#thank you for sending this dear! <3
iiryoku · 2 years
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‘ @imeut​ :  ♡♡ ( aether & nariii)
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Affection. Never mind how small, the way to Aether’s heart is with affection, he is rather touch-starved so he absorbs affection like a dry sponge does water, which will easily shows if someone decides to give it to him, he is pretty much the cheetah meme with affection, a bonus is that he loves giving it himself as well. What also can be a way to his heart is actions that show great care for his wellbeing, especially because Aether, a lot of times, forgets to take care of himself as he always puts others first. There is just something so very special to his heart, when he is the one being taken care of.
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With Tighnari, it’s all about simply wanting to spend time with him. Due to how he is, most people tend to avoid him / get bored of him, the forest rangers he works with are of course and exception as all of them look up to him. However, this is also due to Tighnari avoiding people indirectly with his work. So, if someone is stubborn and comes to Tighnari repeatedly and shows that they actually find what he does interesting, then that is a sure way to his heart. He isn’t really the best people person, but that doesn’t mean, he doesn’t appreciate it when someone does show interest and appreciation for his work and what he does. Plus, once again, we have someone touch-starved, so if trust is gained and affection is given, then he is also weak to that.
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magnusbae · 6 months
"I can't sleep." Obikin? (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
"I'm sorry, what?" Anakin echoes, blankly.
Obi-Wan's face twists in deep discomfort and he straightens his shoulders, the furrow of his brows is one he oftens has before an especially unpleasant battle. Anakin doesn't like it directed at himself but he truly needs to his Master to confirm that he did not start hallucinating due to his own lack of sleep. Surely, his stubborn Master did not just admit to such human weakness as inability to sleep. Surely, he meant to say there's much work to be done and no one but him to do it. Right?
"If your hearing had suffered during the last mission, you truly outh to report that to the medical bay, Ahnakin." Obi-Wan sounds snappy, cranky in a way he gets only when he is sleep deprived beyond what even a Jedi can withstand. He seems to realize that too, as his cheeks color with a touch of embarrassment and he makes to turn to the door, and leave.
"No" Anakin reaches and grabs at his sleeve, hand closing around his wrist. "Stay, Master, please." his own cheeks heat up. He is not sure what to do with this more honest Master of his, the one who actually speaks clearly— he is not sure what Obi-Wan wanted to achieve when he came here, in the middle of the night. He doesn't know and he doesn't care to ruin the moment by asking. It's enough that he is here, the rest he will figure out as things go.
"I—" Anakin runs a tongue across his lips, they're dry again. "I couldn't sleep either." his hair is sleep tousled and he has pink pillow lines across his face but Obi-Wan is gracious enough to not point it out. Anakin might have slept, just not well. "I could use the company, Master" he smiles tentatively and finally, finally Obi-Wan relaxes some.
"In that case" Obi-Wan lowers his gaze, expression both conflicted and softer. "You might wish to invite me in" he glances at him with those endlessly tired blue eyes, endlessly kind, playful even while so wearied. "I rather not have to explain to the clones why we share nightly visits, Padawan." there's a smirk there, Anakin is certain.
"Mahstar!" his cheeks burning, he pulls his Master into the room and locks it with a flick of his wrist and a nudge from the force.
His cheeks are hot and his chest is light. He wonders if they could share the bed, the way his Master allowed a precious few times when he was younger. Much younger. Probably not, but who knows. Right?
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neolxzr · 1 year
stares at you with my big sad eyes. ritsuleo. perhaps?
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important brainstorming session (in the middle of the floor)
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ratatatastic · 6 days
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love tap huh...
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prommethium · 10 months
People I wanna know better! ✨
@fismoll7secinv Yzz!! My love!! my darling!! Thank you for the tag 💛 love reading you!!
Tagging: @oneiro-nautical // @shooting-the-stars // @jadedzer0 // @quilleth // @rabbitkissed // @nautilus-deepblue // @subtlybrilliant // @111wszystkichswietych // Feel free to ignore or not answer any of the following <33 so many love and kisses to you all!!!!
Last Song? Ever dream by Nightwish I've been listening to them since I was twelve, somethings never change :')
Favourite colour? Oh so many! but I love black, yellow and pink.
Currently watching? Tian Guan Ci Fu season two and Killing Eve (not really loving Killing Eve, but haven't found something to obsess over, if any of you want to recommend something, please go ahead, I love horror and suspense.)
Currently reading? The three body universe (gorgeous piece of art, best thing I read this decade so far,) and fic rec by Jade (currently emotionally bleeding, THERE WAS NO WARNING OF HURT NO COMFORT.)
