#( he's like that one touch starved cheetah )
sharoscylla · 10 months
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Get loved and cherished, idiot
(Setup to a joke: hey what’s harder than convincing Ripley Savage that she deserves to be loved and cared for?)
Doing it the second time after shar erases her memories of the first time
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
@pessimistics sent... 🫂 for rust to hug jean for no reason.
He and Rust fit together well – in time, he might argue, too well, Rust's arms sliding under Jean's. He's slow to wrap his arms around the other man. It takes him a moment to run his hands up his back and around his sides, the fabric of his shirt scrunching up and then smoothing out. A moment for his body to relax against Rust's and his face to nestle against the crook of his neck.
Jean lets out a deep breath as he closes his eyes. He doesn't say anything, enjoying the comfortable silence that the hug brings. He's content to stay there as long as Rust wants to.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
soft headcanons
Based off these concept art expressions that the crew posted on Twitter
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a soft Miguel is a rarity but you would know firsthand how he can get. Despite all his bark and bite, Miguel can also be pain-stakingly quiet and apprehensively seeks you out sometimes
ABSOLUTELY pouts and broods, so much so that when you look at him with a concerned expression (“are you ok?”), he feels guilty for worrying you
It’s the self-loathing that can eat away at him, thinking a good thing is going to slip away fast from him
a WHINY cuddler who lays on top on you, likes to bury his head into/under you neck. Also play with his hair!
Is the EPITOME of the touch-starved cheetah meme
he knows the size difference between you two (if there is one), which makes him feel protective as well towards you
If you’re a fellow comrade, he feels a bit of relief because you’re still within reach of him
EDIT: if Miguel ever has nightmares, he talks in his sleep and even gasping awake makes you wake up as well. Don’t blame him though, he’ll hide his face in your neck in the most bone-crushing hug, and only then it dawns on you what happened when your shoulder feels wet
also likes to stay close to you a bunch of times, nickname “Shadow” that he groans at when you say it
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ninadove · 6 months
Would Feligami be the type of couple to sleep together? (in a non-sus way of course)
Yes, they absolutely would! No one is more surprised by this fact than Felix “I need my personal space” Graham de Vanily, who did not realise how touch-starved he was until he met Kagami. Very much like that meme of the cheetah getting a chin rub.
The first few times she would burrow into his shirt and he would not dare to move or breathe too heavily. He’s used to destroying beautiful things, after all.
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But eventually he would learn to let go and hold her tight and rest his chin on top of her head and kiss her forehead when she mumbles in a half-asleep state. Which would be so healing for her.
And of course, there’s the fact that they’ve both been terribly abused. Letting your guard down enough to fall asleep next to someone is the ultimate show of trust — especially for Felix, especially after the Nightormentor debacle. Give the boy insomnia and night terrors and let him be the one to be cared for and gently rocked back to sleep…
Also for everyone’s consideration: they’re both early risers, and I don’t think this habit would disappear completely, but they should get to discover the joys of laying in bed idly sometimes. Just. Let them be kids I beg of you
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Also also for your consideration: Felix sleeping much better during thunderstorms, since lightning is associated with Ryuko, to illustrate that he is not afraid of the way she loves! ❤️🐉💜🐉
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kusatta · 11 days
@maudlxne asked: Drop kicks myself here. Okay so, I was high-key eyeing your and Bee's blogs for a day or so. They showed up in my recommended blog section. I was too nervous to follow first as I had just come back from a 3-4 year hiatus and didn't know how to even start interacting with people again. What caught my attention first was your style of writing and how much love you have for your muses. all of them from your OC's to your canon children. Plus you have Keith on your blog and I figured Voltron was absolutely dead, to my excitement there he was, the baby boi right up on your header like a shining beacon. I was a moth to the Keith Kogane flame cradling Acxa in my arms to the siren song. Yet, I was too shy to follow at first and worried that since I had just come back and had no real recent threads or activity, I wouldn't be of much interest. Then low and behold to my surprise you followed me. The excited giddy squeal that escaped me when I saw that notification. Then we got to talking and I genuinely find you such a sweet, kinda, and amazing human being. We may not have known each other long but you have genuinely made my Tumblr experience and are one of the reasons I have stuck around again this long. You were so welcoming and just a joy to speak to ooc. I came for the Keefy and stayed for you, Mocha <3 / tell me why you followed my blog and tell me what made you stay.
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oh absolutely what - the - fuck, tae. i can't let the homies know i fuck with this. they can't see me cry. i am the touch starved cheetah meme. this is so incredibly sweet. you fr got me crying in the hypothetical club.
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
Ethan Walker HCS!
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as I promised in JJ's hc post, baby boy ethan's here!
(this time theyre not all are really connected to the lore post, but they may be confusing; so check it out if you haven't!)
he seems shy at first, but he's pretty chill if you leave a good impression on him
when he's shy, he speaks really quietly and only Jenna can understand him (and Lloyd, of course)
he may not have so much trauma now, but *looks at his older self* ohoho he will
when he was born, everyone had spoiled him so much, and Jenna kept playing with him at every chance she got!
he loves collecting pebbles! sometimes he'll go out to the monastery courtyard and just collect some of those pebbles he finds on the ground
with how he never left the monastery before, he can't imagine how big the world actually is, and he doesn't quite understand it, until he went to the crossroads for the first time
during those 5 years, Lloyd was practically his father figure since he had no one else, he knew he was his uncle of course but his mind couldn't process the fact that his actual father was Jay, never even knowing him (atleast properly)
he also has a big obsession for animals, he hated how he never saw them in real life but loved learning about them and watching documentries! (It bores Jenna to death)
his favourite animals are cheetahs, he always calls Jenna a 'cheetah' because of how fast she is
plus, whenever Lloyd goes to the crossroads to get some stuff, he sometimes brings him an animal plush when he could, so he has a literal collection of them
he also has little animal minifugures and ninja minifigures, too!
his room's walls' were also painted by Jenna! there's some landscapes too and alot of animals
unlike Jenna, he doesn't have that big of an intrest in drawing, but he does have a secret intrest in writing
he loves to embroider too!
he also only learns to draw for the purpose of drawing animals
he'll come out as bi in the future, continuing the chain of The Bi Walkers™
he hogs the TV from Jenna and tells her to use her phone instead, he loves to play videogames on it (and will soon become a master)
he usually watches Jenna and Lloyd when they train, most of the time it's out of boredom
when Jenna tells him about her time at school, he doesn't really like the idea of school because of the amount of people, he prefers studying with Lloyd
he didn't really like Kai at first, but he didn't say anything and made an attempt to spend time with him
same thing with Zane, but he was so amazed when se saw him for the first time and would ask him to make him some small sculptures
he loves books! he borrowed alot of of them from the team and Lloyd would get him his own books, too
he secretly prefers the romance ones, and will have collections of that genre in the future
unlike Jenna, he isn't that afraid of blood
he's actually a bit afraid of water, the first time he went to a pool he screamed and did not want to go in
he got used to it after a while and became a somewhat good swimmer, but still got an uneasy feeling whenever he's around it
that was also one of the reasons why he couldn't control his powers
he, Finn, and Noah's usual movie on their movie nights is a sappy Cliff Gordon romance movie, they never get bored of it lmao
he loves being carried!! he always asks either Jenna or Lloyd to carry him, and when his 5 new siblings came along Noah was carrying him almost all the time and he loved it, throw him in the air and he'll laugh like crazy (baby boy 😭)
another point added to the 'touch starved jayling' chart, he LOVES hugs and would never give up the chance to hug someone! he loves getting a whole lot of kisses too
he loves to help in the kitchen whenever he could from his love of cooking, and is extremely obsessed with muffins
his favourite colour isn't red or blue either, he really really loves orange for some reason, the clothes he's wearing is just clothing borrowed from Jenna's old ones!
he also stole that smile pin from Jenna, which was originally Jay's
he also took that headband when he one time snuck into Nya's locked room, his fringes annoy him alot so he wears it almost all the time, Nya was suprised when she saw him wearing it
is very inquisitive and curious, he'll never shut up if he has a question or notices something
he hates seeing someone distressed, and tries to comfort them the best he could
he's that sibling that would listen to your rants without ever getting bored, he loves listening to people rant, and would gladly listen to you if you need to talk about something
he knows about Jenna's PTSD, he doesn't know the full backstory but knows that whenever she needs alone time, he needs to leave her alone
when they reunited with Nya, he was still a bit wary of her and left Jenna to spend most of his time with her, but he quickly got used to having her around
Jay wasn't the smoothest thing either, Ethan did not want to be around him because he already had a bad impression on him
is obviously the baby of the siblings, literally no one can hate this little guy
he was afraid of Kaida too, and he didn't like the way she and Jenna fought, he'd always get scared when they did
he was also afraid of Kaida, Quinn and Tessa of taking Jenna's place as his older sister, he didn't understand that they were all his sisters
but once he did, he was pretty close to Kaida especially!
he, Kaida and Noah share their immense love for animals, and Noah always reads him his animal books along with Kaida
he also tags along Tessa and Noah when they watch animal planet
he absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and when he saw all the sisters with their aviator jackets he so badly wanted one too
he doesn't really like pranks and thinks theyre rude, he'd only tag along if they're harmless
Jenna and Kaida taught him how to use insults, no regrets lmao
Quinn loves him to death, she loves borrowing his headband!
Kaida also teaches him how to use a gun, he literally gets so excited when she does
Tessa also uses him as a benchpress, he's so small she can literally benchpress him with one hand
there's never a time you won't find Noah carrying him or having him on his shoulders when they spend time together
he becomes the best cook out of his siblings, 10/10s every single time
in the future, he volunteers in orphanages, animal farms and schools while JJ became an actress!
he also becomes one of the tall siblings, maxing at 5'8 oh boy
his future partner is Tyra Karmakar (old oc), he has a taste for women that could kick his ass lmao
and there we go! I might add on to this too if I get anymore ideas, but finally here's some more info about our sunshine boy!!
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manonslayme · 1 year
Do u have any random manon x elide headcanons? i'm staaarving for anything u have abt them
I did not mean to go on for so long with these headcannons but I just have a lot of thoughts about these two gays
Soft bbys
Manon absolutely melts for Elide, she can go from terrifying man-eating witch to a terrifying, man-eating witch who stares at Elide like she hung the moon and stars
They judge people together, definitely hang at the back of parties (after showing everyone else up with their matching outfits) drinking wine and gossiping about annoying lords and lady’s
Elide absolutely goes for the throat when other lords say that she’s not good enough to lead Perranth, she’s not afraid to blackmail them with how horrible they actually are, and Manon loves to sit back and enjoy her wife absolutely destroy those men
Elide wanted to marry Manon for a long time before they actually got married but she didn’t want to pressure Manon into marriage in any way so she didn’t really bring it up
Manon began to notice that Elide wanted to get married when her eyes would linger over rings and other married couples
It took Manon a while but she knew that she wanted to marry Elide and she definitely panicked about planning how to ask Elide before she actually popped the question
It was able to happen without the kingdom burning down and Elide, very happily, said yes so Manon considers it a success
I like to imagine that Elide’s parents had a cabin left to her that Vernon left abandoned when he trapped her but Elide spends time after the war cleaning it up and restoring it to its former glory
She and Manon like to go to the cabin to get away sometimes when things calm down after the war, just relaxing and enjoying the peace of their new lives
Manon realizes that she actually really likes strawberries after Elide begins to plant them and use them in recipes
Manon learns to make flower crowns to surprise Elide one day and it actually surprises her how relaxing it is for her
She’ll die before she reveals that to anyone but Elide and Abraxos, who loves to steal any leftover flower crowns Manon makes
I feel like Manon has a complicated relationship with touch because of her grandmothers abuse so at first she sort of shys away from any touching
Elide is very understanding and makes sure she’s not overwhelming Manon because she’s loved her and wants her to be comfortable
Slowly but surely Manon becomes more comfortable with touching and she just becomes that one meme with the cheetah we’re it goes ‘when you realize how touch starved you actually are.’
