#( like its okay bro .... but i honest to god understand him hes so true for that )
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“ i made you dinner. ” because he would never let him go hungry, ever ♥️
OKUYASU'S HANDS are quick to grab at utensils before butt even made contact with dining chair - letting out a rather bombastic ' thank you ! ' before quickly shoveling down the food. between every other bite , though , he takes a moment to savor the taste and to relish in the fact he gets to enjoy a home cooked meal after a long day. a simple delicacy he hadn't known he had missed. ' i know i already said thank you - ' chews. ' - but i mean it ! no one can cook quite as good as you. ' another chew. ' italians sure know how to cook ! '
#determinazione#❝ ♕ 𝙖 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧. / answered asks.#❝ ♕ 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩. / ic.#( anytime he has italian food hes like 'NOTHING can compare' )#( like its okay bro .... but i honest to god understand him hes so true for that )#( and the fact he can eat it every DAY ...!!!! this is heaven for him ... )
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2/2 ‘I will pay him to shut up. I’m broke as a fucking joke but bro i am willing to work my tushy on every corner to make him shut up. Pretentious fucker. I’m so happy Brian isn’t this cringey. *mocks ethan* alone jerking off. Oh fuck off. HE WAS IMAGINING HIM KISSING HIM. I WILL LITERALLY VOMIT RIGHT THIS SECOND, this is gonna sound weird but Bri looks better when he gets head. This guy makes funky faces. (THE KNOCK JUST HAPPENED) imagine if its brian!!!!! He needs help with more posters or some shit! OH MY GOD ROSES! OH ETHAN LOOKS LIKE HE JUST SAW HIS OWN LIFE FLASH BEFORE HIS EYES….spoiler alert it was a very boring one. HIS MUUUUSE? OH ETHAN IS SCARED- OH FUCKS SAKE BEN! WHY DO YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!’ *Mikey is now being dramatic with a needle* ‘Mikey whatcha doing? Dude, why cant you just be dramatic over boyfriends the same way everyone else is? Dye your hair red and get a buzzcut! FINALLY BEN! Now go back to boring and call it a day’ And we are back to Justin ‘ow ow Justin that has to hurt. TELL HIM! YES HE IS A LIAR! OH YOU MISSED HIM? FOR A DAY?! OH ITS JUSTINS FAULT AGAIN LIKE USUALLY?! (Ethan says thee line) OH YOU KEEP YOUR BRIANS NAME OUT OF YOU CHEATIN MOUTH! EXACTLY YOU NEVER FORGAVE HIM BC HE DIDNT DO SHIT WRONG! HE WAS HONEST FROM DAY ONE! YES LEAVE! SHOVE THAT RING UP YOUR ASS. Oh i have a few ideas what you could do without Justin. *does middle fingers at Ethan* HAHAHA FUCK YOU MARACAS BOY! JUSTIN FINALLY SAW THE LIGHT! *pauses tv* you know what we need now? Brian and Justin to bump into each other and for him to see Justin’s bleeding hand. Yup. I could do this shit for a living!’ He is literally smiling so big and he rewinded the scene like 2 times. Each time he smiled more and more while also laughing at Ethan. *raises his soda in the air* ‘lets all have a toast to Ben’s failed attempt at trying to be less boring. Glad you saw the light, big guy.’ ‘NOW HOW DID BRIAN KNOW HE DIDNT SLEEP AT HO-oh his clothes are the same. BRI YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE SO HAPPY! GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? THEY BROKE UP! (Ted just thanked Brian) dude, stop acting like you dont care for your friends. I get that its part of your schtick but dude come on. you most certainly did it for Teddy! THERES POTENTIAL IN THIS BROMANCE!’ ‘Oh fuck you Justin, you were buddies with him last episode but now youre saying he’s acting like total shit, i mean okay true BUT COME ON. And Debbie, maybe you could understand it if you, oh I don’t know, stopped blaming him all the time and being rude to him one second and the next you love him! Im still mad at you acting like you dont know that he loves Justin!’ Melanie just said she’s pregnant ‘oh no. Oh no. This is gonna be the worst thing since…quick name something bad. Mike is gonna be a dad. Oh that’s…i dont wanna say bad but i am coming up short on any other word’ ‘BRIAN! (Btw every time he says that when he comes on tv he literally points to the tv like he’s shocked he’s in the show..imagine that one Leo Dicaprio gif) HEY! brian is a good dad! *looks at me in wonder* Do you think backrooms are still a thing? Are they even legal? OH MY GOD ITS BLONDIE! JUSTIN!! HES IN THE BACKROOM! HES IN THE CLUB! FINALLY!! I hated how he acted that he was too good for it. AND LOOK HOW FAST BRI BRI SAW HIM! of course you are gonna fuck next to hi- OH JUSTIN SAW HIM *starts hitting me all excited* THEY ARE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER! THEY ARE FUCKING AND LOOKING AT EACH OTHER!!! DID YOU SEE THAT SMIRK? OH JUSTIN ISNT EVEN TRYING TO LOOK AWAY! *stands up and starts showing his shirt* TEAM FUCKING BRIAN! I KNOW THATS RIGHT! *screams literally on top of his lungs* I WANNA FEEL YOU FROM THE INSIDE?! OH THEY ARE SICK FOR THAT!’ He is now staring at the tv with his hands in his hair smiling while credits roll..’oh i gotta call mom! I gotta tell her! This is big news, shit i gotta call (friends name)! I gotta tell him all about this! I knew this shirt would work, you all thought i was crazy but it worked!’ And now he is giving mom the full run down. She is stuck with him on the phone bc she ignored his calls so he guilt tripped her
Your brother's reaction to THEE SCENE is everything. It is perfect. 10/10 would read that a million times over, no notes. (Or, this being tumblr, 1k notes post)
Brian and Justin to bump into each other and for him to see Justin’s bleeding hand. <- WHY WERE WE ROBBED OF THIS
That is all of us right now.
I LOVE that your brother immediately wanted to tell everyone. No one cares but he still wants to share the good news.
#ask winderlylandchime#dear sweet anon#queer as folk#a straight man watches qaf us 2000 in the year of our lord 2023
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BnHA Chapter 307: The One With Shindou
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor and Hawks (and Jeanist too, although he didn’t really do anything, but BY GOD, WHAT IS UP WITH HIS NECK) held a press conference and were all, “everything you’ve heard is true, so we would just like to say, from the bottom of our hearts... our bad.” U.A. opened its doors to the public as an evacuation shelter. Deku and All Might told basically EVERYBODY about OFA, which is absolutely wild, and yet somehow we hardly paid any attention to this at all. Mostly because the chapter ended with Deku being all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD, THE ONLY ONE THAT I HAVE EVER KNOWN” and peacing out of U.A. to embark on a solo journey of angst. So this is either gonna be the best or the worst thing that ever happened to this series, so TIME TO FIND OUT WHICH IT IS.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so who do you guys want to see next? Deku? Bakugou?? Well how about SHINDOU?” Shindou is all “hi :) I’m Shindou :) :) remember me :) :) :)?” Horikoshi is all “I’m so sorry for depriving you guys of Shindou for so fucking long, how about an ENTIRE CHAPTER ALL OF HIM” and then he REALLY FUCKING DOES IT because, I don’t know?? Did we make him mad?? Am I being punished for something I did in a past life?? It really is, honest to god, seventeen whole goddamn pages of Shindou, punctuated by a few pages of Muscular, and topped off with one (1) whole appearance by Deku at THE VERY END. And we don’t even get to see his face. I am beside myself lmao I’m sorry you guys, you can skip this recap if you want. Or just skip straight to the end, because movie 3 promo.
“long time no see” now what could this mean?? can’t think of too many characters this phrase would apply to right now. although I can think of one big one, and I know that fandom has been trying to manifest his deadbeat ass to finally show itself for years now. could it finally be that time? if Hisashi shows up and debunks DFO a big chunk of the fandom is probably going to riot lol
(ETA: why oh why did I get my hopes up like that lmao. I’m pretty sure Hisashi doesn’t actually exist and Deku was either immaculately conceived, or the stork really did bring Inko a lil green baby from the cabbage patch.)
anyway, so the chapter is opening on this random scene of CRIME and DISARRAY

was this all done by that big villain from the previous chapter? utility poles knocked down, random holes in the sides of buildings, and it looks like this one car pulled over in a hurry and the driver just hopped out and ran
who are these people talking


I am immediately struck by the urge to push Shindou off of this ledge. is that mean? probably that is mean, but also fuck this guy lmao. every year you cheat someone out of their well-deserved spot in the popularity poll, and every year I want to punch you in your stupid face for it
bah. and how are you doing, Tatami. love that hero name even if you do have arguably the dumbest superpower in the entire series
listen, though. here I am shitting on these Ketsubutsu kids for no good reason, and I’m sorry about that, and truthfully it’s mostly because I just want to see Deku and/or Kacchan and so it’s hard to give a fuck about anything else right now. BUT, I will immediately cease and desist ALL of my complaining if this means we also get to see my best girl Ms. Joke, omg. Horikoshi please

but LSKJFLEK at this random reminder that Bakugou refused to shake his fucking hand. like, that’s his “fun fact” apparently lol. it’s what he deserves
also living for this “cringe” here, too. fuck you Shindou. I am so, so sorry to any Shindou fans out there you guys because I’m just going to be like this the entire time he’s here. the hate is flowing through me
how has it been three whole pages and I still have to look at his stupid face

anyway so it seems like the kids are having to pick up the slack for Old Man Samurai and all those other assholes who retired. I’m guessing the U.A. kids will be seeing a lot more action as well
but in the meantime let’s hope no villains attack here all of a sudden, because all Tatami can do is make herself shorter while Shindou creates an earthquake to bring the entire building down around them dflkjslk
these guys don’t particularly want to go with them and I can’t say I blame them

so now Shindou is saying that yeah, they can probably handle the looters and such by themselves, but it’s a different story when it comes to the Noumu and the escaped Tartarus prisoners. Shindou how dare you make a reasonable point that I can’t immediately argue with
he says that one of the escapees was sighted in the area, so that’s why they’re trying to evacuate everyone
and the guy disagrees and says he doesn’t trust the heroes and thinks they’re pompous
fdskljk. fucking...

ME: Horikoshi can we please stop and get Deku HORIKOSHI: we have Deku at home THE DEKU AT HOME:
Horikoshi. please. we get it, the civilians don’t trust the heroes anymore. I UNDERSTAND. I COMPREHEND THIS. so unless there is some other point to this scene I respectfully ask that you hurry things along because omg
did Tatami always have this habit of speaking in meme language and such? I thought that was Camie’s thing but hey

listen, I’m here for anyone who’s willing to drag this man down into the depths of the earth. I would just also rather not spend the entire fucking chapter on this oh my god. Horikoshi do you have any more of those chapters where things happen in them?? those are good, I like those

so whoever’s on the other end of the call (ETA: it’s that rock-looking guy who can harden anything that he touches. why does BnHA have so many hardening powers) is telling them to run because there’s apparently a villain heading right for them, oh my

depending on who it is I can’t promise I won’t be rooting for them over you, buddy
ohhhhhh shit

huh. well that’s... hmm... but on the other hand...
okay lol no, I know it’s bad. Muscular fucking LOVES murdering kids. not even Shindou deserves that. I’m sure he has a family that loves him and stuff. and Tatami seems like a sweet girl. they don’t deserve to be murdered

that is the question isn’t it? are we really going to spend the entire chapter with Limbs-Retracting-Girl and her boyfriend, Joseph Gordon-Levitt from (500) Days of Summer??

YES PLEASE CALL YOUR SENSEI. my god do you know what I would give to see Ms. Joke take down an S-class villain??
(ETA: all I’ll say is that we were robbed here, you guys.)
now Tatami is running away while Shindou stays behind omg

Horikoshi I know I said I hate the guy, and I do, but my god. seems I don’t hate him half as much as you do you. been nice knowing you Shindou my man
are you serious Tatami really ran all the way back up here to try and evacuate these guys one more time

SHE’S SUCH A GOOD PERSON omg if you assholes don’t listen to her you deserve to get murdered


okay but seriously, now he has to be dead

r.i.p. Shindou. he died doing what he loved, talking a lot and being utterly useless
then again, damn Shindou are you really gonna come out here and be a badass?? gonna make me eat my words there kiddo?

I have absolutely no idea if I should expect this to work or not. all I know is that this is page 14, and so it would seem we really are going to spend the entire fucking chapter on fucking Shindou. this beautiful chapter had so much potential, Horikoshi. and now look at it. I hope you’re happy
nope it didn’t fucking work at all lmao

IT’S JUST LIKE I SAID. r.i.p. you pretentious handsome lump

DEKU YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO LOL. anyway but it’s good to see you!! it’s good to see ANYONE other than these guys sob but especially you

somehow Horikoshi actually made the bunny mask look badass?? I don’t think this is sustainable, but I am here for it while it lasts
Shindou should by all rights be nothing but A HANDSOME PASTE at this point lol but WHATEVER. it’s BnHA; getting smashed into walls and cliffs has more or less the same consequences as being set on fire. slap a band-aid on it and you’re good to go

well. and that’s it. I just did not care about any of that lmao. a rare dud of a chapter. well, but we’ve had something like ten in a row that ranged from “pretty good” to “amazing”, so I guess that’s fair
anyway I feel like I owe you guys something other than endless bitching and moaning, so! BONUS:

