#( Everything in this Entire World Belongs to Me ;; Mammon ).
hclluvasinners · 1 year
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T a g ( s ) !!!!!
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2af-afterdark · 10 months
I genuinely adore how much these devils love each other, specifically the way the nobles love their kings and the way the kings love their nobles. And, yes, they do love each other (even though some of them are incredibly complicated). I will not be getting into if these forms of love are healthy or not. They are devils. They are allowed to be fucked up.
Gehenna and Tartaros are pretty straight forward. Satan and his kingdom are clearly devoted to one another. Satan knows each of his citizens and they will fight to the bitter end for him and Gehenna.
Mammon's nobles belong to him (the phrase both he and they use). He would give them the world because he can give them anything they want while they would fight in his name forever. They clearly love one another.
Leviathan seems to have a surprisingly short temper and often hangs his own nobles and citizens, but he still loves them. He made the entirety of Hades for them. One of his victory lines is that, as long as the devils of Hades stand behind him, he cannot lose. He refuses to lose because losing means Hades would be at risk. It's the reason he is so harsh toward every little thing; he refuses to take risks with his kingdom. And his citizens (all of them) wear nooses because they will hang themselves if Leviathan dies. They aren't like Gehenna or Tartaros that will keep fighting until the bitter end. They will fight until the person they are fighting for is no longer there. Leviathan gave them a place to belong and gives them safety and in exchange they give him everything. And that cycle goes on and on between them.
Beelzebub, though never in his own kingdom and a total flake, still shows signs that he cares. He appears to have clones of himself running around Hell so they can always be ready to fight. In Amon's character comic, we can see that Bell returns to Avisos when asked to fight against incoming angels. Despite seemingly never wanting to be in his own kingdom and preform his duties, Bell is constantly fighting for it. His citizens will use force to keep him from leaving or bring him home, and he will fight against them. However, the second they tell him that they need him to fight (to protect them), he will return without hesitation. Don't get me started on his complicated relationship with Bael, because that's an entire other post on its own. Avisos just has a very complicated dynamic in general.
I just.... I love the way these kingdoms love so far. I need to see the other three right now.
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with-love-from-hell · 9 months
Neverending Nights
written for Gn!Mc (you/yours)
genre: hurt/comfort
pairing: Mammon x MC (can be seen as platonic/friendship)
Cw: depression implication, self-loathing, FOMO, rejection sensitivity, reader is gn but coded as shorter than Mammon.
"I sincerely apologize, Mc, but I will have to postpone our date tonight." Lucifer sighed, rubbing his temple. "Diavolo urgently needs me at the castle to review RAD's cost analyses and approve a budget for next quarter- especially considering the cost for repairs has been much more significant this quarter."
"That's ok." You mumble mournfully. "I understand."
Lucifer winces, feeling the disappointment glaring through in your tone of voice. "I do hope you know I will be making this up to you ten fold when I have the opportunity, Mc."
You smile weakly before wishing him luck at his meeting and returning to your room. It didn't hurt- at least, not at first. Lucifer was always busy- it couldn't be helped, after all. Besides, he always made due on his promise to reschedule your quality time together- all the brothers did. They valued your time...right?
"Sorry Mc, I'm at a photoshoot with Devilstyle right now! Talk later, mmkay? <3"
"I'm at a banquet to honor one of my close associates. Maybe tomorrow?"
"MC! I'm currently in line at the music shop on Dogma Street! Surce Frenzy is here signing autographs. Can you believe it?! The line is so long though...I probably wont be back until morning LOL!"
"Fangol practice is running late. I won't be home for awhile..."
Tears begin to well up behind your eyes. Even your friends at Purgatory Hall were all out together at a movie without even thinking to invite you... The breaking point, though, was the fact that Mammon didn't bother to respond to your texts at all.
Your stomach feels heavy as you set your phone to the side. Every rejection from your found family replayed in your head on a loop. Part of you was sure it was a coincidence that they all happened to be too busy for you right now, and that this is just what happens from time to time. Another part of you, though, was reminded of all the other times you were cast aside, ignored, forgotten, and rejected by others.
Your kind weren't exactly cruel to you, but there was a sense of belonging shared amongst humans that you just didn't really feel with very many of them. And part of you was convinced that they felt it too, which is why you often felt left out of...well...everything during your time there, and why the Devildom, and the friends you made here, had felt so much more like home to you.
But now, here you lay- curled into yourself in the corner of your bed. The same hurt from back then worming its way from your stomach, to your heart, and up through your throat. Your entire body felt tight and tense; the only catharsis it allowed was from the shuddered breaths and muffled cries that escaped your lips. Darkness shrouded your vision, not even the light from your phone was enough to permeate it. The blanket you've surrounded yourself with closes further and further in on you, slowly making its way over your face and shielding you from the outside.
Had you done something wrong? Maybe you unintentionally said something insulting about one of them and it spread around the group. Did they all hate you now? Maybe your "new shiny object" charm wore off, and they were bored of you- like when a child gets a bunny for Easter and their parents end up getting rid of it after a month because they lost interest. Or maybe you were never really interesting to begin with. They could have been faking it, just to get on Diavolo's good side. Or maybe they were using you...There definitely was evidence to suggest that could be the case. So they'll come back when they need something again...But maybe they never will? Maybe they'll send you back to the human world and forget all about you...
The thoughts hurled their way through your mind rapidly. Somehow, you managed to sift through what you thought to be the plethora of evidence that supported each one of your theories. It didn't make sense for all of them to be correct of course, but you believed it was more likely than sheer coincidence. How else would it explain why Mammon and Belphie just ignored your messages?
You tighten your grip on the blanket you bundled yourself into, pulling the fabric down over your eyes. The self-deprecation and rejections replayed in your thoughts like a broken record. The inside of your mind was so loud, you barely heard the sound of your door flinging open and slamming against the wall.
"Oi, human! I just got back from winnin' big at the Casino. Ya won't believe how much I got this time!" Mammon quipped loudly as he strolled into the dark room. The light from the hall spilled in, illuminating your lumpy figure under the blankets. Mammon cocked his head to the side as he noticed you, fiddling with a small box that he was hiding behind his back.
You don't reply, only curl into yourself further, praying for him to go away. You were certain that he was only here to brag, and hadn't even glanced at the message you sent him about wanting to spend time together. Clearly, the Casino and his greed meant more to him. He was a demon, after all.
"Aye! I'm talking to you, Human! This aint no time to be sleepin'! C'mon!" Mammon paused his movements as he reaches the edge of your bed. His brow now furrowed with a mixture of confusion, irritation, and concern. After you don't respond a second time, his anxiety begins to spike.
"What, are ya sick or somethin'?" Mammon shakes you a little to roughly with one hand, but the action becomes more gentle when he finally hears your sniffling, despite your best attempts to hide it. "Hey...what'sa matter?"
You shake your head enough to where you're sure he can see the movement from beneath the covers, but still say nothing. Mammon's frown deepens on his face, now heavily concerned with whatever had you to the point of tears.
"Did someone..? I swear if anyone dared lay a damn hand on ya, their head would be mounted on The Great Mammon's wall!" He growls protectively. Mammon squeezes your shoulder gently, but is taken aback when you swat his hands away.
"G-go away." You mutter.
Mammon blinks, taking a minute to process what he'd heard you say. "Huh?"
"I said: Go. Away." Your voice is louder as you snap at him, finally revealing your face from underneath the blanket cocoon you had nestled your woe into.
Mammon's eyes widen at the state of your tear-stained face. "Hey now...I ain't goin' anywhere 'til you tell me what's eatin' ya."
You sigh, folding yourself back under the blankets without another word. Mammon stands there, confused, trying to think of what to do. Clearly you weren't going to make him leave, despite saying you wanted to be alone. For a minute he ponders what could have you so upset. After his mind continues to draw blanks, he pulls out his phone, trying to see if you had maybe left any clues in the group chat. After reading through the innumerable messages declining the request to spend time with you and you're dejected "that's ok..." in response, he begins to put the pieces together.
"I'm here now, Mc..." Mammon clears his throat, sitting at the edge of your bed. "So...er...we can hang out, if ya want..."
Again, you don't reply to him. The only thing swimming through your mind now is the pity he must feel for you, seeing you like this. He probably thinks you're pathetic.
Mammon shifts his jaw. He hadn't often seen you in a state like this, but something about being lonely must have set you off. He thinks back to all of the times he himself had been lonely, and everyone else was too busy for him. The difference for him, though, was he found comfort in greed- that was his way of feeling less lonely. The casino, the horse track, and even online gambling dens were crowded with demons. Sure, many of them would roll their eyes at him or make snide remarks when he passed them by, but at least he wasn't alone.
He lets out a sigh, fidgeting with the box in his hand. "I'm sorry Mc. I didn't know you were so lonely. If I woulda known, I'd've come right home and skipped the Casino..." He pauses, glancing at your form that lay hidden underneath the blankets. "..but, I also wouldn't've been able to get ya this."
You barely have time to register what he says before a box is shoved into your face. You blink a few times before carefully taking it out of his hands. You swipe the blankets away from your face, taking the chance to study Mammon's intentions. You were surprised again to see him blushing, now turning his head away from you. With an uncertain breath, you open the box. A small gasp escapes your lips, and you snap your attention back to Mammon, who's blush seemed to have spread to his ears.
Inside the box is two sparkly gold necklaces, the heart-shaped pendants appear to be two halves that connect in the center with a magnet, showing that the wearer of each has a "half" of the other person's. "Partners in Crime" is spelled out in black cursive when the pendants are connected to each other. The gift seems befitting of a pair of middle schoolers who labeled each other as best-friends.
But as juvenile as the gift was in theory, you couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Mammon...this is very sweet."
"Yeah, yeah..." Mammon cleared his throat, trying to hid the reddness deepening on his cheeks. "I- uh- just got it so that other demons wouldn't mess with ya, not cuz I got a crush on ya or somethin'... If they see us wearin' the same necklace, they'll know you belong to the Great Mammon!"
For some reason, the comment doesn't phase you. If he'd said something like that 10 minutes ago, you would have been convinced he wanted nothing to do with you, but the gesture of the gift and the adorable flustered state he was in was proof enough that he cared about you...so much so that he went out of his way to pick up a good quality set of jewelry for you both to wear together with his winnings from his gambling. Instead of acknowledging his words, you hug him tightly.
"I...uh..." Mammon interrupted your thoughts, looking down at you with a sheepish smile on his face. "I still got some money left over from my winnings...did ya wanna order a pizza and watch some movies? I ain't got anythin' to do for the rest of the night and-"
"That sounds perfect." You smile warmly up at him. "Thank you."
Mammon finally returns your hug, squeezing you tightly. "Good. You ain't goin' anywhere cuz I got ya all to myself now, ya got that?! And...no more cryin' like that either...The Great Mammon's gonna make all yer problems go away!!"
You let out a small laugh, nuzzling into his chest. "Sure, Mammon..Sure."
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
Hi I wanted to ask one of my fav obey me artists this question: Least favorite to favorite characters? If you wanna say why, that'd be cool. If anything! Please have a nice day!
hii there!!! dearest anon stop being so nice you're going to make me cry AHSHDHD thank you,,, <33333
but what a fun question! for anyone who doesn't want to read my stupid long explanation for each character i will leave this tierlist here! all tiers (except the first tier) are organised by most to least liked within the tier from left to right
no i dont hate lucifer, it's just facebook relationship status (aka complicated <3)
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i have plenty of opinions though so i'll go ahead and give some explanations too!! >:D under the cut because there's a lot of rambling here LOL
some of the list is a bit boring because i cant really say i hate or even dislike any characters, and i don't wanna be mean about any characters just cause they're not necessarily my favourites so!
that being said lucifer pisses me off to a comical degree and he absolutely doesn't belong at the bottom but my feelings about him are so ridiculously complicated i don't know where else he belongs? i wish so badly that i could hate him in an uncomplicated way and move on but as an eldest sibling he's such a personal attack on me and i hate it. he's me, i'm him it's horrible. every time i start to think "ahh he's not that bad" he opens his mouth and makes me regret thinking that. i still think about the time i chose to kiss him on the ferris wheel and he held his hand out after and i took it and he said it reminded him of his dead sister, i will never stop holding it against him. he deserves to be loved and taken care of and he also should be thrown off a cliff. im quite certain if i had to assign myself a sin i would pick pride and i hate it >:( (this is all very lighthearted lol)
diavolo used to viscerally annoy me for no good reason when i first started the game, but over time he's grown on me and i'd say now i'm neutral-positive on him!! no idea why i hated him, i was just very salty for no reason hahaha i've recently come to appreciate his character a lot more, im very :( about how lonely he must be and i want him to have more genuine friends please solmare
i think mephisto really is just the kind of character i need to see more of to like, he's very interesting to read character analyses of (and kinda relatable tbh?) but i just need more in game is all! i love his silly lil poses those are real fun, and he is pretty
levi is another i also used to hate out of nowhere? i was neutral on him initially and then i suddenly hated him with a burning passion until one of my friends told me she really loved him and im physically incapable of hating a character my friends love so we're chill again HAHA slowly beginning to like him though! what a pathetic sopping wet cat of a man, it's GREAT
OUUGHH i so badly wanna be able to love beel more, it hurts me to have to put him here but unfortunately this is the way it is... i think it's more accurate to say i love the idea of beel? and ive noticed i really like him everywhere that isnt the game, which again is unfortunate :,)))
LUKE IS MY SON he is babyyyyyyy that's all i have to say <333 my precious lil sonboy he deserves the whole entire world
everyone loves mammon, and i am no exception :D he's not necessarily my type hence why he's neatly placed right in the middle but ugh i love a guy who tries and fails miserably to act tough but is super sweet inside, what a guy <3 ok i flip flopped between putting satan and simeon in the love tier because i am so very fond of both of them, but that's too many characters up there so imagine they're both in a weird tier purgatory between the 2 LOL
i am in fact going to marry simeon and then we will raise luke together it's a fact simeon is everything he's pretty and beautiful and a very complex and interesting character ahhh
SATAN MY LOVE he's a very interesting case to me in that i feel on paper he should be the kind of character who would be on the top of the list! he's smart and kind and unhinged and would kill for you and he likes cats!!! truly husband material i adore him
im going to marry thirteen, thanks for listening to my ted talk <3 my darling beautiful wife who would laugh hysterically if i fell down the stairs i love u thirteen <3333333 we will be wed tomorrow and we will live the dream in her silly lil cave of pranks and curses
i dont know what it is about raphael but i adore him??? is it the wet kitten swag? the done with life expression? his ridiculous outfit? i couldnt tell you but i saw him for the first time and i was immediately obsessed everything i learn about him just makes me more obsessed, i love the fact that he enjoys solomons cooking, the way he's good at sewing and is kind but kinda scary, what a fun character
i could talk endlessly about solomon oh how i love this silly househusband wizard guy i was pretty neutral on him in the og game, and then he swiftly stole my heart in nightbringer and now i would eat his terrible cooking any day of the week just to see him smile <3 if i die seeing him happy that's probably the best way to go out all his calls and messages are sooo cute and they make me melt im in love please just one chance...
barbatos and solomon are typically equal on the list i'd say? but the barbatos brainrot is hitting harder now so he gets to be ever so slightly higher this once hahaha barbs is another that took a while to grow on me, not that i ever disliked him or anything but i definitely overlooked him at first! design wise i absolutely LOVE him, his demon form is definitely one of my absolute favourites. the unique but still put together suit?? the ruffles?? the bone wing horns?? ugh he's just very pretty, and SO interesting as well love a calm collected guy who totally has the potential to destroy you if he so wishes but has a soft spot for you
and of course, real shocker im sure, at the tippy top of the list would be asmo and belphie my beloveds <333 i love them both equally and i could never put one above the other i actually started playing obey me for belphie because one of my favourite character tropes is The Tired One TM, and im absolutely not immune to a cute emo boy either. i've grown to really love his sass and the way he hides his manipulative nature behind his sweet and innocent appearance hehe i also do love how ridiculously forward and blunt he is at times, what a silly guy while belphie was very predictable, asmo was a very out of nowhere character for me! i distinctly remember seeing him initially and thinking "avatar of lust?? i guess he's pretty but he'll probably just be the fuckboy character who makes nonstop innuendos and has no character beyond that, and i'm too asexual for this" so i avoided him a lot at first, but i'm very weak for how kind and gentle and charismatic he is, and the way he puts his all into everything and everyone <333 it didnt take long for me to realise that he's almost exactly the kind of person i aspire to be more like
also miura ayme gives me so much gender envy its not fair send tweet
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owlisbuffering · 1 year
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A Study in MC
Genre: fluff, introspection?, pre-relationship
Pairing: Satan x reader/MC (who is not present)
Word count: 2051
Summary: While retrieving your belongings from the Human Realm, Satan gets more glimpses into who you are and reminisces how his perceptions of you have changed.
