#( .charadev )
prayers-to-hyliarceus · 8 months
A-- What?
Autism? what's that?
And who is the hand pointing to?
And why is 'Autism' the caption? It sounds like a... concept. Or a philosophy.
Celebi, why are you laughing at us?
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
Man, it feels like Marvel Studios really must have wanted She-Hulk to fail.
I've been enjoying it so far on its own merit, even though I am admittedly excited for the Matt Murdock cameo, but even I can acknowledge that it has been massively undercut by how few episodes it was given with the shorter episode length. (This seems to be a very familiar rant for me.)
Up until this point, every show has been the typical 44-50ish minute type and have been around 10 episodes or less--which that alone has at times felt rushed, especially with Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel and their anemic 6 episodes that feel like they need a good deal of breathing room even though they still both are good enjoyable stories.
She-Hulk has 22-25 minute episodes, of which there are only 9 planned. That's absolutely nothing. Just arguably half of the time than even Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel got and again, they too felt on the rushed side.
22-minute live action comedy shows tend around the 20+ episode count to account for the shorter episode length, and yeah, I know CGI budget and VFX artists are being mauled, but that would make even more of an argument for She-Hulk to have had more breathing room for us to get to know Jen as Jen, and solidify her family and Bruce in it and give them some more time to banter just the two of them. More time with people without CGI or VFX!
Give us more time with Jen and Nikki as friends, with Pug and Mallory, with the people that we are supposed to make emotional connections to, however big or small.
Hell, give us more time with Wong, maybe even cross over with Shang-Chi and Katie while we're at it! They're in San Francisco, it can't be that hard. And doesn't have to use magic!
Give us more about Luke, how big he has been spanning in the hero costuming business given there may have been a demand following Endgame--or hell even before Endgame. Maybe he's been working a really long time after being inspired by the Avengers, which is why he jumped at the opportunity for Jen if she was an Avenger (since Tony presumably made everyone's stuff himself during the glory days and lbr there isn't a real formal Avengers team now).
It just feels like just from the decided episode count alone that Marvel Studios really did not want She-Hulk to do well. Like they planned this thing for a checked box and didn't want to put as much effort into it.
Sure, is the show on the more cheesy and cheeky (and sometimes awkwardly cringey) side? Yeah! It definitely is! But I am actually genuinely enjoying an MCU story that doesn't take itself all too seriously and is more of a sitcom-y show that does let itself be cheesy and cheeky and a bit cringey. I mean, as an enjoyer of sitcom shows can anyone say that they aren't all of those things most of the time? (How I would have loved a sitcom-y Avengers show with the main 6 doing silly stupid cringey shit that they only barely refer to now like that's supposed to make up for the lack of bonding screen time!)
Anyway, I do hope this series isn't sent off to die as some kind of wiping hands clean like, oh see we at Marvel totally did not plan this and are absolutely only responding to low ratings and a lack of interest in this character and story.
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beyuwol · 4 months
the aftermath of next gen
the moment next gen concludes, with yuwol placing just one step out of bounds, he knows exactly what's waiting for him.
it only took a day for yuwol to be summoned to his family home, by nothing more than a vague phone call from one of the housekeepers. congratulations, she has said, and i'm sorry, she continued. he is expected to come by soon, and to pack for the week. yuwol suspects it might not be just a week, but he doesn't really say much in response ( there's no use, yuwol knows ).
a path of resistance wouldn't work out in yuwol's favour, no matter how many possible scenarios he runs through his head. signing up for next gen was, in part, one of those methods—but he's back here, on square one. rinse and repeat.
yuwol remembers visiting the family home during seollal, reuniting with the home he came to know for a brief moment, before being dragged around for every event his family had been a part of. it had felt daunting then, stepping into a cage of white walls that he never dreamed to step out of when he was a child. now, though, he realizes it's a lot worse returning, after tasting a smidge of what freedom could be like.
the living room is no better, simply a minimalist caricature of what could be a loving space. his parents sat on the larger sofa, leaving yuwol with the smaller one; perhaps to make him feel smaller by comparison too. they do not speak for a moment, allowing the silence to permeate. yuwol is familiar with this tactic too. they're giving yuwol space to think about the mistakes he has done, to ponder over everything he did wrong, send him down a rabbit hole he can't come out of, unless they call his name.
