#( because the servers are trying to see how much he can actually drink before getting plastered )
endawn · 7 months
he was so stressed during the winter palace chapter because what do you mean he cannot simply eat the orlesians
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auspicioustidings · 15 days
Based on this. You are in Finland full of self-loathing and the 141 needs a fat wife if they want to win some beer.
You aren't exactly on holiday in Finland. It should be your honeymoon but since you caught your groom balls deep in your maid of honour you instead have used it as an escape from the country. You just cannot be around the people you love right now, can't have them all look at you with all that pity. Even worse is that some of them probably don't even blame him. Your former best friend is a size 8, perfect hourglass figure. Your former partner is trim and decently fit. They look like they belong together more than you and him ever did.
You hate yourself. You hate looking in the mirror. You hate how clothes fit you. You deserved it you think.
"Not a chance MacTavish, that's my wife!"
"Away and biel yer heid, I saw her first!"
"Actually I saw her first!"
"I outrank all of you muppets so I think you'll find that is my wife!"
It's a racket in the little cafe but you don't pay much mind, still just staring out the window and wondering if you could ever deserve anything. One of the servers comes to take your empty cup and grins at you, telling you in her heavy accent that she would personally go for the one with the mask since he's the biggest. You don't understand when you look around and there are a lot of locals smiling happily over at you while four Greek Gods of men are having a scuffle, moving slowly in your direction. More people chip in, arguing about who you should pick, some lamenting that they would claim you themselves if they thought they could.
One big man does try, basically some Viking God, but he's playfully (you hope it's playful) spear tackled by the man with the mohawk before he laughs and backs off.
When Gaz with warmed cheeks and excitement in his eyes gets to you while Soap is busy with the viking and Ghost and Price are wrestling one another he asks if you'd do him the honour of being his wife. You nearly choke, but he explains that the wife carrying competition is today. You look around, bewildered, ask him why he wouldn't pick any of the other women in here given that they are all gorgeous slim things.
"Fuck all use to us, need a nice soft bird with lots of fat" says the man in the mask.
Price scowls and whacks his lieutenant upside the head because he sees how you look a second away from crying.
"You're gorgeous sweetheart, he didn't mean anything by it. The prize is the wife's weight in beer though, so he's right about a little lady not being much use."
You don't know what to say. You don't know if this is mortifying or not given that everyone around you seems to not be looking at you with sneers or laughing at you, but instead looking with soft smiles that convey fondness. They think this is adorable.
"Dinnae listen tae their nice soft birds and sweethearts! I'll be a better husband bonnie. I'm shorter aye bit look at the power in these legs, naw going tae drop ye. And I'll split that beer 50/50!"
And then they're arguing. The four of them are arguing and trying to put forward a case to you about why they would be the best husband. When it starts to get raunchy, you fluster and stop them. But fluster is something. It's not self loathing. It's been weeks since you felt anything but self loathing. So even though you are sure everyone can feel the heat rolling off of you in waves at how bashful you are under so much attention from such attractive men, you pick one (the others are devastated but vow that you're only a wife for the competition, that after they should get another shot at convincing you that they're the best option).
And they do. Even though the man you picked doesn't win (gets DQ'd actually since you are heavy and he decided that you were getting over that damn finish line so the four of them took turns) they take you out for drinks after. You think you feel humiliated that they couldn't carry you a long distance, but you don't have time to sit with the feeling because they drown it out with how warm and giddy they make you feel.
They insist that they will compete next year, so you have 365 days to pick a husband. When you make a quiet comment about how you'll lose weight by then so they can carry you the whole way, they nearly riot as they assure you that they would be a shit pick for husband if they didn't spent the year getting stronger so they can carry you just how you are. Plus they'll not be losing any beer thank you very much.
By the time the next wife carrying competition rolls around you are a different person. You're wearing clothes that fit instead of trying to hide your body. You laugh and flirt back with the barista instead of assuming they are making fun of you by flirting. And you don't care if your husband makes it over the finish line, just that you have fun and laugh and joke about the attempt. Of course it's not entirely certain who that husband is yet, got to keep them on their toes after all.
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a-aexotic · 2 years
could you do a rafe imagine where reader is a pouge and she’s working at the country club as a server or as a bust gal and kelce says something about her but rafe secretly likes the reader and he defends her and gets pissed at his friends for talking bad about her or saying something degrading or ojectifyinfg about her and then the reader finds out rafe defended her from topper ?? Bc topper is secretly kind (apart from the fire tbh) and reader confronts rafe about why he defended her
pairing. rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings. sooo much fluff, degrading language towards women, a fight (kinda), out of character top/rafe, lmk if i missed anything!
summary. rafe has a crush on you and topper makes it his top priority to get you two together after you confess your feelings, too.
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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You were exhausted at this time of day and you just wanted to go home and rest. Your eyes were heavy and your feet hurt from these stupid heels the club makes you wear. You had one last table before you could clock out; you could already feel the warm bath you were going to draw tonight.
Until you saw who you were serving; Kook royalty themselves. Rafe, Topper, Kelce and a few guys you don't recall the names of. You prepared yourself for the longest hour serving these boys.
You walked up to them, a big smile on your lips. If you were going to serve some snotty Kooks you might as well get a good tip. "Hey, um. I'm Y/N, and I'm your waiter for tonight. Can I get you started with any drinks?"
You handed out the menus and you could already feel their stares at your body and face, making you feel a tiny bit self conscious. In the corner of your eye you saw Kelce turn to one of the boys to whisper something and he immediately turned red before letting out a chuckle.
You saw Topper and Rafe make eye contact before Rafe rolled his eyes, making Topper sigh.
"Sure, for me, I don't know about the others though." Topper nodded politely as you smiled.
"Yeah, I'm super thirsty." One of the boys had commented as the whole table (minus Topper and Rafe) erupted in laughter. You were disgusted and honestly disappointed, I mean, how low could these jerks get?
Rafe cleared his throat and the whole table became quiet once again. "Me and Top are going to get some Old-Fashion's. I don't know about the others."
"Make that three more." Kelce added and you nodded politely, jotting it down quickly on the notepad.
"Okay, I will be right back with your drinks. Take a look at the menus, alright?" You walked away with another big smile and as you turned, it immediately dropped.
You didn't necessarily hate Kooks; well, not to the extent of JJ or Pope. You could honestly stand them; sure, they made you uncomfortably sometimes but at least at the end of it, you have a good tip.
"Take a look at those menus, more like take a look at that ass!" The boy had said and Kelce and other one let out another laugh. Rafe couldn't stand it.
The jokes weren't funny and were low blows, they were some of the worst jokes he'd heard in months. It was stupid. Rafe held in all his anger because he didn't want to cause a scene, especially here or in front of you.
He's been trying to make a move on you for months; giving extra tips, complimenting you, asking if you could help with the golf cart. And now all his hard was going down the drain because you're going to think he's shallow and idiotic because of his 'friends.'
The only person he actually liked right now was Topper and that's saying a lot. He felt bad for you as well. Rafe didn't really feel empathetic towards anyone but seeing you put on a fake smile and nod off the joke like it was nothing reminded him of someone.
"God what I would do to take her to bed." One of the boys sighed as the others agreed. Rafe bit his tongue as they continued.
"I'm sure she would," Kelce took a drink of his water. "If you tipped her enough."
"You're right, she's a Pogue. I'm sure she needs the money."
Rafe was disgusted. Is this really what they thought about? "Shut the fuck up, dude. That's not funny."
The table went quiet as the guy turned to Rafe. "What the fuck is your problem man, you've been in a bitch mood ever since we came in here. I mean, come on, it's a fucking joke."
"A joke? You call that a fucking joke?" Rafe started raising his voice. "You're the fucking joke here, dude. Who the fuck says that shit? Especially while she's literally over there."
Topper nodded. "Yeah, have some decency. Y/N's actually so sweet."
The two boys looked at each other before laughing. "Oh I see what's goin on here. You two are acting like you're all above this, above us, so she can see how gentleman-ly you are and let you tag team her, huh?"
"Not everything is about sex, dude. Maybe we actually think she's nice and a human being that deserves a little respect. She's, y'know, a living breathing human with thoughts in case you've forgot." Rafe was seeing red and he was about to throw a punch before Topper kicked his leg.
"What, dude? It's true." Rafe looked at Topper before he sighed.
"Let's just finish the drinks and then we can go, alright?" Topper was trying to calm things down and Rafe took a deep breath before nodding.
You had come back with all the drinks on a platter. You felt the shift in energy, it was a lot more tense now than it was. "Alright, have you guys figured out what you guys wanted to eat?"
You passed out the drinks.
"That would be it, can you uh, get the check please?" Rafe's voice was much softer and politer than usual and you nodded. You appreciated the manners; you don't see a lot of that in the country club.
"Okay, sure. I will be right back with the check." You smiled at him and his cheeks turned a little red as he turned away. Topper noticed this and was a little confused.
Rafe had never mentioned liking you in anyway. He was now wondering if he had just started liking you or if this was something that's been happening for a while now.
"Okay, Kelce, how much would you pay me if I went up to her and asked her out on a date?"
"Nothing, dude. You'll be getting the award, why would I have to pay?" Kelce responded, drinking a little of his drink.
Rafe flared his nostrils as he kept in his anger once again. He didn't want to blow up again, people were already staring.
"Dude, you won't do it." The other guy laughed. "You're a fuckin pussy."
"There's no way she'll say yes." Kelce added.
The other guy rolled his eyes, "How much do you wanna bet?"
Kelce laughed, "100$ easy, dude."
He laughed, "Okay, I'll be a 100$ richer."
"You're definitely going to lose that 100, man."
You came back and put the check down with a small smile. "Is that all boys?"
"Yes." Rafe quickly said, taking the check and putting his card in. The others exchanged looks. Before you could away, the boy had started to say something.
"Y/N, right?" He looked at your nametag then to your low V-cut shirt before looking back at your face. "I was wondering if you could let me take you out later this week, maybe... Saturday? I'm havin a big party, I'd just love for you to come."
Rafe was angry he felt like his eyes were going to bulge out of his eyelids as he stared daggers at the guy.
You stood there, a bit shocked. There were a few seconds before you could respond. "I would love to. But uh, I'm already dating someone."
"Really?" Topper looked confused, you'd never mentioned one. You glared down at him before smiling and nodding. Rafe felt like his world had come crashing down. You had a boyfriend?
"Yup, JJ. Two months!" You said dramatically. "Sorry... About that."
The guy looked pissed, turning away from you. "You weren't even that pretty anyway." He muttered.
Your eyes widened and immediately took that as your que to leave, walking away. "Okay.."
Rafe quickly got up after you, taking out his wallet and taking out a 20$, handing it to you.
Your eyes had widened at how much he was tipping. "Whoa, are you sure?"
"Very. My friends were douches to you and I apologize. I don't even know the other two dudes' names."
You laughed, the first real genuine laugh you've had all day. It was a like breathe of fresh air. "Me neither, but I can't take this, that's so much." You pushed away the money.
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, you can." He put it in the pocket in your shirt before sighing. "Enjoy the rest of your night."
He walked away to the rest of his friends and you smiled at the nice gesture. Rafe, despite the opinion of your friends, was actually kinda sweet. I mean, he was sure as hell better than the rest of his friends (minus Topper).
"Dude, that took you long enough." You heard one of them groan.
"Shut up." You heard Rafe reply as you smiled to yourself. You immediately shook away the smile, sighing. Why was the Kook prince making you smile? Wow, you were in desperate need of a bath and a good meal, 8 hour shifts aren't your strong suit.
You were surprised and confused at Topper's words.
"Yeah, he was like, genuinely pissed. I've never seen him that mad and that's saying a lot."
Your eyebrows were furrowed, "Wait, wait. So he defended me?"
Topper looked at you like it was the most obvious thing of all. "That's what I've been saying for the last half an hour, have you been listening?"
You rolled your eyes at Topper's unnecessary sassiness, "Yes, Top, it's just been really hard to process."
"What's hard about it? Rafe has literally never had a soft spot for anyone except Wheeizie, like ever. And he's rich. He can spoil you and you're literally set for life-"
"Whoa, okay." You started laughing. "Let's not go that far. I am not marrying Rafe Cameron." ok girl...
"Okay but think about it." He smiled. "We could be like kinda related. If Sarah marries me... or if Rafe considers me a best friend, I could be like your brother-in-law."
You started laughing harder, "Sarah's not marrying you."
He didn't look too amused by that. "Okay, shut up, seriously. Rafe likes you."
The more you imagined his face and his smile, his dad outfits and the way he literally is an asshole to everyone except you, the more hot your face felt.
Topper smiled as he playfully pushed your shoulder making you laugh. "He's cute."
"Cute? Don't call say that to his face, he'll get all flustered and then roll his eyes."
You already imagine his face, making you laugh a little harder. "Okay, okay. If... if I were to like him back, how would I approach him?"
Topper sighed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Okay, uh. Maybe just talk to him and flirt before he asks you out."
"That's so obvious-"
"He tipped you a 20 last night and you're worried you're making it obvious? Are you serious?"
You rolled your eyes. You reminded yourself to talk to Topper about his attitude problem later because it's getting a bit much. "Okay. Fine. I will."
Other than being a waitress at the country club, some days they put you on the Beverage Cart duty. It was probably because they were short in staff that day but honestly you didn't mind. You'd rather be out on the golf course then cooped up in the restaurant. You also get double the tips than you would inside.
Plus, you had a cute golf outfit on with the cute visor; you felt like a true Kook.
As you were going around, selling drinks, you saw Topper and Rafe. Of course they were going to the club today; it was nice Saturday afternoon. You face palmed yourself. You already knew what Topper was going to do.
Topper saw you as well, a smirk forming on his lips. "Rafe, uh. Remember Y/N?"
Rafe felt himself blush at the mention of you. He shook it off, nodding. "Uh, yeah. Doesn't she work here?"
"Yep. Also, I was uh, talkin to her the other day and she called you cute."
Rafe's mouth flew open as he whipped his head towards Topper. "What?"
Topper smiled. "Yeah, she called you cute. Like, really cute. She was blushing and shit."
Rafe smiled and he didn't even feel it. "Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah, dude. And, oh! Speaking of the devil, there she is."
Rafe's eyes widened as he looked over at you and shook his head. "Oh, uh."
"I know you like her, man." Topper added as he looked to Rafe.
He shook his head. "No, I don't like her. I think she's cute."
Topper rolled his eyes. "And you blush around you, you stumble over your words, you tip her real good. You were practically on the floor kicking your feet in the air and blushing when I told you she said you were cute."
Rafe frowned at Topper's wording and before he could protest, he started pushing Rafe towards the cart. "Dude, hold on."
"Ask her out, man."
"Not now, dude, I've been plotting for months now, I can't just-"
"Dude, do you trust me?" Topper stopped and looked dead in the eyes.
"No." Rafe stated before Topper rolled his eyes for what seemed to be the fifty-th time that day.
"I don't care, now come on." He pushed Rafe towards the cart before grabbing the back of his collar, making him walk towards you. If this was any other situation, Rafe would've landed a punch to Top's jaw but he didn't wanna scare you off, so he kept his cool.
You stared the two as they approached the cart. They seemed too... normal. They were both smiling and you felt like they were plotting. You know for a fact that Topper is.
"Hi." They both said in union, making Rafe look back at Topper, furrowing his eyebrows.
"What can I get you two?" There was unnecessary awkwardness between the three of you as they both looked at each other.
"Two... sodas."
"Sodas?" You looked assumed. Were they 12?
Topper looked back at you. "Yes."
As you reached for the cooler, you heard Topper make an 'O' sound. You turned around.
"Oh shit. I forgot my wallet, I will be right back. Rafe, you stay here and get us the sodas, alright?"
Rafe looked back with his teeth gritted, a warning to Topper. "Topper."
He shrugged. "I'll be right back." He jogged away as you and Rafe made eye contact.
You knew that he knew what you had told Topper. And then, Rafe realized the same thing. He didn't know what Topper had told you but he just hopes it wasn't too embarrassing.
"Um. I never asked but um, what sodas do you want?"
"Ginger ale. I'm pretty Topper wants something girly like Diet Coke or something like that." Rafe mumbled the last part but you heard it. You let a horrendously loud laugh because you knew Topper would get a Diet Coke.
You suddenly felt embarrassed but it melted as you heard Rafe's small laugh as well. Butterflies filled your stomach as you heard him.
"Okay, then. One ginger ale and uh... a Diet Coke." You laughed a little after, making Rafe smile.
As you handed him the Ginger Ale, your hands touched and you felt like your face was on fire. You quickly pulled away.
"Hey, uh..." Rafe started. "Did Topper say anything about me?"
"In what way?"
"Um, I don't know... something involving you?" Rafe inquired as you smiled.
"Did he say anything to you about me?"
"Maybe." He dragged out the 'e' sound as you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
"Topper may have mentioned a few things about you. But they weren't bad. They were actually a little... admiring to hear."
He went red as he looked down at his feet. "Topper just loves to run his mouth."
You nodded in agreement. "Yeah. He definitely loves to gossip."
He laughed at your wording. "He said some stuff about you, too. It was... admiring, too."
Your cheeks had begun to hurt from smiling this hard and it'd been only a couple minutes.
"Okay." Rafe sighed. "Are we talking about the same thing-"
"Yes, we are. I think."
Rafe was going to have to push all his pride and ego just this time. "I think that you're really pretty... and if you're not with JJ, I'd love to take you out on a date."
You had forget he heard that part. "I'm not with JJ."
"Okay, then what do you say?"
"Yes, Rafe." You smiled at him and he swore his heart did a little flip at the sound of that.
"Okay," he sounded breathless.
You then turned in your cart, looking for a piece of paper and your pen. You found one and then wrote down your number. You turned back and handed it to him. "Text me and then we can sort out the details, okay?"
"Yeah, for sure."
Topper finally walked back, wallet in hand, a big grin on his tanned face. He looked down at the paper in his hand and gave Rafe a proud pat on the back.
"Here's your Diet Coke," you held in your laugh as you gave the drink to Topper. Rafe smiled back at you as Topper opened it quickly and took a big gulp.
"Thank you. I knew you'd know my favorite drink, Y/N." He took out a 5 dollar bill and gave it to you before winking and you felt yourself cringe at Topper as you took the 5.
He and Rafe walked away and you stood there, your heart beating fast as you watched them walk away.
"What'd I say? Trust me, Rafe, I promise it'll work out and look, it worked out!"
"Yeah, for once, dude."
"Oh, shut up."
You heard their argument and laughed to yourself, getting back into your cart to drive to the next course.
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rubra-wav · 6 months
You briefly said something in a Vox post about how he gets turned on by his partner being affectionate easily, and it's sometimes not always in private.
Can you do a post that's about having public sex with him when that happens. I am just interested in the idea of public sex/'taking care of that when it happens and how that would work with his image problem. 👉👈
[Entry #12] 'Really? Here?' : Vox x reader smut
A/N I actually had a brief concept for something like this already planned as I saw that hc I had and was eyeing it off too haha
He'd never have genuine public sex, that would not make him look good and it's too risky, so this is semi-public.
Listen man, I so rarely write stuff where Vox is actually domtop because I strongly believe that dude can only bottom properly but like I'm writing this and i'm kinda 🤭😳
Cw: NSFW/18+ ONLY, gn!reader, semi-public sex, blowjob, rare instance of me writing Vox getting his way
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- It had been a long damn couple of days for Vox, to say the least.
- Something had happened to the electronics system in hell after a storm, and he had been working horrendous hours for 3 days straight trying to get everything in order.
- So yeah, when he saw you for the first time in 3 days after just messaging and calling you? Needless to say, he acted up a bit.
- On the day he finally got everything done, he unfortunately had an overlord gala to attend that he couldn't turn down for public image sake.
- Not necessarily due to him needing to attend, but because if he didn't keep Valentino and Velvette in check, their reputation would be utter shit by the morning at such a prestigious event, most likely. Ironic
- And you were of course going with him to it to make sure he didn't lose his shit after not sleeping at all and just staying connected to power and a shit ton of energy drinks (He would never admit that, so he just says something about being able to bring a plus one. You, of course, catch on over the phone but don't mention it.)