now this is more like it
first of all, I’m absolutely living for this promo’s “YEET THE CHILDREN OUT OF A HELICOPTER” vibes. FUCK YEAH WE’RE HEROES BITCH
is Deku wearing a jetpack/parachute?? let’s hope he is because I’m assuming he doesn’t have Float yet, so if that’s not a jetpack then it is a LONG WAY DOWN kiddo
these maniacs actually got Deku to wear something other than his red shoes holy fuck. I’m speechless. are we sure that’s not an imposter??
Shouto has the funniest falling position I’ve ever seen. I’m assuming his left arm is not in fact tucked under his leg like it appeared to be at first glance?? like, wtf is the outline of your body right now Shouto
this is what I think it is after careful analysis, but at first I thought this kid had some hidden contortionist abilities
and then there’s this guy
I MISSED YOU YOU BIG GOON. loving the new gauntlets!! and he’s changed up his impractical metal neck thingy into arm thingies! but most importantly, ARE THESE WHAT I THINK THEY ARE
and meanwhile, look who’s with them! Endeavor makes perfect sense of course, but Hawks is a very welcome surprise. does this mean we can expect to see Tokoyami too? because I would fucking love that
lastly, so this confirms the whole “world heroes” thing! which we all pretty much guessed anyway lol. I wonder if this movie will take place in another country (fingers crossed). the city in the background doesn’t look particularly familiar, but this image probably wasn’t meant to be analyzed in that way lol. anyways, looking forward to this so much, PLEASE GIVE US A TRAILER SOON omg
#bnha 307#shindou you#nakagame tatami#muscular#midoriya izuku#bakugou katsuki#todoroki shouto#bnha movie 3#bnha world heroes' mission#bnha#boku no hero academia#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#bnha manga spoilers#makeste reads bnha#'I never knew shindou was so popular' said horikoshi not understanding memes#'I guess I better give the people what they want'#smdh#this chapter should be called 'horikoshi's revenge'
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Scintilia | Han Jisung
Scintilia (n): a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait
Summary: Jisung knew he fucked up when he told his friends he had a girlfriend when he actually hadn’t, but he fucked up even more when he started to have feelings for the girl he asked to be his fake girlfriend.
wc: 5k
genre: fake dating! au, fluff, angst
warnings: some curse words, a little make out session.
a/n: I wasn’t really going to post this for Jisung’s bday buuuuut I just finished it so ^^ Happy Jisung day! I hope you have an amazing day 🤍🥺 Stay love you!🥰 (sorry for the end of the au its actually shit lmao but it’s 2am and I falling asleep sjhedjh)
You looked out of your classroom’s window; This class was taking too long and you were hungry enough not to focus on it anymore.
You looked at the people who were sitting in the garden, either enjoying their free period or skipping classes.
Among them, you spotted Felix, your classmate, with his group of friends, laughing at something one of them said.
Their group was pretty popular at your university, they were known to be quite friendly, handsome, athletic, and good students, and you wouldn’t be joking if you said that more than half of the university would die to date them.
You only knew Felix for sharing some classes with you and once, you were paired up to do a project together and, to be honest, it was a lot of fun and you enjoyed doing the project with him even though you barely knew each other.
Suddenly, the sound of the loud alarm indicating that the class was over interrupted your thoughts.
You jumped from your seat and, quickly, picked up all your things. You were starving and you wasted no time in texting your friend to meet you at your favorite ramen place so you could eat together.
“Text me once you arrive home.” Your friend told you.
“I will.” After you said goodbye to your friend, you headed to your dorm, but what you didn’t expect when you arrived there was to find one of Felix’s friends waiting in front of your door.
You frowned and checked the floor and the door number, thinking that maybe, you got off the wrong floor, but indeed, this was your dorm.
“Excuse me.” You said, trying to catch the boy’s attention.
He turned around and seemed surprised to see you there like he wasn't expecting you to appear at all.
"Do you need anything?" You asked.
He opened his mouth, finding the correct words until he finally decided to introduce himself.
"Yeah, hi! I'm Han Jisung, I live a couple of doors from here." He said, pointing with his thumb to the left, where his dorm was. "Also, I'm Felix's friend, you know him, right?"
You nodded quietly surprised to hear that he was your neighbor.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He said with a shy smile. “Do you wanna go for a walk meanwhile?
You looked at him and you squinted your eyes.
Why would he suddenly want to go for a walk with you?
“Actually, It’s kinda late you know...” You said, looking for your keys.
“Y/N, please! I really need your help!” He begged, holding your hands in his. “I just... I really fucked up and I know we barely know each other but... I’ll do whatever you want to just please, help me!”
Taken aback by his behavior, you looked around in case someone was watching you and you sighed.
You opened the front door of your dorm and offered him to enter.
“Okay so...” You started saying but you were interrupted by Jisung.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He suddenly asked, making you choke on your saliva.
“It doesn’t have to be real! Like, you can be my fake girlfriend, you know?” He said nervously.
“And why on the earth would you want to have a fake girlfriend?!” You asked confused.
Jisung blushed slightly and looked at his feet. “I told my friends I had a girlfriend so they now want to meet her.” He explained but for the look from your face he understood that you needed much more explanation. “It scaled so quickly, they were saying that I’m a chicken and I couldn’t ask a girl out and I told them I had a girlfriend just to shut their mouths but I didn’t think of the consequences.” He said.
You stayed in silence, examining his face. “I see...”
Suddenly, the ringing of your phone startled the both of you.
“Shitshitshit.” You said when you saw it was your friend Sohye the one calling you.
“Sorry! Sorry, sorry I totally forgot to text you, I’m already at home.” You said after you picked it up.
“You scared me dickhead!” Your friend yelled at you.
“I’m sorry, something came up and I totally forgot.”
“Is everything okay?” Sohye asked.
��Yeah, don’t worry, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, oh! And don’t forget I have a really important exam tomorrow, I won’t be able to eat lunch with you.” She said.
“Yeah, yeah, good night.”
“Good night y/n.”
You hung up and looked at Jisung.
“Don’t tell me it was your boyfriend?! Or girlfriend?! Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I should have asked you first.” He said, covering his mouth with his hands.
You giggled and shook your head. “It was my friend and don’t worry, I don’t have a partner.” You informed.
“Ok, so...” He said.
“What do I get in return?” You asked.
He seemed to be relieved that you didn’t say no, but that didn’t mean that you would say yes either.
“I can treat you to food every time we’re together.” He asked.
That was such a good offer.
“Deal.” You said, shaking hands with Jisung.
You spent the night discussing your “relationship”, how you two met, where, who confessed first... But of course, you also set some rules; The skinship and PDA were exclusively reserved for when the boys were around, no touching and of course, he wouldn’t brag about you doing “the dirty” because you would not only tell his friends everything was a lie, but you would also slap him in the face.
“Okay so long story short, we know each other because we are neighbors, one day I asked you out and after a few more dates I officially asked you to be my girlfriend but we never said anything because you wanted to keep it low.” Jisung recapitulated.
“We’ve been dating for five months now, don’t forget about it.” You added.
“Oh yeah, true.”
“And we will break up in two months.” You added again.
“Yeah, I remember that as well but there’s no need to tell them that.” Jisung giggled
“Hey, baby.” A voice behind you said, startling you.
You turned around and saw Jisung with a big smile.
The boy pecked your lips softly then he took your backpack and hung it on his shoulder, placing his other hand on your lower back, guiding you to the table where his friends were.
You could feel the looks of disbelief, not only from Jisung's friends but from all the people who were there, on you, making you feel uncomfortable.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.” Jisung’s friends looked at you in astonishment while Jisung introduced them to you.
Felix frowned his eyebrows looking at both of them.
You found quite funny his reaction, he seemed to be confused.
“You’re dating Y/L/N Y/N?” He asked.
“Yeah,” Jisung said and smiled at you, sitting down next to you.
“Since when?” He asked again.
“We’ve been dating for five months already but I asked him not to say anything, I wanted to keep it low for a while, sorry.” You said with a shy smile.
You really wanted to pat yourself on the back right now, you never knew you were such a great actor.
“No, it’s okay... we understand.” Chan said with a soft smile.
“How much did he pay you?” One of them asked you.
“Minho hyung!” Jisung complained.
You couldn’t help but laugh but you weren’t really sure if it was because his question was kinda funny, the fact that he actually was paying you with food or just because you were really nervous.
The rest of the guys laughed as well, even though he sounded quite serious when he asked you, they all seemed to take it as a joke.
“Ji, I’m hungry.” You said looking at him with puppy eyes but indicating him you wanted your part of the deal.
He was surprised to hear you call him by a nickname, but he didn’t show that, instead he smiled at you and asked you to choose whatever you wanted on the menu and kissed your temple.
“Bro I still can’t process this shit.” Felix said.
“Yeah same, I was waiting for him to tell us he was lying.” Seungmin commented.
“I’m so happy he’s not staying virgin forever.” Changbin added, proudly.
“Can you guys not talk like I wasn’t here?” Jisung said, embarrassed.
After eating and chatting for a while with Jisung and his friends, you decided it was time to you to go back to your dorms to study.
It was around 11 pm when you heard someone pounding the door.
Scared, you approached the door and suddenly, you heard Sohye’s voice.
“Y/n open the door right now! I know you’re in there!” She yelled.
Confused, you opened the front door and she stormed inside your apartment.
“Can you dare to explain to me why is the whole university calling you “Jisung’s new girlfriend”?” She asked, looking at you in disbelief.
You sighed and sat on the sofa, closing your eyes and massaging your temples.
Of course, this was one of the biggest cons of dating Han Jisung (or any of his friends actually), the whole university would gossip about it.
You looked at your friend and you made a gesture for her to sit next to you.
“Well? Are you dating Han Jisung, y/n?” She said.
You sighed again.
Should you play along and tell her all the gossips and rumors were true or should you tell her the truth?
You bit your lip, feeling guilty seeing her hurtful expression.
“What? Since when?” She asked, in a low voice.
“For five months now.” You replied.
“Why haven’t you told me anything?” She said.
You were feeling even more guilty now, you and Sohye always tell each other everything.
“Look y/n, I’m not mad, I know you must have your rea-
“We’re not dating.” You interrupted her, making her look at you confused.
“I’m so confused right now.”
You started to explain everything, from how Jisung asked you if you could be his fake girlfriend to your last conversation with his friends.
“Wow... I’m glad you trusted me and told me everything.” She smiled. “Well, if you ever need help with anything you know who to call.”
You were currently in Chan and Changbin’s apartment for a movie night.
It’s been almost two weeks since you and Jisung made “your relationship” public and it seemed like the boys didn’t suspect a thing.
“Baby hey, come here.” You were in the kitchen with Chan and Jeongin making the popcorns, when you arrived to the living room, where the rest of the boys were, your boyfriend called you, patting his lap, indicating you to sit on his lap.
You stopped your tracks and looked at him narrowing your eyes, with the bowl of popcorns still in your hands, you wanted to tell him that in a million years your would sit on his lap but since the boys were there, you ended up agreeing.
Jisung placed his arm around your waist and his other hand rested on your thigh.
You observed all his movements carefully and rolled your eyes when he asked you to feed him with popcorns. You filled his mouth with a handful of popcorn and giggled seeing him happily munching the popcorns, it reminded you to a little squirrel.
“Okay lovebirds, let’s start the movie.” Minho said.
Seungmin looked to his left since he couldn't stop hearing whispers but turned his attention back to the movie with a disgusted face seeing you and Jisung acting all lovely-dovey.
On the outside, it seemed like you guys were just innocently flirting but the reality was far from there...
Not an hour had passed since the movie started and you were already sick of Jisung not stopping moving.
“Can you stop, like, for five fucking seconds, Jisung?!” You whispered.
“Sorry! This movie is too boring I think I'm going to die of boredom.” He whispered back.
You stayed silent for a few seconds before he opened his mouth again.
“Should we make out?” He asked, tucking a few strands of your hair behind your ear. You felt your heartbeat strongly against your chest and your cheeks and ears burn
“W-what? No! I’m not gonna make out with you! Much less if your friends are here!” You said, flustered.
“But that’s the point Y/N! They never saw us kissing.” He said and you looked at him incredulously. “Those weren’t kisses! they were innocents pecks.” He said.
He had a point there, you just pecked his lips in front of his friends.
Also, it’s been a long time since the last time you actually kissed someone.
And Jisung was your “boyfriend”.
And this movie was, indeed, boring.
“It’s okay Y/N, I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to, I already made you sit on my lap.” He said but before thinking it twice, you cupped his face and you brought your lips together.
You caught him by surprise but quickly, he recomposed himself and he tightened his grip on you, leaning even closer to you, stealing your breath away.
Even though there were seven more people in the room, it felt like it was just you and him. His lips were soft and warm and his grip on your thigh, slowly caressing you, wasn’t helping at all.
You break away a few seconds but soon, he pulled you back to him.
You moved your hands from his face to his nape and you caressed the strands of his hair, making him hum against your lips softly.
“Hey! Get a room!” Hyunjin shouted at you two, making you break apart quickly.
You bit your lips, feeling your cheeks burn for the second time that night and looked with the corner of your eye at Jisung, who was also blushing.
“Should we change the movie? This one is kinda boring, don’t you think? Chan asked and you all agreed.
The boys played another movie that it was to Jisung's liking, since he barely moved this time.
You leaned your head against Jisung’s chest and hearing his heartbeat, slowly, you fell into a deep sleep.
Jisung’s P.O.V
Jisung couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss.
At first, he said it as a joke. In these two weeks he has learned about you more than he would like to admit, he knew you get flustered easily and he actually enjoys to fluster you but he didn’t expect you to kiss him that way at all.
And now you were peacefully sleeping on his chest.
Slowly, he started patting your head and giggled softly when you hummed in your sleep.
At that moment he felt a sensation in his chest he couldn’t describe, the only thing he could say was that it felt right, that moment, right there, felt just right.
A few days later, after your class was finished, Felix approached you.
“Hey y/n!” He said with a bright smile.
“Oh! Hey Lix, what’s up?” You asked, smiling him back.
“I was wondering if you could help me to study for the incoming exam?” He asked. “I’ve been struggling with this subject for a while now and I thought that, maybe, since it’s our last exam, it would help if I studied with you since you’re quite great at this subject.”
“As long as Jisung is fine with it, of course.” He added.
“Yeah, of course! And don’t worry about Jisung, he won’t mind.” You smiled.
“Oh! Thank you so much, you’re saving my life right now.” He hugged you, making you laugh.
“I was going to go to this cafeteria and study there, wanna come?” You asked.
“Sure! I’m craving some bubble tea as well.”
After a few hours later, you guys decided to call it a day.
“This is what I call a productive day.” Felix said and you agreed.
For the rest of the week, Felix and you had constant study sessions after your classes so it was difficult to hang out with the rest of the guys.
Suddenly, the image of Jisung popped in your head.
He’s been asking you to meet him, at least to have lunch with the boys but you always declined his offers.
He thought you were being a little harsh on yourself, Felix who has the same exam as you, spends his lunch with them, while you just bought a sandwich or whatever you felt like and went back to your dorm yet he was understanding and told you you would meet once your exams were finished.
You smiled at the thought.
In this whole month you’ve been “dating” Jisung, you’ve found out what an amazing person he actually is.
He loves to make people smile, he makes people laugh without even trying, he’s considerate and, even if you wouldn’t admit it out loud, he’s a great boyfriend and his future partner will be lucky to have him in his life.
A loud sigh left your lips and you shook your head.
You needed to concentrate and go back to your book.
Not so long after, a knock on your door drew your attention.
You looked at your clock.
23:02 pm
“Who in the hell is it at this hour?” You asked yourself.
Opening your front door, you were surprised to see Jisung with a big smile in front of you.
“Jisung? What are you doing here?” You asked confused, moving to your side, allowing him to come inside your dorm.
“I didn’t see you at the cafeteria today so I thought that, maybe, you skipped your meals and since that’s not very healthy, I decided to buy some of your favorite ramen.” He said, placing a bag on your table and flicking at your forehead.
“Ouch.” You whimpered.
You felt your cheeks gain a light pinkish color and a little smile was drawn on your face.
That was very nice of him actually.
Indeed, you skipped your meals today, you felt really stressed today and you even canceled you study session with Felix. Your dorm was a mess and you weren’t any better, to be honest.
“Thank you.” You muttered feeling suddenly shy.
“No problem baby, I bought some for me as well, so I could keep your company, I hope you don’t mind.” He said.
“On the contrary.” You smiled, picking up two pairs of chopsticks and some water.
You sat together and started eating together.
A moan left your lips when you munched your food.
It tasted like heaven.
“Don’t skip your meals again, do you hear me?” Jisung warned you. “It’s not good for your health.”
“Sorry, I don’t usually skip my meals but this exam is going to kill me I swear.”
You keep talking about some trivial things, laughing every now or then about some anecdotes Jisung told you about.
“Anyways, it’s kinda late already and I don’t want to distract you anymore.” He said looking at his phone.
It was almost midnight now and even though you were having a great time with him, you really needed to pass this exam.
“Let me walk you to the door.” You said, getting up and leaning against the door frame once you arrived there, just like the boy did.
You and Jisung stared at each other in complete silence, a very comfortable silence.
You examined his face, you never noticed before but Han Jisung was handsome. His eyes were big and very roundish, and the dark brown of his irises was captivating.
Your sight fell on his lips and you suddenly felt your heart skip a beat.
You suddenly felt your face heat up and you looked into his eyes again, trying to avoid something you could regret in the future, but it didn’t help at all as your pulse sped up when you noticed Jisung looking at your lips.
You wanted to say something, to do something, but your body didn’t want to move and it wasn’t until Jisung made eye contact with you again when your body finally responded.
“I have to go.” He said. “Don’t skip your meals, okay?” He warned again, ruffling your hair.
“I won’t.” You said, giving him a small smile.
It was Saturday night, and again, Changbin and Chan invited you all to their apartment to celebrate you and Felix finally finished your exams.
You were sitting between Jisung’s legs, your back against his chest, while his chin rested on the top of your head.
He had you wrapped around his arms and refused to let you go, saying that you’ve been too busy studying for your exam that you barely saw each other, which was actually true since it was your last exam of the semester you and Felix spent your days glued to your books and notes.
“So how did that exam go?” Chan asked.
“Actually great, I had the best teacher.” Felix complimented you.
You giggled. “I didn’t do anything Felix, you-.” But before you could finish your sentence, Jisung interrupted you.
“Wait, you guys studied together?” He asked, unwrapping his arms from around you.
“Yeah, I thought y/n told you?” Felix said, 7 pairs of eyes now focusing on you both.
You turned your head to look at Jisung, making eye contact with him. “All this time, you’ve been studying together? Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked you, with an annoyed look on his face.
You looked at him speechless. Why was he acting like that?
Jisung scoffed at your loss of words, getting up from his spot on the floor.
“Jisung mate, calm down, we-” Felix was saying but, again, Jisung interrupted him.
“Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?” He said, pointing at the front door behind his back.
You nodded confused as to why he was acting like that and followed him in silence until you two were alone.
“Why didn’t you tell me you and Felix have been studying together?!” He asked you, irritated.
“Oh God Jisung, why are you acting like this? It’s not that deep.” You said, crossing your arms on your chest, rolling your eyes.
“Not that deep?! Not telling your boyfriend you’re hanging out with other guys is not that deep?!” He yelled.
“Did you forget that you’re NOT my real boyfriend?” You whispered harshly, pressing your index finger on his chest.
Anger started to boil inside of you. What’s gotten into him?
“Yeah but for them, I am your boyfriend.” He said, mimicking your actions.
You scoffed rolling your eyes, “yeah, so what? What’s the big deal about it!?” You yelled, getting angrier and angrier as time passed. “Felix is your friend and he could never get in your girl’s pants if this is all the fuss about!”
“Yeah, but would you?!” He yelled.
You looked at him in shock.
Yes, maybe you weren’t a real couple but, to the public eye you were, and for some reason, hearing him accusing you of doing something like that made your heartache.
“JISUNG WHAT THE FUCK? DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD FUCK YOUR FRIEND BEHIND YOUR BACK?!” You yelled, not caring if the guys could hear you.
“OF COURSE I DO!” He yelled back at you.
At that moment, you felt a pang on your chest.
You didn’t know what hurt you more, the way he saw you or the fact that it was Jisung the one who said all those things to you.
Without a word, you turned your body and you walked out of that place but you stopped middle track.
Turning around again, looking at Jisung, you opened your mouth, your voice was low but loud enough for Jisung to hear.
“You know what Han Jisung? You already proved your friends that you’re a big man that can ask girls out, you showed them how fucking big your pride and ego is so I don’t see the point of me being around you anymore, this is over.”
“Y/n don’t cry, please.” Sohye said, looking at you curl up on her lap and caressing your back.
You tried to control your sobs but you found it difficult.
“It wasn’t even real Sohye, why does it have hurt so much?” You said, tightening your grip on the hem of his shirt.
Sohye looked at you with pity. She’s never been good with relationships so she wasn’t sure about what to tell you. “Wait here y/n, I’ll make you hot chocolate, okay? I know you love my hot chocolates.” She said, getting up.
You nodded, trying to control your sobs.
You really thought he was your friend.
Was he really your friend?
Or you just wanted to believe that he was just a friend?
The kiss in Chan and Changbin’s apartment, the day he bought you food just because he noticed that you skipped your meals, that weird moment in your door frame, all the times he made you laugh...
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by Sohye’s voice.
“She doesn’t want to see you right now.”
You got up so quickly that you even got dizzy.
Sohye was in your front door, arms crossed on her chest and a threatening look on her face.
In front of her, Han Jisung asked desperately to see you.
“Please, just... I just want to tell her that I’m sorry, I’ll leave after that.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Sohye replied.
“Sohye.” You called her. “It’s okay, let him in.” You said.
“Are you sure?” She asked and you nodded. “Okay.” She said and hugged you before leaving your dorm. “Oh! By the way, if you make her cry again I won’t hesitate to kick your balls so watch out.” He threatened, making you giggled softly.
Finally, it was just you and Jisung, alone.
The atmosphere was so tense that I could be cut with the back of a knife.
“I’m so sorry.” He spoke. “I had no right to tell you all the things I said to you yesterday, it was out of place.”
You limited yourself to look at him in silence, letting him finish whatever he wanted to say.
“I hope you know I didn’t mean none of the things I said, to be honest with you, I was jealous.” He admitted.
Your eyes opened at his confession.
“Yes, I know they thought you were my “girlfriend” but in reality, you weren’t and after realizing that I actually liked you, it made me anxious to think that you could fell in love with someone else, someone that it wasn’t me.”
“Y-you like me?” You asked, surprised.
He nodded. “That night, when I bought you ramen, I couldn’t sleep at all. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, your laughter, your smile, the fact that you still looked stunning after studying for hours and being stressed as fuck... That’s when I realized that I genuinely liked you.” He confessed.
“And I could sense you were getting closer to Felix but I didn’t really think anything about it. I mean, you’re classmates, you guys knew each other but when Felix said you and him studied all this time together...” He sighed. “I got mad, but I was mad at myself because you were spending time with Felix because you wanted while I was forcing you to spend time with you.”
“I realized that maybe, I was the only one who ended up falling in love with his fake partner... and it would be okay you know! I’m not telling you this so you pity me and date me or anything, I just want to let it out of my chest and trying to justify my actions.” He rambled.
“But it’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me ever again you know... I acted like a dick so...”
“Are you done rambling?” You laughed.
He looked at you surprised.
“Jisung, first of all, I never felt like you were forcing me to go with you, you introduced me to your friends who I ended up loving and I enjoyed every single time I spent with you all. And yes, I actually got closer to Felix but that’s because we majored in the same thing and we share a lot of classes, we spend a lot of time together but i just see him as one of my closest friends. And actually, you weren’t the only one who felt in love with his fake partner so...” You smiled.
You looked how his face got brighter which made your smile wider.
“Wait... Are you serious?” He asked, excited.
“Yes, how could I not fall for the great Han Jisung?” You giggled.
“Oh God babe, I’m so happy right now.” He said, hugging you.
You hugged him back, with your arms around his neck.
“I promise you, I’ll never say any of those things to you, I won’t make you cry ever again, I’ll make you the happiest girl on this planet, believe me.” He said.
“You better do it Han Jisung.” You joked.
Jisung separated from you and cupped your face, pressing his lips on yours.
The kiss was slow, soft and you could feel the love in it.
“Let me ask you for real this time... Y/L/N Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?
// Masterlist //
tag list: @seung-minnie @ukiyolixx
#stray kids#stray kids scenarios#stray kids scenario#stray kids imagines#stray kids imagine#skz#stray kids x reader#stray kids fake dating au#stray kids au#stray kids one shot#stray kids one shots#stray kids fluff#stray kids angst#stray kids smut#stray kids jisung#han jisung#stray kids jisung fluff#stray kids jisung angst#stray kids jisung imagines#stray kids jisung scenarios#stray kids jisung smut#Han Jisung smut#jisung smut#Hwang hyunjin#lee minho#lee felix#bang chan#seo changbin#kim seungmin#yang jeongin
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Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
#luly talks#btg#i ran out of space but that's good cuz im sleepy and have 3% of battery lol#i wanted to reach chapter 260 but this works#14 last episodes for tomorrow woo#baki liveblog
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Love is like a tornado...
For the dearest @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321 💟💟💟
Hope you’ll like the story...
"Man, that sucks..."
"Yeah, the situation is desperate!"
The Weasley twins sigh as they watch two of their favorite teachers glancing at each other but not daring to say a single word.
On one side, there is Professor Remus Lupin, the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. Compassionate, kind, encouraging, and understanding, he is among the most popular teachers in the school.
On the other side, there is (Y/N) (L/N), the new Charms lecturer. She is not only beautiful but also passionate, supportive, charismatic, and gifted. Every Hogwarts students are keen to attend her courses: even the Slytherins are respectful towards her.
Besides, she is the youngest member of the professors' staff.
However, what makes Fred and George Weasley upset is that the two teachers seem fond of each other, but no one tries to make the first step.
"They could be the most popular couple in school!"
"You mean the most popular couple in the history of the school!"
"You got the point, Fred!"
Sitting next to them, Ron, Hermione, and Harry share their opinion.
"They are so cute together! But it would not be fair to force them!" breathes Hermione.
"Hermione is right. Likewise, Remus is not at ease with his lycanthropic condition: I'm sure he is scared to hurt her!" advises Harry.
"Sure. And, moreover, Lupin is so clumsy when it comes to ladies!" grins Ron.
"Watch your words, Little Ronnie! I'm sure you don't want your friends to know about the emptiness of your love life!" sneers George, making his twin laugh.
Grumbling some curses against his "stupid brothers," Ron eats a piece of cake while asking:
"Which subject do we have after lunch?"
"Let me see... Ah, we have a Charms lesson!"
As they hear it, a Cheshire grin appears on the Weasley twins' faces.
"Do you hear that, Georgie?"
"Oh yeah, Freddie, I heard it!"
Under the worried look of their younger brother and his friends, George and Fred prepare their new trick to "help" their beloved teachers...
Later in the afternoon, in Charms classroom.
In her classroom, (Y/N) tries to explain a new spell to her students.
"Remember, ladies and gentlemen: your gesture must be short but firm! Come on, try!"
Both the Gryffindor and Slytherin students try their best to achieve the exercise. Some manage to reach their objective while others struggle.Their professor watches them with a kind smile on her face. She really enjoys teaching at Hogwarts: the pupils are interested and willing to work.
Furthermore, in her class, there is no rivalry between the houses. She encourages solidarity and group works between the students, no matter which house they belong to.
That's why she appreciates seeing Hermione, one of her favorite students, working with Draco Malfoy without hostility. She even notices that the two seem to get along now, to Ron Weasley's dismay.
Speaking of the latter, he nearly turns one of his classmates into a chair!
"Watch out, Ron!"
"Sorry, Seamus!"
"Focus on your gesture, Mr. Weasley!" she reminds him kindly.
"Yes, sorry, Mrs. (L/N)!"
The class goes well until the bell rings.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen! For next time, I want you to practice all the charms on page 214 of your manual! See you on Friday!"
Once the students leave her classroom, she packs her belongings and heads to her office. On the way, she bumps into someone and lets her book falling.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I did not see you..."
"I should be the one apologizing, (Y/N)"
The young woman lifts her head, and she recognizes Remus. For a moment, they cannot help but look at each other with some fascination. Shyly, the werewolf hands to her some of her books.
"Thank you for helping me, Remus!"
"It's my pleasure. I'll be careful next time!"
"Don't be upset about it. It's okay!"
"I... I'm glad to hear that!" whispered the werewolf, slightly blushing.
Unbeknownst to them, the Weasley twins observe them, hidden in a corner.
"By Merlin, it fails! They are this close to kissing, I swear! Ugh, it's soooo frustrating!"
"I told you that the Tumbling spell would not work!"
"Quiet, Fred! Unless you have another idea..."
"Just let me think about it, Georgie... Hooray! I have a plan!"
"What is it?"
Fred picks up his spellbook and points to a segment.
"I think this would help us!"
Looking at the spell, George beams.
"Oh, that's what I call a brilliant idea! The best prank we ever did!"
"You can say it, bro! Now, let's prepare it! We have to do it tomorrow: I hear Ron revising his Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson for tomorrow! It's our only chance !"
The following day.
Sitting at her office, (Y/N) prepares the lesson for the Year 1 Ravenclaw students. She smiles while thinking about those little wizards and witches who look at her with admirative eyes. They are so cute!
To be honest, they are cuter when they interact with Remus. She loves to see him being gentle with the younglings and encouraging their efforts. She can say that her colleague would be a wonderful father...
Suddenly, a loud noise wakes her up from her daydream. She looks at her door that shatters because of a tornado.
"By Merlin, what is that?"
As she prepares to cast a spell, the tornado charges at her and imprisons the young witch in its fury.
Mangled by the tornado, (Y/N) cannot stop it, losing her wand in the process. And carried by the wind, she soon crosses the corridors, under the astonished eyes of the teachers and students.
Meanwhile, in Remus's classroom, the students listen to their teacher.
"As you know, Banshee's main power is her scream. It's so powerful that it can drive her victims mad! It can also lead to their death!"
"How loud it can be?" asked Draco.
"Well, according to Newt Scamander, you can hear her wails from a couple of miles away!"
At the same time, the students jumped on their seats as they hear a piercing shriek.
"BANSHEE! SHE IS HERE!" panicked Neville.
"I assure you, young Mister Longbottom, that it is not a supernatural scream. On the contrary, it is a human scream... It sounds like someone needs help!"
Indeed, someone needs help as they hear a familiar feminine voice.
"OH MY GOD! It's Mrs. (L/N)!" exclaims Harry.
Fearing for the life of his beloved witch, Remus picks his wand and prepares to rescue (Y/N) when the tornado bursts into the classroom.
"STEP BACK! STAY FAR FROM IT!" directs Lupin.
All the students stumble behind their teacher. The werewolf braces himself before he tries to rescue his crush from the roaring wind.
Unfortunately, the tornado absorbs him as well, before getting outside the classroom.
"We have to help them! Hurry!" declares Parvati before running outside, followed by her classmates.
When they arrive in the main hall, they witness an extraordinary scene: trapped in the tornado, Remus and (Y/N) try to escape this windy pit but fail every time.
"How can we help them?" demands Ron.
"First of all, we must identify which spell was used to create this tornado!"
At the same time, Fred and George topple towards them while repeating:
When he hears his brothers, Ron exclaims:
"What on Earth have you done again?"
"See, little brother, it's a long time story..."
"Cut it out, and tell the truth!" yells Dean.
The twins look at each other with despair before explaining:
"Well, we only wanted to try helping Professor Lupin and Mrs (L/N) confessing to each other..."
"And we thought that if he saves her, she would immediately confess her love! And he would do the same!"
"Oh, by Morgana, why do I have those two dorks as brothers?" whines Ron as he facepalms.
"Okay. But why the tornado?" asks Neville.
"Well, it seems cool!" answers Fred.
"That is not cool AT ALL, you dumbskull!"
"Only a Weasley can produce such a ridiculous idea!" says Goyle with irony.
"Shut up, Goyle, and be useful for once in your life!" shouts Seamus.
Whereas her classmates panic for their teachers, Hermione muses about the tornado.
"It is not a classic spell... If only I had my Charms book with me!"
Immediately, Draco hands his manual to her.
"You can read mine if you want!"
"Thanks, Draco! Let's see what it is!"
As the two wizards look in the book, Ron nudges Harry.
"Did you just see it?"
"Malfoy was nice with Hermione!"
"And? It is not the first time!"
"That is not normal, Harry!"
"For Godric Gryffindor's sake, Ronald! We have other priorities now!"
Quickly, Hermione finds the solution.
"I got it! Oh lord, it's a Confessional Tornado!"
"A what?" asks George.
"According to the book, this spell creates that entangles two people and compels them to tell the truth. It lets them free only if they do so!" explains Malfoy.
"Well, that's a complicated situation!"
Coming closer to the tornado, Draco yells to the teachers.
"Professor Lupin, Mrs. (Y/N), you are in a Confessional Tornado! You must tell the truth, or you won't get out!"
"That's true! We checked it! Please, tell the truth!"
"The truth? About what?" asks Remus.
Sighing, the Slytherin shouts:
"Sir, tell her everything. Say how much she means to you... Just say what you are truly feeling about her!"
Slightly biting his lip, the young man carries on:
"You are a brave man, Mister Lupin. You can tell her the truth... so perhaps, it would help me to confess to the girl I love what I've dreamed of saying to her! How incredible, smart, lovely, and beautiful she is to me!"
"Who is he talking about?" asks Hermione.
"I don't know... but I pity for her!" sneers Ron.
Gathering his courage, Remus looks at (Y/N) and manages to say through the storm:
"Draco is right (Y/N). I should have told you the truth a long time ago..."
"You are the most amazing witch I've ever met. Since the first day, I knew that... I fell in love with you."
Saying that (Y/N) is shocked is an understatement. All this time, she hoped to hear Remus saying those words...
"Why?" she mutters.
"There are so many reasons why I love you, but I would waste your time. The main thing I would say is... If it takes me all this time to confess, it's because I'm scared... of me! You're aware of my second nature, and I would not be able to forgive myself if I hurt you!"
She smiles.
"Do you think I would turn around and walk away because of that? Remus, your lycanthropy is a part of you. But does it makes you a monster? No. You try your best to protect those around you from this curse. Every day, I see you with our colleagues or students. I only see a kind, compassionate, encouraging, brave, protective, and wise man who never gives up on someone else. This is the man I fell in love with since our first meeting. This is the man I want to spend my life with... If you would give me this chance!"
Suddenly, he takes her small hand and holds it tenderly.
"You don't have to ask: you are already in my existence!"
Moved by this answer, (Y/N) brightly smiles before she cups his face between her hands and kisses him. Taken aback by this sudden gesture, the man kisses her back under the cheers of the students and teachers.
"See, Minerva, he found the courage!" says Dumbledore, chuckling.
"They must be so relieved!" smiles McGonagall.
Meanwhile, the Weasley twins let out a sigh of relief.
"At least, it was not as disastrous as I thought!"
"Yeah. Mission accomplished, bro... And I can say that it helps someone else!"
They both look at Drago and Hermione, who are holding hands and speaking softly.
"Man, I think we have created another power couple in Hogwarts!"
"Should we tell Ron about this?"
They look at each other with a mischievous smile.
"NAH! NOT NOW!" they laugh.
"Instead, let's enjoy our success!"
At the same moment, Remus and (Y/N) are enjoying the moment as they start a new step in their lives. A new life together. And to think that all begins when two prankish brothers start a tornado... After all, love is like a tornado: it arrives unexpectedly and sweeps you off your feet...
Thanks for the reading!
I hope you’ll like it! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
#requests#harry potter#remus lupin#fred and george weasley#david thewlis#dakota fanning#james and oliver phelps
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ok and I GET the concept of attachments leading to vulnerability and therefore weakness but to impose that on a CHILD who so desperately needs a family, someone he could bond with, its honestly tragic. and since qui gon isnt there to do it anymore it falls on obi wan, whos basically a kid himself, whos dealt with rejection his whole life, and how can you expect him to provide anything, much less mentor a padawan?? idk i just have so many FEELINGS abt this and can’t put it into proper words lol
okay you know what i think that’s on qui gon because why!!! would you make the decision to rip a child away from his home like that so quickly!!! i get that they were making a movie and thus needed to speed things along for pacing reasons but COME ONNNNN
i feel like if it wasn’t restricted for movie reasons it would have gone down very differently. difference being: hey, maybe we don’t rip anakin away from his mom and leave not only his mom still in slavery but also punt a tiny child directly into a warzone.
hear me out
so assuming qui gon decides not to take anakin with him (at that moment in time because anakin is still going to be heading to the order just in a more meticulous fashion) right after meeting the skywalkers on tattooine, he still needs to get off planet. so he does the whole race thing yadda yadda he gets the engine and they take off
so here’s where it diverges: anakin stays on tattooine and never goes to naboo.
(bro this got so long i had to put it under a cut omfg)