"yuwol," his father chooses then to speak. his gaze pierces through yuwol's soul, not a single hint of emotion within that man's eyes. yuwol thinks his own eyes look the same, sometimes. "you know why we called you over, don't you?" his father continues, asking a question that he requires no answer to.
despite knowing this, yuwol nods. he doesn't say anything.
"how could you do that to us?" his mother finally says her piece, unable to look at him—like yuwol had tainted the family name, smeared with dirt and soil. in their eyes, maybe that is the case. "we trusted you. have you forgotten? we let you have your own apartment, with the promise that you wouldn't slack off on your studies and your lessons. and instead, you chose to break that trust?"
his father cuts in subtly, placing a hand over his wife's knee, as if attempting to calm her down. but even her outburst is calculated, yuwol knows. "we allowed you to live independently, trusting you to know your priorities. but then we find out… you're competing in this… idol survival show?" his father lets out a breath, as if he had been holding back.
still, yuwol says nothing. he isn't given the chance to.
"there is nothing left to discuss," his father concludes, although yuwol was never an active participant in the aforementioned discussion. "you've broken your promise, plain and simple, yuwol. to think you'd be goofing off in such a competition… were you even able to gain anything out of it?"
another question, which yuwol doesn't need to answer. his father does, for him.
"clearly, not. because none of the companies signed you, and here you are. how many weeks did you waste? only to accomplish nothing?"
again, yuwol says nothing.
"you already know what will come after this, yuwol. we need you to prove that you're serious about your future, we need to know—definitively—that you aren't going to goof off just because we aren't watching you. you have to earn back our trust. do you understand?"
yuwol gives a nod, but doesn't say anything more.
"okay then," his mother picks up the conversation. "you'll be moving back home, and that's final. whether we'll allow you to return to your apartment or not is up for debate. right now, we have no plans for that. we can't trust you anymore, after all."
yuwol doesn't say anything—what can he say?
"you don't have to go back to get your things, we'll have the housekeepers deal with that. you already packed for the week, right? now, you're free to go to your room. we'll be discussing a revision to your schedule later."
and that's that.
"please forgive me for my mistakes," yuwol replies, short and sweet, an end to the taxing conversation. "thank you for allowing me another chance. i'll be going now."
he stands up, turning back, heading for his room. he can hear the two of them whisper amongst themselves, as if he wasn't there.
the hallway feels like a janky road, the walls around him feel like they will close in at any moment. if yuwol looks down, he thinks he'll see himself walking on eggshells.
he wants to throw up.
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faeiapalette · 1 year
#Midnight rambles#But have you ever met someone so charismatic in every single way#Especially in the way they talk and react to everything… they get you to be interested in the things that feel sucks to you at first#I know 2 ppl who r like that… Rainychan and DuckKing#Like Rainychan is into a franchise i thought i’d never even take one look at#I’m not into mmd-like model and especially stuffs that don’t have both good charadev and plot#But now i’m chatting w/ her on a daily basis about her fav chara 😭 In 200⬆️ words paragraph. And about 20 paragraphs/ time#And DuckKing is like… a simple-minded person (not narrow-minded tho.)#Her bluntness and creativity never failed to give everyone a good laugh#I like how she do word-play… It’s simply using a bunch of onomatopoeias or homonyms to replace the original word without concerning about#-that word’s meaning. But it’s extremely unexpected and hilarious#She got me interested in silly podcasts about her daily life also#Her way of telling story is amusing enough but the situations r even funnier. I guess peculiar people do attract similar peculiar things hu#Anw… these two have the kind of energy that makes ppl want to flock to them immediately… I rarely encounter anyone like that irl…#Rainychan’s distant attitude and Duckking’s explosive energy#It is indeed strange… even celebrities can’t make me go like this#There’s also this one (my adoptive father who is also a girl) i called Papi too (her name is Sunny-side-up)#We all get along well with each others but most of the time it’s me having convo with Rainy and Sunny w/ Duck#Cuz my energy matches Rainy’s and same to the other pair#(Tho mine & Sunny’s r a lot more lowkey. Sunlight on a winter day and moonbeam. And the other two just shine like the real planets)#The fact that i don’t believe in “-at first time” and was able to encounter these two individuals
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creator-from-hel · 1 year
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And I'm carrying on with the chara designs with this one, more specific to Lysara : The queen of the Divine Mandate Lamia the Ist Frosilaen-Claro !
