#( if you want me to make a little ship tag for him and your muse
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just gonna drop some tags for his shippies uwu
#his flame to light the way ; kimiko / vash#her voice guides me home ; vash / meryl#his love for her is as bright as the sun ; ammy / vash#ooc ; downtime#( ignore these uwu )#( if you want me to make a little ship tag for him and your muse#granted they're a thing or are building to a thing together#just let me know uwu )#saved ;#two pained souls to heal one another ; vash / noah#ship tags#a vixen and her golden retriever ; lily / vash
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“I feel a little guilty, Luffy,” you mumble into the crook of his neck. Gently turning your head so that your lips meet just one more time before pulling back and looking at you in the eyes, he pauses, hands resting gently at your waist.
You pause, mouth twisting to the side. The small rowboat, attached to the much larger ship by the end of a surprisingly long rope, bobs gently on the waves with the two of you in it. The space is big enough for you both, but you’re huddled close on one end to the point of being pleasantly cramped and your lips are still soft with the faintest tingle of repeated, fervent kisses. Warm blankets huddle around you both to keep you safe from the cold and salty sea breeze of the late night, and you pull them a bit closer around yourself as you snuggle.
“This boat is supposed to be used for emergencies, not for this.”
Luffy grins.
“Maybe this isn’t an emergency to you, but for me-” he clasps his hands around your face and squishes your cheeks, “- I wanted to spend time with you and this is how I think we should.”
Luffy plants another wet kiss on you with an exaggeratedly loud smack then chuckles to himself. You can feel your face warm, then you wriggle out of his grasp to lay beside him on your back.
“Sure, but can we do something else for a minute?” you ask. Your heart is still beating somewhat fast, but the prospect of proceeding to more than just kisses on this boat concerns you considering the fact that neither of you can swim. He’d say something silly like he’d inflate himself quickly before the water submerges so you could bounce to safety and it would only serve to both exhaust and fluster you, even though he means it with the utmost sincerity.
“Fine by me!”
Luffy is still cheerful, letting his head rest on his hands with his elbows beside him. You focus on the stars for a moment, pointing out the meager few constellations you know by heart to him.
His lips form into an o as he hangs on every word, making up new ones entirely as he goes to tease you into mild frustration. It’s on you if you’re upset, given that you always make the mistake of taking him a little too seriously.
“You know, once we’ve seen all of the sea, we could probably work on the sky too,” he muses, as you inch closer to him and pull the blankets up to your neck.
“We?” you ask. “I’m not doing very much except tagging along.”
“Everyone is doing something. You’re our doctor and you make us happy,” he says matter of factly. “So we are in this together,” he maintains.
You turn to look him in the eyes, your need for reassurance that you’ve made the right decision by following him tugging at your heartstrings as usual.
“Do I make you happy?”
“All the time. Duh,” he says with enough resolve that it is clearly not worth it to probe any further. He doesn’t look at you as he says it, instead pointing towards the sky once more with his left hand, taking your hand with the right. He squeezes for just a moment and it’s affirmation enough.
“We should start with the moon first since it’s the biggest thing we can see from here.”
The moon, full, watches over you with just as much curiosity as Luffy has.
And in turn you watch him just as curiously as his plans grow, knowing he intends to keep you by his side.
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What books don't teach you (or how to date a wickedly charming vampire if all you know about dating is purely theoretical)
Summary: Unfortunately, having enough smutty fiction to sink a ship did not prepare you for dating (were you even dating?) Astarion. A shy/inexperienced Reader x Astarion fic where both do everything wrong but somehow end up getting it right. Set in Act II (before Astarion's confession).
Rating: Exlicit (MNDI)
Tags: MNDI, 18+, NSFW, Humour, Romance, Angst, Smut, Smut with feels, Smut with some plot, Oral (Male receiving), Masturbation (female), Vaginal Fingering, Praise kink, They are bad at communicating, Inexperienced Reader, Astarion is bad at feelings
Pairing: Astarion x female Reader (You)
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: It's spring cleaning time, so let's get those WIPs done! 😊 This is my first finished WIP for @thekindredcollective BG3 Spring Cleaning! Should have spent more time on this before posting, but my laptop is acting up again and I want to post the story whilst I can still use it (I hate writing/editing on my phone). Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated. Please tell me if you notice mistakes and typos! Hope you enjoy the story! ❤️❤️
You wanted to put him in your mouth. There. You said it. Well, admitted it to yourself silently in the dead of night whilst completely hidden under the blanket. Which was pretty much the same thing. Sort of.
You and Astarion had already done... it. The horizontal tango, that is. Twice even!
And you were very proud of how cool, smooth and put-together you were during those times. (Astarion immediately saw through your act, of course, but that was beside the point!)
Because no matter how inexperienced you were, you remembered both nights with hot cheeks and gentle warmth blooming to life in your chest every time you thought about the time you spent enjoying each other. Prior to meeting Astarion, you had no idea that bodies and tongues could even be used in such a manner. You read about it, of course. And being a voracious reader, especially when it came to certain literature, you had a general idea of what happened between consenting adults in the bedroom. And forests, beaches, caves, country houses, castle dungeons and so on.
But to actually experience it yourself! No matter how much you let your imagination run wild, to actually have someone, and a very handsome someone at that, outdo anything you imagined had been life-changing. You had a wonderful, toe-curling, lip-biting, earth-shattering, amazing time. And you really, really wanted to reciprocate.
And therein lay the problem.
The one and only time that you dared to go down on someone, you were told quite explicitly that you were completely shit at it. Absolutely talentless. Beyond terrible. And that put you off trying something like this with anyone ever again. Or so you thought.
Because when you looked at Astarion as he lay on top of you, making you tremble and shake with every movement of his hands on your skin, it made you wonder. Wonder how he would taste. You looked at Astarion and ached. Craved to hear him gasp and moan. Watch him unravel from the skill of your tongue and hands. Because surely if others could learn to do that to other person’s orifices then you… could probably manage to be okay at it.
The thought of your late-night musings becoming reality had your cheeks burning in seconds. You sighed and hit your head on the pillow, knowing that it was an awful, terrible idea.
Astarion was experienced, beautiful, and confident. You were not. Whatever it was that made him decide to be with you in the first place would surely be outweighed by the spectacular way you would screw this up.
You sighed again, this time a deep, long sound that almost emptied your lungs.
You wondered if you could just ask someone. You were sure that at least one of your companions could give you a pointer or two. But Astarion's pointy ears seemed to catch every bit of juicy gossip, every little whisper. He would know of the full extent of your inadequacy and promptly dump you.
No. You needed to keep your embarrassing secret to yourself.
And then you had a eureka moment. Because you realised that you didn't need to ask anyone at all! What you needed was to get Gale distracted enough for you to steal one of his books. Because you were more than certain that recently Gale had come into possession of a very filthy tome that he quickly squirreled away before anyone could notice. The tome that would be your salvation.
And with this comforting thought finally allowing you to relax, you soon found yourself in the arms of Morpheus, your sleep untroubled and filled with pleasant, if a little racy, dreams.
Astarion was... concerned. Yes, he wasn't worried exactly, though he was slowly edging towards that territory. And why? Well, because their level-headed leader started acting in a manner that one could politely refer to as eccentric.
This group was already full of weirdos, and you were pretty much the only one of the lot that one could call the voice of reason. Except lately you seemed to abandon all reason and instead chose to act like a woman gone mad as you made attempt after attempt to steal something from the wizard.
You were so bad at going about it in a discreet manner that it was almost amusing. Gale did not seem to notice, but Astarion knew that the cleric and the gith did, as did Karlach. He was sure that Shadowheart and Karlach had some kind of bet going on, although he did not care to find out exactly what the terms were.
Initially, he had a fleeting thought that you were trying to get into Gale's tent for amorous reasons. That you decided to take a new lover. Astarion tried not to examine the sick feeling that twisted his gut at the thought of you leaving his bedroll cold to frolic into another person's tent. Because there wasn't any sick feeling in the first place and even if there was, he could quite reasonably blame it on indigestion.
But then he realised that you tried to sneak into Gale's tent only when the wizard was otherwise occupied, usually right about the time he was preparing meals and seemed to be engrossed in whatever he was trying to make edible.
Either way, Astarion was confused, bewildered by why you doggedly chose to pursue something that the wizard had come to possess. Your tenacity and grim persistence would be amusing had it been anyone else that was acting batshit crazy. Alas, it was the one companion that Astarion bet on to stay sane throughout the whole ordeal. And that just wouldn’t do. Not that he cared, per se. But you being predictable would definitely make things easier in the long run. Astarion had a plan, after all, and he was sticking to the said plan no matter what.
A smile curved the elf's lips as you once again failed to infiltrate enemy territory and were forced to retreat rather hastily - and inelegantly - almost smashing into a nearby tree as you made your escape. That didn't go unnoticed by the cleric, who whispered something to Karlach, making the tiefling almost spit her drink out as she tried, and failed, to suppress a laugh.
It was at that moment that Astarion decided that he would help your poor pitiful self to steal whatever it was that you wanted to get from the wizard's tent. Because it would probably take one or two more failed attempts for Gale to notice, and that would mean that you would abandon your plan, and Astarion would never find out what it was that was worth all this trouble. Not that he cared as such. But it could be some powerful artifact, or a tome filled with nefarious spells. And if he knew what it was, he was almost certain he could convince you to share.
Later that day, as you positioned yourself strategically just outside Gale's tent, Astarion strolled up to the wizard with an air of casual boredom. Gale was busy preparing supper, chopping away at some vegetables and whatever else they managed to scavenge. Astarion snorted his disapproval at the scents emitting from the cooking pot.
"Something on your mind?" Gale chose that moment to speak up.
"Hm? Oh, no. Pay no attention to me whatsoever. I'm just pondering a dilemma of mine, and I am afraid I might not come up with an answer."
"I see, well, may I be of assistance?"
Inclining his head ever so slightly, Astarion could see you slink towards the open flap of Gale's tent, taking a step back to be swallowed up by the darkness.
Astarion smirked.
“I am not certain that you can, wizard. You see, this issue of mine would need a mind that is truly voracious. A certain someone that can unravel the unravellable. Solve the unsolvable.”
“And are you insinuating that I am lacking in this department?”
“Oh, no! I would never insinuate anything.”
Astarion heard something crash, the sound followed by a serious of muffled curses and something that that to a keen ear would seem like you fell over and were now struggling to extricate yourself from something or another. This level of clumsiness was so you that Astarion felt something akin to fondness.
Gale was about to turn his head when Astarion said, “I would not insinuate anything that I could state outright.”
That did it. Because Gale could take needling and teasing when it came to anything except his intellectual prowess.
“I’ll have you know that back at Blackstaff Academy I was often consulted on all matters of things! And often my council was the only one worth listening to! Now, tell me exactly what is troubling you. I am more than certain that I will solve whatever issue this is.”
Astarion saw you emerge with something hidden under your shirt. He didn't know why you bothered, it was more than obvious that it was a book of some sort. Though perhaps you were hoping to conceal the cover. Astarion's nostrils flared.
You were excited, embarrassed and a little aroused. An interesting combination to have to some light reading.
“Astarion? Are you listening?”
Ah, the wizard was still talking. How he loved listening to the sound of his own voice! Honestly, some could really benefit from working on their people skills.
“You know, perhaps being in the presence of such intelligence was enough. I just thought of what to do. No advice needed.”
Gale blinked.
“I see. I’m glad that you are no longer troubled.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. We are all a little troubled around here. Anyway, must dash.”
And with that Astarion was gone in a flurry of silk and smiles that didn’t reach his eyes. Making his way out of camp, he pursued his target with predatory skill. It wasn’t like you were making it difficult to find you. A broken branch here, a piece of fabric snagged on a twig there. Astarion soon found himself on the riverbank, you not noticing his approach as you were deeply engrossed in your reading.
"Hm.. Where is the part about.. Aha! Here we go. 'His throbbing member brushed against her skirts'. No, I must have skipped too far ahead."
Astarion bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. This is what you were after all this time? Stealing a dirty, scandalous novel? Surely he provided you with enough entertainment for you not to require that type of books? Who knew you were such a deviant underneath that prim and proper facade? How absolutely wonderful.
"Yes! Finally! 'She took him into her shaking hands and pressed a gentle kiss to his pulsing shaft, her eyes asking the question her lips could not form.'"
Your eyes shone with a victorious if somewhat maniacal glint, there was a leaf in your hair, teeth worrying your bottom lip as you read the next passage with feverish intensity.
Perhaps it was time to make himself known. Astarion stepped on a tree branch, putting some force into it to make it snap.
You squeaked and whipped your head around to look at him, eyes comically round and large, cheeks flushed and rosy. And it was at this moment that you lost your grip on the book, making it slip out of your fingers. You tried grabbing it but it was too late. Whatever escapades the Duke and the debutante got up to were lost to you, swallowed up hungrily by the river.
"Well, I suppose now we will never know if he sheathed his sword to the hilt. Though perhaps it was more of a dagger?"
Astarion did not expect a pathetic little sob to be your reply.
He crouched beside you, thumb wiping a stray tear that rolled down your cheek.
"It was supposed to be a surprise for you," you whispered, making a point not to look at him.
"Dearest, this is not the first novel of that sort that I've read and I am sure that it won't be the last."
"No- I- I wasn't talking about the book. I was trying to use it as a guide, of sorts."
"Well, I'm not sure if taking one too many bumps to your lovely head affected your memory, but we've already had sex. Twice, in fact."
"Yes,” you wiped your face with a swift, jerky movement, “but I wanted to do something. And I wanted to do it well."
Astarion chuckled as he realised what you were talking about. He had his suspicions when he had his wicked way with you, seeing the way you'd eye that particular part of his anatomy before quickly looking away. The elf lowered himself gracefully onto the ground and sat beside you, pulling you towards himself and letting your head rest on his shoulder.
"You've never-"
"Once. It wasn’t good. I mean I-I wasn’t very good," you admitted with a wince.
Astarion knew that he had to tread very, very carefully. It was glaringly obvious that you were inexperienced when it came to sex, even if you tried to act confident when you slept together. When he had stepped out from behind the tree the night when he bedded you for the first time, you walked towards him like a newborn doe, legs unsteady, hands shaking, a bright blush on your cheeks. You were excited and nervous in equal measures, and that made him both irritated and intruiged.
Therefore, Astarion chose not to tease you but took a deep breath, swallowed whatever witty comment was on his tongue, and placed a gentle, lingering kiss on your temple.
Bringing his lips to your ear, Astarion spoke in a low tone, "Darling, make of it what you will, but a student is only as good as their teacher."
Hearing your heartbeat speed up, Astarion smirked. You turned so you were looking straight at him.
Fingers clasping your chin, he pulled you up enough to brush cool lips against your own, tongue flicking out to wet soft flesh.
"Would you like me to teach you?”
“Then be a good girl for me and follow my instructions.”
Having spotted a rock with a deep indent that would allow one to take a seat somewhat comfortably, Astarion rose and moved towards it, motioning you to follow.
“On your knees, my sweet,” he purred, undoing the laces of his trousers as he took his place. Looking up, Astarion’s eyes widened as he found that you were completely bare from the waist up, your exposed breasts level with his crotch.
"Feeling a little warm?" He cleared his throat.
"No. This is plan B."
"I need you to explain your thinking there."
"Well, if you don’t enjoy my mouth, these might come in handy."
After all, you've read enough fiction over the years to know how one can make use of this particular part of your anatomy.
"You mean-"
"I see."
Astarion felt himself grow harder still and willed his rebellious cock to cool it. He was supposed to be the one doing the seducing. Not the one who was most certainly a virgin mere weeks ago. Except suddenly you seemed to turn the tables on him and he, the suave and experienced rogue that bedded thousands, wanted you to touch him. The fact that he did not feel the usual wave of self-loathing and disgust was odd yet very welcome.
Your hands brushed against the skin of his thighs, so warm and gentle. So unlike the touch he was used to. Astarion looked into your eyes and felt himself relax at seeing the genuine excitement you were trying to be less obvious about.
It was sweet. You were sweet. You wouldn’t hurt him, or force him, of belittle him. And knowing with the utmost certainty that you'd stop if he asked you to made Astarion put his hand on top of yours. His cool hand gripping yours gently, Astarion delighted in the way you swallowed nervously when he slowly guided your hands up.
"Start gently. No teeth."
"Wasn’t going to use them."
"Don't try to take it all in at once."
"Don’t think I can anyway."
"And darling?" Astarion said, noticing the intense resolve on your face. "Please don't overthink this."
"Okay," you nodded.
And then you put your tongue on him and licked a long, wet trail, giving the tip an experimental suck. Astarion's brain promptly short-circuited. The second suck was a touch more insistent, Astarion making a strangled sound that was most definitely not a whine. Emboldened by his reactions, you took more of him in, moving your mouth up and down the shaft, trying to establish a pace.
Astarion's eyes slammed shut and he bit his bottom lip. He had forgotten how good this could feel. Hells, he could not for the (un)life of him remember the last time someone offered to pleasure him in such a way. His experiences of sex, at least from what he could remember, were all about giving at best. At worst? Well...
Astarion scowled, willing himself to stay in the present, focusing on the licks and sucks, and your hand stroking the base. The sensitive head pulsed from the attention. Astarion groaned when he felt your fingers wrap around the base, stroking back and forth along the section where your mouth couldn’t reach. His eyes rolled upwards, his hips moving involuntarily to meet your mouth.
And then his dick hit the back of your throat, making you gag. It was then that Astarion remembered that he was meant to be instructing and you, in your eagerness, had to be guided enough not to hurt yourself. Perhaps your attention had to be otherwise occupied.
