#( drinking tw for the tags btw
slurred teases and sweet kisses
arataka reigen/female reader
tw for drinking, bars, intoxication
You roll your eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, his mouth set in smug grin as he swirls the liquid in his glass and watches as the ice clinks against the walls of his cup. With each sip he takes, his face gets more flushed, his words get more slurred.
Arataka has an embarrassingly low tolerance to alcohol, and you're witnessing it firsthand. He's feeling it too; that urge to kiss you is a lot stronger than usual...
★ ★ ★
...Should he invite you? You're just his employee after all, and the both of you would be alone in the bar...
Arataka glances at you for a moment, looking up from the newspaper he was reading at his desk. He's not actually reading it, of course — he can barely concentrate on breathing when you're in the room with him. You're just so... Distracting, he can't help it.
The slow rise and fall of your chest, the motion of your hand as you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, the way your eyes would flit between him and the window — Arataka could watch you for hours and not grow bored.
If Arataka invites you to just... Go to that bar he used to be a usual at, then the two of you would be alone. Like a date, which it— it isn't, of course— that would be crazy! There's no way you'd want to date Arataka, of all people, it just doesn't make sense for you to like him!
You think of him as an employer, a friend, maybe a close one, but just that! Nothing more, nothing less!
Arataka exhales sharply through his nose, flipping the page to look like he's reading the paper. He can feel the grain of the grey newspaper between his fingertips as he rubs his finger absentmindedly on the edge, pick up that faint scent of printed paper in the air.
You risk a glance at him, and your eyes shimmer with the evening sun's light as you study his features: his disinterested gaze, his relaxed posture, his incurious expression. He's... Mesmering to look at in this state, this boredom, especially since he's so expressive usually.
He also looks rather attractive, but that doesn't really matter.
You can see him stiffen, trying to ignore how hot he feels with your eyes roaming all over his body, but... Not that he doesn't enjoy it, of course — Arataka adores when you study him, just like how he studies you. You've noticed a lot of things about him by now; the way he'd adjust his grip on the newspaper, the way his eyes skim over the text, the way he leans back in his chair, his posture relaxed; bored.
You quickly avert your gaze, and Arataka feels a pang of sadness at the loss of your attention.
You, yourself, are not doing much. You're just... Sitting quietly at the little couch in the corner of the room, waiting patiently for the customers to come in. You're staring out the window, watching as the pedestrians on the streets walk along back to their homes or to the restaurants and bars, watching the way the trees sway in the light breeze, some of their vibrant green leaves falling off the sharp brown branches.
It's your job, after all — the job Arataka is paying you for — to be whatever customer service is needed when he's too busy exorcising the client's spirits or helping talk through their worries.
You take a slow, deep breath, inhaling that familiar scent of salt and incense, of sweat and cologne.
Arataka doesn't need you, not really. He just wants an excuse to see your face day after day after day, hear your darling little voice call his name when you need help.
He likes it most during that little frame of time when Mob has left to go back home, but you're still in the office — alone — with him, simply coexisting in eachother's presence. This is the time that he'd talk to you, joke with you, spend time with you — but just because he enjoys talking to you for every second of the day you're with him doesn't mean that he isn't content in settling into a comfortable silence with you. He likes... Coexisting with you, whether you're on your phone or looking out the window, whether he's reading the newspaper or watching the little TV in the corner of the room.
It's... Nice, in a way, to have someone care about you just as much as you care about him.
"The sky's pretty nice, isn't it?" You say to Arataka, tapping on the glass with your finger and bringing his attention to it.
It is rather pretty; golds and oranges are strewn across the sky like an artist's first experimental brush strokes on their canvas, the colours shifting with every minute that passes as the sun goes lower and lower on the horizon. The clouds are rimmed gold — a delicate, thin outline to show its form, shimmering and soft as the light bounces off it.
It's not sunset yet, no, but — oh, how that golden light spills into the room, how it makes Arataka's eyes sparkle—
"Yeah, it is pretty."
His words are simple, but it's evident that he's fighting himself to keep his tone disinterested. He doesn't want to show interest in you: he'd look like a fool. He doesn't want to look like a fool in front of the girl he likes.
You clear your throat (you always do that when you need to distract yourself from your thoughts, Arataka's noted), and you settle back in your seat. He grins, an opportunity to tease you coming to his mind, the words already beginning to brew.
"You what looks nicer, though?" He asks, his tone playful as he looks you up and down, feeling pleasant shivers run down your spine. It feels so... Good, to be the object of his attention, to be the subject of his praise.
"What?" You ask, crossing your legs as you lean back in your chair. You're grinning pridefully, knowing that he'll most definitely say you're prettier.
Arataka's thin smile widens noticeably, his eyes narrowing in delight.
"Me, of course."
You roll your eyes, though it's clear you mean nothing malicious by it. "Oh, please, Arataka," you say, your tone teasing, "you're full of yourself. You're a lot uglier than the sky."
A lie. To set off any suspicions that you like him.
He just grins wider, settling into his seat like a proud king.
Even though it's nothing more than light, playful banter, every second Arataka spends with you feels like a moment in heaven — your voice the angel's songs, your hair their shining halos. You never refuse any of his silly little jokes, always laugh at those half-wit puns he makes, and it... It sends waves of butterflies to his stomach, knowing that you enjoy being around him, knowing that you like being his friend.
And vice versa — every second you spend with Arataka is such fun, such enjoyment, that you lose track of time and go back home hours later than intended. He's just so... Fun to talk to, what with his witty replies and clever jokes, his carefully placed puns and playfully sharp remarks. He's such a joker, always able to make you laugh, and he likes it. He likes hearing your laugh. He likes it a lot.
The newspaper crinkles loudly as Arataka folds it, placing it on the desk. Struggling to keep his expression neutral and his voice level, he asks you a simple question.
"Wanna go out for drinks later?" Grinning, now, "I'll pay."
Please say yes. Please, please say yes.
You hum in thought as if you don't know your answer already. Your voice is light; playful, and Arataka can hear the grin plastered on your face when you reply.
"I don't know... I don't drink."
You don't, that bit is true: you've tried, and failed, to enjoy alcohol and intoxication. It's just so... Sour, and overwhelming, and it feels so horrible the next day.
Arataka lets out an exasperated groan, but the both of you know it's fake.
"Come on— please?"