- All was well initially. You two met up out front of the giant and overly ornate venue, relieved to finally see each other. (Even with the amount of paparazzi and the heavy atmosphere to perform properly in such high status company)
- You spent the night trying to keep up appearance. Keep a very argumentative Velvette in line from trying to start drama with Carmilla and herding a very drunk, barely upright Valentino out of the building so he'd stop hitting on the servers.
- It truly was a breath of relief when they both left and you two could finally actually semi enjoy the party despite the high power individuals surrounding you two with their own plus ones or family.
- It was during this time enjoying the party that you two made the mistake of actually dancing.
- You laughed quietly as Vox gripped your hand in his claw and spun you with a flourish before dipping you.
- Your heart thudded in your ears as you watched him crack his first real smile of the night seeing you react, and as he pulled you back up to rest on your feet at arms length, you pulled him close and wrapped your hands around his shoulders - practically embracing him as you gently swayed together to the orchestra playing in the background.
- You could see Vox hesitate to let you be close to him like this around the other overlords, fearing for how it made him look to be cuddled by his lover while here.
- But, despite himself, he accepted. Whether it was the drinks he'd had or the time you had spent apart, he wanted to be near you in any way, even in the public eye.
- Vox sighed, relaxing into your touch and returning the embrace, placing his hand on your lower back and pressing you against him as he leaned down to kiss you.
- You smiled against him as lips formed in place of his screen, meeting yours chastely with a slight zap as per the company.
- As much as he wanted to, it's not like he could start making out with you then and there.
- You looked up at him with half lidded eyes, a slight grin on your lips.
- "Try not to look too desperate to leave so we can be alone." You teased him.
- Vox flushed, lips curling slightly as he fought the urge to grin at you, opting to look angry at the teasing rather than showing the fact he actually liked it.
- It didn't matter. You already knew he did
- "I believe that's called projecting, doll." He spoke lowly.
- You snickered, moving your hand to gently pinch the side of his screen. "I'd be lying if I didn't say I was awaiting that as well," you smirked up at him. "It's been 3 days after all." You laughed as you watched his blush brighten, screen flickering a couple of times with quiet zaps.
- Vox breathed deeply, shutting his eyes as he furrowed his brow. "Not in public, (name)." He growled half heartedly.
- You simply hummed, leaning up to press a kiss to his screen again. Making the mistake of gently brushing your fingers over the back of his head as you gently moved your lips against his own, a strange metallic taste entering your mouth as your lips glided across each other's.
- Vox, being tired and wanting nothing more than to be touched, didn't really have the self-awareness to take a step back.
- He groaned lowly as your pointer gently grazed his ports, the gesture sending a strong stab of arousal through him alongside pooling warmth he hadn't been exactly tapped into being right up against you.
- The hand on your lower back pulled you closer against him unconsciously, pleasurable friction only worsening as he spaced out from his actions and growing arousal.
- You pulled away from the kiss, looking at him in disbelief as you could feel something hard poking against your stomach.
- Vox seemed to snap back into reality as you pulled away, looking horrified down at you as he realised the exact... 'position' you two were in. Mainly him.
- "Are you-" Vox cut you off with a shushing noise, stiffening in your embrace (in another way)
- You fight to stop from laughing loudly, but you can't stop the breathy puffs of air and quivering that you do. You watch his embarassed expression worsen as he frowns, eye automatically trying to hypnotise you as he hissed out a: "shut up."
- Which, of course, didn't work with the blue light contacts you had begun wearing a few months into your relationship.
- You felt yourself pinned closer against Vox, who seemed to be desperately trying to both compose himself and also to hide his arousal - using you. You took a deep breath, trying to stop laughing as you just knew he'd be extra pissy if you didn't take the reigns to try gtfo as fast as you could before someone noticed anything was up.
- You looked to the side. There was a doorway leading to a darkened room a few metres away that seemed abandoned.
- You tugged his quivering hand off of your lower back and pulled the coat you wore off, pushing it into his hands. "Here, hold this, darling?" You asked, gesturing to the empty door which stood open.
- The door to the next venue room shut behind you two, locked by you, and Vox immediately began cursing under his breath, pressing his glitching face into his clawed hands next to you.
- That was before he looked up at you, glaring. "How many times do I have to tell you to watch the fucking ports?!" He whisper-yelled.
- You scoffed. "I know the dude who just got a boner in the middle of a room full of overlords after dancing with me like some sort of hormonal teenager is not saying shit right now." You said, looking back at the door with slight concern.
- Vox glitched on what was assuredly a string of expletives directed at you, throwing down your coat on a nearby table and then sitting down next to it as he gripped his head trying to control himself.
- You were right, and it pissed him off. He really was overly pent up. As he calmed down slowly, he looked up again and saw you patiently waiting for him to calm down so he could properly speak again.
- "So what are you gonna do? Whack off in here?" You joked as he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat.
- He went to bite back at you, but then shut up for a few seconds, clearly thinking about something.
- You raised an eyebrow at him, silently looking you up and down, then watched as a grin spread across his face.
- "Get on your knees."
- Your blinked dumbly as you let out a disbelieving laugh. Ain't no way-
- "Your mouth is awfully big tonight. Maybe you should put it to use if you want to run it so much." He said - more demanded - with a raised brow.
- This motherfu- "Really?" You asked, strain clear in your voice. It was clear you weren't on board and were very much irritated that he was demanding you come suck him off right after he went ahead and blamed you for what was arguably definitely his bad.
- Vox's brow twitched, but despite his annoyance, he sucked it up and dug his claws into the table. "Please." He spat it out like it was disgusting to him.
- You slowly sighed as you watched him cringe, looking to the side as he bounced his leg in clear desperation.
- "Okay. But don't be loud." You wandered over to him, getting on your knees and placing your hands on either one of his thighs to position yourself comfortably. You heard him let out a breathless laugh above you, and looked up.
- His face was flushed and a bead of 'sweat' ran down his face with clear nervousness. "This is a terrible idea." He mumbled, lips twitching into an unsure smile.
- You raised you brow at him with a deadpan look, stopping in place.
- "Don't stop." He said. His heart was absolutely pounding with a mixture of fear, adrenaline and excitement, a dangerous mixture of emotions to feel while there was a party of some of the most high ranking people in Pentagram city in the next room.
- The music distantly echoed through the darkened, empty room. Pretty thick walls, but he wouldn't be taking any chances (or so he told himself).
- You hummed softly, knees already aching on the hard tile floor as you reached for the very obvious dent under Vox's belt, savouring the sharp inhale of breath he gave as you undid his pants.
- Pushing your hair back from your face, you deeply inhaled and then wrapped your lips around the twitching dick being arched into your face by a demon all too greedy for you to pleasure him.
- Really, it felt kind of laughable.
- This guy who constantly talked so much shit about being perfect in public - never displaying PDA, never behaving in a way that would bring shame upon yourself but particularly him - shoving his hard on into your mouth with utter desperation in the room next to an extremely prestigious event after getting a boner in public because you were dancing slightly intimately.
- Your cheeks flushed as he let out a loud groan. His head leaned back: prompting you to hit his clothed thigh to say 'shut the hell up'.
- It didn't take long before Vox was letting out stifled but still loud moans - completely ignoring your attempts to quiet him down, a clawed hand digging into your scalp to guide your mouth further onto him.
- You startled and let out a gargling whine as the toe of Vox's shoe began rubbing your clothed sex. You squinted slightly, brow furrowed as your eyes looked up at him to see his smirking face.
- "Yeah, eyes up here." He purred lowly with a chuckle, relishing the vibrations your voice made on his dick as he more firmly ground his foot against you.
- You looked back down as you began bobbing your head faster as the demon began rutting his hips excitedly into your mouth, you trying and failing to keep up with his messy pace.
- He was too far gone to give a shit as slurred praise slipped from his mouth rapidly.
- "Fucking hell you're so good. You're just perfect like this, doll." He panted.
- A fluttering warmth rocked through you at his words in combination with you grinding your hips against his shoe. It was so embarrassing and stress inducing to be in this position here, but Christ, you were turned on as well.
- You spluttered as his hips began pressing his dick too far in your mouth, the feeling of you choking seemingly only motivating him to go harder as his claw gripped your hair harder.
- This sadistic fucker. You squeezed your eyes shut, tears beading at the corner of your eyes as you were pushed down hard on his dick, hips snapping against your face. Vox let out a loud, animalistic growl, coming so deep inside your throat you didn't even taste it as you instinctively swallowed.
- The claw in your hair slowly let go as Vox panted, satisfied now, relaxing back into his seat.
- You pulled your mouth off of him with a loud pop, gasping in a deep breath of air as you could finally breathe properly.
- You stood up, looking down at him with a rather unhappy look on your face, particularly at the treatment there at the end.
- You'd be lying if this situation wasn't hot as fuck to you too, but that was beside the point-
- "Fuck." Vox huffed as he came down from his high, his hand sliding down his face, looking up at you calmly as he saw your irritated expression atop flustered cheeks.
- "Can we please go home now." You asked, fidgeting slightly. You hadn't exactly gotten your fill.
- "You want me that bad, huh?" He grinned slyly.
- Your eye twitched. "No, because we evacuated abruptly into this room and locked it, and you were moaning out like there wasn't a room full of people on the other side of the door while I blew you." You inwardly smiled as you watched his expression fall to embarrassment again as it dawned on him that he hadn't been much controlling his voice.
- You turned away, looking back at him over your shoulder. "And yes, because I want you. Let's just get the hell out of here. I want to be alone with you properly." You said.
- He laughed at that, but inwardly cursed himself. Did he really lack self-control that badly? Christ.
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
Children of the Night Part 6 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Vampire Steddie/ Daddy Eddie/Sub Steve X Human sub fem reader, SMUT, while drinking blood (nothing new here), holding wrists, lose of virginity (in a flashback between steddie), dirty talk, FLUFF, they love each other, flashbacks of how this Steddie met and their first time together, ANGST, reader and Steve get hurt due to a break in, reader blames herself, Eddie get worried about losing Steve, in flashbacks Steve's relationship with his family is touched on including them kicking him out for his sexuality (the actual fight isn't elaborated on; just the aftermath), mentions of the night Steve thought he lost Eddie.
A good amount of feels in this one so please...enjoy :)
Word Count: 4662
Loud knocking on their door startles you as both men roll their eyes. 
“Do you have to be so aggressive?”, Steve scolds after opening it and allowing the curly haired boy entry. To his surprise, another boy followed behind him. 
“I brought Mike to do some extra digging and help reroute the servers. We need to find out how they found you so we can make sure it doesn’t happen again.”, the young man explains before turning to face you. “Hi. I’m Dustin and this is my friend Mike.”
“I’m Y/N.”, you smile as you shake his hand. 
“Cool.”, he beams as they throw their bags down and take a seat at the computer. “Why didn’t you guys mention you made a friend?”
“She’s not our friend. We kidnapped her and she’s here against her will. You know you’re our only friend Henderson.”, Eddie sass as he hovers over them. 
“Ooo someone’s grouchy. When was the last time you ate?”
“It won’t help. This is always his demeanor.”, you tease making the vampire smirk in your direction. 
As they began to work, you explained to them what happened and listened to their feedback with fascination. You had never met kids so young who knew about all these things that you did but it tickled your brain to finally have someone to bounce off your computer knowledge with. Eddie and Steve sat on the bed watching you with small smiles on their faces. They loved seeing you be happy especially the metalhead who could feel the warmth through to his soul. 
“Where did you learn all this stuff, Y/N?”, Steve asked.
“Oh, um, that incident I told you about on the beach? That wasn’t the first time I ran off. When I was a kid and I knew my mom would have some creepy guy over I would stay with a friend whose dad was a computer whiz. That was when computers were much boxier though.”, you grin.  
“Yeah and back then it was easier to get away with the things you’re trying to get away with right now because it was in its infancy. You said, Y/N, they intercepted the traffic but not during the stream?” Dustin nods when you affirm his answer.
“That means they still haven’t found the exact location so the bounce is still working. Maybe we can just reroute that?”, Mike suggests.
“Is there a way we can hide it all together?”
“Um, not exactly. I mean we CAN hide it but not completely.”, the curly haired teenager responds to your question. “This may take us awhile if you three want to go out or something.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Henderson. Are we distracting you?”, Eddie jests making the younger boys chuckle. 
“Come on, grouchy. Let’s go for a walk.”, you beam.
While you and the vampire went for stroll around the neighborhood, Steve offered to go to your house to get a couple more of your things so you’d have a change of clothes and essentials. 
“So, they know all about your adventures in that scary place?”
“Oh yeah. They were handling it alone believe it or not for a while. Mike’s best friend was kidnapped by one of the monsters down there and they fought to get him back along with Mike’s girlfriend who has superpowers.”
“Jesus. There’s so much unknown in this world, huh. Kind of makes what I’ve been through seem so small.”
Eddie’s hand yanked you back as he came to a stop. 
“It’s not though. Don’t invalidate yourself like that, princess.”
“Y/N Y/L/N! Where the hell have you been?!”, your best friend shouts from across the street. 
“Hey Lilly.”
“Don’t you ‘hey Lilly’ me! I have been so worried. I almost filed a missing persons report! Where the fuck have—”
“I’m fine, Lil! Calm down. I’ve just been working a lot and hanging out with my friends. This is Eddie.”, you gesture towards him. 
A sarcastic smile spread across her face before she marches toward him and hits his arm with her bag. 
“Ow! Hey, we told her to double check her phone.”, Eddie defends.
“Oh shit my phone. I’m so sorry. I haven’t checked in a while.”
“Y/N,” she sighs. “You can’t just disappear like that. I thought John maybe…”
“I don’t know where John is. I haven’t seen him since he came by my house.”
“Did you know Arthur’s missing to? Their dad is looking everywhere for them including your house. When he came to talk to me he said every time he goes to your place you aren’t home so… I panicked.”
“Lilly, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m alright, I swear.”
Your best friend exhales heavily as she wraps her arms around you. 
“If I call you next time, you answer do you hear me?” She smiles as you give fake salute. “If you hurt her I will kill you.”
He flashes her a smile of his own as she turns around and heads back to her car. 
“Should we be concerned about the dad?”, Eddie inquires. “She said he was looking for you and I felt your fear.”
“That entire family scares me but we should be ok.”, you try to comfort him but he still feels your hesitation. “Let’s, um, let’s go home.”
As dawn slowly approaches, you and the vampire begin to panic when Steve still hadn’t gotten back from your place. 
“Do you feel him?”
“I don’t. Wherever he is he’s not feeling anything but that could also mean—”
“He’s knocked out. I’m going to my house.”
“Wait! I can run you there faster.”
“No you can’t. The sun is coming up! Just stay here, baby, ok?” Taking the human boy’s keys, you run to his car and speed over to your house. As you park in your driveway, you realize your front door is wide open and you can see your house has been ransacked. “Steve?”
Cautiously you step inside, grabbing a knife from the kitchen and holding it out as you look around. As you turn into your bedroom you find Steve passed out on the floor, bleeding from his chest. 
“Steve?! No. No, no, no. Baby, wake up! Look at me!”
“Y/N?”, he mumbled at the sound of your voice.
“Fuck! Come on. We need to get you to Eddie.” Throwing his arm over your neck, you try to move him but it’s no use. He’s too heavy. “Please, Steve.”, you cry, finally giving up as you grab the phone to call 911. As soon as your hand makes contact with your device, something hard hits your head as the world goes dark. 
“There she is. Come on now, Y/N.”, a deep voice urges as your eyes slowly blink open. “There we go. I thought you were never going to come home.”
Taking in your surroundings, Steve is still knocked out in front of you and still alive but his breathing is shallow. You were restrained to your bedframe on the ground with your hands tied behind your back and when your eyes finally landed on your capture, you came face to face with John and Arthur’s father. 
“Good to see you again, Y/N. I see you’ve been busy.”, he gestures towards the bloody boy on the floor. “I guess my son wasn’t good enough for you. Where is he?”
“I don’t know.”
A hand flies across your face and you suddenly feel an anger in your belly you know isn’t yours. You must still have Eddie’s blood in you. Glancing out the window you realized it was almost sundown; you just needed to buy time. 
“Arthur said John was coming her to confront you about you cheating. Then he disappears. Two days later my son goes looking for his brother over here and then he disappears. That’s not a coincidence, Y/N. Where are they?”
“I don’t know.”
He hits you again and once more that anger rises. You can practically feel the vampire fuming as he paces. 
“If I were you, Thomas, I would leave now.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
“Because if you’re still here when the sun goes down, then you’ll be reunited with your asshole sons.”
Kneeling by your side, he holds the knife to your throat making you wince as he draws blood.
“What did you do to my kids?”
“It’s not what I did. It’s what they did to me! John hurt me constantly and the last night I saw him he gave me a black eye before he was ripped to shreds. Arthur fucking shot me before he was killed. I’m glad their gone but I feel bad for them having had you as a father!”
The man kicks your side hard causing you to double over in pain. 
“Stop lying, bitch. If Arthur shot you, you wouldn’t be up and moving around like you are.”
Steve’s watch beeps on his wrist and you chuckle as you spit in his direction. 
“Last chance to leave.” The front door crashes open as Eddie skids to a stop behind the man. “Too late.”
Closing your eyes, you listen as the vampire murders your ex’s father before there’s a sudden silence and you feel your binds being cut. 
“Are you ok?”
“Steve... He needs you.”
You both crawl to his side as Eddie lifts him in arms. 
“Steven, you have to drink now, baby, ok?” The boy’s eyes remain closed as his boyfriend shakes him. “No! No, sweetheart, don’t you dare leave me. FUCK! I’m so sorry.”
Lifting him into his arms, Eddie bites into his neck and slurps at his blood as you watch helplessly. After a few moments, he comes off him with a pop and swiftly slices open his wrist, allowing the blood to fall into the man’s mouth. 
“Come on, Stevie. Please, baby.”, he whispered. Abruptly, Steve’s eyes snap open as he clings to his boyfriend’s arm and drinks causing the vampire’s eyes to roll back. “Fuck, that’s it. Good boy. Y/N…can…can you move?”
“Yeah, what do you need?”
“Take his keys and head back to our house. We’ll be right—mmm--there but I need you to get those boys out. I don’t…don’t care if they aren’t done.”
Nodding, you sprinted out the front door to do what you were told and sped back to their house. 
“We rerouted everything and you guys are up and running again. I wouldn’t worry too much—Jesus. Y/N what happened?!”
“You two need to leave NOW.”
“Are you kidding?! What’s going on? Are Eddie and Steve alright?!”, Dustin shouted. 
“YES!”, you lied. “But we need you guys to go to hotel or home. I promise you I’ll make him call you and tell you everything! PLEASE!”
Hesitating for only a moment, they quickly gathered their bags and you watched as they got into their rental car to drive off into the night. As soon as they disappeared, Eddie flew past you and placed Steve on the bed. 
“I don’t know if it worked. He just passed out while drinking from me. Fuck. Fuck! I should have gone with you or gotten your things for you. Your house is never safe.” Sensing your guilt, he hastily turns around and cups your face. “No, hey. I didn’t mean it like that. This isn’t your fault, sweetheart. Ok? Shit.”, he flinches as he sways and you carefully guide him to the floor. “He took a lot from me. Can you—”
He didn’t even finish his sentence before you ran into the kitchen to find a bag of blood, tearing it open, and bringing it back to him. As he chugs it back, his black eyes scan you over.
“When I feel better, I can heal you to.”
“No, Eddie. I’m ok. I just want you to focus on you two.”
“Y/N, I woke up after 2 months…I don’t know how long it’s going to take him.”
That evening, you looked after them both with Eddie refusing to leave his boyfriend’s side. Removing Steve’s shirt, you used a rag to clean the blood from where his stab wound had been and wiped away the mess around his mouth. All of the previous wounds were gone but his breathing was still extremely shallow. 
Curling up behind Eddie, you held him as he cuddled up into Steve’s nook and caressed his face. 
“Is this what it felt like, baby? When you thought I was gone… I’m so fucking sorry, Steve. You never should have experienced this. It hurts way more than those little fucker’s teeth ever did. Please, come back to me.”, he cried.
The memory of him waking up and feeling alone clouded his mind; the feeling of being lost before hearing his lover’s voice and their song on the little radio. 
