(november, "forgetmenot")
last night i dreamt about our mutual friend and i talking again, she and i were playing videogames & she mentioned you. i asked how you were (idiot that i am) and she said you were good and that you missed me. she left without saying goodbye and i was alone in her bedroom. when i stood up, my backpack strap ripped so i borrowed her sewing kit and left a note saying "hey! borrowed your sewing kit! tell ______(insertnamehere) to call me!" and left. when i woke up, you hadnt called. guess the message never went through.
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(november, "listening")
there will always be a part of me that is a pretentious fucking prick
i listen to music with less than 400k listeners on average (ugh)
i write fucking poetry and paint with watercolor and imagine things that will never be
on a good day, i practice guitar, like an asshole.
sleeves off shirts and sleeping awake and restless while still, i dont know where im going with any of this, but if anyone is listening, dont forget how.
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