He leans on the desk, his whole upper body resting on the wood, trying to get as close to you as he can to you without getting up. His eyes almost seem to sparkle as he smiles wide, trying as hard as he can to convince you, knowing you can't say no to that god forsaken smile. "Pretty please? It's my birthday!"
He's almost pleading as he tilts his head innocently, his cheeks resting comfortably in his hands, his elbows planted on the desk. "You don't wanna upset the birthday boy, do you?"
You sigh, though you aren't annoyed. You can't say no, the both of you know that — especially since it's his birthday. And, unbeknownst to you, it's the first birthday Arataka will be spending with a friend in a long, long time. He's ecstatic, Especially since it's you.
Even if it's just one friend, and even if that friend is a girl he really likes is his employee, it's still counted, right?
You... Are a friend, right?
Because the way your pretty little lips would curl into a grin whenever you'd tease him, the way your words would cause him to erupt into fits of laughter, the way you always enjoyed the little games of banter the two of you often shared certainly made it seem so.
You roll your eyes at his display.
"Fine, fine, okay. I'll go celebrate your birthday with you or whatever."
Arataka has to hide his excitement, struggling to keep himself from smiling ear to ear, struggling to ignore how his heart flutters, struggling to ignore that familiar feeling of butterflies in his stomach.
He always feels this way when he's with you though, so he's gotten pretty good at ignoring it.
"When do you say we should go?"
Arataka tilts his head more heavily to the side as he asks you that question, his eyes roaming around the room as he thinks. You watch as he shifts in his chair, trying in vain to get comfortable in the god awful position he's sitting in.
His grin widens. "Now?"
Flitting your eyes to the clock and reading the time quickly, you answer him, your voice level; though there's a slight undertone — barely even there — of a playful, almost accusational chide. You're just buying time to annoy him, giving him pointless excuses.
"It's still ten minutes to closing."
Arataka sighs in dramatised exasperation, putting such an emphasis on the rolling of his eyes that it makes you scoff in playful annoyance. It makes his heart flutter, knowing that you're entertained by him. God, how he loves that voice of yours... How he loves you...
Spinning his hand so fast that it's a blur, he stops abruptly, pointing to himself as he grins proudly. "I'm the boss, here. I can close this place any time I want."
He gets his elbows off the desk, kicking his feet onto the wood as you hum in response to his words. Nodding as you speak, you agree with him. "Good point, good point."
Arataka and you clean up the office a little, sweeping the corners here and dusting the chair over there. The two of you are in a comfortable silence, content enough with the fact that you're in each other's presence.
As you clean, Arataka can't help but notice — he always notices — all those little things you do: the way you place one foot in front of the other to the beat of the song stuck in your head; the way you hum softly to yourself, quiet enough to think he can't hear; the way your eyes would catch glimpses of his every so often.
More often than not, he'd get lost in all your little habits. It's just... The minor ways you'd entertain yourself as you clean, the manner in which you would tuck your hair behind your ear, the way you'd roll your sleeves up before doing anything, is so... Cute, you're so cute...
It's not long before the place is as good as new, and Arataka is switching the lights off and taking the keys to the door.
"After you, m'lady," he says in an unnecessarily posh voice, bowing slightly as he opens the door for you. You nod, thanking him as you step out, bathed the hot summer night air — it's humid, the air thick with moisture as you breathe in the scent of moist pavement and soaked leaves from the rain that had happened a few hours earlier.
The more you walk, the more you can hear the bustling of the shopkeepers in their kitchens and behind their counters, pick up the buzz of the neon signs just beginning to flicker on, listen to the indistinct chatter of the night life starting to settle into the bars and night clubs. Though it's faint, it's most definitely there, and it's getting louder and louder with each minute that passes.
The walk to the bar isn't quiet; it's never quiet when the two of you walk together. The air is always filled with friendly conversation, laughter and giggles peppered in here and there, occasional glimpses at his soft, pink lips...
Arataka is taking in every little thing about you, from the way your smile would form to the tapping of your shoes on the pavement. You're... Perfect, you.
He tries his best to match your pace, making sure that his footfalls are in tandem with yours, making sure that you both are walking as one.
If someone was looking on at the two of you, they'd think you were a couple.
A few minutes later, Arataka is pushing open the door of the Happy Trails bar, gesturing for you to enter. The floor is sticky, the air thick with the sharp smell of alcohol and sweaty office workers. The lights are dim; warm, inviting, as you take a seat after Arataka pulls one out for you.
"So what'll you have?" He asks, flashing you the most charming grin he can muster. He settles into his seat, getting more comfortable: unbuttoning his suit jacket, loosening that pink tie on his neck, undoing the top buttons of his immaculate white dress shirt. God, he's so hot—
It's hard to keep from staring, but you manage.
You shrug. "Just soda."
Arataka nods, not questioning it as he calls the bartender over and ordering for both you and him: an iced cola for you, and a lemon sour — extra sour — for him. He always orders that, and, based on the few times you've gone out drinking with him, you don't think he drinks anything else.
He settles into his seat, and you struggle to get your voice to pierce through the indistinct conversations of the other patrons.
"So, Arataka," you nearly shout, your tone playful, "how do you feel now that you're 28?"
He hums in thought, bringing a fist to his chin as he thinks about his answer.
He shrugs.
"So-so, but—" he pauses for dramatic effect, the shadow of a grin ghosting on his lips —"I'm feeling a whole lot better since you're here to help me into my old age."
You laugh slightly at his little joke. Arataka's dopey little grin widens with pride, having made you giggle yet again.
Your drinks arrive a little after this, and you can't help but notice the bartender giving you an accusational side eye as he slides the both of you your glasses, seeming to doubt the fact that you and Arataka aren't dating.
"Oh, come now, Arataka—" his heart flutters at the sound of your voice saying his name —"you're not that old." Your grin widens, your tone teasing. "You look a lot older, though."
He lets out an offended half laugh, shoving your shoulder playfully in mock offence. "How mean!" He cries, trying in vain to make his voice sound offended.
It's quiet as you sip your cola slowly, and you're not blind to the way Arataka's eyes follow your tongue as it darts out to get whatever droplets of your drink missed your mouth.
...God, how he wants to taste that sharp, teasing mouth of yours, feel every crevice and crease of your lips as they press into his... How he wants to run his hands through your soft hair as he combs it out of the way of your perfect face, how he wants whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you fall asleep in his arms...
