#( img. ) thumper.
avalior · 3 months
grey and thumper tag drop !
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Nakak Dialogue
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Unlike most Cetus merchants, Nakak does not sell her merchandise for Ostron Standing, nor are her wares locked behind Ostron Standing tiers. Instead, her stock rotates regularly, and her prices – varying amounts of Plains resources – change daily. After each interaction, she will offer advice about Cetus, the Plains, or life in general, whether the Tenno purchases an item or not. Once the Tenno has reached Observer rank with the Quills, she will also offer the short quest Mask of the Revenant. During certain events, she also becomes a representative of the Operational Supply Syndicate.
Syndicate information
During Operation: Plague Star and any recurrent episodes, Nakak represents the Operational Supply Syndicate. Operational Supply is described thusly:
Support and rewards for Tenno fighting in active operations.
So far, Operational Supply has been seen to offer rare Plains fish parts and minerals, Plague Zaw components and Plague Exodia arcanes, the mods Fulmination and Sacrifice, Cetus wisps, Fosfor blueprints, blueprints for the Ether Daggers and Snipetron, Eidolon Phylaxis blueprints, Forma, and the Plague Star emblem. The Syndicate ranks, from least to most favoured, are:
Neutral: [no description]
Collaborator: Answered the call to battle.
Defender: Fought to the end.
Champion: Went above and beyond, an example to others.
Standing with Operational Supply can only be earned or redeemed during Plague Star events. It is unknown if Operational Supply will be expanded to future operations.
Idle quotes
These are un-subtitled lines that Nakak says when she is not interacting with the Tenno.
"Swazdo-lah, everyone! Knick-knacks, oddities, masks and carpets! Customise your floor and face!"
"Hey, friend! You look like a traveller of distinction and taste! Behold, a fine array of masks, curiosities, and masterfully-woven carpets, all locally made!"
"Hey! Tenno! We honour you here with master-crafted maskwork! Maybe you see yourself here?"
"Swazdo-lah! How about a rug or carpet for your fine star-vessel? I have adornments that would catch the starlight beautifully if hung above a command console!"
Greeting the Tenno
"Others have one price for locals and one for offworlders. Me? I give you the local price, every time."
"Free advice with or without purchase, surah. I'm here to help!"
"Best prices and free advice, surah. To me, you're a local."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Lok heb, surah. It is good to see you again! How may I help?"
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "A joy to serve you, Tenno. As always."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Dah-dap, Tenno, for all that you do for Cetus. It is wonderful to see you."
Bidding farewell with purchase
"The Eidolons have done something to the water out there. Touch it, and you'll get the shock of your life! Plus it's loaded with gut parasites! Sho-lah!"
"The Eidolons have done something to the water out there. Touch it, and you'll get the shock of your life! It is free of parasitic gut larvae, though. Sho-lah!"
"Visitors go crazy for kubuchi. They think drinking it makes them a local. But just between you and me? It tastes like hot garbage!"
"The Eidolons. Beautiful creatures of the night, graceful in their own way. Go anywhere near them, and they'll crush you like a turd. Here y'go!"
"Dah-dap, surah. Here you go. Have you seen the Tower? The Unum within does not move, or see. But She hears, and feels… and speaks! Sho-lah."
"See a man with a blank mask and no adornment? That's a widower. All of his bright things would have been cremated with his wife. Beautifully sad, really. He won't laugh for a year. Here y'go!"
Bidding farewell without purchase
"You'll find spirit jars at most of the bars. Order something, leave a coin. It keeps the souls of the Orokin happy, and you've paid for the next person who can't afford a drink. Sho-lah!"
"I've worked all kinds of jobs in all kinds of places. Never met a good person, or a bad one. It's just folks, friend. Everyone's just folks. Sho-lah!"
"Buy three bags of termite droppings. It'll keep you going long after you should have keeled over – and if that's how you react to nibbling termite crap? You're going to love my desert survival tips!"
"Those urns outside doors? Don't drink from them. They're yoong-baht. We leave them for travelling monks."
"Beyond Cetus, you'll encounter the occasional Ostron who built themselves a bridge across a river. They'll charge you to use it. It's how some of these families support themselves."
