#( OPE )
so-fish-icated · 9 months
hi friends
as we boycott in support of palestine, here is a little reminder of the companies that specifically supported israel in their crimes against palestine (taken from the al jazeera website)
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do as much as you are able to during the boycott, but if you need essentials or need to go to work to support yourself, that is okay! anything helps and boycotting these companies specifically is great because of their direct role in the violence against people in gaza
free palestine
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lilystrations · 3 months
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Hot off the press and ready for Gen Con! Initially it was just Ash and Missingno, but I wanted some extra panicked pokemon fleeing the sudden appearance. I know Wingulls weren't in the original Kanto, but they make for the perfect lil startled seabirds (sorry, pidgey).
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orchid-bud · 2 months
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stuffaboutminneapolis · 2 months
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midwestern tops be like "ope, just gonna squeeze right inside ya"
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zweiginator · 2 months
need art to propose to me at the little diner where our first date was...need him to get on one knee and look up at me with his pleading eyes, stung with tears because he loves me so fucking much and a tiny part of him thinks i may say no. need him to spin me around when i say yes, yes, yes i will marry you!
need him to get so lost in the moment that he grabs my face and tongues my mouth and he feels the cold metal of the ring band against his jaw and it makes him rock fucking hard. need him to be so antsy about the wedding. he wants it to be perfect, but he wants it to be over with because what he really wants is to get me pregnant with his babies.
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sleepyhalos · 1 month
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What if Miku was midwest nascar…. No I don’t have a sane explanation for this sorry.
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lyvencope · 1 month
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IAH is back baby! Go check it out
Have some elves to celebrate 🥂
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frannyzooey · 1 year
when you’re working on the next chapter of SDLN and have very emotional notes and instead, things take a real horny turn —
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so-fish-icated · 5 months
can y’all imagine if arthur aguefort and ayda showed up again before kipperlilly can become principal and now the rat grinders/jace/porter have to try and kill aguefort like
that is the appropriate amount of chaos he brings
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uh-oh-kinky · 6 months
Seeing someone and thinking “I want to tickle them so fucking bad”.
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lordgroose · 9 months
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this is the most accidentally midwestern shit i've seen all year
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Roomate came home with a water droplet on his glasses so I asked if it was raining and he just said "...no 🥺"
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galaxostars · 15 days
If you had to choose your top five favourite marauders era characters and ships, what would they be?
This question was actually so hardddd haha and I feel like you could ask me again in a month and my answer would be different bc I’m such a multishipper that… yeah xD but for now here it issss :
Fave characters :
1. James Potter : mhm I love myself an arrogant goofball who’s actually smarter than people give him credit for, who’s got so much love he’s impulsive with it and hurts the ones he loves, who doesn’t know what to do with the loneliness that grips him sometimes, who defines himself by his ability to help people, who rarely allows himself to express himself negatively (ex : sadness/anger/frustration) because if there’s one thing that he fears the most, it’s hurting people. Plus, he hasn’t got any trauma or anything so why should he complain, yk?
Basically I love a good flawed James, and the sort of character where you wouldn’t expect him to have issues yk
2. Sirius Black : I mean… cmon do I even need to explain? ‘Cause if I start idk when I’ll stop, like literally. Ive had a crush on this character since I was eleven and never grew out of it, its almost embarrassing if it wasn’t completely justified (and the only reason he’s not number one is just because I write him less than James so I feel like I know him less intimately but like if you’d have asked me before I started writing I’d have put him number one for sure)
3. Regulus Black : !!!!! sorry but indoctrinated younger ‘abandoned’ (in between quotes bc he was not Sirius’ responsibility and Sirius was right to save himself but it’s also very normal for regulus to feel that way etc etc… we know the drill) sibling who’s faced with sudden delusion about this superior figure he’s followed/served, everything he’s lost in the process, and who redeems himself by going on this suicide mission that ends up being useless? (And unknown by Sirius AHHHH.) The guy is literally so smart and technically such a loser bc he doesn’t serve much for the plot and that’s what compelled me so much the first time I read hp 😭 he’s so tragic I love it
4. Narcissa Black : younger sibling; once again similar pattern to regulus but she survived, she’s so smart I’m, like, shaky in the knees, (esp i love female characters who do what they have to do to survive), she’s powerful too, and jkr is shit at writing female characters and I will never not be pissed abt it but I do think cissa was very compelling (+ Helen McCrory’s acting game was sooo perfect), very protective of her family and will stop at nothing to protect them, and that’s a value I respect so much. I will say, in general, any member of the black family is very compelling to me. Bellatrix would come right after narcissa in terms of fave from that family.
5. Barty Crouch Jr : listen if you know me, you know I’m… idk how to define myself actually, but I like unhinged stuff so. This is like. Peak unhingedness. Paired with intelligence bc we know canonically that man was smart af, and daddy issues? Dark hair, too? You just described my type. He’s even more compelling in tragic storylines (like past bartylus and barty joining Voldemort for regulus and then faced w the delusion and the grief? Gut wrenching) so yup.
Favorite pairings :
1. Moonshine (remus/james) : I know this sounds weird but a certain fanfic re wrote my brain chemistry and ever since then I’ve been obsessed. I just think they’re so tragically beautiful together. They’re both very selfless beings that just give and give and never prioritize themselves and together it’s a mess. They keep hurting each other because they’re so selfless, they’re not very good at reading each other and they let their insecurities get the best, they’re both frightened of how much they love, of the other not wanting them, of needing to « tame » their emotions. I love them.
2. Prongsfoot : FUCKING FOAMING AT THE MOUTH ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Together they’re. They. Just. I hate them bc of how much I love them if that makes sense. They’re everything. A law of the universe and whatnot. I love everyyyy fucking version of them. They make me cry they make me scream they make me smile they make me laugh, they’re literally my comfort ship.
3. Jegulus : they’re kind of the pairing that made me join the fandom, and though I don’t read them as much as I used to, they’ll always make me so soft. Enemies to lovers? Yeah, well I’m not immune yk. Best friend’s brother? Even better. Tragic and doomed? Yeah sign me the fuck up. I will say I like them just as much when it’s jegulily, but that’s also because I think poly relationships are so complex and compelling.
4. Moonwater : and not platonic haha, i have to say that basically i ship anyone who’s very smart imo with regulus, and Remus passes the test. Plus he’s also introverted, a book nerd, done with James and Sirius so i feel like they could bond very easily. I prefer them in a non canon sitting tho for some reason, but yeah I’m. So fond of them. They get into heated debates. Even their ship name is so dear to me because, that’s like both their biggest fears and pairing them in one name feels like they can overcome them if they’re together ? 😭 it’s so sweet (plus, it allows me to ship prongsfoot on the side lmfao)
5. Regulily : same reasoning as up there but like they’re probs the only het pairings that I really really love. i never expected them to be so important (but *cough cough* disintegration happened…) but honestly they make a lot of sense? I feel like Regulus would be more confident with Lily, and Lily would feel more calm with Regulus? They’re that scary hot powerful quiet couple yk. Anddd they can bond over siblings angst lmao.
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
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