rcgautier · 7 years
Aurora tried to subdue her peal of laughter for a second or two, but was ultimately unsuccessful in such an endeavor. As soon as his grin parted, her lips did the same, her tongue catching playfully between her teeth as she started to snicker. “It’s so nice to know that the lot of you Gautiers have a sense of humor,” She beamed. “It makes it much easier not to detest you,” She teased, pausing after a moment. “How’ve you been anyways, Roman? With all the rubbish going on?”
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“Oh, you don’t detest us, huh? Not even a little bit?” He questioned while holding his hand up, keeping the look on his features before a grin spread once again. “I hate to disappoint, but really only a few of us got the good sense of humor.” He smiled over at her, comfortable and relaxed in her presence. “I’m doing alright, so is the rest of the family. Although most of my time seems to be split between the bar and getting the manor rebuilt.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“Just making sure. Last thing we need is to start the petty stealing each others shit thing like kids. Pretty much just got here, actually, so in the midst of catching up on all the shit that hit the fan.”
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“Shit, we’re not doing that anymore? Guess that means I’ve got to return everything I stole while you were away.” His words were teasing as he moved forward, leaning against the tree. “Welcome home, little sister. Or what’s left of it, I guess. You have somewhere to stay?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“They must have missed that with all the other important details they thought to put in there. Don’t worry, I’ll give them a piece of my mind for you. See if they can’t rectify their mistake from the grave. — Tell me about it, though really, that’s probably why it’s taking so long. M..– Me? No, don’t be ridiculous. I could never run for Mayor.”
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“What’s more important than yours truly? Another low blow delivered by your ancestors. Always knew you’d have my back, Sav; make sure you really go in on them. -- I’d be surprised if even one person was willing to take on the role. Yeah, you. Why not? Least we’d have someone that actually cares about the town and citizens.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“Oh that’s it is it? This is news to me. Well, I wish you the best of luck in putting and end to them, I feel like you might have your job cut out for you . – Not entirely sure yet, there’s still working through the changes, I think we’re going to find out in the next few days though.”
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“Really? Your ancestors didn’t write that down in those fancy grimoires? Working my way through them, one cliche at a time. -- I’m surprised anyone is even willing to step up, given how the last one ended. So, you going to throw your name into the game?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“Ending the male cliche of multitasking to an end once and for all, huh?”
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“Didn’t you know, that’s the real reason I’m immortal. Someone has to end those ridiculous cliches, after all. So --- who’s are new mayor? Please tell me it’s someone at least half decent.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
She shook her head, eyeing the the other in amusement as she did so. “My family are caviar kind of people–I never fancied the taste,” She corrected. “I do, however, enjoy a good lobster tail from time to time.” She held her hands up in mock surrender, the whites of her teeth flashing as her smile widened a tad. “No shame in rare, just don’t fall into the stereotype of raw. Since we’re on the topic of stereotypes and labels.” 
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“Caviar and lobster tails; I see how the upper class lives.” Of course, Roman was joking, just as he typically did when it came to the Valentines and their lifestyle. It wasn’t as if his family was far behind in the upper class living, especially given how long they’d been alive for. “Raw? I suppose I do prefer my meat right off the bone.” The grin on his lips widened, before a chuckle was parting them.
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rcgautier · 7 years
“That’s profiling, Roman,” She quipped, trying her best to keep her lips from lifting upwards. In the most serious tone she could manage, she continued, eyes trained on the man across from her. “You wouldn’t quite like if I pegged you for a meat and potatoes type of bloke, hm? Steak, rare?” 
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There was no way he could fight the grin that curved his lips, “Is this your way of admitting you’re the caviar type of girl? Hey now, what’s so wrong about a rare steak?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“You should know, I’m trying to blow your head up with my mind right now.”
