#( he still knows this is not enough to free him of guilt and blame and responsibility )
bailesona · 1 year
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plasticfangtastic · 3 months
Dairy Girl
A Homelander X F! Reader fanfic
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A/N: I am still working on my other projects but I just wanted to write something fun and light to get me back into writing. I hope y'all enjoy this short little piece, btw i aint got no kids so i have very little idea how milk banks work, this will be a 2 or 3 part story.
Synopsis: In order to provide a constant supply of fresh breastmilk for Vought’s number one hero, Vought has had to get quite nifty in order to prevent this secret desire out the press and the public– you have unfortunately discovered the truth.
Tags: Stockholm Syndrome, abusive dynamic, Homelander being Homelander, dub-con, dark, mild smut, breastfeeding kink, kidnapping, child-death mention tw, cheating tw, set in s4 but canon nothing, slow burn.
Word Count: 3K
Part 1– Heifer
Such a small box, smaller than a shoe box, just big enough to fit its contents with enough space for his ghost to move. You stared at the small box as its buried in the family plot… you never thought of visiting this place to ever bury the last shred of happiness you had left, his body was born weak, so small you wonder if you’d given birth to a child or a chick, 2 months ago you had come home to find your now ex in bed with his ex, he had turned this betrayal on its head and blamed you for it, something about your lack of desire lately, about how your pregnancy had given him amounts of pressures he'd never agreed with, talking endlessly about his needs and how much you’d ignored him.
Whoever this man was, you didn’t recognize him.
Time blurred into nothing but disconnected colors and shapes, all you know was that the stress and anguish lead to this.
A box under soil.
Days passed and in your empty apartment, surrounded by all the stuff you bought you stood in front of the sink, throwing a bottle of fresh milk down the drain feeling tremendous guilt, the doctor said you would dry out soon enough but your breast had swollen so much your bras no longer fit– even the spare ones you bought just in case they’ve grown a size too big from what you expected, you booked an appointment with your doctor hoping they could give you whatever cocktail of drugs to dry you out and save you from the pressure and pain in your chest, it had been nothing but a passing message from a worried neighbor who had stop by to give you some mail that had been sent to them by accident when she mentioned her daughter-in-law had donated her excess milk after her little one refused to latch, she gave you the name of the charity and after much thinking you gave in, you lost your baby but there was some woman out there who could end up experiencing your same grief if their baby starved to death, yours simply born too small and weak to hold your finger for very long.
It felt good, you met the women running the charity and even some of the faces of the women you helped, as you delivered your frozen packs to the women’s clinic where the charity operated, it helped you heal, it gave your pain purpose, but as the months faded behind you a part of you worried about how much you keep producing, less than before but still too much, yet you keep going knowing it would end soon enough. 
Perhaps somebody in the clinic or the charity had dropped your information to these people but you'd received some mail regarding some research trials Vought International was running and how they needed some donors to drop fresh samples, in their pamphlet they offered to pay a decent amount--your divorce had been costly plus having to move to a new place and breaking your previous lease had left your bank account quite dry, this was cheap money, you had given your milk for free, you looked at the few pouches you had collected for next week's drop you saw a wonderful opportunity to make some quick cash.
You went to the Vought Clinic and saw a few other women filling up forms, reading old magazines or dilly-dallying on their phones until some nurse called their numbers, you filled the medical form, waited less than half an hour before your number was called, brought into a small bleach scented room, the nurse read your form and told you she would take a blood sample, a doctor came in, reciting whatever script he’d been given about what this project was, giving you big words you had no interest in, this was about providing better milk formulas closer to natural milk than anything currently in the market apparently, thanking you for your donation, he looked at your form smiling as he saw your inked words.
“You're still producing 4 months after…” The doctor handed you a disinfecting wipe and a freshly steamed breast pump in a silver tray– we just need two samples, please press the alarm to let us know you’d finished, then follow Nurse Potts to the front counter to sort out your payment.”
It had been an awkward experience, but there you were 300 dollars richer, you probably should’ve read those papers a bit closer before signing but money was money and you were told to come back if you could.
You did it a couple times for 2 months, much like a man donating sperm for pocket money or plasma to pay the rent.
That was the first mistake, you headed home and woke up the morning after wishing you had stayed out for an extra hour or two, perhaps caved in to your friends pressures and tried going back to dating (after all your ex was whoring himself all across the lower east side without moral qualms) or hookups so you would had gone to a different address, maybe you should had taken a taxi instead of taking the train and walking home.
Regardless you woke in some strange empty room, the only thing beside your person was a pair of pale pink hospital gowns, grippy socks, clean underwear and a pair of thick large towels, you screamed and banged on the door for an ungodly amount of time but nobody ever came, you stayed alone in that room for what could have been 12 hours or more… maybe less… who knew it was all too much, suddenly a sharp sound cut into the silence a note had been slid under the door, you rushed to the note.
It was instructions, they wanted you wearing their clean clothes, you could not leave the room unless you did so, and as much as you hated the idea, you wanted to get out so badly, you knew if you wanted to escape your only chance came in knowing your surroundings, you begrudgingly and tearfully changed, waiting until anything changed– the doors hissed opened, a woman in a sharp cream coloured suit stood there with clipboard and an armed guard, at the sight of the heavy looking gun– you froze.
Then you took the first step towards hell.
You knew the following things: You lived in some basement area– there were no windows, only elevators. You weren’t alone, there were other women here and they made sure to keep your interactions at minimum no doubt to keep all of you submissive and not getting any ideas, sometimes familiar faces will fade and you could only speculate nightmares. Lastly… your purpose, the reason you were trapped here in the first place was… to lactate.
A plucky little thing that stayed optimistic despite your shared horror called herself a ‘Heifer’ she wasn’t wrong… you lived in a small cell where everything had sat on top of each other feed to keep fat and producing milk much like a cow, whoever developed this diet knew of all the ingredients known to help production, and you knew there were putting something else in the food for your breast begun to feel uncomfortable, for a little while you thought you could fight it by starving yourself, then two men with guns came into the room and told you to eat or else.
The time you spend outside this microflat hong-kong style cell was in the milking room and the shower room, you were ordered to stay clean and quiet, at least in the milking room you had some television and could spend time with the other women, but they keep you isolated, you could do very little, sometimes music would play and a book would be dropped with your food but your happiness wasn’t priority, you had to fill a quota.
After a couple weeks of this you simply accepted defeat, too many guns… not enough spaces to run, and nothing to come home to… a man that wanted to sue you for more feeling as if the judge had been unfair, a pestering family who acted as if they had been the only ones who experience loss, an empty cot you still hadn’t gotten rid off and piles and piles of bills, in this quiet cool room you had spend endless hours thinking, you didn’t love your job, you had been distant from most of your friends and you could only imagine that they assumed you had run away or killed yourself after what happened nobody could blame you.
Existing for the sake of existing until you could figure out what to do next.
“Good Evening… I’m glad you’re eating so well” The lady you met the first day said as the door hissed open, she watched you like a hawk as you process this sudden interruption, clutching at your paper thin blanket, you looked at the floral fabric in her arms and the clipboard under her arm– I need you to sign this before you’re allowed upstairs”
“Am I being let out?” You said anxiously, no way it could be that easy you thought.
The lady let her smile waiver, looking at the unseen guard then at her wrist watch as she handed you the clipboard.
“Your performance might determine how soon you'll be release…”
“You assume I won’t go to the police…”
“That wouldn’t be wise Miss L/N but we assure you that you’ll be sufficiently compensated for the inconvenience.”
You wanted to yell, but a voice in the back of your head thought of this but nothing but pageantry, you were dead either way, but perhaps this could be your opportunity to escape, whatever they wanted to do now meant being outside of these buried walls, you signed the sheet without thinking, briefly considered stabbing the bitch in the eye but is likely they would turn you into swiss cheese before you even took a step too close, she took the paperwork from your hands and in change handed you a long sleeved dressed straight out of the mormon section in target, she closed the door and you dressed up.
The halls looked so odd when you didn’t wear your prison clothes, the other few doors housed sleeping and bored girls, your plucky friend hidden behind one of them, the new girl hidden behind one of them and the girl you seen before in the milking room once hid behind one of them.
They took you to an elevator– it was old box, if you had to guess by the button’s design maybe built in the late or mid 70s, you never left their side until the elevator closed before them, the box moved slowly, a dingy silver box with low honey coloured lights, so dim… and you were alone, as the light chime as it went up you felt your entire being sink into your stomach, your heart beating so fast you were sure you were gonna have a heart attack before the doors opened once again, swallowing dry spit, your eyes opened so wide it hurt.
Quiet… it was so quiet when the doors opened, you expected something else, something menacing… something frightening– not an old house, an old house in the middle of some evergreen forest, everything screams old, untouched, museum like, like it's meant to present this idea that somebody lives here but not really, despite it being an elevator hidden behind a bookcase, you take a few cautious steps, your naked feet bury in the plush carpet, there’s bird singing outside and the sun is so bright and warm it hurts your eyes, the cool tones gone and this feels like a bad dream, pinching yourself but you’re awake, tragically awake, a weird wiry smile creeps on your lips, an almost laugh escapes your lips before you can feel tears burning your eyes.
“Hello…?” You ask and you don’t know why.
As you venture into the living room, hands firm against the tacky dark pink wallpaper, you found old floral couches that matched the drapes and despite how old school it was it had a charm to it.
Then you saw him.
Perusing the VHS collection filled the entire bookcase on the wall, just rows and rows of VHS boxes, some plastic and some cardboard, the TV boxy and just as antiquated but who cared— he was there.
You ran before you even realized you done it, crashing into him with desperation, tears staining your cheeks and you could barely breath as you tried so hard to speak.
“Homelander please help me!! I’ve been kidnapped!! Please!!” You cried, pulling on his suit– please!!”
Those endlessly blue eyes more poison dart hide than veronica flower bush the more they stared at you calmly, his lips into a thin smile and his hand thad taken your wrist inflicting just enough force to keep you firmly in his grip… to show you how he wasn’t an ordinary man, he looked at you as your tears changed meaning as if you were the most unfortunate creature he’d ever seen, his lips parted just enough to show those sharp canines that had looked so charming in sidewalk posters, now you could sense their presence squeezing at your jugular.
“You are so much prettier in person, Y/N.” His voice is disturbingly soft and calm, intimately quiet as he takes a whiff of your neck, moving you to make it easier, his free hand creeped towards your hip– I was so glad when I saw your picture and you weren’t hideous.”
Trembling against him, a nonexistent cold draft blew against you, your whole body shivering and covered in goosebumps.
His eyes fixated in your breast, mouth agape as his tongue dared to lick his lip, watching you like a starved man at a las vegas buffet, his hand slithering upwards, you know where this is leading, you can’t stop crying but you can’t scream either, you're just there as his hand avoids your breasts and creeps towards your back and presses your bodies together.
“I’m so glad you signed that sheet, I was getting sad endlessly waiting for one of you to agree to the deal” He says quietly, you stare at him and you realize you should’ve actually read that stupid sheet– why so scared? I ain’t gonna bite.” He bites the air as a joke and you could tell that that single bite could have torn your finger off cleanly.
His eyes shift to your clinging fingers that stayed so stiff against his padded suit, you stopped squeezing at him now they rested limp against him.
“Let’s watch a movie…” 
It’s an awkward dance concluding in sitting down on a couch, its surprisingly soft and you’re sinking on the cushion while your mind dissolved in the sky, the coffee table had a humbled spread of snacks, pizza and milkshakes, not once did you notice, you stared at him clutching at your dress as he picked something out of the shelve, watching as his hand worked the VHS player, the clicks and whirling all you could focus on. He sat beside you as the speakers began to play the included trailers, he took the drink urging you to do the same with a menacing look, filling you with incomplete thoughts as you obeyed.
Malt vanilla marinated in your tongue, you had a terrible thought.
You were there to provide milk… to whom? Why just milk? You thought they would sell your body or your organs, experiment on you but… they wanted your milk, but who was buying it? Who was drinking it? Where did it go? You stared at the pretty blond whose arm kept your shoulders still, you saw the news– you’d known he had a child and who knows with whom but his kid was old enough to not need it… was it for him? You thought… thinking of it as ridiculous until you remember how 20 minutes ago  he was staring at your tits as if he was malnourished, you looked at his lips pursing as he took a long sip of his milkshake and wonder if that was milk… from a cow… not a heifer like you.
Homelander smiled at you.
“I don’t like ‘The mothman prophecy’ , never been a Richard Gere fan” he said casually.
“He was really good in ‘Pretty Woman’ . This one is okay…” You looked at the screen your voice so stiff– what’s going on…? Mr. Homelander… I…"
“Shhh… watch the movie” He leaned against you resting his head on your shoulder– you tasted the best… every batch perfection– such delicate custardy taste… So this is what we are gonna do… I’ll keep you in this floor so you’re not so bored ."
