#( mora: tempts tempts tempts tempts
cookiekitten91 · 10 months
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Artist and Plague. I’ll try to finish this WIP sometime. What’s the point of drawing if you don’t draw rarepair art of characters who never interact with each other in canon?
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orchideae · 8 months
A few quick random tidbits about Yanshang Teahouse:
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— Teahouse/casino. While said to be 'disguised' as a teahouse, Yanshang does seem to genuinely function as one, or at least during the daytime. And it's primarily during the evening hours that it functions more actively as a casino. Now I need to note, the latter is not public knowledge. Or rather, it's more so a rumor that holds a fair bit of truth to it. But a rumor is a rumor nonetheless. This is vital, because it is because of this that it is still running. I've spoken a fair bit about this behind the scenes lately, but Yanshang functions as a casino because it draws 'less than good people' into a surrounding that has everything playing against them, and through that, Yelan is able to gather intelligence that benefits everyone, especially Ning. So if the latter for example, Ningguang were to know its full ins and outs, it would actually mean that she'd have to turn a blind eye to something that is not fully legal, which spells all kinds of trouble for the person responsible for, well, the law in Liyue Harbor?
— Gambling. Yelan has gained a reputation for her gambling skills, and is even rumored to cheat when the need calls for it (though of course, this isn't picked up on, it seems!), as is noted in her fifth character story: "If there is a draw, that could only mean one thing: Her opponents are cheating too.", and so potential opponents are advised to steer clear of playing against her through word on the streets of the harbor.
— Home? While this is not Yelan's home whatsoever, there is an upstairs area that is something akin to her 'private quarters'. It holds no personal affects that are tied to her directly, but to an extent, if one were to ever intrude/break in (past The Halbert and the Fang, somehow), you'd find the 'guise' tied to this notorious woman who owns Yanshang. But this guise is not quite her. Again, she works in personas, some much more realistically than others (the art of it, is knowing what of yourself you put into personas as to add to their authenticity's longevity). Either way, there is a comfort and peace that she finds in it, and the room is somewhat styled into a decorum that Yelan appreciates, beyond the 'keeping up appearances' aspect to it. It is hers in the end, to some degree.
— Finances. While one would be led to believe that Yelan gains a lot of financial benefits through Ningguang, Yelan's second character story might beg to differ: 'The way (Yelan) sees it, she is not so much working for Ningguang as making good on her end of the deal, or rather... she is honoring a certain pact. She plucks the fruits of intelligence from the tree of danger for Ningguang, and in return, all she asks for is danger itself and the sense of achievement.' While I'm decently certain that Yelan might occasionally stand to gain some sort of financial gain through the Qixing, it seems evident that it's not what her primary motive is. Yelan seems to not be interested in luxury by default (she lived in a hut for a long time), and more so seeks a sense of freedom, thrill and personal achievement. Now do I think that because of this, she's not well off? No, I simply think that the majority of her income may actually come from Yanshang Teahouse, and, to put it not-so-eloquently, ripping off bandits, and hopefully, specifically some Fatui in the process.
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dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics I don't need to buy more comics
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tidesfate · 1 month
I still refuse to believe Mora would chose a mortal form that is an attractive, skinny dude or anything that you see sometimes
100% a kinda feral looking genderless scholar who probably on the heftier side
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eldritchborn · 3 months
would making a contract with you get me out of a contract with another daedric prince, hermaeus mora?
❛[ UNPROMPTED ASKS ≻ always accepting
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“&– - Yes-” Exceptions were existent-- - binds so DEEPLY KNOTTED that one could not simply trim them with a simple trade of hands (BUT SUCH UNIQUE CASES RARELY SOUGHT OUT OTHERWISE). And such specifications were not requested as is. “&– - Contracts of my craft are much stronger than those of most of my kin, and there are not terms or loopholes of others that evade my eyes. Beyond that... the rewards of my own are much richer.”
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haresvoid · 1 year
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“&– - I write my secrets across your sky-- - and I will be there when you learn the price of your desire.” // @drkroots liked for a ONELINER STARTER
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acuityfeed · 1 year
okay but what if... aus where Kas follows other Daedric Princes instead of Mora?
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stolememory · 1 year
I think a lot about Moras abilities, the fact he can literally erase another Prince all on his own (others agreed but it sounded like he did all the work), and if I'm right about him stealing a sphere or more of it....
What's to stop him or worry of him deciding that he deserves all the sphere of secrets, or deals, or given how mortals go mad in apocrypha suddenly wants madness?
I'm not saying he would, I'm saying why wouldn't others be worried? Of course they don't have the memories now to spurr that worry but.... if / when they return, and if the stealing of sphere was not spoken in arrangement of erasure / mora never told the whole truth of his plan... and given Moras greed and habits of hoarding....
I wouldn't be surprised of a situation where the Princes decide Mora actually a threat and do something about it. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened.
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pinkseas · 1 year
okay guys be so fr. do i wanna gun for better artifacts for yoimiya or do i wanna start kazuha prefarming so i have even the slightest chance of him being Actually Half Decently Built by the time he comes out <- words of a bitch who has a Very Low Chance of pulling him at all
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
Yandere! Childe x Fem,Nun! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
TW: 18+ MDNI, Noncon, lots and lots of mentioning of religion, reader is a virgin, yandere, obsession, unprotected sex, finishing inside
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Heavenly. What an on the nose way to describe you. Dressed head to toe in loose fitting, religious garb, your hair covered. All he could see was the skin of your hands and that heavenly face.
