#( muse: bode akuna )
mayxthexforce · 2 months
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Jedi Survivor characters + The Onion headlines
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sunderedazem · 1 year
JEDI SURVIVOR SPOILERS AHEAD (beneath a cut, no worries) So I have just realized something about a decision that never made narrative sense to me in regards to Bode and his characterization. Specifically, in regards to the Incident during Jedha 3 and how that all ended up playing out.
It. Never made sense to me that Bode outright murdered only Master Cordova and split right as the Inquisitors were rolling up. Like, he could have stolen the compass on the sly and disappeared if he didn't want to hurt Cal's family - which I still genuinely believe he didn't! I don't think he would have hurt anyone if he hadn't felt forced to do it - which is why this getaway always confused me.
And then it just. It just hit me. Bode probably killed Cordova, because if Cordova figured out how to fix the compass he could have probably made another one. He knew how the compass worked, was at that point the only one who knew how the compass worked, and was, in Bode's mind, the only possible way for Cal and the Hidden Path to get to Tanalorr. And while he doesn't want Cal and crew dead, he DEFINITELY doesn't want the Path following him to Tanalorr.
He of course also needs Cal angry enough to chase him to Nova Garon and cause enough of a distraction that he can break Kata out, and now that he's not going to moving to Tanalorr *with* Cal, it's not like he can just ask for help. So, killing Cordova in front of everyone was calculated to get Cal angry enough to chase him.
Vader and the Inquisitors actually *killing* Cere though - i don't think he'd anticipated that. Otherwise him urging Cal to go back and help everyone get out safe makes zero narrative sense in my head.
but yeah. just now realizing *why* he murdered Cordova, when I really didn't think he'd had a reason to before. (augh. my HEART. I'm in pain)
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galaxyvoices · 6 months
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"This isn't what it looks like, was like this when I got here. Honest," Bode said firmly, heart slightly pounding against his chest. His face stayed calm as it often did. With a quick movement, he raised his hands, attempting to display his innocence. His eyes showed a slight surprise within them, appearing shocked. Everything about him said that he didn't do it. He believed his own act and would expect others to believe it too. The man thought himself a near master at what he was doing after all.
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bode akuna content? im starving for it 🙏
A/n: Something a little spicy, AU where everyone is alive and happy.
Prompt used:
[ WAKE UP ] :your muse tries waking my muse up with kissing and touching.
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You never thought that Bode Akuna would be a heavy sleeper, given him being a Jedi and not to mention what happened to him in his past but when you stepped into the shared room you found your lover to be fast asleep.
He had mentioned wanted to spend some intimate time alone with you. Sinking your teeth into your lower lip you took a step forward. Taking a deep breath you inched to the bed only to sit on his hips, a light snore escaping his lips.
Whispering his name got nothing and deciding to get a little pay back for how he would awaken you, you wanted to try it yourself.
Rocking your hips lightly, you stopped for a moment hearing him groan. Sinking your teeth in your bottom lip you then slowly placed your hand on his chest, your fingers isn’t up the hard muscles.
You then placed your lips against his neck, your teeth grazing the skin. Just as you were about to pull back you felt hands suddenly on your hips. A small squeal escaping your lips as your back hit the soft mattress as Bode hovered above you with a lazy smile on his lips, his dark hair a mess for having just woken up.
“It’s not nice to trick a Jedi.” He muttered, his lips grazing the nape of your neck. “Very naughty.”
Feeling your body grow warm, your nails dug into the sheets. “I was just….you did the same thing.”
A laugh escaped his lips, a light twinkle in his eyes as his thumb ran down your cheek. “You’re right, though I haven’t seen you complain before.” He teased. “Now do you want to go back to sleep or should we finish what you started and let me fuck you senseless.”
Squeezing your legs together to get rid of the sudden pressure as you felt Bode’s erection against your inner thigh.
“Good choice.”