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“I am not even going to touch that one. Have you forgotten you’re a Gautier, and not a Delore?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
“Brother,” she said, a smile growing as she saw her older brother. “I’m just happy you’re here right now”
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“I wouldn’t dare be anywhere else. How are you, considering all that’s happened?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
His face completely stoic, Zeke ignored the protests and screaming from the omega wolf digging his heels into the ground in some attempt to push himself away. Momentarily he was reminded of whatever sliver of humanity had remained within the wolf, brief and short lived, as he all too soon saw the same teeth that had only moments earlier torn into one of the hunters that had been by his side — another stagnant reminder of why he hunted alone. Without a single word, the raven haired hunter let loose a single silver bullet into the man’s heart. Not even the corner of his lip turned up when it found it’s mark, instead he turned on his heels, barely batting an eyelash as another approached. “you picked the wrong night for a moonlight stroll.”
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It was hard not to hear the gunshot in the forest, ringing in his ears as he halted in his tracks. He’d been out on a run, intending to let off some of the stress weighing on his shoulders. The loss of the Gautier manor, the body count piling up in the small town, and the witch still capable of casting whatever spell she wanted was causing him more stress than he needed to deal with. So when he came upon the hunter, all too familiar for bringing the demise of werewolves within the outer perimeters of the town, Roman quite nearly snapped. There were no words from him, instead he was rushing forward, grabbing Zeke by the shoulders before he was bringing him to the ground. “And you picked the wrong night to kill a wolf.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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❝ I swear I will loose my mind soon if they don’t let me go back to work ❞
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“Not a fan of enjoying some time off?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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There was no time to head to the gym these past couple days, no time to actually take a breather and think of the things that had been troubling her the most. After work, she’d make sure she got home as fast as she could to see Arabella, to make sure she was okay. As a mother, she was constantly worried about her young, it probably would have been less stress on her if the father was in the picture. But this was the path she had chosen. Finding herself at the back of the station, throwing punching and kicks in attempts to get whatever frustration she had out. “Look, if your going to stare at me, you might as well make yourself a little useful here. I could use the punching bag.”
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“-- You sure you’d be able to keep up with me?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“You know, of all the food I’ve ever eaten in my entire life, I think pizza’s always been my favorite.” She mused aloud, focused on the food in her hand. After the events that had happened since she’d been home, the past couple of weeks felt like the calm before the storm–which, as always, worried her. Nothing around Salem’s Point remained calm for long, which left her wondering when the next…disaster might come. 
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“Pizza, huh? And here I was thinking you were more the caviar type.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“I can feel your eyes looking at me — go away, or spit it out.” Rosa added, not particularly in the mood after her arrival into town and discovering just what’s been going on around the place that was considered her home over a thousand years ago; a place she had not stepped foot in for fifty years. So, she did what she always did in these moments, she got herself a beer and she went to sit in the space she used to all those years ago in the woods; resting firmly against a tree as she closed her eyes for a brief moment, enjoying the solidarity. “And, don’t even think about touching my drink.”
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“I’ve got a whole bar full of beers, I don’t need yours. Heard you were back in town. When did you arrive?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
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“Hi there. Welcome t’Mike’s Motors. Can I help you t’day?”
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“You know if your boss is around?”
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rcgautier · 7 years
There was something so soothing about the sight of a person face-planting into a pile of leaves, wondering exactly where that damn root cropped up from. It was a lot easier to bewilder tourists since the people who lived in Salem already knew to assume some Fae somewhere was having a little fun. The Fae in this instance – Ximena Thorne – had been at it for hours, prowling around the town and harassing unsuspecting, innocent passersby. She wasn’t in a bad mood, not by any means. It was just her idea of a good time. “Unless you want to be next I suggest you move along.” She noticed that someone nearby had been staring at her and she couldn’t be bothered enough to look and see if they were amused or angry.
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“Now is that any way to treat an old friend? And here I was thinking you were better than that.”
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rcgautier · 7 years
“I like to pride myself on my positivity but I can’t help but have a bad feeling right now”
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“You and the rest of the town. As long as the witch is still casting her spells, there’s always going to be a bad feeling.”
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