"Darling," Astarion purred, pushing you back gently, making his cock slide out of your mouth with a wet sound. "There is something else I'd like you to do for me."
"Sure, I'd do anything to you."
"You mean for me?"
You shrugged, making him bark a surprised laugh. Oh, you were fun! Perhaps not always on purpose, but still. Much more fun than most, at least in his experience.
"I'd like you to take the rest of your clothes off and touch yourself."
At your dubious look, he leaned forward and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'd enjoy seeing you pleasure yourself whilst you pleasure me."
"Good girl."
You obeyed, undoing the ties with shaking fingers and taking your clothes off, nervous yet giddy with excitement. Looking up, you saw Astarion watching you intently, a lazy half smile on his face.
He thought he was all that, did he? Well, you read enough naughty novels that you purchased from Sharess' - hood on, not making eye contact and trying to get out there as fast as possible - to have plenty of theoretical knowledge about how these things got done! And sure, perhaps you didn’t have lovers before Astarion. But you had years to explore your body well enough to know what got you going.
Astarion watched as you placed your hand on your breast and then trailed your fingers down, the descent slow and teasing. As a rule, Astarion didn’t enjoy seeing others pleasure themselves. He enjoyed feeling what little power he had over people, enjoyed how they would grovel and writhe just so he'd grant them a moment of bliss, enjoyed seeing them say and do whatever it was that he wanted because please, please, please.
Sex was a tool. Sex was a weapon. Sex was a way to get what he wanted. And he would damn well use all the tricks in his arsenal to have you where he wanted you.
Except a peculiar thing happened. He actually wanted you. Which was becoming more apparent by the second as your fingers pushed your underwear aside to bare yourself enough for Astarion to be getting quite a show.
He could see, smell and all but taste the way your body reacted to touch and to being watched. It made his fangs itch. And then you threw your head back, baring your neck ever so deliciously as you let out a wanton moan. His body jerked towards you, and it took all his willpower not to sink his teeth into inviting flesh.
No, he'd always ask before biting.
"Darling, may I?" Astarion said in a guttural voice he barely recognised.
Your 'yes' came out as an almost plosive sound that was half breathed and half forced out. He sighed appreciatively, so close to getting what he craved. You watched through half-lidded eyes as he put his hands on your shoulders and leaned in, nose trailing along your neck, tongue lapping at the twin marks that would most definitely become permanent. The thought had his hips thrusting forward, cock hard and leaking.
Not wasting another moment, Astarion sank his fangs into your neck, pulling you towards him. He could feel your approaching orgasm, taste your pleasure, making it his own.
"Astarion," you whispered, eyes fluttering shut, the hand not working you into a frensy rising to brush back soft curls. Your feather-light touch on his ears made him groan as he drank, a trail of blood escaping and trickling down between your bodies.
"Astarion I-" the rest was swallowed by his mouth as he crashed his lips against yours. You could taste your blood and then felt his fingers join yours before dipping into you and-oh.
Strong, and sure, and experienced, his fingers had you panting and gasping into his mouth. He moved and you tried to grind against him, but steady hands kept you in place. Your orgasm hit you hard, Astarion not relenting as you rode his fingers.
You two broke apart and Astarion grinned. Yes, judging by your glazed eyes and swollen lips, his plan was working as brilliantly as he hoped.
"Was this fun, my sweet?" He let your head fall onto his shoulder, watching your chest rise and fall as your breath escaped you in wheezing puffs.
"Very," you nodded and licked your lips, trying to steady yourself. "And now it's your turn."
Astarion blinked.
"Yes. I mean, unless you didn’t like it."
Astarion found that for the first time in his life he was unsure what to say. Because he didn’t actually expect you to continue. Because he was absolutely certain that you just wanted to play with his cock for a while before chasing your own release.
"I did like it," he admitted, looking away in a manner that could be described as uncharacteristically shy, "but you don't have to-"
"I want to," you interrupted. "I wanted to for a long time. If you allow it, that is," you murmured into the elf’s ear, sending a delicious shudder through him.
Your earnest expression had Astarion considering it. That and the fact your parted, moist lips looked wickedly inviting. You wrapped your fingers around his cock, applying gentle pressure as you gave it a few slow teasing strokes.
"You up for it, lover?" You teased.
"Hah! That’s terrible. Don’t do puns, dear.”
“Because you’d much rather I do you?”
“You know that terrible jokes account for one in two murders?”
“Is that a real statistic?”
“It might as well be.”
Looking at you, Astarion felt a wave of something that another, better emotionally equipped being, would call fondness. And then he felt a wave of something that he recognised all too well. He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the way your hand moved over his hardness. And then he felt warm heat of your mouth and your appreciative sigh as you were finally given free rein, getting to do whatever you wanted to him as Astarion submitted to your ministrations.
He knew that he wouldn’t last long. Not with your blood coursing through him and the warmth from your mouth seeping into his flesh and electrifying his nerves. He tried not to arch his back, seeking more friction, more of you, just more of it all. Because- hells!
You chose that moment to palm his balls, rolling them teasingly as Astarion fought with himself not to thrust and roll his hips. His breath caught in his throat and he released a needy, half-chocked sound as you slowed to trace a lazy path up the spit-sleeked hardness, sending already sensitive nerves into overdrive.
“Darling, I won’t last long,” Astarion whimpered.
Your hum of appreciation just about sent him over the edge.
And then you went faster, as if getting greedier by the minute. Astarion’s words came out as whimpering pleas that did not make sense to his own ears. He gasped and whimpered as his pleasure built.
Whimpers turned into groans and those turned into silence as his mouth opened, deadly fangs flashing, as your other hand ventured further to find that spot and pressed into it with each movement. His orgasm swelled and broke, Astarion not even having the chance to ask where you’d want him to cum. You tried to swallow, but were rather unprepared, almost chocking then pulling back enough to let what you couldn’t manage trail down your hand and his body.
Astarion took greedy gulps of air that he didn’t need, eyes still closed, feeling boneless and lazy, and not wanting to move. He could feel you shift and next you started wiping him clean with a soft cloth, movements slow and careful. This wasn’t the first time you cared for him in such a way, but he still didn’t expect you to want to do something like that, not really sure how to react. And so Astarion chose to just stay silent and enjoy it while it lasted. Because for one reason or another, he was certain that whatever this was would not last.
“Did- Did I do well?”
He chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious? Or perhaps you’d like me to sing praises and commend you on your skill like they would in those novels you like, hm?”
One ruby eye cracked open and Astarion gave you a slow, languid smile.
“If you were in my novel, you’d definitely be more gallant,” you huffed.
“Apologies. I’ll try better next time.”
“Next time? You mean I get to do it again?”
“Can’t imagine why you are the one excited about it, but yes. You get to do it again.”
Your victorious, brilliant smile had him looking away, the tips of his ears tinged pink. He felt conflicted about the attention, confused as to why you’d feel so obviously happy at him being satisfied.
Astarion did not like not being able to figure people out. Not being able to predict what one would do, not knowing what came next had the elf stiffening involuntarily.
Red eyes watched you intently as you put your smallclothes on. The vampire was eerily still as you stumbled about, suddenly bashful and trying to cover yourself up as quickly as possible as you threw furtive looks in his direction. Then he took a breath, as if suddenly remembering that some would deem it a necessity and willed his body to obey him. Lips curving, a smile plastered on his face, Astarion rose in a smooth, elegant movement, still completely bare and seemingly not bothered by being nude out in the open.
A finger under your chin, he turned your head and pecked your lips.
“Thank you, darling. I had a simply marvellous time. How good of you to treat me so.”
His words didn’t have the desired effect. Instead of melting into a pile of feminine goo, as one should have done when being in the proximity of a gorgeous creature, you frowned and nodded.
“Yes. I’m glad. But I think I have to go.”
“Really? Have to?”
“No. I want to go.”
Astarion let his hand drop and watched you retreat with surprising haste, confused about what had just happened. It felt as if he had crossed some unspoken line, but he was unsure when and where he did so. Astarion dressed quickly, with jerky movements, tugging his shirt on angrily. Anger came naturally. Anger was easier. He did not know who he was angry at – you or himself – but somehow it made him feel better. Taking a different path to the one you chose to make your retreat, Astarion ran. Hunting something down and tearing into its throat with his fangs. Watching it thrust about as he bled it dry. He needed to at least sate his hunger if he couldn’t settle his mind.
Evening came and went with neither you nor Astarion uttering a word to each other. The next day was much the same. You communicated through others, but never directly.
On day six, you approached Astarion. He was reading, casually reclining against a tree, the wind playing with his curls and making them dance so beautifully that you almost missed a step and had to quickly catch yourself. Falling forward and kissing the ground would definitely put you in a state not conducive to having any conversation at all.
Taking a deep breath, you decided to just go for it. There was very little you could do to make the situation worse.
"I'm sorry," you blurted out.
"Beg pardon?" Astarion looked up with a cold expression on his handsome face.
Not a good start, but you decided to soldier on.
"I want to apologise."
"Do you know what you are apologising for?" Astarion closed his book and set it aside without breaking eye contact.
"I'm not sure exactly. I don't know what I did that day by the river, to make you look at me with such disgust-"
Astarion made a noise at the back of his throat which could be interpreted in many ways, and you took it as confirmation of your worst fears.
"And I don't know how to fix it! And maybe a simple apology isn't enough, but I couldn’t come up with anything better."
You had thought of how this conversation could go at length, tossing and turning late into the night. You had hoped to sound less pathetic, less needy. But perhaps being honest was the best way to go about it.
"I envy your easy confidence, you know. I never had that. Not once in my life. And it's not about my looks. I just don’t feel like I have the guts to talk about my wants. And I've never felt that I even wanted to… until you. And I'm not asking you to understand or to accept it. But I can't bear you to look at me that way again, like you can't wait to get away from me. So, I want to apologise. But I need you to tell me what happened,” you swallowed nervously, “please."
There was an awkward pause, a moment where Astarion didn't know what to do, what to say when faced with such sincerity and raw emotion. How would he even begin to explain what happened when he had spent centuries trying to avoid thinking about it for his personal sanity?
"I can't,” he began carefully, brows furrowed, fingers twitching. “At least I'm not sure if I can. But,” he paused, word coming out breath-heavy, “that, whatever that was, had nothing to do with you."
"Oh.” You looked away, whatever courage you summoned earlier used up at this point. “I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."
Astarion rose in one swift movement. You were a breath away from each other, and yet not touching.
"I meant what I said that day. I did enjoy it. Being with you feels... like something else. Something new."
Untarnished, unspoilt.
"But it did bring up some less than pleasant memories."
"I'm sorry."
"Will you stop apologising, infuriating woman?" Astarion demanded sharply.
"I'm so-"
Astarion knew only one effective way of silencing you, so he pressed his lips firmly against yours, one hand finding itself in your hair, the other on the swell of your hip. You felt a tingle dance up your spine when Astarion coaxed your lips to open, his tongue slipping in to tangle with yours. You moaned into the kiss, the tension and worries of the past six days melting away until you felt like you were floating.
Remembering that you did, in fact, need to breathe, Astarion broke the kiss.
"No more apologies," Astarion admonished you gently. "Especially when you've done nothing wrong."
You nodded silently and quiet enveloped you both, Astarion looking at you with warm intensity as you ran your fingers through his soft, silver curls.
"And now, my dear," Astarion decided to finally ask you the question that has been on his mind for the past six days, "I believe we are overdue for a discussion of a different type. Because I simply can't go on another moment without knowing where you learned of plan B."
And this was when you told Astarion about your most prized possession - the library in the basement of your home with enough tomes to sink a ship. Astarion had never been more eager to get back to the Gate.
He simply had to survive long enough to see this. And then have you read to him from each one. Preferably naked.
💖 Tag list 💖:
@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@clazberryk, @anukulee,
@sh3rl0ck, @mellowenthusiast2299,
@fleetstreet78, @starlight-rogue,
@obsessedwhyyes, @arzen9, @hellethil,
@nyx-knox, @vividiana, @khywren,
#The sexcapades of the toothy elf#bg3 astarion#astarion#fanfic#astarion fanfiction#baldur's gate fanfiction#astarion x female reader#astarion x you#astarion x reader#roguish cat#bg3 spring cleaning#the kindred collective
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2024 Fic Recs
Hello and welcome to my fic recs from 2024 post :)
Like in 2023, the vast majority of fanfiction I read has been Tolkien-centric; my hyperfixation is still going strong, lol. I also got into Longmire (the TV show; I haven’t read the books yet), so there’s a handful of Longmire fanfics in here too. And as I said last year, buckle up, because it’s a pretty long post (this one’s got roughly 80 fics, not counting series!).
For each fic, I’ll give a one-sentence summary and then my thoughts on the fic! I’ll also mention whether the fic is a oneshot, doubleshot (2 chapters), or a multi-chapter fic, as well as the fic rating. I’m sorting the Tolkien fics into series, topic-based, character/time/place-focused, AUs & others, and then I’ll put the non-Tolkien fics at the end. I am including in-progress fics in each of those categories.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the galaxy banners used to separate the sections :)
Intro: What to Expect & Fics Legend
Expect: Lots of angst—LOTS of it. I didn’t realize how much there was until I went back through all of these! Also a bunch of fluff and hurt/comfort. Majority of fics are genfic. Mostly Silmfics; some Lord of the Rings and/or Hobbit characters are featured. Most fics are rated T, with a few rated G or M.
Do not expect: Stories with a focus on romantic!Russingon (or any other first cousins x cousins ships), smut, or excessively gory or dark stories. No E-rated fics.
Notes about formatting: Sometimes, the bullet points may be spaced out a little strangely; that’s because Tumblr won’t actually tag more than 5 people at once in a set of bullet points, so I have to space them out in order for people to get tagged properly. When a fic has quotation marks around the summary, that means it’s taken straight from the summary of the fic. Occasionally, I’ll consider a fic to be rated differently for my personal taste than it’s marked on AO3, and in those cases I will mention that. For example: G [AO3 rating] / T [personal rating]. Otherwise, ratings are from AO3.
Fics Legend/Key These emojis are used to denote any stories that have the following elements, and I’ll do my best to put appropriate warnings/mentions of certain potentially triggering topics as well, when needed. Most if not all the stories do have necessary tags or content warnings given by the author, so if I miss something, the author and/or the fic tags should tell you about it. My apologies if I do miss anything.
🔒 Fic only available to AO3 users
🩸 Features somewhat shocking or graphic violence and/or heavy topics (including abuse, severe trauma, mental illness, etc.)
*️⃣ Features background romantic!Russingon or other cousin ships
🏳️🌈 Features LGBTQ+/queer ships and/or characters (for those who do or do not prefer to read fics with queer ships/characters. If you have any questions about this, feel free to send me a DM.)
✍️ Fic is in progress/incomplete
Also, this may go without saying, but I feel like it does need saying: Your mileage may vary with these fics, especially those that are not particularly fluffy. So, read what you’re comfortable with, and don’t read or skip what you aren’t.
I will tag authors who are here on Tumblr; I've included multiple fics by the same authors, so I will only tag each author once.
To all the fic authors, people posting meta/analyses, and fan artists: Thank you for sharing your work with the world. Your stories, musings, and art have brought me a lot of joy (and frequently, encouragement) this past year, and it’s still kinda crazy to me that I can read or see it for free. Because you loved canon enough to make something from it, and you wanted to share the results of that love with others. Thank you. ❤️

Annaáuchiwee by @thegreenleavesofspring (Brievel on AO3) & The_Anonymous_Coauthor 🩸✍️ - [Modern AU] The story of how a biker thug scrapes a street rat up off the street and discovers, for the first time in thirty years, that he has a conscience, which leads him halfway across the country and into a lifestyle of love and sacrifice that he had long forsworn. (In-progress series of 4 works, multi-chapters, T) Y’all. Y’all. I cannot recommend this series enough. If you follow my sideblog, @fandomsandfairytales, you have almost certainly seen me posting about this over there. This series is essentially set in the Sons of the Star universe, which is a “sons of Fëanor as a biker gang” modern AU, but it’s a step to the left of that AU. Annaáuchiwee is focused on the modern equivalent of Celegorm, named Riser Way, and his journey (both literal and figurative) to become an honorable man. I absolutely adore the characters and writing in this series. There’s so much: humor (and lots of it), angst (and lots of that too), violence, domestic fluff, thoughtful moments, and so much character growth. I get excited every time I see an update in my inbox! (Warning: The series features a fair amount of violence, and it deals with heavy topics, including trafficking, rape, and child abuse.)
On Elrond Peredhel by @elvinye (leodesic on AO3) ️*️⃣ 🏳️🌈 (Russingon + biological son Gil-Galad; prominent in one work) ✍️ - "A series examining Elrond's kidnap-adoption [and Elrond himself] from a variety of different characters’ perspectives." (In-progress series of 13 works, oneshots and doubleshots, all rated T or G.) I enjoy reading lots of different perspectives on kidnap fam, and I love how this series explores a huge spectrum of characters’ reactions to a very Noldorin Elrond. It’s so well-written and gives me major Elrond feels. Seeing Elrond through so many different lenses is really cool; I think leodesic does a great job handling each character’s inner narrative and also showing Elrond as a kind and caring yet assertive individual, no matter what that character thinks of him. If you are into pro-Fëanorian kidnap fam, you’ll like this series!