but cindy!! you might say, leaving anakin on tattoine??? stuck in slavery??? how could you!!!
YES, but this is a temporary thing, just stay with me for a second
padme disagrees but relents because qui gon says he’ll come back for the boy when he’s not, you know, neck deep in the middle of tense wartime negotiations that could trigger a full scale onslaught at any moment. that’s no place to bring a small child into no matter how powerful in the force he is.
qui gon heads back to the council, gives his report, and then mentions anakin. mentions his fuckin. midichlorian count. which is still so ridiculous to me oh my god the midichlorian is the powerhouse of the force i GUESS
the council still disapproves, but qui gon makes the case that even if they don’t believe him about the chosen one thing it’s still dangerous to leave such a powerful force user out there untrained and vulnerable to the stresses and traumas of slavery. what if he turns to the dark side??? he’ll have ample reasons to if he’s stuck there, and the amount of destruction he could unleash by being untrained and powerful is unspeakable!! qui gon, being the master diplomat he is, even if he is constantly butting heads with the council, could probably convince them of the importance of at least meeting the child. hell, it’s not as if they haven’t broken people free from slavery before it’s honestly jedi basic training at this point
so the council agrees on the condition that qui gon is not allowed to personally mentor the boy because as it stands now he’s too close to the situation, too eager which honestly??? might have been a good chunk of the reason why the council was so against it in the first place. qui gon pushed for it too hard and for no real solid reason. and for fuck’s sake qui gon your padawan is right there
obi wan, awkwardly shuffling on his feet like..... yeah i’m here too master
imagine how gutting it must be to hear that your master wants to get rid of you for the newer, younger model. like at this point obi wan is so used to this shit. abandonment? by qui gon??? it’s more likely than you think,
and obi wan’s ALLL ready to be like “yeah okay. i’ll just. go over here then i guess. fuck me for thinking that you respected me as a person or anything lmao right”
and qui gon’s just “ah fuck. i can’t believe i’ve done this”
anyways hand waves qui gon explaining his reasoning to obi wan and saying that he just wants to ensure that the boy gets the training he needs and obi wan understanding but asking if he really thinks he’s ready to be a knight genuinely or if he’s just saying that to get him out of the way and wow that thought actually hurt a bit lol!!! no problem though qui gon whatever you want haha i’ll just... be in pain. over here. ((:
and qui gon being like, “honestly obi wan the only reason you’re not actually knighted is because i cherish your companionship and i don’t want to let you go” because ANAKIN ISN’T THE ONLY ONE WITH ATTACHMENT ISSUES CASE IN POINT: MY MANS JINN
let’s be honest obi wan could’ve been knighted ages ago. the only reason he hasn’t been is because the master dictates when that step should be taken and qui gon wasn’t ready to let his surrogate son go.
anyways RECONCILIATION WHOO kicks that insecurity off of obi wan’s already weary shoulders because that gnarly bit of tension could’ve been avoided so easily with just a simple conversation!! wow!!! communication can do wondrous things who! would! have! known!!!!!
they get to naboo. how do they beat the trade federation without anakin? the force works in mysterious ways alright it happens they win boom.
now, onto qui gon. in this au qui gon lives because of that healthy bit of communication up there that went down. see that conversation? where they affirm how important they (qui gon and obi wan) are to each other? and how that bond was repaired and confirmed between their leaving coruscant and fighting maul on naboo and thus their harmonious fighting wasn’t impaired by that underlying resentment and betrayal and tension??? TELLING YOUR KIDS THAT YOU LOVE AND RESPECT THEM CAN DO AMAZING THINGS WITH YOUR ABILITY TO COORDINATE WITH THEM IN THE FIELD IMAGINE THAT
so they fight maul and maul gets turned into maul 1 and maul 2 and qui gon almost gets got but is saved just in time by his padawan who is!! right there with him!!! because qui gon WAITS 5 SECONDS FOR HIM TO CATCH UP so they can F I G H T T O G E T H E R. qui gon has a permanent limp and an ache in his spine that never really goes away but he’s ALIVE TO SEE THE NEXT SUNRISE BABEY
celebrations happen. and the most important bit of all here: palpatine never meets anakin on naboo.
why would he? anakin’s not fuckin there mate!!! maul wouldn’t even know anything about anakin because qui gon never bothered to take him with them to coruscant and maul was chasing the delegation from naboo, not going hunting for babies in the tatooinian sands
/kicks the palpatine was anakin’s experimental force daddy theory to the curb because. i don’t like it that’s why. suck it dickpatine.
ANAKIN NEVER MEETS PALPATINE!! ripples in the fucking pond babey
qui gon and obi wan ask a boon of padme, that boon being “hey can you give us truly disgusting amounts of money so we can go free those delightful people we had to leave behind on tatooine due to the fact that we were on a time crunch and also ripping people away from a familiar environment without a stable plan of action to provide them a better quality of life is actually called, as the professionals say, a dick move.”
and padme’s like “um fuck yeah here’s some cash let me know how this goes and give anakin and shmi my love”
SO OFF THEY GO TO TATOOINE TO FREE THE SKYWALKERS. shmi tags along to the temple because why wouldn’t she. she wants to see where her son is going to be going. she also pesters qui gon and obi wan constantly about the order and its philosophies and etc. etc. and subsequently gets a crash course in jedi doctrine that anakin also gets to sit in on and you know, educate himself on.
“we want you to know that being a jedi is a choice. being a jedi is a religion unto itself.” they say
“but it’s a set of philosophies that are meant to at its core help others live happy and free lives?” anakin (and shmi) ask
“that’s a very very very large generalization but i guess for the purposes of this conversation that could be seen as true. from a certain point of view,” they respond. qui gon then lets obi wan loose on his musings about the code because the code is simple, and complex in its simplicity, and how the beliefs of the jedi should be taken very seriously because it reflects their connection to the force and by extension the world around them etc. etc.
anakin makes it to the temple. anakin knows (at least a little) what it means to be a jedi. it’s not all light sabers and noble battles and fighting the good fight. it’s about sacrifice and humility and nobility and above all kindness and empathy and loving all things, great and small, and not letting your personal hatreds cloud your judgement even if it takes all your strength to do so
and most importantly to anakin: no attachments.
and that’s what anakin struggles with the most. that never changes. but this time shmi is there to explain it to him, and coming from shmi, the most important person in the world, makes it stick
“it doesn’t mean you love me less,” shmi explains. “it just means you don’t love everyone else less because you love me. it means not loving me to the exclusion of all else. it means love, but for everyone. for everything.”
and then the two jedi reaffirm that it’s a choice. it’s always about choice. you can’t be a jedi without choosing to be one, it’s not something that can be forced. either you believe in the lifestyle, or you don’t. simple as that.
“can i leave if i want to” anakin asks.
“yes. of course you can, any time.” qui gon responds.
“not sure why you would want to though, being a jedi is kind of super cool” obi wan adds, with a wink.
but anakin isn’t a jedi yet. he’s not even an initiate. he doesn’t want to leave his mom, not until he knows she’s safe. he wants to be a jedi he burns with the need to be a jedi, but he’s not sure if he can be a jedi. not the way that was explained to him anyways. but that’s okay because he has the time to decide!!! there are no sith lords breathing down his neck!!! he has two (2) in the flesh examples of what jedi can do, what jedi are, what they can accomplish in the world!!! most of all he has his mother there, supporting him either way!!!
maybe he does go into the order. maybe he does ultimately choose that life for himself. maybe he does manage to untangle himself from the snarls of attachment and apply himself wholeheartedly to the ways of the jedi. he might even succeed this time since palpatine has no fucking CLUE anakin’s even there!!! he’s not nine years old and freshly braided and attached at the hip to a mourning brand new knight, he’s nine years old and trying to figure out how the fuck you levitate off the ground with your legs crossed under you while his crechemates balance things onto his nose!!!
and you know what!! maybe he chooses to leave the order because it’s not for him, but this time he’s got enough stability in his life, in the way that he manages and examines his feelings, that he’s not a threat to himself and those he loves. maybe he becomes a mechanic and lives a nice, simple life with his aging mother and becomes penpals with a pretty girl from naboo. WHO KNOWWWSSS
and that’s important for anakin: knowing that it’s always a choice always his choice and that he never has to have anyone tell him who he can and cannot be because he is his own master now he has full autonomy and the jedi cannot and will not take that away from him
this got so long oh my god i just have so many THOUGHTS
qui gon taking anakin like that in tpm was such a rushed decision my man can you CHILL AND THINK
anyways,,,,, that’s all thank u for coming with me on this journey,,,,,,,
#YELLS ABOUT TPM INTO MY HANDSSSS#this is super long i'm so sorry ghfjkdghfj#star wars#anakin skywalker#qui gon jinn#shmi skywalker#obi wan kenobi#anon#ask#meta
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Crush /Bang Chan\
Waring: Uh Heartbreak, fluff, angst and a same scene of Changbin :) (Honestly tho who knows what I wrote I was just in a Chan mood so help yourselves)
You thought hanging out with your friends would've of helped you a bit as you all danced your souls away at the new night club that opened a couple of days ago.But no. That could never happen especially when you were in love with your best friend.
Bang Chan
“Hey whats up with you?” Chan asks you as he sees you sitting alone yet again at the top of the bar. A frown was plastered on his lips as he looked over you.
Sighing you just wave him off like nothing happened. Even though nothing did happen you were just in too much of a bad mood to talk to him.
The cause of your bad mood being him.
You loved him. To much for a best friend if you get my drift.
‘He’d never love you back, have you seen him he’d never want you’
“Yeah i’m fine just bad day at work” You reply back taking your vodka into your hand ,gulping it down you put the glass back down onto the table before getting up. At this point Chan was watching your every move. He was worried about you.
“I’m going to head home” You say as you grab your purse, Chan pulls you into his chest giving you a tight hug before you left. If only he knew how much that hug hurt you, you felt the rush of sadness gush over you, pulling back you gave a quick smile at him before walking out.
Chan couldn't stop worrying about you all night, Couldn’t get rid of the thought that you were hurt.
Were you angry at him? Of course not he didn’t do anything to you?
Just as Chan was about to put his drink down and head home Chanagbin stopped him.
“Hey dude where y/n?” He asks, because usually your hanging off the side of Chan when ye guys go out, But not tonight, Tonight was different.
“Uh- yeah she headed home she wasn’t feeling it tonight?” Chan shouts over at Changbin as the music was too loud for him to properly hear.
“That’s weird she doesn't really end up like that when we hang out does she?” Changbin shouts back worry flashed over his face for a second or two before Chan replied back to him.
“Yeah i think ill head over to her house see if shes okay” Chan says pushing both of his hands into his pocket.
“Is that a good idea though?”
“What why wouldn't it be? I always go over to y/n’s” Chan says back confusion written over his face as Changbin chuckles at him.
“Your really dumb aren’t you?” Changbin snorts at him, he grabs Chan out of the night club behind him, they both stop outside the chill from outside making Chan wrap his arms around him.
“Im confused? Everything is so confusing tonight i cant thin-” Chan starts up soon shuts up as Changbin cuts him off.
“She loves you, you idiot” He says,
“S-she what?”
“Its pretty fucking clear, shes loved you for years bro how havent you seen it”
Has he seen it? I mean a couple of weeks ago she did start to get less affectionate, not many hugs, barley texts you, no kisses ont he cheek or any calls to the dorms anymore.
Y/N was becoming distant from Chan and it was all making sense.
“I-I have to go” Chan rushes out before he runs off in the oppoiste direction. He was planning on going home but home could wait he needed to see you. He needed you.
Y/N p.o.v
After tying your hair up in a pony tail and making your way to the sitting you, you throw on a movie sitting down for the night after the events of tonight disappointing you.
Beep! Beep!
Chan: u still up? (Sent 02:47 am)
Rolling your eyes you throw your phone beside you, your mind focusing ont he movie playing in front of you.
Beep! Beep!
Chan: I’m outside let me in :( ( Sent 02:49 am)
What is he doing?
“I swear that man doesn't have a brain cell to live my god” You grunt out before heading towards your front door, pulling it opened there stood the man you love.
“What are you doing here” You ask as casually as you could without him being suspicious of you.
Stepping aside, Chan walked in looking around your apartment before making his way to your couch.
“I didn’t wanna go home thought I could hang out here for a while” He says giving you that smile. The smile that makes your legs weak. All you could was smile back.
After about 2 movies in, you thought it was time to go to bed. Standing up you stretch your arms as Chan does the same.
“Alright i’m going to bed, you going to sleep on the couch?” You ask as you grab your phone from the side of the chair. Chan only looks up at you before opening his mouth and closing it straight after.
A frown makes it way onto your face, sitting on your knees as you kneel in front of Chan who looked like he was going to cry any second.
“Hey its okay don’t worry i’m here don’t cry” You hush at him as you wrap him in your arms, his head falling into the crook of your neck as tears fall onto your shirt, Chan never cries. The only soul purpose he was crying for was because he thought he was going to loose you.
“Chan baby whats wrong” You whisper to him, but as you spoke his crying only got worse. His grip on your waist tightens and you cant help but feel heartbroken seeing the boy you love cry.
“I love you y/n” He whispers as his tears keep rolling down his face.
“I know you do I love you too” You whisper back to him not understanding why ye were whsipering now but if Chan wants to whisper then everyone was going to whisper.
“Do you really?” He asks pulling back slightly to look at you. Shocked by his question.
“yes Chan of course I do your my best fri-” Your cut off as Chan pulls back completely.
“Then why did you do it” He asks, confused by his question you slowly stood up too, not understanding anything that was happening right now.
“Chan I don’t know what your o-”
“I know y/n I know you love me” He says in a small tone, the floor suddenly being more interesting to him as he spoke.
You could only gasp at that moment. He knew, he wasn't suppose to find out.
“I d-don’t know what your talking about” You reply back suddenly feeling sick, taking a sit on the couch Chan stood a couple of feet back from you as his eyes were glued to you.
“I might not be the most smartest person around y/n but I could tell tonight after you left, Changbin tol-”
“Changbin told you?” You asked , he could only nod at you before brushing a hand through his hair.
“He lied” you said the words coming out of your mouth also being a lie. Chan’s face fell as you spoke.
“Your lying” he says
“I-I’m not”
“Just tell me why you did it!” he asks
“Why did I do what” you ask giving a shrug of the shoulders.
“Lie to me and then distant yourself from me for weeks!” you couldn’t do this anymore you loved him but the though of you telling him you loved him. Wasn’t exactly what you were thinking. He was going to reject you.
“I’m asking you again y/n be honest with me okay just tell me why you did it!” He asks his voice going softer as he kneels down in front of you now.
“Because I fell in love with you! Okay!” You finally day.
The room went silent for a couple of minutes as you stared at your legs. You couldn’t look up and see the disgust on Chan’s face.
If only you knew Chan felt the opposite, he thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest if he kept staring at you. After a while of thinking on the way over to your house Chan also realized he loved you too. So much.
“Say it” he says.
“Say what Chan”
“Tell me you love me” this time you look up at him. His gaze was still stuck to the floor.
Walking over to him you place your hand on his chin, tilting his head up to make eye contact with you, your heart thumped against your chest as he stared at you. The man you fell in love with all those years ago stood right here in front of you. Just like he always was, he was there for you. You made sure of that.
“I love you Chan” You say in a soft tone. He takes a deep breath in.
“I love you too y/n” He says back too.
“Always have always will” He finishes off before you know it his soft lips are placed gently on your own, this is what true love felt like.
“Maybe you should bring me on a date first?” You joke after pulling back.
“Its a date ill bring you somewhere fancy tomorrow I promise” He says his pinky finger going up as he does, his forehead leaned against your own.
Connecting your own pinky with his own his lips come down onto your own, smiling against the kiss you couldn't of asked for a better night and at this stage you couldn't ask for a better future with the love of your life.
#bang chan#chan imagine#christopher bang#stray kids imagines#stray kids soft hours#aussie line boi#chan fluff#chan angst#bang chan imagine#stray kids imagine#stray kids fluff
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Underfell: File Name not Edgy Enough #23
Chapter 23: Recompense
So after being a massive bitch and retreating to his "in case of bullshit, go here" place, Sans finds himself doing the one thing he'd been avoiding to do by drinking himself numb...Reflecting on his life. This place is hard to get to and not a known area one wouldn't think even was there. A small room with nothing more than a mere bench and lonesome echo flower to fill it's void. While there is a dock to this area, it doesn't get any use. He found this spot during a really bad night of heavy drinking. He had no idea how he got here, but since it's so hidden, he keeps it as a safe place. That used to be his lab. But Papyrus converted that into his torture room like an asshole.
A small reflective tin dully catches his eye from under his seat. A reminder of his last effort to try to do something nice and embodies his state at that time. An abandoned quiche. A psychologically damaged spinach egg pie. Tastes delicious, but it has some serious trust issues. He thought about throwing away the abandoned quiche. A tremor of shame runs through his body. He can't do it. He isn't ready for the responsibility. The quiche was left all alone...Like he is now.
No. No, he needed to not think like that. His loathing and negativity are what got him here in the first place. Well, that and pushing everyone away by being a massive fuck! His attitude made him say shit you never want to say to family. He then hides at the one person that would dare call him a friend's house. And then someone that should be his enemy wanted to help him yet he may have just seriously hurt them. Yeah. He had no excuse for this. It doesn't matter how he's had to drink or the lack of sleep. He made those choices. He has to live with them now. So with that being acknowledged...How was he to fix it all?
"argh! fuck my life!"
If anything, it was probably a safe bet to begin with the ones that would be willing to listen to him before kicking his bony ass. Taking a few moments to slap some sense into himself, he gets enough courage to teleport back to Grillby's bar.
Inside it's dark and shutdown. The result of his dumbassery. Snoring gets his attention and the memory of the sleeping flower comes to him. It's a dirty move, but having a minor hostage never hurt to prevent instant attacks. He collects the slumbering flora's pack and nervously approaches the door to Grillby's home. Nervousness has him staring at it for quite some time before his hand knocks on its own. The time before the door opens is painfully tense. Though not as painful as when it does open and Grillby, understandably, hurls the skeleton inside with anger. Causing the bonehead to crash into a few things.
"You have a lot of nerve for a skeleton."
The fire of Grillby crackles harshly. His body casting an immense glow due to the exposed nature of his shirtless torso. Probably he removed the clothing due to all the blood on it. Not wanting to point out something so awkward or wanting his marrow boiled, Sans quickly recovers and holds the pack up.
"ease off for a bit. ya don't want to burn her bro, do ya?"
Grillby glares.
"Dirt move, Sans. But well played."
No! That's not the way he meant.
"i'm not trying...*sigh* i just want ya to hear me out first. then you can do whatever it is ya want. just...let me say my peace. please?"
Grillby eyes him before seemingly relenting, lessening the strength of his flames.
"Fine. You can speak. But not to me. You beg her for mercy before I'll think about giving you any."
He figured as much. However, looking around showed little sign of her apart from a few stains on the floor.
"um...where is...?"
"Follow me."
Not like he was given much of choice when the fire elemental grabs his coat and drags him down the stairs. This was new territory for him. He'd never been down here before. Though it's not like he'll be able to memorize how many doors or which was what room. All he knows is that Grillby pulls him into one where the lights are dimmed and there's a bed. Forced inside, Grillby lets Sans go to walk over to the bed and nudge the one on it.
"Lynsie? Dear, wake up. Did you take the medicine I gave you?"
Some soft tired groans were her return to consciousness.
"*weak* I did...tasted bad."
"Do you need more water?"
"*weak* Please?"
He pets her head.
"Of course, dear."
He leers over his shoulder at the skeleton.
"You have a visitor."
"*weak* Visitor?"
"I can make him leave if you're not up for it?"
"*weak* I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
She does something Sans couldn't see from behind Grillby but whatever it was it has the bartender stand up.
"I'll be back with your drink. Just stay awake, okay?"
"*weak* I'll try."
Grillby heads towards him and takes the pack from his shaking hands. How long was that happening?
"I won't be gone long. Don't make either of us regret this."
Grillby leaves and Sans hesitates to move.
"*weak* To be honest...I wasn't expecting you to show up so early, Sans."
This gets his head working again and he steps closer to see her.
"early? it's been like an hour or something since then."
"*weak* Really? Damn. My sense of time sucks even more than I thought."
She looked so tired. Like it was taking everything to be this awake. Her shoulder is bandaged and she's in a tank-top that probably belongs to Grillby. Thank god she was changed out of that outfit.
She pats the spot beside her.
"*weak* You look like you have a lot to say. Sit. Talk to me, friend."
Why did that feel so weird?
"why are ya doing this?"
She tilts her head softly.
"*weak* What?"
"you're still being nice to me. even after this. why? why aren't you mad at me? why won't act like a normal person and be upset when you should?!"
It was happening again. He was losing control of himself. He had to get a grip before...
"*weak* Cute."
She stunned him. Very easily too. And with very little effort. All it took was a dumb word and her hand lightly touching his.
"*weak* Please...Sit with me, silly bones."
For his sanity's sake, he prayed this was due to Grillby giving her pain killers. He gives in and sits.
"fine. ya got me."
"*weak* No I don't. I don't have the energy to hug you again."
He eyed her funny.
"how high are you?"
She giggles and he is pretty sure that's a maybe to her being a bit loopy.
"*weak* You said it wrong...It's 'hi, how are you'."
It takes him a moment to register that, but when it finally clicks, it becomes the most hilarious thing he's heard in ages.
"*laughter* oh my fucking god..."
"*weak* There we go. That's much better. I don't like seeing you sad. Your smile is so cute."
Wait, what did she say?
"*weak* Now that you're you again..."
She tries to scoot herself into a sitting position but can't get past a lounging pose.
"*weak* Why don't you tell me what's on your mind."
Her calm not pissed off attitude was both relieving and bugging him.
"seriously, why aren't ya tearing into me right now?"
"*weak* Easy...I can barely move, numskull."
The humor, while funny, wasn't helping.
"no. i mean it. you should be the one wanting to kick my ass. yet grillz is the one just waiting for you to say the word and burn me to ash."
She shakes her head.
"*weak* Sans, buddy, we've been over this. I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially you. Not over something so dumb."
"dumb? look at ya! you nearly die from blood loss and for what? because ya hugged me? don't let me get away with that!"
She looks at him funny.
"*weak* You want me to be mad at you over an accident?"
"yes! maybe? i don't know. just...do something than just automatically forgive me."
"*weak* You know, for a guy that shouted he wasn't my friend, you sure do care a lot about how I should feel about you right now."
That caught him off guard. Why did this bother him if he didn't care? This line of thought is broken by the entering of Grillby and his approach.
"All is well I hope."
For a guy made of fire, he can sound and be downright cold when the moment is right.
"*weak* Be nice."
"I am being nice. If I wasn't, he'd be dead right now."
She scoffs.
"*weak*And I thought women were over-reactive."
The barkeep comes over and glares at Sans while handing her the glass of water.
"*weak* Thank you, sweetie."
"Anytime, dear."
Their seemingly happy relationship made the skeleton uncomfortable. They were sweet, loving, and uncaring about anything that was done in the sight of others. Other than them being of warring sides, they were the definition of an odd couple by Underground standards. She drinks slowly as her eyes droop a bit.
"maybe i should come back later. you're not looking too good."
She grabs his sleeve with a quickness neither guy was expecting.
"*weak* Not yet. We still have things to say."
Sans wants to retreat but that feeling only pisses him off. He hated this. This cowardice. Didn't he come here to prove that he was done running from his problems?
"yeah...we do."
Grillby clears his throat to make his presence in the room still apparent.
"Is there anything else I can do for you, dear?"
She's quiet for a moment.
"*weak* Can you make sure my brother is okay? I need to speak with Sans...alone...please?"
"If you think I'll leave you alone with him..."
"*weak* Would you speak of hard to talk about stuff if others were around?"
"Well, no, but..."
"*weak* Then please..."
Grillby is visibly against this. Her persistent grip on the skeleton's sleeve wasn't helping either.
"*weak* Ten minutes. That's all I ask."
Grillby sneers and she stares hard at him. The intensely awkward standoff ends with him heading towards the exit.
"I'll be right outside this door."
"*weak* I know you will."
Grillby parts from them and she lets Sans go.
"well, that was uncomfortable."
"*weak* Yeah...So you wanna fuck?"
Before a reaction beyond blushing comes to Sans, the door flings open and slams into the wall, yet she laughs.
"*weak giggles* Wow...I knew you were hot under the collar, but I didn't think you'd be that ready to blow up."
He points threatening.
"Do not test me! I am not in the mood!"
"*weak* Heh...Love you too, sweetie."
The utterance of the L-word has the fuming fire-man burning up for different reasons. His hue shifts and he slowly backs away in a state of shock, shutting the door behind him.
"*weak* Adorable."
"you said the l word."
She looks at him funny.
"monsters don't use that word. not unless it's truly meant."
"*weak* What? Love? But monsters say it all the time for Level of Violence."
"that's different."
"*weak* Please, let's not waste time splitting hairs. We'll be at it for hours."
"fine. but don't mess with him like that."
"*weak* I wasn't trying to...*sigh* Fine."
He rubs the back of his skull.
"so...where to start...?"
"*weak* How about the easy one?"
He chuckles nervously for a moment.
"easy you say...heh...alright. i...i'm sorry. ya know i didn't mean to do all this crap."
She nods.
"*weak* Dude, I know. You've told me a lot that you're not into being hugged. And I knew you would probably wig out. But I needed you to stay and hear what I had to say. I wanted you to know that Pap isn't Pap without you. He misses his bro. A hard thing to imagine, yet true."
He shifts his gaze to the floor.
"i...i don't know if i can face him."
"*weak* Probably no point in asking...But what happened?"
He sighs heavily and rubs his face a few times.
"i wasn't in the best mood when it went down. some messed up stuff was going through my head. then pap comes over and starts his dumb shit. it got to me...and i snapped. he made that always good for a laugh remark that if i wasn't his brother he would've dusted my ass ages go and ya know what i said...can ya guess? i said do it. if i was that much of a fucking burden and if he hated me that much, then to just go ahead and kill me. that way i wouldn't have to deal with his shit anymore."
Her face is full of concern and for good reason. He's smiling. He's smiling and yet tears are trickling.
"ain't that fucked up? he's all i got and i told him to kill me so i wouldn't be with him anymore. how? how can he miss me after that?"
For once, she didn't have an answer to follow up with. So letting his emotions take hold, he keeps going.
"i mean...what am i to do? how can go to him and explain to him that it was a mistake? how can i take it back something like that?"
"*weak* You can't."
"then what do i do?"
She looks up at the ceiling.
"*weak* There isn't one simple fix for things like this. The answer mostly comes from the one you're trying to apologize to. Knowing them and how they are, you can get a scope on how to make amends. And if anyone knows Papyrus...It's you. So, what can you think of that will surprise him and make him feel better?"
That made him pause. She drinks while the room remains silent for a time.
"*weak* If I can make a small suggestion...Don't spend money. Making something yourself means so much more than store-bought."
"yeah, like that narrows it down."
"*weak* Whoa. You monsters really aren't used to the whole 'nice' thing. Well...most of you."
"like i've been telling ya...being nice or kind isn't normal down here."
"*weak* Publicly at least. Behind closed doors...?"
"depends on the monster. you've seen me and pap at home. we aren't nice there either."
"*weak* Hard to say really. I was there, yes. But seeing you guys as you truly are as if I wasn't? No clue."
"heh. hate to break it to ya, but it's basically the same."
"*weak* Then...There are good times when I'm not around."
Now he was the confused one.
She shifts and makes herself sit up straight, her strength coming back.
"*weak* I remember a lot of beatings, that's true. But there were times when things were nice. Like when we'd sit down to watch TV and eat. We'd make a few dumb jokes and talk like...like good friends. I..."
She cuts herself off, getting his attention. A soft smile is on her face but her eyes look a little sad.
She fiddles with her hands.
"*weak* I'd be a terrible liar if I said I didn't miss that. Sure, Toriel acts the mom role and it feels good to play the daughter. But being around you guys...You don't play a part. You don't fake anything around me. And those moments, when we're not at each other's throats...It felt real. You know? Like, the rest of the world didn't matter and time was meaningless because it just felt so good. And..."
This time it was his hand on her's that made things stop. Before she can speak as to why the answer comes in the form of liquid landing on her arm. The realization of her own crying gets her to chuckle.
"*weak* Heh heh...I can't even remember the last time I wasn't crying. No wonder you hate me so much. Not only am I a human that can RESET and that troubles your life so much. But I'm a pathetic broken crybaby too. *sniffle*"
She doesn't wipe her tears away. She lets herself soak in her sadness. This sight...This sight he's seen so many times before. It mirrored himself. Each time a good ending happened only to wake up back in the Underground. Each time a bad ending happened and he died only to wake up alive again. Each time he failed to keep his brother safe and was allowed to live. Each time a piece of himself was taken away and it left him more hallow than the last. Now he could see it himself. And it wasn't something he liked.
"you're not pathetic..."
She looks at him.
"a crybaby? meh. who isn't when feeling so down? but pathetic? nah. that ain't you."
"*weak* Don't lie to make me feel better."
"i ain't lying. no one in this bitch ass hellhole has the balls to do what you do. you fall down here and find monsters. so what do ya do? you try to be friends. you refuse to fight. you refuse to gain power in pain. and you're brave enough to be yourself when my dumbass tells you to stop. you're more badass than you realize."
She gives him a small but indifferent smile.
"*weak* The attempt is nice. Thanks."
Something about her tone got to him. That falseness. It's a slippery slope and he could see her falling deeper into her darkness. That's when he did something they both didn't expect. He swallowed his pride and embraced her, making her flinch in puzzlement.
"*weak* S-Sans?"
"i don't hate you. sometimes i say things i don't mean. but that's 'cause i hate myself. don't be like me. take care of yourself, kid. 'cause someone really cares about you. don't do anything to lose that."
He hides his face in her neck and could feel her form tremble. The sniffling came back louder as the tears were being fought.
"*weak sob* Can...C-Can I...?"
He nods against her and she hesitantly puts her arms around him.
"*weak* T-Thank you."
He wasn't exactly sure what the reason for the thanks was. But if it helped her than he'd go along with it. It's not like this bugged him. Her hugs, while unwanted most times, always felt warm and caring. Something this world they live in severely lacked.
"no problem...friend."
Her arms tightened a little bit for a comforting squeeze and an old fuzzy memory of his mother began to come to his mind. However, the opening of the door took that away and Grillby's throat clearing made the pair let go. The appearance of a seemingly sentimental intimate moment didn't sit well with Grillby. His limit was reached.
"I think I've been rather generous with the time. Even gave you a bit extra. But now she should really get some rest."
Not wanting to press his luck any further, Sans takes this as his cue to skedaddle.
"thanks for listening to me, kid."
"*weak* Thank you for making me feel better."
"it's the least i can do. we boneheads gotta make sure we don't crack. right?"
"*weak* Heh...right. See you later, numskull. And think about what I said."
He nods, standing up and moving slowly towards Grillby.
"i'm gonna go, but i have something to say to you."
Grillby leers but listens.
"nothing i say can let you know just how much of a fuck-tard i feel like. and there's nothing i can do to even begin to repay you for everything you've ever done for me. but know this...i'm gonna try."
Grillby's expression lessens but doesn't change much. That being said, Sans teleports out and leaves the pair alone. His new mission now was to think of a way he was going to handle Papyrus.
[Meanwhile: Grillby's house]
I smile at Grillby as he sighs to himself.
"Don't say it. I already know."
"*weak* You don't have to act like you're mad at him. You know as well as I that he didn't mean to do this."
He comes over to me.
"As much as I find your kindness charming, you need to give it a limit. Sometimes you need to be assertive and not dismissive of things."
"*weak* This wasn't one of those times and you know it."
"I didn't say it was. I just want you to keep that in mind."
Something Sans said comes back to me.
"*weak* Grillz..."
"*weak* Did I...Did I go too far saying the 'love' word earlier?"
He blushes and looks away. This makes me feel bad.
"*weak* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"I know what you meant. I just...wasn't expecting it is all."
I pout and open my arms to him.
"*weak* Hugs?"
He gives me a small warm smile and crawls onto the bed with me, moving to lay in my embrace.
"Like you even need to ask."
Warm. He's so very warm. It's nice. Gentle and soothing. So nice. I nuzzle into his flaming hair.
"Awww...Are you in a sweet mood?"
"*weak* For you? Always."
He shifts up against me, kissing his way up to my ear where he nibbles the lobe.
"I know you need to heal, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm tempted to have a little fun with you."
I smirk and nestle in against him.
"*weak* You have fun if you want. I'm just going to cuddle you, you snuggly heating pad. Just don't..."
"No worries. I won't cross any lines."
"*weak* I was gonna say don't let me sleep very long as Toriel expects me home by 9 pm."
"*weak giggles* Naughty flamer."
He takes his glasses off and puts them by my water.
"*weak* What are you doing?"
"Shhhhh...Rest now, dear. Everything is okay."
I look at him funny before his bite makes me moan.
"*weak* G-Grillby?"
He grins into my neck and starts sucking on the skin. This has me fidgeting and moaning more which only pleases him more.
"*weak* Grillby, please...I don't think I can get away with another hickey."
His fire crackles a groan, his hands grip my body, and his actions get more heated.
"*growl* Mine..."
Okay, that's new.
"*weak* Grillby?"
"*deep growl* Mine."
His tone doesn't sound so good.
"*weak* Are you okay?"
"*harsh growl* Mine!"
His sudden possessiveness makes me tremble. And soon what once started out as something playful turns into something I don't know how to handle.
"*weak* Grillby stop."
"*burning* Mine. You are mine. They know it. He knows it. You know it. So why? Why do you get so close to him and not me?!"
"*weak* That's not true."
"Don't lie to me!"
His heat flares. The smell of singed hair tickles my nose. He pulls back from me to glare at me with hate, confusion, and...pain?
"Why do you help him? Why do you let him get away with hurting you? Why do you let him touch you? Why would you allow all that if you didn't like him? Please...Tell me."
At this point, he's scaring me. This is a side I've never seen before. This must be him when threatened or jealous or...wait. Is he actually jealous?
"*weak* Are you...Are you worried I'm going to leave you?"
The anger in his eyes falters and I sigh.
"*weak* Sweetie, how did such a thought come to you? Sure, Sans is a dear friend and I let him get away with things because he needs someone to be patient with his problems. But that doesn't mean I like him more than you."
His intensity turns down.
"It doesn't?"
"*weak* No, silly."
I hold his face in my hands.
"*weak* If I liked him, then why am I with you?"
He sighs.
"Because you don't like him that way. And I'm being a dumbass."
"*weak* Why would I give you my first kiss if I liked Sans?"
He smiles a little.
"Because you care for me more."
"*weak* And if I liked Sans more than you, why would I..."
Die to turn back time and bring you back to me.
"*weak* Why would I share my soul with you?"
His eyes widen in a state of absolute dumbfoundedness.
"...What did you say?"
I can't fight the blush coming to me or the goofy smirk.
"*weak* You heard me. I know you don't have ears, but that's never stopped you from doing so before. Come to think of it, how do your glasses stay in place when you wear them? For that matter, you don't even have a nose. I have so many questions..."
He doesn't bother to answer anything. Instead, he smothers me in a smoldering hot kiss that burns my lips. When he finishes, he presses his forehead to mine in nuzzling affection and I snicker at his return to the guy I care for.
"Lynsie, dear, you make my soul burn."
I'm starting to think that's his way of saying 'I love you' without actually saying it. Such a dork.
"*weak* Love you too, Grillby."
He smiles and returns to holding me. We stay like this for a while. All snuggled in each other's arms. His warmth slowly undoing all the activity in my brain that's been keeping me awake. And in no time at all, I'm fast asleep.
He waited till her breathing became steady before moving off of her. She looked so peaceful like this. He was surprised he didn't blow it when he overheated like an idiot. Lucky for him she was not like the women down here. They wouldn't put up with something like that. Honestly, his behavior made him sick. Him, jealous of Sans. The idea was laughable. She cares for Grillby. She gave him her all. So why did he still feel weird? Why did he still feel uneasy about the San's closeness to her? He needed a drink.
[Sometime later in Snowdin Town]
Papyrus dragged his feet while heading home. The pride in his stride not there. Why get to an empty house with any sort of exertion? Just to sit in the dark with a hot meal that will grow cold from a lack of wanting to even bother. In all honesty, he hadn't eaten in a few days. His system pained with a need for nourishment but he just couldn't bring himself to feed. He hadn't even cooked anything. And the closer the house got, the more he dreaded opening the front door to a dead home. Though something caught his attention along the way. Grillby's bar was closed. An unusual sight knowing that it didn't close till much later at night. Did something happen? Was Sans involved? The blackout building did little to provide any clues and forced him to keep heading home. Yet again, something got his attention. Only this time it was the opposite of the last thing. There was light...coming from his home.
Two possibilities came to him as the cause of this light. One, some soon to be dead fucker made the mistake of breaking in. Or two, his brother was there. Hoping for the latter but still unsure of danger, Papyrus approached with caution. Taking note of anything as he came closer. Footprints? There were none. Broken glass? There was none. Tampering with the door? It was untouched. Carefully and quietly, he unlocked the door before slowly opening it to a surprise. A warm familiar scent made his mouth water and some low snores coming from the couch. Shutting the door with a soft touch not expected from him, he found him smaller older brother passed out with a paper in one hand a pen that seemed to escape the other.
