the birthing hut, a (reluctant) exception had been made for Inuyasha. Kagome recalled the earlier scene in an effort to distract herself from the building pain.
“Kaede!” Inuyasha called out as he burst through the entrance of Kaede’s hut, carrying Kagome in his arms. 
Kaede made a sound of annoyance as she finished making her tea, her back turned towards the couple. Her lack of surprise suggested that she had sensed the half-demon’s aura approaching. “What are ye making such a fuss about, Inuyasha?”
“Kaede, the baby’s coming!” Kagome said through labored breaths. Kaede finally turned around to see Kagome in Inuyasha’s arms, one hand on her swollen belly and her face screwed up in pain. Her face softened as she realized the reason for the sudden intrusion.
“Ah, yes. Good, good,” Kaede said calmly and set her tea down to begin preparing the futon for Kagome to lay on. 
She moved slowly in her old age, and after a few minutes when Kagome cried out again, Inuyasha growled and snapped, “Would ya move it along? Kagome needs somewhere to lay down right fucking now!”
Kaede shot him a one-eyed glare as she finished placing the last pillow. She gestured to the futon, indicating that it was ready for Kagome to lay down on.
Inuyasha lay Kagome down on the futon ever so gently, making sure she was as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. Once he was sure she was taken care of, he settled onto the floor himself, sitting cross-legged by her side.
“What do ye think you’re doing?” Kaede asked as she grabbed a clean birthing robe and water bucket from a storage chest in the corner. “Fathers are not allowed in the birthing hut, Inuyasha. It is time for ye to leave.”
Inuyasha cracked his knuckles in response, holding up his claws menacingly. “You gonna make me, old hag? There’s no way in hell I’m leaving Kagome right now!”
Kaede’s tolerance for Inuyasha’s rudeness was already running thin. “How dare ye threaten me in my own home! It is bad luck for the father to - “
She was cut off by Kagome, who had just finished breathing through her latest contraction. “Kaede, please, I want him to stay. I need him here with me.”
Kaede considered her request, ultimately deciding it would be less hassle for her to just allow the exception. She nodded slightly before turning away and sighing, preparing herself for a long night ahead with a stressed and overprotective Inuyasha.
Kagome looked up at Inuyasha, who smiled slightly, seemingly relieved that she wanted him to stay. She reached out and took his hand, intertwining their fingers. She returned his smile with a warm one of her own, before abruptly dropping it and replacing it with a glare.
“I want you here with me, but if you are rude to Kaede one more time, I will not hesitate to kick you out. Now apologize!” She gave him a look that made his ears flatten against his head. 
“Fine, whatever. Sorry, Kaede,” he grumbled almost inaudibly. Kagome rolled her eyes at his immaturity, but was still thankful that he would be by her side as they welcomed their child into the world.
Kagome was brought back to the present as her contraction peaked. Her muscles tensed impossibly harder, causing her to let out a cry of agony and squeeze her eyes shut. This was the worst and longest one so far. It was so intense that all rational thought was wiped from her mind as her vision went momentarily white. Unable to comprehend anything beyond her overwhelming desire for the pain to stop, she squeezed Inuyasha’s hand with a force that probably would have broken a regular human’s hand. 
She did her best to try and breathe deeply until her body mercifully began to grant her relief. Chest heaving and limbs shaking, she savored the brief respite, knowing that she didn’t have much time to prepare for the next contraction. They were only a minute or two apart now, and she instinctively knew that their baby was very close to making its arrival.
She felt the comforting coolness of a damp cloth dab the sweat from her forehead, and looked gratefully to her left where Sango knelt beside her. Sango gave her an empathetic, encouraging smile. She had happily volunteered to assist Kagome with the birth of her child, both as an excited aunt-to-be, and as part of her midwife training. 
Kaede’s strength continued to wane in her old age, and Rin had decided to spend some time traveling with Sesshomaru again to see if she still preferred that lifestyle over living with other humans. Not wanting to risk leaving the village without a midwife, Kaede had asked Sango and Kagome if they would be willing to undergo training so they could assist with births if the need arose. Although Sango was incredibly busy with her ever-growing family and occasional demon slaying whenever she got the chance, she jumped at the opportunity to give back to the village that she had made her home for the last seven years. As a mother of five children of her own, she had plenty of experience and advice to offer new moms.
Sango put a comforting hand on Kagome’s shoulder, remembering the excruciating pain of childbirth all too well. “You’re doing great, Kagome. Let me check on your progress.” She moved down between Kagome’s legs to determine how much farther she had to go. Kaede had taught her several methods of determining the baby’s position at any given point during labor. She hoped, for Kagome’s sake, that she was nearing the end.
“Good news, Kagome, you’re almost there! When the next contraction comes, you can start pushing,” Sango said, moving back to Kagome’s side down by her feet.
Kagome nodded slightly, closing her eyes and taking a few more deep breaths to try and prepare herself. Her heart was pounding, her hands were shaking, and a layer of sweat coated her entire body. She had never experienced so much pain, not from any of the injuries she had sustained during their countless battles. Even having the Shikon jewel torn out of her body was nothing compared to this. She had to keep fighting down waves of nausea as the contractions had become more and more agonizing.
She was already exhausted, already past her limit of pain tolerance, and the thought of pushing sent her into a panic. How much worse is this going to get? What if I can’t do this? What if the pain kills me? Maybe I wasn’t ready to be a mother! I’m not strong enough…
Terrifying cynical thoughts raced through her mind as her heart pounded against her ribcage, her breaths becoming more shallow.
“I’m scared,” she admitted quietly, to no one in particular. She kept her eyes closed, feeling weak and ashamed. She had been looking forward to being a mother for so long, so why was she suddenly so afraid? 
“I don’t think I can do this,” she whispered, her voice breaking. A few tears slipped out from under her shut eyelids and rolled down her flushed cheeks. She felt like she was on the brink of a complete breakdown.
“Yes you can. What you’re feeling right now is perfectly normal, Kagome,” Sango said soothingly. 
Kagome slowly opened her eyes at the sound of her friend’s voice.
 “Every mother feels the same way at this point, I promise. This last part isn’t going to be easy, but it doesn’t last too long, and then it will all be over and you’ll be holding your baby in your arms. When you look into their eyes for the first time, you’ll forget all about everything else, trust me.”
Kagome smiled down at her, thankful for the reassurance from someone who had been through this before. She then looked up to her husband who was still holding her hand and sitting cross-legged at her side. Her gaze was met with golden eyes full of concern.
Inuyasha was overwhelmed. There were so many sounds, so many smells, so many emotions. He had done his best to try and prepare himself for this day, but he had to admit that he was in over his head. It was killing him to see Kagome in so much agony, especially when there was nothing he could do about it. His instincts to protect her flooded through him with every cry of pain she let out, followed by the frustration of not being able to help. It was driving him crazy that all he could do was hold her hand and offer her words of encouragement every so often. 
He had kept relatively quiet since his earlier threat to Kaede, afraid of saying the wrong thing and upsetting Kagome. He was completely out of his element, having never witnessed a birth before. He had no idea what to do or say, or what was considered normal. All he knew was that he wanted to be by his wife’s side, and that she wanted him there as well. Now, as she looked into his eyes after voicing her fear, he knew he had to be strong for her. 
“You can do this, Kagome!” he said fervently. Hearing her say she didn’t think she could do it had made him want to scoff and call her an idiot, but he figured that wouldn’t be very helpful and might even earn him a ‘sit’ command in her current state. The idea of her not being able to do this was ludicrous to him. He had been watching her in awe all day, amazed by her strength and resilience. Since they first met, she had always been a fighter, never backing down or giving up when faced with a challenge. It was one of the many things he loved about her. 
He brought his free hand up to her cheek to gently wipe some of her tears and sweat away, letting his fingers linger on her face for a moment. 
“You’re so strong, you always have been,” he said, bringing his hand back down to grip hers between both of his own. He stared deeply into her wide brown eyes, trying to wordlessly communicate the neverending love and respect he had for her. “And I’m right here beside you.”
Kagome could feel her panic melting away at his words and the look in his eyes. She smiled a little at him before looking forward with a newly determined look on her face. That’s right, Inuyasha is with me. I can do anything with him by my side.
She felt the pain building again, but it was different from before. Somehow sharper and duller at the same time. She knew this was the final stretch she had to get through to meet their little one, so she gathered all the strength and courage she had left. 
The pain of pushing was almost unbearable, but she did her best to remain focused on the steady pressure of Inuyasha’s hand and the guidance given by Kaede and Sango. She felt every sensation in her body, her instincts kicking in to guide her through the final stage of delivery.
Over forty excruciating minutes later, a cry finally rang through the cabin, alerting all those in the area to the arrival of a new life. Kagome breathed a huge sigh of relief and fell back against the pillows. Kaede caught the crying baby and carried it over to the water basin to be bathed. Sango cut the cord and helped clean Kagome up enough so that she could comfortably lay her legs flat again. 
Kagome lay exhausted, trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart. The cries of her baby echoed through the cabin, filling her with a euphoric pride. She had loved their child from the moment she knew of their existence. It felt like so long ago that she first found out she was pregnant. She could still remember the rush of pure joy she felt at the news. Finally, after so much wondering and planning and waiting, she was about to meet the one she already adored more than anything in the world. 
After giving her a few moments to catch her breath, Inuyasha helped support Kagome as Sango stuffed a couple pillows under her back so that she could sit up more. Once she was sure of Kagome’s comfort, Sango got to her feet and said, “I’m going to give you some privacy. You did so well Kagome.” She smiled warmly down at her friend, and then shifted her gaze to Inuyasha. “I couldn’t be happier for the two of you.” Both returned her smile, and Kagome reached out to take Sango’s hand.
“Thank you so much for everything, Sango. It really helped to have you here.”
Sango squeezed her hand. “Anything for my dearest friend. We’ll all come visit in the morning once you’ve had some time to rest.” She released Kagome’s hand and walked out of the hut to give a full report to Miroku and Shippo, who were waiting at home with her own children. 
As Sango walked out of the entryway, Kagome lifted her head up to anxiously look around for her baby, who was no longer crying. Her eyes found Kaede, who was wrapping the newborn loosely in a blanket. Her heart fluttered with nervous anticipation as Kaede slowly made her way over to her and Inuyasha, carrying their new addition in her arms.
“Congratulations Kagome and Inuyasha, it is time to meet your daughter,” she said with a smile. 
At the word ‘daughter,’ Inuyasha and Kagome’s eyes met, both of their mouths dropping open slightly. Their daughter. 
Kaede handed the tiny bundle off to Kagome, who reached out instinctively. As soon as the child was securely in Kagome’s arms, Kaede made her way outside to let them have their first moments as a family in private. 
A peaceful silence settled over the hut as Kagome held their baby close to her chest and stared in awe. Inuyasha moved closer to her, draping an arm over her shoulders. Kagome was overcome with emotion, an overwhelming feeling of love and warmth taking over every ounce of her being. She was still exhausted and in pain, and somewhere in her brain there was a terrifying, nagging reminder that she was now responsible for protecting this tiny being, but it all felt like dull background noise compared to the warmth that emanated from her chest as she marveled in the presence of her daughter.
“Inuyasha...she’s....” she trailed off quietly, unable to quite find the words. 
“...Perfect.” Inuyasha finished for her in a dazed tone. He couldn’t stop staring at the face of the life they had created. He had pictured the arrival of their baby many times in the months since they found out they were expecting, but he could never have imagined what he was feeling now. It was surreal and overwhelming to finally come face-to-face with the child who had only been an abstract concept in his mind until a few minutes ago.
He had struggled with the idea of becoming a father. Despite his excitement to start a family with the person he loved most in this world, he had trouble imagining himself in that role. Questions such as What if I ruin our kid’s life? What if something happens to them? Or to Kagome? How am I supposed to know what to do with a baby? had kept him awake countless nights over the last several months. Not to mention how much time he had spent worrying over Kagome. He’d had a hard time leaving her alone for more than five minutes during her entire pregnancy, constantly afraid that something could happen to her or the baby.