Notes: reader/ MC is gender neutral; memories/ flashbacks are in italics; this is my first fic in years, be gentle with me
Cross posted on ao3
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Satan scowled and directed a rude gesture at Lucifer as he walked through the portal. It promptly closed behind him and he closed his eyes, releasing a deep sigh. A satisfied smile grew on his face and he turned slowly, taking in his new surroundings.
Though you'd been in the devildom for quite some time already, it had only now been determined that someone ought to retrieve some of your personal effects from the human world. It may never have happened at all, but somehow Lord Diavolo had learned about "homesickness," and he immediately determined that measures must be taken lest the dreaded ailment befall the precious human.
Thus, Lucifer had you compile a list of items you wanted along with their locations, and Satan was tasked with retrieving them. Lucifer would have taken it upon himself, but Lord Diavolo needed him to compile reports for an urgent last-minute meeting. That meant he had no choice but to assign one of his brothers to the task, and though he was loath to admit it, Satan was really the most reliable option. Mammon would undoubtedly steal some of your things to attempt to sell them, Levi and Belphie were out for obvious reasons, Asmo would probably go through your closet and drawers and post everything to Devilgram, and Beel would empty your kitchen.
Naturally, Satan was affronted when Lucifer informed him how he was to spend his afternoon and argued, citing a distinct lack of consideration of his time and schedule and how huge an inconvenience this would be. Truth be told, it was entirely for show: Satan was intrigued and thrilled at the prospect of seeing your home, especially your room. A person's room said a lot about them. Sure, he was intimately acquainted with your room in the devildom, but really it was only just starting to become yours rather than just the room you were staying in. In contrast, now he'd get to see the room you'd lived in for years, that you'd arranged and decorated and filled with things that you chose, everything coming together to paint a unique picture of you: your habits, your hobbies, your tastes. Yes, Satan was eager to say the least, but he wasn't about to let Lucifer know that.
The portal had deposited him in what appeared to be your living room. It looked much as he had anticipated, and as he surveyed the room, an array of pictures on one wall caught his eye. He approached them for a closer look, and to his satisfaction found it was a collection of family photos, many of which featured younger versions of you. He couldn't help a chuckle as his eyes fell on a baby picture of you having a bath, conveniently censored with a washcloth. He snapped a quick photo of it with his DDD, plus a few of some of the other photos, then turned his attention to the list.
Almost all of the items you wanted were located in your bedroom, aside from a few bathroom items and your favorite mug. Instead of any actual descriptive terms, next to "mug," you'd simply written "You'll know it when you see it." Interest piqued, he headed to the kitchen. Glass panels in the top cupboards removed the guesswork of which one contained the mugs, so he opened it and began perusing the surprising assortment your family had stowed. There were many novelty or souvenir mugs, ornately patterned ones, and some with humorous or snarky sayings, but none of them really struck him as befitting you. Then-
"Hello, what's this?" He reached into the back corner and withdrew a mug adorned with the original illustration of Alice talking to the Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, along with the quote "Well, I've often seen a cat without a grin,' thought Alice, 'but a grin without a cat is the most curious thing!" A closer examination showed that the cat seemed to be a slightly different color than the rest of the design. Curious, he moved to the faucet and ran the hot water. After deeming it hot enough, he filled the mug and waited. Sure enough, as he watched, the Chesire cat's body disappeared from the picture, leaving behind his smile.
Satan was elated! This alone was worth the trip. He found himself wearing a grin to match the pictured cheshire's as he dumped the water out and dried the mug, then carefully stowed it in the travel bag he'd brought to hold your things. It was enchanted to hold as much as he needed it to, as well as to ensure nothing would break or get damaged, but just to be safe he placed another spell on the mug itself to protect it.
As he moved toward your bedroom, a memory from early in your acquaintance came to mind:
You were staring at him again. This had been happening with great frequency as of late and was beginning to get on his nerves. He'd just finished discussing the most recent exam with the Devildom History professor; the fool had completely bungled the dates of the Brimstone Treatise, and while it was a more obscure event, wasn't accuracy part of this demon's job? But, ever the gentleman, he kept his polite smile on his face all through the infuriating conversation and now presently turned this smile to you.
"Is something the matter, MC?"
For a moment you just kept staring, your head cocked slightly to the side. Satan's irritation was on the verge of morphing into flat-out anger when you finally responded.
"You're a Cheshire cat."
That was unexpected. He managed to keep his smile in place despite his suprise, but just barely. "I beg your pardon?"
"I can't help but think of the Cheshire cat when I see you. I've watched you with plenty of different individuals, in all kinds of situations- flirting, debating, ordering, teaching- and you've always got that smile. If I didn't know any better, I'd bet it would remain if you vanished...which makes me wonder: how would you look without it?" You gave him a small half-smile, then grabbed your schoolbag and left the classroom. 
Ironically enough, that's when the carefully crafted smile fell from his face.
That interaction was a bit of a turning point in how he saw you. If you actually wanted to see his genuine expressions, then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume you wanted to know what he actually thought. And if that was the case, then couldn't it also be hypothesized that you cared what he thought? And so, he decided maybe it might be worthwhile to test his hypotheses. For research.
At the door to your bedroom, he paused with his hand on the knob. Why did he suddenly feel nervous? How odd. He took a deep breath to settle himself, then opened the door.
The room was in dissarray. Not messy per se, but perhaps a somewhat organized chaos, not too unlike his own room without the towering stacks of books. No sooner had he thought this than he felt his foot bump something. Looking down, he saw that a small stack of books had tipped onto his shoe. As he bent to right them, he discovered no less than four more book stacks of varying heights near your bed, with another five books stashed underneath the bed, nevermind the two large bookcases you had, both completely full. He let out a loud laugh at his discovery, only for it to turn into a gasp when he heard a plaintive "Meow!"
How could he have forgotten?! He knew you had a cat; he'd seen pictures and heard stories about it. He'd just gotten so caught up in his other discoveries about you. But there on your bed, curled up on what appeared to be an over-sized nightshirt was your cat, blinking at him blearily.
"Did I wake you? My apologies. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."
The cat stretched and sniffed Satan's offered hand, then meowed and gave it a lick. Satan sat on the bed next to the cat, making a mental note as he did so that your mattress here was a bit softer than the one you had in the House of Lamentation. The cat got up and climbed into Satan's lap, sniffing his jacket.
"I brought new smells with me, didn't I? You probably smell MC on me, too, don't you? Yes, MC and I are very.......good friends." he finished lamely.
To be honest, he wasn't entirely sure what term fit the two of you currently. You'd gone on dates and flirted often, but he didn't think you two were considered a couple. He wanted to be, and if the brushes of fingers and lingering gazes were any indication, so did you.
Your cat started purring loudly while Satan scratched its chin. "MC says you always slept with them. That's probably why you're curled up on their pajamas, isn't it?"
He glanced over at the nightshirt and had to smile again. Now that your cat had moved, he could see the design: a person sitting on top of a stack of books, reading, with the caption "So many books, so little time."
He held his bedroom door open, granting you entry. Technically, you'd been inside a few other occasions, but they were very brief instances. This was the first time you were able to actually gawk and really take in the sheer magnitude of books Satan had. Staring at the towers the many stacks formed, you moved forward slowly, so thankfully you managed to catch yourself before toppling one. Satan turned his back to you and rolled his eyes, waiting for the inevitable remark about the clutter and precariousness of the state of his room that everyone seemed to feel obligated to make upon spending more than a few moments inside. When it didn't come he turned to look at you.
"You're not going to say anything about my too many books or how I choose to house them?" he asked with some impatience.
You didn't even glance at him, still staring around his room with a look of awe and reverence. You gave an appreciative little nod. "I get it."
He felt warmth creeping into his face and had to turn away again.
Satan shook his head with a small smile. You got it, indeed. Slowly looking around your room again, much the same way you had done in his, he was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to see you. Best to not take too much time so that he could return to the House of Lamentation about the time you'd be finishing your tasks for the day.
He looked down at your cat, reluctant to lose the feline's company. After some quick mental math, he determined he could allow himself three minutes to indulge himself. Once the three minutes were up, he heaved a deep sigh and gently picked the cat up and placed it back on your bed, then set about gathering the rest of the items you had listed......and some you hadn't: all of your books were put in the bag. Even if you didn't necessarily wish to have them, Satan intended to borrow them. As he collected the items he made sure to give your cat a scratch or a pet every time he passed it. He was sorely tempted to bring the cat with him, but you had foreseen that and had emphasized in no less than three places on the list, in all caps and with ample exclamation points every time: "LEAVE THE CAT!!!!!!!!!" Honestly, he still may have brought it had he not had the realization that if he did, the cat would undoubtedly monopolize your cuddling. While you and Satan may not have been quite to the point of cuddling, he did not wish to make it any harder upon himself to get there, nor could he help the mild jealousy that arose.
Finally finished, he sent Barbatos a text saying he was ready, gave the cat a final scratch and bid it goodbye, and walked into the portal that opened a moment later. A small, sincere smile stole across his face at the thought of returning to you.
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lightvsdark18 · 1 year
Obey Me Nightbringer 6-10
Followed Olga Gacha Phoenix's playthrough.
"If you two keep on fighting, I'm going to leave."
Simeon?! What is he doing here?
Don't say it. Don't say it. Damnit.
"Luke! Don't be rude!" Bright green flash in their eyes before disappearing like it was never there.
Lilith's room.
This hurts quite a lot. Instead of them leaving, it's me.
"I'm heading home."
*sigh* "Fine."
"Is everything okay?"
"You can drink that, but not Luke. It's alcohol."
But I'm not a demon...
"Anyway, let me see if there's anything you both can drink."
"What did you do to him?"
"Are you doing okay?"
The hell did you do?
"Mr. Asmodeus, something was bothering you yesterday. What was it?"
"You want to go back." "But you miss the Celestial Realm." "What? No, no I don't miss the Celestial Realm. Ohh, that reminds me!"
"I have a headache."
"Probably because it hurts."
"I'll think about it."
"A part of me wants to help, but the other half doesn't."
"! He's missing?"
"What's wrong, Luke?"
"You're actually worried about him."
"I can sense magic coming from the bathtub."
"It's the oldest's job to go first, now jump in!"
"I have candy in my pocket, I don't want it to get wet."
Fought against the entire Devildom?
"I'm Luna, the brothers' attendant."
The brothers ask them to talk to him. "Mr. Asmodeus."
"It's good to openly talk about it."
"You're going get anxious since everything happened not too long ago. Give yourself time to adjust, step by step."
Arachnophobia. "Run!"
"Solomon, what do we do?!"
They're looking at Solomon like "what are you doing?" Why is he asking for a pact with Asmo instead of asking him to make one with them?
"Hmm. I don't see why not."
Their heart sinks.
They don't know how to answer. They want to be honest, but can't.
"No, don't! Yes, I don't belong here, but sending me to the human world may cause more problems. I don't know why I'm here or I'm suppose to do, but I have to be here. I can't say what was going on, I don't know what I can say, it's all complicated. Please let me stay."
Because of their panicky reaction and their words hold no lies, he says he will think about it but can't guarantee he will let them stay.
They don't answer Barbatos.
They sit down on the floor of the place they have been using as their house and cries. Why? Why the hell am I here?! What reason is there to send me here?! I can't regain my pacts! Diavolo is going to send me this time period's human world! And Solomon isn't here to help me! (They're alone)
They get a text from Simeon to come over and try the pasties him and Luke made.
Simeon greets them with a "welcome home" before asking if they're okay. "No, but I don't want to talk about it."
The three eat the pasties and Simeon is bothered by their depressed expression, having the thought of talking about a past regret to encourage them to open up. Luke then speaks up as well.
They excuse themself to the bathroom and overhear the brothers in the library, feeling more pain at Mammon liking them. They turn to leave, but Asmo catches them outside the door and drag them inside. He asks if they're doing okay just for them to brushes it off with "it's nothing."
"Job opportunity?"
"... I don't have anything better to do."
"The same room as always?"
Lucifer takes note of their sorrowful expression and gets the same "it's nothing."
Smug "Not scared of some evil ghosts?"
Belphie, what the fuck. They wipe the dirt from the tomb and read the words to themself. "Hey, what does it say?" "Adam. I'm waiting for you."
Confusingly stares at Mammon.
Uncomfortable with the touching.
"What was their name?" Nightbrigher?
He starts tearing Luna's glove as they jerk their hand back and moves away, shielding the ring from his sight. "I'm not the one you're seeking. I have no ring." However, Adam disagrees and grabs their hand from under their arm and looks at the ring.
"They just happen to look similar."
"Sorry, but I can't help you." (You're suspicious and they doesn't like this whole thing. They want nothing to do with this.) Disappointed, Adam leaves.
"Place like this?"
"Solomon, considering I haven't said anything about the future, I think I know the risks. Also, I wanted to ask why did you make a pact with Asmo? Couldn't you asked him make one with me, or made a barrier and then summoned Barbados to help us escape?" He dodges the question.
Nervous as all hell at the Demon Lord's Castle. They're ready to break the teacup at what Diavolo is saying.
(Oh look, a distraction) "What's going on?"
Quietly walks to the gates when Barbatos speaks up.
Hush "Sure."
"I don't know, you decide."
"Mr. Satan, what are you doing outside?"
"It's a cat." Crouches down to pet the cat. "An animal, though they can get mean, but they can also get snuggly."
"You like to be alone?"
"Give it some time, all of that can change."
Goes back to petting the cat.
"Yeah, especially when they purr. *Sighs* I want a cat."
Belphie, you're a moron. You have no right or place to do whatever you want without getting yourself killed or something.
Because of the Celestial War is why he's not doing anything, he now knows the consequences.
Turns to head back to Cocytus Hall. They don't want to be a part of this whole thing. But the brothers stop them and explain what happened at the dinner party.
"Maybe someone made Beel, I mean, Mr. Beelzebub get out of control. Strange things have been happening like Mr. Leviathan appearing in a different location or Mr. Asmodeus appearing in the Celestial Realm. Maybe whatever is going on affected Mr. Beelzebub as well."
"You go tell Lucifer." "He's just going send me away or not even talk to me." Pushes them to the door and gives a thumbs up before booking it.
"I have a idea on what happened to Mr. Beelzebub, of course I'm not 100% sure but it's something." Tells him what they told the third brothers downstairs.
Lucifer questions why they are getting involved in their lives. "I'm your attendant, it's my job to help you and make sure you all are adjusting to the Devildom. Maybe an outsider's eye can be useful at times."