Quenta Nossëo by HonoraryDawn ✍️ - Elrond accidentally travels through time and space and arrives in Valinor just in time for Fëanor’s birth in the Years of the Trees; Elrond decides to change history and raise Fëanáro himself. (In-progress series of 2 works, multi-chapters, T) This is such a cool series! I love how it changes history, and all the twists and turns throughout! Nature vs. nurture is a key theme in Fëanor being raised by someone other than Finwë, and Fëanor’s development and the way tensions rise differently in Valinor in the Years of the Trees are fascinating. Highly recommend! (I also recommend Fanarts for Preventative Measures by Leira_E, which has several pieces of fan art and fan-written blurbs for the first installment in this series.)
Horrible Goose Fingon by @pearlescentpearl (PandaFlower on AO3) - Fingon, having experienced life in Beleriand, wakes up in the Years of the Trees Valinor and immediately decides to make it Morgoth’s problem. (In-progress series of 2 works, oneshots and multi-chapters, all rated T or G.) Fingon hits the ground running here, and his quick deductions and planning are so much fun to read! I enjoyed his interactions with Maedhros and with Ingwë’s family, and I’m looking forward to more.

I went through a period of time where I was really into rescue-from-Thangorodrim and post-Thangorodrim fics, so here are my top Maedhros-Thangorodrim-trauma recs from this year!
The Shackle by @valarhalla (Elisif on AO3) 🩸 - Fingon rescues Maedhros from the cliff of Thangorodrim. (Oneshot, M) This fic was exactly what I was looking for when I was craving a rescue-from-Thangorodrim fic!!! Masterfully written. It really depicted the sort of state Mae would have been in, neglected and hanging from the cliff as he was. The entire thing is SO angsty and incredibly heartrending and I loved it. (Warning: Graphic descriptions of injury, bodily fluids, and the effects of an extended period of physical neglect.)
Open Wounds by @markedasinfernal (theeventualwinner on AO3)🩸*️⃣ - “Maedhros' post-Thangorodrim recovery.” (12 chapters, M) I devoured this fic over two days and oh my goodness. What an amazingly well-written piece. I loveddddd all of the medical terminology and the very analytical (though never at the cost of emotional, or vice versa!) way Maedhros’ healing was approached. There’s so much angst and tension amongst the rest of the sons of Fëanor and Fingon as well, yet it is borne out of care for Maedhros, and that care is shown very clearly in all their interactions with Maedhros himself. The richness of the relationships in this fic is really beautiful. (Note: Any Russingon in this fic is very, very lightly implied. Warning: Descriptions of injury, physical trauma, and PTSD.)
Whoops, They’re Both Asleep by until_the_stars_are_all_alight - Findékano comes to visit Maitimo when he hears his cousin wanted “Káno” and finds Makalaurë [Kanáfinwë] is already there. (Oneshot, T) A short, absolutely adorable oneshot! It’s only 350 words, but everything is so well-portrayed: the tension between Fingon and Maglor, the way Maedhros is dealing with his recovery, the affection he has for both his brother and cousin. I’ve reread it a few times now and I love it more every time.
No Resemblance by Elisif - Nolofinwë struggles to recognise his nephew after his rescue from Angband. (2 chapters, incomplete, T) This is SO PAINFUL and angsty and so good. From Fingolfin barely recognizing Maedhros for who he was (when Fingon brought him back) to all the memories of young Maedhros in Valinor, it’s shot through with feelssssss.
Dawn by potatoesanddreams - Maedhros’ first sight of the Sun. (Oneshot, T) A proper drabble clocking in at 100 words. I really enjoyed this one—I was fascinated by the second person point of view for Maedhros! The descriptions are so evocative and eloquent.
More About the Things that You Take With by @imnotdyingbutyouallare - Maedhros struggles with Maglor cutting his hair. (Oneshot, T) There is so much gentleness in this fic despite how much Maedhros is still suffering, and so much awareness of each other on both Maglor and Maedhros’ parts, which I loved. Even a “simple” thing such as cutting Maedhros’ hair is difficult for him, and I could really feel the fragility of Maedhros’ state of mind throughout. So, so good!!!
breakdown by @leucisticpuffin 🔒 - Maglor breaks down and Maedhros struggles to comfort him. (Oneshot, T) Oh my goodness, ugh. This is soooo painful and I love it. I feel terribly for Maglor, and for Maedhros feeling so helpless. What an angsty vignette of their relationship in the immediate aftermath of Maedhros’ rescue.
Let them see! by BarbieBlue - Maglor attempts to console Maedhros in a difficult moment during Maedhros’ recovery. (Oneshot, T) I loved reading this fic! I felt the acute frustration on Maedhros’ part that he can do so little and Maglor’s intense guilt. Maglor’s compassion and determination to prove to his brother that he cares is very compelling. (Fingon’s bewilderment at the end is rather hilarious, too.)
Us Against the World by @annoyinglandmagazine (Caranthirwasalesbian on AO3) - It’s the first feast after Maedhros’ recovery, and he realizes only having one hand makes table manners difficult. (Oneshot, G) To me, this fic really demonstrates how much the sons of Fëanor care for each other, and I simply adore it. It’s a beautiful picture of love on a practical level.
Oneshots of our favorite singing elf-turned-crustacean, Crablor!
Soft-Shelled Soul by @thescrapwitch (theScrap_Witch on AO3) 🔒 - Maedhros learns from Námo that his brother has been transformed into a crab, and he is determined to find him and bring him home. (Oneshot, G) I really enjoyed this lovely Crablor story! I loved the fact that it was Maedhros and Celegorm who found Maglor—it makes perfect sense to not only have Maedhros, the caring older brother, searching but also Celegorm, the one who knows animal languages. Everything back in Valinor (the reactions! Maglor’s new living space!) are wonderful, too.
The Trial of Crablor Fëanorion by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - Maglor, in crab form, is put on trial for his crimes. (Oneshot, G) This fic could very well go in my humor section as well as the Crablor section. I found myself laughing throughout, and even typing this I’m smiling just thinking about it. The format of a court trial record is delightful, along with all the shenanigans included for the sake of the record!
lured to be loved by LadyHaleth - Elladan and Elrohir search for their long-lost grandfather…who they discover has been turned into a different form. (Oneshot, T) A sweet adventure! Elladan and Elrohir’s dedication to finding and caring for Maglor is so admirable, and I enjoyed their dynamic as twins and with Maglor. The details in every scene really make this fic! (And don’t miss the awesome art in the middle, since the art and fic were one of the TRSB collabs for this year.)
to speak, to scream and laugh with the echo by @artandsuffering (Tamatoa (SaltandtheSoul) on AO3) - When Maglor wakes up in the past after the Fourth Age, he decides to make it Sauron’s problem. (Oneshot, T) This fic is SO FREAKING FUNNY. The understated humor in this is incredible, and I love the phrasing throughout. The framing of the atmosphere of Angband as a corporate workplace of sorts (while still being fully in Middle-Earth, of course) simply makes this fic.
This Battle Could Have Been An E-mail by @tilion-writes (Tilion on AO3) ✍️ - A series of emails in Maedhros’ inbox throughout the ages. (4 chapters, in progress, T) INCREDIBLY hilarious. The email addresses, the domains for the email addresses (nargothrond.com! himring.net!), the email sign-offs for each of the characters, the subject lines, the files, the messages (including punctuation and tone of professionalism, or lack thereof) from each character—all of it was priceless.
Please Do Not by @mynameisjessejk - “In which Maedhros has all the foresight of the House of Feanaro and uses it entirely to prevent brother and cousin shenanigans.” (Oneshot, bullet-point, T) This fic is absolutely hysterical. I probably broke something trying so hard not to laugh (I was reading this when there were people around). The phrase “the transitive property of Finrod” still lives rent-free in my head months after I read it XD This fic also turned out to be really heartwarming and gave me many feels. So, so, so good.
How Dare by @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover (ATalkingCat on AO3) - The palantir experiences Pippin picking it up. (Oneshot, G) I laughed out loud multiple times reading this. It’s a short, delightful read with a VERY snarky palantir point of view, and I highly enjoyed it!
Give A Whistle by Prackspoor - “After the sacking of Ost-in-Edhil, the Dark Lord Sauron ordered his prisoners crucified and carried at the head of his army as banners so that their approach would strike fear into the hearts of his enemies; no one could have imagined that the last resistance of the Elven City had no plans to go out quietly… literally.” (Oneshot, T) A VERY humorous, somewhat dark oneshot (with a second chapter solely for references). It’s very Monty-Python-esque, with some direct Monty Python references, so if you enjoy that sort of humor, this will be right up your alley. The sympathetic orc captain point of view is fantastic! (Warning: There’s a few dark mentions/descriptions of torture.)
Tax Fraud and Picnics by @thesummerestsolstice - Haleth and baby Erestor convince Caranthir to go on a picnic. (Oneshot, G) I’ve got three words for this fic: SUPER. DUPER. CUTE. This fic is as sweet as candy. I adore how much Caranthir loves Haleth, and the light humor sprinkled throughout made me grin (the Caranthir-Turgon arguments over taxes will never not be funny to me).
Mending by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - “Caranthir sits by Haleth’s side as she dies and thinks of his family, his life, and his craft.” (Oneshot, T) Very sweet! I loved how the story wove Caranthir’s memories into the present day (pun very much intended), and his love for his craft is so beautiful. I also really enjoyed the visitors at the end :)
Your Eyes Are Like Knives (And I Really Like Knives) by @sweetteaanddragons (Drag0nst0rm on AO3) - Haleth knows that Caranthir is hiding something, and she is determined to find out what it is. (Oneshot, T) I saw that this fic was going to be part of TRSB 2024 a few days before the fics all got released, and I was so excited to read it! I had a fantastic time eagerly devouring it with much excitement and laughter, and as per usual, I thoroughly enjoyed Haleth flustering Caranthir.
Yours Dearly, Most Sincerely by Drag0nst0rm - “Five times Nerdanel had to help Feanaro write a letter, and one time he returned the favor. (And two times they had to write a letter alone.)” (Doubleshot, T) This fic both filled me up with the love Fëanor and Nerdanel had for each other (and their sons!) and ripped me to pieces with angst. The way Nerdanel often balances out Fëanor’s fiery spirit when it comes to composing a letter—and the way he chooses to listen to her!—is wonderful to read; the scene with the third letter practically gave me a heart attack from how adorably fluffy it was. Of course, this makes it all the more heartbreaking when they are apart. A very emotional read all around!
Breaking Into Light by @starspray ✍️ - Glingaereth happens to meet Fingon, the crown prince of the Noldor, and the two begin to take an interest in each other. (4 chapters, in progress, T) I haven’t read any Fingon x OFC fics before, and I really liked this one! Glingaereth and the other original characters stand well on their own, and the chemistry between Glingaereth and Fingon feels natural. I also liked the outside perspectives of the Noldor royal family and the uneasiness amongst the Sindar about the sense of doom following the Noldor.
Nothing in the World is Single by StarSpray - Eärendil and Elwing become friends…and then more. (5 chapters, T [AO3 rating] / G [personal rating]) This is so sweet! I really enjoyed this fic—the easy pacing, Eärendil’s friendly nature, and Elwing’s more reserved personality all combine to make a great read. The descriptions are wonderful, and I liked Eärendil and Elwing’s adventures.

Character, Time, or Place-Focused
Kidnap Fam
What matters is ‘you’ and not the state of you. by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks (EclecticKefi on AO3) - “Maglor contemplates the Peredhel that he and his brother have taken in, then contemplates the effect of this new life on Maedhros.” (Doubleshot, T) This was such an enjoyable read! I loved reading Maglor’s reflections, especially on Maedhros as a father figure to Elrond and Elros. I also enjoyed reading how the twins’ nature as peredhel (and being somewhat eldritch to boot) affects their domestic life with Maglor and Maedhros.
I keep my enemies closer than the mirror ever gets to me by EclecticKefi 🔒 - Elrond and Elros hide in Maglor’s closet and overhear Maedhros and Maglor talking. (Oneshot, T) This fic is both heartbreaking and heartwarming in multiple ways. The two peredhel have seen far too much trauma and suffering in their young lives, but their empathy is really sweet. Also, I’m always a fan of eldritch!peredhel, so I liked the notes of that scattered throughout the story.
On Monsters and Lullabies by Tilion - Maglor is the one the twins like, not Maedhros, and Maglor confronts his brother. (Oneshot, T) I will never tire of the angstiness of Maedhros and Maglor arguing over the twins and the role they play in their lives, nor how Maedhros becomes someone the twins can trust. Maglor’s softness with the twins is so sweet (baby Elrond and Elros are ADORABLE), and the reflections (both Maglor’s and Maedhros’) on how much Maedhros had changed since being in Valinor are really well-written.
And Love Grew by @polutrope (polutropos on AO3) ✍️ - Maedhros and Maglor deal with the aftermath of their attack on Sirion, and Maglor leads their host—including two young peredhel and their caretaker—to Amon Ereb. (6 chapters, in progress, T) A wonderfully complex, angsty, deeply woven tale. Every character and relationship has so many layers, and polutropos does a great job of exploring the darkness of the Oath and the ripple affect it has on the sons of Fëanor, their followers, and the people of Sirion.
And when we’re in the dark, it echoes in your heart by ElectricKefi - Elros unintentionally triggers Maedhros’ Sauron-related trauma. (Oneshot, T) Poor Maedhros AND poor Elros! The idea that the peredhel with Maia blood would bring back Maedhros’ memories of being tortured by Sauron—especially when Elros is trying to help him—is so sad. I loved the instantly-on-alert Maglor who is there to de-escalate the situation, too.
though the shadow closes in by millyfaraway - Maglor and Maedhros strategize to keep Elrond and Elros safe. (Oneshot, T) I really like the dialogue and OCs in this one! The discussion of Sauron and Morgoth’s desire for the peredhel, the plans to keep moving, and the connection Maedhros and Maglor share all flow quite well.
First Age Beleriand
Finwëons & Fëanorians:
Mind the Gap by Tilion - Maglor visits Himring. (Oneshot, T) Loved reading this!! Great characterization of both the characters themselves and their relationship. They are SUCH siblings in this, and I really enjoyed reading them snarking at each other and checking up on each other and seeking to ensure all was truly well. I’ll also never pass up a scene with Maglor braiding Maedhros’ hair.
The Light Behind Your Eyes by Tilion ✍️ - Scenes of Maglor and Maedhros after Thangorodrim. (2 chapters, in progress, T) I love how beautifully this portrays Maglor and Maedhros’ relationship. It balances the past and the present really well. Even though Maedhros is still clearly suffering from his time in Angband, this fic has a calm tone to it, and I can see the healing taking place in Maedhros’ spirit. A lovely read.
Scribbles and Squabbles by @dreamingthroughthenoise (Alantie on AO3) 🔒 - An argument between the Fëanorians, through letters. (7 chapters, T) This was a delight to read! Humorous at times, and heartfelt at others. I could pick up on the underlying hurt and desire to be seen that sparked the argument, and the love and care rising from the letters as things resolved. (The very clear and present sass was quite fun, too.)
Gingerbread Cookies by Elisif - Aredhel and Fingon supervise Idril and Tyelpë while they make Christmas cookies. (Oneshot, G) This is such an adorable fic—tiny Idril and Celebrimbor are so cute, and I loved Aredhel and Fingon’s brother-sister relationship. Their interactions have such fond sibling energy!
A Mere Shadow by Elisif - Maglor comes to visit Maedhros and is reminded of Thingol’s Quenya ban. (Oneshot, T) So good and so sad! I could immediately feel the shift in Maglor’s mood when Maedhros inadvertently reminds him of the ban, and the sorrow oozing from both brothers, as if from a wound.
the raging storm of a foreign war, and a face i'd seen before by @arafinweanappreciation (TelerinJedi on AO3) - Finarfin comes to Beleriand. (Oneshot, T) This fic is short yet so expressive!! I love Finarfin seeing Tol Sirion and him talking about avenging his son in such a terrifyingly calm manner.
Ill-Tidings by TheScrap_Witch 🔒 - Maedhros brings news to Curufin that Nargothrond has fallen. (Oneshot, T) Poor Curufin 😭 This fic has all the dad!Curufin feels!!!! Curufin’s humanity (or elvish equivalent, lol) shines through in this fic in his anguish over his son. His grief and rage are so palpable (and so well-written!).
Too Big, Too Heavy by @hwestalas - Maedhros visits the new High King of the Noldor after the Dagor Bragollach. (Oneshot, T) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fingon’s grief over Fingolfin is so raw and real, and I love how he tries to keep it together but fails in the face of Maedhros’ calm, devoted friendship. Such a great read.
ever an anguish that pursued by @thelordofgifs (TheChasm on AO3) 🩸 - Maglor tries to save Maedhros from the fire, but he keeps waking up. (Oneshot, T) UGH SO ANGSTY. So so angsty. All of the “what if”s that Maglor dreams could have happened are so terribly sad, because he can see so many ways out that don’t involve Maedhros jumping into the chasm. (Warning: suicide and multiple near-suicide attempts.)
stone on the board by @dalliansss - The Finwëons play games with politics in Beleriand at Mithrim. (Oneshot, T) So good! Love the politicking going on in this fic, primarily between Maedhros and Finrod. Quite an intriguing read.
there's no timer on grief 🔒 by Kat_isaconfusedbean - After Losgar, Amras mourns. (Oneshot, T) This is SO painful. Especially for how short this fic is. My heart aches for Amras (and for Celegorm). I love Celegorm coming to comfort his brother, along with Huan.