It was the worst on his human nights, the negative thoughts hijacking his mind and taking hold until he could think of little else. What if something attacks us when I’m in my human form and I can’t protect them? What if I’m not a good enough father and Kagome resents me? What if our kid grows up facing the same kind of discrimination I did for being part demon and part human? The questions became impossible to ignore on those nights, a couple times bubbling up to the point where his heart raced and his breath became shallow. He usually tried his best to hide his fears from Kagome, not wanting to cause her any extra stress, but those few times, it was too hard to pretend nothing was wrong. 
Kagome would try to comfort him. She would whisper reassurances into his ears. That she loved him and believed in him. That their child would be well cared for no matter what. That he would be an amazing father. She would look at him with such love and trust and warmth that he was almost able to believe that he was the person she saw him as. But it was hard to forget a lifetime of being told he was worthless, an abomination. It was hard to forget all of the awful things he had said and done in his past. How could he ever be a role model to a child? What if he had doomed them to the same lonely life of an outcast that he had?
Witnessing Kagome’s excitement to be a mother was the only thing that kept him from drowning in his anxiety. Although he didn’t know if he was cut out to be a father, he was positive that Kagome was meant to be a mother. She had always been the caring and nurturing type, and the joy she had to finally fill the role of a mother had radiated from her throughout her entire pregnancy. 
Whenever Inuyasha felt overwhelmed with doubts, he would just watch his wife tenderly rest her hands on her rounded belly, or listen to her hum lullabies to their unborn baby. In those moments, he knew that at least their child would have Kagome as their mother, and that even if he fell short, she would always be there to provide them with the care and support they needed. He vowed to match her as best as he could, all the while feeling terrified of letting her down.
Lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed that Kagome was looking at him. She seemed to sense his inner turmoil and asked, “Do you want to hold her?” with a sweet smile.
“Uh..” Inuyasha responded stupidly, but Kagome had already extended their child towards him. 
“Just remember to support her head and you’ll be fine.”
Inuyasha took the tiny bundle ever so carefully, as if she might shatter into a thousand pieces at his touch. He slowly adjusted her position so that her head rested in the crook of his elbow and she was fully supported by his arm. He stared at her for a long minute, still unable to make sense of everything he was feeling. How could he have helped create such an incredible little human? How could he ever be a good enough father to her? She was so tiny and fragile, what if he hurt her by accident? Protecting Kagome was already stressful, but at least he knew she could handle herself in a battle. How in the world was he supposed to protect someone so small defenseless? He tried not to think about all the dangers of the world around them.
To distract from his racing thoughts, he focused on cataloging everything about her. The little tuft of jet black hair on the top of her head, her barely open chocolate brown eyes that looked so like Kagome’s, her tiny nose and mouth. Although she hadn’t inherited his eye or hair color, or his dog ears, the shape of her features still resembled his own. She was truly a perfect blend of the two of them. He inhaled and memorized her scent. It was similar to Kagome’s, with hints of his own scent, but distinct in its own way. 
Inuyasha cautiously extended one finger from his free hand to gently stroke her cheek, being mindful of his claws. Her skin was softer than the finest silk. He had never felt anything quite like it. He moved to pull away, feeling unworthy to touch her with his rough, calloused hands. At the same time, a chubby fist escaped the confines of the blanket surrounding it and waved blindly through the air. Tiny fingers found his retreating hand, and instinctively wrapped around his outstretched pointer finger. 
With a sharp intake of breath Inuyasha froze, suddenly hit with a surge of emotion so strong he could hardly breathe. His daughter gurgled and looked up at him, gripping his finger with surprising strength for a newborn. A soothing warmth began to spread from the point of contact throughout his whole body, almost reminding him of the sensation of being purified by Kagome’s spiritual powers. But this was something else, something deeper and more profound. 
Something shifted deep within himself as he felt her tiny fingers grip his own. Every priority, every feeling, every want and need he had ever had was rearranging, placing his daughter at the center of it all. The moment that she had touched him, he was forever changed. His rough edges softened just a bit, his heart grew a little larger. The world and his place in it made a little more sense. All of the doubts and insecurities he had about being a father faded to the background. He knew now that he would do absolutely anything for the little girl in his arms. 
A type of love he never knew existed rushed through him, seeping into every last crevice of his soul. It was all-consuming and indescribable. He felt as if he was staring into the sun itself, her radiant light giving him warmth and life in ways he hadn’t known he needed. All of the pain he had gone through in his life now felt worth it to be able to experience this moment. He would do it a thousand times over again as long as he got to meet her. He had known for a long time that he was born to be with Kagome, but now he knew he was born to meet his daughter as well. 
He let out the smallest of laughs, breathy and awestruck. After several more moments, he finally managed to tear his eyes away from her to look up at Kagome, who had been watching the heartwarming scene unfold. His mouth still hung agape, and as his eyes met Kagome’s, he felt a single tear roll down his cheek. The sensation surprised him, having never shed tears of joy before.  He hadn’t even noticed the wetness building in his eyes. As he looked at his wife, he noticed that tears were silently falling down her cheeks as well, though she wore a beaming smile. 
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The familiar sight of Kagome’s smile made his heart swell with even more warmth. It hardly felt real that, after all the heartache and loneliness that he had endured in his life, he was here looking into the eyes of his wife and holding his daughter in his arms. He wanted to tell her how much he loves her, how thankful he was to be able to share this moment with her. He wished he had the words to explain what it meant to him to have a family of his own.
“Kagome...” he said quietly, trying to think of something else to say. How could he ever put into words everything he had just felt?
“Inuyasha,” Kagome responded warmly in a way that told him no words were needed. They had always had a quiet understanding between them, their love for each other much deeper than words could ever hope to describe. It was something he was eternally grateful for. With a smile, Kagome reached out to cover her husband and daughter’s joined hands with her own.
Her eyes drifted back down to their beloved child, and after a few moments of contemplation she asked, “Moroha?”
Inuyasha wasn’t sure where she got the name, but it didn’t matter to him. It fit her perfectly.
“Moroha,” he repeated, confirming her name.
Inuyasha rested his forehead against Kagome’s as they continued to gaze down at their daughter. He knew his fears hadn’t disappeared completely, but there would be time to worry later. For now, he simply let himself bask in the glowing happiness of this perfect moment with his family.
A/N (sorry it’s so long)
Hope you enjoyed the feels! I’ve been working on this for a while now, so I’m really excited to finally post it! I had originally wanted to post it before the premiere of Yashahime, but I kept nitpicking and editing it over and over. Plus I decided to add the drawing which took me forever. I also went all out and made the banner and everything, which I’m not sure if people usually do for oneshots but oh well!
This all started with me imagining that one moment of a newborn Moroha grabbing Inuyasha’s finger, and that being the moment that moved him and changed him forever. I could see him being really nervous and unsure about becoming a father, but I liked the idea of her touch causing a shift in him and basically turning him into a puddle of mush. I hope it isn’t too OOC for Inuyasha to cry at this moment, but I thought if anything would have the power to make him shed tears of joy then this would be it. Plus I saw it as kind of an involuntary bodily reaction to all of the emotion he experienced.
I tried to throw in some of Kagome’s POV, but I mostly wanted to explore Inuyasha’s conflicted thoughts and feelings about becoming a father. I hope the descriptions of pain/birth weren’t too much. I have never gone through childbirth, but it sounds ridiculously painful and terrifying so I was probably projecting a bit haha. Kagome is a badass for dealing with all of that with no drugs! 
I tried to look up real stories of how people felt when they saw their baby for the first time. There were a lot of mixed reactions, with a lot of people saying they just felt really scared or didn’t have a strong emotional reaction. This is a fic so of course I wanted it to be emotional and happy, but I tried to mix in some of the fear they must have felt also.
I didn’t want it to seem like Kagome’s strength only came from Inuyasha being there with her, but from what I read about active labor, the pain at that point can be extremely mentally and physically taxing, so I wanted her to have a moment of weakness where she felt like she wasn’t strong enough. And I always loved that Kagome and Inuyasha draw strength from each other in different ways. So I felt like she would have been able to tap into that from having him by her side.
Also, in regards to Sango and Miroku having 5 children, I find it hard to believe that they would have stopped at 3 considering how much Miroku talked about wanting to have 10 + kids lol. So that was just a little canon divergence I threw in there. This takes place about 4 years after Kagome returns to the feudal era for good. 
Anyways, I could ramble forever and over explain everything as I tend to do, but I wanted to get this out there before we see baby Moroha in Yashahime this week. I’m so excited!
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teddy-bear-surprise · 3 years
hi!! how are you? i seen your post about wanting to write headcannons or blurbs and i didn't know if you wanted them to be birthday related but osbddkndjdd staying up until exactly 12 am with peter and once it hits, the reader gives him a bunch of kisses & let's him now how happy she is to be with him!!!
This story is also available on AO3 and Wattpad!
Hi! Thank you so much for the request, I'm doing great today and I hope you are too <3
Title: Midnight Birthday
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: None (they joke around about poop and farts, which makes me sound immature, but I promise it’s funny and not like serious)
Context needed: Y/N
I deviated slightly from the prompt on accident, but I hope you enjoy it :)
Your phone rang loudly for the third time, prompting you to finally pick up. Normally, you would ignore everyone’s phone calls, but you realized that Peter was the one calling you. You had set a special ringtone for him, just so this wouldn’t happen, yet he still had to call multiple times just to get your attention.
“Hey, Peter! Sorry I didn’t pick up before… You know how it is, right?”
Peter chuckled on the other end of the line, “Yeah, I know. We should really come up with a better system for you. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if there was an emergency and they had to call you. I know you can’t see me right now, but just the thought gave me goosebumps.”
You heard him shudder, “I’m sure you’re very goosebumpy, Spider-Kid.”
“Hey!” He asserted jokingly, “You know that I prefer ‘Spider-Man’, you know that. And don’t be mean to me! I’m over here calling to invite you out to dinner and this is what I get? I am beyond hurt. I will never recover.” Peter emphasized each word as sarcastically as he possibly could.
“Oh, get over yourself drama queen. Spider-Boy, Spider-Kid, Spider-Man, it’s all the same thiiinnggggg. Just take the compliment, hun. In thirty years– when you’re all old, wrinkly, and a Spider-Senior –you’ll be missing the days when people called you Spider-Kid. Now, what were you saying about dinner?”
“I said I wanted to invite you out to dinner! Were you not listening?”
You rolled your eyes and wished he could see your face right now. “I got that part, genius. I meant like what kind of dinner… Y’know, Where? When? The details, Pete, the details.”
“Oohhhh, that would make sense.” He laughed quietly, shaking his head at his own stupidity. “I was thinking that we could go to that restaurant you love, you know the one you were talking about the other day… Ummmm I think it was called Sveleka? Right? So we could go there around 7…”
Peter’s voice trailed off as he tried to remember the details of his plan and you cut in. “It’s Veselka, but that would be great, Pete. I’ll see you there at 7, love you.”
You hung up the phone before Peter even got a chance to reply. Your phone skills were rudimentary, to say the least, and it always got you into trouble. Luckily, Peter understood your bizarre hatred of phones and phone calls, allowing you to talk to him without worrying too much.
You knew that his birthday was tomorrow and you had developed a plan of your own. It was supposed to be a surprise, and the last thing you were expecting was for him to ask you out to dinner the night before his own birthday. In a way, it made you appreciate him even more, knowing that he loved you enough to randomly call you and ask you out to dinner. But now, thanks to his unexpected decision, you only had two hours to rearrange everything before meeting up with him for dinner. You stared at the giant teddy bear sitting on your bed and sighed. Even though your plan was technically easier to carry out now, you felt a twinge of annoyance about having to modify your schedule.
Originally, you wanted to sneak into Peter’s apartment, along with May’s help, and surprise him with a giant teddy bear that said “I love you” when you hugged it. Ideally, you would get there right at midnight, as the night turned from August 9th to 10th, and show him that you cared. That you cared about his birthday, his happiness, and his wellbeing.
You shook away the thought and positioned the teddy bear so that it looked like it wanted to give you a hug. In between its warm, fluffy arms, you placed a small box. This box was technically Peter’s real present. It contained a small, circular locket with one half of a glass spider and a key. In the very same box, you included a long handwritten note telling Peter how much you loved him and how proud you were of him. Once you rearranged the box and bear to your liking, you began to get ready.
