#v. (mel) gen.shin tbt
nightiingaled-a · 2 years
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       She senses more than just ANGER coming off him and the emotions alone threaten to overwhelm her if she opens herself too much. Some seem very familiar to her, feelings she once felt in great abundance - before she became the person she was now. 
   The goddess attempts to reach out for the injured boy, hand outstretched with her palm out. Harmless and open - made of all the compassion she assumes he surely LOATHES. 
           “Please - you’ll bleed to death if you don’t let me do something.”  
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
Gen.shin Impact | Mel.
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Over 2000 years ago there was an anemo god known as Mortime. Considered to be the God of Healing and Healers, he was well loved by humanity and in turn he doted upon them. But when the Archon war began, he had no interest in fighting amongst the other gods for power. Unfortunately, his brother - another god - was threatened by his power and went to war against the god. The resulting aftermath left Mortime nearly dead & sealed away by his brother. In revenge, the Pyro Archon killed the brother, but was unable to release Mortime from his prison in time to save the god.
What remained of Mortime’s essence became corrupted with rage and bitterness, forming into various types of creatures in the area of his Fall. The Yakshas would be tasked to take on these creatures by Morax, but they would find one such creature to be DIFFERENT. One small piece of Mortime’s COMPASSION remained and from this formed not a monster, but a child. A child wielding the power of the god himself.
Born amongst the miasma caused by Mortime’s corruption, this child would be marked, hunted as equally as the monsters formed by her father’s anger. Against all odds, she would survive in the shadows of time – a goddess forgotten.
Nevertheless, she would appear through the centuries as a warrior-healer in times of great need. Some bards tell of her in their stories, though none give her a name. Many do not notice she still walks amongst them now.
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