Lucifer remembers the cursed record and the possiblity it did something, then he asks Luna to check up on Belphie.
Luna never fully liked Belphie. Despite how well the two of them got along, that night never left their mind and always hold that against him. Maybe they would walk into his room and talk to him, but how he acted with Beel being prisoner and not thinking about the consequences he will cause, they're return to Cocytus Hall.
Walking back they get a text from Lucifer to meet at the Demon Lord's Castle. They sigh.
"Let's find His Highness."
"Mr. Belphegor, calm down for two seconds."
Pulls Belphie away.
Stretches arms out to catch themself if they do fall.
Puts a shield up to protect themself from the rain.
The rings starts glowing under their glove as they conjure up a spell to put Beel asleep. Everyone is unsettled by what happened since it's the first time Luna drew magic from them.
Lucifer knows that light without needing to see the ring on their hand. They're in danger. They try to conjure up a teleportation spell, but their magic runs dry.
Everything on their body is tense, scared and lost on what to do as Diavolo tells them to confess they're true nature. "I'm... a human."
That hurts to hear him say that. "... It doesn't matter what I say, I know you won't believe me."
0 notes
rin-itoshi · 3 years
mc’s departure | obey me
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summary: how the brothers would react to MC returning to the human world after a year in the devildom
contains: fluff , angst , ?!!!!&;@;&:idk
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he’s the one to see you off, reminding you of the many things he had taught you so that you’d never forget.
his pride is much too large to admit that he will miss you to death and that he loves you dearly.
after you’re gone, he’s gone for hours at a time, holed up in his room with as much as work as he can take on.
he overworks himself with the intention of getting rid of the heavy emotion on his heart.
everything reminds you of him, even the paper clip on his desk that you had once found under his bed.
he gets easily irritable, feeling rather empty now that you’ve gone and left him alone in this now quiet house.
barely leaves his room, only works.
never cries but gets quite emotional when he finds a belonging you left behind.
he cried every single night up until your departure but never showed you that side of him once
after you left, he cried non-stop, not caring if he looked like a cry baby in front of his brother’s who watched him with pitiful eyes.
once his eyes dried up, he soon never returned home as he partied all day and night.
he forced himself to attend parties after parties in order to forget about you.
it never works because everything reminds him of you.
sometimes he sits in his car and just stares into space, wondering what you’re doing now that you’re back on earth.
literally cannot stand the mention of you or your name or he may break down.
pretends to be okay but can’t go a day without getting upset about your absence.
money soon becomes pointless when he realizes no amount of cash will bring you back to the house of lamentation.
curled up in his bath tub and cried himself to sleep.
stopped leaving his room in general, continuously playing games all day and night.
couldn’t look at his ruri-chan figures because they somehow reminded him of you and how much you used to admire them with him.
every inch of his room has your touch on it and it makes his heart ache painfully.
struggles to attend online school but manages to make it through the day by zoning out in class.
claims he doesn’t care about a normie like you but genuinely misses you
sends you messages, forgetting you can no longer contact him without your D.D.D
writes about how much he misses you on his blog fully aware you’ll never see it.
reading. that’s all he does.
he hides in his room and reads every single book he has stacked up along his room, even rereading them if he finished everything.
uses books to get his mind off of you—or more so the lack of you.
will sometimes get excited about a stray cat he sees but stops himself when he realizes he can’t tell you because you aren’t here.
gets angry. a lot.
the smallest things set him off and he can longer feign a smile when he hears your name or anything related to you.
he misses you so much that he wants to tear out his hair and rip apart all these book page by page.
his room is in shambles and he can’t seem to think straight anymore.
loses his interest in everything.
forgets his skin care routine and lets himself go without caring about it.
forces himself to go to parties and tries to sleep with someone to feel better but when it fails, he stops sleeping around in general.
like mammon, he doesn’t come home often to avoid seeing the house he had lived in with you happily.
cannot forget about you no matter what he does, and that frustrates him the most.
wishes he had done something to stop you or at least slept beside you one last time.
neglects himself for a while.
poor bby isn’t hungry for once.
can’t seem to eat now that you’re not sitting beside him, giggling about something he had said.
spends a lot of his time doing weight training and exercising to get his mind off of you.
misses all the meals you used to make on the nights you were in charge of cooking.
sometimes forgets you’re not around whenever he’s about to go downstairs to eat dinner.
clings to belphie in hopes to fill the gap in his heart.
accidentally broke down your room door in an angry fit when your absence finally set in.
either he sleeps even more or somehow gets less sleep.
no matter what, he feels sluggish and blank.
locks himself in the attic, almost as if he was never released in the first place.
even though he hated humans, your absence affected him the most after he had grown to love you as a human.
nearly went demon mode on diavolo when he found out that you were being sent back to the human world.
partially wishes he never met you but cherishes his memories with you too much to ever wish for that wholeheartedly.
sleeps in your bed often to hold onto your lingering scent that was fading quickly.
complains to beel that you were nothing but a stupid human who turns their backs on demons like them, but he never means anything he says.
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“Why is it so quiet in here?” Diavolo asks as he opens the front door of the House of Lamentation with Barbatos at his side. The man’s golden eyes scanned the entry hall, noticing how it was so eerily dark and quiet that it almost felt like something out of a horror movie. It felt like no one had lived here in over two thousand years. “Hello?”
Upon receiving message from Diavolo, everyone had exited their rooms for the first time in a while, looking like they were dragged through the mud. The state they were in made Diavolo jump with surprise, shocked to find that even Lucifer looked like he was ill. “What happened to you guys?!”
“What is it that you need, Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer asked as he ran a hand through his hair to compose himself a bit in front of the red haired man. “If is nothing important, may I kindly ask you to leave and return another time?”
Diavolo sighed, shaking his head lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what’s up with you guys, but I brought everyone’s favorite person along with me so sing your praises now!”
Mammon huffed, “If ya’ talking about that butler of yours, ain’t nobody care right now! We got bigger things to worry about!”
Barbatos simply smiled, taking no offense to the sly insult thrown his way.
Diavolo cocked a brow in confusion. “What? Of course not! It’s-“
The person stepped out from behind Diavolo, catching the attention of every single male in the room. The seven brother’s choked, staring at the one person they had longed for these past few days.
“[y/n]!” They shouted in unison, practically flying down the stairs to get to you. Mammon was the first to reach you, wrapping his arms around your entire body as he tackled you to the floor. The other brother’s climbed on top of you two, hugging you so tightly that you feared this would be where you’d die. “You’re back!”
Diavolo chuckled boisterously. “This is amusing! You lot are acting like you didn’t know they’d return today!” His laugh came to an abrupt stop when he saw the flat expressions coming from each and every brother. “Oh- Did I not inform you?”
“Obviously you didn’t.” Belphegor scoffed with a roll of the eyes, burying his face in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. “[y/n]...”
“Ya can’t ever leave again! I’ll seriously get angry at ya if this happens again! Ya either go to the human world with me or ya don’t go at all!” Mammon snapped, cupping your cheeks while getting dangerously close to your face to yell at you.
“I’ll severely punish you if you ever leave this manor without giving me a heads up as to where you’re off to. You’re not just an exchange student anymore. You’re special.” Lucifer explained, a panicked glint in his tired eyes as he reached out to pat your head gently with his gloved hand.
Satan sighed, pressing his forehead against your back. “If you leave again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control my emotions, so don’t leave.”
The avatar of lust whined loudly, “my beautiful self can’t handle a life without you! Don’t ever go anywhere without me again!” He clutched onto her waist tightly.
“Don’t... Don’t go anywhere.” Leviathan said with a sad frown on his lips as he held your hand, bringing it up to rest against his cheek. “It’s so empty without you.”
“Let’s eat dinner together, [y/n].” Beel suggested, his voice full of emotions as he drooled at the thought of dinner with you.
A million emotions ran through your veins as you sat there, basking in the warmth of their touch. It was overwhelming to receive so much love all at once but it was amazing.
A smile slowly crept onto your lips as you leaned into their touch, enjoying the way they clung to you as if you’d disappear any moment now. “I missed you guys, too.”
“What a lovely reunion!” Diavolo exclaimed happily, snapping a view blurry photos on his D.D.D to send to the group chat later.
After the heartfelt moment, they quickly disappeared upstairs to fix up their appearance before rushing downstairs to the kitchen where you stood. They clung to you like bugs to a light, hounding you about your sudden departure, only to find out that you had gone up there with Diavolo and Barbatos to help the man experience human world activities he had never gotten to try before. Diavolo was sure he had told them that but seeing as they were genuinely distressed, he assumed the message never reached.
Even though they were beyond pissed with Diavolo and his carelessness, they were just glad you were back. Them being here with you really was their idea of a perfect life.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Okay, but like could you imagine how the demon bros would react if MC had a fanclub, because I feel like that would be wild lol
The Brothers v. The MC’s Fanclub
Surely, the italics blurb was meant for more than this! Any old letters in any order could have been strung together for the purpose of wasting space and yet here it is, a being brought forth with intent! With substance! The blurb has a need for greater purpose, but what is it to do when its sole function is to only exist?? How can it ever hope to fulfill its ambition when it's no more than a proto-intro to a fuller, more engaging story?! Surely… Surely there is a way...
He had expected a human in the Devildom would have been eaten… not popular!
The MC’s rise to the social hierarchy sidelined him hard. When he had assigned Mammon to guard their human, it was with the expectation of keeping hungry demons at bay… not ushering them through crowds of followers like a security detail.
Honestly, it’s more inconvenient than anything… The MC’s fans are actually worse than his own at taking a hint and he had to give the human a map of school just to find ways to avoid them in the halls!
They usually know better than to crash any dates that the two are on (this is Lucifer we’re talking about), but they get no privacy at RAD anymore… If he tries to meet up with the MC for anything, he has to go round up all their crazed stalkers groupies before he can actually say anything.
He’d expel them all if he could, but since Diavolo holds onto that power, he just gives any of them that get in his way an eternal detention… Can’t bother MC if you’re sealed in a closet, now can you?
His possessiveness and his need to make money are at real odds with themselves…
On the one hand, it’d be so easy to milk these fools like no tomorrow! He could sell them practically anything the MC’s touched from old shirts to toothbrushes. Pictures could go for twice as much and if he could get the MC to give out hugs…? They’d be loaded!! Loaded, baby!!!
… But then one of them tries to get too close to MC and he feels the urge to sock him in the jaw… Like, they’re suckers, obviously, but the MC is still HIS MC. The idea of a bunch of groupies following them around… it gets under his skin something fierce.
He pretty much won’t leave their side at all at RAD just so he can swat away their fans whenever he gets the chance. He may as well be their personal bodyguard, the second a guy gets too close, Mammon will have him by the back of the neck and toss him out on his ass.
It doesn’t stop him from making money off them completely (this is Mammon we’re talking about) but he makes sure they stick to whatever worthless cast-offs he pawns on them. The real deal is his and his alone, ya hear?
Jealous boi is jealous and he doesn’t want to talk about it.
The second he found out the MC had their own fanclub he knew he hated them. He’s an otaku and a huge ass simp for people in both 2 and 3 dimensions. That means he knows what fans like this do to the people they idolize… 
Just the thought of the MC’s groupies trying to get candid shots of them or going after everything from their pencils to their bathwater… Nope. No. Not allowed. Not with his MC anyway.
He starts going out to RAD more often just to stake his claim when those losers are around (yes, even he considers them to be losers… not that he has much leg to stand on but hey). 
Normally stuttery and blushy Levi suddenly upgrades to a confident snek boy literally any time he sees their fans around. He’s gotta be touching them somehow and he’ll smile in their direction like a smug asshole the entire time. Yeah that’s right… be jealous of him for a change, you simps.
Dear lord are they an annoying bunch…
Satan isn’t opposed to the MC having fans in principle, on some level he even understands it. They’re a human in a world full of demons and that’s going to turn some heads on its own, but that doesn’t mean they have to be SO IRRITATING about it...
Satan will just be walking with the MC out in the courtyard and they’ll have fans practically nipping their heels for attention… He’d be much more patient with them if they didn’t insist on following the MC everywhere, even when they clearly don’t want them around!
Satan ends up becoming a second bodyguard for the MC when Mammon’s not around. Most of the club will keep their distance from him after just a glare but he’ll start breaking arms if pushed. Satan doesn’t play.
One unfortunate soul made the mistake of trying to take a bit of the MC’s hair for a spell and Satan caught him, scissors at ready and everything… No one talks about where those scissors ended up afterward…
Actually isn’t as irritated with their fanclub as everybody else because, like, have you seen his? It’s just one of the joys (and challenges) of being so popular! Slay it, MC!!
Asmo is the only one who tries to encourage the MC to interact with their fans more because he’s experienced the benefits for himself. 
Having a loyal fanclub can be so heartwarming at times! It’s like having a group of people always willing to pump to you up all the time - and who doesn’t need that?
Often invites their fanclub to join his fanclub to make “crossover” parties where they all can mingle together and enjoy heaps of praise! (The MC’s actual enjoyment of these “parties” is entirely up to their tolerance of sycophantic idol worship…)
Asmo does have his limits though. The MC’s lips really only belong to him and any fan who thinks otherwise will have to deal with the full verbal fury of the fifthborn… He has made several of them dropout completely… 
Thought their club was maybe a little weird at first but tried to keep an open mind… 
They certainly aren’t like HIS fanclub (who are just the sweetest people) but they liked the MC and he liked the MC. They couldn’t have been that different, right?
Wrong. Very, very wrong. They are nothing alike.
This fact became abundantly clear to Beel after he watched a few of them steal the MC’s gym shoes from their locker… Yeah, he’s not about these guys much after that.
Mammon refused to let Beel take over as the MC’s 24/7 bodyguard, but he did become the primary muscle of the “MC Security Squad.” If a fan gets a little too crazy, then Beel straightens them out with a fist and a smile.
Heeeey, good job MC, you got some minions! Now you just got to learn how to use them.
At least, that’s what he says but he’s not actually going to teach them or anything. Does he look like a tutor to you? Too much work...
Whether or not the MC learned how to exploit their popularity properly, he doesn’t like it when they’re around anyway. Belphie’s a very, “Me Time means Just ME” sort of guy and having a bunch of losers following the MC around gets in the way of their lunchtime cuddle…
Unlike everyone else, though, Belphie has his own minions to do his bidding so now Belphie’s fanclub and the MC fanclub are having all-out wars between class periods. We’re talking fistfights, blackmail, and firecrackers. Shit gets wild.
Not that Belphie really cares or even looks as involved in any of it as he actually is. Little does the MC know that every time they pull him in for a snuggle, he’s probably just ordered someone to slash some poor groupie’s tires… Don’t fuck with the Sleep King.
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iyumeu · 3 years
but a wolf in sheep's clothing
...is more than a warning ♡
a more lighthearted companion of my yandere obey me fic spirit guardian featuring: a more violent, assertive (aggressive) MC premise: MC gets hurt by bullies. their demons get upset. MC realizes that they have the power of friendship and also incredible violence on their side. this is the origin story of lucifer's migraine. cw: uh not much, there's just a mild fight scene and also MC might have killed someone? probably not though.
⭒☆━━━━━━━━✿Ꮚⓛ ‸ ⓛᏊ✿━━━━━━━━☆⭒
From the very beginning you had known that you were being bullied.
It was definitely nothing you couldn't handle. Acidic rumors, ruined belongings, isolation... Things that you thought you left behind in high school. You should've known that hell was just another version of high school, except it went on for eternity.
Everything came to a head, however, when some of the demons tried to bring you to a shady place and you refused. You knew what a tertiary location was, and you wanted no part in it!
The demons weren't happy with that and almost broke your arm but you managed to wiggle your way out and run off before any further damage could be done. Unfortunately, the blue-black imprints of their grip remained starkly visible on your hand, causing a large commotion to happen over dinner.