Such a sweet, welcoming smile and gentle voice was befitting of a nun. He could only imagine how many men you'd lured into your trap of giving donations with those assets of yours. Kindly praising them for whatever they could give like an owner to a dog. And he was another willing victim.
Your eyes went wide when he dropped the large bag of mora into your little basket. Your grip wavered a bit as the heavy coins weighed your little arms down, and all he did was smirk. He'd made himself known to you.
“What a generous donation!” You exclaimed. That pretty smile of yours, the way your eyes lit up. He resisted the urge to lick his lips while thinking about what he could do with that mouth, a lewd gesture to be doing right in front of a nun, “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
He felt himself cock an eyebrow at your words. Pleasure? He supposed he gave pleasure to receive it. He eyed you up and down, he could see so little of you. The skirt down to your ankles left plenty to the imagination and imagine he did, “I suppose I'm trying to be new to the faith.”
A little white lie, but your smile growing wider made it worth it. If all nuns were as pretty and tempting as you were, he'd join the commune immediately.
“Lord Barbatos accepts all,” You said, holding the basket back out to him and implying that you wanted him to take his money back, “Don't give because you're new to worship. All that is given is accepted, but we will still take you with open arms.”
“I want to give you this much,” he said, a firm hand pushing the basket back, “and I want to give you so much more.”
Going to the city of freedom, a city known for its drinking and partying, just for the cathedral was quite the story amongst his subordinates. But Childe didn't care. The things he wanted to do with you weren't holy, but that was much better than a glass of wine and a song. If they knew the treat that stayed praying in the church day and night, they too would take to the faith.
Walking into the chapel, the first thing he was greeted with was the sight of you on your knees, praying to the statue of that absentee god. Filling that pretty mouth of yours felt like a better use of this time, you were already on your down there after all. But he decided against it. Not yet at least. Not when you were smiling at him so sweetly, motioning him closer to pray next to you.
Childe mentally asked the Tsaritsa for forgiveness, but still kneeled next to you. The Tsaritsa was a forgiving woman, he hoped that she would understand why he was praying to a false God. The way you were sitting on your knees, your round behind pressed against the heels of your feet, it made the fabric of your skirt press against your body. The curve of your ass, it was the first time he's seen it and he sucked air in through his teeth. He truly was being tempted, wasn't he?
“It's such an honor to see you, Ajax. Wasn't it?” Even the way you tilted your head in confusion was adorable. Typically he'd be upset if someone had forgotten his name, he didn't feel forgettable, but he was going to make you remember. Those plump lips of your would be calling his name over and over again, until it would be all you could say.
“Yes, it's Ajax,” he dropped the clasps of his hands and stood again, holding out an arm for you as well, “I was in the area again and decided to stop by for a prayer.”
A look of hesitance danced across that pretty face of yours as you debated whether or not to take his hand, before deciding against it. Instead, you chose to stand by yourself, a move that made him long for you even more. So he couldn't even feel the softness of your skin? Yet another ache in his groin, you were honestly trying to get him, weren't you?
“Forgive my rudeness, but we're discouraged from touching those of the opposite sex. Especially those who haven't taken vows, better to not tempt provocation,”
Vows? He'd assumed as much, but hearing you say it his pants grow even tighter. Temptation was you. You were such a pure soul, but you were sin. That body under all those clothes, he knew that it was erotic. He knew you felt lustful thoughts, that even you had ideas and thoughts that went against your virtue.
“I understand,” he spoke in a strained whisper, gripping the legs of his pants tight, “Do you think we can go somewhere private? I have a few confessions I need to make.”
You perked up once again, large eyes filled with enthusiasm, “Our father is holding a confessional if you'd like-”
“No,” he cut you off quickly, “I want to talk to you alone, do you think that's a possibility?”
There was a look of aversion in your eyes, clearly you were thinking about it. You looked like you wanted to tell him no, but your good natured heart and kind ways were fighting against what was right and what you felt like you needed to do as a nun.
“I'm…I'm not meant to take confessions, brother Ajax,” you said sweetly.
He stepped a bit closer to you, trying not to intimidate you, but also trying to press the importance. His length was hardening even more, his pants growing tighter. If you noticed, you didn't say anything, but of course, how would you?
“Please, it'll just be for a moment,”
Fearful eyes looked around the church before you motioned for him to follow you. Going against your God while in his home, you felt like you were committing a crime. But you couldn't leave a person in need behind. You're sure Barbatos would find it in his heart to forgive you.
“Please, make yourself at home here, dear brother,” you said while leading him through the door.
It was a simple room. An altar at the other end of the room, with a few candles and offerings and dim lighting. The room was scented with incense, a sweet smell that reminded him of the dandelion wine that Mondstadt was known for.
You lowered yourself onto your knees and motioned for Childe to follow you, “Please, kneel next to me, confess whatever you feel necessary,”
He sat down next to you, close enough to where his shoulder brushed against you. You flinched from this contact, but didn't say anything. A thought crossed your mind, so much space in the room and he chose to be right against you.
“Forgive me, I have sinned,” he said, but he never closed his eyes, never clasped his hands together, never lowered his head.
“Confess to me your woes,”
He sucked air in through his teeth, trying not to jump on you. Not yet. Not while you were looking at him so hopefully. So much trust. It only made him want you more.
“I've been having sinful thoughts,” he began, his eyes not leaving you, “Sinful to the point of being debilitating. They wreck my mind constantly.”
