#( hellverse au. )
grandkhan221b · 7 months
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But what if they were all redeemed tho ?
This was a fun exercice, as heaven's colour palette isn't really one I'm used to x)
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whorebughaze · 18 days
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Husk in my warrior cats hazbin au!
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katyakurae · 6 days
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It's a little funny, you can almost call me dad! Hazbin Tavern, a DnD AU
Or your magic teacher, whatever works best.
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inkperch · 8 months
hey, here's an idea, when they adopt vaggie, they do it by giving her a pair of pointe shoes
Pfft, 'screw adoption papers, have shoes-'
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madmanwonder · 4 months
Crossover Crack Ship: Octaviny/Octaanny
Danny Fenton/Phantom:
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megapatty2006 · 3 months
So I had kinda a strange AU idea......what if Charlie wasn't raised by lucifer & Lilith?....what If Lilith left MUCH earlier, leaving Lucifer with a only couple month year old baby to take care of....what if Lucifer just couldn't handle it and was racked up in grief....and then...someone offered to raise Charlie for awhile..."n-not forever" he swore...what if...
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Now you might be asking, why the hell would Mammon even bother? Well... because PROFIT. If Mammon had complete custody of Charlie, who KNOWS what his greedy fatass would do with her likelyness?! However this is how I think it would all turn out.
A couple months after Charlie is born, Lilith, for whatever reason, abandons Charlie and Lucifer to go sipping cocktails on the beaches of Eden in Heaven or something.
Lucifer is now in massive depression and is literally unable to take care of Charlie and be a father... he needs some time to grieve....so...who's his options?
The other Sins aren't really good options to watch over his daughter with examples being that Beezlebub is too busy partying to watch over a kid and Asmodeus is the sin of Lust......enough said with that. But the only sin who actually WANTED Charlie was Mammon.
Not to be some great uncle, oh no, it's all so that he can use Charlie as his brand baby and make him WAY more dough than Fizz would have EVER. (I'm not sure if Charlie is older than fizz or not but for the sake of this I'm gonna assume yes)
So let's say Mammon is able to convince Lucifer to let him "watch over" Charlie for awhile...however he's able to make Lucifer unknowingly sign a contract with Mammon for him to use Charlie's likeness in ANYTHING and have her in his care for....lets say around 200 years? Lucifer completely just tired and wanting Charlie and Mammon out of his hair, signs the contract and now Charlie is under Mammons care.
After this, Lucifer would go into hiding like he did in Canon for AWHILE, and as soon as Charlie could speak, Mammon IMEDIATELY starts using her in commercials, products, clothes etc. Charlie, in this Au, would be a lot more depressed but would still wants to make Mammon happy & proud, he's her only parental figure afterall.
And for DECADES she would be subjugated to all of this unwanted attention by the people of hell. Fizz would probably never become Mammons star as he already has Charlie and Fizz would also probably never meet Asmodeus, but maybe things could've worked out between him and Blitzo, and Fizz would maybe still have his limbs, Charlie on the other hand is downright MISRABLE with Mammon and sucked dry like Fizz was in Cannon.
But would she have ever left Mammon? Honestly tough answer, if Lucifer ever came to his sense and visited Charlie and realized what he had done...would Charlie even care? Would Charlie even love Lucifer?
He did leave her with MAMMON of all people. And even when the contract eventually ends, why would she go back to the person that abandoned her!?
The only one who Charlie would really have would be Ozzie but I think Charlie herself would be FAR from the same person she usually is, she would even probably pick up toxic traits from Mammon and have a grudge against Lucifer and her mother, heck maybe Charlie would end up being Mammons secretary if she never did well as a star...who knows...but anyways that was my AU idea.
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icestardragonhc · 7 months
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Welcome to Fallout Hotel!
based on an old crossover of mine
Vaggie is a synth :)
Edit: forgot her hair stripes.