Unrepentent by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - Maedhros will not give up on obtaining the last Silmarils. (Oneshot, T) The Oath has Maedhros in its grip so tightly in this fic (along with his own memories and experiences), and it’s horrifying yet understandable to see him act and think the way he does. I love the dynamic between Maedhros and Maglor in this fic, too.
the ways of birds by @welcomingdisaster (welcoming_disaster on AO3) - “When Maglor is captured in the aftermath of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, he doesn't expect a rescue. (for the prompts maglor + maedhros + "need to keep quiet" & "roadside wound tending.”)” (Oneshot, T) SO MUCH MAGLOR WHUMP. And so much tension, too. I could really feel Maglor’s raw, gritty pain and the ugly experiences he endured. It made the comfort part of “hurt/comfort” that much more relieving when he was, indeed, rescued.
Mad, Not Angry by AfricanDaisy - Young Thranduil is woken from a thunderstorm, and searches for a source of comfort: his father. (Oneshot, G) SO so cute! I could really feel Thranduil’s panic in searching for Oropher, and then his simultaneous relief and upset when he did find him. The descriptions are vivid and well-crafted, very fun to read!
no vela, no orion by TelerinJedi - A comment from Andreth’s sister causes her to wonder if she is in love with Nóm (or vice versa), and it is harder to have a discussion with him about this than she thinks. (Oneshot, G) The adolescent awkwardness and embarrassment in this fic brings me back to my teenage days XD This is really sweet though, truly. A light bit of fluff!
Second and Third Age Middle-Earth
living arrows sent forth by @balrogballs (timelessutterances on AO3) - Thranduil and Elrond discuss fatherhood at Arwen and Aragorn’s wedding reception. (Oneshot, T) SO. SO. GOOD. I seriously love the phrasing in this one, as well as Thranduil’s and Elrond’s characterizations, their long-held opinions and memories of each other, and their discussion of parenthood. Thranduil is so snarky and Elrond so earnest. Phenomenal all the way through.
rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated by @lighttrls (thunder_and_stars on AO3) - Unaware of elves’ habit of sleeping with their eyes open, Estel finds Elladan unmoving with his eyes open and thinks he must be dead. (Oneshot, T) POOR BABY ESTEL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The angst is off the charts in this one; my heart was breaking for tiny Aragorn. I was so glad that his assumption was corrected, in the end.
i'm fine, i prom- by thunder_and_stars - Elladan and Estel are captured by orcs and tortured. (Oneshot, T) Oh my goodness, I wanted to kill each and every orc right along with Elladan. The descriptions of the orcs’ actions, their impact on Estel physically, and the impact on Elladan emotionally were so vivid. It’s some good, heavy whump (with some comfort at the end).
sticks and stones may break my bones by thunder_and_stars - Some people don’t like the fact that Estel lives with the elves. (Oneshot, T) Once again, right there with one of the twins on wanting to beat up people for mistreating Estel. The way Estel tried to hide his injuries and then admitted what happened and what was said and done to him was so sad. Lots of hurt/comfort here.
A Long Way To Go In The Morning by @nocompromise-noregrets (likethenight on AO3) 🔒 - “The night before the Fellowship of the Ring leaves Rivendell, Elladan and Elrohir give Aragorn some encouragement.” (Oneshot, T) I really enjoyed this one! Elladan and Elrohir are such good brothers to Aragorn, and the way they lifted his spirits was really sweet. I liked the discussion of mortality as well as the hopefulness that the twins had about the Quest and Aragorn’s success.
Advice Unlooked For by sehellys - Aragorn talks to Elladan and Elrohir when they return from the Wild, and then he goes to the Feast in the Hall of Fire. (Oneshot, T) The descriptions in this one are simply beautiful—and so is the dialogue! I loved the shift from serious to “shenanigans mode” after the twins update Aragorn on what’s going on in the outside world.
Re-embodiment in Valinor
Red, Red Moon (Keep On Rising) by Tilion 🏳️🌈 (Celegorm/Oromë features somewhat prominently, especially in the back half) - Celegorm wakes up outside Mandos with two silver-haired elflings and no memories; he sets off to bring the boys to their parents and figure out his identity. (24 chapters, T) This was such a fun fic to keep up with as it got updates! Celegorm and the twins (kidnap fam 2.0, one might say) were incredibly adorable. I loved Legolas and Tauriel’s inclusion, and I highly enjoyed the whole identity crisis Celegorm went through (seriously, it was awesome). Celegorm feels SO Celegorm to me in this fic: cocky, rough around the edges, more caring than he’d like to admit. Overall there’s so much to this fic, and the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat.
Hemlock and Niphredil by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - “In Fourth Age Valinor, Elrond and Thingol connect over a shared love of gardening and grief for their daughters.” (Oneshot, T) I had never really thought about Elrond and Thingol’s similarities before this fic, and I loved getting to read them interacting and forming a friendship! Both have lost daughters by the choice to give up immortality, yet they have quite different personalities (and a complicated family tree), and it’s beautiful to see them connect through their shared experiences. (It’s also interesting to read Thingol portrayed in a more sympathetic light than most fics—yet not without his imperfections, certainly.)
Memento Vivere (Remember, You Must Live) by Drag0nst0rm - “Maedhros and Maglor have a long overdue discussion of what happened at the edge of that chasm - and what happened after.” (Oneshot, T) UGH so GOOD and so ANGSTY. There are so many emotional beats in this fic, and I found myself bracing for each one. I painfully love Maglor’s instincts when it comes to protecting/taking care of Maedhros after all these years, and how he doesn’t want the people he loves to be hurt because of him—though he has been in so much pain himself, and Maedhros sees that. Really, really good. (Warning: Discussion of suicide.)
White Water Flowing by StarSpray ✍️ - In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one. (6 chapters, in progress, T) This is such a lovely fic!! I’ve really enjoyed reading it. I love Celebrían’s characterization—many people underestimate her, and it’s wonderful to see her bloom after healing in Lórien. She simultaneously has a gentle soul and an admirable tenacity and drive. I also love reading her interacting with members of Elrond’s family and seeing how those relationships develop.
Handle with Care by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - “When Fëanor left the Halls of the Dead, he did not expect Mahtan to be the one waiting for him.” (Oneshot, T) I loved this!!! I don’t see a lot of Mahtan and Fëanor interactions, and I really enjoyed reading their conversation. (I grinned at Mahtan telling Fëanor off about Nerdanel. I haven’t seen that before and I’ve really wanted to, so it was quite satisfying.) It’s clear that they both carry a lot of grief, and they have a familiar relationship underpinning everything.
From Ruins We Grow by TheScrap_Witch 🔒✍️ - Fëanor learns how to live again (and how to garden!) when he is returned to life and placed under Yavanna’s responsibility to tend a small corner of Valinor. (7 chapters, in progress, T) I get so excited whenever I see an update for this fic in my inbox! There’s so much feeling in this fic, which is very fitting for Fëanáro’s fiery, intense character. It’s in turns amusing and exasperating to see him humbled by learning a new craft, yet I always find myself rooting for him in his endeavors. I love the relationships he forms with the visitors to his garden, and all the sweet memories of his sons practically make my heart melt.

In-Universe AUs
An Unexpected Rescue by SpaceWall - Fëanor realizes that someone has taken on the form of his half-brother Fingolfin, and that the real Fingolfin has disappeared. (Doubleshot, T) This is SUCH a cool AU!!! I really enjoyed reading this one. I love Fëanor’s insistence on figuring out what happened and finding Fingolfin, though of course in denial that he cares for his brother deep down. I’d say more but I don’t want to spoil it!
Will You Greet the Daylight Looming? by Tilion - Maglor persuades Maedhros to live. (Oneshot, T) Oh, this fic is terribly, delightfully angsty. I love how Maglor and Maedhros’ relationship is portrayed here, and the vivid imagery really brings it to life. Lots of thee/thou and ‘dearest’ language, too!
Reforged by theScrap_Witch 🔒🩸🏳️🌈 (background Celebrimbor/Gil-Galad) - Maeglin survives the fall of Gondolin, and Celebrimbor and others help him to find his way to healing. (20 chapters, G [AO3 rating] / T [personal rating]) What a story. Just—what a story. It takes you on a rollercoaster of emotion and growth and change and just, wow. I am so freaking proud of Maeglin in this fic, and I love his characterization. He digs his claws into life and doesn’t let go, and it’s incredible to see his transformation over the course of centuries. I also loved the inclusion of many other Second and Third Age characters in this story and how Maeglin’s life becomes intertwined with theirs. This fic is angsty and agonizing on so many levels, but it is fiercely emotional and cathartic in good ways too. I really enjoyed getting to follow along with this fic as it was published!
Scion of Mystery by Tilion 🏳️🌈 (minor Erestor/Curufin) - Elrond is determined to uncover Gil-galad’s true parentage. (7 chapters, T) Absolutely BUCK WILD Gil-Galad theory. Complete and total plot twist that I did NOT see coming until a few sentences before it was revealed!! Elrond’s shenanigans along the way to uncover Gil-Galad’s parentage were so much fun to read. Features kidnap fam and Celrond, along with other Fëanorians.
Parley AUs This is a subset of in-universe AUs where someone other than Maedhros gets taken at the parley with Morgoth. Apparently this was the year for me to get into parley AUs, and it even inspired me to write my own, lol!
The Price We Pay by theScrap_Witch 🔒🩸 - “In which Makalaurë goes to parlay with Morgoth, Findekáno still performs his dramatic rescue, and Maitimo struggles with both his little brother’s recovery and his responsibilities as king.” (Oneshot, T) This fic yanked out my heart and stomped on it and then tossed it off a cliff for good measure. I’ve read a few different Maglor-is-taken-at-the-parley fics, but oh boy, this one poured on the FEELS. Everything in this fic is heartbreaking—from Maglor’s belief that he is a “pretty bird” meant to sing to Morgoth, to Maedhros’ distrust/fear of Fingolfin, to all of Maglor’s brothers’ pain over his traumatized state—yet there is an undercurrent of hope that slowly rises throughout the story. It’s so well-written, and I highly, highly recommend it.
Despair Like Poison by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - “Thinking that he’s protecting his family, Maedhros rides to the parlay alone, unaware that Morgoth has a different trick in mind.” (Oneshot, bullet-point, T) Sooooo so angsty!! I really can’t say much about this without spoilers, but aaaaaaaaa. Maedhros is firm about his decision to go, but he’s so gentle with his brothers at the moment of departure, which makes what happens after so much worse.
A Crown of Bones by theScrap_Witch 🔒 - Maitimo and Makalaurë are taken in the parley with Morgoth, and Tyelkormo must take up the crown. (Oneshot, T) I really liked this AU! Celegorm has a lot to deal with here, both in being the oldest Fëanorion and being king of their people. The reminder that he can handle himself in political situations and display his power in words—not just physical action—is fantastic, and the way he cares so deeply for his younger brothers and misses his oldest two is heartwrenching.
Boldness Be My Friend by @a-tehta (tehta on AO3) - Celegorm has been captured by Morgoth, and it is up to Aredhel and Huan to rescue him from the cliff of Thangorodrim. (Oneshot, T) This one is surprisingly humorous for being a rescue-from-Thangorodrim fic, yet also sweet! I really loved getting a Huan POV (so cool), and I enjoyed Aredhel getting to be the rescuer. (There is a bit of implied future Celegorm/Aredhel at the end, but it’s mostly, if not entirely, played for humor.)
Modern AUs
Little Stars, Little Souls by Tamatoa (SaltandtheSoul) - Fëanor looks for his second son, who is dressed up for Halloween. (Oneshot, G) SUPER. CUTE. This is some of the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff and I was just gobbling it up. Baby Maglor is the cutest thing and I love Fëanor as a dad here.
the adventures of Elf Guy by red_01 - “A group of friends obsessed with The Silmarillion discovers a guy who bears a resemblance to Maglor—and uncover the truth.” (Oneshot, T) This was so much fun to read (and highly amusing)! The Twitter format was a great choice, and I’m impressed by the dedication to it. I enjoyed the back-and-forth chaos, internet-typical keysmashes and all caps, and references to artists in the Tolkien fandom (e.g., Clamavi de Profundis, “Phobs-style” cosplays).
Cookies by Brievel 🔒 - Girl Scouts visit the Ways’ house. (Oneshot, G) This absolutely delighted me. I love everything about it—the POV of the girl scouts, the way they were all intimidated by Max, a cameo by Nell, Birdie yelling for cookies in the background. It’s so sweet and made me grin so much.
Valentines Flowers by Brievel 🔒 - “Max brings Misty flowers.” (Oneshot, G) Max and Misty are just straight-up ADORABLE. The way they interact and how they familiar they are with each other’s habits shows how comfortable they are with each other. They both are down so bad, and I love to see it. I also love to see Max doing something nice for Misty :)

Other Tolkien Fics
These are fics that didn’t fit into any other category or had less than three fics within each category.
The War of the Ring by @winterinhimring (morwen_of_gondor on AO3) - The sons of Fëanor are re-embodied and sent to Middle-Earth to atone for their crimes during the Third Age when the Quest for the Ring begins. (42 chapters, T) PSA: if you’ve read The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings, you must read this. Required reading. I am only very slightly joking. This story is absolutely PHENOMENAL. I was curious to see what the sons of Fëanor joining the Fellowship would be like, and I was blown away by how beautifully written it is. Y’all. It’s written in the style of The Lord of the Rings books. Like, legitimately. I never knew how much I needed to see the Fëanorions interacting with the hobbits, or showing the strength of ancient Valinorian-born elves in battle, and it all being written in true Tolkienian style is so incredibly wonderful. I can’t recommend this enough.
Joys to Come by @darkfrozenabyss - “Glorfindel, from Tirion to Rivendell.” (7 chapters, T) Loved this fic!!! I love darkfrozenabyss’ characterization of Glorfindel so much. There are so many emotionally powerful, simple and sweet, and feels-inducing moments in this story, and I really enjoyed Glorfindel’s family and how close he is with them!
Years of the Trees Valinor:
Little Father by feanorianswelcome 🔒 - “Maitimo finds little Atarinkë and brings him home for luncheon.” (Oneshot, G) Cute little Curufin oneshot with big brother Maitimo! I haven’t read a lot of Curufin & Maedhros together, so this was enjoyable (and very sweet).
Fine Feathers, Pretty Songs by an_evasive_author - Everyone loves tiny Findaráto (as they should). (Oneshot, G) SO. FREAKING. CUTE. All the fluff for Findaráto! I loved him so much (and the writing style of this fic, too).
Rings of Power:
Look into the Mirror (Tell Me What You See) by Drag0nst0rm - Second Age!Gil-Galad and Rings of Power!Gil-Galad switch places. (3 chapters, T) I have watched one (1) episode of the Rings of Power series, but I have thankfully read enough articles about it that I understand enough to read this fic! It’s a highly amusing and enjoyable read :) The difference in Gil-Galads is quite noticeable, and I loved seeing Second Age!Gil-Galad quite surprised at his (supposed) past actions in RoP, whereas RoP!Gil-Galad is a little less aware of the change in his surroundings (but everyone else certainly is).
Another Skin by crystal_buizel - Second Age!Elrond and Rings of Power!Elrond switch places (based off of “Look into the Mirror (Tell Me What You See)”). (Doubleshot, T) Another swapped places fic! Poor Elrond in both situations, but especially poor Second Age!Elrond. Like the other fic, I can’t say too much about it without spoilers, but this one is also enjoyable, with a bit more angst on the part of both Elronds.
Tumblr Oneshots:
just you wait by @lintamande - “being brilliant in mind and swift in action she had early absorbed all of what she was capable of the teaching which the Valar thought fit to give the Eldar…” (T) I really liked this oneshot! Galadriel in her youth is rather clueless when it comes to social interactions, though she is vastly intelligent in intellectual matters, and I can feel her frustration, restlessness, and pride so strongly in this. Really well-written.
Oropher and Celeborn have a conversation by @amethysttribble - At a party, Oropher and Celeborn talk about the line of Lúthien. (T) SO good!!!! I loved this so much. Oropher and Celeborn’s characterization and views on things make a lot of sense, and I love how their discussion flows. They are the last two of Doriath, and that weight on their shoulders is so evident throughout this fic.

Non-Tolkien Fics
A Never Ending Bake Sale by ladygray99 - Walt and Henry spend a casual evening together at The Red Pony. (Oneshot, T) I absolutely loved reading this fic. I feel like ladygray99 really nailed the characters, their relationship, and their mannerisms. Everything in Walt and Henry’s conversation, said and unsaid, felt very natural and relaxed. You can feel the depth of their 38-year-long friendship and how comfortable with each other they are. Although I’ve only seen the TV show and not read the books, I liked how it incorporated things from both. A great read!
Every Page You Turn You’re Writing (Typing) Your Legacy by @cminerva and @whatamess 🔒 - “For nearly four decades, Mathias has found many reasons to admire Ms. Ruby Mason née Taylor and in that time Ms. Ruby has found just as many reasons to be fond—and so proud—of the man Mathias has become.” (Oneshot, T) Oh my GOSH. This fic is adorable and cringy (in the best way!) and so freaking cute. I highly enjoyed the descriptions of Durant high school in the early 80s, complete with a typing class; although I wasn’t alive at the time, it feels quite realistic. I loved seeing Mathias’ journey through high school into adulthood and the way his and Ruby’s friendship developed over time, from Mathias’ schoolboy crush to his respect for the amazing woman she is. Mathias and Ruby’s friendship has now become canon to me, to the point where I’ll watch episodes and get excited whenever these two characters (who, for anyone who doesn’t know the show, are minor characters and very rarely interact) get to see each other, even only for a quick nod or short smile.
Something New by cminerva - Though they’ve known each other for years, May Stillwater and Mathias Littlesun have never been friends—and indeed, they’ve been enemies before—but perhaps it’s time for something new. (Oneshot, T) I am now a May/Mathias shipper after reading this fic XD I really liked how this not only addressed the (admittedly few) interactions they had in the TV show but also added more “off-screen” ones to give more depth to their on-screen appearances. They have a lot of reason to dislike each other, but I loved how in this fic, they began to see reasons to respect each other and then caught feelings. So cute!
