#( responses coming soon )
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
your movie charles art gives me cuteness aggression
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obsessed with getting these asks back to back and yet they both hold some truth i think ...... thank you very much everyone ....
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clarissasbakery · 6 months ago
Hi I love fan being a good dad sm- but can we get more of test tube being a good mom? plz im so hungry
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test tube reading to her little tublings 🥹
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ugly-bug-starscream · 4 days ago
Was just looking through your things and for your AU where Skyfire is there for the events of TF1: so I take Orion showed Skyfire the map in the hope that he could be their transport on the surface? Then of course the events of the film happen. I'm so curious as to how it would go when they run into the High Guard. That idea is so fun to think about.
Yes!! I’m sorry that the story have been very vague but it’s all coming! since I plan to draw for the story!
So yes skyfire is being asked by orion to accompany them to the surface, skyfire being someone orion knows and trusts.. also in the moment thinking that Skyfire will be great protection from any danger coming their way! Little does he know that Skyfire has never been in a fight ever in his life before BAIDHSHSB
but skyfire is excited, not everyday that he gets to go to the surface! Infact no one goes to the surface cause it’s “dangerous” and I would think not even allowed to go to the surface, for obvious reasons (Still working this out as to how they get elita along but we’re figuring it out!).
they travel to the surface, they regret a little that they chose skyfire because they have to stop a lot because this scientist wants to get so many samples of the nature JAJDBSJSB but from the miners being in Skyfire’s cockpit as they fly across the landscape.. (I suppose I can reveal this for now) but they discover they aren’t alone.. as they find that air raid sneaked along with them, he’s trying desperately pleading silently to them to not give him away, bee probably does and skyfire is brought to a halt.. so air raid is coming along too!
I can say too that the interaction with the high guard becomes a little different! Orion and gang gets kidnapped when skyfire was not there, air raid included, they are being interrogated for longer from orion giving the idea of joining forces with starscream against sentinel.. air raid was being held somewhere else, not as a prisoner cause they could tell it’s just a child so they let him rest, put some energon by his side for when he wakes up.. and skyfire is coming to look for them all and finds air raid first.. and when finding the others he finally gets to see starscream after so long.
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makowcy · 1 year ago
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started listening to a podcast 👍 ive decided im gonna be normal about this one let's see how it goes
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poolparty13 · 11 months ago
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When Connor is out of the lineup and now everyone is asking you what the plan is….
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jesncin · 1 year ago
OK 1) Y'all's DC Art has permanently altered my brain chemistry. Your Lois has become the definitive one in my mind. 2) Have y'all ever given any thought to Conner Kent/Superboy? I feel like there's a lot there to unpack and I trust y'all to be profoundly compelling with it.
I feel so honored whenever anyone says that gosh thank you!! ;_; and well since this is an ask about Lois and Conner:
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While Lois is often known for using her charisma to get answers out of people she interviews, I think Lois Liando has a lot of empathy for other marginalized people. She sees the way Conner is forced to grow up too soon, how guarded he is when he's offered help, the way he's unfairly judged as a threat, and she sees herself in him.
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z-1-wolfe · 8 months ago
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🫢 i think she might have liked it, not 100% sure ngl
(also i am so sorry,, the first time i posted it tumblr literally ate the post and it disappeared?? so i deleted it and started over)
5th times the charm and all that :')
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symbologic · 1 year ago
Will Zoro leave Luffy after they achieve their dreams? Not likely
Saying Zoro's gonna voluntarily leave Luffy at the end of OP so he can "live his own life" (i.e. get married, open a dojo, hang out in bars) is so wild to me. That's like saying Luffy's gonna give up adventuring so he can sit around and gorge himself on meat
First of all, it ignores that Zoro genuinely enjoys traveling with Luffy. Luffy (who's always getting into trouble) gives Zoro the chance to be his best self. And Zoro (who very much wants to be his best self) will always seize that chance with both hands
Second, both characters are like...the poster children of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. If you're Luffy or Zoro, you rarely need to make either/or choices. That's what makes them unique. It's why they've both got conqueror's haki! Basically: If Zoro wants to drink until he blacks out? If he wants to nap all day? Hell, if he wants to get lost in a paper bag?? He is like a big cat. He will do what he wants, wherever he is. He doesn't need to leave Luffy to get those things LOL
Third, Luffy's made it clear the Pirate King needs no less than the Greatest Swordsman by his side. Why would that suddenly stop once they've both achieved their dreams? Is Luffy going to quit being Pirate King? Why would he? Luffy wants to be the most free in the world, so he can live the life he wants...with the people he wants to live it with
In other words, Luffy isn't letting Zoro go without a fight — not unless Luffy genuinely feels he's no longer the type of man Zoro would want to travel with. And wouldn't that be the worst ending for both of them?
