ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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               Distractions were the only thing that was keeping the Delore witch going, keeping the tingles of sadness and pain at bay and the tears to stop falling down her face until she was sleeping, only to have nightmares that jolted her awake to cry all over again. “Okay,” she finally said to break silence around her. “Worst —- pick up line you’ve ever heard. Go.”
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                 “Putting me on the spot here.” the brunette pointed out as she attempted to think of the worst one; but all she could think about was her stupid first conversation with Dawson. “Yeah, this conversation isn’t going to go the way you want because I’ve got nothing.”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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“Not really – these tacos are just crap. Though the rice is when people commit suicide – you know jumping into hell – marriage – you know.”
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                     “Have I said that I missed you yet? Because if not --- I missed you. Hey, don’t worry, I’m not getting married anytime soon and from that comment, I’m assuming you never are, huh?”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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               “It sure as hell went out with a bang – too soon?” her arm draped over her best friend as lips parted to make way for a very dramatic sigh. “It’s Hell fire, and it doesn’t just happen anywhere. That’s very dark magic. Maybe we should steer clear of any upcoming balls where the entire town is huddled together like cattle, hm?”
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                    Kenzie could only laugh quietly at Remi’s words, knowing how the other vampire was and never finding herself able to judge; she just loved her too damn much. “ --- Hell fire?” Kenzie found herself asking despite having just heard the word because, well, what the actual fuck. “So none of that was ordinary in the slightest, right? I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had to be honest. No more fancy parties and no more boyfriends. ---- So, are you going to tell me why I found you out here all neck snapped and whatnot or do you want me to guess?”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
“You’re the best Kenz. You know that, right?” Standing up from the chair, she pulled Kenzie in for a hug for a moment before pulling away. “You didn’t get hurt when all hell broke loose, right?”
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             “I’m fairly aware of how amazing I am; yes.” the vampire teased while gladly accepting the hug while shaking her head before responding to the question. “No. I was ----- carried out by someone. How’re you doing?”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
‘‘Can you tell me those things so I can take my mind off how weird it feels to be here right now, I’m getting the hebby jebbys. Silver arrowhead with a little red garnet in the middle.’‘
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                 “If I start talking about said things we’ll start gossiping and be here all night; you know how easily distracted we are. Okay ----- I feel like some ghost is going to jump out at us at any moment. Or float out ---- just, okay, I’m looking and not talking about ghosts.”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
‘‘– I know, I know.. you’re going to think I’m insane for coming back here but I’m only going to take a few seconds, minutes.. tops.’‘ Allison said out loud to the footsteps that she heard approaching as she continued to rummage through the wreckage in hopes of finding her late mothers necklace. A treasured gift that she was too stubborn to accept to be lost. Crime scene or not? she was still determined to keep on searching for something to shine amongst the rough.
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                      “I’m thinking a lot of things right now and surprisingly, questioning your sanity isn’t one of them. What did you say it looked like again?”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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               Vowing in her mind that she would push anyone around that touched her was taken by the wind as she felt Kenzie take hold of her silently, thankful that not a sorry was uttered between the pair as Tatum finally fell into the small embrace and pulled the vampire into a tighter hug. Tatum had always came off as someone that was strong, someone that could hold her ground but after the loss of not one — but both siblings, she became the closest thing to a dependent child that anyone could picture in their minds. “They’re —- gone, Kenzie. They’re fucking —- gone and I couldn’t stop it.”
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                There would be no I’m sorry falling from her lips, even though she was immensely sorry for Tatum’s all too recent loss, instead Kenzie remained exactly as she was as the pair hugged in silence; before it was broken by the heartbreaking sound of a truth that was unable to be escaped. As the words hung in the air, not really needing a reply as nothing would sooth Tatum’s heartache, the vampire pulled back from the hug just a little, enough to see the witch’s face while allowing a hand to move the hair from Tatum’s face before speaking. “I know ---- I saw. No one could do anything, Tatum. But they didn’t deserve that....”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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                      It’s almost as if the night became one big blur. From busting a move on the dance floor to drinking with acquaintances, the aftermath of it all mortified him. His boss —-  deceased.  Hailee? He still had to look for her, hoping she wasn’t on the list of those that perished. Emotions were at an all time high, examining his workload held in his hands before taking a seat on the ground and letting out one loud sob as his head lowered. He couldn’t quite understand what took over, never known as someone who displayed emotions such at that, but felt horrible over the circumstances at hand. Even Caitlyn became badly burned to the point of disfiguration. These are his friends. Head only spun further at Mackenzie’s light humor, feeling the muscles of his chin tremble. “—- !”