You swear he’s purring as he rubs himself against you marking you as much as he was making himself comfortable.
“There’s cameras everywhere… The glass is bulletproof, doors won’t open without a fob and code, and there’s no phones or internet, but if you do manage to get out of here just be aware I’ll know.” He said such terrible things as if it was nothing– if you tried to off yourself there will be 3 armed guards and nurses here in less than a minute but if you behave I promise you– you’ll be allowed out, but only if you gain my trust.” He looks up at you as you focus on those thin lips of his– there’s no kitchen but your meals will be delivered… if you want anything just tell the camera over there.”
He pointed at the corner tucked in between two VHS tapes was a small camera.
“I like you Y/N you're cute… you’ll behave for me, right?”
You nodded, too afraid to disagree.
“Now… let’s finish the movie… I actually like this part”
You stared at the pizza box, you could at least tell that the pizza was from an american restaurant, which made you feel safe ‘Select Pizza and Grill” said in the box and you knew you were somewhere in Pennsylvania, far from your apartment in Clinton Hill.
You looked at your boobs feeling his piercing gaze on them, you started drawing lines connecting weird things together, back when you were donating your milk, girls joked about people buying for medicinal and fetish purposes, this spelled itself out for you.
Maybe you could get out of here… but you had to do something weird… but as you heard the birds outside and the warm light peeked into the room, you realized maybe you could leave… no you’ll leave, you’ll go back home and you would find a way to ruin this man and those bastards beneath you, you’ll get them out too, so you took one courageous breath and forced a smile on your dried lips.
“You really liked it?”
“My milk…” You mumbled– you know I never tasted it myself but am glad to get a review.”
“It’s really tasty” he bites his lip.
Your hand plays with one of the buttons on the dress.
“It hurts a bit… I usually get asked to pump around this time… dunno if you know this but it's a bit painful when they get this swollen.”
The look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know and as you leaned away from him pulling on buttons with slightly trembling fingers, you watched him follow your movements like a snake chasing prey.
“Would you help me out, mister superhero?” Is not flirty but is slightly playful and you’re surprised that you can lie that well, he’s so shameless as he shakes his head enthusiastically, mouth opening for you– please don’t bite.”
He gasps as you let him see all that he’d wanted from the get go, why he put you in that box, why you ended up in this place for.
His body was lighter than you thought as he sunk against you-- eyes closed, body limp against yours, he made the softest sounds it put you at ease somehow, for a moment you saw a very small being latched on your chest, you’d only experienced it once before, and it was seared into your mind as a painful yet tender memory, so you close your eyes dreaming of a fantasy far removed from this peculiar reality, half lid eyes found a man so blissed out your lips curved, this was unbelievable, the world most famous supe keeping you hostage just so you could indulged him.
But you knew now… that this was your way out.
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cades-outsider · 5 months
Robby Keene X Reader
Warnings: None, it’s mainly just fluff! This is S3 because I am IN LOVE with S3 Robby!
Side Note: I am not stopping the Cobra Kai writings! I am going to be focusing on Milo Manheim characters as well, so if you like any of his characters, send in requests! I have a special Ryan Baker smut coming up! 😩🤚
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Your heart raced as you walked down the halls of the juvenile detention center in which they were holding Robby, a guard escorting you to your destination. Going through two big white double doors, catching the attention of a bunch of juvie inmates.
A bunch of squared silver chairs and tables came into view, but it seemed as if time had stopped once you spotted Robby, his hands covering his mouth anxiously waiting. Bobby, one of Johnny's best friends sat beside him. He was the one who was able to get you in to see Robby so soon, apparently you weren't old enough to visit him by yourself. Which you thought was stupid.
With every walk towards Robby your body was shaking, you were nervous. Not because of what happened that led him in here, but because of how he would react to you wanting to see him.
Bobby's head perked up as he seen you, he waved you over with a soft smile causing Robby to turn around. His lips parted as he was in shock, surprised that you actually showed. But more importantly shocked that you actually wanted to see him after what happened.
Robby stood up slowly as you walked closer to him, you couldn't hug because of the no touching rule. But you wanted to, and by his reaction you knew he wanted to as well.
You smiled at Bobby as he led you to take a seat beside him, Robby turned back around and took his seat, lips still parted, too shocked to speak.
Bobby looked back and forth at you both awkwardly for a moment before pointing behind him "I'll let you guys.... catch up" He spoke before walking away.
"You're- you're here...." Robby said lowly, as if in disbelief. He wouldn't have blamed you for not coming.
"I'm always here for you Robby..." You placed your elbows on the silver table, resting your chin on your hand.
Your eyes couldn't escape his, you had missed him so much and you didn't want to look away. The slightest smile fell across Robby's lips as he cleared his throat.
"So... what have you been up too?" He questions, wanting to know if you've been okay.
"Missing you" You crack a smile with your answer.
Robby let's out a small chuckle, with a side smile "besides that..." He jokes lightly.
You sigh, pretending to think "nothing too interesting, everything's pretty much been quiet" Your tone changes with every word you speak. It's as if Robby sensed your emotions, he raised his eyebrows and looked down slightly, disappointed with himself.
"Is... is Miguel okay?" Robby questions nervously, bitting his fingernail as he looks up at you. Almost not wanting to know the answer to that question.
"He's okay Robby, he's healing" You tell him sincerely.
You could see the pure guilt written on his face, the regret. "Hey..." You grab his hand that was laying on the table, completely disregarding the rules.
"I don't blame you for any of it... I know you would take it all back in a heart beat if you could, but it'll be okay..." You said lovingly. But you also didn't quite know what to say, you hoped he wouldn't take it the wrong way.
Robby's eyes bore into yours, you start rethinking your words for a moment until he nods his head, closing his eyes. A small tear rolling down his cheek.
Your hand finds its way to his right cheek, wiping the tear away gently. Your thumb runs over the purple and red bruise that lied there.
"What happened...?" You basically whisper.
"Just a couple of guys. No big deal" He tries to speak as convincing as possible, you could tell there was more to it but you decide not to push him further.
"I miss you Robby... a lot" You say, placing both of your hands on top of his free hand.
"I miss you too..." Robby says, his side smile starting to show.
Soon your sincere moment is broken up by Bobby placing his hand on your shoulder letting you know that your time was up. You nod letting him know you got the message, before turning back to Robby.
"I don't know when or if I'll be able to come back and visit you, but I'll be here to pick you up when you get out" You say, a small smile falling across your lips.
Robby nods his head in understanding, his heart leaping at such a promise. Though apart of him didn't expect you to keep it. Bobby and some of the guards lead you out of the waiting room, your eyes stayed glued to his as much as they could. You could feel Robby’s stare on you, and you knew that his eyes were still trained on the metal doors even when you were out of his sight.
Pulling up your car into one of the driveways at the detention center you spot both Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence at the doors, bickering. Daniel was your dad and Johnny was Robby's dad. You let out a sigh as you step out of your car, leaning on the side of it. You watched as Johnny and Daniel kept yelling at eachother.
"So you got it all under control?" Daniel interrogates.
"Yeah, I do." Johnny nods his head.
"Just like you had Kreese under control? Right?-" Daniel pauses. "-what did you think would happen when you summoned that devil back to earth?" He finishes, almost as if it was a rhetorical question.
"Kreese is my problem" Johnny states, tilting his head up.
"Not anymore. He's made it crystal clear that he's everyone's problem... as usual I'm gonna have to be the one that cleans up your mess" Daniel sighs.
"I clean up my own messes.... and I'm dealing with it" Johnny says louder, walking up to Daniel.
"Yeah and how exactly are you dealing with it? What are you gonna do, barge in there and beat him up. That worked real well with the guys at the chop-shop" Daniel smart mouths, using his hands as references.
"Those guys deserved it..." Johnny says.
"That's your problem Johnny..." Daniel starts, but before he could finish you drown them out, rolling your eyes at their antics, they acted like they were teenagers all over again.
"Seriously?" You hear a familiar voice interrupt the two kids.
You perk up leaning off your car and getting a good look at Robby, "Robby..." Daniel says, turning to look at him.
"Hey Robby" Johnny says as Robby takes a few steps closer to try and pass them, not yet spotting you.
Robby looks at Johnny "I told you i don't want you here." He says nodding his head upwards as if pointing to Johnny.
"You're my son, I wanted to be here" Johnny says 'as a matter of fact'.
"and so did I..." Daniel speaks up.
Robby turns to look at his and squints his eyes "Don't do me any favors, it's your fault I was in here" He blames.
"Listen I know you're upset but I was doing what was best for you...-" Daniel starts as Robby rolls his eyes, looking away "now that you're here I want you to know you'll always have a home at Miyagi Do." Daniel says sincerely.
Johnny steps up demandingly "you're with me." He says.
Robby looks back and forth at the two of them, pursing his lips, an angry expression on his face "both of you. Stay out of my life" He says before walking off.
He stops in his tracks as he makes eye contact with you, both Daniel and Johnny stop their staring contest with each other and turn towards you, just now noticing your presence. "Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?!" Daniel yells from afar.
"I came to pick up my boyfriend" You say as if it was a stupid question to ask. You see Robby let out a small side smile as you make eye contact with him once again, you smile and nod your head to your car. "You coming?" You question, a small smile placed on your face.
Robby nods his head as he walks over to the passengers side and takes his seat, you doing the same in the drivers side. You pass by Johnny and Daniel, both of them looking baffled. Daniel had a look of defeat and annoyance on his face, while Johnny’s face held a grin. He always liked you, despite your dads and his rivalry.
You make it down the road before looking over at Robby, "Thanks for coming Y/n..." He says as he sinks back in his seat.
"Of course babe, I wasn't gonna miss coming to get you" You smile, turning on a green light.
You look over for just a split second to catch Robby's side smile, "you hungry?" You question, looking back at him on a red light. "I could eat" He replies before resting his arm against the door, looking out the window.
You decided not to rush him into talking. You didn't want to overwhelm him, especially after what just happened moments before. Instead, you drove to In-n-Out.
You decided to drive to Miyagi Do, you knew nobody would be there at this time of day and you wanted a place to eat and talk alone with Robby. You parked your car horizontal to the dojo. You handed Robby his food and ate in silence for the first few minutes.
After Robby finished his food you decided to wrap the rest of yours up and put it back in the paper bag. You could feel Robby practically staring daggers into your head.
"Why did you come?" He finally spoke up.
You look up at him confused by his question, "what do you mean Robby?" You asked, furrowing your brows.
"That day, with Bobby. Why did you come?" He clarifies.
"Because I love you Robby" You state, staring into his eyes that are scrunched up in confusion.
"Did you not want me to come...?" You couldn't help but ask.
"It's not that, I just... no one's ever showed up for me like that and I just wanted to know why.... especially after what I did" Robby says, breaking eye contact to look at the floorboard.
"Robby... what happened was horrible, but I'm always going to be in your corner. I'm always going to be there for you" You say, as Robby feels his heart skip a beat.
He finally manages to look you back in your eyes and when you get to see his face, his eyes are filled with tears that won't stop rushing down. The small bags under his eyes are slightly red, as he finally reveals his vulnerable self to you.
"I need you Y/n" He cries, and you take that as your sign to unbuckle your seat and place yourself in Robby's lap.
His hands hold onto your waist for dear life as he looks up, and into your eyes. You place your right hand against his face, rubbing your thumb back and forth on his soft skin.
Your legs wrap firmly around Robby's waist as you place your lips on his. His lips fight with yours as his tears fall against both of your lips, it becomes messy and filled with love.
Robby pulls away to lean his forehead against yours, both his hands now holding onto the sides of your face only for his lips to be back on yours "I love you" he mumbles against your lips.
"I love you Robby" Your voice comes out as a whisper against his lips.
You pull away from his lips, your eyes gazing over every inch of his face, Robby's eyes are still closed as another tear rolls down his face. You take that as your sign to tightly embrace him in a hug.
His arms wrap firmly around your waist, hands resting on your back as he lets his head fall onto your shoulder, his body starts shaking as he starts crying harder, holding onto you for dear life.
  You stay like that for a while, until his breathing calms down and his tears fade away. Still on his lap, you pull away from the hug while his hands drop down to your waist.
  Robby's glossy eyes meet yours "I have something for you" You say before lightly placing your lips on his for a brief moment before getting off his lap and returning back to the drivers seat.
  You don't give him a chance to speak before you're already driving away from Miyagi Do. A little while later you pull up to his old apartment building.
  Robby looks at the building and back to you with a confused look on his face as you park the car. "Come on, it's just in here" You give him a small, innocent smile.
  You both get out the car, grabbing Robby's hand you walk into the complex and in the elevator to his apartment door. You grab the keys out of your back pocket and unlock the door, letting Robby in first.
  "Y/n what is this?" Robby questions looking around the apartment, as he noticed how clean and kept up it looked.
