actual-changeling · 10 months
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Padawan Learner
Mrs Vettel, ex Williams driver, current McLaren driver, can't drive while pregnant. Although she's contracted until 2026, she can't drive while she's with child. But she can't stay away from racing, and can't help but take the Williams rookie under her wing.
Sebastian Vettel x Reader, (Platonic) Logan Sargeant x Reader
Warnings: Brief description of smut
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She wasn't supposed to retire at the same time as her husband. He felt as if he was at the end of his career and there was nothing more he could offer to the sport, so he retired. He'd had his glory years in Red Bull, moved to Ferrari, every racers dream, and ended things in Aston Martin, alongside his wife's old teammate.
She still had more race left in her. She'd been with Williams for years, racing alongside Valteri Bottas, Lance Stroll, George Russell, and, later, Alex Albon. But then she moved to McLaren, a team she felt would help her fight for wins.
Her husband very thoroughly celebrated the beginning of his retirement. She found herself stuffed full of cum almost every day of winter break.
It shouldn't have been a surprise when they got pregnant. But she wanted to murder Sebastian. For all of five seconds she wanted to drown him in their pool. But, after that five seconds passed, she was overjoyed, wrapping her arms around Sebastians neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
She told McLaren and they pulled Oscar Piastri in for the year. That was how he got his first drive in F1. All because Sebastian Vettel was incredibly horny, but he didn't need to know this.
She might not have been able to drive, but she still wanted to be trackside whenever she could. Her old team gave her this opportunity. She didn't hang around the McLaren garage, as she had half expected.
No, it was Williams and the new team Principle, James Vowles, who gave her somewhere to be during the season. Even in preseason testing, she was there, watching the Williams.
It was great to be in the garage with Lily again. She'd always liked Lily, thought she was great for Alex when they first met. After her move to McLaren she rarely got to see Lily, and as much as she hated sitting in the garage, it was nice to be sat in the garage with her.
Alex was a great driver. Any advice a veteran like her could have offered him, he already knew.
But then there was his teammate.
She watched Logan from his very first race weekend. She had known about the rookie for a couple of years now and had watched him succeed in Formula Two.
But now, in the Williams tractor, he was struggling. Week after week after week he was finishing outside of the points, or he wasn't finishing at all. She really felt for him.
"Hey," she said after the Hungarian Grand Prix.
Logan hadn't spoken to anybody since he got out of the car and did all that he needed to do. Clearly he was struggling. He didn't say anything, just looked up.
She stood beside him. At her stage of pregnancy she could have gotten down to the floor to sit with him, but she wouldn't have been able to get up without help. Her hand rested on her bump as she looked down at him.
"I still remember my first season in Formula One," she said as she looked at the retired car. "It was 2013 and Seb was set to win the championship. I was in my first year in Williams and I think I only finished maybe ten races," she said with a laugh.
"Wait, seriously?" Asked Logan as he looked up.
She nodded her head. "I crashed out of most, or the car fell apart on me. Most people wondered why I had a seat for the next year, but Williams saw potential in me. I know they see it in you, too."
Every time Logan didn't finish a race, every time he came dead last, she was there. Nobody could comfort her like she did. Sometimes Seb joked that they might as well adopt him, and Logan agreed. Most up and down paddock called Logan her padawan learner, which was very fitting.
Logan began being the person she spent the most time with when Sebastian wasn't there. He'd looked up to her for many years and having her support meant the world to him. He was there for her too, making sure she had somewhere to sit and something to drink whenever she needed it.
In September, a month before her due date, Sebastian begged her to stop travelling. Just in case he wanted her home with him, where he could take care of her. They still watched every race together and she made sure to send Logan a good luck text before every practice session, qualifying, and race.
When Logan got his first points, nobody celebrated more than Sebastian Vettels wife. She was so proud of him, even if those points were because of two disqualifications. She posted a picture of him and her from a previous race on Instagram like a proud mum. Funnily enough, Logan comments 'thanks mom' on the post.
Just two weeks after this, her water broke. Sebastian got her to the hospital. He stayed by her side, holding her hand through the hours of excruciating labour.
Leon Vettel didn't cry when he was born. He was so quiet, that it actually scared his mother. But the doctors and nurses assured the new parents that he was perfectly healthy.
He was their perfect little man.
She insisted on asking Logan to be Leons godfather. They had grown so close over the last few months that it seemed fitting.
Logan accepted. As soon as the Vettels could, they were taking Leon to races. Or, Sebastian took Leon to races, to watch his mother race. Of course he was wearing a Williams hat and McLaren shirt.
"Papa," Leon said at four years old after watching the Australian Grand Prix qualifying session.
"What is it, my little man?" Asked Sebastian as he sat Leon on his lap.
"I wanna be like mama and Uncle Logan," he said, and Sebastian couldn't stop himself from grinning.
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thebiggerbear · 9 months
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Soldier Boy Prompt Response
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Summary: You're tired of running and you go to Soldier Boy for protection. He agrees to do it but not without a price.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @thelonelyempath. The original character I wanted to respond to this prompt with before deciding to make it multi-character. This scenario immediately popped into my head reading the line and I just had to write it. Hope it's okay.
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Warnings: violence/murder; implied assassination attempts; sexual propositioning; Soldier Boy being himself; starts out as a blackmail type dynamic that appears as if a little dubcon at first; language?
Word Count: 2528
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
SB Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
This was recc'ed by @winchestergirl2 here.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Tom version ✨ Jason version ✨ Anael version ✨ SDV Alex version
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You never thought in a million years that you would be seeking out one of the most dangerous Supes in the world for protection. Then again, you never would have thought that a multi-billion dollar corporation would be after you, intent on seeing you torn apart and scattered to the four winds. You didn’t exactly blow the whistle on them, but you didn’t exactly tow the company line either—something Stan Edgar was less than thrilled with and now the evil son of a bitch wanted you dead.
It was no secret that Edgar and Soldier Boy had a falling out of sorts after the truth about his being handed to the Russians had come to light. His old team may have made it happen, but it was Edgar pulling the strings all along. Surprisingly, the Supe who had been so focused on revenge hadn’t hunted Edgar down after this revelation, which made you wary about going this route. However, after narrowly escaping the latest death squad sent after you, you decided you had no choice but to take the gamble. There was nowhere you could run that Vought wouldn’t find you and you just hoped this would be more of an ‘enemy of my enemy’ situation rather than a ‘handing you right over to your enemy’ situation.
Once you had managed to track him down in Hong Kong while you were busy running yourself, he had shockingly agreed to a meet, and even more shockingly agreed to help you. Not without certain stipulations, of course.
“Let me in that sweet pussy of yours and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
You should have known, especially from the way he had been eyeing you up ever since he caught sight of you. Screwing your face up in disgust, you flat out refused. “Not happening.”
He shrugged and began to walk away. “Then you must not need my protection that badly.”
You scoffed in disbelief. “You’re seriously turning me down because I won’t fuck you? Whatever happened to the ‘Soldier Boy is America’s son’ bullshit? The OG superhero who fought Nazis and protected people?”
Soldier Boy stopped and slowly turned back towards you. “I’d be putting myself on the line to protect you. For that, I deserve one hell of a payment.” 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “So now you’re blackmailing me into sleeping with you? Unbelievable.” You had heard he was more like America’s Asshole than its Son, but you still couldn’t believe your ears. You had even offered to help him take Vought down with what you knew, so long as he kept you safe. You knew he’d want that kind of information. Why else was he hopping from continent to continent in the last few months, trying to shake Vought just like you were? Instead, his dick was taking top priority. Typical. 
“It’s the least you can do, doll.” He faced you fully again, shield hanging off of his arm as if it weighed nothing. “Like you said, I fought for this country, fought the Nazis, and now you’re asking me to play bodyguard while taking on Vought for you. I deserve something worth all that trouble.”
You ran through all other options in your mind. You still had a contact that could possibly put you in touch with someone that wouldn’t mind tapping into Vought’s offshore accounts that weren’t supposed to exist. You were already on Vought’s kill list; what would a few hundred thousand dollars of theirs matter? “I could pay you,” you offered.
“I’m not interested in money.” His eyes roved over you as he approached. “Besides,” he murmured as he came to a stop in front of you. You tensed as he reached up to tuck a strand of your hair that had gotten loose from under your ball cap behind your ear. ”I haven’t had a looker as pretty as you in a long time. Been locked away.” He gently gripped your chin in between his thumb and index finger, his eyes intent on your mouth before lifting to meet yours. A hint of a smirk started to appear on his handsome face when he most likely heard your heart beat starting to increase.
He released you and even took a step back from you, allowing you physical and metaphorical space. “Your call.”
You bit your lip as thoughts chaotically swirled inside your head. On one hand, you refused to be manipulated or pushed into sex with this asshole. No matter how physically attractive he might be, you weren’t willing to get on your back just so he would help you. But on the other hand, the cold hard truth was that you were tired — tired of running, tired of little-to-no sleep, tired of the paranoia that came with such a flight. Hell, at present, you hadn’t slept in almost two days and you were running on fumes; there wasn’t enough caffeine or energy pills in the world to get you through another day with no rest. Your reaction time was already dragging if your last narrow escape was anything to go by. If you continued this way, you’d be dead before the sun started to warm the sky; you were certain of it.
Soldier Boy stared you down. “What’s it gonna be?”
You didn’t answer. Instead, you glanced behind you at a small noise far off down the street. Thankfully, it was an old woman tossing something out onto the pavement, but you couldn’t deny it put you further on edge. You turned back to the Supe whose eyes stayed trained on you. You took a deep breath to steady your nerves and readied your response. His lips began to quirk upwards into a smile; he knew what your answer was going to be before you even said the words.
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Vought Tower had been completely demolished. Luckily, it had been mostly evacuated before the destruction occurred. A fight between Soldier Boy and the now-dead Homelander had caused most of the damage, but the C4 that had been carefully lined throughout the infrastructure is what ended up bringing it down. 
Before it went boom, Soldier Boy had approached Stan Edgar, who refused to cower in a corner. The Supe respected that, but it didn’t change what he’d come here to do. He gripped Edgar by the throat and lifted him in the air, choking the older man and ignoring the fingers that desperately clawed at his hand.
“I thought we had an agreement,” Edgar rasped out.
Soldier Boy shrugged. “She made me a better one.” He then snapped the man’s neck and tossed his body aside like a rag doll. 
“Oi! We ought to get out of here,” Butcher warned after seeing Stan Edgar lifeless on the floor. “Frenchie’s about to blow this place to fucking hell.”
He glared over at the Brit and picked up his shield. He still didn’t trust him, not after what he and his merry band of assholes had tried to do the last time they’d teamed up, but he’d made a deal with you and he was intent on keeping his end of it. The only conditions Butcher and Captain Lesbo had given this time around was: no civilian casualties and Ryan was off limits. He did his best with the first and he could give less than a fuck on the other. As far as he was concerned, the kid was Butcher’s problem as long as the kid didn’t come looking for some payback once he got older, which Butcher assured he wouldn’t. That, and there better not be Novichok gas waiting at the end of this mission for him. They’d reluctantly agreed, knowing they had no other way to kill Homelander and take down Vought all in one swoop.
“After you.” Soldier Boy gestured for Butcher to leave first. The man scowled but obliged, keeping a wary eye out as he moved. Smirking, Soldier boy followed. The Supe might have enjoyed the reaction—or even tried to settle the score from Butcher’s previous betrayal—if he didn’t have you to get back to. He needed to let you know that you no longer had Stan Edgar or Vought to worry about. He’d kept up his end of the bargain you’d both made — now, finally, you were free.
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You woke up to the sound of someone moving through the darkness in your room. You grabbed the gun from beneath your pillow and bolted upright as much as you could, trying to get your eyes to adjust so you could get a good shot.
“Relax, it’s just me,” Soldier Boy assured you. 
Recognizing his voice, you slowly lowered the gun and focused on his location. When your eyes finally adjusted, you realized he was near the foot of the bed, completely nude, his hair damp from a fresh shower. “Ben,” you breathed out in relief. “You scared me.”
Through the beams of moonlight shining into the room from the window, you saw him give you a smile and lay his shield down on the floor next to him. “Didn’t mean to.”
You slipped the safety back on the gun and stashed it into the drawer of your nightstand. You hated having it under your pillow at night; it was super uncomfortable and you only needed to do that when Soldier Boy — Ben, as he’d asked you to call him instead — wasn’t around. “Everything go okay?” 
“Better than okay.” You glanced back to see a smirk adorning that handsome face of his, with an all-too familiar gleam in those green eyes. You watched as he slipped on some sweats and then made his way to the opposite side of the bed. You moved onto your side to face him, smiling as he climbed in next to you and sat up against the headboard, turning to grin down at you. Within seconds, he had his arms wrapped around you, pulling you up against him, and he was kissing you a proper hello. He only pulled back when you needed air and tenderly rubbed his nose along yours, nuzzling you. “How about you, doll? Everything go okay while I was gone?”
You nodded and snuggled into his bare chest, letting out a relieved sigh when you felt his warm hands stroking your back. “Everything’s fine,” you assured him, closing your eyes. You’d never admit it aloud, but you felt so much better when he was around. Not only did you feel protected but you just felt better in general. You’d have to be under the pain of torture to admit to him (or yourself) that you actually missed him when he had to leave.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and let his lips linger there, continuing to rub your back just the way you liked. “Edgar and Vought are gone,” he murmured. “The Caped Cunt, too. You’ve got nothing more to worry about.”
Your eyes snapped open and you lifted yourself up to meet his gaze, your brows furrowed. “What?” You asked in shock.
“You heard me.” He stroked your cheek with his thumb, his grin now a smug smile. “You’re safe, baby.”    
Your eyes widened when the realization hit you. “That’s where you went?”
Your only answer was the lengthening of that smile. 
“Jesus, Ben.” So many thoughts and emotions swirled within you all at once. You were free, truly free. You no longer had to worry about Vought death squads hunting you down, Homelander coming for you, or Stan Edgar sending after you any ragtag Supes he could scrounge up. You were free. Although, Ben hadn’t told you that he was about to go on his most dangerous mission yet. He might be America’s original superhero and he might be tough to kill, but that didn’t mean he was completely invincible. He’d admitted as much to you over the last few months. “What if… What if you didn’t—”
He kissed you, effectively cutting you off. “I did,” he hummed against your lips. “Told you I would.”
You nodded, gently tracing his facial features with your hands before gliding down to his shoulders, dipping down the warm expanse of his back and then slowly returning to his chest. As always, he remained patient whenever you did this ritual of checking him for any wounds or injuries, knowing you wouldn’t find any but needing to assure yourself just the same. Truthfully, this man had come to mean more to you than you’d ever imagined would be possible. Hell, there had been a time when it wouldn’t have been possible at all.
When you were done, you met his gaze head on. “Do I want to know?”
Ben remained silent, but his eyes said it all: no, you didn’t want to know. You and Ben may have planned for the downfall of Vought and the ends of Homelander and Stan Edgar, the very same bastards that had put a target on your back in the first place, but that didn’t mean you wanted to hear the gory details of their deaths. You were just grateful Ben had come back to you alive and unharmed. 
You gave him a thin-lipped smile in understanding. “Thank you,” you whispered. 
Ben studied you for a moment, then pulled you in and kissed you again, his fingers slipping through your hair until he grabbed the back of your neck and urged you to meet him more fully. Just as you were getting into it, he broke away and chuckled. “You’re real eager for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” You shot him a look and the smirk was suddenly back on his face. Without warning, he picked you up to rearrange you in the bed how he wanted you. “Too bad that you need to get some rest. We’re blowing the fuck out of here tomorrow and you’re gonna need to keep up.”