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Hello there!
a little "about me" post
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my art
♡ My AO3 ♡ My Ko-fi ♡ My Cara ♡ My Pillowfort ♡ My Wattpad ♡
I'm a very long-winded person and when I like doing something, I like doing A LOT of it. I have a lot of fandoms, I like pretty art and cats, I write and muse about stuff - it's all a huge mess if I put it in one place. So that's why I decided to split my obsessions into several neat piles, so people could have an easier time deciding whether to follow, ignore or block my stuff according to their preferences.
Order an OC commission on my Ko-fi ♡
Here are my blogs which you're free to explore and follow as you like:
» ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
The main blog where I shout into nothingness. But where I also post lots of Star Trek, mainly about Cardassians (bc I love them). I do not do Garashir, tho, look for that particular bit elsewhere (not bc I don't ship them, but bc I'm severely overfed to the point of having an allergic rection). My focus Cardassian is Damar, followed by Dukat. I'm super open to reblogging your OCs, though. My other favorite fandoms you might come across on this blog (which I don't post enough about to make a separate blog): Mass Effect, Discworld, Tolkien, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends, Marvel/DC, Hunger Games. I also ramble, post about writing in general, reblog some fitting memes and pets/animals, share my own photography, reblog art etc.
» pixie-in-a-moonlantern
The initiated already know: Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot blog. I post my OC screenshots, my own and reblogged fanfiction, reblog A LOT of blorbos (Halsin, Gortash, Raphael,..), whether it's art or headcanons. I do not have any VP tools, so my screens are only lightly edited to be prettier, and that's it. I prefer to avoid posting negative stuff, so it's just batshit obsession and thoughts.
» shaved-wampa
Diehard fans surely got the joke: Star Wars brainrot, and that goes for every conceivable piece of the fandom, even the bits you might not agree with - I don't discriminate. My all-time favorites are: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bode Akuna. Yes, just the two, because I also have a huge pile of characters I love, but don't really focus on: Padmé, Ahsoka, Ventress, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Din Djarin, lil Grogu, Cody, infinite number of other Clones, ... soooo many. My top two are just the guys I actually write about. Bode's and Obi-Wan's fics are unfortunately on hold right now (sigh).
» cyber-vianne-77
As the name suggests, this is my Cyberpunk 2077 blog. I used to do a lot of virtual photography in that one - and yes, this time I mean real VP, though still no paid tools, just vanilla and free mods. I love Goro Takemura and ship my fem V with him heavily - wrote a dope fanfiction about them called 'Broken' (and following parts 'Gimme Danger' and 'Last Caress'). I reblog other cp77 vp (especially of Goro) and fanart. I don't currently play the game or shoot photos, but I have a large collection I plan to drizzle over the next few months, until I maybe decide to go back to cp77 for a while again and finally play Phantom Liberty that's been waiting for me for a long time now xD.
» sergeant-sassy
A mix of obsessions with one man in common: John Hopkins, a British actor :). Seen in Midsomer Murders and lately heard in various games as a voice actor. I've fallen for him for the first time 20 years ago - and he returned to me as Erend in Horizon games (Zero Dawn & Forbidden West). I love the games and its characters and take a lot of screenshots, too :). So it's a weird dump of Ereloy, Kotaloy (because Noshir) and Midsomer Murders :3
» goodness-all-around
My "assorted dopeness" reblogs. It's getting 0 attention so I just usually post shit to cardassian or to my private collection to avoid overflowing my main.