"You should... Really watch that tongue of yours," he warns playfully, his words beginning to slur, fighting to ignore his thoughts. He's barely even had a sip of his drink, and he already looks like he's about to pass out.
He wags a wobbly finger in your face like a mother reprimanding her child. "I might get tired of you and fire you."
You roll your eyes, scoffing.
"Oh, Arataka," you tease, leaning in close — close enough to smell the scent of his expensive cologne, close enough to smell the alcohol on his breath, close enough to feel just how hot he is. He grits his teeth, struggling not to close the distance between the two of you as you speak lowly, quietly: for his ears only.
"We both know you like me too much."
And he— he blushes, oh, and he pushes you away with the tip of his unsteady finger to your forehead. You swallow the slight hurt you feel as Arataka replies, his response clumsy as always — more so now that he's drunk. "And we... Both know you like me too much to let yourself... Get fired."
You roll your eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, his mouth set in smug grin as he swirls the liquid in his glass and watches as the ice clinks against the walls of his cup. With each sip he takes, his face gets more flushed, his words get more slurred.
Arataka has an embarrassingly low tolerance to alcohol, and you're witnessing it firsthand. He's feeling it too; that urge to kiss you is a lot stronger than usual...
And though the motion is wobbly, unbalanced, now it's his turn to lean in close. He almost falls on you.
His grin is wide, and though it's lopsided from the alcohol, it still manages to be annoyingly smug, and... Wonderfully endearing, too, like he's trying to make you happy regardless of how his vision blurs and his head pounds. "I'm... Doing you a favour for not... Firing you, you know."
You scoff mockingly at his words, drinking your soda as you grin. "Please, Arataka"— another rush of butterflies to his stomach —"I know I'm far too important to you to just... Get rid of."
You're grinning smugly now, leaning in closer to his face. Your noses are almost touching, and you can almost taste his lips now — the sweetness of alcohol mixing with the sharp mint of his mouthwash, his saliva thick as Arataka swallows. You're not blind to how his unfocused eyes fall down to your mouth for a moment, licking his lips like he's looking at a freshly cooked meal, ready for devouring.
"Ah, but you need to... To remember," he says, leaning away from you, gripping the table in tight hands to stop himself from falling off his barstool. He squints as he talks, trying hard to form the words. "I could totally just do it right now. Nothing's... Stopping me."
You sigh, smiling, rolling your eyes but staying quiet.
Arataka downs the remainder of his drink in one swift gulp, slamming the cup down onto the wooden bar table with a loud thud.
He doesn't order another one, thankfully, because at the rate he's getting drunk, he's bound to pass out or vomit anytime soon. His cheeks are an almost bright red, his eyes half-lidded and glossed over, unfocused as he stares at you; when he breathes, you can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Hey, Arataka."
You sip your soda, licking the glass a little to see how he reacts get the drops that missed your mouth. Arataka watches your tongue, almost hungrily so, his gaze unblinking and his breathing shallow.
You want to try and get as many secrets as you can get out of a drunk Arataka, just to have something to either a) tease him about, or b) blackmail him with.
"What do you think about me?" You ask, grinning.
Arataka shifts in his seat, thinking hard about his answer, and doing it for a suspiciously long time. A plan to avoid your question brews, half-finished in his mind.
He gives you a lopsided grin, leaning in with a shaky, unsteady motion, before abruptly jerking away and pressing his hands to his mouth as if he's trying to prevent himself from vomiting. As he hunches over on himself, your face immediately shifts to one of concern, your brows furrowing and your grin disappearing.
"...Arataka? You okay...?" You ask gently, rubbing his back. You've seen him vomit aggressively after taking so much as a sip of alcohol, and you're definitely preparing to wipe bile from the corners of his mouth.
It's quiet for a moment, save for the clinking of glass and the chatter of overlapping conversation.
"I... Eugh." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, grimacing as he feels his head pound — and that plan, that drunk one that sober Arataka would definitely not approve of, starts forming more clearly in his mind.
You grow more worried the more you watch, his movements shaky, his words all blending together. He thinks he's doing a pretty good job at looking like he's going to vomit — and since you're acting so worried about him, then he'd wager that his plan is working.
"Arataka, are you okay?" You ask again, your voice firmer, though still retaining that soft, quiet worry. You rub what you hope are soothing circles on his back, and you can see him visibly relax, letting out a long sigh.
"'M fine," he mumbles, swatting your hand away, his eyes struggling to open.
It's working, it's working! Keep going, Arataka!
Just as you're about to speak again, Arataka opens his mouth, faking a retch, and you panic. He falls — definitely not accidentally — straight into your lap, and it takes a moment to register that no vomit has come from his mouth before you hit him playfully on his forehead. His heart skips a beat when you don't push him off, merely just hitting him.
"Ow!" He exclaims, his grin crooked as he struggles to fake a grimace of pain, rubbing the spot you hit him.
"Even when you're drunk, you still manage to annoy me," you grumble, though the amused smile on your face gives away what you're feeling.
You ruffle his hair a little, tangling your fingers in between the delicate golden strands — and he lets out a sigh at your touch, closing his eyes in contentment. Your heart beats faster as you look at him: his flushed cheeks and content, closed eyes, his relaxed body resting in your lap — god, you have to fight yourself not to plant a kiss on his low, pointed nose.
Arataka pries open his eyes when you stop combing through his hair with your fingers.
"What... Can I say," he says slowly, looking at you with a gaze that can only be described as one of a lover's: sweet, tender, and affectionate. "I love... Seeing your smile."
Your heart flutters.
The two of you stay in this position for a while, a position a lot like a couples'. Neither of you complain — if anything, the both of you enjoy it — and it's not long before Arataka's eyes slowly shut, his breathing slowing as he starts to fall asleep in your lap.
You feel butterflies in your stomach when you gaze upon his calm expression: his eyes closed firmly shut, his kissable lips curved in a slight smile, his face relaxed.
The bar is almost empty now, save for three or four people having a conversation at one of the tables in the corner. You can pick up their mumbling: they're talking about the two of you, how Arataka didn't vomit yet, how he used to be a usual at this bar, how he never brought any girls with him until today, and what a surprise that he managed to pull such a pretty one.