"When you've made peace with the world, then everything becomes a game, friend. This place will teach you that."
Nakak will also offer the short quest Mask of the Revenant when the Tenno reaches Observer rank with the Quills, which begins with the Mask of the Lost One appearing among her wares.
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Nakak]
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joebustillos · 4 years
JBB’s Final Thoughts Episode 41: Jesus & The Folly of Using the Bible As Prop
June 1st Trump takes a walk after protesters are forcefully removed, so that he can take a picture in front of a church and how does that or doesn’t that express his Christian Faith.
MP3 Version: https://joebustillos.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/jbbsfinalthoughts_e041_jesus-and-the-folly-of-using-the-bible-as-a-prop.mp3
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music: Social Blindness – 22K by Smart Sound Music
All images and screen grabs by Joe Bustillos ©2020 except where noted
A video timeline of the crackdown on protesters before Trump’s photo op, Washington Post, 2020-06-08, https://youtu.be/JxYmILDya0A
Jimmy Carter (caricature) by David Levine, https://shop.nybooks.com/collections/david-levine/us-presidents
Jimmy Carter And Rosalynn Building  Home, Habitat for Humanity
George W. Bush, jr., caricature by managevpants, https://www.deviantart.com/managerpants/art/George-W-Bush-caricature-408026248
Bill Clinton caricature by managevpants, https://www.deviantart.com/managerpants/art/Bill-Clinton-caricature-408026999
Tricky Dick by Nina Reid, https://flic.kr/p/dguKDM
Ronald Reagan – Caricature by DonkeyHotey, https://flic.kr/p/2iE39wi
George H.W. Bush caricature by managevpants, https://www.deviantart.com/managerpants/art/George-H-W-Bush-caricature-408028476
Barack Obama caricature by managevpants, https://www.deviantart.com/managerpants/art/Barack-Obama-caricature-408025985
18 of the funniest photoshops of Trump’s Bible photo op., by Orli Matlow, https://www.someecards.com/life/lifestyle/donald-trump-bible-photo-op-photoshop-edits/
President Obama sings Amazing Grace (C-Span), 2015-06-26, https://youtu.be/IN05jVNBs64
Jimmy Carter, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter
Fact check: No, Donald Trump church photo op was not the same as Bill Clinton church photo, by Eric Litke, USA Today,  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/09/fact-check-facebook-post-wrongly-compares-donald-trump-bill-clinton-photos/5322448002/
All the Absurd Details We’ve Learned About Trump’s Church Photo Op, By Adam K. Raymond, Intelligencer, NYMag, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/trumps-church-photo-op-all-the-absurd-details.html
‘He Did Not Pray’: Fallout Grows From Trump’s Photo-Op At St. John’s Church, by Bill Chappell, NPR, https://www.npr.org/2020/06/02/867705160/he-did-not-pray-fallout-grows-from-trump-s-photo-op-at-st-john-s-church
American Bible Society Responds to Trump Photo Op: Scripture Is ‘More than a Symbol’, by Kate Shellnutt, Christianity Today, https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/june/american-bible-society-responds-president-trump-photo-op-sy.html
Surprise: No One Is Impressed by Trump’s Tough-Guy Church Photo Op, by Eric Lutz, Vanity Fair, https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/06/no-one-is-impressed-by-trump-tough-guy-church-photo-op
Trump’s tear gas photo-op was ‘frightening’ to authoritarianism experts, who warn that his behavior will only get worse without ‘fierce opposition’, by John Haltiwanger, Business Insider, https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-teargas-photo-op-was-frightening-to-authoritarianism-experts-2020-6
Episode Notes/Script/Post:
Joe Bustillos, here…
Yes, I have a scratch on my forehead. I stood up and bumped my head on my mic. Speaking of clumsy… Trump’s recent awkward photo op, I’m not sure what message he thought he was projecting (some say that the pre-photo-op clearing of peaceful protesters by force was the real photo-op)… Anyway, as with many things, this business of public displays of “religious affiliation” is certainly not something new.