The closet of your apartment was minuscule, as was the whole place, and the limited space had led you to develop a very limited wardrobe. Your outfits only consisting of basic black pieces, one dark green jacket, and three pairs of shoes. Peter always joked that he loved how your closet all looked the same, claiming that it made it easier to find you if you ever got lost in a crowd. You both knew that was far from true since everyone in Manhattan loves wearing black, but you appreciated that he was so kind about your unconventional fashion decision.
You grabbed a simple, long black skirt and a silky black tank top, changing out of your pajamas. It might have been five o’clock in the afternoon, but pajamas stayed on until you left the house. That was just the rule. While you fixed your hair and makeup, you began to worry that Peter would figure out your plan. It was a slightly irrational thought, especially since he was socially inept and on multiple occasions forgot when his birthday was. Still, the thought plagued your mind until the moment you were ready to leave.
As you walked to Grand Central station, you texted Aunt May, letting her know that the plan had changed. May had been the biggest supporter of you and Peter’s relationship from the start. Honestly, she was the only one you could trust because she was the only one who could keep both your and Peter’s identities a secret. You hopped onto the Six heading downtown, hoping that she would reply before your service completely cut out.
You: Hi, May. Peter invited me out for dinner at the last minute so we might have to rearrange a bit.
May: This is why I told you to make plans with him ahead of time, so we wouldn’t run into any bumps like this.
You: I know, sorry. I wasn’t expecting him to do this.
May: I was kind of expecting it… I made a bet with myself that he would do this and it looks like I won!
You: You bet on us?? Is this like a reoccurring thing???
May: Definitely not. That would be immature. I’d never do that.
You shook your head at your phone, laughing at how obvious it was that May bet on your and Peter’s relationship. To you, May was like a second mother, or just a really cool aunt. She seemed to understand how to be just serious enough, but not stiff. Not to mention that she was ten times nicer and more supportive of you than your actual mom.
You: I’m gonna pretend that the last part of the conversation never happened. But what I wanted to tell you was that I’m going to meet Peter for dinner around 7 at Veselka so I won’t be able to go back to my apartment and then to Peter’s in time. I just left the bear at my apartment and I’m thinking of asking Peter to go home with me after we eat, what do you think?
May: Sounds like a solid plan, kiddo. Good luck, and please don’t let Peter eat too many of those sauerkraut pierogies this time, he was gassy for two days. It wasn’t fun.
You: Thanks for the gross heads-up, May. Byeeee
You got off at Astor Place and walked in silence towards the restaurant. You were looking at the ground, head hanging low, when Peter called out to you from across the street.
“Y/N, hi!”
You looked up at him and smiled at the goofy boy waving at you. “Hi, Peter!”
Jogging across the street, you made eye contact with him. He held out a hand towards you, helping you onto the sidewalk, and embraced you. Peter kissed the top of your head softly and gave you one last squeeze before letting go.
“So, I guess we’re both early then. I gotta say that I’m shocked, Parker. I wasn’t expecting you to get here before me.”
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises.” Peter winked at you.
The two of you merrily ate your dinner, with Peter threatening to instigate a food fight more than once. You talked about anything and everything, by the time you two were ready to pay the bill, it was almost 11 and you were stuffed.
Peter rubbed his hand on his stomach, poking at it, “I think it would be physically impossible for me to eat any more. Like I would just spchwoooo,” he mimicked an explosion with his hands, “explode.”
“I’m just glad we didn’t order any of those sauerkraut pierogies, May said they made you all gassy last time. I don’t even want to know what would have happened if you ate those and the stuffed cabbage.”
“What?! May said that? I never get gassy. Ever.” Peter lowered his voice, “I’m literally superhuman, it takes more than some sauerkraut and cabbage to mess with this iron stomach.”
“That’s not even close to being true. You had explosive diarrhea after that burrito two weeks ago, and don’t blame the food, you were the only one out of the three of us who got sick. Did you forget that May and I had to take you to the hospital? Because I don’t think that counts as an ‘iron stomach’.”
The two of you argued about stomachs, diarrhea, and food the rest of the way to your apartment, stopping every few minutes to point out airplanes flying overhead. You insisted on walking home so you could arrive almost exactly at midnight. Plus having Spider-Man by your side was basically a guarantee of safety, even in Manhattan. Peter held your hand the whole time, swinging it like a smitten teenager. After walking nearly fifty blocks, you arrived at your apartment. You noticed that Peter seemed hesitant, only lightly resting his foot on the first step leading up the building.
“C’mon, let’s watch a movie or something. I don’t want you to leave yet.” You pouted and tugged on Peter’s hand, pulling him up into the doorway.
“Well then, I guess I’m not leaving.”
The two of you were cuddled on your small couch watching Buzzfeed Unsolved, Peter’s favorite show, but you weren’t paying attention. Every few seconds your eyes would dart up at the clock, waiting for the hour hand to strike 12. Peter was entranced, never letting his attention deviate from the screen, and he didn’t even notice that you weren’t looking at the TV. The minutes went by slowly and you were counting down the seconds until midnight, gripping onto Peter’s arm. He thought that you were just scared by the prospect of unsolved murders, not that you were anxiously waiting for his birthday.
The last second passed and the clock struck 12, you immediately jumped out of Peter’s embrace and turned to him. Peter sat up in shock, confused by your sudden movement. You took the opportunity to straddle him and grab his face.
“Happy birthday, My Love.”
You peppered his face with sweet kisses and his eyes widened. His body softened under your touch as a feeling of love and happiness filled his heart. Peter snaked his hands up your thighs, letting them rest on your hips, and squeezed softly. You gave him one last kiss on the lips and rested your forhead against his.
“I have a surprise for you, Birthday Boy.” You lifted yourself off of his lap and held your hand out to him.
Peter took your hand and followed you obediently, curious to see what his surprise was. You opened the door to your room, revealing the large stuffed bear and its matching box. Peter let go of your hand and excitedly ran towards your bed.
Before he could say anything, you began speaking, “I know it’s not much, and I know you probably thought that I’d have like a trail of rose petals in here or something like that. But I wanted to show you that my love for you isn’t just about our physical relationship, my love for you i-is emotional and wholesome. I love you, Peter Parker. I truly love you and I’m so happy that you’re mine. I mean, every morning I wake up, I remember that I’m dating you, and that makes me the happiest person in the world.” You reached over to the box in Peter’s hands, “So, Peter Parker, will you accept this key?”
You opened the box and Peter’s cheeks glowed red. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he nodded his head.
“Yes! I love you so much too. I- Thank you,” He paused, “Oh no. Wait, I don’t have a key for yo–”
“Pete, this is your birthday present. I wouldn’t expect you to give me a gift on your birthday, silly.”
He rambled energetically, “You’re right… I’m still going to get you a copy though. Oh my gosh. I love this so much, and is this a spider because I’m Spider-Man?! Where’s the other half? This is so cool!”
You held up your matching locket, opening it to reveal the other half. “Yep, it is because you’re Spider-Boy. The best superhero in town. And, don’t throw away the little note at the bottom. Well, don’t open it now, but if you ever need a reminder of how much I love you, just read that note.”
Peter held your hands in his and pulled you down, both of you crashing into the giant teddy bear. The second you fell onto it, it blurted a freakish, distorted “I love you”, scaring both of you. You jumped up and looked at a wide-eyed Peter.
“Y’know, maybe we don’t need the bear. I don’t really want to be on the next episode of Unsolved.”
You laughed at Peter’s joke, pushing the bear onto the ground and kissed him. His soft lips tasted like the blueberry dessert you shared and his skin was as soft as butter.
You pulled away, foreheads resting together once more. Peter whispered, “Thank you for giving me the happiest midnight birthday, darling.”
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years
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Serpent of Hate, Guardian of the Wrathful River, Styx is one of five aquatic beasts that dwell in the rivers of the Underworld. Her territory is within the most famed river of this realm, both their names found upon many tongues in the mortal world. The two share the same winding body, slithering through the depths of the Underworld. In this twisting home, she spends all of her time patrolling its waters and shores, keeping an eye out for any who may intrude. Of all the rivers in the Underworld, hers is the one that receives the most warnings. It is not just the trapped souls who are told to avoid these waters, it goes to the regular denizens, guards and higher-ups as well. Do not even dip a single toe into this river, as it is a death sentence to any who violate it. As the regulars down below often say, "there is a reason no one else guards these shores." If one takes a dip or tries to cross this river to escape the Underworld, the wrath of this horrific serpent will come crashing down like a tsunami. The waters will surge and churn, as the massive creature barrels through the depths. All victims usually see is a wave of blue and teeth, then darkness. While all the other rivers of this realm are incredibly dangerous, there is a reason this one is most avoided. Of all the other beasts, she is the strongest by far. Her incredible length and muscly bulk makes her entire body a weapon. Charging through the waters at lightening speeds, she can strike an opponent with the force of a typhoon, obliterating ships and mortals, while sending more durable foes flying. Her length allows her to coil around larger foes and crush them with her powerful muscles, while a single whip of her tail can turn humans into a fine mist. Her raw strength alone makes her a terrifying enemy, but that is not the only weapon at her disposal. In fact, she has many, all which are presented in the form of razor sharp teeth. Styx is bristling with hooked fangs and sharpened teeth, sprouting from the various maws that line her body. All of these pale in comparison to the massive jaws upon her face, as they are large enough to swallow a ship. Simply opening this toothy chasm is enough to create a powerful vortex that sucks in water, fish, vessels and victims. If that whirlpool is not enough to capture prey, her throat is lined with a multitude of clawed tendrils, each eager to seize flesh and draw blood. They reach out like blind arms and strike like hungering serpents, dragging prisoners down into her cavernous maw. Waiting for those who fall in is another boney set of jaws, one that is more suited for slicing and chewing. The glowing hooked teeth on her face are mainly used to trap prey in her mouth, while these skeletal fangs are meant to shred them. It is said that this inner jaw is capable of biting through any material, be it mortal metal or heavenly armor. Everything is devoured and sent into the abyss of her gut, regardless if they are friend or foe. Even if one is lucky to avoid this massive mouth, the rest of her body is covered with hungering teeth, each ready to clamp down on any poor soul. Once the teeth sink in, crushing muscles will pull the victim into her body, where they will be dumped into her horrible stomach. It is said that there is no death within this organ, as victims are left to suffer in this excruciating pit of acid. The wretched fumes of this foul liquid awakens buried grudges and contained anger, turning prisoners into savage, crazed beasts. They will turn on the others trapped in her stomach, turning her body in a cruel and endless bloodbath. How long one must suffer in this pit of blood and poison is unknown, but a way out is known. Eventually she will vomit out unwanted things, be it trash, pardoned sinners or beings she wasn't supposed to eat in the first place. These refuse piles are found deep in the Underworld, as she is very specific on where she dumps her gut. These are foul and miserable spots, but some denizens may be seen rooting around in the filth to find interesting objects or bizarre valuables that wound up inside her.  The Styx is known as the River of Hatred, and there is no better beast to guard these waters than her. She is an incredibly angry and violent individual, constantly in a state of seething anger. She views this river as her territory and she refuses to let a single soul intrude upon it. Her insane aggression has her lash out at any beings who dare touch her water or try to cross it, regardless of their power or authority. Her senses appear to be fine tuned to this river, as she immediately knows when someone dipped their foot into it miles away. With her strength and speed, she practically teleports to the site of the offense and immediately goes on a rampage. Any who are in the water will be quickly devoured, while those on shore will be seized in her tendrils and fed to her grinding maw. Boats and dinghies are not safe from her wrath either, as she can also sense when an unwanted craft touches the surface. These vessels barely stand a chance against her, as she reduces them to splinters in moments. It is said that guards near this region of the Underworld turn a blind eye to souls that try to fashion ways of escape, as they get endless amusement from watching these fools be devoured. She doesn't seem to find it so fun, as she throws a tantrum when anyone treads her territory, even thrashing and screaming long after the last offender has been eaten. This hatred she embodies even seems to emanate from her, coming off in that strange blue glow. Those who gaze at any of her numerous lights will begin to grow irritated and frustrated. Their anger will rise with each passing moment, until they are blind with rage and throw themselves into the river to extinguish this infernal glow. Those who succumb to this spell rarely last a second in these waters, as her wrath is far greater than anything they could muster. This insane territorial nature goes with any body of water she inhabits, as she is just as furious with intruders when she winds up in the mortal realm. If she is somehow dumped into one of humanity's oceans, she will be on the warpath. Trading routes and fleets will be demolished, as she views every one of these vessels as a threat and an annoyance. Crowded waterways and popular beaches will turn into a feeding frenzy, as she swoops in to devour dozens with each gulp. While these appearances seem to be caused by random chance or cruel fate, some say Styx is actually tricked into entering the mortal realm by the rulers and denizens of the Underworld, who are desperate to be rid of her.
