#( i said i'll get to things owed but i've been caught up with things
joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Caught Up In You
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Summary: You and the twins surprise Joe during his last hour at the soup kitchen.
Warnings: Fluff.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Univserse: Into the Mystic
March 3rd, 2024
“Hey, y/n! Most of the photographers and workers are gone, but Joe surprisingly wanted to stay a little longer. Do you want to surprise him and come down with the twins?” - Robin
Robin had just called me. Joe had already been gone for a few hours, and I was just chilling at home.
“Oh, I’d love to! I'll be there in a few!” - you
“Great! I'll see you in a few sweetie!” - Robin
After I got the boys out of the car, I held onto both of their hands as we walked up to the building.
Shortly after our phone call, Robin messaged me and said to come in through the back door since it went straight into the kitchen where Joe would be.
“Dada!!” - Tyson
“You excited to see Dada?” - you smiled
Tyson’s love for his dad never failed to make my heart flutter. I was so lucky to have such an amazing man like Joe be the father to my kids.
“Can you knock on the door for me?” - you
Miles nodded his little head before using his free hand to hit the door with all his might, though it barely made a sound.
“Ty, how about you help him?” - you
Tyson’s knock was just slightly louder, so eventually, I knocked too.
When the door opened and Jimmy was revealed, the boys cheered, thinking their knocks were loud enough.
“What are you guys doing here?” - Jimmy
He smiled as he gave me a side hug, bending down to pick Miles up after.
“Dada!!” - Tyson
“Oh, I see! Let's go find Daddy.” - Jimmy
Jimmy grabbed Tyson’s hand and walked into the kitchen. I trailed behind after shutting the door back.
The place was pretty much empty, other than Robin talking to one of the older ladies who worked there.
“Look who's here! You look gorgeous as always, the pregnancy glow is on point.” - Robin smiled
“Awww, thank you! I threw a pair of baggy ripped jeans in that I knew still fit and took one of Joe’s shirts.” - you smiled
“Well, you look amazing. Joe’s in one of the other kitchens somewhere.” - Robin
Before I could even go find him, Joe strode into the room with Tyson on his hip and a big smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?” - Joe grinned
“Came to see you!” - you
Joe swiftly leaned down for a quick kiss, the smile never leaving his face.
“You look gorgeous.” - Joe
“That's what I said!” - Robin
Tyson laid his head on Joe’s shoulder, and Joe gently laid his head against his for a few seconds.
“Momma pretty.” - Tyson
“Your momma is very pretty.” - Joe
“Awww.” - Robin
I watched Joe subtly roll his eyes, and I smacked him on the arm in response.
“Ow!” - Joe
“Oh, toughen up!” - you laughed
Tyson started wiggling in Joe’s grasp, so he sat him down. Now that his arms were free, Joe moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“How long have you two been together?”
The lady who had been talking to Robin had a smile on her face as she watched me and Joe.
“A little over nine years.” - Joe smiled
“We started dating in high school. I was a junior and Joe was a senior. We've been together ever since.” - you
“Wow! That's amazing! You guys seem so in love.”
“We are.” - Joe
There was a twinkle in his eye when I made eye contact with Joe, and he leaned down to peck my forehead.
“I didn't even know you were married, Mr. Burrow, let alone a father.”
“I keep my family private, but if you follow y/n on TikTok you can see more of my life outside of football.” - Joe
“Oh really? What kind of things do you post?”
“I prank Joe a lot, but I've done some day routines and other trends.” - you
“What kind of pranks?”
“Don’t even get her started.” - Joe chuckled while rolling his eyes
I was about to make a snarky comment in response to his sassiness, but before I could, Miles and Tyson came running into the room.
They each had mini aprons on that matched Joe’s, and Miles handed me one for myself.
“Thanks, Bubba.” - you smile
“Here, lemme help you, Mama.” - Joe
Joe took that apron from my hand and put it over my head, he went behind me and tied the strings around my waist. With a big hand pressed to the small of my back, Joe leaned forward to see my face as he asked a question.
“Not too tight is it? Around your belly?” - Joe
“It's perfect, thank you, baby.” - you
“Of course.” - Joe
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my neck, I felt my cheeks heat up so I promptly shoved Joe’s chest.
“Stop that.” - you whispered
“You know you love it.” - Joe smiled
“At home, I love it, not right now.” - you
“Keep that same opinion for when we get home later.” - Joe
I once again shoved his chest, but Jos only pulled me against him.
This boy will surely be the death of me.
I don't know how it happened, but currently, Joe was trying to tie Tyson up in his apron.
Joe had the strings around his waist tied as tight as he could get them, and sat Tyson against his chest to where his legs stuck out at either side.
“Baby, help!” - Joe laughed
“What do you want me to do?!” - you chuckled
“Tie the strings around my neck, please!” - Joe
I did as he said and laughed at the sight of Ty strapped to Joe’s chest like a kangaroo.
“This is pretty sturdy.” - Joe
He did various things to test it out, like squatting, doing a jumping jack, and doing random things that had Tyson giggling the entire time.
His laugh only made everyone else laugh, including Joe, who seemed to be having more fun than Tyson.
“Okay, that's enough, Joe. You're making me nervous.” - you
Joe halted his movements and nodded his head, doing just as I said because I had him wrapped around my finger.
I helped Tyson get down, but he wouldn't leave Joe’s side. That big, calloused hand coming down to rub over his little back.
Not that Tyson or Miles were super tiny. They were both in the 90th percentile for height at their age, which is, I guess, what you sign up for when you have babies with a man who’s 6’4.
“Miles’s turn!” - Joe
“No!!” - Miles
Miles went to hide behind my legs, which made everyone laugh. I reached down to play with his hair to comfort him.
“Daddy’s joking, bubs.” - you laughed
“No, he's not!” - Joe
Joe lept forward and scooped Miles up, who was screeching those little toddler noises, and threw him up in the air before catching him.
Miles started giggling when Joe threw him up again, blowing raspberries in his neck before bringing him close to his chest. He was the less adventurous twin, but he always had fun with Joe nonetheless.
“Do you guys have plans tomorrow?” - Robin
“I don't think so.” - you
Joe shook his head, no, so Robin continued.
“How about we take the boys tonight, you guys can come over tomorrow and then take them home tomorrow evening.” - Robin
I looked over at Joe, who was already looking at me, and we both shrugged.
“Fine with me.” - Joe
“Me too.” - you
Shortly after that, Joe helped switch the car seats into his parent's car. He was saying bye when he looked over and saw me about to open my door.
“Bye guy- WAIT!” - Joe
In the corner of my eye, I saw Joe jogging toward me so I stopped what I was doing.
“What? Something wrong?” - you
“I have to open your door. When I gave you that promise ring I promised you that as long as I'm with you, you won't have to open a door.” - Joe
“Joe. I can open my door. Perfectly capable of doing it for myself, you could've continued talking to your parents.” - you
“Nope.” - Joe
With that, he walked away and over to the driver's side of the car. I slid in and buckled up just as he was sitting down.
“I can't believe you drove here.” - Joe sighed
“I can drive, Joe!” - you
“You make me nervous driving while you're pregnant!” - Joe
“Babe, you need to calm down. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do anything for myself. We had this conversation many times when I was pregnant with the twins, so you should know this by now.” - you
“I know… I just feel like I have to. You're the one who has to go through the symptoms of pregnancy, weight gain, sickness, and childbirth. I just feel bad that I can’t do anything to contribute.” - Joe
Joe slumped over and stared out the windshield, picking at his fingernails in the process.
I reached one of my hands over and separated his hands in an attempt to stop his nervous fidgeting. The action caused Joe to look up at me.
“You do plenty. I wouldn't be able to get through everything you listed without you. The weight gain, you're always there to hype me up when I'm feeling self-conscious. The sickness, I haven't had much of it, but you're always there to hold my hair and rub my back. The birth part, though I know you were just as nervous as me, you were my biggest cheerleader. I'm not going through any of this alone, Joe, we're a team.” - you
“You should be a motivational speaker… or the person that writes Hallmark cards.” - Joe smiled
“Give me a kiss, goofball.” - you chuckled
Joe leaned forward and gave me a very thorough kiss, his hand cupping my face as one of mine rubbed his chest.
“I love you in that apron, by the way.” - you mumbled against his slick lips
“Noted.” - Joe groaned before reconnecting your lips
Authors note: HI GUYS!!!! BACK FROM MY BREAK!!!
This came from my own head!
Hope you enjoyed! 💕💕
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stargazedwinchester · 7 months
Too Soon? | Sam
Summary: Charlie teams you both up with the Winchester brothers for a case. After a very long road trip toward a hunt, someone's caught feelings for you.
Word count: 1,113
Let me know if you want a part 2!
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Charlie's excited grin means two things; there's a new World of Warcraft DLC, or she really wants you to do something with her. You huff, loosening your grip from her hands. "Char, I honestly really don't want to. I love you, I do, but..."
"Why, Y/N? It'll be so fun. Sam and Dean are so fun and so cool, you'll really like them. Even if it's a shitty boring hunt, at least you'll have me." She bounces up and down on the spot. "Please? Pretty please?" She begs, her ruby hair shining from the daylight coming through the window behind her. She looks at you in your eyes, pleading for you to once just say 'yes'.
You had been childhood best friends with Charlie ever since you both were bullied at school for playing video games during lunch breaks and recess. Both of you were the very few girls who would actually spend time around nerdy guys and weren't put off by them. Not that anyone gave them a chance, though.
"Okay, fine. I'll go with you. Just this once, though, you owe me." You give in, a smile creeping onto your face. What's the worst that could happen?
After Charlie's parents passed in a horrible accident when she was 14, she had been adopted by your father as both families were extremely close, good friends. It was almost like a dream come true for both of you at the time, being able to actually have a sister who's also your best friend? That's the best thing to ever happen to a child.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
You exit Charlie's beetle to a place that doesn't remotely resemble a home. "We're here?" You ask, squinting your eyes from the mid-summer sun blaring into your pupils. "Yep. They said to meet here." She says, checking her phone for any text messages. While glancing over at Charlie's phone, you notice two huge men walking toward you. "They're here!" She announces whilst the shorter man opens up his arms for her.
"Charlie!" He laughs gleefully, and she gives him a massive hug. You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "Hey, I'm Y/N." You greet the taller one, he runs his hand through his hair, before shaking yours. "Hi Y'N. I'm Sam. Nice to meet you." You look up at him flashing him a quick smile. "I assume the other guy is Dean?" You question, and Charlie pulls your arm towards her. "Y/N! This is Dean, he's my favourite. No offence, Sam." She chuckles, and Sam grunts. "None taken." He says. "Hi, Dean. Nice to meet you." You hold out your hand for him to shake it, and he takes it. "Nice to meet you. We've heard lots about you." He shows you a warm smile, his eyes a lovely shade of green that you haven't seen before.
"The gangs back together!" Charlie exclaims, you furrow your brows. "Back together? I've never met these guys in my life."
"You get what I mean."
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
After lots of arguing about who gets shotgun, Charlie sits in the front with Dean, and you're sat in the back with Sam. Charlie passes you snacks every so often so you don't feel left out.
"So, YN," Sam starts, taking his gaze off of the trees speeding past the car. "How long have you known Charlie?" He asks, his hazel eyes meeting yours. "My whole life. She's my sister." You trail your sentence, not understanding why Sam would ask this. Dean chuckles. "Sammy, you didn't know that?" He and Charlie start laughing before she reaches over the seat to face you both. "I never told him this. Sorry, Sam." She pops another snack in her mouth, and Sam rolls his eyes. "Perks of being the least favourite, I guess. I'm out of the loop, guys." He throws his hands up in the air, a grin on his face. "It's okay. I'll tell you everything you need to know." You turn yourself round to face him, starting with the story of how you met her, where you grew up and everything that happened with Charlies' parents and your own.
The sun is setting pretty quick, the clouds turning salmon and the sky a denim shade. Dean smoothly parked the Impala outside of a small '70s diner, you all climb out and walk inside to find a free table. Luckily, the place seems busy so you assume it's got good food. You're starving at this point so to be honest, you'd eat anything at this point. You sit opposite Sam, but next to Charlie who's already looking at a menu. Scanning the table, there are only two menus. Dean and Charlie are so lost in their own world that they wouldn't even think about sharing a menu. You snatch the menu out of Charlie's hand and usher her to share with Dean while yourself and Sam work something out between you both.
You stretch your legs out and accidentally hit something long in front of you, assuming it's the table leg, you stretch out further. "That's my leg." Sam says, catching your eyes, then quickly looking away. "Sorry," you mumbled, seeing him act so awkward was somewhat charming to you, how his good looks could so easily get him so many women, yet he seems so reserved and polite. There really aren't that many men in the world like this, at all.
His golden eyes meet yours again, but you're already staring back at him. Your eyes widened in surprise, you didn't even think that he'd look at you again. "What?" He huffs, a smirk appearing. Oh, he knows he's hot. A dimple forms and suddenly, you're really attracted. "Me? Nothing. I was daydreaming." You lie.
The waitress comes over and takes everyones orders, and Dean turns around to allow you both to order. He notices how flushed your cheeks are and Sam's sly grin, and he puts two and two together. He nudges Charlie, and they both glance at you, then Sam, then back at each other with a huge smile on each of their faces. "Look at you two love birds," Dean starts, and you roll your eyes. "Please, don't start." You can't stop a simper from taking shape on your face, Charlie slaps your arm. "You two would be so cute together!" She scoffs, you've never seen her this happy about something before, it's almost scary.
"No, it's far too soon to say anything like that, Char!" You hide your face in embarrassment. "Am I not allowed to make friends?" You say, hoping Sam would have something to add.
"Is it too soon?" Sam says, grinning from ear to ear.
