mmriesoftvat · 2 years
@anemxvisions: Alatus; I’m both
@viigilant: "..What sort of question is that?"
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"Heh, catbird."
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Indarias constantly feels like her own power is burning her alive. She is unsure if it is due to karmic debt or because of said karmic debt's influence on her mind making her power burn constantly thrumming under her skin, ready to unleash at the slightest provocation.
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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As the last remnants of the Yaksha's and bearer's of the horid karmic debt it can take all you have to not give up yourself to it. Everyday is a new battle that last endlessly through centuries without any ease, but you must fight on. Even then, sometimes strength alone is not enough...
→ Xiao x yaksha!reader / platonic or romantic!
→ Pretty heavy themes! Reader is described to be suicidal and even attempts, but no self injuring actually happens! Karmic debt and mental health issues! Lot of talk about the fallen Yaksha's who are possibly ooc! This fic is purely fictional and thus might not be lore accurate!
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As a Yaksha you had always strived for strength in body and mind, keeping your mind as sharp as your weapon. But even the strongest will falter under the karmic debt and it takes everything to not give in, to not simply give up. But after centuries believing things would get better, that the pain would become easier to endure... You were simply tired. You felt like a fool stuck in time as the world moved on while you tried desperately to cling onto it for a reason to continue forward. The humans no longer needed the Adepti or Yaksha's to purge evil and protect them from monsters or gods.
So why were you still here?
Rex Lapis had saved you during the Archon war and you would forever be in his debt, but you couldn't hold onto the contract you had once sworn to honor. Wheter you'd be struck down in battle, face the wrath of the rock for this betrayal or be taken by your karmic debt - it was all irrelevant and inevitable. You knew you couldn't hold on for much longer... You desperately wished to reunite with your family who waited patiently for you in the beyond.
The proud Bosacius who truly lived up to being called brother by all. He was fierce opponent and a great leader in battle, but he was also loving and playful like any other brother would be. He was large and loud, yet his heart was bigger than even he himself...
Indarias was as fiery as her vision, she was bold and cheerful. She was the type of person everyone loved and wished to be friends with, she made everyone smile and gave the best hugs due to being so warm. She loved to compete, but would swallow her pride and admit defeat while praising whoever bested her...
Sweet and quiet Bonanus was beautiful not only on the outside, but especially on the inside. She was calm, smart and levelheaded but never afraid to step up for others if she needed to. She would defend anyone from those who wished to harm or tear them down. She would listen to your worries and depending on the situation either comfort you or give you advice...
Menogias was fashionable and cultured, he enjoyed the finer things in life but didn't let them be in his way if the situation called for it. He could be quite restless and anxious, but knew when to relax. He was certainly the mother of the group, always scolding and fussing over everyone, but in a loveable way...
Then there was Alatus, the last remaining Yaksha, aside from yourself. He hadn't changed much to those who didn't truly know him, but those who did could easily tell. He was much more cold and distant now, he was always quite serious but not like this. Despite it all he continued to fight on with determination, he was much stronger and braver than you...
You were both disconnected from the world around you, the very land you swore to protect. It didn't matter if you desired to be as your karmic debt didn't give you a choice in the matter. Long term contact with a human could potentially be fatal or leave life long consequences. Even with a vision holder it was too much of a risk to put them under. You only had each other and the remaining Adepti, but you never quite connected with them. Perhaps it was because they reminded you of your lost family and it frightened you...
You stood on the edge of the lake staring at your own reflection, your lifeless and dull eyes stared back. You could barely recognize yourself as the same person from all those memories you held so dear. The water stood eerily still before you stepped in, your clothing soaking in the process without you caring in the slightest. Each step that made you sink deeper only made you feel lighter, the coolness of the water washing away your ache.
You stared mindlessly ahead as you continued deeper and deeper despite it's coldness... You stopped only as the water reached your neck and turned to the sky to look at the bright full moon. You took in the beautiful scenery for the last time, though you had seen them a thousand times they still remained as beautiful as the first time. The stars painted the sky and twinkled high above as you took in one final breath before readying yourself to merge in the coldness of the lake fully, but you were promptly stopped by a voice you couldn't ignore...
“What are you doing?” A frightened voice called out.
You didn't need to turn around to know who it belonged to, but did so anyway. Xiao stood at the edge ready to jump in to save you at any moment. The horror and confusion in his eyes was so unusual to see that it caught you off guard and made you freeze in place. Xiao quickly pushed through the shallow water to reach you as you made no attempts to move or answer him, his hands grasped your shoulders tightly.
“What are you doing?” He asked again, but this time it finally hit you.
Everything suddenly hit you - you could do nothing but shake and begin to cry. What were you doing? Were you really going to do it just like that? Did you care so little about the sacrifices your friends had made along the way so you could survive this far, only to end yourself so carelessly? Did you even think about this for a second before you jumped in? The mere thought of release, of the weight being lifted from your shoulders so easily had you giving in to those dark thoughts...