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xoxoemynn · 6 months ago
A few months ago I was lucky enough to win a raffle prize from @adoptourcrew for a bookbinding from @/brainrotpam. I ask her to do a book binding for The Merry Strays of Lighthouse Sanctuary, which was no small undertaking as the story is just shy of 120K. But hooooly shit, I just got it in the mail this week, and she absolutely outdid herself. Just incredible, outstanding work. I'm in awe.
Here are some pictures!! There's also a video here of Pam flipping through it so you can see the gorgeous edge papers as well, so please check that out if you're at all interested in bookbinding, or even if you just like pretty things because it is so, so pretty. The book is 366 (!!!!) beautiful pages and I'm so, so in love with it.
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This story is extremely special to me. It wasn't the first fic I wrote for OFMD, but somehow it always feels like it was. I wanted the setting of the fic to feel the same way the show itself made so many of us feel — a place where we could feel safe, loved, and celebrated for exactly who we are. And somehow, it feels even more poignant to me after the cancellation. We'll always have the show, and this universe will always have the Sanctuary.
This story is the longest thing I've ever written, in a genre that was totally new to me, making it by far the most ambitious project I'd undertaken up to that point. And I wrote it all not too long after assuming I was done with fandom, and any sort of creative writing, for good. Oh, how OFMD changes our best-laid plans.
ANYWAY, feeling so deeply grateful to Pam for doing this, for AOC for coordinating the raffle to raise money for so many amazing orgs while getting fans fun prizes, and for the entire fandom for being such a welcoming, enriching space that has given me so much. I love you all. 💖
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myokk · 1 month ago
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MADDDYYYYY !!!!!!! 💖💖💖 (& ELOISE!!!!!!)
I'm slower than molasses as usual 🤭🐌 technically where i live I'm only one day late which is a miracle, truly 😆💖
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL (this will conclude my bday spam, I promise) 🥳✨️🫶 it doesn't surprise me how much gorgeous art and love you received for your special day. You're such a ray of sunshine in this fandom. Your art and writing are both so wonderful and gave me so much inspiration, but it was definitely your super kind and yappy nature that made it feel safe and fun to actually participate in this fandom instead of just lurking 😆💖💖 THANK YOU × 1000000000000 for being you and for your art and passion and just for being a generally awesome human. 💖🫂💖🫂
I hope you've been having the best time enjoying the mountains, getting settled, and life slowing down again 💖 *irl hermit mode reactivated*
(I had to seriously adjust my ambitions after this month of craziness LOL this was meant to be a lil cover of sorts for the comic im making you, which was also supposed to be done for your birthday.........but I'll get to work on that now without a deadline which will be the best because I can let my inner perfectionist run wild 🤭 also, I know clumsy isn't meant to be Eloise, but, you know I love imagining her/her variants as the mc in all your works and I especially wanted to see her in this romantic/moody divination setting💖)
Can't wait to learn more from you and create more art (maybe even write) alongside ya this year. 🫶✨️ I hope it's the most spectacular new year of ✨️YOU✨️
DANI 🫠🫠🫠♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
AÑDLCLDKKFLSÑXÑDÑÑSLFKSJFJEBCBID AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU ARE TOO SWEET I LOVE THIS SO SO SO SO SO MUCH😭♥️ LOOK AT HER🥹 ALKDJCJSKCJDJSJSJ YOU GOT HER BRAT ATTITUDE DOWN *PERFECTLY*🤭🤭 & omg you finished sooner than I expected😆♥️ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE COMIC OF THIS SCENE BC I LOVE THE DIVINATION SCENE SO MUCH AS YOU KNOW🤭 (I love putting Eloise into all of these oneshots…even if I don’t name her it is always the same sweetheart brat♥️♥️♥️)
I am SO happy we somehow started talking last year & now look at us🥹🥹🥹 my (other) Canadian wife…♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ interacting with you ALWAYS makes my day & ALWAYS makes me smile!! Nobody else I talk with really gets all of my weird lifestyle adjustments/health stuff like you do😆 & I always love talking about reading & hearing about your life & literally just yapping about EVERYTHING with you !!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 (be prepared for some Count of Monte Cristo spam STAT !!!!)
THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ANGEL🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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mcytblrconfessions · 8 months ago
I’m healed and no longer need to refresh this blog every hour. Goodbye
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ginneko461 · 2 months ago
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I think it needs more Silver.
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marriso1 · 3 months ago
Part one:
Severus Snape wasn’t the gift giving type, even in his youth the amounts of time he’d spend shopping for such had been very little, dwindling down to searching for only one for the majority of his school years. Thus, Severus was greatly befuddled when beginning to christmas shop for Harry. The child had been taken in by him at the young age of ten, after the discovery of how horribly his relatives had treated him. He hadn’t personally shopped for really anyone in awhile, let alone a child.
The malfoys had revoked his gift giving rights to Draco the moment he’d been born, claiming that he wouldn’t be able to match a gift to their standards. This didn’t bother Severus as they were most definitely right and thus didn’t mind once they forged his name down on a present they picked themselves.
So, there stood Severus in the middle of Hogsmeade without the slightest idea of what to do. Severus needed to make sure the gift he got for Harry made up for the many years he went without. He refused to return home without securing the best for him. Severus decided to think about the things Harry had taken an interest in, DADA, magical history, art, and unfortunately quidditch. He had gotten some books pertaining to the first two. Two focused on the research to be studied surrounding the subjects while another set he had bought were more childlike flip books, including nicely drawn illustrations and glittery pages. Severus decided on buying Harry a sketchbook with graphite and watercolor supplies. He ended up buying several different sketchbooks as they came in different sizes and had particular uses. The art supplies were the best he could find, nothing professional as Harry was very much a child, but nice nonetheless. Severus decided on getting Harry a broom, nothing too complicated, but with add ons to provide Harry with more safety. Harry was ten after all. Severus mainly just hated seeing him in any kind of pain, so he was naturally nervous about him being so infatuated with quidditch.
Severus had felt quite satisfied with what he had gotten Harry, and yet he hadn’t felt as if his duty was complete. He felt as there was something else he needed to get for him. Something that surpassed the gifts according to his likes, he needed to buy something of greater sentimental value. Severus was more practical, relying on ethics and such rather than emotion, especially in his later adult years. Yet, he knew exactly what he should get for Harry.
Severus found himself wandering down a toy isle, and there lie the perfect option. A stuffed bat that smelt of rosemary, by the looks of the stuffed animal it had been handmade, it was beautifully crafted. As the two had grown closer, Harry had begun to tease Severus, remarking that he was like a giant bat. He found himself fondly thinking of Harry’s progress so far. When he had first been introduced, he had been quite quiet, flinching at every raised hand, tiptoeing through the house. Harry had worn a solemn expression. An expression that had quickly faded as he got used to Severus. He had become quite loud, which Severus hadn’t minded and would only not mind if it was Harry. You could hear his footsteps from a mile away. He’d practically climb on Severus now, as Harry saw him as his outlet for comfort. Again, Severus didn’t mind that Harry’s main love language seemed to be physical touch, nor that it had been him to receive it. Of course, it would only be Harry who would be allowed to hug him, or lie next to him as a storm raged on outside. He thought of the bat as the perfect present, as it was symbolic of how far he had come and how much he’s grown into his own person, not the shell he was molded into. He had also taken into an account that Harry was quite clingy, so the stuffed animal also serving as a reminder of Severus would serve as extra comfort. Although Harry had become comfortable with Severus, he had still ways to go with others, particularly adults. Most kids had tormented or avoided him, seeing him as what the adults would whisper about him. Adults however, were far more harmful. It took a lot of self control not to deal with Harry’s relatives himself.