Mammon had been the first one to notice the bruise on your arm and immediately flew into a panic, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you vigorously. You held back your urge to wrap your arms around him tight enough to break his spine. He held your best interests at heart.
Once Mammon was content with the amount of shaking he had done to you, Belphegor was next, pulling your arm over to him and tracing a finger over the bruised skin. Beelzebub was sitting next to him, leaning over to catch a better glimpse of it. It was like none of them had ever seen a bruise before.
There was a sudden, loud crash and your head shot up to see Leviathan on his feet, bristling in anger in his demon form as his tail whipped around behind him. His chair was overturned, the source of the noise. Beside him, Satan was in his demon form as well, the cutlery in his hand bent and distorted from the strength of his grip.
"Who hurt you?"
Asmodeus was still seated with a smile on his face, but his eyes were glowing slightly, gaze fixed upon you as he asked his question.
"It was just some demon," you replied flippantly. "I don't know why but they seem to have it out for me."
"You mean that this isn't a one-off?" Lucifer asked. You shrugged.
"It's the first time things have gotten physical, if that helps," you offer. Lucifer closed his eyes with a sigh. Oh no, you knew that sigh. The I'm-not-angry-I'm-just-disappointed sigh.
"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked.
"Well, I told the teacher. They just told me to deal with it on my own." A low growl sounded throughout the room. You quickly continued before a fight broke out or something. "I also didn't want to be a bother, you know? It didn't affect me at all, honest. Most of the time, I just thought they were really funny."
"Did you..." Satan took a deep breath and the smile on his face stabilized. "Did you never think about getting revenge?"
"Oh. I was allowed to get revenge?"
Seven pairs of eyes turn to you.
"Huh. I thought that I needed to be tolerant and shit because I was a representative of the human world. Okay. Good to know. Anyway, it won't happen again, I can assure you that."
Uncaring of the tension surrounding you, you went back to your food, knowing that if you appeared calm enough, your demonic housemates would follow suit. And sure enough, on your third forkful of demon's hair pasta, they all calmed down and continued their meal. Little did they know, it was the beginning of the end.
But not for you! ♡
Mammon was sticking awfully close to you today, as was Beelzebub. They flanked either side of you like a pair of underworld bodyguards, rarely allowing you a moment to yourself. No matter where you went, one of the demons brothers would be either with you or in the general vicinity. Even Leviathan had gone to school, and it wasn't even mandatory for him!
You felt loved and protected and also incredibly frustrated. However, all good (?) things eventually came to an end and your demonic housemates could not look out for you forever.
It was lunch and, despite their best efforts, all of the demon brothers had been called away for one thing or another, leaving you alone to poke at your devil chili salsa potato wedges in the lunch hall. You waited for a bit and, as expected, the trio of demon schoolyard bullies appeared in front of you.
"Looks like your demon bodyguards are nowhere to be found," the lead demon mockingly. "And here you are, all alone and vulnerable."
You stabbed one of the potatoes and brought it to your mouth. It wasn't as good as Mammon's cooking but it was still better than Solomon's.
Frustrated at your lack of a response, the demon standing to the left of the lead one kicked your table, almost sending your metal food tray skittering off the edge. You quickly catch the glass of juice that did fall off the edge, fortunately without any spillage.
"Human, are you even listening?!" they snarled.
"Yeah I am," you replied. "I just didn't know what to say?"
One of the other demons grabbed at your arm and pulled you up to a standing position. It was the same arm that contained the bruises from yesterday and the rough treatment made you wince. They gave a snort of derision in response.
"Not so proud now, huh?" they sneered. You searched your memory for the words you used to say when you found yourself in such situations.
"Are you trying to harm me?" you asked, loudly. The cafeteria of demons glanced at you but otherwise turned a blind eye, as they always did. It didn't matter though, all you needed was for them to have heard your question, and the bullies' answer.
"I'm not trying," the demon said. "I am hurting you. And I will until you—"
With your free hand, you grabbed the glass on the table and smashed it against the demon's face. The glass shattered on impact and the demon reeled, letting go of your arm in the process. You wasted no time in picking up your chair and swinging it against the demon with full force and they flew into the, thankfully, empty tables beside yours.
"You— Get the human!" the lead demons snarled. You picked up your lunch tray and harshly brought it down onto the head of the demon charging at you. It impacted the demon's skull with a loud 'clunk' and the demon started to scream and claw their face. It appeared that some of the chili extract had gotten into their eyes. Oops.
You couldn't waste any time, though. The last demons, the lead demon, was fuming and making their way towards you. Lightning quick, you leapt onto the table and aimed a kick at their head. To your utmost surprise, the kick scored and the demon fell onto the ground. You jumped off the table and landed right onto the demon, making them shout in pain. Huh. The teacher wasn't joking when they said that that even you could deal with demons like this.
Still, you had to make a Statement. You had to reforge your Status in Demon High School as someone not to be messed with so as to deter any further bullying attempts.
So, you grabbed the demon below you by the collar and dragged them to the window. You hurled it open and then shoved more than half of the demon's body out of the window so that you were the only thing keeping them from a nasty drop.
"Wanted to bully the human, huh?" you asked. Your voice held no malice or anger. "Well, you should have killed me instead. Anyway, I hope you won't be bullying me, or any other human, ever again?"
The demon was whimpering, casting nervous glances at the ground below. Huh. You had a perfect quote for this, didn't you? You couldn't believe that an entire edgy teenager phase spent memorizing quotes you thought were cool would ever pay off like this.
"Perhaps you should worry less about gravity, who has already made up its mind about killing you, and more about me, who's still mulling it over."
The demon started to shake.
"I won't do it again!" they shrieked. "Please, let me off!"
You were going to pull them back in — you weren't going to kill them, that was illegal — when a loud shout startled you.
You whirled around to see your demonic housemates standing around the entrance of the cafeteria, all staring at you with varying degrees of shock. With reflexes honed from years of getting into trouble due to fights, both of your hands shot up to either side of your head.
"It was self-defense, I swear!" you blurted out. Behind you, there was a scream that gradually got softer. Ah. Well. They were a demon and there was, like, a pond below. They would survive.
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Day 31: Ending
Warnings: none
Characters: gn!MC, the brothers
Summary: Thinking back to the exchange program once you’re back in the human world.
Word Count: 630
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Back in the comfort of your own home, you felt like there was something missing. Sure, everything was exactly the way you had left it, but there was just something...off. Usually when you'd be back home after a long day you would instantly feel secure, but now? This room felt more like a prison than anywhere else. Walking around, you start to clean up the mess you had left a year ago, rearranging clothes and throwing away things that you didn't need. It's only when you go to hang up your souvenirs that you notice something extra in your bag. A small toy sheep, no larger than the palm of your hand. It was made of plastic and had a small button on its face. Curiosity gets the best of you as you discard your previous tasks, the sheep taking up all your attention.
Sitting down on your bed you press the button and the face falls off, catching you off guard. You fumble with the toy for a bit and place it down on the bed. Taking a closer look, there seem to be small circular pieces of paper inside the cavity of its head. Frantically you shove your finger in there and pull out all the pieces. The papers burst out of the toy, some falling on the floor and some on the bed. You hurriedly pick up the pieces and notice that each one had a message on it. One from each brother, just the fact that they cared enough to make this for you almost brought you to tears.
Carefully shuffling the papers in your hand, you hold them out one by one and read.
Asmo: I'll always be thinking of you, my one and only love~ ♡ You feel your face heat up, of course Asmo would say something like this.
Belphie: Rest well, I know we didn't get to do much but I still think you're cool. Ps. Sorry I sorta killed you a small chuckle leaves your mouth at the last bit.
Levi: You better come back! I still have your game file saved. Let's play together. You remember the game clearly, Levi had been crying the entire time, knowing you were gonna leave the next day.
Satan: Take care of yourself, I'm sure we'll meet again sooner than expected. There was a small cat doodled at the end, typical Satan.
Lucifer: The year we spent together was rather eventful, I hope to see you again soon. You too hoped that you'd get to see him again, him and everyone else as well.
Mammon: Don't ya dare forget me OK? Cuz I sure won't forget ya! You loved how you could practically hear him say this.
Beel: Don't forget to eat so you can grow big and healthy, take care Because of him, you'd actually developed a bigger appetite during your stay, and you didn't plan on changing that.
By the time you finished reading it all you could feel hot tears drip down your face. Oh how you missed them too. The last year had been more eventful than the rest of your life, it was hard to imagine how big a change the brothers had brought about in you. Even while saying your goodbyes you considered, for a split second, WHAT IF I STAY? But you knew you didn't belong there, you belonged here, in the human world, but that didn't stop you from longing for them.
Getting up from the bed you rummage through your drawer to fish out a roll of scotch tape. You press each piece of paper neatly to your wall, right above your workplace and tape them there. Once done, you walk a few feet back and look at your work.
NOW your room felt complete. 
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Note: I had a blue (turbo?) snail toy thing with the same feature as the sheep toy I just mentioned, and I just remember writing down little praises and throw them out the window from the seventh floor, really miss those days ngl.
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luminari-mc · 3 years
My Human, My Sunshine - Part 2
Pairing: GN!MC x Mammon
Genres: Angst, hurt/comfort.
Word count: 4642
Warnings: N/A
Summary: As a human and a demon get to enjoy the presence of one another again, Mammon knows deep down that behind this ephemeral bliss, hides a looming and powerful storm.
PART 1 - PART 2 -
A/N: it's almost Mammon's birthday! And as promised, here is part 2 of my little series! While part 1 was made to place several plot points here and there, this chapter really starts to set things in motion for future chapters, and especially part 3.
All I have to say here is... Enjoy the fluff while it lasts.
For the first time in a while... the human world felt much more colorful. Much more silent. It was as if life itself had been born anew, the suffocating darkness engulfing the world having been cast away for the light to reclaim its rightful ownership. The evil dragon of separation had finally been put to rest, and so, the chirping of the birds quickly replaced the self-deprecating thoughts of the people.
The only question left on the people's minds, as their bodies embraced so close to one another throughout the night, rejoicing to finally be back in the other's company, was... for how long, would that blissful respite last?
The night had been deep and short, but much welcoming. The weariness that had taken over the couple's bodies over the past two months had thoroughly vanished, as if all of this had been nothing but a bad dream. How much they wished it had been the case, and that the kisses they had shared the previous night didn't have to be ones filled with the need to feel the other's presence so desperately, for their minds to realize that they were here, and he was here, together in the same room at long last.
A human hand gently caressed a white-haired head, the demon to which it belonged still soundly asleep. Despite it being a few hours after dawn, MC had only recently opened their eyes to the first rays of sunlight, finding themself still in the same position as they had fallen asleep in. Mammon's arms were still firmly wrapped around their frame, their proximity allowing him to breathe in the scent of their skin as his nose brushed against their collarbone each time his chest rose up in his sleep.
Remaining laid down on their side, the human could only keep still and watch the face of their demon in adoration, still unsure whether they really had him in their bed with him, or if the loneliness of the past few weeks had truly made them lose their mind beyond salvation.
But as their fingers gently passed in his hair, their caresses never ending, MC couldn't help but wonder... what had Mammon done since the last time they saw him? How had he spent his time in the Devildom? How were the others? And most importantly, how had he found his way to them? Not that much conversation had been achieved the previous night, to answer all of their questions... The two of them had quickly realized, as MC came to drag Mammon inside the apartment, their clothes damp from the rain that had been dripping from his body, that what they wanted, as their lips met again and again, weren't answers, but to feel each other. And before any of them could notice, they had both fallen into a deep slumber that lasted the entire night.
MC raised their head slightly to look out of the bay window on the other side of the room. Outside, they could partially perceive the colors of the other buildings of the city in the horizon, the sunlight reflecting on their windows brightly and making them squint their eyes in response. They would have preferred to be able to see the green of the trees lined up in the street below, but that was one of the many flaws of this place... the floor that Solomon had chosen for MC to reside in was just way, way too high up.
If it hadn't been for a pair of arms pulling them slightly forward, MC wouldn't have noticed the half-closed pair of blue eyes staring at them in silence. MC immediately lowered their side back against the mattress, their head meeting with the pillow once more. Under the covers, they moved a leg instinctively against Mammon's.
"Good morning." They whispered through a smile, a sound so affectionate to one demon's ears that his hand slid from under the blanket to place itself on the human's cheek.
"Is this a dream?"
Mammon's words surprised them, but only for a short second. The demon's expression was nothing but serious, a slightly furrowed brow adorning his forehead as if he was expecting to receive a positive, yet disappointing answer to his question. Instead, MC's smiled turned only sweeter. They closed their eyes before pulling Mammon closer to them.
"It's not a dream." They felt him place his face in the crook of their neck. "You're with me, and I'm with you. It's for real."
Almost as if he was holding back tears, Mammon inhaled deeply, before closing the empty space between his body and MC's until there was nothing left. Their hand was brought back to the back of his head, drawing slow circles in the hopes of soothing him.
"I still can't believe it." His words seemed to be on the verge of breaking up as they slipped through his gritted teeth. "It feels like you've been gone for a thousand years, even worse... Why the hell did I only find ya now..."
"Mammon..." MC opened their eyes again to urgently place a gentle kiss on top of the demon's head. "What's important is that you found me. It is much better than if a thousand years had really passed, don't you think?"
Mammon's head leaned away from the warmth of their neck, his glassy eyes able to meeting theirs again. His mouth stayed agape for a few seconds, before both of his hands cupped MC's face in place.
"I know I asked last night, but you sure you're okay, right? Nobody has hurt you or experimented on you or anythin'?"
"I'm okay, Mammon." They placed their hands on top of his, a small chuckle escaping through their lips. "I swear, all I did was practice magic with Solomon and live a boring human life."
"But you sure it was normal magic? What if it was some weird spells and he was secretly messing with your body without you knowing?"
His worry made them sigh softly, their thumbs brushing the back of his hands. It was understandable for him to be so concerned for their safety, after receiving no news in such a long time. And the demons had always been wary of Solomon ever since they had known the wizard, to the point where MC themself, had even grown to wonder why Solomon had been acting the way he did, since they had gone back to the human world.
"I promise you." They responded, yet unsure themself of the veracity of their words. "Nothing has been done to me."
Silence fell between the both of them again, a staring contest where Mammon was expecting them to let go of a much harder truth, which never came. He was the first to break eye contact, rather preferring to stare into the space between MC's head and the pillow.
"Solomon... He's hidin' something too. I just know it"
His sudden pouting mouth and words made MC blink. "Too? What do you mean...?"
After marking a wordless pause, Mammon's hands slid off their cheeks, his upper body rising up as he sat himself into the bed. The sheets fell onto his hips, leaving his arm exposed for MC to grab in case he was trying to avoid their question and get up. But instead, all he did was pass a hand through his hair as a deep sigh left his lungs.
"Mammon?" MC called out, their voice starting to show concern due to the demon's sudden secrecy. But as they read his expression a bit more clearly from their laid position in the bed, and as they watched the creases between his eyebrows form, and his jaw clenching, they realized that... Mammon probably knew more about all this than themself.
"A... A lot of shit went down ever since you left, MC." The demon kept his palm in his hair, leaving his forehead exposed. "It's gone bad, and I just... I-I just dunno what to do anymore."
It wouldn't take a genius to see how perturbed Mammon was about this subject- you just had to see the way his fingers had wrapped around his own hair, almost as if he was about to pull a handful, the questions in his mind twirling in a never-ending whirlpool of torment. One thing MC was grateful for, however, was how much more open he had become with them ever since they had known each other.
As MC propped themself on their elbow, they allowed their hand to wander up and down Mammon's arm to remind him of their presence.