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In fact, way back in 1976, when Jimmy Carter won the presidency, my hippy-dippy born-again Christian heart was delighted that a real Christian was going to be my nation’s president. It was a far different time, long before the Moral Majority reared it’s ugly head, when only (Thompson-Chain Reference™️) bible-thumpers, such as my self, would even have such thoughts. I got the sense that most others were fixated on Carter’s southern drawl and toothy smile. But, I could tell, or rather, my 18-year-old self, knew that this man was devoted to the truth found in the Bible. Sadly, that didn’t seem to help his presidency and he was replaced after one term by someone who I could tell was less of a believer, and more of a Hollywood-camera-ready-Christian.
2019-10-15 Unexpected Personal Costs of Upgrading to the Latest MacOS-3
Biola 1981 diploma
1984-1985 Fuller Seminary Student ID Joe Bustillos (2019).jpg
Such a different time, I was also a very different person. Being raised Roman Catholic, I really didn’t know my Bible until I got swept up in the Jesus Movement in the mid-1970s and then I couldn’t get enough of the book (resulting in a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from conservative Biola University and taking Masters classes at Fuller Seminary). Again, those were very different times, and I have to laugh at the memory of how much my little group of friends with our bibles were looked down on by our high school classmates (especially when I see how many of those who thought we were a bunch of weirdos… which we were… now post all about Jesus and how the nation needs to get back to Jesus on their Facebook streams… too funny).
So, being all about the born-again, personal faith experience, when I think about the presidents over the past 40-years I would have to say that good ol’ Jimmy Carter seemed to be the one with the most genuine witnesses of faith. Mind you, this isn’t an assessment claiming to determine the legitimacy of the professions of faith from these fellows. But I think the distinction comes down to how many of them practice or would practice their faith regardless of their station in life, or publicity, versus how many of them are more a part of the institutional/cultural tact that has less personal value. Interestingly that leads me to believe that Bush Jr. with his redemption from alcoholism and Clinton with his “predilections,” would tie in terms of the “personal nature” of their Christianity. Highly flawed persons, which connects them all the more to their faith. That said, I never once believed that the Christianity of Nixon, Reagan or Bush Sr. was anything more than the “cultural” noise they were raised with and the language they used as part of their jobs as presidents. By the time of Obama, my own journey was such that I was far less concerned about whether their faith was genuine and more interested in the genuine nature of their desire to help fix the system. Remember, Carter was the most genuine Christian by my former estimation, but his presidency felt largely like a brief buffer between the criminality of the Nixon years and PR of the Reagan years.
Matthew 25
And that brings us to Lord Dampnuts and his blatant “Christianity as a prop” modis operandi. If I felt like Nixon, Reagan & Bush Sr. were “doing it for the cameras,” I cannot imagine any believer with an ounce of integrity (or “spiritual discernment”) thinking that this guy is the real deal. Seriously. I have a staunch anti-abortion cousin who resorts to the old, “they’re all crooks,” to justify her support. Really? He’s using you and your faith and expects you to keep him in power because… that’s it, “because.” For all his rhetoric and bluster, he’s so in favor of families and the sanctity of life that he’s still separating families and putting babies in cages. How does that square with your estimation of the quality of his Christianity? It just doesn’t pass the sniff test. I’m sorry, yes, we’re all flawed and imperfect but this guy doesn’t even try. Really. Forcefully removing peaceful protesters so that he can pose in front of a church should be proof that he’s never read the book he used as a prop. Hell, Princess Handbags had to give him the upside-down bible for him to hold up, like it’s a freaking trophy… in the middle of a pandemic! No.
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Jesus on the Border
Had I not left the church before the ascendency of this clown who would be king (in the name of Christianity) with the full throated support of the American Church, that would have been it. The idea that God is in control and that He wants the best for you, like he cares for the birds & the fields of grain, and then this atrocity of an administration happened… that would have caused me to doubt that any one or anything is in control. All along, it was just one big sad farce. Oh, by the way, that photo of Clinton holding up a Bible, it’s not the same. President Clinton was returning from a church service, and waved at the crowd with his bible in his hand. Just an image of an imperfect man practicing his faith, not a staged photo-op requiring the forceful removal of peaceful American citizens. If you can not see the difference you mustn’t be reading the same bible that I studied.