“Hey!” Xiao shook your shoulders to snap you out of your head.
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.” You sobbed.
“Why were you trying to do it?” He asked.
“I don't know...” You continued to cry.
The hesitation was evident, yet he pulled you closer into his arms. His hand held the back of your head and the other held onto your waist, you simply held onto his shoulders. His grip was tight as if he thought you'd simply dissapear from his arms if he loosened his hold even slightly, of course it wasn't hard enough to hurt you. You remained silent in each others arms as your body shook from the cold and the crying you were trying to stifle.
“I'm sorry I'm not as strong as you...” You whispered.
“What?” He asked.
“I'm not as strong as you! I want so badly to be, but I'm not...” You held him tighter to stop him from seeing your face. “I live every day with so much regret and pain I can't move on from, it's slowly tearing me down piece by piece.”
Xiao remained silent, letting you speak your mind and let out what you've been holding in for so long. He couldn't believe he almost lost you - just a moment longer and you could have been gone forever, just like everyone else he ever loved or cared about. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed the signs before this, or perhaps he had simply brushed them off...
“Everyday is just another battle to stay sane and in control of yourself, unless you'll meet the fate of our family. Archon's, I miss them so much Xiao...”
Every time you closed your eyes you could see them laughing and smiling, calling you family. The warmth of their smiling faces and bright eyes washing you with love. Next, all you can see is their lifeless bodies and dead expressions... Their masks destroyed beside them and their visions gone dark without their holders.
“I know.” He brushed your hair gently. “But I'm weak too.”
“Huh?” You questioned.
“I too can't move on despite the centuries that have passed. The karmic debt that corrupts us cannot be purged or undone. But it will get easier, you'll find a reason to keep fighting - to keep living.”
Never would you have imagined the Conqueror of Demons to be the one to comfort you... His words held such wisdom that it blew you away slightly. You had been the newest of the Yaksha's and never particularly close to Xiao, but it wasn't because you didn't wish to be. His words truly helped you, even if just a little.
“What about you?” You pulled back to look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you fight for?” You stared into his eyes.
Xiao remained silent before moving his hand down to hold yours, “I fight for my family and for the people of Liyue.”
You nodded, “Then I will try too.”
The lake remained still while reflecting the ever rising moon above you. You remained in Xiao's embrace until he began to lead you out of the lake. He didn't let go of your hand for a moment before you were a safe distance away from the water, as if you would jump in any minute. You couldn't blame him for being cautious and it was heartwarming that he truly cared...
That night in the lake had changed you both and brought you closer. Though it would take time to get to know one another, now both of you were willing to do so. It was difficult to let each other in to your broken hearts, but you had centuries to take your time and move at your own pace. He didn't let you far from his sight for some time after what happened, but you couldn't complain.
He was right, having something or someone to fight for made things easier. It didn't erase the past or the scars it had left on you, but it helpped. Learning to accept it was huge and slowly helpped you heal from them as those terrible memories were just another part of you, just like the memories you loved and cherished. Accepting the past as it was helpped you move on from the delusions that almost made you end your life in seek of release.
Though they were long dead, that isn't what your family would have wanted. What they truly would have wanted was for you to live a long, healthy and happy life. The duty of a Yaksha was not something that helpped in achieving that, but it was something to strive for. Where ever they were now, you know they would be proud of you two... Though they would have yelled at you two for how long it took to open up. When the day you leave this world, you only wish to be reunited with them again, but for now you live and fight for Xiao.
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A/N: I can't fully express how proud of this fic am! think this has to be my favorite honestly! I hope I managed to capture each Yaksha's personality well, it's a bit difficult since they're dead and there's only one cutscene featuring them lol
Like always - feel free to like and or reblog if you want <3
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ofwonderment · 3 years
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herrscherrofyatta · 2 years
Until I found you
summary: Xiao has to face the memories of his late lover at the bottom of the chasm
a/n: part 2 ~ read this while listening to only love can hurt like this and the feelings are on point
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Xiao hears the cries for his name from the group as they're teleported away and his energy falters as the platform underneath him finally breaks.
The light from the surface gets smaller and smaller as he falls, he closes his eyes, embracing his sacrifice.
In these final moments as this place devours him, he can't help but think back of his old friends, ones he thought of family.
Your face flashes in his mind....he misses you so much.
It's been so long without you here by his side.
'I swear it's wasn't me that wrote on your face, Xiao.' You hid behind Menogias who watches amused at how quickly Xiao to the conclusion that his own lover scribbled on his face while he slept.
Xiao quickly snatched you from behind the taller man who had did no effort to help you escape from Xiao pinching your cheeks as he glared at you but you laughed at how his face furrowed with angry.
"Just because we napped together doesn't mean I drew in your face this time—" He pinches your face more as his face flushes red.
"Brother Bosacius help me!" You cry out and Xiao turn to look at to see him quickly trying to hide a marker out of sight.
His face flushes red at this.