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mxqdii · 8 months
also I have a request
so reader is dating Sam or Colby (you pick❤️). Reader is alone at a haunted location with just Sam or just Colby (does this make sense?) say it was Sam, they are just the two of them and say there were trespassers and they were threatening the two and reader has a panic attack and Sam defend them (Sam or Colby) and calm reader down on the way home.
is that doable?
when part three comes can you tag my other acc
take my breath away - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: a day with the boys doesn't go as expected
warning(s): panic attacks, mention of ghosts (??) idk.
a/n: so i see u said just the two of them, but i only realized after i finished writing it... i'm sorry! i hope this is still okay 😭
not proofread
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"are you guys sure this is a good idea?" i say as me, sam and colby enter the gate
"too late now! unlocking that gate took forever" sam says, walking ahead
"we're all gonna die" i mumble sarcastically, scoffing at the boys skipping together joyfully
we decided not to vlog this one, since, well..
we're trespassing.
it's okay though! atleast that's what the boys told me (and what i'm telling myself)
"hey, you okay?" colby, my boyfriend, asks.
"yeah i'm fine, just worried about being shot by a police officer" i say, giving him a look
"calm down, we'll be fine!" he speaks over confidently
"whatever you say" i groan
"woah! guys this place is so cool, let's use the spirit box here" sam yells from ahead, taking off his backpack and grabbing the box
we all listen, hearing a few random meaningless words, until...
my phone starts buzzing, which makes us all jump
"sorry, my alarm- it's midnight if anyone cares" i say, signaling for us to get out of here
"leave" the spirit box says
"yes please- wait was that the box?" i mumble
"trespassing" the box says
"guys i don't like this.." i mumble, reaching over to grab colby, looking over realizing he's nowhere to be found
"g-guys?" i say, realizing i've been left alone with only the spirit box
"guys this isn't funny. you got me okay? i'm scared." i yell into the distance, hoping to be met with colby's voice or sams laughter
but i don't hear that, instead something worse
the bushes besides me start rustling, and i feel tears brim my eyes
"h-hello?" i almost whisper
this is too much. i wanna go home.
my legs start moving before i can think and i run back to the car, hoping to find sam and colby there, but no.
i realize, i don't have the keys, leaving me in the dark parking lot surrounded by woods, alone.
okay, it's fine, i'm fine, i'll call them.
this is when i start freaking out, because what am i supposed to do now??
the only thing i can think to do, cry.
i let myself lean against the locked car door, eventually curling into a ball on the floor
i'm currently a sobbing mess at midnight, alone and cold.
the more i'm sat here with my thoughts, the harder it gets to breathe, causing me to panic.
i try to calm my breathing but can't, colby always helped me with panic attacks, i need colby.
i don't know how much time passed, but eventually, i felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see colby
thank god.
"colby-" i try to say more but the words get caught in my throat
"shh, baby it's okay. breathe for me okay?" he says
he sits down to my level, pulling me into his lap
"i'm so sorry. we thought it'd be funny to hide but we got lost, i'm so sorry baby that wasn't funny, i know." he hushes my cries, helping me with my breathing along the way
his hands stroking my hair and his smooth rhythm of breaths calm me down,.
(even though his heart is racing)
i snap out of my panic, looking up at him.
i shove my fist into his chest, not hard enough to hurt bad
(as if you could)
"ow!" he says, almost out of instict
"never do that again" i huff
"never again." he repeats back to me, kissing my forehead.
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @anythingsamandcolby
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Could you do eidelweiss w Spencer? 🥺
edelweiss (courage, devotion) — “touch them again and i promise, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
there was a knock on spencers door at 10pm, he wasn't expecting anyone, it was weird. but he goes to the door anyway, he looks out the peephole to see his neighbour and a strange man beside her. she keeps apologizing, so he opens the door cautiously, "Y/N?"
"hey, roomie, I'm so sorry did I wake you? I forgot my keys," she says with confidence, knowing spencer would be able to read her expression. she needs help.
he heard her leave earlier, no one picked her up, she was all dressed up and she looked good. she always did. he loved talking to her in the hallway and by the mailboxes, he'd be lying if he said he didn't have a small crush on her... "no, I was working on some files for work, it's no biggy... who's this?"
"oh, this is Neill, he was just dropping me off," she smiles and starts to walk into Spencer's apartment.
"I-" the man reaches out for her. "what the hell?"
"What?" she stands between the two men, almost inside the apartment but not quite, "it was a nice date, I had a good time?"
"I paid a hundred dollars for your meal? don't you think--" the man grabs her arm, frustrated that he's not getting his way and spencer loses it.
he tugs Y/N inside and steps into the man's space, pushing him from the doorway, "touch her again and I promise it'll be the last thing you ever do. she doesn't owe you a thing," Spencer raises his voice slightly, stern and strong and in his face, he towers over the guy.
"Sorry," he cowers and looks past him at Y/N, "I'll call you?"
"don't," Spencer answers for her. "don't contact her ever again, get going."
the man rushes down the stairs and spencer shuts the door quickly, "are you okay?"
she nods, "I knew he'd do that, I told him I didn't want him to walk me home but he insisted and I knew it. I knew he'd want more because of that stupid place he picked for dinner."
"it's not your fault, he's the problem, I'm sorry," Spencer reaches out and places his hand on her arm. "you can stay as long as you need, do you want tea? coffee?"
she smiles, "tea would be nice... and thank you, really. I remembered you said you caught creeps for a living and thought you'd be able to help."
"Always," he assures her. "I mean, you could use me as a cover from now on, pending I'm your roommate to get away from them or I could help you solve this problem altogether..."
"How?" she doesn't catch on right away.
"I could take you on a date and then you'd stop having to try and make it work with weirdos like him," Spencer suggests. "I've been meaning to ask for a while now."
she lights right up, "really? yeah, yes! yes. I'd love to go on a date with you?"
he can't believe it worked, he smiles so big, proud of himself. he places the kettle on his stove and turns it on, "are you busy this weekend?"
she shakes her head, "nope, I'm all yours doctor Reid."
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jayswritings13 · 1 year
Multi-fandom: Hello Nurse
Summary: After they get injured, you help clean them up.
Included: Robby Keene (Cobra Kai), Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom), Santana Lopez (Glee), and Moana (Disney), April O'Neil (TMNT), Moxxie and Millie (Helluva Boss)
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Robby Keene (Cobra Kai)
"This is gonna sting."
"Do it." You nodded, quickly placing the alcohol soaked rag on Robby's cheek, hesitating when he winced in pain.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" Robby tried to grin, but even that couldn't hide the pain in his eyes. "You didn't do this."
"I know, but still," You shrugged, "I don't like seeing you like this."
"While we're on that subject, who di-"
"It was no one important." He said. "I was training with Mr. LaRusso and Sam."
"Okay," you said, "must've been one tough training for the great Robby to get injured."
"I don't know about 'great'."
"I do." You said, placing a bandaid over the cut on his cheek, "so keep the rough shit for the mat and not training."
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Santana Lopez (Glee)
"I told you," Santana rolled her eyes, "I'm fine."
"I'll believe that when you stop bleeding, San." You spat back, pressing the damp towel to her forehead.
"Oh, please," Santana scoffed, "You should see the other guy."
"Stay still. You're dripping all over the floor."
"Good, then maybe that little gremlin will face some consequences."
"What happened?"
"Just a little rumor that needed to be squashed and a huge ego that got brought to size." She shrugged, though you caught the small smirk edging the corner of her lips. "Just the regular stuff."
"And that led to you bleeding."
"I was getting there," Santana said, "Anyway, she didn't take it well and went at me." She paused, grinning, "But, you know me...."
"I do." You laughed, slipping your hand into hers, "I know you pretty well."
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Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
"Just because you're half ghost, doesn't make you invincible, Danny!"
"Ow!" He grimaced as you tightened your grip on his arm. "Some nurse you are." He grumbled.
"I mean, what the fuck?!" You continued, ignoring his comment and wrapping more gauze around his arm. "Were you trying to get yourself killed? I know that Vlad is your uncle and all-"
"That doesn't mean anything. Things just went too far."
"You got too cocky," You paused, dropping your grip on his arm, "is what I think you meant to say."
"I'm okay, FYI."
"This time, Danny!" You sighed, "This time you are." You dropped his arm, sitting down next to him. "What about next time? Or the time after that?"
"I've gotten myself out of things like these before and I continously will," Danny said, "Or, well, as long as I have you by my side, I will."
"That was so cheesy."
"But, it worked, didn't it?"
"Shut up," you laughed, "and just be more careful."
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Moana (Disney)
"Please don't tell my dad," Moana muttered against your shoulder as you helped her over to the sand, helping her sit down.
"Please, right now that's the least of my worries," You said, kneeling in front of her red and swollen ankle. "How do you think that he's not gonna notice this?"
"It's not that noticeable."
"Really?" You scoffed, "You can barely walk on it, Moana. I'm sure that if he doesn't notice, you're mom will."
"Just..." Moana sighed, "Please don't tell him. Please." She gripped your hand, taking your attention off of her ankle. "I don't need another lecture from him."
"You hurt your ankle walking through the village with me this morning."
"You're gonna need a cover." You said, "He means well, but I know what you mean."
"Thank you." Moana winced, as you wrapped her ankle.
"Just be careful out there. For me please."
"Of course." Moana smiled, "Now, help me up."
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April O'Neil (TMNT)
"It's just a scratch."
"Just a scratch. You're bleeding on my couch, April." You said, handing April a tissue, while you pulled the first aid kit closer to you.
"I'm fine." April said, holding the tissue to her cheek. "It barely gazed me."
"It- Grazed?" You shuttered, shocked. "Were you in the alley fighting with Jones?"
"It's called training."
"I call bullshit." Grabbing gaze and some tape out of the kit, "You know better than to do that shit with Casey. How the hell do you think he got that fucking gap?!"
"Whatever, I totally kicked his ass this time."
"What'd you do? Widen that gap, April?" You laughed.
"Maybe," April winced as you placed an alcohol soaked cloth on her cheek. "Ow! You don't have to press so hard?"
"You don't have to get hurt this hard." You countered, smirking. "Maybe, I should go teach Casey a god damn lesson."
"Too late." April grinned, wincing in pain.
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Moxxie & Millie (Helluva Boss)
"Wow, I thought that you said that the hit was 'no big deal'...?"
"It wasn't."
"Bullshit. Why are you both bandaged up?!"
"Well, we- I mean, I sort of-"
"It's not a big deal," Millie shrugged, "We're fine, (Y/N)."
"What if you weren't?!" You exclaimed, "What if you two were seriously fucking hurt and didn't come back?"
"No, I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna tell me to have more faith and that you too are a team, handling it together." You sighed, "But, that doesn't mean that I can't worry about you two. I mean, you guys literally kill people for a living and seem to have a target on your back from others."
"Not entirely our fault." Millie said, as Moxxie nodded.
"Yeah. Who knew that Blitz had so many people who hated him?" Moxxie said. "And I mean like a shit ton of peo-"
"What I think Moxxie is trying to say is," Millie interrupted, "We'll try to be careful for you."
"Thanks," You smiled, "Now, get over here. Whoever wrapped your wounds did a fucking terrible job." You laughed.
"Hey! It's hard to do it one arm!"
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unlovedanchor · 7 months
a prompt based off of the crane wives 2015 album, " coyote stories, " dark themes present. adjust if needed!
" when i was a child, my nerves went wild. "
" i watched my friends climb to the tops of the trees. "
" i never climbed at all. "
" i told myself, 'i'm not ready.' "
" my daddy always said nothing worth doing comes easy. "
" nothing worth doing comes easy. "
" time is not your friend, time is not your remedy. "
" time is not your friend. "
" no amount of waiting will make you brave. "
" no amount of waiting will keep you safe. "
" the more fears i collect, i gather them from all the people i meet. "
" their stories reveal regrets their smiles can't conceal. "
" i carry them with me. "
" what if the steps i take turn out to be mistakes ? "
" how can somebody like me learn to stay ? "
" tell me once again. "
" tell me once again i could have been anyone. "
" i could have been anyone, anyone else. "
" i could have been anyone before you made the choice for me. "
" my feet knew the path. "
" we walked in the dark, i never gave a single thought to where it might lead. "
" i never gave a single thought to where it might lead. "
" all those empty rooms, we could have been anywhere else. "
" instead, i made a bed with apathy. "
" my heart knew the weight. "
" my heart knew the weight of ten years worth of dust and neglect. "
" ten years of worth of dust and neglect. "
" we made our peace with weariness and let it be. "
" the moon will sing a song for me, i loved you like the sun. "
" the moon will sing a song for me. "
" i loved you like the sun. "
" bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own. "
" i shine only with the light you gave me. "
" we could have had anything else. "
" instead, you hoarded all that's left of me. "
" i want to feel the fire that you kept from me . "
" i could have been anyone. "
" the words i speak are wildfires and weeds. "
" they spread like some awful damn disease. "
" i swear, i didn't mean what i said. "
" i swear, i didn't mean it. "
" you owe me ears for dripping eaves. "
" forget it all, you caught me in a moment weak. "
" forget it all. "
" you caught me in a moment weak. "
" sometimes i just can't help myself. "
" i can't help myself at all. "
" are we allies or enemies ? "
" this will be the death of me . "
" remember when i could tell you not to smile ? "
" remember when i could tell you not to smile when you were mad ? "
" you would always crack, and we'd both be laughing in the end. "
" we'd both be laughing in the end. "
" now you're not so quick to forget. "
" all is fair in love and war, but i can't fight with you anymore. "
" what happens now ? "
" do we have another go ? "
" do we bow out and take our separate roads ? "
" i'll admit i've had my doubts. "
" i want to be let in, not out. "
" i once loved a tailor who took eager care of me. "
" sewed together my loose ends with stitches. "
" stitches neat and clean. "
" but now my love is gone. "
" and i am left unraveling. "
" i once loved a gardener with his dirt-smudged face and hands. "
" trimmed my weeds and gave me room to grow. "
" i am left here withering. "
" i once loved a carpenter who carved a smile for me. "
" sanded my rough edges, crafted new and lovely things. "
" i can't help fracturing. "
" i never knew that i needed you. "
" i once loved a man who kissed me once before he left. "
" tied me up in knots and said he'd soon return again. "
" i'm trying to make something of myself. "
" my better days, i go buy the hard sell. "
" but i feel like i'm working with barbed wire. "
" i really can't get a hold of many things. "
" i'm one deep breath away from a breakdown. "
" my nerves are wrecked and coming unwound. "
" the world is hostile. "
" i'm fragile and i need someone to kiss the cuts. "
" tell me to keep trying. "
" is it me ? is it really just me ? "
" does everybody have it together or are we all pretending ? "
" holding it together with one loose string. "
" i can't stop pulling. "
"i rip myself apart at the seams. "
" i find one weak spot and start unraveling. "
" hoping i can find a better me. "
" a fresh new start. "
" can we stop pretending now ? "
" i can hear the rumblin', honey. "
" it's why the weather's got the mountain shakin' weak. "
" i know you want to plant your feet. "
" we best get a move on. "
" or the devil we will meet. "
" i feel the quakin' honey, i feel it deep."