  Though she is a valuable guardian, it is well known that Styx is not a popular member of the Underworld. Her endless rage and furious nature causes her to turn on practically anyone. It is not an exaggeration when it is said she will attack anyone who disturbs her river. Guards, officials, rulers and even gods are considered enemies in her eyes, and she will throw herself at them if they dare make a single ripple. There are many stories of her causing chaos and destruction at inopportune times, especially since the river is a sacred site for ceremonies and pledges. Many oath swearings have been ruined when an audience member accidentally disturbs the waters and summons Styx and all her fury. There was also the instance when a certain guard dog decided to take a drink from the rushing river. It took hours to pull the two screeching creatures apart, as it was a tangled chain of bloody teeth and locked jaws. There are even rumors that the god of this very realm is not safe from her fury, as she refuses to acknowledge his divinity. It has been noted that he only crosses the Styx upon the ferryman's boat, which officials claim is for ceremonial purposes. Others secretly believe it is because there is no other way he can cross without angering the vile serpent. Even though she flies into a blind rage whenever any breathing creature looks at her funny, there are a scarce few beings that Styx tolerates. It seems that the ferryman is the only sailor that can cross her waters undisturbed, as she will never bring harm to his boat. At first it was believed that his vessel had some kind of protection or spell that warded her away, but further observation has shown that she is passive around this fellow. When he is crossing the river, she will be swimming close by, keeping close to her friend and also waiting to see if any fool falls from the boat. At times he may sit upon the shores of the river, and she may rest her head upon the sand for both company and comfort. Of all the beings in the Underworld, he is the only one who can seemingly rein her in. When she starts attacking a sacred ceremony or is trying to eat some divine guest, folks are quick to find the ferryman and bring him in to stop her. Styx also seems to begrudgingly tolerate the other river keepers, always grumbling and growling but never fighting. She does admit that their respective rivers are their territory, so she does not invade them without permission. She does also observe the great marsh where the five meet as neutral ground, she is just always cranky about it. Regardless, it has been seen or heard that Styx has some hidden fondness for the other river beasts. She has been seen watching Acheron's sadistic hunting techniques and appears to enjoy the show, though if anyone asks, she will say that Acheron is an immature child who is incapable of taking her role seriously. Cocytus is often seen as an grating annoyance, with Styx having no time for her wailing. Her singing and crying is met with shouts and demands for her to shut up. Styx often chastises her for being so emotional and not getting over these stupid worries. However, Styx has been seen being quite miserable after these cruel outbursts, often hiding away somewhere to stew in self-loathing. She knows quite well that Cocytus is not the only one plagued by emotions she cannot control, and she hates herself for inflicting this pain on another victim. While she may grumble about Lethe and her absent mind, Styx is able to find peace and calmness when bathing in her forgetful waters. When hanging close to Lethe, Styx is momentarily freed from her endless anger, giving her a rare chance to relax. When she is free from this influence though, she is quick to return to her rage, suddenly thinking that this was some ruse or trick to get her to drop her guard. As for Phlegethon, Styx says that the fiery beast is a constant source of irritation with her stupid dances and vain attitude. As a vigilant guardian, she believes Phlegethon has gotten the wrong job, as there is no time for extravagant shows and grand performances. The burning slug's ego and self-praise really gets Styx wound up, and every self-compliment that arises is met by biting insults and angered muttering. Though Styx often yells and mocks Phlegethon, the two have been seen together quite often. Styx insists its because the egotistical dancer is obsessed with getting her approval, which she will never give. However, the serpent is quite bad at hiding her enjoyment of these performances or when Phlegethon gives some subtle flattery. Styx would never admit such a thing, as the burning hatred that flows through her body makes such confessions difficult. Thankfully, it seems Phlegethon is aware of this curse, and sticks close with the fuming serpent in hopes of finally breaking through.     --------------------------------------------------------------------- And end it with a sea serpent! Excellent! That is the last of my Beasts of the Infernal River and boy was it a blast! I love these gals and Styx was a really fun one! This project was nice and easy for me, as there were only five this time! Now I must return to the hunt, to find the next big thing to chip away at. Hopefully I can find some other short ones, as it gets quite tough when I got to come up with ten or more unique designs for something!   This is also the end of Kaijune for me! Hope you guys enjoyed what I made! Now that I am done making monsters, I can get back to making monsters!
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southslates · 3 years
like an angry god
@kanejweek day four: darkness (corrupted ambition) / kanej / canon divergence - soulmates - one-shot - rated T / read on ao3! / 2007 words
Inej Ghafa comes to Ketterdam as part of a traveling circus. She doesn’t mean to enjoy the city, with its sharp architecture and cold edges, with its people who pray to kruge, but she does. There is something haunting in its corridors, something which whispers to her in its alleys. Inej is a gravity-defying girl, she is an acrobat and nothing more, but these late-night Kerch streets set fire to her bones. It is as if Ghezen has come alive to speak to her and tell her she could be more.
It's strange because she thinks she has everything. She also feels like she is missing something—not something that needs to be there, but some defining feature of her. She feels like she is spinning a wheel with a loose axel.
Ironically, she stumbles upon the Crow Club when Malik takes her in, wanting to try his hand at Makker’s Wheel. She indulges her cousin and lets him drag her into the lively business in the darkest hours of the night, knowing that they’re on break tomorrow. The Suli do not forbid fun, and they drink, Inej has drunk, but she does not want to in this strange city.
She ends up drinking anyway. She is caught up in the moment, caught up in the lights above the table, the large, large gambling hall, and almost in Salim, the friend Malik had brought with him to the club. Inej likes him, has always liked him, and the sight of him loosens her inhibitions. They loosen her inhibitions so far that she forgets him.
Inej wanders off across the hall, stopping to see the sheer variety of people who habit it: a white splatter of the upper-middle class of the Kerch, lazing away a Saturday; a collection of young children from Novyi Zem, laughing away in the corner; even a splashing of Fjerdans, staying away from alcohol and looking distrustfully at the numbers in front of them. It’s an experience, she can admit even halfway down her glass, eyes shining.
At some point she wanders over to a setting of Kerch men and women playing a game she doesn’t quite understand; they’re holding chips and laughing, cards dancing in front of their eyes. Inej has always been a quick study with these gambling games, though she detests playing; it’s something else the city has whispered into her mind, perhaps. It is the Ketterdam in her blood, though she’s certain she has never been here before. She has never been here before.
She sits at the table and picks up another glass. She will be fine; Malik and Salim are truly not that far away, she can see them from here. A women smiles at her with shark-teeth, daring her to down the cup in accented Kerch. Something in Inej does it, and then when she’s slid another one, she downs it again. Her eyes are uncharacteristically bright at the table, her head muddy.
It's only a moment later she’s in someone’s lap, between two people. It is the Kerch woman and another man, fitting her in the space between them. The woman’s hair is a rusty gold and the man has black hair and a gold tooth.
Inej may have drank too much, but she isn’t stupid. She blinks and sees that Malik and Salim are gone from her line of sight—then she promptly sits up, a bit more aware of her surroundings. This is not a situation she is new to; she’s almost been taken by slavers as a child. They had ransacked her family’s caravan near the Ravkan shore and would have stolen her away from her family had she not woken up early. She has learned to be suspicious of people, and she let her guard down. It’s this saints-forsaken city, she thinks briefly. It is affecting some part of me.
“Hey, sweetheart,” the man whispers with whiskey breath, and Inej pulls herself into the space between the bodies she is caged in, ready to pull one of her acrobatic feats—twist her body, do the unimaginable. But before she does and the woman’s vodka-laced breath rushes across her face, something hard clangs down on the table in front of her.
Inej is only human, so the sound makes her lurch. The tablecloth moves forward, and something shatters and then leaks onto her on the bench. She groans, because alcohol will not go well with the cottons she’d donned for a night out.
“Peter,” a voice says crisply. “Lotte. You are not welcome here. Did I not make that clear enough last time?”
The bodies next to Inej scramble away from her, and she looks up in her disorientation to see a man who can’t be much older than her, a cane in his hand bisecting the table and separating her from Lotte on her left. On her right, Peter has shifted away from her and is now standing up, raising his hands above him. “We didn’t mean nothin’, I promise—”
“I don’t give second chances,” the man says, and his voice is cold, so cold it almost crawls into Inej’s spine and then leaves her body, but icy enough that it wants to make a place there. His voice is the city’s whispers in her ears, the biddings of greed. She is buzzed, but she still looks at his sharp suit and glaring eyes and thinks: Who are you?
Or perhaps she voiced that thought out loud. No matter; the man ignores her, watching as Peter and Lotte stand up and try to leave the premises. Inej lets the whiskey on the table, cold as it is, leak into her shirt as she watches two large men grab the two vermin by their collars and drag them away to some corner.
“Wow,” she says out loud at the brief spectacle—some patrons have turned to see the two get carted off, but more seem unsurprised. “I was fine.”
“Who said anything about you?” the man bites. “There are no games here. There is no place for cheats.”
Inej is straightforward, and her filters are off as she wrings out her shirt. “You could at least pretend to be chivalrous.”
The man glares at her, his gaze dark and intense and dangerous—but for whatever reason, Inej doesn’t feel like it will cut through her. Maybe that is just the stupidity of being drunk. The longer he stares at her, the more she wants to laugh. “You cannot kill me by looking at me, you know.”
He says nothing, just takes his cane off the table and begins to limp away from her. Inej bites her lip and stares at his receding back—that moment had felt strangely powerful.
“Yer brave,” the girl next to her says after he has disappeared from sight, into a door at the club’s side. “To talk to Kaz Brekker like that.”
“Who?” Inej asks, and the boy next to her, keeping his distance after what had happened to the woman in his previous position, looks almost affronted.
“He is Kaz Brekker, Ja. They say he has played cards with the devil and won,” he says, like he is speaking of a myth, and not the twenty-year-old man with a ridiculous glare Inej had faced just moments ago. “He used to be better, ja, growing up on the streets. But he culled his boss right las’ week, he did. Hung his body from the lighthouse by First Harbor. They say he will commit any sin, without a price. Bloodthirsty.”
Inej leans in close to him, feels something lock into place, the gears of her heart. “Really?” she asks. “He just seems like a man.”
“He is no man, he is a demon. A quick thief, too,” the girl nods to her, and Inej grasps at her pockets. Her coinpurse is missing.
“An immature demon,” she says, stepping up, her head spinning just a bit. “Cheap tricks, for shevrati.”
Inej Ghafa leaves them there and takes the path that the man with the cane had followed; he couldn’t have gotten too far from her, with his disability. Ostensibly, she knows she should not be trying to pick a fight in the middle of the night with a man who just hung another in a public display, but the city is speaking to her; the club is, as though it has a heart. Inej believes in saints, and they are leading her a certain way, giving her the want to get her coinpurse back. It had a sizeable amount of kruge, and she refuses to be made a fool of.
The hallway is dark and she follows its walls to a set of stairs, and then walks up them. At the end there is a door, and to its side, when she moves her hand a certain way, another small alley; a trick alley. She follows that aisle to another door, wooden and locked and in the pitch dark. She shoves her body weight against it.
She doesn’t know what she is planning on doing. Do demons give you back your money if you ask them nicely? What is inserting this drive into her veins?