Constantly touching and hanging on Elide because she finally is able to enjoy touches that aren't harmful and painful and Elide does not mind because she is also touch starved
Manon and Elide both tend to overwork themselves with their kingdoms and their lands and when they notice that one of them is overworking themselves they both try to make sure the other relaxes
They’re both stubborn about it, Elide more so, but Manon is not afraid to pick her up and carry her away from work and Elide will make Manon sleep even if it kills her
Elide has a kind of natural warm body temp and I feel like Manon loves to just cuddle up to her and hug her witchling when the weather begins to get cold
Elide likes to collect pretty stones and other small knickknacks and Manon always makes sure to grab her something whenever she travels
Manon gets very fluffy beadhead and Elide both adores how cute she looks and spends mornings trying not to accidentally get hair in her mouth, it gets everywhere
She does enjoy brushing and braiding Manon’s hair though, it’s very soft and beautiful
She also understands that it’s a special thing for Manon since she hasn’t let anyone else but the Thirteen touch her hair before and Elide feels very honored that Manon trusts her with her hair
They both get nightmares sometimes but they have different ways of needing comfort when they wake up
Manon usually doesn’t want to be touched (Matron physical abuse trauma) and she just needs air and a lot of open space, she often flys with Abraxos after she has nightmares to clear her head before she comes back to Elide when she’s ready for touch and comfort
Elide is the complete opposite, she needs Manon to hold her and reassure her that everything is okay and that she’s safe
During the time that her uncle is alive in his prison she had constant nightmares about him getting free and hurting Manon or her
Manon always holds her witchling close and comforts her in the best ways she can; threatening to skin Vernon alive is he gets within even fifty feet of Elide
Both of them are grumpy in the mornings, even though Manon used to waking up early, and they just grumble and shuffle around as they slowly wake up together, Elide’s arms constantly around Manon’s waist and Manon’s always holding Elide’s hand
Elide tops after she gets more experienced with sex, in this essay I will-
Elide has a bunch of freckles and Manon likes to spend mornings kissing and tracing over all of her freckles
Manon had freckles too but they tend to only stand out when it’s warm and Elide takes great joy in teasing Manon with how cute she looks with them and kissing each freckle when she can
Manon has a bunch of scars from the Matron and Elide always makes sure to kiss as many as she can when Manon begins to feel insecure about them
Not in a beautiful-insecure way, she knows she looks hot, but because she has a complex that her scars make her seem weak and like she couldn’t stop the abuse she suffered
Which is a notion the Elide refuses to let Manon have, she always makes sure that Manon knows that she is not weak and her scars only prove that she was able to survive her abuse
Manon slowly learning better coping mechanisms because Elide encourages her to start therapy with Yrene, or anyone really (I don’t know if therapy is a thing tog but it is now)
Manon and Elide link their lives together so Elide gets to be immortal too (yes I know that’s not how it works but go with me here)
In a future/next gen au I like to headcanon that Manon and Elide have one adopted daughter and 2 (used magic) bio daughters and when their daughters eventually take their places as rulers Elide and Manon permanently move to the cabin with Abraxos and spend the rest of their lives just chilling and being disgustingly in love
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iiryoku · 2 years
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‘ @imeut​ :  ♡♡ ( aether & nariii)
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Affection. Never mind how small, the way to Aether’s heart is with affection, he is rather touch-starved so he absorbs affection like a dry sponge does water, which will easily shows if someone decides to give it to him, he is pretty much the cheetah meme with affection, a bonus is that he loves giving it himself as well. What also can be a way to his heart is actions that show great care for his wellbeing, especially because Aether, a lot of times, forgets to take care of himself as he always puts others first. There is just something so very special to his heart, when he is the one being taken care of.
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With Tighnari, it’s all about simply wanting to spend time with him. Due to how he is, most people tend to avoid him / get bored of him, the forest rangers he works with are of course and exception as all of them look up to him. However, this is also due to Tighnari avoiding people indirectly with his work. So, if someone is stubborn and comes to Tighnari repeatedly and shows that they actually find what he does interesting, then that is a sure way to his heart. He isn’t really the best people person, but that doesn’t mean, he doesn’t appreciate it when someone does show interest and appreciation for his work and what he does. Plus, once again, we have someone touch-starved, so if trust is gained and affection is given, then he is also weak to that.
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stcries-a · 3 years
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@bastardzrus​​ wrote:   inko reaches upwards, cups shigarakis face in her hands, and gently squishes it.
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     IT STARTLES HIM AT FIRST,  body and shoulders visibly tensing as her smooth hands were placed against his dry skin.   why was she doing this?   did this woman have no fear?   ...
but slowly,  the longer he stared within her eyes,  no trace of malicious intent was found.   only warmth,  safety and kindness.
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a few seconds later and he begins to relax,  soft exhale leaving his nose as shoulder’s slump,  leaning forward to gently press the weight of his head into her hands.
yeah,  he’s just gonna   ...   stay here for a while.
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Yoshikage Kira SFW + NSFW Headcanons
vierran96 on AO3 asked for this and who am I to deny them? I personally don’t get the thirst for hand David Bowie, but to each their own!
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: hand fetish, sucking on fingers, long nails, pet play (kitten), riding,  spanking, lots of spanking, pegging, cock warming.
Word Count: 2116
Kira is very gentlemanly when you two first started dating. Taking you out to lavish restaurants and fancy plays, stuff like that. He’ll help you out of the car, allowing you to hook your arm into his while he walks you back to your house.
He buys you expensive rings and bracelets or watches, insisting on putting them on you himself, admiring the way the metal glistens in the light compared to your skin. To you, it’s an innocent, sweet gesture so you don’t pay too much attention to it, much to his relief. After all, you were just a cover for him; an alibi to keep people off his back. Right?
Wrong. After a few month together, he’s at work when he gets a text from you. It’s a little thing, just a text saying hello, but it makes him... excited. You were thinking about him? Completely blind to his true nature. That makes him like you more. He finds himself thinking of how you would do being home with him, what kind of food you would make, what books you like. Now he’s decided. He needs you.
From that moment on, Kira makes a point to send you good morning texts, possibly inviting you on more dates, trying to get you more involved in his life which you’re more than happy to do. It doesn’t take him long to invite you to his house, gradually letting you in on some of the mystery that was Yoshikage Kira. 
Killer Queen is... very confused. In the beginning, it just kind of stares at you until you approach it, cupping it's face. Killer Queens' eyes widen. What the fuck is this thing and why is it touching me?! But slowly melts into it (sort of like those cheetah pictures). It curiously plays with your hair, pulling out tangles or just petting it. Still unsure how to feel about you, but it's user seems to like you well enough, so you should be fine. One rare days, when Kira allows it, it’ll slowly curl itself around you while you were watching a movie or reading a book, nuzzling into your cheek softly. Of course, this is well into the relationship.
He doesn’t acknowledge this to your face, but deep down, he’s a little jealous. He wishes that it were him there and not his stand. He feels every bit of what you do to Killer Queen ten fold. It does something to him, watching the stand show his soft side to you, he can’t explain it but he knows at that moment he can’t let you go.
Kira will buy you fancy moisturizer but doesn't typically help you apply it unless you ask. When you do ask, he's gentle about it, but you can see the wild look in his eyes. When you try to pull away, his grip stops you, quick and firm. He looks up at you dangerously, then softens, letting you go much to his disappointment.
He loves when you cup his face, soft palms cradling him, rubbing gently. One of the few times he lets himself go, in a sort of sense. Sure fire way to get him to fall asleep where he’s not really supposed to. He’ll lazily kiss your palms, knuckles and fingers, anywhere he can. 
His life is very regimented, he makes a schedule and sticks to it, this shows in the way he interacts with you. In the mornings at the same time, with out fail, he’ll tangle his fingers in yours, soft and sweet. Then, he brings your hand to his lips, tenderly kissing your knuckles, lost in the feeling of your hand in his for just a minute before telling you to have a good day and leaving. Then, when he gets home he find you sitting in your chair at the table (you’ve grown used to his routine by now and know he expects you there unless you’ve given him a reason to expect other) and does the same thing, but more desperate this time. He’s been working all day and needs some release which even more evident in the way his lips brush against yours. 
Touch starved, but doesn't need your touch, you know? Like, he loves feeling your hands all over him, but only at certain times, usually when he's trying to relax after work. But, he’s usually fine on his own. Don't touch his hair. He has perfected his style, does not want anyone to mess it up. Don't touch his hair.
When you two are home together on the weekends, you usually relax by reading a book or watching his soap operas.
Prefers if you are a stay-at-home spouse, wanting to do most of the working and bill-paying himself, but will begrudgingly comply if you have one before moving in with him. He likes having someone at home preparing things for him like food, or doing the laundry, cleaning.
Doesn't expect you to cook and do everything for him, but he's gracious when you treat him to a lovely pasta dinner with a glass of red wine.
He calls you regularly when at work, always on his lunch break. Occasionally, you'll meet him at his favourite food place and have lunch with him which he is more than pleased about, if a little worried. If people start to suspect him and you're seen with him, you'll be the first to go whether you move out or have an... accident, he knows you'll be dangerous to his safety. As much as he would love for you to stay with him, he knows you'd just run away if you knew who he really was.
Wake him up with a massage and he will be in the happiest mood ever. Gentle fingers rubbing along his shoulders and collarbones, soft kisses on his cheeks and lips. Best way for him to wake up. Loves it. One of the few times you will see him officially soft towards you. Not that he’s cold any other time, just a little reserved with his affections.
Down for baths together. Lots of bubbles and soothing lotions, cups of warm milk with honey for both of you (seeing as these usually happen before bed). Another moment when he's soft and genuinely caring, not obsessed. Pours the water over your shoulders, kissing them and rubbing circles into your muscles.
Alright, the hand fetish is a given, but consider this: choking Kira with long nails? Eh? Eeeh? I'm sorry, but I love bottom!Kira. Like, lightly dragging your claws down his neck, before wrapping around it and squeezing until his eyes roll back into his head. *chefs kiss*
Loves to suck on your fingers while you ride him or jerk him off with the other hand. Or even just feeling your hands running over his body. It sets his skin on fire. 
     You pushed Kira down onto the bed, legs on either side of his torso. He could feel everything. Every breath you took, every light drag of your nails on him, every movement of your hips, everything and it drove him wild. One particular harsh scratch down his chest had his eyes rolling back into his head and hips bucking instinctively. 
     A light chuckle escapes you and you tut your tongue. He sighs through his nose, avoiding eye contact. You hum as you bring your hand up to his face gently cupping it, making him look back at you. You smile coyly, then push your hand down on his neck, choking him. Kira groans, shifting his legs to try and alleviate some of the pressure in his pants. 
    You just laugh again, whispering something about him not getting off that easy and he whines again as you roll your hips into the prominent bulge in his pants.
Prefers riding to missionary, or just hands-free orgasms with vibrators and the like. Has a soft spot seeing you doubled over, ass in the air and filled to the brim with a vibrating dildo in your ass, barely conscious enough to lick the precum off his dick, or attempt to get yourself off.
Orgasm denial is his middle name. Loves to see you struggle to form sentences when he stands above you, perfectly bothered by it.
Pet play. Another given. There's something about you on your knees next to him while he's eating or reading, patiently waiting for him to lift you up and bend you over the nearest counter or the couch or something. It gets him riled up and he has to struggle to control himself. He doesn't even consider touching you until he's finished his book or cleaned his plate completely. Then, he'll give you some relief.