" oh, i pray today my soul to keep. "
" drop dead sprint, my darling. "
" don't look back now. "
" honey, just try to breath. "
" that monster's coming. "
" that monster's coming and it don't care for you or me. "
" it don't care for you or me. "
" the angels we may someday see. "
" i've gotten good at leaning on metaphors."
" i've gotten good at living on someone else's page. "
" i cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments. "
" you can't trust a single thing i say. "
" i keep my closet free of skeletons. "
" i'm much better at digging graves. "
" i always dig up bones in your sympathy. "
" i can't trust a single thing you say. "
" don't look too hard, you won't like the scars he left. "
" i've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape. "
" all these words are sweet and meaningless. "
" i've seen good men spoiled. "
" chained to their jobs like hounds. "
" they work and sleep and work again. "
" in the darkest nights they howl. "
" their cries are a warning to everyone following. "
" no man should stand to work all of his days. "
" and have nothing at the end of them. "
" i got no money but the change that jingles in my pockets. "
" reminding me of how little i have. "
" as for time, i am powerless to stop it. "
" it keeps rambling on like a mad, wandering man. "
" my papa was a howlin' man. "
" my dear papa gave me lessons and regrets. "
" all that he'd gone would be for nothing if [i] followed in his steps. "
" my papa taught me how to howl. "
" how to bear my teeth and growl. "
" he taught me that the hand that feeds, deserves to be bitten when it beats. "
" he taught he how to break my chains. "
" money ain't worth a thing. "
" no man should get more of my time than me. "
" i may never be a rich man. "
" i may never be a rich man but i can make sure that i am free. "
" i can make sure that i am free. "
" as for time, it's mine. "
" on the broken backs of all the words we spared. "
" like little soldiers in the trenches. "
" it was a march we made towards ruin and despair. "
" but we held hands all the while. "
" i swear that i loved you. "
" i dragged you through every room inside our home. "
" but you still held me at night. "
"i swear that you loved me. "
" we didn't give up. "
" we didn't dare surrender. "
" it was an honest loss. "
" now the aftermath will ring with songs you've sung. "
" all of our words sent home in boxes. "
" i fought with tooth and nail. "
" i fought with tooth and nail before the flag had flown. "
" but you were already gone. "
" i'll swear that i loved you. "
" i feel the mountains shifting under me. "
" sleeping giants are finally waking. "
" my pulse is clear, rushing in my ears. "
" i hear something calling me. "
" the moon is humming lovely melodies. "
" the forest echoes, the trees are crowing. "
" out of the ocean, over the harbor. "
" lay no sons and lay no daughters. "
" among the mountains of everlong, 'twas there i wrote me a sad song. "
" 'twas there i wrote me a sad song. "
" and if my lover will not heed it ? "
" take my voice and take my spirit. "
" leave me weakened and dig my hole. "
" only my lover, not i, can keep my soul. "
" on some level i think i always understood. "
" these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever. "
" i tried to do the best that i could. "
" but try as i might, i couldn't bring myself to hold you. "
" it's a secret i keep tucked inside my chest. "
" with this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful."
" there is love that doesn't have a place to rest. "
" it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders. "
" a ship could never really love an anchor. "
" so i did the only thing that i could. "
" i severe the rope and set you sailing from my harbor. "
" there are times i still wonder about you. "
" you are someone i have loved. "
" but never known. "
" you are someone i have loved but never known. "
" you'll never see the reasons i had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you. "
" they were close enough to hurt you. "
" i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel. "
" i am all the things that they might have said to you. "
" do you ever think of me ? "
" do you ever think fo me and my two hands ?"
" and wonder they never soothed your fevers? "
" and wonder why they never held you gently? "
" and wonder why they never had the chance to lose you ? "
" i want to stand on the edge of the water. "
" see horizons stretch on forever. "
" i want to know that there are lands not yet touched by human hands."
" not yet touched by human hands. "
" i want to be the one to find them. "
" sometimes i feel like i'm lost in a desert. "
" every dune is the same as the other. "
" i see my footprints in the sand. "
" i know where i've been and these steps i take won't go to waste. "
" i'm moving towards something. "
" i want to believe there's something left for me. "
" a new discovery waiting for me. "
" i want to kindle a love that doesn't age. "
" even when all the years carve lines into your face. "
" tell me will i be surprised? "
" tell me will i be surprised when i think i've memorized every touch and every thought ? "
" i want you to prove me wrong. "
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rksses · 1 year
hmmm can u do gwen x fem!reader who’s really flirty jokingly or not and how’d she react to that
fluff : reader & gwen are friends with early stages of feelings for eachother, ykwim!! reader's a tease, gwen loves it (& her <3), quick oneshot ... lmk if yall want more characters w/ the same prompt (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
a/n : OFCCC i've been looking for an excuse to write gwen!!! this was kinda short but i really wanted to write something rn... ofc i might make this like a twoshot or threeshot... just for my bae gwen <3 this was just a thought that came into my mind after i saw ur request but i'll do i different part of this because i don't know if i really life this one
gwen is literally such a sweetheart.
the first time you had a conversation was when gwen had asked you if you had wanted to do a little study sesh with her for mid-terms. you had been assigned to be her lab partner and she didn't really do friends after ykw, so she had decided you were the next best thing.
turns out, you'd be moving up on that list to be the very best thing pretty soon.
being the only spiderwoman in her dimension while also having to try to not fail in school was hard on her. luckily for her, she always had you to take some stress off of her.
you, being the bright and smart student you are, helped her greatly through her academics, lending her notes and such as she often had to skip class to attend to her spider duties.
it was the little things you'd do that would mean the most to her. she noticed everything. those spider senses have their regular life advantages too.
she would catch you subtly sneaking glances at her in the middle of class, occasionally returning the glance as you smiled back at her, trying to play it off (it didn't work).
there were times when she was overworked and just overall done. and you were there to make things better.
"falling for me already, beautiful?" you softly smiled at a tired, overworked gwen in your arms. she had bumped into you and you could tell you had caught her off-guard by the way she quickly got up and her face flushed bright red as she mumbled a quick apology to you.
she was TIRED and even you can tell.
"ya need help?" you asked the blonde. "uh, yeah. that'd actually be a huge help, thanks." she said looking up at you, face still slightly dusted pink, matching the very ends of her hair. she passed a thick white book to you and the two of you walked down the hall to her next class as you made small talk.
surprisingly enough, after all those study "dates" you still haven't even gotten her number. she was always so focused in the work she was doing and you couldn't find it in yourself to break her cute expression when she was 'in the zone' so you just simply didn't.
unfortunately for you, that meant that you weren't gonna get her number anytime soon, if you kept waiting.
"you free for lunch?" you asked, as you arrived at the door. "nope.. still gotta study some more. you know how it is, stressing for this 43 open-ended question bullshit." "hey, private school rules." you shrugged and looked down at her books, quickly recognizing the one you were holding. "you know, you could always borrow some of my notes even if you need 'em." you looked back up at her. "of course, you'd have to owe me a favor later."
"i'll... keep that in mind" she paused as if she wanted to say something. "see you."
so, you decided to just stop waiting for a perfect moment.
"don't be a stranger." you smirked.
she walked into her classroom and sat down in her chair as she set down her books on the desk before her. "alright, for today we will be reviewing page 322 to 368. flip to page 322 now." the teacher instructed.
gwen did as she was told and to her surprise was a little yellow sticky note stuck to the page.
"(xxx)xxx-xxxx call me. -y/n"
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rachi-roo · 1 year
hey rach same anon who was too shy to rb the first lee fyodor fic lmao
if I may request a part three? fyodazai playing board games (for SOME godforsaken reason) and dazai accuses fyodor of 'cheating'...punishments ensue heh
love your work <3
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Rules are Rules
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You guys really love making this guy squirm, huh? Can't say I blame you XD After the recent, ahem, events, in the show, I took this opportunity to be incredibly cruel to Fyodor. He needs to be taught a dam lesson! 😭
Thank you both for the request and the opportunity to serve some justice to this asshole rat!
Summary: Fyodor is caught cheating at Monopoly by Dazai. Justice is served.
Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai
Tw: Cruel tiggles, foot tiggles
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"You owe me 250."
"Huh?" Dazai looked up from his glass as Fyodor spoke, realising his Monopoly car had landed on one of Fyodors' properties.
"250? But you didn't have any hotels on there a moment ago." The bandaged brunette queried, tilting his head.
Fyodor scoffed, shifting in his seat. The two were hanging out at a secluded little motel for the night, sitting on the carpet with several different board games surrounding them to keep them entertained.
"I've had a hotel there for several rounds now."
"No, you haven't. You put that there when I went to get the drinks!"
"Oh really?" Fyodor eyed Dazais dwindling pile of Monopoly money. "Or, perhaps you are just poor?"
"Poor!?" A handful of money was snatched up.
"I'm not poor. You're just cheating..." Dazai grumbled, angrily counting the 250, looking at the notes before he noticed Fyodor smirking.
"You did cheat!"
Fyodor held his hands up in defeat. "Such is life. Corrupt governments are always stealing from the poor to line their own pockets. I've been cheating for several rounds now. Pay up, Krest'yanin."
Obviously, this was completely against the rules. But this was how their minds worked. Unfair schemes to form each others demise. However, Dazai wasn't one to go down so easily. For his last 250 Monopoly bucks, he had to fight!
"And the people always rise up to topple the patriarchy!" He grinned, tossing his notes aside and pouncing across the board at Fyodor.
"Shit!" Fyodor dove out of the way, scrambling to his feet and darting to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Dazai could be heard chuckling from outside.
"Fyoooodor~ Open up~"
"Absolutely not!"
"Nawww, what's the matter, Fyodor? Are you worried I'm going to do something?" Dazai tapped his nails up and down the wood of the door, the sound sending a shiver down Fyodors spine. Those fingers and nails were deadly tools of his.
"Go awahay!" He chuckled nervously as he huddled down by the bathroom sink, covering his ears to try drown out the sound of Dazais teasy tone through the door.
"Open the door, Ratty~ I pwomise I'll just tickle you a wittle.~"
"La! La! La! I can't hear you!"
"I said-"
With a click, the door unlocked from the outside. Dazai stepped in with a menacing grin.
"I'll only tickle you a little~"
In a panic, Fyodor tried shuffling back further under the sink,his hands outstretched ready to defend himself.
"Wai-wai-wait! Wait! I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Dazai! Noho!"
Dazai advanced on the quivering rat under the sink, snatching his ankle up and starting to drag him from the room. Fyodor grabbed at the doorframe, desperately trying to scramble to freedom.
"You really are a silly thing, aren't you, rat boy?" Dazai sighed, shaking his head with a smirk as he started dragging his nails briefly over his captives socked foot.
"AH! Nohoho! S-Stohop that!" Fyodor squeaked, instinctively letting go of the door to try protect his foot, Dazai took the chance to pull him back to the lounge, where he then flipped him onto his front, sitting on his ankles.
"Dazai! NO! RH- Get off!" Fyodor fussed, trying to grab at Dazais shirt and pull him off, but he was smaller in weight and strength, no match for Dazai and his big shoulders.
Not the feet.
"Let's see if I remember the song~"
"Please, no! I'm sorry! I-I won't cheat again!"
"Round and round the garden~" Dazai cooed, slowly tracing his nails in circles on Fyodors heels, grinning as he watched the trapped feet squirm and try to cover one another in turn.
"No! Wahait! Y-You- Shihit! Dazai! Cut it ohout!"
"Like a Teddy bear~ One step... Twoooo steps~" He paused, stilling his fingers, making Fyodors heart rush with anticipation anxiety as he giggled like a mad man.
"No, no, no, noooo-!"
"Tickle you under there~!" For the song finale, Dazai suddenly scribbled under Fyodors' toes, knowing exactly the spot to make him squeal.
"KYAHAAAA! AhahaAhahaAh! N-Noho! Damn it! Dahahazai! St- Aha! Not thEHERE! Mercy!" He gasped and wriggled, his toes curling up defensively. He tried curling in on himself, his backside pushing on Dazais back as the other meticulously scratched at the soft 'pads' of the rats paws.
"You had this coming, Ratty~ It's almost as if you wanted me to tickle these cute little tootsies of yours~ Tickle, tickle, tickle~ Oh! Here you go, don't want to disturb the neighbours~" Dazai teased, playfully tossing a couch pillow over his head, landing it on Fyodors with a flump.