How her dynasty access the throne is
What to tell. That her mother had to step up as queen after the death of the royal lineage in place since the beginning of times ? That she was born of middle class Travellers and grew up in royalty months after ? That she probably had the most calm backstory of all the Queens ?
Let's start with a bit of history.
After Lina had to step up for the throne, she was promised a lifetime of peace and calm by bigger entities. Not gonna go into details, but that peace only lasted for 20 years and was
Not so peaceful.
However, Lamia grew up in a climate of tranquility in the palace since her mother was hellbent on preserving her children's upbringing. Her and her twin brother Korrin were sheltered from royal duties and had a happy childhood, Korrin being a silly prankster and Lamia a yet cunning but spoiled brat.
But everything changed when the fire nation- sorry, the principality of Lazzaro attacked. Lamia was around 20 (15 in the first version but I'll probably add years, makes more sense) for the infamous Four Nations Tournament and had a quick introduction to what it meant managing a kingdom. Especially succession, which was placed on Korrin by default since he had a girlfriend so could potentially produce heirs (spoiler alert, he's ace as hell)/default sexist line of throne.
Lamia basically had a buttload of charadev realising she had to take care of the people, the wars and avoid a massacre as the end of the tournament was. And since Korrin didn't even want to reign (and his girlfriend died), she became hellbent on reclaiming her place in the succession line.
She started studying politics, first in autodidact, then asking her mother to send her to Paper continent to study under the best politician she knew : Faloi Frosilaen, her cousin and first President of the Ink Republic. (Mother was reluctant because of paranoïa and a huge strain on her relationship with Faloi only she remembers. She ended up agreeing tho). She stayed there a long time, helping her cousin while studying and discovering quite the talent for politics.
She came back transformed and with lot of reform ideas, so much than a very impressed Lina started to delegate more and more tasks to her daughter, who basically became active queen like five years after her return. Including diplomacy and international treaties, making her go back to Ink Republic quite a bit.
Lina officialy abdicated right before her death but Lamia's succession was so well prepared that the crowning was one of the easiest and smoothest succession the Divine Mandate has ever seen.
She acquired the reputation of a stone-cold but caring queen, always seeing the hidden motive and managing to pass a huge number of reforms during her reign. She was the queen under who the technology skyrocketed, aided by treaties she made with Genos at a... difficult time for Faloi I must say (during Chifuniro Ecclesias, Genos' former Director's stay), and where the huge discrimination the Heir species was under calmed if not disappeared.
Overall, she is recognised as one of the best queens the Divine Mandate ever add, only after her mother, and her mother saved the whole world so it's hard to get on her level lmao
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hel-phoenyx · 6 months
tf is the Journal d'un Stalker, my fair lady?
My dear, that was a very, very, VERY old WIP I started a long time ago when I saw on Pinterest a very long post about a stalker that documented everything (and by that I mean EVERYTHING) about a woman at his workplace, in a very incel way as you can infer. Entries were PAGES and PAGES long describing what the woman was wearing, what she did and who she talked to, sprinkled by creepy incel fantasy about marriage, children, housewife, etc.
The poor woman of course didn't like that at all and changed jobs. The man had a whole incel crisis (documented in the diary) and I don't remember what happened next but from what I know he never went in contact with her again.