Spanking? Yes. An absolute yes. He'll flip you over his knee whether you've been good or not and just smack your ass over and over again. He'd keep you there until he came home the next day, if he could and believe me, he would. Coming home to dinner on the table and then into your shared bedroom where you lay spread, ready and waiting for him. His feral side comes out more than he would like.
     Kira pulls you over his lap, running his hands down your back soothingly. Your hands were tied in front of you and your mouth was gagged. He pets your hair with one hand while the other pulls down your bottoms, kneading your ass. He tuts his tongue. 
     “You were waiting for this, weren’t you?” He smacks your bare cheek, humming when you let out a muffled sound of shock. “Of course, what else would you be waiting for?” Another smack echoes through out the room along with your mewls, and then another. And another. Each just as hard as the last or harder. 
     “Mmm~” You cry out, a tear falls freely from your eye. He wipes it away, letting his other free hand travel down to your genitals, remarking on how turned on you are.
     “You enjoy this, don’t you? Would you like more?” Kira sounds almost sweet when he asks, petting your hair gently again. “Is this how you would like to cum?” Desperately, you nod your head. Yes, yes you need more! Please more. He smiles and kisses you wherever he can, more than happy to comply.
Loves hand jobs. So much. It's quick, it leans into his hand thing and the sight of your hands wrapped around his cock. Oh, yeah. Loves it. Oh, and those lips on the tip? Mmmmm.
Doesn't usually get feral when it comes to sex, he's in control most of the time but on days when he's seen someone that he just had to have, but knew he couldn't, be prepared to be fucked against the wall. His thrusts are bruising and harsh, every time you try to catch your breath, he thrusts into you again, making you hiccup. It's a wild ride, so be prepared.
Now. Killer Queen. Not the most sexual stand but... I'd ride it. He'll use KQ as a punishment for when you've been bratty in the bedroom. It'll thrust into you harshly and just stay there while you squirm. Kira, of course, will be watching from the armchair the entire time, calling you all sorts of degrading names and telling you that his stand will only move if you agree to whatever absurd request that he gives you.
Now, back onto bottom!Kira. Men get pegged? Is that still a thing? Because he sure as hell does. Push him down into the bed and just ruin his ass, then cling to him afterwards. He’ll be obsessed with you from then on. Bonus points if you shove your fingers into his mouth while doing so. He cums almost instantly and a lot.
You could try pulling his hair when taking him from behind, but it depends on his mood. On the days he needs an outlet to get out his frustration or to let go of tension, he’ll let you, but other than that, follow the rule of don’t touch his hair.
Now, cock warming? Oh yeah. Anytime, any place, he would just love to keep you on him 24/7. Or warming your cock/strap on him? Hell yeah. Have him sit on you while he tries to read a book or something and occasionally move your hips, the tip just rubbing against his prostate, just slowly watching him lose his patience before putting whatever he had down and fucking himself on your cock, real or otherwise.
I find that some of the most reserved people I know are the kinkiest and this 100% shines true wit Kira. He’d never admit it, but he’s open for almost everything, I think
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nenes-wifey · 4 years
can we get some headcanons about mitsuba with a really really doting lover that just spoils the hell out of him? because cotton candy boy needs love.
A/N: Cotton Candy boy absolutely needs and deserves all that love
Mitsuba with a overly doting (s/o)
He absolutely loves it
Constant attention and love? He is in heaven
Any and all gifts will be gladly accepted by him
“Oh? More gifts? Well of course you’re going to give me things, I am amazing after all!”
He loves pet names that you give him but he gets flustered
He does try to get you things as well, he feels bad just constantly getting gifts from you and never giving anything back
Calls you his angel, but affectionately calls you stupid, like any true tsundere
He absolutely melts into your touch when you give him physical affection
You know that pic of someone holding a cheetah and you can see them relax? Yeah that’s him
He’s like a big touch starved puppy
If you don’t dote on him enough in one day then he will come over to you to demand more attention
He tugs on your shirt or nuzzles your neck when he wants more attention from you
Also has a tendency to just. Cling to you. For no apparent reason
Like a little koala, you two are basically attached at the hip half the time
He likes to tell you how much he loves how doting you are but only when you two are alone and he’s barely conscious
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veliseraptor · 4 years
neuxue replied to your post “outlook for today is Bad so if people feel like sending me nice...”
I'd send a virtual hug but I'm bad at hugs so instead, headcanon if you wish: the untamed characters ranked by how good/bad they are at giving hugs
oh man this is a good one and I’m excited by this whole concept. there are not nearly enough hugs in the untamed actually, I’m going to go out and say that. the ones that there are are very good (jiang cheng in episode 20! stand out hugging) but still not enough.
okay let’s go! rated on a scale of 1-10.
Jiang Cheng: We see him give a hug and it is a fantastic one. We see him give a couple hugs, actually, so we know he can do them and is good at them! The one with Wei Wuxian - full body, face in neck, prime hugging material. On the other hand, only gives hugs to two people and once they’re dead probably doesn’t give hugs to anyone, except maybe Jin Ling once a year. Drops his rating to 7/10.
Wei Wuxian: Aces hugger, I’m betting, at least until he got fucked all to hell and stopped touching people in general for the most part. I mean! We see how tactile he is pre-Burial Mounds, and even after that he’s always grabbing onto Lan Wangji. And for someone who is just generally very “I will love you with my whole being” I feel like he probably gives those good full-body hugs. 10/10, would take a Wei Wuxian hug.
Lan Wangji: Will only hug one (1) person and it takes him like two decades. Okay, he did probably hug his mom, and up until the age of 10 Lan Xichen. He would hug Lan Xichen but they’re just not like that. I’m sure Lan Wangji hugs happen but they’re really too rare to assess and unless you’re Wei Wuxian you’re not going to get one. 5/10.
Nie Huaisang: Capable hugger, though not like. The holding kind. I don’t read him as much of a hugger but if he does it I feel like he’d be good at it, because Nie Huaisang is nothing if not committed to his chosen activities. Lands at a solid 7/10.
Jiang Yanli: So you know those times when someone hugs you and you’re like. I did not realize I needed a hug. I didn’t realize I needed a hug until right now, and now I am being hugged and it is so nice that I’m just going to start crying because I feel safe and loved and momentarily like all my problems have gone away? Just me? Anyway, Jiang Yanli hugs like that. 10/10.
Wen Ning: I bet Wen Ning gives great hugs. I have no evidence for this other than the fact that he is an absolute sweetheart who is full of compassion and loyalty and loves the people he loves very much. The tragedy is that after he is undead-ified he has to be, like. Careful with his strength, which makes hugs a little harder. :( But he does his best! Solid 9/10.
Wen Qing: Another one for the “gives great hugs but will only hug her family + Wei Wuxian, so points knocked for that, and also if you told anyone she would not be happy with you, so better keep it to yourself.” But if you watched her hug Wen Ning you’d be like. Damn I wish she’d hug me. 8/10.
Jin Zixuan: Would rather not touch you if he could help it, unless you are Jiang Yanli, and he’s gotta work up to that one, honestly it’s a miracle Jin Ling was conceived and probably mostly down to Jiang Yanli. I bet he is the most awkward hugger imaginable. It’s so bad it’s kind of cute. 2/10.
Jin Guangyao: Probably a decent hugger if he’d do it for you? But I don’t feel like he’s much of a hugger on the whole. Jin Guangyao is not a closet snuggler, I do not think. He will accept hugs from two (2) people, ever, and he would prefer them kept to a minimum. Probably does the quick hug where it’s very light and then he’s out. But also he is very small and huggable if you can get him to hold still for it. 4/10.
Mianmian: In the Mianmian and Jin Zixuan partnership, Mianmian got all the hug energy. 9/10.
Lan Xichen: Would probably be a good hugger if he ever did it, but his personal space bubble is pretty distinct and he doesn’t tend to give off an impression of “please invade me” about it. Limited experience with hugs in general so is probably actually kind of awkward about it. But he would try, if he wanted to. And it would be very nice, especially because of all the fabric involved. 5/10. 
Nie Mingjue: Great hugger, but you’ll never prove it unless you are a child under the age of 10 or Nie Huaisang. 8/10 for reality, dock three points for the impression he gives off as someone who has never given a hug in his life, ends up as 5/10.
Song Lan: Would rather you didn’t touch him at all, thank you. 0/10.
Xiao Xingchen: You wouldn’t think it to look at him but Xiao Xingchen is a closet snuggler and gives great hugs. Is kind of touch starved, actually! Will take a hug when it is offered and lean into it like that one video of a cheetah really happy about getting its head rubbed, you know the one. It’s kind of sad, actually. But also adorable. 8/10 mostly for lack of recent experience.
Xue Yang: Xue Yang gives the best hugs. They’re fantastic full-body affairs that are just like. Almost limpet-like? Also a closet snuggler and pretty aggressive about it. However, also deeply hazardous to your health. Probably a 10/10 if you’re not worried about the risk. 1/10 otherwise, because it’s still nice but then you die, or discover that you’ve killed your best friend/ex-boyfriend by accident and kill yourself. You know how it goes.
A-Qing: Will accept hugs from Xiao Xingchen only and nobody else. Probably good hugs there, though. Still, given their scarcity, she gets a 4/10, especially because I feel like she’d actually bite anyone who wasn’t Xiao Xingchen.
Jin Ling: Again, like Jiang Cheng, gives very good hugs but is more likely to kick you in the shins. 4/10 during canon timeline, 8/10 when he gets older and stops metaphorically kicking people in the shins, also known as “stabbing them.”
Lan Jingyi: Actually I don’t think much of a hugger! He’d be fine at it but not, like, a stand out. I’d give him a 6/10 mostly because he’s slightly higher on this scale than Lan Wangji but not much.
Ouyang Zizhen: I just feel like Ouyang Zizhen gives good hugs. I have no evidence for this or particularly detailed reasoning, only that he is a good boy and we see him rubbing Jingyi’s back soothingly in one scene. 10/10, fight me.
Lan Sizhui: Gives great hugs. We have a lot of canon evidence for this. 9/10 only because he probably didn’t exercise it a lot for a while after the age of, like, 8. He just kind of has that vibe of “I would hug you but I feel like I shouldn’t do hugs indiscriminately, that would be undignified and I have to be the perfect Lan Sect role model.”
Jin Guangshan: No thank you. 0/10.
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queensdivas · 4 years
Peonies Chapter 6
Finally getting to the good stuff because I have been waiting for these chapters!!! Like waiting for Chiara to get to this point and for the record. This chapter is very long. Freakin’ 15 pages on my google docs so just be ready for a long read. 
+18 and older in this chapter!!! Smut alert (cause it’s spicy)!!!!!!! Once again +18 and older in this chapter!!! 
Other than that here we go!!! 
Next chapter 
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My fingers were yanking on his hair as I was riding him to oblivion! His nails dug into my back for the tempo to pick up even more. I could feel his teeth biting hard into my neck which made me squeeze even harder. I never thought that being bitten was such a wonderful feeling in my life! His teeth just clenching into my skin just made it so much better!
“Holy fuck Chiara!” He took in a huge breath of air as I pushed him down onto the ground.
“Scream my name!” I yelled as we were getting closer and closer to that sweet edge!
“GRIGOR AH FUCK!” My nails digging into his chest!
“Choke me.” I stopped to then looked directly into his eyes.
“Do you want me to say it in italian? Ti prego soffocami Chiara.” Holy hell. If that’s what he wants then who am to say no. Picking up my rhythm again as my hand reached down to his throat.
“That’s it...holy shit that’s it!” God I could feel him..Holy hell. My toes were curling from the pleasure as me choking him would fuck me harder! The way he’s moaning is just absolutely stunning and making it so much better! It’s so..fucking..beautiful! His moaning just sends shivers up and down my entire core!