Bonanus and Indarias giggle to each other as they watch their fellow two yakshas have a tiny agreement as Xiao was telling you why you did immediately tell him it was Bosacius who drew on his face.
"ah, young love.' Bonanus says, watches how Xiao kept pinching your cheeks. "To think Xiao got a lover before us....well, with all the pinning going between those two, I think they're compatible with each other, don't you think?"
Indarias smiles, "yes, I hope we're invited to the wedding." She jokes as they both laughing, at this point you and Xiao stopped arguing, faces bright red at Indarias's comment.
He feels himself being swallowed up, the darkness consuming him as he feels relieved.
"Promise me, you'll keep living for the both of us...okay?" He held your dying self in his arms, hands filled with your blood as he stares at you with disbelief, tears running down his face. Leaning forward, he puts his forehead against yours until you take your last breath with him by your side.
Xiao opens his eyes, his promise to you, one he forgot all this time and he sees golden lights reaching out to him as it shapes itself to a hand reaching out him.
"Xiao!" He hears your voice, it could have been his imagination but nevertheless he reaches for the hand, warmth engulfing him as he's back on the surface of the chasm with everyone else.
Taking deep breaths, he feels a familiar presence and looks up towards the direction of it to see a figure walk away.
"Xiao! Are you alright?" The traveler and Paimon rush over to him as he spots something on the floor beside him that catches his attention.
Taking a closer look, he sees it's a necklace with something attached to it. Opening his palm, his eyes widen as he spots a familiar ring tied to the string.
'A ring? Why did you buy me a ring?' You ask him, currently the two of you were out patrolling before taking a small break. He gives you a ring and you take a look to see a stone of your favorite color along with a stone that represents him.
You see he has his back faced to you and you see how red his ears are. "Xiao?"
"....I asked Bonanus and Indarias about what they said and they said you love someone so much and willing to spent your life with them...you give them a promise ring." He says and your face goes red as you look at the ring and to him again.
"A-are you asking me to marry you?!" You scream and Xioa had enough as he teleports away with embarrassment. Takes you a few minutes to realize you're alone and you ile brightly, shyly putting on the ring on your finger.
It was your prized possession afterwards and now it reunited with Xiao eons later thanks to Zhongli.
"Heh, I look forward to when we get married Xiao." You grin like a lovesick person as you adore the ring unaware that Xiao hide behind some trees in the distance.
Xiao looks at the ring, gripping it close to his chest before putting it on over his neck, the ring now dangles from his chest as he stands up.
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a/n: okay this is cute but sad too, I might do a part three where Xiao confronts Zhongli about the ring and how it came in his possession.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing, mostly the streamer au. Wanted to ask if you'll write about Xiao's past and his friends sometimes? Hope you're having a nice day/night!
reader impact || alatus origins
series masterlist characters: xiao, indarias, bonanus, menogias, bosacius genre: angst summary: alatus, otherwise known as xiao, was not originally an independent streamer. contains: implications of misogyny, breakdowns, mental health, i put a lot of effort into this angst man,,, notes: asjdkash i'm so glad you asked!!! i've been wanting to write about these guys for a bit now :D by the way, I'm very tempted to do a thing but we'll see... it should be 5WIRL related because heizou has joined the anemo boys in having me in a chokehold. also i'm probably gonna change up names when i talk about other characters in the genshin universe so it doesn't get confused with the girl counterparts in reader impact??
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xiao was a part of a streaming group, as i have said plenty of times before. however, not many people know the details about this era of his career simply because their group was small in terms of popularity.
the group never really cared for fame when they got together. in fact, they were all just friends from school, some spanning from high school, others from college, who wanted to play games together.
for xiao's fans who had been with him since the beginning, they remember the former four members of the streaming group all too well. and, much to the surprise of outside viewers, they don't openly talk about them with respect to xiao and the streamers they watched grow and leave.
the first to leave the group was indarias, known as the streamer musatas. she was known for being one of the most expressive streamers, other than bosacius. a lot of people came to her streams to match her energy, which was loud and upbeat.
she was also very competitive. when playing she often butted heads with bosacius while playing pvp games. if you were watching the others' (bonanus, menogias, and xiao) streams, you could hear them yelling at each other in the background.
she was more into playing multiplayer games on her streams. she would play a lot of fps, too. so expect a lot of screaming on her end.
as for her leaving, there was little indication on her part. she seemed to be her usual happy-go-lucky self on stream. until, one day, she stopped streaming. that wouldn't have been bad on its own but she stopped streaming for weeks on end.
her viewers would go into the others' chats and ask about her. no one really said anything. the closest they got to an answer was from bosacius. he only replied with a "she's going through some things" once and that was it.
the reason why no one really answered was both because a) they respect their friend's privacy, and b) they didn't know what was happening with indarias.
she didn't express her problems that often. she prided herself in being a "strong, independent woman" as she loved to say. because of this, she told herself it was her problem to deal with.
