sandrajcook-blog · 7 years
Individual Guide On Executive Security Solutions
Next, to travelling on the road in a vehicle, executives are most vulnerable to the threat of kidnapping at their temporary in-country residence. In the eyes of a kidnapper, residential vulnerability is influenced and defined by the attractiveness of the kidnap target within the residence and the level of security provided. The aim of residential security is to deter prospective kidnappers and intruders and obstruct them, and if they do enter, delay them enough to call for assistance and allow for escape. The precautions in this section will develop a credible threat package to deter kidnappers looking for soft targets. Some companies have found innovative ways to entice their top executives on international business trips by piling on pricey perks such as luxury house rentals complete with servants and chauffeur-driven cars parked out in front. There is nothing wrong with this type of setup unless the security is lax and the residence is located in a kidnap hotspot. Many other countries mask the true extent of the kidnap problem so as not to have a negative impact on the country's valued international business and tourist industries.
Kidnapping groups take advantage of weak points in a residence to attack executives by looking for relatively soft targets. If there is no perimeter or yard security, kidnappers can walk up and ring the doorbell. When the door is opened, they enter carrying automatic weapons and then carry the executive away to a waiting vehicle. Criminals often target executives living in rich, high-profile neighbourhoods, as they enter or exit their homes. Securing the residential premises is the first line of defence for the executive against kidnapping. Ensure that your in-country residence provides the basics in intrusion detection systems, video, alarm system, intrusion-delay barriers and subsequent security response capabilities. This provides a layered and comprehensive defence acting in concert with residential security and local law enforcement. The following are using real world environmental characteristics to prevent you from becoming an individual target while at your residence and should be practised aggressively in countries where kidnapping is rampant. The location of your residence, the neighbourhood and street conditions must be safe before move in. Ensure that your residence is not in a secluded area.
Avoid wide, busy streets that are overcrowded. You want to be able to see potential kidnappers circling the block in both directions, suspiciously standing out, not covered by congestion and shrubbery. Recognize street patterns and any distinct economic and ethnic sections or any heavily wooded areas. Intruder alarms work on the principle that noise is an effective deterrent. Their major purpose is to warn the resident as well as others of illegal entry. Alarm sensors should be placed on all windows and doors to delay and detect kidnappers. Dogs are the most widely used alarm system. A dog is naturally protective and will detect, deter, delay and deny intruders from entering the residence. A barking dog is one of the best security systems for residential protection and viewed as one of the first lines of defence against intruders. Get a big dog, one of the most effective defences, especially if it's trained. Security when returning to your residence requires alertness. Have your key ready for rapid access as you approach, but if you see a door or window open or any signs of forced entry, don't enter. Call and wait for police or the security force to clear your residence.
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sandrajcook-blog · 7 years
Closer Look On Executive Bodyguard Services
The world today is a tough place to survive, especially if you are someone important. And it is not only the heads of states that need personal security. Even the top executives of companies need all the protection. Nothing gives more publicity to a terrorist group than killing or abducting well-known people. To get the best protection for important people, there is no better option than hiring one of the professional executive protection companies. When it comes to identifying the best executive protection companies, there are certain things that you must keep in mind. Given below are three points you should always keep in mind when hiring one of these companies. They should be good at their job. Any of the companies that you shortlist should have an impressive resume to show you. First of all, they should be experienced in the domain of executive protection. These companies should be certified for different parameters of security from the right authorities and should be adept at handling the type of security that you are looking for.
On top of that, these executive protection services should also understand the type of business that you are in and the inherent dangers associated with it. Finally, they should believe in the concept of trust and confidence and consider these parameters non-negotiable. They should have professional employees. These companies should have professionals in their payroll. Look at the resumes of some of their executives before you hire them. Ideally, ex-military men or other security personnel should prominently feature among their employees. You should also check whether these companies spend adequately on executive protection training or not. Their entire team should consist of crack security personnel that are adequate at handling any executive security situation.
They should be able to offer total security. The companies you are looking to shortlist should be able to provide you security at all times. Whether you are at home or work or whether you are travelling, they should be able to get the right security measures in place. If needed they should also be able to afford you close protection so that there is a bodyguard with you in certain cases. With so much technology now available to the terrorists it is important that these agencies have all the right security measures in place to counter any situation. If you are looking for executive protection companies, then you should not settle for anything less than the best. There can be no compromise where your personal security is a concern, and you must not look to cut costs here. Even if you have to spend some more money for a better service just go ahead and do it.
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sandrajcook-blog · 7 years
A Synopsis Of Corporate Executive Protection
The world today is facing plenty of challenges and is filled with insecurities and competition. It has become essential to provide adequate protection to its staff and its customers. This task of providing safety to the various public and private sector organisations is being completed by some protection companies. Their main role is to protect their clients through a detailed program involving training, consultation and management for providing utmost safety, comfort and privacy to their client organizations. These executive protection companies are hired by corporate businesses to provide maximum security for your customers and staff members. When it comes to personal protection, it must encompass more than a presence. The executive protection companies must have a fleet of personnel that are able who are trained to be interactive facilitators, who will ensure that every aspect of their client's protection is addressed professionally. Should get a better understanding of of the parameters of protection at all levels. Must have the ability to understand the amount of trust, faith and confidence the customers have on them. If you're looking for more information on executive close protection, just go to the above site.
Must have the ability to identify the real challenges of the corporate that hires them and must be prompt to act in line with the security detail. Must value the every client relationship and should protect all of the confidential detail of their institution. The close protection agents should be well trained to function in diverse situations which may or may not be also and within a well-known infrastructure in those ranging from low to high threat environments. Must provide adequate training to the personnel with superior customer support services. The executive protection agents provided by the protection companies must be eloquent to have the ability to convey every detail and also well organized to address the personal, business and social issues of their clients. The protection company jobs surely sound exciting and adventurous, but they're highly crucial commitments and sensitive as the security and safety of peoples' lives are associated with them. These professionals, that are called close protection agents, have one goal and that is to protect their clients. Only dedicated and committed people can fit into this kind of jobs.
These agents should have the ability to reflect not only academic but also practical know-how in the field experience in their protective services provided to both arenas. While many executive protection companies have their prime focus on the training skills on handling firearms, a close protection company recognizes the more pragmatic and real challenges of the public and corporate security element. Therefore the corporate needs to be very careful and must employ a protection company which can ensure the security and safety of the customers in the correct perspective.
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