“'Cause all I can taste is this moment and all I can breathe is your life. So and sooner or later, it's over…I just don't wanna miss you tonight.”, Eddie sang softly before kissing his cheek. “I love you, Steve Harrington.”
The sound of thunder startled you awake and as soon as your eyes snapped open they were met with fangs and black eyes staring down at you. His hair was hanging in front of his face and he was still in just his jeans with no shirt. The man’s cold hands were pinning your wrists to the mattress as he hovered over you bent at the knee straddling your waist. 
He growled loudly at the sound of your voice causing the vampire beside you to jerk awake. 
“Jesus Christ… it worked.”, Eddie murmured, his eyes quickly taking in the situation before him. “Sweetheart, are you alright?
Steve didn’t move or make an indication that he heard him at all. 
“Baby, I can feel how hungry you are. I can take care of you, ok. You don’t need to feed on her.”
You squeaked when his body abruptly shifted as he leaned down to sniff your neck.
“Steven…”, he warned.
“Pretty girl…smells good. Hungry.”
You tried to control your emotions but you couldn’t help the way your pussy clenched as his long, wet tongue licked a line up your throat to your cheek. Steve and Eddie groaned at the same time driving you crazy. 
“Ours.”, the metalhead corrected. 
“I have food in the refrigerator. You can NOT eat her. She needs to be healed first. She lost a lot of blood yesterday.”
Steve snarled but Eddie wasn’t amused anymore. 
“You don’t talk to me or give me attitude, little boy. Vampire or not I’m still your fucking Daddy. Now, let her go or I swear to God I will punish you.”
The boy’s massive, strong palms ran along your head feeling the slight bump and dried blood that remained there causing him to growl again at a much lower register before biting into his skin and shoving his wrist towards your mouth. 
Steve moaned when your lips attached to him while you drank, his hips grinding subtly against your core. 
“Pretty girl. Hurt.”
“Yeah, Y/N got hurt trying to save you.” Eddie’s eyes fluttered as he tried to control all the intense emotions running through his body right now. He was so relieved that Steve was alive so to speak but he could feel his anger and hunger as well as his desire for you.
Grunting, he forcefully pushed you back against the pillows and glared at his partner with his fury filled black eyes. 
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy took care of him.” The boy nodded before baring his fangs and leaning towards your neck, hovering just so before snarling in frustration and squeezing your wrists tighter. “What’s wrong, Steve?”
The metalhead let out a breathy laugh that bordered between pleasure and relief. His boyfriend was still in there, he just needed to coax him out the way Steve did with him many times before. 
“Y/N, princess, are you ok?”
“Yes, Daddy.”, you whimper causing the boy above you to smirk. 
“Ok, my good boy. You can have her but when I say stop you have to listen to Daddy, understand?”
Steve nodded, wasting no time as his head fell back beside your neck and his teeth pierced your skin. As soon as his hands released you, you desperately reached between your bodies to push down his pants and move your panties to the side, groaning loudly as you guided his cock into your body. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”, Eddie moaned. “I wish you…you could feel what he’s feeling. Jesus…”
Gripping the other side of your neck, Steve’s hips slammed into yours toeing that fragile border between pleasure and pain as you clung to shoulder. 
The long-haired boy heard the whine in your tone as tears fell from your eyes. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? D-Do you need to stop?”
“Too much, Daddy.”
“Steve, you have to stop now, ok?”
The man growled when Eddie touched him causing him to growl back. 
“Steven!”, you shouted in a firm tone making them both freeze. “L-Look at me NOW.”
Doing as you commanded, he lifted his head and his eyes immediately softened when he noticed the streaks of tears along your cheeks. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you urged him to continue while cupping his face. 
“That’s it, baby. I can’t give…give you more blood but you can take me. I’m…I’m so sorry, Steve. This is my fault.”
His head shook as he blinked rapidly, his black eyes receding and his beautiful honey ones pushing forth.
“No…No, honey. This isn’t your fault.”
Hearing his normal, sweet tone broke you as you wrapped your arms tightly around him and he did the same. 
“Keep going. Please. I need to feel you.”
Leaning his forehead against your own, he steadily began thrusting into you again at a much gentler rhythm. 
“I love you, Y/N. Fuck, I can feel you everywhere. It’s ok. Everything’s alright.”
You both desperately panted into each other’s mouths as he felt your pussy tighten around him as you came, following close behind as you felt him fill you up. 
With heavy eyes, you tried to focus your vision but it was too much as the adrenaline left your body and blood loss caught up with you. 
“Sweetheart, no. Keep your… Baby?! Open…eyes…”
Flashes of memories hit you at once. 
“Bill, are you kidding? You can’t stay another week just so you can fuck your whore! We have a son to take care of!”
“Mommy.”, five-year-old Steve coos as she slams the phone done after his father hung up on her. “Everything’s ok. I love you.”
“Hey, dad.”
“What is it, Steven? I’m busy.”
Twelve-year-old Steve twirls the basketball in his hand as he carefully enters his dad’s office a bit more. 
“I, uh, wanted to tell you I made captain of the JV team.”
“Seriously? That’s why you bothered me? Get out of here and come back when you actually have something good to tell me.”
“Like we’re in love? You don’t love me?”
A teenage Steve’s hand falls from the girl’s face as she tells him their relationship is bullshit. It feels like his heart was shattered as he angrily leaves her behind in the bathroom. 
“Ahoy. Welcome to Scoops. I’m your captain Steve. What can I get you?”
“Jesus, that was both pathetic and sexy, Harrington.” The man’s eyes shift up to lock on the metalhead in front of him as his big, tooth filled grin almost blinds him. “Only you could pull that off, pretty boy.”
“Eddie, right? Mumford?”
“Munson.”, the long-haired boy cackles. “I’m surprised you remember that much, sire. It’s not like we floated in similar circles. Plus, you were also an asshole.”
“Yeah.”, he chuckles. “I was. Sorry about that.”
The guitar riff for “Iris” begins to play making Eddie roll his eyes. 
“What? You don’t like the Goo Goo Dolls?”, Steve teases. 
“No and this song is fucking cheesy as hell.”
Turning on the couch to face him more, the man brings the beer bottle to his lips like a microphone as he begins to sing. 
“And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am!”
The metalhead smiles as he playfully cringes causing Steve to laugh harder before crawling forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips. 
“Fuck. I’m sorry. Did I cross a line? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. We can just forget it happened and—”
Ring laced fingers grab his cheeks and kiss him again but much more deeply. 
“What if I don’t want to forget?”
“Wait, Eddie. Wait. Um…”, Steve pants as he lightly pushes at his boyfriend’s chest, his cock getting harder as he watches him struggle to pull his lips away from his own. 
“What’s wrong, baby?”, Eddie asks as he tenderly runs his fingers through the man’s fluffy hair. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“No, no. I do. I just…I’m nervous. I’ve never…not been with a girl…ya know?”
The metalhead grins at his shyness as Steve’s face blushes bright red. 
“I’ll go slow, sweetheart, ok? If at any point you want to stop just say the word.”
After getting the go ahead, Eddie strokes the lube along his shaft a few more times before lining himself up with the man’s entrance and gradually sliding in. 
“Fuck, Steve. You’re so fucking tight.” Opening his eyes, he scans the man underneath him whose eyes had also been closed but his eyebrows and nose were scrunched together. “Look at me, pretty boy. How are you feeling?”, he asks when he does what he says. 
“S-So fucking good. Hurts a little bit but—Jesus—please don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”, he teased, placing his palm behind Steve’s neck as he leaned his forehead on his own. 
“Fuck, Eddie. I love you, baby. Just like that.”
The metalhead’s movements faltered for just a second before grinning down at him and kissing his lips. 
“I love you to, sweetheart.”
“Oh my god, Steve! What—”
The boy pushes past Eddie into the trailer living room, his dripping wet frame from the rain drenching the carpet underneath his shoes.
“FUCK HIM! He thinks he can tell me who to be or who I can be with?! Fuck. HIM!”
Eddie grabs his arms and forces him to stand still as he looks him over. 
“Who the fuck hit you?”, he asked with a tone filled with anger. “Was it Tommy or fucking Jason?!”
“My dad finally caught up with the town gossip.”, he answered sarcastically as he bounced on the balls of his feet. “Said no son of his was going to ruin the Harrington name by fucking a guy let alone the town freak. I told him to fuck off and that you were perfect. He said it was either you or them. If I chose to stay with them I couldn’t see you anymore. I told them I loved you and he hit me. And of course, what does my mom do?! Fucking NOTHING!”
Steve fell to his knees and Eddie sunk down with him collecting him in his arms. 
“It’s ok, baby. Everything’s alright. You can stay here as long as you need to. Fuck your parents. You know Wayne doesn’t care.” 
Eddie pushed his boyfriend’s head into his chest, trying to soothe him as he continued to cry.
“Eddie! Eddie! No, no, no, no.”, Steve panicked as he slid to the man’s side in the upside down. 
“I tried, Steve. I tried to convince him to come through the gate with me. He said he needed to buy more time.”, Dustin sobbed as the earth shook around them. 
“Steve, we need to go.”
“Ok, come on, Robin. Grab one of his arms and…”
The girl looked at Nancy sympathetically unsure of what to do. Even she knew they couldn’t carry him through a gate in the ceiling. None of them had the strength especially after being grabbed by the vines. 
“Steve, come on. We have to go.”, Nancy urged, pushing down the guilt that weld up in her throat. “We can’t stay here.”
“Neither can he. We can pick him up and I can—”
“STEVE! I’m so sorry.”
“Hey Mina.”
“Hey Renfield. Draculaaaaa.”, you jest, smiling widely when you see him smirk. “Thank you boys again for letting me help with your site. I love doing this way more than any other customer service bullshit.”
“I can imagine. I used to work at an ice cream parlor and a video store. I know how crazy customers can be.”
“I hope it’s alright. Since you trusted me with your whole empire I thought I’d be more vulnerable with you both to.”
The little box with your name suddenly illuminated with your face causing them both to sigh at the same time. 
“So…this is me.”, you giggle nervously.
“Pretty girl.”
“Very.”, Steve followed, beaming when you blushed at their compliments. 
“There she is. Come on, baby girl. Open your eyes, please.”, Eddie urged as he gently rocked you in his arms, trying desperately to hide how worried he actually was. 
When your eyes met his, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he tenderly moved some of the hair away from your face. 
“I’m right here, honey. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to take so much. This is so new to me and—”
Your lips cut him off as you crawled into his lap and collapsed shakily in his embrace. 
“Let me grab her something to eat.”
“I saw it. I saw everything… your memories flashed before my eyes. You’ve been through too much, baby.” He couldn’t help but smile as he kissed your forehead. “I-I-I felt the love you have for him. How many times you felt like he’s saved you.”
Eddie came back and handed you a granola bar but you just held it in your palm as you sobbed while shifting your focus to him. 
“It’s my fault you almost lost him. You both should just go. Grab your things and leave me and LA behind. I’m going to get you both killed.”
Steve growled loudly as he grabbed your face and forcibly turned you to look at him.
“Y/N, what happened wasn’t your fault. What happened with your ex and his asshole brother wasn’t your fault.” Realizing how he was holding you; he swallowed nervously and dropped his hands to your sides. His body twitched and Eddie felt the emotion as he lightly chuckled. 
“Yeah, do you see what I mean now when I said it aggravates me that you both feel guilty about things you couldn’t control. You two feel it so strongly to.”
“It’s so weird. It’s like I can almost hear her thoughts but it’s a feeling. You…don’t believe me when I say it’s not your fault. You think your mom’s right about you. That you just ruin everything basically by existing.”
As you looked away in shame, Eddie reached out to lift your chin. 
“I get what it feels like to think that. My dad was the same way before he went in but, Y/N, it kills me when I feel you feeling that because—”
“You can’t see how perfect you are… to us anyway.”, Steve finishes. 
Silently, you opened the treat he brought you as you waited for them to take care of you. Watching with studious eyes, Eddie licked his thumb and showed his boyfriend how he heals the bites, marveling when the wound disappears. 
“I always did it while you were both asleep.” The metalhead scooted forward and cupped Steve face in his hands as the shared a passionate kiss. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, sweetheart. I love you so much, Steve Harrington.”
“I love you to, Eddie Munson.”
Series here
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @nailbatanddungeon
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breedtheseed · 4 months
Adam is charlie mom, oh that would be a good angst idea
For example, maybe before heaven found out, adam had a baby. For the first couple of days, adam would spend every waking meal with charlie. Like singing her to sleep
Years later at the hotel at
Adam humming a song on the outside balcony
Charlie: Hey adam
Adam: charlie what are you doing up?
Charlie: couldn't sleep
Adam: oh okay
1 hour later they both still awake
Adam thinks I haven't done this in a while, but I remember correctly . She fell asleep in minutes: Hey Charlie, you want me to do a tick for you to go to bed
Charlie: sure
Adam started to hum and sing a bit in minutes, charlie fell asleep
Adam: still works like a charm
This AU hurts my soul and I was writing it with someone in a server so some of these parts are theirs and some are mine. Also I just copied and pasted the texts so it’s gonna have some grammar mistakes on my end. (Their Twitter)
Discord idea
(Adam is Charlie’s real mother)
So running on the idea that Lucifer and Adam used to hook up a lot at the beginning of Adam joining heaven eventually they had a hard falling out when Adam found out Lilith and Lucifer were getting married and chose Lilith over him once again.
But Adam found out he was pregnant he hid the pregnancy with eating more and hiding his body.
When he had the baby he was completely alone and if Heaven found out it was Lucifer’s who knows what they’d do, especially because the baby looked just like Lucifer.
He swallowed his pride and gave his baby girl one last kiss before leaving her at Lucifer’s castle to which Lucifer adopted Charlie immediately, especially since Lilith liked the idea of kids but not the idea of having them, part of the reason her and Adam didn’t work out.
So with this AU Adam still falls in a similar way but instead he falls because of Lilith back stabbing him and stuff
And Charlie hates Adam because Adam lead the exterminations
And Adam is just in pain because his kid hates him and he can’t even talk without her looking at him like he’s a monster
When he first saw Charlie the air caught in his throat because his baby girl was all grown up, she looked just like Lucifer. Poor Adam having to deal with the idea that Charlie grew up without him and doesn’t see him as anything more than just Adam the Man in charge of the exterminations
Wondering if Lucifer knows. He couldn't NOT know, Charlie looks EXACTLY like him, and who else would be the mother? Unless Lucifer was fucking around with others too, which only depresses Adam worse.
Poor Adam knowing deep down no one wants him but little did he know Adam realized Charlie was Adam’s but it was only after Lilith had pointed out how similar Lucifer and Charlie were despite “not being related”
Just...he had no way of bringing it up without it being awkward
And especially because Adam never acknowledged it too
Adam may have gone to that last Extermination drink off his ass just to get through it. Getting lost in the role he had to play. He wasn't actually going to kill Charlie, but he had to pretend. He's always had to pretend.
He especially had to pretend to Heaven
And when Lucifer showed up...instead of just ending it, Lucifer mocked him all over again. Fine. *FINE*. Adam wouldn't even ENTERTAIN the notion of talking it out. Just go scorched earth on this bitch, he was DONE
Just having so much pent up anger that he lets everything happen because he couldn’t man up and say something sooner
And then he was stabbed. Like 26 times, Great. Now he's dying. And no one will know the truth.
Sobbing not cuz he’s dying but because he died lying to everyone, *Sigh* 😔 I know it makes sense to kill him but imagine Lucifer saves him
Now he's alive. But practically a prisoner. Fuck, he might as well have kicked it
Being numb to everything and just accepting his fate as a loser
Even when Lucifer shows him the door opens. It's unlocked. He can come out.
He doesn’t even try just stays where he is holding his arm feeling like shit and Lucifer has to coax Adam. Only then does Adam follow Lucifer but still keeps his distance behind the king
Adam keeping his distance. Last time he got near, Lucifer beat the shit out of him and would have finished him off if not for Charlie
Imagine Lucifer was angry because Adam had the audacity to abandon Charlie and then almost kill her, not knowing Adam was drunk and at the time Charlie reminded him of Lucifer. The one who knocked him up and got away
Adam definitely not welcome at the Hotel so he's stuck at Lucifer's palace. His bedroom might be open but he's locked in when Lucifer is gone. Which gives him ample time to raid Lucifer's bar and get drunk enough to forget how every time he hits rock bottom, life keeps handing him a pickaxe
The first time Lucifer had come home to a very drunk Adam asleep on his bed he was annoyed especially because Adam smelled like too much alcohol.
however one day he had come home the usual, Adam drunk and laying on his bed. Lucifer sighed and walked to his closet only to hear Adam start sobbing and mumbling something that sounded like an apology.
It left an uneasy feeling on Lucifer not knowing if it was the alcohol talking or Adam was actually apologizing, he found out when he saw the man dead asleep with streams running down his face.
In his sleep, Adam had his arms curled like he's holding something
Whimpering and a cry woke him up, Adam’s eyes snapped towards the sound but the room was empty there was no one in his room and no traces of the cry actually being there.
The sound was unforgettable, he heard it in his nightmares or in his dreams. It was Charlie’s, he engraved it in his mind when she was born and he had to shield them in his wings as he held her close and cleaned her off. He remembers how small she was in his arms, how the girls pipes were the same as his other children.
Adam winced at the migraine he had, his skull was throbbing. He must have gotten back into Lucifer’s stash again. Though Lucifer never really seemed mad when Adam would go on his drinking sessions when he was away
Which was good. He wasn't going to stop. He just avoided Lucifer when he could, didn't mess anything up, and resigned himself to being the ghost that haunts the place halls. Because that's what he was. A ghost. Avoiding the north wing because that's where the big fuckoff portrait of Lilith and Lucifer were. He could spend hours glaring at it, remembering how Lucifer said he was marrying Lilith after all this time, and then just days later finding out he was pregnant.
Sometimes he’d debate fucking the picture up or he’d end up curled under it crying, it was best to just avoid it as much as possible.
At some point Adam found Lucifer’s Alcohol storage empty, and he panicked because without it he felt he couldn’t function. He couldn’t even be near Lucifer or even in the castle being sober. There was too much too much Charlie and too much Lucifer. How could he avoid it or even confront it without breaking down.
“Adam that’s enough,” Adam froze as he was throwing things around trying to look for something anything that could take his thoughts away from Lucifer. “Adam this is just sad, you can’t keep running away from me,” Lucifer stepped close too close and Adam found himself trying to get away from Lucifer despite being in a corner. “Adam I told Charlie about your behavior and she’d like to help you in your recovery,” Lucifer’s words weren’t registering in Adam’s head, he was only hearing bits and pieces.
He shakes his head, covering his ears with his hands. His head was pounding and he needed a hair of the dog before the migraine really kicked in. He couldn't process Lucifer, he DEFINITELY couldn't process Charlie.
Despite Adam’s protests he was dragged to see Charlie, and he was fucking sober. He hated it.
Charlie wasn’t too pleased about it either but from what her dad was telling her, maybe Adam wasn’t as bad as she originally thought. Especially after seeing him in person, he looked horrible and Charlie was sure that her dad was the one who dressed him because he did not look capable of doing so. Adam looked his age despite also looking young, he had lost weight in his face making him look like death. The guys hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks maybe even months, Charlie actually felt sorry for the guy.
Adam on the other hand was out of it, his mind choosing to disassociate and go on autopilot which didn’t last long because Lucifer kept bringing him back.
Husk immediately recognized the issue, making up a bloody mary despite Charlie's protests and giving it to Adam. "Look, I've seen the different levels of alcoholism, and if this fucker wasn't an angel, he'd be dead already. He needs to come down gradually, not cold turkey!"
Husk gives Lucifer a look of disappointment before giving Adam the drink, though Adam looks to the other two before drinking. Waiting for their approval before drinking it.
“Look Adam you can join me instead, but I ain’t going to talk about my feelings with you got it,” Husk made clear as they made their way to the bar. Charlie feeling guilty for telling her father to get rid of all the alcohol
Husk being careful to give Adam mixers, preferably with real fruit muddles or puree
As the sessions continue Adam started to associate a little more managing to make conversation with husk and angel, them both managing to find common ground despite not knowing what’s actually going on in his head.
