#( e. gautier masquerade )
malsfefanfics · 3 months
OC Profile: Medee
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Art by la-horrorosa, edited to icon size by me.
"I've only known Lady Medee for a short time. But she is incredibly intelligent, and a devoted member of the Vestra family. Though as I get to know her, some of her children's more interesting quirks have suddenly made much more sense. She seems to know things just before they happen, and can tell who is right behind her without even looking. Also, Sylvain seems to avoid her like the plague." --Edelgard, about Medee.
Full name: Medee von Vestra (Formerly Medee von Anavros) Nicknames: Witch (by her enemies) Birthday: 14th Day of the Great Tree Moon, 11XX Age: Unknown Crest: None Family: Iason von Vestra (Husband, deceased), Hubert (Eldest Son), Rosamund (Daughter), Tancred (Youngest Son), Absyrtus (Younger Brother, deceased), Chalciope (Younger Sister, deceased) Nationality: Adrestia Titles: Soaring Faith Scholar, Healing Matriarch, Mother of Faithology Voice Claim: Coleen Clinkenbeard (Yuko Ichihara in xxxholic)
Interests: Faith study, Magic Experimentation, Science, Alchemy, Autopsy Likes: Science/Magic, Flying, her children, Pretty Rocks Dislikes: Her husband, Nobility, The Church, Tomatoes
Favorite Meals: Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Bourgeois Pike, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Vegetable Pasta Salad Liked Meals: Sautéed Jerky, Cheesy Verona Stew, Peach Sorbet, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Grilled Herring, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish Disliked Meals: Gautier Cheese Gratin, Daphnel Stew, Notes: In meals with Tomatoes, she picks them out. Do not ask her why she dislikes them.
Tea Preferences: Crescent-Moon Tea, Bergamot, Four-Spice Blend, Chamomile, Almyran Pine Needles
Liked Gifts: Any flower, Arithmetic Textbook, Blue Cheese, Coffee Beans, Tea Leaves, Riding Boots, Ceremonial Sword Disliked Gifts: Goddess Statuette, Landscape Painting, Legends of Chivalry Notes: Gifting her "Legends of Chivalry" will cause her motivation to go down and for her to vanish for the rest of the day.
Lost Items:
Silver Scalpel: A tool meant for carving into things. Looks well cared for and belongs to a set. There's a mark of an old Adrestian family on the handle.
Silver Masquerade Mask: A full-faced mask meant for festivals and feasts. Looks refined and elegant, yet it is very unsettling.
Quilted Children's Blanket: A blanket specially sewn for newborns, meant to last for decades. It has the names of many relatives on every square.
Starting Class: Noble Preferred Class Path: Noble –> Monk/Soldier/Myrmidon –> Mage/Preist/Pegasus Knight –> Warlock/Bishop –> Gremory/Dark Flyer Strength: White Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic Weakness: Axe Budding Talent: Sword Personal Skill: Spoon Full of Sugar - Restores 5HP to any Magic Unit within one square of her if their HP is at less than half at the start of your turn.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: C Lance: D Axe: E Bow: E Brawling: E+ Reason: B Faith: B Authority: E+ Heavy Armor: E Riding: CFlying: B
Base Stats: (At Recruitment)
HP: 35 Str: 13 Mag: 29 Dex: 17 Spd: 16 Lck: 11 Def: 10 Res: 19 Cha: 14
Learned Faith Spells: Heal, Nosferatu, Rescue, Silence, Abraxas Learned Reason Spells: Miasma Δ, Bolganone, Luna Λ, Meteor, Agnea’s Arrow
Recruit Requirements: Crimson Flower Exclusive - Must have all three Vestra Siblings
Potential Supports:
Crit Quotes:
You need a time out!
Let's test that hypothesis!
You'll need a doctor.
Bedtime for you.
DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME! (Against any Kingdom Commander)
Mother's here, darling!
I will not pray for you!
Defeat Quotes:
That experiment failed. Best return to the drawing board.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must withdraw.
That was....very unfortunate...…
My dear children....I'm afraid.... your mother won't be coming home.....
Chalciope....I'll see you soon, sister.....
And so.....House Anavros truly ends with me.... (if her children all died in battle)
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
This should help my experiments.
This will impress Tancred.
Rosamund will enjoy this.
I shall make use of this for Her Majesty.
Oh, I know Hubert will find this delightful.
Hmh. Interesting.
Even an old crone can learn something.
Level Up Quotes:
Every day, a little life.
The Anavros Standard.
I suppose I'm still rusty.
You'd be impressed what age can do.
Eventually we learn all we can.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: Oh, sweetheart. You're far too kind to an old lady like myself.
Neutral Gifts: How thoughtful. Thank you, darling.
Disliked Gifts: Well, I was in need of something to test this new potion on.
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zcallxn · 7 years
“Look, unless you brought another fucking drink with you I’m not interested in small talk, and I’m definitely not dancing.” He drawled with a certain slur to his words that had never been there before. 
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cthompsxn · 7 years
“Oh.. No, no, trust me. That person everyone always warns you about at these things? The one that’s most likely to trip over and make some huge scene by causing a power out or, knocking over a waiter carrying a full tray of glasses? That’s me.. You do not want to dance with me. I’m saving you the trouble.” 
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sawycrking-blog · 7 years
( @cassidygautixr )
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The sea of bodies surrounding him fluctuated as they walked, danced and moved all around him, twisting and turning his gut as he wondered if it had been a good idea to come. He’d fed, that he had made sure of before he’d pulled on his suit and tied, before he’d covered his face with the ridiculous mask he’d plucked from the many on display. This was the home of his girlfriend’s family, of the woman who was carrying his child. He had wanted to show up for the sole purpose of reminding her that she wasn’t in this alone, and he’d wanted to do that without any slip ups or mistakes. Moving through the crowd, catching sight of the familiar dark dress, a smirk slipped onto his lips. Even with the multitude of hearts pounding within his ears, he could pick hers out with ease, drawing himself closer and closer to the pair of heartbeats. Hands slipped onto her waist, Sawyer in a rather good mood that night. “Are you gonna dance with me, or am I gonna have to beg?” The question was poised as he leaned down, planting his lips next to her ear. His hands slid around to her front, meeting once again as they came to rest on her stomach.
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sdelxre-blog · 7 years
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“Oh..---kay. Someone should really stop him from going to the bar again. If he tries that again he’s definitely going to break something.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
( @cassidygautixr )
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“So --- is the man of the hour going to be in attendance tonight?”
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caidcnshaw · 7 years
( @sdelxre )
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“There’s one crucial part missing from your outfit tonight. --- Sand in your hair.”
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jxdubois · 7 years
( @cassidygautixr )
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“Looks like it’s an apple juice kind of night for you.”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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                          K E N Z I E HALE | GAUTIER MASQUERADE BALL 
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rcgautier · 7 years
( @sdelxre )
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“Savannah --- look, I’m glad you’re here. Not just because of the party, but ah -- I wanted to apologize, for our last conversation. I wasn’t exactly myself.”
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