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This is why the founding fathers included the “non-establishment” clause in the constitution, they had seen the endless European wars fought in the name of competing Christian sects and desired for that not to be part of the American experience. Truthfully, you cannot remove religion or cultural beliefs from the human experience, but you can restrict their role in the governing and decision making process of a diverse people. Personally, I don’t care what you might believe in, as long as you’re willing to help make our community and country a better place through your own hard work and our common values. Just don’t expect me to follow your faith as part of your willingness to work with me, it doesn’t work that way.
Now that I think about it, it was probably naive of me to think that my faith or the faith of the president had or has any relevance to the difficult job that a president has to do in the service of our country. When done properly, the president’s faith can be a sign of our common struggle and association, that we all have to deal with difficult and unanswered challenges. But that would require the president be willing to reveal some of his or her humanity and Lord Dampnuts has never allowed anything remotely negative to be said or hinted at in his presence. He’s just not self-aware enough to do that. So, it turns out that this has nothing to do with religion in the public square and everything to do with flawed humanity and how willing our leaders are willing to be their true-selves in public. That’s the real question. And it would seem that Lord Dampnuts is incapable of really being “one of us.”
After recording this podcast I found a video by the Washington Post, that reported on the timeline of events of June 1st, beginning with the action against protesters in the Lafayette Park area just before and during the president’s speech in the Rose Garden, leading up to his walk to and photo op in front of St. John’s Church. Please watch the full video, which I will link to and tell me that there is anything Christ-like or Christian in the behavior or attitude of this man. I don’t see it and I challenge you to show me where this behavior is promoted in the Bible. Please enlighten me. Where does it say that God’s man will have his troops fire weapons at peaceful protesters so that said leader can hold up a holy book, like it’s some kind of talisman, in front of a place of worship? Where is that part of the walk that Christ calls all men and women to follow?
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JBB’s Final Thoughts Episode 41: Jesus & The Folly of Using the Bible As Prop JBB's Final Thoughts Episode 41: Jesus & The Folly of Using the Bible As Prop
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rozellan134409-blog · 7 years
Place Points In PERSPECTIVE.
The eighth of twelve kids, Alfred Bessette was born on August 9, 1845 in St-Gregoire d'Iberville, a little community near Montreal.Afflicted coming from the second from his birth along with a severe belly condition, he was baptised right away through his parents that feared he would certainly certainly not survive till the ritual the observing day.Raised in the distinctive Catholic and French heritage, he got a profound Christian instruction. Individually, as long as I like hill bicycling, whitewater kayaking and backcountry winter sports, I 'll certainly never know why they do it. Hill Guides are going to additionally show those which are actually interested the skills from blended ascending (a combination of ice and rock) and also dry tooling (making use of ice tools to go up completely dry stone). Those are truths that are actually not usually identified by people in either: (1) the initial degree of knowledge along with the outdoors physical world (seeing a mountain); (2) the second amount from inwardly responding to the outdoors (experiencing appeal in a sunset); or even (3) the 3rd amount of solely subjective inner experience (seeing a gold palace in the heavens). The OS X Cougar Up-to-Date upgrade is offered at no service charge using the Mac computer App Retail store to all customers who acquired a certifying new Mac computer device from Apple or even an Apple Authorized Reseller on or even after June 11, 2012.
If you wish to use a mountain bicycle fast in a demanding surface, pick tires with not way too much resistance in rolling and also along with little gouge and a semi slick. Having said that, in its push for the REIT strategy, Elliot recommended 4 supervisors to the board from Iron Mountain as well as pair of have been actually elected to Iron Mountains Board (one along with REIT experience). The sunshine was glimpsing over the mountain where our experts intended to quest, with Horner's 4X4 performing an excellent project from locating a road through washed-out arroyos and outdated, stony exploration roads. Best measured mountain range bikes perform certainly not automatically imply they really are actually the downright models of the business. As I pointed out before, I must pass my worries and also I thought this year at the Taste of the Hawaiian Selection I would certainly offer services to eat a Rocky Hill Shellfish if folks would certainly pitch in for a non-profit charitable organization. This mountain range is actually additionally named as the Lung of the Metropolitan area" due to simply click the following webpage fact that that helps in creating a sizable volume from air on day-to-day manner.