As if he would leave you behind if you couldn’t. “I thought you said Butcher would leave us alone after this.”
“I don’t trust that dicksucking Brit and I trust his bitch of a boss even less.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking when you felt him settle in behind you, knowing how much he enjoyed spooning you like this. “‘Kay,” you agreed. He had successfully protected you this far; you’d follow his lead on this one, too. You shut your eyes and snuggled into your pillow, content to feel his hands on your back caressing you once more. You were just about asleep when you heard him murmur in your ear, “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe.” You smiled when you heard the words he’d been saying to you every night now for many months and your heart lightened when you felt his hands trail from your back to cup protectively over your rounding stomach, rubbing gently. ‘Safe’ is exactly how you felt right in this moment, and the little girl moving to meet her father’s embrace—like she always did when she sensed he was near—only cemented the knowledge that this was the first night neither you nor she were in danger any longer. It gave you a sense of peace you hadn’t known in a long time.
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Sweet Serial Killer *ੈ✩‧ Young! Gf! Nick Goode x reader (1)
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“𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻
𝓓𝓸 𝓲𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱,
𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱! “
Summary: Murders are happening around Camp Nightwing, and you’ll do anything for your best friend Nick.
Warning: mentions of murder & violence, dubious consent, yandere! Nick, possessiveness, obsessive behavior, mentions of pedophilia (NOT by nick), pictures without consent, toxic relationship asf, god complex, male masturbation, oral (m & f recieving), p n v, breeding kink, dumbification, size kink, daddy kink, missionary, riding, the reader is very dependable on Nick, loss of virginity, creampie, marking, squirting, dom! Nick, sub! Reader
Nick isn’t an inherently violent person.
But when he meets you in the summer of ‘76, all of that is thrown out the window.
You’re a camper. And no, you aren’t a child; you’re eighteen years old. Nick is twenty, beginning as his first year as a counselor. At Camp Nightwing, it’s taboo for a counselor and camper to become romantically involved. But Jesus, Nick just can’t help but be so in love when he looks at you. Your cabin is right next to his, and he sees your sweet ass everyday, watches you strut around with him on his off days and have fun. You’ve both grown incredibly close. And if anyone messes with you, they have to deal with him.
And waves of intense rage aren’t new to him. But right now, he has still never been so incredibly angry.
He watches as a camper, some guy named Alex and around your age, torments you; pulls your hair, calls you names, makes fun of your makeup. And it makes his blood boil. You’re so precious, so much of an angel. No one needs to treat you this way. He approaches, quickly breaking it up. On the outside, his demeanor is calm, is safe.
To you, Nick will always be safe.
Alex scurries away quickly when Nick starts murmuring threats through clenched teeth. Tears are running down your face, and Nick brings his arm around your shoulder and guides you to his empty cabin. You bury his face in his neck when you’re both finally alone on his bed. He pulls you away and begins to stroke your tearful face soothingly.
“Shh,” he murmurs. “I know. It’s okay, honey. That fuckin’ asshole..” he looks at you with slight concern for a moment. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You sniffle, and shake your head. “He p-pulled my hair, a little bit. But I’m fine.”
If Nick had any previous guilt about his plans for tonight, they’re all gone now.
“Okay..” he smiles, a small laugh leaving his lips as he runs his hands over the outer corners of your eyes.
“You ruined your makeup.”
You frown, worried. “Do I look bad?”
“What? No, not at all.” How could you ever think you look bad? “You look.. you look really pretty, y/n.”
“Oh.” your face flushes, and you smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He replies. And then,after that, you lay down on his bed and he reads you your favorite book while you curl up on his left side. It’s one of the things he does to help you feel better, to make you feel even more protected and safe with him.
And then later that night, the first murder at Camp Nightwing takes place.
The next day the talk is all around camp. Alex, the boy that had harassed you the day before, is dead.
You’re in shock. No one has ever died at the camp before; it’s full of teenagers and kids doing arts and crafts, after all. In a situation like this, they should close down the camp. But the death itself was confirmed to be an accident; he had somehow slipped off of a cliff beside the lake that campers weren’t allowed to approach, and had hit his head on the rocky floor below. A counselor had found him that day, and there were rumors that it was incredibly brutal; his head was completely smashed to pieces.
Some people, however, believe it wasn’t an accident. There were rumors that a few campers saw someone in a black robe and a weird mask that resembled that of a ghost. But those were just rumors, for now.
You shove the thought that Alex deserved what he got down into your gut, and decide to feel bad for him.
“I just don’t get it,” you explain to Nick the next day, in the empty art room. “Why would you even go over there? It’s like, the most dangerous spot.”
Nick shrugs as you refer to Alex, as he knots a new bracelet for the third time that day.
“Dunno,” he replies. “Like I said, he was an idiot.”
His tone and the use of the word ‘was’ makes bile rise in your throat, but you change the topic to the task at hand.
If anyone knows you, you’re just a little… dumb. So, Nick helps you with your crafts in your art activities everyday, always teaches you new things because you’re interested and don’t know how. It’s not just in this field, where you depend on him; he helps you with practically everything, even feeds you from time to time. He knows how to take care of you, how to keep you satisfied and happy.
He watches as you struggle to tie a knot in the bracelet that you’re creating, watches as you slam it down onto the table and make a sound of frustration. He chuckles, amused.
“Having fun?”
“Fuck off, Nick.” You snap . You immediately begin to apologize, not meaning to have sounded so rude.
“Im so sorry!”
“Don’t apologize, y/n. It’s okay, I promise.”
He hates when you feel as if you’ve said something wrong around him. You could never anger him.
“It’s just…” you rub your eyes, careful not to destroy your glittery makeup. “I can’t.. I can’t make the bracelet. It’s not working.”
“That’s okay,” Nick assures. “I can teach you. It’s okay, here-“
His fingers move to grab the strings from you, maneuvering the plastic stand it’s attached to so he can gain better access. He looks down at the instructions.
“Yeah, this knot is complicated,” it’s not, but you don’t need to know that. “All you’re doing wrong is not looping it around. If you just..”
He smiles as he grabs your cherry red nails into his larger set of hands. He brings them down and shows you the proper way to tie the bracelet, and you squeal in victory when you’re finally done. It’s a little jagged along a section, but it isn’t too bad.
“See! I knew you could do it. You’re such a quick learner.” Nick praises. You flush.
“Thank you.”
He watches as you tie the ends. And then, you’re nervously looking towards him.
“I want you to have it.. i-if that’s okay!”
Nick beams, happily snatching the bracelet from your hands and slipping it onto his wrist.
“Thank you, angel. I love it.”
He picks up one of the bracelets he made and insists that you wear it too. He ties the ends for you, and slips it around your wrist. You smile. And then, with ease, he brings his lips down to your wrist and places a kiss to it. The nervous lip bite you give him makes his cock harden in his pants, but he chooses to ignore it for now. You smell so sweet, the perfume on your wrists making his eyes practically roll back. It’s so you, and he can’t get enough of it.
“Do you want to go back to my cabin?”
The words make you stutter, knowing that the cabin is empty and that everyone is away at another camping activity at the lake. But alas, you utter a quick ‘yes’. When you get inside he guides you to sit down at the head of his bed so he can read to you again. But once he gets through a couple paragraphs of The Great Gatsby, you’re already leaning onto his shoulder sleepily.
“Tired?” He asks.
He grabs one of your arms and slings it over his chest. You sigh happily, shoving your face into his shirt as he moves down to lay flat on the bed.
“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner.”
“Okay, Nicky. Thank you.”
Oh, how precious.
Your soft snores fill the room as you sleep. Time ticks by, but Nick can’t seem to keep still as much as he wants to. So, gently, he removes himself from underneath you and pulls his blanket over your shoulders as you turn over in your sleep. He watches as your tits seem to practically spill out of your tank top. His breath catches in his throat. It’s not that noticeable because it’s on your lower side, but your nipple has seemed to slip out of the fabric.
The thing he does next is probably incredibly wrong. But who can blame him, with you looking like that?
His hands go down to palm the bulge in his pants. He breathes heavily, lip getting caught in his teeth as he watches your slow moving breath and beautiful face. He brings his hands into his pants and begins to stroke himself with vigor.
He knows it’s incredibly risky. You’re his best friend, and if he gets caught doing this you might not be anymore. But precum spills over his fist and he thrusts into his own palm mercilessly. He starts to imagine scenarios with you in them: taking your tits into his mouth, sucking on those pert little nipples that he loves to see peeking through your shirt. Fucking that tight little pussy he knows you have, while you’re on all fours and your ass is bouncing back against his abs. And then, lastly, watching your little cunt get stretched beyond its boundaries as he impales you, your virgin blood coating his cock and leaving your creamy spend on him. This makes him keen, and then he’s stuffing his fist into his mouth as he cums all over the inside of his briefs. You begin to stir, not quite waking up, but it makes Nick’s mouth water even more at the thought of you catching him. You don’t wake up, however. You’re always such a deep sleeper.
Nick sighs, moving into the bathroom to wash off his hands and then change into a new pair of underwear.
And then, when he’s next to his dress, he catches sight of his camera.
It’s a Polaroid camera, a dark brown that he keeps with him whenever he wants to take picture of the camp’s scenery.
But maybe it can be used for other sights.
He remembers to turn the flash off, and then he snaps a picture of your sleeping form. And then, another. And another. And another. All at different angles, some far away, some so close that it’s a surprise that you don’t hear the click of the device and wake up. When he’s done he gathers up all of the pictures that have been printed and shoves them into his drawer full of shirts, next to another set of pictures. Ones that consist of a boy in water, with his head missing.
He checks on the clock on the wall. It’s dinner time, now.
He goes over and lightly shakes you. It takes a few minutes of this before your eyes finally crack open.
“C’mon, sweets, you gotta wake up,” he murmurs. “It’s time for dinner.”
You blink, wiping the sleep away from your eyes and smearing your makeup in the process again. But when you get up and look in the mirror, you choose not to acknowledge it.
You don’t even notice the anxious look Nick gives you when you ask for some of his clothes and reach into his t-shirt drawer. He’s so thankful that he hid the photos in the very back, because you don’t find them.
He makes a mental note to move them to a place where no one would think to look.
The next day Tommy Slater teaches you archery.
You’ve see the boy around, not really ever talking, but he’s sweet, with nice hair and a pretty smile. He holds your arms in the right position as he helps you pull back the strings of the bow. When you pull it back, it’s the first time ever that you hit the target. You pull him into a hug, and his hands go down to your waist as he asks if he can buy you a cherry coke from the vending machines.
Nick watches the whole thing with displeasure when you say yes.
No one really notices, but Nick just always seems to be around you, even though there’s a whole other side of camp to be taught. It’s a surprise, really, that the boy can keep his job. If it wasn’t for the extra class he teaches everyday and his father being the sheriff, he’d probably be fired.
Nick really hasn’t had that much of a problem with Tommy before. He’s a nice guy, and they get along well whenever they work together. Hell, Tommy was even his bunkmate for a while before he decided to switch and room with his brother, Will.
But he’s talking to you. And he’s being a little too nice, too touchy to see you as a regular camper or friend.
And Nick can’t have that, can he?
So a week later, after you had started to grow close with the boy, Tommy Slater is found with a noose around his neck. A suicide, of course. It’s incredibly unfortunate for you; you cry about it, not leaving your cabin all day over the death of your new friend when you find out the news.
Of course, Nick is there to comfort you. He doesn’t leave your side, and stays with you for the entirety of the day while you sleep on top of his shirtless, warm body.
He’s such a good friend.
You sigh as you roll yourself out of your bed. You’re exhausted, mentally. Nick had begged you to come to dinner with him, but to no avail after many minutes of struggling. You figure right about now that the best thing to do is your makeup. Something that sounds incredibly stupid, but it helps you relieve a lot of stress. You bring yourself back over to your bed with your makeup bag and begin to apply a full face.
You jump, almost smearing your eyeliner, when Nick opens the door. Although you shouldn’t get excited at a time like this, you smile when you see an ice cream cone in one of his hands.
“Finally getting up?” He teases. You nod.
“I guess so. No use getting hung up, right? We..” you’re trying to seem positive, but the image of Tommy’s body hanging from the ceiling brings bile to your throat. You swallow it down as you apply a layer of blush and grab the ice cream cone from Nick. “Me and Tommy weren’t even that close.”
Nick shrugs, sitting down beside you and resting his head on your shoulder to watch you apply your mascara.
“He’s in a better place now, y/n.” The boy assures.
You nod in agreement, but you’re still a bit upset. You shake the thoughts out of your head and lick at the ice cream cone. Nick watches some it drip down your chin, and he imagines what it would be like to stuff your mouth full.
“So,” He starts. His eyes never leave your mouth. “Are you going on the camping trip tonight?”
Every Saturday, campers go deeper into the woods and camp out. You know Nick enjoys it, but the thought of sleeping in a tent with no air conditioner tonight does not sound like fun.
“Probably not.” You reply.
“That’s okay.” Nick assures. He can tell by the look on your face that you feel bad for ditching him. “On second thought, how about I stay here with you tonight? I know you don’t like to be in the dark alone.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m not scared of the dark, I’m scared of what’s in the dark! But also, won’t you get in trouble?”
“Whatever you say, sweetness.” Nick replies. “But I’m staying. I’ll just say I’m sick. ”
“That’s…good. I want you here.” And it’s true, as you utter the words. Nick smiles, and watches as you get up to throw away the ice cream cone (one of your weird quirks that Nick has picked up is that you only like the ice cream itself, and not the cone). When you bend down to drop it into the trash can, your shorts ride up and the soft globes of your ass are exposed. Nick exhales sharply.
You hear him, and turn around to look at him in concern. “Are you okay?”
Nick coughs, eyes averting from you as his cheeks glaze over into a dusty pink. “Yeah! It’s just a little stuffy in here, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You frown. “Do you want to go to your cabin instead? You have a better air conditioner, anyway.” And then your eyes light up. “And you have a radio! We can listen to music tonight!”
Nick chuckles at your excitement. He knows you enjoy music. “Yeah, honey.”
It’s not long before almost everyone in camp is away, and you and Nick are alone. Although the trip is optional, very few people decide to stay behind. Will had left, his eyes lingering on you a bit too long as he tells Nick to ‘have fun’. Nick’s eyes had narrowed at his tone, and he had put a possessive grip on you as he guided you to his radio so he could teach you how to use it.
And that night, Nick introduces you to weed.
It’s not something you’re opposed to, you’ve just never got around to it. And when Nick pulls out a small bag of the skunk smelling drug, you’re happy to get high with him.
You giggle as Nick runs his fingers over your legs in a teasing manner. He knows your ticklish behind your knees, and of course he isn’t going to ignore the chance of getting to touch you. His radio plays ‘Fear The Reaper’ in a blaring tone, and the both of your eyes are red rimmed and watery. You move away from his hands and off to bed to explore the things in his room, dazed.
And then you catch sight of his camera.
You pick it up, and feel the plastic device with your fingertips.
“I’ve never seen you with this,” you say. “Is it new?”
Nick lifts his body up off of the bed to look at you.
“No, I’ve had it for a while.” He replies.
“Oh.” and then, your hands begin to flimsily play with the buttons.
Nick grins. “Do you want me to take pictures of you?”
The question catches you off guard, but the look on his face, begging, can’t make you say no.
“If you want.”
“That’s great,” Nick pauses, hesitant. “Can you get on the bed for me?”