I will update the list if I happen to change things or add/remove blogs. Thanks for your attention and see you in the activity notifs! 💛
Bits of trivia: I'm Czech, cis woman (bi & poly and, frankly, hyper), 32, in a relationship, mom to a 5yo boy, a writer struggling to finish and publish her first original novel, drowning her sorrows in fanfic instead :). I got to most of my fandoms quite late in life, because where I live this info only started to properly flow in with the coming of the internet. I'm usually a casual fan, though when I hit a gold vein I can get a bit obsessed. I love writing fanfiction, which is mostly why I'm here on this site. I self-insert a lot (therapy writing) and usually ship us, with the rare occasion of finding a couple where I can identify with one of them (or mold them to my image because I like or even fancy them). I've spent my life believing I was hetero and discovered I'm not only once I (finally) was in a hetero relationship and had a kid, so... my ships are also hetero. It's a habit, not hating, I don't discredit any gay ships (maybe quietly to myself when they don't make any sense to me character-wise, lol). My AO3 account: XindiChick I usually try to write even the most niche of my ships in a way that doesn't require much knowledge of the original, so you're welcome to browse and read to your heart's content if you happen to like my style. I welcome any interactions, especially comments, because I don't get many.
I think it's something everyone should always be aware of, but I've also seen many people ignoring this unsaid rule:
- lest they get blocked. I'm not here to argue with you about why I like certain characters and why you think I shouldn't. Go simp for your own top picks on your own blogs and leave me alone. Same goes for any of my personal trivia I shared.
DISCLAIMER: My blogs are a safe space for everyone who doesn't go around hating on everyone else. I will block indiscriminantly assholes of every shape, color, faith, gender, orientation etc., just as I will happily interact with good people of any kind. Idc what your deal is, I just wanna enjoy being on this platform, so if you plan to rain on it, don't expect me to indulge you.
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Icons by: @rpschtuff
By the way, a fun fact known only to people aware of my main fanfic novel, The Casualty, the Cardassian in my username was actually born Bajoran, but raised Cardassian, which is why she's a Cardassian in heart and spirit. She's your friendly reminder that not all Cardies are the same and as a nation have the capacity to be much better than how they were presented in the DS9, which is what she's trying to achieve.
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sca3a · 4 months
Suffering is endless - Bode Akuna x OC
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Everything had gone to shit. The twins were dead. Gabs was dead. Bravo was wounded. And here she was, strapped in in the Mantis, holding on for dear life as Cal navigated a tunnel to the surface with Bravo and Bode close behind.
“Hope that's the last of them,” she heard Bravo over the coms. “I'm not a fan of long goodbyes.”
Raizda and Cal dared to share a look, silently agreeing with him. Drawn out goodbyes were one hell of a hurdle.
“More coming!” Bode was soon heard to report, “I'll peel off, draw a few away.”
“Thanks, Bode. Good luck.” Cal barely took his eyes off the opening, but she could see that he was worried. And she knew him well enough to recognize the guilt that rested on his tense shoulders. Guilt that wasn't his to bear.
“You too, guys.” Bode replied, “See you soon.”
Raizda couldn't help but to feel her heart sink at jetpack's words. How likely was it that they would actually make it out alive? Bode was fighting three TIE fighters, alone. It was her and Cal in the Mantis, with no weapons, and only Bravo as a means to escape. The odds were firmly stacked against them.
“I can't shake them!”
She could hear the panic starting to creep into Bravo's voice and she wished she was the one flying it instead. Not because she was a better pilot, because she wasn't, but because then at least he would be able to report back to Saw.
“Hold on.” Cal replied with his usual calm demeanor, gestured at her to hold on tight and then flew the Mantis sideways - smashing into the fighters dogging them.
“That's one way to do it,” Bravo mused.
“Learned that move from you.” Cal replied with a smile, looking at her to make sure she was okay. When she nodded, he turned his attention back to the tunnel. “There's our exit. We're almost there!”
Raizda barely noticed how her grip on armrests tightened until she felt her fingers going stiff. They were so close now. So close to making it out and the panic rising in her chest was stifling.
“More coming in from the surface!”
“And on our tail. We're trapped.”
“Cal?” Raizda looked at her friend, realizing that he was feeling the same thing as her. That he was as worried as her. “What -”
“Shield's down!” Bravo cut her off, panic lacing his voice. “We're almost - - Gah!”
