#sorry for the tags I just kinda needed to vent somewhere and like...here is fine
colorfulilluminate · 2 years
It feels weird to know that one person has crashed their car while listening to Jimmy Mushrooms Last Drink......It's me I pulled a whoopsie and now I must forever live with this irony. Like come on out of every song I have on my playlist its the one of the ones that has a car crash like...really?
Sorry for the out of place text wall I just had to get some of this out.
The song is still really good though.
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hihi are you still continuing everything stays?
hi lovely!
unfortunately i dont think i'll be doing any more imagines any time soon, but if i do, i'll be sure to bring out the proper fanfare
if you like bishova and wandanat, i am in the works (very distant works) of a fic w a similar vibe on my ao3, which is now going to be entirely fanfic that isn't self-insert but you can still find some of 'em on there if you're signed up though this blog is your best bet to find all of them.
however, if you wanna stick w imagines that's totally fine and here's some awesome authors you should follow if you don't already!
@abbyromanoff (they're still new-ish to posting/writing here so make sure to give them extra love and they were a longtime follower of my blog so i mayyyy be a lil biased hehe)
@scmg11 (another longtime follower and semi-new poster (i think) so also give em extra love!)
@cinamonqirl (kate bishop exclusive writer, i think they've also followed me for a while haha but they got some great kate fics)
@maximoffwitch (quality smut content)
@marvelobsessed134 (also quality smut. sorry, i am apparently always horny)
@caroldantops (longtime fav of mine)
@reminiscingtonight (another longtime fav of mine)
if i forgot about you, im sorry, let's use this as an opportunity to shout out some writers! im sorry i'm not writing imagines so much anymore, but i might turn back to em bc they're a good way for me to exercise my writing and my brain. who knows.
i hope you guys are doing okay! even though im not on here so much, this inbox is always open if you need to vent and if you need fic recs! i love you guys so much and im so thankful for the love you show for my writing, even now. when i get them lil notifs in my email i get so much goddamn serotonin in my system
if you want, you can follow my main blog (which is multifandom and just kinda nonsensical, i usually go on weird tangents in tags) @bluebipples ooooor if you wanna read my bishova (and maybe future wandanat?) fics, you can follow my other writing/fic blog @sapphroditewrites though they're all gonna be on ao3 and only available to read if you're a member. im pretty sure somewhere on this very blog is me stressing over the aipocalypse
alright, enough about me and you, if you're a writer or have a writer you love for imagines, please feel free to shout them/yourself out!
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Forever and Always (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader)
Summary: You reminisce about your life and have a sweet moment with your family.
Author’s Notes: I was listening to a podcast about wedding dress design and got inspired.
Tags: pure fluff, Arthur x F!Reader
Word Count: 1644
AO3 Link is right here, darlin’.
Twenty-five years.
A quarter of a century.
Funny how time flies, and all of a sudden you're nearly fifty years old. Looking back, you can see the crazy turn of events in your life like some kind of movie, detached and yet feeling every single emotion as if you were there in that moment.
Fresh out of college, you remembered the night you found your partner sleeping with your roommate. The white hot rage and cold grip of disbelief sent you fleeing into the rain, into the streets, into a bar in the middle of the night. As you meandered between sadness and anger, a bartender had given you a cold glass of orange juice, soda water, and a bit of ice, with a shot of grenadine.
"Here ya go, sweetheart. On the house."
You had looked up and drowned in eyes the color of volcanic springs, finding the same warmth and comfort in his kind gaze. Taking a cautious sip of the drink, you found it to be the perfect drink, not too sweet, and took your time savoring it.
"What brings you here tonight?" he had asked.
After a moment of silence, he held up his hand. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to."
He leaned in close. "But I'm happy to listen, whenever yer ready."
His sweet smile undid you, and you poured out your heart. He seemed to nod along with your story, as a stranger would, but there was a steadily growing fire in his eyes. After a while, after a few interruptions from other customers ordering drinks, you had finished venting, nursing the last of your drink and debating what your next move should be.
"Alright folks, last call!" the bartender shouted. A few people came up and got one last drink before he started to clean up.
"Well, thank you for listening to me," you said, dropping a tip on the bar. "I really appreciate it."
"I didn't catch yer name."
You told him.
He smiled. "I'm Arthur. Could… could ya wait a bit? I'll walk you home."
You slumped. "I don't want to go home."
Arthur raised an eyebrow at you. "Where were you goin' to go, then?"
You shrugged. "Walk around until sunrise, I guess. Not feeling sleepy."
He tilted his head as he observed you. After a few moments, he shook his head. "If you don't mind, you can come sleep on my couch. You need some rest, darlin'."
"Um…" As sweet as he was, you had just met him.
Arthur pulled out a pen and scribbled something on the back of a bar coaster before giving it to you. "Here's my address. You send it to someone you trust, so they know where you are."
Touched by his offer and his understanding of your hesitation, you agreed. You texted his address to your best friend who lived a city away and told her that you were staying with a new friend and that you'd call her in the morning and tell her everything.
Then you waited until Arthur was done with his shift and followed him home.
That was years ago. He had helped you deal with the whole situation with your ex-significant other and ex-roommate. He stood outside as backup while you confronted the two of them and told them that you were leaving. Then you found yourself temporarily moving in with Arthur, bunking on his sleeper sofa for a couple of weeks while you searched for another place to live.
And then you slept in his bed. And your temporary move became permanent.
Life continued. You slept together, in the adult sense of the term. You got pregnant. You dated. You gave birth. He proposed. You got married. He finished college. You became the breadwinner while he worked part time and took care of your daughter.
Nothing went in the 'normal' order of things, but what was normal, anyway?
Looking at the photos of your wonderful daughter when she was a small child, you smiled as you heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey Mom!"
"Hi Avery!" You greeted her with a warm hug. She was twenty-three now, working hard during her first year out of college. You got to see her a couple times a month, and each visit made you smile, no matter how grumpy she might be.
Today the two of you were just hanging out, having tea and going through some of the old boxes in the attic, when she pulled out an old scrapbook.
"Wow, didn't know you did scrapbooking."
"I didn't, I only made one for my wedding."
Together the two of you looked through your silly notes and hand picked photos, telling her the story behind each one, and who each person was.
"Do you still have your wedding dress?" she asked after seeing the photos of you and Arthur, dressed up in a tuxedo that barely fit his broad shoulders.
"I do, somewhere."
After some time searching, you found it, brushed it off, and held it up to your body. "I don't think it'll fit, I've gotten a bit wider since I wore it."
"C'mon Mom, just try it!"
Smiling, the two of you went to your bedroom and you managed to shove yourself mostly into the dress. Except for the shoulders.
"I've gotten more buff," you joked as you pulled the dress off yourself. "You try it."
Avery took the dress, stared at it for a moment, and with your help, pulled it on. It looked like it fit, until she moved her arms.
The sound of a seam ripping made you both pause.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry–"
You patted her shoulder. "It's fine, sweetie. It's just a dress, it can be fixed. And you look beautiful in it."
Your daughter grinned, and you could see Arthur's eyes and smile on her face.
After she spun around a few times, she took it off and handed it back to you. Out of curiosity, you checked which seams had torn.
"It might fit you now," Avery joked.
"Sure, why not?"
You pulled it back on, and sure enough, the seams that had torn were the very ones stopping you from fitting your thicker arms through. You turned around and looked in the mirror. Twirling around a bit, you suddenly felt young again, remembering the first time you had tried this dress. Your two closest friends had been by your side, encouraging you to buy the dress because you were so pleased with it.
And you remembered the last time you had worn this dress, walking down the aisle with Arthur, hand in hand, the two of you grinning at each other as if there was nothing else in the world, just the two of you, happily in love.
"Let's take some photos outside!" Avery suggested, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
Smiling at your daughter, you walked through your house and out to the small backyard that Arthur lovingly cared for, with a small waterfall and herb garden.
He was there, kneeling in the dirt, planting some new basil plants. He turned around at the sound of the back door opening.
"What're you two doin'–"
Arthur's words stopped abruptly as his jaw dropped. He hadn't seen you in that dress since the wedding, and for him, time stopped and all he saw was his beautiful lady, dressed in white, smiling like a goddess.
He quickly washed his hands with the garden hose, wiped them on his jeans, and came towards you.
"Beautiful, just like an angel," he said in awe.
You went to him, holding your hands out to him. He took them and brought them close to his heart before lifting your hands to his lips and kissing your fingers oh so so tenderly.
"Amazin', I feel the same as I did on our weddin' day, seein' you like this."
"I'm a little wider now…"
"That don't matter none," he said, leaning closer to you. His forehead touched yours and he looked into your eyes. "Yer always lovely."
Avery's exclamation brought the two of you back to reality. She had her phone out and had been taking photos of the two of you, a giant grin on her face.
"I'll send these to you later, after I touch them up a bit," she said. "I, uh, got an errand to run. Bye Dad, bye Mom, I'll catch you later!"
She left, giving you a conspiratorial wink. You looked back at Arthur to find that his eyes hadn't left you for a single moment.
He was in his late fifties now, streaks of grey in his hair, giving him a sophisticated appearance. He smiled much more these days, finding happiness in tending his small garden and being outside in the sunlight. He was still strong, still broad shouldered, but he had filled out a little from your delicious home cooked meals.
