#( V. YAKSHA. )
mmriesoftvat · 9 months
i'm talking about it on discord, but i want to again talk about yaksha!verse for chongyun and how much i LOVE it and need to throw it at the rest of you more.
in yakshaverse, chongyun is the missing/long sealed both in body and in records, cryo yaksha, binarius. seeing his friends and loved ones succumb to the karmic debt around him had him PANICKED, so he begged rex lapis and xiao and any other adeptus who could to seal his powers.
not only did they seal binarius away, but they placed him in a clan and trusted the clan to be secret keeper. he became the 'human' chongyun, with his memories being reset every several years so he didn't question why he never aged, or why he was different.
i have the verse following several different branches though! i can write him with other yaksha in their glory days as the baby yaksha, younger than even xiao. binarius is a húli jīng, or a nine-tailed fox illuminated beast, and certainly has the trickster part of the personality. binarius cares about the other yaksha, loves them and loves rex lapis. he always saw himself as above humans, mostly only to the point of playing tricks on them, never intentionally causing harm. he mastered both the claymore and polearm, and had mastered the use of his vision, and was just as fast and strong as the rest of the yaksha, and just as diligent in his duties.
there's also fudging canon a bit where i (at least want to) write him in sumeru's glory days in the reign of king deshret. since there's canon lore in sumeru of yaksha being present, i feel like binarius could easily slot into that general timeline, and it'd be a really fun thread(s) to explore!
i also am willing to throw past!era binarius into ancient inazuma! (i have a thread for that as well, the brainworms for it are ever strong.).
and of course, modern times where chongyun is regaining his memories of being yaksha. the "yang energy" is really his own powers begging to be set free, and he isn't sure if he's congyun or binarius anymore, but is embracing both sides of his personality. ALL branches of this au have so much potential, and i am just holding this verse in my hands and offering it out to all of you.
give me yaksha verse, give me yaksha interactions, give me yaksha everything.
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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@bishonenprince liked for a starter for one of my adepti muses! || Status: Accepting
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He was coming to the uncomfortable realization that traveling around Fontaine was far trickier than he had expected. It was his own fault, after traveling around Liyue he had hardly had to even think about where he disappeared and reappeared at.
That was his own downfall he knew as he reappeared not on solid ground but far above said ground. And before he even had the chance to correct his mistake he plummeted, hitting the ground hard enough to send him to his stomach. It ached but he had felt worse, he would push himself up because it did him no good to wallow in pain or self pity.
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Though he almost regretted it when he pushed him up to see a man standing there. It took a moment for him to realize that this complete stranger had seen him make such a humiliating mistake but once it did he rushed to his feet as his face turned bright red as he rushed to his feet.
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
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real quick, please thank @ninebow for this BEAUTIFUL art of Binarius from yakshaverse! I woke up to this gift art, so thank you saint i fucking love you
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mcuntainbcrn · 9 months
@mmriesoftvat cont. from here: [x]
"Apologies for troubling you." he had said she could call on him at any time, but still - given the role she knew he filled, there was always the potential she could have pulled him away from active combat to satisfy a curiosity that could have waited.
"I've been feeling a lot of movements around the perimeter of the Karst recently, and have noticed many of what appears to be numerous gifts left in their wake, littering the area, and have heard many voices speaking of lanterns...I can't pretend I'm looped in to this nations customs, but I wanted to speak to you on the matter if such things aren't as benign as they appear to."
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Even saying it out loud made her feel a touch ridiculous, but paranoia was something that had, more often than not, navigated her away from danger in the past...better to question someone knowledgable and feel foolish than ignore it and be proven an even greater fool.
"...do you happen to know about what may be the catalyst of such behaviors?"
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daybreakrising · 10 months
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Menogias wakes at the base of Mt. Hulao, unaware of the time that has passed since his demise at the hands of Bonanus. He doesn't remember falling to karmic debt; doesn't recall turning against his sibling and subsequently perishing for it. He has but a few snatches of memory that make no sense to him: screams of agony; Bonanus' face twisted with rage.