"AHAHAHA! Stahahap! P-Plehase! Eeehehehe! Nehehet! NET! NEEEHAHA-!" The giggling Russian snatched the pillow, immediately digging his fingers into it, squeezing it with all his might as he laughed loudly.
"Oho nooo! NOOHohooo... Hah... Ah..." He panted, feeling the torturous tickling halt for a moment, giving him a second to catch his breath. He peered over his shoulder at Dazais back, wondering why he was so quiet.
"D-Dazai?... What're you-?!" He gasped, immediately trying to escape again as Dazai simply held up a tool of mass destruction. One capable of ending any man's life in moments.
A hairbrush...
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Okh blin! Zhdat'! Dazai, pozhaluysta, ne nado!" In his struggle, he switched to his native tongue, it was like a panic reflex. His hands scrambled to grab anything they could, even attempting to hit Dazai with the pillow.
"I know, I know, you're far too ticklish for this. But it's time for you to atone for your crimes, Fyooodoooor~" Dazai cooed, pulling the socks from Fyodors feet, tossing them aside.
"Here we gooo~ Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
"AH-!" Fyodors' body tensed up, a sharp gasp leaving his throat as his laughter instantly went silent, feeling each of the rounded prongs of the hairbrush dancing over his exposed soles.
"... Gasp- AHAHAHAAAAaaah-! Snort- ahahAHAAAA! AAHA! N-AHAAHA! HAHAAaaa-! Gaaasp- STAHAHAAAA-" His laughter was loud and erratic, filled with moments of silence, followed by a snort or gasp as he shook his head.
Dazai chuckled, feeling Fyodors squirming ankles beneath his backside as he kept them pimned. "So loud, Fyodor. What's wrong? Does it tickle too much? Hm... Which foot is more ticklish? Right-"
"Oooor, left?"
"AHAHAAA-! snort- NAAAA!"
"Oooh, interesting. Indecisive results. I need more data~" The tickling intensified as Dazai magically found a second brush, one for each wriggling rat paw.
Fyodor buried his face into the pillow he was hugging, screaming bloody murder into it as his tears of laughter wet the fabric. His rosy red cheeks hidden from sight as his muffled laughter rang out. Much to Dazai's delight.
"You okay there, 'ickle tiggly wat? You're being veeery squirmy. I know! I'll just tickle you until you stop squirming! That'll fix it~"
"I knew you'd agree. Great minds think alike~"
This torturous game went on forever until Dazai finally freed Fyodor. Wrapping him in a blanket cocoon and letting him rest on the couch as he fed him water, holding the glass as the tired rat sipped it through a straw.
"Haha... You look like a tomato." Dazai teased, looking at how red Fyodors face was. The other just gave Dazai a glare, pulling his blanket over his head like a hood, tucking his feet further into the blanket for safety.
"Hey, rules are rules. You can't always cheat, you know. How about, next time you can pick the game?" The brunette smiled encouragingly.
Fyodor raised a brow, taking another sip of his water before grinning. "I think I know just the game for you..."
--------------------☆ ☆------------------------
Thank you for reading! Much love! 😚
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liliesinrequiem · 1 year
Asking Something of You
A/N: I wrote this like last week and in light of anything dropping tonight, I decided to post this. Not even sure I've processed anything that's happened in the manga recently, but I hope you enjoy! To make note, I don't blatantly drop big things in this (just light threads) but the last bit is post being boxed.
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Summary: Four times Gojo asks something of you and the one time you ask something of him.
CW: Nothing in particular because I didn't want to make this one sad tbh.
Your phone rang as you walked through a store with Shoko. It was the first real break either of you had in a while. “Are you busy?” asked the voice over the phone.
“Very busy,” you answered as you shifted a shopping bag to your other arm. Shoko looked at you and you smiled at her. As if she could telepathically understand who you were speaking to, she shook her head. Gojo hadn’t been around for some days, but you also didn’t want to abandon Shoko. 
“Whyyy?” he whined. “It’s an emergency!” 
“Call emergency services,” you said. 
“But you’re the only person who can solve it,” he argued. 
“What is it that you even need?” you asked him. You looked at the dresses that Shoko was pulling out and comparing. With every option, you would nod or shake your head.
“Wanna see you is all,” he said. Endearing, even if annoying. 
“You can see me when I’m done with Ieiri today,” you said. “Until then, you can hang tight, right?” 
“Not sure I’ll survive long enough,” he said. 
“I promise I’ll give you all my time when I get back, okay?” you said. 
“Fine,” he said. “But I get to pick what we do, okay?” 
“It’s gonna be one of those cheesy movies, isn’t it?” you asked. You could already envision his smile at your question.
“100 percent,” he answered before hanging up.
“(Y/N),” said Gojo over the phone. You stared at the clock in confusion. It was early in the morning.
“Hm? What do you need so early in the morning?” you mumbled. Your mind was half-awake as the other half fought to remain asleep. 
“I need you to help me out,” he said. “I need to get Megumi and Tsumiki to school, but I also have to do a mission…” You recognized the names as the two kids that he’d adopted recently. You hadn’t met them just yet since they’d been adjusting to Gojo and you hadn’t wanted to overwhelm them too much with too many new people. 
“Do you think it’s fine if I meet them?” you asked. You’d sat up on your bed and begun to move to get ready.
“I’d love it if you did,” he answered. “And I’d appreciate your help…you’re the only person I can trust.” He sounded tired. 
“Okay,” you said as you pulled clothes out of your closet. “Send me the address and head over there after I get ready.” 
“Thank you, I owe you,” he said. 
“Don’t sweat it,” you said. “I’m happy to help.” 
"What is it?" you asked him. Your cup of coffee had gone cold ages ago. You'd barely taken a sip from it when Gojo waltzed into your classroom and just sat down without saying a word.
It was odd to see him so serious but the small frown on his face indicated that something was wrong. "There's a mole in our midst," he answered. Your eyebrows furrowed. Mole? 
"Huh?" you said. 
"Everything that's happened was too precise…like someone within our ranks has been leaking it," he said. You couldn't deny that. 
"Any ideas?" you asked. You had no names. All of the students that you and Gojo shared were trustworthy. None of them seemed to be acting strange nor had you gotten suspicious or anything. 
"Not yet. I'm gonna tell Utahime to be more cautious, though. What happened can't happen again. We got caught off guard. What if it'd been worse?" he asked. You didn't want to think about it. Yuji'd nearly been killed and the injuries that some of them had sustained weren't great. 
Things were turning upside down so quickly. "I'll keep an eye out," you said. "I'm guessing that wasn't all you wanted to say?" 
"I'm gonna head out and investigate some stuff. You willing to keep the fort down while I'm gone?" he said. 
"Absolutely," you answered. You'd probably have to move around the upperclassmen to later in the day to fit in the underclassmen. Manageable. A bit annoying but manageable. 
He got up and stretched before beginning to walk out. "Thanks, always know I can count on you," he said. "Oh, by the way, my phone will always be on in case you need anything." 
"Take care of yourself!" you said as he waved goodbye. 
“Satoru, you better take care of yourself,” you said angrily as you looked your husband in the eyes. Even leaning down, he was still so tall. 
“You gonna miss me?” he teased. 
“So much,” you answered. “That’s why you better take care of yourself, okay?” The two of you were splitting up to cover more ground. The sudden situation had taken a turn that none of you were expecting. But importantly, you had to find the students. 
“Promise to call me if anything happens,” he said. 
“I should be saying that to you!” you said. 
“One more thing, if something were to happen to me, don’t act rashly,” said Gojo. 
“You say that as if you know something, Satoru,” you said softly. You didn’t like to think of a possibility where he would get hurt. 
“I don’t. But I also don’t want you getting hurt. If something were to happen to you…” You smiled at him.
“Nothing will. Just as you’ll be okay. We’ll meet back up once this is over and it’ll all be okay,” you reassured him. You turned to start heading off to find the others. 
“Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself,” he called out. You turned around and raised your thumbs up.
“I promise it,” you said. He smiled and disappeared. 
“Satoru,” you said. You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or smile at seeing him again. Your husband in the flesh in front of you again. His arms around you were real. His warmth was real. The tears that you’d pushed down while he’d been trapped away surfaced up.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t be the reason you ever cry.” 
“I’m just happy, Satoru,” you said. “I’m so happy that you’re right here…” 
“You’re okay? You weren’t hurt too badly or anything?” he said as he pulled away. His eyes scanned your body quickly as if trying to find any injury. 
“I’m fine now,” you said. “But Satoru, are you going to fight?” He nodded. There couldn’t be more time for the two of you right now.
“Promise me that you’ll come back, yeah?” you said. 
“I will,” he said. 
“I know,” you said. “So, go win.” He kissed your forehead before leaving you to go fight. 
He’d win. He’d promised that he would. 
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part sixty-eight: "The Sleepover"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your sister asks a last minute favor for you to watch your nephew overnight.
Or Hudson, you, and a special guest make brownies.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.4k
a/n: Getting some more of these transferred over from AO3 and I'm almost caught up! This is a fluffy installment where Reader and her nephew make brownies with...someone special. The entire list of installments for this series can be found here. I'll start a tag list once I've caught up to AO3 so if you're interested let me know in a comment (I know I've already gotten asked about it so I'm slowly adding names)!
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Swinging your apartment door open, Amber greeted you with a look of relief and gratitude. Beside her stood Hudson, his dinosaur backpack slung over his navy blue winter coat. He was beaming up at you and you couldn’t fight the large smile making its way onto your own face.
“Thank you so unbelievably much,” Amber gushed instantly. “And I am incredibly sorry to bother you so last minute like this, really. I owe you big time.”
You shrugged a shoulder in response. “It’s really not a big deal,” you assured your sister. “I love spending time with my favorite nephew and it’s been awhile since we’ve had a sleepover. Hasn’t it, Huds?” you asked, attention focusing down to your nephew.
“Right!” he agreed quickly. “Is Uncle Matt going to be here?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so, Huds,” you answered him awkwardly. 
You figured Matt would realize you weren’t alone in your apartment tonight when he stopped by, probably hearing Hudson before heading home where he would inevitably find the message you’d left on his normal not vigilante phone about Amber needing you to watch Hudson last minute overnight. You knew he’d entirely understand that you’d be unavailable this evening.
“How’re things going with him after the breakup?” Amber asked, catching your attention. “Still doing good?”
You nodded quickly. “Oh, yeah. Things are great between us,” you told her with a smile.
“Mmm,” she hummed out, eyes narrowing. “I’ll punch him in that handsome face if he hurts you again, though.”
“Amber, it was a…misunderstanding of sorts that got vastly blown out of proportion,” you told her, aware of how much of an oversimplification that was, “and we’re good.”
“I’m just saying,” she continued, “I haven’t forgotten all those nights you were crying on my couch downing an entire bottle of wine on your own. I just don’t want to see you like that again.”
“Point taken,” you told her. “Now don’t you have to be at the office?”
Amber expelled a deep sigh before she nodded. “Yeah, I should probably get back before Hogarth gets pissed. Leave it to her billionaire golden boy to somehow need help late on a Friday night.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be telling me that,” you pointed out.
“Right,” she agreed, pulling a face. “Forget I said that.” 
She turned, lowering down to Hudson’s height as she held her arms out. Hudson threw his arms around her, immediately hugging his mom tightly.
“You be good for your aunt,” Amber told him. “She’s doing mommy a big favor tonight so let’s not be a troublemaker, okay?”
“Okay,” Hudson answered.
“I’ll see you in the morning, buddy,” she said, kissing his head. “I love you. And be good , please.”
“Love you, too, momma!” Hudson replied.
Amber rose to her feet as Hudson bolted straight towards you, wrapping your left leg in an excited hug that almost knocked you off your feet. Amber shot him a sad smile before her attention shifted back to you.
“Thank you, really,” she repeated. “Just…make sure he gets to sleep and eats breakfast and I’ll be happy. I already know you’re the fun one and he’s going to do some things he usually doesn’t get to at home.”
“It’s because I’m not his mom,” you reminded her. “I don’t do the disciplining part. I do the fun activities part.”
"I'll see you tomorrow, Hudson," your sister said, shooting him a quick wave.
Amber mouthed one last 'thank you' before turning and heading down your hall towards the elevator. You closed the door and turned, spotting Hudson slipping his dinosaur backpack off onto your couch.
“You want help with your coat and shoes, Huds?” you asked, making your way over to him.
He nodded enthusiastically, patiently waiting for you to help him out of everything. Afterwards, you headed back to your door, hanging his coat and putting his shoes by yours. Turning around, you sent Hudson a large grin that he quickly mirrored. 
“Your mom said you already had dinner,” you began, Hudson nodding in response. “So would you like to help me make some brownies?”
His eyes widened, lighting up excitedly as he bounced from foot to foot. “Yes! Can we make them now? Please?” he begged.
“Absolutely,” you told him. “You want to help me get the stool out of my closet so you can wash your hands first?”
Hudson didn’t answer, instead he booked it out of your living room and down the hall, heading straight to your bedroom closet. You laughed, shaking your head as you followed after him. When you entered your room, you saw him already struggling to pull the stool out of the closet with his little arms. Before you could offer help, he was already hoisting it up and shooting you a proud smile. You waved him out of your room with a smile of your own, watching as he carried the stool down your hallway. You followed slowly behind, amused at how cute he looked holding onto something half his size. 
“Alright," you began, "first we’re going to wash up and–”
“ Daredevil !” Hudson shrieked, dropping the stool to the floor of your living room and cutting you clean off.
Eyes widening in horror, you turned to your left. Sure enough Matt was crouched at your window dressed as Daredevil. His mouth was hanging wide open, his fist still raised from where he must have been knocking against it. Hudson sprinted towards the window, immediately struggling to open it.
“Hudson we probably shouldn’t be opening the window to strangers, don’t think your mom would approve of that,” you said, your eyes on Matt.
“He’s not a stranger, he’s a superhero!” Hudson called over his shoulder. “I didn’t know you knew him, auntie!”