And he still looked at you like you were his entire world.
"Should we go inside?" you asked with a mischievous smirk.
"I got mud on me," he said, although he didn't resist when you pulled him into the house.
"I'll get you all clean," you said. "Then we can get dirty."
"Darlin'," he said as if he was chastising you, yet he was chuckling softly as he let you lead the way.
That night, looking at the photos Avery had emailed, you realized how the two of you appeared, so deep in love. You both looked younger in her photos, and you wondered if it was because of the photo editing.
Showing Arthur, he just smiled and kissed your cheek, his whiskers scraping your skin lightly as he nuzzled you.
"See? Told you my feelin's fer you would never change." He pulled you into his arms and held you close.
"You'll always be my shinin' star."
End Notes: I started with a small idea and it kinda got longer. Oops.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
I'm sorry if this is a little assholely but after seeing your vent post I went looking for where you said to not tag names and the only place I saw it was at the end of your very long tags,, so assuming i didnt miss another more obvious place...? Have you thought of just putting that in the post itself? Because anyone who's seeing it second hand (as in seeing it after someone else rebloged it) won't see that tag + not everyone reads tags, you know :( sorry that it makes you uncomfortable but if you put it somewhere more visible, like in the body of the post, then at least people def will see it. Sending love either way 💕
nahhh nothing to be sorry for issall totally cool and encouraged and you are very kind,, tbh i was lowkey waiting around for something like this and i'm kinda glad for it and also surprised it's not at least fifty times worse??? in all honesty i think i am in dire need and deserving of the hardest dose of criticism at this point for all the stupid messy personal posts i make on a sleep-deprived whim, as i am fully aware that this is not the place for it, and i am and should never be exempt from getting my necessary comeuppance should it arise. and like i said, this quandary was completely of my own fault. i have made my stance on personal comfort posts clear numerous times before and only put them in subtler places like the end of my annoying-ass rambly tags because i really don't wanna bother people with something that sounds so trivially inconsequential, and it makes me incredibly anxious to add them in the post itself (as i reckon it just outright ruins the whole content and that's such a selfish and gross thing for me to do personally,, like who tf am i to ask anything of anyone ech :-/). but this is still my sole responsibility to properly handle and conduct myself online, and i'm so sorry if i came across like i'm attempting to pass the blame for my own self-implicated neglect, as no one else should be subject to dealing with my mistakes. (like no joke i screamed aloud when i read that you looked through my posts or tags??? PLS LICHRALLY NEVER DO THAT EVER THAT'S A VV BAD IDEA ACTUAL ONLINE EQUIVALENT OF DUMPSTER DIVING VIBES EXCEPT THE DUMPSTER'S ON FIRE AND CAUSES MAJOR BRAINROTOFFISITIS!!!!! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`))
i've had a well-needed rest hrk composed myself, deleted my prev post (i'm also thinking of removing the post that spurred it just to be sure, t'was super terrible anyway lmao), and muted my notifs for the time being, so please do feel free to tag anything however you wish at this point—i know i'm making an absolute fool out of myself for this full 180 departure (just in time for april 1st tho so swings and roundabouts-) but yeah that's completely fine idk, and if my walnut brain has anything otherwise to say abt it they will be catching These Hands according to the Fists Of Fury Code!!!!! ᕦ(ò皿óᕦ) but in all seriousness, emotional dysregulation is the absolute worst but i understand that maybe i can't really set boundaries for something fully well out of my control, so i just give up the ghost on this bc what else is there to do. c'est la vie if it sucks for me, tough shit @ self tough it out bebs u asked for this :^) though i hopefully can, however, keep everything else out of sight and out of mind so that i don't have to deal with the self-imposed repercussions by willingly setting my triggers off and lashing out incessantly. like mmm that's toxic shit girlie no one wants that here bls get u some therapy pare *whaps myself with an abaniko fan*. it's 100% on me if i choose to expand the tags on my notifs, and what happens in other ppl's blogs should be none of my fucking business and i'm just a super nosy lurker goblin sometimes ig exhibit a: this is what being a chronic cave hermit does to the human psyche. irreversible damage u.......*steven he voice* EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!!! my sincerest apologies again for all the trouble and i really hope this answer doesn't come off as too sardonic or acerbic or anything of the sort, i know i goof a lot but i really do mean all of it, even if trying to convey appropriate tone indication in text form is so whack 😩
also i'm really sorry for this mf ten-volume novel series of an answer (i really hope no one's insane enough to actually read this....whatever the hell this is .-.). thank you so much for your patience and understanding, and please keep the love and give it to another funky cool blog who's worthy of it and not deserving of getting squished like a pestilent vermin under your steel-toed bootheel!! /lh ~(இ௰இ~) anywayyy let's ignore (slash unfollow hardblock permanent dni etc. etc....very good ideas, those, bc if i could block myself i would without hesitation smh get this chernobyl elephant's foot outta my feed) this and my other inane bullshittery and let bygones be bygones and go back to our silly manband content, shall we??? this blog is for no-braincell shits and pure dumbassery first and foremost i promise......also i have more poorly-made sh!tposts and kendall's pretty grampa face stuff which i wanna plague the btr tag with if that's still allowed pls ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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(^^^ i can't believe i actually got to use this gif for something sdjsfjksd)
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Getting my Ex-Roommate
It’s a spin off from “Getting a Roommate”, just because I felt Chan deserved better. It’s not required to read the series to understand any of this but I will link it here anyway haha  (Part 1)
Tagging @jikseud since I kinda did it for us SUHAHUSAHUSHAHUSA
Genre: Oneshot, Best friends to lovers Au, Suggestive, Mature/Smut 
[(?): I’m actually not sure if it’s smut, I’m not familiar with what I can call smut, but I do think it’s mature? Please correct me if I’m wrong]
Word Count: ~8,2K Female lead
TW: Dry humping (?), Language, Suggestive stuff (?), Alcohol, Kinda possessive at the end (?), Can it be considered dirty talk (?)  [I swear to god I suck at warning things, I appologize deeply]
    You could call Bang Chan many things.
   You could call him funny, gentle, kind, an amazing rapper, a great friend, an awesome singer, a perfect producer, smart, goofy... Hot. Hell yeah, you could call him so damn hot! And although you could say he was all that, you couldn’t feel more miserable for being his best friend, and it had a clear reason that you pretend you didn’t know.
   You couldn’t call him your boyfriend.
   The bright part was that nor you nor anyone else for that matter, so you weren’t completely miserable right now, but you kinda were because… Well, you’re his best friend, you should root for him, right? Yeah, right. Totally right. This was exactly the reason why you knocked on his door at 10 PM on a Monday with a bag full of alcohol and food.
   “Bang Chan!” You yelled, getting a groan as an answer “Open the Bifrost” You shouted and you could hear him laughing on the other side.
   “It’s just a door, Y/N” He snorted, opening it for you “Which you have the keys to open if I’m not giving keys to random people on the street that look exactly like you” He rolled his eyes in mockery, making you thoughtfully grab your chin.
   “I think that just might be the case” You sighed, jokingly worried as you came into his place, walking to his kitchen and letting the bag there, resting on the island. He locked the door behind you, chuckling before he followed you to his kitchen, leaning on the doorframe as he watched you taking the things you bought out of the bag.
   “You didn’t need to do it” He reassured you, and you could only scoff, looking at him in disbelief.
   “Yeah, because best friends stay home when their best friends were dumped” You agreed sarcastically “Please, It’s obvious that my mission is to make you drunk and fat right now” You raised the bottle you had in hands and shook the ice cream pot with your other hand, looking at him mischievously “Let’s switch that six-pack into a round one-pack, shall we?” You joked, making him laugh astonished.
   “I can’t believe you… What did I ever do to deserve you? You’re the most perfect best friend ever” he cheered, getting closer and hugging you.
  Yeah! Just what you loved to hear from the guy you have a crush on about forever! Yay!
   “Oh, you thought it couldn’t get better, hm? But I brought your favorite…” You left the food you had in your hands on the island before hugging him back and drumming on his back, making it sillier by mouthing the drum sound as you did it, setting the mood for the big announcement “… Sausage sticks!” You said proudly, and he gasped.
   “You didn’t!” He chirped “I could kiss you right now!” He laughed.
   Just do it!
   “Eww!” You cooed “Gross!” You feigned a queasy expression, getting a scoff from him, which you smiled in response “Come on, let’s eat as you vent about that bitch” You encouraged, picking up the alcohol the best you could, clumsily trying to balance everything, making him cackle up as he picked up some of the bottles from your arms, helping you out. You sat down on the couch, cross-legged, your arms bracing you on the armrest.
    “She’s not a bitch” He complained “She’s actually… Perfect” He sighed, sadly looking into your eyes for comfort, but you averted yours. Of course, she was perfect… You have been watching him fall for her for a while now, you even had the opportunity to see her up close, although she didn’t notice you, and you had to hear about her every time he met you! Even though you knew he thought she was perfect for him, it hurt to hear it again and again, so you just opened up your soju bottle, drinking it eagerly.
   “Well, she’s perfectly fine ditching you for another man, that’s for sure” You said bitterly as you rolled your eyes.