as a woman in the streaming industry, she had her fair share of hate. at the beginning, she pulled through. honestly, a lot of it was in her chat and most of the time, her friends would sort through messages and help take care of them. but, because she was a relatively small streamer, the hate seemed so much bigger.
when people started trying to message her privately, that was when she couldn't handle it. their words scared her and not just for her own wellbeing. she was scared that they would start targeting her friends, especially bonanus.
the only way she figured she could stop it was to leave. she disappeared from the internet entirely. she told her friends that some things had come up at home and moved out a few days later.
she never really said goodbye. she just sort of left, both social media and the streaming house.
one of the second streamers to leave was bonanus, known as chizapus online. she was soft-spoken and people loved her for her sweet demeanor.
she liked story-based games more than anything. it was something that her and menogias would bond over. in fact, they often matched their schedules to play the same story games and then discuss them with each other, both in private and on stream.
she was oddly skilled in fps games, though. she actually asked indarias to help her after their initial group stream because she didn't want to embarrass herself (again). she never plays those games on stream, though. she only practiced in her own time.
it was only after that indarias officially left that bonanus started pulling away too. it killed her to not know why indarias left. and because of that confusion and grief, she wasn't in the right mindset most of the time.
and because of that, she ended up blowing up on the person she was closest to (after indarias).
menogias had good intentions, really. its just... his attitude didn't leave a good impression on bonanus during that time. her panic combined with her view on menogias' intentions prompted her to breakdown. that and the mounds of hate that moved from indarias to her.
she left a few weeks after her initial argument with menogias.
another of the second streamers to leave was menogias, known as kapisas. out of all of the streamers, he was the most put together and sophisticated. the viewers would often joke that he was a single father taking care of his four children. it didn't help the fact that he would often pop into everyone else's streams to give them food and water and gifts.
like bonanus, he was into story based games. however, he was more into the games that didn't flat out tell a story. he liked the air of mystery a lot of games had that forced him to dig into the details to put together the story.
he did a lot of chatting streams too. he liked to sit back and talk to his viewers, catching them up on everyday things. most of the stories about the streaming group would come from him.
he was also the most active mod in his friends' chats. he usually kept a watchful eye over the messages coming through, especially in indarias and bonanus' chats. he would often talk about how disgusted he was that his dear friends went through something like that.
he had some theories on why indarias left. he didn't just chalk it up to a home emergency because she had plenty of those when they were in school. he could only assume the hate he saw being written in chat was a small percentage of what was actually happening.
he aimed to talk to bonanus after indarias left. he feared that the same thing would happen to her. the only issue was that menogias is known for being more on the stoic side. he has his moments but when it comes to his friends, he doesn't joke around.
with bonanus already panicking over indarias' sudden departure, she ended up pushing blame onto menogias for not being supportive. she had no real point to her argument, though. it was more of a panicked way of placing blame because she had no other answer.
normally menogias would understand this. but the last words bonanus said to him before storming out was "you don't care enough about us and that's why she left."
the sheer audacity, he thought, she has to say that he doesn't care about them? his friends that he has been with since his school days. she has the audacity to say he doesn't care about them?!
in hindsight, he shouldn't have let the words affect him. he should have taken time to understand that she didn't mean it.
but he didn't. he left around the same time that bonanus left.
bosacius was the last to leave, known as vritras. much like indarias, he was the bubbly, happy-go-lucky streamer. they often butted heads because of their competitiveness, but that was only during pvp games.
the two actually got along really well. on the rare occasions he would play more low-key games, it was often two-player co-ops. he played a lot with indarias but also with xiao. he was either extremely loud because he was bickering with indarias about the best way to play or he was extremely loud because he was trying to get xiao to talk more.
when the group began to fall apart, he tried not to let it get to him. all he could do was keep up morale and do his best to keep the others from leaving.
he saw how good that got him. indarias left with nothing more than a brief (and seemingly fake) explanation. bonanus and menogias, the two most sophisticated people in the group, had an argument that ended in days of silence before they left. and all that left was bosacius and xiao.
the house was too quiet now. bosacius found himself trying to break that whenever he met up with xiao in the living room. it worked for a bit. those months where they had no word on their former friends' statuses were somewhat filled by bosacius' attempts at keeping up optimism and xiao's attempts at taking care of both of them.
it wasn't until those months caught up to them that bosacius found himself breaking down. it wasn't that xiao forced him to do what he did over those few months. in fact, xiao tried to push him to take a break, that he was fine with the silence for a few weeks as long as bosacius took a mental health break.
but he didn't.
his coping mechanism of putting on a face for his last friend turned on him. he found himself spiraling until he couldn't handle it anymore. however, he knew he couldn't just up and leave. he saw how his other friends' departures slowly ate away at xiao.
he saw how xiao played more fps games in honor of indarias when she first left and how he berated his chat for making fun of anyone more than he did before.
he saw how xiao played more story based games when bonanus left and how he hated seeing two people fight and spew hateful words in the heat of the moment.