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                    “Alexander.” as his name fell softly from her lips, her tone showcased how worried she was for him and all those that Kenzie cared for ----- the aftermath of what had happened had left scars both physically and emotionally on a good number of people; Alexander clearly being one of those left emotionally scarred. Despite knowing that her friend wasn’t exactly big on affection (seeing how long it took him to even admit that they were friends) Kenzie wouldn’t let that minor detail stop her from giving him the hug he so clearly needed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him close. “Its okay. Its okay.” the vampire spoke in a soothing tone, knowing that her words weren’t exactly true but needing to say something, anything to get him to just calm down and be okay for a moment. 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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               Materialistic items including her expensive heels tossed to the side, the brunette sat on the ground after aiding to another resident that suffered minor injuries from the Masquerade event, not even bothering to hunt for her flask as a means to help tone down her irritation. “It’s not my blood.” She finally said, looking towards the dried crimson red substance on her clothing. “I was helping — it’s not about me at this point, just know this isn’t my blood. I need to find a way home. Help me get a ride, please. That’s all.”
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                   “I know.” Kenzie said a little too casually as she gave Elena a once over before taking her own heels off as she noticed how badly her feet were screaming at her to do so. “If you don’t mind going home in a cop car, you can catch a ride with JD --- he’s taking me home soon if you’re interested.”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
Exhaustion ran through her body as she sat down on a chair. Getting little to no sleep had been the only thing to have happened ever since the masquerade. With working around the clock to keep the other patients comfortable, sleep had been the last thing gianna was thinking about right now.  Hearing a pair of footsteps approach her, she sighed a bit. “Please tell me you’ve brought some coffee.”
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                         “Coffee and hopefully non-stale donuts.” Kenzie replied as she held up the small paper bag that held the food, giving her friend a small smile as the vampire came to a halt. “Thought you could use a break.”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
                             ------ ( @remixvalentine )
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                    “That’s ----- the worst ending to a party I’ve ever seen.” Kenzie spoke quietly to her maker as she shuffled closer to Remi now, knowing that she was fine but still needing to check for herself. “What was that? Do you know??” 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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It was unlike anything she’d ever seen, as she almost clawed at the material of Clark’s suit. Her own childhood home had been burnt to the ground, but she’d watched that from the footpath as everything she knew, every memory had been destroyed. In here, she couldn’t get far enough away. The stampede for the door had thrown her off her feet, ripped away from the hunter, tossed to the side and left confused for a single moment as to where the door was. Confusion was short lived, as something else took over, something words could never begin to explain. Pain, inexplicable and all consuming, the cracks in the floor seemed to almost open up further, the glowing flame the furthest thing from mesmerizing as a scream tore through her that rivaled no other. It flickered at her skin as if trying to attach itself to her, the flesh that once pulled taught across her face, down the slope of her neck, now bubbled beyond recognition. It didn’t end, every nerve ending screamed for the comfort her quick healing usually brought, but it didn’t. Nothing happened, and all she felt was heat, broken skin protested against the smoke in the air, the rising temperature of the room turning her stomach until her head span and she finally shirked away from the flame. Mere moments had ticked by, barely a split second before someone’s arms wrapped around her to tug her from the wreckage of the Gautier Manor. 
The screaming never stopped, her voice never became hoarse from the smoke, as the pain that ripped through her never let up. For all she knew, flame still blazed across her skin as they, her and whoever had pulled her out, broke through the smoke to the unforgiving night. Caitlyn’s hands trembled, fingers almost reaching for her own features, still being led to safety until her trembling, a mix of shock and fear pulled her legs out from beneath her bringing her to the ground. She wanted to speak, to call out for someone she knew – anyone. Dawson, Mackenzie.. Wren or Jeremiah.. Someone. But words caught in her throat, choked by her screaming as the excruciating remembrance of fire to skin remained, and all she could do was cast foggy hues around the crowd as EMT’s moved to reach her.