“What?” a voice roars from inside the room, and then a moment later, as Inej pushes herself against it, it opens. She almost trips onto a cold metal floor, but she doesn’t—she is an acrobat, even sheets to the wind. So she rights herself and turns to the man with the cane—Kaz Brekker.
“You,” he says, distaste coating his mouth. There is no good intent hidden in that word, nor in the hard lines of his face. Whoever this man is, he is not good.
“Me,” Inej agrees, then holds out her hand. “My coinpurse, please.”
“Your . . . coinpurse,” the man says, her face twitching. He is wearing a hat and a suit perfectly tailored to all his edges, a glass man. Inej wonders if she could break him. “Why would I have such a thing?”
“You do,” Inej insists. Of this, she is certain. She’s had it until he was just a foot behind her. “Give it back.”
“You’re very demanding,” he says. Inej wonders if he can feel a pull towards her, like she does for him. His face is surely not giving anything away. “You must be new.”
“I’m visiting,” Inej says, some sort of fear starting to creep into her voice. Perhaps the liquid courage has left her soul in a flush—perhaps the city is no longer with her. She can feel it drifting around her bones, maybe leaving. It is as though it has filled the strange place in her soul with something, not left her empty.
He leans into her—he doesn’t leer, not in a way that is lewd, but in a way that is certainly dangerous. “Well, then, my dear visitor,” he says the word like a curse, “you would do well to leave now, before I break your legs for coming to my office without permission.” His eyes scan her, perfunctorily, and Inej can only dream she sees something below the surface. “You need your legs. Or perhaps you can walk a rope with your hands,” he sneers.
Then he slams the door in Inej’s face. The city escapes her, returns back for its sins, disturbs her edges. I have shown you a story, she can feel it whisper, from the wrong end, wrong beginning.
She slides out of the secret corridor and down into the busy club. The Crow Club, it’s called. The largest building in the Stave. She wonders if the foundation was built on a demon’s work. She wonders why she feels like she should know, why there is a haunting space in her mind.
Inej wonders who Kaz Brekker is. She wonders why her saints guided her towards a demon, what they were trying to tell her.
She wonders how he knows she performs on the rope.
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cursedchilddrarry · 3 years
Harry and Ginny are heading for divorce
‘But Harry is canonically straight and married to Ginny!’ said - well, honestly, said no-one ever in the history of Tumblr, but regardless, I want to address this because I have thoughts.
In this essay I will... no, seriously.
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(Note I have nothing against Lucy Goleby’s fantastic portrayal of this character in the Melbourne cast!)
Spoilers, I guess? Do I even need to say that at this stage?
Harry and Ginny married and had babies extremely young. Pre-Cursed Child, myself and most other people I speak to found the epilogue of DH fairly uninspired and disappointing, and I was again somewhat disappointed when I first saw the play to learn that it opened on that same scene (in my opinion it actually manages to salvage that terrible epilogue, but that’s another conversation). I think it’s fairly unrealistic that teenagers who suffered so much trauma would instantly get married, get jobs and have babies.
Anyway, per the canon that did happen, and now (in the Cursed Child), far more reaslistically, the situation is thus: Harry is a fairly terrible father, having no example to base himself on (or terrible examples only), and clearly never properly recovered from the trauma of his teenage experiences - how could he? He went instantly from a literal warzone into being married and having three children in quick succession, at the same time as being promoted extremely quickly through the ranks of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (and probably undeservedly - let’s face it, Harry probably isn’t smart enough or mature enough, even by 40, to be in the job he’s in - however, a white male being given a position he doesn’t deserve is certainly something I can accept as realistic, unfortunately, and wizards aren’t exactly the most tolerant or progressive bunch). Plus, I didn’t see his and Ginny’s relationship as particularly great. It could be argued much of this is due to the conflict of the events in the show, but I felt (whether intended by the writer or not) it ran deeper. Hear me out on this.
They argue a lot (without resolution)
One of the sub-conflicts/resolutions is Ginny wrongly assuming Harry is at fault for Albus running away, and though she later apologises, she makes a particularly harsh comment something like ‘the more mistakes you make, the harder to forgive you it gets’
Albus is honestly a bit of a little shit (I love him! Don’t throw things at me! Scorpius tells him he’s being selfish and he needs to get over his stupid issues with his dad, and Albus himself agrees) and though Harry definitely goes too far in his arguments with Albus, Ginny doesn’t really try to see Harry’s view at all or accept that Albus may be also at fault
Ginny endlessly tells Harry off and lectures him on his parenting, though I don’t see any evidence of her being parent of the year
Ginny makes a snarky comment about how ‘Harry does most of the cooking’, not her - yet we are told multiple times through the play that Harry works very long hours in a very high-stress, high-pressure job. Ginny is a sports editor. Seriously? He does the cooking?
I don’t get any chemistry between them. In fact, I feel she acts FAR more like a mother to Harry, rather than a wife
Which actually kind of makes sense, right? Harry always wanted to be part of the Weasley family and to have a mother like Molly - well, in Ginny, he kind of got that. And he always wanted a family, which explains why he rushed into having so many babies so quickly when he clearly wasn’t ready
I’m not trying to shit on Ginny - on the contrary, it looks to me like she’s in a difficult position with a rather immature husband who she needs to parent as much as her actual children. She constantly feels excluded from the golden trio (she says this explicitly), and even from the canonically-intense relationship Harry has with Draco; her role and her work are constantly overshadowed by Harry, and she has to fight every time for a place at the table, for her opinion to be heard (leading to her shouting a lot) and I honestly felt like she must be thinking maybe she’d be better off without Harry.
And on Harry’s side, in contrast to Ginny, he has fireworks and lightning-strike type chemistry with Draco; he has a lot of maturing he needs to do, which Draco seems to have already done, being far more together and a more natural father (although a bit stiff), and he has a deeper conversation with Draco in five minutes than he has with Ginny in the entire play; and also, although Ginny seems to know about Harry’s trauma, she doesn’t seem to understand it in the same way that Draco does. She just doesn’t have the same experience. Yes, she experienced a lot, but not to the extent Harry or Draco did. Although she listens to and tries to comfort Harry through his nightmares/flashbacks/general angst and misery, it’s more in a practical mode of ‘let’s get past this and move on’ whereas it felt like Harry was nowhere near ready for that - may not ever be ready for that.
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In conclusion, my headcanon is (though they seem to make amends at the end of the play) that their relationship continues to deterioriate until Ginny leaves. And then Harry and Draco find each other, which is another topic.
If anyone read all of this, firstly I’m amazed, but also I want your thoughts on whether you agree with this analysis. As I said, I’m not hating on any of the characters or actors, this is just what I felt really strongly in the subtext, and I actually love this dynamic for these characters.
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
Snow Day with the Akatsuki
Deidara Although at first he tries to act like he’s above being excited, in truth, this guy is salivating from all three mouths to get outside and play in the snow. He’s a bit of a freeze-baby though, so he’ll put on a heavy coat, no less than 5 pairs of socks, gloves AND mittens, boots, a thousand scarves and look like a tick ready to burst. Once he is outside, it’ll be ridiculously hard to get him to come back in. He creates what must be hundreds of snow men and women; ALL of which will explode like soldiers stepping in the wrong spot on a minefield. He’ll throw himself down a steep hill on a sled more times than seems feasible. At some point will convince the others who dared venture outside into an all-out snowball fight war, complete with teams, safety fortresses, and even more strategic effort than they use on their actual missions. Kakuzu Nope. Nu-uh. You couldn’t convince the old guy to come out in the snow EVEN IF YOU PAID HIM. But a snow day means a break from traveling and doing missions, which is nice. He’ll spend the day in a warm sweater, drinking coffee or cocoa and catching up on his reading ((the Bingo Book counts as reading)). Will constantly have to yell at the ones who run in and out of the house all day, as opening the door lets out the heat, and dammit, coal is expensive. Will also have to be on constant guard against Hidan, as the immortal jerk will undoubtedly try (several times) to sneak up behind Kakuzu to drop a handful of the cold wet stuff down his back. Itachi Doesn’t want to do anything other than sit in his room under a blanket, at first. But eventually Hidan, Kisame and freakin’ Deidara burst into his room and convince him to come out and “Have some damn fun once in a while, hm!” Stands for a long time and waxes poetic about the beauty of the snow, and how winter represents coldness and death and — but then someone ((Deidara)) throws a snowball at his face, he sees it coming with his sharingan and dodges it, and fairly quickly he becomes just another big kid playing in the snow. Has a thing for making snow angels, and will spend literal hours trying to create the “perfect” one ((think: Itachi vs the Eggs)). Also cracks the first “joke” that anyone’s ever heard come out of him: he tells Kisame that he should go inside and warm up a bit, because he’s so cold he’s ‘turning blue’. Tobi Tobi is, unexpectedly, a bit leery of the snow. Almost seems like it scares him, in a way. Turns out that any kind of extreme coldness puts Obito’s mind back to when he got Crushed by the Boulder ™️, and how cold his entire body felt as he almost slipped into death. But as Tobi, he tries hard not to show this and forces himself to join the others. Keeps mostly to himself until Deidara finds him and recruits him to be a member of his team in The Great Snowball Wars ™️. Nobody can figure out why it seems like even direct hits to the masked man just seem to be going right through him. After he’s had enough, he’ll go inside and “help” Konan make hot chocolate and sweet tea for the others. Pein Doesn’t go outside himself, naturally. But will watch from an unseen vantage point, as his “children” frolic in the shining white powder. Seeing this gives Nagato a strange feeling in what used to be his heart. All members of the Akatsuki had been put there for a purpose, HIS purpose; to achieve world peace. But the blood and sacrifices these individuals had to make were tremendous, and he knows that everybody is under more stress than seems endurable. Seeing them being able to drop their burdens once in a great while and spend time with one another in non-threatening situations is heartening. But at the same time, he doesn’t want the team to get TOO relaxed or lose their battle instincts, so will send the multiple Pein bodies outside to act as the opposing team in the snowball fight, to test how everyone works together as a single unit against an ‘enemy’. Hidan Even with the snow, even in the freezing cold, Hidan is too much of an idiot to put on a shirt. He’ll wear his Akatsuki robe but that’s really it. Extreme cold
is just another way for him to test the “limits” of his immortality; can frostbite or hypothermia kill this guy? Will wander off from the others for a few hours and go searching for a sacrifice; he just knows that the way the blood will look on the snow will be beautiful. He’ll come back just in time to join a team (or work alone) for a snowball fight — or a snowman building contest — or an igloo building contest ((honestly Hidan considers EVERYTHING to be a contest; he’s highly competitive)). If Konan ventures outside, he’ll gravitate to her and make immature (but expected) commentary about what the cold is doing to her, er, pointy frontal region; quite a few slaps to the face, and not all from the blue-haired beauty.
Doesn’t feel heat or cold in his body, so being outside really doesn’t appeal much to him. However, winter weather is a good opportunity for him to test out some of his newer puppet’s battle capabilities, as well as study the effects of how external temperature impacts the potency of his poisons. Will also be keeping an eye on his young partner, and checking to make sure that the blonde’s enthusiasm for being in the snow isn’t blinding him towards possible hypothermia.
This little lady isn’t the biggest fan of the cold, so much of her day will be spend indoors, making treats and hot drinks for the others. If she does venture outside, she’ll use her papers to create wings for herself, and fly around the area to observe the beauty of the snowy landscape from above. The others will stare at her in awe and admiration; she makes the ultimate “snow angel”. Might be persuaded to partake in sledding, or building a snowman, if she’s in the right mood.
Zetsu is strictly a warm sunshine kind of plant/person, so the snow and the cold hold no appeal for him whatsoever. He’ll stay inside all day under every spare blanket he can find, as well as a heating lamp (which Kakuzu will complain about, as anything that uses up energy like that is probably costing them money). If winter weather lasts for a long time, will become somewhat animal-like as he goes into “hibernation” mode; eating a lot and sleeping a ton. Also, in the cold weather, the small animals that he tends to feast on are harder to find, so his fellow Akatsuki members would be wise to stay out of his sight (and range of smell) during his more hungry periods.