he saw how he neglected to take care of himself in favor of taking care of bosacius after menogias left and how he urged his chat to not let a few words deter them.
so, he talked to xiao the night before he left. he talked to him about everything that happened leading up to that very moment.
he begged and pleaded for xiao not to blame himself. he promised he would continue to watch him and he was sure that the others had done the same.
with his final goodbyes and pleas, he left the next day.
he was a lot more lively before. when that house was filled to the brim with laughter and cheer, he was happier. he was ecstatic that he was able to play games with his friends.
and then it all fell apart. he watched as his safe haven crumbled before his very eyes. he can still see them sometimes in his dreams. he would relive the good days at the beginning.
he would see him entering high school with bosacius, his friend's arm thrown over his shoulders as he dragged him to another game to cheer on their school.
he would see him entering college and meeting indarias for the first time, groaning at the idea of dealing with two eccentric and boisterous individuals for the entirety of his school year.
he would see him meeting menogias in the library one night, remembering him from one of his classes and continuing to study with him until the library staff kicked them out.
he would see him meeting bonanus through menogias and indarias, who he didn't even know knew each other, bonanus' quiet demeanor persisting throughout the entirety of their friendship.
near the end, however, he would witness their breakdowns all over again. his friends would drift apart and he would be left all alone, in the home he bought with them.
he wouldn't move out of that house. he didn't think he would ever share it again.
he would make do with you, though, your presence persistent and pulling him out of his consistent spirals of depression despite the fact that you weren't real.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Readers: We want Red Xiao x Reader x Green Xiao content PLEASE
Exiled: Well yes but actually no
Pairing -> Red/Green Xiao x Reader
Word Count -> 2088
Themes -> Okay, get this: Fluff, Angst, Suggestive scene (but not too bad). It's a trifecta.
Series -> #SojournerSpecials (masterlist)
Credit: @m370N4 for Header
Warnings -> Spoilers, violence, oh gawd there's so many violence
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Your lover is going through a phase.
Perhaps you should have expected this much after the things that he's gone through, and the things that he is going through. The Archon War does not pick its victims. Saints and sinners, weak and strong, participants and bystanders; they all have one thing in common, they all can die any day now as the war rages on.
The thought of impending doom puts your heart into great unease as your arms tighten, lips softly pecking the red diamond on the Yaksha's forehead as he sighs in what you hope was relief.
The adepti are strong and aid in this war under the stead of Rex Lapis, but on the forefront of greater danger leads the Yakshas. The fateful battle between Osial and the Geo Archon ended not too long ago to put an end against the Lord's destructive ministrations, but Gods do not die, only slumber; his hatred in great intensities brought forth demonic plague that now haunts the blood bathed lands of Liyue. With his indispensable power and contractual obligation, Xiao became one of the five known Yakshas devoted to conquering those evil.
You were no beast in the battlefield but alongside Cloud Retainer and Ganyu you hold well in ensuring the well-being of mankind, but you only wish there was anything you can do to help the true warriors of the Harbour.
"How are you feeling?" You ran your hands through his chopped hair as his body leans against you, still tense. Xiao produces a strangled groan upon the question, a sound you still have yet to grow accustomed to.
It was a side effect even the glorified Archon did not expect. Yet it was too late to back down from the duties, to turn away from the chaos.
"Still standing, nothing I cannot handle," leaning away from your hold, his honey eyes then sets upon yours in gentle reassurance. Exposed fingers softly brushing against your cheekbone reminiscent of a flutter, so light it sends your heart into a faster pace. "And on your end? I have heard of the mortals establishing a new type of governance, how is it faring?"
Xiao hooks his fingers under your chin in full attention, and the pairing with his tantalizing smile sent your mind melting. "It's going-," your cleared your throat of the strangled pitch you produced and tried again, "Going great! Ganyu made it her duty to oversee it as the secretary."
"That is a fine arrangement." He hums inquisitively but you both know his attention was on somewhere else, what with the way his sharp orbs kept flickering to gaze on your lips. And with how his face was slowly, surely drawing near.
"Indeed, indeed." Breathed you as you closed your eyes, ready to capture his lips for a longing kiss, his other hand rests on your lower back to guide you to his lap—
When the shutter doors slammed open, the interruption causing you to yelp as Xiao embarrassingly hides your head to his exposed chest. That did NOT lessen the warmth of your cheeks.
"Conqueror of Demons! I- I'm sorry to interrupt-"
"Pervases, go on."
"The Yaksha of flames-" A rumbling roar of a scream had all three of you shoot your heads up in alert. And within seconds you had scrambled to your feet, rushing out of the shrine to investigate the commotion. The atmosphere had you choking from the scent of arson, black smoke erupting from the burning grass and natural flora around the area.
But in the middle of the ruins had you almost dispelling the contents of your stomach, your hand shooting up to cover your mouth at the the sight. Besides you Xiao dashes past in a vain attempt to quell the flames— the lick of fire that burned the Pyro Yaksha whole, who screams in both agony and anguish over the deep unknown, skin and clothes turning black and charred.