While relieved to see him once more, Papyrus still felt the sting that came from his last interaction with Sans. Forgiveness would not come so easily. Still...The attempt is a good start. He reheated some food to be ready for his return and wrote something before falling asleep like the log that he is. Strange. He's never known Sans to write anything that wasn't something profoundly stupid. Probably nothing more than a list of jokes that will be used to piss him off later. Best be rid of such a thing before the other woke. So Papyrus grabbed the paper and gave it a look, to see just how bad the puns truly were. Yet...that's not what he found. Instead, it is a letter.
"pap, you know i ain't one to say shit like this out loud so i hope you can accept this because i honestly mean it. every single thing i've done has made me who i am today. i've done things, fucked up things. i've seen things and gone through hell. burning bridges in my wake all for one goal. the only thing i would take back is hurting the one reason my life has meaning. hurting you. you're my brother pap. the closet family i got. no matter how messed up i am, i have no right to take my crap out on you. i know i'm always the best bro. i piss you off and make you look bad. but damn it, i try. not for the others. because fuck them! i don't need to apologize to them. i don't need to impress them or give a shit about they think. my life doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the world. i do it all for you, papyrus. so knowing that i've disappointed you...well...i'm disappointed in myself for making you put up with a schmuck like me. if i could go back in time, i'd do it all over the right way. maybe then i could be a brother you're proud of. a brother worthy of the great papyrus."
Many things have struck Papyrus. But none wounded him more than these words. Emotions began to swell in his chest. It compelled him to react before his mind came up with any thought. Without warning, he grabs his slumbering brother into his arms. Naturally, this spooks the sleeping skeleton to the point he nearly punches his brother until recognition kicks in. That's when the panic of attack turns to the panic of a different kind.
"uh...h-hey bro."
Papyrus didn't respond. This is worrisome.
"you okay?"
Papyrus pulls away and points to the message.
Sans rubs the back of his skull nervously.
Anger comes to Papyrus and Sans braces for the worst, punishment for being weak.
At this point, something in Sans's head blocks out Papyrus's shouting. A building feeling has his hearing ringing and something inside comes to a boiling point that can't take this shit any longer. He snaps.
"papyrus...will you stop being a prick for five minutes?"
"shut your yap and listen for once!"
Papyrus glares with his right socket slightly twitching.
"you have no idea what i do or what i've done and gone through for you. and i'm not talking about the human either. i got a list a mile long. day after day, i work my bony ass off and the only thing i want out of it...the only fucking thing...is an acknowledgment of approval. and not just from any schmo. no. i would expect it from the guy that i helped raise. the guy that looks down on me even though i'm older. but no! that's not what i get. i get looked on like trash. not good enough, you say! work harder, you say! hit harder, you say! make harder puzzles, you say! nothing i do is ever good enough for you, the great and terrible papyrus! mister fucking perfect right here and can do no wrong!"
Now Sans is standing lividly. Papyrus opens his mouth but doesn't get to say a word as Sans continues.
"oh, but you're always there. waiting right there when i've had enough to tear me down even further. why do i even try anymore?! i'll never be good enough for you! then again, why would you want me to be better? you look better by comparison if i'm a fuck up. yet you know the more fucked up part...i still have this sickly twisted hope that somehow, someday, we can go back to how we used to be and finally act like real brothers!"
The fire in Sans fizzles as his sockets moisten and Papyrus holds his arm sheepishly.
"but...i guess that's just a dumb dream. right? because if it was possible, it would've happened. i've tried everything already. so many times...so many resets...just trying to find the right answer...to make you proud of me."
Papyrus seems to remember how to talk.
"is that what you think? ya wanna talk about power...i can dust you, undyne, the king, and every other asshole in the underground with the same amount of energy it takes to snap my finger. you have no clue, no one does, just how powerful i am. i hold all this in because i don't want to be a fucking psychopath like everyone else in this hellhole! and you what all that does to me? i'm losing my god damn mind! with each passing day, i feel less and less like a real person anymore."
Sans begins trembling.
"i...i'm scared, pap. not of dying. that's happened so many times i'm numb to it by now. i'm scared that one day...i'll fucking snap. i'll have had enough and just start offing people. and the sad thing is, the one person i want to understand my pain is the one that's hurting me. even more pathetic part is that the human, the damn girl we all need dead and she knows it, is the shoulder i lean on to vent all this heavy shit to which she is just as messed up as i am. but maybe that's what i need. someone just as broken as me to not drive me into lashing out at everything. because that's what's gonna happen one day. i'm gonna wake up and just not care anymore. slaughtering all in my sight. even you. then i have to live with that. damn it, pap, you're my brother! my only brother! my only family! but you're hurting me and i don't want to hurt you back!"
"I...SANS, I..."
Papyrus reaches out for Sans. But Sans smacks his hand. Yet Papyrus grabs the smacking hand and Sans's left eye sparks in surprise due to all the emotional stress.
Papyrus pulls Sans close and puts his free arm around his back.
Sans, overwhelmed, clings desperately to his brother and rattles his bones trying not to weep. This wasn't the lashing Sans was expecting when he returned home. But this was a fairly better outcome. They stay like this for some time. Papyrus lightly patting Sans's back in comfort and Sans slowly recovering from unloading so much at one time.
"...i guess."
"...actually...while i appreciate what you're doing, it just feels awkward."
"so...baby steps then?"
"we ease off each other but still, ya know...act normal."
Papyrus clears his throat and seamlessly reverts to being a douchebag.
Sans knew this was what he wanted but his brain still had one dumb question left.
"but...don't i piss you off?"
It takes a moment for Papyrus to register his brother's question.
"what about all those times where you tell me if i wasn't your bro that you'd have killed me by now?"
This flustered the terrible Papyrus. A rare and unexpected reaction. Though it made Sans more curious.
An almost wounded look comes to Sans from the amount of confused he is.
Sans's eyes cast their gaze to the floor in shame.
The slight crack in Papyrus's demand made Sans look up. His sockets widening to the sight of his brother, the great and terrible Papyrus, softly tearing up. Guess this was Papyrus's turn to vent.
His tears were falling freely at this point.
"w-why didn't you?"
Now it was Sans's turn to shock his brother. Increasing his hug tally for the day greater as he clings to his sibling.
"i'm so sorry, pap. i...i was a huge bastard. can you ever forgive me?"
Papyrus slowly returns the hold.
"of course, pap."
Papyrus then shoves Sans back onto the couch.
His tough words had less bite due to him wiping the tears away. Yet Sans took this as a good sign. Big bad bro was back to his normal self. Which meant things were good. At least he hoped as much. Papyrus made his way into the kitchen as Sans relaxed. Removing his jacket and shoes, feeling at home again.
A sigh leaves him, a strange sense of familiarity in this that just feels right warms his bones as he gets up and strolls over to his confused brother who is eyeing a funny looking glass baking dish.
"oh, that?"
Sans smirks embarrassed.
"i wanted to treat ya to something as a surprise by cooking. and i know i've watched ya cook for so long, but i'll be damned if said i knew what the hell i was doing when it came to making lasagna. so...i made spaghetti."
Papyrus cocked his brow.
"i made it on the stove like normal. i'm not that slow. but i didn't know when you'd get here. so to keep it warm, i baked it on low."
Inquisitively, Papyrus gets a fork and strings himself a sample.
"i tried to make it like you used to. probably won't be as good as when you cook."
Papyrus takes a deep whiff.
"i didn't want to screw it up by adding too much. 'cause once it's in there ya can't exactly take it back out."
A grunt of understanding was his reply before biting into the amount on his fork. Papyrus mulls the food for a bit and follows it with a long slow swallow.
"well? is it bad?"
There's a long pause.
Sans's heart sinks.
A strange warmth comes to Sans.
Papyrus doesn't say a word. He merely makes himself a very large plate and doesn't wait to reach his seat in the living room to begin eating. Following his brother's lead, Sans too gets a plate full of food and joins him on the couch. The pasta brings a sense of nostalgia. Like a past moment softly being revisited again in each bite. Who knew something as basic as spaghetti could bring out such strong feelings?
Papyrus breaks the eating silence.
Not so much a question than a statement. One that Sans rolls his shoulders at.
"yeah. kid said she saw ya earlier."
Papyrus pauses for a slight second before continuing to eat.
"she said that you missed me."
"but you did...right?"
"no reason. i just like hearing you say it."
Papyrus scoffs.
Sans merely snickers.
This ends Sans snickering.
Papyrus stops eating.
Sans ignored the latter implication.
"she just...she's a good kid is all."
Papyrus cocks a socket his brother's way.
He knew that was coming to bite him in the ass someday.
"it's not what you think."
Sans nearly chokes on a forkful of noddles. His skull as red as the sauce and sockets painfully wide in shock.
"the fuck?! no! fuck no! i just said it's not what you think it is!"
"she's just..."
"she's just...a nice kid. that's all."
"why are ya busting my hump on this? i thought we agreed to go easy on each other."
"then i ain't saying shit."
"because i fucked up!"
There is a tense pause.
"all she wanted to do was help me like she always does. and my dumb ass nearly kills her."
Papyrus is intrigued to say the least.
Sans gulps down an obscenely large forkful of pasta to join the lump in his throat.
"she nearly bled out after i bit her."
Papyrus rubs the space between his eyes.
"in my defense...i was annoyed, i told her to stop hugging me, and i didn't mean to sink my teeth in that deep."
That only made Papyrus more confused.
"*sigh* i was gonna leave before hearing her out and she grabbed me so i couldn't."
"i already apologized. if you can imagine..."
"true that."
A few slurps are made.
"...not like it's a bad thing."
Papyrus shrugs.
Sans chuckles and they continue to eat. This tranquil normalcy, it made Sans think about what the human said. How these small moments make things feel better even when the world is a ruined hell.
"*weak* Then...There are good times when I'm not around. I remember a lot of beatings, that's true. But there were times when things were nice. Like when we'd sit down to watch TV and eat. We'd make a few dumb jokes and talk like...like good friends. I'd be a terrible liar if I said I didn't miss that. And those moments, when we're not at each other's throats...It felt real. You know? Like, the rest of the world didn't matter and time was meaningless because it just felt so good."
Yeah. These little moments were the windows into a peace that needed to be peered in more often. This was something that they could get used to.
[Hours pass by]
"...wake up."
The voice is soft and wispy.
"...you hear me?"
Warmth nudges my shoulder.
Cat? Oh...heh...Pussycat. It must be time to go. Thanks, Grillby.
"...fooling around. You don't want to keep..."
The yawn I let out muffles the rest of his speech as my eyes take their time to open and adjust.
"*groggy* Sorry, Grillz...Your bed is so comfy."
Grillby playfully ruffles my hair.
"Silly, pussycat. How are you feeling?"
I rub my eyes and sit up. Noticing he's in some more casual attire. Part of me is disappointed he's not still shirtless. Mmmmmm...topless Grillby.
"Naps are amazing. I feel much better."
"Good. It's getting to be that time you told me to wake you."
"Has Flowey woke up too?"
He shakes his head.
"Your brother is even more of a lightweight than you."
"He is a flower. It's not like he has a system made for dealing with booze."
He helps me out of his bed and motions to the end of the bed where the clothes I came here in now lay.
"We can't have your mother seeing you come home like this."
"Yet the second hickey was a good idea?"
His flames flicker a moment in nervous embarrassment.
"Yeah...Not my brightest move."
"No worries. I forgive you, hot stuff."
"You do?"
"Sure. You were a little upset and got a bit carried away. I'm not gonna hold it against you..."
I surprise him with a hug.
"Not when I can hold you against me."
He smirks and snakes his arms around me.
"My, someone's being affectionate. Not sure if it's because of the blood loss, meds, or you actually find me genuinely worth it."
I nuzzle his shoulder.
"Kindness given gains kindness in return. You've been good to me, Grillby. Why wouldn't I be affectionate to a warm soul such as yourself?"
"*sigh* What did I ever do to deserve you?"
I have no words to answer him with. I simply lean into him with a soft kiss. He, on the other hand, decides to reciprocate by sending warmth throughout my system with an overly hot kiss and a grip that's strong but not like the possessive one from before. He breaks the kiss, leaving me stolen of breath.
"You know...There's still some free time before you need to get back home."
A sly smirk plays on his charming face.
"What say we have a little fun till time's up~?"
His hands knead a trail to my hips where they rub tender circles. The naughty flamer sees a rare opportunity and is willing to take it. However, I know how Toriel is and how she'd react if I'm late. Still, it's not like I don't see an opportunity myself. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a sultry look.
"Fun huh? What kind of fun do you have in mind, hot stuff~?"
"Hmmm...I was thinking..."
He leans into my ear and nibbles the lob a bit.
"Maybe I can cross off a few more of those things you've never experienced..."
Knowing how sensitive my nape is, he moves his nibbling to there and I bite my lip to keep it together.
"Perhaps we kick this heat up a notch and make things a bit spicier...How do you feel about that?"
Even like this Grillby is patient soul. Though part of me is curious to test his limits and mine.
"I guess we could try. There is something I've never done that's pretty simple."
His eyes widen a bit.
"Yeah, and since I'm in the Underground, it's kinda a bit more thrilling."
I feel his fire intense.
"You...You're not just teasing me are you, pussycat?"
I shake my head.
"No tease."
A slight highlight in color touches his face to match the goofy excited look coming to him.
"A-And...um...W-What is it you'd like to try?"
"Well...promise not to laugh?"
"Dear, I'd never..."
"I want to hold hands as I walk home with you."
His mouth remains open as I stole his ability to speak. I see the gears of "what the fuck" turn behind his eyes so I try to explain in a not stupid way.
"I know, it's not what you wanted to hear. But...I dunno...You make me feel special. And as childish as it sounds, I've always just wanted to hold the hand of someone that cared for me. Plus, you escorting me home will give you major good guy points with mom."
I try to sell this with an embarrassed smile.
"But you don't have to if you don't want to. I understand that..."
He shuts me up with his laughter. This doesn't make me feel good for sharing and after a moment or two, he sees my dower expression then quickly attempts to fix this.
"No no, pussycat, I didn't mean...*sigh* I laughed because you're innocence never stops to amaze me. After our game earlier, this caught me off guard."
I rub my arm shyly.
"Don't be sorry. I adore this about you. It's precious."
I fight weakly to stop the blush coming to me.
He cups my chin and kisses my forehead.
"God, you're cute. Go get dressed. I'll be waiting with your brother."
My eyes light up.
"Wait...Does that mean...?"
He merely nods and my heart flutters with giddy delight. I collect my clothes and head for the bathroom to change. Ah to be back in my real clothing. Not to knock on the outfit Grillby got me because it fits like a glove and wasn't as messed up as it could've been, but nothing beats something you're used to wearing. The bandage on my shoulder slightly shows under the shirt collar, so I have to tear part of it though now it feels weird. I guess I'm dealing with it now. I leave the other garments in the bathroom and go to find Grillby, whose humming I follow out into the bar. He's donned his thick coat and coolly has my backpack over his shoulder, a casual smirk gracing him.
"Ready to go, pussycat?"
"Are you sure you wanna do this? I won't make you go into the cold."
A small chuckle leaves him.
"It's fine. Besides...If it starts to bother me I'll just have to hold you close."
"Cheeky boy."
He holds out his free hand.
"Milady, shall I walk you home?"
I smile and slide my hand into his.
"I would be honored, kind sir."
I open the door and he fakes a swoon.
"A lady opening the door for a man? You're definitely a keeper."
"Heh. Lovable dork."
And like that, we begin our stroll to the Ruins. Whether he knows it or not, I'm very grateful Grillby decided to walk with me. I know not how much more the Underground mimics the surface, but I'd rather not risk walking home alone at a late hour when a target is already marked on me labeled "free EXP, please kill me". The air is still and no snowfall. There is a faint feeling of hidden onlookers yet nothing makes a move.
"You know...I've never been out this far."
Grillby breaks the silence.
"Really? So you've never seen the guard posts?"
"Nope. Are they odd?"
"Most look vaguely like doghouses that you'd be sold lemonade at. But there are two exceptions."
"...The brothers?"
"Care to give me any hints?"
"And spoil the surprise? I think not."
"Oh, now you're building up my curiosity."
"Trust me. You shall not be disappointed."
Indeed he is not. The dog guard posts are the same basic wooden house design and have a mean dog head decorating the top. But when I show him Papyrus's post...The look on his face is priceless at the sight of the dark metal and even has Gothic-styled torches that make it look very spooky.
"This...This is Papyrus's station?"
"I know right? So cool."
"Is that...a plaque?"
"Go on. Read it."
He's holding in so much laughter even though some of it is slipping out.
"Oh my god..."
"Best let it out now. You won't be laughing when you see Sans's."
The confusion gets to him a moment before taking another look at the structure and laughing. Seeing him like this is a relief. I don't like seeing him grumpy or jealous.
"*chuckling* Oh man...I needed that."
"The ego of the great and terrible Papyrus is always worth a giggle or two."
"And Sans's post isn't?"
"You'll see."
Our journey continues. Along the short way between Papyrus and Sans's stations, we encounter the Snowman who seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll of its own in the relative safety of the evening hours. See us, it waves "hi" as if nothing out of the norm is happening. I wave back at and resist any temptation to bust out a "Frosty the Snowman" tune but Grillby is baffled that the snowman is alive. I teasingly remind him that he's literally living fire and he becomes slightly bashful. So damn cute. We come upon Sans's station and, as I figured, Grillby's reaction is not of amusement...more like pity. Sans's post is made of wood like the dogs' stations are but it's open from so many places and lacks real fortification. There is no back to it or true sides, it's mostly a hollowed-out dresser with a beam on each corner connecting to the roof yet only just enough so that all the weight in front doesn't have it tipping backward.
"This is a joke, right?"
"If you ever wondered why he hated his job, this is a good starting point."
"It's got nothing. How do they expect the first line of defense to be ready if they're not even properly protected, and from the freaking snow no less?"
Is this really the same man? Earlier he was ready to kill Sans, now he's upset over how Sans is treated at work. And here I thought I was the emotional flip-flopper.
"It's not all bad. He's made it useful to his needs. Come here."
I guide him behind the station and here I show him Sans's stash. Mustard bottles kept chilled in the snow, car magazines, and assorted hotdog stuff.
"See? Not completely shit."
"...How do you know about this stuff?"
"When I first left the Ruins, Sans hid me from Papyrus so I wouldn't be killed on sight. Saved my butt."
He looks a little dejected.
That snaps him out of it.
"You okay?"
"Oh...Yeah. Just got distracted by a random thought."
I pat his back.
"Want to see something else funny?"
Curiosity gets to him, so I lead him to the "gate" thing that Papyrus made and that Toriel made useless.
"What am I looking at?"
"This was once the bane of coming out here. To keep people, mainly humans, from getting to town and the rest of the Underground, Papyrus made a gate over this unbelievably deep pit. It was very effective due to the tight spacing making it very difficult and time-consuming to bother with squeezing through the bars. The option of the surrounding forest is also a hard choice due to the tress being so close together. However, the gate stood no chance against a mad goat woman with fire powers."
That has him snickering. We cross the bridge and at long last, we arrive at the door that keeps us apart.
"So...This is my place."
"Heh. Feels a little cheesy. You know? Walking a lady home."
"Good cheesy like nachos or bad cheesy like Limburger?"
He just smiles and pats my head.
"You are too cute somethings."
I giggle and there's a bang on the other side of the door, making Grillby jump. I sigh and knock on the door.
"Is that you, Nanny?"
"*muffled* Indeed, my child. Do you need help with the door?"
"Yes, please."
The door rumbles. Pushed outward and showing Toriel, who is delighted to see me and puzzled by Grillby being here.
"Oh...Hello there."
Grillby, who has been holding my hand this entire time, tightens his grip.
"Evening, Mrs. Dreemurr. I hope we are on time."
Toriel is blank for a moment, then she smiles.
"My, such a gentleman. Walking a young woman home. Perhaps good men still exist."
I so called it on her thinking this!
"Here, dear."
Grillby hands me my pack back and I kiss him quickly much to his cheeky surprise.
"Call me later, hot stuff?"
"Heh...Oh, you know it, pussycat."
We share a moment of contented gazing into each other's eyes till Toriel coughs.
"I have to go now."
"I know."
"Be careful on the way back."
He merely smiles, turns on his heel, and heads back the way to town with a cool wave.
"Come along, child."
"Yes, Nanny."
I follow her inside and upon the doors being shut, I take notice of the difference in temperature. Sure, I'm not in the cold anymore. But the warmth of home is nothing compared to Grillby's natural heat. My hand, the one that held his, feels cold and empty. I miss him. We've only just parted and I already long to be with him again.
"Child? Is everything alright?"
Toriel notices my distraction. I'm not about to tell her my feelings about him so I play normal.
"Yeah. Just some stuff on my mind."
"Anything you wish to speak about?"
I shake my head.
"Nah. It's nothing."
She pouts a bit.
"You care about him a lot, do you not?"
I say nothing.
"It is not shameful if you do. He appears to be a fine man. And he seems to have the same feelings."
"Mom, I really don't feel comfortable talking about my feelings."
"Why not? It is not as if feelings are a foreign concept to us monsters. We just do not express them so freely."
"It's just...*groan* I'm just..."
Of course, my phone goes off. Like some sort of contrived plot convenience. My heartbeat increases at the thought of it being Grillby, yet it is a very short-lived feeling. It's not his number. It's not even Blooky's. It's Mettaton. Fuck my life.
"No worries, mom. I'm gonna take this call and follow you. Only slower."
She nods and keeps walking. I answer the call and slowly follow.
"Long time no ring, Mettaton. What's up?"
I'm given amused robotic giggles.
"After you threatened to off a guy on TV in hopes I'd stop you."
"Not to sound rude, but why are you calling? Surely it's not to get all cutesy. It's late and people should be eating before becoming mindless bed zombies that must feed on dreams to survive."
He's silent for a few seconds.
"Sure. Whatever. Don't avoid answering the question."
I pause in my following of Toriel to casually smack my head into a wall, feeling dumb for my attitude.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to come off as a cunt. It's been a long day and I have no right to take it out on you."
"I'd rather not."
Toriel must be rubbing off on me because my grip on the phone tightens harshly at hearing something I don't like.
"...You really need a better pastime than to watch me."
"Please refrain from further viewing me like you're watching some cartoon character."
The crunching my phone is making is loud. It's at this point I've stopped following Toriel due to anger. And the pack holding Flowey is on the floor.
"Who the flying fuck do you think you are?!"
"You have no right to just blurt out a personal question like that."
My rage simultaneously grows and dies.
"If you do anything to him..."
"Don't mistake that as a weakness. For I'll pull terrible power from knowing of someone else's pain."
"Don't play games with me!"
I don't like this.
I growl.
My growling lessens.
"Fine. But make the game short. A smart guy like you knows the furry of a pissed off Toriel."
Speaking of which. She calls out into the echoing hall.
"Are you okay?"
I cover the phone.
"Yeah. The phone call is running longer than I thought. I'll be up there soon."
She doesn't respond and I assume she's going back to her own business, so I continue the call.
"See what I mean?"
I pause.
"...You're going to get me in trouble for your own amusement, aren't you?"
I grumble in annoyance but walk back to the door.
"You're lucky you said please."
I shove one of the doors with some shoulder effort and get hit with that frigid cold I hate so much. I poke my head outside before creeping out.
"There's a camera right outside the door, isn't it?"
"Okay, thanks for making it short."
"Whoa, I am not doing that!"
I snicker.
"No, dingus, I meant I ain't taking my top off because it's fucking freezing. What the hell are you thinking, ghost-bot?"
I don't think I know what a flustered/embarrassed robot sounds like, but it's quite possibly the weird electronic sounds that are currently scrambling my eardrum.
"But, no. I refuse this task of yours."
He calms down.
"...Can I question why?"
"*sigh* Just promise not to record this."
I clutch the phone and feel dumb even before taking that first spin. My eyes keep sight to the ground so my mind won't lose itself too quickly. Though the fluid swirling around my brain is not making things feel as lucid as I know things are. I twirl, dip, nearly smack the door twice, but ultimately trip over a small stick that was hidden in the snow, and I smash into the magical frozen powder with a large poof. My eyes spin in my skull as the sound of digital laughter eventually is recognized by my senses. My strength in direction is a bit off, though I still drag my phone to my ear after first poking it into my eye.
"*dizzy* Did I do the thing?"
Fuck trying to make cognitive sentences while my brain is sloshing.
The most unenthusiastic yay ever.
"*dizzy* Okily dokily."
If my mind wasn't so messed up, I wouldn't have fallen for such a dumb thing. But dumb dizzy me gets worried about if something is there because of random monster attack paranoia...So I end up turning to look back...and see douche cat holding a bat.
He smirks and readies his bat.
"You should've listened to the rules."
Processing the incoming strike takes longer than I need to actually do anything. The crack against the side of my head has enough force to roll me over. I might have rolled more but I blacked out during that initial spin my neck did on impact.
[In Hotland, Laboratory]
Mettaton continues to watch the monitor, seeing Burgerpants snatch the discarded cellphone out of the snow and answer it.
"Hey, Boss."
"Be happy I didn't get her in the face. Can I go now?"
"*groan* Fine. What do want me to do about that bartender?"
"No kidding. That reminds me...I'm getting an extra day-off for putting my ass on the line like this."
Burgerpants pockets the phone, sheathes the bat on his belt, picks the human up and proceeds to flee the area before the Boss Monster within is any the wiser.
Alphys slithers towards the pleased automaton.
"You finally did it. You went and 'collected' the human."
Mettaton shrugs.
"You probably could've just asked her over and save some of the trouble."
Alphys tilts her head.
"Don't patronize me, asshole."
Alphys just stares at Mettaton, mouth agape in utter shock.
She resets her composure by adjusting her glasses.
"Usually your ideas aren't so well thought out. They tend to be glamourizing drama pulls that crash due to shitty writing and poor taste. But this? ...You've surprised me."
A flash of random pixels appear on his screen from disbelief.
Alphys turns and slithers off towards her private workroom.
"I look forward to this show of yours. Hope you don't disappoint."
Mettaton, for once, was at a loss for words. Alphys never was supportive of his ideas, at least, not lately anyway. This was the kind of confidence boost he needed. He was going to put on the show of a lifetime for all the Underground to see. But there were still loose ends that needed tying up. For this was merely stage one of his brilliant plan. Stage two will be somewhat more challenging. For one, he'll need to keep Toriel from going on a homicidal rampage. And two, a means to buy off the Snowdin guards. The second part is simple enough. The dogs don't give a shit. The skeletons however...those two might become a problem if they find any clues. Yet any good actor worth their soul knows how to plan and improvise on the fly. This was the part he was grateful for having a staff of underpaid teens that were desperate for any hope of something more, they'll do anything. With the click of a button, he enacts the next phase.
It's showtime.
#undertale#underfell#Anomaly#Lynsie#sans#papyrus#gaster#grillby#grandpa semi#flowey#chara#Asriel#asgore#toriel#frisk#napstablook#alphys#undyne#mettaton
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Drink Driving
summary- being Schneider’s foster daughter and finding out he relapsed.
Warnings- alcoholism, relapsing, one sided arguing, panic/anxiety attack, slight physical violence (pushing).
A/N- lol this is my first ODAAT fic and I hope to do more, I love this show so much!! if you haven’t watched it this fic will definitely spoil season 3, also PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW IT’S INCREDIBLE! ITS ON NETFLIX!
You opened the door and grimaced at the loud noise, “dad! how many times have I told you to throw that thing away!” you complained whilst he, Penelope and Lydia looked at you, “what? you think it’s difficult to listen to? Try waking up at three in the morning with that noise” you collapsed on the couch. Schneider leant the Didgeridoo against the wall “and not one lesson” he said causing you to smile.
“We thought you were at the farmers market!” Penelope explained, you sat up a bit more “yeah, well, the figs were sub-par today so I came home disappointed” he walked over and sat next to you, “now I’m even more disappointed to come home and find my best friend and her daughter sneaking into my apartment.” Lydia nodded her head, “it is true... I have violated the bro code” you let out a small laugh. “You know what? I don’t care. Get mad at me all you want, okay?” Penelope began, “you’re hiding something, and I’m gonna find out what it is” she marched over to Schneider, “let me see if you’re pupils are dilated”. Schneider stepped back, “what? Stop. I told you, I’m not drinking”.
You stood up, “wait, what’re you talking about?” you asked looked towards the three adults in the room. You were now stood by Lydia, “dad... what’s she talking about?” you asked, the shakiness in your voice was very noticeable. He let out a sigh, “I went through a really hard time where I was tempted to, so you’re not exactly making things easier on me” he said to Penelope, you crossed your arms and watched everything unfold. “I just want you to be honest with me” she replied, “I am! I’ve never lied to you. Other than once when I told you chartreuse was your colour when really, it’s nobody’s colour” you walked over and stood next to him “Penelope, he’s not lying... I’ve spent the majority of my life with alcoholics so I think I know what to look out for. Please believe him” she went to respond when Lydia held up an almost empty bottle of Whiskey, “what’s this?” she asked, you quickly turned to look at him, tears burning your eyes. He shrugged, “that’s not my Yoga mat” as he said that Lydia unravelled it so it showed his name.
You felt your legs begin to shake so you sat on the sofa, tears slowly falling from your eyes. “Okay, I screwed up” you heard him gulp, you looked up at him and then looked to Penelope, “we should call your sponsor” she demanded softly, he nodded his head, “you’re right, thanks guys. I’m gonna call Nick,” he started pushing them towards the door, “you probably saved my life by catching me before I hit bottom, okay Nick’s on his way” Penelope pushed past him and sat next to you, “good, because we’re not going anywhere until he gets here”.
Schneider was about to speak and then furrowed his eyebrows when he looked over to you. Your eyes were tightly shut, you were squeezing your hands shut, your breathing was quiet but irregular. “Y/n, you okay?” he asked, you sucked in a deep breath as you felt Penelope grab one of your hands. You stood and shook your head, “no, I’m not okay” you started pacing slightly, “why would you do this, Schneider? Do you not know what this means?” you asked, your breathing started picking up slightly as you shook your hands, as if you were drying them. “You’ll have to call Zoey, she’ll have to find me another home, I’ll have to move, again, because of you” Schneider walked over to you but you pushed him away, “no! how could you be so selfish?” Tears were running down your face as you choked out a sob, “I hate you” you spat before storming out of the door.
You pounded on the door, your breathing was still erratic and you were starting to feel dizzy. The door opened, you walked in and sat on the couch, “y/n?” Avery asked, she quickly closed the door and enveloped you in a hug, you let out a sob, “shh, you’re okay... you’re okay” she soothed, “Penelope told me what happened, he’s gonna get help” you pulled out of the hug and wiped your face, “that doesn’t matter... I’m still gonna have to leave, and I called him selfish... I blamed it all on him and it’s not even his fault!” you sighed, she grabbed one of your hands, “I get why you’re mad... I get why you’re hurt. Schneider would never do anything to hurt you, you understand that right?” she asked, you nodded your head, “I just... I don’t think I can face him again after what I said” you let out a sigh, “this whole situation sucks” you started picking at your nails.
“If it helps, I know he’s not mad at you... if anything he’s probably just worried” she stood up and held her hand out, “come on, I’ll drive you back”.
You sucked in a deep breath as you pushed open the door to Penelope’s apartment, she stood up when you walked in, “Avery drove me here” you muttered looking down at the floor, “I’ll let you guys talk” Penelope said, she gave your hand a squeeze as she walked out the door and shut it behind her.
You walked over to the couch and sat down next to Schneider, it was silent for a while, “I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have called you selfish” you turned to him, “you’re one of the most unselfish people I’ve met... I was just angry, which really doesn’t justify my reaction” you looked down again, “I just thought this time it would be different. I’ve been to ten different homes and this has been the only one where I’ve felt safe and loved” you felt tears push their way through your eyes and down your face, “I mean, I call you dad” you turned to him, tears were also slowly making their way down his face, “I haven’t called anybody dad since I was ten, but now all of that has to go away” you let out a sob, “I don’t want it to go away” Schneider pulled you into a tight embrace, “it doesn’t have to go away forever. I promise, it won’t go away forever” you continued to cry, “we’ll figure something out, we’ll figure something out”.
You were in your room packing everything up when Schneider walked in, “how’re you holding up?” you shook your head as you angrily threw a shirt into the large suitcase, “so, not well?” he asked. You snorted out a laugh and sat on the bed, “I don’t wanna leave” you mumbled, he pushed your suitcase back and sat down next to you, “I know, but at least they’re letting me see you, in most situations like this they’d cut of any type of communication” you nodded your head in agreement, “I know... kinda glad I don’t have to listen to your terrible Didgeridoo playing though” he let out a loud laugh, you leant your head against his shoulder, “I’m gonna miss you, dad” you whispered, he grabbed your hand and held it tightly, “I’m gonna miss you too, kiddo” he whispered back kissing the top of your head, “I’ll see you at Victor’s wedding though, that’s not too far away” you nodded your head “I know... god that’s gonna be a weird day, I wonder how Penelope will hold up” you turned to him, he shrugged his shoulders and stood up, “she’ll be okay... hopefully, c’mon, I’ll help you pack” you let out a sigh and stood up.
It had been a month since you saw everybody, you were very nervous. You were walking up to the reception area when you heard somebody speaking. You walked towards the chapel and saw Elena and Alex talking, “awe, don’t you two look cute in your tuxes” you said letting out a laugh, they quickly ran up to you and hugged you, “I’ve missed you both so much!” you turned to Elena, “also why’re you in a chapel? What’d I miss?” you asked, she laughed and shook her head, “I wanted to do my toast, how’re you feeling anyway?” she asked, you let out a nervous laugh “I’m terrified, how’s he holding up anyway?” you asked, “he’s doing good, y/n.” Alex said, you smiled and nodded your head.
You were sat in the hallway, nerves eating away at you, your leg was bouncing and you were chewing at the skin around your nails. “What’re you doing out here?” you looked up and smiled when you saw Penelope, you let out a smile as she sat next to you, you rested your head on her shoulder “I’m scared” you muttered, she nodded her head, “I know... honestly I was scared coming here too, but I’m glad I did. Sometime’s you have to look fear in the face and grab him by the aguacates” you let out a laugh and wiped your eyes, you stood up, “that’s a fair point... if you can watch your ex husband get married to a clone version of you... then I can do this” she stood up after you and grabbed your hand before you walked in together.
She pointed out Schneider and gave your hand one more reassuring squeeze before she walked off, you let out a shaky breath and walked over to him. You tapped him on the shoulder, his face lit up, he stood up and pulled you into a hug, “I’ve missed you so much” you said squeezing him tight, you pulled away from the hug as you both sat back down, “how’s the new foster home?” he asked, he laughed at the face you pulled “it’s okay... they’re not horrible which is good... they’re actually nice people, I just wish I didn’t have to live there” you let out a sigh, “what’re you talking about?” he asked, you looked at him with fresh tears in your eyes, “I mean, it’s not home... y’know? I haven’t felt at home for a month and it sucks” you let out a breath as you wiped away hot tears, he frowned “I know, but I’m thirty days sober... I’m doing really well” you smiled and nodded your head, “I’m glad, I know Zoey’s been monitoring your progress... which is kinda annoying” he laughed, you looked up when you saw a familiar face, “um, dad?” you pointed towards Avery, he immediately stood up and walked over to her, you smiled softly at them.
These people are your family, definitely not by blood, but they’re family. You stood up and walked over to them, Avery pulled you into a hug.
You smiled softly at the two of them as you leant against Schneider, this was what family was like.
Forever Tags-
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BnHA Chapter 213: blahblahblahSIXQUIRKS
Previously on BnHA: Baby Ochako stole the show for a few pages as Ochako thought back to her childhood and the first time she saw a hero in action and wanted to be like them and help people who looked like they were in trouble. And more recently during the Basement arc, she saw Deku struggling and thought, “who protects the heroes when they need protecting?” So with that nice segue, we cut back to the present, with Deku freaking out and Ochako trying to calm him down and eventually realizing he had no control. So she called on Shinsou to brainwash him, which he did by telling Deku he wanted to fight him again. And miraculously the brainwashing worked, and the quirk died down and retreated back into Deku’s arm. But then Deku found himself back in the OFA Happy Funky Dream Time Zone, being accosted by some beefy aggressive bald dude with goggles. He told Deku he’d gotten it all wrong, and accused him of not listening. “We told you that you’re not alone!” He said Deku’s quirk wasn’t something he could use casually while distracted any more, and told him to pull himself together.
Today on BnHA: Aggressive Bald Dude explains that the crazy new power Deku just used is actually his quirk, Blackwhip. To make a long story short, Deku can use all of the quirks from the previous wielders of OFA. Something something OFA is getting stronger, something something Quirk Singularity blah blah blah. Anyway, so Deku accidentally activated Blackwhip due to his strong feelings and his wanting to capture Monoma. Baldy warns Deku that if he wields his power in anger, it will respond accordingly, and that he needs to have control. He tells Deku he will eventually manifest six different quirks, and that he is the one who will complete One for All. Then he wishes him good luck and vanishes. Deku wakes up in the aftermath of all this strangeness, only to immediately be attacked by Monoma, who knows an opening when he sees one I guess. Everyone else from Teams A and B chooses this moment to arrive as well, and things quickly escalate into a melee battle. Shinsou challenges Deku, and we cut to the teachers who are watching nearby. A thoughtful-looking Aizawa tells the other teachers to let the battle continue.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 224, so any ETAs will reflect that.)