Grigor's hands traveled up to squeeze my breast tightly for then his left hand to travel up to my neck. Oh god he’s going faster! Yes yes yes yes! I could see flowers blooming! Stars exploding before my eyes. I had to let go of my grip to collapse on his chest as he pounded into me.
God I want to stick my tongue down his throat fuck! Turning my head for me to start kissing the fuck out of him. Our tongues slithered around with one another till he basically took over for a few moments. Stopping the tangliging as he began diving into my neck to mark the shit out of me.
“Stick your tongue down my throat.” Pulling his head from my neck to start slamming my lips against him for our tongues to start twirling around with one another. God his tongue can make me come just from this Jesus. He stopped as the final penetration was arriving and it was so beautiful! Each thrust was hitting exactly where it needed to be!
“Grigor! Grigor..” My eyes rolled in the back of my head as we looked at one another. Just watching his facial expression change was just intoxicating!
“Cumming..CUMMING!” Grigors neck leaned back as I laughed since I’ve never seen him in such selief. After a moment he looked up to see that I..I..
“Did you not?” It cued for him as he pushed me onto the ground and got on top of me.
“I may not be able to finish you with my cock. But I know your pussy loves other things besides cock. Ride my face.” My entire body turned dark red for me to slide down and positioned myself on his face.
Dear...Ah...God...I can’t even describe on how. Ahhhhh. My hands began to touch my own breast for my head to lean back to almost fall backwards onto his body. His tongue was going round and round constantly.
My hand went down to start rubbing my own clit to make the sensation feel even more exquisite. Yes..YES! While my right hand was continuing on my clit my left hand began to pull his air. His two bare hands travelled up my sides to then give my ass a wonderful smack.
“Gri..Grigor..almost..almost..” He kept smacking which was the final push over the edge. A wave of electricity streaked through my body in the final moment. Yanking his hair as hard as I could for him to moan underneath my body.
This Russian coldness couldn’t even bother us at the moment from the large amount of body heat radiating off one another. Climbing off of him to then lay down on the cool grass. My chest was rising and falling as we both were staring up into the tree. The leaves are swaying in the wind that was allowing a cool breeze to rest on our naked bodies.
“Holy fuck.” I smiled as we turned our heads to face one another.
“I don’t think I’ve ever experienced something like that…” He commented as I smiled.
“Our love making would’ve been the type you would see in great halls. The greek gods I believed experienced something like that before.” Grigor sat up to grab a glass of water. He took a large sip then for me to sit up and take a sip after him.
“Tell me my dearest do you always enjoy..” Motioning to his neck as he sighed.
“The Emperor told me once that it helps make this more pleasurable. Guess that’s the only time that he’s been right because holy fuck.” I guess so. He wasn’t wrong about that because that was fantastic. Wait..those are hand prints.
“Grigor..I left..” Oh shit. I left markings and more specifically my hand marks from too hard of choking.
“I’m so sorry oh my…” I feel horrible! My eyes drifted over to my shoulder where I had bite marks from what I could see.
“Barbarians we are.” He commented as he scooted closer to me and kissed his own bite marks. I leaned over to see that we still had some fresh bread and I am starving. Leaning over to grab a slice then spread a little jam.
“So when were you going to tell me you’ve been learning italian.” Taking a bite as he snuck in to take the next bite.
“Figured you would be more impressed. A tutor for the children was teaching them French and since French and Italian are very similar, it worked out perfectly.” He had a little jam on the corner of his mouth. Leaning in to lick it off he left a soft kiss on his lips.
“Thieves should be punished.” Laughing as I was extremely close to his face.
“Should I be?” My hand snuck up his chest
“Yes. But not at this moment.” Raising my piece of my bread to then scoot away from him. Grabbing a grape to put into my mouth to slow eat in front of him.
“You should try these grapes Grigor. They taste devine.” Taunting him with another grape as I could tell he wanted to get on top of me and ravish. But ah ah ah. He’s being punished for being such a thief. He took a grape from the vine scoot over towards me with it in his mouth.
“No reward for your Grigor. You’ve stolen from me.” Tapping the grape for him to chew it then kissing my finger.
“You’re too much for me Chiara.” Falling back onto the ground as I laughed at him for a minute. I enjoy a little torture in my life.
“When am I going to see those sketches on Grigor? You promised me.” Looking down at him as he smirked at me. Forming my puppy eyes to have him get up from the grass and onto the blanket.
Joining him on the blanket as he opened his sketching bag. He pulled out the first sketch as it..oh..why am I not surprised that it’s a naked woman. But the details are remarkable. To the smallest details on the naked bodies to small beauty marks.
“Grigor..Grigor this is scandalous.” Chuckling as I went to the next is that Svenska? Now the cold was catching up as I felt him place his coat around my shoulder. This is one of the most comfortable coats I’ve worn.
“How on earth did you persuade Svenska to get naked for you?” Asking him as he started to rub the back of his head.
“Costed a gold necklace.” Mhmmm.
“So you’ve slept with other people besides George?”
“Of course not! Before George yes but as I told you, all it costed was a gold necklace.” Well normally I’m not one for degrading fellow women in this world. But at least my nipples aren’t bigger than apples. I kept going through his artwork to see more than naked women, there was one of a wild elk with such gigantic antlers! I’ve never seen one with such large antlers and a tiger?
“That was my old tiger. His name was Maxim and was a wonderful cat till he ripped the arm off my old nanny. Other than that he was a wonderful pet.”
“You would enjoy Africa and all the wildlife there Grigor. You would be able see a herd of zebras and the elephants. Watch those wonderful Lions attack these prey and even better. Witness a cheetah running full speed at an ostrich!” Then reality kicked in. He wouldn’t come to Africa to sketch some wild animals. Truth be told I have been beginning to enjoy our time together. Even before the wild sex.
“Tell me more about Trento.” He asked for me to raise my eyebrow. It’s not like he’s ever going to visit there in his life.
“Why must I always talk about myself. I feel as if it’s all about myself without even knowing much about you. I know you obviously but I get old talking about myself.” Telling him as I handed him back his sketches.
“Rijn Van Rembrandt. My father took me to St. Petersburg for some business. When I was there I snuck off from the boring meeting to see an exhibition happening. His work Bathseba at her bath was on display and I just stood there. My father eventually found me and that is when he bought me my first sketching papers and pencils.” Kissing him softly to show a little gratitude
“Thank you for sharing with me Grigor.” Another kiss for him to place his hands on my cheeks.
“My mother surprisingly did not enjoy the idea of me drawing. Said it would lead to bad habits and wanting to seek out what is bad for me.” He took the sketches from my hands for his hands to travel up my left leg.
“You’re not imagining your mother are you? Catherine told me that the Emperor thinks about his mother when he does the deed.” I started laughing because Grigor fell back onto the blanket and laughed.
“My mother sadly loved me and always looked out for me in the end. Not to mention she treated me like a human being instead of a diseased child.” My eyes widened at his statement to pop another grape into his mouth.
“You really don’t enjoy him do you?” At this point this is starting to lay the seeds of the coup into the mind of Peter's most trustworthy associate. I’m not saying that all this time has been going towards the coup. Because I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve been spending together with one another. Trust me. But I also came here to help Catherine with the coup. Just took a little break because someone’s cock is marvelous. Oh that was too much.
“He’s a good friend to say the most. We do enjoy hunting together, drinking, and partying.” Not going to bring up George of course since it’s not my place.
“Hmmm. Must be interesting to see someone like Peter rule a country when he’s such a loose canon.”
“Well that’s where I come in my dear. I’m sort of that force that blocks those too mad for the country ideas. He’s tried to establish that the ladies of the court walk around in only robes and their hats. I then told him about the mysert that women hold and that they need to stay mysterious.” Wow. Who’d know that Grigor had such an important role. I’m not saying that he’s not important but he’s the barrier from all the bad ideas. Not all of them but tries his best I’m assuming.
Though reality striked that Grigor will be staying in Russia once I finally head back to Italy. I think that if we continue this sort of love relationship that he would want to come to Italy but I highly doubt it’s going to happen. He has grown significantly a part of my life in such an intimate way that it’s a little hard to imagine that possibly within a few weeks I’ll be going home and leaving this troublesome country.
Yet deep down in that hardened soul he wouldn’t leave his wife for some foreign Duchess because his home his here, his future children will be here, and I will be Italy. Eventually there will be a time that I will have to get married to some other Duke or Prince who the hell knows at this point. Eventually I’ll have to get married and bring some sort of child into this world and continue on the cycle of life. At Least I’m completely aware of this fact and if he wants to come to Italy he can if not then all I lose is a lover.
“Grigor I am so sorry but I completely forgot Catherine and I are supposed to have tea very soon!” Grabbing my shirt to stand up and slip it onto my body. I then grabbed my pants to practically jump into them. I finished getting dressed to see Grigor and watched me from the blanket the entire time.
“My darling. Come to my chambers tonight and we shall finish this sketch, with a lot of wine and cheese.” Ordering him but in a very seductive matter. Though this may not last forever, I might as well enjoy the time in the present.
“Add some oranges please, and peaches.” My hands moved around to then place my hand right underneath his neck.
“And make sure those peaches are extremely juicy.” Telling him as my lips hovered over his but didn’t kiss.
“Is that understood?”
“Yes m’lady.” He shivered and gave him one extremely long kis to the point I gave his bottom lip a quick suck and bite. He moaned for a moment as I got up from the ground and my boot knife since I forgot to put it in my boot.
“Ciao Grigor!” Swaying my hips a little more to know that he was staring directly at my ass. He is starting to grow on me and these unknown feelings that have entered my core are rather nice. Though this will not be a cliche story of where I just ignore my feelings and take months on them. I’m a little smarter than that.
Making it inside the palace to see Count Orlo walking up the stairs with rolled up maps tucked in his arms. Catching up to him as he turned his head to shake it at me.
“You missed the meeting.” He commented as I sighed.
“My apologies. You going to slap me on the wrist for missing?”
“No. Just you’re here to help, not sleep with the enemy.”
“Think of it as a way for me to help get closer to the enemy. What did I miss?”
“Catherine is going with Elizabeth to the front in order to bring up the moral with the soldiers. It’s a good tactic to get the military on our side and then the church afterwards.” They looked up maps underneath his arm?
“Are those maps Orlo?” He motioned me into the empty room.
We walked over to the big table for him to plop down all the rolled up papers he had tucked underneath his arms. Going through them till he found the one he was looking for. Opening it up to then place random tabletop places. The entire war map was displayed before me as I noticed that a lot of the Sweds were winning this war.
“The Swedish have taken control of Sosnovyy Bor. An important port but not as important as Vyborg where we’re keeping them completely out of.” Taking a look to see how close Sosnovyy Bor was to St. Petersburg and it’s closer than I could’ve imagined. At any time they could easily invade St. Petersburg and we lose the war. Though it would be a good way so that Peter can be bethrowned but now can head into Moscow then to us. I’m going to avoid bloodshed in this battle.
“Orlo. How much has Catherine learned from this map?”
“She told me that she would get all the information she needed when arriving at the front.” Great.
“Orlo. Let me have this map and I’ll go through my studies to see if I can find a solution.” I think I have an idea.
“What are you planning?” Rolling up the map for myself then smiling.
“Making Catherine look like a genius.” Walking away from Orlo to then head to my chambers.
This..this might work.
*The Next Morning*
Since I missed the meeting because of lust and sketches. Catherine came up with a brilliant idea (not sarcastic at all I promise) that we would go to the front to see the soldiers and how the war is going. This is a good learning chance on my military tactics that I was more than happy to accompany her to the front.
Now I understand what she’s trying to do and I’m here to help with bringing up the soldiers moral! But at such Godless hours in the morning. And macaroons? Bring them a feast with warm meat and vegetables! Not sugary sweets! Who knows maybe it will. Catherine does know what she’s doing...most of the time. Not that she isn’t smart but soldiers prefer victories over sweets, but we won’t know till we get there.