“Are these thoughts of harming others?” You asked, this didn't seem like the question of a clergy, but rather one of genuine curiosity.
He didn't look away from you, while his hand slithered down and he began palming his length through his pants, “They used to be. But now they're more deviant in nature.”
“Br-brother Ajax, such actions are- they are unbefitting for the church,” you said quickly, turning your head away to not see him as he defiled sacred ground with his actions.
“I need you, sister,” he leaned closer to you, whispering his words right into the shell of your ear. You squirmed at the feeling of his breath, such a cute reaction it was, and the yelp you let out when his hand gripped your ankle was even cuter. He tugged at your leg, pushing your back against the ground and leaning over you.
He'd seen fear like this before. Many times before. When he plunged a weapon into someone's chest, watching the life fade from their eyes, it was similar to the one you were making now. The tears, the muttered begging, even the way your lips quivered, it was all the same. So why now did it make his cock even harder in the confines of his pants?
Where would he even begin with you? Quite honestly, he didn't even know how to take your garb off. Instead, he took to ripping it, right at the neck. Pulling it apart straight down the middle until every inch of your torso became visible to him. Your breasts were covered in a basic bra. Normally he was the type to prefer more intricate lingerie to entice his urges, yet something about the simplicity of your undergarments made him hiss air in through his teeth. It was like you knew for certain that nothing was happening, yet he still was forcing you to show him.
“Stop! You can't do this!” You cried, trying to cover yourself in what scraps of your dress you could find.
He was gentle as he touched you this time, fingertips stroking your cheek, but his words following were harsh and deathly serious, “Don't fight me, I wouldn't want to hurt you,”
“Heavenly father, I ask that you forgive me…” you began to mutter to yourself in prayer. Laying there, hands clasped and teary eyes shut as you felt him trace up and down your thigh with his tongue. The feeling of his saliva, going up to your stomach, one of his hands cupping your breast before ripping the fabric of your bra away, it made you sick to your stomach. Your pebbled nipples hitting the cold air were quickly sucked into his mouth, a pleasure never experienced before washing over your body. You shuddered, much to his approval.
He wanted to go slower. He wanted to tease you for hours before taking you. He wanted to make you cum over and over, proudly showing how lewd you truly were to your false God, but even he has grown impatient. Trying to win you the right way just wasn't working and he needed to feel you, as deeply as possible, the girl he'd fantasized about night after night.
The way your eyes widened when he dropped his pants was cute. When you tried to look away from his hard cock that was dripping precum onto your cunt, still begging with those sweet lips, it was even cuter. But the way you went silent, the way the world seemed to stop from you the second you felt the head of his cock against your opening, that was the cutest. He loved the look in your eye. The look of visceral fear. It was a look of knowing. Knowing that after he was finished with you, you'd have nowhere to go, but to him.
You only began truly fighting him off when he began pushing the head of his cock into your warmth. So tight and soft, no matter how hard you hit him, you couldn't make him leave your insides. When he bottomed out inside you, feeling your walls clench around every inch of his cock, he hissed. Face to face with you now, nestled deep within you, he kissed your wet cheeks. Childe wasn't one for love making, but he couldn't help but to be tender with you. His thrusts were slow, but deep, making sure you tasted all of him.
“Hush, little angel,” he cooed softly to you, while wiping away more of your tears. Your little sobs were agonizing to his heart, yet his cock only twitched harder, “It'll be over soon.”
And you nodded. Such a sweet thing. You nodded and let yourself go to him. He didn't take this as a sign to be rougher though. No. He couldn't. Not to you. He continued his same pace, softly humming to you and shushing you when you got too loud. He wanted to pound your insides, to fuck you brutally, but that would be for later.
Little sobs left your lips as your nails dug into the carpeted floor beneath you. He was still going slow. Thrusting in and out skillfully, his hand tenderly gripping your face and making you look him in the eye, any time you tried to look away, he'd just force your head back.
“I'm cumming soon, okay?” He muttered against your lips, kissing you gently afterwards.
With your mouth engulfed in his, you couldn't beg him to please not finish inside you. Instead, your body flailed beneath him, trying to get him off as you felt the thrust of his hips speed up and become more greedy. You felt him grip you tighter, you felt his moans grow louder against your lips. And all you could do is sit in horror as you felt his hips falter, his pace slow down, and his cock twitch even more as it pumped hot cum deep inside your.
Childe pulled away from the sloppy kiss, your lips covered in saliva and he smiled. You'd never seen such evilness until you looked into his eyes, proudly looking down at your cunt where the cum was seeping out. I'm your mind, you were saying another prayer, but you weren't sure if anyone was listening.
“Guess I have to marry you now,” he chuckled with a playful pat against your thigh. But despite the smile on his face you knew he wasn't joking.
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Gym Headcanons - Lisa & Ningguang x Male!Reader
A/N: I hope you'll like this one! All the others WIPs are staring daggers at me though... CW: Nothing notable.
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Going to a gym? Lisa will pass, thank you. 
All the sweat and all the effort could, if she had to exert herself at all, go towards other things than gaining muscles. What would she use them for anyway? Her strength doesn't come from raw, brutish power, but rather from her brilliance and knowledge. 
For Lisa, getting some gains would be a bad thing as far as her appearance is concerned. She feels great as she is - of healthy weight with some delectable fluff on her belly, thighs and butt. A girl's got to have some meat on her bones, doesn't she? It's perfect for touching and resting your weary head on those plushy thighs. She won't ruin that especially since you're far from complaining about her assets. 