Of course I was creeped out and weirdly fascinated, you know how I am with obsession (even though this one terrified me) and since at the time Mairù was full stalker with Lina, I wanted to write a diary-coded novel on his point of view on the Chronicles, which was a very different story at the time. It started somewhere before they met and was supposed to stop after Lina escaped his sequestration (long story).
Still hadn't decided if he would get the charadev he currently has or just go full-yandere.
That WIP is kinda abandoned now but at times I wonder if I should do something in the same way to go with the Chronicles, but not titled Diary of a Stalker lmao, rather something like diary of a Fuck-Up (Mairù doesn't think highly of himself)
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soupedepates · 1 year
ok ok i need to talk about my blorbos in my project "A Nap in the Garden of the Hesperides"
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aint they so silly
so there are two main storylines. - Dante and Aramis not having the time of their lives - Lucienne, Yousra and Candy being silly sapphics
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Aramis is a great pianist, he is leaving next year to study music abroad in Vienna so this is his last year in the conservatoire. He comes from a quite wealthy family, and he avoids his parents most of the time (angsty teen much). He suffers from insomnia, this comes from the fact he was seriously sick as a kid and almost died in his sleep several times.
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Dante was living with his father in Guatemala until they learnt his mother (his parents are divorced, his father is Guatemalan and his mother is French) has cancer. They came back to France to support her (his father respects immensely his mother, and reciprocally). Dante needs to be stimulated not to ruminate dark thoughts so he starts courses at the conservatoire : opera singing (he is a wonderful tenor), choral singing, music theory, modern dancing... and of course piano.
Dante falls in love with how Aramis plays the piano, and Aramis falls in love with Dante's voice. They learn to know each others through music and end up dating. But the point of this storyline is that this is the good person, but bad timing.
It ends so fucking bad. uwu
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Lucienne is Aramis' best friend since diapers. They are almost always together, so much Aramis' parents think they are dating (spoiler alert, Lucienne is a lesbian and Aramis is gay). Lucienne lives with her girlfriend Yousra since she is 18 (Yousra is two years older, they met in high school) and they are very happy. Lucienne is polyamourous, and she falls in love at first sight with a ballerina she meets through Aramis : CANDY.
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Candy too falls in love, but as soon as she learns about Yousra she backs down for she doesn't want neither to interfer nor to be the side-chick. After meeting Yousra, she and Lucienne decide to pursue a relationship but swear to never touch each other. They start an epistolary romantic relationship.
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Yousra is her gf's wingwoman while being a nurse. She also is here to cut Aramis' or Lucienne's bullshit (and they need it), and helps Dante to deal with the possibility his mother dies. She needs charadev cuz she is such an interesting character but in the actual state of things she is but a support character.......
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el-cadejos · 2 years
CharaDev para Radamanthys
1) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?
La relación entre él y su padre Arthur nunca fue particularmente cercana, y el puente entre ellos siempre fue Aranja, su madre.
Aranja le mimaba y consentía, siempre dispuesta a explicar lo que ni él ni Arthur sabían comunicar.  Sin embargo, cuando ésta regresa a las Islas Faroes y ellos se quedan en Londres, todo se deteriora a dos individuos viviendo en la misma casa.
2) What are your characters most prominent physical features?
El iris amarillo y la mirada penetrante, aún de niño. Su contextura de adulto es gruesa, atlética e intimidante.
3) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
Entre las más notables son en el brazo derecho 3 marcas horizontales y en la pantorrilla izquierda una “X”, producto de entrenamiento con Minos y Aiacos, respectivamente.
4) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?
Radamanthys sabe que su ceja le resta puntos ante ciertos estereotipos de belleza, pero personalmente no le molesta. Le gusta estar presentable.
6) Describe your character’s happiest memory.
7) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?
No del que esté consciente, aunque a veces no sabe si averiguar cómo murió su madre fue acierto o error.
9) Who does your character trust?
Pandora, Valentine, y en objetividad, Aiacos y Minos. Reconoce la lealtad de su División y no habría dudas durante la batalla.
10) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
El regreso de su madre a Islas Faroes dejó un hueco emocional que Arthur no supo rellenar (y Radamanthys tampoco supo hacerlo por su padre).
Convertise en Espectro le dio un propósito y un sentido de pertenencia, cuando anteriormente viajaba mucho al sentirse desapegado de todo.
11) Is there an animal you equate with your character?
Gulo Gulo.
12) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?
Aprecia la comodidad que brinda, pero depende poco de ella. Radamanthys tiene una excelente memoria y se sabe los números de teléfono y direcciones de correo electrónico al dedillo.
13)  What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
Algo desarreglada sin llegar al desastre, le gustan las cobijas gruesas. Duerme boca arriba y de lado ocasionalmente.
14) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?
Ni fu ni fa.
15)  Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?
Intermedio, aunque más nocturno una vez se vuelve Espectro.
16) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?
Es hijo único de dos hijos únicos, así que no hay familia extendida. Durante su juventud y temprana adolescencia tuvo compinches, pero sus nombres y rostros se perdieron en el olvido.
17) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?
Relativamente ordenado, pero siempre lleno de papeles y otros pendientes. La gaveta superior tiene snacks para Goebbels, el corgi-zombie que adoptó por sugerencia/falta-de-oposición a Pandora.
18) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)
Radamanthys puede cocinar recetas sencillas, pero nada de repostería.
19) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?
20) Does your character have any irrational fears?
21) What would your character’s cutie mark be?
22) If your character could time travel, where would they go?
Ñoño histórico querría ver en vivo y en directo la Batalla de Hastings, 14/oct/1066.
23) Is your character superstitious?
Sí, aunque con moderación.
24) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
Una mujer que pueda interpretar sus emociones a pesar de que él no pueda comunicarlas apropiadamente es lo que más necesita. Ah, y que no tenga pecas.
25) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?
Sus dedos son gruesos, grandes y sus manos tienen una textura simular al cuero.
27) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
Cowboys from Hell - Pantera (sobre ser Espectro)
Poison - Alice Cooper (sobre su relación con Pandora)
29) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
Radamanthys nunca ha sentido una conexión particular con el mundo vivo, sino con lo muerto (eventualmente entenderá el por qué). Pandora y Goebbels obedecen el mismo principio, siendo una la comandante infernal y el otro un zombie. La única excepción a esta regla es Gawain (lo que le genera muchos conflictos internos; Radella es un caso aparte).
Antes de aceptar a la Estrella Maligna, buscaba maximizar las emociones que sentía en cada aspecto posible, pero una vez concretado el pacto, se redujo su campo emocional.
La razón por la cual Rada es una ballerina en el genderbend AU es porque es una profesión que requiere disciplina, y esa es una de las características más importantes de su personalidad.
Su establecimiento “defectuoso” de lazos de confianza le permite ser más objetivo a la hora de juzgar almas. Sin embargo, un caso bien presentado puede lograr que tome decisiones que normalmente no consideraría.
Los Drakes son casi siempre percibidos como dragones jóvenes (”inmaduros”), y el verbo “Fallen” (caído) es una intrascendente sutileza que me permito para darle un apellido al personaje (Fallendrake).
Radamanthys nació en Faroe Islands, Dinamarca y vivió ahí hasta los 9 años. Luego se mudaron a Londres, donde la relación entre sus padres comenzó a deteriorar.
Formó parte de los aircadets entre los 14 y 17 años.
Aunque la Estrella Maligna estuvo pastoreando a Radamanthys durante varios años, no se fusiona con su alma hasta los 19.
Basado únicamente en lo que vemos en el animé y el manga, para mí lo que existe es un interés no correspondido de Radamanthys por Pandora. Canónicamente hablando, ella tiene 16 y el 23; aún si fuera correspondido, él debe ser adulto y aceptar que 7 años es demasiado, y peor aún con alguien pasando por la adolescencia. El Scumbag me arregla la vida, porque yo prefiero pensar que Panda tiene 19, Prada AU.
Domina los siguientes idiomas: Inglés, Danés, Alemán, Gàidhlig, Lallans
Goebbels no es su primera mascota, pero ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuvo un perro ovejero bajo su cuidado.