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hells-honeybun · 7 months
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Not a redesign, this is for a discord Au roleplay of the hellverse
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Bonus sketch
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Legend tells of a soldier made of angelic steel that had taken down many of angel and demon kind back during war times. While they were strong, they were not without their flaws; they had no voice, no mind, and no will. For 50 years they'd follow the commands of Archangel Michael until their disappearance in 1914. Many believe Soldier 501 had been destroyed in war, others believe they roams the outskirts of Heaven, but the truth behind this soldier is for only The Great Divine and the Elders to know.
If you want to do your own HH/HB card, click here: www.deviantart.com/staticstard…
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worldssilliestserpent · 7 months
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Human jackjack concepts
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bailey-aster-happy · 5 days
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whorebughaze · 18 days
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Angel Dust in my warrior cats hazbin au!
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katyakurae · 1 month
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Come and take a peek to forbidden black magic the Hazbin Tavern! A DnD AU
Alastor's outfit variations and some facts behind them!
Cloak on:
His usual attire for exploring or fighting. Whenever he wanders around the Underdark or even the Surface, his cloak stays on.
Damage his cloak and he will damage your life. Permanently.
It's kinda like his coat in canon.
Rosie made it.
Colak off / Inside the Tavern:
While in the tavern, he usually hang the cloak to be confortable while moving around the furniture or Charlie's volatile magic. Nobody wants to repeat the almost-burned-cloak incident.
He usually wear robes underneath the cloak, but sometimes he just chooses a shirt and some trousers.
The sandals are elvish tendency.
Whatever he wears, he still has some Selûnite symbolsim in him. He says is only to look more approchable to the idiots that may attack the Tavern, to make them feel confident and then strike.
This may not be a lie, but there is also a sense of protection (Selûne protects him from his patron? His mother through the Selûnite belief? Who knows) that ease him.
Lucifer likes to play with his earrings when they're alone. Alastor usually bites his hand for this.
"Sometimes he goes to a place where the Moonmaiden can't reach him." Husk to the rest of the tavern the first time they saw Alastor like this after a fight.
Alastor's natural magic it's green. Sometimes even silver, when full moon. When it turns red, his patron possess him (his body) and gets out of control.
The marks his patron left in his body, the ones that usually look like scars (yeah, the ones that are clearly inspired in Gale of Waterdeep) turn red, twist and look like seams. It hurts too.
He loses control of his body and actions, as his masters is the one moving him like a puppet, and all the colors around him shiftens to something uglier. The sounds also get louder and higher. And the tentacles, become more and more vicious.
The aftermath is always awful and taste like ashes. Alastor hates it.
After a possession, he usually feels overwhelmed and wrong for a while, like his body doesn't belong to him. He becomes more taciturn and doesn't want anybody around.
So he hides until he feels better again, like a wounded animal. Lucifer made this comparison once, before they were a thing. Eldrich Blast was in order.
One time, Lucifer found him righ after a possession, when he wasn't himself yet, and brought him back. To Alastor's misfortune, Lucifer's curiosity is unstoppable.
But that event also brought them close. After that, if a possession happens after a really messed up fight, Lucifer is always there in the end, with his healing magic, some clean water and the promise of a safe long rest.
Wanna know more? More Hazbin Tavern content here!
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romanteasighs · 1 month
HOLY SHIT I REALIZED I NEVER POSTED MY NEW OCS HERE!! Buckle up and get ready for a bunch of biblical bullshit, here's my Hellverse OCs!
The gist of the Hellverse is that Heaven and Hell are at war, and a human man by the name of John L'amour gets caught up in it when he causes an angel to sin and thus become a demon.
Warning for mentons of Age Gap but otherwise not much else! (A VERY LONG OC LOREDUMP)
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John L'amour | Kohaku Nori | Mori Tetsuya
The main protags of Hellverse, and a rather interesting love triangle. John, a hopeless romantic who failed in all matters of love... until he happened to meet his Guardian Angel and fall for him. During a night of drunken mistakes, he presumes the Angel to be all in his mind... and convinces him to sin.
Such a thing strips Kohaku of his innocence and leaves him a demon, to which John regrets and vows to make amends for. Going to hell to rescue Kohaku, he's allowed to come and go as he pleases so long as he joins the war for Hell. He agrees, and Kohaku has long since forgiven him... as he couldn't imagine a world without John, and was happy to cast Heaven away if it meant being with him.
