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silverecord · 7 years ago
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Masters 25 on release day. Happy 25th Magic! Got some sweet reprints and a rare I was interested in. #MTGM25 includes something from each set from the last 25 years. This set is full of shenanigans #latepost #Strategy #MTG #MTGArt #Masters25 #mtgcommunity #MagicTheGathering #fantasy #fantasygame #TCG #Ccg #celebration #draft #winstondraft #limited
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Token #cloudporn It's 7pm, and there sunlight. It feels like I just got used to it again. It's too (at Belmont Redline Station)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Achievement unlocked? Partially. #latenite #shenanigans #Chicago #bluesbrothers
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Observing and riding in a caddie car. Playing golf at this course looks so much fun! Free beautiful scenery! (at Edgebrook Golf Course)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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It has been too long. Drafting triple Origins at #mtgcardmarket #magicthegathering #mtg #MTGORIGINS #draft #geekstatus #mtglimited (at
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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I had a good week. Planning to have a good "weekend". Time for my trophy! 🍕🎶 I'm glad to be back at Blaze! #weekend #dinner #vegout #foodporn (at Blaze Pizza)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Almost a week and the box is still shrink wrapped! What can I say, I'm enjoying my first box ever since starting with 4th edition. This box will serve as a good way to develop sealed deck skills, and to get used to the set archetypes that will come handy when drafting. I've yet to crack all the secrets to this puzzle. #magicthegathering #mtg #mtglife #mtglimited #MTGORIGINS
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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I don't have to share! #win #piecepizza #wickerpark #chicago (at Piece Pizzeria & Brewery)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
So, I was abandoned, but nevertheless. I still made it to Piece Pizza! Can't wait to try their pies! #poppincherries #wickerpark #chicago #afterhours (at Piece Pizzeria & Brewery)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
First time at Nick's in Wicker park. Bonus live band! (at Nick's Beer Garden)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Gettin' it with a Fatpour's Vader's Revenge and my obligatory ciders :) Perfect weather + perfect food. (at Fatpour Tap Works)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
Ahhh! No more waiting. The time is finally here! Midnight pre-release tournament for Magic: The Gathering Origins! Cracking the box open, and the deck-building begins! Goodnight! #magicthegathering #mtg #MTGORIGINS #prerelease #mtglimited #mtgsealed #Black #Liliana #foilpromo #dicedojo (at Chicagoland Games: The Dice Dojo)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Back at the dojo running into the Wall of foils #magicthegathering #mtg #MTGORIGINS #prerelease #mtglimited #dicedojo #mtglife mtglife #deathlessangel 15 mins before we pick colors! (at Chicagoland Games: The Dice Dojo)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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I have to do something before Midnight's tournament, might as well drink something to kill time #smartwater
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silverecord · 10 years ago
But before some some fun & games, enjoying some outdoor scenery #nature #chicago #pier #sunset (at Pratt Beach)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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Arriving early at #Dicedojo to pre-sleeve my land in some sweet purple matte Dragon Shields for tonight's midnight Magic Origins pre-release tournament. #magicthegathering #mtg #MTGORIGINS #prerelease #mtglimited #dicedojo (at Chicagoland Games: The Dice Dojo)
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silverecord · 10 years ago
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My deck MVPs. Won me a game in 7 turns, but not the round. On to round 2 for this fun Tue night magic draft! :) #magicthegathering #mtg #mtglife #draft #mtgdtk #mtgcardmarket #mtglimited
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