Last movie? The World to Come - 2021.
Sweet/spicy/savoury? spicy!! but always in the mood for sweet.
Relationship status? cursed.
Current obsessions? You know me, ALWAYS tgcf and erha, but recently hellcheer (a little sub-fandom from Stranger Things, I still can't believe this exists JUST BECAUSE OF LESS THAN 5 MINUTES OF INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS!!)
Last thing you googled? Gustav Arantes.
Currently working on: a couple of fics, embroidery projects, and staying alive (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Selfie? sure, but blurred because of reasons. and will delete in some days. //
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estarion · 3 months
[ CLOSER ] :3c
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he never needs to think very hard when it comes to excuses for pinning a body  ( any body )  against a wall—or rock.  but there was a legitimate one tonight.  something nasty lurking in the woods near camp.  a need for stealth, and silence.  betty doesn’t budge;  ‘danger’ abates, and astarion glances down at her, the thrum of her pulse in his ears.  is she nervous?   having studied her for a time—long enough to make accurate guesses about her preferences—he’s only ever treated her the way a prince might.
forgiving, of course, the time he decided to spice things up;  mended shirts in his arms and thanks out of the way, he made his boldfaced proposition. she assumed he wanted to go mushroom-picking in the woods. to astarion’s chagrin, that ended up actually happening.  wasn’t the worst time.  halsin helped;  what they collected was thrown into some disgusting-looking stew, the only import of which is that it made her happy.  he reflected by the fire that night;  his motives, the innocent way she came back at him.  how gentle, confused eyes brought relief more than disappointment.  ignorance isn’t so bad, he thinks, when it lets him feel safe with a person.  he feels safe with her...  and they’re both safe, now that the threat is gone.
possibly, it was a farce. never any real threat at all. merely a way to heighten their night, add a touch of drama.  an animal that he might have tamed, made his meal—had he not been in ‘protect the princess’ mode, for whatever stupid reason.  but playing this role for her isn’t so horrid.  in some ways, it’s even been fun.   “let’s hurry back.”   he whispers so but makes no move to start.  to let her begin, either.  he’s distracted.  they’re closer than they’ve ever been, and something’s different enough about the shade and shape of her mouth tonight that everything in the world must pause for a moment.   “betty?”   his forefinger lifts, curled, tipping her chin upward.  as he thought.  berry-tinted, parted, her breath a tad heavier than usual.   “are your lips always so~?”   kissable.
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grievd · 7 months
╰ ♡    * ❛ you know you can always talk to me. ❜  &. @brokenbrxther
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having a peace of mind : something elena so desperately craved , yet , something that seemed completely out of reach for her. being with stefan , on the other hand , felt like an escape from reality , it was the only place where she could let go of the draining thoughts : where she could be her old self again , even if it was for a mere second. ❛ i know. ❜ the sentence is followed by a swift nod in attempt to reassure him that everything was fine. ❛ but i don't want to talk about it . . . ❜ sigh : head tilts , chocolate irises staring into his as exhaustion dawns on porcelain features. ❛ . . . i just want to spend time with you. ❜
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wishedby · 5 months
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( ✩ )⠀⠀THERE IS A TONE IN HER WORDS THAT he’s unable to place — after all, despite everything, Orion is not a God [ YOU ARE NOT ALL KNOWING, NOT ALL SEEING; WISDOM IS BORN FROM EXPERIENCE, AND YOU’VE HAD CENTURIES, ] and he can’t read her mind; not in the way most would expect him to. Orbs glimmer with multicolored specks of golden and silver hues; he is said to woo with that look, but it’s up to the individual to determine such a thing,
@nackros SAID ╱     ❛❛     The undead you have been fighting are people I killed with my own hands,     ❜❜
          A tilt of his head is the only response she receives as any form of acknowledgement for the moment until he gathers his thoughts ( should he even humor the words? Is the silence worth breaking just yet…? ) but Orion wonders just how much, exactly, she’s expecting from him. [ DO YOU DARE? ] Chin lands on clasped hands as he ponders,
but then…     ❛❛     I don’t fight much, not really,     ❜❜     and that’s his definite truth [ TRUE AS THE STARS ABOVE, ] voice soft as honey, soothing and calming,
          … but does she even care for such a notion? To look at the stars? To him, it looks like she needed it; but how to convince her? Temptation almost moves him to grasp her chin, to caress supple flesh in fascination, in curiosity, but he refrains; he is not a protostar anymore.     ❛❛     Do you like it? The endless struggle…? Is that the life you so choose to take? No judgment, of course,     ❜❜     no questions are complete without his trademark boyish smile; a turn of conversation is necessary, he thinks.