  "Well... while you were in juvie I decided to fix it up for you, I got permission from your mom and everything's taken care of, the fridge is full of food and the rents payed off for a while, so you don't have to worry about anything" You explain while you close the apartment door. You knew your dad, Daniel, would have some words to say about it, but you didn’t care, Robby needed someone, he needed you.
  Robby takes in every detail of the apartment until you're his main focus, your nerves start to take over as he walks up to you. He brings his hand to your cheek, his thumb moves back and forth in slow motions. His eyes move back and forth to yours and your lips.
  He's lost for words, but he manages to speak "you didn't have to do this, I could've figured something out on my own..." Robby says. Every part of him wanted to reject the offer, fearing it was out of pity but he knew by the sweetness in your voice that you truly just wanted to be there for him. Help him.
  "I know, but now you don't have to worry about that" You give him a small smile as you speak.
You don't give him the chance to say anything before you speak again "I want to help you Robby, not because of pity or feeling like I have too, but because I love you an-" Your sentence is cut off by Robby's lips on yours.
Both of his hands are now grasping your face, his lips move against yours with so much love and compassion as he pushes you up against the door. Your right hand goes to his shoulder as your left hand rests on his jaw.
You both make out for a while, it wasn’t any regular heated make out. No…. It was filled with love, warmth, and desperation. This was Robby’s way of saying thank you. You didn’t know what would happen in the future, or where this teenage love would lead you both, but you were more than willing to love him with every fiber in your body.
You were willing to be there for him.
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syoddeye · 29 days
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consequence / hyacinth
price x f!reader | 1.9k words series directory tags: exes, angst, references to depression. a/n: an ex boyfriend. a story. a kiss. ☕
a surprise trap door. an errant self-driving car. a jet engine falling from the sky. anything to get you out of this.
hyperbolic? maybe. necessary? absolutely. forty-five minutes, and you haven’t gotten a word in edgewise. ben drones on about his studio and his upcoming exhibition. you brought this on yourself by doing the polite thing and asking him how are you?—lesson learned. 
it hurts. it blisters to hear how happy and successful he is and how he’s moved on from the breakup. as if he didn’t leave you hanging with a dinner you couldn’t afford after admitting that he cheated. he hasn’t asked about your wrist, your old flat, or your art career.
eventually, he stands. sets you free.
“i should go, long trip home,” he says, eyes glued to an incoming text. “it was lovely to catch up. thanks for holding onto this junk for me.” he hoists the box off the seat beside him and tucks it under an arm.
you let him kiss your cheek. “yeah. of course.”
he doesn’t look back. you wish you could do the same. 
you order another cider and resolve to not remain looking like the miserable slump you are.
>> are you in town?
>> if you are, i could use a drinking buddy
john’s hair is still damp when he spots her at a two-top in the garden, nursing a cider. he waves, then ducks inside for his own drink. his head buzzes with whatever this invite means.
he checked with the florist twice to ensure the flowers arrived intact at her place. made the woman on the phone read back his apologetic note and bit his tongue when she reminded him it wasn’t her ‘place to say whether it sounded good enough or not’. he never heard if she liked them.
there’s a stiffness to her smile but relief in her voice. “you came.”
“how’re you?”
in six words or less, he knows something’s off. he eases onto the seat, trying to exude a sense of humor and not telegraph his one hundred questions. “undercaffeinated, but i’m more interested in how you’re doing.”
“i noticed you hadn’t stopped in.”
“didn’t think you wanted me to.”
“about that. it was rude of me to kick you out without warning.”
guilt isn’t what he wants. he adjusts course to shoulder the blame. “i crossed a line.”
she isn’t having it. “please, it was rude. i know you weren’t trying to…”
“cross a line? overstep?”
her mouth wavers undecided between a frown and a smile. “you didn’t know. i could’ve explained. spare you £45.”
you. little.
“so you did get them. the note, too?” she nods. “then why the radio silence? hyacinths a bad choice?”
“no, they’re perfect. i just. i sort of froze. i had a rough couple of days.”
the hangdog expression she hides with the glass makes his chest hurt. “i’ve been told i’m a decent listener.”
“it’s a long story.”
“i got time.” he offers quietly. “just got back. caught me in the shower, actually.”
her eyes narrow, curious. “did you dress and come straight here?”
“well, it’s generally frowned upon to walk around naked.”
he beams at her laugh, her shaking shoulders. for a moment, her whole face lights up. it relaxes her posture as it peters off, leaving her looking less like a cornered mouse than when he initially sat down. 
“so.” john pushes carefully. “the paintings.”
her smile lapses into something unreadable, a pause to find the right place to begin. her fingers trace the table’s grate.
when she finally speaks, she refocuses. meets his eye. good. he doesn’t want to twist her arm to get the story. the tale starts innocently enough.
the woman is hannah, her best friend and a ceramicist. they met on the first day of her mfa and were paired for the terms project shortly thereafter. they quickly became inseparable, until his girl met ben.
“i can’t talk about hannah without talking about ben. to talk about ben, you need context.”
john leans in. his thick eyebrows lift in a silent go on. 
“they say it happens when you’re not looking, right?” you nervously laugh, smiling at the table sheepishly, unable to meet his eye. “well, i met ben at a networking event. last place i thought i’d find a date, rubbing elbows with alumni. but he introduced himself, said he liked my portfolio book. told me about his work and all these shows he’d done. he took me to lunch the next day.” 
you wince at the memory, crystal clear and acutely embarrassing. how starry-eyed you’d been. your throat dries, sandpaper scraping down your esophagus at the thought of ben scribbling his number on your wrist. you clear your throat.
“then he asked me to dinner. during lunch.”
if john’s disgusted or disappointed, he doesn’t show it. his self-control is infuriating yet reliable. steady where you’re shaky.
why can’t i be like that?
you push on.
“without diving into minutiae, i eventually had to introduce hannah and ben. they hounded me, because if i wasn’t with one, i was with the other.” 
“jealous of each other.”
“i think so. i agonized. they’re big personalities, i thought they’d clash.” you replay their first meeting in your head. you have a thousand times. “and they did.”
‘differing artistic opinions’ and ‘absurd expectations’ are the root causes of the squabbling she describes. her words, not his.
(he thinks of less charitable ways to characterize interpersonal conflict.)
barrages of text messages competing for her attention. underhanded attempts to get her to cancel plans with the other. emergencies that turned out to be trivial. guilt trips. one particularly ugly screaming match at a mutual friend’s birthday.
(if it were him, he thinks, they’d’ve lost privileges long ago.)
“it took weeks for them to come around to the idea of each other.”
“what was the catalyst?
“me again.”
john hums. he watches her rest against the back of her seat, her arms crossing and tightening over her chest. compressing herself as much as she can. embarrassment rolls off her in waves. he doesn’t say a word, afraid he’ll cut what courage she’s mustered off at the knees.
she has her own idea.
“can we—are you finished?” 
his glass is two-thirds empty, and he polishes off the rest. a fist squeezes his heart when her lip twitches at his abruptness. she makes it difficult to be collected with his interest.
“where to?”
“where else.”
it’s a challenge, defending oneself from an insistent, bullying cat. cece shows no mercy.
“she likes beards.”
“does she see many beards?”
“just a theory.” she leans against the cushions, watching him and the cat, a glass of water held in both hands. “yours is the only one she’s tried.”
in the end, after negotiations, cece loafs between them. her purr a white noise.
“where were we?” her tone suggests she knows precisely where.
“the truce and you.”
her eyes find a spot past his head to rest. he’s tempted to tilt his head into her line of sight, assuming that nudging her on home turf’s a safer bet than in public. but the hesitant, almost imperceptible exhale that leaves her keeps him still.
“alright. so. me.” her chest expands with another sigh. “i was already struggling two terms into school. really struggling. when i applied, i had this clear vision, but then classes started, i met my peers, and suddenly it felt like everything i thought i knew just disappeared. nothing looked right, nothing felt right. i pulled constant all-nighters. sat through brutal critiques. i’m lucky i had thick skin from my job, otherwise, i might have dropped out to join a convent or the circus.”
immediately, his mind conjures the image of a tattooed nun, swiftly followed by a tattooed strongwoman. his lip quirks. he hastily buries what those do for him. later. 
their gazes meet briefly to share a smile.
she licks her lips after a drink and sets the glass aside.
“they realized their bickering wasn’t helping, so they put their heads together. kind of forced us to become the three musketeers. they helped me where they could, and things smoothed out between them in the process. he found her ceramics shows to exhibit. let her move her wheel into our joint space. we were in close quarters, and i needed it. i needed them.”
a couch width is suddenly too far a distance with how she crumples. something difficult passes over her face, and she excuses it with a shrug.
“despite their joint efforts, i barely scraped by that first year. i was burnt out, miserable, and i spent two weeks holed up alone, trying to not go off the rails.”
oh, sweetheart.
“where were they?”
“hannah was visiting family stateside, and ben was traveling for work.”
not that his schedule allows flexibility, not that he’s behaved the perfect partner in the past—but john knows instantly that he would not have left her. he’d’ve been there. the more he hears about ben, the more he wants to meet him. come to a violent understanding. impart a lesson or two on loyalty.
“when ben returned, he told me he decided to move here to ‘reconnect with the country’. something about ‘capturing and celebrating the bucolic’. he wanted long-distance, but i, uh, i said i’d rather quit and move with him. we fought and he called in reinforcements. at hannah and ben’s…encouragement, i finished out the term. and it nearly killed me. as you know, i withdrew.”
john often reads between the lines. a vital skill, interpreting indirect and unintended communication. what’s unsaid. shame pulls her inward again, a moment where she seems smaller. swallowed by the enormity of whatever she doesn’t say. can’t say.
“i know they were disappointed. they didn’t need to say anything. hannah felt abandoned, and ben burdened by my tagging along. i got this awful feeling the morning we left and i ignored it. i was convinced leaving school behind and taking a break from art would fix me.” 
cece stretches, stands, and allows herself to be scooped up. 
she holds the cat under its front legs, bringing their faces closer together. “but it’s like that saying or whatever. ‘wherever you go, there you are’. i got here. settled in. and i was still a loser.”
it’s instinct.
“you’re not–”
she bulldozes.
“i started working at the café. ben booked murals. he painted the big one a few streets over.”
he’s familiar. “the one with–?”
“yep.” she releases cece. “he tried to get me to paint. he begged me. but i couldn’t do it. things took a turn last summer when ben won a huge job in the city, which snowballed into an invitation to exhibit. hannah got busy with the final stretch of the program, and couldn’t visit much.”
“so you were alone again.”
“yeah.” her voice thins, then breaks. “alone again.” she digs the heels of her palms into her eyes before a single tear drops off her lashes. 
john’s beside her before doubt seeds itself in his mind. one arm gathers her to his side, his chin lifting then settling atop her head when she tucks closer. his other arm winds around her, and the slight tremors of her distress ripple through him. she’s quiet, not quite sobbing, but sucking in deep breaths. he rubs her back in a slow circle, murmuring nothings.
“what do you need?” he asks as she gradually stills.
she sniffs. 
without thinking, he kisses the crown of her head. “okay.”
john only catches a glimpse as she hands him a quilt. but he sees them. blue hyacinths, pinned and drying above her bed.
“sorry. this is all i got. you set?”
he smiles at her sweet, tear swollen eyes. 
“yeah. i’ve got all i need.”
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extremely-judgemental · 2 months
Can we talk about Tamlin again? His story is infinitely sad.
During his younger years, he hides his true nature for the fear of his father and brothers. He has no interest in being a High Lord and is completely satisfied working with his brothers-in-arms and protecting his court. Ultimately his powers come through and he's hated by his brothers. He obeys every command from his father so that he isn't assumed to be a rebel and ends up betraying his mentor. Since then he lives in fear of Rhysand and resists him little whenever insulted because of his guilt.
With his father's murder he becomes the one thing he didn't want to be. He has to leave the life he loved to become someone his people need. Despite the lack of proper training with the court matters, he accepts the one job he always hated.
He offers home to Lucien making an enemy out of Autumn, his neighbouring court which no one would do for a complete stranger who isn't much of a benefit to his court in any way. Lucien becomes his only friend, confidant and family.
I think no one talks about this part as much as they should. When Amarantha establishes her rule, he's the only High Lord allowed to walk out freely. She gives him fifty years to break the curse. Not only is his court condemned all the same, he can't blame failing to save Prythian on his imprisonment like the other HLs could. Knowing Tamlin is warrior at heart, it's heartbreaking that he has to willingly send his 'brothers' to their death. What isn't addressed (enough or at all) is the resentment others UtM or in Prythian develop towards him for not undoing the curse already or trying enough when he stopped sending his sentries out to die. Every time Amarantha does anything remotely cruel, Tamlin would be blamed too for turning his back on entire fae population. Somehow this is glossed over as if fifty years of captivity wouldn't affect the way others see Tamlin.