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During the course of the summer season, the oldest routes level that cross through the hill passes that make it possible for some trade between Nepal, Pakistan and also China. I had fretted that the aiming definitely would not be reduced sufficient for the hills as I am actually made use of to ridiculously reduced equipments on my mountain bikes. Using mountain bicycle in darkness is one other method which individuals savour this task. Being the most extensive mountain over mean sea level it is sure to develop a daring obstacle like no other. To learn more concerning what IMG can easily provide you most likely to the International Hill Guides Web link noted above.
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Although not as historic or effectively journeyed as The Indian Trail to the southeast you will certainly locate Thumper Hill Route. The mountain is a part from the Himalayas selection which is actually popular around the world for the height from its tops and the appeal from them. Lots of expert hill cyclists will likewise check out the Motobecane 550DS and also snicker. Jasper and Banff National Parks, in the center of the Canadian Rockies, are 2 of one of the most wonderfully stunning snowboarding destinations in the winter months, and also treking and intercross country mountain cycling in the summer months.
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usanewstoday-blog · 8 years
Mazz: Why Red Sox Will Really Miss David Ortiz
Mazz: Why Red Sox Will Really Miss David Ortiz
BOSTON (CBS) — Consistent left-handed power hitting is among the rarest commodities in baseball, and it’s very difficult for a team to succeed in Major League Baseball without it. And so, aside from the obvious loss of production that comes with David Ortiz’s retirement, the Red Sox are going to be missing a left-handed thumper in the middle of the lineup. But, as Tony Massarotti points out,…
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comiccrusaders · 8 years
The Next Marvel Original Graphic Novel!
This May, comics legend Rob Liefeld returns to Marvel alongside fan-favorite creators Chris Sims & Chad Bowers (X-Men ’92) for an explosive adventure so big, it needed its own Original Graphic Novel to tell it! Today, Marvel is pleased to announce that the highly anticipated DEADPOOL: BAD BLOOD OGN will be available on May 17th wherever comics and books are sold, and we’re giving fans a brand-new look inside!
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Shooting, stabbing and otherwise annoying his way across the Marvel Universe has made Deadpool his fair share of enemies over the years. Even though his sordid past contains no shortage of unfriendly faces, there is one he can’t quite place. A brutal new foe known only as Thumper. Who is this new menace that has the Merc With a Mouth so outmatched and outgunned? What is Deadpool’s past connection to this new baddie?
Wade’s journey to uncover the mystery of Thumper will take him across the Marvel Universe and face-to-face with many familiar faces. Cable! Domino! X-Force! Even Star-Lord! Blood will be shed and old scores will be settled. Deadly twists and turns await as Wade Wilson faces one of his greatest challenges yet. Don’t miss the full length DEADPOOL: BAD BLOOD OGN when it comes to comic shops and book stores every on May 17th!
For more information, visit Marvel.com for an interview with Deadpool: Bad Blood writer & artist Rob Liefeld.
Retailers Note: Final Order Cutoff on DEADPOOL: BAD BLOOD is this Monday, March 6th. Retailers are encouraged to check their orders on this Original Graphic Novel as demand can only increase in the weeks to come.
ISBN: 978-1-302-90153-0
FOC – 03/06/17, On-Sale – 05/17/17
To find a comic shop near you, visit www.comicshoplocator.com or call 1-888-comicbook.