Through his connection with the earth, he learns that thousands of years have now passed since the Archon War. Understandably shaken by this, he lingers within Mt. Hulao for a time whilst he adjusts to this revelation - and then, strengthened and curious, he ventures out into the rest of Liyue. He wishes to learn of this new world he has found himself in, but more importantly, he seeks to know why he has been gone for so long, and what brought him back (though he is still unaware he died).
Important notes:
The exact means of his revival are as yet unclear. After his death, Morax buried Menogias' "crystal heart" beneath Mt. Hulao, the mountain becoming his tomb. At some point, this crystal heart was recovered and, presumably, somehow used to bring him back. Whilst this bears the mark of a Fatui operation, who knows for sure?***
Timeline wise, Menogias is revived sometime between the Perilous Trail interlude & the midpoint of the Sumeru AQ. He doesn't leave Mt. Hulao until after the start of the Fontaine AQ, where he first settles himself in Huaguang Stone Forest.
In this verse, Menogias is not aware that any of his yaksha siblings are dead. As far as he knows, he has simply been asleep under a mountain for an undetermined amount of time. He cannot sense them nearby (except, perhaps, for Xiao), and presumes they, too, are in some sort of sleep state.
Menogias can sense emotion and memory from the earth, similar to how Neuvillette can feel everything through Fontaine's water. It is not so easy to sift through mountains (pun intended) of memory and emotion, however, so he has only bare bones knowledge of the world since his death.
As per this theory, and links to the etymology of his name / title, some elements of Menogias will be based on the mythological figure of Sun Wukong (buried beneath a mountain, for example). Menogias is also a polearm user for this same reason.
In connection with the expanded theory talked about in the above link, I do have a specific verse exploring a connection between Menogias and Il Capitano - as the theory is a bit of a stretch at present, this verse will be considered purely AU unless it is somehow confirmed one day. In his main verse, Menogias' only connection to the Fatui is the possibility that they were behind his revival.
***By default, details of his revival will remain a mystery. In any specific threads with Fatui aligned characters, this can be explored and confirmed/denied as required.
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
hi :3
hello!! how are you?
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inanthesis · 1 year
@viigilant ♥'d
"Adeptus Xiao, punctual as always." Zhongli greeted with a smile and a polite bow of his head, still finding quite a bit of amusement in the technical reverse of their positions in Liyue's hierarchy now that the public knows him as little more than a humble funeral consultant.
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"I do not mean to steal you away from your duties, but it dawned on me it has been quite some time since I have had time to visit you at Wangshu Inn. Tell me, are you in need of anything? More medicine, perhaps? Or is your polearm in need of any servicing? I have personally been tasked with seeking out Qingxin flowers for work but I supposed while I was pondering on what route to take with my limited mobility in this form I should see if you were in need of any assistance."
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
Gen.shin Impact | Mel.
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Over 2000 years ago there was an anemo god known as Mortime. Considered to be the God of Healing and Healers, he was well loved by humanity and in turn he doted upon them. But when the Archon war began, he had no interest in fighting amongst the other gods for power. Unfortunately, his brother - another god - was threatened by his power and went to war against the god. The resulting aftermath left Mortime nearly dead & sealed away by his brother. In revenge, the Pyro Archon killed the brother, but was unable to release Mortime from his prison in time to save the god.
What remained of Mortime’s essence became corrupted with rage and bitterness, forming into various types of creatures in the area of his Fall. The Yakshas would be tasked to take on these creatures by Morax, but they would find one such creature to be DIFFERENT. One small piece of Mortime’s COMPASSION remained and from this formed not a monster, but a child. A child wielding the power of the god himself.
Born amongst the miasma caused by Mortime’s corruption, this child would be marked, hunted as equally as the monsters formed by her father’s anger. Against all odds, she would survive in the shadows of time – a goddess forgotten.
Nevertheless, she would appear through the centuries as a warrior-healer in times of great need. Some bards tell of her in their stories, though none give her a name. Many do not notice she still walks amongst them now.