“What the hell, Matt,” you awkwardly sing-songed under your breath knowing he could hear you.
Out on your fire escape, Matt’s mouth tugged into a sheepish grin as his hand fell back to his side. With a sigh you made your way over to the window and lifted it up.
“I don’t exactly know him,” you corrected Hudson, pulling him away so Matt could climb in. “He uh, just was helping me with something for work.” Your focus shifted back to Matt as he closed the window behind himself. “And he shouldn’t have stopped by while I was watching my nephew,” you said through a forced smile.
Matt huffed out an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck with a gloved hand. “I wasn’t quite paying attention,” he admitted. “I didn’t realize you weren’t alone.”
“That’s okay!” Hudson said excitedly. “You’re my favorite superhero! I’m going to tell momma I met you!”
“No!” you and Matt both shouted simultaneously.
The smile fell off of Hudson’s face as he looked up at you curiously. You licked your lips nervously, eyes briefly darting over to Matt. He was wringing his gloved hands, clearly nervous. Okay, so it was on you to come up with a fast lie. Great.
“You can’t tell your mom you met him,” you said slowly, kneeling down in front of him, “because uh…he’s helping me with something super secret for work, okay? It involves some…really bad guys and it wouldn’t be safe for me or Daredevil if they knew he was helping me. So can you keep this a secret?”
“Hmmm,” Hudson hummed out, his focus shifting back towards Matt, a slow smile forming on his mouth. “Okay,” he said with a nod. “Can he make brownies with us?”
You sat there kneeling on the floor, blinking rapidly a few times. “You…want Daredevil to stay and make brownies with us?” you asked him slowly.
“Yeah,” he answered, a little pout on his face. “I might not see him again.” Quickly Hudson’s hands flew out and grabbed onto your shoulders, taking you by surprise. “Please, auntie? Can he stay, please? Please?”
Your mouth fell open, eyes widening as you continued to kneel there on the floor entirely dumbstruck. “I, uh, well, Huds, uhm–”
“I can stay and make brownies,” Matt answered.
He had intentionally pitched his voice lower and you bit your lip, trying to hold back a laugh. He sounded absolutely ridiculous talking about making brownies in the same gruff voice he used to threaten breaking bones with criminals.
“But if I do,” Matt added, “I need you to keep my secret. Can you do that?”
“Okay!” Hudson said, releasing his hold on your shoulders and bouncing up and down.
Slowly your head turned towards Matt, a hand flying up to try to cover your laugh. “You’re uh, you’re going to stay and make brownies then, Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?” you teased. “With a three year old?”
Matt shrugged a shoulder, a grin slipping onto his face. “I do serve the people of Hell’s Kitchen when they need help,” Matt answered. He gestured a gloved hand at Hudson. “And this young man is clearly in need of some brownies.”
You bit down hard on your lip, eyes closing as you refrained from letting out a snort of amusement. “Hudson,” you began, fighting to keep your voice even, “I’m going to put on some cartoons, okay?” You opened your eyes, glancing over at your nephew. “Can you sit and watch them for me while I go over some uh, work things with Ma–uh Mr. Daredevil?”
“And then he’ll make brownies with us?” Hudson asked, wide eyes staring hopefully up at you.
You cleared your throat, nodding slowly as you rose back to your feet. “Yeah, I suppose he will,” you sighed.
Hudson grinned, running over to the couch and hopping up onto it. You turned, shooting Matt a pointed look.
“You go wait in my room,” you ordered him in a hushed tone.
Matt’s mouth curled into a smirk as he nodded at you. “Yes, ma’am,” he answered.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you made your way into the living room. Taking a minute, you turned on the television to some cartoons and begged Hudson to give you a few minutes to talk to Daredevil. When he was clearly enraptured with some cartoon dogs, you headed back towards your bedroom where Matt was leaning against your dresser.
“What the hell, Matt?” you whispered. “My nephew is here!”
“Yeah,” he replied. “I sort of gathered that by this point.”
“Well didn’t you pick up on him here in my apartment with your Fancy Devil senses before you came knocking on my living room window?” you asked.
“Clearly not,” he answered. “I was admittedly a little tired from today. I wasn’t paying that close of attention. I’m sorry.”
You sighed, running a hand over your forehead. “It’s fine, I just hope he really does keep this a secret. I mean he is only three.”
“There’s not much to do about it now,” Matt said. “Hopefully his love of Daredevil will have him wanting to keep the secret for now.”
“Yeah, I hope so,” you agreed. “Because I don’t really think you’re planning to tell my sister anytime soon about your extracurricular activities.” 
“Not really,” he agreed. Pushing off of the dresser, he made his way towards you. “Come here, sweetheart.”
“Well I should–”
“He’s entranced by whatever cartoon is on, I promise,” Matt assured you.
You nodded, crossing the distance between the two of you. Matt’s gloved hand reached out, tenderly gripping your chin and lifting your face towards his. You couldn’t fight back the smile growing on your lips despite the situation.
“Hi,” you whispered.
He huffed out a laugh, a grin forming on his own mouth. “Hi, sweetheart,” he responded just as quietly.
Leaning towards you, Matt connected his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. Your hands rose to his chest, bracing yourself against him. Soon you were pulling away, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face against his chest. Matt’s own arms encircled you, his face burrowing against you in return.
“Missed you today,” Matt murmured into your shoulder.
“I missed you, too,” you whispered. 
With a sigh you reluctantly stepped back, knowing you couldn’t leave Hudson out in the living room much longer. Matt released you as well, his head shifting to the side as he focused on you through the red lenses of his mask.
“So are you really going to help me and Hudson make a boxed brownie mix dressed in the full ensemble?” you asked him, waving a hand at his suit.
Matt grinned in response. “Only if you call me Mr. Daredevil again,” he teased.
You playfully swatted his chest, the gesture causing Matt to laugh. "I'm serious, because you're going to have to keep up the charade that you're not Uncle Matt," you told him.
"You know, I quite missed him calling me that," Matt said, head canting to the side.
" Matt ," you chided.
He grinned again at you, clearly enjoying pushing your buttons. 
"If you get me a glass of water so I can keep up the voice I'll do my best, but–" Matt said, raising a finger and tapping you gently on the nose, your eyes narrowing in response, "–you're going to have to keep your hands to yourself."
"Keep it up and Mr. Daredevil is going to have a new foe to fight tonight," you quipped back. 
Matt made a noise in his throat that sounded almost like a pleased purr. "Now that sounds fun," he whispered. 
"There's a three year old on my couch right now, Matt," you reminded him. "And I'm going to head back out there and get started on the brownies now. Behave yourself, Devil."
He smirked, nodding as you turned to leave. But you stopped in the threshold when he spoke again. 
"Yes, ma'am."
You shifted your head over your shoulder, shooting Matt a stern look. "You stop that, Matthew."
He chuckled as he made his way out of your bedroom, pausing when he neared you. He leaned down, his left hand resting on your lower back as he whispered into your ear, "Why would I stop when it's clear how much you like it?"
Your jaw dropped, your eyes following him as he made his way back down your hallway to the living room. He glanced over his shoulder at you, shooting you a cocky smile as he walked away. 
“Ass,” you muttered, heat rising to your cheeks.
Heading over towards Hudson who was still enthralled with the cartoons, you passed Matt and heard a deep chuckle come from him as you did. Choosing to ignore it, you focused on Hudson.
“Ready to make those brownies?” you asked him.
Hudson scooted off the edge of the couch, nodding his head excitedly. His focus shifted on Matt still dressed fully as Daredevil beside you. Somehow his smile widened even further.
“Alright, bring the stool over to the sink and wash your hands first,” you told him. As Hudson darted off to pick up the stool, you shot Matt a look. “You too, Devil. Take the gloves off and wash your hands. I don’t want…whatever might be on them in the brownies.”
Matt’s tongue slipped out between his lips, your eyes following the movement as the soft flesh slickened with his saliva. His mouth pulled up into a devilish grin that had your hand momentarily pausing in its reach for the television remote.
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered back.
Your teeth grit together as your hand wrapped tightly around the remote, eyes narrowing back at Matt. He wasn’t wrong. That was certainly starting to do something to you, but now was really not the time nor the place for Matt to be teasing you like this. Especially because he couldn’t stay the night with Hudson over.
“Matt,” you whispered his name in warning.
That grin was still on his face as he raised his hands, slowly undoing his gloves. “What?” he asked innocently. “I’m just trying to be respectful.”
“Keep it up,” you playfully threatened him.
His head tilted to the side as he watched you in amusement, his hands still undoing his gloves. Behind him in the kitchen you heard the sink turn on and you spotted Hudson washing his hands. 
“Keep it up and what?” Matt pressed.
Your eyes slid back towards Matt. Setting your jaw firm and feeling emboldened by his flirting, you walked over to him and gently placed a hand along his abdomen as you leaned in and whispered, “Keep it up and you’ll end up in your shower tonight wishing you’d behaved, Devil,” you whispered.
Your hand gradually slipped downwards until your fingertips were almost touching him through his suit. Something like a grunt fell out of Matt, his nostrils flaring. That devilish grin on his mouth faded as his lips pulled into a tight line. Your hand returned to your side as you made your way towards the kitchen feeling pleased with yourself. You certainly missed having an effect on him.
“Wash your hands, Devil,” you called back over your shoulder.
Entering the kitchen, you helped Hudson finish washing his own hands before you washed yours. You noticed it had taken Matt a moment to recover before he’d made his way back into the kitchen, pausing beside you at the sink. You couldn’t fight the triumphant smirk on your mouth as you moved out of his way, letting him wash his hands next as you reached up into a cabinet nearby, grabbing him a glass for water. You waited for him to finish washing his hands before you filled it up and handed it to him. Meanwhile, Hudson had been excitedly moving the stool over towards your open counter space and curiously examining the boxed brownie mix you had out.
"Okay, so we need a bowl," you said, walking around your kitchen and bending down to a lower cabinet to pull out a large bowl. With it in hand, you walked back to the counter Hudson and Matt were both now standing at, Hudson on his stool. "You think you can handle pouring the dry brownie mix into the bowl with Hudson, Devil?" 
"You really think I can't handle that?" he asked back. 
Turning, you made your way over to the oven. "What do you think, Huds?" you asked over your shoulder as you began to preheat the oven. "You think Daredevil knows how to bake?"
"Yeah!" Hudson shouted. 
Finishing setting the temperature on the oven, you turned back around and immediately paused, your eyes taking in the sight before you. Matt was letting Hudson tear the box open, a large smile spread across his face. Hudson was giggling hysterically as he brutalized the box with his little hands before Matt pulled out the bag from inside that held the dry ingredients. You couldn’t hold back the smile on your face as you watched him help Hudson open the bag next. It was strange but also incredibly beautiful watching your nephew bake brownies with his hero, and simultaneously watching Matt as Daredevil using the same hands he punished criminals with helping Hudson carefully pour the dry brownie mixture into a bowl. 
It was in that moment, watching Matt with Hudson as you continued to openly stare by the oven, that the full realization hit you. You wanted Matt. You wanted to marry him and spend the rest of your life with him, but you also realized something else. You wanted a family. And you wanted it with him . You felt your eyes suddenly prick with tears as a strong wave of emotion hit you at the thought of Matt smiling and talking to your pregnant belly, those big hands cradling your baby bump. Or those same hands gently burping a baby over his shoulder as he rocked them back and forth. That deep rumble of his gently shushing a crying baby as he held them safe in those big protective, strong arms of his.
Matt's head abruptly spun in your direction, the smile on his face briefly dulling to something that seemed curious and questioning. No doubt confused about the conflicting emotions your body must have been displaying to him. You blinked hard a few times, trying to fight back the tears that hadn't fallen yet.
"We need eggs!" Hudson shouted.
You cleared your throat, nodding your head as you made your way to the fridge. "Yes, you're right," you said, trying to keep your voice even. "How many Hudson?"
"Two!" he proudly answered. 
"Two eggs it is," you said.
Trying to gain control over your emotions, you opened the fridge door. As you were opening the egg carton and grabbing the eggs, you couldn't help but listen in to the conversation behind you. 
"You remind me of Uncle Matt," Hudson was saying. 
"Oh?" Matt asked, his tone cautious.
"Yeah. I want to bake brownies with him, too," Hudson said. 
Turning around with the eggs in your hands, you saw the bright smile sliding across Matt's face under his mask. The sight only further melted you.
"I'm sure he'd love to if you asked him," Matt replied. 
"He likes dinosaurs," Hudson continued on. "He said his favorite is a brontosaurus."
"Did he?" Matt asked.
Walking back to the pair or them, you set one of the eggs beside the bowl. “You want to help me crack these, Huds?” you asked.
Hudson reached out, grabbing onto the back of your hand as you cracked the egg on the edge of the bowl. He helped you pour the egg inside before letting go of your hand as you reached over, tossing the shell in the garbage before picking up the other. Once again his little hand was holding onto the back of yours as he helped you crack the egg.
“Do you like dinosaurs?” Hudson asked Daredevil.
“I do,” he replied in his gruff tone.
You bit your lip hard, fighting down the laugh. You were certain Matt’s throat would be aching after tonight from continually talking like that. Though as you made your way back to the sink to wash your hands, you could feel a happy warmth blossoming in your chest as Matt continued to chat with Hudson about dinosaurs in the full Daredevil suit. He had to be sweating under that thing. 
Walking back over to the counter as the two continued chatting, you picked up the box. You couldn’t resist the snort of amusement that escaped you at how decimated the top of the box was. Matt’s head shifted in your direction at the sound and you caught the little smile he flashed at you in response. His attention quickly returned to Hudson as you noticed you still needed the vegetable oil.