They were both like small anchors that kept Adam from drifting off into his thoughts, eventually Angel managed to convince Adam to join a session of Charlie’s friendship exercises. It was a simple one or at least Charlie thought it was, it was to have everyone say one good thing about everyone.
Adam was doing good, even managing to compliment Alastors cooking. However when he got to Charlie suddenly Adam started to back track, he tried to skip her but her and Lucifer were the only two.
The panic sets in. He had SO many good things to say about Charlie, but every one of them sounded like poison coming from his mouth.
He wanted to tell her how proud he was how she grew into a wonderful person, but he couldn’t, he didn’t deserve to. He abandoned her his baby she deserved to hate him he didn’t deserve this.
Charlie started to panic now, this wasn’t supposed to happen like this. If it wasn’t for angel dust getting Adam to focus on him and to give him another compliment she was sure Adam would have had a full blown panic attack.
The fact that Adam would panic when it came to her or her dad made her think it had something to do with the exterminations but she scratched that when she say Adam and Vaggie talking about music together. There was something going on.
Lucifer too thought the same as Charlie, neither of them knowing the first man as well as they thought
Adam just leaves the room after that. He can't do this. He gets another drink and just sits in the corner waiting to go home
Angel dust followed behind him, husk had given angel a couple of bottles of booze. He hoped it would help.
Adam had become accustomed to going to Angels room for some comfort it helped that fat nugget was a sweetie. And despite Adam it felt nice to hold the little pig and just imagine he was back in heaven, with Charlie before he had to give her up.
“So do you wanna talk about it?” Angel asked softly as Adam sat on the floor so fat nugget could crawl into his lap.
“If I do it’s cuz I’m not sober,” Adam sighed out and Angel waved a bottle in front of him
“That can be arranged”
Lucifer and Charlie had a pit growing in their stomachs Adam had been in hell for about a year and still wasn’t on talking terms with them aside from small talk every so often.
A part of Lucifer wanted to get closer to Adam, it had started after he heard Adam apologizing in his sleep. It had reminded him of when he fell with Lilith and how for years he would mumble apologizing to her whether he was asleep or awake. It took a long time for him to get out of that mindset and if he was being honest, the visits he and Adam made really helped. Though Lucifer knew better, he knew those moments between him and the first man were only driven by lust and nothing more. Or at least he thought that, it wasn’t until he was actually married to Lilith did it all come together, him and her they were perfect. Their relationship was amazing up until Charlie arrived on their doorstep, it was like a switch for Lilith. The woman had begun taking care of the girl though it wasn’t as motherly as Lucifer hoped. Maybe because Charlie wasn’t hers, or maybe because she just like Lucifer realized who’s baby the girl really was.
Lucifer knew Charlie was Adam’s, he hadn’t slept with anyone other than Adam and Lilith. It wasn’t like Eve to just leave a baby so it had to have been Adam’s, at first Lucifer was angry with the idea. However those thoughts were starting to shift now that he was living with Adam
Angel was at a lose for words as Adam was in a drunken fit, the man was going through all the emotions
“It was the first time since I entered heaven that I actually felt happy,” Adam gave a shaky smile as he looked at the bottle of alcohol “it fucking broke me to leave her here,” Adam sobbed again, “looking at her now all I want to do is tell her how proud I am,” he bit his lip “but in reality I should be fucking dead, I am horrible I don’t even deserve to live with Lucifer,”
Angel pulled Adam into a hug and just let Adam sob for a good while until Lucifer came to get him. However angel wasn’t about to just let Adam go with the king in fact Angel felt the need to say something or at least give the dumbass a hint. Since whatever Adam was doing was definitely not working for anyone
That’s what we had and honestly idk what to add lol 😂 sorry for the sudden dump
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saintmagx · 1 year
I Knew you were Trouble❤️‍🔥
Part 2
Pairing: Jimmy Uso x reader
AN: if you would like tagged let me know 💖 Trinity is still with WWE. No specific timeline
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
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The privilege of being a WWE superstar is you can get in almost anywhere and tonight was no different. LIV a well know nightclub in Miami is one of the toughest places to get into due to the high calliper of clientele - and somehow we made the cut.
The music was pumping, the air thick with stress and tension being danced away. We found our way to the back of the club to sit in one of the enclosed booths, accompanied by a server bringing over a bottle of their finest champagne.
Josh quickly fills the glasses up and starts us off:
“A toast, to these two badass ladies, congrats on your title win. It’s only up from here.”
“Josh, we haven’t actually won the titles yet, in-fact it doesn’t even feel right celebrating before we even have them, isn’t it like bad luck?”
“Yn, girl, let’s just enjoy the moment, we can worry about actually getting the titles tomorrow - tonight is about celebrating. Celebrating success, our future title reign, our new found friendship and everything in between.”
I hadn’t known Trinity long but her positivity and light is captivating. People gravitate towards her because of how she makes them feel. She loves and gives with her whole being.
“Okay enough of the chitchat, let’s dance”
Before I know it I’m being dragged to the dance floor by Trin. We dance the night away, laughing and having potentially a little bit too much alcohol.
“I’m going to use the restroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Trin just smiled and nodded - I want to say she heard what I said, but at this point I can’t even register my own inner monologue.
The bathroom was at the back of the club and it was hidden well - not sure how safe that was. Distracted by doing a bit of social media stalking, I walk into something solid.
“Ouch” I say.
I’m so embarrassed - praying no one saw me do that or worse having caught it on camera.
“I think I should be the one saying ouch”
Stunned, i look up and see Jon who is towering over me, with a lustful darkness lingering in his eyes.
“Jon, shit, sorry, I thought it was the wall or something. Are you okay?”
“Well except a bruised ego, I’m fine.” He pauses then continues “A wall huh? You think I’m that built?” His signature smirk creeping onto his face. My cheeks instantly flush pink. Does he know what he’s doing? Or even the effect he’s having on me? Am I reading too much into this? Wait, shit - becoming aware of the the fact I’ve been staring at Jon blushing, I have to say something, anything.
“Trin seems to be having a good time, I left her on the dance floor if you wanna join her.”
He inches closer, his scent fills my nose. My mind, body and soul is hypnotised by him.
“Well that depends, will you be coming back to the dance floor?”
Will i? Technically I wouldn’t be doing anything wrong, On one hand I can be close to him, looking and not touching but then on the other hand, he’s married, married to Trin, I couldn’t do that to her, right?
“I’m not sure that’s such a goo-”
“Yo uce, come get your wife, she’s had one too many drinks and I think she’s ready to start a fight.”
Saved by the bell.
Jon looks me up and down one more time, as if he’s trying to tell me we have unfinished business, he then heads off to get Trin and play the doting husband once more.
“I think I’m going to call it a night Josh.” He agrees and we head to the main entrance to wait on Trin and Jon before heading back to the hotel. I’m not sure what happened back at the club, I’m torn between wanting to find out, and just ignoring it, act like nothing happened - because nothing did happen right?
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(8 New Messages)
I had so much fun tonight, we gotta hit the club more often.
We should think of a cool tag name
Oh and matching outfits
Should we come out together or separate
Omg there’s so much to think about
I know we haven’t known each other that long but I’ve got a feeling we are going to be such good friends
Jon says I’ve to leave you alone and let you sleep
Goodnight girl
Okay, my decision is made, whatever this is or isn’t stops now. Trin is a sweetheart and doesn’t deserve any of this.
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I never understood people who said working out is good for the soul, I thought you had to be mad to enjoy it. However over the past few years an early morning hotel gym session has become my inner peace. Whether I’m running on the treadmill or lifting weights my mind is in blissful state of serenity. No craziness, no fuzziness, no overthinking and no Jonathan fucking Fatu. Calm.
Sitting on the gym floor, a sweaty mess from my workout I take a quick look through social media, trying to catch my breath. Trin had posted photos from last night to her private Instagram, guilt washes over me, I quickly shake the feeling and type a cheesy comment on her post - cheese is good, more focus on Trin less focus on Jon.
“Well shit, didn’t expect to see you down here this early.”
“Well Josh, early bird gets the worm and all that jazz.”
He walks over to join me on the floor, Josh is such a great guy, why couldn’t it have been him I was so captivated with and not his married brother.
“Did you have fun last night?”
“Honestly yeah, it was good to let my hair down and just enjoy myself.” Pausing for a second, “what about you? I didn’t get to see you all night.”
“Aw, did yn miss me?” He laughs
“Shut up loser” I say while nudging him.
“What’s going on here?”
I stiffen, Jon.
“Yo uce, about time you got yo ass down here, we ready to work out?”
Jon sits on the floor right next to me, the heat from his body already surrounds mine.
“I’ll take that as a no, I’ll be warming up for whenever yo lazy ass decides to join me.”
Josh gets up and heads towards the gym equipment to start his workout leaving just me and Jon, an awkward silence lingers.
“So last night was fun” I say trying to break the silence.
He just stares at me, looking into his eyes I see conflict, tension, desire? Finally breaking his silence.
“Yeah, it was a good night, shame it was cut short.”
Playing blissfully ignorant I push him for more information.
“It wasn’t cut short? We had been there for hours.”
“Let me rephrase that, our time was cut short.”
My heartbeat picks up - I’m playing with fire here and I know I’ll get burned if I continue.
“I guess I was to busy dancing with Trin to spend time with you and Josh.”
He smirks, his pinky inches closer to my hand, finding it’s destination he starts caressing my hand.
“No, our time. Me and you. If J hadn’t have came in…”
“Jon, come on we ain’t got all day.” Josh interrupts
“I’m coming I’m coming.” He replies back irritated.
Jon leans over inches from my ear he whispers “This ain’t over.”
And with that he is gone, away to join Josh to start their workout. Leaving me confused, conflicted and a little bit hot. Im definitely getting burned.
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tagged: @southerngirl41 @missfamilyjeweles @jeyusos-girl @christinabae @jeyusosgirl @raya-hunter01
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers falling for a server reader
I'm basing this post off of this fic I read awhile ago and have been obsessed with since then. I've never worked as a server before so sorry if this is unrealistic or whatever.
Includes: Doomhead, Leslie Vernon, Adam Faulkner and Danny Johnson/ Jed Olsen
Warnings: Mentions of stalking, reader being photographed without their knowledge
When he first sees that you're going to be his server he's going to smile. He'll be polite and just ask for coffee and watch while you pour it for him.
While he's ordering he's going to pepper in pet names, "What do you recommend darlin'?" "Can I get another coffee sweetheart?" and things like that. He'll only do it after he sees you give him a positive reaction from it.
Will try and talk with you as much as he can while you're taking his order, asking you about yourself and telling you about him if you're interested.
He will leave you a huge tip and his number after he leaves.
Leslie Vernon
He's going to be his usual very cheery self with you. Probably using his personality to his advantage so he can call you pet names too. Will probably say "Hello gorgeous" when you first come to his table.
He's going to be watching you the entire time he's there. Like constantly looking at you and calling you back for whatever he needs. He's going to drink and ungodly amount of coffee just to get you back to his table.
He's already planning out how to stalk you after this. You're his new obsession and he's not going to let you get away so easily.
Like Doomhead he's leaving a huge tip but he's asking for your number instead of leaving his, "So Y/n, can I get your number?"
Adam Faulkner
He's probably there because he was working late on a project and he needed something to pick him up. He'll be pretty shy when you first come around. He'll probably just stare at you for a minute before you ask him if he's going to order. "Are you going to order sir?" "Oh uh yeah sorry."
I can see him trying to sneak a picture of you and probably getting away with it. He's way too awkward to actually ask you if he can take your picture so he's just skipping that step.
Will have you list the specials just so he can hear you talk more. He'll order something standard or ask you what he should get. Will probably accidentally spill his coffee and will feel both guilty and excited when you come over to help him clean up.
He leaves you a pretty good tip with his number. He's pretty much glued to his phone waiting for you to call him.
Danny Johnson/ Jed Olsen
He's polite but also outright flirts with you. "I didn't know such hot people worked here." He will say a ton of stuff like that all throughout his meal. He likes seeing how flustered you get while he's just calmly sitting there calling you hot.
Like Adam he will successfully sneak a pic of you while also already planning on how he's going to stalk you for the foreseeable future until the time is right.
Will try and convince you to sit down with him and talk. Like Leslie he's going to call you over more often than necessary just to talk with you, slightly annoying you but he's hot so you can't be too mad.
Hands you your tip with his number written on a napkin. Even if you don't call him right away he's still stalking you.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
hi!! i just saw u write for undertale, do u happen to write for sans too? could u maybe give us some hcs on him and his s/o celebrating christmas together? wearing silly sweaters, watching christmas movies, drinking hot beverages, the whole “package” basically
~𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚜 x Reader (Celebrating Christmas)~
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OMGGG SANSY BOY!! Love the man so much 💜💞💜💞💜
~Bruh he loves it.
~He's already always dressing warm and cozy. And now he gets to dress warm and cozy but with cool Christmas colors :D
~Totally would wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters with you.
~Papyrus would get in on it, too, he'd love to be included in Christmas fun!
~The pet rock will now be fed red and green sprinkles, rather than regular sprinkles.
~Going for a nice little walk in the snow with hot cocoa would be so cute.
~He likes the funny Christmas movies, more, like Elf. Ones like It's a Wonderful Life make him feel a bit sad.
~Winter naps together in fluffy pajamas.
~Papyrus really loves to watch you two be lovebirds, he's very, very happy for his brother for finding somebody so cool!
~He doesn't understand what you see in him tho ngl
~"Seriously. What do you see in that guy??"
~"He makes me laugh."
~if you get that I'm marrying you
~If you think he'd laze about on getting you a gift, you're wrong. Sans knows what you like. He pays attention, and pretends he doesn't, purposely so that you're surprised when he buys you something you really love.
~But he might save the gift until like. The very last minute and pretend he forgot.
~He might break, though, and give it to you early, due to feeling a bit guilty when you do end up thinking that he forgot.
~Likes to decorate the Christmas tree with you!
~Looking at lights, too. A little light scavenger hunt might be fun for you!
~Here, have a thingy:
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~The loser has to buy dinner!
~Also. Mistletoe. You both love mistletoe.
~Sans will probably put it in the most random spot in the world, then randomly walk up behind you and reach up to give you a little bonk (skeleton smooch)
~You can get him back, but you'll have to be careful, because he probably already knows you're gonna plan to get him when he least expects it.
~So when you try surprising him he turns around to kiss you before you can kiss him, or to meet you half way.
~But if you can catch him off guard, he'll be surprised for a second, then congratulate you on actually surprising him. He looks like a blushing nerd.
~If you wear lipstick and it left a smooch mark, he's leaving it there for the rest of the day.
OH MY GODDDD I never realized how fun it is to write with Sans until now. He's such a funny dude, I love him a lot :D Thank you so very much for the request!
Also, for the Christmas Special thingy I was talking about doing, I'm probably going to have an Undertale Christmas Special! I'm still deciding, but it'll most likely happen. Stay tuned :D
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~Love, PinkBoots
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vallyb · 2 years
Christmas || Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Y/N
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Summary: With the squad talking about Christmas, Y/N feels bad that Bradley has to spend it alone so she invites him home for the holidays.
Idiots who like to tease each other then they kiss at the end.
Word Count: 5500+
Tags: Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Fluff,  Mutual Pinning, Bestie!Bob makes a light appearance, Y/N is a mixed Filipino, Female Identifying Reader, Slightly spicy in the end with just a lil kiss kiss, light choking(?), Bradley is a great kisser, I suck at re-editing, Reader is 28, age gap but it's not a big deal in the story just lil jokes here and there, Rooster's just happy to be included in a family setting
A/N: I have no idea how to actually write so pls pls pls forgive me. I also used like a character building guide question thing so forgive me if shit's a bit too long. I just love reading stories where the main character is built well. I'm a very very very novice writer, so pls shoot me a message on how I can improve my writing!
"So you two aren't together?" Phoenix leaned into the counter, asking about you and Robbie (Bob).
"I mean we did try that one time." You scrunched your nose.
"Oh, it was horrid. We were kids that were pressured into it. Holding hands felt fine, but when we tried to kiss, it felt like I was kissing an actual sister I had." Robbie explained further.
"I'm sorry if I was given the wrong idea. Bob absolutely adores you and talks about you endlessly. I can't see why he wouldn't though." She winked as you laughed.
"Oh, you should have seen Robbie back then. He was a little ladies man back in high school! The bad boy with that cowboy hat and curly hair."
"Ohhh, Bob being a ladies man, huh?" Phoenix raised her eyebrows teasingly at him, him scowling at you for bringing it up.
Smiling cheekily, you reached over to poke him before going back with your rag on the counter. You knew he missed you, it was quite a while since you've seen each other. They had been assigned out of California for a while. Today was the first day you met all of Robbie's friends and you were quite excited. Him you saw back home last Christmas, so you cared less about his face. It was refreshing though, how you felt like you five were friends for years. The other two, Micky and Reuben, running off to the bathroom from drinking too much at the bar across.
You worked at The Greasy Spoon, a diner right across the popular Navy bar. It was where some of the guys would hang out after the bar had closed. As all the places near the base were mandated to only be open Wednesday to Friday until 8 PM, Arthur, your 65-year-old veteran boss, was able to fight to be opened until 12 AM.
The bell by the door suddenly rang meaning the door had opened. You shot up from the counter and immediately got the menus, quickly shuffling your way over to the entrance door. It was Arthur's request that the diner would feel like home, servers would be dressed like 50s wives and husbands, greeting soldiers at the door like his wife did for him when he'd come home. It sounded a little misogynistic but the way Lucinda had clung to his arm giggling while he told that story had you swooning. Tonight, you were the only server left since service was usually slow at night. Most patrons of the Hard Deck were either going home or getting lucky.
You softly winced as your hip had come in contact with the slightly misaligned table.
"Are you good, sweetheart?" The brunette asked concerned, his hands hovering above your waist that got hit.
"Welcome to The Greasy Spoon. How may I be of service today?" You said winded from the pain, slowly straightening yourself up.
Your face was still somewhat smiling to keep up your cheery retail personality. Rooster's mouth was unable to hide the smile that was growing on his because of your cute pained expression.
Like Pavlov's dogs, you associated the bell ringing with a straight posture and turning on your biggest smile but that was blocked by the brunette's head, both of you wincing. With the blonde that had just entered backwards, laughing and pushing around with his buddy that have yet to step in the door, bumped the Hawaiian shirt wearing man forward into you.
You flinched, head tilting down, shoulders rising up, as he stumbled forward knocking you off your balance a little.
"Woah there." He held onto your waist, stopping your from completely tipping over. "Sorry 'bout that. I promise I don't go knocking pretty girls around to get their attention."
"I promise I don't go bumping heads with pretty brunettes." You laughed.
"See? Rooster's already picking up- Siren?" Your head whipped to the blonde that was standing behind. Siren, a nickname you haven't heard in a while. After pranking Robbie (Bob) and his brother, everyone who knew you would soon enough learn of it.
"I knew I recognized that big head somewhere." You smiled coming close to hug him. Jake Seresin was a piece of work but he was a lovely country boy you met back in Texas, him having 'special relations' with your cousin, Carlos (or Caloy as he was known in the family). No one really knew that he was gay, he mentioned when you sat down to talk to him about him sleeping around. The pretty girls he took home were all just for show. Well, at first it wasn't, until he finally accepted that he was for the other team. The over masculinized persona was just hiding a man who really wanted to be loved by another man.
You laughed as he picked you up. "I missed you, momma bear." He muffled onto your shoulder. Another nickname that stuck after you practically ate him alive when he and Carlos had broken up about a million times. After accepting how they weren't gonna work out, they decided to lay it off and hook up whenever the other was in town. "Just as long as everyone's on the same page and no one's getting hurt." You said.
"I see you've met Rooster." He said as he put you down.
"Oh yeah, we're very well acquainted." You turned to look at the boy.
"That's Coyote." 'Rooster' pointed to the other tall man standing next to Jake.
"Oh yeah, I know him. Double cheese, triple patty, ketchup on the side, and a slice of banana chocolate chip bread?"
"Tastes almost like home." Javy smiled, patting Jake's shoulder who made their way to the counter to join the two, with Mickey and Reuben walking back to their seats from their trip in the toilet.