“Bravo!” The cry that left Raizda was more wail than shout and it felt as if the air was knocked out of her.
The explosion lit up the Mantis’ cockpit and the orange light was a deadly reminder that nobody was guaranteed to live.
Cal finally broke the surface and instantly activated FTL. When the familiar blue light surrounded the ship, Cal let go of the steering and looked at BD.
“We took some hits back there,” he said. “You mind running diagnostics while I transfer the data?”
The little droid beeped affirmatively and hurried towards the holodeck, but Cal didn't move. He just turned his chair towards her, slowly rubbing his hands along his thighs. It was evident that he was hurting, but that he didn't wish to impose his feelings on her - as he knew she was hurting too.
Cal then stood, gently grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet. “I will miss them too!”
“I know.”
He then hugged her tightly, despite the harsh angles of her armor. “Go rest,” he said as they broke apart. “I'll send the intel and try to find a place to land.”
She only nodded, swallowing her sorrow. Squeezing his hand she gave him a tired smile and walked out of the cockpit. She patted BD gently on its head as she passed, but ignored its sad boops.
As she laid down on the bunk, familiar faces danced before her eyes as she slowly drifted off to restless sleep.
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jedibetray · 6 months
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐝.
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private and mutually exclusive portrayal of BODE AKUNA from star wars' jedi: survivor survived by bee. a story of: being the hero of your own story, fatherhood above all else, mercenary gunslinger, how far can the hero fall, the force, watching the world burn, survival above all else verses for star wars universe as well as au universes. main verse: jedi survivor canon ish until the final fight. au ending - accepting mercy on tanalorr.
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deeply affiliated with @jedilone
primarily written in the first person. see stats for basic info/bio. playlist. other blog: @str1ga
ONE . The first rule of my blogs will literally always be don’t be a dick. I don’t have time for it. You don’t have time for it. Just don’t do it.
TWO . I don't have any triggers, but if you do please let me know!! this blog will contain a boat load of triggering content including but not limited to gore, violence, and mature situations. I generally don't tag triggers unless I'm asked, but I tag things with NSFW when it needs to be.
THREE . I do practice mains and exclusives, because sometimes you just click with people and that's ok! I will follow duplicates of MY muse, but unless it's a friend, I generally won't follow duplicates of exclusive muses.
FOUR . This blog is limited to interactions with mutuals. i always follow back / follow first if i feel like we can write together. if i haven't followed you back after a few days, it probably means i won't be following back to write. for the sake of my profession (i'm a high school age educator) i will not be following back anyone younger than 21.
FOUR CONT. While i do not follow back younger than 21 because i feel icky if you're young enough to be my student, my messages are always open if you ever need anything! if you need an adultier adult to talk to about something i can always try to be that for anyone. i know how important trusted adults are.
FIVE . This blog will be mostly private. I'm here for a good time not a long time. If you want to write with me, the best way is to DM me and say yo bitch let's RP.
SIX . My name is bee. i'm 32 years old. i've been writing on tumblr for like 10 years and rping in general for over half my life. i met my significant other through rp. we just moved across the country so i could go to rabbinical school. obviously i'm super busy but i love making friends!
CREDITS . graphics commissioned from @gilbertsrph. image credits to @animatedjen! mdni banner credit to @cafekitsune.
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mutatiio · 2 years
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sup!! welcome to mutatiio!!
this is a selective and mutuals only multi-muse (featuring star wars characters). canon divergent and headcanon based.
affiliated with : @jeditrash / @mayxthexforce / @markedwrath & @vaultfrozen / @misfittcd / @rottingkiss
activity : low main : darth maul and anakin skywalker secondary : bode akuna request only : dryden vos
discord is available for mutuals.
written by break ( 25 | non-binary | they/them )
carrd.    ©. rules under the cut.