"... Do you want some breakfast? I'd rather you explain everything while stuffing yourself with waffles. I make them delicious, I promise."
Although he glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, his pout only seemed to double. MC stopped their hand from rubbing his skin before placing it above his own, their thumb gently brushing the back of it. Like a timid child, his cheeks darkened, letting his voice, now low, respond to their question.
"I... could go with some of your waffles."
After putting some clothes on, apart from Mammon who could only rely on one of MC's loose jogging pants due to his clothes from the previous night still dripping wet on a nearby chair-, MC made their way to the kitchen to prepare something for their demon.
Throughout the whole process, Mammon never left their side. Once his arms had been locked around their frame from behind as they began preparing the waffles, he hadn't let go. His chin remained on their shoulder, his body moving alongside them whenever they had to go to a cabinet to grab a bowl, a whip, or even when they went to pick the different ingredients for the batter. MC had asked in the beginning "are you sure you don't want to sit at the table?", wanting him not to be standing more than his tired legs could bear. But their question was only met with a shaking of his head, before his forehead met with the warmth of their skin. "I'm good there", he had answered. And so MC let him hold on to them, enjoying the feeling of his arms around their waist, and the few kisses he would place here and there alongside their neck and cheek. This calm, this peace, this comfortable silence... they had forgotten what it felt like.
Once all the batter had been changed into hot and steamy waffles, and the rest of the breakfast had been made, the couple sat around the kitchen table.
"So... is it that bad?" MC placed their hands around their hot cup of cocoa, taking a sip of the drink as Mammon filled his mouth with a waffle he had covered in strawberry jam. MC had insisted that he was to eat his batch first, with him having barely eaten anything the previous day. Even if he was a demon, he needed to have a proper morning meal.
"It's almost as if you had never been in the house in the first place." Mammon answered after swallowing his bite. "Satan went back on being super pissy with Lucifer for the smallest things, Levi eats his meals in his room and never comes out. I see Asmo buyin' even more beauty products than usual and he's constantly askin' us if "this and that" suits him, to the point where it's ridiculous. Beel almost stopped eating entirely because he was too worried for ya. If it weren't for Belphie, he would have turned into a literal stick. Now Belphie sleeps more often too. And Lucifer, he..."
He stabbed one of the waffles with his fork, before tearing a piece of it with his teeth. MC's brow instantly furrowed with concern.
"He just has to know why we couldn't reach you. He's been lyin' through his teeth for weeks on end, but he thinks he's being so sly and that we're too dumb to see it." Another teared piece of the waffle disappeared into his mouth. "Like, sure, he's been way more on edge ever since you left the Devildom and even more after we've all started askin' why we couldn't talk to you, but that just shows that he knows somethin' and we don't."
With a slower movement, his fork planted into the remaining bits of the waffle. "But it's just... I don't understand, you get it? Why would he try to hide something about you from us? All of a sudden we can't send you texts or call you like we used to everytime you had to come back to the human world, and out of nowhere he starts actin' all weird about it. It's just..."
MC noticed Mammon's jaw clenching, his hand and fork immobile as it stayed firmly planted into the waffle. The demon swallowed harshly, letting the human know how the situation back at home must have been for him. Without their presence, the brothers had turned back into their previous selves, if not worse.
"What about you?" They asked, making the second-born jerk his head upward at them. "How are you feeling?"
"M-Me? It's... not important." He looked away shamefully, the pressure on the fork increasing and his nail starting to dig into his palm.
"Mammon." Their hand reached forward to wrap itself around the one that was holding the fork. "If my absence has been affecting everyone like this... I want to know how you dealt with it, too."
They patiently waited until Mammon finally dared cross his gaze with their own once again.
"I... dammit, don't laugh, okay?" He muttered. "But, I guess when we learned you didn't have your D.D.D. with ya back in the human world, I was the one with took it the worst... I grew tired of Lucifer tellin' me to be patient and wait for a replacement to get to ya, and I kinda ran to Lord Diavolo and ended up throwing a hissy fit in the middle of the throne room. Barbatos didn't like it, and neither did Lucifer. I still don't know why, but Lucifer didn't strung me from the ceiling on that day. Actually, he's mostly been yelling at us more than punishing. But I guess it doesn't really matter, since the others went all back on ganging up on me for any mistake I make."
Just as Mammon finally brought the rest of the waffle into his mouth in the hopes of not breaking up into a groaning mess, MC could swear they felt their heart sink within them. It sounded exactly like what Mammon had said. The brothers had all gone back to their old ways, with Mammon ending up as the punching bag once again. And all because they weren't around anymore?
"I'm... I'm sorry." Their throat tightened, a sense of guilt starting to wash over them. "If I knew you guys were having it this bad, I'd- I should have been way more insistent with Solomon, I should have kept asking to see you more than I did when-"
"Wha- No no, hey, it's not your fault!" Mammon exclaimed, panic settling in as MC started taking the blame on themself. "I mean, no one coulda thought that you'd be gone for this long... And that we'd be all negative for not being able to call you and stuff..."
Mammon passed a hand over his neck, the other covering MC's fist with its warmth. His eyes drifted to the side.
"We just... ya know. Grew used to havin' ya around. Guess it messed up our heads pretty good, and in the end, hatin' on each other seemed like the only solution to keep us busy.... I think."
MC's stomach churned uncomfortably as they sat there silently, slowly processing Mammon's words. What they wouldn't give to have sensed sooner that the brothers were also out of the loop in this situation, and ask Solomon for answers in the first few weeks after being back in the human world with him. How could they have been so passive about this? How could they have been so blind?
Mammon's voice pulled them out of their thoughts, as they raised their eyes back onto him. "Huh?"
"What did Solomon say? About you not being able to see us?"
"Hum..." Their brain replayed the fuzzy memories of what happened two months earlier.
"Well, you remember how we all said our goodbyes to each other before I left the Devildom? It was in the student's council meeting room, like usual. But Diavolo had said that I would need to fill some papers before entering the portal, so I guess since we all were used to saying goodbye like this by now, we didn't really see the harm in having you brothers all leave the room before I entered the portal."
They instinctively bit the corner of their bottom lip. "Which left me, Barbatos and Diavolo in the room. Diavolo said something about needing my D.D.D. to replace it with an upgraded version, which I thought was weird at the time since Karasu had always warned me when it needed repairs or to update an app. But I trusted Diavolo, so I gave it to him, and he said I should receive the new one shortly through Solomon. After that, I got into the portal, but never received the phone, and Solomon started saying all these excuses..."
"What excuses?" Mammon asked, pressing on the matter out of curiosity, but mostly because of the bubbling rage that was beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
"At first he explained that the new D.D.D. took some time to be shipped to Lord Diavolo, but-- it's Lord Diavolo, the literal demon prince. He knows how much I like to communicate with all of you while I'm up there, so I couldn't understand why he simply couldn't ask for the shipping to go a bit faster?" MC started moving their free hand around as they continued to explain their version of the story. "Then Solomon suddenly switched from the phone taking time to be shipped to... saying that the Devildom was dealing with some dangerous threat that came out of nowhere, and that I needed to stay away until the matter was dealt with. But in the end it just... made me want to know if you guys were okay even more..."
Neither Mammon nor MC had realized, nor heard, that a crack had begun to form under Mammon's firm grip on the edge of the table. The more he learned how many lies had been thrown in their face by the wizard, the more pressure Mammon was putting on his closed teeth. He couldn't believe Solomon had told them that they were in danger, when absolutely nothing eventful had happened during their absence. What was wrong with this guy, Lord Diavolo and Lucifer? The demon searched in his mind again and again, why his older brother would make up such an alliance with Solomon, especially to keep MC at bay- wasn't he supposed to care for them, too?
"I've heard enough." He hissed, the wood cracking even more under his palm. "Once I know what the fuck is going on with those two, I'm bringing you back home."
"Wait-" MC exclaimed, panic in their voice. "I-It has to be for a reason, right? That your story and mine aren't the same? I just- I don't understand why Diavolo and Lucifer would lie to me so that I stay in the human world, especially when they were acting like usual before I left."
"Reason or not, I don't fucking care. Shouldn't they have at least let us know if something was up?" Mammon's hands retrieved from both the table and MC's, the demon grasping the fabric of his pants harshly as he shook his head in disbelief. "Think about it, MC. If they all made up a bunch of lies so that we wouldn't be able to contact you, then it means that you're involved in this. Whatever problem it is they're hiding, they should tell you what it is, and not straight up throw you away in the human world as if neither you or ME would care about it."
The demon let out a frustrated groan as his eyes closed firmly, Mammon not understanding anything of the situation. If he and MC wanted answers, it would require to go back to either Solomon or Lucifer, but either of those options weren't at the top of his priorities right now. All he wanted at the moment, was to make sure that MC would remain safe, if they indeed were at the center of all this. He didn't want to lose them again. Two months of radio silence had already been hard enough. No, now, he would remain with them at all times. No matter if the obstacles ended up being a wizard, the demon prince, or his literal older brother.
MC's arms wrapping around his shoulders pulled him out of his dark thoughts. He opened his eyes, feeling them sitting on his lap as they hid their face into his neck. Their embrace was strong, but at the same time, gentle and comforting. He instantly felt himself melt in his seat. Slowly, his shoulders dropped, and his arms circled the human he loved the most.
"I swear it." He muttered, looking into the empty space behind them. "I'll bring you back to the house. Everyone's missing you, and... I miss you, too."
MC nodded against his neck. "I'd love that. I miss the others. I miss my room there. And you always barging in without notice."
"O-Oh, yeah, about that-" Mammon pulled them slightly away by the shoulders so he could face them. "I kinda forgot to tell ya, but... when you weren't here, I sorta felt really alone, having to sleep in my room without you around, so... uh, what I mean is that- I kinda brought most of my stuff in your-"
The demon's sentence was cut short by the melody of a ringtone at the other end of the table. Mammon looked instantly at MC's phone, arching an eyebrow both for being interrupted, but also wondering who could be calling them on their human phone at this hour.
"Ah- it's probably Solomon. He was supposed to come visit yesterday, but postponed it to today instead." MC said, not without a hint of disappointment in their voice as they got up from Mammon's lap to go grab their phone.
Mammon growled, already preparing himself mentally for possibly having the occasion to yell at the wizard for all the mess he caused, but his plan was immediately stopped by MC, who had put a finger on their lips. While Mammon started pouting, MC pressed the sleep button on the side of the phone, but opened their eyes wide as the name of the caller was written in what seemed like... the Devildom's language.
"It's- not Solomon?"
Their thumb swapped over the Accept button, and just as they placed the phone over their ear and were about to ask who it was, a voice, way too familiar to them, answered first.
"M-MC.. ?" The broken sobs mixed with the voice of none other than Leviathan, almost made MC forget how to breathe. "Aahh, I'm so glad... I-I wasn't sure if- sniffle..."
"Levi?" MC clasped their other hand over the phone, alerted by the state of the demon on the other side of the line. Behind them, Mammon practically jumped out of his seat.
"Levi?! Put him on speaker!"
MC obeyed him, quickly turning the speaker on and putting the phone in-between the two of them. The third-born's voice could now be heard in the entire room, as his desperate cries continued.
"Yo, Levi, why are you crying?! And how did you figure out how to call MC's phone?!" Mammon shouted, before approaching the phone to listen more closely. "Hey, is that Asmo I'm hearin'? Is he with you? What's happening??"
"Mammon... we were so worried- that you wouldn't find them..." Levi continued, as several people could be heard in the background, seemingly arguing with each other. "I tried really hard you know... I'm so, so sorry MC... I really tried... Please, please forgive me, I tried..."
"T-Tried? Wha- What did you try, Levi?" MC asked nervously, a knot starting to form in their throat. But the only answer they received from Leviathan, was a louder sob, soon followed by muffled cries as if the demon had stuffed his face into a pillow.
"Here- Levi, I'll talk to them." Another voice replaced Levi's, this one more composed in its tone. It increased in volume as the owner brought the phone closer to their face. "MC, Mammon? Are you still there?"
"Satan..." MC whispered, a hand placed over their chest. It had been so long since they had heard either of the other demons' voices.
"Hey, Satan, what's wrong with Levi?! I keep hearin' the others talking behind you too! I leave you guys for one day and already one of you is bawling his eyes out?!" Mammon asked urgently, obvious worry in his voice for his brother. As if the whole trip to the human world hadn't already been anxiety inducing, now something had happened within the House of Lamentation, and he wasn't there to check up on them.
On the other side of the phone, Satan clicked his tongue.
"After helping you find MC's location, Levi spent hours learning how to call a human phone with a demon one... literal hours. I'm glad it worked." He paused. "Everything would have turned out alright, if only it hadn't been for him."
While MC blinked in confusion, Mammon's breath was caught in his throat. His face turned pale, and his brow furrowed even more as the realization of what the fourth-born was trying to tell him washed over him.
"Wait... Don't tell me-"
"He's gone way too far this time." Satan hissed. Behind him, the voices of the other brothers turned quieter, the blonde demon moving away from them. "You have to leave wherever you are. While you didn't know where MC was, Mammon, I'm not doubting that he does. I don't know why he's acting the way he is but... I'm worried about MC. Mammon, you have to get them away from him."
"Wait, Satan, are you talking about-"
Two dry knocks came from the entrance door, and MC immediately shut themself up, quickly pressing the speaker off. Flipping their head alongside Mammon's towards the sound, the two's breaths turned slow and their bodies immobile, like deers caught in headlights. Neither of them dared make a sound, nor move a muscle, their eyes glued to the wood of the door as they waited for additional knocks, which never came.
Instead, after a silence that seemed to last forever, with only the now small voice of Satan hurriedly asking them from the phone if they were alright, a hue began emanating on the door. A red circle, shining a light that resembled a laser's glow, drew in the center. Several patterns followed and appeared within it, and before MC could take a step towards it, as they finally understood who was on the other side, Mammon's body immediately blocked them from advancing.
The demon raised an arm out, preventing MC from moving further away from the table. The human didn't have to see his face to know that he was preparing himself for anything- his tensed body in front of them spoke for himself.
His inner thoughts from a few minutes ago resurfaced in a flash upon sensing MC's hand on his back. No more separation. He had to protect them- stay with them. No matter the obstacle.
Even if this obstacle, turned out to be his own older brother.
"He's here."
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
Do the Kings change after they fall in love with us?
How are they when they’re in love .How would they pine after MC and court them?
Okay, so!!! I sometimes write the kings as already in love and other times as not. It is honestly kind of arbitrary based on what I think works better for the character. So, this time, let me explain the steps so you can kind of understand why I jump around writing them in slightly different ways when I answer people.
Before love: Satan is the devil that saved MC from an unfortunate fate. As such, he has always expected MC to hold him above others and be willing to do whatever it takes to repay him. Sure, they are currently breaking Solomon's old contracts, but that is what they're doing to get their friend back. Their body and submission is how they repay him for saving their life. He's cruel and mean, giving into his sadistic urges because humans bruise oh so nicely compared to his devil playmates. There is no care there; MC is an object as far as he is concerned.
Pining: Honestly, he's probably never quite had a crush before. Wrath is a different side of passion than love, so he probably always conflate the two. That's why he wouldn't know the difference between a developing crush and his usual wrath. He probably just thinks he's more angry at MC than usual, so they can expect him to be worse than usual when it comes to the sadism. It isn't until he sees MC all bruised up and exhausted, when his heart skips a beat, that he realizes this time is different.
Courting: Satan's sadism doesn't change just because he caught feelings. In fact, he may get worse in some ways. Only MC can satisfy him now, so he calls on them more often than he used to. Considering they are still human, that is a lot to put them through. On the other, MC is going to find out very quickly that Satan is actually a switch and he doesn't mind in the least in MC finds out what it's like to be in charge. That vulnerability is his way of flirting. He really doesn't act "lovey" in the traditional way, so it's the best MC is going to get.