My hand was resting on Grigor's bare chest for me to open my eyes. I’m meant to go with Catherine and Elizabeth to the front for some moral and aid. On our way there I plan on slipping a little advice under Catherines greatness. Sort of passing a note in order to get the War moving on.
Scooting over to place a soft kiss on his cheek for him to still be asleep. Fernanda came into the bedroom with my clothes for the ride. She looked at Grigor then making sure that she wasn’t too loud.
“Heavy sleeper. We’ll be fine.” Telling her as I lifted the nightgown off for her to hand me my white shirt. The corset was next for me as I looked over at Grigor who was still asleep. Hopefully this doesn’t wake him up. Placing the corset on my body as I stood straight up to wait for her to start tightening it.
“Holy shit!” Whispering as she pulled a little to the tight. I think my lungs are coming out of my throat! Another quick tight pull for her to tie it up for Grigor to still be asleep. I finished getting dressed and he was still asleep.
“I’ll be going to the front of Fernanda. Let him know whenever he wakes up that I’m not sure when I’ll get back.” Telling her as she nodded. She handed me my belt and sword for me to tighten it. Then finally my boot dagger for safety measures. If I’m going to be with a bunch of men then I’m going to stay safe. I do need something to do on the ride so why not a book. The Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu, seems fitting.
Walking back over to Grigor's bed side to place a soft kiss on his forehead. This must’ve woken him since he grabbed my arm softly. Opening his eyes slightly for him to get up from the bed and rub his eyes.
“Good morning.” Telling him as he yawned.
“Good morning. Where are you off to?”
“I’m going to the front with Catherine and Elizabeth for the day.” Kissing his lips for him to nod then widened his eyes.
“To the front? You’re not even Russian! So why do you care about the war?” Though he does have a point since they’re not my men, not even my country.
“You do remember that I’m here for Catherine. Where she goes I must go, and if she is to go to the front then I must go to the front.” Telling him yet he was still confused about my reasoning.
“I’ll be just fine. You know that I’m more than capable of handling myself.”
“Let me kiss you for a few more minutes please.” He begged to pull me on top of him and smashed his lips against mine. Sitting in his lap for him to place kisses all over my neck and face. His lips are wonderful and extremely intoxicating. But as much as I would love him to undress me and ravish me, I have to get going for our trip.
“Grigor..Grigor stop…” Laughing for him to stop and look at me.
“Must you go?”
“Yes. I promise I’ll be back this evening and you can tell me about that new trick you’ve learned.”
“Which one?”
“The seated wheelbarrow I think is what you called it.” Climbing off him to stand up next to him.
“Ciao Grigor.” He took my hand to place a soft kiss for me to walk away. I could hear Catherine coming towards the door from the other side. Opening it to see her all dolled up in her appropriate attire.
“Good morning Chiara.” Bubbly and excited in a sense for the front.
“Good morning Catherine. You are more ready than ever I see.” Telling her as we began walking down the hall.
“I’m very excited to see the front. It should be a very important learning experience for me and should help with the coup tremendously.” She told me as I nodded.
“Have you been keeping up with the war?” Asking her for us to start walking down the stairs to the carriages.
“Not really. Velementov can give me an update on arrival.” He won’t have time. He’s too busy trying to win the war!
“But you have to go in with some sort of plan Catherine. Even you would have something like that of the sorts going into it.” Telling her as she stopped walking down the stairs to turn to face me.
“This isn’t a tactic. And I imagine you are unaware of what’s going on in the war just as much as I am.” I love her confidence but this sort of idea that he’ll just tell her his plans. I think Catherine needs to understand the true situation.
“The Sweds have taken control of Sosnovyy Bor and will make their way up the coast to invade St. Petersburg. If they keep Bor they’ll use it as a city to regather supplies, the man power, and then they head to Saint Petersburg. If Velementov gets his head together he can invade Bor easily and push them all the way back to Hanko. Then from Hanko to Mariehamm, take over that group of islands and then the Sweds are back into their country. The war is over and we win. Only problem is that the Sweds have an extremely strong hold Hanko which will require even..”
“Catherine! Oh and Chiara I am delighted that both of you will be joining me on this trip. It’s quite lonely when I make this journey. Come come.” Motioning for us to follow her.
We stood next to the carriage as two servants placed two boxes inside the carriage. I’m assuming those are the macaroons. Elizabeth was first to climb in, followed by me then finally Catherine. What a weird way to bring morale up but if the boots fit then the boot fits.
“Chiara you have such a unique way of living.” Elizabeth commented for the carriage to start moving.
“Thank you?”
“I’ve heard stories like you Chiara. Women who go above the normal parts of society, always leads to such tragic deaths in the end. Poor Joan of Arc was burned at the steak, Artemisia of Caria who jumped from a tall rock in Leucas Greece.” I ummm. I don’t plan on leaping from a rock for the love of my life, and The Catholic church won’t burn me for heresy.
“No matter. Just know that it’s an exciting time to get to know you. For someone who only fucks one person you’re stronger than most.” Oh my god what is happening!?
I must say that Aunt Elizabeth is an interesting sort of woman who I think is as mad as a dog but smarter than most people realize. I believe that she uses her own sexuality to her advantage and sort of does what’s best for Peter. Which is understandable for she is his aunt. But there’s more to her than she’s letting on.
But to the front!
“It is nivering.” Elizabeth was messing with her cape as I was looking outside into the forest. Even though the Emperor is a sack of shit the landscape is gorgeous.
“A bit. But I’m glad you’ve allowed us to come with you on this experience.” I’m glad but I’m just exhausted.
“Oh I enjoy both of your company. You Catherine laugh at my jokes and you Chiara with your wit and spiteful tongue.” I wouldn’t call it spiteful. Maybe?
“Not to mention Catherines tales of German childhood are whimsical, and make me wish I knew what a kugelhopf was.” It’s a cake. Right?
“It is just a cake.” That’s what I thought. It’s a sort of cake that has raisins, fresh oranges, or lemons, and almonds. Mostly served at breakfast time if I remember correctly. They talked for a few moments till the mood changed within the carriage. Elizabeth sighed as she looked out the window.
“You should prepare yourself for a little unpleasantness on arrival.” It’s the front. I’m not exactly expecting a picnic on arrival.
“Yes. Of course.”
“So tell me then Elizabeth. What exactly is the attitude of the Russian army?” She looked at me with a small devilish smile.
“That we will not stop until every last Swedish soldier is dead. That is the attitude of the Russian army.” Leaning in closer to her as I was doubting that answer. On paper yes that would be the attitude, in the history books yes.
“Elizabeth. What is the..” The carriage stopped before I could finish asking her my question. I get that she understood what I was asking in the first place yet she has to put on a brave face to get ready for the front.
The carriage door opened for the smell of blood, vomit, gunpowder, and so much more to come swerling into the carriage. This is what war smells of. Blood and powder. I’m for certain that my great great Grandfather Sir Fabrizio would be proud of me finally experiencing some war. Even if it is just chatting with the Generals. Maybe throw in a few strategies I’ve studied through my entire life.
Catherine was the first one out as I noticed she was in a little star struck and blocking the door. Quickly moving for Elizabeth to come out and then followed by me. My boots sunk into the mud a little as it looked like a horrid place. War is horrid just remember this Chiara.
So many injured..so many dead. How can The Emperor who has been losing non stop allow this much carnage? The amount of lost lives alone, though war is war but you have to be aware when you’re on the losing side! Even I know that much! Wait Chiara. This is war and these men know that they might do for their country, for war is unavoidable.
“Ladies!” We turned our heads to see Velementov and his aids coming out of his tents.
“Empresses and Duchess. How wonderful that you’ve come. You are an inspiration to us all.” Diamonds in the rough are exactly what I would call us at this moment.
“Would you care for a macaroon? We’ve brought 300 for the men.” Ah yes. The Macaroons in order to bring up the moral of war.
“Do you mind if I take a couple?” He shoved two into his mouth and then a few into his pockets. Even I must say when I get back I’m going to stuff my face with panettones and delicious pastas.
“Please. Follow me.” Velementov instructed with his mouth full of food. Catherine looked absolutely disgusted and almost green before my eyes.
“What is that smell?”
“Bodies, mud, horse shit, smoke of cannons. It is not a place for women.” I feel offended. Joan of Arc and Khutulun were on the battlefield fighting alongside the men. Maybe not as much of the gunpowder and cannons but definitely the smell of blood and horse shit.
“If it is a place where Russian men die, then it is a place for us.” Elizabeth responded to Velementov’s statement.
“How is the war progressing General?” Asking Velementov for him to sigh a little.
“We have received some setbacks.” Some?
“But what the peevish Swede entirely lacks is our ferocious Russian fighting spirit. That in the end, always guarantees victory.” I think the Mangolians thought of that once but they successfully invaded Russia.
“So we’re losing?” Catherine and I asked and could immediately tell Elizabeth was burnt.
“Catherine! Chiara! Focus on the men. And only victory. They need hope.” Not my men. My men are in their warm beds with their family not fighting some war in order to prove that you’re just as good as your own father. Too soon? I watched as Catherine and Elizabeth began to pass around Macaroons to the men and put on a brave face. Bread and meat would be much better than macaroons but I understand the reasoning behind it.
“I’m told you’re prepared to pose for a battle painting.” A battle painting?
“Yes indeed General. Whatever will help fire the men’s morale.” A painting? Really?
“A grand victorious painting of the two of you is sure to do just that.” A painting!? So that the men could have a little time for themselves? Never!
“Tell me Velementov. What is your strategy exactly? From what I’ve read it’s been nothing but full head on attacks.” Stating as he took a macaroon from his pocket.
“The Emperor has ordered us to keep full on head attacks to the Sweds.” Catherine and Elizabeth were getting themselves ready for the war painting for me to start thinking about the strategies that have been taught to me from past Knights of my family.
“Velementov. I assume you’re away from the Norman Conquest of England in 1066?” Asking as I motioned for his aid to pull out a map.
“Williams' army contained 2,000 cavalrymen and 5,000 infantrymen with crossbows, bows, and swords. Williams only option was for a frontal assault in order to invade. After a no so frontal assault, William personally led a cavalry charge but was turned back by the Saxon defenses and the horrible weather of England. He was then defeated. Not to mention rumors of Williams death began going around, which we all know was a lie because he was seen alive, rallied his troops and renewed the assault. He ordered his soldiers to fire at a much higher angle instead of directly into the army in order to break their defense.” He looked annoyed as the map was opened for me to look at where exactly the war was going on.
“I don’t need a lecture on past military tactics. I might be a dishonorable general but not a moron.” That’s not what I’m trying to do exactly.
“That’s not what I’m trying to do Velementov. I know that the Sweds are held up in Sosnovyy Bor and from a reliable source that they might head into St. Petersburg.” Looking at a much bigger map to see that the Sweds had locked down Sosnovyy Bor.
“If you do not take Sosnovyy Bor back from the Sweds then you loose Saint Petersburg and then you might as well wave the white flag of war.” He knows and is aware of this. I think that the Emporer is too busy making stupid ideas and jokes that he doesn’t know that the Sweds are literally at his doorstep.
“What I’m saying is that you rain in from all different angles. You block them by the sea and by land to rain down on very different angles. There is only one road that the Sweds can use in order to escape and that’s an easy blockade to form as well. Attacking your own city may not be the best idea, but you save St. Petersburg from those damn Sweds. You then push them back to Hanko to surround them there.”
“You are a rare flower..a flower that blooms in the middle of a battlefield full of dead soldiers.” Velementov commented for me nod.
“One must have an understanding of war if one is to lead. Atleast I get the chance to actually understand tactics.”