“Yes sir.”
You don’t mean to say it, really, but you just want to follow his directions. You think he’s going to be freaked out, but all he does is give you a sweet smile.
“Good girl.”
Your face flushes, and your twiddle your fingers as you begin to climb onto the bed. You move your hair so it rests behind your shoulders, and smile. Nick snaps it, the perfect view of you on your knees for him. You move to another position, sideways, and tilt your head back.
So cute, Nick thinks. And all mine.
By the third or fourth, you’re comfortable enough to not be shy.
“Is this good?” You ask. You’re leaning forward now, on your knees once again. Nick can see your cleavage at this angle, and he thinks you’re the most sexiest thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Perfect.” And then, another pause before he speaks. “You’re so beautiful.”
You blanch, as if that’s the first time he’s ever said it. You look up at him with a look he can’t quite place.
“Do you really think so?”
“I think you’re perfect.”
Dazed and Confused by Led Zepplin is playing on the radio now. The tension in the room grows intensely, in this moment, as Nick utters the words. It’s as if it’s never been experienced before. It has, many times, but usually there was someone or something to interrupt that tension.
So now, all that Nick can think to do is throw the camera onto the bed, move over to you, lean down, and press his lips to yours.
It’s probably a dumb idea, but if it goes the opposite of the way Nick wants then he can just blame it on the mary jane in his system.
But you kiss back. The boy suspects you’ve never been kissed before, because your lips move awkwardly against his. It’s endearing to him, and he moves to press himself closer to you. You moan against him when he begins to climb on top of you. He pulls away, his thighs caging your hips down. He grabs your hands and moves them above your head.
“You’ve never done this before , have you?”
You look away shyly, shaking your head as you do so to signal the word ‘no’. He grabs your face with his strong hands and guides you too gaze at him again.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, y/n. Yes.. or no?”
Your lip gets caught in between your teeth as he looks down at you hungrily.
“No.” You utter softly.
He tuts, bring his hand down to your hip and rubbing the soft skin there.
“So no one’s ever touched you here? Hm?”
You shake your head.
“Poor baby.” His hand moves down further. He’s ghosting his fingers over the crotch of your shorts. You squirm, a small squeak leaving your mouth when he presses on your clit through the fabric. “What about here, baby? Anyone ever played with this little clit before?”
“N-Nick, c’mon-“
“Who? Are you lying to me? Has someone touched you here?” His tone is demanding, now, angry. You look up at him with wide eyes. He’s always been so gentle with you, and his attitude now shock you.
“No..” and then, softly, “no sir. I promise.”
He calms, a small smirk beginning to play on his lips. He rubs, gentle and slow, on your clit. You mewl, hands going up to his hair for leverage as he teases you.
“Such good manners. Being such a good girl.”
His fingers leave you. You whine in protest, beginning to grab his hand and put it back where it was, but he pushes your grip away. He chuckles.
“No, no. You’re going to do something for me first.”
Your face goes red, when he grabs your hand and presses it against his girth.
“You feel that, baby?” He’s taunting, watching as your mouth opens on instinct and your soft wet tongue lolls out. “Feel what you did?”
“Yes. Yes, daddy, I-“
The word that leaves your mouth isn’t intentional, but when it does it has Nick groaning, thrusting his hips up into your hand.
“God, that’s it. You want me to be your daddy, baby? Wanna be my little girl?”
You nod, eagerly, and you begin to move to unbuckle his jeans. He makes a noise of disapproval, though.
“No. Stay right here.”
And then he’s moving off the bed and to the foot of it, beginning to unbuckle his belt. He beckons you over, but stops you when you begin to get off the bed.
“No,” His hand goes down into his pants, and he breathes shakily.
Your pussy is practically drenched at this point. A small moan sounds in the back of your throat, and you get on your hands and knees. The look Nick gives you as you move towards him is so dark that you aren’t sure it’s even him anymore. But fuck, he looks so handsome, so beautiful. You can’t help but do what he says.
You’ll do anything for him.
He grabs you by your shoulders and pulls you up on your knees at the edge of the bed. His shirt has ridden up, exposing a sliver of his tanned and toned skin.
“What do you want me to do now, daddy?” The words you’re saying sound so unlike yourself, but it’s like something different has taken over you. All you can think or feel is NickNickNickNickNick. Over and over, your pussy throbbing and spilling wet juices all over the inside of your panties.
“Take your shirt off, sweetheart.”
The demand is one you follow instantly, and when you slip the shirt over your head your nipples are puffy and swollen. He grins, moving down to flick one of your nipples.
“These are so pretty. We should get them pierced, don’t you think?”
The thought of needles going through your tits make you wince. Nick laughs.
“I was just joking, angel.”
“We have to have those nice and ready for our baby, don’t we?”
Your eyes widen, and he laughs again, as if pregnancy is some kind of game.
“Joking, again. God, you’re so gullible, you know that?”
You really don’t think you’d mind carrying his baby, but you don’t mention that right now. Instead, you bring your hands to the bulge in his pants. He groans in surprise, and looks down at you.
“You little minx. Get to work, then. Since you want to be so impatient.”
You hesitate, not really knowing what to do.
“Can you teach me, sir?”
He presses your mouth to his clothed cock, and you gasp at the sudden movement. You drool all over the fabric of his jeans, the confines of the zipper making his incredibly large cock press against the denim.
“Gotta taste it first, don’t you?” He teases. He yanks you away from his dick and pulls your head back so you’ll look up at him.
“Give me a kiss.”
You do, reaching up desperately to kiss him on his soft, sweet lips. He strokes your face, gentle unlike the past few minutes.
“Do you feel safe with me?”
You nod, and he nods his head in understanding at the confirmation.
He begins to unzip his fly. And then, you watch as he pulls out his thick length. You gawk at how pretty and large he is, his tip shining with precum and his balls drawn up tight.
“Do you trust me?”
His voice is rougher now. He strokes his cock, and you ache for it to feel the deep canal of your throat.
“Yes, daddy. You’re the only person in the world I’ll ever trust.”
“Good. You only need me.”
And then he’s rubbing the tip over your lips, and you’re eagerly suckling the soft skin and licking the precum off. He tastes so good, so salty and bitter but so perfectly divine. He growls low in his throat, holding back as much as he can so he doesn’t destroy your perfect little mouth.
“Yeah, just like that. Didn’t even have to tell you where to put that slutty mouth. You think about this a lot, don’t you?”
You nod, as much as you can with your mouth full.
“Run your tongue along the vein.” He directs, watching as you pull off and ask him what to do next. “You see, right there?”
You follow his directions perfectly, following the trail and then moving to kitten lick underneath his head. His eyes roll back, and he shallowly thrusts into your throat. You become desperate, then, and before he realizes what’s happening your downing his whole aching prick in one singular stroke.
“Oh, fuck, you bitch!” He’s loud, and his resolve breaks. He grabs your head with both of his hands and begins to fuck your throat with vigor. You choke, your eyes watering, but you don’t want him to let up. Looking up at him through watery lashes, you see that his had is tilted back and his mouth is open in shock and pleasure.
“I can feel the back of your goddamn throat, Jesus fuck..”
He slows, just a bit, when he sees you struggling to breathe.
“Remember to breathe through your nose, sweetness.”
His advice helps you, and soon you’re relaxed as he uses your throat. Your hands grip his thighs, and on a particularly deep thrust your nose hits the curly black hair at his base. It’s amazing, how much you can take.
Not that Nick has been with many girls, but he’s been with a few. And all of them could hardly take his cock inside their cunt, much less their throat. Nick giggles at the irony, then, sadistically. Of course you can take it. You’re made for him. And he’s your god, a life force that you’re devoted to, that you can’t ever escape.
“Yeah, you’re a pro at this,” Nick says roughly. “ My good little cocksucker.”
That sets you off, and your fingers begin to go down and rub your clit. It doesn’t take long before Nick is pulling you off and pushing you back down on the bed. He grabs you by your thighs and begins to unbuttons your shorts aggressively. When he gets down to your underwear he’s pulling them off with a quickness and shoving them into his back pocket.
You really should be shy right now, but you aren’t. It’s just that way with Nick. You can do anything, show him anything, and you’ll still feel like the most free person to ever exist. He spreads your legs wide, and he doesn’t hesitate to go down and get a taste of you.
He licks a stripe up the expanse of your drenched pussy, makes sure to add a little bit of tongue when he gets to your clit. He thumbs the swollen button, plays with it like it’s a toy. Your back arches, his touch setting flames off on your skin and inside of you.
“Nicky, please..”
Your voice is raw from getting so harshly throat fucked, your eyes droopy and already fucked out from all the foreplay. He says nothing, instead choosing to gather up some of the precum from his cock and use two now lubed fingers to shove inside of you. Your hips soar off the mattress, the sudden stretch burning intensely, but not as much as you would’ve originally thought. You’re so wet that you’re really up for anything, at this point. You flush with embarrassment when you hear your wetness gushing around Nick’s fingers. But he looks pleased, intensely so, and bends down to press a little kiss to your clit.
“Aww, look at that,” he coos. “You’re so wet, aren’t you? Did daddy make you this wet?”
“Yesyesyesyes-“ you practically scream when he rubs your inner walls a certain way, and it makes your legs shake and makes tears stream down your cheeks. ���please keep doing that, daddy. Oh my God!
You can feel your orgasm approaching, and it’s embarrassing that you’re cumming this soon. But you’re a virgin, after all. You can’t help it. And so, with a sharp intake of breath and a moan, you cum all over Nick’s fingers. He watches as your juices coat his entire hand and shirt as your legs start to convulse in pleasure. He smiles, satisfied. You just squirted all over him.
“There you go.. just like that. Good girl. Give me all of that, baby.”
When you come down it’s like you’re wiped of energy. Nick notices. His hand goes up to stroke your face.
“You have to give me one more, okay? Just one.”
You shake your head, eyes going closed, but he slaps your cheek lightly to keep you awake.
“Still need fuck you, honey. I want you to be awake when I do it. Want you to remember.”
You bite your lip, hesitant, but then you nod. He smiles, and your heart flutters as you look down at him in between your legs.
“That’s my girl.”
He adjusts your thighs, pulling your spent body towards him. His cock nudges against your entrance. It’s different from what you’ve just experienced, much more intimate and warm. So he guides himself into you, gently. It hurts, and you let out a noise of displeasure. You start to cry again, but out of pain.
“Daddy- c-can’t, ‘s too much..”
“I know you can take it, sweet girl. Don’t you want to make daddy proud?”
You hiccup, tears flowing freely down your cheeks, and you whisper a small, “yes sir.”
He pushes into you for what seems like forever, and when you finally feel his pelvis pressing against your clit you jump from the stimulation. It causes you to clench down on him, and you cry out at the feeling of him losing control and thrusting into your open canal. He groans, lifting himself up with his hands to keep himself still.
“Don’t do that baby, ‘s gonna hurt you. Fuck, you’re so tiny. My cock is splitting you in two.”
Yeah, you wanted to say, like I warned you it would.
But you don’t say that, and soon his cock just feels like a lot of pressure. So when you tell Nick to move, he tries his hardest to be slow. He’s shaking, the fact of being in control of himself a new phenomenon. But when he drags himself out, slow, and then pushes himself back in, you begin to feel different. He hits that special spot again, just right, and your hips move back on him at their own accord.
“Daddy.. please. Fuck me! want it hard…”
The words spill out of your mouth quickly, your brain going haywire. Nick’s hands become bruising in their grip, and he shoves your hands over your head again and begins to pound you vigorously. Your wetness leaves a creamy ring around the base of his cock, and you look absolutely gorgeous, letting him use you.
“Fuckin’ beautiful little girl.. love having this pussy fucked, don’t you? Making daddy so proud..”
You moan loudly, his praises making more wetness drip out of you.
“Love you, daddy, love you so much!”
Nick’s hips stutter at that, and although it should be a very large milestone to cross, it feels perfectly natural, perfectly true to say, and it makes his head spin. His perfect little girl, worshipping him and his cock. You’re a dream come true.
“Holy fuck.. I love you too, sweetheart.” Your heart aches, so deeply. He loves you. Nick, the boy you’ve been completely devoted to and have worshipped the entire summer, loves you.
You can feel his thrusts speeding up, his hands bruising on your skin. ‘M gonna cum, shit-“
He twitches, flooding your sticky walls with his cum. Your hips shake, your pussy milking him dry.
“Love your cum, sir, feels s’good.” You slur. The fact that you’ve gotten riled up and haven’t came again is in the very back of your mind. Nick’s cock, his body, his devoted time and attention to you, is enough to satiate your needs. When he pulls out of you he makes sure to watch his cum drip out of your needy hole, and then rubs your clit in gentle strokes.
“just give me one more, baby. Cum for daddy one more time.”
And who are you to resist? Shaking, your brain turns to mush. Your tummy tightens and then you’re spilling again, watching as Nick looks down at you with adoration.
When you slow, his hands move up to swipe some hair out of your face and tuck it behind your ear. You smile bashfully, watching as he lays down beside you and beckons you over to him once more. It’s peaceful, resting now in the darkness of his room. The radio is still playing, soft just as before. And when you sleep, you dream of sweet nothings.
And then two days later, you’re being harassed by the camp’s janitor.
His name is Lloyd, and he’s older, much more so. He’s noticed you around, he says. He wants to get to know you more.
You’re uncomfortable by his offer. He’s a grown man, for christ’s sakes! And not an attractive one, at that, so why would you even attempt such a thing with him?
Of course, Nick isn’t too far behind when Lloyd starts spewing harsh words when you reject him. He pulls you behind him protectively, and begins suggesting that he call his father and tell on him. Lloyd instantly backs off, but his narrowed eyes never leave yours as he walks away.
Later that night, there’s a camp bonfire. You smile as you conversate with Nick while a bag of marshmallows between the two of you. You shove one into your mouth as you discuss Carry by Stephen King, and he agrees that it’s one of the best. Your head rests on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you. Although campers and counselors technically can’t be together, no one around really cares at the moment; they’re all too busy with their own friends to notice. You grab Nick’s hand and suggest that he take you to get more snacks from the cafeteria. He trails behind you, watching your ass bounce in the tiny skirt you’re wearing. It isn’t long before you’re buying a coke and Nick is using every excuse in the book to guide you behind the deserted building and up against the wall.
His lips press gently into your neck in a sloppy, wet kiss. Your coke is forgotten, the soft drink’s bottle sitting on the concrete beside the both of you. You fall into Nick more when he bites down softly on the spot below your ear; he’s only fucked you once, but he knows your body like the back of his hand.
You sigh, your hand grabbing his and discreetly guiding it to that warm spot in between your legs. He huffs out a laugh, watches your face contort into carnal pleasure when he rubs your clit softly.
“Needy, baby?”
“Want you..” you whine, hands gripping his shirt. “Fuck me here. Wan’ everyone to see…”
“Jesus,” he moans, your hand going down to palm his aching shaft. “Only fucked you once and I’ve already turned you into a little cockslut, huh?”
You nod as his thumb brushes over your lips in a playful manner. You bring the digit into your mouth, making sure that it hits the very back of your throat. Nick groans at that, bringing his thumb out and crashing his lips into yours. You taste like cherry coke, and from the past few days of the constant making out you guys have been doing, Nick can infer that this is just how you taste. It’s so perfect, so incredibly sweet and precious. He grabs your arms and turns you around so he can press your body against the wall behind you. His hands undo his belt, and then he’s lifting up your skirt to see your pretty cunt.
“No panties, sweetheart?”