Relationship: Satan is good at compartmentalizing his life. He is the king of Gehenna and he acts like it. MC does not get special treatment, no matter how much Satan likes them. When he's finally able to relax though, he will grab MC immediately and bring them out with him. They will sit with him, maybe even in his lap if he's feeling extra spicy, and the entire bar will know without a doubt that MC is more than just a plaything to him. He will also start stealing their blood and making special things out of it. This blood isn't for combat. It's for showing his favoritism.
Before love: It's just a human. There are plenty of those in the world and all of them and all of their possessions belong to him. He didn't know one of his humans was so useful as to undo the mess Solomon left them in (no shade, he loves Solomon, but this is objectively a messy situation). Have fun, MC. If they ever need a break from doing their job, his bed is always open and the offer never expires.
Pining: Mammon falls all at once rather than gradually. He realizes it when he thinks "Damn, MC looks nice in my bed". He wants to curl around them like a blanket and pull them close and never let them go... oh shit, he's down bad. He has to stop himself from kissing their cheek.
Courting: He's a little old school in his flirting. He is not hiding that he fell for MC. He is getting them flowers and gifts that are far too extravagant for most people. Whatever MC wants, it is theirs, and always with him stating his affections. He's a romantic.
Relationship: Mammon is a one romantic partner type if devil and his entire kingdom will know that MC is privy to everything Tartaros has to offer. Treat them like a prince(ss) or else. He insists that MC gets some of his time just for them whenever they want just like he insists he gets to hold and kiss them at his leisure (it will never be enough). And let's just say the bedroom life is very healthy. Honestly, aside from the possessiveness he sometimes shows off, he is a very healthy and loving partner.
Before love: A human? Damn. He supposes he could take some time out of his day to 'get to know them'. They're a long way from home but he doesn't mind making them feel welcome. Maybe he can show them around. MC will love hell. And they'll love how he makes them blush even more, he's sure.
Pining: Beelzebub is probably that sexuality where he doesn't distinguish between friendship and romance (I forgot what it is called, I'm sorry). He also doesn't actually have many friends though. Most of his relationships to people are superficial or out of pure convinence aside from a very select few. It isn't until he starts thinking about wanting to see them everyday that he realizes he has a new friend/crush.
Courting: He'll just tell MC he wants them. He's pretty direct and has nothing to hide.
Relationship: He needs his daily dose of MC or he gets gloomy. He considers whatever it is they have to be open so he and MC can sleep around and see who they want, but he always comes back to their bed each night regardless. Sometimes he may even come back early just to sit in the same room as them and spend time together doing nothing in particular.
Before love: Does he even exist? MC has yet to see him. They've met some of the nobles and they pass along messages from some king, but ????? MC finally ran into him by complete accident. They found a fucking coffin just hanging out in the middle of the room when it wasn’t there before and it freaked them out when the thing opened and a man stepped out. Leviathan took one look at MC and immediately went back in. OH FUCK NO!!! GET OUT HERE SO WE CAN TALK! STOP MAKING ME GO THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE!!! As they start yanking at the coffin lid. Eventually, they will just start talking at the coffin and waiting for Leviathan to open it to answer them before he goes back in.
Pining: Eventually, he stops escaping into his coffin when MC visits. He'll meet with them as long as they don't stare at him for too long. He feels warm whenever they stare at him, but it isn't the same kind of uncomfortable warmth he feels when he's in a crowd. Something must be wrong with him.
Courting: Sweet, sweet Leviathan isn't doing the courting. He's too nervous and blushy to try and court MC properly. In a strange way, that is his courting style. The stammering, the inability to look MC is the eyes, his nobles getting incredibly jealous out of nowhere because the human has their king's attention. He wouldn't even ask MC out because he would be too caught up in being jealous of his future self who may get a yes and of his past self who hasn't yet had his heart stomped on after MC says no. Mc isn't blind though. They will eventually make the first move and ask if Leviathan is interested in them.
Relationship: Their relationship is not the most public of things, but it isn't exactly hidden either. Leviathan doesn't want to have people looking at him and wondering about all their private stuff, but he's also incredibly happy about all the people who are envious of his relationship for once. He does not, and I repeat DOES NOT, have the gumption to let on the MC - the human - is the lead in their relationship, but all of nobles figured it out very quickly. Their king is too cute
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Mammon
I really wanted to write one for Mammon, but I was stuck on a few letters until just now lol. 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, his tsundere-self won’t let him show much affection towards you. However, as your relationship develops, you begin finding random trinkets and things around your room and in your pockets. These all come from him, who just randomly buy you things he thinks you might enjoy. The second you show interest in anything, even slightly, it’s yours. Eventually, he’ll open up a bit more and start showing more verbal and physically affection, but gift giving is his main love language. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You are constantly getting dragged into every single thing he does. He has a new scheme, you’ll be his partner-in-crime. Lucifer is planning on punishing him again, You’ll be right next to him getting punished as well. he’ll also bring you with him when he gambles or goes clubbing. You can either choose to keep him out of trouble, or encourage his wild behavior cause he’d listen to you regardless. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He is an absolute slut for cuddles. Will he get embarrassed at the close proximity? Yes. Will he act like a typical tsundere because of it? Yes. Will he still love it regardless, and make sure you know he loves it? Yes. His ideal position would be you two facing each other, wrapped up in each others embrace. He loves it when you pat his head cause it makes him feel appreciated and loved. He’ll also lay his head on your chest and just listen to your heartbeat. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He knew he wanted to settle down with you pretty much the second he realized his feelings. While he isn’t very good at household chores, he’ll try his best just for you. After all, you’re his human, and he would never make you do all of the work yourself. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d be the type to dwell on it for a while and make sure it’s actually what he wants. Usually, he would sit down with them and try and talk about it. From there, it will either be perfectly civil and no one gets too hurt, or it ends in a giant fight including yelling, throwing things, and even physical violence at some points. It all depends on the person and what their relationship was like. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He wants to get married to you as soon as possible. As the Avatar of Greed, he wants you all to himself, and what better way to claim you than by marrying you. If you are a bit more hesitant to the idea, he’ll wait for as long as you want, but he hopes that you’ll want to at some point. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is probably the most gentle out of all of the brothers. He’s your first man, and he promised to protect you from anything that could cause you harm. He knows that, as a demon, he could also be the one to cause you harm, even if accidentally. This is why he treats you like the most valuable treasure in all of the three worlds. Literally, it almost becomes a problem at some points because he will not let you do anything he deems remotely dangerous. If he could, he would just simply lock you up in his room forever to just keep you safe (not in a yandere way or anything, he just can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt cause he wasn’t there for you). 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are one of his favorite forms of affection. He’s especially into the idea of hugging you in public since it lets others know who you belong to. His hugs are very possessive, but they feel really nice. If he’s had a particularly bad day, he’ll come into your room and just sit there and hug you for hours. Please give him soft, loving words and pet his head. It will make him feel so loved and happy in that moment. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
In all honesty, the first time he says it will probably by a total accident. It would just slip out in the middle of a conversation one day. Chances are, you two aren’t even dating when he first says it. He’d get all flustered and try to pretend like he didn’t say it, but you know he’s clearly lying. After flailing about for a while, he’d calm down and mutter something about how he hopes you feel the same way. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He could rival Levi for the title of Avatar of Envy. Maybe it’s a side-effect of his greed, but he will get super jealous the second anyone goes near you. WHen he’s jealous, it’s very obvious. Most of the time, he’ll just come up behind you and hug you/kiss you just to show that you’re his. And, depending on the person, he might just drag you away from them entirely. Afterwards, he’ll be super pouty and demands you give him attention to make up for it. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are usually very excited and passionate. Basically, he wants to show you how much he loves you through his kisses since he has a hard time actually saying what he feels. His favorite place to kiss you is on your cheek. He just thinks it’s cute. He likes being kissed on his forehead or on the top of his head. It just gives him some comfort. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’ll claim that he hates children, but everyone knows that’s a lie. In reality, he really likes kids. He thinks they’re cute. However, kids don’t like him all that much, which is why he’s so bad with them. They never listen to him, and he does not know how to control them. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You’ll usually be waking up first, and you’ll also be waking him up. He is a child who will beg for five more minutes, but don’t give in cause then he’ll never get up. Most likely, you’ll have to drag him out of bed and offer some kind of reward for him. On the days you two can sleep in, he’ll try and keep you there for as long as possible. You two have nothing to do? He’ll somehow convince you to just stay in bed with him all morning. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are a bit of a wildcard for him. Sometimes he’ll be out late gambling or getting punished by Lucifer, and you’ll obviously be there with him. On nights when he’s not doing anything, you two will be in his room or yours just laying in bed. Maybe you’ll watch a movie, maybe you’ll just sit and talk, who knows? It usually ends with him falling asleep first and you following shortly after. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s accidentally open pretty early on. He doesn’t mean to open up as quickly or easily as he does, but he can’t help it. Being with you just makes it so easy for him to relax, and then he’s suddenly spilling his whole life story. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has so much patience, especially with you. It does not matter what you’re doing, he will sit there and wait forever. The only time he isn’t patient is when money is involved or someone is threatening you. In these cases, he snaps quicker than even Lucifer or Satan. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He pretends to remember nothing, but he actually has a great memory. He’ll remember literally every detail you tell him. His tsundere attitude gets in the way of him actually saying how much he cares, but his memory and attention to detail proves it just as well. It could be the smallest detail about this one time in your childhood, and he’d still remember the entire story as if he experienced it. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment was this one time where you two got in trouble with Lucifer again. You two had managed to run away from him, but y’all knew you needed to hide and quick. Eventually, you found a small closet in the house that could just barely fit the both of you. Lucifer passes on and it’s safe for now. For some reason that neither of you remembers, you two just start laughing. At first it’s small giggles, but soon it’s full on cackling. The situation was just so funny in that moment. He remembers seeing the look of pure joy and excitement on your face, and he knew from that moment on that he wanted to be with you forever. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is the most protective guard dog you will ever have. He’ll play it off as just having been given the assignment by Lucifer, but we all know he just loves you. The second someone comes near you, he will attack them. He’s probably also bitten someone at least once. There are some points where not even his brothers can get near you. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Boy tries so hard but they always end up in disaster. He really wants to impress you and show you how much he cares, but nothing ever works for him. In the end, you two just end up doing something simple like going out to dinner or watching a movie. It’s not what he intended, but it makes you happy, so he’s cool with it. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He steals from you. A lot. Once you start dating, he claims all of your stuff as his. You’ll often find things missing from your room, mostly things like clothes or trinkets. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s a model, so obviously he puts a lot of effort into how he looks. Trust me, he is nowhere near as bad as Asmo, but it’s still more than normal. He wants to look good cause he believes that’s how he gets people to like him. Really, he’s just insecure that people won’t like him if he doesn’t look good. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh most definitely. You made the most impact on him. If you were to leave him, he would absolutely fall apart. Like, no one would ever hear from him again if something took you away from him. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I headcanon that he actually kinda tolerates his brother’s tormenting because that’s the only attention they really give him. He seems very starved for attention, and before you, he only really had his brothers. But they usually ignore him for the most part. So, he purposely gets on their nerves so that they’ll pay him some attention. Sure, it mostly consists of them yelling at him and calling him a scummy excuse of a brother, but it’s better than nothing. Then you came along and gave him some good, loving attention, and that’s when he realized he deserved so much more than what he took from his brothers. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He would not like someone who acts like his brothers. By that, I mean he wants someone who won’t bully him in the same way his brothers do. He wants a safe place, and he wants someone who can provide that for him, not someone who’ll just make him feel worse. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores. And moves a lot. You have fallen out of bed many times when sleeping together. He also steals all of the covers. He’ll apologize the next morning, but then do it again that night. 
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twistedmusings · 3 years
What Are You Writing?
A/N: JOKES ON YOU GUYS, I'M AN OBEY ME WRITERS BLOG NOW. Nah not really, I mean maybe I might start thinking about making one in the future but I see all these awesome writers in that fandom and I get i n t i m i d a t e d. Nevertheless, I did want to pull a harmless prank on my readers so...enjoy a labor of love and possible regret as I now have to work on other requests ó uò
How would the brothers act with a Writer MC?
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-He almost jumps when you walk into the room, practically shouting his name as you go to stand next to his desk and take a peek at what he is working on.
“Can I help you? “You certainly can.”
-You place a notebook next to his stack of paperwork and take a pen out, opening it up to a blank page before staring at him and building up your courage to ask the next question.
“What would you do if I suddenly asked you to be my fake boyfriend for a day?”
-You certainly were keeping up with your role in being the one human he isn’t able to pin down, huh?
-He asks what in the world you are talking about and you squat near him so that you can explain what you were doing. RAD proved to be a lot more stressful than you thought and you didn’t need to remind him that you were playing therapist to seven demons so you needed some sort of break.
-You tell him that in the human world you had a habit of writing ideas, snippets and even random bits of dialogue when you got stressed so you had asked Satan to lend you a notebook and a pen so you could unwind but you had gotten stuck in one scene.
-The character you were writing was loosely based on Lucifer so you decided why not ask him what he would do in order to get some inspiration!
“So here I am! I don’t need an entire synopsis I just want to know because maybe that will spark something inside of me.”
-Pen to paper, you look up at Lucifer ready to write anything down and even though you were looking him straight in the eye you were not paying attention to just how hard Lucifer was staring at you.
-You really had no idea how he felt about you, did you?
-Even with the pact making, the Hellfire Newt Syrup incident, the countless of times he had tried to flirt with you to the point that anyone without eyes could tell how he felt about you, your human brain did not seem to accept the fact that the eldest of the seven demon lords had fallen for you.
-Was this just another way of torturing him? Who would have thought that you would be such a cruel master?
-If only he wasn’t bound to you by the pact. Not that he regretted it but without the pact the ‘need’ to submit to you wasn’t as strong, all he would have to do is grab your chin, turn your face towards his so that he could tell you explicitly what was going through his head every time he saw you--
“...I would walk you to class, first and foremost. We would leave the House of Lamentation together and arrive together as well. Maybe some impromptu dates. Free tutoring as well.” “That’s tempting~ Would you let me hang around in your study?” “You are already welcome to do that.” “Aw, when did you get so soft?”
-Get the hint already!
-Your hand is scribbling down every idea he says, making quips here and there as you both talk extensively about your fake dates would play out. The idea of having you all to himself without his brothers around was already so tempting yet here you were talking about it like it was just a passing thought.
-That wouldn’t do.
-He grabs the top of your pen and smiles when you look up at him in confusion.
“At end of the day, I want to make you feel like the most important person in my world. I don’t want there to be a single doubt in your mind that you belong with me. Pact or no pact, you changed me in ways I couldn’t even fathom, MC, and I am doing everything in my power so that you will see just how important you are to me.”
-Your eyes are staring up at him, wide and with surprise as he dares to cup your cheek.
-He did it. He had gotten through to you! All he had to do was lean in and--!
“Can you repeat that one more time?! Oh my god Luci that was so good! I’m showing this to Satan when I’m done! Thank you so much!”
-Lucifer’s hand drops to his lap as he watches you pick yourself up and run out of his study, his fist clenching in his hand as he thought of just how blind you could be for not seeing what he had tried to convey with those cliched words! Of all the humans--!
-He stops as he hears your giggles outside of the hallway, unclenching his fist and sighing as he tries to look at the positives.
-There had been a flush on your cheeks, of that he was sure. Which meant that in some way...his words had made an impact. He hoped it would take just a few more cheesy lines for you to fall for him.