You made your way over to a drawer, pulling out the right measuring spoon. Afterwards, you made your way over to a cabinet just beside Matt and opened it. Carefully you reached up to pull out the vegetable oil, but your hand bumped the container of olive oil and it went tumbling off of the shelf. Before you could blink, Matt’s hand darted out beside you, catching the bottle of olive oil seconds later. You stood there with your mouth hanging open for a moment. On the other side of Matt, Hudson’s eyes grew wide.
“ Cool !” he squealed.
Recovering, you accepted the bottle from Matt, muttering a ‘thank you’ as you did before you placed it back in the cabinet. With the vegetable oil in hand, you made your way back to the bowl that Hudson had been helping Matt mix.
“Can Daredevil stay and have brownies?” Hudson asked.
“Uh, Huds, you know it takes about a half an hour for these to bake,” you told him, carefully measuring out the vegetable oil.
“Please?” Hudson begged.
With a sigh, you poured the vegetable oil into the bowl before glancing at Matt beside you. He was looking at you through the red lenses of the mask, his lips quirked up on one corner as his head tilted curiously to the side.
“Maybe you should ask Daredevil,” you suggested. “He is usually busy.”
Hudson’s big, pleading eyes turned to Matt beside you. He was fortunate he couldn’t see the look on the three year old’s face because it was a look you often couldn’t say no to.
“Please stay for brownies?” he asked, his lip pushing out in a pout.
“After all our hard work?” Matt asked. “How could I not stay to eat them?”
Hudson began bouncing excitedly on the stool, expelling a loud, pleased squeal. Matt let out a laugh in response as he continued to mix the batter.
“Well Mr. Daredevil ,” you said, heading to a cabinet and pulling out a pan to bake the brownies in, “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten dinner yet, have you?”
Matt’s attention turned towards you, a little grin forming on his mouth. “I can’t say that I have, ma’am ,” he answered.
You pursed your lips, shooting him a pointed look you knew he could feel. “While these are baking, would you like some leftover pesto pasta?” you asked, grabbing the can of cooking spray from your counter to spray the pan with. “Because I can’t have you setting a poor example for Huds and eating dessert for dinner.”
“Well now, we certainly can’t have that,” he agreed. “Thank you.”
“Someone’s got to make sure the neighborhood vigilante stays fed,” you joked, spraying the pan with cooking spray. “I’ll heat some up once I get these in the oven.”
As the oven beeped behind you, letting you know it had reached temperature, your eyes lingered on Matt and Hudson. Matt’s large, ungloved hands were holding the bowl as Hudson was trying to stir the sticky mixture, once again babbling on about dinosaurs as Matt listened with an enraptured interest. 
Somehow watching Matt interacting so well with your nephew tonight, despite being dressed in his Daredevil suit, was also doing something to you. Whether it was that 'baby fever' women often joked about finally kicking in or something else, you weren’t sure. But what you were sure of was that the next moment you had Matt alone after this, you were certainly going to repay him for his kindness to your nephew. And you found yourself suddenly really, really looking forward to that.
Matt’s attention snapped towards you instantly, his head canting curiously to the side as Hudson beside him continued on with his chattering as he stirred the brownie batter. You were sure Matt had just picked up on the hint of your arousal. You only smiled slowly before shooting him a wink yourself, the gesture drawing a slow smirk onto his lips in return.
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schizosupport · 26 days
hi glitch! no pressure about answering, but I don't have any other schizospec people I can talk to, and I need some support
recently I got diagnosed with Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder/Psychotic Disorder, and I'm starting weekly therapy to get a specific diagnosis and treatment, and I have an evaluation with a psychiatrist to look at meds next week.
the thing is, I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this. I've gone through my whole life up to this point trusting my sense of reality, and only had a brief period of time when I self diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder (never confirmed).
AND I've started to look into medication, and the one i'll probably be prescribed is Ablify, which seems to have a ton of scary side effects. I'm still in school, and while I'm almost certain I can get accommodations, I can't be sure, and adolescents can be cruel.
truth be told, I'm just scared. I see posts about the opportunities taken away from schizospec people, and I haven't been living under a rock, I know all the stigma that surrounds what I know now to be my community.
like I said, no pressure to answer, I just want some advice and support from a more experienced member of the community.
Hello there!
It's been a while since you sent this message. I hope you are feeling at least a bit more settled in the situation?
It's always wild to get a diagnosis that you didn't necessarily expect. For me, my initial "psychosis not otherwise specified" diagnosis also completely blindsided me, and so did the later schizophrenia diagnosis.
It's true that there's a lot of stigma and bullshit surrounding the schizo spec disorders, but I also want to highlight that schizo spec people are awesome, and we're strong and we got each other's backs. In my experience the psychotics and schizos are the underdogs of not only the psychiatric community but also the mental health community. But that also means that you get a unique opportunity to learn who's a true ally, and to practice your own understanding and acceptance of other marginalized experiences on the edges of life. In my experience our community is one of the most compassionate and accepting communities around, probably bc we know intimately what it's like to have weird experiences and be judged for it. Try to navigate towards a place in your head where you align yourself with other marginalized people and don't get caught up in bitterness about a uniquely fucked situation, but instead take it as a sign to be kind above all else and to think about who else in society might be in a similar position, to find your allies and take comfort in unity.
In terms of the stigma, I think something to keep in mind as a newly diagnosed person, is that to the extent that it's possible, you are the owner of the information about your mental health. And you don't owe anyone disclosure. I'm not saying to necessarily always try to be vague, there ARE safe places and safe people and there ARE situations where you might genuinely broaden someone's horizons by introducing them to the notion that "we are here. We're one of you". But there are also plenty of situations where you don't wanna share that information. You can let them assume, you can omit, you can even lie.
People frequently assume that I'm autistic, and I don't correct them. Maybe I'll respond with "something like that" if they ask. Especially in professional settings. Unless you want someone to know, it's none of their business what exactly is your deal.
In terms of medication, the important thing to keep in mind is that it helps some people, but it is also not (shouldn't be) mandatory to take meds because you're schizo spec. You can give it a try, but if it isn't doing anything helpful for you, you are not obligated to take it. The psych might act like you have to and like it would be completely irresponsible not to. Try to take it with a grain of salt. Think about your life so far, the symptoms that have led to this diagnosis. Can you live with that? Do the meds help with that? Are there side effects and are thet worth it?
I take a low dose of antipsychotics myself and I've tried without and with higher doses too. For me at this point in life, a low dose of antipsychotics are helpful to me.
I'm happy to hear that you've been offered therapy!! I hope that it's any good, and that it's been helpful. I definitely think that therapy (with a good therapist) can be instrumental in dealing with psychotic symptoms.
In the end I just wanna say.. it's gonna be ok. I know it's a big scary new thing, but it is also actually "just" a word that's descriptive of symptoms that you already had. This doesn't mean that you are bound to get worse. Try not to panic about looking for new symptoms or symptoms you might've missed. This can make you worse, as you start questioning all of your experiences and whether they are psychotic. It can be little things like questioning every little sensory input. Try to remember that hallucinations aren't inherently harmful and sometimes you don't have to know if it's real or not bc it literally doesn't matter.
It can often be tumultuous when you've just gotten this diagnosis, before you get used to the thought and reestablish your sense of identity and reality with this in mind. But there is a point of peace coming up. It does normally get easier, as you settle into this new understanding. And you can help yourself along by reminding yourself that the only thing that changed is that you were given a word to describe your existing experience.
I hope any of this is helpful. Best of luck, anon,, and welcome to (knowingly being a member of) the community!
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whumper-whimsy · 2 years
Back home P1
Part 2
Blackmail/bribery, kidnapping, implied noncon, angst, intimate whumper, whumpee × caretaker
Caretaker's heart dropped as their phone rang. They had been dreading this call all day- did it have to happen now? With shaking hands, they checked the name.
Caretaker glanced down at Whumpee in the bed next to them- asleep.
Quietly, they got up, waking out of the bedroom and into the living room.
They answered the call.
"Whumper, I-"
"Caretaker, you were supposed to have the money by noon. It's 10:00 at night, and I don't beleive I've received anything."
"I'm sorry, I don't have the money. Ive been saving up, i swear. I can get you a little over a thousand tomorrow, but i just don't have it."
"Oh, you don't, hm? I can't accept a quarter of what you owe me, that's just not how that works."
"Don't take them." Caretaker couldn't stop the waver in their voice. "Take whatever you want, but not them."
"But I don't want anything else. I want my pet."
"Please, Whumper-!"
"If you get me that thousand, you can have them all of tommorow. The day after, they're mine."
"No... please, rethink this." Caretaker had to cover the microphone to sniffle and wipe their tears on their sleeve.
"No can do. I'll send my men over to go grab them now."
"No!" Caretaker covered their mouth, hoping they didn't wake whumpee. "I'll get you the thousand. I just need one last day with them."
"Fine. It'll give me time to get their things prepared, they've been put away for so long now."
"You're a monster."
"I know. I'll talk to you later. Bye!"
"Fuck you."
Caretaker bursted into tears, collapsing onto the couch behind them. How would they survive without Whumpee?
They realised they were being selfish. Their poor Whumpee would have to go back to Whumper. After months of being reintroduced into regular life, it would all be ripped away from them. Caretaker's heart sunk with guilt.
Whatever happened, Caretaker would make tomorrow the best day of whumpee's life. They could make it work with the few hundred they had saved up alongside the thousand.
♡♡♡♡♡ Whumpee POV / timeskip ♡♡♡♡♡
Whumpee woke up with a stretch, yawning silently. They noticed with a smile that Caretaker was spooning them from behind. They squeezed their weighted stuffed dinosaur, closing their eyes. Mornings with Caretaker had always been nice, but this morning felt heavenly.
Caretaker was awake, they could tell. Whumpee felt them shift behind them.
"Mornin', Whumpee," Caretaker hummed, reaching up to rub their shoulders. "Sleep good?"
"Mhm, what about you?" Whumpee relaxed, sighing softly as they were massaged.
"I slept great." Caretaker said, pressing a kiss to whumpee's shoulder.
Whumpee felt Caretaker's shirt brush against their bare back. They paused in confusion. "Didn't you fall asleep without a shirt? Have you been up?"
Caretaker placed another kiss on the back of their neck. "Maybe. Come see?"
"Mmmm... i just wanna lay here forever." Whumpee rolled to face Caretaker, smiling.
"Come on," Caretaker urged, cupping whumpee's cheeks. "Breathe in through your nose once."
Whumpee rolled their eyes, doing as they were asked. A strong scent hit their nose instantly. "Bacon?"
They jumped up eagerly, hugging Caretaker tight.
"You're the best!" Whumpee exclaimed, both of them erupting in a bout of giggles.
"Only the best for you." Caretaker scooped whumpee up, carrying them bridal style to the kitchen.
Whumpee laughed some more, then finally calmed down and caught their breath. Caretaker sat them at the island in the kitchen. In front of them was a breafast of waffles, bacon, and eggs.
"God, I don't deserve you." Whumpee sighed, picking up their fork and starting to eat.
"Whumpee?" Caretaker sat next to them.
"Yes, love?"
"If you had one day left to live, what would you do?"
Whumpee frowned. "Any reason you're asking?"
"Not at all, just wondering. It's kind of a fun question, isn't it?" Caretaker stared straight ahead of them.
"Well, I'd spend it with you. The fair's in town, so if today was my last day, I'd go do that," they squeezed Caretaker's hand, "with you."
Caretaker smiled, nodding. "Yeah? Get dressed, then, once you're done eating."
Whumpee grinned. "We're going to the fair? How are we gonna afford that right now?"
"I have some money saved up. Don't worry about the cost of anything." Caretaker lifted Whumpee's hand, giving it a kiss. "Today is all about you."
♡♡♡♡♡ timeskip ♡♡♡♡♡
Whumpee held hands with Caretaker as they walked through the fairgrounds. They took another bite of their cotton candy, then waved it towards Caretaker's face.
"Have some!" They urged, pressing it against caretaker's lips. "You know you want it!~"
Caretaker rolled their eyes, taking a little nibble. "Delicious, love. It's getting late- you ready for dinner? Ive got us a reservation."
"Sure! We've rode everything at this point." Whumpee squeezed caretaker's hand. They had had an amazing night, and to top that with a nice dinner? "Today's been great, love."
"Yeah? I'm really glad to hear that. Wanna catch the fireworks after?"
♡♡♡♡♡ timeskip again ♡♡♡♡♡
Whumpee sat next to Caretaker on the blanket as the fireworks boomed overhead. They held hands, caretaker's thumb tracing up and down on whumpee's hand.
"I'm so lucky to have you..." Whumpee whispered. "You've helped me through so much- ever since you saved me from Whumper... Because of you, I'm myself again. I just want you to know that I'm thankful for everything. I love you."
Whumpee's heart froze as they saw caretaker's eyes water.
Whumpee was pulled into their arms suddenly. Caretaker held them tight, resting their head on whumpee's.
"Are you okay," they tried, hugging caretaker back.
"Yeah... i just- i love you too. I love you so much. Promise you'll always be strong for me?"
"I promise, baby."
"No matter what happens?"
"Caretaker, you're scaring me..."
"Please, whumpee." Caretaker squeezed them tighter.
"I promise."
"Do you wanna go home and cuddle?" Caretaker rubbed whumpee's back softly.
"That sounds nice, yeah." Whumpee watched the fireworks, worry burning in their gut. "Lets go relax."
The ride home was silent for the most part. Whumpee kept a hand on Caretaker's thigh the whole time, rubbing their knee.
As soon as they were home, Whumpee followed Caretaker to the bedroom and crawled into bed.
Whumpee began to pull their shirt off, only stopping when caretaker grabbed their wrist.
"Leave it on," they whispered.
"Caretaker, you're being weird," Whumpee responded, furrowing their brow. "Is everything alright?"
Caretaker held their face tenderly. "It's- it's not. I can't tell you why, but I need you to listen to me, please. Keep your shirt on for tonight."