DEADPOOL: BAD BLOOD OGN Arrives May 17th – Your New Look Inside! The Next Marvel Original Graphic Novel! This May, comics legend Rob Liefeld returns to Marvel alongside fan-favorite creators Chris Sims & Chad Bowers (
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sinbadtee · 4 years
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt is Available In All Styles
Hes taken some serious boxing lessons got exposed as one trick pony as he has been several times already by. Others its in The Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirtcontract and will get another figure pay out they will fight again give that man a. Knighthood for everything hes done for sport and…
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featuredshirts · 4 years
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt
Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirt
Hes taken some serious boxing lessons got exposed as one trick pony as he has been several times already by. Others its in The Thumper Face Mask Quarantined Shirtcontract and will get another figure pay out they will fight again give that man a. Knighthood for everything hes done for sport and people depression this man is a gem long live the gypsy king. Fury won it before he stepped between the…
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cybeout · 5 years
Stadia: Rise of the Tomb Raider e Thumper gratuiti nel gennaio 2020
#Stadia: Rise of the Tomb Raider e Thumper gratuiti nel gennaio 2020
Rise of the Tomb Raider è il sequel diretto di Tomb Raider , riavvio delle avventure di Lara Croft rilasciate nel 2013. Considerato il miglior opus della trilogia, questo episodio ti porterà ai quattro angoli del mondo dalla Siria al Tibet alla ricerca di ” una misteriosa fonte ancestrale che suppone di prodigare l’immortalità e curare tutti i mali dell’umanità.
Il gioco è molto più oscuro e…
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itsoundsfuture · 5 years
Unspent - Convergence (Elektrotribe, EKT000124)
Unspent – Convergence (Elektrotribe, EKT000124)
Pick of the week: Unspent – Convergence (Elektrotribe, EKT000124)
New heavy-hitting material from the Techno maestros Unspent! The entrancing 3-track EP, engulfed in darkness, will undoubtedly leave you hypnotised as you journey through the haunting sounds of ‘Convergence’, straight into the acid-filled thumper ‘Romie’s Come’, and ending on the frightful ‘Warning Yes’. Unspent have previous…
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redyouthgb · 5 years
Condemn the coup in Bolivia!
Condemn the coup in Bolivia!
Red Youth and the CPGB-ML strongly condemn the coup that took place yesterday, 10 November, in Bolivia, where army chiefs forced the elected President Evo Morales to resign, with a warrant for his arrest being issued a few hours afterwards.  The apparent leader of the coup is a prominent representative of wealthy Santa Cruz capitalists, bible thumper Luis Fernando Camacho, and its organisers have…
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elmundotech · 5 years
Google announces game catalog for Stadia launch day
#Google announces #DayOne #lineup for #Stadia - #videogames #streaming #elmundotech
Google Stadia
At almost a week before launch, Google announces the day one lineup of games coming on November 19.
The newest streaming service will have twelve “carefully-chosen games” on launch day.
Here’s the list of titles available on launch day:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Destiny 2
Just Dance 2020
Mortal Kombat 11
Red Dead Redemption 2
Samurai Showdown
Tomb Raider: Definitive…
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dominatees · 5 years
Governor’s Mansion Free Rodney Reed T Shirt
Governor’s Mansion Free Rodney Reed T Shirt
Jesus effing christ holy moly guacamole praise god thank you jesus that was put there after The Governor’s Mansion Free Rodney Reed T Shirttornado. Ive seen this before where a paper picture of jesus hung on the wall with a thumb tack. Still there but most of the house gone god is awesome dont you mean trump here. We go again fox news is turning into a bible thumper leave this crap to the church…
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disneygeekcom · 5 years
Experience the enchantment of Disneyland Paris’ magical Christmas extravaganza from 9 November 2019 to 6 January 2020
The magic of Christmas kicks off on 9 November at Disneyland Paris. For nearly two months, guests can discover twinkling lights, watch the wonderful Disney’s Christmas Parade and meet their favourite Disney Characters. And this year, Disney Princesses will be part of the celebration dance for the biggest gathering of Disneyland Paris royal couples.
The Christmas Season at Disneyland Park
Light up the tree with Mickey’s Magical Christmas Lights At nightfall, guests are in for a big surprise during the enchanting Christmas tree lighting ceremony, alongside Mickey, Minnie and Santa Claus. Together, they will light up the spectacular twenty-four-meter-tall tree in the middle of Main Street, U.S.A.