Even if she won't train, Lisa will care for her diet, and will keep an eye on yours too if you ask her to. She'll buy more of her natural yogurts, fruits, granola and other healthy foodstuffs. You'll be in good hands - Lisa will buy you shakes and foods with lots of protein to help build that dazzling body of yours. 
If at any point you find yourself tempted to cheat, she’ll gently remind you of your goal and help you resist. 
She's a vegetarian herself, but will not, to any extent of the word, force her views upon you. She just dislikes the taste of meat, especially when it's fried. The heartburn she feels after is straight up awful. Still, she won't object to making you hearty meals with all the love she has. After all, she has all the time in the world. 
Although she wouldn't ever come to the gym herself, it's different with you there. Lisa will gladly tag along to keep you company whenever she can. She won't hesitate to do her research, helping you in maintaining the proper position and form as you train. Need a break? She'll pass you the water and take away the weights (according to her ability). Feeling tired or bored? Lisa will be there, keeping a conversation or reading out loud to you - this way you train both your mind and your body. She'll get you whatever help she can offer. 
Is she accompanying you to gawk at your bare chest, your tensing, sweaty muscles, hear your masculine groans of exertion as you lift inhuman weights and give it your all? See you doing what men do, pushing yourself to the limit to become bigger, better, faster and stronger? Perhaps. Is that an invalid reason? Not at all. 
After a certain amount of these trips, the mage will start eyeing the exercise mats with increasing curiosity. Of course she wouldn't do any actually tiring exercises, but it wouldn't hurt to stretch a little, would it? Being flexible has a few uses Lisa can't think of, most of which involve you~
The first few times would render her limbs and joints crying in pain as years of “rust” come off. It would surely leave her grumpy the next day, but it's alright - you'll do your duty and massage her pains away, won’t you? 
When going at them, Lisa likes to do stretches that let her poor back get some lovely relief. Every time she begins the cobra stretches of the day, she can't help but sigh in satisfaction. The first one's the best, no doubt about that. On the other hand, those exercises that require her to lean down are the cause of her pains rather than the relief. Toe touches aren't easy, and things like forward folds are the stuff of nightmares, the mere thought of which is enough to make her spine ache.
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Ningguang isn't one to work out either. She’s on a strict diet, planned out for her by the best dietitian and cooked by the best chef Mora can buy. Each of her meals has its calories counted to the letter, and - should the situation demand it - Ningguang is capable of counting them herself. Even when there's no label, she's able to judge it with impressive accuracy. 
It's thanks to this attentive lifestyle that she can flaunt her wasp waist. Even if a person's worth is more in merit than appearance, impeccable beauty can go a long way too. Oftentimes just her looks alone can charm an interlocutor, leading to favorable outcomes. 
Eating this little has a downside, coming in the form of low energy levels. She can push pencils all day long, but even short jogs can find her out of breath after a while. Ningguang gets tired and sore fairly easily, making it no surprise that she avoids straining herself. 
She avoids training, but that doesn't mean she simply sits around looking pretty. Each of her mansions is equipped with a rich and well stocked gym for use at yours and hers leisure. Before you came they were mostly gathering dust, but your interest in training reminded her of that purchase. It was nice to see they finally had a use. 
Sometimes, on a slow day, Ningguang will bring out her sport gear and join you in the training room. Most of her time she'll do stretches or use the treadmill, since these don't increase muscle mass that much - the high class canon of beauty doesn't include muscle girls, nor does she see the appeal if truth is told. She's the Tianquan, not some… sea captain. 
Besides, that would be threading on your territory. Why be muscular if you're the muscle man here? If you're strong, then she'll be swift and agile. Perfectly complementary, wouldn't you say? 
When it comes to date ideas, a gym date is a unique one to be sure, but she doesn't mind. It gives both of you a chance to show off your hard earned physiques and spend some quality time together. Ningguang enjoys you spotting for her, even if she won't do the exercises by herself. The attention is always appreciated. 
She wouldn't admit that to anyone, but she enjoys goofing around with you. Using her as a dumbbell or doing push-ups with her casually sitting on your back is both amusing and quite flustering - getting a first hand experience of your strength never fails to get her a little red. But don't tell anyone, or else…!
Sometimes when she needs to think, Ningguang visits you and simply enjoys your presence in silence. There's something hypnotic about you going about your business and the repetitive motions of the equipment. Many times she watched you in silence, only to mutter a silent ‘got it’ before getting up and thanking you with a kiss. Each time after she left the room you were left fairly confused. Confused, but happy to be of help nonetheless.
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Thanks for reading!
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generalsdiary · 8 months
mint tea
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gn!reader x Zhongli
warnings: none
word count: 500~
a/n: in his latest bday art the shirt he is wearing is sheer so it is canon that he has gold lines on his body and i’m just screaming over the fact
description: just a fluffy drabble, domestic vibes with the geo archon
„hello, darling“ the deep warm toned voice greeted you, his hand caressing your cheek. you smiled leaning your head more into his hand.
„took your gloves off already?“ a question which was more of a statement while you looked at his forearms and the gold lines complimenting his skin.
he hums in agreement. already aware of your complaints and thoughts about how pretty they are, but he would always remind you that he preferred to keep his identity private.
his eyes close when you softly kiss his cheek, those same lines glowing softly a dim golden shade.