"Happy birthday, Arataka," you say — and, smiling, you push those golden bangs out of the way with a hand and plant a firm, chaste kiss on his forehead. It's a kiss you've wanted to give him for a long time, but also one you're forced to keep short, just in case you're overstepping boundaries.
Arataka's eyes snap open and widen considerably, his face flushing even more than you thought was possible. He's speechless for a moment as he brings a shaky hand up to feel where your lips touched him, his heart beating a million times a minute, his breathing quick and shallow.
He just... Stares at you, starry eyed, for a minute, his mouth slightly agape.
He snaps back to reality.
"Again," he says impatiently, his tone demanding as he brings his hand down to rest, clasped with the other, in his lap. "As... The birthday boy, this is... Is my birthday gift from you. Kiss... Me, again."
You smile, letting out a slight chuckle at his slurred demand.
"You're sure you won't regret it tomorrow...?" You ask slowly, playfully, as you rake your fingers through his soft, blonde hair. You know he most definitely will.
Arataka shakes his head vigorously in your lap, though stops immediately when he starts to feel his head pound, wincing.
You just watch him for a moment, combing gentle fingers through his hair, smiling in amusement at his impatience. He whines when you don't do what he asked for yet, just staring at him, and he repeats his demand.
"Kiss me. Right... Here," he mumbles, tapping a shaky finger to his forehead.
You oblige, pressing a gentle kiss to his skin, pushing his bangs aside. He sighs, closing his eyes. And when you pull away, "Again," he says almost immediately.
You happily oblige, kissing him there once more.
He stops for a moment, breathing shakily, before getting up from your lap abruptly and wrapping his arms around you tightly. In the process of doing this, his unsteady movements cause the both of you to fall onto the bar stools beside you, so that Arataka is lying down comfortably on top of you; your noses almost touching, your lips just inches away from each other. He's so... Drunk, and so, so cute...
The bartender gives you a stern look, and you flash him an apologetic smile.
Arataka's eyes, half-lidded, fall down to your mouth, and he brings an unsteady hand to cradle your chin as he runs a shaky thumb over your bottom lip.
"...Can I...?" Arataka asks in a low, mumbly slur, his eyes unblinking as he stares at your lips.
You heart races as you nod, and it's barely a moment before he's pressing his lips tightly to yours, shifting and moving them until they're slotted comfortably against each other. His eyes flutter shut as he gets comfortable lying on top of you, getting more accustomed to the soft cloth of your clothes as he runs a hand down your side, getting more used to the soft strands of your hair that he's been itching to run his fingers through.
Arataka tastes... Sour, mostly from the drink he had a few moments ago. There's the faint, sharp tang of the alcohol, too; a sweet, distinct flavour, a rich undertone to the myriad of tastes you manage to sample as his lips shift against yours.
His lips are cracked, chapped, and dry, but you couldn't care less as he tangles a hand in your hair, the other holding your head in place as he tilts his own head to press his lips even more into yours. He grunts, seemingly not satisfied, and pushes his lips onto yours until the kiss is almost bruising.
Your face is flushed when you break the kiss. Though it's short, sweet, and chaste, it's clear that Arataka wants more. You both do.
Just as he's leaning in to kiss you again, the bartender taps your shoulder, glaring at you sharply and jabbing a thumb in the direction of the door. You blurt out a mumbled apology, scrambling to get up, Arataka nearly falling. As promised, he slips the bartender about one and a half times more money than owed.
You both wordlessly exit the bar, and as you walk, Arataka stumbles behind you. He's unsteady; his path is a winding zigzag in comparison to yours, struggling to keep to a straight line and nearly falling onto the road multiple times — and as a way to counter this, you wrap your arm securely around his waist. Arataka responds by leaning his weight onto you, and you both continue on without much issue or argument.
It's much later in the night now; the cars on the road are whizzing past the two of you, the shops all closed with their shutters pulled down over the windows.
The air is heavy with humidity, and you can feel Arataka's sweat from where he presses himself against you. Arataka himself smells of that familiar sharp, sour smell of sweat; the faint scent of salt; and that sweet, sweet cologne he wears. The fabric of the suit is soft as you grip him tightly, every step he takes making him sway more and more until it's clear he's going to either vomit or pass out.
A few moments later, he calls your name in a mumbly, shaky voice, before hurriedly pushing you off him as he staggers to the drain. Before you know what's going on, you're at his side as he vomits a sickly green bile.
You pat his back reassuringly, now only registering that he's vomiting.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Arataka grins at you, though his eyes are struggling to open and his smile is lopsided.
"We're staying... At your house, right?" He mumbles, though he stumbles slightly, and alarm flashes across his face as he swings his hands about to get balanced before he manages to stand straight again. He widens the skewed grin in his face, trying his absolute best to look charming, and failing. It's still adorable, though.
You snicker, nodding in response.
"Let's go, Arataka."
You slide your arm around his waist, and he leans nearly all his bodyweight on you as the two of you walk to your flat.
The walk is quiet as Arataka struggles not to vomit again, barely being able to stay awake to avoid falling unconscious in your arms — it would be a shame if you held him tenderly and he wasn't there to experience it. Nobody's on the streets, so it's just the two of you, save for a car that comes every so often.
The only sound you can hear is the steady tap, tap, tapping of your shoes on the pavement, followed by the much more unsteady beat of Arataka's shiny black dress shoes as he walks beside you.
Neither of you say anything when you walk, neither of you speak when you unlock your front door, neither of you argue when you lead him to your bedroom.
You set him down on the bed slowly, slipping off his grey coat and undoing his necktie. The whole time you're doing this, Arataka's just... Watching you. His eyes, fixed on you, are glassed over, unfocused — but full of so, so much love.
He doesn't say a word as he gets comfortable in your bed, and when he holds you in his arms, falling asleep, it's silent.
★ ★ ★
thanks for reading!!
second chapter !!
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bonefall · 1 year
I'm researching something for a fic, but, if the cats had caffeine or drugs (like what you said are fermented rowanberries), what would it be? It's always kinda been on my mind, but now, my interest in it is peaked.
Valerian and catmint are stimulants, like coffee. Valerian is also a treatment for epilepsy!
Alcohol is very dangerous and I have not yet crunched the numbers on how much alcohol is in a single fermented rowanberry yet. Until I do, I'm working with a rule of thumb that 1 rowanberry = 1 shot.