"Well, seems like you know everyone already." The brunette said with a sheepish smile scratching the back of his head.
"Oh yeah, you're practically useless, chicken." You laughed at his taken aback expression as you tugged him over to join the group.
The night was just starting for the group as you learned. They had just come home from their detachment, holiday plans were being discussed by the group. They explained how they spoke about holiday plans early into the year, helped them keep sane while they were away from home, thinking about what was waiting for them when they did. Everyone was excited, talking about how they were going to come home while Rooster, the man you still didn't catch the name of, kept quiet.
"Hey, what about you?" You asked softly, making sure not to overstep.
"Hm?" His eyes drifting behind you, staring at the multitude of candy syrups for the shaved ice.
"Any holiday plans or you're not much for the holiday spirit?"
"Ah," His eyes travelled up to your face, smiling sadly. "I guess not, no."
Both of you had gotten close, with him staying in Fightertown much longer than the others. Being tired after hours, he'd come around The Greasy Spoon to eat something before he went home. You staying to accompany him in his booth as he ate.
It was late, so you were shocked when the bell on the door rang. "Arthur! Lucinda!" You smiled, rushing over to hug them. They weren't the typical bosses, you almost felt as if they were your grandparents.
"Hey, sweetie. We'll be staying upstairs for tonight, Arthur and I wanted to lay down on the beach tomorrow." Lucinda referred to the little suite they had made on top of the restaurant for when they visited.
"Oh, and who is that young man there?" Arthur asked, walking towards Bradley who was doodling on a piece of tissue.
Arthur and Lucinda meeting Bradley was nerve wracking. For some reason, you had this feeling that you wanted them to approve of him, and it was easy for them to. Bradley was smooth and respectful, the night ending with the two owners practically pushing you out to "be kids, have fun!" and you whining about how you're 28 and not a kid. Your mustached friend offering to accompany you home when you started walking, him trailing close by. You told him how much you loved passing by the beach as you walked home, the humid air and the cold breeze reminding you of how it was back at home, back when you were a kid in the Philippines. With Rooster glistening with sweat, and you laughing at how he looked, you invited him in to stay the night.
"You said your apartment was nearby."
"Old man, I said my apartment is at Kingby which is a street that is a 45-minute walk from the diner." You laughed, handing him a glass of water. "I'll get you some of my cousin's clothes and a towel. You stink. Just get your jeep tomorrow."
It happened more often as time passed that he stayed late until you closed up. You figured he stayed because it was lonely being without the rest of his friends back at the apartment he had near the base, but he did it so he could make sure you got home safe after learning that this was your nightly routine. On nights that you were more tired than usual, he'd drive you but sometimes he'd walk you 'forcing' him to sleep on your couch for the night.
You had known each other for 10 months before you thought to ask, ensuring that Rooster wasn't absolutely going to murder you and your family. You didn't know how you managed to get Bradley to actually come with but it did work after hours and hours of pleading. And that's how he ended up at your family house back in Wabang, Wyoming where you had originally met Robbie (Bob) and his brothers, where all of you had grown up.
Rooster heard you coming in the room when you switched the lights on. He just kept his eyes closed, listening to what you were up to while you came in and out of the room. You went around the bed getting your phone that was charged which was connected to the mini JBL bluetooth speaker that Kuya Caloy got you last Christmas, playing a calm OPM Christmas song.
Rooster took note of how the song sounded. It was pretty, it sounded exactly how he thought what you'd like to listen to. He couldn't understand the lyrics but the melody of it was enough to bring a soft smile to his face before immediately turning it neutral again to feign his sleep while you softly padded back outside. The little shuffling of your feet that he has memorized came shortly after with the scent of warm milk sifting through the air and the sound of the door clicking close followed by a sharp locking sound.
He felt you looking at him, the warmth of your gaze burning on his cheeks. A soft smile growing on your face when you saw how his face had relaxed that the usual stress that you read on his face. He was the responsible one of the group. Always tense, always on-guard, even as he had fun and laughed with the group, his eyes darted around to make sure everyone was included and everyone was okay.
"Bradley?" You shook him softly. He kept his eyes closed so you wouldn't know that he was awake all this time. "Bradley, come, wake up." You knelt down infront of him, hand touching his face. "Bradley, wake up, caro." Your thumb rubbing on his cheeks, his eyes finally fluttering open.
"Hey." He smiled back.
You looked at each other for a while before you took your hand off his face. "I'm sorry." You smiled sheepishly, standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed facing Rooster. "I wasn't sure how to wake you up, I didn't want to be rude and be loud."
"It's okay. It's nice to be woken up without yelling and whistles for once." He stretched himself and sat up.
"I wasn't sure if I should wake you up but it's tradition for everyone in the house to wait for the clock to strike 12 for Christmas. We don't get to have New Years Eve together so we decided to do it for Christmas instead." You shrugged looking down at your hands.
"It's lovely, chick. I haven't been part of any Christmas traditions in a while so I appreciate you for letting me be a part of yours." He said softly reaching your hands to squeeze them lightly, making you feel warm.
It wasn't usual for you to feel shy around him. If anything, you were the one who took joy in teasing him and making him flustered. You didn't know where these feelings came from so suddenly. You did quite like him already but something about him being in pajamas and looking so casual made your heart flutter. Everything just felt somewhat domestic.
"Good thing my mom would absolutely murder me if she learned that I let someone spend it alone or else you would've been all alone this Christmas." You smiled teasingly at him to try and ignore the feeling in your stomach that was growing.
"Well, I'll make sure to give her some special lovins when I get down then. Heard she and her husband were separated, possibly might need someone to fill the spot?" He teased back.
You gasped, grabbing a pillow and smacking him in the face with it. "If you wanted me to call you daddy, you don't need to do all that." You rolled you eyes, mouth running before you could even think, suddenly blushing.
Rooster couldn't respond, instead he hit you back with a pillow too. That went on for a while until he accidentally hit your head with full force. Your jaw dropped looking at him.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He apologized looking at you, pulled your head onto his chest and rubbing it.
You pushed him hard, his back falling onto the bed as you grabbed a pillow to smack his head with it. "You don't." Smack. "Hit a girl." Smack. "That hard." Smack. "In pillow fights!" Smack.
"I'm sorry!" He said as you both started giggling as you attacked him with the pillow. You were straddling him, your short frame needing to be high up on his torso so you could even hit him. You didn't realize it but Rooster was flushed by how close you were.
"Okay, okay, enough." You said seeing the clock with a bright LED white 11:50 PM written on it. "I got you a little snack to wake your stomach up before we join everyone downstairs." You reached over the bed, one hand steadying you near Rooster's head to get to the bedside table and getting what he presumed was what he smelled the first time you went up. "I brought you hot chocolate balls too but I thought that maybe you'd want to pour the warm milk yourself. I didn't know how much cream and syrup you wanted either so I just brought them up." You unlatched yourself off his torso and on the side of it so he could sit up. He found it cute, how you sat on your feet eager to see him try everything that you brought for him.
He got the fork from the little plate and ate something that was like bread on a leaf. It was sweet but a little salty. It felt like cornbread but it wasn't. You giggled as you saw his confused face getting a second bite.
"Oh, I failed to mention. You should get ready for the aunties downstairs. Everyone came while you were napping." You said while fixing how you were sat.
"What should I get ready for?" He asked as he took more bites of the bread-like thing in front of him.
"Just the comments of how tall you are, possible touching of your arms or shoulders, possible assumptions that you might be my boyfriend." You blushed. "I'm not sure how inappropriate they might get. I haven't brought home a boy. Well, except, Robbie— I mean, Bob. But that's different, he's been coming here since grade school so that doesn't count."
"I always wondered about you and Bob." He wondered.
"Hm, what about us?" You asked. His eyes widened realizing that he did say it out loud.
"At first we thought you were his girlfriend with how he spoke of you." He said eating his next bite.
"Ahhh." You laughed. "Robbie and I go way back, we met in grade school when we first moved here. Mom was having a hard time going through the divorce and I was alone at a potluck. He had his brothers, and they wanted a little sister so they took me under their wing, seeing all the bullying and stuff at school. They were the cool kids so being attached at their hip protected me too which was nice. His family practically treated me as their own."
"Ah, well, Bob and his family seems like a nice bunch then." He smiled softly, slightly jealous at how close you both were.
"So much so that our family spends time with them a lot. Anyways, how's the food?"
"The first bite was a bit weird but it's somewhat addicting. It's sweet and salty but it's nothing I've tasted before. It's delicious." He said, shovelling a bigger bite into his mouth.
"It's bibingka- coconut cream, cheese, and salted egg, all together. No one would think that it would taste good at first glance but weirdly, it does. Tastes delicious dipped in hot chocolate too." You motioned your lips towards the table.
He looked at you confused, you could practically see question marks floating on top of his head.
You laughed, picking up the mug. He took it, smiling at how cute it was. There was a literal hot chocolate ball in it.
"Ah, the hot chocolate. I thought you were kissing some Christmas ghost in the air or something."
You got the warm milk and handed it to him. "Why, you rather it was you?"
He laughed at your response, taking the milk from your hands. Both of you watched as it melted the ball. Completing the cup, you held it as he added a tower of whipped cream and a bit of chocolate syrup on top.
"Oop!" You exclaimed as a bit of the hot chocolate spilled out as you passed it back to him. Out of habit, you swiped your finger up the cup and stuck it in your mouth, you didn't even realize how he stared at you in adoration. She's so cute, he thought as he brought the cup to his lips to sip. You giggled when he pulled it away, cream stuck on his moustache.
"What?" He asked, oblivious.
"Nothing!" You smiled, cheekily. "Now try it with the bibingka." You said excited, getting the plate and dipping the bibingka into the hot chocolate, holding it up to his mouth.
He stared at the fork, hesitating for a second before taking a bite. "Mmm! That is good." He said with his mouth full. He wasn't kidding. It was great.
"It should be. I made everything." You teased.
"Well, now it isn't as good." He said jokingly, getting a glare.
"Shut up, pornstache. I'm trying to be nice for Chrismas here." You whined.
"It's good, Y/N. It's really good." He smiled which you returned. You fell into silence, clinks of the fork and the plate, and his sips were the only things heard. You sat there to watch him finish, stealing a few sips of the hot chocolate as well, blushing, thinking about how the scene playing out between you felt. You thought of how your lips touched the same cup his did, your cheeks reddening, something that Rooster mistook for just warmth from the hot chocolate. It was such a middle school thought, indirect kiss.
"I'm sorry I couldn't really get you anything expensive but I still wanted to get you a gift, so here. I've washed it so wear it when you come down if you want." You said, handing him a paper bag. "I'll be downstairs, okay? Come follow soon." You took the dishes leaving him in the room.
You opened the door again before he had opened his gift, smiling at him as you did. "Oh, and wipe your damn face."
You secretly wished he'd wear it. It was a sweater you've been knitting for him with a special message inside when he'd take it off. It was designed with a scene of a story told by Maverick, told to you by the other members of the squad which you found hilarious. He laughed when he saw it. It was a vague scene of pine trees, snow, and a little Mav pushing him in anger during the uranium mission. You didn't sew on a full face on him, but he knew that it was him by the pronounced mustache you gave the man in the sweater.
He hasn't gotten a real Christmas present in a while. I mean the cash was nice during his teenage years, and a few beer bottles were appreciated from his teammates when they invited him out for a Christmas drink, but this was really thoughtful.
You blushed as you walked down, thinking about how you would've kissed Bradley's cream-stache away if you could. You shook away your thoughts, busying yourself in the kitchen with your mom and aunties. You were the one making sure everything tasted right. Everyone assisted in cooking but it fell on you how everything tasted. There was a wide variety of food that were Noche Buena classics with a couple of just general Filipino event classics— honeyed ham, lechon, fried chicken, pansit, spaghetti, rice, buko pandan, bibingka, puto bumbong, and mango graham. It was more than enough for everyone in the house but somehow with all the takeouts for other people who took food home, there was always nothing left.
"Ay anak, where's Bradley? He should come and meet everyone." Your mom asked. "Ay, my child, where's Bradley? He should come and meet everyone."
"He'll be coming down soon, mama. Just getting ready. He went to nap, remember? He's used to sleeping early." You smiled towards your excited mom.
"Uy! Sino si Bradley? Am I gonna finally gonna get an apo sa tuhod?" Your lola exclaimed. "Uy! Who's Bradley? Am I gonna finally gonna get great-grandchildren?"
"Ay mama, ang pogi pogi, ang tangkad, at ang bait pa jusko!" Your mom said to her mother. "Kung ganyan ang magiging manugang ko, aba, bakit hindi?" "Ay mama, he's so handsome, so tall, and so kind, my goodness!" "If my son-in-law would be him, gosh, why not?"
"Mamaaaa, please, he's just a friend." You whined as you wiped your hands off at the small hand towel attached to your pants, removing it and setting it on a hook, moving out the kitchen into the dining room where you saw Bradley interacting with your little cousin.
"You know, I fly planes too!" He exclaimed to Sasa, who was listening to him intently. He took her plane toy and explained to her with it how they'd fly up and down. You smiled at how cute they looked, Rooster looked up and noticed. He ruffled the little kid's hair before making his way to you.
"Starting the propaganda on the youngens, I see." You teased.
"Have to get the recruits somehow." He nudged you back, as you rolled your eyes. He was fucking impossible. Always had a comeback for you.
You walked him towards the table where all the food was. The food filled the table so no one ate there except for the elderlies who you've taken note to make space for. Most people were either standing while they were eating on whatever flat surface they could find, in the living room, or just sitting on the floor— talking, laughing, eating.
"Mama, lola, Bradley's here!" You yelled as the two came rushing out of the kitchen giggling.
You leaned over the table to get a piece of puto bumbong to stuff in your mouth while the two approached them.
"Uy, Bradley, what are your intentions with my apo, ha?" Your lola had said to Bradley making you choke on your snack. "Hey, Bradley, what are your intentions with my granddaughter, ha?"
She shushed you. "Bradley, my apo, she may be dense but I'm not. She's beautiful, and she cooks well. Not so good at the love department, but she's smart in other things."
"Lolaaa." You whined as Rooster smiled at you cheekily.
"Ma'am, I assure I have nothing but pure intentions for your apo. She's a lady, and I am a gentleman." He nodded, satisfied with what he said.
"Mhm, yeah, my daughter, a lady? That's new." Your mom laughed making you whine and pull Rooster away by his arm, but he resisted wanting to hear more.
"Ay anak, jusko, you can't blame me. How can I think of you as a ladylike woman when you play the most with Robert and that bull rider brother of his? Hay nako, Bradley, my daughter here. As amazing she is at swimming, she's a little troublemaker."
"Mama, that was one timeeee. They were teasing me."
"Sus, I know you did it more than once. Gave the town a heart attack each time." She grumbled. "I'm so sorry, Bradley, you don't know the story." She reached over to hold his arm as she continued, "Y/N, here, decided to fall off the boat and fake drowning to scare the two."
"They were rocking the boat to scare me, mama. I just wanted to scare them back."
"The water was freezing, anak, and you were down there for long enough that even the lifeguards had thought you'd drowned too."
"Scared them enough to stop teasing me though." You smiled cheekily at your mom who squished your face in annoyance.
"Hay nako, Bradley, you have to forgive me for raising such a little stubborn girl. Gladly you've been able to put up with her."
"Oh, Ms. Degamo, you have no idea how hard it's been." He feigned, charming your mom by using Miss and her maiden name.
"Ayayay, you come with me and take time away from her then. Come get some food then let me introduce you to the rest of the family." She grabbed onto his bicep.
As he was getting led away, he mouthed teasingly, "I'm gonna be your dad." which you responded with a middle finger.
"Y/N." She warned even as her back was turned.
"Sorry, ma!"
With that, you started packing some lumpia for Robbie and his brothers- Rhett, Harrison, Miles, and Luke, all practically the same person but in different fonts. They'd kill each other at the Christmas table, but they'd kill for each other if someone outside the family had said something bad about the other. Their father was a sweet man, Bill, who was the town's livestock veterinarian. It was absolute hell when you stayed over because of all the whining animals that you heard but it was fun because of your silly little girl crush on their dad.
"You know, with how much food you pack for them during Christmas, one would think you were sweet on one of the brothers." Carlos came around to tease you. You were both the eldest cousins in the family, the next one who came after you was still in high school going through the 'I hate my family' phase.
"As long as they didn't know I was sweet on their dad." You shushed him as his jaw dropped, you laughing out loud which caught Bradley's attention raising an eyebrow at you. You shrugging him off and going out to meet the boys who always arrived exactly at 11:55 before heading to the bar. Since Mrs. Floyd left, the boys and their father head off to the bar and made new traditions ending the night with a good ol' line dance (or rather, the boys getting their father drunk enough to dance with them as they kept him from sobbing through Christmas Eve).
"Mr. Floyd!"
"I told you, Y/N. It's Bill."
"And I told you, Mr. Floyd, you're too prominent in the town for me to call you that."
Hearing shouts and mumbles, he sighed and rolled his eyes looking back at the truck filled with the rowdy boys.
"Fine, 30 seconds, boys!" He yelled as everyone unloaded and rushed to you.
"Merry Christmas, Si!" Everyone took turns in giving you a hug and a little kiss on the head. From the outside, it would look like you were getting mauled by a pack of wolves. They opened the door and rushed in, saying hello to everyone and giving them a holiday smooch on their cheeks. Bill had come in to join them, giving the kids a fist bump then giving a kiss on the cheek to your grandma before they had to leave. Robbie (Bob) stood next to you while everyone said their quick goodbyes.
"You like him, don't you?" He said.
"Wha- who?"
"Bradley, not my father, you idiot."
"Who knows, maybe I'm sweet on your dad."
"You're disgusting."
"You're the one who gets their dick sucked off in their father's truck every Christmas Eve. That truck would light up like the town's Christmas Tree if I even get close to it with a black light."
You laughed pushing him out the front door, Bill coming to say goodbye to you with you giving him a kiss on the cheek. He said a quick thank you to everyone, the boys coming and going like a hurricane.
You had one more gift for Bradley that you forgot up in the room which you ran up to get.
"So you and Mr. Floyd, huh?" Bradley teased, you slightly jumped at his sudden presence.
"I like experienced men, what can I say?" You shrugged, focusing on searching for the little box. He choked and spilled his drink on his sweater. "Oh no, honey." You laughed, rushing over to take his drink and pat his back.
"Let me get you a shirt and get that in the laundry, it'll stain." You walked out to get a shirt from Carlos' room. Walking back in, everything got suddenly quiet with Bradley holding the sweater inside out.
"You got quite a type, Ms. Bressett." He teased, referring to your crush confession sewn on the inside of his sweater, sipping on his drink again.
"Oh yeah, it's the daddy issues, old man."
"You're such a fucking headache. Always got a comeback for me."
He was leaned on the random dresser near the door, his body blocking you from fully entering the room. You looked at his bare shoulders, your breath audibly hitching as his grin grew wider. You took the dirty sweater and stepped closer, his smug face dropping.
"How do you think I feel when your annoying ass mouth keeps running, hm?" You said just lightly above a whisper, you could feel his breath on your face now. Your heart sped up at how close you both were, his breath matching yours. He closed his eyes, his arm wrapped around your waist, gripping harder as if it was the only thing stopping him from closing the gap between you. "You never listen to me, Bradshaw." You muttered.
He hummed confused, eyes opening to meet yours that were smiling.
"Wipe your damn face, chicken." You laughed, shoving the sweater onto his face trying to run past as he smiled and rolled his eyes.
He grabbed you with one hand and pulling you closer to him as he rubbed his face onto you, smearing the whipped cream on his mustache on your cheek. You shrieked pushing your hands onto his chest but he was stronger and kept you there.
"Now, we're fair."
"10..." You heard downstairs the countdown to Christmas started.
"Bradley, come on. We're gonna miss the count." You whined, pulling him, simultaneously getting the tissues to wipe both your faces. Wiping yours first, then his, he still stood there like an idiot, not moving an inch.
"What? Do you want me to get you dressed t- mmmph!"