„who did you terrorize today, my dearest?“ you ask with a bit of amusement in your tone. he is quite a menace, especially in his old age. steering trouble and confusion amongst historians, taking money from the rich while pretending not to know much of it all the while being the inventor of mora.
„a merchant claiming they knew the original recipe of bamboo shoot soup. while the recipe did continue getting passed on for generations they altered it over time..“ he continued talking, you didn't mind. the tone of his voice is a always beautiful sound to your ears.
you reach for his hand laying small kisses on those golden lines, he smiles, humming softly stopping his story.
you look up meeting his warm gaze. „don't stop on my account, darling“
with a soft smile on his face, he quietly says, „your sweetness knows no bounds, reminding me each day why I fell in love with such a kind person as you“
he never fails to make your heart flutter, giving a bright smile to your face. like the sun shined on you and you only. it wasn't a flirty comment, more of a kind statement, he always came up with new ways, new words to which he can say he loves you.
„may I tempt you with some tea?“ you chirp.
„tea sounds wonderful“ he nods, following you to the kitchen. he stands next to you while you put the kettle on. it all feels natural, the air between you two light, welcoming, safe. his eyes are observing your movements, the sun shining through the windows throwing different shadows and light beams making it all look even more magical. he moves closer and kisses your temple, his hand caressing your jaw so you don't slip accidentally out of the kiss.
„mint?“ he asks, the refreshing scent fills the air, reminding you of your first date, the same mint. that is how you feel to him, refreshing, sweet, cooling from the loud world. he feels the same way to you; a warm embrace, a protecting feeling like mint soothes the throat when it is sore. his eyes full of love and adoration for you, and so are yours for him. the word mint doesn't mean what it meant years ago, it means you're here with me, right? and, you're not going anywhere? speaking almost like a different language, saying so much with so little.
„mint“ you answer.
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snowstained · 1 year
pervy best friend itto mngnnfnrnrnedhsh (i’m insane) (slightly yandere ???)
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itto x afab! reader
desc: modern au, VERY NSFW!!! kinda dubcon? itto being veryveryvery pervy n dirty n stupid, he’s just a big dummy who needs smth to fuck!!! not proof read i’m lazy oops
kinks included: blood, biting, bruising, choking, breeding, pet names, thigh riding, pain, scratching, hair pulling
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itto can’t help it when you wear short bottoms, his gaze always trails to your perfect thighs. when you bend over he can’t help the boner he gets seeing your ass, especially when you’re wearing tight bottoms and he can see the outline of your pussy. he’s just so enamored and infatuated.
today you and itto were going out shopping. it was more or less you try a million things on and he drools over you for a few hours. at one of the stores you found an adorable mini pleated skirt that went perfectly with the top you were wearing. “itto, doesn’t this look perfect? it’s so cute with this outfit…” you took a peak at the price tag and gasped, “oh nooo! i’m not gonna be able to get it, this is way too expensive!”
itto immediately perked up at thought of treating you to something so cute. surely he’d get you to pay him back in… other ways. there was a sound of something dropping on the floor, your hair clip, oh no! itto watched as you bent down to grab it and went red when he saw your panties that didn’t fully cover your pussy. yeah, he needed you to get this skirt. “don’t sweat it, itto’s got’cha!”
“are you sure? this is 5,000 mora… that’s really expensive for just a skirt…” you asked him hesitantly.
“yeah, yeah, it’s no problem. you can always pay me back later, it looks great on you anyway!” he said with a little too much excitement. next thing you know he’s buying it for you and you’re walking out with a brand new skirt that’s gonna get you into trouble later.
on the drive back to itto’s he felt himself struggling. his jeans felt painful and he had a vice like grip on the steering wheel. it was hard for him to pay attention to the road when your thighs looked so tempting, he wanted to die between them. his hand was softly placed on your thigh and without a warning he squeezed tight. you didn’t know what to do, all you did was look at him with big eyes in confusion.
“uhm… itto? everything okay?” you asked, worry lacing your words.
“mhm, mhm, all good. don’t worry your pretty little head” he was fighting the urge to pull over and just fuck you then and there. he looked to your chest and gripped tighter, good god your boobs were perfect.
your breath hitched, he was being weird again! dammit itto! you couldn’t lie, it kinda turned you on, feeling like a lamb next to a wolf. you squished your thighs together, feeling some sort of heat grow between your legs.
itto could smell that he was turning you on, being an oni had its perks. his hand trailed further up your thigh until it was a mere inch away from your pussy. the heat coming from between your thighs was making his brain go numb. he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment and you both took an awkward ride up the elevator. you felt oh so small, and he felt hungry.
once into his apartment, he just stood and stared at you for a moment. you were used to it, sometimes you did things to turn him on on purpose because it felt nice to have someone look your way. but right now it felt different. you were helpless and at his disposal, alone in his apartment.
suddenly, he marched up to you and grabbed your hand. you let out a squeak of surprise and stumbled behind him. once in his room, he slammed the door shut and shoved your body onto his bed. you were a bit scared now, you didn’t know what was to happen. he took a step toward you and lifted your chin, making you look into his eyes, “i can’t hold back anymore, ‘m sorry angel face.”
your heartbeat increased and within seconds his bottoms were down below his hips and you were pinned. you felt something hard and hot against your thigh. when you felt the wet tip you knew it had to be his cock rubbing against you. he let out needy moans and whines, just begging to be inside of you.