Xiao's swings barely made a dent to the wall of fire that prevents anyone from coming close to the Yaksha. "Please, leave me alone! Let me go! Stop it!" There was an illusionary sense to her words as she screams at the empty void in front and within her, piercing and aching. You called for her name, shouted, in hopes that she may snap out of it.
Dried up tears came upon her ruby gaze as it flickers over to yours. She heard you. Her lips quivered into those of familiarity and she opens her mouth- only to scream her loudest, one last painful cry, as her body drops as a smoking corpse.
Charred and pure black. Twitching and steaming, but not alive.
You didn't realize you were crying until you felt the comfort of Xiao's hand wiping at your cheek, his red fingerless gloves catching the dampness as you released your sobs.
You didn't notice the gradual decrease of red in his clothing until you looked at him one day without feeling a pang on your chest. When you looked at him with only curiousity upon him calling your name, he offered a smile as he cups your cheek; it didn't feel like the same traumatic time when the Yaksha died, your cheek leaning on his cerulean palm.
It wasn't red. Maybe that's what drove away your thoughts.
"It looks good on you," you mumbled as you watched his now black and green hair sway from the breeze.
"Thank you."
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The clouds of Jueyun Karst brings peace to all that gazes on it. That may be the reason why it was Menogias' favorite place to sit by upon finishing her duties for the day, and at times she invites you over when you are done with your own; 'your presence soothes me, it's unfair that Xiao gets to keep you to himself, even if he is your lover!' you giggle at the verbatim the Hydro Yaksha always spouts everytime she drags you away from the other, with a cute yet teasing pout on her pristine face.
Those moments always has you laughing guiltily as you wave to Xiao, who only dons a gentle smile at you two's dynamic.
But she was beautiful and elegant despite her slaughtering hands, with a mind vivid and witty.
And so you find peace next to her, as both of your hands weave cloth into apparels to calm your minds. She had always been an avid fan of stitching and knitting even her own clothes, the only reason you knew how to weave the needle was because of her incessant teachings. Right now she knits a sleeve of beautiful patterns while you took on the duty to make a wooly scarf. Jueyun Karst is cold.
"How are you faring, dear? I have heard you and Xiao-" your hands paused at the implications, "-were witness to the passing of the Yaksha Indarias. Changes are glaring among that of the Conqueror of Demons, but you are a special case who is not under the influence of the karmic binds."
Her cold blue gaze seem to pierce your soul unintentionally and you couldn't bring yourself to look upon them.
You gulped and ceased on finishing the blanket to look at her own work. It was pretty. Tiring and fearful, not just for yourself, but for her too. And especially Xiao.
She holds you close in a soft embrace as you poured your honest confessions; it felt unfair for them to suffer like this, driven to self-destruction or to eternal agony. Menogias strokes your hair affectionately as she reassures your worries.
After all, they knew their oath would come to this.
And they still honored their duties to protect Liyue, for both the mortals and the realm of the Adepti.
"H-How about you?" You sniffled, looking up at her now gentle gaze. "Have you been feeling well? I don't want you to be destroyed by your own mind too."
The Yaksha's gracious smile parts after a pause to finally reply, when a glint from the side suddenly interrupted your peace-
azure pupils dilated upon recognition;
your body flies back upon her powerful push;
blood spurs from her right thigh as a jagged pillar of rock pierces through;
your back and hitting the cliff's compact ground as your vision swims.
No, no, no, no, you recognize that glow even if it was similar to another. Your body whimpers as you struggle to get up, rolling to your side to see the inevitable— the floating silhouette of the Geo Yaksha raises his arm where an orb glows over it, a single eye glows from his shadow...
The last you saw was the flash of neons and black before the world was engulfed by a blinding light.
The next thing you know you were desperately trying not to puke as you cradled the mawled and still bleeding corpse of Menogias, weakly patting her cheeks as your desperate attempts to wake her- to convince yourself that she was still alive. That the spears of stones impaled through numerous part of her body was nonexistent.
Behind you Xiao flicks his head to the side as his mask disperses. His jade spear dripping with blood as her gentle eyes hardened as it squeezes out the tears.
"(Y/N)," your wails turned into whimpers and hiccups, loose arms wrapping around your waist as Xiao pulls you away from the bloody mess. You didn't have the spirit to protest, your eyes still trained on the deceased Yaksha's face as you wept in your lover's arms.
A familiar censer that wasn't there before hangs by his waist.
And when the pain didn't make you weep anymore, a beautifully woven sleeve of blue and clouds adorn his left arm. Those who live after a millenia would not be aware of a reminiscent and deep scar hidden beneath it.
"I was not aware you were out of your domain," the moment he landed, a firm hand grasps your waist to keep you steady on the balcony's railings. Where you're currently perched on, precariously.