Cats are very prone to liver damage. Keep this in mind if you happen to have a cat who is an alcoholic.
And, lastly, there is fly agaric which is a hallucinogenic mushroom. One whole mushroom will send your warrior directly to StarClan and they will not come back down-- for recreational use, only use a little bit.
In general make sure to keep in mind that cats are a lot less "chemically hardy" than humans are! It is VERY easy for a cat to die from improperly ingesting drugs.
Except valerian and catmint, those are pretty safe actually. Very similar to coffee for humans.
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vampthropologist · 9 months
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"Alright, Alright, It's a hell of a feeling though!"
My 69th song of the list this year. You heard that right. P!atD was one of my childhood bands. Requested by @galaxyempire-lilith
No text versions under cut. Please click for full quality!!!
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Took big inspiration from the lyrics and those pinterest images of young adults/teens in shopping carts in empty parking lots.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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ok so apparently i can just never articulate my Deep Thoughts on purpose and can only do it by accident whilst rambling in the notes of a bookmark where the veneer of anonymity feels like a false-protective coat to hide behind, or somesuch-something like that. idk. anyways. anyways. i don't like how fucking mean-spirited across the spider-verse as a film seemingly is for literally no reason at all other than just bcuz it Could Be. y/k.
#talking tag#atsv#spider-man#spider-man 2099#miguel o'hara#miles morales#suicide mention#suicide tw#& i am talking abt the Actual Textual Content of atsv btw not the Fandom Interpretation of it. bcuz those r 2 different things lmao.#every additional piece of context that we learn abt the behind-the-scenes too. it just. Sours this film to me. like drinking rotten milk#only ONE person outside of his family unconditionally supports miles. ONE. ONE!!!!!!!!!! the whole film!!!!#(obie obie broauwn i hate the AM i hate the PM u will live in my heart for ever)#and Knowing now how much the writers obviously didnt give a shit abt Mig.. it all just reads like that rotten any1 can wear the mask but yo#and that echoes in the narrative disdain for the one other spider-man in the whole movie whose origin is /like miles/.#who DID have a spider-man in his world who died before he got his powers who IS motivated by fear by wanting 2 be good but thinking he cant#You Cant Wear This Mask. The Only People Who Are Like You Actually LIKE You Are Twisted And Wrong And Warped Inevitably By That Wrongness.#Nobody Will Ever Understand What You Have Been Through And You Were Stupid And Naive To Ever Try Otherwise. You Petulant Child.#and the spider society treats miguel like shit like im honestly surprised that was just such a Casual Thing in the movie but no#they microaggress him 2 hell and back they insult him to his face they do not respect his boundaries they flat-out just Dont Respect Him#and he Takes It. of course he takes it. it is Literally All He Knows. taking it and hating himself and knowing that he is Different.#Christ almighty. what a shitshow.
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macroglossus · 10 months
in retrospect it’s kind of funny how ed treatment centers are like “we will teach you how to have a normal relationship with food ❤️ we will begin by classifying anything anyone has ever done in regards to consuming food as an ed behavior. you can’t mix food on your plate or we will take it away and force you to drink the most nauseating meal replacement shake in the world that tastes like if cardboard hated you! oops looks like you have some salad dressing left in the portion cup….. drink it! yeah, the straight up dressing! this is a normal thing that normal people do when they didn’t pour half a cup of dressing on a salad the size of their palm :) if you don’t drink an entire mouthful of straight salad dressing, uh oh! the meal replacement shake from hell! the water is consistently tepid because they never refrigerate it but you’re not allowed more than two ice cubs :( hey for breakfast we have you marked down for two frozen waffles with five tablespoons of nut butter each! once again, this is how regular people interact with food ❤️”
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sammydem0n64 · 11 months
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Something possessed me to redesign (and recharacterize (just a little bit)) Midnight and phew boy.
Alt version + various doodles under the cut 😏
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Willa, Voodoo and Zey (only in name) belong to @alpacababs
And Gemma (had to invoke vampire solidarity) belongs to @kraigeslist
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Currently thinking about Mike Madhouse,,,. He fascinates me
So they claim he drank so much of that energy drink his “skin turned green”, right, yeah?
And I have. Questions about that! Doubts even!
My thoughts are,, there are. A few different options for what I think actually happened with all that and stuff. So.
1. Given the world they exist in… it might have. It seems to be within reason that if there’s such a thing as abyss sourced ingredients for coffee shop shit in a town full of Cryptids and abnormal humans that there could be an energy drink that can turn you green.
2. The idea that the drink turned him green could have come about after his death! Like, he seems to have kept on broadcasting after his death (hence the “ghost channel” you check out at the start), it seems possible that he might have mentioned “his skin being green” on one of said broadcasts because, well, it is now that he’s a ghost! Or one of those “cryptid sighting” pictures was posted, or a ghost hunter stumbled upon him and started talking about it. So the news stories/people picked it up and now that’s what people believe is true
3. It was entirely made up to sensationalise the news, though they neglected to actually talk about the guy himself apparently.
And then there’s the fourth option my friend suggested which. Well
4. It’s a mix of two and three, with the stories reporting they turned his skin green and Madhouse — his memory muddled as it was by his death — believed it.
#purples rambling#madhouse mike#Cryptid crush#so like. his reason for death is kind of#well it’s said to the player that ‘he drank so much of it [sketchy energy drink] his skin turned green and he beefed it!’#and it’s called ‘toxic waste energy’#and also kinda called radioactive#*but* my friend pointed out. that there are many comments about how the drink is actually infamous for its high caffeine content#and Mike was working in a pretty shitty situation#too many hours and little to no breaks and shitty bosses and coworkers#so it stands to reason the stress of all this would make his blood pressure pretty high!! and he’s been working there for FIVE YEARS#and on a cork board there’s a schedule with ‘doctor’s appointment’ marked on it suggesting a prolonged problem#so perhaps he’d developed heart problems ya know?#blah blah blah caffeine is Really not good for that so! it seems likely in turn that the ungodly amounts of caffeine just#well. made his heart kick the fucken bucket#death tw#the tag ramble was almost entirely thought up by my friend btw#I had my suspicions but they’re much better at putting pieces together#having a friend who’s really good at analysing stuff is amazing#and I’m so glad I managed to get them into it#I can’t overstate how cool it is to have someone who can just drop something that tears your heart asunder just like that ya know#a little saddened I can’t contribute like that but whatever I can still have good conversations about it >:]
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tvrningout · 10 months
we turn the page to a new chapter | mutuals meet yoshiaki ♡
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" aw, c'mon! " arm slung around their shoulders and a contagious smile stretching across his face, yoshi leans on his friend like a kid hanging onto his parent. he manages to throw them both off balance, stumbling a little down the sidewalk and barely missing a few passersby. his cheeks and nose are rosy, though more from the drinking than from the cold. " it's still a bit early to call it quits, don'tcha think? i'll be bored if i go home now. can't we hang out at your place or somethin'? "
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colorfulilluminate · 2 years
It feels weird to know that one person has crashed their car while listening to Jimmy Mushrooms Last Drink......It's me I pulled a whoopsie and now I must forever live with this irony. Like come on out of every song I have on my playlist its the one of the ones that has a car crash like...really?