He finally finds someone who loves him and could potentially break the curse. He ensures her family is taken care of when he didn't have to, long before they fall in love with each other. But he sends her away for her safety damning himself to more blame and hatred. He accepts his fate as Amarantha's toy when the woman he loves returns only to be treated like a circus animal and tortured and abused. He watches as the entirety of fae population bets against her life, watch Feyre almost get killed twice and truly killed once.
Once they are free, he has to build his court back up and also protect Feyre and his people. Even after all those years, he doesn't trust himself qualified to be a HL and takes advice from anyone including Ianthe who manipulates and betrays him, who he believed to be his friend.
We know how it goes from here. Feyre leaves with the one who abused her UtM. Rhysand gloats whenever he can. Tamlin makes a deal with someone crueler than Amarantha. He believes Feyre finally is safe from Rhysand only to realise she's played him. He loses Lucien. He loses the trust of the very people he cared about so much. He cares about the realm enough to spy for the other courts though no one believes him or even likes him. He helps Feyre and her sister. He helps bring the one man he hates so much back to life for her sake. Even after everything his court still suffers from what Feyre and the war did. For a soldier to watch his land wither away, it must be one of the worst nightmares.
There's one scene that always gets me. The one in ACOMAF where Tamlin is with his sentries, talking and laughing with his people during some gathering. That was supposed to be his life, he almost had it if he had the chance to heal. But all of it was stripped away because he loved Feyre and tried over and over again to protect her, blindly sacrificing everything for her. Then I remember Tamlin in his manor, empty and in ruins, with no one around.
To come to think of it, he has received hate almost all his life. Sometimes, rightfully so. But mostly for none of his fault. Maybe he deserves a break after all.
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pinkrangermemes · 4 months
EPIC: The Musical
lyrics that absolutely fuck me up, feel free to change pronouns and such as needed
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"A mission to kill someone's son, a foe who won't run, unlike anyone you have faced before."
"I'd rather bleed for you."
"This is the will of the gods."
"Don't make me do this."
"The blood on your hands is something you won't lose. All you can choose is whose."
"You're as old as he was when I left for war."
"How could I hurt you?"
"I'm just a man who's trying to go home."
"When does a man become a monster?"
"When does the reason become the blame?"
"Forgive me."
"We should try to find a way no one ends up dead."
"You can relax, my friend."
"Think of all that we have been through. We'll survive what we get into."
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms."
"I see in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart."
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you."
"Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you."
"Don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind."
"Don't disappoint me."
"What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep?"
"Don't you know that pain you sow is pain you reap?"
"Your life now is in my hand."
"A trade, you see. Take from me like you took from me."
"You shall be the final man to die."
"It's just one life to take."
"When we kill him our journey's over."
"You've hurt me enough."
"When I kill you, my pain is over."
"Mark my words now. This is not the end."
"Remember them."
"Who hurts you?"
"If nobody hurt you, be silent."
"He's still a threat until he's dead."
"Finish it."
"What good would killing do, when mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use?"
"The blood we shed, it never dries."
"I am your darkest moment."
"I am the infamous _______!"
"This way, you won't disappoint me."
"This way, you won't waste my time."
"Unlike you, every time someone dies, I'm left to deal with the strain."
"I'll remind you, I saw you as a friend, but now we're done."
"This way, you won't plague my life."
"This way, you'll close the door and have your damn goodbye."
"Since you claim you're so much wiser, why's your life spent all alone?"
"You're alone!"
"This day, you sever your own head."
"This day, you lost it all. Consider this as my goodbye."
"Don't forget how dangerous the gods are."
"How much longer 'til your luck runs out?"
"You rely on wit, and people die on it."
"I still believe in goodness."
"Lead from the heart, and see what starts."
"And what will we do when it tears us apart?"
"You're like the brother I could never do without."
"How much longer 'til your strength takes leave?"
"I can't have you planting seeds of doubt."
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
"Sometimes killing is a must."
"Friends turn into foes and rivalries."
"Never really know who you can trust."
"The end always justifies the means."
"So much has changed, but I'm the same."
"I'm left without a choice and without a doubt."
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves."
"You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great."
"You are far too nice."
"Mercy has a price."
"Unlike you, I've got no mercy left to give."
"The line between naivete and hopefulness is almost invisible."
"What have you done?"
"I am your darkest moment, the monster that always draws near."
"Remember me."
"There's only so much left we can endure."
"Think of your past and your mistakes."
"No, I'm not a player. I'm a puppeteer."
"I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we've done."
"It's a game of wits, but you don't have to play."
"A foe like ____ is not to be messed with."
"You could be hurt or you could beat her."
"I'll help you conquer her."
"Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred?"
"Don't thank me, friend, you very well may die."
"Did you do something to them?"
"I don't know who you are or why you're here, but let me make this one thing clear."
"I've got people to protect, friends I can't neglect, so now there is no turning back."
"Back at home my wife waits for me. She's my everything, my _____."
"Maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road."
"This land confuses your mind."
"All I hear are screams every time I dare to close my eyes."
"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died."
"Why would you let _____ live when ruthlessness is mercy?"
"I keep thinking of the infant from that night."
"____, when you come home, I'll be waiting."
"Even if you're the last thing I see, I'll be waiting."
"I took too long."
"I'll always love you."
"Your past is always close behind."
"I see a song of past romance."
"I see portrayals of betrayal and a brother's final stand."
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you."
"We've suffered and sailed through the toughest of Hells, now you tell us our efforts were nothing?"
"I see a wife with a man who is haunting. A man with a trail of bodies."
"How has everything been turned against us?"
"How did suffering become so endless?"
"Do I need to change?"
"What if I'm the monster?"
"What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?"
"If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away, would that make us stronger?"
"So what if I'm the monster lurking deep below?"
"If I gotta drop another infant from a wall in an instant so we all don't die, then I'll become the monster."
"I'll become the monster."
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mrinafria · 4 months
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The person who saved my life, and the person who made me want to live again, were all you.
Writing this to echo what @thedeathdeelers said in her post. I'm a Seon Jae softie through and through, and yet, when anyone questions Im Sol's choices or calls her names, I want to flip a table pretty much because have you seen the effects her choices have had on people?
Because of Im Sol's choices her mom doesn't have a burn injury on her hand.
Because of Im Sol's choices their house didn't completely burn down.
Because of Im Sol's choices Hyun Joo finally has the best of both worlds, with no regrets about letting go of something for the other. Her brother who was struggling with no motivation or luck whatsoever is definitely better off now.
Because of Im Sol's choices we even have a Tae Sung in the story, otherwise all we knew at the beginning, in episode 1, was he was some guy who dropped out of school after getting into a fight over something. Not the best first introduction to a character (who goes on to become the best second ML ever). I am the most proud about Tae Sung's transformation, because you can see that even in high school, underneath the 'bad boy' facade, he craved some genuine care and attention and guidance, which Im Sol the haelmoni, the yeppo noona provided.
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Im Sol's choices allowed Seon Jae in Alt 2023 to live guilt-free for 14 years (where they confess), instead of him suffering that mental anguish and longing for 15 years out of guilt which the OG Seon Jae had to go through. And we all know what my feelings are about that version of him.
Because of Im Sol's choices, Sonagi exists (/-ed). Because if the 19yo Im Sol had not held the umbrella over him, giving him that dazzling smile of hers that is sunburst and blinding and contagious, capable of stirring storms within the heart, our boy would not be smitten and a loser and a goner for life (well, lives). And now we all know what that means when she chooses not to do that.
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If Im Sol's choices have made anyone's life harder, it's Im Sol herself. She carries around the memories of THREE++ timelines, with the love of her life dying/almost dying in EVERY one of them. She goes through life as if she really didn't live through all that trauma that is enough to drive someone insane. She knows her Seon Jae is gone, for good, and all she has are memories that don't even exist in this timeline, memories that not even a single person can corroborate. You know how utterly helpless and hopeless that sounds like? She has a person in this timeline that resembles her Seon Jae, but she has to constantly remind herself he is not her person, her Seon-Jae, he better not be if she wants to see him alive. Going around in the city and seeing his posters/ads with his face on it, or stumbling onto him and seeing him staring at her with no recognition whatsoever? It's not easy. Becoming a complete stranger to someone who was once your everything, who could've been your everything. Not easy.
And she decides to carry on with life still because deep down she knows that's what Seon Jae would want, that's what Seon Jae had taught her: to live for the people who are thankful to have her around, to live to see another day, rain or shine. She loves life, lives life, as a token of gratitude to Seon Jae. She lives because when she says You saved my life, and you made me live to him, those are not just words she is casually throwing around. She is thankful that he made her find reasons to live one more day, and she is going to pay him back by living a worthwhile life. Because Seon Jae truly wants/ed that. He literally died wanting that, putting her life before him, because he wanted her to live, and by living, I mean not just breathing and spending the remainder of her life with survivor's guilt. Going back to this epic confession scene, he says all that because he is afraid of how Im Sol would go on with her life if he's no more. Here, he wants her to know that she doesn't need to blame herself, or suffer, because it is his choice to save her, and it'll all be worth it to him if she gets to live the best life she possibly can.
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Just like Seon Jae in any timeline never stopped living or appreciating the good things in life despite longing for Im Sol for more than a decade, she will live and keep her love for him alive through herself. Even if she comes back home at the end of the day to cry in secret, or breaks down in tears in public places.
If Im Sol didn't make the choices she did, we won't have a Seon Jae to begin with.
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alicerosejensen · 7 months
Something about sin. Pt.3
Warning: Age difference, Older!Leon, Reader daughter of another DSO agent, fem.reader, mention of sex, guilt.
A/N: The penultimate part. The second part was chaotic and probably the weakest, but it is what it is. I’m still trying to overcome my chronic fatigue and constant apathy, so if it’s not difficult for you, please write a few kind words if you liked this text.
I still decided that there would be four parts instead of three. The final chapter will probably be smaller in volume, but it will have a lot of dialogues and the resolution of the conflict itself, so I decided that it would be better to write it separately and not in one large text.
Once again, I apologize for the delay in publication, but sometimes our health fails us all.
Part 1
Part 2
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And he would burn in hell for all the lust he feels for this lost innocent soul.
Your father would never forgive him for this, just as Leon will not forgive himself for having you in his arms. Albeit of his own free will, but getting out of bed, going to the bath and rinsing his face with cold water, Leon prefers to take all the blame on himself. You are innocent... you were innocent and he stretched out his dirty hands to you, put you into his bed three months after that kiss in the barn and, no matter how disgusting it may sound, slept with you.
The most tender, most precious girl he's ever had of all, he knows that he would have made the same decision every time if God had brought him back to the day he kissed you, allowing himself to desire you. That's why it's nice to come back to bed with you, even if it's soul-destroying from himself.
You destroyed him thoroughly.
You are his sin, a sweet obsession and a mad desire designed to crush all the little that he has managed to build in his hectic life. You mock him, tear him apart so that he pursues you and falls into this sinful ocean of passion without regrets. And Leon can't do anything to himself. He was older than you, almost twice as old, well, that was fine with you. The feeling of comfort and security never left while Leon was around, as if it was something you needed all your life. As he lay back in bed, he replayed your dialogue in his head. It's one thing to kiss while muffling the egregious voice in his own head that it's not worth it, and it's completely another to insert dick into his friend's daughter.
Leon was the first in every way for you and he understood it perfectly without words. It's not that your dad forbade you to date boys, but maybe your father's attention really wasn't enough if you reciprocated his feelings?
"I could be your father… Your father and I are the same age…"
"But still, you're not my father," you smiled then, begging him with puppy eyes to teach you love and move on to something more than ordinary kisses, which of course you were crazy about, but you want to understand what it's like to be with someone you love, even if he's much older than you.
You promised him that you were ready for more, for a new stage, and Leon continued to feel as if he was seducing a young girl, doing something dirty and vicious with you, something against your will. This, of course, was not the case, but the anxiety did not go away. Asking to think about this decision, to weigh everything, led nowhere, and in the end everything happened.
"Are you sure you want this?; Are you sure?; we can stop, sweetie, at any time you want"
His voice, saturated with anxiety, accompanied you throughout your first sex with him, and it was never as described in the books... however, this was not surprising and you knew very well that what is on the pages and in films differs greatly in real life. And yet, it's good that you got Leon and not someone else, because he took care of your feelings, trying to prepare you in such a way as to reduce all discomfort to a minimum: gentle kisses, a prepared bottle of lubricant, long intimacy , careful touches. All his movements were careful and together with you, he essentially got to know your body, trying to help you and himself understand what you would like in sex. he allowed you to touch him, showed how he liked it, smiling, kissing you on the corner of your lips, seeing the embarrassment on your beautiful face.