“let me fuck you, pretty please? you’ve been tempting me for so, so long. i bought you that skirt, you owe me” he said with a husky voice.
you looked up at him, eyes a bit teary. “i- uhm…” you stuttered out. you didn’t know what to do. you were confused and kinda scared and really horny now. “…yes” you gave him the go ahead and he was so so happy.
he kissed you hard, fangs catching on your lips. it was sloppy and wet in the hottest way. his fingers trailed to your pussy and slipped right in. it hurt because of his nails, but he needed to prep you a little bit first. he kept rutting against your thigh as he fingered you, moaning into your mouth. he pulled away from the kiss, drool and blood lacing his lips. you licked your own, they hurt and you could feel spots where he tore skin. seeing your bloody and bruised lips only turned him on more.
he took his fingers out of you, there was a bit of blood due to his finger scratching your insides, but he didn’t really care anymore. it was more of a turn on anyway. “lemme cum inside of you, wanna fill you up ‘n breed you, doll” he whispered into your ear. you did nothing but nod in agreement.
he tried to enter you slowly, but god you were so tight. he slammed in, his dick stretching out your poor pussy. you let out a cry as he did, “itto! slow down, hurts!”
he breathed heavily, something primal was taking over. as much as he didn’t wanna hurt you, he needed to cum inside you. your cries of pleasure and pain only edged him on, he needed this. “i’m sorry, can’t stop.”
he pulled out, hooking your legs over his shoulders and slamming back in. he went hard and fast as he watched your tits bounce with every thrust. your eyes rolled back, you were getting so so close to cumming.
“itto! fuck! more more please more ‘m gonna-“ you were cut off by your own scream as you came all over him. itto let out a gutteral moan watching your face contort in pure bliss.
all that came out of him was animalistic grunts and groans until he finally came inside of you. he wasn’t done with you yet though. he flipped you over, ass in the air and face in a pillow. he mounted you, fucking you even harder and digging his nails into the fat of your ass and thighs. you felt blood trailing down, but you didn’t even care anymore. all you could focus on was how good you felt.
he grabbed you by the throat, pulling you up against his body as he fucked you. “‘m gonna claim you baby, you’re mine. mine as long as you live. i’m gonna make you mine forever” he said, biting down hard in the area between your neck and shoulder. you screamed in pain, cumming as he bit down. your hands went behind itto’s head and you pulled at his hair. he kept his fangs locked in place. one hand stayed on your throat and the other trailed down to your lower abdomen. he pressed hard, feeling his cock bulge from your tummy. he came inside you again.
you both stayed in the same position, his fangs unlatching. “mine mine mine, mine forever, got it? ahh, fuck! fuck, ‘m gonna breed you full. want you dripping with my cum, got it?” he asked you.
you nodded your pretty little head. that’s all you could do. you were so brain dead by now. his hand travelled lower, going from your stomach to your clit. he rubbed it in circles, only increasing your pleasure. he bit all over your neck, leaving little marks to let people know who you belonged to. “ah, itto! ‘m gonna cum again! lemme, please please please!” you begged him.
“go ahead baby, do it for me” he said before biting down again. you came together, finally satisfying itto. he held you up for a moment, then you both fell down onto the bed. itto took your sweaty clothes off of you before removing his own.
you felt hot and sticky and in pain. you just laid there, questioning what the fuck just happened. it didn’t feel real, but the bruises and blood were proof enough, let alone the cum dripping from you. itto laid down next to you, rubbing circles on your tummy. he pulled you close and buried his face into the crook of your neck where he claimed you as his. “‘m gonna love you forever, doll. you’re stuck with me now. if i didn’t give ‘ya any babies this time we’ll keep tryin’, okay?” he said sweetly.
what the fuck did you get yourself into?
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tidesfate · 2 months
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wri0thesley · 1 year
midnight musings - dottore x reader x pantalone (1.3k)
if they can agree on one thing, it is that you are most intoxicating asleep, when they can do whatever they want.
cw: somnophilia, drugged reader, dubious consent, talk of double penetration. reader is afab and wears a nighgown, but no gendered terms are used. dottore is himself. not sfw, minors dni.
[a/n: another little fic from my birthday random number generator kick! this one gave me dottore, pantalone and somnophilia. i am always a sucker for a harbinger fic!]
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It’s hard for them to decide how they like you most. 
The two of them have differing opinions on it. Dottore likes you a little tearful, or a little desperate - when he injects one of his many concoctions into the crook of your elbow and watches how it changes you. The way you start panting so prettily when it’s some kind of stimulant - the way you look up at him with your eyes blown wide and your lips wet. Pantalone likes you servile and obedient with your head bent at his knee, smiling prettily up at him when he says his name but otherwise being quiet and well-behaved aside from when he tells you to bend over his desk and let him work out his frustrations on the latest Northland Bank takings from Liyue. 
As far as Harbingers go, Dottore and Pantalone work well together.
They are willing to work as one to achieve their goals, and those goals are not at odds with one another - a rarity amongst the Tsaritsa’s most trusted. Whilst the Harbingers loyalty to Her Majesty is unquestionable, there is no love lost between any of her lieutenants. But when it comes to Dottore and Pantalone . . .
Pantalone is all too happy to provide Mora to Dottore’s undertakings, as long as Dottore is willing to throw his power as the second ranked Harbinger behind Pantalone’s more governmental schemes. The two are willing to share conversation, offices - and sometimes even the bedroom. 
Partly because in that bedroom is their most agreed upon treasure of all. 
And too, it can be agreed upon, that you are utterly intoxicating when you sleep. 