“Just wanted to be ready for you, daddy.”
The way you say it, so giving and dedicated, makes Nick’s cock jump. When he pulls it out he presses it flush against your bare mound and slaps your lips playfully with his tip. You squirm, little pussy red and swollen.
“Love this little pussy so much, baby,” Nick coos. He rubs your clit with his length, and it makes you tremble. “Need you to beg for daddy. C’mon, be a good girl.”
You don’t even hesitate, your voice shaky and desperate. “Please! Need you so bad, daddy. Please fuck me!”
He doesn’t hesitate to shove himself inside you, then. And although the stretch still hurts, it feels better than last time and it makes you mewl as he begins to harshly pound into you. He yanks you back by your hair, your body pressed flush against him, and he uses his other hand to yank your top down and expose your tits to the night air. They scrape against the brick wall, and it the sting makes you clench around him.
“Good little bitch.. such a tight little pussy…”
And then his tone becomes darker, and he begins to put a bruising grip on your hip.
“Tommy could’ve never fucked you like this, y’know.”
The sentence catches you off guard, your body slowing its movements. But only slightly; because as fucked up as it is, Nick still turns you on. You stutter, your eyes rolling back when Nick’s cock grazes your insides perfectly.
And although it seems like Nick should be ashamed or feel caught saying the thing he just said, he doesn’t. Instead, his fingers reach down to rub you clit, as he chuckles darkly.
“You heard me. That little fucker. You were going to leave me for him, weren’t you?”
Your eyes furrow in confusion, tears beginning to form at the stress of his interrogation and his harsh thrusts. Nick slaps your ass harshly, watching it jiggle and move against him more.
“Answer me!”
“No! No, I only ever wanted you! I- I didn’t-“
His fingers slap your pussy, and then he’s rubbing your clit in harsh circles again. You practically scream, your wetness gushing down his dick.
“Now fucking cum for me.”
You ignore Nick as he walks you back to his cabin.
You don’t know what else to do. How else are you supposed to react when your best friend slash lover decides to talk about a dead friend in bed?
It should upset you more than it does.
You’re freaked out, a little bit, of course. But the guilt, that pit in your stomach, isn’t as prominent as you thought it would be. And when Nick pulls you into a hug and softly asks, “stay, please?”, you can’t resist him. Will is out, you assume. Probably with a random girl or still at the bonfire.
None of that matters, right now. You turn your head when Nick tries to kiss you. He frowns, hands coming up to your hair.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why’d you say that stuff earlier, Nick?” You ask quietly. Your nervously bounce on the balls of your feet. “That was really mean.”
He sighs, looking regretful as he takes your face into his hands.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I shouldn’t of said that. I got carried away..“
His lips land on yours, gentle. You’re extremely tired, your limbs weak and your pussy aching from Nick’s harsh fucking. You don’t know how to feel, but the softness of Nick’s lips makes your eyes flutter shut.
“I won’t do it again,” he murmurs, as he pulls away. His thumb goes to wipe away stray mascara that had smeared on your face. “I promise. Just stay with me?”
You know it isn’t right. You know that what he said was messed up, was something you should leave him for. But you don’t. You just nod your head obediently, and join him on his bed. And when you’re trying to sleep and his length rubs up against your thigh, he asks if you want him. You say yes, and It’s true.
And when he brings himself up to your lips, you lick his cock clean, and show him your devotion.
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arieswritez · 5 months
puppy love
puppy love | yandere!mark grayson x afab!reader | MULTI-CHAP: 2
chapter 1
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cw; DARK CONTENT!!! MDNI!!! reader is neurodivergent, ableism, growing up is messy & adults suck, angst, niceguy™/slight incel mark, childhood friend/bully!mark, mark gets his powers sooner, teeny tiny implications of pseudo incest (blink and you'll miss it), violent rape, threats of violence, & canon typical violence, stalking, implied murder, gender & body dysphoria, mentions/implications of disordered eating, mark teases reader about their body once, overall asshole mark, implied grooming (mark handles it but he's a lil bitch about it later), so, victim blaming, misogyny, the inexplicable horrors of being afab, objectification, sexualization
about; . . i am not the boy you knew and you are dead to me you watch someone you know grow into static company - boy (alex g)
your chest ached.
with changing seasons, countless birthdays, the broadening of your consciousness brought an expansion of your body. growing in places that made you walk with a slouch and had your hands tugging at the front of your shirt. the shorts you'd wear during summer turned into your shame whenever your parent(s) would ask you to go and change for something more. . 'appropriate'.
ridiculous, you thought. how could they be inappropriate? they were your favorite pair.
or they used to be.
a man old enough to be your father leered at you while you were out riding your bike. you took them off as soon as you got home. you're sure they sit at the bottom of your closet to this day.
your hands got bigger. your fingers stretched. you got taller. people often told you you looked like your parent(s). you didn't see it.
despite the passage of time, mark was still there.
your parent(s) had long received the grayson's blessing to allow him refuge in your home: playdates whenever he wasn't preoccupied with baseball and important school work. but as the pages of the calendars turned, your parent(s) worried your little playdates had gone on for too long.
however, much like the dilemma your teachers had, no one had the heart - nor the energy - to separate you two. the two of you were entering the age where interest in romance grew and your parent(s) worried. it was cute, at first. when a 6 year old mark would follow you home and your parent(s) would have to contact the graysons, lest they turn the world upside down searching for their one son. or the time in which he'd brought ring-pops and claimed you'd gotten married.
but the fact of the matter was that mark had changed, too. you didn't see it at first. didn't even imagine it could've ever been that way.
mark was a growing boy.
there was evidence of that etched in markings on the wall next to your bedroom door: comparisons of height done in pencil. one with your initial. the other in his. you'd always be surprised when he kept surpassing you inch by inch. and you'd make a face whenever you'd - yet again - failed to keep up. and after your parent(s) wearily watched the two of you engage in hand size comparisons, the door to your bedroom was to remain open at all times.
but the truth of the matter was that there was simply no need.
mark was hardly ever in your bedroom those days. and much to your disappointment - well, why were you? it's not like you didn't see it coming - he'd gotten friends of his own. friends who grew with him in height and mannerism. who'd say big, nasty words and who's eyes would follow girls down the hallway. who he'd sit and rough house with until teachers had enough and sat him next to the most 'well behaved student' - you - despite his huffing. friends who wouldn't spare you a glance even though you were walking with mark. who'd talk directly to mark as if you weren't even there and steal him away with excuses of baseball practice. or simply because they could.
and mark would go.
and once, you felt your face going hot when one of them scoffed, "sorry, are we stealing you away from your girlfriend?"
mark returned the laugh - you didn't know if he knew you heard or not. you also didn't wanna know - and said, "ew."
and if you were anyone else you would've thought about throwing his own baseball bat against his back. but all it did was make you sad. it made you angry. it made you embarrassed. and you didn't know why.
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mark was a growing boy.
you were growing, too.
but you wanted to stay little for as long as you could. and the dread that came with buying newer clothes each passing year left you with a bitter taste in your mouth.
you obsessed over magazines. the pretty girls on social media who's hair looked perfect. who's teeth were whiter. who's skin looked painted on. you're sure
the others in school shared your sentiment.
soon, you had to preoccupy yourself with shaving your arms or your legs or drinking large amounts of water in order to feel something in your tummy.
but mark. .mark never had to worry about that. he was a growing boy. he didn't have to worry about clothes or skincare. he didn't have to watch what he ate.
he was a growing boy.
who cared if he ate half a dozen donuts in one sitting? he was a growing boy.
who cared if all he did was run a few steps in baseball and eat like a chipmunk all the while remaining the same? he was a growing boy!
who cared if he could burp and sneeze loudly, sit like he'd bought the planet, and go outside at night?
.. certainly not you.
but sometimes you wish -
"it's so fucking hot." mark mumbled, hanging off your bed, voice muffled around his - seventh? - donut.
you stared down at the bowl of cotton candy grapes on your lap.
your teeth ached with need.
- . . you were a. . it was easier.
"yeah." you said, squeezing one of the grapes between your index and thumb until the flesh oozed out, shiny and sticky. "i know."
"you almost done?" he asked, turning onto his stomach and wiping the icing off his hands onto your bedding.
the homework sheets in front of you were nearly done. but you'd need a lot more time to finish homework for the both of you. you wonder if your parents knew that mark coming over to do homework just consisted of him distracting you while you did the work.
and maybe they did.
they were always so forgiving to people who weren't you.
in their eyes, you'd ask for advice if he was really taking advantage of you. and none of that whiny complaining of him being too rough, either.
you should've known what you were getting yourself into when you befriended a boy.
boys will be boys. right?
then, he doesn't know his own strength when you were mad at him when one of his playful shoves sent you staggering in front of his friends.
or, he was trying to be funny! lighten up. when he'd grabbed you and groped at your fleshy sides - also in front of his friends.
and most importantly, the two of you had been best friends for so long, there was no reason why something as innocent as you doing a couple of favors for him could cause such turmoil.
you should be nicer to him. i mean, how many other friends do you have?
and that's what the excuses were about.
your parent(s) felt indebted to him. after all, they didn't have the energy to deal with the tides of your mental state: the complex emotions, highs and lows, that only seemed to become that much more apparent as you entered your teenage years.
you imagined how they must’ve thought of you.
it couldn't be that much different than how everyone else did.
mark is so patient, so good at babysitting poor, socially inept you.
but as long as they didn't have to do the heavy lifting, they figured letting mark keep you was their safest bet. it did you good. mark didn't seem burdened. if anything, he seemed happy. he enjoyed taking care of you. and you knew he did. in fact, when he wasn't around his friends. . he was the mark you grew up with.
kind of.
he was still into the same stuff: comics and superhero movies. as long as it was just the two of you. . it wasn't that bad. he cared for you. and he'd show he wasn't all gone when he'd warned you about boys - who, ironically, seemed to perfectly describe his friend group. 
don't date them, he'd say, and it reminded you of when you'd gotten that ring pop and he told you you were his.
his protective demeanor wasn't a problem when he had the strength of a six year old. but mark wasn't six anymore. the jealous fits weren't as endearing. he was rowdier. moodier. and he'd grown into his body. . meaning he had the mass to back his words up.
but you weren't cowed by him. not much, anyway.
which caused you to push away the pile of homework and snap, "why don't you do your own fucking homework? it's too much."
you knew the most mark would do was sulk and pout. that's all he ever did when you'd be preoccupied with other things. . or grouped with the opposite sex. but there'd be moments in which you'd caught the flicker of darkness in his eyes whenever the two of you had a disagreement.
when you said no.
"i'm tired after baseball." he said, slowly, like it's something you were supposed to know.
"yeah, well, i'm tired, too!" you huffed.
"yeah? of doing what?"
"of thinking for the both of us."
"you calling me dumb?"
"you said it." you muttered under your breath, doodling onto the page to distract you from the annoyance bubbling inside you.
you didn't notice him getting up. he'd have a habit of sneaking up on you. maybe he was just quiet. or you were just too absent minded to notice. but either way, before you knew it, you were lifted off the floor from around your waist.
you don't even get a chance to react before he pinned you to your bed. the shock causing your face to grow hot before you begin to thrash beneath him, spitting out insults and trying to hit him in any soft spot you could.
but he was faster, stronger.
repeating, "i'm stupid?" while fighting you off like it was nothing.
he'd always had better stamina, and soon, you're tired and pinned beneath him.
and then he. .
just froze above you.
mark's world had gone still. he could sense everything. the air shifted around him and all his attention landed on you. he could feel weak throbbing beneath the palm of his hands as he held your wrists in a two handed grip above your head.
he could smell your perfumed skin. hear the blood soaring through your veins. the heat from your face warmed him like a furnace. and the realization slammed into him like a freight train.
he'd gotten his powers.
you'd brought them out of him.
“um. can I get up now?” you'd whispered from beneath him, flustered. your eyes narrowed towards your door, the one your parent(s) demanded you to keep open at all times.
mark blinked.
then, shuffled off of you with burning cheeks.
you watched him hastily sling his school bag over his shoulder and waddle out of the room. confused, you called after him - you had a test to study for for christ's sake! - but he didn't stop.
you scrambled after him.
but like years before, you couldn't keep up.
he was gone before you even made it out into the hallway.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Mcyt with an s/o who's a voice acter for video game characters? They mostly do voice characters in horror games n stuff(like until dawn, where the characters are also modeled after the voice after if I remember correctly)
I just think their faces would be hilarious if the choice they make in the game ends up with y/n getting killed lol
OH MY GOD YESSSSS ; also tried to use different games and not the same for everyone but I'm not the heaviest story game gamer LMFAO ; also don't talk about how timeliness wouldn't make sense shhhhhh
MCYT ; video game voice actor
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language & fictional violence and death/murder
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somehow the topic of mc story mode came up and how you actually voice acted a few characters + one of the Jessie variants (whichever you picked as a kid 🙏)
"I mean I was like, fourteen. I don't think I even knew you yet"
"absolute betrayal"
he literally speeds to his office, downloads the first game and proceeds to stream for three hours playing it (he selects whichever Jessie you voiced of course)
the tweets never end
"spot the difference" and its an old/new pic of you compared to jessie
once he gets to the save Petra or Lukas scene he straight up pauses and playfully yells at you like you made the game?? 💀🙏
he dies so many times it's not even funny
love him tho
Detroit become human
the moment he finds out you voiced a minor character he speedruns trying to find you
the character is also modeled after you, so he's begging chat to keep an eye out for you too
you're basically just some very friendly person trying to help Connor but no matter what route he/the player takes, you wind up dead for the angst
ouuuu the heartbreak, the angst
if it's by being shot, betrayed, or committing your own death, you're gone bro
"y/n why the fuck does your character die in the worst ways possible?"
you shrug
"that genuinley hurt my feelings. I don't wanna play this anymore"
"you didn't get to Connors possible death scene yet!"
TLOU 2 (I don't support the makers zionist views, I just thought this fit. free Palestine and do your daily clicks)
was literally cheering you on the whole time when you were bts for voice acting your character
you had to take like scream classes to upgrade your screaming abilities lmao
you gave the voice to a character modeled after you, an infected teen who runs into ellie on her way through the game
she/the player is forced to put you down because you're not immune
he plays through the game and turns to you like "dude do I actually have to kill you to progress?"
you just nod
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna do this"
literally looked at you in horror
"...are you okay?"
you smile and nod
life is strange
mf you would've been like 16?? damn get ur bag, okay
she plays through and you va (whoever you choose) and everytime she hears your voice she smiles
"omg that's my partner! that's y/n, you guys!! :D"
the cutest
literallt cries at the end of the game
"y/n, were you in life is strange two?"
"Cause I wanna play it but I don't wanna get my hopes up about you being there"
"just play it, just play it. trust me"
twdg s4
basically clem/the player gets really close to your character and ends up having to kill them after they turn into a walker
the angst, the heartbreak
he's never done a full let's play / game play like that before and especially with a full game series
when he got to s4 and heard you for the first time he literally started jumping around and screaming
now when you die... it's jumping and screaming alright (in anger and sadness)
"I mean there's an option to prevent me turning, you're just a dumbass"
dead by daylight
you va'd multiple characters/killers
and the devs wanted to show appreciation by giving you your own playable character with your natural voice
when foolish finds out, he gets tubbo, quackity, tina & niki in a call to play dbd + stream for like 6 hours
loves seeing all the death animations you'd be given and all your voicelines
"OH MY GOD! guys this is my partner, they're so instantly talented at voice acting, holy shit!"