Sorry for the out of place text wall I just had to get some of this out.
The song is still really good though.
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hand-face-chan · 2 years
You have been cursed. No matter what you do, you will live forever and must give up a source of joy. However in an act of mercy, you get to choose the terms of your curse.
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
somebody buy hal.plane.tickets so i can kiss it on the lips
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belle-of-a-time · 2 years
Demon slayer and just a little glass of peach brandy I’m living my best life tbh. I’ve only seen the first season so I’m having a lot of fun. My typing has taken a little tiny hit lmao.
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asterdeer · 11 months
i know the phrase "i let the intrusive thought win" is a terribly misused one but tonight i accidentally broke a glass and then got mesmerized by the idea of shattering it with my bare hands and having blood everywhere, so i gave in. i tried very hard and it didn't shatter but my muscles/tendons are now pitching a fit over the stress and honestly i think shattering it would have hurt less
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jinxomen · 2 years
Being drunk and having insomnia is the most annoying thing cos the alcohol is telling u sleep but u won't so my brain is just vibing staring into space like?????
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shiningstages · 2 years
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Last night was so much fun~!! ( I’m still super sleepy from it; I feel like I was having a fever dream while I was going to bed / waking up??? don’t know when; time was very much an illusion in that moment, but it was still so much fun~ )
#;big bubble blowing baby! ( ooc )#( drinking tw for the tags btw#semi-nudity as well?? stripping tw#literally said i rarely drink yet now here i am; drank a drink like........two / three weeks later dgdxfhgjfghf#i'm so glad for water though; that's my bestie right there#but the martini i had was nice!! and then the pretty big drink that literally tasted like fruit punch was nice too!!#literally half the group ordered that; but one girl just knew she couldn't do it#and then literally everyone else on our side was like 'yeah i don't like this' so i just went#'i'll have it but i'll also need a big water please' because your girl stays Safe!!!!!!!!!!#the food was also very yummy!! (but overpriced)#the drag show was very fun too!! forgot um...that it was drag strip...but it was still very fun!!#very much a 'cheers for the girls~!' kind of night fdghfgfdjhfdxfhg#not to feel the very funny juxtaposition of going to my college's choir performance right before it gfhghgfhcjf#like literally saintly voices and a literal folk club / community of old people?? and then 2 hours later#getting tipsy looking at barely clothed people and scream singing the songs (it was SO LOUD)#the people were so sweet and polite to us since a lot of us are early 20s#meanwhile the two dads near us kept getting their hair ruffled and junk near faces (consentual)#will go back one day......but not anytime soon because that was So Much excitement gfdfgfgdgj#the girls who organized the meetup were like 'yeah next time we were thinking about just a boardgame night' LMAOOOO#like everyone had fun but. yeah everyone went home super tired#half the fun was just getting invited out honestly...people wanting my physical presence??? yes please; more please#owner: you guys celebrating anything?; us: being together!; owner: HELL YES BITCHES!!!#the chorus concert was good too btw djfghfhgkfj it was so nice to see those kids;;#they were so happy to see me too; like 'that made me feel so happy to see you there!' and then me just *sobs*#so feeling actually wanted and like my presence / support meant something was really nice~ )
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fillinforlater · 1 year
On her back
Male Reader x Bae Joohyun
Length: 2958 words
Tags: Daddy kink, Master kink, breeding kink, literal breeding, like impregnation, rough sex, mating press (for literal, REAL mating), from loving to degradation, emotional manipulation, teasing, overstimulation, multiple creampies, spitting, toxic relationships
TW: rough impregnation, emotional manipulation, the usual "On her" stuff
Inspiration/Credit: not possible without @sooyadelicacies, my great co-writer and inspirator
(A/N: Reminder that OC is an asshole and that this is fiction. Anyways, rough daddy kink breeding sex, yay. Enjoy a subby!Irene lol. Btw, it's been more than a year since Part 1 came out!)
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“I’m here if you need a break from all these youngsters xoxo”
You are alone in the backseat of a Mercedes-Benz, quietly sipping on a cool, refreshing beverage with your airpods in. You need to destress and know just the person to see. You put your drink down and begin to close your eyes, settling in for a quick nap before you arrive at your destination. 
Maybe it was only a few minutes, maybe it was much longer than that, but you feel the car stop and you begin to wake. 
"We have arrived, sir."
Looking out, you find a beautiful secluded home surrounded by lush greenery. One of your many getaways. 
"Thank you, as always," you say politely as the door opens up for you and you're handed your luggage. You stroll up to the door and put in the passcode as well as the biometric scan of your fingerprint. But before you turn the knob, the door already opens and you are greeted by a stunning beauty. 
"Irene," you say simply. 
"Hello, my love."
"It's been a while," you add, a sigh on your lips, but you keep it down.
"It really has," the small woman responds, hands fidgeting on her sides as she just stands there, her boundless beauty that will persist for decades to come filling the air like the strong, vibrant smell of ripe fruits.
"God, you're so fucking pretty." 
This time, the sigh is at least palpable in the aftermath of your words when your arms reach out to her. Joohyun tenses up for a seconds before your embrace reaches her, caresses her back and finds rest on her butt. With ease, you pick the petite idol up and Joohyun's legs instinctively wrap around you.
You kiss her gently, lovingly. "Still tensing up? I thought I trained it out of you?" you tease. 