They come in weary from the night’s conversations to see you, sleeping peacefully atop the blankets covering Pantalone’s bed. It was agreed you would sleep in Pantalone’s chambers - Dottore’s are rather always a mess, the inner workings of a genius obvious in the mass of papers on every available surface, the constantly unmade bed, the vials and bottles and gears that scatter across his desk and bedside tables. Pantalone’s chambers in Zapolyarny Palace, by contrast, are rather more luxurious. A fire crackles in his hearth, his bed draped in bedspreads and blankets and furs - and the greatest of all treasures lies upon the bed in a diaphanous gown that does nothing to hide the tempting curve of your hip or spill of your breast beneath the fabric. 
Pantalone lets out a soft sigh as he sees you. Dottore grins, his teeth sharp in the firelight. 
“Such a pity to wake them up,” he says, as he stalks towards the bed and reaches out one gloved hand - his palm brushes across your cheek with the most gentleness that Dottore is capable of. You sigh prettily in your sleep, resting your cheek against him. “When they’re so peaceful like this.”
“Yes,” Pantalone agrees, humming low in the back of his throat as he comes to the other side of the bed and allows himself to sit upon the edge, sinking into the feather-stuffed mattress. His hand ghosts over your throat instead, following the curve to your collarbone and over the ripeness of your breast. His own hand brushes your nipple through the fabric, and you let out a deeper sigh this time, a soft little noise of satisfaction. Dottore chuckles. 
“Ah, so needy even half-asleep,” he says, tracing your lips with his thumb. Unconsciously, your mouth opens, and Dottore takes the chance to insert the tip of that thumb between them. You murmur something softly beneath your breath before you suckle upon what Dottore has given you, and both men feel a stirring between their thighs, their cocks twitching as they imagine easing them into your sleeping mouth. 
“Surely not the only place we’ll find wanting,” Pantalone says, quirking an eyebrow - and Dottore laughs again, the noise a little like a creaking gate. It is not the laugh of a sane man, but Pantalone has found that his presence and the promise of you has helped calm the Doctor’s fires just a little. His passions do not dim, so much as they find a new outlet - an outlet with a pretty mouth and a sweet treasure laying between their thighs just longing to be discovered and plundered. 
They touch you for a little while longer. They cannot resist running hands over your hips, rucking up the hem of your nightgown until it rests above your breasts and your body is entirely on show for them. Pantalone’s fingers are slow and lingering - stroking over bare skin, tracing patterns that have you shivering in your sleep. Dottore is a little meaner - pinching your nipples when they are revealed, peaking in the cold air. He wins little whimpers from your mouth, a creasing of your forehead, a toss of your head . . . but you do not wake. 
Pantalone always ensures that your nighttime hot chocolate - to keep you warm in the wilds of Snezhnaya, he says, with a smile on his face, and you have no reason to doubt him - features just enough of a soothing concoction pioneered by Dottore that you never awaken during these little night time play sessions. 
You’re very lovely to have awake and reactive, responding to Dottore’s filthy murmurs and Pantalone’s praises . . . but there is something to be said, both Harbingers agree, to the silent acquiescence you give them whilst you sleep. You know exactly what is in your drink, of course - you have woken with love bites on your throat and stickiness between your thighs and two Harbingers sandwiching you between them enough times to make a guess - but you have no reason to fight it. Dottore especially can be . . . demanding. You have been so exhausted you have collapsed into unconsciousness after he has made you come more than once. Sometimes the sleep is a mercy.
 Dottore bends his head to suckle more love bites into your neck as Pantalone parts the silkiness of your thighs, sighing softly when you’re revealed to him. 
“They’re wet,” he says, his tone pretending to be off-hand. Dottore can hear the hunger beneath his words, though - Pantalone’s warmth is all show. He is as sharp as ice, just like the rest of the Harbingers. “How darling they are.”
Pantalone uses two fingers to spread you lewdly open, Dottore’s eyes glinting red in the darkness as he looks at you. Your folds are silky soft, webs of arousal glittering and shining in the firelight, your clit a pretty swollen pearl longing to be touched and sucked and rubbed and pinched until you squeal and whimper. His eyes drink you in greedily, drifting to the pulsing hole of your entrance; deceptively small, when Dottore knows you’ll stretch to take three of his fingers and the full girth of his cock. 
You whimper again as Pantalone’s index finger brushes over your clit, a soft little hiccup of ‘more, please’ that has Dottore’s cock begging to be freed. Your hole clenches around nothing - empty. Wanting. Needing. 
An idea flashes into his head as he watches Pantalone’s finger continue to make soft little circles about the nub, as he watches a drop of your slick leak from your empty cunt and pool beneath you. 
“Regrator,” he says, that edge to his voice returning gleeful and vicious. “Have you ever wondered if our pretty little toy’s cunt could fit two cocks inside of it at once?”
There is a beat of silence. Pantalone looks thoughtful, his finger not ceasing in the gentle, rhythmic strokes of your clit. Dottore’s breath has gotten short, savage desire bubbling up inside of him as every moment passes. When Dottore gets an idea in his head, he wants to enact it as soon as possible. If one asked, he would say it is simply how the mind of a genius works. 
Pantalone finally speaks. 
“Why,” says Pantalone. “I’ve never thought much about it. But whilst they’re so very . . . docile . . .”
Pantalone’s smile is just as satisfied and knife-like as Dottore’s - but where Dottore is dangerous fang, Pantalone is all even pearl. Neither of them is a good man. But even a bad man takes good care of his favourite treasures. 