"My dear, do you remember?" his reminders constantly sounded while his thumb caressed your swollen clit with round movements, "I will stop as soon as you say"
How could you forget? Leon was catching every emotion on your face, afraid to catch the pain, but it was good for you. It's better than if it was a guy your age who didn't give a damn about you. Leon was doing everything right, but he was still a monster in his head. You liked it. There was no blood, none of the things your friends used to scare you with, but you didn't see the stars in the sky either, no matter how funny it sounded. Just because it was the first time and yet Leon left almost a thousand kisses on your face before and after sex. He took you to the shower, gently ran a sponge over your body, washing away all traces of intimacy, wrapped you in a towel and put you back to bed, not forgetting to bring a glass of water. You were sitting on his bed and the man's hands were firmly holding you by the waist while he weightlessly touched the bridge of your nose with his lips asking about your well-being. You could joke that you really feel a little unwell after sex, but seeing your lover's panic, it would be wise not to play him like that, otherwise this could be your first and last sex with him.
"I don't regret it," you said, hoping that it would take some weight off his shoulders.
Leon reassured himself that even if nothing came of this relationship, at least your first man was the one who took care of you and did not run away the next morning, managing to tell his friends about the new notch on bedpost.
.. But yes, now if your father finds out that you've been fucked, then a fist in the nose will be the most merciful thing Leon can ever get. Most likely, it will be an explosion of epic proportions and a shootout worse than Hollywood action movies. What should it tell him? "Buddy, but we can still drink beer and watch football, it's just that now I'm still sleeping with your daughter, whom you've been caring for and cherishing all his life?" This is shit, not an explanation. If his friend had once confessed to him that he was sleeping with HIS daughter, Leon would have killed the bastard and disposed of the corpse so that no evidence would be found. That's just that he is now the main culprit, and he does not want to leave your life when such a charming angel sleeps next to him in bed.
Leon doesn’t want to leave you, but he himself has no idea what outcome his actions will lead to. Hugging and pulling your body while you sleep, he kisses the back of your head, sincerely hoping that you won’t regret what happened between you, that you won’t cry in the morning, calling everything a mistake, but the devil is not as terrible as he is imagined...
A sound sleep was interrupted by caring strokes and soft kisses, although he is not a handsome prince, but he still got a sleeping beauty and it seems that the only thing you were unhappy with sitting with him at the kitchen table was that Leon woke you up too early. Like a gloomy owl with disheveled hair, you try to focus your gaze on coffee and not fall asleep while he says something and you ignore all his speeches until your name is called.
"Did you heard what I said?" and you honestly nod your head negatively to a heavy male sigh.
Trouble obviously doesn't come alone, fortunately you don't cry or curse him, instead you just snuggle up to his back and pull him back into the bedroom to sleep an extra couple of hours with him in your arms like the whole last night.
He was a good man. Not ideal, with his own problems, fears, experiences, but still he continued to care about you more than about himself, so he carefully turned to face you, hugging you, starting to gently rock you to the sides, burying his nose in the top of your head.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked still anxiously.
"All was good"
With Leon you could relax and trust him, last night he was perfectly prepared and constantly asked if you could continue or if he should stop, and you know that if you said yes, he would immediately end everything without caring about his feelings. The main thing is you! As a result, he treats you like a princess all day long, taking care of you. He even volunteered to comb your hair, which now smelled like his shampoo, and while Leon was fiddling with the comb, at the same time remembering the jokes that your father loves so much, you just laughed and enjoyed the complete adoration of his person.
“I’ll order food for us, and you relax on the couch. Choose the movie you want.”
Not surprisingly, Leon doesn’t know how to cook, he doesn’t have much time to improve this skill, but you don’t expect him to pick you up in his arms and put you on this very sofa, covering your legs with a blanket and handing you the TV remote control. Another girl obviously wouldn’t like it, but not you, although you didn’t feel helpless. There was some discomfort, but nothing scary or that would require consulting a doctor. As a result, the two of you spent another day lying cuddled on the couch, eating pizza, watching, flipping through channels and discussing various things. Despite the age difference, there was no feeling that Leon was some kind of ancient old man walking around with an ancient push-button telephone (although you assured him that there was nothing wrong with that). He smiled, playfully flicking you on the nose and it seems he even exhaled and came to reconciliation with his inner voice, but exactly until the moment when your father called.
And conscience woke up again.
He protected you, he didn't hurt you and took good care of you, Leon is ready as a faithful doggie to accept any thing you ask him, because he is...
It's worth admitting to yourself that this is not an affair because if Leon just wanted to sleep with someone, he went to a bar and found someone who wouldn't mind spending the night with him, and you are something more. He wants to cherish you and shower kisses on your face while you're lying serenely on his couch watching the show. A good excuse for the conscience that was gnawing into his brain and telling him that he was an ordinary son of a bitch, screaming: "Look, you took advantage of the poor girl's naivety. The daughter of your friend who supported you after China! How well did you repay his kindness by dragging his favorite daughter into bed!"
The phone rang but couldn't find the strength to answer.
You asked if everything was okay, to which Leon sighs and answers yes, asking not to worry. And then he gave you his sweater and you curled up next to him and fell asleep without caring about anything, because the thunderstorm with lightning no longer scared you both. And Leon really slept well for the first time in a long time, hugging you to his chest, knowing that when he wakes up he will find you where you fell asleep - with him.
No more notes with lipstick marks or paper airplanes on the nearby pillow. Besides, it’s so nice when you snuggle up to him at night, trying to hug him. Leon allows it. Your hands are much warmer. this makes him fall out of reality when he turns to you, wrapping a blanket around your body and pressing you to him so that you don’t freeze. It can rain outside as long as you like, his phone can ring off the hook with calls all night long, but his lips will still find yours and kiss you tenderly.
The forbidden fruit is very sweet.
For the first time in years, the government agent felt like he had something to treasure. Sometimes he envied your father for the fact that he could return to a cozy home where his beloved wife and daughter were always waiting for him, eat delicious home-cooked food and sleep in bed with his loved one. Not much is needed for happiness, according to Leon, and he would also like to receive this gift. But probably for you it's all just an affair. For children, you are young and he himself is not trying to knock you up. Besides, marriage is a matter that should be approached wisely, and neither you nor Leon are fools, so he doesn’t even console himself with the hope of a future together.
As a matter of fact, the matter is rubbish and Kennedy should not have put you to bed at all. How can he look your father in the eyes after what happened? And you? so Leon again does an even more disgusting thing - he ignores you.
You wrote him several messages, called him a couple of times, but the calls went unanswered, he didn’t even send a tiny message like “Sorry, work. I’ll call you later” or “I’ll call you when I’m free.” Yes, he could at least write something and not remain silent like a fuckboy who fucked half of the college! But you are not intruding, no, but this does not mean that you are not offended and you do not feel that you were simply used. For many months you felt this beautiful love for him, afraid to show it, but when the miracle happened, it turned out that the gingerbread house was not so sweet.
It was a complete failure, which brought you to tears, although you didn’t pester him with calls and messages because you didn’t want to look stupid, like the girls from high school who were chasing guys around. There should still be pride, but do you really have to pretend now that nothing happened between you? Actually, it wasn’t even that bad, right? he looked after you and didn’t throw you out of his apartment after sex; he was sweet and gentle, but no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself of this, the resentment still stuck like a bone in your throat.
Therefore, you locked yourself in a room and did not leave it for hours, and to all the requests of your parents you answered one thing "I feel not well", of course you managed to slip unnoticed into the toilet, but if your father saw this terribly swollen face from tears, then his weapon, which was always hidden from you when you were still a child, risked shooting someone- something in the balls, if your dad found out that the reason was a guy.
Although it would be more correct to say an adult man.
But your nightly sobs did not go unnoticed, and in the end, your dad really wanted to kick someone's ass because his babygirl was constantly crying due to a broken heart.
“If he somehow offended you, just tell me,” he asks, stroking your back soothingly, and you can’t even squeeze out a word, just cry. "And this little piece of shit will remember that he can’t offend my girl."
Your father’s words made you laugh through your tears and calm down a little. Although you were still terribly swollen with a huge nose from which snot flowed every now and then, thanks to the support of your close person, life no longer seems so spoiled. However, no matter how your dad tried to find out the name, you didn’t tell him anything about Leon.
After a couple of weeks, you were even able to calm down and have fun with friends, but still the image of Kennedy kept popping up in your head, haunting you both in your dreams and in reality, despite all your attempts to distract yourself. He never left you a single message, thereby forcing you to draw conclusions.
Your college classes will begin in the fall, so there is not much time left to rest, so you decided to make the most of the rest of the summer, but returning home you clearly hear the sound of cleaning weapons and a painfully familiar voice that raises a wave of anxiety in chest.
"...I swear to God I'll find out who this asshole, Leon." Your heart tries to jump out of your chest when you press your ear to the door of your father’s room where he keeps a gun and other things that are not for your eyes. Leon himself almost doesn’t answer and you honestly don’t even want to face him anymore because the resentment still bites painfully into your throat making your eyes water.
It's not good to eavesdrop, but what could you do with yourself? Part of you hoped that he felt at least some guilt for treating you so badly.
“He’s such an asshole...” Leon says quietly in an unnatural voice. "Definitely deserved the bullet"
Maybe he didn't deserve a bullet after all, your heart is not so cruel as to wish him dead, but you could slap him in the face, although you don't want to see him at all, so carefully moving away from the door, go upstairs to your room and lock yourself in it again hoping that Leon will leave before you get hungry. It took about two hours before stomach growled for food. A bar of chocolate in purse briefly saved the situation, which caused an almost opera orchestra of an empty stomach to resound throughout the room. As luck would have it, a delicious aroma came from the kitchen from below, from which wings almost literally grew behind your back and you flew down to try this freshly baked pasta. Your mom called you to the table a couple of times, but it looks like Leon didn't go anywhere, once again staying at dinner with your family, and how the hell did he end up in the same room with him?!
But you can't tell them that Leon is the guy who dumped you after the first sex.
Therefore, it went downstairs and met his guilty gaze. You didn't say a word to each other at dinner, although Leon asked neutral questions like are you okay? It's a shitty question, actually, and your want to throw this plate at his head so Leon's answer is a simple nod.
Your parents are sure it's about the boy who broke their daughter's heart, but they don't know that this "boy" is right in front of them. That makes Leon even more sick of himself, but what happened was clearly a mistake.
He had no right to drag a young girl into his bed, he had no right to touch you at all, and yet the vicious feeling turned out to be stronger than the mind. And yet Leon thinks you can easily overcome your first crush, because no matter how you look at it, this relationship is hopeless. He will not be able to marry you, will not create a family and the people around him will always condemn and most of their sidelong glances will be directed at you. Damn, your dad took out a loan so you could go to the college of your dreams and fall in love with someone like him, the worst possible idea.
"She'll find a better boyfriend in college," Leon said to your father that afternoon. Although he wanted to bite his tongue, because he didn't want to give you to some brat at all, but his mind kept saying that it would be the right thing to do. You deserve a quiet life, and everyone Leon gets attached to sooner or later leaves. Therefore, this time he decided to leave first. And yet he really acted no better than any jerk when he ignored you and your messages.
Dinner passed in tense silence. Your appetite disappeared and a piece wouldn’t go down your throat, which is why you offered to help your mom put the leftover food into the refrigerator, at the same time running away from Leon because tears were running down your cheeks by themselves. Standing in the kitchen, washing the dirty dishes, you were drowned in your thoughts, realizing that you were again sliding into the deep bottom of self-torture, because of this you did not hear the steps behind you, shuddering in surprise when Leon’s hands carefully placed them on your waist.
"Forgive me" It seems that he himself does not know how to choose the right words, but takes his hands away from you, looking around so that your parents do not hear this conversation "I know I acted like an asshole, but it's not going to work. It's wrong, God, you're old enough to be my daughter, and I don't know what I was thinking when I was doing this with you.
You're silent, turning away from him, continuing to wash the poor plate, and Leon is ready to swear that your silence is a hundred times worse than if you were yelling at him.
"You're so young, good, please... Sweetie, I didn't mean to offend you. Trust me, this was never part of my plans, and when your father told me how you cried all night long... It will pass. You'll find yourself a good guy of the same age, well, maybe he'll be a little older than you by two years or maybe three, well, certainly not more than fifteen years."
You are silent again, putting down a clean plate and starting on another one, standing with your back to him.
"This is the first love... And I gave up on myself. You're a wonderful girl..."
"Is it my age?" You rudely interrupt him: "Am I not experienced enough or am I just disgusting to you?"
Finally you turn around turning off the water with your arms crossed over your chest. But God no, that's not what he meant! If he had his way... if it's not the damn framework that Leon mostly pushes himself into, then he won't admit to himself, but he wants there to be no more men in your life besides him. In an intimate way.