She blushes. "It's been a long time, Ma—" 
"Shh, not yet. There will be time for that. I need my lover right now, not my toy."
A soft smile on her face. One in a million, quite literally: days and weeks and months go by where she can never feel like this around someone else. They all make her put on the cold, reserved, distant smile, but with you finally by her side, she melts.
At least the temperature of her palms cupping your face is able to melt ice in seconds. Joohyun leans close to you and presses her lips on yours, her passion coming over you in a quiet explosion. A tad bit quicker, a little more tongue when she parts your lips, now you pull her in closer.
"God, I've missed this," she coos and you brush away her astray hair. 
"I have been busy... the young ones are quite—"
"Difficult? Always have been. Think of me back then."
You can't help but smile at the memories, though they also make your cock twitch against its cotton prison. Joohyun giggles. She must feel it poking her exposed midriff. 
"Those were fun times, but you know I'm still as tight as ever, only with more experience now. I promise I'll take away all of your stress today." 
"I know you will. That's why you know of this place. It's a short list, Irene." 
She smiles happily and melts her lips into yours once more.
With her secured around you, you wander off, straight to the bedroom, careful not to bump into anything on your way. There are easily a hundred idols you'd just violently throw onto a bed like this and then destroy their tight pussies, but with Joohyun you remain careful for now. Lay her down on it, never disconnecting your lips.
Joohyun starts to undress immediately and instead of following suit, you decide to watch her. Many months ago was the last time you've seen her bare body—at least in real life, up close. There are dozens of videos you've filmed with her and she even sent nudes last month, a rarity for the outwardly timid idol.
"You're skin," you groan and reach for her bare tummy, then breasts. "Still porcelain, still smooth and perfect."
"Th-thank you. I made sure it's perfect, just for you."
"Not for the fans, not for the members? Not for your own self-gratification?"
"Only for you, my Master."
There she goes. 
"Music to my ears. Hearing such obedience. It's rare to find that nowadays, I wonder if my methods are getting stale?" 
You muse, but she knew it was your way of asking for her opinion, her advice. Bae Joohyun was an intelligent woman and admirable leader after all, and she knew all the tricks in the outside idol world and in your bedroom.
"Are you concerned about the outcome, even with all your leverage? Or is it getting too boring for you?" Before Joohyun can continue, you rub in between her legs, over her modest panties to find a little bit of wetness there. Joohyun opens her mouth; no moan, no breath, she just sinks into the sheets. "I-I just don't see the problem."
"They are just so damn cocky and continue to be. Disobedience, arrogance, self-centeredness, it's all running rampant nowadays."
"We weren't any better back then."
Press a finger onto her pussy lips, the fabric disappearing a bit into the increasingly aroused hole.
"Oh, you think so?"
"Ye-yes, Master. Suzy, IU, Jennie, even I—we were all a lot of trouble for you. I remember the reeducation training with Jessica and Nana. Maybe some things never change—ah, fuck."
Joohyun moans when your tongue trails along the side of her body, up to her collarbone where you place kisses. She is now trapped underneath you and with all your experience and ease, you join her in her (almost) nude state. 
Instead of your finger you place a knee on Joohyun's covered heat and she instinctively grinds on it and loses herself in needy, desperate, good girl whines. She starts to pout and you rake your fingers through her hair like—
"Like in good old times." Your deep groan fills Joohyun with love.
"Yes, Master."
"You know how to grind on this knee. You know how to make yourself look submissive. You know how to combust into nothing but bliss when I just command you too.
"Don't you, Irene?"
"Y-yes, Master! You're so good to me."
Joohyun hesitates and whimpers for a moment, looking at you. 
"Master… call me Joohyun please. Irene is for everybody else, but I am Joohyun and I am yours, my Master. Your whore, your slave." 
The shortlist came with perks. She could make such requests of you. 
"Jennie was one of the worst, but she is one of my biggest sluts, so I guess it only makes sense." You think out loud. 
"Joohyun, is it true Red Velvet will have their last comeback soon?" 
She can only nod and hum. 
"I'll have to fuck you after then too… to breed you." 
Her eyes widen and you feel a great dampness in her folds. 
"Master, it will finally be my turn?" 
"We've discussed this before." 
"I-I know… but I said you could breed me before then. You know I would give up my career for you, Master. I only wish to be your cumdump."
There she goes, melting into a shape you have foreseen years ago. Of course she has been ready for it, but the time is right right now.
"Good girl."
You pull aside her panties and give her pussy lips tiny smacks. Joohyun starts to mewl and whimper in this perfect pitch, the pitch only your hand can make her reach.
"M-Master, hng!"
"This hole is ready to be bred." Indeed, you find it to be exceptional compared to even to your best youngsters, perfect, especially the wetness is extraordinary. "Now spread your legs and tell me how much you need it."
"Master, I've needed it since I underwent your training. I didn't allow any man to touch me but you, Master. I am pure. I-I stopped any form of contraceptive. I've been waiting. I'm ready to walk away from being an idol because all I want is you, Master. I see comments online, I know people call me Mommy because of my age and looks, but the only Mommy I want to be is for your child, Master. Breed me please. I am your good girl. I always have been. This whore, this slut, needs her Master to complete my training, to make me your breeding bitch."
You deem these words to be enough, excessive even. There was no need for all of them to be said out loud, you could clearly see it in her eyes, the wanton desire for your cock creaming inside her.  Some people might call it cruel to her, but the last person to call it cruel is Joohyun herself.
You penetrate her gracefully, something she has not experienced ever. There was always a need to destroy her pussy; after all, Joohyun was once a defiant bitch. Nothing of this is left as she ecstatically welcomes you inside, dopamine flushing her brain, passion in the way she moans, laughs when you bottom out.
"Squeeze tight, Joohyun. I need you to make me cum as often as you can and keep it all down, so you better be the tightest girl ever tonight."
"I'm Daddy's tight girl, just breed me and I'll not lose any of your seed."
"Stick your tongue out."
Joohyun does as told and you let some of your saliva spill out onto your tongue before it oozes down to her. You always found her cock drunk expression thrilling, this one probably being its greatest form when you start to thrust into her as she still tries to catch your gift.
She pouts, as your saliva misses her just a bit and drips on her body. 
"If they saw you now—Irene, everyone's ice queen—reduced to nothing but my personal whore, a Daddy and Master kink too? Some people think you're a bitch in how you behave and treat others. They are right in a way, aren't they darling? 