"we get it foolish, you love y/n"
"It's more than love, quackity, it's an obsession"
"my brother in christ, calm down"
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
CW: discussion of death and dying.
The gun was still on her hip when Lena walked into her penthouse. She probably should have gotten rid of it, just for the sake of disposing of evidence. It was far from the only one she owned, and she wouldn’t miss it. Then again, one does not discard lightly the weapon of fratricide. She’d decide what to do with the murder weapon later; right now, there was only one thought screaming in her head.
I killed Lex. I killed my brother.
It kept repeating in her brain on an endless loop.
I killed my brother for a liar. A betrayer. He was right and I was wrong. She only-
Lena was not alone. There was a figure seated on her sofa, staring straight ahead. Lena knew those blond curls, falling in a dark river like warm honey. Supergirl.
Supergirl, not Kara. Kara was good. Kara loved her, trusted her, watched out for her, had her back. Kara kept her secrets and gave her a shoulder to cry on always had her back. Kara was good, and Kara was a lie.
Lena walked around the couch, eyes wide and lips trembling, her features pulled into a mask of morose fury. How dare she just break in here and… sit there.
“I died.”
Lena froze.
“I died,” Supergirl said, again. “The clone of me that Lex had, she was a duplicate created by Harun-El somehow. She killed me. I died.”
Supergirl’s brilliant blue eyes flashed in the twilight of Lena’s dark apartment and locked on her.
“There was nothing. No warm light of Rao welcoming me home to live in peace with my people forever. No tunnel of light. There was just nothing. I was gone and then I wasn’t. Alex said the grass brought me back.”
Lena licked her lips. She was fixed to the spot.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I’m Kara.”
Those two little words, those treacherous words, hit Lena like a freight train. Her knees buckled and she sagged, catching herself by an end table.
Kara met her gaze.
“There were a million reasons why I never told you. They’re all stupid and pointless. When I woke up that was the first thing I thought of. I died and I never told you.”
Lena tried to speak, but her throat had gone so dry that it was like trying to breath through a mournful of sand. She sagged further, barely able to fall into a side chair.
“At first I just didn’t know you well enough. Then I screwed everything up by being a complete ass to you, and I never even said I was sorry. But I was sorry. So I was too scared to tell you because I didn’t want you to hate me. Then by the time I wanted to tell you again, all of this had happened and I was still afraid you’d hate me.”
Kara looked down at the floor.
“But then I was dead and none of it mattered anymore. None of the things that had been important to me mattered when I was dying. You know what I was thinking as she crushed the life out of me?”
“No,” Lena choked out.
“This is it?” said Kara. “All that… and this is it? Just like that? This is all I get?”
Silence ruled the dark apartment. The back edge of Lena’s gun dug uncomfortably into her flank. Kara just sat there, looking through the floor. Perhaps literally.
“Kara,” Lena said, without quite knowing why. “I’m sure… you weren’t…”
“No, Lena, I died. It wasn’t like when Reign beat me to a pulp and threw me off a building. That was different. This was different. I can’t even say how. I just know.”
When Reign…
Lena had been there that night. Reign had beaten Supergirl into a coma, thrown her off a building and left her broken and bloodied in the street. Lena thought she’d died that night.
That was Kara, too.
Sharp, rancid bile, harsh and acidic, burned the back of Lena’s throat. She choked it down, trembling.
Kara looked at her again.
“I have something else I have to tell you.”
Lena needed a drink. Now. She wobbled across the room to the kitchen and grabbed the nearest wine bottle, pouring herself a glass and downing half of it in one go. It was a dry red, harsh and sharp on her tongue.
“Kara,” Lena began. “Before you say anything else-“
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena wasn’t sure what she expected Kara to say, but not that. Not just… say it. She couldn’t say it. Not when Lena has been grasping that secret so hard that it always threatened to slip from her fingers, reedy to leap from her grip from being held so tight. The words simultaneously made her feel as if her heels would float from the floor and nearly drove her down to it. She leaned on the white marble countertop, trembling.
“None of the reasons I kept that secret matter anymore, either. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I’ll leave if you want me to. I just… I died,” Kara’s voice crumbled into a sob, barely intelligible, “and I didn’t tell you.”
Lena said nothing. She downed the rest of the wine.
“What do you want from me?” She finally choked out.
“I want to tell you about Krypton. I want movie nights and game nights and big belly burgers and brunches. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you so bad I don’t know how I never did. If you want that.”
Again, Lena went silent.
“I want to make up for the shit I’ve put you through. I want to show you how much I care for you, as often and as thoroughly as I can. Dying without you fucking sucked. I want to live with you instead.”
Lena’s breath quickened. Kara’s boots creaked as she stood up, her cape billowing slightly behind her as she crossed the room, keeping a respectful distance.
“I’ll go, if you want. I just had to say it.”
Lena pressed her fingers against the countertop until they went white and her palms trembled. She felt the weight of the gun on her hip.
“Stay,” she whispered.
There is no prompt for this one. The idea just came to me and I had to write it out.
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padfoot-lupin77 · 1 year
We talk about the whole “dead moms” thing in the Riordanverse but no one brings up the bad dads
1)Percy’s dad literally told him he wished Percy hadn’t been born, the first time they talked
2)Annabeth’s dad was always at work +neglected her +kinda chose his other family over her
3)didn’t Grover’s dad die searching for Pan?
4)Thalia’s dad always ignored her and never answered her prayers until Athena interfered in Titan’s Curse
5)Nico’s father literally told him he wished Nico had died instead because he liked Bianca better (definitely not Hades’s best moment)
6)Rachel’s dad is an a$$hole
7)Jason didn’t meet his dad until he was fighting in Athens, age 16
8)Leo didn’t meet his dad until he was 15 and I’m pretty sure he didn’t see him again after that either
9)Piper’s dad always neglects her and in Lost Hero she said he usually gets distracted after max 30 seconds of talking to her
10)Hazel’s dad only appeared once when she was 13 after having abandoned her and her mom with a curse
11)Frank’s dad gave him a spear and a death mission at 16 first time he saw him and for Riordanverse standards that’s great
12)Reyna’s dad went insane and she had to kill him
13)Meg’s dad was murdered when she was 5 as punishment and then Nero abused the living sh!t out of her
14)Lavinia felt she was a disappointment to her dad for refusing to continue the family tradition/business of dancing
15)Lester talks many times about how Zeus abused and manipulated him
[Magnus Chase]
16)Magnus only meets his dad twice and it’s all supposed to be fine
17)Samirah’s father is a horrible megalomaniac trickster who wanted to control his children and willed her to die in Hammer Of Thor
18)Alex’s dad is an a$$hole
19)Hearthstone’s dad is a monster both literally and metaphorically
20)Blitzen’s dad is dead
21)Mallory’s dad was alcoholic and abusive
22)T.J. died because, due to his father, he couldn’t refuse a challenge and then went another 150 years before meeting Tyr
I haven’t read the Kane Chronicles yet (I’m planning to) but there seems to be a pattern in the rest of his books
Shout out to Silena’s dad. He had a pastry shop. Must have been handsome cause he got with the literal goddess of love. Sent his daughter pastries at camp when she was sad. The only good dad in these books.
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statelysapphic · 1 year
Made for Me
Alex Blake x Reader
Summary: After risking your life to save a victim, Alex shows you the comfort you need. Soulmate AU. Covers a square for @prentiss-theorem’s bingo!
Warnings: Typical BAU case talk, mentions of violence. Hurt/comfort. Slight angst.
A/N: I just thought Alex Blake deserved her own Soulmate AU, so I wrote one. I’d absolutely love to know what yinz think because I got SO carried away while writing this. But, I am happy with how it turned out. As always, feedback is always appreciated! Thank you<3
Word Count: 3k
Ao3 Link
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“What were you thinking?” Hotch gritted through his teeth, clearly trying not to lose his temper entirely. You knew he was more frustrated than angry, and you supposed he had every right to be. Instead of heading back to the precinct to wrap up an excruciating case, you were sitting on the back bumper of an ambulance, nursing a fresh oxygen tank, drenched and freezing. “Well?”
“Oh, that wasn’t rhetorical?” You quipped, moving the mask away from your face. “Figured it was a nice evening for a swim,” dripping in sarcasm.
“This isn’t the time.” Hotch snapped, rolled his eyes, and shot you a stern look. You weren’t having it, though, wishing until you were at least dry to reprimand you. You looked at him, disgust washing over you.
“Well, I was thinking about the unconscious, tied-up, redhead Nichols tossed off the dock, when none of the women in the county missing reports had red hair! He abducted her this morning, Hotch, she hadn’t even been missing long enough to file a report!”
“You unnecessarily risked your own life to ‘rescue’ a dead body from fourty degree water,” he barks back, not thrilled with your response. “The ME said she won’t be able to verify it until the autopsy, but she’s almost certain the victim was dead before she hit the water. Your decision was reckless and uncalc-”
“And what if she hadn’t been?” You interrupt. “What if she had still been alive and she drowned, huh? What then?” You knew you shouldn’t have been pushing his buttons like you were, but then again, he came in swinging. “I watched him toss her in the river and reach for his gun, Blake and I fired, and when he went down, I dove in after her. You may disagree, but I would do it again without hesitation.” You stood firm, reminding him that you were not the inexperienced agent you once were.
“I’d rather have river rescue only looking for one body as opposed to two. Get some rest. Wheels up at 8.”
You watched Hotch as he walked away and stopped to talk to Alex. Alex. She witnessed everything. She was still somewhat new on the team, but the two of you clicked instantly. You could listen to her talk about everything and nothing, for hours on end, and be simply enthralled every second. And though she was older than you, you had a lot of mutual interests. You also thought she was beautiful. For a moment, you wondered if she could be your soulmate, but that thought was quickly forgotten when you reminded yourself that she was married, and that almost no one actually finds their soul mate. You knew you weren’t lucky enough to be the one in a million. Besides, you and Alex had been working in tandem for the past month, and though you can’t recall specifics, you’re certain the two of you have touched at some point in passing, and you lacked a soulmark.
Dylan Nichols, the unsub, had been one of the lucky ones. His luck, however, ran out when his soulmate had an affair, left him, married the other man a few months later, and moved to Prague. Heartbroken and enraged, Nichols began abducting and murdering surrogates. Six of his seven victims had similar physical features to his estranged soulmate. The seventh woman, Anna, fell victim to his very rapid and extreme escalation. It was an exhausting case, and though you don’t enjoy having to play the role of executioner, you knew this was probably the best outcome.
“You look cold,” Alex said, catching your attention and breaking your train of thought, raking her eyes over your visibly shivering figure. Without another word, she held up a blanket, unfolded it, and wrapped it around your shoulders. “Here, I found this in the back of the SUV. It won’t dry your clothes, but it should help keep the wind off you until we get back to the hotel.” She smoothed out the blanket where it was lying on your shoulders, allowing her hands to linger for just a moment. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t struck with terror when you jumped into the river to save the victim. Even though it was spring, the water temperature was still near freezing. It was close to midnight if that hadn’t been enough, meaning the ordinarily murky water was pitch black.
“Thanks,” you said, grinning, trying not to focus too hard on Alex’s lingering hands. She was gentle, but firm. Possessive, almost. You examined her face as she took a seat beside you. She was trying to hide the worry, but you could see right through her. “You think I’m an idiot, don’t you?” You asked, preparing for her to lecture you just like Hotch.
“I think your dedication to your job is admirable,” she said, her gentle tone did not falter, “Just don’t make a habit of scaring me like that, okay?” She grinned, one hand still on your shoulder. Whether or not Alex would admit it, the physical contact was grounding her after the intense showdown with the unsub. She cared about you, she reminded herself that you were okay. “I’m going to go start the SUV, get it warmed up for you. Finish up with the paramedics and we can head back to the hotel.”
“You’re too good to me, Blake,” your chuckled, cracking a small grin, “Thank you, seriously. I’ll be there soon.” She smiled at you for a few seconds longer before she stood up and made her way to the car. You smiled as you covered your face with the oxygen mask, thinking only of the warm SUV (and Alex Blake) that awaited you.
The paramedics released you shortly thereafter. Alex drove you back to the hotel, but not before she stopped at the convenience store a few blocks away. You had been so lost in your own thoughts that you hadn’t realized you stopped. You didn’t even realize the car was in park until Alex closed her car door and walked into the store without a word. When Alex returned, she placed two small, styrofoam cups in your respective cup holders.
“What’s this?” You asked, picking up the cup and soaking in its warmth.
“I figured we could use some hot chocolate. You especially. It’s shitty convenience store hot chocolate, but it’s what I have to offer at the moment,” she said, “When we get back to Virginia, I’ll make you the best coco you’ve ever had.”
���Be careful, Blake,” you joked, “You may end up stuck with me at this rate. Thank you, I didn’t realize you were a world class hot chocolate chef.” Not that that was the worst thought in the world, spending the rest of your days with Alex. You imagined they would be filled with domesticity: Sunday grocery store trips, evenings in bed reading the same book (you’d buy two copies, of course) and comparing notes along the way, and people watching on the front porch together while you had your morning coffee. It felt easy, existing with Alex. She brought you a peace that only existed with her, and it was unlike anything you had ever known. Such a stark contrast from the day to day chaos of your job.
“You think I’d mind?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. “And I have to keep you on your toes somehow. The recipe is from my mother-in-law. Apparently James used to love it as a kid, but lost the taste for it as he grew older.” James. Right. The husband. Jealousy washed over you, and you quickly reminded yourself that she wasn’t yours. You didn’t understand how you formed such a connection with Alex in the month she had been with the BAU, but you felt drawn to her from the moment she walked into the bullpen. She was, undoubtedly, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, and when you heard her voice, you thought you had died and gone to heaven. You wouldn’t say you were in love with Alex, but you were falling for her. There was no denying that.
You wondered if James was her soulmate, if she had a soulmark that beautifly painted her skin. It wasn’t something people talked about very often, many not even believing in such a thing, because of it’s rarity. You weren’t sure if it was appropriate to ask either, so you opted to stay quiet.
The ride back to the hotel was silent. You were too lost in your own thoughts to hold a conversation, and Alex could tell. This was a behavior you hadn’t exhibited before. She hoped you were just exhausted and that you hadn’t been traumatized by the evenings events, though she knew it was fueling your thoughts. She didn’t want to pry, but she was worried, so she parked the car and spoke up. “What’s on your mind, Agent?” She lightly teased, hoping it would help you open up, “And you can’t tell me nothing, because I can tell it’s something.”
“I guess,” you paused, wanting to provide a coherent thought while still being vague, “It’s the whole soulmate thing. I guess I just think it’s a little fucked up the universe handcrafted the perfect other half for every single person on Earth but couldn’t even make the bond between them unbreakable.”
“I supposed I’d have to agree with you,” she replied, pulling into the hotel parking lot “I also think it’s a bit cruel that the chances of finding ones soulmate is as low as it is. At least give people a chance.” You chuckled at her sentiment.
“Is James your soulmate?” The words are out of your mouth before you can even begin to debate asking her. Your eyes go wide and your stomach twists into a knot. Panicking, you manage, “Fuck, you don’t have to answer that. That’s super personal and I shouldn’t have asked.” Alex didn’t seem to be phased by your question, though.
“No, he’s not. And that’s okay,” she smiled, “But, secretly, there is a part of me that hopes I do someday.”
“Me too,” you replied, “Ever since I was little. I’ve always remained realistic about the odds of it actually happening, but I allow myself to dream a little.” You chuckled for a moment before lifting your styrofoam cup and pushing it towards Alex, “Here’s to dreaming, cheers.” Alex lifted her cup, bumping it into yours with a laugh.