"No, God, no, your inexperience has nothing to do with it at all!" he says and immediately tries to take a deep breath, looking around seeing the shadows of your parents, realizing that he chose the wrong place and time to clarify the relationship. "I mean, I can't give you what you want. Honey, at my age, I can seduce a young girl only with my unlimited account card, but you... You need attention, love and care. You see how often your father is away from home and I'm there even less often. Besides, you still don't understand that it won't lead to anything, it's falling in love, butterflies in your stomach, what else is there... euphoria? Please don't think that the world has come together like a wedge on me. Believe me, I'm the most lame option."
"Is it still about age?" Through a lump in your throat, you said softly, "Not old enough for you? "
"I'm too old for you"
It sounded like a sledgehammer had fallen on your head. You let out a shuddering sigh, turning away from him again, because in fact, in your opinion, there is nothing wrong with this relationship. You are not a teenager, some of your age may even have children, and sometimes such a thought has slipped through your mind. Only after graduation, not before. Leon claims that it's just falling in love, but it feels like he's trying to convince himself of this and yet it's very difficult for you to say anything to him right now. The moment is really unfortunate.
“It’s not fair” you turned away, not knowing what else to say to him.
In essence, his argument sounded like a stupid excuse to get rid of an annoying fan while remaining noble. The aftertaste of his words nevertheless remains disgusting.
Of course, you won’t complain to daddy, but your soul was becoming more and more lousy as it seemed that this was the same love that was breaking to the core. It’s as if all the bright colors have disappeared from life, leaving only shades of black and gray without a single hint of joy. Perhaps in a few years this will be perceived as stupidity, but what matters is how you feel now. And this is a piercing, gut-wrenching pain. For several months he flirted, cared, made it clear that this was not a game and that everything was serious for him, but the truth turned out to be too cruel.
Your mother comes in exactly at the moment when you can barely restrain yourself from bursting into tears again at the top of your voice, and she perfectly sees this expression on your face. And it’s obvious that you give up, running to your room, leaving the dishes unwashed, so that you can lock yourself in the room again and not leave there for days on end.
Everyone has their own truth. Leon thought that he escaped with less bloodshed and that you were prudent enough not to make stupid mistakes. Because of his actions, many people have already died and if he finds out that you did something to yourself...
Fortunately, your father just thinks that Leon has found the wrong words of comfort, and this is the reason for lying in bed all day because of your lack of desire to do anything at all right now. When your brain becomes a little clearer after several cycles of sleep alternating with insomnia, it eventually requires you to shift your attention to something other than Leon. In fact, the idea of watching The Lord of the Rings is not the worst, although your father was worried that you would withdraw into yourself again after seeing Aragorn and Arwen break up, involuntarily comparing them to yourself, but nothing terrible happened. You just watched TV, even sometimes smiled at some moments, and then fell asleep, and no one dared to disturb your already light sleep.
“Leon shouldn’t have opened this wound. I shouldn’t have asked him to talk to you.”
Your father confessed in the end, feeling guilty for your next relapse of tears. You sigh and at some point you even want to confess everything to him, clutching the corner of the blanket while you and dad watch the movie together, but you change your mind.
It's probably better not to know the whole truth, because if it comes out, then Armageddon will be.
But maybe Leon is right and this is just falling in love, which you just need to get over, despite the fact that it’s not easy.
Kennedy also disappeared from everyone's radar, appearing only at work. However, he still couldn’t concentrate on reports and training; instead of important thoughts, only you and your tear-stained eyes were spinning in his head. He wanted to console you, to tell you that he was wrong, although he told himself the opposite. The decision that he made, Leon considered truly true and correct, but for some reason everything inside him spoke of the opposite, so the only way to feel sorry for himself, he chose alcohol.
It was like a slow death. Being away from a loved one without being able to even touch. Why not agony? every burning sip of alcohol drew your face in front of his eyes and the desire to get lost with you in the world so that both would never be found was something painfully new for Leon.
He will burn in the fire, but you will remain the peak that he cannot reach. Like a fucking drug that he became addicted to and the pain of withdrawal seems to be many times stronger than the one when Ada left him. He desperately needs to get back to you, to his beloved girlfriend, and just be there for you. But it's so wrong. He didn't give a damn about sex… The hated job sucks all the life juices out of him, so the only thing he wants to do after returning home is to get into a hot shower, washing away blood, dirt and guts. He would have taught you everything, explored boundaries together, guided you… It's not such a big problem, considering how attracted you are to him, and not only in an erotic way. Leon just wants to fall asleep with you, hugging you to him. Listening to the chatter and making these stupid jokes that annoy everyone, but at least you were smiling.
Without you, he's drowning in this sea again.
Let this world be so cruel, but it continues to love you with all its soul, therefore it is ready to sacrifice everything without regret and protect you to the end. Every moment with you was colorful, but with his decision, Leon brought everything back to normal, afraid to be happy. At least Chris said something like that to him when she saw that he was drowning himself in alcohol again. These words made Leon curl his lips in an almost malicious smile, snarling because Redfield didn't know how old you were. If he confessed, he would get something like, "Well, it's just lust." Maybe even reminded him of Ada Wong and how Leon was ready to shoot to save this woman.
But life was filled with meaning only when he was with you and not with Ada. He no longer needs a senseless race after each other when he finally managed to bite into a piece of that life where he is loved and expected.
"I have no future with her, Redfield!" he barked, pouring more whiskey into a glass. "My little American dream of a pretty wife, two children and a white picket fence will not come true."
In fact, Leon would be glad to have you alone in his life. He wants too much, although what is available to ordinary people, Leon is fully aware that he has long lost the right to have it. Your father was not afraid to start a family and you, he loves to talk about what pranks you did in childhood and how you sometimes scared your parents by doing something stupid. The usual parental care. Leon thinks that if he were an officer in Raccoon City, as he dreamed, then now he would also be chatting with some cop about what his children are doing.
Eventually, the sand castle built in the head collapsed immediately.
Where is HIS happy "together and forever"? Obviously in another universe, because in this one he still understands that an old jerk with an alcohol problem and an endless sense of guilt clearly shouldn't bother a young girl without experience.
In fact, he's not such a scumbag as to ruin your life. It's better to be a bad experience than an asshole partner who is also never around.
But you're still as beautiful as the day he met you. However, now you keep your distance from each other, which makes the pain of parting remind you how difficult it is without him. Naively, you drew a too unrealistic picture in your head about this relationship and for some reason you still believe in it, hoping for a fairy tale with a happy ending. From that, you constantly look at Leon with a long piercing look that is literally soaked with a plea to take you back.
You could shout, "Look, I'm aware of my choice! And that's you," but sometimes I wondered if he needed you.
After all, Leon deliberately tore up the little that you recreated with him, preferring to go his own way through life alone.
He doesn't talk to you and has kept communication with your father to a minimum due to the inability to look him in the eye. In fact, Leon really wants to get some kind of punishment for what he did to you, for being so dirty and dishonest, and yet like a puppy, he almost whines wishing that it was you who loved him. Maybe there would be another woman who could heal his mental wounds and the question of age would not be so acute, but Leon does not let anyone get too close to him. Sometimes Ada still comes and he honestly tries to find solace in her, sometimes it even works, but his medicine for longing has too short an effect and a new dose is too difficult to find…
Although he knows where you live, what position you like to sleep in, what kind of music you listen to and all that…
On very difficult days, the hand reaches out to read those sent messages. Flipping through the correspondence in the chat, going back to the very beginning when there was no question of any relationship, when you still just considered him just a colleague of your father but already sent something funny, which made a smile appear on his face by itself.
You haven't written to him for about two months, although the impulses to start scribbling message after message still do not leave, but if before it was a cry of the soul for the way he treated you, now you are ready to literally beg him to give you a chance. Yes, you're young, you're still studying, but you don't demand marriage and children from him right away. And besides, you already have all the rights to make decisions for yourself, even if sometimes they are thoughtless and you still need parental help because of your age. But everything comes with age, right? No one starts walking right after birth and you think you have the right to make mistakes and learn from them, so if Leon turns out to be one of them, then you will face the consequences yourself.
You wanted to write something like this to him, but you constantly deleted the printed lines and wrote again, unable to find the strength to send it to him.
Courage came and went at the most inopportune moment, giving way to doubt and low self-esteem. And yet it was he who kissed you first in the barn, gave you expensive gifts and courted you like a man and not like a brat. Seriously, you don't even pay attention to guys your age, focusing only on one man who was killing his liver and psyche. Of course, there is a high probability that in five years or so you will want to go back in time and hit yourself on the head, but nevertheless it will be later. Only in the possible future, but for now, slowly walking through the wet streets of the city under an umbrella, you slowly wander to a familiar apartment, trying to keep your courage in your fists and not let it escape. It gets too wet on the streets, and it's cool, which makes your palms get cold, but still, gathering your courage, you knock on the door of an apartment in the city center.
The knocking is too quiet, so you try to knock a little louder, but as soon as your palm hovers over the door, Leon's face immediately appears in front of you, forcing all the rehearsed words to disappear from your head.
It seems at first he can't believe his eyes. You are standing in front of him, in a cute raincoat, with an umbrella in your hands, whose hand you are nervously pulling and your hair is a little wet - reality and not his drunken imagination, although for a couple of seconds Leon still thinks that this is his drunken delirium.
"Um…Sorry for being uninvited… I just wanted…To talk?" almost stuttering, you say, looking into his blue eyes that seem a little drunk, "Will you let me in?"
He sighs and you wait with bated breath for the verdict, hoping that you don't look like a fool in front of him. It takes maybe ten seconds before Leon nods, stepping back and you enter his apartment with small steps, standing on the threshold, still nervously but holding on to your umbrella more tightly, scratching the handle with your thumb nail in excitement.
Maybe he's just overworked, but there's an unfinished bottle of alcohol on the table and Leon himself seems disheveled, but still he holds out his hand to you and you look at him in amazement, not realizing that he just offers to take your umbrella and raincoat to dry them a little. Slow reaction is normal for ordinary people and Leon never condemns you for this, in fact, he's not even angry, deep down he's probably even glad that you appeared briefly in his life again, however…
"Something happened?" He asks in a tired tone, although he can see from your body language how tense you are, hoping that you don't have any very serious problems, why are you so worried "Do you have problems or…"
At that moment, you realize that the conversation you are about to have will be long and emotionally difficult.
As the saying goes, "Fortune favors the bold " even if your legs are shaking with fear, then at least you will try to solve this dilemma with him.
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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jelzorz · 2 months
Ezran has a go at them both when they get back. Rayla doesn't blame him—most of it is motivated by grief and a kingdom is a lot to lose indeed, but it's also because they were there, they were so close to home, and what were they doing? Runaan is essentially her father, yes, but he'd still killed Ez's dad, and they'd released him while Sol Regem was burning Katolis to the ground.
Rayla would be mad too, if it were her. If the Silvergrove was destroyed and the people closest enough to help were freeing criminals instead, she'd be furious. She makes no excuses, not for them nor for Runaan, who should have known better, who did and killed Harrow anyway, but it's still heartbreaking to see Ez in so much pain and to see the castle that was very quickly becoming home in ruins.
They're camped by the temples now. They still have supplies from their trip and there are civilians who need the space and the bedrolls more. Callum doesn't want to be around Ez right now anyway, not after the screaming match they'd had at the ruins, and as much as Callum had tried to defend them, he knows, deep down, that Ez is right. He sulks the evening away, poking aggressively, guiltily at their fire while the clerics dish out what little dinner there is available.
Rayla leaves him to it in search of something to do distract her from her own guilt and winds up helping Soren and some of the other soldiers pitch tents in the fields as an alternative for something more long term. She's tightening a guy wire when Ez finds her.
"Can we talk?"
Rayla twitches her lips. "Sure."
There's a pause. Ez can't quite look at her and Rayla swings her arms awkwardly, her throat tight. In a rare show of reading the room—or lack thereof, Rayla supposes—Soren makes himself scarce, claiming he needs Opeli to check the stitches on his forehead, and then it's just her and Ez and the distant sound of chatter in the night.
"Are you angry at me too?" asks Ez at last.
Rayla stares at him. It's not what she expected at all. "Why on earth would I be angry at you?" she says stupidly. "You were right. We were closer and we should have come back sooner. We shouldn't have—" She cuts herself off and glance away, not quite able to regret it completely. "I'm sorry we weren't here," she says instead. "You have every right to be angry at us."
Ez shakes his head. "Katolis is my responsibility," he mumbles. "It doesn't matter what you were doing. I should have been here. I never should have left."
"Ez, you couldn't have known—"
"It doesn't matter," he snaps. "I'm supposed to be king. I'm supposed to protect these people, and instead—" He hiccoughs and shuts his eyes. "I should have known something was wrong when Sol Regem didn't show up for Queen Janai's brother. We should have gone looking for him, we should have—"
"Ezran, stop it," says Rayla sharply. "This isn't your fault."