You were still unused to the purple cloth that flows behind him. But it matches the wind that comes with him, and the beautiful clashes of colors that makes up who he is now. He was not reminiscent of the red gentleness that he was 2000 years ago, but a teal shadow that lingers at the edges of your vision as a blur.
"I wanted to thank you for purging the malignant monsters that haunted my domain by the cavern," your gaze falls away from the moon as you swing your legs up and over, turning to face the Inn and him yet still remaining seated on the railing.
His eyes were hostile, not at all indicative of the lightness it had long ago. Chest covered in white, and the many memorabilias that dangle with him. Xiao's hands rests on the railing by your side as your fingertip traces the Vajra hanging by his neck, chunky to pointy; Pervases, the name leaves your lips in a whisper.
A guttural growl leaves him in intensity that had you reeling yet still worried for him. Behind his lidded eyes were pure hurt from the fear you conveyed, but he shook his head at all the thoughts that invades. Xiao lets loose a tired yet mocking laugh, "I just remembered something unpleasant."
Before he can turn back to gaze at your ethereal form, you've thrown your arms around his head to pull him against your chest. Your grip and uneven heartbeat alerted him of your will to not cry at his misfortune; such sympathy is wasted on him, yet he wraps his arms around you close in a gentleness that once again reflects his deepest trait.
"...your blessings, not your flaws."
At the sound of your familiar lyrics, as if with a mind of its own, the tension on his shoulders drop immediately into your warmth.
"You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound;
There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown;
You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head;
Put all your faults to bed."
Urged the strokes of your hand on his head, the voices quiet into almost nothingness. The Conqueror of Demons smiles again.
"You can be king again."
To the realm of the Adepti and those who knows even the slightest of him, it was nothing to debate about when it is claimed that you were the real reason that the golden-winged king, the Conqueror of Demons— that Xiao still exists today.
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If you recognize the song 🤝 big sad
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop @kookieyachi @xiaophilia @bunniesrorange @anormalguyreader @scarletroseneko
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interstellarre · 3 years
Delve In The Depths. Chapter II.
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Word Count. 1.5k
a/n. Just a quick btw, Meno gave Xiao the nickname "Emerald duck" because emerald ducks have greenish teal stripes on their heads and Xiao has teal undertones in his hair.
Trigger Warnings. Mentions of death and violence
Series Masterlist
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Chapter II.
Again and again these waves crash over Xiao's subconscious. Riptides of lost human dreams, the tsunamis of guilt, and the eons of pain build each other up, growing larger as they drown him in endless suffering. Waves of black vapor cloud his person. He clutches his mask
He can hear their screams now as he writhes on the top floor of Wangshu Inn in agony, barely supporting the weight of his body with his arms leaning on the balcony rails.
"Xiao, Xiao!" he turns his head to see Verr Goldet franticly searching for him.
"There's someone downstairs, the-they, Verr Goldet stutters on her words, waving her arms around unlike her usual composed self.
Xiao doesn't wait for to finish, he grabs his pole arm by reflex prepared to strike the threat down.
Instead he's met with a person grappling with pain on the floor.
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"Why slime condensate exactly?"
"Hm?" Xiangling gives you a genuinely confused look despite it not exactly being the social norm to add slime liquids to a meal. She was climbing up a sandbearer tree. The striped squirrels on the ground scatter upon her arrival.
"What gave you the idea to add slime into your dishes?" you clarify, trying not to come off as rude. Tossing the wicker basket between your hands as a form of entertainment while your culinary friend ducked her head underneath a branch.
The trees ruffle and flocks of crimson flinches and golden flinches fly off to the sky as Xiangling forages around in the tree branches for bird eggs.
"What gave you the idea that not everything is edible?" she playfully teases, now placing bird eggs by sets of two in the basket she previously gave you in Wanmin Restaurant.
You giggle, covering your hands with your mouth. She motions for you to put the basket down and come over while she grabs you by the shoulders ("Don't you dare-") and hops down. Unfortunately, you aren't heavy enough to support her body weight when she jumps down with her full force.
"Ugh!" you groan as you both tumble down to the floor. You raise a hand to your head and cover your forehead. "Was that really necessary?" you sigh, already far too used to her antics. She snickers.
As you regain your footing, you ask, "How far along are we exactly? My mother will have an aneurysm if we step foot in Moon City.*" Xiangling had already run off, and with the basket no doubt.
You look to your right and find her by the lake counting hydro slimes behind a crack between a few slabs of stone. You crouch down besides her. Her charcoal hair brushes against your mulberry silk skirt.
"1,2,3,4." Yes! this is definitely enough for my new dish!" she pumps her fist in the air.
You don't remember there being a lake to the far right in the places your mother told you to stick to.
"Let me guess," you strike a thinking pose, you want me to set up a new shop here for your new culinary competition?" you sarcastically muse.
She rolls her eyes. "No, silly I-," she stops at your amused expression. "Ah- well go on than."
You reach your arm to summon your now unsheathed dagger attached to the leather belt on your waist, ignoring the long bow and arrows attached on your back and rather choosing a melee weapon,
Standing up from your hiding spot, the group hydro slime flock, well bounce towards you.