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lily-of-elysium · 1 year
I love your blog so much you have the best posts, and idk if that's you in ur icon picture but if it is you're so very beautiful!! 💜💜💜
Awwwww you’re so incredibly kind, thank you so much!!! I feel the same way about your blog!! And it is me in the icon picture, you’re so sweet to say that, thank you and I think you’re very, very beautiful too!! ♥️♥️♥️
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cottoncandywhispers · 6 months
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Get stella’d
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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taee · 9 months
Hi there, dear stranger! Just dropping by to remind you that you are an incredible human being. No matter what you may be going through, always remember that you matter and your presence is meaningful. You are absolutely amazing, just the way you are. Embrace your uniqueness and know that you are loved beyond measure. Believe in yourself and your abilities, because you are enough, exactly as you are. Sending you loads of love, positivity, and happiness. Keep shining! 💖
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iiryoku · 7 months
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@dupliciti 2, 13, 18 for caelus? owo
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What is their romantic preference or inclination?
Caelus is a disaster bi. He doesn't really lean more towards one gender more than the other, when it comes to romance. To him, love is love. As long as the person loves him, he will be happy, never mind if they are a man or a woman. So to put it bluntly; everyone is at risk-
Are they openly flirtatious/sexual, or are they quite private?
I will say that it very much depends. Caelus isn't someone to randomly flirts, with people ( at least not in his main verse ). However, if he is having a fling with someone or, in an relationship, he will flirt, in public too and even be sexual, if the situation is good for it. He does like seeing his partner's reactions or the person he is interested in. It also depends on his partner as he is very much a pleaser person and if his partner doesn't appreciate him being flirty, then he will do his best to keep it on low profile. He is though a very touchy person, so a touch here and there, that might be taken as something more than that, would be seen, never mind what.
What is something they wish to try? why haven't they tried this yet?
There is quite a bit that Caelus would want to try, why he hasn't done it yet? Lack of partner. Caelus doesn't really do one-nightstands, it's not his type of thing - yes, it could happen, but something would have lead up to it, maybe over days. He is not a guy that simply goes to a bar and hooks up with some random person. There gotta be some level of trust - he has to know the person.
When it comes to the kink department, due to Caelus' lack of memories, he is quite innocent, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't quickly get some ideas once he gets started. If his partner asked him to do something, it wouldn't be hard to make him agree - once again, he is a pleaser and therefore just want the person he is with to feel good.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
warning you that your either going to hate me or hate me for a gifset i’m working on rn…
..i'd usually say im not one easily hate on someone but when i hear this im worried
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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🔍: Something you look for on other’s blogs.
Openness from the mun's end. By this I mean specially when it comes to having OOC discussions when they're needed, and most specifically when there might be issues IC wise for whatever reason that needs to be solved lest it sacrifices every future IC interaction whatsoever based on that single issue that could've been solved. With the passing of years in the RPC, I'm well over the phase of letting issues boil and instead of face them, be in the silent end if that will be cause discomfort and eventually that makes one not want to continue the IC interactions because of it. Out of fear of how the other mun might feel about it if pointed out, out of awkwardness because not always you have that mutual trust to talk about these matters, what have you.
Sometimes and with some luck these issues that need to be discussed never happens, thus there won't ever be need to address them so that discomfort won't be a thing to begin with, that is the best outcome. But not always that happens and I've come across people who do claim to be open OOC wise to discuss everything and anything and when the time of truth comes... that's not so the case, which can be quite discouraging and from my perspective, only dampens more the already uncomfortable situation.
Munday no-no and yes-yes list → Accepting! || @valorxdrive ; @maquiscursed ; @madrites ; @asteriskheart
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oathofpromises · 1 year
1. what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it?
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For those who newly followed, this blog used to be a single muse one for Kairi from Kingdom Hearts before I decided to make the switch to multi-muse. To give a little detail about her character and the series, the whole concept is friendship and Oaths. Even the charm she gives Sora is their promise to return to each other. As for why I chose Oathofpromises, it’s honestly something I related to her at the time, but it does fit a lot of my muses now that I really sit down and think about it. The whole concept of keeping an oath to someone. The idea was to put together Oath and Promises. I get they mean very similar things but it just flowed together really nicely.
I have wanted to change my url to something new though but decided against it since that would mess up a lot of the threads I currently have and I just am super attached to it.
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