"It might as well be!" snarls Ez. "Why wasn't I here, Rayla? Why couldn't I have done something to stop this? All those people dead, friends, family, brothers and sisters and moms and dads and kids lined up in the square, why—" He cuts himself short, knees buckling, shoulders shaking with every shuddering sob. Rayla's heart shatters for him, and she crosses the distance between them and pulls him into her arms, all of the anger between them be damned. "Why couldn't I protect them?" he sniffs. "Why couldn't I have been a better king?"
Rayla shushes him, her arms tight and steady around his shoulders. "It wasn't your fault," she says firmly. "You didn't cause this. You couldn't have stopped it. You're a good king, Ez, and we need to focus on protecting whatever's left, okay? The survivors. The people who are still here. They need you."
"They need someone better than me."
"No," snaps Rayla, "they need you. A king who ends wars, not one who keeps fighting them. A king who wants his legacy to be a narrative of love. You're going to pull through this. You and the rest of Katolis. It's going to be okay."
"It's not now."
Rayla grimaces. "No. It's not now. But it will be, and you have to believe that. For them. Okay?"
There's another pause. Ez sobs into her shoulder, a child more than a king, and Rayla holds him tight, swallowing her own tears and heartbreak because it's not fair that he should have to deal with that too. She lets him cry for ages because he needs it, because the grief is too big and too heavy to bottle up, before, finally, he raises his arms and hugs her back.
"I heard you and Callum are okay now," he mumbles against her shirt at last.
Rayla almost laughs. "We were always going to be," she chuckles in spite of herself.
"Good," says Ez quietly. "I'm glad there's one thing in amongst all of this that's still intact."
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 2 months
Leona Kingscholar x Zira reader (Part 1.5)
{The Bad Ending}
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• Leona didn't remember anything after his Overblot... other than the panicked expression on your face, trying desperately to lift all of the debris to free your brother despite your weakened state.
• Your hands that you kept clean and nails that you kept polished and sharp, were now bloodied and a few fingers dislocated by the bastard lion himself. Everyone gathered and surrounded him to check if he's still alive, yet you didn't spare a glance.
• The infirmary he's currently resting in is silent, yet he still hears your pained cry...
Zira: "Nuka! N-Nuka!"
• ..... Isn't it bad enough? All he wanted was to be first for once. He knows that he must take risks but he didn't expect life-threatening ones. He thought his plan was flawless. And yet...
Kovu, injured: "I... I can't.... I'll get help!"
Zira: "KOVU!!!"
• Your anger towards your younger brother is understandable, but that doesn't mean you should blame him too. He's only 15, what he witnessed was traumatic after all. He was too weak to do anything. He could only rely on his seniors for help. He left you to get rid of the debris by yourself.
• You finally managed to push all of the rocks and find your brother, barely breathing and blood dripping from his mouth. The pillar that was on top of him crushed his upper torso, so you could barely hear his last words as his lungs and ribs begin to break...
Zira: "Nuka! Get up!"
Nuka: ".....N-Nii-chan...."
Zira: "Get up, Nuka!"
Nuka: "...................."
Zira, sobbing: "I SAID GET UP--........*sob* ...….. Please.....*sob*...."
Nuka: "... I'm sorry, nii-chan................... I.......tried........to save him.......Leona............."
Zira: "Ssshhhh.... It's alright. All will be fine.... You did a good job........"
• You did everything you could. The pillar didn't even budge... You know that help would never arrive on time. The only thing you could do now was to comfort him before his time is up. You heavily cried for the first time. Between tears, you force yourself to smile. Your brother's eyes lit up one last time...
• A smile. On your face. As you look at him. At what progress he's made. Not a single trace of malice nor cruelty. A smile of approval that he desperately wanted it to be given to him, even just once.
Zira: ".... I'm sorry...*sob*.... I'm so sorry.....*sob*.... I should've been a better brother..........."
Nuka: "......Thank..............yo............................................................................................................................................................"
Zira: "............................................. Oh great King of Beasts, please watch over my poor Nuka........................"
• You finally see your brother close his eyes forever. All that was left is silence.
• .............................................................................
• Crowley and the others arrived too late.
• Your brother is dead.
• You hum a familiar lullaby as you cradle his head before lifting the sheet over his lifeless body.
• You refused to be consoled by others. Not even your dear dorm leader Leona. For the first time in a long time, Leona felt the guilt weighting on his mind.
• .............................................................................
• A few weeks passed, Nuka's burial ceremony is being held in your hometown, Sunset Savannah. Everyone in school and the entirety of Savanaclaw acknowledged him as the one that sacrificed his life to save his superior. They all visited him to pay respects, including Leona.
• Although he hates going to events, it's only fair that he must pay respects to the one that died saving him. He finds the burial sight crowded with students. Ruggie and Jack were there dressed in funeral attire.
Leona: "Hey, Ruggie."
Ruggie: "Ohh, Leona... it's surprising to see ya here. But it's kinda expected"
Jack: "Hello, Leona-senpai."
Leona: "...... Yeah."
Ruggie: "..... You're not gonna avoid this any longer, ya know..."
Leona: "I know.... Where's Zira?"
Ruggie: "...... Ya sure you wanna see them right now? They're still mourning."
Leona: "...I'll just mourn with them."
• Jack reluctantly nodded his head and called for a relative if it's alright to see you. The relative, Vitani, only scowled at the sight of Leona. Leona didn't scowl back. Vitani then sighed and went to check up on you.
Vitani: "Nii-chan, Dorm Leader Leona is here. He wants to see you"
Zira: "..............."
Vitani: "...Should i--"
Zira: "Bring him in.
• Vitani immediately called to Leona to meet you and warned him not to upset you any further. Leona didn't say anything and just walked with Vitani to you.
• There you are, just standing beside Nuka's casket, looking at his face knowing that you'll never see it again. Your ears perk up at Leona's footsteps but you waited for what he has to say. The dead silence between you grew longer.
Zira: "......."
Leona: "........."
Zira: "Bold of you to show your face here, Dear Dorm Leader Leona."
• There was anger and mockery in your voice that Leona was not familiar with for you used to sweeten your voice around him and made sure to praise him on every effort he made. He took your admiration and respect for granted. He lowered his head, only making eye contact on the floor.
Leona: "I know that my... actions have led to consequences. And those consequences turned into something unforgivable. I am....... I apologize... For everything--"
• Leona felt blood trickling down his cheek, and a new scar layered his old one on his left eye. Yet he still didn't make eye contact with you to see your tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes glaring at him.
Leona: "..............."
Leona: ".....I didn't ask for your admiration, or your respect--"
Zira, tearing up: "NO ONE SAVED HIM!!! NOT EVEN DIASOMNIA!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING OVER US!!! YOU...you were... supposed to be....... Our king."
Leona: "....... I'm sorry, Zira....."
• Leona closed his eyes. He didn't want to see you finally breaking down. He cannot comfort you like your brothers. He tried to hold back the tears welling in his eyes...
Zira: "I guess... It's my fault as well..."
• The realization hit you...
Zira: "I planned... with you. For the attack on Diasomnia... Nuka only wanted to help... They cornered us.... You were desperate...."
Vitani: "...Leona doesn't remember anything about the Overblot, nii-chan. He caused the debris by accident. "
Zira: "......."
Leona: "It's true."
Zira: "...I could only hear the laughter you let out after destroying everything. And at that moment I regret ever knowing you... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU.
• There was another silence in the atmosphere. Leona took your last words to him as a cue to leave. Before he walked out, he gave you his gold necklace...
Leona: "... I'll be removing my position as Dorm Leader of Savanaclaw. Please... Let me mourn for Nuka."
Zira: "........."
• Leona bowed to you, knowing that you understand the meaning of the necklace...that you'll never see his face as again. He took one final look at Nuka and left.
Ruggie: "Welcome back, Leona. How'd it go?"
Leona: ".......not good."
Jack: "...Are you gonna be seeing Nuka's burial ceremony, senpai?"
Leona: "No. And I told to stop calling me senpai."
Jack: "Sorry."
Ruggie: "Well, see you around, Leona."
Jack: "Goodbye, Leona."
Leona: "Yeah, yeah... Hey, tell Zira to send my condolences after the ceremony, will you?"
Jack: "Will do."
• After the whole mourning thing, Leona thinks ne needs a nap. A very long one. It was the first time he saw a sibling mourning for the other. He wonders if...
• Will Falena mourn for him if he dies?
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acekindaneat · 1 year
Serirei Week !!
Day 3: firsts/love languages
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Reigen finds himself speechless (rare occasion)
continuation below but it's written form !! ↓↓
Serizawa gave him a slight nod, his face unreadable but tense. He gently directed Reigen towards the couches and sat him down. Wordlessly sitting beside him, he opened the first aid kit and rummaged through it.
Reigen watches in cautious silence, eyeing his coworker's rigid movements. The cloth he used to temporarily cover the large scratch left by the spirit was starting to itch. He slowly untied the knot with his uninjured hand and peeled off the blood-soaked makeshift bandage. It was drying off, but it still looked terrible. Four large gashes across his forearm, it almost looks like a scratch from a big cat.
Serizawa shifting closer brought Reigen's attention back to him. Their eyes met for a second before Serizawa looked down at his arm with a wince. Guilt evident on his face as he wet a towel with water and started to wipe off the blood with the lightest touch he could manage. Reigen swallowed the lump in his throat, the tense silence was getting to him so he spoke up.
"This could be part of your training, you know." He lightly joked, shrugging with his unoccupied shoulder. "It's important to know first aid, especially in our line of work." Serizawa's eyebrows furrowed as a frown formed on his face, but didn't take his eyes off his work, nor did he say anything back. As soon as the blood that smeared was gone, he grabbed the disinfectant and a cotton ball.
It was gonna sting, Reigen already knew that, but he still felt his heart flutter when Serizawa glanced up at him with a sorry look and muttered, "This might sting..."
Reigen didn't miss the way Serizawa was holding his hand with his free hand. He didn't miss the way his thumb was soothing the back of his palm with light strokes. He didn't miss the way he could feel the warmth radiating off of Serizawa's body just from how close they were sitting. Reigen felt himself gulp, not sure if it was in preparation for the pain, or to force himself back to retain his composure.
He let out a small hiss and a wince, before letting it dissipate quickly upon seeing Serizawa's face look more like a kicked puppy. He knows the man felt guilty for not arriving quick enough to prevent the spirit from hurting Reigen further. It wasn't his fault though. He can't blame Serizawa, not when he looked this sorry.
Gentle, flitting hands finally wrapped the wound in a bandage and secured it carefully. When it was done, Serizawa didn't move away, but instead let his hand rest on the wrapped arm, slowly rubbing his thumb against it like it would help heal the wound faster. It might, Reigen could hope. He could hope that this moment lasts. He looked up at Serizawa with a soft look, hoping that his message came across. Please.
Serizawa looked up at Reigen's eyes with the same level of fondness. Despite what he feels, it still scares Reigen, to see someone look at him like that. He's scared of seeing it often that he'll get attached to it, attached to the fondness, attached to feeling loved.
He almost felt himself jump when Serizawa gently held his hand up and pressed Reigen's palm against his lips with closed eyes. It's like his heart stopped, his breath hitching as he inhaled sharply.
This seemed to wake Serizawa from whatever trance he was in and pulled away, his face flushed red. His gaze landed everywhere except Reigen's as he cleared his throat and gathered up the used cotton balls and the bloodied washcloth. "I'll, uhm, throw these away. I'll grab some ice for your neck.. and make you some green tea in a bit..." He paused, sparing Reigen a glance and assessing his state.
"I'm glad you're okay, Reigen.." Serizawa spoke again, then escaped to the restroom to clean his hands off. Reigen sat there staring at his palm, dumbfounded and speechless.