The air turns frosty and Xiangling's teeth chatter while she rubs her arms in hopes of warming up. "Don't turn me into a chef popsicle before I get the slime condensate [Name]!"
As you kneel down to slam the stiletto dagger into sand, sharp edged flower patterns appear on the ground. The slimes teeter back at the sound chill between their mass before large icicles spring up, piercing their bodies and turning them into goo.
"Woo!" Xiangling jumps above the rock pile and excitedly cheers. Pumping her arms up. "That's my girl!"
"It was nothing really. What was it you needed next again? Of course after you've collected the slime condensate of course." you stop talking as Xiangling sweeps the slightly frozen slime fluids off the crystals you've created into a glass bottle.
"Well talking about other ingredients, I actually wanted to try something." she mentions with a certain twinkle in her eyes.
"You have my attention." You wave your hand at her to go on.
"You know that cooking competition? The one I had in the Mondstadt with the chef named Brooke?"
"I don't recall you telling me that, can you specify?" racking your brain for memories of Xiangling's rantings about food. You suddenly feel drops of sweat on your back despite not being lukewarm at the very best. It must just be from the excitement from fighting the slimes, you think pushing away your other thoughts on the matter.
"Well anyways, we found this extinct species of boar with the help of the traveler, I believe they're called the honorary knight now?" she taps her chin. "That's besides the point but, anyways, it made me think of the different varieties of possible meat options I could use with different monsters. Can you go with me north of Jueyun Karst with me to find a Stonehide Lawachurl?" She claps her hands together into a begging motion. "Please, Please?"
"Mhm, I'm not sure how fast we can make it there? You didn't hear my question before when I was asking where we were before. I'm planning on packing my bags early when I go home overmorrow." you say counting the possible time it would take you to pack all your belongings. Black spots appear in your vision. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
"Hmm, I'd say if we're lucky, a few hours? It's lucky that it's still the early morning huh?" Xiangling turned her attention to you from the mushrooms she was picking underneath the trees.
She looks over to see you on your knees, black substance withering out of your body. Sweat drips down your forehead.
She frantically shakes you, but your vision has gone black.
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The blood on Bosacius' arm dripped to the ground creating a thin string trailing only to be diluted by the pouring rain water behind Bosacius and a certain teal haired adeptus. Bosacius gripped his injured arm with his other.
"You need to treat that wound," Xiao said, glaring at his fellow adeptus' wound. He could see the majority of Bosacius bone creeping out of his flesh. A familiar sight.
"Rest assured, I've been in worse state. I just never expect it to hurt as much as it always does," grimaced Bosacius through his smiling expression. The water soaked through his garments and drenched his hair.
"You sound like one of those mortals, trying to fight through their deathly injuries only not to see the next day," replied Xiao looking forward to their destination of Jueyun Karst. He could see the towering peaks getting larger and larger as they move on despite the misty atmosphere.
"We're all too mortal for our liking these days." said Bosacius, his expression unreadable.
The sound of steps softly crushing the blades of grass underneath them and thunder rumbling filled the air while their owners remained silent.
"Have you told Rex Lapis about the constant pain you've been experiencing?" said Xiao, breaking the silence.
Bosacius bit his bottom lip while his working hands, well, what was left of them tensed up. "No, I didn't see the need to bother him. I'm sure he has other pressing matters to attend to now, especially with the incline in aggression from monsters around Liyue Harbor recently. It's strange," The older man looked up to the sky, while Xiao had a distracted look on his face from thinking about the increased monster attacks. "I have yet to figure out the cause behind it."
"I believe Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper are free this evening, I'll ask them for their input on the situation later."
They had arrived at Jueyun Karst, the floating island in the middle of the adepti abode was lit up, symbolizing the availability of Cloud Retainer.
"I'd imagine we don't have the need to place an offering in the middle of the lake huh?" Bosacius winks at Xiao. Xiao looks down at the lake, full of ripple currently from the cloudburst. The empty bowl in the middle overflowed with liquid.
Bosacius gave a forced smile at his correct prediction of their fellow adepti's availability. "Well, I suppose it's best for me to head off and find Indarias to heal my wounds."
"That would be for the best." confirmed Xiao
"Thank you for accompanying me for this trip."
Xiao turned his back and Bosacius was gone
"Hey! Emerald duck!"
Xiao swore he heard the inter layers of hell again as he pinched the bridge of his nose
"Oh archons," he cursed under his breath. Menogias tumbled towards him, no grace or posture in her current childlike state.
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*Moon City refers to Mondstadt as Mondstadt translates to Moon City in German.
a/n. Incase anyone was wondering the reader's constellation is "The Maiden" or "Virgo". I'm planning on making a character sheet for the reader soon, so watch out for that!
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
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"Alatus, would you say you're more like a cat, or a bird? Because sometimes I swear you're both."
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
more tag dump
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