   “Hey, be a little nicer here! I just got dumped” He whined, pouting at you “She likes Minho, what can she do? Pretend she likes me back until I fall for another person?” He mocked “That’s how life is, Y/N! One day you like someone and the other day that someone likes someone else” He stated tiredly, drinking his own bottle.
   “Tell me about it!” You agreed, the clinking noise from your bottle hitting on his sounding in the air before you gulped down again, releasing a loud and pleasing sigh, getting a surprised look from Chan, who seemed genuinely amused.
   “You were dumped too?” He chuckled “How can anyone dump you? You’re perfect!” He frowned suddenly, looking at you seriously “Should I beat him up?” You scoffed.
   “It would be really funny if you did” You joked, imagining him punching himself randomly with a joyful sigh “But I don’t think you should beat him up, it will hurt your soft heart” You mocked, getting a kick as an answer.
   “I tell you everything about my crushes! It’s not fair” He complained, and he was right! He told you everything about his crushes, it was unbearable. You groaned before taking another gulp, and he eyed you worried “Hey, slow down” He advised, but you shrugged him off.
   You could remember all the girls he ever fell for, which was a lot of girls… Chan was a hopeless romantic. You didn’t expect him to be like this when you first met him since he was quite a… Sexual guy, to say the least. It was kind of funny to see how he acted in bed (Not that you have seen it, but you heard it a lot) and how he got all lovey-dovey with random chicks that appeared on his life. You couldn’t say it was really fun, though, since none of those chicks were you.
   What an unfair life!
   You remembered how he looked in your eyes when you first met, smiling at you and saying that the only rule you should have was not to fuck each other, because it couldn’t end up well. At first, you agreed eagerly, not really thinking much about it, but then you started to hear him… All those girls should feel so damn lucky if he made them feel like screaming on your ears every fucking night! In the beginning, it enraged you, it was uncomfortable, and then somewhere along the way it turned into sexy… You enjoyed listening to him.
   If you were fair enough you could point out exactly the day it happened.
   You were sitting in the kitchen, drinking your hot chocolate warily expecting him to be done anytime soon so you could go to sleep in peace. The girl finally let out a loud moan that you knew too well, it was that kind of moan you let out when you couldn’t take anything anymore, you could only lay there and sleep, completely happy with your life. Good for her! Because you had to wake up really early in the morning and you couldn’t be unhappier… Your moody mind got startled at a shirtless Chan walking into the kitchen, his boxers kind of messy and the only thing that protected his body from your thirsty eyes.
   He was… Wow.
   You had seen him shirtless before, of course, you were his roommate, but you never saw him all fucked out, his hair messy, his skin sweaty and flushed, his chest going up and down as he breathed… You didn’t even know! Satisfied? Heavily? You just knew it sounded hot and you wanted to get his boxers out of that body and take him to yourself. Of course, you didn’t. He greeted you with an angelic smile, warmed up some water while you ogled at his back, and went back to his room to take care of the lucky girl.
   You have never been the lucky girl once.
   The problem could be small if he just fucked well, but Bang Chan was an angel in real life, which should be unfair to all the boys on the planet! You couldn’t understand how no one tried to beat him up just because they were angry with his perfection. You wanted to beat him up for being that perfect. It was impossible to point out a flaw on that damn face, and it enraged you to the point you wanted to be fucking him angrily, which didn’t help your case at all. Actually, being a hopeless romantic wasn’t quite the virtue you were looking for, but would you put it as a flaw? You didn’t even care anymore, all you wanted was to fuck and cuddle him to your death.
   “What are you thinking about?” His voice startled you, your eyes shooting to his as you tried to think what to say without telling him the truth “You’re off for quite a while now” He added, looking worried.
   “I drank too fast” You lied, cringing with your stupidity, but he seemed to buy it “Anyway, I’m not here to talk about my terrible love life, I’m here to hear about yours” You reminded him, gesturing so he could start complaining, your bottle being finished as you went silent.
   “I don’t have much to complain, really… I expected it one way or another, I kinda knew she liked Minho, I just hoped she could like me better” He admitted, looking at his bottle for a few seconds before drinking “I told her we could be friends, I just needed some time to adjust… She’s coming this Friday, so… Yeah, that’s pretty much all that I have to say” He looked at you, expecting you to say something.
   “I can’t believe you used all my pick-up lines on her” You groaned “I gave you my best one so far!” You whined childishly.
   “I’m sorry, but I had to use the photographer one! I can picture you and I together was just right there to be used!” He defended himself, and you pouted, finishing another bottle, just like him. The sad part about this one was that you really meant it… You could remember how nervous you were when you said it as a “joke” and he cringed, laughing and saying he would totally use that with her… It shattered your heart. You opened the third bottle, drinking it at once “Wow! What the hell, girl?!” He got startled “You’re not a good drinker, what are you doing?”
   “You’re not the only one who wants to forget someone” You protested, opening one more drink “Let me drink my problems away” He looked at you sympathetically. You couldn’t believe you were so boldly trying to flirt with him just to be his motivation to flirt with another girl! You hated how he was oblivious to your feelings. Oh, well! There here was a flaw!
   “That bad, hm? What did he do?” He asked curiously, opening and drinking his soju in one go, just like you “We can drink it all away together, you’re right” he agreed, looking at you concerned. Your stomach flipped when you looked at his eyes, his swollen lips from sucking the bottleneck catching your eyes for just a second before your eyes darted to his again.
  Not every flaw in the world could make you want him less.
   “He fell in love with someone else… I guess best friends have the same love problems” You smiled bitterly “Actually, I like him for a while now, but he can’t even see me as a woman” You sighed, averting your eyes and fixing them on your bottle again. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but you felt free to say it out loud, maybe all you had to do was vent a little bit, complain about him so you could move on.
   “I doubt that” He scoffed “There’s no way in hell he doesn’t see you as a woman! Like no way in fucking hell!” He disagreed eagerly, and you narrowed your eyes to him “I mean it! I’m not saying you’re just this, don’t get me wrong! You know you’re smart and funny, you know you’re like the perfect girl to any guy out there!” He started cautiously, making you snort.
   To any guy out there but him…
   “Spill it” You encouraged, expecting him to say something dumb, trying to light up your mood. He used to do it a lot when you lived together, say stupid things just to make you laugh and feel better after a crap day… Well, until he decided to move out. You never really understood what was the deal. He said he wanted to live with the boys so he could produce his music, but he could do it while living with you, couldn’t he? Of course, He could! He was doing this right now after being kicked out from their place! And he didn’t even think to move in with you again… Well, He deserved being kicked out! You thought as you scoffed, the bittersweetness in your mouth could be either from the alcohol or from your soul at this point.
   “But you also hot as hell” He added. You could only choke, coughing so much you had to rest your bottle on the floor, looking at him completely in chock while he just smiled sheepishly “I mean it, you’re gorgeous! If he doesn’t see you as a woman, he’s totally insane!” He reassured, and you averted your eyes again, wondering if you should say something to him. He never called you hot before… Maybe it was the alcohol? He wasn’t exactly the best drinker in the world, but it was just his… How many bottles did he have? He couldn’t be drunk already, could he? And even if he was! Was he being the sincere drunk? Did he really think about you like this and just never dared to say it to your face? You glanced over him, watching as he drank lazily.
   You decided to ignore it by now.
   “Well, I can’t really blame him for not liking me, right?” You trailed off, and Chan nodded at you “At least he didn’t hook up with me before” You mused and as soon as you said it he shot you a glare “No, sorry! I’m just angry at this girl, okay? You took her on dates, you were all lovey-dovey with her, you took care of her when she was on her period… I can’t believe she just left you like this” You complained, picking up your bottle and drinking it as Chan drank his own.
   If you were her, you would never leave him.
   “She wanted to see if it would go well… It didn’t” He shrugged “It’s not a big deal, I think you’re more upset about it than I am” He laughed. You slapped your own thigh, startling him as you pointed at him, angry. He was right, you were far more upset with this than him, maybe because you couldn’t understand how she could miss your chance like this! He did all you wished he would do with you and then she just dropped him!
   “You should be upset too! She called you a hot daddy and she just went away like this!” You whined. You looked at the bottle on your hand, wondering how many bottles did you just drink, feeling a little bit tipsy, but you shrugged it off by looking at Chan again, frowning. The truth was that you found the girl amusing, for all you saw and all you heard, she was fun to be around, and maybe you could even be her friend! You both seemed to be quite similar. You didn’t have much to defend your plea, so you were just saying anything you could think of by this point.
   “Do you want me to be upset?” He chuckled “I thought you came here to make me feel better” He whined, nudging you with his feet, making you giggle “Come on, make me feel good!” He uttered, throwing himself back on the couch, sprawling there with a pout. You looked at his lips, kinda drooled but still looking kissable, tracing over his neck to his arms until you got to his hand hanging off of the couch holding his drink… Somehow the eight bottles you had bought were just empty on the floor… Did you two drink that much already?
   Suddenly you realized what he had just said.
   “Wait, what?!” You asked startled, he looked at you confused, a goofy smile on his lips.
   “Make me feel good~” He repeated himself, “You said you came here to cheer me up, right?” He pouted again, and you had to fight your urge to crawl over him and kiss him right there. You averted your eyes, feeling shy all of sudden, and he seemed to notice the change in your mood, because he sat back, straight, and tilted his head cutely “What’s up?”