“Whenever I am back at the palace. I might call upon you for more advice on war.” Picking my hand up to kiss it. Yeah this won’t be happening in a lifetime and even if he was the last man on earth I still wouldn’t sleep with him.
The carriage ride was dead silent before me. I could tell both Catherine and Elizabeth were beside themselves on having to stand on top of dead soldiers for a portrait. While I on the other hand feel extremely successful for sort of conducting my own first military tactic. Hopefully they can take back Bor and all will be settled.
“Stop!” Elizabeth ordered to bang her cane on the top of the carriage. We stopped as I looked up from my book.
Elizabeth climbed out of the carriage to stand in the middle of the forest. She began to hollar, kick, and looking like she was going to rip her own hair out of her body. That’s one way to deal with your problems and no wonder she’s kept herself sane. We looked at each other for me to wonder what that was about. Then back out to the window for a little more screaming. Only seconds later she gathered herself back together as Catherine and I watched her climb back into the carriage and place her poker face on to us. Catherine’s mood changed from tears into anger.
“Are you alright?” Asking both of them but definitely towards Elizabeth.
“Of course. Whatever it was is floating on the wind now. Do you need to? Both of you? We can stop.” Though I do feel the pain of these men. This is not my country and hasn’t affected my day to day life when I return home to Italy. This was only meant to wager Catherine in good favor.
“I need to scream. But not into the air, but at the world for allowing this to happen.”
“War is inevitable, since cavemen smashed each other’s faces in for control of the fire stick.”
“It cannot be. It is a choice.”
“Things that are built in our nature are not choices.”
“Such as our human need to seek companionship.” Commenting to look back down into my book. A macaroon sounds delicious. If a bunch of soldiers can have a macaroon then don’t mind if I do. Opening the box to grab a pink and blue macaroon to pop the pink one in my mouth.
I’m hungry. There’s no need to think that I’m some heartless woman because that is not the case. War is inevitable such as Elizabeth stated and there is no such thing as a permanent peaceful society. Eventually that society must go through blood in order to keep that peace. Both Elizabeth and Catherine watched me eat the blue one as if it was a crime.
“Can’t decide if I can stomach a macaroon or not.” Catherine took the blue box from the ground to then chuck it directly out of the carriage into the forest. There’s no need to waste macaroons, and these were delicious.
“FUCK!” She screamed for me to close my book and place it next to me.
“There you go. Let it out.”
“We have to object to this. We cannot subject men to this nightmare, their lives and hopes extinguished. Russia cannot continue on this path.”
“We will prevail.”
“At what cost?”
“Well, that is the trick to it. Knowing when the cost is still bearable and when it has tipped too far.” Though it is a certain matter that is meant to happen, eventually there is a time to call it quits. Unless you’re the Christians and Muslims and think it’s a great idea to have a war that lasts 780 years.
“That seemed too far.”
“I’ve seen worse. But I admire your heart and fire.”
“I am scorched by that, certainly and will not forget it.”
“I hoped it would happen. You are becoming a Russian.”
I think Catherine and I need to have a long talk on ruling an Empire. War is inevitable, war is not a one time deal that goes away after a few days. It is only the continuance of politics but not solved in the halls until it’s too late.
@mirkwoodshewolf @bonafiderocketqueen @johndeaconshands
@jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @amethyst-serenade @radio-ha-ha @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too @deck-heart @actuallyanita  @the-baby-bookworm @ewanmcgregors​ @panagiasikelia​
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Angel - Chapter 2
Here is chapter 2 of angel, i hope it satiates you fiends.
Warnings: smut, conspiracy around death, swearing
this was co-written and edited by my main bitch @bonjour-je-mappelle-fuckyou
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  It had been days and you’d neither seen nor heard from Maxwell, you were beginning to worry that he had forgotten you in this big apartment, worrying that you had quit your job and left your home just for him to forget that you’d agreed to an arrangement with him, but hey, at least he forgot you in this apartment, and not your old one. He wasn’t asking for rent, Darius had brought you groceries the morning you had gone to your apartment to get the rest of your belongings, you reckon you were good for at least a few weeks before you ran out of food.
             As you pondered how long it would be until someone kicked you out or you starved you heard a short knock on the door, well it looks like you might last a few more weeks than you’d anticipated.
            You opened the door to see Darius standing there, tall and proud, “good morning Miss, I’ve been instructed to take you shopping for some new clothes, it seems Maxwell has anticipated your start at his Lord Industries this coming Monday and I’ve been told to show you the dress code of such a company, though with us both knowing Maxwell like we do I’m sure you could assume.” Ahh so he hadn’t forgotten you, that’s a good sign. 
 “Darius please, if you keep calling me miss, I'll start calling you sir and I don’t think either of us would prefer that. Y/N is a fine name and I think I would like to hear it more often. And yes, I’m sure I could assume the dress code Max ‘requires’ though I’m sure most of my clothes would suit that.”
            Darius let a short puff of air out of his nose, what you had come to know as him laughing apparently. “while that is true miss- ahh sorry Y/N, the man is loaded and quite frankly a scoundrel, let’s go load up for the sake of it, I’m sure you would appreciate a new pair of boots, the ones I met you didn’t see you have any arch support.” He had a slight smirk on his face as he spoke to you. 
 “Darius that’s scandalous, also leave my Docs out of this, they might as well be vintage, my mother bought them in the UK in the 60s” you said looking down at your cherry red docs, which had obviously seen way more than they should have. 
 “Ahh so they’re definitely provided no support, your poor feet, we must amend this. Come on, get dressed in the next ten minutes or I’m going to drag you out of this door by those frayed laces.” 
 While it sounded harsh, the tone of his voice and the expression accompanied let you know that he was joking with you, he could be quite cheeky as you’d noticed the first night you met him, although he acted quite different in front of Max, in fact he didn’t act like anything in front of Max, he was silent, if you couldn’t see him you’d assume the car drove itself. The demeanor change between them concerned you slightly. 
 “Alright no need to get violent, I’ll be just a sec.”
             When Darius told you that you’d be going shopping you’d assumed you’d be going to a mall, so it confused you completely when you drove past the mall you’d shopped at so many times, only for him to drive into the rich side of town, the streets were lined with high end fashion stores and boutique cafes, and oh look at that, more illegible French on restaurant windows.
             Walking around this part of town in a miniskirt and a boxy blouse felt wrong, you really didn’t fit in here. Darius led the way, practically pulling you into stores, seemingly knowing every sales assistant in each shop, it made you slightly insecure, how many times had Darius brought someone like you to go shopping, you weren’t used to being one of many. Most of the men you previously had arrangements with had only been involved with you, and the occasional wife, (yes they know don’t look at yourself with such disdain), it didn’t sit well with you that you might be sharing Max’s affections.
             You tried on dress after skirt after blouse after horrible blazers with those horrible shoulder pads. God you missed the trends of the 70s. You really didn’t know what you were looking for, thankfully Darius had been leading the expedition, telling the assistants which clothes you would be requiring. Each time they took the item to the checkout you felt a sense of guilt, it was really starting to pile up, finally after a particularly hideous ensemble consisting of cheetah print, neon green and you guessed, shoulder pads, Darius called time, deciding that you had both racked up quite the amount on Max’s card, (though you really don’t think you could take any of the credit, or blame.)
             “Y/N I don’t mean to intrude but you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet through the last few stores, is there something wrong?” honestly you didn’t know if there is although you couldn’t deny your silence was out of place. “yeah of course I’m fine, I just get overwhelmed when shopping, that’s all, it's no big deal, it was nice that you knew everyone.” You paused for only a moment contemplating whether you should ask your next question but before you could even stop yourself our mouth was spewing out the words, “how did you know everyone by the way?”
             “Before I was Mr. Lord’s driver, I was a driver to Mrs. Lord. No, no it's not what you think. Maxwell and marriage aren’t two words that go in the same sentence. Mrs. Lord was his mother. She was quite the shopper and not the talker. So, while she was trying on clothes, I made friends with the clerks. It made both our times much more pleasant around her Highness.” somehow and for some reason it eased you to know that it was Maxwell’s mother that made the connection and not a line of women preceding you. 
             “What is Mrs. Lord like?'' Maybe the person who raised Max is an indication as to who he is now. 
 “Was, actually, she died when Maxwell was 17, along with her father, it was terrible really, their private jet went down over the triangle, it's such a shame, Max really needed his parents around that time, after that the house help and I remained the only thing close to family he had, he shut off and down, became ruthless and cold, he used to be such a bright and kind young man, I saw the life leave his eyes the day he found out that it had left his parents. I'm sorry Miss I’ve probably already said too much, I’m not really sure I should be speaking with you about this, it's not that I don't trust you but Maxwell is very private, if I hadn’t have been there to see it I would never know, he has never spoken about his parents, to anyone.” 
             Somehow what Darius said about Max and his parents really stuck with you, even after you’d gotten back to the apartment, you couldn't stop thinking about how horrible it must have been to grow up without parents, especially through such important years like his 20s, they’d miss every milestone he has in his adult life and he’ll miss having his parents there for them. You didn't have much time to think on it, you'd only been home about 30 minutes before the phone starting ringing on the nightstand next to you, you picked up the receiver to hear a breathy voice on the other side, “angel, I’m gonna need you to open the door,” and then the call was dropped.
             Maxwell. You rushed to the door, when you swung it open you noticed a slightly disheveled Maxwell staring at you with darkness clouding his eyes, “you know you could have just kno-” but you were cut off when he pushed the door closed and slammed you against it, his lips smacking straight into yours in a fit of heat and passion, you weren’t sure where this was going but you weren’t going to complain, “just shut up, I’m pissed and I wanna fuck you. Now. go to the bedroom, make sure you’re naked, face down. Do you understand?” you just nodded, looking up at him with what he assumed to be excitement, you basically sprinted to the bedroom, quickly undressed and headed his note to be face down. As you anxiously anticipated what he was going to do to you, all thoughts of his parents had been replaced with possibility. 
             “God you're such a good girl for me aren't you” he was standing at the door staring at you, eyes raking over your naked body. You heard his footsteps get closer to the bed and then suddenly you were hit with a sharp smack to your ass, “god this ass is fucking incredible, I can’t wait to see how it looks in all those new clothes you bought, wanna give me a private show of them?” “yes, sir I’d love to” your voice was high and almost pathetic sounding, Max had done nothing more than briefly spank your ass and suddenly you're already so out of breath. “Not now angel, you’re going to let me fuck you good, and then you’re going to show me how well you can walk afterwards.” 
             You heard him undo his belt and then clothing hit the floor, the bed dipped either side of your thighs and suddenly both his hands were on our hips and he was pulling up to him in one swift lift, “god this pussy, is fucking beautiful, and you’re already so wet, is this what I do to you? You like being manhandled like this doll?” you just whimpered at him praying he would touch you. “Come on angel with your words, tell me how this is affecting you.” you could hear the devil's patented smirk on his face as he spoke, knowing how riled up he was getting you. “Yes sir, I love it, I love when you throw me around, you're making me so needy sir please I love it please do more” you could barely pause to take a  breath you felt so needy and so pathetic that he was affecting you in this way but after the last night you spent together you thought you were right to be. 
             “There's no time to play around tonight angel, I need you now.” His voice was harsh and low, it made you cower away from him, but his grip on our hips was strong and tight and he wasn't letting you go anywhere, he spanked you, one, two, three more times, “are you ready angel” you could tell he was impatient and so were you. “Yes, dear god yes please, please just fuck me.” and with your words, he slammed into you, his hips hitting your ass with the force of a freight train. For someone who sounded so desperate he was going admirably slow, every thrust into your pussy was forceful almost calculated, as he rammed into you. You felt frustrated at his pace, like he was holding back and that is not what you needed right now, you needed him to fuck you, rough, hard, fast. Now. “Please, Max don’t make me beg for it please just fuck me, use me, I need you to go faster, be rough with me please.” 