“You are my bitch.”
"Ma-Master, you are right," Joohyun moans, her response interrupted by ragged breaths. "I-I'm your bitch, a bitch in heat. Do-do you like the hot pussy of this ice slave?"
Has she always been this humorous? A circle around her clit, just a rub, and her eyes are wide open. Joohyun looks so different in bed, a different kind of gorgeous from her stage presence during songs with the velvet-concept. You appreciate both, but this is clearly your favorite.
"Good that it's still tight," you groan and pound her harder. "I bottomed out a thousand times and still your grip is... fuck."
"Yes, Master, please praise my pussy more!"
"Isn't this enough praise, bitch?" you say in rhythm to slower but significantly harder thrust, the type to make inexperienced girls limp and screaming. Not Joohyun, she takes it well, though her voice still breaks at the rough pleasure forced upon her needy sex.
Joohyun stretches her arms out, holds onto the frame of the bed while you force her feet further apart and higher in the air. She looks stupid, an embarrassing position for an idol of her class to be in. 
"Yes, Master!" she suddenly howls when your finger presses into the flesh of her thighs. "I don't want to dance anymore, make me unable to dance!"
"When I'm fucking done with you, don't even think about getting out of bed." You lean down to her sweaty, burning face and nibble at her jaw. "Don't move on your own before I've filled your entire womb!"
"Yes, Master.” Joohyun struggles to catch her breath, her words somewhere up in the air along with your face deliberately drooling down on her. “It's time isn't it? Please make me pregnant. I've been waiting for so long, Master, I've been patient and good—" 
"In due time, Joohyun, but you will take it all the way in your womb until you're dripping and spilling seed everywhere. One day.” Your promise is sincere, partially because Joohyun’s rippling pussy has your voice a bit strained. Rejecting her would be pointless, really, her pussy could just will you in and if she’s really not taking contraceptives— 
“I've heard your contracts are up in the air. Are you really going to throw it all away for your Master?"
Joohyun puckers her lips for you to kiss, barely able to squeeze out words through them and her forced out moans.
"Yes, M-Master! I don't care about the contracts, I only want your child."
"Then show me that cute little face," you say, teasingly leaning down to her lips searching for yours but not getting them. "The one you make when you cum on my cock like the good slut I trained you to be."
Joohyun is almost at that point of peak devotion, where she can almost will herself to an orgasm just from your command, but it's still too many almosts. You still have to lay a hand on her clit, the other on her waist and move both your hips and hands in quick, stimulating fashion until Joohyun squeaks like it's her first time in your bedroom. 
The night you tamed her, many, many moons ago, was a great achievement, because you know she would still be drop dead gorgeous when you decide to do this to her. Without giving Joohyun any signs of your imminent orgasm, you cream her the moment the pleasure over takes her. 
Her cute expression of bliss and submission to your superior frame is flooded with ecstasy and pride when you flood her cavern and womb with a thick load that is meant to stick inside her and eventually form a baby. Joohyun frantically holds onto your arms stabilizing her ever twitching body, her glassy eyes looking at you in reverence and servility. 
"Th-thank you, Master," she whispers, her face and chest flushed with happiness, both a bit puffed from pride and soreness as her walls still milk you. "It feels so warm."
"I know what you're feeling," you coo into her ear and feel her burn up even more. "Finally, no condom, no contraceptive, nothing blocking my seed from blooming in your tight tummy. Every orgasm before this pales in comparison, because this one was real.
"So I'm giving you more."
"Ma-Master, I don't deserv—ahh!"
You put every vampire to shame when you furiously bite down on a pale sweet spot between Joohyun's neck and shoulder. Unlike vampires however, the faint taste of blood pulls you back to reality, that it's better to just fuck Joohyun's cum-filled cunt deeper than getting your teeth into her deeper. Nonetheless, the euphoric girl has both arms around you and tightly clings to you.
"Ma-Master," she cries out. "I ca-can't take it any-anymore."
"Don't care," you growl, empathy foreign to you. "I don't care if your pretty feet or legs or hips go numb. You'll take my cock until I want to stop."
You glare at her, eyelids hiding sniveling, tears begging for mercy as once again, overstimulation breaks her. What a weakness to still have. It’s part of Joohyun, sure, but you thought she would’ve grown past it, especially for this moment.
"You wanted this Joohyun. You wanted Master to breed you. You begged for it, don't you fucking bitch to me now. Did I make a mistake in choosing you? Are you really ready to give up your idol career if you can't handle me like this?" 
Every word sliced into her. It's been ages since you broke her down like this, not just physically and sexually, but verbally. It was like she was your trainee all over again, a dominant, crushing hand on her throat, an unrelenting pelvis crashing down on hers.
"I will fuck you for however long I want..." 
You pause for a moment and choke her even harder. 
"Suzy can take it. Why can't you?"
"I can, Daddy!” Joohyun screams, finally fighting for herself against herself. “Make me a baby mommy, don't listen to my stupid mouth. You, you own this pussy!"
Feel Joohyun's pussy struggle to take all the cock and cum when you fold her to a painful degree and watch her face become just a canvas for tears. It's also red, like her bleeding shoulder or her round butt which you spank over and over again, red like her sore pussy lips or her insides. 
"Good thing that you're still tight," you scold Joohyun and spit at her face. "At least your pussy is trying to make your real dream come true."
"Master, I'm cumming."
"Shut up. I don’t care. Put your own fingers around your throat. Spread your pussy lips. Look at me, while I destroy you.
"While I end your career, Irene."
A second load, pumped and mixed into the first and ultimately overflowing from Joohyun's gaping hole. The moment you pull out, she knows that this will be it. She is going to be pregnant, no way around it.
You gently cup her face, look at an expression of bewilderment, hurt, happiness, sadness, pain, confusion. Not the first time that you've destroyed a young woman like this while making her pregnant. A kiss to ease the pain a bit, she thinks, but it's just a set up for a reality check.
"I'm a bit disappointed," you tell her. "I needed your full devotion, but it seems you have forgotten how to take a second load.
"That said, I don't regret it. You're beautiful and ready. I think your group deserves one more comeback, then you can tell them what happened."
"Th-thank you, Daddy."
"You can stop choking yourself, by the way."
"Yes, Daddy. I-I love you."
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