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taylorman2274 · 5 months
We Care About You (Part V)
You are forcibly summoned to Teyvat via dream trawling for answers. A long awaited discussion ensues...
Content Warning(s): Xiao Story Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader;
Word Count: 1.4k
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Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3; @jellyedkazoo; @namine123; @innuwu; @agaygothicmushroom; @tired-of-life-86; @fantasyhopperhea; @sweetsourbxtch;
After you had decided you were no longer going to play Genshin Impact, you felt as if a massive weight was lifted off your shoulders. Had the past few weeks really taken that much out of you?
"I suppose it did," you assumed as you were playing another game with your friend group. "I haven't felt this relieved in a long while."
You and your friend group spent many hours talking, laughing, raging, and sharing memes. When you noticed it was just past midnight, you felt that it was the best time to get some sleep. You bid goodbye to your friends, closed your computer, and went to take a quick shower.
While in the shower, thoughts began to ruminate in your head. "It's gonna be hard for me to find another game that will get me addicted as much as Genshin did. But maybe something in my backlog might work for now."
The thoughts continued after the shower, after brushing your teeth, and after getting in bed. "I almost forget what game I was playing before I started Genshin. Was it something I finished? If not, maybe I should go back to that."
Before long, you fell asleep. However, unbeknownst to you, your computer mysteriously turned itself back on and began to launch a certain application...
"Do I need to remind you again how to perform Dream Trawler?" Xiao asked.
"Nuh-uh," Paimon shook her head, setting down a Seven-Star Lamp. "Paimon has a great memory! First, we offer incense with respect for Rex Lapis. Next, we meditate and think of our target. Then, we shout 'Bring Forth Sin'!
"It's 'Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin'," the Traveler corrected as they were adjusting the position of the censer.
"Right!” Paimon nodded, setting down another Seven-Star Lamp. “Lastly, we let loose a couple of arrows towards the two yaksha statues to... to uh... uhhh...".
"Tsk. Fools."
This conversation was taking place while the Traveler and Paimon were setting everything up for the Dream Trawler ritual. However, instead of going back to the two yaksha statues on the southern face of Mt. Tianheng, Zhongli suggested they perform the ritual at Luhua Pool.
"If my guess is correct, [Y/N] will most likely panic upon realizing where they are. If that's the case, it would be better for them if they weren't so close to the harbor. It's best if we do not attract any attention."
Both the Traveler and Paimon agreed. Neither of them wanted [Y/N] to be afraid. They only wanted to give them the warmest of welcomes.
"Are you two done yet?" Xiao asked, annoyed at how long it was taking to get everything set up.
The Traveler and Paimon walked up to Xiao. "Yep! Everything's set up just like last time."
Xiao nodded. "Good. Get ready to initiate the ritual."
The Traveler and Paimon nodded in return. They put the incense inside of the censer and began to meditate.
"Since we are dealing with someone from another world, I would imagine that a great deal of focus should be needed to summon [Y/N]. This is especially true since we have no idea what they look like. I'm sure Xiao warned you of the consequences this could cause should you not take this seriously.
Zhongli's words echoed in your mind as you put all of your focus towards [Y/N].
[Y/N], who has been with them since the beginning.
[Y/N], who has done their best to guide them along their journey.
"Ahh... Hmm..."
[Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"
... ...
... … …
It's cold.
You shifted in your sleep and immediately felt the lack of bedsheets surrounding your body.
Instead, you felt... rock? Sand?
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the cloudy midnight sky, trees with orangish-red leaves, and tall, rocky mountain peaks.
"...Wait. ...Why am I outdoors?"
Your eyes slowly began to adjust to the moonlight.
"...And why does this look so familiar?"
You brought your hand to the ground to begin pushing yourself up, but stopped moving once you noticed the light blue glow surrounding it.
"What the hell?!"
Shocking the exhaustion from your body, you quickly rose up from the floor, nearly losing balance as you stood due to how light you suddenly felt. You looked around the rest of your body and found that you were completely surrounded by the light blue glow.