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fireblight · 4 years
001 ⋮ heroics.
Everyone has a heroic quality, though not always a penchant for heroism. Even Karin, despite her Neutral Evil alignment and her stance as an anti-villain, has, within her complex character, a great capacity to not only behave heroically but to feel heroic. Though, for her, the line between ❝hero❞ and ❝martyr❞ often blurs to an indecipherable point. Karin herself is an innately selfish woman, and insists upon it; she wants to be selfish, because being selfish protects her. When one prioritises the self, one is in control of everything. Among her many flaws, being a control freak is one of the most potentーconsider it the ground-floor for her fatal flaw, which is an almost obsessive need to protect everyone that she loves. Quite heroic sounding, isn’t it? Not too far from the monologues of shounen heroes and knights-a righteous and chivalrous oath. 
However, just because she needs to do it does not mean she always does it, nor does it particularly well. Prone to compulsive lying and an incessant need to consider herself as immoral and impure ( yet idolises her purity alongside it; nobody said people could not defy themselves ) Karin can often resort to lying to ❝protect others❞, and does not shy away from the more brute aspects of life. Even in a world where child soldiers are normalized, there are standards to be upheld; philosophies to be embodied. Karin, having internalized much of Orochimaru’s lessons ( and having been a ❝rotten girl❞ before Otogakure ), gladly desecrates much, if not all, of the standard shinobi beliefs, if she must. That isーshe is not Chaotic Evil, she does not always seek destruction of all that is beautiful and good for the sheer whim of it. Nor does she have a particularly reliable code of honour, or rigidity when it comes to what she will tolerate ( or do ) at any moment. 
So, when motivated by her heroic fatal flawーthough heroic only for the tropeーshe can and will do anything, beyond the moral scope of her peers, in order to achieve her goal. What separates villainy from heroism, in this case, is the division between egoism and altruism. Again, Karin is selfish. Selflessness has destroyed her, deluded her. Egoism is where Karin is safe. When she protects others, she is only doing insofar as what she believes is protectionーshe believes altruistically when she knows she is expected to or when the whimsy takes her, especially if there is some sort of reward for it. Does this lessen the love that she has for her loved ones? Of course not. Love, for her, is a complex animal. It consumes. It borders the sublime. Protecting a child she loves from bullies is not too many leaps away from killing said child to save them from a life she predicts to be traumatic and torturous. Better to let the innocent die innocent than to let the world break them on a wheel. 
(Sometimes, it is a good thing not to be loved by her. Not everyone should try to be a hero.)
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vcostaaz · 2 years
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            ‘ evening, all ! i hate being late to the party, but whatever. click below for the 411 on 𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐀, also known as yoyo & yori by their close friends. the aspiring musician is a twenty-six year old grad student, majoring in musical production & engineering. underneath the cut is all you’ll need to know about them. so like i didn’t type up any plot descriptions, but i have an idea of what i’m looking for. so don’t be on that shy shit, hit me up or drop a like & I’ll come say w’ssup. ’
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.         ⸻      kiyora acosta / yoyo or yori
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄.         ⸻     october 31st, 1996.
𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄.          ⸻     scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, cancer rising.
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘.          ⸻      lesbian + she/they/them
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍.          ⸻     albuquerque, nm and calabasas, ca. 
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.          ⸻     innovative, skeptical, observant, easy–going, passionate, creative, alluring, optimistic, laidback, open minded, selective, sensual, stubborn. 
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍.          ⸻     studio engineer intern, lounge singer, and tattoo artist.
𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁𝐒.          ⸻     fashion guard & photography.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒.         ⸻     luca and slick (grown-ish) clay (all american)
 ‘             ཪ      ¹ ˛   𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.                            
𝐄𝐗 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃: open/closed
𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊: open/closed
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𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 (2/2): open/closed
𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘: open/closed
#thu.intro#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   starter.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   conversations.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   instagram.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   twitter.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   phn.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   visage.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   readonly.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   parallel.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   memories.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   charadev.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   closed.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   songbird.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   studio.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   assignments.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   inbox.#ཪ      ¹ ˛      𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐀.   ⌯       𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.      ⧽         ──   games.