“Cheers.” You both take hefty swigs of your now lukewarm hot chocolate before heading into the hotel for the night.
Conveniently, you had been bunked up with Alex for this case, so she was able to ensure you made it to bed safely. She walked you into the hotel room, her hand at your lower back, guiding you forward.
“Go take a warm shower and get out of those wet clothes. You’ll feel much better, trust me.” She took the blanket from you as you unwrapped yourself, and placed some fresh towels in your hand. You felt your eyes begin to well up and burn; the care she was showing you was unlike any you’ve received before. You felt safe and loved. You quickly turned your head to try and hide your emotion and made your way to the bathroom.
“Thank you again, Alex. I hope you know how much I appreciate your kindness.” you said before closing the bathroom door and clicking the lock.
You were alone. Tears began to stream down your face as you looked at your reflection in the oversized bathroom mirror. You looked like hell. You were damp, muddy, and cold to the touch. Your lips, though returning to their normal pink, were still a light shade of blue around portions of their perimeter. All in another days work you think to yourself. You open the door to the walk-in shower and turn the water on to let it heat up. You inhaled deeply and closed your eyes as you began to remove your soiled clothes. Once your shirt and slacks were off, you made your way back over to the mirror to check for any cuts or bruises. Amongst your dirty form, however, sat two golden yellow and orange hand prints on either shoulder.
It can’t be. You stop dead in your tracks, unsure of what to do next. Instinctually, you rubbed your hand over your shoulder, trying to clean the print off, but it wasn’t working. Then you jumped into the shower, thinking the hot water and cheap hotel soap might do the trick. Of course that didn’t work, ruining your hopes it was just a sick prank or some sort. They were your soulmarks, and Alex was your soulmate. You knew instantly, remembering how she covered you up earlier. There was no denying it. Now you were faced with the task of telling her. You know it isn’t something you can hide forever. Panic takes over you. You know she wants to know who her soulmate is, and she deserved that, but you also know that she wouldn’t choose you. She said it herself, James wasn’t her soulmate, but she was okay with it. A knock at the door grabbed your attention.
“Everything okay in there?” She yelled,” You’ve been a while. I just started to worry, that’s all.” You hadn’t realized how long you had been in the shower, and now you felt guilty for keeping Alex up so late.
“All good, sorry, I’ll be out in a few.” You quickly turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry off. As you walked from the shower to the bathroom sink, you realized you forgot to grab your pajamas, so you were going to have to face this head on and nude. “Fuck,” you whisper to yourself. You looked back at your now clean reflection, admiring the marks on your shoulders. You couldn’t help but smile. Though you knew it would hurt like hell, you knew Alex deserved to know the truth. You took a deep breath and made your way into the room.
Alex was sat on her bed, hair pulled back in a clip, glasses hanging low on her nose, reading the book she usually saves for the plane ride home. She looked beautiful. You enjoyed this image of Alex for a moment longer. “Alex?” You said softly, drawing her attention away from her novel. She looked up at you and smiled. Her eyes flickered to each of your shoulders and then back to your eyes. Wordlessly, she placed her book on the nightstand, followed by her glasses, and stood from the bed. She slowly made her way over to you, never breaking eye contact. You were frozen in place, thoroughly studying her face. She didn’t seem to be upset in any capacity, nor was her emotion negative. She seemed curious and, dare you say, excited? The tightness in your chest loosened and your face flushed red.
Once in front of you, she paused for a moment before slowly raising her hands and placing them on your shoulders, perfectly covering your soulmarks.
“I knew it,” She whispered, smiling softly as tears prickled her eyes. “I knew you were made for me.” She moved one hand to cup your cheek, while the other remained on your mark. Alex had thought once or twice that you might have been her soulmate. There was no denying the connection she had with you, nor the attraction she felt towards you. And though she didn’t talk about it, she knew her marriage to James was over before she even started at the BAU. She cared about James, yes, but the two had grown apart over the years. She loved him, but she was no longer in love with him. You, however.
“I’m not sure what to say,” you replied, your smile wavering slightly. She was everything you wanted, but she was a married woman and your colleague, no less. You knew what you wanted, but you weren’t sure she would want the same. Would she think you were worth it? Alex noticed your hesitation, and pulled you closer. Her grip on you was possessive, as if she feared you would vanish from her arms.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, sweetheart.” You melted at the sweetness in her voice
and her choice of nickname. You would do anything she told you to, and that was a fact. “I need to know what’s going on in your head so that I can help.” She was so gentle. You knew if she rejected you it was going to hurt like hell and you didn’t want to risk losing a great friend.
“I don’t want to lose you, Alex. I know this changes things, but you’re too good of a friend to risk losing. You don’t even have to tell James. If you don’t have a soulmark already, I just won’t touch you and it’ll all be okay. But, I would be lying if I told you it wouldn’t hurt me. I care about you so much.” As you choked out your thoughts, you felt yourself begin to cry, but you didn’t stop yourself. Alex felt her heart breaking. “I wasn’t even going to tell you. I was going to try and hide it, but then I remembered what you told me in the car, and I didn’t think it would be right. I’m so sorry, Alex.”
“Sweetheart,” she says, interrupting your rambling, “Hold me.”
“What?” You weren’t sure you heard her correctly.
“I said,” she enunciated, closing the already small gap between the two of you, “Hold me. Please.” She grabbed ahold of your wrists and slowly wrapped your arms around her body. Your hands settled on her back knowing her soulmark would appear, and you pulled her close anyway, not that she could get much closer. You relaxed at her touch, as her hands returned to your shoulders and she rested her forehead against yours. “I want this,” she said, “Us. You and I against the world.”
“Alex,” you paused, “Are you sure? You have a husband and a stable life. I’m just me. This doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
“I’ve been falling for you since the first case we worked on together.” she jumped in before you could get another word out, “I don’t think I’ve been more sure of anything. Besides, only an idiot would pass up a life with their other half.” She smiled and you followed suit. You were shocked that she felt the same, considering it seemed all odds were against you. The two of you stood in each others arms there for a few minutes, basking in the love and excitement of the moment, before you broke the silence.
“Alex?” You asked.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Kiss me,” You said. And without hesitation, Alex cupped your face and her lips were on yours. They were soft, like the fluffiest pillows money could buy. You fit perfectly together. No other kiss had ever felt anything like it, and you could tell Alex was pouring her heart and soul into it. You knew she was trying to tell you that this was real for her. You didn’t need much convincing though. Breaking the kiss, you smiled at Alex, and she smiled back.
“Let’s get some rest,” she whispered. And you did, better than you probably ever had before, thanks to Alex. She had fallen asleep laying on your chest with an arm around your waist. When you woke up the next morning, she was still in the same spot. You felt whole knowing that you had she wanted you just as you wanted her. Though you didn’t like to think about the future too much, in that moment, you knew there wasn’t anything you couldn’t do with Alex by your side.
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Various Storms and Saints- Prologue
"You still haven't told me if he's cute or not."
Scully sighed and pressed the heels of her hands against her forehead, cradling the phone in the crook of her neck. Nobody could make her regret bringing up a subject as quickly as her sister when she put her mind to it. "No, Missy, I haven't," she allowed. "Because it's irrelevant. Mulder's good looks aren't the reason I miss working with him."
"So you admit it? He is cute?"
"Missy. Can we please have a serious conversation, for once?"
"Fine, fine," Melissa acquiesced, though her tone made it clear this point would be revisited in the future. "Tell me why you miss working with him, then."
"Well... part of it is the cases we tackled together," Scully said. "The autopsies I'm stuck doing now that the X-Files are shut down seem so boring in comparison to murderous clones and mind-controlling worms in the Arctic."
Melissa whistled. "Yeah, I can see how that might be a little bit of a come down. What's the other part?"
"What other part?"
"You said the cases are part of the reason. So what's the other part?"
Scully closed her eyes. How to define this most indefinable of relationships, especially to Melissa, who so often seemed to think every person in her life fit into a neat box? "I miss the way he spoke to me," she said finally. "He never talked down to me, not even when he was standing so close I practically had to break my neck to meet his eyes. He made me feel like the things I have to say are important... that they carried real weight with him, even when he didn't agree with me." She chuckled ruefully. "Which was most of the time. He's always shown me a respect that I don't get that often, being surrounded by men in positions of authority who all love to hear themselves talk."
"That does sound like it would be tough to leave behind," agreed Melissa. "Couldn't you... I dunno, lobby to be his partner on whatever assignment he's on now, though? Then at least you'd still be working together even if it wasn't in the X-Files."
"He's working with someone else," said Scully darkly. "At least he was on his most recent case. I don't know if they're officially partners or not."
"And you don't like whoever it is," said Melissa knowingly. "I can hear it in your voice." "I don't really know anything about him," Scully admitted. "But... there's something strange about him, you know? He just makes me nervous." There had been something about Alex Krycek's fresh-faced innocence that had seemed less than genuine, even if Scully couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"Bad vibes, huh?"
"Maybe." Scully sighed. "For all I know, it's just my jealousy getting in the way because I want to be the one out there with Mulder."
"See, I knew you liked him," crowed Melissa, and Scully groaned, exasperated.
"Melissa. It's not like that."
"Fine, fine, whatever you say," Melissa huffed. "Hang on a sec, okay?" The phone was muffled, as though Melissa had put her hand over the receiver. Someone's voice asked a garbled question, Melissa gave an equally garbled response, and a moment later, she was back. "Hey Danes, I gotta go, okay?"
"Wait, Melissa, what's your--"
"There's a meditation session I'm supposed to lead and they're waiting for me. I'll call you soon, okay?"
"But Melissa, where are--" There was a click, and the line went dead.
Scully dropped her bedroom extension back into its cradle on the nightstand and sank back onto her bed with a sigh, snuggling into the cardigan she'd pulled on over her work clothes when she'd walked into her apartment. She'd come home from work for lunch, having finished her morning teaching session a little early, and had been available purely by chance when Melissa called for the first time in two months. Phone conversations with her older sister, while always welcome, tended to be exhausting these days. She hadn't seen Melissa in years, not since the day after her graduation from medical school. Melissa hadn't made it to the event itself, but she'd shown up at the party her parents had thrown her afterwards. Melissa hadn't understood her sister's disappointment, and Maggie Scully, as she so often did, had defended her elder daughter to her younger.
"You know big ceremonies aren't really your sister's thing, Dana," she'd said, patting Scully's shoulder consolingly. "She barely sat through her own high school graduation. Just be thankful she's here for the celebration, all right?"
Sitting through a graduation ceremony was boring, to be sure, but that hadn't stopped Scully from doing it for all three of her siblings when they'd finished high school, plus for Bill and Charlie when they'd finished college. In her opinion, it had nothing to do with how exciting or boring the ceremony itself was, and everything to do with showing up for the people she loved when their hard work and accomplishments were recognized.
Showing up. That was something Melissa had traditionally had difficulty with, when it came down to it.
They hadn't even had a working phone number for Melissa last Christmas when Ahab had passed. Scully, tasked with handling everything while her mother waded through her initial shock and grief, had called every friend of Melissa's she could think of, trying to locate her sister, and had failed. She'd been reduced to sending a letter to Melissa's last known address in hopes it might get correctly forwarded. But it never got to her, as was evidenced three months later when Melissa had called home, chatted with Maggie cheerfully about her recent travels, and then had asked to speak to her father and had been completely lost when her mother had burst into tears.
"Free-spirited" had always been how the family had described Melissa. But deep down, in her darkest and most shameful thoughts, the word Scully sometimes landed on was "selfish."
Scully's cell phone rang, startling her out of her reverie. She half-expected it to be Mulder, begging her to do another autopsy he couldn't trust with anyone else, but it was Roy Seekamp, a fellow FBI pathologist whose office in the Hoover building was next to Scully's.
"Where are you?" asked Roy. "One of the AD's came looking for you but your office is locked. Skinner, I think his name was?"
"I came home for lunch. What's going on?"
"Something big is going down in Virginia," said Roy. "Some hostage situation with an escaped mental patient."
Scully frowned, confused. "Why would they need me for that?" she asked.
"I don't think they actually need you or anything," said Roy. "The AD was just looking for you to let you know your old partner is there on the scene."
Scully's heart skipped a beat. "Mulder is there?" She got off the bed and raced out of her bedroom, tearing off the cardigan and snatching up her bag. "What's he doing there? He's not a hostage negotiator!"
"No idea," said Roy. "I think AD Skinner just wanted you to hear it from him. You coming back to the office?"
"Yes," Scully said, pulling on her shoes. "Be there soon." She ended the call and stuffed her phone into her bag, then looked down and realized she was still clutching her cardigan. She folded it in half and draped it over the back of her couch on her way out the door.
It stayed there, untouched, for over a month.
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bleed-more · 13 days
My Updated Headcanons for Seth Wilson
Since a lot of my attention is on Seth right now, I'm writing some updated headcanons for him with things I've learned over the past 4 years! I'm starting with my HCs with evidence and will write my HCs without evidence later >:3c
- Seth's dog name is Link (Joseph mentioned in a livestream that's Seth the actor's dog's name so in typical MH fashion I imagine dog actor Link also plays dog character Link)
- Seth is about as tall as Brian (this isn't even really a hc but I used to draw him short so I wanted to clear that up)
- Seth did all the TTA entries that include fried images and red motifs (based off of Night Mind's theory that Tim-themed entries are black and white, Brian-themed entries are stereoscopic, and Seth-themed entries are deep-fried/red. They used these colors to both communicate who's speaking AND to let the recipient know who the message is for.)
- Seth used to be Christian but fell out of it by Season 2 (I think Seth is responsible for all the Christian iconography in the first season i.e. stigmata, ark, deluge, etc. considering neither Brian nor Tim were part of TTA yet, and he slowly abandons that faith because.......)
- ...Seth thinks he is a messiah of some kind (from TTA's "Forecast" where he says "AMIAPROPHET." [TW DEAD ANIMALS & ANIMAL CRUELTY FR PLS READ WITH CAUTION] Forecast uses footage from the USSR's "Experiments in the Revival of Organisms: 1940" in which you see a disembodied dog's lung being inflated and deflated by a machine in an effort to keep a dismembered dog's head alive. I don't think it's a coincidence TTA used a dismembered dog to refer to Seth ((or what Seth has become)) and that Seth is both alive(-ish) and has saved others from death, but only in the same fucked up corrupted way you see in the USSR's footage. Which leads me to...)
- ...Seth is trapped somewhere between the line of life and death and is sticking around for the unfinished business of revenge killing Alex (in the TTA entries, while many things are convoluted and unclear, one thing that is very consistent is TTA's hatred of Alex. Seth is vengeful for the death of himself, the attempted and successful murders of his friends. From TTA's "Decay" where Seth is clearly addressing Alex, he says "HE[Jay] WILL LEAD ME[Seth] TO YOU[Alex], LEAD ME TO DEATH[because his job will be done then], LEAD ME TO THE ARK[salvation and an end to his and Alex's suffering])
- Seth is the one responsible for Brian, Tim, and Jay surviving during Alex's first murder attempt (Alex couldn't bring himself to *actually* kill his friends back in 2006, so he lured them to the park and used blunt force trauma to knock them unconscious hoping leaving them for dead out in the park would be enough. Seth, however, had already caught on that something was wrong after Sarah's disappearance (I am going to write a whole thing about this eventually hehehe) and so he knew to be at the park, and after Alex left them, Seth made sure they were safe (there is also info I have here about a lake but that's worth a whole other post, send an ask if you're curious <3)
- And finally, Seth had been well ahead of everyone else in figuring out what was going on (Seth was the camera and tech guy, so it would make sense he would be the first to see what's happening on these cameras, and investigating what might be causing all of this. Seth was the one who coined the term OPERATOR. He understood Alex's actions were being influenced by this creature Seth was seeing while editing Marble Hornets. And I also think Alex knew Seth was catching onto his murder attempts, and that's why Alex took no chances and shot Seth (the first instance of Alex using a gun in the series) instead of hitting him over the head with a pipe and leaving him for the Operator like the others.)