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portrayal. this blog is heavily headcanon based. my interpretations for maul and anakin come largely from legends with a mix of current canon stuff. i have made a relationship section for my muses to hopefully make this a little easier. if you ever have any questions then feel free to ask. i know everything makes sense in my head, but due to books/movies/shows having vastly different characterisations, i know it can be confusing.
plotting. i love plotting. if you ever have any ideas at all please send them to me and i will do the same for you. however, sometimes unplotted things for a first interaction can be very nice and a natural way to see how our muses mesh together. format i default to the style of my current writing partner. if you don’t have icons then i won’t use icons. if you do, i will. i’m not too fussed about it.
sequels. i don’t like the sequels. more than happy to write with the characters in some capacity, but things gotta shift around a bit. i deeply dislike reylo so i won’t be following if i see that you’re posting it on the dash a lot.
shipping. i ship chemistry. just because i ship my character with one version of a character doesn’t mean i’ll ship them with every version. do not follow me if you ship: incest, padawan x master (even if it's an au where they're not - i feel the same way about this as i would aging up a character just to ship), clone x clone, underage characters with adults. maul is awkward. shipping is not at all a priority that i have for him. however, i do ship obimaul. feel free to either block my tag for it or not follow at all. anidala is not my preferred anakin ship and i likely will not be writing it unless it develops very naturally. bode is difficult to ship with since he is still very much in love with his deceased wife. dryden is difficult just as a person generally.
duplicates. i will not be following anyone back who writes maul or anakin. this is for my own comfort and has nothing to do with anyone else. so if i have not followed you back and you write either of them, that's why. some exceptions apply.
tagging. i will be tagging obvious triggers. as a warning, due to the nature of the characters i write, there will be mentions of abuse, childhood trauma, slavery and murder. i will be reading mutuals rules and trying to tag everything. please let me know if i make a mistake!! anything suggestive will be tagged as ‘tw suggestive’ or ‘nsft’. i would appreciate seizure mentions being tagged.
mains/exclusives. i am happy to do mains should we interact a lot. this mostly means that my first ideas for the characters we write together will go to you before anyone else. asks i get sent in relation to your character(s) are likely to be answered in regards to the verses that we have plotted. exclusives are going to be very rare as i do not wish to cut myself off from anyone. exclusives are for people i write/plot with a lot. i will only be interacting with your version of the character. should the blog go inactive, exclusives will be removed. i will not be writing with any obi-wan other than mayxthexforce - i will not follow single-blogs of obi-wan, but may follow back if he's on a multimuse.
anakin. i am not at all interested in writing anakin during his time as darth vader. therefore, my anakin will be au based. everything up until his fall is the same. everything surrounding the fall will change according to the verse i'm writing in.
oc's. i’m extremely oc and crossover friendly. i am always open to any original characters or crossovers. however, please don't assume relationships. i have no interest in oc siblings or oc children of any of my muses unless discussed. also, i have no interest in oc's who are just married to a canon character by default. please don't come to me and tell me something like maul wants to kill my muse because they're married to obi-wan.
dni. do not come near me if you are ableist, aphobic, homophobic, racist or transphobic. if you ship obikin or anisoka then begone. if you write any content relating to j.k. rowling (including aus).