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cosmosrival · 4 years
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my kamandersen brain fungus demanded sustenance
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 8 months
Urbosa, have Link and Zelda been sleeping properly? I sadly trust neither of hem to be honest about this.
Mm, I understand.
Link, fortunately, is quite the avid napper. He can fall asleep just about anywhere if he's determined enough. I believe he has nightmares, however, and that may lead him to try to stake out several nights in a row.
I don't know how Zelda manages to keep the fact that she wakes up in the middle of the night so often secret, and I only know this from Link (though I could already guess, unfortunately). She's had a lot of terrible nightmares lately that have been, if I am understanding correctly, mailed to her by a Pelipper.
I worry for the two of them. For me, they were children not so long ago, and I am deeply concerned as to what occurred in that six-year gap. Even so, after all that's happened to them that I already know of... they did not deserve all those burdens.
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dragons-and-art · 4 years
So i’ve been thinking a lot about the AU lizard gang lately, so much so i decided to make a list of random bits of info I’ve come up with (and don’t forget about immediately)
A song that never fails to make Vinny cry is Baby Mime from Dumbo.
Vex unironically loves the movie Horton Hears a Who
Nala does have a collection of hats and sweaters, many of which were “borrowed” from friends.
Bo Burnham’s shows are one of my biggest inspirations for Vinny’s personality and piano skills
If Vex learned to sing, he would maybe sound like Jermain Clement. That being the case, i very much need to make him sing “Shiny” in the shower.
Nala’s singing would sound like Ariana Grande
The trio likes to dress up for Halloween and there’s always some sort of theme.
Nala and Vincent are very much internet people, Vex is not. You can imagine how lost he gets when these two start talking with memes.
Instruments that i identify Vinny with: Piano, bass guitar, and cello
Vinny gets a weird power rush any time he has a knife in his hands. He doesn’t notice, everybody else does tho.
Nala cannot handle horror or scary stuff, specially the violent kind.
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tankwater · 3 years
daffodil : is your muse one to be loyal in relationships , or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another ?
overall, suigetsu isn’t a particularly loyal person; he sticks to himself, ‘cause that’s what he knows. over the course of his life, he hasn’t had much cause to be loyal; only two people have ever brought that out in him, and they were his brother and sasuke. with them, though, suigetsu would gladly have given his life if they asked.
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saltofthcearth · 3 years
“You don’t mind if I record this, do you?” Dean Hargrove sets a small tape recorder on the table, like it’s not the most ominous fucking move in the book. He always was a fan of dramatics.
“So… first the ordeal at the boardwalk, and now my library and the CCU theater are covered in blood. It seems like your name just keeps popping up wherever trouble starts, huh? Now, I’m not here to make you feel like you have any enemies at this school, but you’d have to understand why I’d be a little weary of having troublemakers on campus, wouldn’t you?” He pauses.
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Sloane’s gaze darts from the camera to Dean Hargrove’s irritatingly smug face. “Since I have nothing to hide, go for gold.” She replied, offering the fakest smile known to man. Though, as he continued, her smile dropped away and her gaze lifted to a corner of the room, a trademark Sloane Salt attempt at avoiding her expression making her too readable. “Apparently so.” The thought that something could happen when she was halfway through her degree was... nerve-wracking, thus the reason she was agreeing to his bullshit in the first place. 
“Let’s start with this… ‘Candy Girl’ nonsense. What do you know about her?”
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"Other than the fact that she hates me and my friends? Not much.” Providing detail would help no one, there was no way this man would sympathise, so she kept it short. 
“And whose idea was it to throw the party on the beach? You all claim it was supposed to be a small event, but I hear quite the crowd showed up. Who invited them?”