“I think we ought to find out.”
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jhuzen · 2 years
*pops open another beer 🍺*
helloooooo can u pls give me some sugar baby dottore hcs??? i am currently bent on him i need u to quench this thirst
the love in hatred [m.reader]
hope i’m not too late in quenching your thirst beer anon hsjsjdsj. i was busy with some uni things and only got to it now. hope you don’t mind me adding in a little spice in the dynamic ;D and i’m sure you like it nsfw so there are some little sprinkles of it lmao.
𖦹 modern au (but it’s not heavily implied), suggestive themes (of course), a little bit of dark themes, possessive dottore but he hates you at first lol, nsfw terms, reader is rich rich.
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Sugar Baby Dottore who absolutely despises you and every fiber of your very being. You were the antithesis of his existence, absolute respite encompassed you while he was the unyielding scholar. He pursued knowledge until the very edge of Teyvat, while you sat back and relaxed, stopping because you ‘know your limits’. You’re a coward in his eyes, that’s what. But you’re a coward that can make a lot of money. And a coward that he can coerce into giving him financial aid in his experiments because he doesn’t want to lower his pride to ask Pantalone instead.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was welcomed by the not-so-cowardly you when he came to strike up a deal with you. No longer were you that chipper easygoing lad that he despised, but an incredibly emotionally constipated man that can barely work your facial muscles into a fake smile. It almost felt like getting bit back in the ass by the way you threw him off the loop. He no longer knew you the same way you no longer knew him. It’s a clean slate. But he still hates you.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was genuinely surprised that you didn’t need a lot of convincing. That you were willing to give him everything as long as he abides by certain rules and requests of yours. He hates it (and again, you), but he’d rather cut his throat than ask Pantalone for even a tiny pouch of mora. And while he’s relentless in his pursuit of knowledge, the man knows even the mora in his pockets have limits.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was relatively glad that you never once placed him under a tight budget. You were generous with him and maybe he sort of liked that all he had to do was spread his legs and tempt you into a good time. No attachment. As soon as the fun (for you at least) ends, Dottore wakes up with an allowance that any Northland Bank branch could only gawk at. It was ridiculously heavy.
Sugar Baby Dottore who only ever resorted to seducing you when he needs something at this very instant and his little impatient mind couldn’t bare you entertaining your big shot clients first. You promised you’d give him everything if he fucked you dry, right? Often times, when his impatience strikes, he’s already grabbing at the lapels of your pristine suit, tugging you away from your now confused clients while you and him screw in the empty room right next to your study. After milking you dry, he already has his greedy little palm out, expecting you to just drop your entire leather wallet on him (he’s hoarded so much of your wallets already).
Sugar Baby Dottore who at first finds your date nights annoying but necessary (to butter you up into buying him new laboratory apparatuses) — you’re so difficult to talk to! Unlike your days in youth when you would engage him with a small smile, you and your annoying stone face only prompted him to want to watch bacteria cultures grow in a petri dish. But the moment you start opening about your work the more he feels relatively intrigued.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly starting to cherish the little knickknacks you give him. He never really batted an eye to the souvenirs you’d bring home to him from your international trips. In fact, he used to cherish the times you were away. He still receives cash and he doesn’t have to fuck you. Anyway, he used to just ignore them and opted to only take interest in the money you give him for his lab equipment, but it’s recently that he’s staring more and more at the taxidermies of certain native species you gave him. And maybe some of those magnet things from each nation… if one looked behind his wheeled whiteboard, they could see some of the ones you brought home.
Sugar Baby Dottore who starts to get more conscious of how he looks around you and starts taking effort in looking good for you. Don’t get him wrong, he knows he looks good, it’s partly why you agreed immediately in financially supporting him. For his looks and his body. But there was something refreshing in making a conscious effort of looking even more alluring — absolutely loving the way your usually stern eyes just digging into his form.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly becoming addicted to your scent. Your imported colognes that he used to gag at, he’s now spraying into his suit before he heads to the laboratory, absolutely loving the way when your eyes twinkle in recognition at his new scent whenever he passes by you to get his daily allowance of a hundred thousand mora (how are you not broke yet, no one knows).
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly feeling the grips of insanity when he realizes that his hatred for you is dissipating into nothingness. When he’s slowly looking forward to your cock shoved up inside him more and more. He hates that within the few months that you and him made that deal, he’s becoming more and more enamored to the mornings where he can still see you beside him, your big sturdy back facing him with all the scratch marks and love bites he made on you the night prior.
Sugar Baby Dottore who becomes far more possessive. Suddenly, the tables have turned. He thought he’d always have the upper hand, he could charm you with his body and there’s mora in his pocket in an instant. But somehow it’s him that gets hungrier and hungrier for you — he went on an all time high the one time you dropped by his laboratory to talk to him about something he doesn’t remember anymore. He likes the attention you’re giving him and archons, he wants you to have him as your sole object of affection. This man will go feral if you made external arrangements in your business trips.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s becoming clingy to you. He can’t leave you alone for a second. His addiction of you festering within him. Suddenly, it’s not just about the mora that you’re giving him anymore. It’s suddenly turning into a matter of your loyalty to him, that one day you’ll make him your pretty wife, financially secured with his own laboratory in your mansion, leaving you no room for bargains while he stuffs himself with a mouthful of your delicious cock.
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
May you kiss your bachelor days goodbye now, because he’s never letting go of you.
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
Oh no! It seems like your pretty little doctor has moved onto the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
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