  You felt his gaze burning your face.
  Or maybe it was just you blushing.
  Or maybe it was the alcohol.
   “I can kiss it better” You muttered under your breath, your face heating up like hell “Where does it hurt?” You asked, bolder than you thought you should be, your eyes fixing on his, buried there. You could swear he was blushing too. Maybe it was just the alcohol speaking, but you were so sure he was blushing like you were, looking at you expectantly.
   “We’re drunk” He gulped down, looking attentively as you uncrossed your legs and kneeled on the couch, crawling over him slowly, his body leaning back until his head sank in his pillow as you leaned closer to his face “We’re friends” He tried again, watching as you licked your bottom lip while ogling his own, he felt his throat blocking, the dryness in it making him whine “Right?” He asked unsurely, his eyes fixed on your lips.
   “You can call us friends…” You agreed, a smirk flickering over your face “… But I want to call you Daddy tonight” He gasped, his breath withhold as he watched you closing the gap between your lips. You couldn’t tell if it was the drunkenness or just to be able to finally kiss him after such a bold statement, but you were light-headed and messy right now, your lips met awkwardly, too much teeth to the formula, which made you snort right into the kiss “Sorry” You blurted out embarrassed, widening your eyes as you giggled and sat in his lap, watching him under you.
   “Oh lord…”He muttered, his eyes searched dazzlingly for yours, his hand caressing your cheek “Could you please not sit on my dick? It would help me so much…” You burst out laughing, his voice sounding drowsy to your ears, his tongue rolling as he tried to speak, his gaze fixing in the ceiling, trying to avert from your eyes.
    “I thought you wanted me to make you feel good” You whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine, his eyes shutting immediately, his hand made their way to your hips as soon as you rolled them against his, gripping you hard and forcing you down, so you would stay still. You would never do something like this in a sober state, but right now it seemed so right… That’s why even with his grip on you, his budge pressed against you distracting you from sober thoughts, you rolled your hips again, enticing a strangled moan from him that could be enough to set you on fire for days.
    “We really shouldn’t” He tried to say, his voice dripping like syrup, his mind lost somewhere along the way, his eyes refusing to look at you. He knew the moment he opened his eyes, he would lose himself right there, just by facing the lust on yours. You should never know this, but he wanted this for so long… You would never imagine how much he refrained himself every day until he found her, the girl who finally got you away from his mind… The girl that resembled you so much that he found it possible to move on from you… Just so you could blow all that up.
   Gosh, he wished you would blow him right now.
   “We… Shouldn’t?” Your voice sounded unsure and fragile, so soft he almost didn’t hear you, and you lifted from his lap, his hand still glued to your hip while he opened his eyes slowly to watch you “I mean… “ You cleared your throat, giving him a fake and bright smile “You’re too weak, what’s that? For some Daddy you sure lose your shit quickly” You joked half-heartedly, getting up from him and standing beside the couch, his eyes buried into yours, looking for something you didn’t know, so you averted yours.
   “It’s just that… We’re… Drunk” He trailed off, averting his eyes as well “I don’t want us to regret this… I mean, we’re friends, right? I don’t want to lose this” He pointed between you two, getting up from the couch as well to get close to you. You scoffed, nodding in agreement, even though you didn’t agree at all. Yeah, you felt kinda tipsy, but no, you weren’t drunk, you were bold at best! He looked fine too… He just didn’t want this as much as you.
   “You’re right” You stated bitterly “We’re drunk and hurt… We’ve been friends for too long to lose it for being a rebound” He perked his ears at your sigh, looking at you directly now “It was supposed to be a joke, but it got out of hand, I’m sorry” You lied, smiling awkwardly at him. He held your hand, squeezing it reassuringly, and smiling back to you.
   “No, no… I am the one who should be sorry” His other hand caressed your cheek, and you felt your eyes tearing up. Why did he have to be so caring? He got alarmed at the sight, cupping your cheeks, leading you to face him gently, his eyes worriedly scanning your features “Sorry… I’m just…” Your voice trembled, cracking in the end, broken.
   “Oh, angel” He cooed, hugging you tightly “That’s not your fault… We’re fine, I promise you” his thumbs rubbed circles on your back, soothingly, and every string inside your brain tensed up, trying to stay focused, trying to understand that this would never happen even if you really urged for it. You hugged him back, taking advantage of these few seconds you could have, taking him in as you prepared to let him go.
  “We’re fine, you’re right” You agreed, breaking away from him before you wiped your tears away hurriedly, chuckling “I’m just sensitive right now… I guess… Well, it’s hard to fall for someone that can’t be yours” He nodded, cupping your cheek again as he looked lovingly at you.
   You wished he could look at you like this every day and not only when you were crying.
   “Okay! Let’s lift that mood” You clapped your hands suddenly, startling him, your smile back to your face as you tried to compose yourself “I’m going to take a bath now and we’re going to sleep because your bloody ass was dumped on a Monday and I have classes tomorrow morning, unlike a lazy bitch” You eyed him envy, making him laugh. You smiled for real this time, enjoying the sound of his laugher, glancing at his dimples with a tight chest. He was so cute…
   Oh, good lord! Why give you a handsome and fuckable best friend and not let you enjoy this life?
   You made your way to his room, picking up his clothes so you could sleep comfortably. You choose a thin shirt and a pair of boxers you were used to dressing, knowing it was comfy and soft, and headed to his bathroom, expecting that a cold shower could help your mind for now. You undressed quickly, letting your clothes on his laundry basket before letting the cold water hit your foot, getting used to the temperature before getting your legs, arms, and chest under the water. You let the water hit the back of your neck, the pressure helping you with your tension.
   Everything was fine.
  You slept in his bed many times by now… Just because you just sat on his lap, rolled your hips and heard him moan for you… Okay, that was not how you should structure your thoughts. It didn’t matter you just heard him moan right under you, almost asking for you to… Okay, not like that. The cold shower wasn’t helping at all. It didn’t matter, whatever it was, that’s it! Now it was far better! It didn’t matter, you weren’t overthinking it, you didn’t mind he would be lying on his bed on his boxers like usual, totally relaxed.
   For lord’s sake.
   Would it be bad if you just touched yourself for just a second? You could come in a minute? How the hell did you expect to lay down with him semi-naked after tonight? You were just crying on his chest for something he didn’t even know! After sitting on his damn lap! What the hell were you thinking? You should stay away from alcohol forever. That was it. No more drinking for you. Nothing. Not one drop would touch your lips from now on.
   Maybe think about lips wasn’t the best choice at all.
   You remembered how your lips met his, all drooled because of drinking and still managing to taste just fine. God does favorites after all. You should have done it better… You just smashed your lips together, kinda lost in what you were doing, your teeth even hit each other! Ugh… He would think you were a terrible kisser! Not that it matters, since you shouldn’t do it again. Yeah, you were worrying for nothing, like always. You even puffed his mouth with air! Why did you have to laugh in the middle of the kiss?! Oh my god… All your life was embarrassing.
   You turned off the shower, drying yourself and dressing up so you could finally lay down, not minding him at all, because he was a friend. Just a friend. Best friend of one and all. When it came to shipping, you and he could only be on a friendship, because that was exactly what you were. A friend. Great, your mind wasn’t done rambling, which was the last thing you needed right now, but who cares? Not your brain, that’s for sure.
   “Hey” You greeted, trying to sound at ease. He had his arms crossed under his head, looking at the ceiling contemplatively before hearing you. He seemed in deep thought, but he still turned his head to look at you, smiling when he saw you with his clothes, the same clothes you picked up every time you needed to borrow some from him. Unexpectedly, he was covered with a blanket, which wasn’t really his thing “What is it? Are you shy to let me see you on your boxers for the hundredth time?” You joked, amused by the blush dusting his cheeks.
   “I thought… I don’t know, maybe you would be uncomfortable?” He confessed, a sigh leaving his lips “I’m just being dumb, hm?” He laughed bashfully, tossing the blanket aside “Come here” He wiggled his brows jokingly, patting the spot next to him, getting a chuckle from you.
   “I’m glad you’re just being weird like always” You stated before turning off the lights, sitting on the corner of the bed before slicking over to his side, cuddling him “I wouldn’t be able to sleep if you didn’t let me cuddle you like always, Mr.Puffles” You couldn’t see it in the dark, but you were sure he rolled his eyes as he always did when you compared him to your body pillow, a birthday gift he gave you on your first year together as a roommate, implying you were too cuddly to sleep by yourself.
   “Stop calling me Mr.Puffles” He whined, hugging you under the blanket and resting his chin on the top of your head. You felt all your worries disappear. It was just Chan and you cuddling like always, all your horny past left behind, no grudges, no judgment… “Was it Mr.Puffles who hurt your heart like this?” He mocked. What a little prick.
   “Mr.Puffles could never hurt me” You retorted, nudging him “The boy who hurt me is a prick, an evil soul that fucks every girl around but me” You made sure to let your tone mysterious and ridiculous, making him snort “I guess it’s fine, though, I’ll just move on… I think it was about time for me to understand we wouldn’t get together…” You felt sad, especially as he nodded against your head, oblivious he was the one who made you feel like this.