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waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 1
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human.
And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
This and previous chapters also on AO3
Alex: Have you seen Kara?
Lena glanced at her phone and raised an eyebrow at the text lighting up her screen.
That woman had such a nerve.
She ignored the message and turned back to her computer, only to have another text ping in five minutes later.
Alex: Seriously Lena, she was due back hours ago and I haven’t heard anything. I need to know where she is.
Lena huffed irritably, but gave in.
Lena: I have no idea where she is. Kara and I are no longer friends, remember? I’m sure she’ll turn up in her own time.
Lena: We both know she can look after herself.
Alex didn’t respond again, so naturally Lena assumed that Kara had indeed turned up in her own time, and that everything had been fine after all.
That is, until she saw the headline in the news a week later:
She almost didn’t click the link.
Since she had found out the truth about Kara three months ago, Lena had done her best to comprehensively uproot the weed of their friendship from her life, and so far had been reasonably successful.
She had deleted Kara’s number from her phone before she had even made it back to her jet after her run in with Lex.
On the flight home she had called her assistant and asked her to make sure that Kara Danvers was escorted off the premises immediately should she show up at L-Corp, and had left a similar message with the security staff in her apartment complex.
Selling Catco had taken a little longer, but only because dealing with such a large asset could not be rushed. She might have been in pain, but Lena was a shrewd business woman and ensured that the sale was made with a hefty profit, the value of the company boosted by the revenue generation improvements she had made while in charge. She had also wanted to take her time to pick the perfect boss for Kara: someone who would inarguably make the magazine more profitable as a business than it had ever been before, while systematically and comprehensively destroying everything about it that had made Kara love her job there.
The new three year contracts with a non-compete clause thrown in had been a nice touch.
She could have taken her revenge further than that – had even planned exactly how she would do it.
The night of Kara’s Pulitzer prize. A damning speech about truth and lies, followed by Andrea Rojas leading the exposure of Supergirl’s secret identity to the world. Betrayal returned like for like, and Kara left as broken hearted as Lena had been.
Oh yes, she could have done it. Luthors were scorpions, and Lena knew how to sting.
But something had held her back from taking the final plunge that would have ripped safety and anonymity so irrevocably from Kara’s life. She wanted to believe it was her own compassion – an innate goodness that led her towards the moral high ground and made her fundamentally better than the Luthors she had so often sought to distance herself from, but it wasn’t true.
The reason she hadn’t done it was Lex.
Maybe if she had managed to pull the trigger last time they met, if she had murdered her own brother in cold blood for the sake of her traitorous false-friend, maybe then she would have done it. If Lex was dead and buried and out of her life for good, Lena could finally have stepped out of his shadow and stopped framing every decision she made against what he would have done. But Lex was still out there somewhere, laying low for now but undoubtedly still scheming, killing, making the worst decisions a human being could make while still being labelled as such, and that made a difference.
Revealing Supergirl’s identity to the world was a plan that Lex would have wanted her to carry out.
And so Lena hadn’t.
That had been enough at first, but as the weeks passed and the first fire of her rage cooled from white hot inferno to mere black smith’s forge fire, she found she was glad that she hadn’t taken the nuclear option. Kara might have deserved retribution for what she had done, but exposing her identity would put everyone she knew, including the entirety of the Catco staff and her unsuspecting apartment neighbours in serious danger from every human and alien criminal out there with a weapon and a score to settle, and Lena wanted no more innocent blood on her hands than had already been passed down to her as part of her dubious Luthor inheritance.
And she didn’t want Kara to die.
That didn’t mean she cared if Supergirl really had gone AWOL. She had had nothing to do with it, and it was none of her concern anymore...
Lena clicked the link.
According to this site, Supergirl had been observed flying off to the north of National City on an ‘unknown errand’ eight days previously and had not been seen since, leaving two major bank robberies, a fire at a children’s hospital and a collapsed ceiling at a swimming pool without support from ‘everyone’s favourite hometown hero’.
Eight days. That tallied with how long it had been since Alex had asked if she knew where Kara was, allowing for the full day that had passed before the DEO Director had made the decision to reach out to her. It struck Lena now that it was an odd thing for her to have done under normal circumstances. She might not have done anything to Alex specifically during the first fierce storm of her separation from their little group – at least not beyond a few short, sharp words and a door slammed in her face – but Alex had taken Lena’s swift and total removal of Kara from her life if anything even worse than Kara herself had, and had been round to yell at her over hurting Kara’s poor little feelings before the end of the first week.
She must have been desperate to have reached out to Lena like that after all this time.
Now she was looking for them, Lena found that there were dozens of similar stories popping up, ranging from serious think pieces about what this could mean for National City and Supergirl’s own welfare, to tabloid trash that suggested she might be having some sort of torrid three way affair with a sexually promiscuous alien couple from Saturn (why Saturn? Unclear. What was clear was that the entire story was utter garbage apart from one essential point: Supergirl was nowhere to be found).
Lena picked up her phone and tapped in Kara’s number, her chest tight with unease as she waited for the call to connect.
Of course she knew Kara’s number by heart. If she hadn’t she would never have been able to make herself delete it from her contacts.
It rang.
Maybe Kara was carrying a big stack of files and didn’t have a hand free to get her phone out of her back pocket.
And rang.
Maybe she was in the shower and didn’t want to rush out to answer the phone while wet and covered in shampoo.
‘Hi this is Kara! I can’t get to the phone right now, but please leave me a message and I’ll get back-’
Maybe she was just screening Lena’s call. After everything that had happened between them it was what most people would have done, and Lena would understand that.
She hung up and redialled.
‘Hi this is Kara! I can’t-’
Kara would never have ignored a second call from Lena. No matter how angry she was, if she could pick up the phone, she would have done so by now.
‘Hi this is-’
She tried Alex instead.
This time, the phone was picked up before the end of the first ring.
‘Do you have Kara?’
A stone thudded into the pit of Lena’s stomach.
‘She really is missing then?’
‘Fuck. Yes she’s missing. You didn’t even know?’
‘Not until I saw it on the news just now. When I didn’t hear anything more from you after that last text I assumed she’d made it back safely’.
‘No, you had just answered my question and clearly didn’t want to help, so-’
‘Yes well, I thought she had just taken a detour to France for crepes or something, not that she was actually gone’.
‘Right, and you were so concerned you waited a week to check’.
‘Much as it may surprise you to learn this Alex, I don’t make a habit of keeping tabs on people who have betrayed me. So if you don’t want my help finding Supergirl I’ll just-’
‘No, Lena, wait. Look, I’m sorry okay? I’m just worried about her. If I send you the co-ordinates for her last known location do you think you could see if you can find anything? She went after this weird energy signature we’d picked up, but then her radio went dark and we couldn’t get anything else from her. We went out there to see if she was in some kind of trouble, but the place she was headed: it’s just a field. There’s nothing there, not even a trace of the energy we got before, and no sign of a struggle or any kind of indication of where she went next’.
‘Send me what you have and I’ll see what I can do’.
‘Sending it now’.
Less than a minute later Alex’s email arrived with the relevant details about Supergirl’s last known location attached, as well as everything they knew about the energy signature she had been investigating.
It wasn’t a whole lot to go on, except-
There was something vaguely familiar about the signature. It reminded her of…
It reminded her of Lex, and the trap he had once devised to lure in a certain type of pseudo-photosynthesetic alien who fed on a very particular wavelength of light that wasn’t naturally produced by Earth’s yellow sun. Once it was absorbed the aliens could be hooked up to a generator that would produce massive amounts of electricity and could have made fossil fuels all but redundant overnight. In theory. In practise however Lex had never been able to make the conversion work, and had eventually given up on the plan.
So why was it showing up again now? And what did it have to do with Kara’s disappearance? It seemed far too much of a coincidence to imagine that the two things were unconnected, especially when Lex was the common thread.
Quickly, Lena skimmed through her options, and picked one she could adapt to this new purpose. The DEO had been scanning for days with no luck, but she had one thing they didn’t.
She knew her brother.
It took another two hours to fine tune the software and upload it to a satellite with scanning capabilities, but at last it was ready. She cast a wide net, centred on the location Alex had given her but stretching out from it to search a 30 mile radius. If it really was Lex then the place he had lured Supergirl was a decoy, and would be located well away from wherever he actually wanted her to end up.
She had to extend her search parameters twice, but at last she found it. Not the same energy signature – that would be too obvious. No, what Lena had been looking for was the special coded frequency that Lex had developed in his teens. To most people it would look like background radio noise, but Lena knew better.
It was him alright.
She reached for her phone to call Alex, then hesitated. All she had actually done was locate her brother, or at least somewhere he was broadcasting from. But the site was more than 80 miles from where Kara had last been seen, and Lena was working on a hunch rather than any kind of real evidence that Lex had taken her.
Besides, if the DEO got him they would just send him back to jail, and it had become abundantly clear that a maximum security cell was not enough to contain him.
No, Lena was going to have to do this herself. She would find Lex, and if he really had kidnapped Kara, she would finish what she had started the night he revealed the truth about Supergirl.
She was going to kill him.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
fascinating how some people are acting like Liliana’s one of the vulnerable teenagers the RV has recruited and not a powerful, presumably level 20 general who’s committed horrific atrocities in the name of predathos. it’s like saying alex jones is a victim of qanon instead one of the primary peddlers of it. I get having sympathy, especially for for the troubled young mother 25+ years ago, but genuinely. what is going on here?
Hey anon,
Something I've noticed in fandom, not exclusive to this campaign, though perhaps heightened, is that a lot of people really struggle with the concept that victimhood does not absolve you of wrongdoing. It provides context; but it doesn't take away what happened to others as the result of one's actions, even those actions were taken under extenuating circumstances.
Caleb Widogast is perhaps one of the most stellar examples of this in Critical Role. There were many extenuating circumstances. He was an abused and manipulated teenager. His parents are dead by his hand. These are both true statements. Part of what makes Caleb so compelling is that he is, on an intellectual level, well aware that he was pushed into this in many ways both psychological and magical, and that he was a child. He also acknowledges - truthfully - that it was still him putting the pieces together of "my parents are traitors, and so I should do as I'm told here." The story is about him finding a way to move forward and live his life, but the victims - his parents - cannot forgive him, and the campaign indeed ends with a very clear message that what is done cannot be undone.
But not everyone liked Caleb's story. Some felt he should have been less forgiving of others and killed the entire Cerberus Assembly for letting it happen. Some felt he was unforgivable even by himself for his actions. And some disagreed with him - including in-world - and argued he bore no responsibility, and, notably, Caleb consistently pushed back.
I don't think Liliana is quite at the level of Alex Jones (who is, in my opinion, pretty much wholly unsympathetic; I've read through some articles regarding the Sandy Hook defamation trials and this guy just wants to sell supplements and will do anything to do so). But yes, she is comparable to someone actively pushing dangerous conspiracy theories and bringing others in. That is, again, the thing about cults. Even if you're not at the top, if you're recruiting others, or, in the case of cults that do harm to those other than just members - which the Vanguard undeniably does - participating in harmful external actions, then you are perpetrating violence. You are also a victim. These can coexist, but victimhood does not negate the harm done. Liliana is sympathetic. She is also actively making the lives of many people worse.
Now, some of the problem is that there are people who think releasing Predathos is not, in fact, bad, and so to them Liliana is not complicit in a sufficient level of harm. I'm not really interested in wasting my time on them; that line of thinking is pretty fundamentally at an impasse with mine and as discussed previously I find it rests entirely on incoherent and presumptive arguments linked only by broken metaphors and rank hypocrisy. But moving on, I think some of the other people arguing in defense of Liliana not just as a sympathetic character (which, again, she is) but as someone blameless and deserving of endless patience are perhaps struggling to separate "it is not helpful to endlessly flagellate yourself over past wrongdoings if you have truly made a turn for the better" with "some people will not forgive you, ever, because you have undeniably harmed them, and you are not owed anything from them." You have to live with yourself; of course you should grant yourself patience. Those hurt by you do not need to do so. If someone is brainwashed by a cult and they kill someone, the relatives of the murder victim might forever hold this against the murderer despite the brainwashing, and I, personally, do not believe this is wrong of them. I don't believe it's "inspirational" to forgive someone who hurt you sufficiently badly except in the sense that it would be put in the "inspirational" section of an airport bookstore that really means "extremely Evangelical Protestant in outlook." I don't think you should hurt them back once they've stopped doing harm, but you might never want to speak to them or interact with them again and I think you are valid in that choice. I certainly believe that any forgiveness can only come after a sustained pattern of change.
In short: I think people want a very Good or Evil narrative about Liliana when the answer is "she's a victim and she's also victimizing others, and it's valid for those harmed by her or by those she works with closely to say "I am deeply sorry you fell into Ludinus's clutches but the devastation you are leaving in your wake isn't something I can ignore or, at this point, forgive." As Ashton says, the fact that Liliana is deep in a cult doesn't negate the fact that there's a very real chance that same cult will kill her daughter - indeed, they came within a hair's breadth of doing so - and that that hasn't stopped her.
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wingedshadowfan · 10 months
the 'breaking expensive glassware' scene in ninth house is so important for darlington's character (it's essentially an extension of 'the moths' scene)
first of all. he's a man of knowledge and preparedness. he believes he knows all there is to know and that makes him prepared for it. alex easily challenges that belief, breaks his rules.
“It wasn’t the ritual.” “Was it the blood?” “No. One of them grabbed me. You didn’t say that was going to happen. I—” Darlington couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re saying one of them touched you?” “More than one. I—” “That isn’t possible. I mean …” He set down his wine, ran his hands through his hair. “Rarely. So rarely. Sometimes in the presence of blood or if the spirit is particularly moved. That’s why true hauntings are so rare.” Her voice was hard, distant. “It’s possible.” Maybe. Unless she was lying.
his very obvious disbelief and distrust toward her is understandable - not only is what she's saying so incredibly unlikely, but he's also read her file. he has some surface level knowledge of her life and the state she was in when sandow recruited her. she's an uneducated, untrained, unprepared, a juvenile, an addict with no prospects (he never stops to consider how she got to that point, deems it irrelevant) who somehow wound up the only survivor at a murder scene. what incentive does he have to trust her?
His Dante, the girl he would gift with the keys to a secret world, was a criminal, a drug user, a dropout who cared about none of the things he did.
she was fortunate enough to be born with what he considers a gift - the ability to see grays - something lethe took notice of and rewarded generously. that's the only reason she's here. she has no other redeeming qualities to him, unlike each of the thousands of lethe house candidates he was supposed to review and pick from, that opportunity, that honor ripped away from him. this would've never happened, if not for her.
“You need to be ready next time. You weren’t prepared—” “And whose fault is that?” Darlington sat up straighter. “I beg your pardon? I gave you two weeks to get up to speed. I sent you specific passages to read to keep it manageable.”
she doesn't mean him in particular, but he predictably misunderstands (and i'll explain why). he's confident he did the right thing, that he did enough. he readily gave her what was most dear to him in a silver platter - his knowledge, the key to this world of mystery. partially he did it for lethe, partially he did it because he felt for her (referencing he moth scene here). he doesn't take lightly to being accused of being wrong, of having done the wrong thing. especially by a seemingly ungrateful newcomer throwing a temper tantrum after fucking up and possibly even lying about why.