His lips crashed down onto yours, a sigh falling off your lips. You could hear his breathing slow down as your hands fell onto his shoulders, feeling the dips and rises that his muscles had provided. One of his hands kept exploring while the other stayed to cup your cheek. His hands got lower gripping onto your thigh making you gasp, letting his tongue make it's way in. His hands were so big on your body that even just him holding it felt good.
He walked you backwards onto the wall, shutting and locking the door as he did. You pushed yourself forward, trying to deepen the kiss, whining when the hand that was softly cupping your cheek seconds ago wrapped around your neck to give a gentle squeeze. He pulled away kissing your flushed cheeks that he found cute.
"You ass, you made us miss the count." You whispered, eyes still closed, head floating.
"I did." He laughed, kissing down to your neck.
"I don't wanna have sex. Not yet. Especially not when my family's around."
"I'm not in a rush, chick. All at your pace." He held your face, his forehead nuzzling onto yours. "Besides, I'd love to wine and dine you before I do."
"What a gentleman." You rolled your eyes.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me, missy?"
"Get changed, pornstache. I'm hungry." He chuckled as you threw the clean shirt to his chest, putting it on himself following close by as you walked back to the living room.
The inside-out sweater that had 'I have a crush on you. Kiss me, if you like me back.' sewn on it was forgotten on the floor along with the gift you'd have to give sometime else instead.
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Maybe ghosts aren’t the real monsters after all
word count: 1123
"The date started off so well, beginning my night not expecting the fright of my life. They were perfect from what I could tell. How could I not see the danger right in front of me-" (dark ages preferred but please go hog wild with other ships that would be hilarious/fun to write this with!) @kawaiijohn
i watched an episode to include a line in here then realized i couldnt actually include that line or it wouldnt work jknhbgf
Valerie smiled at Danny as he sat down in the chair across from her. She was glad they could finally make this work. She no longer needed to work two jobs to help her dad pay rent, not with his new job. So she kept her cashier job at the Nasty Burger and dumped the other one. Now she only had to worry about one job, school, and hunting ghosts. 
She remembered that she broke up with him because she didn’t want to put him in danger. She remembered how Phantom targeted her that one day. Well, not her. It was her suit. But he didn’t know that. For all she knew, he was out there trying to murder her that day. 
But looking at Danny now was enough to put those worries out of her head. It’s not like the ghosts had an issue with him. It was just her. And his parents. But the ghosts could care less about his parents. They barely paid her any mind. It would be fine. They wouldn’t hurt him. 
Ghosts were the last thing she wanted to be thinking about anyway. Especially when she had what she was convinced to be the love of her life sitting right in front of her. Ghosts could wait for the time being. 
They were at a nice restaurant. It was nothing fancy, affordable enough for two teenagers. It was better than the Nasty Burger, though. She appreciated it. 
A waiter walked up to them. “Hi guys, I’m Clara and I’ll be your server today! Can I get you started off with some drinks?”
“Yeah!” Danny said. “Can I get a Pepsi?”
“You bet!” Clara wrote it down and turned to Valerie. “What can I get for you?” 
“I’ll take a Sprite.”
“Okay.” Clara jotted that down as well. “I’ll go get those for you and give you some time to look at the menu.”
“Thank you.”
“What do you think looks good?” Danny asked shyly. “I’ve never actually been here before.”
“Well, they’ve got a big pasta section. Everyone loves noodles.”
Danny nodded, flipping to a new page in the menu and studying it. “I do love noodles.”
They looked at their menus for a couple minutes, keeping their conversation light. Soon Clara came back with their drinks and took their orders. They continued to talk while they waited for their food. 
Valerie laughed. “How did you get Dash to do that? He’d never!” 
“He’d never back down from a challenge. It’s all about how you play it up. If you make it sound like he’s a wuss for not doing something he’ll take the bait.”
Then Clara was returning, a tray of food resting on one of her hands. “Here we go! Shrimp and broccoli fettuccine alfredo for you.” She placed the plate down in front of Danny. “And smoked salmon for the lady.” 
“Thank you!” Valerie said. “It looks delicious.”
“I hope you enjoy-” Clara cut herself off with a scream, looking up past Valerie. She turned around to see the Lunch Lady ghost floating behind her. 
So much for the ghosts waiting. 
“Come on!” Danny groaned. “I won’t even get to eat my food!” 
“This restaurant will rue the day that it broke healthcode violations!” 
Danny made a face up at the ghost. “At least she has a good reason this time I guess?”
“Get down!” Valerie grabbed his shirt from across the table and pulled him down with her so they could hide underneath it. She needed to get Danny out of here so he’d be safe. And so she could transform. She wished he knew her secret, that would make this much easier. Almost everyone else had already ran out of the building by now. There’d be no one else to see. 
“Watch out!” 
Valerie had been distracted trying to find a way out that she didn’t notice the floating knives pointing at her. She watched as they started flying through the air towards her but then she was being shoved out of the way. She landed on the ground a couple feet away and wrenched her gaze towards the spot Danny had pushed her out of. Had he been hurt?
He stood there, the knives embedded into the wooden floor behind him. 
How did he do that? He couldn’t have dodged those.
“Sorry, Valerie.”
What did he need to apologize for? He just saved her! She should be the one apologizing to-
Valerie’s train of thought stopped as two bright rings appeared around his waist. 
She watched them split and separate. They traveled along his body, passing over his head and his feet. Left in Danny’s place was Phantom. 
He sprung up and started fighting the Lunch Lady. Valerie could only watch in a daze. 
The disguise was so perfect. She couldn’t even tell that that wasn’t Danny. How could she not have seen the dangerous ghost that had been sitting right in front of her?
She watched him grab the thermos that now always hung by his waist and trapped the Lunch Lady inside it. He touched back down on the ground. When he turned to face her, Valerie socked him in the face.
“Ow!” Phantom shouted, holding his jaw. “What was that for?”
She activated her suit and transformed. Pulling out a gun, she aimed it at him.
“Where is he?” She asked lowly.
“Where is who?” He looked confused. His facade made her angry.
“Danny Fenton!” She yelled. “What did you do to him? Did you hurt him to get to me?”
“What? No, Valerie. I’m-”
“How long?” She asked. “How long have you been toying with my feelings? Playing this game? Where did the real Danny go?”
“There is no real Danny!” He stood back up and looked at her. “There’s only one! Me! I’ve been Danny and Phantom this whole time!”
She shook her gun at him. “Oh yeah? How do you explain destroying my suit?”
“You weren’t in it.”
“You ruined my life!” She threw her hands into the air. “You’ve made it a living hell! My dad lost his job all because of you! Danny would never do that!”
His hands raised up to his head and grabbed his hair tightly. He looked back at her. “It was an accident! How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“Why should I believe anything you say if you’ve been lying to me this whole time anyways?”
Their silence weighed heavily on them. He didn’t say anything to that. He looked away from her.
“Maybe ghosts aren’t the real monsters after all.”
His head shot back up at her quiet words. 
“Valerie, wait-”
“No.” She turned away from him. “I need to be alone.”
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petri808 · 1 year
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7/29/23 Fears prompt @allaboutnalu for Nalu Week 2023
Levy gently places her hand over her best friends, coaxing her to relax. “Try not to worry and have a little fun tonight Lucy, we’re celebrating your freedom.” The two women are at their favorite bar to drown their stress in alcohol, music, and maybe some eye-candy but who’s gonna snitch? It is a comfortable place that they’ve been coming to since their college years, and since they know some of the employees, they even get drinks for free sometimes.
“I can’t help it,” Lucy sighs. “Everything’s still so fresh,” she absentmindedly reaches up and touches her left cheek below her eye where it was punched a week ago. Thankfully, the bruising has gone down and it’s just tender still. This is the first time in probably a year that she’s been to this bar or really spent the night out just with her girlfriends because of her ex’s controlling behaviors. “Dan just won’t leave me alone. I’ve even seen him driving past my job or home like he’s keeping tabs.”
Lucy Heartfilia has just gotten out of an abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend Dan. It started out like so many domestic abuse situations where they are perfect gentlemen, sweet talking, and romantic, but slowly and surely the psychological manipulation began. Guilt-tripping her when she wanted to hang out with her friends or visit her own family. Making excuses for why he wanted to drive her to and from work. Throwing tantrums when he didn’t get his way, verbally berating, or making rude comments about her appearance only to switch gears and be extremely apologetic. Dan would tell her he’d commit suicide if she left him, and so the guilt also kept her from leaving for fear that he might actually go through with it. Of course, it’s all a trap, to lure her back in emotionally and make her feel like things will get better.
It was always that hope of change that she hung onto as the cycle repeated itself again and again. Abuse and repentance. But there’s only so much someone can take, and thankfully for Lucy she has the support of a best friend that will not let her fall. Yeah, it’s great to be free, but there is always the sense of fear and dread when she must walk outside alone, like when she’s leaving her apartment building or office, or even shopping at the store. What if Dan makes good on his threats? She’s never been such a nervous person before that it’s sad how one bad relationship can leave a person tainted for the rest of their lives.
“Did you go to the court house to apply for the restraining order?” Levy queries.
“I did.” Lucy responds. “The process server is supposed to serve him tomorrow.”
“Good,” Levy responds with an approving nod. “Then if that bastard comes near you, the cops can throw him in jail!” She looks around to see if the server’s nearby before standing up. “I’m gonna run to the restroom, if the server comes by can you order me another drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” Lucy smiles. “I’ll make sure to.”
With the music an even tempo of soft alternative and pop, nothing to dance or too lively, it lulls the listeners into a pleasant mood. Lucy really misses coming to this ambient atmosphere after a hard week of pursuing and writing articles instead of going home to an unhappy relationship. If only… Her eyes narrow in towards the front entrance, widening in a flash as she sees Dan step through the threshold.
“Shit!” She grits her teeth and scoots down in the booth. “I knew it!” Lucy just knew he’d likely come looking for her since he knew this is a favorite hang out spot.
Lucy scans the room, eyes flitting around for a way to avoid being caught by him. She can’t get to the front door because it’ll take stepping into the open for him to grab her, and she rather not get trapped in the restrooms... Maybe, she keys onto the bar counter… maybe if she can get to the bartender she’ll at least have an ally to help her. Using the columns and darker areas along the walls, Lucy weaves through other patrons towards the bar counter.
Her body stiffens at the familiar angry voice and cringes when she sees Dan yelling and waving frantically while he picks up his pace. No, no, no! As he pushes through the crowd, Lucy sprints the final few feet and grabs onto the first guy sitting alone at the counter. Pink-hair, taller and fit wearing a nice buttons down business shirt and slacks like he just got here from an office. Under other circumstance she’d be ogling the guy not crashing his evening. “Hey babe!” She weaves her arm around his solid bicep. “Sorry I’m late!” Lucy leans close and whispers through a gritted smile, her eyes desperately focused and appealing. “Please play along!”
Just as Dan reaches them, the male who’s eyes at first startles from the intrusion, quickly catches the hint and pulls Lucy in, planting a kiss on her cheek, and all the while side-eyeing the other male. “It’s fine baby, I just got here too.”
“What the fuck!” Dan forcefully grabs the strangers shoulder and pushes while reaching for Lucy’s arm, but the stranger sweeps Lucy aside out of Dan’s way, further enraging him.
Placing Lucy behind him, the stranger stands up from the bar stool and holds his hand up to Dan’s chest without actually touching him. “What the fuck is right!” The pink-haired male menacingly narrows his gaze. “I suggest you back off buddy, I don’t give a damn who you are, but the lady clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you!”
“This ain’t your problem, asshole, she’s my girlfriend!” Dan spits back.
“No, I’m not!” Lucy screams as tears trickle down her cheeks. “You abusive bastard, I’ve got a restraining order on you so leave me alone! We’re done!”
Dan ignores both their statements and makes another lunge to reach for Lucy, but the stranger open palm pushes at Dan’s chest, forcing him to stagger back a foot or two. “Leave!” The stranger snaps, growling his words. “She’s my girl now, and if you keep harassing her I’ll make you sorry!”
At the strangers confirmatory words, Dan roars and lunges at the man who sidesteps and retaliates with an uppercut to his stomach, knocking the wind out of Dan who crumples to the floor coughing. Just as Dan tries to get to his knees, the bouncers are now there and grab him by his shoulders, one on each side they start pulling him away as he continues to shout profanities.
It’s over.
Lucy slumps against the bar top, leaning on it to stop from falling as the adrenaline rushing through her body begins to wane. “Thank you,” the words trickle out in a soft tone laced with held back tears. “Thank you sir, thank you so much,” Lucy repeats over and over.
“Lu!” Levy also finally manages to break through the gathered crowd and rushes to her friends side, pulling the blonde into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here!”
“It’s over, Levy,” Lucy gently sobs a mixture of elated relief. “Thanks to this nice man here.” Now that she can breathe easier, she realizes this stranger is even cuter than she originally noticed. He has gorgeous green eyes that sparkle in the disco-type lights panning the room. The man’s smile also conveys a happy lightness that pulls you in deeper and wanting for more. She feels a bit of warmth brewing over her cheeks, but could anyone blame her after such a harrowing save by this hero?
Levy turns to the stranger while still holding her friend. “I’m Levy, and this is my bestie Lucy.” Her head tips to the side and eyes flit to the front door to accentuate the who. “That guy’s been stalking my friend, so thank you so much for helping her! He might’ve kidnapped her if he got to her.”
The stranger smiles. “It’s nice to meet you both, and don’t worry, I’m happy to help out a pretty lady in need. I’ve dealt with a lot of dumbasses over the years, so I’m used to it.”
“I bet,” Levy chuckles. “It’s a nice reminder that good guys still exist.”
Here they are chatting like old friends yet they don’t even know his name. Lucy pulls away from Levy to finish wiping away the remaining tears and clean herself up. “So, what’s you name sir?” She finally smiles genuinely. “Is there anything I can do for you, perhaps buy you a drink to thank you?”
The man pulls out a card holder and hands Lucy a business card. “Detective Natsu Dragneel at your service,” he smiles and winks. “A drink is fine, but what I’d really like is your number and to take you out to dinner if you’re up for it.”
A surprised gasp lets out as Levy looks to see Lucy’s face turning cherry red. Having known each other for years, she knew exactly what her best friend is thinking. “Yes!” Levy squeals while pushing Lucy closer to the man. “She’d love to!”
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Call Me Maybe
just your local murder beans being pals
Characters: Cylas, Darrell (by @bluecoolr)
Words: 2401
Content warnings: talk about death/hunting/animal death
divider by firefly-graphics
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They were solving Sudokus on their phone when a shadow fell over them, making them look up.
“Uh… are you Cylas?” A vaguely familiar voice asked, and she recognised the man from the store. He was taller than she remembered.
“Yeah, yeah. In the flesh”, she replied awkwardly. Sweet baby Jesus, how was she supposed to make it through a whole lunch? If he didn’t walk out on them, he’d at the very least never want to see them again.
It felt like they just stared at each other for hours – though it probably were only a few seconds at most – before he scratched his neck an spoke up again. “Uhm… shall we go inside then?”
“Oh, sure. Of course.” Social interactions were… an experience. But at least he hadn’t commented on or even looked at her scars – which was, albeit refreshing, also kind of odd because even the strangers walking past did. Though that might have been due to her clothes as well.
They went inside and sat down, it luckily wasn’t too crowded, and they managed to find a spot from which she could keep an overview of the place. After settling in, sorting out her skirt and bag, she grabbed her wallet and took out Darrell’s license. “You probably want this back.”
Somehow, they actually managed a smile. Darrell looked at their outstretched hand and actually seemed to blush. “Right, thank you. I hope the picture didn’t shock you too much.���
She involuntarily snorted and he looked away. “Nah, your fine. I look horrible in photographs, for real.”
“Doesn’t everyone say that?” He responded, now smiling as well. Good, he didn’t feel offended. Seemingly.
“I mean, I guess? But, like, if I smile, I look like I’m planning something, just super mischievous.” She said, butchering the pronunciation of the last word and cringing internally. “And when I keep a neutral expression, I look like I’m ready to kill someone, or like I steal the souls of the innocent. Just, blank, dead stare. I don’t have a resting bitch face; I got a resting serial killer face.”
He chuckled though for a second some kind of emotion they couldn’t discern flashed in his eyes. “Got experience with that kinda people, or killing people as a side job?”
Just as they were about to respond a server came to take their order. They stared at the table, trying to hide their embarrassment, while Darrell said they hadn’t decided yet.
“Anyway. No exciting side job, just a nurse in training.” She said with a shrug. “We should probably take a moment to look at the menu though, right?”
“Yep.” He replied. “Get whatever you want, I’m paying.”
She hesitated. “Are you sure? You really don’t have to. It’s no big deal, really.”
He just shook his head at that. “I insist.”
Since it seemed unlikely that they’d be able to change his mind, they instead focused on deciding what to get. There was just too much great looking food. Then their eyes fell on a special lunch offer.
“Oh, check this out.” She said, lying the menu in the middle of the table and leaning over. “They got this thing where you can get two burgers from this section plus big fries and nuggies. Can even make it loaded fries if you want.”
Darrell looked it over and nodded. “Sounds good to me. You want something to drink as well?”
They sat back down, only now realising they had actually said “nuggies” out loud and grateful that he ignored it. Technically, they knew what they wanted to drink, but they were worried what he would think of them. It was so much food already; would a milkshake be too much? They didn’t want him to think she was greedy or only ate junk food.
“Are you okay?” He asked, some degree of worry in his voice. “If you’re not hungry, that’s fine too.”
“No no, that’s not it.” She hastily interrupted him. “I just don’t want to be… too much?”
He furrowed his brows. “If you’re worried about the money-”
“I’m not-” They started, only to flinch at their volume. Calm down. No need to get all worked up. “It’s not… the money. I just- I feel bad if I, like, eat more than the people I’m with, if that makes sense? Sorry, it’s kinda stupid.”
He looked at her for a moment, trying to figure out whether she was being honest. “That’s not stupid at all. Just say what you want and I’ll get the same? There isn't really anything here I don’t like.”
They fixed their gaze onto their hands resting on the table. “Uh… strawberry milkshake? Or cola, that’s fine too.”
Just then, the server came back. Darrell ordered, and they couldn’t help but notice that although he ordered a milkshake for himself, he didn’t specify a flavour. “You a regular here or something?”
“Huh?” He turned his attention back to her, having just been exchanging glances with some red-haired person working in the back.
“Oh, sorry. You’re not a mind-reader.” They said, once again cringing at their word choice. Brain to mouth filter who? “I was wondering if you knew people here? Cause you didn’t specify your milkshake. But I guess it’d make sense. You live around here, right?”
He shot her a reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’ve got a friend working here. And I do live on Devil’s Peak.”
“Living on Devil’s Peak and working in the actual hell that is customer service.” They said with a grin.
“Well, gotta do what you gotta do.” He replied. “It’s not that bad, usually. Though I’ve heard quite unpleasant stories from co-workers. They think it’s cause of my height that fewer people want to mess with me.”
“Sounds fair.” They replied. “I certainly don’t have that kinda privilege.”
“Apologies if this is too intrusive, but that did sound somewhat… down? Everything alright?”
She shrugged, though her smile did retain some bitterness. “Ah, well. Not many take me seriously, I’m not seen as an authority figure. Luckily, in the ER, people who actually need urgent help don’t care much about height or hair colour and are more looking for someone in scrubs.”
“Damn, that probably sounded cold hearted.” She immediately added. “I don’t appreciate people being hurt or in pain. I’d rather be treated like a child for the rest of my life if it meant no one ever had to be in pain again. Well, good people at least.”
“Don’t worry, I get it. Didn’t think you were implying that you love wallowing in people’s suffering.”
The food arrived and they were grateful for the distraction. Their talent to turn every conversation depressing was amazing.
“Borger and nuggies.” She whispered under her breath – or so she thought, but Darrell seemed to have somehow heard it anyway and chuckled. “Lotsa nuggies even.”
She watched him cautiously, trying to determine whether he was mocking her or not, but all they could pick up was a playful twinkle in his eyes. “Indeed. Do you think the devil likes nuggies? Or the skinwalkers?”
He grinned back at her. “Not sure, but I think the hogs would. Then again, they’ll eat pretty much anything.”