Suddenly, on top of all his previous gifts, Severus had found himself shoveling a treacle tart, a fine selection of winter sweaters and jackets, a variety of wizarding toys, and a gingerbread house kit into his inventory, along with several types of wrapping paper. He found that he wasn’t frustrated with the hole the venture had left in his wallet.
He was however, appalled with himself, especially the night he set the gifts out. He had gone into the trip with getting a singular gift in mind. The christmas tree which he and Harry had picked and decorated had what looked like a mountain of gifts piled under it. He wasn’t regretful of the gift amount of course, as he couldn’t see Harry’s first real christmas going any other way. Or any future ones for that matter. The warm feeling brought upon him couldn’t smother the desolate feeling when thinking about Harry’s past christmas experiences. He had been forced to watch his relatives open their luxurious gifts while he’d been gifted the likes of tissues. No matter what it took, Severus would make sure to always have gifts prepared for Harry. It hurt him to know that Harry would never enjoy the belief of Santa claus. Petunia had him wrap his cousins presents since his was quite young.
It was early christmas morning and Severus heard Harry’s footsteps come downstairs and freeze as he made it to the living room. He turned to see the child’s mouth wide open, his face portraying a state of shock. Severus had waited until the night before christmas to put the gifts under the tree.
“What’s all of this doing here?” Harry questioned.
“It’s for you, Harry. You didn’t think you’d go without some gifts today could you?” Severus answered.
If it was humanly possible, Harry’s jaw dropped even lower. He walked over and stood in front of the tree, taking in the sight before him.
“Some?” Harry teased.
“All of this. All of this is for me?”
“Yes, every single last one.”
He watched fondly as Harry opened every single gift, gasping at the unveil of each present. Severus watched his smile grow even bigger once he mentioned the treacle tart in the kitchen. You couldn’t imagine his surprise when Harry had went upstairs to return with exactly eight different christmas cards. Each with their own unique designs and individual passages of writing. He was wished about several Merry Christmases. Harry explained that he couldn’t choose just one. Severus had his favorite of the cards, of course. It had been the one featuring himself and Harry. It had detailed how much Harry’s life had changed since moving in with Severus, and how happy he was to have him. It remarked adventures the two had gone on, and some of their favorite memories made together. He could feel his expression soften once more, a smile forming on his lips. He gently thanked Harry and went to grab a purposely hidden present under the tree.
Severus watched as Harry had unwrapped it. There was no reason to explain the gift as the moment Harry had seen the stuffed bat it was as if he understood immediately. He watched a little notice escape from Harry’s mouth before his eyes began to fill with tears. Severus reached for Harry, who had welcomed the embrace immediately. Severus tightly held Harry, knowing that if he’s done anything right, it would’ve been this. He had realized nothing had made him Happier than seeing his boys face light up the way it did today. It was as if the sun itself been in the same room as him.
As they both grew older, Severus found the people he needed to christmas shop for increase. He’d been granted gift giving rights by the Malfoy’s again. He’d couldn’t also help getting trinkets for each of Harry’s friends besides Draco. Books for Hermione, chess sets and candies for Ron, trinkets for Luna, herbology equipment for Neville, wizarding robes for both Draco and Blaise. Being a parent sure had made severus soft. No matter whose presents had entered the area under his tree, the majority would always contain things for his son.
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sallymew4 · 1 year ago
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mob gets trolled :/
original image
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iinryer · 5 months ago
sorry for bringing stupid shit here but i saw people on twitter talking about how they don’t understand how people could like lena. like, oh you don’t like the abrasive woman? why is that. quickly
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marshmurmurs · 1 year ago
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kara can feel the gods magic doing things, sparklez can feel balance shifting
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