“It was never meant to be a party. So, no one threw a party. Some asshole caught wind that we were trying to spend time together and decided to crash it, I guess.” She shrugged, so uncharacteristically hostile that it made her feel strange. “Your guess is as good as mine who it was.” That much was true, she supposed her best guess would be some frat boy dick from the college. 
“Why do you think you got taken to the library? Why not the other location?”
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One of her brows lifted up. It seemed like a weird question. “Luck of the draw?”
“You say someone was ‘murdered’ in front of you… and none of you tried to stop it? Why?”
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Ah, that she would have a wonderful explanation for on her part, but it would be a cold day in hell before she admitted that she had been tripping, so instead she just put on her best slightly traumatised expression, lowering her gaze. Maybe being a good liar would come in handy, a little. “I was... really drunk. Regrettably so. I hardly understood what was happening in front of me. My memories of that night are blurry, so...” She trailed off, but then there was a twinge of annoyance at the very idea that they should have tried to stop a murder. 
What exactly were they supposed to do, throw themselves into danger for someone who’d been torturing them? Dean Hargrove truly was grasping at straws with his accusations. Lifting her gaze to his, she was firm as she continued. “But as for the rest of my friends, I wouldn’t ever ask them to risk their lives in a situation like that. They had weapons, they killed in front of us. Would you have been so brave, to step between the girl who’d been terrorising us and the end of a knife?” Her brows lifted and then she sat back, arms crossing defensively over her chest. 
“You said the last - shall we call it a ‘challenge’? - required you to spill a secret. Insinuates the lot of you are keeping them, doesn’t it? So… what is so sacred to you that someone you’re claiming is a psychopath would want you to share it?”
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Sloane practically couldn’t help herself, her eyes growing dark as she glared at him. “I think a lot of people in this town are keeping secrets, Dean Hargrove. Maybe we won’t all be able to keep them forever.”  She knew things about him, things she couldn’t truly imply, but if she kept it vague enough... she offered a faint smile. “Surely there are things you don’t want to have to spill your guts about.” 
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hestivjones · 4 years
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character development .007: patronus
Until recently, Hestia never paid too much attention to the Patronus Charm. She always figured that for most people, it’s mostly akin to a party trick - a powerful piece of magic that can easily impress people, but one that most wix don’t need. After getting accepted to the Department of Magical Law, Hestia spent some time reading up on the charm and trying it out a few times. It could come in handy while dealing with dementors. After joining the Order, Hestia has begun rethinking her stance that she won’t need it. 
Hestia isn’t able to cast a fully corporeal patronus. She’s gotten close many times -close enough to tell that it’s some kind of bird- but it always fizzles out before she can make out a proper shape. Hestia has always been better at the theoretical side of magic rather than the practical, but no amount of reading or understanding the physics behind it can help in this case. Just magic. 
For the day she finally manages to cast a corporeal one, Hestia will find that her patronus is a crow. A scrappy-looking one, but with sleek feathers and calm eyes. It makes sense, her dad will tell her during her next visit, that it would be a crow. Intelligent creatures that are known for problem-solving. Righteous once too, that take care of their loved ones and do what’s right if harm befalls them. Not to mention, they’re quite social birds. 
She has a lot of good memories to go for when casting the spell. Some are from Hogwarts, some are from home. The one that has brought her closest, is one from the last Christmas her grandma was alive. Hestia was eight, so she’s left with feelings of the day and a few blurry memories. She isn’t quite sure how much she remembers and how much she’s dreamt, but Hestia can recall the snowstorm outside. The sound of her father’s albums playing Christmas music, the muggle kind about reindeers and christmas trees, while her parents cooked in the kitchen. It was a lovely mix of traditional English food and Viatnemese dishes. Even though they made the latter year round, it never tastes just as amazing as when her grandma made it on Christmas. It’s the smell she recalls when she tries to cast a Patronus - the smell, and the heat from the fireplace, and the sound of old records mingling together with the hushed conversation about the upcoming celebration. It’s the feeling of being eight years old, surrounded by loved ones, waiting to tear into the mountain of packages just waiting under the tree. The excitement, the pure joy. The pure love.
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