Kirishima you never told me your ancestor was a bearer of OFA
I really like this guy. what’s your name dude
(ETA: jesus Horikoshi would it kill you to name such an important character though. at least let us know which number he is. give us something)
and this conversation just keeps getting better!

“I don’t have a mouth.” “oh shit you don’t have a mouth. well THAT IS JUST FINE don’t you worry”
so Deku can see this guy much more clearly than OFA Primo in his previous dream. and on top of that, he’s now fully aware that it’s not a dream at all
also I really like TryHarder’s face. it’s just a nice face

he seems tough but kind
ahhhhh it’s another image of the previous 8

(ETA: so is that really you up there, Katsuki? is a part of you “actually alive inside One for All”, deep inside Izuku’s soul or whatever? just waiting for Deku to finally figure this shit out? so you can finally pop up at a critical plot moment and be all “hah, so you can finally see me. took you long enough, you damn nerd” and then give him Mystical Advice or some shit I guess? what level of shipping is that. when a piece of character A’s soul or will or whatever is literally chilling out inside character B’s soul. honestly I still don’t even know what to think about this fucking theory, because I would lose my damn shit. it just seems so ridiculously catered to Everything I Want that even pondering it feels absurdly self-indulgent. and how would it even work. ahghghg. anyways.)
there had better be at least one more girl besides Shimura, otherwise I’m gonna go on a ranting spree just like the JP Hero Billboard Charts all over again
I wonder when Toshinori’s outline will become more visible
and also when will Deku get to talk to Shimura?? her vestige has been clear right from the start. TALK TO HER AND GET THE GOSSIP ON HER SON! YOUR DAD!!
she probably knows so many embarrassing things. this is the true reason why All Might didn’t tell him about this shit back at the sports festival
okay so TryHarder is starting to fade now and he’s like “oh shit looks like I’m on a time limit”
so he’s telling Deku to listen up

I wonder how many people guessed this before it was revealed. Horikoshi did an excellent job making it look like his power was just out of control again, honestly. this probably came out of left field for a lot of people
since I unfortunately can’t give you a genuine shocked reaction now, let me instead try to summarize my response when I first came across this spoiler.
me: [reading through a post that didn’t seem to contain any spoilers that I didn’t already know] haha what a fine post
post: [gets to a part where it’s like “warning, spoilers” and then just JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SPOILER RIGHT AWAY without any further ado]
me: [not understanding what just happened yet] wait what
post: blahblahblahSIXQUIRKS
me: [still hasn’t fully processed yet due to my sleepy brain] huh what. six
me: ...
me: wait WHAT
and at this point my brain finally kicked into gear, and it just hit me all at once that (1) I knew there was gonna be more OFA stuff coming up (back when I did the recap for Deku VS Shinsou way back in the sports festival arc, someone mentioned that the manga had gotten into the OFA Past Avatars shit again recently -- this was back in like September -- and so it was kind of in the back of my mind ever since then, just waiting to be remembered at a critical moment), (2) said OFA stuff would presumably consist of him learning to communicate with the Ghosts of OFAs Past in precisely the way that All Might said he couldn’t, (3) I also knew from a comment in this post that there was some power-up coming up for Deku at some point that was considered a spoiler, and lastly (4) the math added up. this last part just came to me in a whoosh. I have no idea how it all came together so quickly. but some very logical part of me waltzed in holding a corn cob pipe and was all, “you know, if Deku is the 9th OFA user and he, All Might, and OFA Prime didn’t have quirks*, that means there were six remaining OFA users who presumably did,” and I was like “NOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAY?!” and I started freaking the fuck out. so anyway that’s how it all happened god bless
(ETA*: okay so technically Prime did, but his quirk is OFA, so. like. doesn’t count.)
anyways I really went off on a spiel there. let’s drag our focus back to the present day can we please
so TH is all “our quirks all merged with the core of OFA and have just been sitting here chilling inside it for like aaaaages”

gotta say the visual of this helps a lot. so the quirks are in that tiny lil marble in the middle of Primo’s back, buried deep within all of those flames of power
oh shit wait, did we say “tiny lil”

hmm. is this that quirk singularity bullshit that Seiji was talking about all the way back in the Babysitting Arc. I jump around between translations so much that I didn’t notice until very recently that the word “singularity” was being used in odd ways, and that it was also the word used to describe that phenomenon of quirks evolving until they’re beyond the user’s control
so is this. that
so TH says that One for All itself is growing. but like, look at how he says it though

that is a lot of ominous emphasis there
and Deku’s thinking “but why? what caused this?”
which, I’m glad he thought that, because here I was thinking it was just some natural phenomenon that All Might and Shimura for whatever reason never unlocked. but just like that he’s made me realize that this might be tied in to AFO somehow. didn’t he say just a couple chapters ago that he could hear the voice of his dead bro?
(ETA: yeah, listen guys, there is some shady shit going on here. part of it is the quirk singularity stuff, I’m sure, but there’s a lot of suspiciously coincidental stuff happening. but I will tell you more about my thoughts on this in a separate post, I think, because it’s something I’ve been pondering for a while now and I think it’s better suited to its own theory post.)
oh but TH says that right before the power erupted out of him, Deku was probably thinking something like “GETTIM”
and Deku’s sweating and thinking that he was indeed thinking about capturing Monoma
yeah to beat the shit out of him for insulting your boyfriend
so presumably he activated this quirk somehow which is meant to be a capture quirk?

that was honest to god my first thought. look at how elegant it is when he uses it. nothing like Deku’s out-of-control Venom rampage
here. this is what it reminds me of
ah, I see. so TH says that OFA’s power has been added to the black whip quirk now, so now it’s like it’s on steroids

ah shit. so he’s starting to fade away

but you do exist! you’re real! you live on inside the quirk!
so you hear that, All Might? when you inevitably die your stupid fucked up tragic death that poor Nighteye foresaw and was tormented by, once you’re done ripping my heart to pieces, you can come back and still give Deku mentor advice within his mind. like Dumbledore in Deathly Hallows, only with less “sorry about dumping you on your abusive relatives and raising you to be a sacrificial lamb”
anyways the point is the two of you are bonded forever within OFA now, and that’s a comforting thought that I’m gonna hold onto for when shit eventually gets Real, however far along down the road that may be
oh okay good, before he goes he’s giving Deku advice on how to control it
he says that if Deku wields the power in anger, the power will respond accordingly
(ETA: and there’s literally a flashback panel of Monoma being all “REMEMBER WHEN BAKUGOU DESTROYED SOCIETY” lmao. just to remind everyone yet again of what exactly it was that set him off.)

good thing he’s not an empathetic young shounen hero prone to being roused to action and acting impulsively to the point where that was literally the deciding factor that made All Might choose him. oh wait. oh shit
but TH does say that it’s fine to get angry and that anger is one source of power
wow. just let that sink in for a second. so here’s a wise old mentor ghost actually telling the hero that he doesn’t have to be some perfect zen monk all the damn time. damn. hey TH I really do like you my dude
but anyways, so “that’s exactly why you must have careful control over that anger”
so basically you can use it to power up your quirk, but you gotta keep a rein on it otherwise we’ll wind up with a repeat of what just went down

and that was the sound of fans across the world either ragequitting or losing their fucking shit in excitement lol
but okay, so me personally, I fucking love it. I know fandom is somewhat divided on whether he’s going to be too overpowered, but look at him! he has his fucking hands full just getting a handle on this one single new quirk! it’s not like he’s gonna just master this and the other five overnight. basically this is a brand new challenge for him which will take quite some time (if not the remainder of the series) for him to get a handle on, and which will make for much more interesting and unpredictable battles from here on out. and what with All Might gone, and us having pretty much seen the limits of what Endeavor can handle now, I gotta say it seems like we’re gonna need this sooner than later
(ETA: especially with the recent reveal of just what he’s going to be up against. bad guys are not fucking around holy shit.)
and strangely, this also makes me excited as a Bakugou fan because I still firmly believe that the two of them will remain head to head as the series progresses. which means that Bakugou is going to get a hell of a lot stronger himself. I don’t know how, but I have faith in the series to make it happen, and I’m looking forward to that as well
anyway, so TH is fading away, but he really has a lot of confidence in Deku and I love it
“you’re going to be the one who completes One for All.” fuck yeah. you hear that Deku? we all agree this is your destiny kiddo
and now we’re finally cutting back to the real world yaaaaaay
so Ochako is frantically shaking him

her slap probably did hurt. she’s fucking strong as hell. but he’s all right
so she’s setting him down and he’s realizing that the quirk has vanished (ah yes, that’s right, he went into that trance OFA dream state as soon as Shinsou’s quirk activated, and he was pretty out of it when the quirk was receding)
and she’s explaining that they were able to calm it down with Shinsou’s quirk. thanks for the assist Shinsou!
so like is this battle still on though or what lol. I think that Deku’s team should concede and call it a day because yikes
so Ochako’s asking him if he’s okay now and he’s just now realizing that she’s all banged up too. I guess that black whip packed a punch

also did he just snatch OFA?? I’ve been wondering for ages what would happen if he did that, and I gotta say most of my speculation didn’t end very well for him
anyways, sigh, so he’s whapping Deku with the giant bolt he just rode in there on. Yanagi’s quirk combined with Kodai’s quirk
and Deku’s stupidly shouting “Monoma!” and he’s lucky that Monoma didn’t just activate Shinsou’s quirk right there and then
and now Ochako is charging in yessssssssss!!!

ahh but here come more giant flying objects crashing down at them

and now Yanagi is asking Monoma if he’s all right and he’s complimenting her on her good timing
well would you look at this

so are we just going to have a big fucking brawl right here and now then
Kodai’s using her size quirk to block Mina and Mineta’s attacks, and it occurs to me to wonder what level of acid Mina was flinging at them. you know, Mina’s someone who could be pretty fucking deadly if she wanted to. they’re lucky she’s not on the villain side; with her charisma and creativity and fucking acid quirk she could probably take over the world with ease
anyway so now this is happening

honestly, Vlad and Aizawa, you really might as well call the fight off now lol
or don’t. because this is still entertaining
meanwhile Deku and Ochako are watching from above

“you wanna go get some burgers or something”
lol are you gonna help your teammates out or are you just gonna crouch there all day
Deku’s thinking back on TH’s words about how he needs to be in control of his heart and how if he wields his power in anger shit’s gonna get wrecked
uh oh

Shinsou being a sneaky sneak. but they owe him one though
lol it didn’t do much though

you tried, Shinsou
Deku’s narrating that he’s got so much going on in his head right now he can barely think, but he knows he can’t allow himself to go out of control and hurt everyone again
and now we’re cutting to the teachers who have snuck onto the stage and are watching from the shadows
Vlad’s asking Aizawa what they should do

Aizawa you’re so fucking hot as always good grief. I like your thoughtful face as you ponder how to address this later on, while also thinking that in the meantime you wanna keep watching and see how your protege fares against your problem child