A sparkly celebration with Disney Princesses During this Christmas Season, guests can attend The Starlit Princess Waltz located at the Royal Castle Stage. Ariel, Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine, Rapunzel and Tiana, together with their princes, will join Aurora on stage for a magical ball. Available from 15 November 2019 to 5 January 2020.
Rediscover Disney’s Christmas Parade The traditional Disney’s Christmas Parade will return to Disneyland Park with two performances every day. Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy will open the procession of magical, colourful floats. From Winnie the Pooh and Friends, to Chip & Dale and The Three Little Pigs, this is an opportunity for guests to meet their favourite Disney Characters. And of course, Santa will end Disney’s Christmas Parade on a high note from his sleigh.
Magical greeting experiences in a festive setting At Disneyland Park, guests will feel the Christmas spirit as soon as they set foot inside, with snowmen, glowing Christmas trees and snow-covered decorations surrounding the giant Christmas tree on Main Street, U.S.A. Thumper, Miss Bunny and Stitch will celebrate Christmas and the New Year in this magical setting. Santa Claus will also be there to welcome guests at “Meet Mickey Mouse” in a specially dedicated lodge until 25 December (inclusive). This is the perfect opportunity for guests of all ages to drop off their Christmas letter to Santa and capture the moment.
Let’s Sing Christmas! What would Christmas be without traditional songs? The Let’s Sing Christmas show will feature the greatest Christmas tunes, together with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and the singers. Every weekend, choirs will have the opportunity to perform on the Videopolis stage. Find out more information on Disney Performing Arts here
The Enchanted Advent Calendar from 1-24 December Guests will be able to take part in the Christmas magic as soon as Disneyland Park opens as The Enchanted Advent Calendar is back at the foot of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Every day a new surprise will be revealed together with Mickey, Minnie and Goofy.
The Christmas Season at Walt Disney Studios Park A musical Christmas with Mickey’s Christmas Big Band Animagique Theater will be ringing again this year to jazz rhythms during Mickey’s Christmas Big Band. This live show is in keeping with a traditional musical. It pays lively homage to winter’s melodies featuring Disney Characters. The programme includes the big band orchestra, fast pace tap dance acts and even a solo by Mickey on the drums! Available from 15 November until 5 January 2020.
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#SURPRISEMICKEY Following its success last season, the #SURPRISEMICKEY show will return to the Production Courtyard stage at the foot of The Hollywood Tower Hotel. And to celebrate Christmas in the best way possible, Minnie and her friends will have some new surprises in store for guests. Available from 15 November 2019 to 5 January 2020.
#DisneylandParis #Christmas 2019 Details announced last week. The festivities run from November 9 to January 5 Experience the enchantment of Disneyland Paris’ magical Christmas extravaganza from 9 November 2019 to 6 January 2020…
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gamegeekzeu-blog · 5 years
If there was any doubt that Google Stadia had the ammunition to single-handedly upend the gaming industry and end the video game console as we know it, they should be laid to rest. But do streaming services have to future over home consoles?
More than 4,000 developers have registered their interest to sign up to the Stadia Partners scheme with an eye on releasing games for the upcoming streaming platform. As reported by PC Games Insider, Stadia technical account manager Sam Corcoran took to the stage to share the news during the Develop conference held last week in Birghton, UK.
Short of revealing the names of interested parties, Corcoran explained the program allows developers to signal their interest, although there’s no guarantee they’ll be accepted. A strict vetting program where every application undergoes a human-led review sorts the wheat from the chaff.
Addressing would-be Stadia developers, Corcoran went on to explain that through Stadia Partners, Google can “tailor-make a support plan that will work for your title and fit with the rest of our portfolio.”
In other words, it’s a polite way of framing that Google wants the pick of the litter. Four thousand developers have Google spoiled for choice. A further sign of this was at E3 this year, where numerous trailers for triple-A titles sported the Google Stadia logo alongside the trifecta of Sony’s PlayStation, Microsoft’s Xbox, and the Nintendo Switch we’ve grown accustomed to seeing. Getting into bed with the right game studios is top propriety for the tech giant.
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Will Stadia Make Traditional Console Obsolete?
