#just the concept of mora being entrapped / no longer capable of interaction with others
stolememory · 1 year
I think a lot about Moras abilities, the fact he can literally erase another Prince all on his own (others agreed but it sounded like he did all the work), and if I'm right about him stealing a sphere or more of it....
What's to stop him or worry of him deciding that he deserves all the sphere of secrets, or deals, or given how mortals go mad in apocrypha suddenly wants madness?
I'm not saying he would, I'm saying why wouldn't others be worried? Of course they don't have the memories now to spurr that worry but.... if / when they return, and if the stealing of sphere was not spoken in arrangement of erasure / mora never told the whole truth of his plan... and given Moras greed and habits of hoarding....
I wouldn't be surprised of a situation where the Princes decide Mora actually a threat and do something about it. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened.
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