“And what about all of the years before that?” Alex stood and shoved her chair back. She paced into the breakfast room, her black hair reflecting the lamplight, energy sparking off her. The house gave a warning groan. She wasn’t sad or ashamed or worried. She was mad. “Where were you?” she demanded. “All you wise men of Lethe with your spells and your chalk and your books? Where were you when the dead were following me home? When they were barging into my classrooms? My bedroom? My damn bathtub? Sandow said you had been tracking me for years, since I was a kid. One of you couldn’t have told me how to get rid of them? That all it would take was a few magic words to send them away?”
“They’re harmless. It’s only the rituals that—”
Alex grabbed Darlington’s glass and threw it hard against the wall, sending glass and red wine flying. “They are not harmless. You talk as if you know, like you’re some kind of expert.” She struck her hands against the table, leaning toward him. “You have no idea what they can do.”
“Are you done or would you like another glass to break?”
his distrust also very reasonably drives her mad. she's sick of not being believed, not being trusted her whole life - even here at lethe, where magic is a widely accepted fact, people like him, who've never had to live a day in her life, with her ability, still think they know better. she's supposed to be safe, understood, helped here. she isn't. she's only being used for lethe's agenda. and darlington? he perpetuates that fact. he's her mentor, for fuck's sake. she'd barely began to trust him when he showed her magic, when he taught her to protect herself. she must've misjudged him. he did all that for lethe, not for her, just like how he covered up the almost butchered ritual from scroll and key.
“Why didn’t you help me?” said Alex, her voice nearly a growl.
“I did. You were about to be buried under a sea of Grays, if you recall.”
“Not you.” Alex waved her arm, indicating the house. “Sandow. Lethe. Someone.” She covered her face with her hands. “Take courage. No one is immortal. Do you know what it would have meant to me to know those words when I was a kid? It would have taken so little to change everything. But no one bothered. Not until I could be useful to you.”
this is why he misunderstands. she doesn't challenge him directly, she attacks lethe, but he's taken it upon himself to assert lethe's authority, to protect its credibility and integrity from such accusations. he's embodied lethe. it's a part of who he is now. he considers himself an extension of it, its golden boy, its gentleman. so this criticism, he takes personally. but it's not about him.
Darlington did not like to think he had behaved badly. He did not like to think that Lethe had behaved badly. We are the shepherds. And yet they’d left Alex to face the wolves. She was right. They hadn’t cared. She’d been someone for Lethe to study and observe from afar.
He’d told himself he was giving her a chance, being fair to this girl who had washed up on his shore. But he’d let himself think of her as someone who had made all of the wrong choices and stumbled down the wrong path. It hadn’t occurred to him that she was being chased.
he's not a fool. he pieces it all together. he realizes she's right, she isn't lying. his blind trust in lethe prevented him from seeing it all before. her records start making sense. her anger now and her fear earlier start making sense. but that doesn't mean he's equipped to help her, to comfort her, to deal with the weight of what it all means. i imagine her sudden depth and pain must've scared him. he was raised by his grandpa who thought the solution to everything was alcohol, ice and manners. only thing darlington seems to have added to that list is breaking things. and alex seems to already be well versed in that.
After a long moment, he said, “Would it help to break something else?” She was breathing hard. “Maybe.” Darlington rose and opened a cupboard, then another, and another, revealing shelf after shelf of Lenox, Waterford, Limoges—glassware, plates, pitchers, platters, butter dishes, gravy boats, thousands of dollars’ worth of crystal and china. He took down a glass, filled it with wine, and handed it to Alex. “Where would you like to start?”
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justtwotired · 1 year
The girl with the silent smile
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Summary: she doesn't talk, she doesn't laugh, she listens and nods. But mostly, mostly she smiles, it's what Regulus likes about her, her smile, she never told him her name, so he just called her, the girl with the silent smile. He talked to her, she listened, when he couldn't talk, she waited, she waited without complaining.
Regulus Black x reader
Idea: so, I had this idea because I work in a coffee shop and I have a regular client who always calls me "the girl with the silent laugh" I changed it to smile, as I thought it was a wonderful title and then decided to make this story of it.
She/her pronounce
Warnings: mentions of death and murder, mention of cutting of a body part.
Regulus sighed as he was finally done with his classes for the day. As he wondered what he could do, he remembered the girl he met not long ago.
She hadn't spoke to him yet, but she listened and gave him a soft smile as he spoke. She was always at the same place, the seventh floor at the big window.
No one ever came there. People said it to be haunted, which Regulus thought was ridiculous because the entire school was haunted with ghosts, who -mostly- where kind and polite.
Though, people said the place was haunted in a bad way, two boys had almost died many years ago after breaking the glass, they said the thing attacking them was invisible. Ten years later a group of students dared to come there but as nothing happened, they painted on the wall and three escaped but one was badly injured and had to go to St. Mungos.
But it's where he had found her, over and over again, whenever he would come, she would be there, smiling at his arrival.
And just like every other time, she looked up at the sound of his food steps. He smiled at her and she gave him one back. "Good afternoon." He greeted, she gave a small nod in return.
"It surprised me that you always manage to be here whenever I am. I never see you anywhere else, what house are you in anyway?" He asked, yet she didn't answer, of course.
"Right, still no talking, shall I just talk then?" He asked and she nodded. He started telling stories, ignoring the cold he felt, as he started to get used to it, assuming it was because of winter and sitting near a window.
He told her about his day, about professor Binns being annoying as ever and about Barty jumping out of the window with charms 'to test if Wingardium Leviosa could make him fly' he had later told Regulus and Evan.
She had the brightest smile when Regulus told her this and she made a small noice, it's sounded like a giggle. She quickly stopped and he gave her an amused look.
She looked down a bit embarrassed and he chuckled slightly. "No need to be embarrassed, it was rather cute." He said and her cheeks flushed red.
He grinned and continued the story. She paid close attention and he suddenly noticed her eyes drifted to something behind him.
"Mister Black, Miss L/n." Nearly headless Nick greeted, she gave him a polite nod and Regulus flashed him a quick smile.
"L/n? Is that your last name?" He asked and she nodded. "Well it gives me at least one clue." He sighed and nearly headless Nick chuckled.
"I see you befriended dear Y/n here, no one ever talks to her, I think she likes you." He said. "You know her?" Regulus asked.
"Oh yes, she's been here for centuries." Nick nodded. "Centuries?" Regulus frowned and then looked at Y/n. "She's dead?" He realised and Nick nodded while the girl just looked sad.
"Yes, poor thing was murdered, it was believed she was killed by her own brothers after she had refused their needs. They cut out her tongue before they did it." Nick shook his head in sadness and disgust.
"But- but you look so... Alive." Regulus said, not realising it might be a bit offending. The girl just shrugged and suddenly turned transparent. "I didn't know ghosts could do that." Regulus pointed out.
"Most can't, no, but few are able to, her being one of them." Nick told him.
Regulus didn't think anything different of the girl and continued to visit her over the years he spent at school. He had talked about his home life, and when he got the dark mark, he showed her and she had comforted him the best she could as he sobbed.
Sometimes, she left her place on the seventh floor to visit him wherever he might be at that moment.
On his last day he had also come. "I came to say goodbye." He told her and her smile dropped. "I promise to visit you, I'll come back the moment the dark Lord is defeated." He whispered softly.
She nodded and gave him a smile, a last smile. It was not happy, as it was most of the times, this time it was sad, though still hopeful as he had promised to come back to her.
Regulus thought back to this interaction as he stood at the Cliffs Of Moher. He hadn't gone back, he had promised he would come back.
He took a deep breath in and stepped inside, Kreacher close by him. He would make it out alive, he would visit her.
She waited for him, she supposed it would take a while, but months turned into years and years turned into decades.
Sir Nickolas had told her to stop waiting. "He died, Y/n dear. It's all over the daily prophet and big news, even around the school." He explained, yet, she believed Regulus would come back, because he had promised he would, and Regulus, he never broke his promises.
She lost track of how long it had been as she sat at the window, looking outside and seeing the students make their way across the ground. Pushing each other and laughing. Hurrying to classes and clutching books to their chests.
Some chased their pets that had run away, some followed each other around, others preferred to keep to themselves, always keeping themselves small and their head low.
Yet, this was not what Y/n was looking for. No she was looking for the black haired Slytherin, though he'd probably be older then she remembered. She never lost hope that he'd return, she always believed he'd come back, just like he had told her he would.
She was still waiting, her hopes getting higher and higher as weird things happened at Hogwarts, she heard whispers of Voldermort and a boy named Harry Potter.
Potter... she had heard that name before. Regulus had mentioned it when he talked about his brother, about how much he missed his brother and how jealous he was of that Potter boy.
Soon, the story was that Voldemort had returned. Y/n noticed that suddenly, there where less students on the grounds. And which students there where, most of them weren't so happy as they once where, she never saw someone travel alone anymore, they where always together, and pets, they where never on the run anymore as the kids kept a closer eye on them.
Students who where normally happy and giddy, where now sad and worn out. Some students disappeared. Only a day ago she had seen two girls sobbing as they walked past.
'That's weird' she had thought to herself. 'Where is their other friend? They where always with the three of them...'
It was late as Y/n watched the grounds, a few birds had landed. Exploring the large grass field.
Suddenly she heard sobbing and she turned to the source of the sound and saw a boy, he was a bit older then when Regulus had just found her, he had blonde hair and grey eyes -which where full of tears- he frowned a bit at her and then narrowed his eyes.
"Who are you?" His voice was demanding. It reminded her of the time Regulus found her sitting alone. "And who are you supposed to be?" He had questioned in a sceptical tone of voice.
She gestured the boy to sit down, supposing inviting him to sit with her at the window was the best option, to watch the students- or well, birds at the moment- and to talk to her.
He introduced himself as Draco Malfoy,
She smiled at him.
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prince-strife · 4 months
So I watched “Like Minds” (I’m super unwell about gay people)
this one is like 3x longer than the tenet one
spoilers for a movie that came out 20 years ago ig
alex is clearly rly smart but he’s a right prick about it
nigel sure does like to stare 🤨🤨
oh so he’s a little freak. bro’s got a taxidermy cat in his luggage
well. def explosives
he rly likes dead stuff…
not the gay little obsession
he’s so pretty tho fr mfer has gorgeous eyes
bro fuck this cop frfr
he did not seriously just punch this kid
oooh alex is fucked in the head too. inch resting
alex is one of those rich boys ._.
“obligations” hmmm i Do Not like the sound of that
WAIT THAT WAS HIS DAD??? that explains that ig
wait why is alex on the villains wiki. WHY IS ONE OF HIS CRIMES NECROPHILIA
interesting that alex is so aggressively anti-church (as an establishment, i mean)
ooooh nigel is Looking at him
not him fighting with his teacher
taking detailed notes about the people around him…nigel colbie autism
nooo leave him alone :((
alex is so mean to him omg. let him be a little freak in peace
wtf ym you “can’t find” the colbies..
omg staring across a casket at each other..
tom sturridge is so fucking beautiful i’m unwell
“i almost missed him” 🤨🤨
38 minutes in and i think this is the longest we’ve heard nigel speak
idk i need nigel and alex to kiss
“i’m really sorry about your friend” baby don’t lie no the fuck you’re not
smth abt the way nigel said “but you don’t have to worry” reminds me of the scene at the end of batman where joker is telling the riddler he did a good job.
THE GLARE AT THIS POOR GIRL nigel looks jealous as fuck
nigel baby giving the boy you like a hand is not the way to his heart
“it looks like you need a hand.” BABE. NO. TOO ON THE NOSE
he’s so cute in his lil jumper
SITTING ON HIS BED??? LEANING OVER HIM WHILE HE SLEEPS???? nah this is. gay behaviour
“alex, wake up. i’ve got a night planned 🥺” aww they’re gonna go on a date
oh they’re super close. NOW KISS
ooh hanging the essay over his head
the big smile… “are you having fun?” the little giggle. the smirk. he hates his ass. he is so in love with him. WHAT IS GOING ON
hmm i do not trust this
“i’ve never brought anybody here before” INTERESTING (“i’m being vulnerable plz don’t be a dick abt this”)
i’ve still got an hour left of this movie good god
my mom is watching gbbo rly loudly and i just got super confused as to why the music Did Not Match the scene
“do you like it 🥺🥺” NIGEL. BABY. he’s so proud of his weird little lab it’s so cute
these little history nerds…
i rly thought nigel was gonna cuddle into him for a second
“do you know what a pike is?” batting his eyes, looking as coquettish as possible. oh my god. oh my god.
CALLING HIM JACK. i’m so unwell this is so gay.
“we’ve been brought together for a reason” oh my god he thinks they’re murder soulmates
“for eternity.” gnawing on the bars of my enclosure
not him asking her out, nigel’s gonna be PISSED
the way he says “jack” i’m gonna pass out
“my name is alex. stay away from me.” NOOO it’s ok nigel i’ll be your jack
taking the gay goggles off for a second nigel clearly is in desperate need of a friend and is trying so hard to make alex his friend and it’s making me super sad bc he doesn’t seem to quite understand why it’s not working :(((
but also nigel baby stop breaking into his room
it’s giving yandere tbh
“what’s with the knife” *biggest most innocent doe eyes* “i don’t know what you mean, jack”
i feel bad for her fr tho she didn’t do nothin wrong. not her fault alex is oblivious to his psychopath boyfriend
lol alex looking around for nigel when he finds out she’s dead. he’s not stupid, i’ll give him that
nigel’s very bad at acting innocent
“i sense some hostility” NO REALLY
they look like they’re abt to kiss
“no jack, you did it.” babe.
“feels good to vent one’s anger doesn’t it jack””i don’t want any part of this” “too late for that”
oh he’s CRAZY
he so sure that alex is just as nuts as he is.
wtf happened to nigel’s parents
babe being cryptic is not helping your situation
i bet his parents are dead
hehe the jack <3
his jars of dead shit are so weird
was that a drawing of the dead kid?
nigel has rly nice handwriting omg
idk if the knowledge that it’s purely for scientific interest makes the pictures of the sleeping girl better or worse
he calls them helen and john???
love him introducing alex like he’s his boyfriend
nigel looks so dead inside omg
“stop it, nigel :((“
OH HE MADE THE BIBLE??? i thought it was a book he had not smth he created that’s actually pretty cool
“our union” 🤨🤨 its giving marriage
“nigel was right about this” hmmm boyfriend behaviour
omg mckenzie SUCKS like he’s just kind of an asshole
“i knew you couldn’t resist a secret rendezvous <3”
“you didn’t know nigel”
“my dearest jack”
his lack of reaction to her getting shot…
he’s so clinical about the cleanup…
he’s so pretty…
omg does he want jack to be his maraclea is that why he got the gun (ik his mom was his maraclea let me be delulu)
he rly thinks this is completely justified
i’m so sad he’s dead :(( gimme my babygirl back
holy fuck alex got released
“my beloved susan” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
“nigel got what he wanted…eternity”
OH MY FUCKING GOD J CANT BELEJEV HE DID THAT… continuing nigel’s work… oh my fucking god
“you like history.” BITCH WHAT
Edit: I forgot to give the movie a rating .-. 500/10 i fucking loved it, i’m already making a forbie playlist
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