"This has to be a dream... This has to be..."
"My job is done. I'm leaving now."
Startled, you quickly turned around to find three familiar persons standing a couple of yards away from you.
"Huh? Why don't you wanna stay?" A floating pixie asked.
A short, tattooed man with azure hair scoffed in response. "I don't deal with mortals."
You let out a crazed chuckle. "I've got to be dreaming."
Paimon, oblivious to your decreasing sanity, shook her head. "Nope! We summoned you here via dream trawling. Isn't that great?!"
You were silent for a few seconds before you responded. "Dream... trawling...?"
Sensing that you were still confused, Xiao sighed in annoyance. "You are [Y/N], right?"
Hearing the sound of your name shook some sense into you, but you still involuntarily nodded.
"Good. When you're ready to send them back, speak my name." Xiao told the Traveler before disappearing.
However, seeing Xiao disappear right in front of your eyes shook you even further. "Woah...! That looked way too realistic."
The Traveler let out a small cough to grab your attention. "If you wouldn't mind, [Y/N]. We summoned you here because we've been wanting to talk to you for some time now. Please, grab a seat."
They gestured toward a stone table that was definitely not there the last time you visited. They then sat down on the stone seat facing you. When they looked up, they realized that you hadn't even moved as much as an inch. Additionally, you stared straight at them, yet still appeared lost in thought. Sensing that you may still be bewildered about your current situation, they spoke up.
"You don't need to worry about anything, [Y/N]. There is nothing around here that will hurt you," they gestured to the seat again. "Please."
Had they been unable to see your chest moving in and out, both Paimon and the Traveler would have thought you to be a statue.
"This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real..."
Paimon shared a worryingly glance at the Traveler before floating on over to you. You were too oblivious to your surroundings to notice her approaching, but when she finally reached out a hand to tap your shoulder, you flinched back. Hard.
"Wahh! Sorry! Paimon's sorry!" Paimon quickly apologized.
Meanwhile, your brain was working in overdrive to assess the situation. "I felt her! I felt her! I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming! This is real! This is real! THIS IS REAL!"
"Paimon get back," the Traveler commanded, standing up from their seat. "They're in shock."
"In shock!? What do we do about that?" Paimon questioned.
The Traveler didn't respond, instead, they slowly began to walk towards you.
Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you noticed the Traveler approaching and slowly began to back up, raising your arms in front of your body. "No no no no. Don't come any closer."
However, the Traveler continued to walk forward one step at a time. They raised their hands up in the air. "It's okay, [Y/N]. It's okay."
You shook your head. "No, it's not okay," you rapidly spoke, breathing loudly. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you are. We summoned you here."
You backed up into a broken stone pillar. "Why?" you asked, looking behind you for a quick second. "What did I do?"
They stopped in place before a sorrowful gaze appeared on the Traveler's face. "You’ve done nothing wrong."
Silence hung in the air for an agonizingly long time. Finally, you spoke:
The Traveler nodded. "That’s right. We just want to talk."
You slowly lowered your arms. "About... what?"
Both the Traveler and Paimon smiled. "About our future journey together."
Confusion set upon you once again. "What? But I… I said I was done."
The Traveler sadly shook their head. "We know, but we can't let you leave. Not after all you have done for us."
Paimon chirped in. "Exactly! You're our friend after all!"
Your breathing stopped upon hearing Paimon. After all that effort you put into making amends with them. After believing that it was all for naught.
"You... you see me... as a friend?"
The Traveler nodded, their smile growing bigger. "We do."
Silence fell upon the three of you once again. This time, it was the Traveler who broke it.
"I think it's time we all grab a seat. Shall we?"
Author's Notes: I was originally going to make this longer, but I once again struggled at trying to write this scene out. It's hard trying to figure out how people should believably react to this scenario.
Because it's never happened before, duh.
Anyways, the next part will be the end of this series. Stick around for the ending!