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savesgalaxy · 1 year
HELLO AND WELCOME to savesgalaxy, a st.ar w.ars multimuse written by en! they/he, 26, gmt+8. rebooted may 2023. blog is currently a wip. private & selective. 21+ only rules and muse info | memes | other blogs: @hopegained, @hopebore, @pastkilld
mobile friendly rules & muses under the cut
First and foremost, hi! I’m En, 26 years old, Southeast Asian (GMT+8), and a full-time student with ADHD. I won’t always be available to write and am very slow to get to it, but you can always chat or plot with me on Discord or through IMs. Dark topics including, but not limited to, violence, trauma, depression, and war (obviously) are gonna be ever-present. As for spicy/smutty things, they’ll be tagged as ‘nsft.’ and I will ONLY write them with muns I’m already familiar with and put under read more or on discord. I tag triggers using 'trigger tw’ and ‘trigger cw’. I won’t hesitate to block you if you're homophobic/transphobic/islamophobic/racist. This is non-negotiable and frankly, you can leave if you don’t agree.  If your posts are untagged and uncut, there’s a high chance I won’t follow back. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t like a clogged dash.  Basic rules on godmodding apply. I will ask for your permission regarding any decision that may involve manipulating, killing, or maiming your muse(s), so I expect the same courtesy from you. This blog is iconless for the most part; it's too much effort to make icons for every single muse. My formatting is just single small text, with bold and italics sometimes. If you find it hard to read, please let me know! I’ll adjust accordingly. While we’re still on that subject, I find posts that are (typed)  like  this  (with double spacing, too) distracting and straining on my eyes. I may remove that type of aesthetic on my end when necessary. Plotting and memes are the best ways to interact with me. They don’t have an expiry date, so send them in whenever! I have my favorite ships for my canon characters as do most people I’d imagine (and I will default to established/heavily implied ships in most cases!), but that isn’t to say I’m not open to ship with other muses. I’m always here for more interesting dynamics! There must be chemistry of course, so if you’ve got an idea of a potential ship, just let me know.
bold = primary/current main muses rey (canon-divergent) rose tico (canon-divergent) amilyn holdo (canon-compliant with divergent verses) cyrille virtus (oc, originals, elite tie fighter pilot) indra bakti (oc, sequels, spy-in-training) zilaref olgad (oc, sequels, mirialan, comms specialist) maz kanata (canon-compliant) zay versio (canon-compliant) paige tico (canon-compliant with divergent verses) alexsandr kallus (canon-compliant) bode akuna (canon-compliant with divergent verses) kazuda "kaz" xiono (canon-compliant) enfys nest (canon-compliant) zorii bliss (canon-divergent) vel sartha (canon-compliant) voe (canon-compliant) lah kara (visions, canon-compliant)
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sunderedazem · 1 year
Hmmm. Seeing a few upset takes (understandably) about the Force Echo where Bode realizes he can use Cal's affection for Merrin against him and like....I get why folks are mad? But to me that VERY much didn't read as like. Bode trying to turn Cal to the Empire's side. It very much struck me as "turn him away from helping the Hidden Path" - like as part of the effort to try and convince him not to use Tanalorr for the Path, or to at least stop actively agitating against the Empire and go try to do something for himself.
I genuinely can't bring myself to believe that Bode at any point actually *wants* Cal dead or under the Empire's thumb (he'll do it to protect Kata but it's not like. Something he wants to do), and I think he sees Merrin as a convenient point to argue to coax Cal into retreating and hiding so he doesn't have to see the worst happen (i.e. jedha 3 incident). Is it manipulative as shit, sure, that's kind of Bode's entire schtick. But it definitely didn't strike me as outright malicious - just more like a "thank FUCK I've found a way to make him go underground so I don't have to turn him over to the ISB/Inquisitors"
Because, yanno. That was going to be the eventual end goal. But if he could convince Cal to stop fighting and go to ground, well...Cere was the more important mark, right? Sure, I lost Kestis, but-
Anyway. I'm biased because of my otp for sure but meh. This is just how I saw it XD
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galaxyvoices · 6 months
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After privately reporting in his own space to Denvik on a secure line, he made his way back to speak with Cal. His footsteps were audible as he went toward him on the Mantis. Keeping the secret was hard at times, but he knew he could do it. Over time, he felt like the lying just got easier. He was trained well after all. There was a certain look in his eye and Bode was not sure what to make of it. He knew what happened today was probably at the forefront of his mind, considering those few got captured and it left just the two of them that survived. It all went perfectly, according to Bode, yet the act stayed prominent. He displayed empathy, he did know those individuals as well. Not in the way Cal did, however. "You holding up alright?"