Quigley Down Under
Morning Sun by Brievel 🔒 - Matthew and Cora wake up together. (Oneshot, G) This fic is SO SOFT. I can totally picture this happening as an epilogue after the end of the movie, and I can hear their voices so well. The details are quite lovely. Quigley Down Under is a pretty niche film, but if you’ve seen it, you deserve to read this fic!
I mentioned this at the start, but I wanted to reiterate because I truly am very grateful—To all the fic authors, people posting meta/analyses, and fan artists: Thank you for sharing your work with the world. Your stories, musings, and art have brought me a lot of joy (and frequently, encouragement) this past year, and it’s still kinda crazy to me that I can read or see it for free. Because you loved canon enough to make something from it, and you wanted to share the results of that love with others. Thank you. ❤️
And thank you to all who read this far XD Hope you enjoy some (or all!) of these fics!
Other Fic Rec Lists: 2023 Fic Recs, Fic Recs for Elrond Week 2024 (on fandomsandfairytales)
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in love with the mess - day one
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff and flirting
length : 3.1k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken
a/n: I'm not home this week so I hope this posts correctly from my phone 😬 enjoy the chapter!!
day one
If there was one thing to know about me it was that I was an absolute whore for a breakfast buffet. And the one at this hotel had both a waffle station and a chef to make you omelettes on demand so really, I couldn't be to blame. It was simply unfortunate that I was elbows deep in a plate of chocolate croissants I’d balanced on my table when Noah appeared.
For a singular moment I still had hope that he would not see me or even then, decide to ignore me and enjoy the quiet morning by himself, but after a quick detour to the coffee machine, he confidently took the seat across from me.
“You stuff everything in your mouth with that much vigour?”
Both of us froze in the middle of our movements. From the look in his eyes, I was pretty sure that he was not insinuating what we were both thinking now, the realisation of what his words could mean hitting him only after they’d already been spoken. I was trying so hard not to let my face twist into a grin, or full on laughter, and it was becoming increasingly difficult with every second of horror passing through his eyes.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Finally realising that I was very much seeing the humour in his slip-up, he cracked a handsome smile, half-hidden by the hand that was rubbing his face as he groaned. I had half a mind to throw another remark at him, tease him about his faux pas a little further, but my eyes were trained on the back of his hand and the dark flower design inked into the skin.
Carefully reaching for him, I pulled the hand away from his face, lying it palm-down on the table between us between my plate of sweets and his coffee, just to study the tattoo further. Tracing every line on every patel, I committed the design to memory. It was gorgeous and it was perfect on him.
“You got any tattoos?” Noah tried very hard to sound normal, but I heard the huskiness in his voice, one that hadn’t been there before. I hoped it had to do with my touch. It was why I didn’t quite let go of him when I answered.
“A couple,” I mused. “Most of them hidden away though. Had some, quite ridiculous I can say now, ideas about wanting to have the option of a normal job that might not like to see me covered in ink. Although I’m pretty sure that ship’s sailed, so I’m definitely looking to get started on my arms soon.”
“Where’s the ones you have so far?”
He was probably expecting my legs, my shoulders, something easily shown with barely any clothes removal. Something I could let him see right now. He wasn’t entirely wrong. I did have a couple in those spots, too.
“I don’t think I can show you in a public place without becoming a menace.”
Noah’s hand visibly flinched underneath mine and he pulled back, immediately making me miss his warmth. He took a long sip of his coffee and I wondered if it was an attempt to buy some time.
“This was, um,” he coughed in between his words, “a great talk but you’re a fucking flirt and I need a bit more caffeine to deal with you.”
Disappointment flooded my veins as he got up from the table - had I been too much? Said the wrong thing? Come on too strongly? I knew I had vowed to take Lia’s advice at being a little more offensive and letting myself do whatever I was in the mood for, but that didn’t mean it was appreciated. Maybe I should back down. Keep more to myself after all. Not be so damn-
“Find me later?” He asked with a grin as he stopped next to my chair on the way out.
Well. Maybe I didn’t need to change much at all.
I had forgotten how much running around was involved in a job like that. I wasn't complaining really, I did enjoy that it kept me on my toes, but I was thoroughly exhausted by the time I basically dropped Oli off for soundcheck. He'd had several appointments beforehand that I accompanied him to and even when he was busy, he still found time to think of fifteen different things he had forgotten in some place or other and needed immediately, making me cross the arena and the hotel several times more than necessary. He had way too much fun with it too.
Now I finally saw a chance to take a breather, so I grabbed a couple of things from catering (surprisingly good catering actually, Bring Me The Horizon had really moved up in the world it seemed) and went on a hunt for a quiet backstage room. I was fully planning on bunking up in one of Bring Me’s dressing rooms as they should all technically be empty now, but when I walked past a different door, half open, half closed, I couldnt help but stop as I looked inside. Noah was sitting on a couch - well, I said sitting, I really meant he was halfway to sliding down off it, his head collapsed onto the back ledge, eyes closed, looking ridiculously uncomfortable.
I didn’t mean to disturb him. In fact, I didn’t quite know what the plan was at all, but in one split decision, I walked into the room, quietly closing the door behind me and sitting down on the couch next to him. Balancing my stuff on the table, I scooped some of my (honestly deliciously smelling pasta) on a fork and carefully held it under Noah’s nose.
It was like watching a dog sleep that suddenly started dreaming of the very smell that surrounded him in real life. His nose was starting to twitch in the most adorable way, then his breathing changed a little. One by one, his body was waking up, not quite sure yet why, but pulled from his sleep anyway.
His eyes finally opened, a little at first, then more, slightly swollen from the nap had seemingly had taken him by force, as he tried to focus on where we was. Blinking, then blinking again, he finally set sight on the fork in front of him, brows furrowing as he pulled his head back to look at it better in utter confusion.
“What the-”
Noah finally sat up properly, only just now noticing me sitting next to him, amused beyond belief as I finally pushed the fork in my mouth. The pasta was a little cool already, but still surprisingly tasty. Good venues came with good catering apparently.
“Want one?” I asked, scoopin up some more pasta and holding it out to him. Still a little dazed, he simply opened his mouth and let me carefully feed him a portion.
“Didn’t you two meet, like, yesterday?” I looked up in surprise as someone entered the room. Folio, I think his name was, drummer for Bad Omens, currently looking at us with an questioning, but not unkind smile. “What’s with the married couple behaviour?”
“Very funny,” Noah commented, but there wasn’t the usual playfulness in his voice. I instinctively pulled back a little.
Both men exchanged looks I couldn’t quite interpret. I didn’t know either of them well enough to know what they were silently communicating, but I knew there was a conversation happening that I wasn’t part of. The intensity of it was felt in the whole room though. If I was the reason for it, I wanted to never be put in this position again. It even put me off the pasta I’d been shovelling in my mouth with vigour.
Then Folio turned away from him and toward me, once again showing his smile which seemed so out of place for a moment that I wondered if I had purely imagined the unease I had felt before.
“Oli’s looking for you, by the way. Apparently he left his phone in his dressing room.”
“I’d wondered why it was so quiet,” I mumbled with a look toward my own mobile. “Not sure why I thought I could escape him.”
Folio sent me a pitiful look, even though I was sure he knew as well as I did that I wasn’t really complaining. Getting up from the sofa, I cradled my pasta again, determined to finish it one way or another, putting my phone into the pocket of my jeans, when I felt a hand on me.
Noah’s fingers were wrapped around my wrist. He had sat up slightly just to reach me. I both wanted to lean into his touch and pull away, almost overwhelmed by the sensations running through my body with his fingers on my pulse point.
“Are you watching the set later?”
“Yeah, I… Oli said I could watch the show from the sound desk.”
“Good. I hope you enjoy it. I’d say I’ll look for you but I don’t think I can see that far.”
And then he sent me a smile that had my heart soaring and I was once again ready to throw all caution in the wind.
“Are you sure this is okay?”
I carefully slid into a designated spot at the sound desk, giving everyone around me smiles that I hoped would convince them not to hate me for intruding into their workspace.
“Well if you touch anything, we’ll have to burn you at the stake… Other than that, welcome to the sound desk!” The woman next to me cheerfully explained. “Don’t worry, Oli vouched for you, so unless you’re extraordinarily clumsy and manage to undo all our work with the sweep of a hand over our stuff, you’re grand.”
“I’ll try my very best,” I promised. “And if I fuck anything up, take it from Oli’s wages please.”
“Oh, gladly!”
I watched as she went back to work, preparing for the upcoming Bad Omens set, and I couldn’t help but study her a little bit. If I hadn’t known from the AAA pass around her neck and, well, the fact that she seemed to know what she was doing and wasn’t in the process of getting kicked out, I couldn’t have told her from the fans that were starting to crowd around us in the venue.
She hadn’t overdone it by any measure and her face, as far as I could see, was blank of any make-up, but she had dressed the part with ease. Heavy boots accompanied her black shorts perfectly, making her look both tough and delicate somehow, her black top was wrapped in a corset, she was wearing a choker and several earrings. It just made sense. Looking down at myself, I was suddenly less thrilled with my hastily put-on choice of clothing from that morning. A simple pair of dark jeans, a non-descript shirt, no accessories whatsoever.
I didn’t know why I hadn’t made more of an effort. It wasn’t that I thought it was expected of me or necessary in any way, but looking at the sound tech reminded me of how much fun I usually had dressing up. In fact, half of my wardrobe at home was stuffed with elaborate pairs of trousers, laced tops, skater skirts, platform boots. Only I hadn’t really packed any of it.
Pulling out my phone, I shot a text to Lia.
Have I been hiding myself away lately
context pls
I can’t remember the last time I dressed up and it’s just hit me with everyone in this venue looking so fucking fab
For a moment, I wondered if she was already giving up on messaging me, but when I looked back at my phone, I realised that she was instead recording an audio message. Oh dear. Checking the time, I made sure I would manage to get a good listen before the lights dimmed and Bad Omen’s show began.
“Babe, since you’re finally realising it yourself now, yes, you’ve been letting yourself go. I didn’t want to push you too hard - well, I would have if you’d gotten really bad, you know that but then Oli called so that was off the table. But since… you know, you had that girlfriend and it was all fucked up and your family basically - well, let me just say I’m still available to beat any of them up. The ex and the family. You know that. But yeah. It’s taken a toll on you and you’ve not been yourself lately and it’s been painful to watch. Which is why I’ve been telling you to have some fucking fun on this tour. Put on that dress and that lipstick and get back to being yourself, yeah? And now enjoy the show and give Noah some air kisses from me, love you, bye!”
I felt dumbstruck. Had it really gotten that bad? Had everyone noticed but me? I knew I’d been struggling a bit since my last relationship drama and everything that followed (and technically preceeded) it, but… Lia’s words were ringing in my head. Maybe I had been letting myself go. It wasn’t worryingly bad, surely, but had I been my usual self? I thought I was seeing glimpses of it again now that I was on tour.
Quickly checking the schedule on my phone I realised that after today it was one more gig before a day off between Bournemouth and Birmingham. I shot Oli a message.
I don’t care what kinda disguise you need to go out but you need to take me clothes shopping in two days xoxo
I’ll get a fake moustache
Bad Omens were a force to behold on stage. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on Noah as much as the distance would allow me to, hanging onto his every word, studying his every movement. It was mesmerising. I’d never had the pleasure of seeing them live before but I already knew I’d make sure to catch them several more times on this tour. There was simply no way around it.
The break was spent chatting to the sound tech whose name I finally learned was Becky. It turned out she was extremely passionate when it came to talking about her craft and I was a willing listener. Nothing she said made a lot of sense so far as she threw all kinds of technical terms at me, but it was fascinating to hear her explain how much of a part she and her team really played in making this an experience, rather than just a live show.
She barely managed to stop talking by the time she was nudged by someone else on her team to notify her of the performance being about to start, which left her busy for the next one hundred minutes and me with too many thoughts and no one to voice them to. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of. I spam-texted Oli all of them for him to find after the show.
Opening with darkside is bold but I love a bold man
I love this setlist so much
I know you showed it to me yesterday but it doesn’t compare
Also the visuals wow
You look very good in red btw and so does your ass
Cause you got a taste noooow drank the kool-aid by the juuuuug
Oh dear I hope everyone’s ok
I’m glad you’re stopping shows liberally these days to make sure
I said it before and I’ll say it again, strangers into diamonds is fucking insane and I don’t know who allowed you to do that
Antiviiiiiiist!! Tell Noah he looks good in that mask
Also why were you getting a headrush after that song hmmm was it performing with Noah do you love him I’d get a headrush to if I screamed with him like that and got to give him two hugs
Yeah the doomed montage is making me cry, fuck you
I hope you have fun whenever you find these messages
I promise I wasn’t drunk when I wrote them just high on live music heyyyy
Walking backstage, I immediately ran into the band leaving the stage. Lee held out his hand for a high five, massive smiles all around from a successful start to the tour, and I wasn’t one to leave him hanging. It ended with everyone who came up behind him following suit on the high fives, until Oli appeared at last, who instead grabbed onto my hand and clumsily twirled me around myself. I was still stumbling over my feet, uncoordinated feet unable to keep up with the sudden movement, when he pulled me into his chest for a hug.
Oli was made of pure adrenaline. I could basically smell it radiating off him. There was laughter in my ear, exhilaration from the first show having gone well, his hands pushing against my back so tightly I had no choice but to melt into him. Any attempt at not touching his bare skin were futile as my fingers slipped under his cropped jacket. He was hot and sweaty, but I didn’t mind one bit. If anything, it awakened something more primal in me. Something that begged to claw at his skin, push him against the nearest wall, have a taste of the droplets running down his chest. I was almost glad when he let me go for fear of what my hands would do if he didn’t.
“I sent you a couple of messages during the set by the way. You can read them as a slightly unhinged bedtime story,” I explained as he nudged me to get a move on toward the dressing rooms.
“Oh I bet those will put me right to sleep,” he laughed.
“Did you actually say that you had a headrush on stage after performing with Noah?”
“Fuck, yeah, my head was fucking spinning, thought I was gonna faint.”
“Was it so stimulating be around him?” I teased, moving to tickle his side, but he quickly dodged me and fell onto the sofa alone. “Does he make your heart race?”
Oli eyed me for a moment, pushing his hair back. I tried my best to ignore how good it looked on him.
“See, you talk about him so much, I can’t tell if you wanna hook up with him or if you want to set me up with him.”
I genuinely didn’t know how to answer that. I didn’t think I quite knew it myself.
#Noah Sebastian fic#Noah Sebastian#Oli Sykes fic#Oli Sykes#Noah Sebastian x reader#Oli Sykes x reader#in love with the mess
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❝ i'm going to let you in on a little secret. i wasn't always the friendly, carefree guy you see before you today. i used to take things very seriously. i never had time for fun. one day i realised ... something had to change. i needed to work on me. now i've got a whole new outlook on life. i realised that it's okay to put myself first. found out that i have a knack for bringing people together and i learnt how to let loose with friends. i work hard and i play hard. so, i only have one question for ya ... ready to have some fun? ❞
#𝐌𝟒𝐔𝐆𝐀: an independent, selective and mutuals only roleplay account dedicated to maugaloa malosi / mauga from overwatch 2. portrayal is based on overwatch's canon lore. slow activity will occur. read rules in my carrd before interacting. treasured by venus ♡
pinterest ┇ playlist ┇ headcanons ┇ memes ┇ interest tracker ┇ starters ┇ notes
this is a highly triggering blog covering dark topics such as murder, torture, substance abuse, terrorism and war. i only interact with muns over 21+ for my own comfort. DNI if your content includes racism, sexism, cheating in a romantic relationship, homophobia, AI art/writing and t.rump. my triggers are trypophobia and NSFW threads. i insert triggers in my tags like this: ___ tw.
i'm a multishipper that only accepts healthy relationships with solid chemistry. mauga flirts with almost everyone he meets, so please don't think i'm force shipping on you. that's just how he is. i don’t write NSFW threads but i do make suggestive content if he's in a established relationship. it will be tagged accordingly. i only ship mauga with men.
i come and go on this account. this just means i'm unmotivated to write and busy with life. i only ask for you to be extremely patient with my replies since i’ll be doing the same thing for you.
i only follow if i’m interested in mauga interacting with your muse and have read your rules prior. i’m very OC, crossover and OC x canon friendly. please have your age stated somewhere or i will not be following back.
05. MUN
hi, i’m venus and i’m over 21+ years old. my pronouns are she/her. just keep in mind i suffer from social anxiety so it makes it hard to interact with new people but thanks for taking the time to read my rules! i'm also known as @frostise.
only mutuals can like and reblog from my account but please don't spam my content and always reblog a meme/prompt from the source! mutuals who are new are welcome to send in anything in my inbox or tag me in random starters or posts. i’ll be doing the same thing. expanding an inbox reply as a thread is accepted as well, but you and i are not obliged to reply to it if we don’t want to.
personals are not welcomed here unless you run a RP sideblog. i don't mind anons asking me or mauga questions. it's highly encouraged! any anon hate will be ignored.
plotting will be optional. my interest tracker is also optional. if you wish to speed up the process and establish a dynamic or plot, then you can fill out the sheet.
i prefer to go iconless on a reply. this doesn't mean you have to do the same. i only care about chemistry, writing and prefer our threads to be trimmed.
my portrayal of mauga will heavily rely on his canon interpretation. he's still evolving as i write him and because of this, it'll take some considerable time to learn overwatch's lore and comics.
this is a drama free blog. it will remain that way unless it's a very serious issue affecting the RPC. please do not involve me in any drama and always tag negative OOC posts.
final note: to anyone who wishes to write with me, please like this post before following me!!