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-From the top of his head to the tip of his toes, Mammon could feel himself shiver as you called out his name. Ever since he made that pact the way you would call out his name would send a pleasant shiver down his spine as he turned to greet you.
-Levi told him that you had been looking for him and he had practiced his greeting at least five times to make him look as cool as possible.
“Yo MC! I heard you were looking for the Great Mammon!”
-See? Wasn’t he cool?
-The brothers watched as you didn’t even greet Mammon, you just grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the living room telling everybody that you needed to talk to him privately.
-Privately? As in you two alone? Together?
-Well of course you wanted to talk to him alone! His awesome ways had probably finally gotten through to you and you were about to confess to him. Suck on THAT Lucifer!
-You push him into your room before closing the door and turning to look at him.
“I have something I need to ask you. Do you think you can help?”
-The words escape him before he even thinks them.
“I want to go out with you. Tonight. Almost like a pretend date.”
-Fireworks go off inside his head as he feels tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. This was real, you were asking him out! You had picked him out of all his brothers despite how many messes he got you in and how much trouble tended to follow him--
-Wait, pretend?
-You proceed to show off your little book of writings, explaining to him that you had gotten stuck in trying to describe a hidden date between the protagonist and the love interest.
“They are trying to hide the fact they are dating from everybody so that they won’t get in trouble. I figured that a human and a demon going on a date is already somewhat of stigma as it is so I just want to see how it feels so I can describe it better.”
-He can’t really describe the sadness that he feels when you tell him it would all be pretend. Too much for dropping Grimm on wishing wells. He was going to go back and fish them all out tomorrow. What a letdown!
-Here he was, the GREAT Mammon letting a human toy with his heart like this!
“You won’t get in too much trouble if we do this...right?”
-The worry in your voice is what makes him look into your eyes. Your hand was on his as you looked for any signs of discomfort from the Avatar of Greed. Your eyes were entirely on him.
-Mammon’s subconscious: More of that please.
-You looked so worried for his well-being. Mammon had no idea who had told you that humans and demons were not allowed to date but they had clearly lied to you. There was no stigma whatsoever. And in retrospect he should reveal that to you now so that there would be no misinformation on how much he wanted to take you on a not pretend date.
-But all your attention was on him. Your body was facing his way, your hands on his as you licked your lips nervously. More, more, more, more he needed for you to look at him more--!
“Tch. Making such a complicated request. You could really get me in trouble for this, MC!” “You’re right, I shouldn’t push it--” “But I guess if you are asking me, I could spare a couple hours...for you.”
-You both share a smile as you hug him close, his arms wrapping around you tight as he tries to keep his smile from breaking out into full blown giggles.
-This worked out for him as well! He was going to give you the best date of your human life so you would have no choice but to fall for him! You better get ready!
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-You wrote some fiction, he wrote TSL fanfiction, Levi was probably already aware of your talent once he asked to beta one of his other works and you came back not just with some beta but with some actual USEFUL feedback unlike Satan going on about his spelling mistakes. -So you are already in his room when you ask for his help, grinning as you hold up the small ideas that you had written for your proper introduction into the TSL fandom.
“I want to write an AU about Henry and the Lord of Shadows in an arranged marriage!”
-The premise was simple. You wanted to write about the Lord of Shadows and his Henry having to marry each other in order to bring peace to both of their kingdoms. The marriage proposition was sudden and each of the seven brothers was against it but you wanted to show just how much Henry was willing to sacrifice to help the people who he cared about the most.
-And you loved drama like this.
-You hold up your book as you keep ranting to Levi, the other caught up in your plot as he closed his eyes in order to better imagine it.
“And I want a moment where the Lord of Shadows tells Henry that he doesn’t have to do this. That he wants him to be happy and doesn’t want him to be stuck with a reclusive Lord for all his life.”
-Of course, of course. The Lord of Shadows had always hoped for Henry’s happiness and he had also sacrificed a great many of his previous ways in order to gain his best friend’s praise! Levi was proud, you understood these characters so well! So he pipes in with his own thoughts.
“I bet Henry turns to him and asks why he is so against the idea! It would push the Lord of Shadows to confess that he has secretly longed for Henry’s affection and attention all this time!”
-You both grin before you stand up, putting on a fake sad face as you take Levi’s hand in yours before pressing them to your chest.
“Am I not worthy to be your spouse? Do you hate the idea of marrying me that much?”
-Levi is caught up in the moment that he doesn’t even notice how close you two are, instead moving even closer as he cupped your cheek.
“You? Not worthy? It is I who is not worthy of you. After all you have done...can I be selfish enough to call you mine?”
-Oh this was practically writing itself! You really hoped that Levi remembered some of these lines. You pull away from his touch dramatically before sighing as you decide that this scene would be a good catalyst moment for a confession.
“Have you ever thought of me that way? More than what we have now? I’m embarrassed to admit it but...I have on many occasions longed for something more.”
-Levi’s expression softens in a way you haven’t seen before, keeping a hold on your hands as he follows up with you seamlessly.
“If I told you about my fantasies...about the deep need I feel to keep you away from prying eyes and hoping that yours would remain on me despite the others who so badly wish for your hand. Would you still see me in such high regard?”
-Shit he was good. The prying eyes bit was perfect! Now to end it with a bang! You feel Levi pull you by your waist so you are pressed against his chest, eyes looking down at you as if begging for your reply. So you do what you have read in many other books and take his face in your hands.
“Keep me. Forever.”
-You both stay that way for a few seconds before you pull away and let out a giddy squeal, rushing over to your book and writing down the lines that you could remember, gushing about how Levi had just given you the best ending ever.
-What you didn’t see was the poor demon standing there, arms still pretending to hold someone as the spell broke for him slowly. He needed to process just what the hell just happened.
-He had held your hands, touched you, had you close enough that he could feel you against him and you hadn’t even moved away! Levi could still see how warm your hands were on his cheeks and the words that you had said to him were now slowly coming back to him as he remembered his embarrassing replies!
-You jump and turn when you hear a clatter behind you, turning around to see that Levi had fainted and was now slumped against one of his many manga bookshelves, face all red and a dopey smile on his lips as he repeated your words over and over.
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-If you had a writing buddy in Levi, then you got a plot bunny buddy with Satan.
-With the amount of books that he has read and the number of genres he is into, you are surprised that he finds your ideas mildly interesting. They were all just cliches and purely for your enjoyment so when he asked you if he could read some of what you had written you were too shocked to notice that he had already taken the book from your backpack.
“A love story...interesting.”
-You two were in the library, looking for a certain book about black magic casting as well as some examples of ritual circles that you needed to complete for your next assignment. Or rather you were looking for the books, he was just following close behind you as he read your latest entry.
“How are you stuck in this scene?” “Huh?” “How the main character meets the second love interest. It’s pretty obvious.”
-Well excuse you for having writer’s block. You know that he was trying to be helpful but his help always came with some sort of sarcastic twinge that, while endearing during some situations, was incredibly annoying when he was criticizing your writings. You turn back to look at him as you stop at the spot the book was supposed to be in.
“I haven’t necessarily fallen in love with anyone lately, you know! It’s too specific a feeling!”
-Satan’s eyes take in the way you tip-toe to try and reach the book, cursing under your breath as you struggled to get it from the highest shelf. Devildom libraries were notoriously famous for having ridiculously large bookshelves and only a ghost attendant would be able to help you. He looks down at your book and then back at the small scene before smiling as he snaps the book shut.
-Surely a bit of inspiration is all you needed, correct?
-You feel a hand on your lower back, another brushing the hand reaching out for the book and grabbing it for you. Satan smiles as he holds out the book to you.
“Black magic casting...and you needed something about ritual circles, right? It seems the perfect book is right next to you.”
-He ‘accidentally’ brushes your cheek when reaching out for the book behind you, humming for a moment before he puts it back and looks down at you without moving his arm out of the way. Satan had just effectively trapped you in a rather flawlessly executed Kabedon.
“...Satan...the book…” “It wasn’t the right one. Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to get you in this position.”
-Your eyes were shining, the book was pressed right against your chest, he could even see the small blush adorning your face as the situation became quite clear to you. Now he wouldn’t tell you that he had practiced this sort of scenario by himself in his room just in case you ever asked him for help finding a book, better for you to believe that this had all been just a ‘happy’ accident.
“You are looking at me so seriously, MC.” “I know what you are doing.”
-He dares to move closer, his shadow casting over you as if to hide you from prying eyes. If you made the first move, there would be no one stopping him.
“Yeah?” “This would be perfect! A library setting! Gives me a chance to make the character like a cool librarian type!”
-Satan stays silent as you grab the books you need and snatch your notebook from his hand, stating that you were going to check these out immediately and then head home. He turns back to look at the place you were just standing at, the place where you had been completely at his mercy.
-Dammit, he should have blocked the other side too.
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-Asmo was ecstatic when you asked him for his book collection.
-It annoyed him to no end when people thought that the only way he consumed his erotica was through personal experience and porn. In his opinion, after personal experience, the best way to enjoy his usual favourite activity was reading erotica. The descriptions, to get into the thoughts of the inner characters and seeing how they essentially lose their minds to the pleasure. It was thrilling.
-So when you come knocking at his door one night and ask for one of the books you usually catch him reading, he is both excited and curious.
“Which one do you want darling? I have the first volume of ‘Eternal Dom Love’, ‘Baring My Soul to a Demon’, ‘Captive Human’--” “You have anything like...with dirty talk?
-Oh now he is really excited and curious.
-He looks around his small library and pulls out the book he thinks is best for what you desired, holding it out for you to take but pulling it back quickly with a grin. Asmo wasn’t going to just let you walk away after telling him something so interesting~
“I’m a bit possessive about my books, MC~ What are you going to use it for? Recreational reasons?”
-You blush and cover your face with your hands, not really embarrassed for asking but instead embarrassed that you were about to tell him what you were going to do with it. But you steel yourself, you had heard Asmo flirt in the club before and from how quickly his dates had insisted on taking it to a more ‘private’ area, you knew he had the thing that you desperately needed.
“I…” “Yes?” “I’m-trying-to-write-the-prelude-to-a-sex-scene-in-one-of-my-stories-but-I-have-no-idea where-to-start-so-I-need-material!”
-Asmo blinks before grinning as he got in your face, pushing the book into your hands as he asked you what the story was about, who were the characters, had you based them off of anybody and just what kind of sex scene where you planning?
-He had no idea you had that kind of talent, where had you been hiding that all this time?
-You slowly explain the plot to him, getting a bit more into it as you see how much attention Asmo is paying to your every word. Out of all of the brothers you didn’t expect him to be so interested in one of your stories! The scene you have in mind is somewhat clear to you so you try to explain to him just what you think is missing.
“It is a demon and a human. They are clearly not supposed to be doing this. Yet that is--” “What makes it all the more appealing.”
-Asmo had played this out perfectly given the little time he had to work with. The more you talked, the closer he got to you. The closer he got, the more you moved away subconsciously. Your body instinctively wanted to make room for him and give him his space but you let out a small ‘meep’ when the back of your knees hit the side of his hanging chair and you find yourself sitting down as he kneels in front of you.
“They both know that if they take such a intimate step with one another they might not be able to go back to how they used to be before. Everything will change.”
-You nod as Asmo touches your leg, hand moving towards your thigh as he rests his chin on your knees.
“But what is so wrong with change? You said the demon is a charmer so they would want to charm them throughout the whole thing. It would start out slow, teasing even, probably testing out the waters as they see what their human likes and doesn’t like."
-He scoots closer and traces your fingers, the digits wrapped tightly around his book as he continues..
“They would eventually lose control, wouldn’t they? The passion would be too much for them to handle and they both would lose themselves to their lust. Although it wouldn’t be just lust…”
-Asmo looks up to meet your eyes, straightening out as he leans in closer to the point that you are shutting your eyes and leaning in as well--it’s not that you haven’t had experience with kisses but surely the demon of lust’s kiss would spark something inside your head--!
-You open your eyes when you feel the book leaving your hands.
“I changed my mind. I think this would be a much better title for what you are looking for, Sweetie.”
-He holds out your hand for you to stand up and you almost want to ask Solomon to cast some sort of spell that would make you forget everything that happened in these moments. You closed your eyes like some highschooler waiting for their first kiss--you were better than that!
-You thank him and make your way out of his room, running back to yours as fast as you can without noticing Asmo’s mischievous smile as he waved goodbye. It was always good to play the long game~
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-You two had stopped at Madame’s Scream because Beel had complained about being hungry yet again. Besides you both had done rather well on an examination so--why not celebrate?
-You only had a small fizzy drink while Beel had ordered himself something called ‘The Herculean Parfait’, something about it holding 25 scoops of ice cream plus whip cream, nuts and some waffle cones at the bottom. Now the waiter had brought out two spoons but it was clear that Beel would only be needing one.
-This was rather normal for you two, Beel eating his fill while you stared at the blank page of your small notebook. You were trying to write a cute scene with a couple sharing a dessert at a coffee shop where they first met but you were struggling to think of a fluffy scenario.
-Was feeding your partner considered cheesy nowadays? You tap your page twice before looking at Beel. The second spoon remained untouched, some ice cream specks stuck to the shiny, concave surface as the Demon of Gluttony continued his ice cream carnage. You grab the spoon and take some from the side that had yet to be eaten.
“Hey Beel”
-The demon stops eating and looks at you as you hold out the spoon to him, his hunger suddenly stopping as he looks at the sugary contents stacked high on the spoon you were holding out for him.
“Say aah!”
-Beel blinks but doesn’t think twice the moment you give him the command, opening his mouth and eating the sugary confection off the spoon, his smile growing as you let out a small giggle.
“Did it taste good?" “Mmm~!" “I’m glad.”
-He abandoned his own spoon as you scooped up some more, opening his mouth as you kept on feeding him. Beel had no idea what had brought this on or why you were suddenly feeding him. It wasn’t like he was complaining, however. Yes your pace was slow and such a giant parfait would surely melt with how slow you were going but he didn’t care, instead opening his mouth wide as you kept on feeding him.
“So Beel…” “Mmm?" “Does it feel any different when I feed you?”
-Beel frowns when the spoon stops but decides to answer your question so that he could go back to eating. Why would it feel any different? Well, it somewhat did? He didn’t know how to describe it but he does feel a lot fuller than before. He is actually tasting the food as you take your time scooping up some more. He had picked out so many different flavors and he could taste almost every single one.
“I wouldn’t say different...but food certainly tastes better when you give it to me.”
-You immediately stop and put the spoon down, smiling as you start to writing down what Beel had just said. You could essentially build an entire scene around that! What a good idea coming here--
-Your pen stops as you look at Beel, your pen falling from your hands as you see the puppy dog look he was giving you. He looks at your hand and then at the spoon.
“Why did you stop?”
-Beel smiles happily as you go right back to what you were doing, the notebook forgotten as you continue to spoil your demon. You had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time you were doing this.
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-Belphie yawned as he cuddled you closer, your hands moving so they would be wrapped around his neck but still holding onto your phone. He closes his eyes and tries to drift off but frowns when he hears your fingers tapping on your screen. He could probably sleep through the sound but he didn’t want to.
“Turn around.” “Huh?” “Just turn around.”
-You do as he says, now pressed against his chest as you continue to type. Belphegor was close to falling asleep, pressing his nose against your shoulder as he breathes you in---
Tap tap tap tap
“Fuck this.”
-He grabs your phone and drops it off the bed, your protests being muffled as he wraps his arms around your neck to pull you close. You tap his arms twice before wiggling out of his hold, sitting up on the bed and looking at him while he glared back at you.
-What did you think you were doing typing away on your phone? Belphegor never really asked you for much but when it was cuddle time it was cuddle time. You weren’t supposed to do anything *but* cuddle during cuddle time so you clearly needed to stop being distracted.
