#( cricket campbell. )
maura-cortes · 4 months
maura 📲 cricket
maura: are you home? maura: do you want snacks? maura: and a sleepover 👀
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cassius-banks · 3 months
cass 📲 cricket
cass: u orderin' doordash tonight or nah?
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ateepmelfart · 10 months
november 2023
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ziggykyeons · 3 months
ziggy 📲 cricket.
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mackmontgomery · 2 months
mack 📲 cricket.
Mack: I yatted Cri-Kee from Mulan on someone yday Mack: Made me think of ya 😆
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aiden-stevens · 4 months
🍻 + “ have you ever considered running away ?” (nora)
They're where they're not supposed to be, which is typically on brand for the pair. Shit, if Aiden and Nora ever kept themselves in line with their noses clean, the Hell is probably freezing over. It's one of the many things he can appreciate about her. Kicking it back at the junkyard after volatile destruction has been had, or climbing the fire escapes of the downtown buildings to camp out on the rooftops.
His legs dangle over the edge and sway slightly to and fro, and the bottle of whiskey between them doesn’t go untouched. Aiden’s hand is on the neck, and he swallows a mouthful.
It burns the back of his throat all the way down where it warmly settles in his stomach, but it’s not an unfamiliar feeling. He takes another swig, half the size of the first, and puts the bottle back between them. “Who hasn't?” He shrugs, meeting her eyes with a knowing look.
And okay, New York wasn't her running away, but it was an escape from Aurora Bay.
"Small towns suck balls, it's boring and there's too many shiny too-nice sweethearts too worried about their image in this town who think they piss perfume and shit roses." But it's not the residents that get on his nerves.
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Okay, they do, but the real reason for considering it is, "My mom's never home. She leaves me money, she hired Cricket to cook meals for me - which, cool, fine, I got a real good friend out of that-" he pauses, and in his drunken thought process, pulls out his phone to text Cricket:
[ are you friends with me bc my mom paid you to be? ]
"But she doesn't care what I'm up to. Or about me. My house always feels empty. And dad's dead, so unless I want to camp in the cemetery..." He wraps his fingers around the neck of the bottle to take another swig, one almost too big so he has to wipe his mouth with the back of his free hand.
"But I can't leave. I got Cricket and she's giving me a purpose, and Nikki's grown on me so much, I don't know how she did it, and Mack? He's practically family, and not because he thinks my mom is hot and calls me 'son'." Mack is what Aiden thinks having a brother is like.
"And I got you."
Aiden passes the bottle to Nora.
"My ride or die. I took one, so now you."
@noralevin @cricketcampbell @mackmontgomery @ambivalenceshefelt
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astridlius · 4 months
mack 🍻 + “ who have you loved, but they didn’t love you back ?”
"Maaaaaan," Astrid whined, throwing her arms above her head so that her drink sloshed over the edge of the glass and dripped down her wrist. "Oops," she said absently, bringing her hand back down to lick some of the margarita off of her skin. She was a lightweight if there ever was one, and she wasn't doing anything for her tolerance when she abstained from alcohol throughout her seasons. But now that she wasn't playing — what the hell? She slumped onto the bar, a hand propping up her head and tangling in her hair. "I don't know if I loved Cricket," she said, eyes narrowing in thought. "Maybe I was about to. Like, maybe I was this close," she held up a hand and pinched her thumb and forefinger, leaving the tiniest sliver between them. "But she definitely wasn't gonna love me back! So it's good my brain didn't go there, huh! So at least I walked away with a wounded ego but not a broken heart, right?" Well. Maybe there'd been a little bit of the latter. Frowning, she shifted to look at Mack fully. "But why am I talking to you about this? She's your ex. Shh, Astrid, shhhhh."
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@mackmontgomery / @cricketcampbell
— drunken confessions | open.
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solaadisa · 4 months
👀 + do you wish ravi and cricket got along better?
"Do I wish two of my favorite people in the world could be in the same room with me without me feeling like I need to send them both into time out corners? Yeah, all the frickin' time, man. And it's like, Cricket knows stuff about Ravi that he doesn't know she knows so I didn't really help him out there by telling her, but it's also, like — what'd he expect? Even before then, though, I just never really got why they can't see in each other what I see in both of them. But trust — as long as there's breath in this body, they're both going to have to deal with it, because I don't intend to live my life without either of them."
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@ravirussell / @cricketcampbell
— 👀 + a question | open.
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firefighterrojas · 20 days
💫 a late night text + cricket!
💫 a late night text
text starters / @cricketcampbell
ANGEL 📲 : please stop sending me videos of firefighters doing tiktok trends
ANGEL 📲 : it’s never going to happen
ANGEL 📲 : I don’t even know what the apple dance means
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xaviermattthews · 23 days
💀 an urgent text + cricket!
X 📲: what's your october looking like? X 📲: going to need some catering, or at the very least someone who knows exactly what i like and can wrangle in a team of caterers. X 📲: can you keep those weekends free if i pay you for them regardless of if i get you to do anything or not. X 📲: can't tell you why just yet. X 📲: let me know ASAP. texting starters // @cricketcampbell
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ulyflynn · 1 month
closed for: @cricketcampbell
where: x and van's, mid-july
With a baseball bat in hand that he had carefully removed from the wall of X's in home studio -- signed by the L.A. Dodgers, no less -- Uly's light on his feet as he leaves a sleeping Edie in the guestroom and makes his way towards the unmistakeable sound of rummaging coming from his sister's closet.
Breaking in while knowing the homeowners were out of state at a funeral was a kind of gross that even Uly wasn't, and he had no qualms about testing out what proportional force meant under Cali laws.
"Got'cha, fucker!" He's just about to do his best Negan-brand swing when he clocks that the fucker in question is one he actually recognises, which has him freezing before he can bring the raised bat on a downward swing.
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"Cricket? The fuck are you doing in there? I almost skull-squashed you like your bug ass name."
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maura-cortes · 9 months
with: @cricketcampbell
where: seascape nye, close to midnight
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"There you are!" Maura called over the sound of the music playing, her whole body seeming to throw itself at Cricket as she wrapped her arms around Crickets arm, clinging to her friends side. "Did you see the time? I think we maaaaybe have time for one more shot before its next year."
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ravirussell · 1 month
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours + cricket!
"You parent trapped me, Sola."
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His tone does all the heavy lifting for how unappreciative he was of the scheme he thinks is at hand, bristling like he always does when Cricket is the inescapable topic.
On some level, he understands that having two best friends and navigating an independent and endless war between them was a difficult position to exist in, but if Sola wasn't going to be on his side then the least she could do was not enlist him.
"I don't know what you're trying to do here. I can't be clearer if I tried, I do not like that girl. I'm never going to like her. She's not my kind of person and she'll never be a friend I'd keep."
Ravi can't bring himself to feel bad about the harshness of his words when he's sure Cricket would echo the same sentiment back, just with a few more unnecessary likes sandwiched in there.
"Please don't put me in that position again."
@cricketcampbell / @solaadisa
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luckylewis · 11 months
lucky 📲cricket.
Lucky: Welfare check 😅 Lucky: I haven't heard of any hijinks from you in a second
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ziggykyeons · 3 months
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mackmontgomery · 10 days
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februrary 13th, 2022 // @cricketcampbell
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