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anantaru · 10 months
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cw. ⪩⪨ fem! reader, virgin! xiao & unexperienced xiao, oral (male! receiving)
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xiao gulps down the tensed knot in his throat, a sickly sweet blush cloaking his embarrassment as you slowly roll down his boxers, eyes narrowing in concentration.
you allow yourself a slight tease and mouth wet kisses along his v-line— a whisper of authority suffusing his body as you watch his cock throb against his stomach, messing him up with his pre dribbling down the pink tip.
his eyelids flinch at the first touch of your finger pads glissading across the painful erection, and xiao winces through desperate need when you take him in your hand.
a slight smirk manifests at your expressive lips as you lazily fist his cock up and down up and down, slowly, never losing eye contact, so you could read the reactions on his pale skin and whether xiao truly enjoyed himself.
this entire situation was so sweet, you think, starting from the sweetness of sugar to everything that brings forth sweetness to your soul— how he tenses at each and every flutter of your hand fisting him hard, helplessly bites down on his bottom lip to prevent himself from spilling any embarrassing sounds.
"you like it?" you tease, and the sound of your voice straight up vibrates his blood, stirred thick between his legs as you use the tip of your tongue to kitty lick the oozing pre off his cock-head before softly engulfing the tip between your lips.
"yeah.." xiao murmurs in that low, rich tone— that he'd always change to in serious situations.
it's so unbelievably sexy and you find yourself get aroused at the thought— your drenched panties peaking from below your skirt when you witness how someone as mighty and powerful as a yaksha, could suddenly switch up the very moment you touch him like that.
"please-," xiao moans obediently, "please, do m-more, please—," one hand trapping your shoulder in its hold as you, for a swift, searing moment, stop suckling on his tip when xiao instantly sucks in a sharp breath in response, and exhales an illicit rush of anticipation right after.
"yeah?" you coo, his cock sore and hard, twitching beneath the tight grip of your palm as you trail your hand down before slowly inserting him past your plump lips, smooth tongue threatening to pierce through his self control and actually make him cum the second you'd hollow your cheeks.
but xiao doesn't want to embarrass himself, he thinks he needs to proof himself while not knowing that you actually like that special side of him— a much softer, more exposed way of him expressing himself, or revealing what turned him on.
you're so content in pleasuring him with your mouth— those parted lips of yours were addictive and a sweetness of passion, burning against the thin skin on his cock as you drag down your tongue to mouth wetly across his length, the thickness of his shaft forcing your lips open indulgently.
everything for the darling yaksha, right? until he flexes his hips so desperately fast with a rumbling hum from his throat, sneakily grinding his erection into your wet warmth and hoping you would relieve him from the painful ache on his cock.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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bitterchocoo · 10 months
This is the same person who sent in a request about dan heng/ imbibitor lunae.  Sorry I wasn't specific enough.  
So I was thinking about twisted wonderland or genshin impact x dan heng/ imbibitor lunae reader where in some battle ( as dan Heng), they are fatally wounded.  Then the whole transformation to imbibitor lunae happens.  Basically, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcrJxwiBpsQ
Later on, they would have to explain what the heck just happened.  Feel free to change some things if you need to.  As for the character they are with (platonically), either diasomnia if doing twisted wonderland, or xiao and/or zhongli (platonically) for genshin impact.
The High Elder
Xiao | M. Reader as Dan Heng . Imbibitor Lunae [Honkai Star Rail]
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"A criminal... Forever banished.."
The Yaksha has always been alone.
Never would he think that he'll be accompanied by someone else. A silent but deadly man. A human.
The two had more in common than they thought, both are quiet but could be deadly given the circumstances.
The man fought extremely well as if he had long experience with fighting. He could even keep up with the Yaksha. This confused him for a moment, how could a mere human be able to keep up with him? He then thought that maybe he's like the Traveler, after all the two of them were traveling together until he decided to stay with Xiao for a while saying that he has "unfinished business" with someone.
Xiao didn't ask and just let him be, he has his own secrets, it would be hypocritical of him to suddenly be demanding answers.
As the two fought alongside each other, Xiao couldn't help but feel as if he had seen those moves before. They look.. Familiar... Awfully familiar...