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This is a playlist I made for a fic I'm working on to explore an au post 3x09 where Klaus actually reacts to the MFG recruiting Mikael to try to kill him. And things go down hill for everyone from there.
This is definitely a dark (kinda toxic) version of Klonnie, but I like dark ships ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let Me Crawl Inside Your Veins
I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Choke ~ "if I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die"
MILCK - Devil Devil ~ "to think I would ever settle for that devious dance between you and me"
Scissor Sisters - I Can’t Decide ~ "I can't decide whether you should live or die"
Melanie Martinez - Tag, You’re It ~ "little bit of poison in me, I can taste your skin in my teeth"
Shinedown - I Own You ~ "strip down, show me flesh and bone, cause now I own you"
Nicole Dollanganger - Dog Teeth ~ "you draw blood just to taste it, you hold bones just to break them"
Depeche Mode - Corrupt ~ "you'd be calling out my name, begging me to play my games"
Florence + The Machine - Seven Devils ~ "I've come to burn your kingdom down, and no fires and no lakes can put the fire out"
Sickick - Mind Games ~ "once I grip onto your mind and soul your brightness starts to dim"
Ellise - Nightmares ~ "so sick of thinking of all the things you need from me, who you think that I should be"
I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Bleed Magic ~ "to drain you, and bleed your magic out"
Blood Red Shoes - God Complex ~ "you left me high and you left me dry, then you fed me to the wolves"
Shayfer James - Villainous Thing ~ "cause youre a villainous thing, and I don't think anyone knows"
Digital Daggers - The Devil Within ~ "I'm gonna make you suffer, this hell you put me in, I'm underneath your skin, the devil within"
Muse - Undisclosed Desires ~ "I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart"
Valerie Broussard - A Little Wicked ~ "to that king I will bow, at least for now; one of these days a-comin', I'm gonna take that boy's crown"
Miike Snow - Genghis Khan ~ "but you can't be free, cause I'm selfish, I'm obscene"
Blue Foundation - Eyes on Fire ~ "and I'm not scared of your stolen power, see right through you any hour"
Rosenfeld - I Want To ~ "your on my mind, been there all night, I've been missing seeing my midnight queen"
renforshort - mind games ~ "taking up my headspace, sleeping in your brain, I swear this boy is deadly, he loves these silly games"
Air Traffic Controler - This Is Love ~ "you could kill me and you should, I'm an idiot for thinking this was anything but blood"
BANKS - Beggin For Thread ~ "strapped down to something that you don't understand, don't know what you were getting yourself into"
Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You ~ "I hate everything about you, why do I love you?"
Halsey - Hold Me Down ~ "I sold my soul to a three-piece and he told me I was holy, he's got me down on both knees, but it's the devil that's tryna hold me down"
The Bravery - Hatef - - k ~ "I will show no mercy for you, you had no mercy for me, the only thing that I ask, love me mercilessly"
Florence + The Machine - Howl ~ "drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart, my fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in"
Troye Sivan - BITE ~ "you can coax the cold right out of me, drape me in your warmth"
Daughter - Landfill ~ "'cause this is torturous, electricity between both of us, and this is dangerous, 'cause I want you so much, but I hate your guts"
Super Pipo - I Wanna Be Your Slave ~ "I wanna make you quiet, I wanna make you nervous, I wanna set you free but I'm too fucking jealous"
girl in red - bad idea! ~ "you pushed me up against my wall, threw my clothes down on the floor, 'darling, are you ready for more?'"
Nine Inch Nails - Closer ~ "I wanna fuck you like an animal, my whole existence is flawed, you get me closer to God"
Halsey - Young God ~ "there's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight"
SIAMES - The Wolf ~ "out of my head, of my heart and my mind, 'cause I can feel how your flesh now is crying out for more"
Lana Del Ray - Once Upon a Dream ~ "yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem, but if I know you, I know what you'll do, you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream"
Dutch Melrose - RUNRUNRUN ~ "run for your life, gonna tear out your heart, it'll always be mine, oh, there she go losing my head, say you'll love me to death"
Melanie Martinez - Toxic ~ "with a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride, you're toxic, I'm slippin' under, with a taste of a poison paradise, I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?"
Aesthetic Perfection - Big Bad Wolf ~ "because, my dear, you look so good, you're good enough to eat, I'll never let you, once I have sunk in my teeth into you"
AURORA - A Dangerous Thing ~ "something about you is soft like an angel, and something inside you is violence and danger, I knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing"
Reignwolf - I Want You ~ "I get the feeling that you just don't understand, I'm crying wolf and I'll always be your man"
BANKS - Waiting Game ~ "what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start? what if it only gets colder? would you still wrap me up and tell me that you think this was smart?"
The Brobecks - If You Like It Or Not ~ "oh my girl, just give me a chance, I don't want to explain, I just want to dance on the graves, on the graves of every girl that I knew before you, they're all dead to me too"
Zella Day - Shadow Preachers ~ "I close my eyes, just close the door, you want a minute, I'll give you more, maybe I don't want you either, we're both unsettled, nighttime creatures"
Neon Trees - Your Surrender ~ "I got close to your skin while you were sleeping, I taste the salt on your hands, I reached out to touch you, the morning light disarms you, won't you let me in?"
Charli XCX - enemy ~ "you’re the only one who knows the way I’m really feelin’, now it’s really clear to me, you could do a little damage, you could cut me deeper, maybe you’re my enemy"
Sleeping At Last - Dark Horse ~ "So you wanna play with magic, girl you should know what youre falling for, baby do you dare to do this"
Billie Eilish - ocean eyes ~ "I'm scared, I've never fallen from quite this high, falling into your ocean eyes"
The Neighbourhood - A Little Death ~ "I want you to touch me there, make me feel like I'm breathing, feel like I'm human"
Of Monsters and Men - Silhouettes ~ "a thousand silhouettes dancing on my chest, no matter where I sleep, you are haunting me"
Hozier - NFWMB ~ "give your heart and soul to charity, 'cause the rest of you, the best of you, honey, belongs to me"
Melanie Martinez - Carousel ~ "and it's all fun and games 'til somebody falls in love, but you already bought a ticket and there's no turning back now"
Muse - I Belong to You ~ "How much pain has cracked your soul? How much love would make you whole? You're my guiding lightning strike"
Billie Eilish - hostage ~ "let me crawl inside your veins, I'll build a wall, give you a ball and chain, it's not like me to be so mean, you're all I wanted, just let me hold you like a hostage"
BOBI ANDONOV, Son Lux - Smoke - Son Lux Remix ~ "now you got me where you want me cause I'm on the ropes, baby, don't make me rush, 'cause I only wanna save you slow and breathe you in like smoke"
Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams ~ "Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down, he's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad, but he does it so well"
The Civil Wars - Poison and Wine ~ "oh, your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine, you think your dreams are the same as mine, oh, I don't love you, but I always will"
Stateless - Bloodstream ~ "I think I might've inhaled you, I could feel you behind my eyes, you've gotten into my bloodstream, I could feel you flowing in me"
Beyoncé - Crazy In Love - Remix ~ "it's the way that you know what I thought I knew, it's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you, but I still don't understand just how your love can do what no one else can"
Måneskin - FOR YOUR LOVE ~ "I wanna be a good man and see you smile, and I wanna swim between your thighs, I wanna fuck you 'til you scream and cry, I wanna hold you in my arms tonight"
Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love ~ "The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out, you've left me in the dark, no dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight in the shadow of your heart"
Fall Out Boy - The Last Of The Real Ones ~ "I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision, but only for you, my head is stripped just like a screw that’s been tightened too many times, when I think of you"
Paris Paloma - the fruits ~ "As you eat it up whole, my body and my blood, you've claimed it now, so come drink up"
Tamino - Persephone ~ "indeed, it's wrong to keep you near me, one could call me cruel and deceiving, but in your sacred air I am full of light, your loving arms are the true delight"
Halsey - Graveyard ~ "it's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies, 'cause I keep diggin' myself down deeper, I won't stop 'til I get where you are"
Tom Odell - Can’t Pretend ~ "oh, feel our bodies grow, and our souls they play, yeah love I hope you know how much my heart depends"
Lana Del Ray - Dark Paradise ~ "every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise, no one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side"
Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? ~ "satisfaction feels like a distant memory, and I can't help myself, all I wanna ever say is, 'Are you mine?'"
Avril Lavigne - I Fell In Love With The Devil ~ "got me playin' with fire, baby, hand me the lighter, tastes just like danger, chaotic anger"
Hozier - Sunlight ~ "I had been lost to you, sunlight, and flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight, oh, your love is sunlight"
Fleurie - Love and War ~ "broken pieces of the night, sing like hollow lullabies, you and I, always in disguises; lover, hunter, friend and enemy, you will always be every one of these"
Tamer - Beautiful Crime ~ "take what you need, say your goodbyes, I gave you everything and it's a beautiful crime"
The Crane Wives - Pretty Little Things ~ "but trust is now something I make people earn, so I'm not inclined to just give it away to a pair of blue eyes with some nice things to say"
alt-J - Breezeblocks ~ "please don't go, I'll eat you whole, I love you so, I love you so, I love you so"
Billie Eilish - Bored ~ "givin' you what you're beggin' for, givin' you what you say I need, I don't want any settled scores, I just want you to set me free"
Steve Lacy - Dark Red ~ "why I feel this way, I don't know, baby I think of her so much, it drives me crazy, I just don't want her to leave me"
Melanie Martinez - EVIL ~ "took me way too long to put this to bed, lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil"
Set It Off - The Haunting ~ "no one will love you like I did, will touch you like I did, so good luck finding something better"
Olivia Rodrigo - Can’t Catch Me Now ~ "I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground, you'll see my face in every place, but you can't catch me now"
Ramin Karimloo - You’ll Be Back ~ "when you're gone, I'll go mad, so don't throw away this thing we had, 'cause when push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love"
Taylor Swift - my tears ricochet ~ "and I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home, and you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones"
Arctic Monkeys - 505 ~ "when you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect? I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck, or I did last time I checked"
Olivia Rodrigo - vampire ~ "I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes, six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise, I loved you truly, gotta laugh at the stupidity"
Taylor Swift, Bon Iver - exile~ "we always walked a very thin line, you didn't even hear me out (you didn't even hear me out), you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)"
The Neighbourhood - Baby Came Home ~ "baby just came back around, told me she's leaving this town, said she needs time to explore, she said I can't love her no more"
Taylor Swift - Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve ~ "I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep, the wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign, I regret you all the time"
The xx - Fiction ~ "were we torn apart by the break of day? you're more than I can believe would ever come my way"
Paramore - Interlude: I’m Not Angry Anymore ~ "I'm not angry anymore, well, sometimes I am, I don't think badly of you, well, sometimes I do"
Black Math - Flesh and Bone ~ "this bleeding heart that's in my hands, I fell apart, I walk alone, beside myself, nowhere to go, my flesh and bone"
Penelope Scott - Feel Better ~ "of course I don't wanna feel better! can you fucking imagine?! no one's ever gonna love me like that again, I don't wanna get over it, I wanna rip the stars to shreds"
Coldplay - The Scientist ~ "come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry, you don't know how lovely you are, I had to find you, tell you I need you, tell you I set you apart"
Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out ~ "and it's hard to dance with the devil on your back, and given half the chance would I take any of it back? it's a fine romance, but it's left me so undone, it's always darkest before the dawn"
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˖ ⚡️ # 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐭 is a highly selective & private writing blog feat. 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐦 of the ( 1997 - 2023 ) pokeani series. inspiration taken from the indigo league, gotta catch 'em live, many to all films, & personal headcanons.
a majestic tale within THE WONDERFUL WORLD of pokemon. one young boy dreams to be the VERY BEST &. to become pokemon master. through hard trials of fate &. brave determination, crowns him as a TRUE hero &. BORN champion.
★☆ searching far & wide with: hightouch ☆ spookymulti ☆ mfingoak
☆★ team: pikachu ★ victini ★ rowlet ★ oshawott ★ lucario ★ charizard
001. hello fellow trainer! welcome to my blog where i write my beloved little ashy boy. i have enjoyed pokemon since the tender age of five & to this very day, yellow & gale of darkness being my personal favorite games! i have been rping for 15+ years and have yet to get out of this chair. my blog is strictly selective & private, so i will only interact with my mutuals. i will not be responding back to the following messages: want to rp? can we be mutuals? etc. i'm sure you are an amazing writer with wonderful muse(s) but this is my decision to follow, please do not take it personally if i don't follow back, as this is due to comfort & to keep a tidy dashboard. i will end up soft blocking folks that clog the dash with ooc posts and if we never interacted. i do ghost the dashboard frequently, so i do want to see it clean. i don't have high standards, but there are somethings i do take on direct level when it comes to rping. i won't be following hub blogs as well. if you have sides, i will look through them but they must be pinned in order for me to browse them.
002. i am crossover & original character friendly. however i must have some info of your oc & any verses they have before we can write together. i also need to know what series your muse(s) originate from for better understanding & writing perspective, as this makes my life a whole lot easier to know what we can do during interactions. i would love to partake in any kind of plotting, though i am a very lax role player & it isn't necessary. this goes without saying, but godmodding, metagaming & powerplay is forbidden. there can be some exceptions, but this does not allow you to have full control while we write.
003. please do not pressure me for replies, i work a 40+ hour job in a stressful environment. i also have add/adhd, so i get distracted very easily. i also forget a lot & feel swamped most times. i only write when i am motivated & have enough energy. with all that being said, my inbox & dms are always open for any new interactions. just be patient when & if i am sporadic with them.
004. i won't be writing any nsfw as my muse is plot locked at the age of 10 in canon. there may be dark scenes that may contain death however, as my muse does indeed die a few times during the series. this will be on the most rarest occasions, or may not be present at all. i don't tag triggers, but if need be i can & will. just give me a holler if anything needs to be tagged correctly.
005. length varies to what i can come up with & what my writing partners bring to the table. this doesn't mean you ever have to match up with mine. i enjoy making stories at times & this all ties down to reply speed. format is small text with html color coding. you can format our threads however you like, so long as it is readable. also, please trim your posts for my poor ocd brain.
006. this blog contains multishipping in different timelines and verses. good chemistry & enough interactions are required for any dynamic questions, but never be afraid to ask if you want something planned as i am open for romantic/familial/platonic ships. i don't practice exclusives minus hightouch's dawn but i do with mains.
007. no drama. no hate. no name drops. if i see anything of sort in the inbox or dms, it will be deleted upon arrival. role play is a hobby & for fun, let's keep it that way. so please, do not harass any of my writing partners. if you are wary of someone i interact with however, you may politely inform me. but i absolutely will not tolerate for personal disliking towards another. anonymous asks are forever closed simply for me to focus on threads & in my opinion, i had never found anons enjoyable to answer.
008. my open starters & prompts are available always! if sending an inbox message for one of his partners, please please specify who you want or i will pick at random. this goes for my starter calls as well. i will be sticking to english dub pokemon names, as this is easiest for me. if you want to know/read about ash, his pokemon and verses you must click on the floating links on my theme. do note: i did not play scarlet & violet very much (the game was just too unplayable for me my b) so like ash, i am unknowing of the paldea region. in a way, that's a win-win tbh. i am not at all associated with the pokemon rpc nor will i write battles. i'm just here to chill & vibe with my favorite son shine. best wishes!
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tagged by @soft-girl-musings ❤️ ty, this was super fun! tagging whoever wants to do this (please tag me in your posts!!!!)
1. Type your name followed by core into pinterest and paste the first pic. 2. Refresh your pinterest homepage and paste the first person. 3. Refresh your pinterest homepage and paste a random aesthetic picture. 4. Write a little story :)

(Please be gentle, I have not actually seen Dune, tho I did read a little of the novel, and am basing this characterization on my very limited exposure to Leto lol)
Dune Modern AU (I guess??) - Leto Atreides x F!Reader | (1,840 words) | Not proofread
AN: i...might've gone a bit overboard with this lmaooo. i blame oscar. 🫣
Warnings: murder, allusions to SA, probably a tad stockholm syndrome-y (lol), vague smut, some angst.
You struggle against the crewman's tight hold on your wrists, knowing that even if you were to break free, you'd have no where to escape to. Your ship had been attacked and boarded that morning by pirates, after which you, along with a handful of others, had been left to die on your pillaged ship.
When a ship flying the flag of Caladan had happened upon you, you'd been relieved, over the moon, even. That is, until they'd boarded and killed everyone left alive save for you. You should've known something was off as soon as they stepped onto the deck, their uniforms filthy and unkempt. But you'd been so desperate, had wanted to believe so badly that you were being rescued.
You don't know where he's taking you now, but given the lecherous look he'd given you just before grabbing you, you can take a guess.
Hopefully he'll at least have the decency to kill you once he's finished.
You growl as the man pushes open the door at the end of the hall, dragging you swiftly behind him. He throws you into a chair and looms over you, caging you in with a hand on either armrest.
"Feisty, aren't we?" he says, his dark eyes cold and cruel. "I like the feisty ones."
You stare him down with a glare, determined to not let this man take the only thing you have left: your dignity. He smirks at you and leans in, but it halted by the sound of the door opening.
"I'll take it from here, Yueh."
You watch as the man's lip curls slightly, annoyed at being interrupted. Nevertheless, he stands, schooling his face into an indifferent mask and turning toward the newcomer.
"Of course, Captain."