While Google Stadia was being announced by Phil Harrison (vice president and general manager of the company) at the Game Developers Conference, the most perplexing thought in my mind was the fate of Xbox and PS4. The idea of massive online game streaming brightened the future of Xbox and PS4, but Google has a massive amount of resources to create a potentially mind-blowing gaming experience. We are excited to see what Google Stadia has to offer compared to other modern gaming consoles.
The magnitude of interest isn’t surprising. The unique stakes of the cloud development environment and a guaranteed foot in the door are powerful incentives, but the appetite for Stadia may be the harbinger of a more impactful shift: the end of console gaming as we know it.
Stadia’s success is all but guaranteed at this point. We’ve long heard cloud gaming is on the way and will revolutionize how we play games but have yet to get a tangible iteration of this long-lauded tech. Google has taken matters into its own hands to spearhead that shift.
We’d be unwise to discount Project xCloud given Xbox’s rich history and brimming catalog of games. The same applies to the surprising announcement of Sony and Microsoft joining forces to make use of the latter’s Azure network of servers. But, crucially, Stadia releases this fall.
What games will Stadia play?
When presenting Stadia, the vice president hinted to a few games that would be played on the product console; games like Splinter Cell, Civilization, Skyrim, and Super Mario Bros. This gives us insight into what games we should expect, but it is clear that these are only a fraction of what the Stadia has to offer.
Stadia must be an all-encompassing gaming platform to survive the fierce video game market. If people cannot access the kind of games they like on Stadia, it will quickly fade in popularity and become a non-competitor in the industry. It is important to target certain gaming audiences, but if Stadia can capture the whole gaming community, it may stand out as one of the top gaming consoles among the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox.
Games like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Doom Eternal, and NBA 2K are fascinating, but not enough to be revolutionary. There’s a vast ocean of games in the “gamosphere,” and Google seems to be adding these collections as part of the Stadia experience. Below a list of confirmed popular titles:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Baldur’s Gate 3
Ghost Recon Breakpoint
DOOM Eternal
The Division 2
Destiny 2
Tomb Raider Trilogy
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Metro Exodus
Football Manager 2020
Just Dance 2020
Rage 2
The Elder Scrolls Online
Borderlands 3
Final Fantasy XV
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Quanta Costa Stadia?
Another unknown factor to consider is the final price of the Google Stadia. Are we going to pay for standalone titles, or subscribe to a monthly or annual gaming pass? How costly will the product or service be? Will it revolutionize the entire gaming industry with a new way to pay-and-play all of your favorite titles? Stadia Premium will set you back $9,99 per month.
And for those who love cross-play: will Google Stadia give players the option of accessing titles from various other platforms? We don’t know how the final Stadia product will end up, but we have high hopes for the performance of Google’s latest gaming platform.
Google has a lot to consider when releasing an entirely new gaming platform. The different age generations and demographic considerations make finding the ideal audience a challenge. Each platform caters to a different audience; Nintendo, for example, was able to present their Brand in a “family fun” genre. Ultimately, they expanded this to include more competitive gamers, and the wild success of the company speaks volumes to their influence in the gaming industry.
Where do we go from here?
With a year’s head start on the next-gen consoles cooked up by Sony and Microsoft, which won’t release until the end of 2020 at the earliest, Google has uniquely positioned the Stadia to make gains on the share of the market dominated until now by traditional consoles.
Sony and Microsoft have confirmed physical versions of both the PlayStation 5 and Project Scarlett, and these souped-up, not to say expensive, consoles could be on the cusp of the slow journey to obsolescence. When both hit the market, they may entirely be surplus to requirement, superseded by Stadia.
The decline of traditional consoles won’t happen overnight, of that we can be sure, but this generation represents an upheaval so significant, we could be in for a changing of the guard, with Google firmly at the helm.
Keep following our news for more info on the upcoming release of Googles Stadia, coming November. If you want to pre-order Stadia, you can do so right -> HERE <-
Google Stadia; to stream or not to stream If there was any doubt that Google Stadia had the ammunition to single-handedly upend the gaming industry and end the video game console as we know it, they should be laid to rest.
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