   “He doesn’t deserve you” He assured you, his tone was bitter, he clearly hated whoever was making you sad like this. He kissed the top of your head and you hummed, agreeing with him half-heartedly before closing your eyes and letting go of your mind.
   You wished a good night of sleep would erase all of your worries.
   It should be no surprise it didn’t.
   You woke up with a crack of light right on your eye, pissing you off as the first thing in your morning. You whined, your arms moving to your head, trying to block the light, getting you a little bit happier when the uncomfortable sensation of your eye burning under the sun went away. Your eyes roamed through the room, realizing you were at Chan’s. You began to feel more aware of your surroundings, your eyes rested on his nightstand, his alarm silently staring back at you which made you realize something terrible: You woke up before your alarm. You were sure you set it to the right time, so that bloody silence in the room could only mean that the damn light woke you up for nothing.
   Your day was officially sucking!
   You moved a little bit, feeling cloistered, but Chan’s grip was strong around your waist, he just pulled you closer, whining in his sleep when you tried to get away, tightening his grip around you, which would be okay if he wasn’t wrapping you up like a taco, his leg thrown around your hips, his arms involving you, one of his hands on your waist and the other one grazing over your breast. You sucked in a gasp, feeling his hand almost groping you. Amazing… Now you were stuck in his arms as his hands brushed places you would prefer they didn’t.
   Well, actually you would prefer they did, but purposely trying to arouse you, not like this.
   Of course, it could get worse.
   You tried to loosen up his grip by shoving his arms, but he responded to your efforts wrapping you up a little bit more, dragging you closer by your waist so close to him you could feel his crotch against your ass. Fun fact: It was hard. Of course, he had to have a wet dream right beside you while he groped you and humped you… Just what you needed to move on completely from him.
  “Chan?” You tried to call, your voice husky since you just woke up, or at least that was what you wanted to believe. You couldn’t be aroused by a sleeping friend that happened to be aroused against you, right? Not that kind of raspy voice…Not at all. He hummed, although you didn’t believe he had woke up, burying his face in your hair, muttering something you couldn’t quite hear, your heart racing so much that it rammed inside your head.
   Oh my god.
   “Y/N?” He called you back, his voice was raspy and his tongue rolled your name like a drunk man, clearly sleepy, and for a moment you felt relief wash over you, grateful god would let him wake up and release you from the heavenly suspicious hell. Surprisingly, he didn’t wake up, he bucked his hips against you, squeezing you as he let his hot breath fan over your right ear.
  Oh lord.
  “Chan, please wake up” You pleaded, his cock pressed against your butt and his lips brushing your ears being enough for your tongue roll just like his, but naughtier, as the shiver ran through your body, making you shut your eyes for god knows what reason, since it just enhanced all those feelings “Come on, wake up” You said again, trying to nudge him with your elbow.
   “Hm?” The hit seemed to work, he shifted, and you took the chance to roll away as you could, which meant you got on your back, getting away from his crotch for now, but still being held by your waist. He didn’t seem interested in waking up, so he took your new position in, hugging you like a koala and burying his face on the crook of your neck.
   What a great place to plaster a hot breath.
   You closed your eyes, deciding to enjoy the feelings, his body warming up yours, his breath giving you goosebumps, his grip tight on you like he didn’t want to let go. You stretched your neck just for a bit, almost hoping he would just kiss it, which he didn’t, but his lips brushed over your sensitive skin and you gripped the sheets hard, biting your lip to suppress a moan. You could say you almost had a heart attack when your alarm burst out of nowhere, startling both of you. You jumped, accidentally head-butting his nose, getting a whine from him as he hovered over you to turn off the alarm.
  That was it, you were dead.
  He supported himself with his knee, that was already over your body, so he just sank it between your legs, his left arm bracing him as he stretched his right one to turn off the alarm. His chest was right there for your display, and you almost reached for it, wishing you could caress him and kiss him until he moaned your name… Control your mind! You can control it. He seemed to realize someone was under him, so he looked in your way, taking in your flushed state.
   You were a mess.
   Your hair was messy, your clothes were messy, the sheets were messy… What the hell had happened while he was sleeping? Somehow your shirt had come up quite a bit, revealing your belly and hanging too close to your boobs, letting too much skin uncovered, which made him gulp. He traced his eyes over your belly to your boxers, short enough to fully reveal your thighs and get his attention when you tried to pressed them together, rubbing against his knee.
   What an unholy view…
   “Sorry” He muttered, getting off of you, laying his back in the bed and looking to the ceiling, expecting the blank surface to make his bulge disappear somehow. It was almost painful how hard you could get him just staying still, those innocent eyes looking at him startled and… He didn’t even know! Eagerly? It seemed like you expected him to do something.
   “Totally fine” Your voice came out hoarsely, and you cursed yourself. Way to go unnoticed! Your legs couldn’t support you even if you tried to stand up, you just felt them mushy, like your soul was trembling to get yourself on him, riding him until you couldn’t walk to your class anymore. He was just too hot to handle… How could you endure it? Being next to a guy who literally just called you in his sleep and rubbed his cock against your ass? You weren’t even wearing underwear! It was just boxers against boxers… You could feel your body tensing up, a pinch on your stomach that needed to be released.
    But not now.
    “Aren’t you… Hm… Getting up?” He asked, his face turning to you so he could lock his eyes with yours. That was it. Fuck it. You couldn’t care less you had classes today, you threw your leg over his hips, watching as he widened his eyes when you sat right on his dick, just like the last night. You rocked your hips once, getting a shaky moan from him, his eyes closing in delight “What are you doing?” He managed to ask, his mind too high to really understand what he was saying but trying to look composed.
   “I’m getting up on you” You stated boldly, waiting for him to open his eyes, but he didn’t. You scoffed, the smugness taking control of your mind as you leaned closer to his ear, letting your breath fan there for a moment, feeling him twitch under you “What were you dreaming?” He shot his eyes open, a gasp leaving his lips “I heard you call my name… As you… Humped… Me” You made sure to pronounce everything slowly, getting off on his shiver, a little whimper falling from his lips.
   You felt powerful.
   “Y/N?” His voice trembled and you leaned back, your eyes searching for some kind of resistance in his face “Are you sure you want this?” His eyes focused on you, concerned, and you rolled your eyes, astonished.
   “Are you fucking kidding me?” You scoffed “Do you think I would do it if I wasn’t sure?” He smiled sheepishly at you, embarrassed “There’s a limit you shouldn’t cross on being dumb, Chan” You laughed, looking at him in adoration for a moment, just enjoying his shy look “Are you sure about this?” You bit your lip, trying to not avert your eyes as he opened and closed his mouth, unsure about what to say.
    You panicked.                                                                                                                            
    Of course, he didn’t want this! If he wanted this he wouldn’t back off yesterday, he wouldn’t ask you if you were sure… He would take that not so subtle hint that was your clothed core rubbing against his cock as a clear sign of you wanting to do it with him right now. You tried to get off of him, raising yourself slightly before his hands shoot to your hips and grabbed them, tugging you and crashing your hips together, a groan escaping from his lips along a loud moan leaving yours.
    Holy fuck…
    “Don’t you fucking dare…” He whispered, panting, his forehead rested on your shoulder, his body shivering under yours in excitement “I swear to god… You can’t even imagine how much I wanted to fuck you” He raised his head a little bit, looking at your hips pressed together, your body twitching under his grip “You’re so fucking hot… I had to move out because I couldn’t handle myself… Did you know that?” He raised his head, looking right into your eyes, his eyes dark as you never saw “Did you know I quit being your roommate because every time I saw you, I wanted to fuck you until you forget your damn name?”
   That was it! It was a dream.
   There was no way in hell you were awake right now.
   “Answer me” He ordered, his voice sounded too sexy to allow you to think straight, so you just stared back at him, wetting your dry lips with your tongue, your eyes briefly darting to his lips before going back to his eyes “You can’t even answer me…” He scoffed, rolling his eyes as if you were dumb “Okay, let me ask you this… Are you doing it so you can forget him?” This time his voice wasn’t smug, it was unsure and worried. You couldn’t even understand what he was worrying about.
   “Forget him?” You asked confused, your eyes wandering through his face “What?” He closed his eyes, impatient, before he opened them again and dived into your own. He didn’t answer you, so you stood there in silence, wondering what he wanted you to say until it hit you, and as your eyes lit up in realization, you laughed “What?! There is no him, dumbass! It’s you!” He seemed surprised but relieved, and you couldn’t help but cup his cheeks as you smiled at him, delighted “It has always been you…” You pulled his face closer, your lips smashing mid-way, your tongue immediately asking for permission to explore his mouth.
   You never imagined you would be kissing Bang Chan.
   Okay, you imagined it! But you never thought it was going to be real.
   This time, the soberness helped you both, not an issue with your kiss, quite the opposite actually. As you just melted into the kiss, his hands slipping to your waist and holding you gently, like you could break and fade away anytime now, your hands slickered to the back of his neck, fingers fisted on his locks, pulling them and making him groan into the kiss, completely absorbed on what you made him feel. You couldn’t help but moan against his lips as you heard it, rolling your hips ever so slightly just to feel him against you, getting your folds apart.