Even his appearance felt.. Familiar...
As if he had seen it before.. But who..?
Those questions plagued his mind... Until one day...
He finally got his answers.
The Chasm is a scary and dark place...
Who knows what what could be hiding in those shadows? The group traveled far and wide through the Chasm, trying to find both Xiao and [Name].
Where are they? Where have they gone to? And why are they back at the same place once more? Is this a loop? What's going on?
After what felt like an endless search... they finally found Xiao... although injured he seems to be doing fine after a short rest. Now... they need to find [Name]. But wherever they go... they can't find him. It's like this place is trying to prevent them from finding him. But why? They managed to find Xiao but why can't they find [Name]?
But either way... Xiao has some unfinished business to do.
As they continue to search they start finding these... echos.. and they keep saying things like...
"....It's you."
"This surging power..."
"You've.... returned!!"
"It's you.... it's really you...!"
"High Elder!"
"I can't.... believe it....!"
"......High Elder.... you've... returned...!"
"I.... recognized..... this power..."
Who... Who are these echos talking about...? Who is this "High Elder"...? And these echoes of the past... somehow recognized their power..?
Many questions plagued them. But... it seems that they're heading to the right place as these echoes grow louder and louder... just as the voices of these echoes grow louder and louder... so does the sound of swords clashing and fighting.
Is that [Name]? Is he the one fighting? If so... who is he fighting..?
Soon enough their questions will be answered.
Although.... never would they think it would be like this.
Just as they arrived at the scene of battle. They saw a dark shadow-like figure attack [Name]. "Quit hiding." it growled as it moved swiftly and struck its sword. [Name] blocked it as best as he could with his polearm but it proves to be futile as the shadow-like being attacks him ruthlessly. "Your true self... Reveal it!"
Xiao steps in as he blocks the blade that was aimed towards [Name]. With Xiao taking over the fight, [Name] took the opportunity to recover only for the unthinkable to happen. . .
The phantom saw an opening and strike.
Throwing its sword towards [Name]. . .
. . . .And stabbed him through his chest.
Gasps were heard throughout the scene as they just witnessed what appears to be... a friend's end...
How could this be... wasn't he supposed to protect him? Wasn't he supposed to stay by his side? Wasn't he supposed to.. protect his friend? [Name]... the first human Xiao could ever call a friend... How could he be so... incompetent..? Because of—his friend—he—
The phantom chuckles as it sees [Name] falls to his knees as his mind tries to register the feeling of a blade that had stabbed him. "I have news for you..." It chuckles darkly.
"Behind you... is none other..."
[Name]'s body went limp as he dropped his weapon and..... the surrounding waters began to flow through the ground and towards [Name] as his body floated to the air...
"Than the traitor of Liyue.."
The waters surrounded him, engulfing him inside a sphere of water.
"A criminal, forever banished!"
A traitor..? A criminal..? Forever banished..?
Wha—what's going on... is that thing referring to... [Name]..? And he's... a traitor to Liyue..? No... No no no... that can't be... No... He refused to believe it! Answers.. he needed answers!
Suddenly a dragon made out of water burst through the sphere of water and then.... a bright light shines brightly, blinding their eyes.
"High Elder of the Vidyadhara.... Imbibitor Lunae.."
The light soon disappears revealing the sight of [Name] fully healed as he stands on a giant floating white flower, his back turned towards them, his hair grows in length as it now reaches his waist, his ears changed from the usually round human ears to those of an adepti; pointed, and light turquoise colored horns materialized from the waters.
His attire... changed to those of a Liyue's historical clothing, one that is worn as early as the Archon War... and is that... a small sphere floating on top of his hand..?
[Name] turned his head to the side and opened his eyes, revealing his [E. Color] eyes as he glared at those below him.
High Elder....
The title those echoes had been saying...
And... Imbibitor Lunae...
He knew that name... He knew that title...
Then... the phantom wasn't entirely lying when it said that [Name]... is the traitor of Liyue... A criminal forever banished...
With this new form...