Tetsuya on the other hand met John in a different happenstance. It was when Tetsuya first moved to France, where the story takes place, and struggled with speaking French in a marketplace. John happened to run into him and helped him out, earning him the thanks of Tetsuya's parents and brother, who offered him dinner as thanks.
Accepting, he was also offered the job of tutor to Tetsuya... though Tetsuya may have other intentions in mind when taking his oral exams...
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First up, we have Lucifer. The morningstar. The one cast down from heaven for daring to want to be as loved as mankind. Upon being cast down from Heaven by Michael, he found himself in what would become Hell... surrounded by six others. Demons. His brothers.
A proud, confident king who remains vengeful towards Heaven and one day will conquer it. By any means.
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Beelzebub, Prince of Envy. The one in charge of bringing souls to hell, acting as the grim reaper and beacon of his deadly sin. As second oldest in Hell, he's envious of Lucifer and suffers from a mighty inferiority complex.
He can reap souls through his smoke, and even 'tag' houses of the living for later death.
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Satan, Prince of Wrath. A stern, short tempered Prince who acts as Hell's resident war strategist and general. He commands his army with a (literal) iron fist, caring not for anything but the art of war. He is as single minded on the war for Heaven as Lucifer, but perhaps more so.
He is often considered beautiful, but compliments and vanity do nothing for him.
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Abaddon, Prince of Sloth. The one that guards the Gates of Hell, thus sapping all his energy and leaving him exhausted and tired. Rarely moves unless absolutely needed. A pacifist who wants the war to be over and done with, though fights alongside his brothers as he is extremely loyal. Will see goals through.
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Mammon, Prince of Greed. Runs the Greed Ring of Hell like Wall Street on steroids. Every demon under his payroll is efficient or is struck from existence. Perfection is demanded at all times. He indulges in the finer things in life and those fine things alone, luxury being his top priority. A serial workaholic. Speaks with a German accent.
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Belphegor, Prince of Gluttony. A kind and enthusiastic cook who runs his ring of Hell like a restaurant, always hungry and always eager to share the delights of food with everyone. Feeds the other rings of Hell and is always out to try new foods. Sweet, not a fighter, though he is known to help butcher as well. Speaks with a French Accent. Very singleminded towards cooking.
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Asmodeus, Prince of Lust. The youngest prince and the most bubbly. Full of passion and love, always seeing the best out of any situation. His ring is akin to a large burlesque parlor, providing entertainment and relaxation for the others. He has a fondness for Mammon, always wishing to help him relax and take a break... to no avail.
A victim of hopeless romance and puppy love more than not, but absolutely revels in intimacy. Sees sex as but one ultimate way to connect two or more souls together.
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Though sworn to Heaven with undying loyalty, he has a... fondness... for Lucifer. Not that he'd admit it. Heaven's word comes first and foremost, even if Lucifer's sin tempts him. That's the point of sin, and the point of remaining virtuous...
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Esse é Riley! Um dos primeiros demônios a entrar no hotel depois da propaganda de Alastor, mas, em vez de buscar a redenção, ele busca ajudar o Hazbin Hotel enquanto o hotel ainda oferece a promessa de entretenimento ou algo interessante.
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gsstories · 1 year
Fish Man!
I have yet again redesigned a version of one of my OCs, this time not Gen surprisingly but one that I love just as much! His name is Daniel and in this AU he is King of Envy so he a fish!
First we have the very first design:
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Alright but the colors didn’t really fit and he didn’t look demon enough so it was discarded.
Next we have the second concept:
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I hadn’t really put much thought into making him look more demon like, I was just more focused on making the lil scene with the babies and stuff.
And now the most recent and final design:
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I think I made him more demon like. His design is based off of a lion fish and he is very venomous! I took a bit of inspiration from @intistone sirens designs (the two baby sirens from the second drawing be actually their Sun and Moon from the fic Scars and Scales, recommend reading, it’s in Ao3 and it’s chef’s kiss!) when making the frills and stuff. Now he looking more intimidating and actually looking more fishy!
Hehe, fishy.
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