   “You’re so needy, angel” He whispered, his mouth hovering over yours, his eyes closed as he dunks in the heat pouring out of your body, the warmth between your bodies seemed to get him high, and your nails scratching down his nape weren’t helping at all. He buried his nose on your neck, breathing you in, registering you in the back of his mind, your mouth agape in pleasure from a tiny action like this “But you’re also a brat… You shouldn’t talk back to your Daddy” He sighed, disappointed in you, leaving a soft bite on your neck before leaning back, enough to take in the view.
   Your eyes were closed, your neck slowly stretching as your head was so heavy with all your lust that it just needed to hang back, your mouth still opened, prepared to moan at any moment. What a beautiful sight. He smirked before getting his hands away from you, crossing it behind his neck, watching as you opened your eyes, annoyed. You glared at him, clearly wanting him to fuck you right now but he just snorted, cocking his brow.
   “I won’t pleasure a brat” He grimaced at you, feeling cocky as he saw your pout, your brows frowning “You should do this by yourself if you can’t behave” He mocked, watching as you scoffed, outraged, before sinking in him in a silent challenge. He groaned as he felt your folds embracing him over the fabrics, you could only be dripping if you could just sink like this on his dick, and just the thought was enough to make him want to rip your clothes and fuck you right there, put aside your misbehave.
   “Watch me” You didn’t know if it was a plead or a dare and neither did he, so he just focused on your hips moving against his, (not so) dryly humping him at a steady pace. You stroke your heat against him, feeling as the fabric of your boxers drenched with your juices, making it slid too easily and rub your clit, your whines uncontrollable, you were sure his boxers were getting drenched too as you did it, and you couldn’t help but dig your nails on his shoulders just by imagining it. He groaned under your grip, feeling as you slid too easily on him.
   “Holy shit, you’re so wet and I didn’t even touch you” He actually didn’t intend to mock you by this but as soon as you squirmed, biting your lips and fastening your pace, he chuckled “Oh… So you like to be a needy little whore?” His voice sounded so smug that you wanted to retort him, but your mind couldn’t register what he was saying. How could you feel so good just by grinding him? You felt something build-up inside you, a far too familiar sensation that could only lead you to the best orgasm you would have had in your life.
    Until the damn second alarm sounded.
    You cried as you felt your orgasm fade away, vanish like it wasn’t right there for you, startled by the sound, and devasted for the lack of pleasure you would get. Chan turned off the alarm, chuckling as he saw you leaning on his chest, your nose buried on his shoulder as you whined over and over again a bunch of “no’s”, muffled by his skin. He stroke your hair gently, waiting for you to recover from your frustration.
    “Time for your classes, angel” He really didn’t want you to go but he said it anyway, holding your waist so you could get up but you held his arms for dear life, whining. He stopped his movements, trying to take a look at your state, and you made it easier by straightening yourself on his lap again, glossy eyes looking at him pleading.
   “Fuck my classes! Please, let me cum” Your plea sounded like the sweetest sound he could ever hear, you bucked your hips against his once, then twice, and without a proper answer, you just resumed from where you left, humping him eagerly, hoping you could reach your orgasm this time. It built up much faster than before, the knot forming on your stomach almost immediately, and you couldn’t help but moan loudly as you felt it deliciously spreading everywhere.
    Chan watched as you flushed, your neck, ears, and face painted in pink, your boobs bouncing up and down as you kept your pace, your arms tangling his neck, your head slowly falling back, your body trembling slightly as you got closer to your high. You tried to shut your mouth but as soon as your orgasm hit you, you cried satisfied, your mouth agape, a string of saliva connecting your lips before running down your chin, your eyes rolling back as his name was enchanted over and over again, and when you became unable to talk, your tongue just slid out your mouth, hanging there in the most filthy view he had in his whole life.
   He could have come right there.
   You didn’t stop your movements, rocking your hips slowly until you could ride out from your high, and when you finally stopped, feeling whole as you never felt, you looked into his eyes. He looked dazed at you, his eyes fucking you silently, and he let a breathless “wow” slip from him as he watched you. The shame crushed you without any mercy, humiliation washing over you as you tried to hide from him, your face burying in his chest. He chuckled, amused by your shyness before he rubbed your back gently.
    “Can you keep going?” You scoffed, nuzzling into his chest.
    “Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked tiredly, a smile growing in your face “If you tried to stop me now I would have to search someone to fuck on the streets” You joked but he didn’t seem to like it, gripping your waist and bringing your body closer to his, getting a whine out of you when you rubbed against him again.
    “I will make sure to fuck you until you can’t even think about fucking someone else” He assured you, his voice low and threatening, getting you even more aroused than you were “Be a good girl and when I’m finished, you won’t even remember your name, angel, you won’t be able to cum with anyone else, you will be my little slut... Only mine” His whisper sent a shiver down your spine and even though you were more than willing to comply, you snorted.
   “What if I’m a bad girl?” He scoffed, his fingers burying in your hair and tugging it slightly as he approached his lips from your ears, letting his teeth graze your earlobe before biting it.
   “Then I will punish you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week” His threat made you twitch, your tongue darted to your lips, wetting them.
    “Make it two and I will be the best brat you ever had” You offered, making him laugh, breaking his character for a moment. He shook his head in disbelief, kissing your neck softly.
    “What do I do with you?” He giggled, hugging you tightly, and you chuckled, scratching his back lightly.
    “I hope you’ll do me before I need to ask someone else” You joked.
    “Okay, let’s make it two” He agreed, his eyes darkening again “I won’t stop until you’re begging me to ruin you” He promised, and you gulped down, excited as his fingers traced down your body until it reached your core “Are you familiar with the color system?” He asked, thumb flicking your clit directly, making you squirm under his touch as you nodded silently, lost in your mind “Use your words, angel… I want to hear your voice… It’s time for the neighbors to meet my new roommate, don’t you think?” His finger slid inside you, suddenly, a surprised moan leaving your lips on spot, getting a smirk from him “Yeah, that’s right… Something like this” He approved.
   What a perfect son of a bitch…
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Comforting You (Crossover Preference)
Characters: Cloud Strife, Noctis Lucis Caelum
Fandoms: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XV
Tags: Reader insert, gender neutral reader
Warnings. Mentions of death and loss
Requested by @trunks-kiwi​: Hey uh, so, I don't deal with death well and I'm kinda a wreck right now bc someone I know died before I could do something that they wanted me to do. I'm super guilty and upset and if it's no problem could you do a preference with cloud strife and noctis comforting a s/o in that situation? It's fine if not. I just thought I'd ask! ily! 
A/N: Here’s your request, sweetie! I hope you’re feeling a little better and that this preference can at least make you smile 💖
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At first he doesn’t really know how to react. Of course, he’s sad and it breaks his heart to see you going through something like this. However, Cloud is not the best at comforting people and doesn’t really know what to do. Instead of eating his head, he settles for doing what he can and just stays, he knows that sometimes being there is a lot of help. He has experience with this and knows that everyone copes differently, so he’s okay doing whatever you need. If you don’t want to talk it’s okay. So Cloud would stay by your side, let you vent if you feel comfortable and even hug you to make you feel better. Granted, he is a bit awkward about being affectionate, but you know it’s genuine. Overall, you know that he cares and that he’s there for you.
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Noct knows loss very well. He is familiar with that feeling of overwhelming helplessness, of loneliness and sorrow. Upon hearing what happened, he would sigh in sadness. Then he would tell you how sorry he is and ask if you’re okay. He knows the answer, it’s almost a stupid question, but he had to ask. After that you started telling him about them and Noctis listened intently. He would give you a hug and then try to distract you, go somewhere you love. Noct would stay with you all day until he made sure you were at least feeling a little better, until he saw you smile at least once.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @little-faerie-artist​ / @x-joie-x​ / @honeybunhanbin​ / @legallyblindgamer727​ / @goodmorningawfulbye​ / @ron-sparky-speirs​ / @blossattic​ / @sylleblossomstar​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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hanibalistic · 4 years
[ inhales ] did you miss me? 🎤
ok first of all, i’m sorry for disappearing-ish. 😭 wasn’t really gone, just wasn’t in the mood to read fics at all for like a month (again, what’s new at this point) because i was watching this anime. won’t be making promises i can’t keep anymore. i’ll just be popping in and out of here whenever i can read smthng. :D
OKAY. with that cleared up, [ clears throat ] i had to type this in my drafts before sending it through your ask BECAUSE my thoughts are everywhere.
i started this fic while eating breakfast and i planned to type real-time reactions on my phone while i read it on my tab. i felt like i needed to send an extra long ask today since i hadn’t been around for so long and i thought i owed you one (?)
the only reactions i managed to type in were:
HA, jeongin in specs 🤓 and being the first person MC treated in the fic. i see what you did right there.
^ ya wrote this for urself didnt u? it’s my favorite scene so far.