"Alright... I trust you." Whumpee wrapped their arms around Caretaker's waist, giving them a gentle kiss.
They both settled into bed, Caretaker curled firmly around Whumpee and Whumpee clinging to their dinosaur plush- just like every other night.
Except tonight was different. Caretaker held Whumpee extra tight, their fingers rubbing through their hair slowly. The quiet 'i love you's and gentle kiss kisses came more frequently. If Whumpee wasnt so sure something bad would happen, they wouldve been able to appreciate it better. They did their best, responding to each of the soft touches gratefully.
They let themself fall asleep as Caretaker's nails ran up and down their arm in a soothing motion.
"I love you... I love you so much." Caretaker whispered as they drifted off.
Whumpee was startled awake as they heard heavy footsteps. They could tell Caretaker was still awake- they doubted that they had ever fell asleep. Their hands were still brushing up and down whumpee's arms. They stopped, gripping whumpee even harder.
"No," Caretaker whispered, their voice cracking. "No, no..."
Whumpee looked up, their veins running cold with ice.
The lights were flicked on and several people walked in and spread themselves around the room, their muscles visible through their outfits.
Whumper walked in last, in one of their favorite wine-red suits. They were grinning in their sadistic way, hands clasped behind them.
"Caretaker," Whumpee cried, turning towards the one holding them. "Caretaker, what's happening?"
Caretaker was crying, squeezing them even tighter.
"Ah, my pet~" Whumper purred, walking to the end of the bed. "Its been a while, eh?"
"Caretaker," Whumpee cried, clutching them in horror. "What's going on?"
"Did they not tell you? Oh, how tragic..." Whumper came to Whumpee's side of the bed and reached out to touch them. They screeched, pulling away. "C'mon, Caretaker. Why don't you tell them why we're here?"
"No," Caretaker cried. "You can't take them, please!" Two men came over and grabbed Caretaker, dragging them off. "No! Let me go! D-don't"
Whumpee got on their knees, still clutching their stuffed dinosaur. "No- let them go- what are you doing?" They reached out with one hand towards Caretaker, sobbing.
"Since Caretaker doesn't want to, I'll explain. Caretaker didn't make their full payment this month, and that means I get you back!" Whumper grabbed them by the shoulder and turned them so they were face to face. "God, I've missed you. That look in your eyes- the fear- its beautiful."
"P-payment?" They stuttered, looking helplessly between Caretaker and Whumper.
"You really have no clue? They pay me four thousand a month so they can keep you here. They failed to pay this month, so I get you back." Whumper caressed their shoulders, grinning. Whumpee struggled to get free. They turned to Caretaker.
"You were paying? C-caretaker! I could've gotten a job- why didn't you tell me?" Whumpee struggled further against whumper, still clinging to their stuffed animal.
"Stop fighting," Whumper whispered, suddenly very close to whumpee's ear. They stilled instantly, the commanding tone pulling back memories in their brain.
Caretaker kept teary eye contact with them. "Whumpee, don't let them get to you. You promised you'd stay strong for me, right?"
"You really think i can't break you again?" Whumper cooed in their ear. Their hands went from whumpee's shoulders down to their waist. Whumpee shuddered, breath picking up. "Hands and knees."
Whumpee's body obeyed without thought. As soon as they realised what had happened and were trying to sit back up, Whumper had found a firm grip on the back of their neck.
"That easy?" Whumper teased, holding them in place. They added to caretaker; "You could've had this to yourself all this time and you chose to treat them like a regular person... I don't get it, honestly."
"Please don't do anything to them." Caretaker blurted, pulling against the people that held them back.
As if in response, Whumper leaned down and pressed a kiss to whumpee's neck. It quickly turned worse as Whumper started sucking on the skin. Whumper gnawed at their neck like a hungry animal, finally pulling away with one last lick.
"You two, knock Caretaker out and put them out on the couch." Whumper spoke to their henchmen after wiping their lip. "I can take Whumpee to the van."
Whumper released whumpee's head and they immediately strained upwards. "Caretaker!"
"Whumpee-" Caretaker whispered as a needle was held to their neck.
"I love you." Whumpee whispered back, watching in despair as the needle was pushed into Caretaker's skin.
"I love you too..." Caretaker gasped, slowly going limp between the two people supporting them.
Whumpee watched them be carried away, wiping their tears on their sleeves. They felt the bed shift as Whumper sat behind them, dragging them up into their lap.
"Oh, pet~" Whumper purred, hands traveling up and down whumpee's torso. "Would you like to come with me, now?"
"No," Whumpee said, crying harder. "I wanna stay with Caretaker..."
"No can do~" They signaled to one of the two henchmen left in the room, and they set a backpack down in front of them. Whumper dug in the bag, pulling out what looked like an epi-pen. "This won't put you to sleep, but it will-"
"-paralyze me," Whumpee finished with a silent sob. "I know."
Whumper pressed a kiss to the side of their neck, making them jolt. "Such a smart pup~"
"I'm not- I'm not anyone's pup." Whumpee's voice was less confident than they intended. They squeaked as the pen was pressed against their throat.
In one last attempt, Whumpee brought their elbow down against Whumper's stomach and jumped up as the other recoiled. They only made it so far until they were knocked back to their knees. The needle was plunged into their neck as a boot dug firmly into their back.
"No-" Whumpee croaked, flailing in an attempt to fight the drug. Whumper scooped them back up, pulling the pen out of their neck. Whumpee's limbs were already going limp.
"Now, darling," Whumper cooed. "Lets get you back home."
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snippychicke · 9 months
It's Just Business
Part Five: Lifestyle
I don't know when I can get on my computer next, so instead of making you wait I figured I'd just post via mobile. Not as fancy, but who cares, right?
AO3 | Master post
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You and Nami split a bedroom, filled partly with items from your old ship and her own items.
It was your first time having a female friend - was it too soon to be friends? - let alone one your age. It was both thrilling and nerve wrecking at the same time, especially considering you were now living together.
"So hey, I have a question," Nami spoke as you settled in for the night.
"Uh, shoot?" You said as you climbed into your hammock, pulling a blanket around you.
"You and Sanji?" Nami asked. "Half the time you two are acting like a couple, the other half you're arguing and he's flirting with me - or any other women in the area for that matter. What's up with that?"
You were still stuck on the whole 'couple' notion that you barely heard the rest of her words. You? Sanji? A couple? "W-we we aren't… no. Not at all."
She tilted her head as she settled into her own bed, a wicked smile on her face. "You say you're not, but your red face says otherwise."
"We aren't a couple," You stated more firmly. "Never have been, and-and probably never will." Ow. You did not expect that to hurt as much as it did to admit that outloud. "We've been friends since we were kids, and were never really around others our age very much, so we just kinda… bonded. In our own little odd way."
Nami hummed thoughtfully, though she still had a faint smile on her face. "How do you feel about him?"
"Is this an interrogation?" You protested as you tried to shrink beneath your blanket.
"Sorta. Girl talk really," She teased. "Apparently it's a thing women do. Talk about our crushes, do each other's hair and nails. Gossip." You frowned at her, a bit uncertain, and her expression softened. "Relax. It's … well, I'm used to the others, but I don't know Sanji or you very well, and now that you're part of the crew…"
She just wanted to get to know you better, and the most obvious thing was probably you and Sanji's… dynamic.
"It's… complicated," You finally answered, deciding to admit some of the truth. After all, it was already clear that you two were not the typical pair of friends. "Sanji's my best friend, my only friend. Between him being raised at the Baratie and me being raised on my parent's merchant ship, neither of us had any other kids to talk to. No matter how much we'd argue and fight we knew no matter what, we had each other."
"But?" Nami hedged as you lapsed into silence, apparently able to tell there was more to the story.
"He's a massive flirt," You confessed, as if that part was surprising. "I've known this for years now, and before it never bothered me." Which was a lie, but it hadn't been too terrible. "He's just a stupid playboy after all. But now it does bother me, and I'm not sure what to do. I mean, I’m following this idiot to who-knows-where just because…"
You loved him. He looked at you with those puppy-dog eyes and you knew whatever he asked of you, you would give him in a heartbeat. Including abandoning everything else and setting sail on a pirate ship.
But you didn't think-- nor expected-- him to care for you the same way. You were thick as thieves, and that was the only reason he asked you to follow.
Nami's smile had faded, sympathy evident in her eyes, making you wonder if she had caught the words you refused to say. "I get it. I'll smack him if he tries to flirt with me, especially in front of you."
You laughed dryly with no humor. "You don't have to. Well. Unless you don't want his attention, then I'll be happy to help smack him until he starts thinking straight. Unfortunately, I think he's quite smitten with you."
Nami shook her head. "After serving Arlong all these years, I just wanna live for myself for a while. I joined Luffy's crew because I wanted to. I'm going to follow my dream. I don't want to worry about any romantic relationships right now."
You smiled softly and felt a sort of pity for Sanji. You knew how much he was pining for the redhead after all. "Then I'll make sure the idiot sees and respects that too."
You weren't sure how you ended up at the Baratie, or why.
You remembered being pulled from the wreckage of your parent's ship, sitting in front of the Marine Captain Axe-hand Morgan as he tried to draw information out of you. Unable to speak but just staring at the glinting metal of his arm. Remembering the metal of the pirate's swords. The cannon balls as they ripped the ship to pieces around you.
How the dark metal gleamed with the blood of your parents.
You remember the marines leaving you at Shells' Town port when all you had was the bloodied stained clothes on your back. And that was really the last thing you remembered, though you must have somehow convinced someone to take you to the floating restaurant - or maybe you had boarded the first ship that took pity on you, and fate had already decided your fate.
The next thing you knew, you were walking mechanically through the doors of the Baratie. Nemo, the Maître d’, paled when he saw you enter, and abandoned his post to rush towards you and quickly pull you into his arms. You numbly allowed the hug, as well as following him as he led you back into the kitchen. You vaguely remember him saying something, but you were too numb to really pay much attention.
Shortly after entering the kitchen, you were surrounded by the cooks all swearing your name and pulling you into strong-armed hugs. You still felt numb, but finally felt cracks appear in the thick sheet of ice as everyone stated how glad they were to see you. How worried they had been.
Sanji pushed through the crowd, eyes wide before pulling you out of Patty's arms and into his own. Tears finally stung your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his frame, breath hitching as he pressed a kiss to your temple, thanking whatever gods that existed that you were okay.
Then Zeff stole you from his apprentice, his bear hug twice as tight. "You're safe. You're home now," Zeff muttered, though whether to you or himself, you weren't sure. You didn't care, because he was right.
And that's when you broke down crying.
It was late when Sanji knocked on your door, opening it slightly despite not receiving an answer. "Hey, uh, I saw your light was still on, so I brought some hot chocolate."
"That sounds nice," You managed to mutter, your throat feeling tight despite having stopped crying hours ago. You were still sitting in the corner of the small room, back pressed against the wall for the sake of having some kind of stability to ground you.
Sanji opened the door all the way, careful with the tray of not only hot chocolate, but a plate full of treats as well. You had to admit, him taking a seat beside you on the floor without even hesitating eased the tightness in your frame more than the mug he placed in your hands.
Even when nothing was said for a long time, it was nice to not be alone. To have him beside you, grounding you more than being huddled against the wall ever could.
"I… can't say I know how you feel," Sanji started after a long moment. "Losing parents that loved you. But after the shit I've been through… I can say that things do start getting better again. It takes a while, but I promise it does."
You had heard, of course, of how Zeff and Sanji met - though you still had no idea about any of his life before that. Zeff wasn't his father - at least not biologically - so what happened for Sanji to part from his parents was a mystery.
However it happened, it didn't matter. You rested your head against his arm, hoping he understood what you were silently trying to convey.
Sanji moved, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer to his side. "And until then, you got me, Zeff, the whole crew, okay? You're not alone. You'll never be alone."
"Promise?" You whispered as you snuggled into his side.
Sanji pressed a long kiss to the top of your head, his hand rubbing your arm. "I swear it. No matter what, you got me sweetheart."
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creampied-69-hotwife · 4 months
Not at all I love the sight and sounds of her getting the shit fucked out of her so hard and deep that she's cumming all over her Bull's big hard throbbing cock.. Ribbed with thick veins pumping blood so powerfully she can feel his pulsing cock thrust ballsdeep so hard he's got her so much more full of cock than ever before that she's literally cumming so much she's squirting everywhere and begging him to pump her full like some cum hungry slut I've never seen before...
Mmm hmm ballsdeep breed my married pussy a cuckold's give forced feeding of sloppy creampied hotwife pussies grinding down hard squeezing cum out as he tongue fucks me deeply... Mmm hmm aaand tongue the shit out of my tight little ass while you're at it baby she demands wickedly.. He's almost rock fucking hard again and just whispered in my ear that he's about to destroy your wife's gorgeous little butt hole whether you like it or not and that I'll love it before he's finished even if I'm begging that he stop at first because he isn't able to fit in there..!!! Mmmmm I can't even try to say no to him even though I don't know how his cock will fit.. He says he owns my holes and he'll use them how he likes even if that means raping them while I cry no please no..
Hubby promised me your holes slut and you will give them all too me before I leave.. Aaand you'll learn to love it too trust me you'll see next weekend my buddies are cumming to join me and we're going to pop your Dp cherry while we leave hubby tied up in the basement and properly give his sweet little wife a gangraping gangbang party all night long.. Bathed in the warmth of a rising sun she'll be before we're done passing her from cocks to cocks..