The crewman leaves, closing the door behind him with a loud "thwack," leaving you alone with this new man, apparently the captain.
You study him, noting that his uniform is in far better condition than that of his subordinates. Even his knee-high boots have been polished to a shine. You drag your eyes up his torso, then his chest, your eyes snagging on the insignia pinned over his left breast pocket. It looks familiar, but you can't seem to immediately place it. You allow your eyes to continue their journey, sliding up his neck, over his graying beard and stately nose, until you meet his eyes.
They're a warm, deep brown with a gentleness in them you are not accustomed to seeing in men (especially those in authority). He smiles at you apologetically, knowing he is at least partially responsible for the terror you've endured.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice soft and gentle, just like his eyes.
Inexplicably, the facade you've erected to make yourself seem unaffected by all of this crumbles at his question. No, you are absolutely not alright. In less than a week you've been attacked by pirates, had all of your possessions either taken or destroyed, and have watched almost every person you care for die. Tears well in your eyes and you're helpless to stop them from falling.
Embarrassed, you hide your face in your hands, silently sobbing into your palms. You flinch when you feel a hand on your shoulder. Was he...comforting you? You look up, his eyes radiating sadness and, dare you say, compassion?
He hugs you then, gently pulling you against his chest and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He murmurs soothing words, promises to keep you safe, tells you you'll never have to live in fear again so long as he is with you. .
And you believe him, God help you.
He asks you to call him Leto despite clearly holding some kind of title. It feels odd to be so informal, but you do as he asks. He does not appear to have much trust in his crewmen, namely the group who'd boarded your ship. As a result of this, he is reluctant to let you out of his sight, so you spend most of your time with him. He does most of the talking, telling you of his beloved homeland Caladan, of his son Paul...of his late wife, Jessica. When you are ready, you do the same, telling him about where you grew up, of your parents, of your desire to see the world.
It's not until a few weeks later that you realize you're falling in love with him.
You do your best to hide it but he seems to sense the shift in you. The night before you are expected to return to Caladan, he finally asks what's troubling you. As when you'd met him that first day, his eyes are what get to you, the gentle kindness and patience in them like a balm to your soul.
"I...I think I'm in love with you," you admit, sure he doesn't feel the same.
But he surprises you yet again.
"I love you too, my darling," he rasps, leaning in to press his lips against yours.
He makes love to you until the sun rises, his movements gentle yet still passionate. His fingers tangle with yours when he pins you to the bed, making you come over and over, you body shaking with pleasure as he smothers your moans with his kiss.
He asks you to marry him in the afterglow, his head nestled between your breasts as you comb your fingers through his soft hair. You tell him you will and he looks up at you with a smile, sitting up so he can steal another kiss from your lips.
There is a commotion on deck as soon as the ship docks and it takes Leto a moment to realize it's not the usual flurry of activity that usually comes with a return to land. Sensing something nefarious, he tells you to escape through the window in his quarters. You don't want to leave him, flat out refuse to, in fact, but he convinces you yet again with his gentle, earnest eyes.
"I need to know you're safe," he says, taking your hands in his. "I'll find you, I promise."
You wait for him at an inn a few blocks from the docks but he never shows. You don't sleep, you can't, too worried about Leto and what might've happened to him. At the first sign of dawn, you leave the inn, returning to the docks in search of your Leto.
His ship is gone, the slip where it had been empty, and your heart sinks. Had it all been a trick? A game? A way to pass the time while at sea? Had he even really loved you or had he just told you that so you'd warm his bed?
You consider asking the harbormaster if they know what happened but...what would be the point? You know all you need to know: Leto is gone, has left you here alone, despite his promises to protect you, to love you, to marry you.
You do your best not to break down, to not give in to the crushing weight of your broken heart. Using the last of your coin, you decide to stay another night at the inn Leto had told you about, and in the morning, you convince them to hire you as a housekeeper in exchange for a bed and a meager salary. You work there for months, saving every penny you can for passage back to your homeland.
The night before you're set to leave, he finds you.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, crossing your arms defensively over your chest.
He's disheveled, almost haggard, and much skinnier than you recall. You wonder briefly if he's been ill but quickly decide it doesn't matter--he left you, fooled you into thinking he loved you.
"I'm so sorry it took me so long," he rasps, his voice strained, as if he'd been screaming for hours.
You scoff, doing your best to avoid looking him directly in the eyes. That's how he always got you, manipulated you.
"It's too late, Leto. I'm leaving in the morning," you tell him, turning away to fiddle with your already-packed bag.
"Will you at least let me explain?" he pleads, shuffling closer.
You sigh, shaking your head. You tell yourself no, that you don't owe him anything, that he doesn't deserve a chance to explain himself...but you can't help but be curious.
Without looking at him, you nod, bracing your palms on the dresser before you.
He thanks you, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before he dives right in. He's been in jail, he claims, was locked up as soon as he stepped foot on land. Evidently, there was a mutiny and some of his crewmen, led by Yueh, had framed him by planting an illegal drug called Spice on board the ship. As soon as it had docked, the mutineers had sent an anonymous tip to the authorities and, as the Captain, Leto was arrested and thrown in jail. Unable to prove his innocence, he'd had no choice but to serve his time.
The story sounds plausible, and you're almost inclined to believe him but....you just can't. Your heart wasn't just broken by him, it was shattered. Irreparably, you think. Even if what he claims happened is true, you can't see how you could ever trust him again. Not after everything you've been through. You tell him as much, back still turned to him. After a beat of silence, you hear him shift closer, feel his warmth against your back, your eyes falling shut as he presses a gentle kiss against the base of your neck. You swallow a whimper, inhaling shakily when he runs his knuckle down the back of your arm.
"Please look at me, my darling," he pleads, voice thick with emotion. "Just one more time."
Hesitantly, you turn and your heart breaks a little more at the pain and desperation in his eyes. He smiles, taking your hand in his and gently squeezing it. Your eyes well with tears, one escaping and sliding down your cheek, and your curse yourself for your weakness. Using his free hand, he swipes the tear away, his touch lingering on your face.
You're not sure who moves first, but suddenly his lips are on yours, and a fire ignites in your chest. More tears slide down your face as you kiss him back, your arms winding around his neck as he hoists you up to sit on the dresser. The action knocks your bag to the floor with a dull thud, but you can't bring yourself to care as Leto licks into your mouth, his tongue hot as it slides against yours.
When he finally thrusts inside you, it feels like coming home. Suddenly you feel safe again, you feel at peace.
In the end, he travels with you back to your homeland. Slowly, the trust that was broken is rebuilt and before you realize what's happening, you allow the love you have for one another to heal your shattered hearts.
#leto atreides x reader#duke leto atreides x reader#my fic#i guess lol#bro i had wayyyyy too much fun with this omg#evidently my brain doesn't know what a 'little story' is a;sds;ldfk lmao
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time after time – chapter twenty-seven (armitage hux x reader)
time after time masterlist
Summary: you and Armitage transition to life in your shared quarters
Warnings/Tags: gn!reader; set pre-TFA; mention of injuries; let me know if I've missed anything!
Words: 982
Author’s Note: I guess we've got a little micro-chapter here today! so sorry for the relatively short length – hopefully the sheer amount of fluff I've tried to pack into it will make up for that! 😅 even though it is the shortest chapter in the story, I still hope you enjoy! 🥰
After having constructed a detailed plan together, the transition to Armitage’s quarters – now your shared quarters, he realized with delight – went exceptionally smoothly. You instantly gave new life to the space, even by your mere presence. He could tell you were nervous at first, like you weren’t certain what you were allowed to do. In awkward, faltering attempts, Armitage did everything in his power to communicate that everything in his quarters was yours as well. As you moved some of your personal items in and he helped you make little adjustments so that things were the way you liked them, he noticed that you relaxed considerably. It didn’t take long until you seemed to feel very at home with him in your shared space. At home. Stars, Armitage mused as he watched you settle into your life with him, was this what it felt like to have a home?
At first, you were as hesitant about sharing his bed as he had been about sharing yours. He had anticipated this, of course, expecting that you might feel similarly to the way that he had. He did everything in his power to assure you that there would not be a time when you were unwelcome, but he did offer that he would be glad to sleep separately if that would make you more comfortable. As he had expected from your previous uncertainties, your hesitation stemmed more from your fear that you would be an imposition rather than from discomfort at the idea of being close to him. You wanted to, but you were nervous that you might somehow be a bother. With many gentle, coaxing kisses and all the assurances he had to offer, he was able to convince you that there was nothing about you that would ever be an imposition to him.
Both because of his larger accommodations and the fact of where they were located on the ship, Armitage had the advantage of a large window that took up almost all of one wall of his sleeping area. For the most part, he rarely noticed it, since he spent so little time in bed. However, it wasn’t lost on him that it was through that transparisteel that he had looked out into space, pondering the question of you so long before. Those memories seemed far off now, with the certainty of you cradled in his embrace. You were transfixed by the view, though, and Armitage was more than happy to offer you that side of the bed. Where he slept hardly mattered to him so long as you were there beside him.
One of the first nights after you had moved in, he crawled into bed late, surprised to find you still awake and staring out at the glittering sea of stars beyond. He slipped under the covers next to you, barely hesitating as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. He felt your body relax into his instantly, but your gaze remained focused out the window. He tucked his head against the crook of your neck, whispering into the tender skin beneath your ear.
“You’re actually supposed to sleep when you’re in bed, you know,” he reminded you teasingly, and was rewarded with a soft laugh that he felt reverberate through your body.
“I’m not sure you’re one to talk,” you parried back. You were right, of course. In response, he simply pressed a soft kiss to your hairline, eliciting a small, contented hum from you that never failed to make blossoms of warmth bloom throughout his body.
“It’s not as bad as I thought,” you said softly, almost as though you were talking to yourself.
“What isn’t?” he asked, relatively assured that you weren’t talking about sharing quarters with him, but still curious as to what had inspired your musing.
“Being on a Star Destroyer again,” you responded. He instantly recalled the conversation over dinner where you had expressed your fears about your experience aboard the ship. He reached down to take your hand in his. “I remembered it being so dark all the time, so cold. But I’m quite warm right now.” You lightly pulled his arm tighter around you to indicate your meaning. Armitage could feel the familiar pricking of pink rising in his cheeks. “And it doesn’t seem so dark when I have a view like this.” He couldn’t quite see your face, but he could imagine the starlight reflecting in your twinkling eyes as you looked out at the glimmering web of stars. You shifted slowly then, still being careful not to jostle your braced leg too much. You had turned to face him, and he swore he could still see the starlight lingering in your eyes. “Although this view is even better,” you murmured, brushing your hand sleepily over his cheek.
Him. You meant him. His breath stuttered in his lungs, threatening for a moment to stop altogether as he took in the meaning of your words. He was certain his face was entirely red, but he hoped you couldn’t see that in the dark. His suddenly fuzzy mind barely considered his words before he let them fall from his lips.
“I’ve got a pretty kriffing good view myself,” he breathed, echoing your motion as he let the pads of his fingers skim over your skin. He could feel you smile beneath his touch, your eyes almost unbelievably soft as you gazed at him. Then you let them fall closed and slid slightly closer to him as you curled into his embrace. He pulled you into him readily, certain he would never get over the wonderment of feeling you relax in his arms, letting him hold you. He looked out at the stars he could see just beyond your shadowed form, watching them shine in the darkness while he felt your breathing deepen as you fell asleep against him.
#charlotte writes#time after time (hux x reader)#armitage hux x reader#general hux x reader#hux x reader#general hux fanfic#general hux fanfiction#armitage hux x you#general hux x you
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Bow to your Cyber-God…
...or ask me a thing or two. Whichever you'd prefer. ;)
[ Matt Miller ask/RP blog - hopefully as in character as i can be. Main is @f1zzlest1ckzz !
In character tags are between "{}" brackets, ooc is anything past a "//" tag ]
[ Muse Info: I've been writing as Matt for around 7 years. My interpretation is somewhat canon-compliant, but certain things are different.
This blog is mostly based during the events of Saints Row the Third, right after Loren's death. Saying this, Matt is 16 in that timeframe, hence why I dislike shipping outside of an SRIV context. Do not interact with him inappropriately, you'll just get blocked <3
Speaking of: To specify, put a "SRIV: " at the start of your ask if you're talking to him post-SRTT! Referring to Asha and such would also automatically have me assume you're talking about SRIV.
My interpretation also is set in 2013, not 2010 like the game's actual setting. Not that it makes much difference… You'll just confuse Matt by bringing up like, internet culture past that time lol.
On another unrelated note: Matt is unlikely to get along with your character if you have one set to interact with him. He's grouchy and anxious, be patient with him. Same goes for his allies, specifically the Deckers themselves. They work for him, they're not necessarily friends. You can try and be buddy-buddy with him though, if you want. ]
[ Misc Info: Not only do I write Matt on this silly little blog, I also do actual, literate RP of him on Discord! DM me if interested!
This blog is partially ran by a Matt introject in a DID system, a lot of answers are his own pseudomemories. Our portrayals of the character may come off OOC because of this.
I also have a lottt of memory issues, so give a little leeway when it comes to slow answers! It may seem like I abandon the blog sometimes (I don't, stuff just gets hectic often,) so try to pay it no mind. :) ]
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Getting to know your moots
Thank you @baede-6 for tagging me in your post, I have done my best to copy the questions your post had and answered them myself!
What's the origin of your blog's title?
It is the same as my bungo username and the reason for that is simple! Back when Bungie gave players a free name change, I decided it would be funny to name myself this due to the downright stupid amount of times that Taniks (or some form of Taniks, cough cough nightmare Taniks cough cough) has been brought back only for the guardians to get him again.
Favorite Fandoms:
Off the top of my head, I’d have to say Destiny, Transformers, The Dragon Prince, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and damn near everything Andy Weir has written(The Martian, my beloved. Along with Project Hail Mary, currently reading Artemis)
OTP(S) + shipname:
I don’t have any personal oc ships but in terms of Destiny, I. Love. Many of the relationships already in there. Such as Drifteris and Saintsiris.
Favorite Color:
I personally like red, especially when paired with black.
Favorite Game:
I can’t pin it down on any one thing but my most beloved games would have to be Destiny 2, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (along with Black Flag), and Minecraft!
Song stuck in your head:
At this moment? Burn The House Down by AJR
Weirdest habit/trait:
Mmmmm, maybe softly bonking my friend’s shoulders with my head. No clue why I do it, I just do it because why not
Besides playing games, watching movies, or listening to music, I enjoy writing Haikus down in a journal that I have (please ask me what Haikus I have I am desperate to share them)
If you could have any job you wish what would it be?
I’ve always wanted to be a video game developer, especially in regards to narrative. That’s mainly due to the fact of what the narrative team at Bungie have created, like how was I supposed to read ‘Hope is a currency. It buys tomorrow. It gives us what we need to survive today.’ And not go insane thinking about it. I’ve always wanted to create something like that for other gamers.
Something you're good at:
Making other people smile.
Something you're bad at:
Getting over procrastination.
Something you excel at:
Being calm under pressure and being that anchor for other people when they’re stressed
Something you love:
See hobbies, I love creating a haiku when any muse strikes!
Something you could talk about for hours without off the cuff:
Easily Destiny 2, I could talk about the lore for hours!
Something you hate:
I could go with broad stuff like a well-known rich person doing a well-known gesture on live television and other people bending over backwards saying that the gesture wasn’t *that* gesture. But besides that, I’d say getting error-coded while in the middle of a raid with friends on Destiny. Yeah that’s something that I’m pretty sure is hated universally.
Something you collect:
Transformers legos! I’ve only recently started it to the point where I only have less than five but I’m happy with what I have so far! I also like to collect Destiny 2 merch. I’ve got some shirts and a jacket right now!
Something you forget:
Hmmm, I think I forgot it.
What's your love language?
I’m a firm believer that everyone needs at least a little bit of each love language. Of course, it varies in volume and from whom you are receiving it from. I think my the biggest one I like getting is physical touch! I love hugs, give me all of the hugs.
Favorite movie/show:
Favorite movie is definitely a tie between Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and Across The Spider-Verse. My favorite show might have to be Young Justice! Either that or Arcane, or Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. It’s hard to choose!
Favorite food:
Easily my dad’s smoked steak, I swear each and every time I take a bite into that stuff, it’s like I’m tasting heaven itself.
Favorite animal:
Gotta go with both wolves, bears, and owls!
Are you musical?
Oh absolutely, I really should take a video of myself killing it at any karaoke. Besides that, I love me a good musical. Personal favorites are Hamilton and The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals.
Favorite subject in school:
I’ve always loved theatre classes!
Least favorite subject:
Gonna have to go with science, that was a field I definitely struggled in.
What's your best character trait?
Hmm, I think I’d have to say how forgiving and understanding I am towards others
Worst character trait:
How unforgiving I am to myself, I am getting over it though. Bit by bit
If you could change any detail of your day right now, what would it be?
Hm, I don’t know. I like my day as it is
If you could travel in time,who would you like to meet?
Kevin Conroy, Lance Reddick, and Stan Lee! I want to meet them just so I can thank each of them for building key parts of my childhood.
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics:
I don’t read a lot of fanfics. But there are some posts by u/RewsterSause on Reddit’s r/DestinyJournals that I love to read. Rewster is one talented writer!
I do also like to rp a bit on here with some people!
Well, that appears to be all of the questions on here. Thank you again @baede-6 for tagging me!
I’m (also) going to tag some of my mutuals to answer these questions. But like baede said in her post, you do not have to feel obligated to answer them yourselves. See ya later fellas!