"Wait, are you telling me there are no cryptids up there? Only wild piggies?” They said, putting their food down to raise their hand to their chest in an exaggerated shock gesture.
“I mean, I’ve lived there for a while and haven’t seen any, only the hogs. They’re almost like pets to me if I’m honest.”
She choked on her drink. “Pets? Don’t they, like, kill people and eat them?”
Darrell shrugged, looking completely unbothered. “If people intrude on their territory it can happen. But overall, they’re really sweet little things who won't do no harm to no one. Aside from my sweet potatoes.”
“You grow sweet potatoes?” They asked, suddenly excited. “That’s so cool. I love love love gardening, and luckily the cats don’t care much for my garden.”
Both of them were through their burgers and half the fries in record time but hardly even noticed, too invested in their now more light-hearted conversation. Cylas was almost bouncing in their seat. “You gotta share some of the potatoes with me once their ready, okay? I’ll trade you for… I don’t know, tomatoes? Herbs? I got all kinds of stuff. Oh, I’ve always wanted to make something like sweet potato fries but then I forget when I’m grocery shopping.”
“Sure thing, if I get them to survive the hogs.” Darrell replied, seeming equally excited. “And you don’t have to trade, though I won’t complain if you wanna share.”
“Man-eating hogs – the ultimate danger to gardening endeavours on Devil’s Peak. Who even cares about skinwalkers? People have to focus on the actually important things in life!” She added dramatically, and maybe a little too exuberant since she suddenly felt the tell-tale tingle of being watched.
They looked up to see the red-haired person again, gaze fixed on them this time. She kept the eye contact, until the other person turned away. Whatever that was about. When she returned her attention to Darrell, he was watching her, expression unreadable.
“Anyway,” They attempted to return to the conversation. “Any plans on how to keep your pets away? I suppose you’ve tried stuff like a fence before?”
His expression changed back to a genuine smile. “Yeah, tried pretty much everything I could find. Fences can’t stop them; they just tear them down and either avoid me for days or glare. How come your cats aren’t interested though? Don’t they like to cause mischief?”
“Oh, they sure like to be chaotic little fuckers. Just not fond of the outsides. They’re indoor cats, always have been. I prefer it that way, they can’t cause any damage to local wildlife, and I don’t gotta worried about them being hit by a car, ingesting something poisonous, or possibly even be shot.”
“Shot?” Darrell said, somewhere between shock and disbelief. Cylas gave a half-shrug. “Yeah. I mean, people can be quite awful in general and there has recently been a lady who was straight up killing people’s pets, though mostly by poisoning or capturing and drowning them. But there’s always a chance of cats or dogs being mistaken for something else and shot on accident.”
“Ah, well, guess that kind of makes sense. I can’t stand people like that, who abuse animals. Really aren’t worth the air they’re breathing.” He commented, a hint of anger in his voice. “Sometimes people come up to the peak just to hunt the hogs. Or skinwalkers. Whichever it is, I don’t mind them being eaten. If those guys fail to kill the animal it usually comes down to me to put the poor thing out of its misery, if I even manage to find it. And even though in those cases it’s for a ‘good’ cause I still hate killing them.”
“I can imagine. I hate hunters who do it without necessity. Especially if it only leads to animals suffering.” She shook her head. “People like that deserve what’s coming for them.”
He looked at her with a surprisingly gentle expression that she couldn’t quite interpret. “You really don’t mind the hogs?”
“No, why would I?”
“Well, they are dangerous.” He said. “They do hurt people.”
They shrugged. “To be completely honest, anyone dumb enough to run off into woods known for people going missing or getting hurt there kinda just has it coming. In my opinion. Play stupid games, win stupid prices or something.”
“Yeah, I agree.” He replied, before his gaze landed on the empty chicken nugget plate.
“Oh, no more nuggies.” Cylas said. “On that note, when does your break end anyway? You’re not late or anything, right?”
He checked the time. “No, not yet, though I should probably get going. After I paid.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pay at least part of it?” They tried again but he just shook his head. “I got it. I invited you, remember.”
They sighed. And then, with a confidence they didn’t know they possessed, they said: “Alright, alright. Can I at least give you my phone number? I actually don’t use Instagram that often. And if you’re not comfortable with me having your number you don’t gotta text me.”
“Uhm, sure.” He said, looking somewhat surprised. “Just… put your contact into my phone, I guess? Seems the easiest way.”
“Yep. You wanna save yours in mine as well, or rather not?”
“Nah, it’s fine, I’ll do it. Fair is fair.”
They exchanged numbers and Cylas waited for him to pay, before both got up and left the diner. While walking towards the door she felt eyes following her again but she didn’t bother to check.
Outside the diner, Darrell and her stood awkwardly next to each other, until she decided to break the silence. “I guess this is the point where I say goodbye, then?”
As she had hoped, it made Darrell chuckle and broke the tension. “I suppose so. Got anything excited planned for the rest of the day?”
“Nope. Checking on my plants, hanging out with the cats. The usual.” They replied. “Guess you’ll be working a couple more hours?”
“Exactly.” He said.
She gave him a half-teasing, half-sympathetic smile. “Well, then… calm rest of your shift? May you not encounter any annoying customers?”
“Thanks. Uh… do you just… want to leave now? Do we hug?” Darrell managed to get out, despite severely blushing.
“Oh, sure.” They replied, standing on their tippy-toes in order to even reach him. “I love hugs. Thanks for asking.”
His arms basically completely engulfed them, and they couldn’t help but giggle. “You’re a giant in comparison to me.”
In response, he only blushed even harder.
“Sorry, I’m just teasing. Have a nice rest of your shift for real, don’t let me keep you any longer. Don’t want you to get into trouble just cause of me.” Cylas said, still grinning up at him.
He rubbed his neck, struggling to meet her eyes. “Yeah, thanks again. Guess I’ll see you around?”
“Or text me when you arrive at the station safely. Bikes like that are dangerous.”
“I’ll be careful.”
“You better.” She said before turning away to go to her car.
This had been decidedly more fun than expected, and she was almost glad that he had lost his driver’s license.
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to be tagged or not to be tagged, that is the question:
@rottent33th @slaasherslut @cries-in-latino @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @the-pinstriped-hood
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piningpebbles · 2 years
I've been seeing some fics rewriting the finale where Jack's motivations are more leaning towards wanting to be the hero or being remembered for the nukes, do you think this is accurate? Because I thought his motivations would be going back to how it was before (minus Tommy if they're not gonna add in the nukeduo arguement).
i think i know at least one of the fics you're talking about- i check the c!jack tags every other day- if i don't consume c!jack content i will simply explode.
as for the idea itself that jack wanted to be seen as a hero, it's something i completely disagree with. him wanting to be remembered for the nukes is a bit closer to his actual character but still misses a huge aspect of why he interfered with the nuke at all.
he didn't try to kill tommy for the "good of the server" or to be a hero. he did it because he was hurt by tommy and wanted to (quote) "mak[e] him understand the pain he put [jack] through [and] the lack of remorse he showed [jack]" and he wanted to protect tubbo from tommy because he sees a lot of himself in tubbo.
also i know it's easy to point to him saying that "the server will be more peaceful with tommy not around" and say that proves he thinks he's a hero, but he's just projecting in an effort to be listened to, which he's done a lot in the past.
jack's motivation is not power, he doesn't want to be seen as a hero. jack's largest motivation here is closure. he wants to get closure and be able to move on and be happy again.
beforehand, i would argue that his biggest motivation was to be acknowledged/recognized, as all of his actions kept becoming more and more extreme in an attempt to get people to notice and care about him in any way (which is why the idea of being remembered for the nukes is closer to his actual mindset but still not wholly true). but in the finale, that's paired with his ultimate goal of closure.
jack's been doing all of these things to try and get closure. if he tommy dies he can be happy, if he isolates and people come to visit him he'll know he's cared about and be happy, if he drinks he won't have to think about no one coming to visit and be happy, etc. and it all just culminates in the finale where he realizes how much of his pain stems from a lack of recognition of his trauma-- tommy never apologized, let alone acknowledged what he'd put jack through.
his mindset switching from the the c!rocketduo era of "tommy needs to die" to the current "i need to kill tommy" is incredibly important because the focus shifts on getting tommy to recognize the level of hurt he'd caused, which would bring jack closure.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
More Val pls 😭 there’s never enough of him
I like this nasty man an unhealthy amount so I could just spit ball some random concepts I've been having for him
-I've been playing around with the different products and things I do to my hair and it made me think of like, since Val is so materialistic and likes having "pretty company" that he starts obsessing over Reader and their hair. Like, I mentioned before a concept "oh what if Reader's hair or eyes or something on them glowed" cause, you know, hes a moth, and you're just sitting chilling during or after your shift and like, he's on the phone or doing something where you aren't 100% paying attention to him and he just. Reaches over and starts playing with your hair. You're trying not to side eye him and give him weird looks in confusion as he's just casually twisting a strand of your hair around a finger, maybe running his fingers through it, just kind of, all but palming the top of your head. And you can't ask him what the fucking deal is because he's on the phone and you're just a server and you don't want him to potentially give you the pimp hand for interrupting what sounds like a potential business deal (and of course that's his intention). he's just getting his hands and fingers all up in that shit while you can't say anything while he's seeing your hair texture, where your parts are, the state of your hair and your scalp, maybe you catch a scowl or two if you have an issue like accidentally using too much conditioner or he sees any dandruff, making a mental note to "fix you later"
-couple that with another idea of "Valentino making you hate your own hair and maybe since it glows its white or something and one day he EXTREMELY pisses you off and the very next shift you have you slam his drink down on the table 'here you go Mr Valentino ^^' and he looks up and you've dyed your hair jet black and it doesn't glow now and he INSTANTLY drags you to HIS salon and his hair stylist to get all that out of your hair without damaging it (and maybe you even dyed it wrong or with the wrong materials to try and damage it or make the dye permanant on purpose just to piss him off and hope he leaves you alone, which he doesnt)
-Be high maintenance to be low maintenance. He wants to see you all fixed up without garnering animosity from, well, the hoes. Everyone is in the limo and he says some shit like how recently everyone's been earning him a lot of money so he's gonna treat everyone and he's just kind of like "and you can come too I guess 🙄" as if he's just throwing you in there as an extra but in actuality this is him avoiding anyone going "but Daddy why do THEY get XYZ and not me 🥺" because if he could, like, he'd just be a two faced asshole and blatantly pamper you while neglecting his hardest workers like, say, Angel. I've even considered, like, what if Valentino notices huge changes in Angel's positivity and obedience and just overall demeanor after he hangs out with you (because remember, Angel has a little sis who presumably went to Heaven and he misses her a lot) and Valentino kind of makes you two a package deal: if he keeps you happy, you help keep Angel happy and easier to manipulate
-like just imagine Angel is trying to stick up for himself amd tell Val, hey maybe I don't wanna sleep with that john, he's a real fuckin creep, and Valentino just cocks a brow, "oh, you want me to have your little friend do it instead?" And Angel is just alright sir right away sir thank you for this opportunity Mista Valentino 😊 like. Depressing
-another idea I've had is like, what if Valentino actually didn't even really care for you but VOX does and once he starts paying attention to you, it sucks Val in. And this kind of ranges from everything of "you're kind of a gamer/dweeb like Vox and you two click" to "you produce music and Vox is aware of/fan of your stuff, or Velvet is if Reader is like, an idol, because why not for fun lmao" to "you're a chick but you're a little more 'butch and tough' than Val's other girls and he's like a bottom or a switch and he likes that
Like can you imagine like, everyone is in the limo when it pops a tire or some shit and everyone has to get out on the sidewalk, and maybe someone on limo maintenance fucks up and there's no jack, or maybe one of the drivers is too dumb to know how to properly remove a tire, and Vox and Val are just getting progressively pissed off and, there you are, rolling up your sleeves and just, reaching down and, getting the breaker bar to finally spin and loosen the bolts around the tire, or even reaching down and picking up the limo (because really, where is the fun in putting Reader in a world with magic and powers and not getting anything ourselves"
Or someone comes to try and kill Val because he's a gangster and maybe he fucked someone over on a deal and that secret second job I.M.P training of yours kicks in and you practically become John Wick. You do some sly shit like idk catch Vox from falling and tripping or pulling him just out of reach of getting fucked up and all but pull him into a tango dip and maybe to lighten the mood you try to joke around "hey handsome you come here often?" While you're holding him up with your strength like he weighs nothing and he's just PINK and later on he's laying with Val in bed "hey I think I might be bi actually???" while Val pokes and prods to find out who tf he's talking about
-I've thought of really just goofy concepts for fun like, what if there's a dance competition with a cash prize and Reader who is maybe male in this idea is on the downlow but is like a dance major or even a hip hop superstar and he enters the competition and he's nearly in the semifinal round and suddenly the shows like "and for an extra special guest judge today we have the Porn King of Pentagram City, Valentino!!!" and your blood runs cold because like you're not exactly stripping but there have been quite a few dances where you've been dropping your ass a lil bit and being just more than a little zesty and Valentino turns his eyes to you and he's got just the most smug "I caught your ass" smirk on his face. The version of you Valentino knows is blunt and quiet and doesn't talk much, all but over compensating masculinity, and yet here you are, shaking that waist and ass of yours until he wants to squeeze you with all of his hands.
-honestly just concepts in general where Reader turns out to have some sort of artistic gift are fun. Reader is an author and Valentino finds out your porn is actually pretty good, or maybe he's entertained the quiet shy mousey little you had a nasty side, or maybe the numbers you reach on your stuff screams money to him. Or he brings you to a club and the track on the speakers change and your face lights up "oh my god I wrote this!" And its a song from when you were alive and you rush to the dance floor to whip out some choreography way too planned and precise to just be some bullshit you're whipping out of nowhere and maybe even singing as people in the club instantly recognize you as formerly-alive fans
Honestly its a little wacky but imagine the like tonal difference, the dichotomy, the black and white difference of, Valentino being this absolute fucking pervert and you're like this shy not very talkative person and he finds out like you're some poppy preppy bouncy feminine lil idol like some SAYU or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu shit and he's laughing in your face and maybe his pal Velvet comes into the room and her eyes just light up and suddenly she's shoving her phone in Valentino's face to show him your newest hit "Let Me Skip Into Your Heart (And Also Suck You Off) feat. Verosika Mayday" with like 2.5 million views in three months and he's like "ok I GUESS you have SOME talent 🙄" while he's also having an internal battle "wait do I have I new fetish for wanting to rip girly dresses and thigh highs off this bitch 🤔"
Honestly just "Valentino finding out you're a celebrity/influencer" ideas have been kind of fun. Imagine he's just minding his own business and one of his workers is sitting next to him watching something on their phone and he looks over and its a makeup tutorial, by you, or you're reviewing a certain product while making people laugh, or you're doing some like Stanzi Potenza sorta comedy or something, and he glances down to the metrics and likes amd view counts and its huge and he just glances across the limo to you and you're. In your work uniform, hair barely combed, you have some new acne breakouts, you have bags under your eyes, posture is shit because you're exhausted, but, that's definitely you and now he gets to find out the sheer scope of what you've been up to, and maybe becoming a manager of yours in the process
Ive even thought of like, what if Reader offhandedly gave Valentino some business advice and it turned out working really well and he consults you from time to time. Like imagine Valentino is talking business and you're around and he's talking about profits and shit and like, maybe the amount of people who want to sleep with his top earners is down, even not as many people want Angel to satisfy Val's green, and maybe you just kind of offhandedly butt into the conversation without even looking up from your phone "well maybe its because he's a porn star. If you just like created a celebrity or an idol or a micro celebrity or something who was attractive and then you pimped them out in secret it would probably make you a ton of money, like of Beyonce started her career as a stripper that would put a ton of people off but if you told people they could secretly fuck Beyonce the musician they would sell their entire families for it" and maybe that segues into "Reader becomes some sort of idol or entertainer or singer or product for Valentino that he eventually pimps out (or even decides he won't because he's too jealous, you can sing and dance but HE'S the only one you can sleep with)
God I can't wait until Hazbin comes out this year. I HAVE to know what this man sounds like because the voice and finally seeing and hearing his speaking will be everything 😩❤️ or it could backfire and I might not like the finished product as much as the one I've built up in my head but, thems the breaks right?
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Your Favorite's Here {pt. 3}
Ship: Eddie x fem!Henderson!reader
Summary: Eddie realizes how ridiculous it is to like a girl he's met once. He intends to change that—by meeting her again. And again. And again.
Word Count: 5,016
Warnings: fluff, suggestive ending, loving Eddie, friendly teasing, gentle kissing, brotherly disgust, consent is important to Eddie, no explicit smut (just really heavily implied with a lead up)
Note: After accidentally deleting this twice and having to rewrite it, then having technical issues with Tumblr, here it is! Part three is complete.
{part 1} // {part 2} // {part 3} // {part 4} // {part 5}*
*coming soon
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Eddie didn't show up at Everett's on Thursday. You waited the entirety of your eleven hour shift for him to stroll through that door. You pictured him strutting in with his hands in his pockets and that adorably bashful smile on his face, searching you out from the other green-clad servers, but it didn't happen. Your heart sank when you locked the front door and went out the back to your car, with no sight of Eddie all day.
You heaved a sigh as you flopped into your car. You put your head back and closed your eyes. "It's only been a week. It's fine. He'll come by sometime soon."
Or you're imaging that he's as into you as you are him and Dustin is quite possibly yanking your chain and—
You groaned at the cynicism of your own thoughts and turned your car on. These were worries for tomorrow's you, not the you who had been on your feet all damn day and was awake only because of the caffeine you'd consumed for the past three hours. You'd get some sleep and think about Eddie's no-show tomorrow morning.
Besides, it wasn't like he'd promised he'd come back. It was just...wishful thinking.
Eddie felt awful. He'd been hyping himself up to go see you at work on Thursday all week—only to remember he had to practice with the band for the gig the next day.
Eddie flicked his pencil aimlessly across the desk in Gareth's garage, where he'd been moping for the past twenty minutes while the band took a break.
"Oh, c'mon, man," Jeff said, offering him a bottle of water. "You'll see her. I doubt she expects you to show up right away."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just...I wanted to go."
"You could go tomorrow, before the show?" Jeff suggested.
Eddie shook his head. "Nope. I'm at the shop, there's a busted up Chevy I gotta fix."
"Alright, tomorrow, after the show, we'll go again," Gareth promised. "You can tell her how much you hate us for stealing you away to practice and to perform all day today and tomorrow."
Eddie looked up from his pencil, trying to discern if Gareth was being sarcastic or not. "I don't hate you—"
"Yeah, we know," Gareth said. "Hurry up and drink your water. Keep those vocal chords rested so you can actually talk to your girl tomorrow night, alright?"
"She's not my girl yet," Eddie complained.
"Yet," Gareth said, poking his chest. Eddie blushed at the slipup and swatted his friend's hand away. He gulped down his water and picked up his guitar, muttering something about getting back to practice that one tricky spot in a song for their show tomorrow.
When the show was over on Friday night, Eddie wasted no time hurrying out of the bar and kicking the band out of his van and into their houses, insisting he wanted to talk to you alone—despite Gareth's teasing that he would need moral support to even open his mouth.
He went home and took a shower, washing off caked-on makeup and sweat. He hated to admit it, but he was preening more than he ever had before for a girl.
Eddie looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments, with only a few hours to spare before Everett's closed, and pointed to himself. "Do not. Mess. This. Up," he said sternly to himself, then pushed his hair out of his eyes.
He did the same thing in his rearview mirror as he sat in his van outside of the restaurant, hyping himself up. "You got this you got this you got this you got this you got this," he muttered to himself as he got out and went up to the door. "You got this." He yanked the door open.
The hostess was the same as last time. "Back again so soon?" she asked with a smile. "And alone?"
Eddie smiled weakly. "I, uh...yeah. Yeah, I like th-the food here, and, um, it's a nice...atmosphere..." He trailed off, his cheeks growing warm. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
The hostess leaned in conspiratorially. "Don't worry, she's been looking forward to seeing you just as much."
Eddie's head snapped up, his breath catching in his throat. "She—she has? Y/N has?"
"Complained all last night that you didn't show. Come on—I'll sit you at one of her tables."