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mrslittletall · 1 month
I am not done talking about Dawntrail and it comes from a Youtube comment this time. I was listening to the Living Memory theme and someone pointed out "This expansion was full of complicated parental relationships". And holy shit! They are right! It seems to put the whole of Dawntrail in a completely new perspective. It starts with Gulool Ja Ja and his three children. He has one biological child and two adopted children. Wuk Lamat and Koana both love their dad loads and see themselves as siblings despite not being blood related and obviously not being the same race (outside of both of them being cats). But Zoraal Ja... he feels like he has to live up to a legacy. A legacy that nobody ever wanted from him. He got so obsessed with being the "Resilient Son" that he shut his heart out and didn't allow his siblings or his father to get through to him. Maybe we have to blame Gulool Ja Ja here for neglecting his biological son... we don't know much about their relationship because the story is told mostly through Wuk Lamat's eyes, but Zoraal Ja is the tragedy of a child that wanted to live up to the legacy of his dad and... failed. And this Zoraal Ja is having a child of himself. Gulool Ja. A child that he completely ignored and neglected. Probably because he feared that he would give him the same complex that he had. But he still loved his son. Shown by Gulool Ja getting all the authorities of the King after he died... (still want to know who the Mom is. At first I thought Gulool Ja is a clone of Zoraal Ja.) Then we have Bakool Ja Ja. He starts out as a comically evil villain and I still think his redemption arc was too sudden but here we have a case where a child was forced by his parents to be something they didn't want to be. Everryone worshipped Bakool Ja Ja as the blessed siblings while he was carrying around the guilt of the one who lived among hundreds of stillborn siblings. And that brings me to the last and probably messiest relationship. Erenville and Cahcuia. I don't think Cahcuia is not liking Erenville. In fact, I think she loves him very much. But she isn't a good mom to him. And I think part of her knows that. We don't know why she had her son, if he was wanted or an accident, but it was clear that she was not ready to have a child. And she did neglect Erenville because she wanted to live her own adventure. She even send him away. Maybe it was so that he got a new perspective and learned about the world, maybe she was really thinking something, but ultimately, Cahcuia feels pretty childish. It goes so far that Erenville has to learn his mom has died already and she acts like it is all not a big deal while being an endless, a memory of the person she once was. We see Erenville having a TERRIBLE time coping with all of this. And it feels like Cahcuia is not helping. Erenville needs to grief her and she acts like her second death is not a big deal. In the end they had some words for each other. But was it enough? Was it really enough? This relationship is so messy and I guess for some people it really hit close to home, so much that they hate Cahcuia. Because she is the mom who loves her child dearly, but... she has troubles caring for them in a way that the child needs. It just, agh, it makes me feel things. All of these relationships. There are probably more I missed. Feel free to elaborate in comments or reblogs.
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hibischush · 3 months
her angel wings surround my heartbeat NSFW
description; This wasn’t supposed to happen, March reminded himself. But when he’s head first in the farmer’s thighs, he can’t help but feel like he’s tending to an angel.
notes; Y'all ain't gon' believe this. I posted this fic to AO3 like an hour a go but I got side-tracked by ordering Indian food and as I patiently wait for my butter chicken and naan I shall feed you that NSFW fic featuring March 😌 Also, I tried to do like a...dual story telling but please lemme know if it needs some reworking to become more coherent.
word count; 1,363
warnings; this is NSFW! Minors Do Not Interact. Also some self-hatred and religious imagery so if you do not chill with that then don't read this
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He’s an idiot. He has no one to blame but himself. When the farmer confessed her feelings for him, he scoffed and told her to buzz off. He told her so despite the thunderous beating in his chest, like a caged animal trying to break free of its confinement. Despite the fact that he wanted her so damn badly, March has always been a coward when it came to love.
He just couldn’t imagine someone as successful and so widely loved as her being interested in such a train wreck as he is. So he turned her away. He stood there like a dumbass, watching the hurt and pining cross over her eyes as she turned away with a sad smile.
“I see. I just thought I should let you know, because I would regret not telling you when I had the chance.”
She knew he was a liar. She knew, and he knew. And they both knew that he’d come to regret not telling her then, too.
He clutched his fists at his side as she walked out of the blacksmiths. Not because she angered him—no, not at all. Because he was foolish enough to have denied a deity.
The farmer whimpers and pulls on his fiery red locks, pulling him impossibly further into her folds, and he fights the urge to moan against her. She ground against March’s mouth, and he instantly loses his fight against being quiet, moaning before smacking her ass to silently convince her to stay still. The sound reverberated in the overly quiet, moonlit farmhouse. She gasped and covered her mouth to remain quiet, staring at him with wide eyes. March felt a warm twist in his abdomen. Guilt. Knowing that he doesn’t deserve the way she looks at him, a gaze with so much desire it could burn a hole in his skin. He sometimes felt sick, knowing that she could do better.
She wouldn’t stop by the blacksmith’s often after that. He thought the distance was for the better. Even though her absence gnawed away at his heart.
When he was able to catch Mistria’s farmer out and about—as by then he found himself seeking her—he only managed to make himself more plaintive. And by Gods, did it piss March off.
He hated that she could still force a smile. Hated that she would still glance longingly at his back, only to look away when he would return the glance. She was still the kind, sweet girl that the town came to know. She was so lively when talking to others. But the moment her eyes landed on the prized blacksmith, her façade collapsed like a poorly constructed house of cards. She talked meekly and flatly to him, and he could tell that she was fighting her urge to love him—or smack him. He couldn’t tell. He hated that she still cared about him. When they talked, her pretty eyes watered, and her frown was laced with pity.
He would spend late nights obsessively thinking about her. Her lovely eyes, her cute laugh. He would remind himself how severely he ached for her while he relieved himself, emptying himself on his lonely, calloused hand. He hated himself most of all for pushing her away and for pleasing himself in the dark to the thought of her. He felt like such a perverted loser.
He knew he was overstimulating her. She just about screamed when March slid two of his fingers inside her, her plot to cover her mouth to stay quiet notwithstanding. She trembled as he curled them against her walls, his lips still firmly attached to her clit. The journey to please such an angel was March’s personal pilgrimage, hopefully ending with her in bliss and clarity. He took his time to appreciate everything about his lover, as he needed to remind himself that she's real and his. He tried to contain himself even when his free hand snaked down to his trousers to palm his erection, grinding against it feebly. He’s positive that she could feel his stuttering breath against her pussy.
March didn't remember all the details of the night he confronted her. All he knew was that the belle looked incredible in her evening dress at one of Mistria’s many events at the manor, and she was talking to some guy—clearly not from Mistria. What March does remember well was the intense jealousy that slammed into his chest as he watched her flash her charming smile to the unknown man. And the pure ire that made his blood pump hot by watching him get handsy with her while she tried to politely tell him to back off.
March walked towards them, already fuming. Gently pulling her closer to his side by her waist and firmly removing the man’s hand off of her. He said nothing to him as he glared daggers into him and silently whisked her way, ignoring the man’s pathetic attempts to retrieve her.
She pulled her hand away from her mouth, a strand of spit following it, and cried his name out loudly. He knew that she was close and that his crusade was coming to an end. He maintained his bestial pace, finger-fucking her until he was positive she was seeing stars, and continued to desperately lick at her clit, slobbering like a dog that hadn’t eaten in days.
When she finally snapped and released herself on his face with a moan, he whined against her, bringing his grinding to a stop. He couldn’t bring himself to cum when he worshiped her. March has already done so many selfish things in his life that when his tongue lapped at her cunt, he could almost feel the sins on his shoulders flake off like the embers off of charred wood. He's yearning for her to know that he needs her, to the point that he's eager for her to use his body for her own pleasure. She deserves it, after all of the bullshit he’s drug her through.
His first mistake in this confession was pulling her to a secluded corner of the manor, one where the moon perfectly cast its light on her smooth skin and made her jewelry glow around her face, framing it like a halo. Her beauty terrified him and made him stumble over his words. He explained himself poorly to her, talking himself into a circle when trying to explain the way she made him feel. He felt like an idiot for the way his legs trembled. Who could blame him when the person he was talking to was a goddess in his eyes?
Before he lost the courage to say this for the second time, he blurted, “I'm in love with you. And I'm sorry I'm such an asshole.”
The way that her breath hitched as she parted her puffy lips was enough to make his heart explode. He selfishly pulled her into his chest and kissed her. Hard. He was expecting her to push him off, to strike him, to tell him off for being a jerk to her, and to say that it was too late for him to confess. The last thing he expected after he pulled away from her was for her to quietly lock the door behind him and pull him closer for a much more passionate kiss.
She jolts as he runs his tongue up and down her weeping slit, making sure that all of her heavenly essence makes it into his mouth. With one last kiss to her sex, he quickly marks the insides of her thighs, kissing them gently as if to apologize for making her his own. She sighs again as March kisses up her navel, stopping to nip at her neck. He sheepishly grins against her warm skin when she giggles after he playfully licks her ear. The sound of her laughter was almost as if the gateway to somewhere more holy than this plane of existence opened itself up to him. She cradles his flushed face, blessing him with a tender kiss—one that rids him of transgressions.
“I love you, March.”
“I love you, too.”
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Can you tell that this is very Take Me to Church by Hozier-coded? Didn’t mean for that to happen but when you take body worship as a basis for your fic its bound to happen lmao. Anywoozies criticism is very welcome since idk if this is even a solid fic. As always, thank you for reading 🌺💗
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
it's so odd how we're getting towards the episode where Stol1tz probably hooks up for real
and it still doesn't feel like either of them love each other
Stolas was obviously just hardcore projecting all his romantic fantasies onto Blitz this whole time, we don't even know what he likes about him outside of him being funny and good in bed
and Blitz doesn't seem to have moved that far beyond barely being able to tolerate Stolas. the only thing they've shown he likes about Stolas is that he sings well and he liked some of the sex they had, I guess? and he looked attracted to his human form all of one time (idk why, that design is worse than Stolas' demon one).
more than that, though, there's a pattern of Blitz just doing things out of pity and not love. Sleeping with him that first time? Pity and/or guilt when Stolas called him his friend.
If the leaks are accurate? Pity that his wife mistreats him
None of this is love. This is just 'Blitz pities Stolas so hard he gives in to giving him what he wants because he hates himself so much he'll take Stolas' gaslighting and abusive behavior as love (because it's all he expects and thinks he deserves)' and 'Stolas wants a knight in shining armor and will shove Blitz into that box no matter how badly he has to crush him to do it (then will blame him every time for falling short as he looks up at Stolas, bleeding and broken)'
like I get they were going for messy associates with benefits to lovers as an angle, but even outside the coercive nature and power dynamic issues, they've so totally failed to convince me what these two see in each other (on Blitz's side especially) and why it would be anything but a nightmare car crash for them to be together
Love nothing, it doesn't even feel as though they like each other. We've never seen them just hanging out of their own free will, never seen them mutually enjoying each other's company, and they know absolutely nothing about one another that doesn't involve orifices grinding on orifices.
They're "in love" because Viv says they're in love, and she thinks the story existing somewhere in her head is enough.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Finding his depressed child self-harming
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Shota Aizawa ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
⚠️ Mention of depresion, self-harm, blood
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The person who requested this wanted to stay anonymous
WUUUUAAAAA !! TAKE THIS !!! ** Moonie uses ultra comforting fic and ends their turn **
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The moment Aizawa decided to have a child, either by adopting or forming a family with someone else he was well aware of the responsability he was taking, so since the start he made sure to have a really good support network for you in case anything happened and he couldn't be there for you or just if there was something he couldn't help you with. Also, he is quite busy all the time with his pro hero work and also being a teacher but he always tries to have time to be with you, at least enough to make sure you are doing alright, to heard what you have to say or just remember you that he loves you
When he got to know that you struggle with depression Aizawa first made sure that you understand that this wasn't your fault and you weren't alone, he will be there for you to help you as your father, he isn't judgemntal and tries to help you improve at the best of his habilities, he had never wanted to show you the true extent of his worries for you since is his way to protect you
Aizawa is quite busy all the time and even exhausted by all that work and yet he always take time to be with you, completely ignoring the posibility of you feel guilt or like a burden since he thinks he is doing the whats best for you
Aizawa feels his world crack under him the moment he found you self-harming, seeing your blood running out across your skin and the blade that caused it to you nearby is too shocking, it hits him hard and make him frustrated to himself, he has being trying really hard to protect you but he had failed, he feels like it has failed you and even blame himself to some extent, if only he paid more attention, if only he was here to prevent it
But even if there is a storm in his heart and mind Aizawa finds the strength to take a deep breath and gently help you take care of the wound, keeping you close and reasuring you that he isn't angry nor disappointed at you, he is just worried, there is a storm inside of him but he knows that he has to be the pilar for you in this moment, you are the one in the worst state of mind and he won't fail you in this again
Aizawa treats you gently and with patient the whole process, he himself treat the wound (a little messy but is done with care and love), limiting himself to answer to anything you have to say, if you say sorry he tells you to don't worry, if you ask if he is mad he calmly reasure you that he is not mad, is surprising how calm he can be but that would break if you start crying or insist on apologizing, if you breakdown like that he will hold you close as some tears escape from his own eyes
You two will have a serious conversation after this, he wants to know everything about this, if it is the first time he would be a little more relieved but if not it would make him feel more frustrated, in any case he will ask you to please don't do it again along with the promise to help you get over it, since he was already making sure you recive proper treatment for the depression it would only add the self-harming tendency
The imagine of your blood running out across your skin is a imagine that will hunt him down for a while, even after you two have talk about it he just can't not worry for you, his mind is still racing with worries and questions about what could have lead you to think that you deserve such thing, and, honestly, due this people can notice him more distracted in his free time
After this Aizawa will try to be more present on your life and do what he has to do to show the support you need, he is you father after all, he not only has responsabilities with you but also wants to see you well for the love he has for you. The people of your support network will end up knowing this since that people is the one he trust to look after you if something happens to him, besides they have grow to love you so they obviously be worried about you too (but non of them will judge you or talk about it until you feel completely comfortable to open up)
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