“if i see you here again, i’ll kill you myself.” this had me laughing at breakfast my mom was looking at me weirdly
“what a pretty face, such a bright smile as well” your admiration for jeongin,,it’s seeping through.
i didn’t know why i stopped reading your fics (not just yours, skz fics in general) for like a month :( i love getting lost in the worlds you write :(
then i forgot i was writing typing reacs :D
somewhere along the line, i was spacing out while reading so i had to go over a few paragraphs over and over. mainly because i kept thinking what if the twilight train was real and i’d be one of the people treating other people there? and i thought of possibly meeting my friends, assuming i died before them. would they recognize me. then i’d get back to reading a few lines before spacing out again. which is why this took me more or less two hours to read. my attention span never fails to amuse me :D
yeah, this fic didn’t go the way i expected it to—and i mean this in the best way possible. unpredictable. wbk the theme was dark but i still expected it to be light??? it seemed lighthearted in the first few paragraphs (aka the scenes with jeongin). but when i was starting to read through, i was kind of getting what the story really was about and where it was headed. at some point i was thinking chan would let MC fix him up but he didn’t. though i kinda saw the plot twist with MC coming, i didn’t really acknowledge it until it finally happened and i thought “HA, knew it.” was still shocked tho. 🕳🚶🏻‍♀️
this fic was a lot to take in. i think a few lines are swimming in my subconscious and slowly changing my perspective on life without me knowing. true subliminal shit. i couldn’t write this directly after reading it because i was still taking in everything. i was thinking about it while doing my accounting assignment. am still thinking about it now and might be thinking about it for the rest of the day, at least.
where did the inspiration from this one come from? 🤔
hello (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚i just got back from straining my eyes because of a class. i cannot believe it’s the first day of school and i already have to finish 4 chapters by wednesday (థ Д థ。) i am going to do it tomorrow anyway even though most of my classes are tomorrow and i will probably be very occupied. i want to play some genshin before i pass out.
anyway, now, where have you been (o ̄∇ ̄)=◯)`ν゜)! it has been a long time since you last dropped by but that’s okay, i know you’re busy! have i missed you... hmm, no! but i did think about you from time to time, though – ̗̀ ( ꈍДꈍ ) ̖́ – i don’t really miss people, and you are like a friend i know i will talk to again eventually since you are always popping in and out anyway! i am kind of used to that, so i saved the missing for nobody (ゝ∀・)ノ you definitely do not owe me an ask, by the way, even though it is always welcomed ヽ(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ but tags under the work is fine too if it is more convenient for you!
now, a short response to your tags: yes, jeongin in specs. i have not stopped thinking about it, he has reinforced my affection. yes, he is adorable. yes, i absolutely did write that for myself. yes, my affection for jeongin is supposed to seep through, that is on purpose. sometimes you just kind of don’t want to read fanfics of a certain group or people, so that’s okay! you can always come back when you feel like it again ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ
well, i did not mean for this piece to be an easy read! i can be, of course. it can definitely be a light read, but i was hoping it can leave a bit of an impression on people who read it because it is very important to me. from the concept of the twilight train (courtesy to an asmr video i watched) to the event that happened in the pic, and the message their dynamic conveyed; everything is just dear to me in the fic. i actually meant for it to go in a gradient scale—light-heartedly explain to the reader where they are and what they are, and lying to the reader about certain aspects of the characters through narration, before slowly sprinkling in certain darker elements, unless everything just explodes. i was hoping to mimic the idea of surprising a memory or a feeling, and then when you let it in, you explode (which is what happened in the story).
a lot of things pieced this together! the concept came from an asmr i watched of a man dying on a train and is pretending to be okay! i thought, hmm, what if the train is supposed to hold close-to-dying people? what if there is someone to help you? and there twilight train is! and the dark theme came from personal experiences that i am no longer mad about. the experience is not related to the message conveyed in the story, though. i just needed to vent and express myself a little, that’s all. consider this piece me giving people the choice to either to hear me vent or move away, since last time i did something to express my anger, i was punished for it. anyway! thank you so much for reading this fic! it is… well, not my favorite, but very dear to me nonetheless  。゚(இ ‸ இ✿)゚。
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swaps55 · 4 years
@joufancyhuh​ tagged me to share my 5 most bizarre/interesting animal encounters. 
Given I’ve spent so many years around horses, I could write books just about those experiences. But I curated a few, even some that don’t involve horses! This was fun and I wrote way too much. 
Tagging @citadelsushi​, @shadesofmauve​, @dearophelia​ and boy I wish @w0rdinista​ was still around because I know she’s got good ones. Have good stories to share? Please join in and tag me! 
1. The Klutzy Friesian
When I was in college, I had the coolest summer job. I worked in the Breeds Barn at the Kentucky Horse Park, dressing up in costumes to ride and show off how diverse and amazing horses can be (historical accuracy very doubtful, but we made it look REALLY cool). This included a desert princess costume for the Arabian. A Spanish Conquistador for the Andalusian. I wore Peruvian attire and held a glass of water while scooting around on a Peruvian Paso. I don’t know what the costume for the Missouri Fox trotter really was, but it looked cool and that horse was a blast. But the most awesome thing I got to do was dress up as Joan of Arc and ride a Friesian. His name was Tom. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous, Tom was also a Good Boy. Eager to please, perfect manners and an all-around doll.
Each of the horses used in the “Parade of Breeds” show we put on twice a day has a script. You come in as the announcer plays your music and starts your narration, and you perform for the crowd. Now, Tom’s script was a little different from the others, in that instead of trotting or puttering into the ring, you dashed up the chute at a dead gallop and charged into the ring. While wearing a cape and a chain mail hat. The goal was to be epic. Which isn’t hard with Tom. I mean, look at him.
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Except, Tom was a laid back dude who had done the same routine for years, and wasn’t always super into charging into the ring. He needed some extra time to warm up and get PSYCHED for his big entrance, which usually involved galumphing around over a grassy area outside the chute, behind the bleachers where the audience sat. 
Well, one day in particular, the skies were clearing up after a good rain. Ground was wet but serviceable, show would go on! I was tasked to be Joan that day, so I donned my chain mail (not pictured) and flowy cape, saddled up my trusted steed and off we went to warm up. We were the last horse on the show list that day, so we were alone as I was getting him riled up, waiting for the horse ahead of me to finish. 
But it had been raining, right? And the grass is wet. Poor ol’ Tom hit a wet patch, lost his footing and went nose-first to the ground. 
Tom is a big dude. So when he hit the deck, that meant about 1300lbs of horse tumbling in a glorious black somersault, with a flash of red in there somewhere that was me in my cape and chain mail. 
Keep in mind there is no one back there to notice. Except the people in the bleachers watching the show. Who stop watching the show and start taking pictures of us in a heap. 
Tom gets to his feet, stands with his head hanging like, “Sorry boss. I done goofed.” 
I frantically grab him, run hands over his knees and legs to make sure he hasn’t hurt himself, straighten up my chain mail, then swing up – somehow, even then I didn’t do well climbing up on a horse from the ground unassisted – and ask him to move to see if he’s lame. With tourists still taking pictures. 
My script is starting, by the way, and they’re expecting me in the ring RIGHT NOW. At a dead run. 
We take a few steps. Nothing ouchy. Ok. Let’s GO. Tom and I hit a dead run and fly into the ring, no one the wiser except for the people who had their cameras ready. Nothing hurt but our egos. 
Tom was the best.
2. Revenge of the Breeds
The same summer I had my adventure with Tom, we also got a lot of rain. A lot of rain in that part of the world meant lots of white clover grew in the fields. All of the Breeds Barn residents got turned out around 4 in the afternoon and didn’t come back in until 7am, so they grazed on that stuff all night. What’s the big deal with white clover? Well, it makes horses very…slobbery. Ok, no big deal though, right? So you had a bunch of slobber faces to saddle up half the summer. Gross, but not that interesting.
Well, would be, except that these horses knew their routine really well, and all of them shared a mutual “doneness” when it came to constantly being gawked at, poked at, petted, etc. But because they were all Good Ponies (except the Gypsy Vanner, who was a dick, and the Arabian, who was shit-for-brains), they had to find petty ways to occasionally vent their frustrations.
Enter the white clover.
Every show we did that summer while the clover was in season, each horse we took into the ring would very patiently collect an entire jaw full of slobber. We’re talking green, slimy, gross buckets of slobber here. After each show, we would walk our charges over to the rail so visitors could come up and pet them, ask questions, and otherwise just get close to a horse. It was the best part of the show for me, because many of these people had never touched a horse before, and I got to share with them something I dearly loved.
Each one of these fuckers would choose that magical moment to open their mouths and let it rain green goo.
I did SO much explaining that summer about how it was because of the clover. They don’t mean it. They really like you! They’re showing you they like you. 
It was on purpose. Each and every time. 
I loved those horses so much. Even the shit-for-brains Arabian, which is a whole other story. I miss that job.
3. The Free Bird.
My old house in Kentucky had a fireplace that I never used, because it involved a chimney stove insert that was not up to code and too heavy to bother moving. At some point the chimney flue must have come loose or whatever it is chimney flues do, because birds would occasionally find their way into my chimney, and if they were REALLY determined, into my house. On the most memorable occasion, my 2 worthless cats were the only ones home. My dog was also home, however she was young and crated at the time and does not factor into this story (though she definitely does in the OTHER memorable bird occasion.) 
This house also had a spiral staircase, which is super cool to look at, but really not very functional save for one thing: it was the perfect place to feed my cats and ensure the dog didn’t get into their food. Each cat had her own step. Every day when I got home from work, the two cats would already be sitting on their step, in front of their bowls, demanding dinner. 