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                         It felt as though she had searched forever in the hopes of finding anyone that she knew while helping those that she could in any shape or form. Screaming --- constant screaming was all Kenzie could hear as even her vampire sight struggled to see through the mess that was now the Gautier manor, as she stumbled over the debris that was moments ago a beautiful ballroom filled with laughter. The screaming continued all around her and somehow through all the chaos, Kenzie seemed to hone in on what she thought was her best friend’s cries. Faster than she should have moved but knowing there wasn’t a chance in hell that people would notice, the tiny brunette suddenly appeared beside Caitlyn, having shoved a few people out of the way as her hands went to move to her friend’s shoulders ----- and then she saw the burns and understood why Cait was screaming and writhing in pain. “Cait..” Kenzie seemed to croak, taken back by what she was now seeing and unable to process it for what it was because what the fuck was happening? “I’m here, Cait. Its me ---- Kenzie.” though attempting to sound as composed as she possibly could, her hands that had reached for the other vampire’s were noticeably shaking as she squeezed as tightly as she could muster; why the fuck wasn’t she healing? “Someone help her!” Kenzie heard herself scream now towards the crowd of people who had gathered. “You’re gonna be alright. Just, squeeze my hands and think of my bad singing, okay? Just ---- think of that.” 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
The job had been simple enough. Keep everyone cordial and separate those who are having a hard time getting along. Taz had just been talking to people and enjoying their company, grouping and regrouping them as she’d seen fit. Showing guests the way, getting drinks and then it had all gone so horribly wrong. Everything was so quickly engulfed and her suit had become so uncomfortable so quickly but she still had a job to do. Taz staggered out to the congregation of survivors on the grass after doing everything her scarred body could do to help the lifeless bodies of those trapped. She’d seen too much, the feeling in her own burnt skin numbed entirely by the adrenaline and the desperate need to help. “Are you okay? —Is there anything I can get you?” Her words were broken, as torn up as her scorched trousers, now melded with skin by whatever cursed flame had set the Gautier’s Ball alight.
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                      While it was difficult to not just stand around and be wrapped up in all that was happening, Kenzie had made herself move for her own sanity when a voice interrupted her swirling thoughts. “No, I’m ----.” words abruptly cut off when she actually saw who was talking to her and the state they were in. “Whoa ---- you need to sit down, okay? You seriously need help..” 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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              People that held a significant impact in town were deceased, others faced possible life long threatening injuries due to what happened at the Gautier manor. His own boss became unrecognizable on a night meant to bring the town together ; a night now haunting for the residents who managed to escape without facing death. Alexander felt terrible that in no shape or form, this ( most likely ) could’ve gotten prevented —- it pained him. Gathering work belongings, he raised a finger at the individual attempting to approach him, not wanting to discuss anything on that matter for the sake of maintaining his composure. “Please,” he croaked, shaking his head from disapproval.
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                           It felt stupid to be upset about a breakup considering everything that was happening ---- in fact, Kenzie had only spoken about the recent development to Remi, knowing the other would allow her to vent without thinking she was being selfish. With everything buried down in a place that had no key for access, Kenzie made her way round the people she cared about, one of those happened to be Alexander; who didn’t look all that good when she finally laid her eyes upon him. “ ---- Please and thank you are the magic words, right?” idiotic words that she wanted to take back, but she hadn’t ever seen him like this and didn’t quite know what to do. 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
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                “If you’re even —- damn well thinking of asking me if I’m okay, just fucking walk away and waste someone elses time,” the Delore hissed as the tears still streamed down her face, knees pulled up to her chest, focusing on her breathing and keeping her mind off the fire that engulfed her parents so easily, tearing them away from her before even witnessing her rise to achievement. 
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                        Kenzie didn’t utter a single fucking word as Tatum hissed the words that anyone in her situation probably would. Actually, Kenzie had no idea what the hell she was supposed to say in times like this; who ever did? Instead of words, the tiny vampire just sat down beside the blonde and slowly moved her arm around the Delore’s shoulder, pulling Tatumn closer to her own tiny frame; happy to say nothing if that’s what was required. 
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
Beck was dead. The words the older hunter had spoke to her echoed in her mind as she forced her legs into motion moving about the people that were outside the flame engulfed house. She was looking to see who she could help. The tears had dried in streaks of black down her face and now she was forcing the feelings away. Feel nothing. Feel nothing. The words were a mantra in her head as she came upon someone looking for help. “I’m here,” she assured them as she moved to her knees at their side looking for the worst of their injuries.
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                   As far as Kenzie was aware; everyone she cared about was safe. That wasn’t the same for a lot of people, that much she knew, but it was difficult to not feel slightly elated to know that the same faces would greet her the next day and maybe if they were lucky, even the day after that. Sitting alone, the vampire fidgeted the hem of her hand made dress, her hands covered in blood as she noticed Acacia kneeling down beside her. “Oh.” she began now, waving the other off. “This isn’t mine. I’m fine. You okay?”
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ripperkenzie-blog · 7 years
“I’m sorry do I know you,” Lola answered feigning shock before flashing a wide smile. “Alright listen. Cute as heck wouldn’t have sounded like a pick up line though so what am I supposed to do? Maybe you should stop being so adorable and little!”
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                  “Oh, you’re right ----- you’re just someone that I used to know; my bad.” the brunette retorted while loudly laughing at Lola’s next words as she quickly put a hand to her mouth to stifle the sound that rose above them. “Little! How dare you, you know I hate being called that. I’ll settle for adorable though.”
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