The hostess led him to a table for two near to the booth the band had been sat at. She passed him a menu. "She'll be over soon."
Smiling nervously, Eddie nodded and thanked her, taking the menu. He perused it briefly before hearing a small cough from next to him. He looked up.
And there you were, almost exactly the same as last time—but if he wasn't mistaken, you were wearing different rings and a different necklace. And your hair was a little different.
And, good God, you were smiling at him. A soft, happy smile, a smile that was mostly in the eyes than in the mouth.
"Hi," you said, and your voice was barely above a whisper.
"Hi," he repeated, just as hushed.
You pulled your lower lip between your teeth to bite back a larger smile. Eddie could hear his heartbeat in his ears. You took the time to stare at each other, as if trying to come to terms with the fact that the other was really there, before Eddie broke the silence.
"I like what you did with your hair."
Absentmindedly, you reached up to touch it. "You do? I mean—" You coughed, bringing your hand back to your pen and the checkbook. "What can I get for you, Eddie? Something...stronger than water, maybe?"
"Sure. Bring me whatever your favorite is."
You raised your eyebrows. "You want my favorite?"
"Someone's favorite drink says a lot about them," Eddie said.
"And do you want to know more about me?" you asked, though it wasn't really a question.
"Of course I do," he whispered.
Your lips twitched. Eddie realized he desperately wanted to see a full blown smile from you and really wished you'd stop trying to tamp them down.
"I'll be right back with your mystery drink," you said. "I'll barely be a second and then we can—" You stopped yourself with a cough. "And then I can take your order." You hurried to the bar, head down to hide some of the pink on your cheeks. He watched, his mouth falling slightly open when you glanced back at him, rubbing your neck with embarrassment.
Eddie really, really wanted to know what you'd been about to say.
You nearly knocked over Eddie's drink twice while trying to make it. Your hands were trembling something terrible. He'd come alone to see you. He'd come alone to see you. The hostess, who was also a longtime friend of yours, had said he'd been looking forward to seeing you. So why did he look so composed and suave when you felt like the butterflies in your stomach were trying to fly up your throat?
"Get it together, girl," you told yourself, squeezing your hands into fists to calm yourself.
"He's here, then?" asked the other server under her breath, making a drink beside you behind the bar. 
You nodded. "Table 218."
Both of you gazed across the restaurant to the table where Eddie sat, peering at the menu with a slowly growing smile on his face. He glanced toward the bar and did a double take at the sight of you watching him. You looked down quickly, then back up, only to see him give you a little wave. Shyly, you returned it.
"Oh, just date him," your coworker sighed. 
"That's what I'm trying to do," you reminded her. You finished making the drink and placed it on a tray, heading for Eddie's table. You set the glass in front of him and tucked the tray under your arm. "Here you are, sir."
He raised his eyebrows. "We went from 'Eddie' to 'sir' in the span of five minutes, what did I do wrong?"
You giggled. "Absolutely nothing, Eddie."
The two of you shared a long glance. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw one of your other tables raise their hand for the check. You cleared your throat.
"Have you...have you decided anything to eat yet?"
"What time do you get off?"
You started to write his response down, then blinked, only just realizing by the time you had written what time do you g that that was not an item on the menu. You met his gaze as you slowly crossed it off and he— Oh, he giggled. It was a pure, genuine giggle. It was like bottled joy. It was the sweetest sound you'd ever heard. 
"I don't think that's—"
Eddie grinned. "I'll go with your favorite thing on the menu."
Your face relaxed. "Is this another way to get to know me?"
"Well, I have to know where I can take you out to eat later, don't I?" he said with a sly smile.
Warmth flooded your body. You shuffled on your feet. "Are you willing to stay until midnight?"
He looked at his watch. "Oh, don't worry, I'll flirt with you long enough to stretch a thirty minute meal into an hour."
Your legs were wobbly as you walked to the other table to give them their check.
"Well," said Eddie, turning to look at you in his passenger seat. "It's not as good as Everett's, but, uh... It's okay, right?"
You sipped the milkshake he had bought you with a grin. "It's perfect, Eddie."
It was just the two of you in his van, sitting in an empty parking lot at two in the morning, drinking milkshakes. It was by far the latest and most unconventional date you'd had, but you found yourself enjoying it. It was nice to sit in the quiet with Eddie. 
"Really? I mean, it's great and all, that you like the stuff I like at my favorite drive-in, but I mean, you're used to, I dunno, better quality food, I guess? Like, Everett's is all—" He made a grand jazz gesture with his hands. "And this place isn't much better than The Hideout, which is so dingy of a bar they let a band of high school graduates be their Friday night entertainment—"
You settled your arm a little closer to his as you put your milkshake down. "Eddie," you said, serious, "I'm enjoying myself more than I have since I came back to Hawkins."
He whistled under his breath. "Wow. I don't think your brother would be happy to hear that."
You elbowed him. "Don't you dare tell him. Look, don't get me wrong, I love my brother. I have fun with my brother. But it's nice to have someone my age that I feel so comfortable with." You glanced at his hand, covered in all its rings. "You know, I think I've laughed more with you in one evening than I have with my coworkers all summer."
"I think you need funnier coworkers."
"I'll be happy with my coworkers as they are just as long as I have you," you said, stretching your pinky toward his. You both stared at anything but your hands as Eddie shifted his hand closer to yours. Your pinkies linked and your breath faltered. 
"Y/N. Can I... Can I hold your hand?" The words came out slowly, as if he wasn't sure they were the right ones.
"Yes," you said, voice hushed.
Gently, he snuck his hand underneath yours and laced your fingers. You looked at him with a smile. He beamed at you, and you were amazed by how beautiful he was. 
"Eddie?" His gaze didn't move off yours as he hummed an acknowledgement. "Can I lean on you?"
He beamed and gave you a quick nod. You leaned into him and nestled your head on his shoulder. He slowly dropped his head onto yours and you hummed in contentment. He giggled sweetly and you squeezed his hand.
You were practically buzzing with warmth and joy for the next few hours, even as you and Eddie giggled and complaining about the brain freezes you got from drinking your milkshakes too quickly.
It was nearly four in the morning by the time Eddie realized out of nowhere "Oh my God, I have to get you home before your mother kills us both and never lets you go out with me ever again." You unhappily extricated yourself from him, but your hand didn't leave his as he drove up your driveway and stopped at your front door.
Dustin's bedroom light was on. He stood silhouetted in the light for a moment before he disappeared, undoubtedly to run to the front door.
Eddie hopped out and rushed to your side, opening the door and helping you out of the van. "M'lady," he said with a wink. You giggled.
You turn toward Eddie where you stand on your front step. "Thanks, Eddie. For everything. It was absolutely wonderful."
"I had a great time," he admitted.
"When can we...do it again?" you asked, unashamed to ask.
He grinned. "Absolute—"
The door flew open. Dustin was behind it, staring at the two of you. "You're late!"
You sighed and said to Eddie, "Time's up."
"Hiya, Henderson," said Eddie, with a grin. 
"Did you have to keep her so late?" he groaned. "I'm tired!"
"Did you have to wait up for me?" you retorted, poking him in the head. "Go to bed, Dusty, I'll be up in a sec."
He narrowed his eyes between you and Eddie. "You're lucky it's not a school night."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away and watched him head toward his room.
"Well. I guess you should go inside before he kills us," Eddie sighed.
You slowly stepped into your house. "Yeah...I guess so." You watched him start to go and then yelped, "Eddie!"
He turned as you stepped back out and threw your arms around him. Almost without thinking, you pressed your lips to his cheek. His breath caught in his throat. "Did you just— You did. You...kissed me."
"Don't act so surprised," you breathed. "I've wanted to do that since I set eyes on you."
"Just that?"
"No," you admitted, "but that's for another time. Good night, Eddie."
"Night," he said, his mouth crooked into a smile. You waved as you shut the door behind you. You fell against it, giggling to yourself, and then traipsed into the bathroom to finally change out of your work clothes.
A horn blared outside for the fifth time. 
"I'M COMING!" Dustin yelled out the window, and you giggled. The last month of summer had arrived, which meant you'd upped your hours to make as much as you could before heading back to college. You had less time than before to see your not-quite-yet boyfriend, which meant the twice-a-week dates had been cut to a few minutes at a time on the days when Eddie drove Dustin somewhere.
Today was one of those days, and Dustin was running a little late. So you were hanging off the side of Eddie's door, one of his hands in both of yours.
"Someone's gotta teach that kid to be on time," Eddie sighed, his tone light.
"Says you," you teased. "How many times have you been late to pick me up for a date? Six?"
"No, it's four," he said. "I know because I always feel bad."
You lifted one hand to brush some of his hair out of his face. "You don't have to. I still love you."
The words were still new, and Eddie beamed like it was the first time he'd heard them. You had a feeling he always would. "You love me," he murmured. "I love you, too."
You leaned through the window to kiss him. The kiss was just slightly older than the "I love you"s—exactly 47 seconds older. The first time you and Eddie had kissed (romantically at a midnight picnic with candles in his trailer), he'd chased it first with an "I love you" and more kisses. You'd only been able to say it back when he finally pulled away to breathe.
Eddie slipped a hand behind your neck and cradled your head for stability. You gave a pleased hum and looped your arms around his neck, relying on him to keep you steady.
"EW!" Dustin yelled as he walked out the door to the sight of the two of you. "C'mon, man, that's my sister."
Eddie sighed as he pulled away. "First of all, this is kind of your fault. Second of all, shut up." He turned back to you and kissed you again, despite Dustin's continued criticisms from the passenger seat. 
At last, you pulled back. "You're going to be late if you stay here much longer, Eddie Munson."
"You know, I don't care all that much anymore," he said, grinning lazily.
"I care," snapped Dustin.
You glanced over Eddie's shoulder. "You behave, Dusty." You pointed to Eddie. "You, too, mister."
"When have you known me to not behave?" asked Eddie.
"Troublemaker is your middle name, love," you reminded him. "Now get going. I don't want to hear from Steve again about how you two are always late to everything when Eddie drives."
Eddie looked mildly offended. "He says that?"
"Yes," you and your brother chorused.
Eddie glanced at the clock. "Hold tight, little Henderson, we're going twenty above the speed limit the whole way there."
"Don't die, please," you reminded him.
He looked at you with the softest gaze you'd ever seen. "C'mere," he said, pulling you close for one last kiss. Dustin pretended to vomit next to him.
"You can see me later," you mumbled against his mouth. 
Eddie's eyebrows shot up. "You're not working?"
"For once, no. I've got the evening off."
"Can we go out?"
"Duh. Now go have fun with the guys. I'll be here when you get back." You kissed his cheek one last time and waved goodbye to them as he peeled out of your driveway and sped down the road.
You knew the boys were back immediately, hearing them before you saw them. You paused the fifties rom-com you'd been watching and got off the couch. Before you could make it to the door, it burst open and in waltzed not just Dustin and Eddie but Dustin, Eddie, Steve, Mike, Lucas, and Will.
"I was not expecting this many of you in my house," you said, blinking at them all.
"Steve finally won a game of D&D! We have to celebrate!" Dustin said gleefully, jumping up and down next to him. 
"Wow, guess he's a good sub player for Erica then, huh? Is she feeling better, Lucas?"
Lucas shrugged. "Yeah, but Mom still won't let her out of the house. I think she likes being pampered. They give her everything she wants. They never do that when I'm sick!"
You giggled and made your way into Eddie's arms as the other boys took their places on the couch. "How'd it go?"
Eddie kissed the side of your mouth. "It was a good end to the campaign. Ended perfectly."
"And now you're going to make an even more complex one for the next game, right?"
He grinned. "Oh, you know me so well, sweetheart."
The pet name went straight to your heart. You smiled as you kissed him. Your tongue brushed his and he melted into your arms, squeezing you tighter. You reached up to push his hair behind his ear and cup his jaw.
It was suspiciously quiet behind you.
You leaned your shoulder into Eddie's chest as you glanced behind you to see the others. They were collectively staring at the two of you.
"Mind your business," Steve said to them, prodding Lucas into turning around. Dustin sighed and picked up the remote. Mike and Will exchanged a glance before bursting into a fit of giggles. 
Eddie tugged on your sleeve. "Should we, uh, get out of here?"
"Where to?"
Realization hit you. "You mean..."
"Only if you're ready, I mean, I'd never do anything you don't want me to do—"
"Let's take this conversation away from a bunch of teenage boys," you suggested.
"Oh, uh, right." Eddie put his arm around you. "Hey, Steve! Keep an eye on the nerds, we're gonna go out for a while."
Steve grinned. "I got it all under control."
"Thanks, Steve! You're the best brother ever!" you called as you headed out the door.
"Hey!" whined Dustin.
"Adopted! Adopted brother! Not really adopted but you get my point!"
"Best babysitter!" Eddie corrected and slammed the door shut behind the two of you, before Steve could start complaining. You hopped in his van and turned to him, putting a hand over his before he could start it.
"Okay, okay, okay. Back to that conversation. Yes, I'm ready. Are you ready?"
"Yeah," he said, voice breathy. "I have everything we need, I think it'll go...it'll go smoothly. Um. But if you don't want to, we don't have to, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything—"
"I want to."
Eddie started to grin. "Great. Great. Um. I'll, um." He got distracted as he started the van and slowly crept out of the driveway. "Drive us...there..."
You giggled and kissed his cheek. He held your hand the whole way there, then helped you out of the van. He pulled you close to his side on the way into the trailer.
"I...I don't want to just...jump right into it, if that's alright with you," he said. "Kinda wanna...I dunno, set the tone? Get in the mood?"
You kissed him and pulled him down next to you on the couch. "Movie?"
He visibly relaxed. "Good idea." He got up to put something on, then sat down next to you. You cuddled close to him, wrapping your arms around his waist like you always did for movie night. Eddie hummed appreciatively and played with your hair. It took you a moment to realize he'd put The Great Gatsby going.
You curled up next to him. "You know, my mom always watches this movie for the "hot guys" in it, but I don't find the appeal of any of them."
Eddie snorted. "That's because your taste in men is me."
"Yes, yes you are," you agreed, kissing him gently.
He cupped your face in his hands, pulling you close. He put your foreheads together. "How'd I get so lucky with you?"
"I could say the same thing," you whispered against his mouth. You kissed him slowly, lifting one hand to his jaw and wrapping the other arm around his waist. Eddie melted into your touch and your mouth, unable to stop a smile from crawling onto his face. He pushed one hand through your hair and broke the kiss to nuzzle into your neck. Despite the number of times you'd made out with him—even in front of other people—he always turned into an embarrassed, blushy, cuddly mess when it was just the two of you.
Eddie gently kissed the skin where your neck and shoulder met. "I love you so much," he mumbled into you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You smoothed a hand over Eddie's unruly hair. "I love you, too, my darling." You took his chin and gently navigated his gaze toward yours. "My darling," you repeated, the moniker said at barely more than a mumble, but still he beamed like you'd declared in front of all of Hawkins that you had laid claim to the social outcast without a care in the world.
Eddie buried his head into your chest, hiding from everything but your affection.
"You still wanna wait a bit?" you asked, still rubbing a hand over his scalp. "Or...?"
"Wait," he said. "I'm not..." He laughed. "This is gonna sound weird, but I'm not entirely in the...the mood yet."
You pecked his cheek. "Let's watch Gatsby make a fool of himself, then. And you let me know when you're ready."
Eddie hummed and reached around on the couch to drag a blanket across the pair of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled his head into your shoulder. You kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer to you, keeping your arms locked around his shoulders.
"Comfy?" you asked, as Nick's opening monologue began.
"Mhm," said Eddie. "Always with you."
You kissed his head again. "Oh, you beautiful sap."
You can feel him grin as he buries his head into you once more.
Eddie had the worst possible timing, perhaps ever. The fight between Gatsby and Tom was breaking out when Eddie finally lifted his head from your chest and stared up at you. Despite your attention being on the movie, you noticed when Eddie pressed his lips to the column of your throat, more gentle than ever. Your eyes fluttered closed as he slowly moved up, using two fingers to tilt your head up. He kissed along your jaw, stopping before reaching your mouth. You sighed contentedly and opened your eyes as his lips left your skin.
"Why'd you stop?" you mumbled, reaching for him as he sat up.
"Need a better angle," he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I wanna see your face."
You cooed, taking one of his hands and lacing your fingers together. "My sweet boy," you murmured, nuzzling into him. He held you close to him for a few moments before he laid you back against the couch and kissed down your throat. Your breath caught as Eddie pressed a kiss in the hollow of your throat. "Eddie..."
Eddie pulled back, holding your face in a hand. "Let me love on you, sweetheart. Just a little."
"No protests from me," you sighed.
"Just tell me if you don't like something, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, kissing his soft mouth once before he ducked down again.
He kissed your collarbones and glanced up at you as he gently pulled you closer to him. He kissed across your shoulders and moved slowly down your chest. He reached the low neckline of your shirt and looked up. He toyed with the hem of your shirt.
You nodded, knowing what he was asking. "I'm ready, love."
Eddie surged to his feet and hauled you up into his arms. You squeaked and hooked your legs around his waist. You kissed his throat and jaw the entire way to his bedroom, returning the sweet kisses he'd been giving you. He mumbled incoherently, but you thought you heard a few "thank you"s and "I love you"s in amongst the soft babbling.
He gently lowered you onto his bed, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes. He stared lovingly down at you, placing a gentle kiss to your lips. He left you to close his door, then reappeared above you, bracing himself on either side of your shoulders.
You reached up and ran a finger along his cheek. "Hi."
"Hi," he said. He smiled, that dreamy smile that was usually reserved for the times when he admired you when he thought you weren't looking. "I'm so in love with you. I fell in love with you the instant I saw you."
"Love," you cooed. You brought a hand behind his neck, coaxing him to your level. "I saw those pretty eyes and that sweet face and loved you."
Eddie's smile was a happy, bashful one as he pressed your foreheads together once again. "I'll love you forever."
"Forever," you agreed. "I love you, Eddie Munson."
His mouth connected to yours. You let your eyes flutter closed and revelled in the way his lips parted slowly, the way his tongue gently prodded your lips, the way he was still so slow and careful when you opened them for him, the way he painstakingly explored your mouth.
You let out a dejected noise the instant Eddie pulled away. "I'll be right back, sweetheart, just..." He gently put a hand on your side. "Can I...touch you?"
"Wherever you'd like," you whispered. "Just gentle. Slow."
"Gentle and slow," he repeated. "Got it."
His mouth returned to yours and his hands caressed you, his fingers circling every centimeter of skin. He slipped a hand underneath your shirt and met your gaze.
"You're okay," you promised, before he could even get the question out. "You can."
"I can take it off?"
You pecked his cheek. "Only if you let me take off yours, too," you teased and Eddie beamed. He let you pull his shirt from his shoulders, then helped you out of your own. He gazed at you with a sappy, pretty smile on his lips.
"Just gonna stare, pretty boy?" you asked.
"Nope," he promised, leaning back down. "Lie back for me. I'll take care of you, as best as I can." He kissed your stomach and took note of the way your breath hitched, both visibly and audibly. "I promise." His hand went to your hip. You nodded. As he hooked his fingers underneath your waistband, he repeated, "I promise."
"Just a second," you breathed, sitting up and reaching behind you for the clasp of your bra. Eddie reached behind to help you.
Three muffled shots startled the both of you. Your mind raced for a few seconds before you remembered—
"Well, I think Gatsby just got shot."
Eddie laughed. "Well, if that's not the worst timing—"
"Hey, you started this while Gatsby and Tom were arguing over who Daisy loves more and Daisy had her breakdown, so I could say you have the worst timing," you teased. You kissed his nose and he stared at you with heart-melting puppy eyes. "Hop to, love."
Eddie pulled your undergarments away from your body. "Don't rush me," he mumbled against the skin of your stomach as he kissed lower and lower. "I intend to take my time with you."
He sent you a mischievous grin.
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Eddie Munson // Part 3 of 'Your Favorite's Here'
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the E.M. taglist!} @ohatropa @lilylilyyyyyy@spencestyles@r-royce@theshiresposts@kaitebugg03@the-chocoholic-writer@noiralei@kennedyraye@yourdailymemedelivery@squidscottjeans@cannonize @sebastianstvn
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