             “My pretty girl so whiny,” he quickened his pace, pistoning into you sending your brain into a frenzy, your legs already turning to jelly, “is this how you want it princess? Me fucking you like a little whore? Hmm?” his words were almost enough to drive you over the edge already, you had barely even started, and you felt like you were already close. “Please Max it’s so good fuck so good sir I love it when you use me.” 
             Max pulled out of you, and before you even had time to protest he had flipped you over, he shoved three fingers deep inside you, looking down on like he was ready to eat you whole. “You filthy little girl, you're ready to cum, aren't you? I've barely even gotten started and you're ready to finish? No that's not how this is going to work. Let's see how many times you can cum for me, let's see how many orgasms I can pull out of this beautiful cunt.” his words were as vulgar as the way he was fucking you with his fingers, if you both hadn’t been breathing so hard you’d be able to hear how wet you were, every thrust sending like heaven to his ears. He removed his fingers and lined himself up once again, no time for teasing he thrust back into you, resetting the fast pace he had previously set. “Tell me how rough you want it doll, tell me what you want from me.”
             Your mind swirled with the possibilities, all you could choke out was, “choke me, and smack me, I’m your whore please please please just use me.” immediately one hand flew to your throat, grasping it tightly but not enough to cut off your air supply. He kept ramming into you and you could feel yourself starting to get close as you moaned so loudly “Sir please, please, I’m so close, please let me cum” “do it doll, come all over my dick I want to feel your pussy cry for me.” and with his words you did just that, the hand around your throat tightened as you fell into sick bliss, your brain was experiencing an orgasm 100 times better than it ever had and you couldn't tell whether it was the lack of oxygen or Max’s dick that was making you feel higher than any drug could take you. As you came down, Max was still fucking you, slower than before but not as excruciating as originally.
             “I think if we had any neighbours up here you would have just earned us a noise complaint.” he smirked down at you. Yu were still dazed, pathetically smiling up at him when a harsh smack hit your face waking you up. “Already so fucked out baby how cute,” he knew just how to get you going, his lips were back on yours as he kept fucking into, drilling his cock deeper and deeper. You were whining and moaning not caring at this point if half of the city heard you, you were getting the fuck of a life time and as you screamed out Maxwell’s name you’d hoped everyone would hear how well the most important man in the city was fucking you. 
             “You ready for one more baby doll coz I’m getting close and I don’t wanna leave you behind.” he didn’t give you time to respond when his thumb flew to your clit rubbing it in circles almost as fervently as he was fucking you, and just as Max had planned you started to feel like you were on the edge again. 
             “Max please I’m close again.” you warned him, he sped up, quickening his pace even more somehow, “not without me doll you hold it until I say you can come you understand me?” you whined out a breathy yes, hoping you could head his orders, it felt like an eternity before he finally whispered, “Cum” in your ear and you did just that. Both you and Max were a moaning screaming jumble of limbs as you milked his cock dry and he pounded into you savouring the sweet release. He fell on top of you, both sweating profusely as you laughed out. “I don't know if you'll be getting that fashion show, I don't know if I can't even stand on these legs let alone walk. 
             He laughed as well, it was a nice laugh, you quite liked it. 
Max got up, helping you to the bathroom and sitting you in the shower, he told you to sit and wait for the water to warm but you told him it was no problem, your hot water got cut off a few times at your old apartment so cold showers were almost the norm for you. As you sat in the shower trying to regain what little focus you had, you had expected the door to close and for Maxwell to leave, but when you finally emerged from the shower you saw him sitting on your bed, well his bed.
             “Have a drink or you'll get dehydrated.” he said, pointing at the glass of water on the nightstand. You never expected Max to be so caring after sex, you’d fallen asleep after the last time, so you guessed he just didn’t care about aftercare. 
             “I think if you keep this up, I may be paralysed, my legs don’t work properly, if you want me to make it to work.” 
             “Yeah, I think I would rather see you at work on Monday, might fuck you on my desk to make up for lost time this weekend. How does that sound, angel?” God did that sound good, you wanted him to absolutely rail you if you were being honest, you had no concern as to whether anyone would hear you or not. 
             You woke up in the early hours of that Saturday morning, alone once again in bed, your legs felt like jelly and they were almost torture to walk on. You trudged your way into the kitchen, hoping to find something you could eat, when you saw Maxwell sitting on the counter, not on a chair at the counter, on the counter with his legs dangling like a little kid. “Good morning Maxwell.” your voice made him jump a little, clearly not expecting to see you there, he didn't move from his position on the counter though. You walked towards the emptying fridge and picked out an apple, placing yourself between his legs has you took a bite, “good morning to you too angel, we have got to get that fridge stocked up.” he must have seen how little you had in there, you'd spent so much on clothes and yet you spent less than 50 on groceries, where were your priorities?
             “Oh no it's okay, I’ll just buy some next week after I get paid. It's no big deal. I'm used to not having a lot to eat. I'll be fine.” you were telling the truth; you never had a lot of money to buy food after utilities and rent. “Well, be that as it may angel, I’m not letting you starve until then, you can just take one of my cards, we have a specific arrangement here and I know I got you a job at my company but I’d like to know you're living up to your own tastes and requirements, I have plenty of money to burn and this is an offer I will not let you refuse, do you understand me? 
“Yes sir, I understand.” 
                         “Don't you dare get me all riled up right now I don't think you could handle another round, or three.” he was right. You couldn't. But god did you want to. “Do you have any plans today or tomorrow?” he asked you, you weren't sure why, but now that you thought about it you did have plans. 
“Yes, actually I do. I've got lunch with my friend jade today and then we're going to see that new movie, Footloose. I think it's called, anyway, Kevin Bacon is in it and he's totally rocking so I don't care what it's about.” you couldn't be sure but you thought you saw Max tense up a little at your comment on Kevin bacon. Eh, who knows what goes on in that man's head. Who cares? 
           Meeting Jade that afternoon seemed to be a lot harder than it should have been, Max did not let you leave the bed until you were at least three orgasms deep and your voice was hoarse. “Maybe next time we can do it on that kitchen counter.” he says to you after he finally catches his breath. “Max! People eat there!” you were shocked at his remarks but honestly you thought it kind of hot. “Yeah and I want to eat there too.” his smirk was so heavy on his voice your pussy actually quivered at the thought of Max eating you out on the kitchen counter. 
           “Well I need to get dressed and meet my friend, so you better let me get up, or do I need another orgasm to get permission for that?” Max just laughed and waved you off, silently telling you to go get ready. 
Jade had been one of your closest friends since you moved to the big city you now called home. She was sassy and brilliant, an amazingly talented person, you were honestly jealous of her at times, she was an incredible writer and she was almost done film school, she was killing it and you felt like you were lagging behind in life, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be happy for her, (and gather potential black mail so she would put you in one of her movies when she becomes a big amazing director.) 
           “Hi, why haven't you called me in a week and a half?’ “well hello to you too Jade, and it's none of your business but it happens to do with a shared interest of ours.” you hadn't realized that you haven't spoken to her in that long, you can't believe it had only and yet already been a week and a half since you met Max.
“You’re fucking Maxwell Lord, aren’t you?” she deadpanned. You couldn't tell if she was psychic or just pulling a fake out, but alas you put her mind to rest with a (slightly) shouted. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?” okay, fake out, you put your foot in it now. “Yes, but oh my god you can't say anything to anyone okay?” your voice was much quieter now with a lot more stress laced in it. “Oh my god I have to tell everyone. OW! Okay I won’t tell anyone but hold fuck how?” and so you told her. You told her about the bar with the sticky floor, the sex you had in his apartment that night, his car, Darius, the fact that he didn’t want him living at your house so he gave you one of his to live in, the sex you had this morning and the job he gave you. 
“So, you're telling me you gave this guy such a good blow job he made you head of accounting? Your power of sex never ceases to amaze me. Hey when you’re rich can you buy me a house please I’m dying in that apartment, if my brother doesn’t find his own place soon I may actually fucking kill him, and you’re going to have to help me hide the body and I know you don’t like hiding bodies but this is my murder to-” “oh my god shut up, first of all, you say that like he’s gonna give me enough money to buy myself a house let alone you.” you cut her off, it was true, you didn't really anticipate him giving you that much and if Halo’s paycheck was anything to go by you won't have enough to buy yourself a house on that salary, you'll barely be able to afford rent when Maxwell, inevitably, tells you to move out. 
“Oh please I give it a month, two tops, before he's in love with you and asking you to move into his big fancy apartment on the other side of town.” you did like the sound of the big fancy apartment, but neither you nor Max seemed like the type to want a relationship out of your arrangement. “no, this is just sex and money.” you weren't sure if you were telling her or yourself, but you said it with enough conviction that she seemed to believe it. 
“Okay but if you do end up dating the bachelor boy be careful, from what I hear he's bad news and not just business wise. Rumour is that he killed his fiancée a couple years back, they got into a car crash in England and no one has seen her since. He said she lived and left him, but who goes to England and just leaves?” 
You weren't sure how, but you'd never heard that rumour before, sure you'd only moved here 3 years ago but you'd think something like that would be hot news around town for ages. “I’m sure that’s just a rumour Jade he really doesn't seem like the type to be involved in something like murdering his fiancée.” 
“I'm just looking out for you, I could be wrong, but if he tries to take you to England, I'm kidnapping you first. Deal?”
to be continued...
tags: @mandoalorian-mainblog​ @mrschiltoncat​
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Hi guys! I wanted to discuss why i personally am having a hard time recovering from my eating disorder and maybe someone can help or relate or make me feel better for a moments notice? I developed an eating disorder back in april 2020. It was over quarentine and i was eating whatever i wanted and it was very noticeable. I also worked at a pizza place and they gave me a free meal every time i worked a shift, which I definitely took advantage of and made myself my favorite pizza almost every time i came in. I weighed around 145-150. I was also about to experience one of the darkest times of my life. I remember I bought size 25 jeans and they didnt zip up at all and my mom was like oh okay that’s fine you can just return them and get another size, let me measure you to see what size urban says you would be. So she measured my waists and my hips and she said, you would be a size 28. And i was in complete shock. I used to be a skinny mini all my life because i never ate meat and ate like the same 3 foods. It at first began with me doing walks around my neighborhood and making myself healthy meals. I would make like stir fry and salads and sautee myself chicken. It was the healthy path to go down, but it didn’t give me the results i wanted. Back in middle school i had suffered from bulimia. I didn’t like that path. It made my heart race and it put a bad taste in my mouth. I wondered what would happen if i just stopped eating so much all together. It wasn’t until around July, when i realized i had just about nothing left. Most guys i used to be friends with hated me, my best friend was never in town, i had no friends, i worked at a job every single day that i fucking hated. I looked at who i had become and i fucking hated it so much. It wasn’t until i reached that point and suffered extreme psychosis and convinced myself i was the ugliest and most horrible person on this planet and i would go days without eating. I would lock myself in my room in the dark and shut out the world. My life got better, somehow. Like a month later, school started. It was online but it still got me back in touch with people. I started talking to my old guy friends again. I actually started having friends again. I had a lot of friends actually. I started dating a really sweet guy and i confided in him what was going on in my head because i trusted him a lot and he knew i dealt with one before. He said he would make sure i was eating and he cared about me and didn’t want me to die or anything. You would think that me being happy and loved would make me accept myself and not feel the need to starve myself, but it was quite the opposite. If anything, i needed to prove that i was enough for him. I would go numerous days without eating. I actually noticed a change. My waist had gotten much thinner. Halloween came. I dressed up as a cheetah. I didn’t eat for 5 days until halloween came. I didn’t want to look bad. I was around 120-125 ish i think. And spontaneously he broke up with me. It shouldn’t matter that much to a normal person. Any normal person would’ve just got over it. But as someone who also has bpd, I absolutely lost it. I didn’t eat for a few days then got back in the routine of eating once or twice a day. This is where the feeling I’m talking about comes from. It made me feel sick to eat, wrong almost. I was so angry and upset that it happened and that it ended on such a horrible note and now we weren’t even friends that i took it all out on myself. I promised myself that the next time i saw him i would be the skinniest I’ve ever been. I just more than anything else wanted to be his friend again. Nothing more, i just wanted to feel worthy of his time like i once had. Eventually we become friends again. He tries to get with my friend and i was drunk so i slapped him. Duh. Then i felt bad so i apologized and i kissed him on the cheek then i went to sleep. I woke up and was blocked on everything. He hated me once again. I felt horrible. I went on a drinking bender, and was drunk for 3 days. It was a very dark and anxiety inducing time of my life.