Being half-shark, his body is more suited than the others to withstand the cold. Snow is fascinating to him, and he’ll spend a long time just picking up handfuls, feeling them, studying their texture and consistency. The younger ones (Deidara and Hidan) introduce him to the concept of sledding; which he finds a bit pointless ((he’s so tall that his legs stick out of the sled anyway, so he never really goes that fast)) but interesting. Also likes to watch Itachi, as the man makes some surprisingly beautiful snow sculptures ((before they’re inevitably blown up by Deidara, anyway)). If they come across a pond, Kisame will strip down, break through the ice and jump in to swim, much to the horror of the others. Hidan will see Kisame swimming in the freezing water as him ‘showing off’, declare that he can do it too, jump in ... and sink like a brick. Kisame will have to dive deep to pull him out, which Hidan will complain about, saying he was ‘Just warming up, you stupid fucks!” Kisame finds that his multiple water jutsus also work with the snow, making him one of the more fierce opponents during snowball fights.
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lovely-jily · 4 years
she made all the bad things go away.
James was still in the common room, waiting. Everyone else had gone to bed but he didn’t quite feel right going to bed without properly apologizing to her. While he never intended for this to happen, he still felt so guilty. 
He should've known better. Just because things with them had been really good lately, Lily was still Lily and James was still James. He enjoyed his stupid pranks and she never tolerated any sign of immaturity. 
“James, you’re Headboy now!” her words echoed in his head, over and over, “I mean, Merlin, it’s so arrogant and unfair for you to punish people for breaking the rules but then proceed to do the same exact thing with all your mates!”
She was right, of course. She always was. Except when she alluded to something going on between him and Jen Landvattor. Jen had said hello to him right before the fight and that seemed to be the exact moment that Lily changed her mind about what James and his friends did to all the Slytherins just moments earlier. 
“Since you and Miss Landvattor seem to be friendly, how about you ask her to help you bewitch the Slytherins ties then? Since she’s so fun.”
James exhaled. He had been kicking himself ever since the fight, worried that he had ruined things. The past few months had been bliss with her, they had really began to be friends finally. Of course, James wished more than anything that they were more but he also understood that he was lucky enough to be on good terms with her. It even seems like she truly enjoyed being in his company. So he settled for what he could get, trying so desperately to ignore the persistent butterflies that were always in his stomach whenever she was around. 
He walked over to the stairs and sat down next to the blanket he grabbed for her. It was raining pretty hard when she stormed off near the lake and it hadn’t let up in the past three and a half hours. Where the hell has that girl been for that long?
Just as James was about to fetch his cloak to go searching for her, the portrait door opened and a very wet and cold looking Lily finally stumbled in.
She looked at him as he shot up off of the stair he was perched on. The thought of him waiting for her all night warmed her insides a little bit. She was still a little upset, but it was completely unfair to take it out on him the way she did. She was just jealous and frustrated because this boy, who had supposedly been in love with her since the beginning, seemed to be finally moving on to other girls. Girls like Jen Landvattor. She knew that it was her fault, she had kept pushing him away time and time again, but she thought that things were different now. They had been working so closely the past few months and she was enjoying it so much. He really had changed and she had really fallen for his charms. But she screwed it up tonight and she knew that. 
“Where did you go?” He asked, an unreadable expression resting on his face. He looked a bit like a wreck in all honesty, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned slightly. His hair was all over the place and Lily could tell he was doing that stupid thing he did to it when he got nervous. His shirt was unbuttoned slightly, causing her cheeks to heat a bit, and he was missing his tie. 
She cleared her throat and looked at the floor as she walked over to the fireplace, “the lake. I ran into Hagrid.”
“You sat outside for that long?” He said, his voice raising with emotion. He was mad now, and it was completely reasonable. He had never ever yelled or raised his voice at her in the slightest before but she was sure that it was about to happen now. 
She sighed as she warmed her hands up to the fire. She could hear him walking in her direction but she refused to look up. She didn’t want to give away her emotion. She didn’t want to answer, not ready to give him complete honesty yet. She was too stubborn to admit her feelings and was sure that she would be so humiliated. Not to mention how awkward things would be after that conversation. 
She heard him clear his throat behind her and she turned around. He was holding a neatly folded blanket of his for her, causing her to let out a soft sigh, feeling so grateful. She was so cold. 
She gingerly accepted the blanket, feeling how warm his hands were and wondering how they would feel around her own, “James I-”
“Lily, I’m so sorry,” he burst out and that’s when she noticed that he wasn’t angry with her. He seemed hurt, which in all honesty was worse in her mind. She had hurt him. 
“No, James,” she held the blanket up to her chest and glanced at the couch just behind him. She wasn’t brave enough to make eye contact at that moment, “I wasn’t very fair to you and I lashed out and I’m not even sure why, I just-”
“No, Lil,” he said, making her blush even harder at the sound of that nickname. She loved it when he called her that, “You were completely right. I have no right to excuse my friends-”
“James, I was being ridiculous, don’t blame yourself for my own-”
“No I want you to understand-”
“You didn’t even do anything I wasn’t even mad at you-”
James couldn’t help but laugh slightly at this exchange, causing her to stop talking and just look at him. Those green eyes...
He inhaled, gabbed the blanket and put it around her shoulders, then brushed her wet hair behind her ear. It was so cold so he placed his hands over the top of her ear, trying to warm it up. 
“You should put on warm clothes and go to bed. It’s late and you’ve got that exam tomorrow.”
She smiled slightly, all her feelings of guilt and shame leaving her. He remembered about her Arithmancy exam and he wasn’t even in that class.
She sighed and tilted her head into his hand, “I know. Thank you for the blanket, you’re too kind to me, you know that right?”
He flashed that smirk she loved so much and shook his head, “I don’t think I’m nearly good enough but its too late for the conversation. Goodnight, Lils.”
She started to walk past him before turning back, “Thank you. And I really am sorry.”
He just smiled at her as he watched the woman he loved walk up the stairs, forgetting the war that was looming and forgetting completely about the fight from earlier. She had that affect on him. She made all the bad things go away. 
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Quite the Scare
Pairing: Matt Casey x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 2083
Author’s Note: Another Matt request! Yay! I love him
Trigger Warning(s): Injury, near death, mention of an argument, a child is injured as well (but saved)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Y/N and Matt have been dating for about a year and have been living together for a few months. One night they have the biggest fight of their relationship and Y/N leaves and goes to stay with a friend. A week later, while she’s working, Matt is rushed in to the hospital after being severely injured.
Y/N = Your Name
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You couldn’t even remember what started the fight. Just that it started and quickly spun out of control. You remember running out of your shared apartment and that Matt didn’t try to stop you.
You went to your best friend’s house, showing up in tears. She swore that she was gonna kick his ass and was halfway to the door before you managed to stop her.
Sarah comforted you and told you that you could stay with her for as long as you needed.
Only problem was that you didn’t grab anything.
You knew when Matt’s next shift was, so you went to grab some stuff and then went back to your friend’s house.
A week passed by and you hadn’t heard from Matt, which made you worry. You two had been living together for nearly a year now, and things were going fine. Sure you fought every once in a while, but it was usually nothing. And nothing like this ever happened. The two of you usually cooled down and made up, but this time was different.
You knew that maybe you shouldn’t have run out, and at first you were just too proud to go back, but now you were too heartbroken. It had been an entire week and he hadn’t come to see you, or called you, or even texted you. Maybe he didn’t love you anymore.
You pushed those feelings aside as you got ready for another shift at the hospital.
When you got to the hospital, however, you were immediately plagued by the feeling that something bad was going to happen. You could feel it in your stomach.
Hours passed and everything was fine, and then the ambulance showed up. You were immediately greeted by two patients being wheeled in from a fire, a man and his young daughter, with her being in the worst condition.
You could hear him pleading with anyone who would listen to save his daughter, and your heart hurt.
You rushed over to help, but then your eyes landed on the firefighter being brought in behind them. Your heart sank, and the minute you recognized who it was, it broke completely.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
You tried to catch your breath.
Pulling yourself back to reality, you knew that you couldn’t tend to him given your relationship, so you headed over to one of the other patients. “Let me know his condition asap.” You told Connor before disappearing, off to operate on the little girl.
You forced yourself to focus on what you were doing and to keep your mind off Matt, but it was hard to do.
Somehow you managed to go about your job and finished the surgery, ultimately saving your patient.
As soon as you were done, you walked out of the OR and you were met by Connor standing there. Immediately you felt a pit in your stomach as your eyes met his. “Is he-”
“He’s alive.” Connor assured you.
You let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding.
“He’s in critical condition though.” Connor added gently, knowing how worried you must be.
You swallowed hard. “Do you think he’s gonna be okay?” You asked timidly. “I want your honest opinion.”
Connor watched you for a moment, he knew you were a smart doctor and that you would figure it out eventually, but he still hesitated. “The next twenty four hours are crucial, but overall he’s in good condition, all things considered.”
You swallowed hard again and nodded.
As soon as you could you went to see him, he looked bad. You slowly stepped into the room and over to his bedside. Gingerly, you picked up his hand and very gently stroked the back of it with your thumb.
He was unconscious and intubated, and you knew that he most likely couldn’t hear you, but that didn’t stop you from talking to him.
“God, Matt.” You breathed out, tears stinging your eyes. “What happened to you?” You asked quietly, looking at his face. “I’m sorry about the fight.” You spoke after a moment. “I shouldn’t have left, or I should have at least come back, but I wanted you to chase me. I know that sounds so immature and stupid, but it’s the truth. I wanted to know that you still wanted me.” You sniffled and a few tears trickled down your cheeks. “I love you and I still want you, so please don’t die on me.” You begged. “Please, I’m not strong enough to lose you.”
You stayed there as long as you could, sitting in that chair next to his bedside, until Connor came in.
“You should go home and get some rest.” Connor told you gently, his hand on your shoulder.
“I can’t leave him.” You said monotonously.
Connor shook his head. “It won’t do him or anyone else any good with you being here and not getting any rest.”
You sighed, you knew he was right, so you nodded and stood up. You didn’t wanna leave Matt, but you knew you should try to get some rest. You leaned over and kissed Matt’s forehead. “I love you.” You whispered to him before turning and walking out. You stopped by the nurse’s station. “If Matt Casey’s condition changes in any way, I want to be notified asap.” You informed them in a polite but firm tone. You were met with a few nods before you finally left.
You went back to the apartment you shared with Matt and it just felt so cold and different. You were worried you’d be met with your stuff packed up by the door, but you weren’t, everything was the same.
The first thing you did was take a shower and change into some comfy sweats and a t-shirt that would work for bed, but also stuff you wouldn’t mind being seen in public wearing in case something changed in Matt’s condition.
After your shower, you decided you’d better eat something which is when you went to the kitchen and found the post-it note on the fridge.
Y/N- If you come back and I’m not here, please wait for me. I want us to talk and work this out, I love you and I miss you. Love, Matt
That was enough to cause the tears to spring to your eyes again, and next thing you knew you were on the kitchen floor crying your eyes out.
You didn’t know how long you were like that, whether it was five minutes or two hours, all you knew was that when your phone rang and you sprung up to get it, your body was stiff with fatigue.
You answered your phone quickly, worried. You were greeted by April’s voice telling you that Matt was awake.
“I’ll be right there.” You hung up after saying that and hurried to the door to put your shoes on, you were at the hospital in record time and rushing in.
When you walked into his room, you paused at the door seeing the others there with him.
“Hey guys, why don’t we give them a minute?” Herrmann spoke up, shifting his stance before beginning to herd the others out. They all looked at you, but you were too focused on Matt to register their feelings behind them, until Herrmann finally headed out and gave you a gentle, caring smile.
You returned it before slowly walking into the room and over to Matt’s bedside. “You know the limit on visitors is only two people, right?” You asked, chuckling softly, you were trying to use humor to ease the situation, since the last time the two of you talked you were screaming ‘go to hell’ at him. “Then again, I know how they are. You guys are a tight knit family, so I’m not surprised they were here with you.”
“I was told that you had to be kicked out.” Matt spoke out, his voice quiet and even, a little hoarse from being intubated.
“You seem to be doing much better than you were when I was here earlier.” You commented, chewing on the inside of your cheek a bit, fiddling with your hands.