[Name] took care of the fight with ease as if it's nothing but a walk in the park for him, easily overpowering the phantom. Before long, the fight is over... and the phantom found its peace..
Silence engulfed the field.
They still couldn't believe it... their friend... had hidden something from them... and now... the truth comes to light...
"I..." [Name] began slowly as he tries to find his words to explain everything.
"I'm not him.... I'm [Name]..."
"What my predecessor did... was unforgivable..."
"My... predecessor... He did the unthinkable to save a friend of his... and that ended up branding him as a traitor as he betrayed Rex Lapis by exploiting the contract he had agreed to and using a forbidden adepti art..."
"No need to explain anything further." Xiao spoke up, crossing his arms he let out a sigh before continuing. "You're not him.... You're... different..."
It's true that his predecessor did something unforgivable and therefore... forced the man to go through hatching rebirth.. and [Name] seemed to pay the price of a crime... that was not his..
"You are you. Those crimes weren't committed by you."
"You are [Name]... my friend..."
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
more tag dump
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
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@erabundus / plotted starter
how long has it been since binarius left liyue? days, or years? it doesn't matter at this point. time is nothing but a strange concept, there's too much of it, and yet too little time has passed. his powers had been sealed CENTURIES ago, and by this time all of his family are long gone. they'd all crumbled into dust, he's certain of it. being the last remaining yaksha -- a long forgotten, unspoken of yaksha -- hurts too much.
inazuma still feels foreign to him. then again, binarius hadn't quite let himself adapt to the culture over here, or get to know anyone. he'd preferred to keep to himself, living out of caves and the wilderness. though now, something feels different. a change in the air, or maybe it's just his own emotions finally shifting to something more positive.
it's not a HUGE settlement, something that seems a little more remote, something almost quaint. it smells strongly of earth and metal and fire here, and perhaps that's what's drawing binarius in. it'd be a nice place to stay that isn't the middle of nowhere.
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he looks a mess right now. dirt covered clothes, hair no longer tied back, instead hanging loose around his shoulders. all he's got on his back is his claymore and a bedroll. "hello?" he calls out, wishing so desperately to change back into his illuminated beast form. that would be far more comfortable than this. he lifts a hand, hoping to conjure up some sort of cryo ability. it's ALL he's got right now, everything else had been sealed.
at least the karmic debt is sealed. or sealed enough.
"anyone here?" binarius calls again. "i'd like a place to stay for the night."
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
@mmriesoftvat​ cont. from here: [x]
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The question that followed made her pause, appearing thoughtful - it was a point she hadn’t considered...though really, it was a fair thing to bring up; would such a thing be enjoyable for an adeptus?
“Mm...I’m not entirely sure, actually - I think it’s something that may vary from person to person; and it also depends on whether or not you feel or connect on a deeper level with the person giving the kiss.”
She shrugged slightly, “It’s quite commonplace among humans, even more so with those who have coupled; as for whether or not it’s something I would do again, it would all come down to whether or not you would want me to - we don’t have to do this at all really...we can proceed as though the offer was never made.”
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daybreakrising · 7 months
@yunarise: Bonanus hums a somber tune, focused on the still waters before her but nontheless aware of her martial brother's presence behind her. She smiles gently at her reflection before turning to look over her shoulder. "Will you braid my hair for me?"
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It is easy for any of his siblings to pull a gentle smile from his lips, yet they seem to come so much more readily in her presence. Perhaps, he muses, it is because he feels so more at ease around her - Indarias is too vibrant, Bosacius too loud, and he is always so worried for Alatus. He loves them all, of course, but it is easier to find peace with Bonanus.
He doesn't hesitate; he takes up position behind her, sleeves already swept back to allow for more freedom of movement. "Gladly." He replies, his voice as soft as the earth beneath them.
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His fingers get to work, twining strands of hair into elegant, complex braids, weaving them together to create a unique work of art. Nothing he does is ever simple. "Is everything well, sister?" The sombre tune had not escaped his notice. "What brings you out here alone?"
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yaksha-lover · 2 years
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