haha okay

next issue has a color page yaaaay. should be the 4th popularity poll results at long last if I’m not mistaken. MIRIO’S REVENGE. or mine, if he’s not represented the way he should be
meanwhile watch fucking Hawks be in like 1st place. except he’s not unseating the big three, probably, but after that who knows. sky’s the limit, and this boy can fly, so
(ETA: motherfucker made it all the way up to 4th place lol called it. apparently I missed when the results were originally announced back with chapter 207. still not sure how. but anyways I’ll post all my thoughts about it tomorrow lol)
#bnha#boku no hero academia#midoriya izuku#ofa baldy boy#uraraka ochako#monoma neito#yanagi reiko#kodai yui#shouda nirengeki#ashido mina#shinsou hitoshi#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#makeste reads bnha#anyone have any idea what's up with tumblr's mobile formatting all of a sudden?#all of a sudden no matter how many spaces you add after a bullet list it'll act like there are none there#and on top of that only the first few images are autoloading and then after that you have to click on each new image to load it#which gets annoying pretty fast#s2g it's like they screw around with things every couple months for no reason other than to mess with me#anyways so sorry if the post looks uglier than usual on mobile today#hopefully they'll fix this soon seeing as there was nothing wrong with it to begin with?? so why are they messing with it now ugh
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TharnType the Series Ep. 8 Review
I'm not ready for this episode yet people are very exited for the torture (?). Lol.
#TharnTypeEp8 #TharnTypeS #TharnTypetheSeries
It is unsual to see TumTar at the beginning but it is good to see them smile like that. Do you see that big smile from Tar when Tum plays the certain melody? Finally he can smile that free. Well suddenly sad again because of the birthday notification. Hurry up both of you need to clear everything.
Watch TharnType the Series Ep. 8 Engsub
Okay Ai Tharn we knew that you like dark chocolate now but don't emphasis it. We knew who has a darker skin. Yes, khun mom want to see him, why you don't say that he is yours. Hahaha. (I think he remembers what Type said about he is not ready yet, yes, okay, gentleman) Now here he is, the P'San Khrap. Seems he really close to this family already. Liau, wait, Tharn isn't that happy receiving the gift from him. What is this, miss the 14 of Tharn, may be he was a cry baby back then but not now P'. Yes, no more cute little boy, he already have a daddy's little boy at the dorm. Oiiii, such a supportive big bro, yes Tharn is more handsome than him and look at Tharn's smile. He probably said "I love you big bro" in silence.
Ai No.... Euuuu he should go with Tharn to his house so Tharn could introduce him to everyone there. SEE...... EVERYONE HEAR THAT, THIS IS THE REASON WHY TYPE WANTED TO TELL NO ONLY BECAUSE HE IS THE ONE WHO WILL SPILL THE TEA. SO TYPE DOSEN'T NEED TO EXPLAIN OR DECLARE ANYTHING. LMAO. KEEP ASKING PEUN.... KEEP ASKING CHAMP, COME ON CORNER BOTH OF THEM. DAMN not this time guys... Let them "kin" each other, I mean kin the grilled meats. Look at No's apologies, how cute he is. Hahaha
Got an Audy bae... Ready to pick you up. Have a car but live in a condo. What else you could think Ai No beside it is more convenient for practice music, of course to let Type scream without anyone knows what they are doing. LOL.
Peun... Don't judge a book by its cover. The one who know the real Tharn is Type only between all of you. Also he is his wify so don't ever think to say anything bad about Tharn.
Techno really digs everything on Type, he is curious now about their relationship. Ai No... You are a good friend but I'm worry you will spill more. See, even he is the one who mention about P'San first to Type. Meung maeng....
Type.... make a wish for Tharn, please. You never make a wish on your birthday or never wish or pray for other for their own goodness? Why he can't understand? Yes, the bed is all yours don't feel ngao/lonely.
Yes, Long always remember his crush's birthday. I want to dig information from him. I'm sure that he likes Tharn. No excuses with those facebook updates. P'San was Tharn first love, O.K. may the war come then.
YES, YOU HAVE ALL THE FLAVORS, WE KNEW YOUR FAVORITE IS C.H.O.C.H.O.L.A.T.E. He is starving for food not for S yet. Hurry up get him one then do the rounds later. Look at that satisfying smile on Type's face. Why I can't resist his cuteness though. Wow he opened the wraped present, not good boy not good, the owner didn't know it yet. Just say it you just got jealous. I smell something after this, what will Tharn do? Ai Tharn what will you do? Don't tell me that you the one who will start a fire between Type and P'San.
SEE.... TECHNO SPILLED IT AGAIN TO HIS FRIENDS, THE QUEENS. OIII AI NOO..... a little bit but (sigh). "I think he wants to keep it secret to" Type. Hell no, we all know the truth. "then why you still upset, shouldn't you be crazy in love with your boyfriend?" Techno. They were intended to be crazy in love but were canceled Ai No. Yes, help them make up so they can make love later. Mmmm... What?
Ow that smile comes from Tharn. I know there is something odd. Not funny Tharn, if you make, what I think, come true. Type really such an honest person, he keeps the emotion on his face while greeting P'San. YOU ARE JEALOUS AI TYPE. P'San's radar is on, get over that hand P, don't let people burn in jealousy. AI TECHNOOO WHY HE IS SUCH A J*RK. YOU SAID YOU WANNA HELP THEM TO MAKE UP. I can see Tharn don't want him to join too. Ai No... Why? Even Tharn is worry now about Type. I really want to punch this PEUN on his face, WHY HE MENTIONED THAT GIRL. SUCH A TRIAL FRIEND. That hand P' yud leui... Stop it... Now you understand right? Ai No... I can see your reaction, I'll punch you if you still act innocent. F*CK OFF BRO YOU GET ON MY NERVE. STOP BEING CURIOUS AND YOU STILL CAN LAUGH LIKE THAT. DONE WITH YOU. BYE... BETRAYAL. SEE..... I know he doesn't like raw food that's why he ordered the grilled one. But he never tells Tharn because he feels uneasy to say it when Type ordered a lot of raw food. But, it will become another problem if both of them don't talk about it. Bad situation, bad friend. Say it that he is your, Type, or silence and talk later with your present doing (coughing).
A mature and a childish. This will happen. Now Tharn take control, he is upset not to Type but P'San, to much spoiler. Yes, he didn't spit it because his boyfriend fed him and now he is a mature one he can eat raw as he likes at least he doesn't have an allergic. If he has an allergic and never tell Type, this will be problematic. So, just forget the past and go on. Hahhhh, this P'San, he never gives up. I think he still hoping for Tharn to be his again. That's why he always come every year to get more chances. That's what will happen Type, if you never tell other who Tharn is, people will keep coming to bother both of you except you are mature enough to not think about it and live what you both should live.
I'm speechless.... Type, you are more complicated than a girl who say "whatever" when she is asked what she want to eat and go for a war later because she doesn't give any clue. Jebb, why my heart hurt, this is not my problem, this is yours. You are tiring even Tharn said that too to his brother. Yes, you never listen, everything he said those are what he likes and what he hates, you are the one who never learn, you are the one who never understand, never ask, never curious about something might he likes or hate the most. What you think is only those c*ndoms. You even don't know that he likes chocolate. Stubborn, childish, stupid, heartless, what else guys? It is hurting me to see Tharn crying again. He always be honest, he knew you really like that restaurant, he ate and didn't spit. Appreciate it bro. Now he said, P'San is more understand him, Think bro think, don't be so emotional, you look like a girl on their period. LOL. He even said he hate "break up" the most. He already tired, give him more happiness. Don't make him like me, I already tired to find one, I even think to live my life alone. So don't ever make him to freeze his heart. A frozen heart will be very hard to melt. Meung maeng.... Assh*le.
Arghhh I hate this rollercoaster. Yes Type yess I forgive you such adorable human being. But Tharn seems thinking about your words na. So, be careful. His heart is weak, he might be through a hardest path before that you would never think. "You won't never suffer as much as I do anyway" Tharn. Jebb mak Ai Tharn. You stabbing my heart, we are the same don't say that.
So that is the real story about P'San and Tharn. Why it reminds me something. Team up with Type, yes, I hate him too. Thorn was took care of Thanya to hospital and he banged Tharn, he has a thick face seriously even Thorn was hit him that much. Of course he was that cute when he was 14 but it wasn't the right way to bang an under age. Poor Tharn, he was innocent that is why he gave P'San in. We talk about the comfort not the rational. Suddenly blow my emotion, it seriously reminds me something that I don't want to recall. F*ck. I can see something in Thorn's eyes, he knew that his friend is good but also dangerous. Thorn knew his goodness and badness, yet Tharn knew only his goodness. Ironic. Why we are so connected Ai Tharn. (take a deep breath). Marked, P'San.
"If a woman ask you to sleep with her, don't you want to do it too?" Tharn. Bro, mind your age! May be I'm an old fashioned but I'm agree with the statement that we can't do these kind of stuff under 17. I mean take a look on the safest age. If something happen, you will lose your teenage time while you can play and hangout with friends as much as you like before you are busy with those time consuming work. Well if you are gay yes that pregnant will never happen yet it concerns to moral lessons. Others may think were born to be a gay or trapped in a wrong gender. In my situation it is not about you were born to be a gay but it is because you were experienced with a guy in that young age. The age where you were build your pesonality who you want to become. And may be Tharn did the same thing to Tar like P'San did to him. Experience lead him to be like P'San but thanks God that he is mature enough to differentiate what is good and what is bad. The comfort lead him to a guy, first thing that will stuck forever in mind, that's why he couldn't do it with a girl. The feeling and the comfort for man and woman are different. Some people easily to change it but for people like Tharn, me and Type, we already had the experience since the younger age, and we can't change it easily. It already stucked in the heart and mind. More complicated if you bring a word 'sin' to here for people who have religion like me, man, frustrating. I had what Tharn had, I did what P'San did and it has been lead me to live a life full of guilty. But, gratefully they did with girl. I don't want them to be influenced by me about this thing. That's why I whised for a frozen heart, I don't want others to be influenced, until he came melt the ice only by his attitude and went away after he knew me. Then it freezing again. But thanks to him that I can felt the warm again even though it was short and wasn't influenced. That's why I love to see Tharn and Type or every couple in a drama having good relationship, let them be happy even it is a forbidden love. They have a right to be happy.
I do really love the way of Type for making up. I can't resist. He is so, cute. Sugar rush.... Yes Type, P'San is great to be hated. Why don't you tell him that Tharn is yours? See, Tharn also ask the same question. But you're not ready yet. Fine... Slowly, I understand, he also understand. "Don't forget what you have said" Type. He will never forget, Type, as long as you can have a good talk if both of you facing another problem.
MY GOD SUCH A TRIAL SENIOR. I'm done with P'San. Bad ending, next episode will full of tension again. This drama is complicated and tiring, even it just about a story of two persons.
See you soon pal.... I hope you like reading my review. I'm sorry if I sometimes put my personal matter in it. Hopefully it may help you to understand the situation or people like us. Or may be one of you have the same problem. Don't hesitate to tell me. We are at the same wheel. Cheer up...
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OBC Hadestown Recording Review by a Non-Professional that you didn’t ask for
Alt. click-bait title: THEMES! THEMES! THEMES!
so i just listened to the Hadestown OBCR
so as practice, i’m going to do this review (i have a lot to say if you hadn’t noticed) like a sandwich--positives, mixed, neutral, negatives, more positives
and yes, I compare it to the NY version. it would be Impossible for me not to, considering that’s all I had for years. but I did listen to it with an open mind and wide-eyed excitement
Amber Grey and Patrick Page, lovely as always
I’m glad they introduced Hades in “Road To Hell” also that Hermes is like...is there another god? oh yeah, ME!
Eva Noblezada was AMAZING and I love her Eurydice
Reeve Carney sounds like an wide-eyed, naive, optimistic musician and it’s Wonderful
the overall themes and a more cohesive story--like there were of course themes threaded thru the NY recording, but the themes were much stronger in this version
Hermes being Orpheus’s mentor, rather than just the narrator and occasionally interacting with Orpheus bc he can? the exchange between them reads less like “I’m kind of picking on your bc you’re an artist” and more like “yikes, bro, you messed up. and bc I’m your mentor, and the god of Travelers, I’mma help you out a little”
oh yes, LOVE LOVE LOVE “Wedding Song” and oh, I LOVED that he sang his song in this version (hope to see what happens on stage some day ;_;)
the OBC version of “Livin’ it Up on Top” is still fun as always and I love they included the joke “to hell and back”
Orpheus’s lyrics in “All I’ve Ever Known” are So. Soft. our soft, poor boy Orpheus
Reeve and Eva’s voices fit together really well and I’m cry
“A Gathering Storm” is just Gorgeous storytelling right there, mmhmm. And oh shit, the “It’s not supposed to be like this” damn. And Eurydice’s “bring the world back into tune” Love it.
oh dude, the doubt in “Epic II” mirroring Orpheus’s later doubt poetictheater.jpeg
the lead in from “Epic II” to “Chant” always Great. And oh man, loved more of the storytelling and Eurydice’s lyrics in “Chant” okay but the juxtaposition of Hermes telling Orpheus telling him to look up while the Chorus chants to keep your head low oh jeez. And Eva sounds Great in “Chant” like DAMN
shaken, not stirred
Andre De Shields, sorry bro.
intellectual: I think his performance was great and the way he portrays Hermes fits really well with the style and aesthetic of Hadestown.
emotional: unfortunately, I don’t like his voice. and yes, I’m definitely biased for NY Hermes, but this is like a personal preference type thing. his voice is like the opposite of a stim for me... :\ which is unfortunate, because I did enjoy his performance
“Road To Hell” is before “Any Way The Wind Blows”
intellectual: it definitely fits this version, and I really liked hearing more about Eurydice and understanding her struggles and why falling in love with Orpheus is such a big thing for her
emotional: but I kinda liked the order in the NY version. it kinda felt like a preface to the story itself, and like even tho Hermes is the narrator, beginning with a song the Fates sing, it shows who’s truly in charge (they DO in fact control the speed at which lobsters die)
tho if I’m being honest, “Livin’ it Up on Top” doesn’t quite have that kick the NY version has. idk if instruments or missing or there isn’t enough ppl singing, but there’s just something missing, which takes a little of the fun out of it
It again feels like something is missing from “Way Down Hadestown” :\
intellectual: I guess I understand why they gave Orpheus’s lyrics to the Fates and Hermes (bc like how would he know what it’s like down there, truly?)
emotional: but I also didn’t like it bc as I’ll talk abt a lot in a min, it really takes away from Reeve’s performance
I’m actually super disappointed that Reeve/Orephus wasn’t featured as much as in the NY recording. his voice is almost completely drowned out almost entirely through “Wait For Me.”
intellectual: I quite enjoyed that the rest of the cast acted as the stones echoing back his song, and that it fit with and strengthened the overall themes and plot of the musical. I’m glad that this version has a more cohesive story and stronger themes
emotional: but it was no longer about Orpheus and his journey, and I think they could’ve kept the themes while also featuring Reeve’s voice. esp in such an Iconic song for Orpheus like “Wait For Me”
“If It’s True” I was tempted to put this in the negatives section bc I feel like it really takes away from Orpheus’s story (get ready to here a lot of repetition sorry not sorry fam). but there are some things I liked abt it.
intellectual: I liked that in the OBC version, that it was more abt the theme they’d introduced abt the workers’/chorus’s struggle and Hades’s struggle to keep them nameless, so to speak. I also did like that they show Orpheus’s worldview change. and fucking finally gave Reeve a chance to shine (kinda, with interjections from Hermes and the Chorus)
emotional: but I do think they went abt it the wrong way, bc I liked that it addressed just Orpheus and his feelings of what’s gone on (specifically Eurydice belonging to Hades) in the NY version, and I didn’t like that in the OBC version that it Was more abt the themes. I also felt like it got a little preachy. Like that’s not what I thought the original “If It’s True” was abt yo. I get it fits with the overall theme and message they want to get across, but I don’t think their execution was that Great :\ I also really liked that in the NY version, him just being sad is what moved both Persephone and the Chorus
“Wait For Me (Reprise)” is the same as with “Wait For Me”
intellectual: I’m not saying that the new, stronger themes are bad or anything--like I’ve said, I Loved that they strengthened the themes and made the musical more cohesive overall.
(+): Okay but also I really Love Eurydice singing what Orpheus sang in “Wait For me”
(-): Reeve’s voice is often drowned out and it’s no longer about his and Eurydice’s story as much (it’s in the very first song! “brother, thus, begins the tale of ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE”). I really do think they could have gone about it in a way that highlights Reeve as Orpheus AND keeps with the theme and the message they wanted to get across by including the Chorus. I mean look! Look! Reeve stands off to the side or isn’t singing for like ALMOST THE WHOLE SONG DUDE. he gets 36 measly seconds singing in this song, I timed it. it’s a 3 mins and 12 second song. and most of those seconds are spent singing the song with the chorus (I do not, however, really count the times Hermes is speaking bc those lines are Great and when Eurydice is singing at the end, but Still!). like I said, I’m so glad they have Eurydice singing his song back to him, but I Really Do Think they could have composed it so it was still Orpheus’s song (with Hermes, and Eurydice at the end, keep that of course!), but held those stronger themes.
“Doubt Comes In” ...like at this point, are you even surprised?
intellectual: strong themes. great. okay.
(+): I Loved Eurydice’s part in this, encouraging Orpheus even tho he can’t hear her. I also did love that they added in Orpheus’s thoughts--pique drama, I LOVED it
(-): third verse, same as the first (and second): Reeve just wasn’t featured as much as I would have liked him to be! the Fates get the lines Orpheus used to sing! when Orpheus sang, “where are you? where are you now?” the first time more steady and sing-song-y, the second time more desperate (but still beautiful holy shit Damon Daunno was Amazing) as he starts to go out of his mind,,, i felt that and i’m incredibly disappointed (and angry lbr) that they took those lines away from Orpheus.
not really a point, but this needs its own bullet point: it just does Reeve a huge disservice, bc he’s a Great Orpheus. I Loved his Orpheus, but the fact that he’s taken out of so much of the story he’s the protagonist in detracts severely from his performance, and it’s a damn shame
I did really liked that they made the “la la la” more complicated in “Epic III” and when Persephone and Hades danced, and how it was softer, but I also liked how powerful the “la la la” crescendo as Hermes, Persephone (I believe) and the Chorus joined in along with the instruments was in the NY version so,,, ¯\_( : \ )_/¯
I don’t think they changed any of the lyrics for “Road To Hell (Reprise)” (they added stuff, sure) but it sounded and felt different, and I’m upset that it wasn’t the same as the NY. it’s in this section tho, bc it was still good (think I like the NY version just slightly better, but I do like the OBC version too, but for different reasons)
the change of characters who says/sings lines isn’t my fave, but it’s not bad either and, based on the theme and more cohesive storyline, it makes sense
I’m trying to decide if Patrick Page’s descent from a higher vocal range into a lower one is a stylistic choice, but I don’t feel one particular way about it or another (except for the fact that it didn’t sound like him I questioned if it was at first)...tho the bass drops for “Hey Little Songbird” so maybe it was a stylistic choice and if so, Brilliant! (but it will stay in this spot since I can’t tell if that was intentional)
I’m a little surprised they didn’t give Eurydice her spot light in “Why We Build the Wall” but it’s not like it changes the story much. I think I just liked that she stood out, and with those lyrics, bc it’s dramatic irony--we know her mistake but she doesn’t yet realize that it is a mistake she’s made
“Word to the Wise” it was good. not great. I liked NY version better, but I think I mildly like NY Fates better bc they sang in a very harsh and solid way. like in some parts the OBC Fates do too, but not in the songs where it matters (to me)
the changes made to the Epics. I liked the more story-telling aspect of them, but I also didn’t quite love the changes. but the songs themselves were still p great, so (it’s here, rather in the mixed section) bc I don’t particularly feel as strong one way or another abt the NY Epics compared to the OBC Epics
Once again, I feel like smth is missing from “Word to the Wise” :\ like some kind of instrument to really push it into extraordinary, to hold it up. But the Fates were a little better at being brutal so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess
hard no, babe
that being said, regarding first point in the neutral section, I didn’t like that they took away (even) more of Orpheus’s lines because it then removes (even) more of his voice, when he’s HALF THE FEATURE OF THE STORY. I know it’s really about two love stories (and like I said before, it does strengthen the themes and overall storyline), but the main focus was Orpheus and Eurydice !!!
the sound of the train whistle. mmm, I’ll pass. it’s so dinky. bring back the NY train!
The way Reeve says/sings some of his lines (not all of ‘em tho) could use some work? doesn’t sound great. didn’t love it. idk if it was a stylistic choice on the director’s part or Reeve’s own choices in how he wanted to play Orpheus, but I didn’t agree with them. I think he uses his falsetto a little too much for some lines. And let me tell you, was very afraid they were going to do that three-voice thing (like in the concept album) when Orpheus meets Eurydice. glad they didn’t, but I also didn’t really think they needed it at all
I’m actually uber disappointed they took out the old radio sound for Hermes in “Wait For Me.” I just really liked it man.
ngl, I. was. Heartbroken. when they’d changed the lyrics to Epic III (which is why it’s in this section :\). Esp like I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY CHANGED “where is the man, WITH HIS HAT IN HIS HANDS, who stands in the garden, with nothing to lose” (emphasis mine). like, again, i understand the changes were made to keep with the themes introduced, BUT can you Imagine. holding the whole world in your arms (when Hades gets the girl) compared to holding something so small and insignificant (BEFORE Hades gets the girl). COME ON! it’s like the perfect juxtaposition AND I thought it made Hades much more human AND it still keeps with the themes. (tho I am glad they kept that part at all bc when I realized how much of “Epic III” they changed, I was worried they’d taken that part out too. it’s in this section tho bc the changes are unforgivable overall)
Come Home With Me I and II (Reprise) !!! I’m extremely sad they changed the lyrics so much. Admittedly, I do like the first “Come Home With Me” introducing his song that will bring spring back. But the changes are too unforgivable for me to put it in the mixed section. I really liked Orpheus’s proposal in “Come Home With Me II” in the NY version and that repetition of “say I do, I came all the way just to ask you to” and then the Fates step in and are like, “Mmm, sorry boo, she belongs to Hades now” and the song ending with Eurydice saying “I do” but with a totally different meaning. like okay, the OBC version fits more with the theme, and I’m glad they still kinda included it in “Papers” (I do actually like the way it’s composed in “Papers” if I’m being honest, the “I did. I do.” just,,, hits me) but it’s too unforgivable to put in the mixed section. OH GOD and. esp,,, okay Listen. HOW could they take out “are you always this confident?” // “when I look at you I am” and then later hearing Hades sing, “Orpheus the undersigned SHALL NOT LOOK BEHIND // SHE’S OUT OF SIGHT and he’s out of his mind” LIKE COME ON MAN that was Perfect AND YOU TOOK IT OUT ???
the Fates in their “Way Down Hadestown (Reprise)” I Loved the NY bc they Tore into Eurydice (I love my girl, but that song is a Bop and they are Ruthless). the way they sang, it was harsh and cutting. in the OBCR...not so much. It’s too sing-songy and embellished (is the best way I can explain it), and I was disappointed bc it was one of my fave songs in the NY version. not to mention, I Did Not Like Eurydice’s lyric changes. and I know that it strengthens the themes, and I did actually like that they showed Eurydice losing herself as she worked (esp bc it adds more to “Flowers” and again strengthens the thread linking the songs), but I disliked it as a whole enough that it can’t be saved to be moved into the mixed section
OH NO I. CANNOT. BELIEVE. THEY CHANGED “YOU’RE EARLY” // “I MISSED YOU” TO “IT’S YOU” // “IT’S ME” // “ORPHEUS” // “EURYDICE” FUCK YOUR THEMES but for real, I think keeping “you’re early” // “I missed you” would’ve have kept with the theme way more than what they changed it to bc 1) they’re referencing smth the two litchrally just said to each other. and 2) THAT’S WHAT PERSEPHONE AND HADES SAID TO EACH OTHER WHEN HE CAME TO GET HER FROM HADESTOWN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW. it’s a theme that’s introduced in the beginning of the musical--“it’s a tale from long ago”--bc Persephone and Hades’s relationship was SUPPOSED to mirror Orpheus and Eurydice right? there’s the fact that Orpheus’s song is what Hades heard long ago like ??? a HUGE Point of Orpheus and Eurydice’s love story was to remind Persephone and Hades about the love they shared when they first met (“wait for me?” // “I will”). and gosh darn it, it still would’ve fit the themes if they had stuck with “you’re early” // “I missed you” bc of that!
SPEAKING OF I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY TOOK OUT PERSEPHONE’S LYRICS IN “CHANT (REPRISE)” LIKE WHAT like it worked so well !!! (esp bc I’ve read reviews of the show, with Hades and Persephone circling Orpheus and Eurydice as they’re dueling and switching the direction they walk when the chorus makes that “kch” noise like poetictheater.jpeg) it was such a good juxtaposition between what Hades thinks Persephone wants and what Persephone actually wants (I do like that “Chant (Reprise)” is more complicated composition-wise, but not enough to move it into the mixed section). ALSO “He said we’d build ‘em up // And then the walls would set us free” // “Is it true, what he said?” // “He said we’d soldier on // And then the war would bring us peace.” I thought that got across the message quite well in the NY version, esp since they were echoing Orpheus’s “if it’s true.” they’re also just Great lines and I Cannot Believe they took them out
I’m a HOE for singing in the round, and the beauty of Orpheus’s “la la la la” joined in by the chorus in “Wait For Me” got me like. OKAY AND THE LYRIC ADDITIONS I LITERALLY CANNOT IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL AND POETIC AND GOOD WHEN ORPHEUS SANG “I HEAR THE ROCKS AND STONE, ECHOING MY SONG, I’M COMING”
I mean,,, how can you Not like “Our Lady of the Underground.” I also really enjoyed the more jazzy feel. Like it was already jazzy, but it’s even more jazzy in this version, to me
if you couldn’t tell, I loved Reeve and his Orpheus
“Papers” is Great and idk why but I Love “everything and everyone in Hadestown, I own.”
oh shit dude, Orpheus’s song being something from long ago that he like picked up on bc Greek mythology be like that and then HADES RECOGNIZING THE SONG. THAT. WAS. BRILLIANT.
“Flowers” felt like it fit much better in this version, with the themes being stronger and all that. also could actually hear it clearly, so that could be why bc I’m pretty sure they didn’t change a single lyric lol. still Loved it
the lyric additions to “Wait For Me” I’M SCREAM SO GOOD (even tho I’ve mentioned this before lmao)
“How Long” was. so. good. I just really enjoyed the exchange between Persephone and Hades in this song
“Oh, it’s about me?” that made me laugh out loud. Oh god Also the repetition of lyrics in “All I’ve Ever Known” in “Epic III” to show that Orpheus and Eurydice’s love mirrors Persephone and Hades’s? poetictheater.jpeg
“Promises” omg. I actually liked this one better than NY “Promises” sorry not sorry. don’t get me wrong, Eurydice has every right to tell Orpheus off since he made all those promises he couldn’t keep in the NY “Promises” but in OBC “Promises” it feels more mutual. it feels softer. rather than Eurydice going, “you done messed up A-A-Ron” it’s more like Orpheus going, “I done fucked up and I’m sorry.” Orpheus is more self-aware and I liked that.
dudes, I’m extremely happy they added Eurydice back in for “We Raise Our Cups” it really rounds everything out. And it’s just a really good epilogue song. (I’m curious to see if Reeve is out on stage for this or if he stays backstage)
Final thoughts: the stronger themes were Great. don’t get me wrong. okay. I liked that about this version. but I feel like by trying to be too In With The Times(TM) they lost some of the heart of the story, which ultimately detracted from Reeve’s performance as Orpheus.
sometimes I really think a story can be just a story about two people (or two love stories), and the themes and messages will find their way in naturally. it doesn’t need to be this big thing about everyone all of a sudden. at the very least, bc it’s obvious the themes and messages are stronger in the OBC version, it does take some work and planning, but I felt like they were trying just a tad too hard and ended up being too heavy-handed.
I thought the themes and message they were originally trying to get across got across just find in the NY composition (specifically for “Wait For Me (Reprise)” bc the themes are definitely stronger throughout the overall musical in the OBCR composition)
now, I’m not saying don’t include messages in your art, that’s what art is for! But I think they could have either kept it about how it was in the NY version, because there were still messages (just a little more lucid and not as strong) OR they could have composed it some way that kept the stronger themes and messages AND kept the importance and presence of Orpheus’s role, and Orpheus and Eurydice’s story.
for me, Orpheus, esp OBC and Reeve’s Orpheus, doesn’t strike me as the guy to start a revolution and lead the Chorus thru hell. Like when the Fates say, “who are you to think that you can hold your head up higher than your fellow man?” I honestly get confused bc,,, he... doesn’t think that though? He just loves Eurydice and wants to save her from Hadestown. and maybe that’s actually the point? that Orpheus wasn’t ready for the pressure suddenly put on him to not just lead Eurydice out but also all of Hades’s workers, so doubt came in. but then what was with “If It’s True?” which, as I said, did start to sound pretty preachy? not to mention, the one time their themes and messages aren’t clear
anyway, long story long, the way I see Orpheus is his voice just does That. it doesn’t have to have some secret, overarching message for his songs to influence and move people. in the original “If It’s True” he sang about his loss and it was emotional enough to move Hades’s workers. to me Orpheus’s gift, his music, his voice is about emotion. and I think of Coco in that respect: “de la Cruz was a nobody, but when he sang, people listened” paired with, “I didn’t write it for the world, I wrote it for Coco” yet “Remember Me” (and all his songs) still resonated and moved people
so anyway, here’s my Hadestown hot take: Reeve wasn’t nominated for a Tony because the new composition underutilized him as Orpheus
no i don’t take criticism