“Y/N-” Matt started, causing you to look at him. “I’m sorry about the fight.”
You let out a relieved breath. “I am too.” You said softly, taking a seat on the edge of his bed and picking up his hand. “And I’m sorry for leaving like I did.”
Matt’s eyes met yours and he just stared at you for a moment. “Will you come home?”
You smiled softly and nodded. “Yeah.”
Matt smiled. “Can’t believe it took me almost getting killed to get you to come back.”
“It didn’t.” You shook your head. “It just took you asking me to come back.”
He looked at you in shock then. “All I had to do was ask?”
You nodded. “Pretty much. Neither of us were innocent in the fight, but neither of us were completely at fault either. All you had to do was ask me to come back, let me know that you wanted to work things out.” You said softly. “But, I could have done the same. I could have let you know that I wanted to work things out too.”
Matt nodded slowly.
You fell silent for a moment, staring at his hand in yours. “I found your note.” You said softly.
“You did?” Matt asked softly, knowing that meant you had already gone back to your apartment, which made him happy.
You nodded. “I did.”
“I put it there right after you left.” Matt admitted with a small smile. “I really have missed you, so much.”
“I missed you too.” You said softly, gently squeezing his hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Happy.” Matt answered you.
You looked at him. “You know what I mean.”
“Sore.” Matt sighed.
“You gave me quite the scare, what happened?” You asked softly, not sure you wanted to know but at the same time feeling like you needed to.
“I got distracted.” Matt told you. “A beam fell on me, knocked me out and then the next thing I know, I’m waking up here.”
“You got distracted?” You asked softly, raising a brow.
“We were getting ready to pull out and I heard a child.” Matt told you softly.
You gasped, eyes widening.
“She’s fine, they got her and she’s fine-”
“I know.” You cut him off softly. “She was my patient.”
Matt smiled at you. “So you’re the one that saved her.”
“It was a team effort, if you hadn’t heard her, she wouldn’t have been brought in for me to save.” You told him with a soft smile.
He returned the smile. “I’m glad she’s okay.”
“Me too.” You agreed, nodding.
When Matt was eventually released, you drove him home to recuperate. It didn’t feel weird being there this time, the coldness seemed to dissipate and was replaced with the warm, inviting feeling you always felt. It felt like home again.
“So where did you go when you left?”
“Sarah’s.” You answered. “She wanted to kick your ass, by the way.”
Matt snorted. “Of course.”
“Although she said the universe did that for her.” You laughed a bit. “She’s glad you’re okay and that we’re okay.”
Matt smiled and pulled you over to him. “We’re more than okay.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss you gently.
You pulled back slowly. “Don’t scare me like that again, please.”
“I’ll try not to.” Matt told you.
You were both aware that it would most likely happen again, but you knew that when you started dating and you learned to deal with the worry.
“Good.” You responded after a moment, kissing his cheek lightly before moving to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Matt asked, quick to grab you again, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“The kitchen to make us something to eat.” You responded.
“Let’s just order in, I’ve gone too long without you in my arms.” Matt responded as he placed a tender kiss to your neck.
You giggled softly and turned in his arms. “You need to rest.”
“I will.” Matt responded with a smirk.
You looked at him for a moment before smirking back. “So what are we ordering tonight? Pizza?”
“You can pick.” Matt told you.
“Well I obviously want pizza.” You responded with a small laugh, your arms wrapping around his neck as you leaned in for another kiss.
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Persistence and Resilience
Lee Junho (2PM) x Reader
Anon Request: Hii! I know this might seem a little old, but can I request a scenario for 2PM’s Junho? Can I request an arranged marriage angst-fluff scenario where he already had an evil girlfriend and he’s cold to you somehow when you are so kind to him, then when you can’t take it any longer, you left and he started to miss you and realize that his girlfriend is cheating on him,,, fluff ending hehehe! I’m sorry if this is too hard though 😅
Summary: You accepted your life as the second child to a father with a big corporation a long time ago. You knew the arranged marriage would happen one day, but you expected a partner who also accepted their fate. However, the suitor your parents choose for you acts immature and unreasonable. Can this even work?
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Arranged Marriage AU. Contains angst, slight (implied but not described) smut, and a fluff ending. Strong language once or twice, slight violence
A/N: It isn’t exactly what was requested, but I started going based on the request and let my creative mind lead me where it did. I hope you still like it!
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You knew the day would come, but you never expected it to be this chaotic. As soon as you reached a certain age, your parents started introducing you to sons of other big industry owners as your possible suitors. They only needed you as a pawn in the grand company scheme. Ultimately, neither you nor your brother could avoid it. Eventually, he'd inherit and run the company despite his dream of managing a small coffee shop, and you'd soon be forced to marry someone that could help business.
You met him twice before the marriage was announced, and he never paid you any mind. He never expected anything to happen. Plus, he has a secret model girlfriend, so why worry about his parents forcing him on dates? However, the announcement sends him into a rampage, especially since he hears the news from media outlets rather than from his parents.
You and your parents meet with his parents to discuss the wedding date and other important details when Lee Junho bursts in, fuming about the arrangement while dragging his clearly-bothered girlfriend behind him. Calmly, his father stands up, turns to Junho, and slaps him hard across the face.
"You will marry her. I don't care about your wants. The company comes first, and, as the oldest, it's about time you recognize that. You don't have to love each other; you only need to tolerate one another for the sake of our companies." Sitting back down, he turns to you, "I apologize for my son's attitude. Please, forgive him. He'll come around, but he's far too used to getting everything he wants."
"No worries, Mr. Lee. I understand his feelings and can look past them for the sake of this arrangement." You smile back, watching as your fiance shoots his father a disgusted look before storming out with his girlfriend.
"Thank you, Y/N." Mrs. Lee adds, "Your daughter is very well-mannered. She will be a welcome change to my son's wild lifestyle. Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N."
The dinner continues as boring as you expect. The next few months don't improve much either. You rarely see the man chosen as your husband, and his attitude never really improves. You try your best to be friendly and kind to him whenever you two interact, but he always blows you off.
The wedding day approaches, and, for once, Junho acts nice to you. Of course, you recognize that it's an act for the families and media, but it's the first time he hasn't treated you like dirt, so you enjoy the day as best you can. There isn't a honeymoon. Instead, your parents bring you and Junho together to explain that you'll be moving into his house by the end of the week to show the media that the relationship works well. They want people to believe the motivation for marriage is more than a simple merger.
Without a doubt, this infuriates your now-husband. He rarely meets his girlfriend to eliminate any potential gossip, and now he has to share his home with the one person he blames his suffering on. You, on the other hand, try to be optimistic and see this as an opportunity to become friends, regardless of how difficult the task may be. Slowly, you move your belongings into his house. He gives you a personal wing of the house, hoping to limit interactions between the two of you.
Over the course of the month, you learn Junho's typical schedule. Exercise in the early morning, followed by breakfast and a shower. Then, he stays in his office room most days until dinner, unless there's a company meeting he's forced to attend. After dinner on Thursdays and Saturdays, he leaves for hours, and you can only assume by the state of his clothes and hair upon return that he meets with his girlfriend on those nights. When you understand his schedule enough, you begin eating or cooking at the times he usually does, in hopes to grow closer. He accepts your presence but hardly talks to you. Any conversations you start with him fall flat quickly. Tonight, you decide to make Junho dinner.
He thanks you and sits down to eat. As you sit down across from him, you ask him about his girlfriend. This time, he finally decides to talk with you.
"She wants to go on a vacation soon, but I don't know how to go with her when I still have to think of my father's stupid company."
"Do you want help? We can pretend to go together. I'll bring my friend so it looks like a double date situation. Only if you want, though. I don't want to force you if it'll be a pain dragging me along."
He stares at you for a moment, wondering why you still try being nice when he's been nothing but mean to you, "Are you sure you'd want to do that? You won't feel weird about the situation?"
"Why would I? We don't have feelings for each other. This marriage is for our parents, but that shouldn't stop us from living how we want. If we help each other, it shouldn't be too hard to fake a healthy marriage."
Suddenly, Junho smiles brightly. You've never seen him smile so genuinely, so it shocks you enough to get your heart racing. As he thanks you and explains his plans, your mind wanders, thinking about how handsome he is when he's happy. When he asks whether you'd be okay with his plans, you snap back to reality and blindly accept his proposal.
As it turns out, the plan included a trip to an island your parents own. They agree without issue, hoping you and your husband can bond. The only setback to the trip is that the two rooms are separated by gender, meaning you'd be sleeping in the same room as his girlfriend while Junho rooms with your friend. Junho's strange optimism insists that this will give him an easy excuse to sneak into his girlfriend's room, as he can claim he wants to see you.
At first, you didn't see the issue with his plan. However, the asshole returns as he decides to make out with and even have sex with his girlfriend despite you being stuck there with them as a cover for him. After a few days, you give up. Your kindness can only extend so far, so you storm out as the lovebirds undress each other without a care in the world.
You stroll along the beach, meeting up with Changmin, the friend you brought along for company. You sit on the beach and talk. He tells you all about his fiancee and asks how you feel about your forced marriage. Changmin has been your close friend for over a decade, so he could see your frustration. He tells you to talk to Junho about his behavior. With a sigh, you admit that he's right, and you head back to your room, fully expecting him to still be there.
When you arrive, you hear moans through the door and decide not to enter until they're finished. Turning around to head back to the beach, you accidentally bump into someone directly behind you. Trying to make eye contact to apologize, you see Junho, who looks past you and at the door. Your eyes grow wide as he passes you, yanking the key from your hand and storming into the room. You rush after him in case you need to stop a fight, even though you're scared of that possibility.
You both see Junho's girlfriend and some random younger boy pushing away from each other. She hides her naked body under the covers while he quickly stumbles into his clothes on the way out. You expect Junho to scream at his girlfriend or punch the boy, but he just points to the door and tells her to leave and never talk to him again. She tries to apologize and beg for forgiveness, but Junho doesn't let it happen.
Raising his volume and strengthening his glare, he demands, "Get the FUCK out of my life!"
She wraps herself in the complimentary robe, grabs her bags, and rushes out the open door. Silence falls over the room. The scent of sex lingers and haunts him. He drops his arm and falls to his knees as he stares at the floor and tries to comprehend what happened.
You help him up from the floor and onto the bed. At that point, the man who appeared to lack a heart breaks down crying. You pat his back, so he leans his head on your shoulder. Ever since you've met him, you've never seen him drop his guard and be vulnerable. You stay with him until he cries out all his tears. When he composes himself, he apologizes, but you insist that it's perfectly fine.
After a short silence, he looks at you and asks, "Can I sleep next to you tonight? I think I need the comfort of another person."
"How about we sleep in your room then? The smell in here doesn't seem to be going away any time soon."
He agrees with a nod, so you both head to the next room, and you explain the situation to Changmin. He apologizes to Junho and asks if either of you need anything. When you both insist that you're fine, he retreats to his bed and puts his attention to his laptop. You and your husband get in the other bed together. He lays under the blankets and moves close to you for comfort. Not quite ready to sleep, you sit in the bed with his head in your lap as you scroll through your phone.
When your body finally relaxes, you put your phone on the bedside table and lay down. As you shift your body, you disturb Junho's sleeping form. He manages to find a new comfortable position with his head close to yours. In his sleep, his arm moves across your body, moving you closer to each other. You try to focus your mind on anything other than his closeness, and you eventually join him in sleep.
You wake up to movement and let out a groan as you stretch and open your eyes. Sitting on the bed, fully naked, is your husband. You quickly avert your eyes, making Changmin laugh at your shyness.
"Haven't seen your husband naked yet? Jeez, what will you do when your parents start bugging about having kids?"
You throw a pillow at him for even suggesting the idea, even though you understand that it will happen one day. Junho, however, decides to further provoke you by joining forces with your friend. He moves to you and hovers above you with a smirk.
"Should we make this fair? I haven't seen you naked either."
"I didn't look, so it's still fair right now." You speak quickly, hoping to escape the situation as soon as possible.