@keviriksiskellofhearts @clovis-bray-ate-my-son @drifterslittlemuffin @the-light-finds-its-way @ellis-the-lightguide @savyir-genesizz-the-wizard
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Writer Interview Game
Thank you, @gingerlegacy07 for the tag! Y'all should check her out! She's amazing and a great writer :]
When did you start writing?
Hm, I think I started writing ever since I was 9. It was at first just a little children's book. I've always liked drawing and writing, and coming up with crazy things, lol.
I loved taking Creative Writing class when I was 17, and that's when I also started writing my own original novel.
Writing fanfiction, I started about a year ago, with Hogwarts Legacy. I just had a couple ideas and decided to just give it a shot and write them. Now, I'm still writing HL fanfics and enjoying it so much :]
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Ummm, I'm not sure. Maybe enemies to lovers as I personally don't think I can write that wonderful trope well. But I love to see it, like Zutara, lol.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
No, as I write with my own style. I might be inspired by works of others sometimes, but I intend to make stories with my own take and my own way.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Well, if I write at my home, I usually do it at my desk! Per my name, I have some dragon stuff on my desk, lol, as well as a ceramic cup of pens and pencils and a lamp.
If I feel bored at my desk, I would move to the kitchen table or the living room, just to have a change of scenery. I also sometimes go to a coffee shop and camp there for a few hours while drinking mochas and such.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I often listen to songs and think of which pairs or characters fit them. And even when I watch a show or movie, I find myself wondering what characters from HL would be like in it, hahaha.
So honestly...the most effective way is just me lost in thought XD. I have one interesting thought, then I keep following that thought, and it just builds up in there. And my creativity has me start to write it.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Family is huge in my writing. Whether it's blood family or - more frequently - found family. Also friends that are like family. And just being supportive and having healthy relationships. Wonderful happy love and fluff everywhere!
It doesn't surprise me, lol. I don't like sad endings or anything too depressing. I can't handle it, and I always want happy endings after many rough trials or trauma.
With Sebastian, I always have him redeemed when he's in a relationship with my MC Estelle. And she needed healing of her own too. And they just make each other so happy and they love each other so much. All the fluff for them and my other otps :]
What is your reason for writing?
It's mainly because I wanted to a certain story and didn't see it out there, so I decided to write it myself. In doing so, I hope that others enjoy the stories too.
Anyone that's seen the majority of my incorrect quotes or read some of my stories know I'm a huge shipper of Garrelda. I love them to bits, I'll forever captain that ship if need be, lol. So, when HL fics were still coming out, I didn't any (if at all) or Poppinis. I decided to give it a shot and write for those pairings, more of Poppinis at first. I loved Poppinis as a ship first before I fleshed out my take on Garrelda more.
In the end, I write stories that I randomly get inspired to write, and I just send them out there, not knowing if others wanted to read such a thing, lol
Is their any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any positive comment showing love for the story just makes me so happy. Seeing them appreciate it always makes me smile. Those comments help me remember people do like what I write, and it's a nice reminder :]
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Eh, I don't know if there's anything I want to be thought about. But I guess a "provider" of Garrelda content, as I often write that pairing, especially with my recent on-going fic. Or just a "truly writing dragon", lol, as I keep sending out more stories for people to read in the HL fandom.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think writing emotions and characters. I try to make the characters feel real, and I do my best in describing them so they're relatable to readers.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I feel like it's improving, which is great to see. But that makes me grimace about my first fics I wrote, as I know they can be a bit rough. But that's how it goes, and I do feel pretty proud of how far I've come, and I do like my writing more from time to time. I admittedly am still my worst critic, though.
And those are my answers! Thank you for whomever came up with this! :]
Np tags: @polarisgreenley, @mspegasus17, @ravenwind-75
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Hello, friends! It’s been a minute!
Chapter 4 is posted on AO3 for your enjoyment!!
We’re almost halfway! Thank you for checking out this fic, even though it’s out being updated as regularly as you might be used to. I’ve been struggling with the imposter syndrome really hard, and struggling with my self-esteem as a writer (and as a human, really) so I’ve been a little less productive lately.
Read on AO3
Here’s a little snippet to tempt you:
Gwyn looked at him expectantly, cheeks dusted in a delicious cotton candy pink. And though it didn’t register to his beauty-addled mind what that meant, the buzz in his pocket made it clear that she was waiting for him to pick up the conversation. With a jerk of his chin Azriel turned, making sure the pretty redhead was at his side before he started walking and fished out his phone.
I said I’m doing great and that I’m impressed with your sign language. I know I didn’t send you videos for all of that, which means you’re either an overachiever or you’re up to something.
With a chuff, Azriel replied, Why can’t it be both?
After firing off the text, he second-guessed his words, and immediately thumbed another message in an attempt to make his intentions more clear.
Maybe I just want to be able to talk to a pretty girl.
The sidelong glance he cast her way caught the redness spreading over her freckles and up to the tips of her ears, which prompted a contented little grin to curl his lips upward.
He wanted to keep making her blush, too.
Tag List: I honestly don’t remember who was on my tag list since I stopped writing on my work computer. So I’m going to tag a few names I’m pretty certain of, and if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@vikingmagic33 @daevastanner @sunshinebingo @thelovelymadone @highladyofillyria @shadowsxgwynriel @trashforazriel @mystical-blaise @foreverinelysian @freyjas-musings @bearbluebooks @aldbooks @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @sv0430
#gwynriel#fanfiction#gwyneth berdara#acotar#gwynriel supremacy#gwyn x azriel#azriel shadowsinger#azriel x gwyn#gwyn x az#az x gwyn#gwynriel au#gwynriel fanfiction#gwynriel fanfic#fanfic#my writing#ao3#ao3 fanfiction#acotar au
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any Boyd fic recommendations?
Absolutely!! It’s a long list, so I’ve divided it up by character:)) And fair warning, my preferences for fics and ships skew dark - I’ve included some major archive warnings, but also read & mind the tags on the associated works!!
Steve Murphy
Don’t Hold Your Tongue by ilookedback
It’s bordering on disrespectful to the label how quickly they’re downing the scotch. It’s one that should be savored, peaty and complex and fucking expensive. But this whole thing is a little bit not about the liquor at all and a lot about the principle of the thing and their private resentment over the ambassador continuing to block every request they’ve tried to make for what feels like the last six months.
And anyway, respect is clearly not of any concern to Steve, sitting as he is in the ambassador’s chair with his feet propped up on her desk. He’s at an odd angle, from Javi’s position on the floor, but he can still see Steve’s bright eyes and lazy-drunk mouth, how his cheeks suck in briefly as he takes a sip of whiskey and rolls it over his tongue to the back of his mouth. He watches his eyes flutter shut and Javi’s reflexes must be impaired because it takes him a second to realize when Steve’s eyes open again and are boring directly into him.
“Hey, Javi,” he drawls. “Truth or dare?”
This one was just so sweet and fun!! Bratty, drunk Steve and first time Stavier vibes! You can’t go wrong with that!
¿y cuáles deseos me vas a dar? by feygeleshmeygele
Peña's hiding something. Murphy's going to figure out what, even if it wrecks his entire fucking life.
(Or, finding out that your partner fucks dudes and losing your mind about it in a completely heterosexual way.)
If you want a gorgeously written Stavier long fic, this is absolutely the fic for you. It’s incredibly sexy, the slow burn is so delicious, and seeing Steve unravel and have to confront his own internalized homophobia is top tier.
The Corinthian
If the Devil Dress You by Mare_Adamantis
This was the crux of fighting the Corinthian, Dream thought. You could fight him. People did it all the time. Sometimes they even won, but the price was high enough that losing at the very least looked easier. Losing was often less painful than what it took to win. Sometimes it was even less humiliating.
All of Mare’s nightmare king Corinthian fics are utterly delectable and wonderfully dark, and this one is probably my favorite. Crossdressing and the Corinthian being the both the most adoring and most vicious monster??
(cw: non-con)
Tame Wolves in Dark Woods by Mare_Adamantis
Instead of a muse, Richard Madoc gets a nightmare.
Not that he knows the difference.
This is a fic that I absolutely cannot read unless I’m in a good mental place, and I mean that as such a compliment. This is incredibly dark, gorgeously written, and exquisitely constructed. Being in Madoc’s head and seeing the mental gymnastics he does to pretend he’s a good person?? Incredible. And I’ve got such a soft spot for imperfect victims, and the Corinthian is so wonderfully messy and sympathetic here.
(cw: non-con)
and when the morning light comes streaming in by romanticallyinept
“Not the first,” Cori manages, after a moment, and Dream hums in acknowledgment. “It’s just… people don’t, usually.”
“Keep you?”
“Want to.”
This one is just so fun and cute!! I don’t typically go for human AU’s, but I was blown away by how much I adore this one. Both Corinthian and Dream felt very much like themselves, despite the light setting and them being human.
A Handle on the Situation by Anonymous
"Isn’t this something that your friends could help you out with? You seem to run around with a sex-positive, anything for a friend crowd.”
“This isn’t something you can ask your friends!”
“Sure it is.”
“I’m not going to just go up to Lyta and say, hey, I need some help on a story! Can I get close and personal with your bits?”
“Don’t know why you can’t. You could say it to me.”
Rose stared, and the Corinthian gave her a faintly injured look.
“I mean, unless we’re not friends. I sort of thought we were, but it’s cool if not.”
Rose needs to do some research on her novel, the Corinthian volunteers to help.
This one is SO good, and it really propelled me into being as big of a Rose/Corinthian shipper as I am. Baby dom Rose Walker figuring out her sexuality and kinks with the help of her nightmare friend/guard dog?? Yes please. (Also. Corinthian with a vagina is HAWT)
Written in Ink and Burn by Anonymous
The Corinthian knows what he is.
Now everyone who looks at him will know as well.
Look, I’m always gonna go a little feral over Dream being a mean boss who feels entirely entitled to the Corinthian’s body, and this one hit on so many levels. Sexy slut-shaming that becomes degradation fast when Dream gets involved? Hell yeah.
Vic Owen
Our Temperatures Rise, I Hear the Devil Outside by Hexate (Hexate2)
Vic can take a lot of punishment. But it wasn't the lashes, the hour bleeding at the pillory, that taught him the law.
This one is vicious in the best way. Check this one out if you’re looking for some incredibly toxic sibling dynamics and Holbrook’s character being one of the prettiest things in the room despite being a greasy, slightly mutilated mess.
(cw: non-con)
weak spot (everybody has one) by doctorkaitlyn
Dan Frost’s heavy footsteps are still within earshot when John speaks again, voice low and steady, like the rumble of thunder on the horizon.
“If you cannot hold your tongue, I will cut it out of your head.”
Again, such a wonderfully twisted dynamic, and excellent writing to boot. Bratty Vic is so fun to read, especially because he’s actually skating on very thin ice with his brother.
Donald Pierce
better the devil you know... by doctorkaitlyn
...than the one that you don't.
or, follows the plot of Logan, but with one key difference; namely, that Pierce and Logan slept together prior to the film's events.
This series is exceptional! The actual sex is so wonderfully dubious and dirty in every sort of way, and we get the treat of seeing it from both Pierce and Logan’s POVs. I doubt it’ll happen at this point, but in my heart of hearts I’m still holding out hope the author might bless us with a continuation!!
Cornered by Anonymous
Logan hasn’t been a good man for a really long time in his opinion. Donald Pierce is probably a worse man in his estimation. So he doesn’t feel particularly bad about taking some of his irritation out the little fucker to really drill into his head what will happen to him if he doesn’t back off.
After I read this fic I had to sit down and just process for a very long time. It is utterly dark and harrowing, supremely fucked up in so many particulars, but if you’re looking for something unapologetically brutal and deliciously raw, this is the fic. Donald Pierce gets put through the wringer in this, and seeing all his affectations and defenses pared away over time is so good.
(cw: non-con)
part time sorry, full time problem by the_everqueen
Logan survives.
He gets a dog.
Non-con pet play?? Non-con pet play!! I think my favorite thing about this is how, from Logan’s POV, this is just the thing he’s doing. Meanwhile, Pierce is going through probably the worst events of his life, and the juxtaposition is so, so good. Pierce is the best scrappy little survivor, and as far as gorgeously imperfect victims go, he is IT.
(cw: non-con)
girl in saskatoon by thefudge
Seven years after the events of Logan (2017), Donald Pierce tracks down Laura Kinney again.
This was not a ship I’d ever considered, but oh god did this fic make me love it. Gorgeously dark and sensual and incredibly bittersweet, and Laura as a feral creature who is so much her father’s daughter is a delight. Also, Pierce being much more mechanized in this is… very hot.
(cw: major character death)
Melancholy by shittershutter
"You're making that face again," Don tells him. "Don't."
"The the doomed lover face, that one. I can't take all the melancholy."
All of shittershutter’s Pierce/Logan fics are absolutely worth a read, but this one is my all-time favorite that I keep going back to again and again. The sex is fucking hot, and the characterizations are top-tier: Pierce’s feral vulnerability is especially wonderful, and his relationship with Logan is so raw and real and achingly human.
The Enemy of My Enemy (is Mine) by SubverbalDreams
With Laura safely (he hopes) off with her friends, Logan’s got some housecleaning to do.
Meanwhile: Pierce fucked up royally, and the Reavers aren’t known for their forgiveness. Especially with such a pretty victim on their hands.
If you want mean, but grudgingly caring daddy dom Logan, SubV is the author!! This is SUCH a tasty fic, the tangle of Pierce’s trauma and desire and shame combined with just how much Logan hates his guts (and is also coming around to him. Just a little.)
(cw: non-con)
after all is said and done i feel the same by spock
Donald's got this theory that people don't ever really change. He himself being the rule, rather than an exception.
Yeah, this one is a pure delight. Pierce is so complicated here, at points pathetic and likable and deeply pitiable. The relationship is so problematic from every angle, but somehow manages to be endearing, too, which is no mean feat! And the ending sends me straight to waterworks city.
(cw: underage)
Eli Klaber
A Sinner In Church by jackelope
what is even the POINT of having evil henchmen if you're not having gay sex with them let's be real
Klaber being from texas is not canon but idk i just thought his accent sounded texan so I went with it. anyways he's a cumslut
This is just hot as shit. Guaranteed good time. Klaber is such an eager to please dog here, not even minding how he’s being degraded. Delicious stuff.
Ty Shaw
The Going Rate by darthpumpkinspice
Ty Shaw needs to get Sancholo in on his plan, but Sancholo isn’t biting.
Fortunately, Ty knows how to be persuasive.
There’s not a ton of Ty Shaw fics out there, so I couldn’t resist sneaking my own entry in!!! If you like Ty being a conniving little sweetheart trying his best to deal with grief, you might just enjoy this!
#fic recommendations#fic recs#Boyd Holbrook#Holbrook character fics#Donald Pierce#Steve Murphy#Ty Shaw#Eli Klaber#Vic Owens#the Corinthian#feel free to reblog with all y’all’s favs too if I left any out!
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respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
roleplayer name : ellie !
pronouns : she / her !
muse name(s) : nod , unfortunately lol . the name means “ to wander “ which i think is pretty fitting for him . in my modern verse i’ve made his name “ nicholas “ because who in this day and age would name their child a verb
preferred communication : DMs ! this is a good time for me to mention this - please don’t take it personally if i take a few days to respond , even if i’m online ! i PROMISE it’s nothing personal , i just want to ensure i’m in the right headspace to reply to things . i do this to everyone so it has nothing to do with you . even my closest friends have to suffer through my horrendous texting lol ( rae you have the patience of a saint )
experience : i started on ‘ chickensmoothie ‘ ( no i’m not kidding ) , but eventually moved to twitter for a few years before settling down in tumblr !
preferred roleplay type : it genuinely depends ! i love banter , i love multi-para style — whatever works ! at the end of the day my favorite type of roleplay is when you’ve brain rotted over your characters together so much that you get Genuinely excited to see the other person reply lol
pet peeves / dealbreakers : force shipping / speed shipping is Not the vibe . i adore romance and am nearly always down to do so between two consenting adults , but if we’ve had zero ooc communication , to jump straight into “ we’re in a committed relationship “ is a little too fast for me .
i also really dislike character dynamics where one muse is essentially the other muses therapist . always comforting them without ANY type of reciprocation or bonding outside of that — it’s exhausting . i’ve been put in that position way too many times in real life i can’t have it happen in fictional writing too lol
and finally , ship jealousy . it’s mad weird . we’re all adults and these are fictional characters . if you’re getting jealous over a multiship muse , please take a break it’s not that serious . i’ve been guilty of this myself in the past , and i have to force myself to take a small break to reconnect with the outside world . i’m not here to compete when we could all just hold hands and gush about our ships together .
best time to write : definitely in the evening / night ( cst ) ! that’s when i have the most muse , and i’ll usually try to check the dash around this time as well .
are you like your muse ? : NO lmao . i was talking with jaye the other night about how i am nothing like nod . aside from both of us being relatively outgoing and maybe adrenaline junkies / enjoying jobs with high stakes , we’re pretty much polar opposites . he’s type b , i’m type a , he’s a hopeless romantic , i’m not , he’s fuckin stupid , i am about 80% sure i’m not — we’re completely different . it’s what makes him so fun to write , though . i get to get into the mind of someone who’s pretty much nothing like me — it’s so fun to see the world through his eyes .
tagged by ; @boombambaby ( thank you !! ;3; guys follow her kuzco it is SPOT ON ) tagging ; @cxnscience @bypoisedapples @underworldsarcade @returnedimage @sunoflegend @nosenipped @drckmgck @dreamsofalife @hxzelwallflower @froznspirit @mitchftw @fairestmusesofthemall @sunsfates @wispfated @oakthcrn
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