Cumming so much even the neighbour's going to end up ballsdeep in her after cumming knocking at the door to make sure nothing was wrong hearing her screams as he watered his back lawn... Omg please don't say anything to my wife he asks sheepishly with the biggest bulging dick in his pants she'll kill me if she finds out about this.. Well you better fuck me properly then now hadn't you or maybe I will just invite her round for coffee and creampie while our husbands are both at work.. I'll even help her get over your bad behaviour by letting her take my Bull's big thick cocks cum load pumped ballsdeep before eating her sloppy creampied pussy out while the his buddy pounds me from behind.. Burying my face deeper and deeper in her pussy with every powerful thrust as she looks into his eyes while he is cumming in my pussy.. Her cum fuck me eyes totally wanting him to be filling her instead not a question about it I hear him say after pulling out of my sloppy wet pussy.. You cum here and suck this cock hard again and beg me to destroy that hot little ass you're husband has never been allowed to fuck the whole time you've been married.. Mmm hmm you know you want me too you're eyes said it all just now.. It's ok to be a total cumslut he'll never even find out unless you'd like him to know of course lol.. Omfg I'm sooooo fucking horny I'm crawling over to suck that big dick after asking if we can film it and send to him at work.. Hmm I'll be the one cumming to borrow the sugar from next door for now on buddy you've been caught out and lucky for you her Bull's been so kind he's helping me understand it from your perspective how could you of said no and it wasn't your fault.. I was very angry butt now I'm ok with it I think babe.. And by the time you get home tonight and finish cooking dinner I think you'll owe our new buddy here a big thank you indeed.. Not only will he have saved your ass from a divorce but he's even agreed to cum fix all those things around the house for me I've been asking you to fix for years.. Free and all nothing to pay either except of course a few cold beers for a hard earned thirst throughout the day I promised him was our shout and the least we can do... Mmm hmm naturally though I've promised him a warm creamy delicious serving of my dripping wet pussy pie after watching him working up a hot sticky sweat all day..
Bending over in front of him with no panties on and the tiniest of slutty skirts making you so angry he cums in to ask what's going on and even tells you to go take a break even lol.. Go out for a few beers down the local I'm finishing up here shortly too I'll meet you down there after taking a shower and fresh set of clothes yeah.. Let's go he says leading you out I'll drop you down there on my way home and great a cab back in half an hour bro.. Intimidated he hubby can't say no and winking at his horny Cumslut of a Milf Hotwife as he's kissed her goodbye seals the deal...
Oooh you boys have a great night I'm going to go shopping with my girlfriend and maybe even finish up down there for a few drinks ourselves later on as well.. Dropping her husband off at the furtherest away pub I can find after pretending to live around the corner before opening his wife's msgs of her waiting ass up on all fours spread open invitingly.. the open front door letting the whole street see her pussy on full display from the street.. Mmm cum fuck me hard and deep right there in the open doorway I want the neighbours to all see what a horny Cumslut you've made of me this afternoon using those tools to fix my things... Now cum fix the hungry pussy that's dripping on the front porch for your biggest tool to be put to work.. Jack hammering my holes on the front porch bent over the outdoor setting in full open view of everyone to cum see.. Then drag me into your truck and take me round to see the rest of your mates at the actual pub you live around the corner from and you can all get me drunk before I'm bent over the pool tables and you all running a train on me including the barman who's just closed the pub early and locked the front doors and the first to cum fuck me anywhere he wants to in his pub...
Dm me your throbbing dick pics and tribute cum loads to this photo while telling me where you'd fuck be if you were that lucky barman who's filing me up first before a long night being filled with so many more in every hole that I've got in me... 😈🥵🍆💦💦🍑🥵😈
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jungle-angel · 9 months
The One With The Inspection Sticker (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: You've always been eager to please each other in the bedroom, but after you're feeling a little sore one day, Miles decides it's his turn to help you
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia
Warnings: SMUT! As always any minors will be yeeted from the blog
Miles had always been observant and quick to see things that others didn't notice right away. Of course it came with being the son of a rancher and one himself, but today he couldn't help but notice the little hobble in your step when you got off your mare and led her into the stables.
"Sweetpea, you alright?" he asked, removing the bridle on his stallion.
"I'm sore," you winced. "I think I've been in the saddle too long....ow!"
Miles hurried over to you and helped you stand up. "Here," he said. "Come back into the house and we'll have it looked at."
You followed Miles into the house, the both of you stripping off your Carhartt jackets and hanging them on the hooks. Miles gently led you up to your shared bedroom, guiding you up the stairs and helping you lay down in the bed you shared.
"Stupid saddle," you muttered, wincing again from the pain.
"Could be the saddle," Miles said. "But remember, it wasn't that long ago that Jesse was born. Momma says that you can have pain in the downstairs region for up to a month and a half sometimes if you're not careful."
"Can you....." you said, blushing a little. "Um........maybe look?"
You watched your husband's face go bright red, the adam's apple in his throat bobbing a little as he swallowed and tried to fight off a cheeky little grin. "You want me to look?" he asked.
You nodded.
The blushy grin that crawled across Miles's face was enough to drive you nuts. "Alright sweetpea," he said. "You get your jeans off and I'll have a look."
You stripped off your jeans and your underwear after Miles had disappeared to thoroughly scrub his hands in the bathroom. He came back a moment later, carefully covering your legs with the thinnest sheet he could find in the linen closet and grabbing a little flashlight from the dresser drawer.
"Alright sweetpea, lets see what's going on down there," he said.
Very gently he drew your legs up and pushed the sheet to just above your knees. He pressed the button on the end of the flashlight, the beam of bright light illuminating your pussy in its glow. "Oh yikes!" Miles exclaimed. Your pussy was so swollen and puffy that it had caught him completely off guard, reddened around the edges and unbelievably sensitive to the touch.
"Is it bad?" you asked.
"You're definitely swollen," Miles answered. "But you're gonna be just fine. You wait right here sweetheart, I'm gonna go and get some ice for you."
He kissed your lips before he disappeared and returned again with a washcloth full of ice cubes from the freezer. Very carefully he placed it against your bare pussy which had caused you to yelp. "Shhh, sweetpea it's ok," Miles assured you, kissing your exposed calf.
When the ice had melted and the swelling in your puss had gone down, you were thoroughly relaxed. "Feeling any better?" Miles asked you.
"Much better," you said.
Miles leaned up and pressed another kiss to your lips. "Mind if I make sure?" he purred. "If you're a good girl for me, I'll give you a sticker later."
You hummed into the kiss as he crept back down between your legs and turned the flashlight on again. The tip of Miles's tongue stuck out as his eyes began to intently roam all over your entrance. Very, very gently he began to swirl a finger around the edges until a quiet moan reached his ears. Miles's fingers brushed against the folds nearby, carefully playing with every sensitive little nerve within.
"Miles.....? M....Miles?"
"Yes baby?" he asked, lifting his head up.
"Go down lower?"
Miles smiled cheekily, inserting the tip of one finger into you to play with your clit, watching your eyes shut with pure bliss as he gently rubbed it. You felt that heavenly tingling between your legs, a coil forming in your belly as your breaths became much more shallow.
"Yes sweetpea?"
"Your face.......want you to bury your face in me......"
"Ah ah," Miles gently chided. "Be a good girl for me first and then I will."
You whimpered as he kept playing with your clit, rubbing away at that tiny little bundle of nerves until you were complete putty in his hands. At last, he couldn't take it anymore. Miles buried his face deep into your pussy, his tongue working its magic as Miles flicked it up and down the sides of your walls. Your high reached its fever pitch as you shifted your hips up against his face, his warm breath threatening to bring you over the edge and back again with all the sucking, biting and movement from Miles's mouth.
He couldn't stand it any longer as he quickly unsnapped his jeans, stripped them off and threw them aside along with his shorts. You both gasped when you felt his burning hot cock entering you, your kissing becoming dangerously heated and that familiar heat burning in your bellies and between your legs.
You both gasped as your hips stuttered against each other and Miles's head came to rest on your shoulder. "Feel any better (y/n)?" he asked.
"Much better," you chuckled.
You kissed each other's lips before Miles got up to go and run you both a bath. You both sank into the hot water, your head resting against Miles's chest as he gently spread your legs and began to carefully rub your pussy with the washcloth.
"No horseback riding for a few days, alright sweetpea?" he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Will do Miles," you chuckled, guiding his hands in that familiar rhythmic motion.
"And remind me later I owe you an inspection sticker when you feel better."
You laughed at the thought of it, kissing your husband back, sweetly and eagerly, lucky to have a man like Miles as your husband.
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Serendipity (CH 8)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 1198
Warning: Mild language, fluff, smut, angst, graphic scenes, death, murder, gore, violence, mature material…
Prompt: You have a major crush on Gibbs, however you choose to push it away as you fear he doesn’t feel the same way. Suddenly there is a bunch of chances that lead to a happy ending…
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I had went out and gotten everyone breakfast and drinks. I got all my paperwork caught up and even caught up everyone else's with my all-nighter.
However, I was on a coffee high now and was organizing all my stuff in my area. I hum as I tidy up when I hear the elevator doors open.
"Y/N? Your here early." Tony notes.
I look up to see that they all must've gotten off the elevator. I smile brightly at them.
"Good morning!" I exclaim.
"You seem to be in a good mood." Tim notes with a smile as Gibbs and Ziva study me.
"Thanks Tim." I say.
"And you got me breakfast? Thank you...I owe you." Tony says and I wink at him before turning back to where I was organizing behind my desk.
"Agent Y/L/N!" Director Shepard says.
I look up to see her standing at the railing. She motions me to follow her and I look at me desk. Am I losing my job? Oh god...
"Hey, I'm sure it's nothing." Tim says.
"Your going to jinx me and I'm going to lose my job. Thanks Tim." I mumble, beginning my way to her office.
I sit and she looks at my expectantly. I bounce my knee nervously and she sighs.
"The BAU is asking for you back." She says.
"No. I don't want to go back. I'm happy here. I really am. I know that there's been a lot going on since my accident and I swear things won't be so hectic and I promise I'll be a better agent. Please tell me I'm not losing my job." I ramble.
"Calm down, Special Agent Y/L/N. I was simply telling you. I was going to let you make the choice. You have a spot here. A team...a family and I'm more than happy to go tell the BAU that you aren't going anyway and that your sticking with us at NCIS." She says.
"Oh thank god." I breathe.
"How are you doing?" She asks.
"I'm doing a lot better." I say.
"Good. If you every need anything, you know where I am. Now go on." She says.
I happily hurry out of her office and get to my desk, drinking the rest of the coffee before tossing it in my can. I look up when Gibbs clears his throat.
"Janitor clears our cans every night. I noticed you have five coffee cups in yours. I thought I told you to go home." He snaps.
"Well I was, but there was no way I was going to get sleep. My mind has been super occupied and sketching hasn't helped. I knew I had a lot to get done, so rather than going home to have a restless night, I decided to work here. Which worked out in my favor. And you shouldn't complain. Now we are caught up." I say.
"No more coffee today. You ramble when your on a caffeine rush. Your hands are literally shaking from your caffeine intake. And your going home tonight. And what did the Director want?" He asks.
"I was really nervous I was going to lose my job. And I really thought I was because she said the BAU wanted me back and I kind of freaked out and went into this whole thing that I didn't want to go back and I promised to be a better agent because I know I haven't been at my top performance since my accident and even a little before. Actually, a while before. I should go tell her that. I don't know. I've been in a weird kind of funk—." I ramble before he covers my mouth.
"Tell me she isn't sending you back." He says, before uncovering my mouth.
"She isn't sending me back. I swear. She said she's happy to have me here. Oh my goodness! Abby! Good morning!" I exclaim, hugging her.
"Y/N..." Abby mumbles and I step back confused.
"What? Did I do something?" I ask.
"Have you seen your car this morning?" She asks.
"Ugh...no. Should I? Actually don't answer that. I'll choose to ignore the problem at hand. I'm in a good mood and I can tell by your face you don't come bearing good news. I can't bear bad news today. I might have a breakdown." I ramble and she looks at Gibbs concerned.
"She's drank five cups of coffee. What's up Abs?" He asks.
"Her window was broken. I got pictures and started to study the car and found a note. A note from the man who attempted to kill her. How long has he been threatening you?" She asks, holding up the letter in the evidence bag.
"I-I was handling it. I swear. I started to stay here when I felt like my safety was compromised. However, when I stopped getting the silent calls and letters, I assumed he stopped so I let it go. It's fine. I'm sure it's nothing." I ramble, although that definitely put a damper in my mood.
"Your telling me this has been going on and you never once mentioned it?" Gibbs asks, stepping closer.
"Your a profiler. I'm sure you can tell what this means." Abby says.
"Come on Y/N/N...you should have came to us." Ziva says softly.
I close my eyes, clenching my jaw as I take a deep breath. Deep breaths. Deep breaths...I tried to ignore Gibbs who was now lecturing me, getting closer to yelling. I step away, reaching a shaky hand out to my chair and pushing it out of the way before I sit on the ground, scooting under my desk.
My eyes were stinging and I let a shaky breath out. Not now...I can't cry now. Another shaky breath leaves me, my chest beginning to move faster. Gibbs was soon in front of me, kneeling in front of my desk.
"Y/N...Y/N/N, breathe. Breathe..." He murmurs, moving under the desk and pulling me into his side.
My shaky hands grasp his shirt, trying to take deep breaths but I can't stop thinking about everything going on. He moves my head and I soon could only hear his heart beat. He stroked my hair, gently rubbing my back.
"That's it. Breathe." He murmurs as my breathing slows.
I didn't want to move once I calmed down. I just held onto him, staring blankly ahead as I tried not to think about it. Everytime I would, my eyes would start to tear up and I'd take in a big shaky breath.
He held me, not saying anything. He just comforted me. We slowly scoot out overtime until we were out from under my desk. He waited patiently for me to be ready to come out completely from under my desk to standing. It took me a few minutes to want to stand, but when I nodded, he stood up to help me up.
His hand rests on my lower back as he guided me to the elevator in silence. I ignored my team giving my concerned looks even when they tried to look busy.
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