On the day of the bird incident, I come home as usual. Find everyone in their usual spots. Except this time there is an interloper. 
The goddamned bird that snuck into my house through the chimney is standing on the step ABOVE Cat #2. Both cats look at me. Yowl. Look at their bowls. The bird – who is essentially offering itself up as dinner mere inches away from Cat #2’s head – continues to do bird things and poop on my spiral staircase. The worthless cats did not so much as acknowledge the bird exists.   
I had to corral and chase the damn bird out of the house myself, which involved a feather duster and accidentally getting it stuck in a closet, without any help from nature’s bird killers still mad that they haven’t gotten dinner yet. 
One of these cats is still around and being a worthless grouchy cuddle slut to this VERY DAY. 
4. The Shithead Squirrel.
Same house. Same cats. Only add another cat. And the dog now has free house privileges during the day.
I had a cedar house. I loved that house. You know what else loves cedar houses? Squirrels. This one fucking squirrel in particular. Do not talk to me about squirrels. I hate squirrels. I loathe squirrels. All because of this motherfucker.
I had a basement garage, which means one side of the one story house was as tall as a 2 story. Naturally, this was the side of the house this asshole squirrel decided looked homey. I had noticed small holes chewed into the siding before, but it was in an unreachable spot that was kinda dangerous even with a ladder, and I didn’t have the money to hire someone to really fix it.
Until THIS ASSHOLE. This squirrel chewed its way into the siding of my house. Yanked out the insulation and tossed it on the ground to make it nice and homey. Peering around the corner from my deck I could WATCH him sunning his stupid face though the hole, enjoying the world from MY HOUSE without paying any fucking rent.
Well, the wall was also the wall of my living room. All the animals in the house could hear the squirrel in the wall. Imagine three cats and a dog all huddled next to the TV, staring at the wall.
That little fucker better not chew through the drywall, I thought.
The little fucker chewed through the drywall.
I came home from work to find all four animals huddled around an ACTUAL HOLE IN THE WALL, where this squirrel undoubtedly stuck his head through, saw four sets of teeth and made the first and only good choice in his miserable life. I had chicken wire and a block of wood screwed to the inside of my wall until I could get a contractor out to replace a bunch of the siding and insulation. It was the biggest check I’d ever written in my life and I hope he was STILL IN THERE when they sealed it up.
5. The Killer Chicken
YEARS ago, when I first got my mare, the barn I kept her at had all kinds of non-horsey animals running around. Goats, peacocks, peahens, dogs, cats…and chickens. There was one chicken in particular was a stealth master and a real hate on for humans. You did not go into the second barn alone. That was his domain. And if you did? Take a fucking broom. Otherwise, as you would walk down the aisle, beyond the echo of your boots you’d hear a skittering. Stop. Turn. Just a chicken. Minding its own damn business. Fine, right?
Turn around, keep walking. More skittering. Until it got close. Then there would be mad skittering, as this killer chicken would close on its prey and send you running for your damned life out of the barn, out into the open, away from its domain and its hate and its wrath.
When two people were present you’d never notice it was there. But when you were alone. You were prey.
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Okay, again, I know I’m never on here, but same as last time I need to vent about stuff where I don’t want people on my normal tumblr to say. Today was kinda rough. I was at a con with my friends while this was happening, but it kinda started in the twitter group chat. A friend of mine had gotten a bit angry at another person criticizing a tweet another person in our group chat had made, and in her attempt to defend her she went a bit overboard and while I don’t think it was her intention to do so she kind of ended up dumping on another person who was tagged in the post who we’ve had issues with in the past. So she posts this and then shows it to the GC, where a few people are like “oh nice” or “good job”. Well, the friend that I was currently with, who was also in the GC and I’ve gotten really close with decided she wanted to start shit about this, because she doesn’t like the person who posted the comments and had literally unfollowed her the night before so her perception was probably a bit cloudy, but she sent a message saying this was fucked up and basically amounted to cyber bullying, which set off like, a huge amount of angst and fighting in the GC for the rest of the day, most of which said friend who I was with wasn’t paying attention to, even though she was the one that started all of this. And I was kinda pissed because like, these are my friends, the people I’m very close with and she’s not as close with, and like, how am I supposed to feel when you’re starting fights with my friends? I mean she did tell me before she did it and I said I would prefer she didn’t do it, but I didn't outright tell her not to, but still, she knew she was causing drama with people I care about, and that’s not something I’m going to be happy about. So I was kinda ticked about that throughout the day, and it didn’t help that she kept making comments kinda gloating about starting the fights that just did not go over well with me. So I’m already kinda ticked about that, and then when we get to the car and begin our trip home, the three of them (my friend and the other two people who were with us) start talking about their plans for a con in the beginning of June and how they had recently decided to invite the guy that was with us. And like, they just kept talking about it, and I just asked when it was gonna be taking place, and the answer I got was pretty much “The first weekend in june, but our hotel room is already like mega-full” and I mean I get it, I have no idea where I’m going to be at the beginning of June, but like, they just kept talking about it and how much fun it would be without even like, attempting to include me in the conversation at all or try to figure out how I could come with them if I was in fact in Chicago in June, which at this point there’s a fairly good chance I will be, because I may not go right back to New York after graduation, but rather wait until mid-June when some of my family members will be out here for my cousin’s wedding and then I would go back with them (assuming I am returning to New York, which right now is still up in the air). And like, I know they didn’t mean anything by it, but they just kept going on and on about it and their plans and how much fun it was gonna be and like I was already in a foul mood, and that really just did not help at all, so I wasn’t very happy at that point. Then, on top of all that, there was a whole incident about where we were going to eat. We had initially planned on going to Steak n’ Shake, but my stomach was still feeling kinda uneasy about the fried cheese curds and ice cream I had gotten at Culver’s earlier in the day, so I requested that maybe we could go somewhere that had at least some menu items that weren’t 100% grease that I could potentially actually eat. So we decided to go to waffle house instead....except when we get there we discover it’s not an actual waffle house, but a family owned restaurant that happened to be named waffle house, and it looked kinda sketch, so we didn’t want to go there. And it just so happens there was a Steak n’ Shake literally right across the street, so my friend just made a unilateral decision that that was where we were gonna go and like, at that point I was already so ticked off with everything and now I just felt totally uncared for and like nobody gives a fuck about my wellbeing or what I can reasonably do and like......it was not good. So we went inside, and to make matters worse, for some reason that I can’t describe I was suddenly super triggered with food and really just did not want to eat anything. So I passed on the shake even though they have really amazing shakes and I hadn’t had one since 2014, but I mean I had already had ice cream that morning, so it wasn’t totally unreasonable. I ended up getting a grilled cheese with coleslaw on the side, because it was pretty much the only thing on the menu I could find that wasn't either fried or a super greasy burger. And like, it was fine, it just wasn’t terribly filling because I mean, it’s two slices of bread and some cheese, it’s not exactly a full meal. And of course I couldn’t eat the coleslaw because of course THAT TOO was somehow too bite for me to eat. Towards the end of the meal the other two people with us left to go to the bathroom and my friend was just like “I’m sorry, I know that doesn't make it better but I’m sorry” without really getting into what it was about, but I just kind of nodded and said it was alright, though I was clearly still kind of ticked. And I’m definitely one of those people that when I’m mad I don’t explode at people, I just get really quiet, and I just didn’t have anything to say. At one point during the meal the guy that was with us looked at me and was like “are you going to [said] con?” and I just kinda shrugged and I really wanted to be like “nobody's invited me to it” but I thought better of it and just said “I don’t know what my life is gonna look like in June, which is at least a very true statement, so there’s that. On the rest of the ride home I ended up chatting on twitter with a few people trying mostly to do damage control because the GC was in hysterics and absolutely losing it, and I started becoming convinced that this one guy in the chat that only shows up to defend the girl who posted the comments whenever anyone says anything bad about her is actually a dummy account with the girl behind it. And like, I think this way because that’s the kind of shit I would do, I know I can be that super manipulative person if I'm not careful about how I interact with people, and I just really knew that’s what was going on. So I DM’ed her and asked her to please level with me, but she wouldn’t admit to it, so I don’t really know what to do about that now. While all of this is going on, real life friend kept cracking jokes about all the drama she started and how funny it was and like, it just did not go over well with me because like these are my friends, dammit, how would you feel if I started attacking your friends? Like yes, some of them can be dumb and immature and make mistakes, but they’re young, they’re just kids, they’re gonna do stupid things sometimes. And like, I care about these people deeply because they were really there for me all of last year and into this year when I really had no other friends to talk about things with and I just needed them so badly for that purpose. When we dropped the other people off and it was just me and my friend in the car, she wanted to talk about why I was mad, because she could tell I was (I mean, I suppose it was fairly obvious) and just talk through it all and I was like.....idk what to say?? like yes, i’m pissed about a whole lot of things that she had mostly been responsible for and idk what to do about that. but we talked it through a bit, and I just kind of concluded I just kinda wanted to be mad for a little bit, but that I still would rather have my friend, so I want to work through that fairly quickly, and I don’t really think it will be an issue, I’ll probably hang out with her after church tomorrow, because I don’t really have anything else to do. Okay, if I don’t get off of here right now I am going to fall asleep with my computer in my lap so let’s end this hear. Goodnight folks.
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