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galaxyvoices · 4 months
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"This isn't what it looks like, was like this when I got here. Honest," Bode said firmly, heart slightly pounding against his chest. His face stayed calm as it often did. With a quick movement, he raised his hands, attempting to display his innocence. His eyes showed a slight surprise within them, appearing shocked. Everything about him said that he didn't do it. He believed his own act and would expect others to believe it too. The man thought himself a near master at what he was doing after all.
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galaxyvoices · 5 months
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Here is the newly updated list of muses! It can also be found here (x).
Star Wars
Quinlan Vos (canon w/legends lore mixed in.)
Darth Thanaton (SWTOR.)
Bode Akuna ( JS.)
Trilla Suduri (JFO.)
Tala Durith (Kenobi series.)
Shin Hati (Ahsoka series. Mostly headcanon based.)
Qui-Gon Jinn (canon w/some legends lore. lots o'headcanons. Very selective.)
Eilhara Corrik (OC / Primarily sequel era. but a lil before.) Her bio is here (x)
Kandri Harik (OC / Prequel/High Republic'ish.) Her bio is here (x)
The Grand Inquisitor (Test muse. Request only.)
Doctor Who
Ruby Sunday (test muse.)
Star Trek
James T. Kirk (Alternate Timeline.)
Chani Kynes (movie based w/some book elements. I am currently reading it. By request only. Test muse.)
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sca3a · 4 months
Beginning - Bode Akuna x OC
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“You sure about the new guy, Cal?” Raizda checked her gun before putting it in its holster. She glanced at the jedi, trying to get a read on him.
“You’re not, Rai?” The jedi looked up from his preparations, his green eyes searching hers.
“I just hope he'll pull his weight.” It wasn't the whole truth, but at the same time she had no desire admitting to the heart flutter that occured when the new guy was around.
The smug smile that shadowed Cal's lips didn't escape her, causing her to throw her cleaning rag at him. “Oh, shut up.”
Cal let out a laugh as he caught the rag, putting it on the floor next to him. The ginger was dressed in a brown bomber jacket, with goggles hanging around his neck. He was a handsome young man, but Raizda loved him like a brother. Had ever since he had saved her on Kashyyyk, roughly five years earlier. They had been fighting the Empire together ever since, even when the others had decided to leave.
“I haven't said anything,” Cal mused as he got to his feet, adjusting his jacket.
“I can hear you think it,” she replied with a teasing wink.
Their banter was interrupted by the new guy entering the room. He looked between them, his dark gaze lingering just a little bit longer on her.
“We're all set,” he said, “Bravo and the others are waiting at the transport.”
Cal and Raizda shared a glance before she gave a nod and put on her CSF helmet. “After you, jetpack.”
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mayxthexforce · 7 months
❓ - bode for merrin
send "❓" to know what's the first word that crosses my muse's head when they think of yours!
Since she found out his full name, the first word to come to mind when she thinks of him is "Akula", a word in her native language, because the pronunciation (akuh-lah) resembles the pronunciation of Akuna, and it means "To bring the little one". After meeting Kata, Merrin thinks it's a pretty fitting word, almost prophetic. But another word is "Iyatakuni" because, again, the pronunciation of the last three syllables (ah-kuh-nee) is very similar to Akuna. It means "to disappear", which —given who Bode is— also seems pretty fitting.
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galaxyvoices · 6 months
Muse List
Star Trek
James T. Kirk (alternate timeline.)
Star Wars
Quinlan Vos (canon w/legends lore mixed in.)
Darth Thanaton (SWTOR.)
Bode Akuna ( JS.)
Darth Rana (SWTOR / Sith Warrior.)
Shin Hati (Ahsoka series. Mostly headcanon based.)
Qui-Gon Jinn (canon w/some legends lore. lots o'headcanons. Highly selective muse.)
Chani Kynes (movie based w/book elements. WIP.)
Other muses may be added, this is just who I'm starting off with.
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