“What do you think you are doing?” “Taking care of your distraction.”
-You both stare at each other as he sits up as well, clearly letting you know that if you were to go and dig for your phone he wasn’t going to let you. At this point, it really was useless to argue with Belphegor. As the youngest, he was used to getting what he wanted with little setback. So you lay back down, ignoring the triumphant smile Belphegor gave you as he went right back to cuddling you.
“I was writing something.” “It can wait till later…”
-Belphegor yawns and wraps his leg around you, ignoring the little ‘hmphs’ you were giving him as well as the words you were muttering to yourself. But what good would it be if you weren’t cuddling up to him as well so he decided to give in as well.
“What were you writing about?”
-Oh this was new. You turn to face him, talking about the scene you were working on. This couple had just had an exhausting day and they were eager to lay in bed together but their work or other responsibilities were keeping them from cuddling at night. You explained how you wanted to describe the exhaustion one was feeling from not having their partner with them.
-The demon of Sloth hummed when you mentioned how tired the character was and speaking up about how he knew how they felt. You chuckle and mention that it seemed that everything made Belphegor exhausted nowadays. He shakes his head, opening his eyes so he could look at you.
“No. I mean that everything gets heavier when you’re not with me.”
-You try to cut it in and ask him what he is talking about but he beats you to it.
“I get more energy when you are around. I actually want to do things aside from sleeping. “Are you saying you like hanging out with me more than sleeping?” “Don’t push it, MC.”
-Both of you laugh, your body cuddling closer to the demon as you yawn. A part of you was still annoyed that Belphegor had shoved your phone to the floor because now would have been a prime time to write that he had just said but as your eyes grew heavier you just hoped that you would remember it by the time you woke up.
-Belphegor opens his eyes once he feels your breathing evening out, smiling as he leans in close and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“You weren’t far off...I do like you more than sleeping...sometimes…”
-He yawns and wraps an arm around your waist. What a good idea it was to lock the door so none of his brothers would bother you two. Your nights were his, after all.
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could you do a hc of how the brother's behaviour would be if the mc has adhd, like they daydream a lot, losing things all the time, getting distracted very easily, can hardly focus and other symptoms of the inattentive type. because i have it and i'd like to see how they would act, i love your headcannons so i thought i could request this💓💘💝💓💞
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Let's see if the medicated ADHD person who is siblings with another medicated ADHD person who are both children of a very ADHD woman and her ADHD husband can write about their own disorder-
I changed this a bit and made a scenario like instead of a headcanon seeing when I tried to write in headcanon format I didn't really like it much.
ADHD in Hell
It was trully hell.
In a school full of demons you can't expect many of them to be respectfull and quiet in class, so you will basically not be able to do anything but get overwhelmed as the students keep whispering to each other while, passing notes and using the phone while the teacher is speaking.
So of course your grades just say 'I guess I'll die' and of course you will have to sit down and have Lucifer giving you a 3 hour lecture which is another level of torture seeing your brain will most likely strangle itself 5 minutes into it.
Chores? When there is basically no way of telling what time is it by looking outside seeing there is no sun? Might as well spend the entire day not being able to do anything.
Assignments? Again, when there is no way to have a concrete idea of time? Sounds like something to do on the last minute right before the class starts, if not right when the teacher is collecting it, to me.
It would definetelly take a while to manage things. There would be a serious need to speak with Lucifer about it, in which once once you do it, he would do what he could to help, he needed the exchange student to do well afterall.
It can be kind of sweet how he changes a bit how he asks you to things and organizes the list of chores differently with more specific details.
Mammon would be the most understanding, he would be a huge help when you need something to give you the final push to do things. Though more often than not having you two together will just lead to a lot more chaos than solutions.
Leviathan would also be understanding but he would have some mixed feelings seeing whenever you guys either play games or watch anime together, there was a high chance of you just straight up going on a tangent away from the original point of the game or not fully paying attention to the anime.
He doesn't take it personally, in fact, in many of those times, your unfocused self made the whole experience a lot more fun and ridiculous, so he takes it as somewhat of a challenge to find a game and an anime that can fully manage to catch your attention.
Satan is another one with mixed feelings but he would mostly be extremelly intrigued, specially by your hability to hyperfocus, and the fact that any conversations he has with you has a big chance of ending in a completely different and unexpected subject from the one you guys started with.
Oh, and Asmodeus would be so salty. Like, pay attention to him!
After so many times of having you completelly fly off to another dimention inside your head while he was going on and on about his day, he would most likely start to change the way he delivers things in hopes to catch your attention. He may even start to indulge in your mental trips!
Also, somehow Beelzebub and Belphegor always have either the same thing that you lost or a spare one for any time you need?? They are much more attentive than anyone gives them credit, so once they get used to your pattern of misplacing your stuff, they start to actually know exactly where everything that belongs to you is.
Though Belphie still wants to kick you for fidgeding around so much, he may even swat you with his tail at some point.
And Beel is right there with some well needed sweet snacks whenever you need to give your brain some fuel and always ready to move around when you just can't stay still any longer.
It is trully hell, and you will have a difficult time and you will make that everyone else's problem. But you know what? They can deal with it, it's not you that needs to learn to addapt to the focused world around you when you aren't even capable of doing it in the first place. And guess what? They will all still love you all the same. Even on the days they are just done with you lol.
(Sometimes my entire family is just done with each other too, but I know we all still love each other all the same, even when my mom can't sit still to watch some shows, when my brother completely crashes the entire game, when my dad forgets something and when I get overwhelmed by all the sounds. By the end of the day, none of us can sit right and all do the most abnoxious things when left alone in a table together at a party, so we're in this together.)
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
I Think I'm OKAY
genre: Angst, hurt comfort
length: two parter
warning(s): Feelings of abandonment, self-depreciating thoughts, suicidal thoughts (briefly), feelings of not being good enough, feelings of being unneeded and unloved
A/N: its just been a day guys. And Ive been think about this all day so I just wrote to get tge thoughs out of my head.
this takes place a few months after the epilogue of Everything Undesired where Azalea is still coming to grips with the fact that she's not her father's heir like she always thought she had been. Mammon and Arella really did try to make time for her but things just never worked out in their favor and it ended up giving their daughter abandonment issues.
She’s lost. Not physically but mentally- Azalea doesn’t know where to go or what her purpose is. Ever since her older brother returned from where ever the hell he’s been her whole life, she’s felt more alone than ever before. From her parents being busier than ever helping Cyrus readjust to life here in the Devildom to her twin brother being curious enough about their new older brother to spend all his time trying to get to know him, no one has time for Azalea any more.
Whenever she tries to reach out to either her parents or her brother she gets blown off. It’s always ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t make it.’ or ‘I’m sorry, I forgot that was today.’ Forgot? How does one just forget about their child? And Azalea is sorry too. She’s sorry for existing. Maybe everyone is just tired of her. Maybe they didn’t need her anymore? After all, she was just her father’s back up plan. A back up plan. Yeah, it sounded as bad as it hurt- to think that’s the only reason he kept her around all this time. Despite how she might try, all she could ever do is fuck up. Why would her parents ever need a child like that?
She feels abandoned, unneeded. All she ever wanted was to make them proud- she pushed herself to maintain the perfect grades just for their praise. Hell, she’d even forced herself to take advanced placement and honors courses just for their approval but they hadn’t even noticed. And it’s not like she hadn’t tried to show them. The last report card she got in her last year of middle school had a note attached to it stating that when she entered RAD, she’d be welcomed into the advanced courses but of course they had been too busy to even look. Both of her parents assumed nothing had changed so they just didn’t need to see something they had seen hundreds of times already.
Why did they stop loving me? The half-demon thinks to herself, Was it all the fights? Was I not good enough for them? I wish I could make them happy the way my brothers do. I wish I was perfect like them, maybe then they wouldn’t have forgotten about me. Maybe I would still belong. What did I do wrong? Azalea can feel the tears dripping down her face. I’m crying? Again? Pathetic. People like me don’t cry.
She hurriedly wipes them away as she looks up at the stars that dot the night sky of the Devildom. She’s pretty high up on a rooftop. She wonders if a fall from this height might kill her or would it just leave her badly injured- the idea’s tempting. She’d come up here to clear her mind and sort out her feelings with how things had changed- how everything she thought she was meant to be had been ripped away from her, but it had just made things worse. She thought she was okay with all this change but after trying for months to find something new to do with the rest of forever, she found out the only thing she was ever any good at was getting into fights. Sure, she’d taken up sports on her uncle Beel’s suggestion but that led to even more pain when time after time, neither of her parents could be bothered show up.
Her phone lights up with a text from her father.
Why weren’t ya at dinner today?
Why weren’t you and Mum at my meet today? Ya know like you promised ya would be?
‘Zay c’mon don’t be like that. We said we were sorry but something important came up and we couldn’t make it
Sure whatever you say old man
Its what you always say
It's always something more important ain’t it?
Something more important than me.
Shove it old man. I don’t wanna hear it right now.
She always gets the short end of the stick. For parents that claim they care about her, they sure had a shitty way of showing it. As the family’s resident trouble maker, she’s not good enough for them. Whatever, she doesn’t even need them anyway. She deserves better than a family that doesn’t care. A family she no longer has a place in. And that was fine by her. Now that she’d finally admitted it to herself, she found it would be easier to ignore her entire family and live life depending on only herself.
With a shuddering huff, the girl shuts her D.D.D off and shoves it in her jacket pocket. She leaves the roof top, still in tears headed for the House of Lamentation.
“Arella, I have to go and find our daughter.” Mammon sighs as he gets his jacket on.
“She’s still upset about the track meet, isn’t she?” The black-haired human frowns “If you’ll give me a moment, I can ask Aurelius if he’ll watch Mahlon and I’ll go with you. This is something we should address together.”
“I don’t think we got the time to waste, Hon. She stopped respondin’ ta my texts and isn’t answerin’ her phone. If I don’t go now, she might so something to herself. I’ll be able to cover more ground quicker if I fly since she could be anywhere- even up high where we wouldn’t be able to see her that easily.”
“Then go on, I’ll talk to her when she gets home.” Arella nods as her husband leaves.
She enters her room through the garage door entrance. She really didn’t need to considering Azalea was the only one home currently. She knew Aurelius and Zulima would be gone for the rest of the weekend but still she locked her door to prevent any unwanted visitors- mainly her parents as she knew they’d probably come looking for her after the message she’d sent to her father earlier.
She looked over at the stack of unopened akuzon boxes- all gifts sent to her by her parents as ‘apologies’ for various things. Yeah sure, gifts were nice when they were for things like birthdays or Christmas but not when they were used as a way to placate her feelings when her parents missed things like track meets or science fairs or school functions that they promised they would be there for. It felt like a shallow apology so Azalea never opened any of them. They were starting to collect dust now.
Just because greed is her sin doesn’t mean its satisfied by material objects alone. There was more to it than that. Her sin specifically manifests with being greedy for healthy interpersonal relationships- things like money or material objects only did the bare minimum to help keep it under control and satisfied. She wanted her parents’ attention and only that so when they failed to keep their promises, it hurts her deeper than either of them understands- Azalea doesn’t even have the words to describe how it hurts her.
As she plops down on her sectional and flips on the projection of stars and constellations from the human world to calm herself down, she thinks about the way her greed is eating her alive as she turns on some music- a song her friend from the human world showed her called ‘I Think I’m Okay’. It was a song she really related to for some reason. As the song plays on loop, she thinks about how when she was younger- before her youngest brother was born- she was always of healthy weight and body condition. Nowadays with the lack of ability to satisfy her sin, she was just skin and bone. Despite eating constantly, she always feels like she’s starving and she’d be lucky if she weighed in at 90 pounds soaking wet- all of it coming from the weight of her bones and muscle. Her body is just burning through everything too fast and at this point Azalea doesn’t know whether or not she even has the energy to waste to transform into her demon form anymore.
The half-demon hears a faint knock at the door. Maybe if she doesn’t answer then whoever it is will get the hint and go away. As she watches the door open, a scowl appears on her face. Of course her father would pick the lock on her door. She doesn’t know why she’s even surprised right now. He never knows when to leave well enough alone.
“We need to talk...” Mammon says as he sits down on the couch next to her.
“I don’t wanna. Get lost.” the teenager rolls on to her side away from her father.
“Too bad. I’m not leavin’ until we do.”
“Then prepare ta die in here cuz I refuse.” She can’t let him fool her into accepting his apology when she knows full well he doesn’t mean it.
“You really are just like your ma sometimes- stubborn as all get out.” He sighs. “I see ya never opened yer packages. Why?”
She continued to ignore him. How can she get out of this? Maybe if she closed her eyes, she could fool him into thinking she was asleep.
Just get frustrated and leave already. It’s what ya always do when I won’t talk to ya.
She waits an hour, two, three but still he doesn’t leave.
Man is this getting annoying! Why won’t he just give up and go home already?
“Well, since ya won’t talk, I will. Ya know, Mom and I really are sorry we couldn’t be there this afternoon... I know you’re upset about it but we got called to an emergency meeting at the castle and we... kinda... forgot what time it was by time we were done.  I know we don’t have a lot of time to spend with ya anymore but things are just so crazy right now... it’s difficult and when ya act like a brat like this it doesn’t make things any easier.” And Mammon realizes too late that he’s said the wrong thing and put his foot in his mouth.
“Right... cuz that’s all I am is a spoiled brat...” Azalea can’t help the way her voice quakes. “I’m a brat because I asked for you and mum to pay attention to me over the boys just this once and you two let me down and now, I’m getting blamed for being as upset as I am. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.”
“Azalea, that’s not what I meant and you know that,” Mammon places his hand on her shoulder to turn her over and is shocked when all he feels is bone and muscles that are beginning to atrophy. “What are you doing to yourself? Yer nothin’ but skin an’ bone, Baby.”
“I’M NOT THE ONE WHOSE DOING THIS TO ME!” she roars as she hops up from the couch. “IT’S YOU TWO. YOU’RE THE ONES DOING THIS TO ME!” and then her voice suddenly drops. “But you would notice that if you spent more than five seconds with me. My greed is eating me alive and it’s your fault. I’ve tried for months to get you or Mum to spend time with me and I get forgotten about every time because something ‘more important’ comes up or you also make plans with Aurelius or Cyrus and choose to do that over spending time with me. It’s either that or you both choose Mahlon over me and it’s literally killing me. I get that they all need you guys too and I’m not more important than them but it feels like they’re more important to you than me. And I hate it because...” She lets out a sob as she sinks to her knees, “Because you two are the most important people to me.”
Mammon looks at his daughter with a horrified look on his face. His only daughter feels like she’s not important to them but she was right in a way. Both he and Arella had been choosing her brothers over her- not intentionally but he can see why she would come to that conclusion. This was a very crucial time in her life having had everything she thought she was taken away and she was lost with no clue where to go. He and her mother should have been right by her side, helping her find a new path in life this whole time but instead they got so wrapped up in work and other things that now their daughter was suffering the consequences.
“No, baby that’s not true.” The demon says as he wraps his little girl up in his arms. “You are so important to us too.” He rubs her back as he rocks her back and forth, “We love you so much and I’m so sorry we haven’t made ya feel like that. We’re gonna do better from now on. I promise, okay?”
Azalea is hesitant to nod. How many times had she heard the word promise and then had that promise broken but even now as she’s wrapped up in her father’s arms, she’s starting to feel the overwhelming weight of her sin slowly start to go away. She just rests her head against his chest as her puffy teary blue to gold eyes start to slip closed ever so slowly.
“Sweet dreams, Princess.” He says as he runs he hand through her hair and places a kiss to the top of her head.
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