The boys just laugh at your reaction as Junho rolls off you and pulls on his underwear. When he tells you that it's safe to look, you finally begin to relax. You still avoid looking in his direction, but you're glad to know that he can still joke around despite the scene he witnessed the day before.
For the last day in your vacation, the three of you decide to roam around and have a good day despite the previous issues with the trip. At the end of the night, you head back to your room and begin to pack for the 3 AM flight back home. When Junho finishes packing, he heads over and asks whether you need any help. Since you're nearly finished, you thank him but decline his offer.
He sits down on the empty bed and looks at the wall before opening up, "Y/N, I'm sorry for how I treated you because of my girlfriend. I never expected her to be that person, but seeing her cheating on me made everything click into place. But, also, thank you so much for being so kind to me despite my terrible attitude. If you'll forgive me, I guarantee you that I'll be a lot less rude and a lot more open with you."
"Hey. Calm down with that heartfelt stuff. You're forgiven, Junho. I'd still like to have a working marriage with you for the sake of our families, so this is a good step forward." You place a hand on his shoulder and send him a smile as he turns to face you.
When he sends a warm smile back, you believe that good things will finally come after your persistent kindness and resilience with your husband.
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sunsetinmyvein · 4 years
You Pick a Fight - P2
Eyyyyy it’s prompt time. I have since forgotten what prompt’s @imagine-that-100​ gave me from the prompt list for this part two, but hopefully you enjoy it anyway. :P
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And I was right, because it wasn’t over. The pool incident was just the start of much more bickering and fighting over nothing that was set to come during the months between Matty and I. We hadn’t known each other all that well prior to that day, but it definitely set the bar for future interactions. Being argumentative and stubborn was just a habit neither of us could break, much to all of our mutual friend’s annoyance. It might’ve been on the verge of immature, since we were both pushing thirty, but neither of us cared. And we never really meant it. Grudges about stolen floaties were not held for long. It was a rare occasion that we genuinely made up and said sorry, but typically by the end of the day we had either forgotten about it or played some prank on the other to feel avenged about our wrong doing. Over the course of many months of arguing and pranking, Matty and I inevitably became closer. Realistically, Matty was probably one of my best friends by this point in my life. We saw each other at least a couple of times a week for various reasons and I enjoyed his company (mostly). But that wasn’t going to stop me from trying to constantly one-up him and make sure I destroy him any time he challenges me to anything. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? You gotta know your opponent’s weaknesses to best exploit them.
 However, tonight was our regularly scheduled movie night. So, more than likely no arguing would be occurring tonight. The movie had already been picked by democratic vote by the group, which meant there would be no debates about that. Everyone was bringing their own snacks, nothing to fight over. And we rotated who hosted, so no arguments there either. This week it was Matty’s turn. Last week when it had been at my flat, we had picked a comedy movie to watch and ended up receiving a noise complaint from my neighbour about us being “too rambunctious”. I was hoping that we wouldn’t have the same issue to deal with this week given Matty’s much thicker walls. I was cutting up a tray of brownies that I was graciously bringing to share - one of which may or may not have been spiked with cayenne pepper just to spite Matty for last week when he mixed my bag of skittles with m+m’s - while I replayed the events of last week. The details of the movie were actually a bit of a blur, because after the few drinks that I had downed after a rough day at work, I recalled falling asleep. When I woke up, I found myself snoring on Matty’s shoulder. God, that was utterly embarrassing. Other than my snoring, to wake up cosying up to Matty? I’d rather be caught dead. But I must have been too distracted by these memories, because as I was cutting, I slipped and managed to slice open my thumb with my new knife.
  I felt the cut the instant it happened, bracing myself for what I might see before I looked down. Sure as shit, all I saw was a lot of red. The first thought to run through my head was that my brownie plan was ruined. I couldn’t serve brownies that had been doused in blood. The second was that I absolutely needed to seal this wound as soon as possible. I raced to the bathroom, grabbing a roll of gauze and wrapping it around my thumb as tightly as I could. Do I call an ambulance? No, this wasn’t an ambulance sort of emergency. Emergency, though. I should go to the emergency room. Now. But I had to let the guys know I wasn’t coming. I could see the gauze starting to turn red as I searched my phone for Matty’s contact. Fuck, I felt so bad for bailing on this movie night given it was our regular thing, but this was really not good. Really, really not good. The phone rang twice before he picked up.
“Look, I need to go to emergency.” I interrupted in a garbled rush.
“What?” He shouted down the line.
“I need to go to hospital, so I’m not gonna make it tonight.” I explained, slightly slower.
“What did you do?” He asked in an incredulous tone.
“I sliced my thumb open cutting brownies.” I just heard him laughing. “It’s not funny, Matty. I need stitches.” I frowned as I started to grab my essentials. What if they wanted to keep me in overnight? Oh my god, I was absolutely not prepared for something like this. I should have a go bag. Is that a thing normal people did? Have a go bag in case they accidentally injure themselves? Maybe smart people did.
“Do you need me to drive you?” He offered as I was contemplating what exactly I would put in a go bag.
“What? Uh, no. I’m okay. I think.” I rattled off.
“I’ll meet you there.” I heard him say. He what? Why would he want to come to the hospital?
“Wait. No, you don’t-” But he’d already hung up.
  Before I left the house, I slapped another few layers of bandage over the gauze on my thumb to try and put some pressure on this cut that was apparently bleeding like a tap by the rate it was turning things red. Driving to the hospital with a thumb as fat as mine was with all the bandages wrapped around it was not easy to say the least, but I managed to get there in one piece. Once I had gotten there, paid for my parking, and then managed to check myself into the ER, I was able to take a seat and decompress slightly. But, the peace and quiet didn’t last long, because not even five minutes after I sat down a familiar face entered through the sliding glass doors.
“Good job.” Matty said as he approached, with a slow clap for emphasis.
“Don’t patronise me.” I scoffed.
“Show me.” He said as he took a seat in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to my own.
“It’s okay-”
“Just show me what you did.” He dismissed.
“I mean, I can’t really take this stuff off-” I gestured to my half blood-soaked bandages, “-or it’ll bleed worse.”
He let out a low whistle as he raked a hand through his curls. “Bloody hell.” He muttered under his breath, before glancing up at me. “Pardon the pun.” He added with a smirk.
“Shut up. It’s really not as bad as it looks.” I lied. I was trying to play it down, to pretend like I hadn’t briefly seen how deep that knife went, but I knew that this was definitely very vital that I see a doctor very fucking soon.
He met my gaze, clearly seeing the stress I was trying to hide. “You’re not very convincing.” He chuckled.
  Despite my protests about him wanting to wait with me, Matty continued to ramble on about what he had done earlier in the day while we sat in the crowded waiting room. He also told me not to worry about cancelling on the movie night, and thanked me for trying to make brownies. If only he had known what his brownie was going to taste like. But at least he was distracting me from the weird sensation in my thumb. After about half an hour, I was called through to be seen by the nurse - which realistically just meant that I sat and waited in another room for a further ten minutes until I was finally seen by someone. When she walked in, she introduced herself and asked for a run down of the situation as she started gathering some supplies. After I had explained what I had done, she started moving towards my giant wad of bloody fabric.
“I’m gonna look away.” I warned the nurse, she just nodded in response. I felt her unravelling the bandages on my thumb, trying really hard to busy myself by studying the vision tester chart on the wall. She let out a quiet hum as she analysed the situation.
“All right. I am going to put some glue on this now to hold it, but we are going to need to anaesthetise you to properly sort this out. Is that okay?” She asked in a calm tone. They were going to knock me out? It was bad enough to need to be knocked out for?? Holy shit.
“Um, yep.” I nodded. “I suppose it’ll have to be.” I added with a nervous laugh. “When will that be?”
“As soon as they can get you in. Likely in the next few hours.” She answered.
  When I came back out of the nurse’s station, I sat back down and told Matty what they had said.
“They need to sedate you?” He asked in shock.
“I’ve apparently done quite a number on myself.” I could feel the stress building up as the realisation set in. Oh my god. I had cut off my thumb. I had cut off my thumb and now they needed to reattach it. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.
“Hey, calm down.” He reassured, placing his hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be all right.”
“But what if it’s too late? What if I cut too far? What if-”
Thankfully, Matty interrupted my downward spiral of anxiety. “They would’ve told you if that were the case. They’re going to operate, so it must be fine.” He moved to take my good hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing mind as I nodded in agreement. At least one of us was the voice of reason right now. “When are you going in?” He questioned, seeming genuinely sympathetic.
“They said as soon as possible. I just have to wait here until a theatre frees up.” I replied. He just nodded thoughtfully. “You should go back to the movie night.” I said, eventually feeling guilty that he’d already been sat waiting here for an hour.
“No.” He shook his head as he rifled through his pocket. “You want some gum?” He asked, holding a packet out in my direction.
I looked down at them apprehensively. “They’re not some ridiculous flavour, are they?”
He laughed loudly. “No, I threw the wasabi ones out.”
  It was another hour before I was finally called through to get ready for theatre. Now I was genuinely feeling pretty awful that Matty had been here this whole time. We had well and truly pushed past dinner time, he’d missed the movie, our friends were all sat at his place without him. He can’t have been having a good time stuck here with me.
“Okay, I gotta go in.” I said as I stood up.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.” He smiled up at me from his seat.
“Just go home, I’ll be fine.” I said as I gestured to the door.
“No.” He grinned.
“No.” His dark brown eyes bore into mine, clearly challenging me to push him further on the subject.
“I hate you, so much.” I grumbled as I heard the nurse call my name again.
“I love you, too.” He said, blowing a kiss for emphasis as I walked off.
  The doctors all reassured me that the operation was going to be quick and easy. Knock me out, stitch me up, wake me up fifteen minutes later. Easy peasy. I had never had any issues with operations, being knocked out was easy. It was the stuff you had to be awake for that was hard. True to their word, when I saw the clock when I started coming to, it had been no more than half an hour than when I last checked the time. But my god I felt groggy. My brain felt like it had been replaced with a bunch of cotton balls and my eyelids might as well have been made of lead. I glanced down at my thumb, seeing a much smaller pile of bandages on there, that were now thankfully not soaked in blood. That was nice. I then caught sight of the man sat next to my bed.
“Hey, you’re up.” Matty said quietly as he stepped over. As soon as he leaned over the bed frame, the fluorescent lights above him just illuminated his dark, curly hair. Holy shit. It looked borderline angelic. “How’re you feeling?”
“Your hair…” I mumbled as I reached out my good hand to touch it.
He seemed surprised by my actions at first, before letting my run a hand through it. “What about it?” He asked with a quiet laugh.
“It’s really soft.” I answered, genuinely quite surprised by how nice it felt. “Has it always been that soft?” I felt like I had been missing out. I could’ve been touching this hair for nearly a year now and instead I had been swapping his shampoo for ranch dressing and perfume.
  Matty seemed keen to indulge my anaesthesia haze, letting me bother him with all of my weird questions about his hair. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy. I did a lot of mean shit to him and here he was, sat with me in emergency all evening instead of hanging out with his friends. After the pranks I’d pulled, I likely didn’t deserve a friend like him. But he’d pulled them on me too. We were a pretty good pair, I suppose. And I had no idea if it was this lighting or what, but dare I say, Matty was looking pretty attractive today. Had I really just been so focused on butting heads with him that I never noticed these things before?
“Are you sure you really look this good? I feel like I must still be dreaming.” I said, pretending to shield my eyes.
He frowned, before the realisation dawned on him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Are you flirting with me?”
“Maybe.” I shrugged.
“Don’t use cheesy pickup lines on me.” He chuckled.
“How else am I meant to pick you up?” I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.
“Are you trying to?” He asked as a smile slowly made its way onto his face.
“Maaaaybe.” I said in an attempt to be non-committal, but then my curiosity got the better of me. “Is it working?”
“I’m gonna remind you of this when you’re properly out of the anaesthetic.” He just looked amused. Not the reaction I had hoped for. But I was too tired to keep trying to come up with clever lines.
“Okay.” I muttered, nodding softly. “Gon’ sleep now, though.” I added.
“Rest up.” He agreed. “You’re gonna need all the energy you can get to deal with me giving you shit for this tomorrow.”  
Part one
Part three
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