This time, he was actually gone for good. He was gone forever. And he still is gone, but it got worse for me. After that happened I didn’t eat for about 2 weeks. I got to 107 pounds. I also ran every day. I used to hate my running but recently, whenever i run my mind just goes blank. I black out too often. I don’t know what i did when i blacked out but i know it put me in some horrible positiondI just think about how I don’t deserve to eat. Some people with eating disorders highlight how much they don’t like calories and eating because their fear is being fat. I do think like that. Still, if i eat now i freak out and think I’m obsese and just can’t look in the mirror, but most of all, I don’t believe i deserve meals. I’ve recently been put on a partial hospitalization thing. I don’t eat at the hospital because its not an eating disorder recovery hospital, it’s for my anxiety. My parents don’t know about my eating disorder. Its not “bad enough” even though i lost large amounts of weight. I’m still not as skinny as those little tumblr girls and it makes me angry. Having an eating disorder mindset is so depressing. When I’m starving all i want to do is eat. But in the back of my mind, my brain is cussing myself out and counting the calorie of every meal and snack and drink. My brain doesn’t want me to recover, it wants me to die. And i want to get better. I really really want to, but it would be for nothing. Then I wouldn’t have my body as something i like about myself anymore. I would have no control over anything in my life. I would be a boring and normal, sad teenage girl. And that’s boring. I refuse to be boring.
I highly doubt anyone read this whole thing. If you did you deserve a serious high five. I’m just angry i guess. Angry with life, angry the way things are, angry that i lose everyone good i ever meet, angry that I’m alone right now, angry at circumstances. It’s unfair. I will never find my happiness, especially not with my mind right now.
I don’t think I deserve meals. I am not a good person. Every calorie i eat my brain screams at me that I’m fat and ugly and no one could ever love someone as ugly and horrible as me. It makes life so difficult. I reached my goal weight. Why isn’t that enough? Why can’t that be enough for me? Why do I have to be stick thin? I just want someone to notice me and ask if I’m okay.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
How do you think things would have changed if Five has come back even younger than in canon? Like if he came back as 7 or 8 or even younger? Also, I love your writing. You’re an amazing writer and I love reading your stuff.
first of all that would be hilarious because as much as media has tricked you into thinking older child actors (who are easier to work with) are younger (I mean case in point, Five is supposed to be thirteen but the actor is fifteen and those two years can make a big difference at that age) or animated movies can’t decide on a size for their character, but for real seven-year-olds in real life are BABIES
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that’s like. the equivalent of a second grader?? I think i was about to go into year three living in the netherlands. I thought the year six kids were ancient. I didn’t care about bodily harm and would just hurl myself into cartwheels and handstands (nowadays not so much)
That was about the age I was losing teeth for the Very First Time and also the age I almost gave myself a concussion playing on the playground equipment (I blacked out and woke up in the nurses office lmao) and I thought the singing talents of Sandy from Hamtaro were the greatest in the world (the twirling ribbon song was formative for me)
seven was also the age for me that i realized that romance was The Worst because my best friend george decided that the pulling pigtails version of bugging me was a sure fire way to get my attention or something like that. but like,, george and me had chicken pox together. we pretended we were cheetahs in our treetop bunkbed nest together (we had a very loose grasp of the difference between cheetahs and jaguars and other big cats, admittedly). He was my best friend he didn’t need to pull my hair or anything rip
like can you even IMAGINE if five came back as a second grader?? yeah like maybe someone would serve thirteen-year-old Five black coffee but no one is going to just hand this baby child anything with caffeine are you kidding me
his feet wouldn’t even be able to reach the peDALS OF THE CAR
wow this would inconvenience him so much
i can’t even find a picture of my brother that young smh but here’s him and me when he was? probably about nine or ten and I was actually probably about six and smiling with a closed mouth to hide the fact that i was missing teeth or something smh
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that is TWO WHOLE BABIES right there i’m just genuinely dying at the thought of Five popping out and he’s just. a gradeschooler. that suit would have been swimming on him and he’s got little chubby cheeks built to absorb shock and whatever atrocious child haircut he had at that age 
(i have posted before about my genuine shock that five was ten in the comics. ten!! that’s a whole baby! a child! W H A T)
but?? does he pop up from jumping through his portal and look in the mirror and find that he’s missing some teeth? Can he whistle air through the gaps? i’m just picturing seven-year-old five getting socked in the face and losing some teeth or something and diego is right there to patronizingly tell him that it’s okay they’re probably just baby teeth and five is about to punch diego’s teeth out in a second if he keeps that up by jove
imagine five jumping and standing on the counter and he still can’t reach the marshmallows because they’re on the top shelf of the cupboard do you know how angry that would make him?? he would have about 60% less time for his siblings bullshit than normal because his small stature can only hold so much emotion at any one time and he has decided to go with seething rage for the foreseeable future
can you imagine how difficult that would be for Allison though?? Five at thirteen was bad but Five-at-around-Claire’s-age??? a billion times worse and she’s probably going to either be super avoidant because it’s painful or full on protective mama bear
it would definitely change a lot of plot stuff because i mean. no one’s going to let this tiny child drive. he can’t reach the pedals, duh. however, he might persuade one of the siblings (diego and klaus, probably) to drive him to griddy’s instead? Because with the options being “so help me i will walk there myself. alone. at night. as a small and innocent looking child” and driving him and keeping him company i think the latter wins out
(i’d nix griddy’s altogether but i’m way too invested in hazel and agnes getting together tbh)
hey wait does being that young mean that five doesn’t have his umbrella tattoo?? huh. well regardless if diego and klaus accompany him then the plot point of agnes telling the assassin squad about the tattoo can still happen so i guess it’s a moot point
but honestly the drama of having this tiny child just. completely annihilate the hit squad is hilarious to me, and it would also hit home the fact that hey! five might be telling the truth about everything and isn’t messed up by time travel! i mean whomst the fuck else would walk into a room and zero in on the seven-year-old no one else knows exists or is assumed dead by literally the whole ass world (and even if they didn’t he’s supposed to be 29) and demand he come with them and shit like man
Klaus: hey five what do you have
Five, stabbing his own arm to take the tracking device out: a knife
Diego: NO
other fun points include: the siblings bodily picking five up and five behaving like a very aggressive small breed of dog while simultaneously being super touch-starved and secretly appreciating being carried but would never admit it (whilst sober that is)
either they kept the old uniforms and five wears that or they have to scrounge up whatever they can find which means that five is dressed in some of claire’s clothes allison found stuffed in the bottom of her suitcase until they can go shopping and i’m not sure which is better tbh
hazel and cha-cha assuming that five is actually either diego or klaus bc those were the two adults in the coffee shop with the umbrella tattoo and eventually being confronted with the fact that their legendary adversary is a gradeschooler
five just being. so tired. all the time. my bedtime at seven years old was probably like. 8:30PM. kids need a lot of sleep!! so just five trying to keep himself awake because he has important stuff to do!! but doing the nod and bob because he can’t keep his eyes open
the trying-to-be-helpful but mildly-condescending strangers who stop five or talk down to him increase by tenfold. Teenagers out an about on the street along? eh. a seven-year-old? five is going to get so many concerns “where are your parents, sweetheart?” that he IS going to snap and kill a well meaning middle aged woman in the middle of the street
in a similar note the number of people who assume that he is the child of whatever sibling he happens to be in proximity to also increases tenfold and five does Not Appreciate This (and neither do half the siblings tbh bc now they have to pretend that they are responsible for this tiny feral child)
“FUCK” five says, loudly, prompting gasps from the delicate natured passerbys. 
“you can’t fucking say that, dude, you’re like. a baby.” klaus says, equally loudly and making everyone in earshot 70% more scandalized
“I am not associated with them” diego informs the masses with an edge of desperation
luther is just. so massive next to this tiny version of five. he could hold him in like, one hand. and maybe luther at one point was really good with kids but with his new body he’s awkward and it’s very sad
no one bats an eye at child Five toting an Entire Half of a Mannequin that is probably as big as he is around. Billy’s kid is currently emotionally attached to a brick he found in the alley behind his school. Gertie’s granddaughter refuses to leave the house without an old sock filled with pebbles tucked under her arm. Gary’s stepkid found a piece of driftwood on the beach and now it’s in their bed every night. Kids are weird and at least Five’s has a face for him to talk to i guess??
instead of luther threatening dolores he just looks at five with this gun that is way too big for him to have a hold of really and just. reaches out and scoops five up under his armpits and he’s just furiously wiggling and growling and luther is like “nope not putting you down until we agree that murder is not a solution”
every interaction with the handler is probably about 112% more creepy honestly but also what about the job?? either five a) gets an appropriately child sized desk like the ones you find in an actual gradeschool or b) he gets some kind of boosterseat for his chair and just has to sit at this desk that is comically oversized for him
the squad go to a restaurant and the server brings over the menus and hands five a children’s menu. without a word klaus just plucks it from five’s hands and substitutes it for his own because they have been kicked out of six whole restaurants and he is willing to eat the children’s chicken nugget meal if he had to god damn it
the apocalypse doesn’t happen because vanya is literally incapable of hurting a grade schooler right in front of her regardless of how pissed off at her family in general she is. that is a whole child. vanya works with children for her job. she can’t hurt an entire child in front of her?? like she can destroy the world and all the abstract children but this one child right in front of her? who is also her long lost brother and former sole confidant as children who wasn’t there for any of the general bullshit she just went through?? not so much
but like. even after the stop the apocalypse there’s still the issue of what to do with this entire child. like at least as a teenager five would be able to be somewhat independent but seven-year-old five can’t reach the sink to wash his hands without a step stool 
just the squad coming together to look after five without quite letting five know that’s what they’re doing because they don’t want to wake up to a knife in their chest or anything smh
five and claire meet and become an unstoppable duo of terror. patrick is an actually competent parent who is so exhausted 24/7 from raising his daughter that he just accepts five immediately because?? his brother-in-law being a time travelling 58-year-old in the body of a grade schooler who is partially feral from over forty years alone and probably has untreated ptsd? okay might as well happen
patrick “i didn’t trust allison with a child and yet i still trust her way more than the rest of you so i’m going to schedule five a doctor’s appointment or something because god knows he’s probably not up to date on his vaccinations and he’s hanging around claire and i doubt any of y’all even thought about that” hargreeves
the hargreeves all go to an amusement park as a family bonding activity. the mistake becomes clear when it’s revealed that five is too short to go on half the rides. the resulting meltdown gets them all kicked out and Diego just has five tossed over his shoulder still hurling insults at the ride attendant as they hoof it out of there
the family has to figure out everywhere they can go within walking distance because there’s still a cold war going on between allison and five over whether he has to be in a booster seat for any car rides or not
it’s basically just shenanigans with the family and five trying to figure out how to coexist and compromise and also look after one another when it’s been every man for themself pretty much all their lives
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