#hadestown#obc hadestown#obcr hadestown#nytw hadestown#long post#i had so much to say#cheep cheep cheep#washingdad reviews
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(PT 2 of 2). I also wanted to say that, unfortunately, my Netflix account is going to be cancelled soon, so I can't watch all of Merlin. Can you recommend any must-see episodes?
Ugh, for real? That sucks, Queenie, I’m sorry. (I mean, I get it, things like Netflix are luxuries, but luxuries are nice to have around, and it’s tough to lose one, and I’m sorry that you have to.) To tell the truth, I really,,,,, don’t know if separate episodes can really stand on their own? I mean, don’t get me wrong, a solid ninety percent of the episodes are great, and absolutely worth the watch, but they all feel ((at least to me. maybe I’m alone in this)) like just scattered pieces of a whole until you put them all together into the series. But I think I can rustle up a solid handful that’ll still give you a good feel for the show as a whole ((and help you decide whether you want to continue it when you can - this series really isn’t for everyone.))
1x13: Le Morte D’Arthur: The entirety of S1 is really Merlin at its absolute best--smooth, believable dialogue, excellent comedic timing, wonderful plot structure, characterizations that are just to die for--but let’s be honest, this one, the S1 finale, is the one that takes my breath away. Colin Morgan and Anthony Head are both superb in their respective roles as the titular character and the hotheaded, short-sighted King Uther, and this episode is where they both just shine. Bradley James (Arthur) doesn’t receive a whole lot of screentime in this one, unfortunately, but there’s no denying he’s the center of the episode, and the moments we do get to see him, he’s just as incredible as the other two. The scenery is gorgeous, the worldbuilding is fantastic, and the emotion, oh, the emotion. Colin Morgan delivers some of his absolute rawest lines in this one. He knows when to play up the rage, the grief, the terror, and--I don’t say this lightly, but it’s really nothing short of flawless. Also, I’m in love with the villain. Her name is Nimeuh. I’m going to marry her someday. I am in love with that woman. she’s beautiful.
2x01: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan: This one is nothing on Le Morte D’Arthur in terms of plot, dialogue, or emotion, but damn if it isn’t the funniest fucking episode in the entire series. It’s essentially just a fun romp. The villain is so Obviously Evil, and of course no one else in Camelot SEES that he’s evil except Merlin. And Merlin??????? a petty, jealous bitch?????? yes absolutely. oh my god this one is just hilarious you would not believe.
2x08: The Sins of the Father: Finally, an episode where we get to see the true depth of Bradley James’ talent!! Really, his performance sells the entire episode in and of itself, but this one’s got plenty more to recommend it as well. Anthony Head returns as brilliant as ever, of course, and we get introduced to yet another incredible villain. Nowhere near as fleshed-out as Nimeuh, but this lady’s definitely got spunk, and she’s just fun to watch overall. Merlin’s warring loyalties are put into conflict yet again, Arthur gives his asshole father the call-out of the century, honestly, what more could you want? And we get to see a much softer side of Arthur as well, one that almost never reappears again - which is a real shame, by the way, considering how well Bradley James does strong emotions.
2x09: The Lady of the Lake: okay this one. this one does. it doesn’t. it doesn’t need to be on the list. it really doesn’t. but Merlin gets a ladylove and it’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL and everyone can shut their mouths. the girl he falls for?? 10/10. would die for her. she is beautiful and sweet and amazing and she dOES NOT DESERVE ALL THE PAIN SHE HAS SUFFERED I LOVE HER. I WOULD TAKE A BULLET FOR HER.
2x13: The Last Dragonlord: ahhh here we go!! This one’s the one. This one’s where it’s at. This episode has absolutely everything I initially started watching Merlin for - knights, dragons, sword fights, branches of magic no other fantasy series has yet explored, and to top it all off, Colin Morgan AGAIN goes above and beyond in his performance. I am convinced there’s nothing this man can’t do anymore. i would fight and die for the last dragonlord. both the episode and the dragonlord himself.
3x04: Gwaine: if you take nothing else away from this series, then for fuck’s sake, remember that Gwaine is, objectively speaking, beautiful. honestly. what a bastard. what a gorgeous, gorgeous bastard.
4x01 (and 4x02): The Darkest Hour: honestly incredible. i weep. the knights are such bros and look, Arthur has feelings, and hE’S GOT A SMARMY-ASS UNCLE NNNN I HATE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I HATE HIM HIS NAME IS LORD FUCKING AGRAVAINE AND I WILL HATE HIM UNTIL MY DYING DAY and Merlin gets whumped!! excellent, perfect, 10/10. three cheers for Merlin whump.
4x03: The Wicked Day: ohhhh gosh just a whole bundle of emotions here. Merlin is trying his best. Arthur deserves better. Gaius watches with a raise of his infamous eyebrow. Everything goes to hell. Merlin still tries his best. that’s it. that’s the whole show.
4x04: Aithusa: I SWEAR IM NOT GOING TO RECOMMEND EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF S4 ((well maybe I am but that is because S4 is amazing and i am a GARBAGE HEAP.)) THERE ARE JUST. A LOT OF GOOD ONES. RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING. ghjhyghgb okay this one is just??? really good in general?? More dragons!! More knights being bros!!! And some serious character development on Merlin’s part like holy hell I don’t remember him having em that big in S3. this dude is getting what he wants and that is Just That.
4x06: Servant of Two Masters: okay let’s be real this one has a super intense start - in the first three minutes, Merlin is given a fatal wound, with a fucking MACE, no less - but honestly, at about the fifteen-minute mark, it just?? turns into comedy gold??? Merlin Emrys’ entire existence is a power move for forty straight minutes. he is Salty. he is Sassy. he is an absolute, stone-cold, unforgiving bitch. he takes no one’s shit. he will come for you and your family, and probably your hopes and dreams, too. he will stop at nothing. It’s somehow funnier when you stop and think about how genuinely sweet he usually is. this is just the most complete and comedic turnaround, and I love it.
4x12 (and 4x13): The Sword in the Stone: HERE’S where the myth and the series really start to collide. congratulations, only took 4 entire seasons. still kind of irritates me that the sword in the stone is Excalibur. what can you do. a lot of retellings condense. understandable but annoying as all hell. Arthur’s character arc comes to an admittedly unsatisfying end, but Tristan and Isolde make a cursory appearance, so that’s something I wasn’t expecting. Also, Merlin’s S4 character arc comes to an AMAZING head like wtf. we did not deserve that. Merlin Emrys is chaotic and vengeful.
5x03: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon: listen,,,,,, listen,,,,,,, this one serves Literally No Purpose and Does Not Need to be on here. it doesn’t advance the plot. it doesn’t build toward anything whatsoever. it’s just really fucking hilarious. it’s Arthur and Merlin being bros. Uther is his usual bastard self. Gwen is beautiful and we do not deserve her. Sir Leon makes an appearance and is very confused. Sir Leon is extremely relatable.
5x05: The Disir: Admittedly not my favorite, just??? not my favorite. But it really does take Merlin’s character in an absolutely stunning direction that still blows me away to this day, and it’s worth the watch just for that alone. Very dark episode though, very sad. Kind of has a “hopeless” vibe going tbh so. (May need to watch 1x08, The Beginning of the End, to get a bit of backstory for this one.)
5x08: The Hollow Queen: YOU WILL PRY THIS ONE FROM MY COLD DEAD FINGERS IT SERVES NO PURPOSE IT ADDS NOTHING TO THE PLOT BUT MERLIN GETS WHUMPED SO MUCH??? EMOTIONAL. PHYSICAL. IT’S ALL HERE. HE SUFFERS SO MUCH. IT’S GREAT. IT’S INCREDIBLE. maybe watch the two before it ((The Dark Tower and A Lesson in Vengeance)) before, though, because it’s kind of hard to understand unless you’ve got backstory lmao.
5x10: The Kindness of Strangers: More Merlin whump on every side, but this one also gives us our first (and only) look into Merlin’s position in the magical community? We don’t get to see him interact with people like him a whole lot over the course of the series, and who he actually is, what he represents, to his kind as a whole, is often left very fuzzy. There’s just a lot of confusion surrounding it, and this episode goes a pretty long way toward clearing that up.
And of course the series finale should be on here, but ehh. not that great tbh. really dropped the ball if we’re being honest. SO. those are. all of them. not really going to give you a sense of the full scope of the series dfhffgfdfgb probably just going to confuse the hell out of you and give you a sudden, insatiable thirst for Merlin whump ((which I can sate w/ fic recs. do you want fic recs. I’ve got fic recs. so many authors love to torment this man.)
ANYWAY THOUGH. I hope this helped!!
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I am so, so pissed. The WiFi threw a tantrum and I couldn’t upload this on Halloween, and it’s still not letting me upload on AO3. So here, have this one shot that’s 5k words about my fav children and let me feel at peace.
The Art Of Happy Endings (whenjoshisjoseph)
Rated T.
Summary: Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima attend UA, a prestigious music school. Bakugou has a crush on Kirishima and vice versa, and the same is true about Todoroki and Midoriya crushing on each other.
Simple enough, right?
Wrong, because all of them are also a vigilante team that work together without knowing who the others are, and it stops them from pursuing relationships
.Until Shigaraki hatches his evil plot, that is.
full fic below the cut!! expect the italics doesn’t work :/
Midoriya recognises the song before Todoroki even starts to play, simply by looking at the way his slender fingers are poised. However, he still feels a rush of pride when Todoroki does indeed, begin with the opening note of Chopin’s Waltz in A Minor.
And of course Midoriya would know it; how could he not? It’s the first song he’d ever heard the other play, as well as the first song they’d played together. Part of him wishes that he could be on stage with him, accompanying Todoroki’s piano with his own violin. Then again, he’s content to watch from his special spot backstage, flowers hidden behind him.
Because this is the moment, the perfect opportunity: tonight, after the recital is over, and Todoroki is still on a high from his stunning performance (there’s no chance that his performance will be anything less than stunning), Midoriya will present Todoroki with the bouquet of red roses that he’s oh-so-carefully picked out, and with the roses, present his feelings too.
If he’s honest, it’s slightly daunting to think about, but it’s time. His best friend must know.
The gorgeous sound of Todoroki’s playing resonates within the concert hall, and the audience hold their collective breaths at the sheer beauty of his performance. Every trill and swift note vibrates throughout the space, and Midoriya, much like the rest of the audience, is transfixed.
But the sound is only half of Todoroki’s allure, and Midoriya unabashedly stares at the man as he plays. A single strand comes loose from the tight ponytail Todoroki’s hair is in, the colour matching the shade of roses that Midoriya holds. His chin is held high in the perfect pose to catch the light, and his heterochromatic eyes closely follow the notes he plays, building to a mesmerising crescendo.
Todoroki himself is, without a doubt, easily as entrancing as the song he plays.
Just before the piece finishes, though, a rough hand grabs at Midoriya’s shoulder, and he swivels in shock. Bakugou stands in front of him, gesturing for him to follow.
“K-kacchan?” he whispers, dreading what the blonde may be about to tell him.
“We gotta go; it happened,” Bakugou replies gruffly, sparing a glance at Todoroki, then at the flowers in Midoriya’s hands. His gaze softens a little.
“P-please,” Midoriya says quietly, voice beginning to tremble, eyes starting to water. God, but he’s so weak, he thinks to himself. “Not now, not now, anytime but now.”
This isn’t only the perfect chance to confess to Todoroki; it’s also his last, because Todoroki’s father has demanded he train internationally, and Todoroki has acquiesced to his father’s request. After this recital, Todoroki will be packing his bags and heading to the airport.
(The thought of it just further threatens the tears in Midoriya’s eyes to spill over.)
Bakugou steps forwards and ruffles Midoriya’s hair in sympathy.
“I know what it means to you, Deku, but there’s no waiting. It’s a shitty situation, but we gotta work with what we got. We have to be there. Now.”
And as much as it breaks his heart, Bakugou’s right; this is dire, and he has to put others above himself.
He allows himself one last glance at what could’ve been before he turns and rushes away with Bakugou, just as Todoroki skims the wings with his eyes for Midoriya, looking for support. When he realises that the person he perhaps cares about most in the world has stood him up, he steels his expression and begins Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2, the opening notes played with a dissonant detachment that does not fit the mood of the song at all.
The roses lay on the floor, forgotten, and a single petal falls from what was the freshest flower of them all.
The term vigilante is a little harsh, and the term villain is in a league of its own in terms of guess again, shitty ignorant civilian.
Bakugou prefers to be called a hero, please and fucking thank you, but it’s at times like this where he could maybe understand why some people disapprove of his team.
“Dude, calm down!” Red Riot pleads, holding Bakugou back lest he explode yet another rusty satellite. The friendly words juxtapose the strangely modulated voice that Red Riot’s chosen (they all wear voice modulators for the sake of protecting their real-life identities, although they all know that ‘Ground Zero’ and ‘Small Might’ know each other in real life. And no, Deku doesn’t sound any less annoying with his voice modulated).
“But Shouto’s fucking late as usual, and I’m pissed,” he growls in return, but allows himself to go limp in the hero’s grasp. There’s only one other person who can get him to calm down like this, and it’s not shitty Deku.
He glances over to Deku, or ‘Small Might’, as is his hero name, and notices the pain that flashes in his eyes at the mention of that name. It’s a bitchy coincidence, really, that Deku’s crush and his sidekick should have the same name. After tonight, it’s going to be a lot more difficult for him to face his emotions, and Bakugou once again curses the villains and their dumb-as-shit timing for hurting his nerdy ass friend like that.
No matter, though. Tonight, they’re going to take them down once and for all. Well, that is if the lame hero who calls himself ‘Shouto’ would fucking appear already.
As if spurred on by Bakugou’s grumbling, the tall man lands on the roof in an elegant crouch, straightening up and striding over to the other three in his team. His face is covered in an ornate mask that seems to be composed of half ice and half fire, like his ‘ability’, but Shouto had once explained that he’d had it made from Kevlar material to mimic the textures. Ever since, Bakugou can’t help but tease him about being a rich kid. And damn right, too. The hood that covers Shouto’s hair and the costume that cover his body are both made from freaking expensive material, and Bakugou can’t help but wonder what the fuck the guy must do in his free time to be able to afford such high quality. Not that he cares. Bakugou’s outfit is still the best.
“Fucking finally!” Bakugou exclaims, and Red Riot laughs. He turns to glare at him. “What’s so funny, Shitty Hair?”
(It’s true; the dumbass has his hair styled in some weird spiky style that really doesn’t flatter him. Not that he thinks that he’s attractive anyway. Because he doesn’t.)
“Nothing, nothing, just happy that the whole team has assembled,” Red Riot replies, grinning profusely. Deku, however, doesn’t seem to share his energy.
“Small Might, is something bothering you?” Shouto asks immediately, and Bakugou is tempted to tell Shouto that his gay is showing. But the last time he did that, the hero had burst into flames, and he’s not to keen to see that shit again.
“Personal life,” Deku mumbles, but perks up (honestly, can’t he make up his mind? Bakugou doesn’t know which one the shitty nerd is more head over heels for: his posh ass piano friend, or his posh ass hero friend). Shouto smiles sadly.
“Tell me about it,” he mutters. Red Riot, like that massive puppy dog he is, senses the morale lowering, and inserts his bright personality smack in the middle of the gay shit going on between the other two heroes. Bakugou breathes a sigh of relief.
“Don’t worry, guys; tonight’s the night we finally nail the bad guys!” he says enthusiastically. Bakugou snorts, and Red Riot flushes. “You know what I mean, bro, don’t make this weird.” Bakugou is about to reply when Shouto cuts in:
“Everyone know what they’re doing?” He looks pointedly at Bakugou as he speaks.
“Hah?” Bakugou sneers. “What you looking at me for, half n’ half? Wanna fight?” Todoroki raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I do ‘wanna fight’. To elaborate, I would very much like to fight the villains, Ground Zero, but of course, we can also wait until after I’ve knocked you down a notch or two.”
“Okay, okay, let’s all just…concentrate, right? This is our chance to take down the league once and for all, you know!” Deku tries to persuade, and Shouto simply nods, all glimmer of snarkiness gone from his eyes.
Liking someone can do that to you, it appears, and Shouto is all too obvious about how much he has fallen for Deku (although the stupid shitty nerd doesn’t realise it).
Bakugou shares a look with Red Riot, who has as much insight as he does, and rolls his eyes.
“Let’s go, already,” Bakugou announces, cracking his knuckles as he steps up to the edge of the roof. “We’ve got some villains to take down.”
And with that, he steps off the edge, all geared up to kick ass.
The mission yesterday had been a success. Well, duh, Bakugou had freaking smashed those weird ass freaks.
(The others were admittedly cool too, though he’d never let them know that he thinks that).
Bakugou tries not to dwell on the fact that the leader was the only member they weren’t able to apprehend (the man had yelled something to Deku about revenge as he’d ran, and god if that wasn’t so fucking cliché). But what’s a single guy gonna do by himself anyway? It’d been his underlings who’d been the real threat. Then again, Shigaraki had gotten pretty far alone before he’d recruited new members, so Bakugou thinks that he should maybe get together with the other three to see if they can track him down or some shit.
He goes from the fifth bar again, playing double time just because he can. The regular tempo’s too chill for him anyway, and drumming is meant to relieve his stress, so he can do what he fucking likes. The ride symbol harmonises perfectly with the hi-hat that he hits with his right hand (crossed underneath his left, because it’s easier like that).
Now this is real music, not whatever nerdy music Deku’s always playing with his half n’ half crush. As if some dusty uptight piece would ever beat simple, free sound. But the music school they go to offers both, so Deku can do as he likes; it’s none of Bakugou’s concern.
“Bakubro?” A voice pulls him out of his thoughts, and Bakugou comes to an abrupt halt to look up across the dimly lit practice room at his best friend. The streetlamps outside inform him that it’s after sunset, but as far as he’s aware, he’s got some time off from hero-ing tonight.
“Yeah?” he grunts, lifting himself off the seat and strolling over to where Kirishima is sat, acoustic guitar in hand. “Hold up; what’ve you got an acoustic for?”
Because Kirishima Eijirou, his best friend (and okay yes, goddamn crush too, who cares anymore?), plays the electric guitar. Although that’s sort of an understatement, he supposes. Kirishima doesn’t just play the guitar, he absolutely shreds it; his talent is unrivalled by the rest of the school.
When Bakugou had first met the cheery boy with straight, limp hair and a whole load of insecurity, he’d never expected him to be quite so…awesome.
But in the two years that he’s known him, Bakugou has never, ever seen Kirishima pick up an acoustic guitar. That’s always been something Kirishima keeps to himself; he has to practice with it, but he doesn’t do so when Bakugou is present.
“I,” Kirishima begins, taking in a deep breath. “I sorta feel like the acoustic guitar is my private self so I’ve never shown you what I can do with it, and I know it’s stupid-”
“For fuck’s sake, dumbass, it’s not stupid. Okay? You don’t have to feel pressured to-”
“No, no, no!” Kirishima hurriedly refutes, before slowing down. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just- I’ve been working on something for you, a cover, and I thought maybe you might wanna see it?”
Kirishima smiles at him so dazzlingly that Bakugou can hardly hold his gaze.
“Well, if it’s for me, you gotta fucking show it to me, dumbass. So yeah, let’s hear it.”
Bakugou sits down beside Kirishima and looks at him expectantly, so the other boy starts to strum.
It’s…it’s really good. It’s as if Bakugou is experiencing another side of Kirishima, something softer, something more personal, and the way his rough fingers gently pluck the opening of ‘Wake Me Up’ by Avicci hits Bakugou straight in the chest. But he’s not even remotely prepared for what Kirishima does next.
“What’re you all sad about?” Uraraka greets Midoriya, setting her tray down opposite him. It’s past ten in the night, but the school is still open and the cafeteria is all Midoriya’s. Well, his and Uraraka’s now. Uraraka is in the same class as Todoroki and himself, and plays the flute so brilliantly that the music practically floats about in the space. She’s also his best friend, and knows him almost inside out.
Note the almost.
Midoriya looks at her pointedly, but she doesn’t relent.
“What? Did the night end too soon?” she giggles, offering him a wink. He blinks at her in confusion.
They stare at each other for a moment, before Uraraka continues, slowly:
“Okay, so let me get this straight: when Todoroki rushed out of the recital early last night without even finishing the last song, and spread an announcement through the media covering the concert that his father could go to hell and that he was staying right where he was, that wasn’t all…for you?”
Midoriya spits out his noodles.
“Wait, what?!”
“He was especially off after he finished Waltz in A Minor. That Nocturne was just…wrong,” Uraraka muses, oblivious, until she catches Midoriya’s expression. “What, you didn’t know?”
It seems that the term ‘what’ is commonly used in their conversations. Or at least in this one. But before Midoriya can even process the fact that Todoroki isn’t gone, and he has another chance, let alone launch into the whole ‘I got him roses but I had to leave early so the whole thing flopped’ story, Todoroki walks into the dining hall.
And as soon as he glimpses Midoriya, he turns on his heels and walks straight back out again.
“Wait, Todoroki!” Midoriya yells, scrambling to his feet. He glances apologetically at Uraraka who waves him off, and then runs after the taller boy. It’s like Todoroki’s some sort of mirage or something, the way that he’s only seen around the corner and never close enough, but Midoriya finally catches up to him on the steps outside the large entrance to their school.
Said person stiffens, but stops.
“Midoriya.” The words are cold and detached, and they send an unpleasant shiver down Midoriya’s spine. Nevertheless, he runs down the steps so that he’s facing Todoroki.
“Listen, about last night-”
“Don’t. I get it; I’m not worth your time. You’ve had enough of pretending to be my friend, so you didn’t bother to show up.”
“No, I was there! I…I left after the Waltz,” Midoriya tries to explain, but Todoroki isn’t even meeting his eyes.
“Isn’t that convenient? I looked for you after that very song,” Todoroki says, chuckling humourlessly. “Stop lying to me, okay? You can’t redeem yourself, and you don’t need to. We’re clearly not meant to be friends.”
Tears fill Midoriya’s eyes, and Todoroki has the decency to look guilty for a second or two. This can’t be happening, not after everything he’s already done. Midoriya lets go of his inhibitions.
“I was there for you! I was there, listening to your music and watching the way the shortest strand of your hair come loose like it always does!” Midoriya shouts, the tears spilling over at last. “More than that, I was there with red roses behind my back that I could give to you after the concert was over because surprise, surprise, I’ve fallen for you! I really, really like you, and I would never stand you up.”
Todoroki steps closer, a dangerous fire in his eyes.
“Who told you? Who told you that I…used to like you? Was it my father?”
“I…no! A-and…used to?” Midoriya manages to say. Todoroki nods, glare so livid that Midoriya thinks he may be paralysed.
“Yes, used to. Up until yesterday. Because I can’t bring myself to like someone who stands me up and then lies about it. Leave early? Really? Why? Was it a matter of life and death that you couldn’t have stayed just a little longer for me? I think not. You liar-”
“I’m not-”
“Shut up!” Todoroki roars, the loudest Midoriya’s ever heard him, and he flinches. Even Todoroki realises he’s gone too far, and almost reaches out for him, as if to console him like he usually would. But he controls himself this time. “Just…shut up,” he says quietly, walking down the stairs and away from Midoriya, who stands there for a few minutes, frozen, before breaking down. He doesn’t know how long he weeps for, out in public, before something buzzes in his pocket; his phone.
Unknown number
I’ve found you, finally
Who is this? you may ask
I’ll give you a hint
But sshh
Don’t tell anyone
Come alone to the address attached
Cos I’ve got Shouto and you reallllly don’t want me to hurt him
Be there ASAP
Midoriya reads the texts three, four times. He’s just lost Todoroki, and now, Shouto’s gone too. Kidnapped. Unless he walks into a trap for him. How the hell is a person meant to withstand this? But he’s not just Izuku, he’s Small Might, too. And he knows who to go to.
His conviction doesn’t stop the tears, though.
(He wonders if anything will ever stop the tears).
“Feel my way through the darkness,” Kirishima sings, almost whispering, so shy and unsure in his own ability, that Bakugou wants to yell at him that he sounds like an angel. Since when has Kirishima been able to sing? And where did he learn to sing like that? Bakugou recalls that Kirishima is doing this for him, and something begins to click into place. “guided by a beating heart. I can’t tell when the journey will end, but I know where to start.”
And Bakugou can’t help it; he joins in. He misses a line, before singing, falteringly:
“’Say I’m caught up in a dream...”
Their voices are low, hesitant, and so fragile together that even the slightest wrong movement could shatter them. But this is something they could build on. Bakugou understands now, and the moment is perfect; he wants nothing more but than to make this, the way he feels, the way Kirishima looks at him, to last for an eternity.
Which is exactly why the universe has to cut it short. The shitty nerd slams the door open, face tear-soaked. Kirishima instantly stops playing and nearly drops the guitar in surprise. But Deku is fixed on Bakugou.
“Kacchan,” he chokes out, voice cracking, “I need your help.”
And Bakugou wants to say no, wants to close the door in the nerd’s face and pretend that he and Kirishima are alone, completely alone with no-one else but themselves.
He can’t do that, though, because if there’s anything he’s learned from his shared history with Deku is that Deku is not a foe; he’s a friend. A fucking good one at that, and damn but Bakugou’s gone soft because he can’t just say no to his oldest friend anymore. And judging by the tears, it’s probably got something to with someone he cares about.
Bakugou knows how that feels.
“I’ve gotta go with him,” Bakugou mutters to Kirishima, and it breaks him to hear how much it sounds like a rejection.
“Yeah, cool; I’ll be packing up and heading home now, I guess. See you tomorrow?” Kirishima replies with forced cheeriness.
Bakugou simply nods before grabbing Deku and stomping out of the room. He turns to confront his short friend.
“Now fucking what?”
“H-he, he’s got S-Shouto, and, um, he left me, uh,” Deku stutters between tears, “a t-threat. He I have to c-come alone or he’ll, he’ll…” But he doesn’t get anymore out before he openly starts sobbing.
Bakugou sighs and pulls the nerd into a hug.
“You go after him,” Bakugou commands quietly, “but attach the comms unit and take the signal locator so Red Riot and I can follow you there. We’ll be there in half an hour to give you some time to assess the situation.” He pulls Deku back slightly so he can look him properly. “Don’t do anything stupid, don’t fall into any dumbass traps, and don’t you fucking worry; we’re going to get him back for you. Got it?”
Deku sniffles, but nods, eyes taking on a determined glimmer.
“Got it.”
And then he’s off sprinting down the hallway, and Bakugou pulls out his device, sending an emergency signal to Red Riot. But there’s one thing he’s gotta do before he join the redheaded hero:
He’s gotta stop at Kirishima’s house and sort their mess of a relationship out, because he never wants to see the guy he’s half in love with fake anything towards him again.
He wants Kirishima to be genuinely happy, for as long as humanely possible.
Todoroki sits uncomfortably, blindfolded, and hates himself.
He hates himself for overreacting. He hates himself for making the one he loves cry. He hates himself because he can’t stop loving him. But most of all, he hates himself because the whole situation distracted him so much that Shigaraki was able to kidnap him. And even if a future with Midoriya is gone, he could’ve maybe had something with Small Might. But Small Might is inevitably going to end up hurt if he comes after Todoroki alone like he’s meant to. Todoroki only hopes that he at least consulta Ground Zero first. As rash as the hero is, Small Might and Ground Zero know each other in person, so there has to be some sort of backup Ground Zero can offer.
“Oh, Shouto; I can scare you, you know,” the deluded villain taunts. Todoroki grits his teeth.
“As if.” Physical pain is nothing to him.
“Hmm, but I know who you are, who you really are, and I’m sure if I revealed your true self to, say, Small Might, for instance, he’d somewhat recognise your face from the media. Your cover is blown.”
Todoroki’s blood runs cold. Of course, being him, the son of the musician Endeavour, most people in the city know his face, his voice, and even his hair, which is why he so completely covers himself up with his costume. Small Might would instantly recognise him. All the…the stereotypes and the rumours about Todoroki would cloud Small Might’s judgement.
He’d lose the special connection they had.
“You’re bluffing,” Todoroki growls. Shigaraki laughs.
“Are you sure about that? Only, that was an awfully long pause…Todoroki.”
“Now,” the villain continues. “Do you think I can scare you?”
No reply. The villain snarls and repeats his line.
“Do you think I can scare you, Shouto?”
“What does it matter? There’s nothing wrong with being scared if you can be incredible anyway!” The voice belongs to neither himself or Shigaraki. Todoroki would recognise that modulated sound anywhere: it’s Small Might.
“Small Might, don’t! Don’t come any closer!” Todoroki pleads, but it seems that Small Might isn’t going to listen, because the sounds of heavy steel boots get louder. And it’s selfish, he knows; he’s primarily trying to stop the other hero from finding out that he is a Todoroki. But his concern isn’t just for himself – he has to keep Small Might safe, too.
The echoing sound of multiple guns resonates throughout the space, and Shigaraki pulls Todoroki’s blindfold off. The hero is faced with a grotesque, peeling face, before Shigaraki steps away and says, gleefully:
“Behold, my two henchmen!” Either side of Small Might appear two men holding guns at point blank range to the hero. Shigaraki reveals his own gun and aims it at Small Might, so that the only way he can go is backwards. “Oh, it was a struggle to get anyone so short notice, but these two kind men took my limited money and accepted the job! So now, Small Might, you have a choice: flee, and live, or try to protect your dear hero friend, and die.”
“I’m not leaving.”
Shigaraki laughs, louder this time.
“But of course not; you’re a hero!” He turns to Todoroki. “So really, the choice is yours, Shouto; reveal your identity to Small Might, and allow him to live, or refuse to, and be the cause of his death.”
The air is silent for a short while, before Todoroki manages, shakily:
“My hood and mask. Take it off.”
There really isn’t a choice, and Todoroki only prays that Small Might will accept him for who he really is, and not confine him to the Todoroki Shouto that the public knows.
“Why, certainly, Your Highness,” Shigaraki quips childishly, stepping up to Todoroki again. “Brace yourself.”
And with that, he whips the mask off and shoves the hood back. Before the villain can even announce his real name, Small Might blurts:
Shigaraki grins, and Todoroki feels like he may possibly throw up.
“Oh, who was I kidding, of course Small Might would recognise you! You see, I also know who Small Might truly is, and you two…well, I’ll let your eyes speak for themselves.” He pushes the gun into Todoroki’s temple harshly, and turns to Small Might. “Mask, off, or I shoot him.”
And it’s the same situation, except Small Might doesn’t even hesitate for a second. The green material flops onto the floor, and the sight he sees knocks the air out of his lungs. It can’t be.
Izuku Midoriya is stood before him.
And this is the worst time to think back to yesterday, and to think back to how Midoriya said he had to leave early. Was it a matter of life and death? Todoroki had asked. And now it all makes sense.
The tears spill before he even realises he’s going to cry.
Bakugou hadn’t accounted for traffic. He’s now only got ten minutes left before he’s got to be with Deku, which is why he barges into Kirishima’s room without knocking. Kirishima’s parents had let him in, and Bakugou doesn’t have a second to waste.
But none of that prepares him for finding Red Riot in Kirishima’s room.
Kirishima steps out of the bathroom in his full Red Riot outfit. He’d gotten an alert from Ground Zero about twenty minutes ago, and it takes him at least five minutes to get his hair set, so he’d responded immediately.
(And he wants to see Ground Zero as soon as possible, too; is that really such a bad thing?)
But now he has to explain why he’s dressed like this to Bakugou, his year-long crush, and he really doesn’t know what to say.
“…Red Riot?”
Okay, so Bakugou’s heard of him. Maybe he can spin this to his favour.
“Yup, that’s me!” he starts fully intending to pretend that ‘Kirishima is out and we’re friends, haha’, but then realises he’s yet to put his voice modulator on.
Oh no.
“…Tell me you’re not the Red Riot. The one that works with Ground Zero and stuff. Please,” Bakugou utters. Okay, so now he’s a bit offended.
“Uh, yeah. Yes, I am. Like, the Red Riot, I mean. That’s me,” Kirishima tries (and fails) to assert. Bakugou sits down on the bed and groans.
“Tell me this is not happening.”
“It’s not happening.”
“…Fuck off.”
“No, no seriously,” Kirishima says, “we can pretend this never happened. I know it’s super really weird to find out that your best friend is a vigilante when you yourself are just a normal music student, and I know my motives probably don’t make sense-”
“Tch, think again, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou mutters, and Kirishima stops mid-sentence. There’s only one person who calls him by that nickname.
“Y-you’re Ground Zero?!” Kirishima screeches, and Bakugou rolls his eyes.
“Congratu-fucking-lations, you guessed it,” Bakugou deadpans.
“N-no, it’s just that- it’s good! Really good!” Kirishima backtracks. Bakugou looks at him suspiciously.
“Why’s it good?”
“C-cos….oh god, this is going to sound weird, I’m so sorry, I have to say it,” Kirishima mumbles, before clearing his throat. “Because I have a crush on you and on Ground Zero and I was really torn between the two but now it’s all sort of a lot more clear and also who wouldn’t want to be superhero partners with their best buddy?”
“You…you basically voiced my thoughts.”
Kirishima looks at him for confirmation, wondering if Bakugou could possibly mean what he thinks he means. The red tinge to his best bro’s cheeks says it all, and suddenly, Kirishima can’t stop grinning.
Without giving Bakugou a second to react, he tackles him in a bear hug, and they both topple back on the bed.
“Hey, Kirishima?” Bakugou says from underneath him, and Kirishima pulls himself up a little to look at Bakugou.
“Yeah?” he responds a little breathlessly. Bakugou smirks, surging forward and pressing a chaste kiss to Kirishima’s lips.
“We’ve got people to save.”
“I’m sorry,” Todoroki whispers in his broken voice, and Midoriya catches his meaning straight away, giving him a small smile that’s both sad and hopeful, and it breaks Todoroki’s heart even more to see it.
“Well, as…sickeningly sweet as this all is, I’m afraid it’s all going to come to end,” Shigaraki mocks. “But don’t worry; I’ll position your dead bodies like Romeo and Juliet, if you’d like.”
But then two figures spring down from the walls and knock out the two henchmen; Ground Zero and Red Riot have arrived.
(Really, Shigaraki should’ve hired at least a few more men).
“Maybe I’ll position your dead body like fucking Macbeth or some shit, you twerp!” Ground Zero yells…except he isn’t wearing a voice modulator, or a mask, and neither is Red Riot.
Which is why he’s seeing Bakugou and Kirishima, two people in his year at school.
To call it a coincidence would be the understatement of the century.
“Okay, yeah, yeah,” Bakugou says when he catches Kirishima, Midoriya, and Todoroki looking at each other in bewilderment. “Kirishima and I came clean to each other accidentally, and that fucktard made you reveal yourselves, I’m guessing. Can we kick ass now and ask questions later?”
Kirishima chuckles.
“That we most definitely can do, bro.”
Shigaraki doesn’t stand a chance when Midoriya knocks the gun out of his hand; the four as a team are pretty much invincible, and being able to see each other’s faces does a lot for communication.
Todoroki could get used to this.
“Oh my god, stop sucking face,” Bakugou groans, and Midoriya pulls away from Todoroki guiltily.
“You’re one to talk,” Todoroki says, raising an eyebrow at Kirishima and Bakugou’s joined hands.
“That’s different!” Kirishima exclaims. Midoriya simply laughs, and tucks into his food.
It’s been a month since their identities were revealed to each other, and whilst they’ve gone back to the masks to keep any other villains from finding out about them (they’ve ensured Shigaraki and his two henchmen won’t be talking), they’ve adapted the designs so that they can communicate more easily.
They’ve also discovered in school that highly controlled drums and acoustic guitar really uplift a classical song, and that electric piano and violin add a touch of unique expression that sounds pretty awesome.
But by far the best discovery they’ve made are double dates. After that night, there was no more beating around the bush. Todoroki and Midoriya had a long, meaningful talk which ended in a soft embrace and the beginning of a relationship, and Bakugou and Kirishima…well, they just sat with an acoustic guitar and sang songs together, which was good enough for them. The mutual agreement of a loving relationship came from the sound of their voices melding together (in more ways than one).
“So are we going to patrol tonight?” Midoriya asks, and Kirishima stares at him, aghast.
“Dude! We’re going to the cinema tonight!” he cries. Midoriya laughs sheepishly.
“Oh, right. Sorry, I’m just nervous about that new group…”
Todoroki slings an arm around Midoriya’s shoulder comfortingly and pulls him close.
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll take them down if they’re a threat.”
“Damn right we will,” Bakugou agrees. “After all, we’re famous now.”
“Not us,” Midoriya insists. “Just our hero counterparts. No-one knows it’s us!”
“Yeah,” Todoroki hums. “And let’s keep it that way, this time.”
They’re so engrossed in making conversation and plans that they don’t notice their friends listening from the other table.
“Oh?” Kaminari calls.
“Famous?” Mina repeats.
“Hero counterparts?” Sero adds.
“Keep it what way this time?” Uraraka asks.
The four heroes look at each other, and collectively groan.
#tododeku#kiribaku#todoizu#bakushima#tododeku fic#kiribaku fic#vigilante au#music school au#i am sick and tired#oof#but maybe enjoy it?#ughhhhh#the art of happy endings
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4. I have a robot inside me.
Original prompt: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/bo0yiq/wp_youre_a_little_slower_than_others_but_its/ If you like my story, please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/storyforger
“The whole time you have been whispering. You are scaring people off.”
“What, I did?” Walid looks at his boss. Her face is filled with wrinkles, some from old age, some from worry.
“Yes, you are also looking at Waruna. She is crying in the freezer because she thought you are still angry at her.”
Walid slaps his face a little, trying to mold it to a more presentable look. His face now has a bit of a smile, and his eyes doesn’t gaze as sharp as before.
“She already paid for the damages. After all, I wasn’t angry at all. I just...”
Now Walid’s boss is the one massaging her face, mostly around her forehead. “Whatever it is, hold it in for now okay? We are all on the rush season. I will close this bakery for a week after Festival. Deal with your problems, get a psychiatrist, or meditate or something. Okay?”
“Yes, Mdm Kamisah.”
She holds Walid’s face and smiles broadly. “Work hard. The Festival is just three days away. I promise, we will get a big fat bonus, hm?”
“Yes. Well, I need to carry the pastries.”
“Good! That’s the spirit.”
Mdm Kamisah enters the office. Walid turns to the tray of tepung puluts. The smell of glutinous rice and pandanus flour mix in the sweetmeats are alot for him to handle. Walid thinks he is going to eat it all.
If you eat it all, you will have stomach problems again!
Walid sighs. “I am carrying food,” talking to himself again.
Oh you will, see the puddle you will flip!
[I won’t wait what oh god!]
Walid slips and almost fall flat on the tray. The floor where cakes are baked is made rough to prevent slipping, but the floor to the presentation aisles are made from smooth tiles. At least the cakes are safe.
Hamid takes the tray from Walid and places it on the counter. He then lifts Walid up, whose legs spread too far for his level of joint mobility.
“God you’re heavy!”
“Oww, oww, oww, my thighs.”
Hamid steadies Walid, who is groaning slightly from the gymnastics. “Well, I’m sending the tray.”
“No, wait.” Hamid gets a dry towel and wipes the floor from the accident to the aisle until it’s dry. “Ok, go.”
Their work that day is rather hard, and all workers are tired. Walid isn’t as tired, but his limping isn’t making things more comfortable either. At least the cleanup is made easy by the dishwashers and bots.
“That’s a wrap for the day. See you tomorrow!”
“See you!”
Walid hails a Grab and lets himself be carried to his flat. The city lights are pretty at night, especially when we are sleepy. The Grab driver thanks Walid too soon. Walid grumbles his thanks and clumsily walks up the stairs.
[Oh yeah, elevator] Walid goes to the elevator only to see that it is under maintenance. “Augh! Today?” He really wants to kick the door, but the last time someone did, that is how the elevator stopped working. Dejected, Walid winds wearily to his bed and falls asleep without even changing clothes.
Yo, how’s life?
[Life-threatening, thanks to you.]
You slipped, and I’m to blame? LOL GG.
[You’re my subconscious. How do you even know what is LOL GG?]
I am not blind when you control this body. I see what you see, I learn what you learn, I am aware of what you are aware. Well, and other things.
[What do you mean?]
We. Need. Diagrams.
Walid’s dream now forms a room. It is cozy, with two blue long sofas facing each other and a lamppost standing guard next to it. The table in between the sofas has a jug of lychee drink. Walid knows it by the smell. He pours a cup and pours the liquid into his mouth. The sweetness slams his tongue, and it flows into his body, making him... happy. He sits on the sofa, drinking more lychee juice.
You like what you’re seeing?
[Yeah, pretty much.]
Now! I will introduce myself. The subconscious slithers from behind the sofa and towards Walid. It is like the root of a ginger tree, only that it has a single straight shaft and many root fibers jutting through it. One of the larger root fibers extend a hand, as if in greeting. Walid shakes it. It does not show its face.
Subconscious, glad to meet you.
[Walid, pleasure’s all mine?]
The ‘ginger root’ slithers to the other sofa, its body reclining regally upon the sofa. Tired, Walid lies down to imitate the ‘ginger root’.
I think you have a lot of questions.
[Are you a ghost? Will you kill me? Is this poison?]
No. I need you alive. I can’t really tell you what I am yet, it will only create more questions. But I am ready to show you.
Walid thinks of the ginger root unzipping its costume and a pretty woman’s leg jut out of it.
No, unfortunately, I am not that sexy. But let me show you.
[How are you going to do that?]
I am going to take over your body. Just for a day. You will have my word, you can get full control of it once I have done my business.
Walid chugs down the lychee. The entirety of his life’s lessons flash before his eyes. All his life, his parents never told him what to do when your subconscious wants to take control of your body. Don’t open the door if the parents don’t expect guests, don’t touch other people’s breasts (and dicks once he came out), don’t steal, don’t show your private parts on the internet, and most importantly, if the offer is too good to be true, turn it down and run like hell.
I am twenty and honest to God, I need an adult.
[As frightening as it is, I am an adult. I assure you, your good health and functioning body is in my best interest.]
Come to think of it, the stress of his life isn’t going away anytime soon either. He still have to work hard tomorrow at the bakery. And he had to take Chinese exam next week, just so employers will consider him a worthy job candidate. Walid pours another cup. He raises it. To the last possible day of me being the conscious mind.
[To a more fruitful Walid.]
They both chug down the lychee. Walid sees the ‘ginger root’ face for a split second before the dream ends.
The next morning, Walid finds his body to be moving to the fridge. It dips some wholemeal bread into the black coffee and sends the bread into its mouth. Walid tried to move his body but it can’t.
Ginger root, are you controlling me?
[Yes, I do. You want answers. I am in the process of showing you. But first, your body needs some fuel and coolant!]
Fuel? Coolant? I am not a robot!
[Oh you’ll understand. By the way, you have a sick leave today. Convenient!]
Convenient for what? Hey, why are we walking?
[To the Doctor!]
The body washes itself. It washes its muscular body with water, then lathers soap on it. The body cleans everywhere, including the nether regions. Walid feels a slight pain as that area is stil a bit overstretched from yesterday. Walid can feel how clean his body is. And how it hurts to almost slip again from water puddles.
The body then pats itself dry with a towel. Walid tries wipe his face a bit more but the body doesn;t listen.
Ginger root, wipe my face!
[Alright, fine!]
Walid feels the intrinsic itch to his soul scratched for now. The body wears a tight T shirt and a sports trousers. Walid always feel comfortable wearing the trousers, but the tight T shirt is chafing his nipples.
Can we get a looser shirt?
[No, I always want to show off this awesome body.]
Walid would like to huff, but it only manifests as the word ‘huff’. He spies to the side of his eyes. There are numbers and letters, some jumbled.
Are those coordinates, distance in kilometers, and name of The Doctor?
[Yes! Now be quite and observe!]
The body hails a Grab and calmly enters the car. The body chats with the driver a bit. Walid thinks the mouth is moving but the language isn’t what he is used to.
“Ni de shangban meiyou mang ma?”
“Aiya, zui mang! Quanbu ren bu yao mai che, he quanbu de shangdian hen yuan la!”
And they both laughed. This son of a bitchy ginger root, he actually knows Mandarin!
The chat ends as the car arrived before the clinic. The sign says ‘The Doctor’s Swig’. This isn’t a clinic, this is a bloody pub.
Wait! I am a Muslim, I can’t drink alcohol.
[Oh come on, we’re meeting a doctor, not drinking!]
This is a pub!
[Oh god, just watch!]
The ginger root moves the body. Well, the insides is a pub. People are eating sunflower seeds and pistachios while watching the news. And drinking beer. There is a blackboard with a chalk drawn picture of a jar and ‘Lihing Limited Edition’ hanging above the bartender’s head.
“Bear with me bro, I need a help.”
The bartender winks. “What help?”
“Health Care.”
“One sec.” The bartender gives a call. “Number?”
Ginger root gives a small paper. The bartender whispers to the phone, and burns the small paper. The bartender then whispers to Ginger Root. “The Doctor is available now. Please come in.”
The Ginger Root smiles and nods. The back of the pub has three doors. Two unisex toilets and one closet. Ginger Root presses the code and the closet door opens. He enters the room, which is littered with brooms, mops, and scoops for the dust. Ginger Root places his hand on a brick, and pushes. A door swings open, away from the body. The body bravely marches through the darkness.
The dark path isn’t very dark to Walid, but he’s still afraid. He instinctively makes command to jerk his foot, but the body remains stoic, moving forward without flinching. They make their way down some stairs and more dark alleys, some branching.
Ginger Root, where are you taking me?
[Oh I’m Ginger Root now? Well, like I always said, just watch. We have a checkup AND a job.]
Walid is too afraid to complain further.
The darkness ends at the end of the tunnel, where the body pulls the door open. Inside is a room. Bodies of men and women are hung, suspended from the ceiling with ropes and hooks.
[Stop shouting, I almost jumped!]
A young man, barely 20, rushes forward and shakes the body’s hand with much enthusiasm. “I am always honoured to service you sir.”
“Hello to you too. Please check this body first.”
“Yes, this way.” The room of bodies gave way to a few beds. Ginger Root lies the body on an empty bed, the eyes pointing upward.
“Sir, we are about to begin checkup. Please leave the body.”
And Walid lose consciousness.
Walid finds himself still unable to control his body. The body is strapping some belts and pouches.
Wait, what time is it?
[10 am. We have a mission. Rescuing hostages.]
Wait, I am not a soldier!
[I am. Sit tight, you’re my mecha. Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Wait, don’t shut me... And Walid can only see and think, not form words. The eyes emits a small screen of the ginger root. His face like an odd, jagged, jack-o-lantern, but Walid doesn’t feel a thing from it.
[I need you to listen closely. I am on a high risk mission to rescue fellow, well, ‘ginger roots’. They are stuck in some continents away. You must trust me that I will bring us alive okay.]
Walid would like to say yes, if only from desperation.
[We may get injured. Yes, even me in this cockpit. You will have extra functions in the fight, but mostly for your brainpower. Just remember, even if you lost all four limbs, you can be repaired.]
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
I thought I was human! Well... if I survive whatever comes, I need a lot of questions answered.
[OK, fair enough. I need to concentrate, so... Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI]
Ginger Root meets with a few other people. Men and women, they are well-equipped with weapons and body armour.
“Listen up, our hostage situation has turned sour. The kidnappers decided not to further negotiations, and will kill all hostages this midnight. We have to save them. We do not have to kill all of the kidnappers, but we will kill anyone standing in our way. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!” Their voiced are lowered, but their voice are filled with fire.
“Good. We Drive Humanity Forward...”
“... So Our Survival’s Assured!”
The team raced to a truck and is driven to an abandoned building. There they dismounted and fan out to secure the perimeter. “The police has been notified of our mission and they will not stand in our way. If you see any uninfected policeman, rescue them. Reports shown that some are held hostage after a failed assault.”
“Our target is 200 meters southwest. We will have to secure a rooftop entry, Damit. Then, Hamidah, Rizal, Shafwan, you three enter first and get a foot hold. We will enter as soon as it’s clear.”
The team races to the top of the abandoned building. To the southwest, they could see three men chatting and drinking coffee on a rooftop balcony. Damit scopes with the sniper rifle. “Three men, mostly bored.”
“Are they armed?”
“No, I don’t think so, Ikhlas.”
Walid knows the name doesn’t refer to him, but Ginger Root. Ikhlas eh?
Ikhlas looks intently with a binocular. “They are, I could see their rifles resting on the wall, behind the sitting man drinking.”
“What’s the plan?”
“Shoot the sitting man first. Then the two.”
Damit pushes the sniper stock close to his shoulder, aims at the sitting man’s neck. He holds his breath, and shoots.
The sitting man falls on the rifles and the two other fumbles to grab their guns. Damit shoots their heads clean off with one shot.
“Double headshot at 200 meters. Easy gg lol.”
Damit sighs. “That isn’t how humans speak.”
Ikhlas writes down the kills. “I know. Still funny though. Shafwan, the rappel.”
Shafwan shoots the rappel rope with his crossbow. The bolt buries deep into the wall. Shafwan slides down first, with some equipment. The others slide down one by one, Ikhlas being the last. They switched equipment amongst each other, as they had carried others’ equipments too.
Walid sees the map screen appear before his eyes. Ikhlas gives the signal to huddle.
“Everyone have maps and possible enemies?”
Everyone nodded.
“We stick together. Rizal at front, Shafwan and Hamidah center, me and Damit behind. Get to the target, fight our way out to the ground floor. Then we evacuate.”
Ikhlas points at the door. Rizal rammed the door with the butt of his gun and the rest streamed in. They move quickly downstairs, but stop before the first door facing the stairs. Two gunmen gets out from the door, laughing along the way. Rizal throws a smoke grenade.
Instead of shouting ‘Boogies’ or something, the two writhed in agony. Their bodies twist and turn, coughing out blood and mucus. Soon, some organisms escape their mouth. It tries to wipe itself clean from the smoke, but it drops as it shouts a small screech of pain.
The two gunmen lays unconscious. Ikhlas’ team moves forward. A few minutes later, they are stopped by three kidnappers running to them. The team manages to take cover behind the walls as the kidnappers shoot to kill. They only stop to reload.
Shafwan takes the opportunity to shoot them in the head, but they do not drop. Instead, they keep firing. Shafwan remains unfazed as a bullet rips through his right upper arm. Some wires frayed out, but his movement isn’t hindered as he reload. Hamidah is about to throw another smoke grenade, but Ikhlas stopped her. Ikhlas waits until they reload again, and turns to shoot.
He aimed at the stomach of the kidnappers. They drop dead as soon as the bullet hits them. Damit moves forward and pumps another bullet in the temple to each of them. Rizal takes the forward position and the team keeps moving forward.
Rizal raises his fist, a signal to move forward. They stopped before the turn of a hallway. Rizal watches the other side with a mirror. “Four men. Standing guard.”
Ikhlas nods to Hamidah. She hands over a defragmentation grenade to Rizal. Rizal removes the pin and moves forward to throw it. The four guards points the gun at Rizal.
They centered their fire Rizal’s head, but Rizal ducks while throwing. Instead, his right arm is severely riddled with holes as the grenade flies. The four is about to jump, but the grenade explodes. The four disintegrated into the smoke. Ikhlas’ team fires forward, as Rizal slings his rifle. He looks at the uselessly hanging right hand. He rips it off. The fingers wiggle uncontrollably as the hand is separated from the body. Rizal holds his rifle on the left hand and joins Ikhlas.
Ikhlas leads the team forward. There seems to be no more kidnappers left. It’s... too quiet. Walid begins to feel uneasy. He wants to ask Ikhlas what is going on, but he can’t say anything. They entered an open courtyard, with doors flanking it.
The silence is finally interrupted a few minutes later. Two kidnappers storm out of a door, but Ikhlas manages to shoot them both before they could open fire. Ikhlas is about to walk forward to the target area, but he is suddenly thrown away by an explosion. Ikhlas almost lands at the other side of the courtyard wall.
A large man, about 9 feet tall appears before the team. Rizal fires his rifle at the man’s face. Its face is chipped away as the bullets ricochet off from the metallic skeleton. The rest pumps their gun dry to the robot. But all their bullets do not even dent it.
Hamidah jumps to give the man a flying kick. Her shin hits his neck. The man calmly grabs her leg and throws her straight through a wall. Shafwan jumps to the man’s shoulders, stand on it, and pumps a new magazine worth of bullets between the chest and the shoulder blade. The man grabs Shafwan and slams him a few times. Sounds of twisting metal can be heard from Shafwan’s body as he tries to stab and sever the wires in the robot’s hands. The robot throws Shafwan and he is impaled on a pole by the left chest. Shafwan tries to remove himself.
The robot is shaking, it finds itself hard to straighten its body. The robot walks to Shafwan, but he isn’t as fast as he was a few minutes ago.
Rizal and Hamidah pumps more bullets into the robot. But this time, they try to aim at the joints. Hamidah fires all her bullets into the left knee, circling to the front and back. The robot swings his fists to Hamidah but Hamidah can easily evade the robot. Rizal aimed at robot’s right shoulder. The robot turns his attention to Rizal and is preparing to launch himself to him.
The robot sprints towards Rizal. Rizal turns to run away, and the robot is running at full force.
Suddenly, the robot’s trajectory is thwarted by a shot to his head. Damit fires more sniper rounds at the robot. The robot turns and runs towards Damit. He holds his ground, but the robot still charges forward.
Ikhlas bodily throws himself at the robot, pushing the robot away. The robot is flat on its back, and Ikhlas desperately tries to reach his shotgun. The robot grabs him by the leg, and pulls Ikhlas towards him.
Walid feels all the past actions of his flood back to him. His killings of animals, his bullying of other kids, his angry rants against his parents’ He wants to say sorry for all he has done, and he can’t even say in it his inner voice!
Ikhlas the Ginger Root is sweating in its cockpit. He can feel all the anguish that Walid has. Added to his own, he is almost mad from all this. None of his training ever prepared him for this, and none of his experiences ever will. What can he do?
The robot tries to stand, but the connections in its body is too damaged to command his legs for the proper procedure. Instead, the legs dig into the soil erratically. The robot grabs Ikhlas by the neck and raises him up.
“Damit, its elbow!”
Damit aims at the elbow. The robot’s right hand plops uselessly as the bullet hits the joint but Ikhlas still can’t remove himself. He drags the robot’s right hand with him as the robot tightens its grip. But the grip gets looser and looser with each wire ripped from the robot’s hand. Ikhlas’ team gives the robot a wide berth.
The robot tries to stand up with its remaining appendages. But it only ends up wriggling and writhing.
Ikhlas looks for something in his back pouch. “Hamidah, you have anymore grenades?”
“I only have two, and it’s all used up.”
Shafwan has extracted himself from the pole. He hands to Ikhlas one smoke grenade.
Ikhlas throws the grenade to the robot, and it gives out a lot of smoke. When the smoke clears, the robot is still writhing.
“We have to deactivate it, it’s not an exosuit.”
Damit pumps a few sniper rounds to the robot’s left shoulder joint. Shafwan ties his bayonet to a stick and cuts all the wires from a few feet away, far from the robot’s grip. The robot’s hand almost come dangerously close to snatching the stick, but Shafwan deftly retracts it. Soon, the robot is uselessly moving its appendages. Rizal steps forward and jams his left hand to the robot’s neck. He pulls the here and there a bit, and soon the robot stops writhing. Its eyes loses its blue colour, fading to transparent black.
The hostages are brought outside by Shafwan, while Damit checks the perimeter. “It seems like all the kidnappers are dead or have fled. The hostages are just behind me.”
One of the hostages rushes forward to hold Ikhlas’ hands. Ikhlas raises his hands to meet it, but the right hand doesn’t budge.
The hostage looks at Ikhlas’ right hand. Shee shakes her head, but then shakes Ikhlas’ left hand vigourously. “All you have risked your lives to save us. I assure you, the High Root will reward your team well.”
“Thank you, madam, but we aren’t necessarily in the clear yet. We should get out of here quickly.”
They allow the hostages to leave from the front door. The police receives them and hands them to the healthcare unit stationed behind the blockade. Ikhlas’ team goes to the back gate. Along the way, they passed through one of the guard’s body. One being of goo is breathing weakly as the body writhes weakly.
“This... isn’t... over... We... will... be... victors...”
“It never is.” Ikhlas shoots the goo with his pistol.
The team gets into the extraction truck. Rizal holds his severed hand, while Damit ogles Shafwan’s large hole in the chest. Shafwan slaps Damit’s hands as he try to touch his dangling wires.
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Aaa... Aaa... Aaa...
Walid could hear a small screeching on the screen. Is that the ginger root shouting too or the echo in the suit?
[Well, any questions?]
Lots. Wh... Well, what the fuck? I’m a robot? Was my memory real? Did I signed a waiver? Why does all this have anything to do with me?
[Your body is a robot. Your mind is from a human brain, taken from your body. You signed a waiver, but it’s because you are losing all use of legs and hands. It had nothing to do with you, you are just my mecha. Your service to us is how you pay back for the surgery. You also get some money on the side, but from bonuses or bounties.]
Bonuses? Bounties? So I am what, an army equipment? Whose army?
[Yeah. You’re a medium grade military equipment. We are the military arm of Court of Mother Zingiber, Grand Commandery of Lady Goddess Halya of Earth. We have branches in other planets. But in recent centuries, battles are mostly forged here.]
[That goo organism you see is one of our enemies. Just call them Oozes of Doom. As if we want to call them by their regal name, hah!]
So, what happens to me?
[You will be repaired of course. I always intended for you to know about this sooner or later. Having a human on our side helps us to blend in. We can mimic human behaviour, but we aren’t always successful.]
This is too much for me to take in now. You’re in charge I guess, Ikhlas. But can I ask one thing?
[What is it?]
I want to be conscious to see the repairs. I need to see for myself what I am.
Ikhlas takes the body down to The Doctor. Walid sees the ginger root climb out of his abdomen. The Doctor sets up the machinery as they chat. The language isn’t like any on Earth, so Walid stopped bothering to listen.
The Doctor then starts checking Walid’s right hand. He massages the hand to find where to slice, and starts slicing. Soon Wires are pulled out, reattached, and returned into the body. The Doctor continues with repairing the rest of the bullet injuries. Finally, the damaged body tissue are removed and pastes of new body cells are placed on spots.
The operation as a whole is quite soothing. Walid doesn’t feel any pain, and The Doctor’s movements are as smooth as silk. Soon, Walid’s body is as good as new. Walid extends his right palm to Ikhlas and Ikhlas creeps on to the palm of his hand.
“So that’s how I got my muscular body.”
“These days. Even before the surgery, you’re rather muscular.”
Why I didn’t remembered that? But Walid remembers another thing.
“Why I didn’t feel pain during the firefight just now, but I felt pain from my fall yesterday?’
“Pain reception can be switched on and off. Usually when we take over the body from you, we shut off the pain reception so you won’t go mad from it.”
“Can you make it stay off?”
“No, we want to blend in, and includes you having to feel pain in normal life situations. Can I get into your body now?”
Walid shrugged. “Sure.”
The ginger root presses some buttons on a small key that he holds. Walid’s stomach split into two, and door hinges opento both sides. A small podium with a seat extends out. Walid places his palm before the podium and Ikhlas takes his seat. He presses a button, and the podium pulls back in and Walid’s stomach closes shut.
Walid can move his body again. “Hey, Ikhlas, you there?”
Yeah. Enjoy your bodily autonomy for now. We may be called for next mission later.
Walid sighs. Now he has two jobs, one a part-time back breaking work, and the other a part-time body-breaking work. At least this one has good healthcare benefits.
The team is escorted by The Doctor to a door. “Well, this is goodbye for now. I am always honoured to service you. Your pay will be sent to your accounts by this week. And here are the MCs you require should your bosses question you.”
Walid takes a piece of paper from The Doctor. An MC from... Yang Yang and Co. Clinic?
Walid fishes out his handphone from the pocket. Funny how it survived the carnage. Walid hails a Grab and lets the car carry him to his flat.
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