#'what would juniper look like as a [beast]'
blujayonthewing · 2 years
Does Juniper ever use her wildshape?
She does! Not as often as I would prefer as a player, because I have a bad(?) habit of building character mechanics around vibes rather than just what I wanna do-- I want to shapeshift into animals 100% of the time, but June felt like more of a spellcaster to me, so that was how I subclassed her. Wildshape really isn't ideal in combat a lot of the time if you're not circle of the moon, so it just kinda doesn't come up all that often :') But she's done some scouting as a fox or a cat (depending on which was least conspicuous where we were), and she's been a warhorse a few times both for utility and combat reasons, since it was until really recently one of the better options available to her (although in retrospect I wish I'd realized there's really no reason I couldn't have reskinned the warhorse stats as an especially strong deer for flavor reasons, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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The first combat we had after hitting level 2, and only the second time she'd wildshaped ever, she unintentionally killed the thing we'd been fighting while in the form of a leopard; I imagine there's some degree of animal instinct that allows a druid to use their body effectively, and the aggression behind a large predator's actions in a fight make her nervous, so she has mostly avoided predatory wildshapes in combat after that-- WITH the exception of when Fengling's backstory bad guys have caught up with her, when Juniper was very prepared to be the Leopard Eating People's Faces the first time, and then later very literally went for the throat of this subplot's Big Bad as a dire wolf 👀
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pilot-boi · 3 months
hares breath au
what happens when jaune finally gets to the ever after,does he magicaly split from juniper,does stay hybrid until he ascends by the tree or does it take for the finale and using alyx dagger to finally have him regain his human form ?
also what would be ren and nora,pyrha and arc family reactions of having lost jaune second time in the fall of atlasonly to came back again in vacuo but looking human again ?
I’m still trying to decide whether he gets “fixed” when he’s given Alyx’s knife
It would symbolize that his job as the Rusted Knight is done, that he can finally move on from that burden. And I think the Blacksmith would want to return him to his human form, since she did this to him in the first place and he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Especially since having a choice in who you are is sort of her whole thing
I think she would probably leave the choice up to him then. The knife restores Jaune to how he SHOULD be, it gives him his life back, that’s why he got his youth back in canon. He never really grew and changed, so it gave him a chance to do so
But if the knife makes Jaune how he SHOULD be, then after so much time as Jauniper, I don’t know if he would choose to be Jaune again. It’s like Yang with her arm, that’s the new normal.
I’ve been thinking about it since I made this AU, and I still haven’t come to a decision one way or the other
As for how NPR (haha NPR, National Public Radio) and the Arcs react, they’re shattered. They just got Jaune back, different, changed, MORE than he was, and now he’s gone again
Pyrrha keeps waking up and going into the desert expecting to find him lost there like he was in the forest. Innocent, scared, feral. Covered in sand and scars but ALIVE. She gets kind of obsessive about checking every day to see if he’s hiding outside the walls, too scared to approach them like in Mistral
Ren keeps thinking about the emotions he saw Jaune feeling in the whale. No fear, even knowing that Salem was hunting him for answers he didn’t have. Even beaten half to hell, he wasn’t scared, because he knew that his friends would come for him. And now he’s dead. Was he scared then, when they didn’t come back for him?
Nora keeps thinking about how if she could’ve just made it back through the portal, then this never would’ve happened. She wasn’t strong enough to go to the tower, and Jaune died. But then he came back, stronger, different. She got a second chance. And then she wasn’t strong enough to go through the portal, and Jaune died again
Oscar (because he’s part of this family too) keeps wondering if this was how Jaune felt when he woke up in the forest, alone, changed, scared. He’s merging with Oz, he can’t tell where he begins and ends anymore. Could Jaune tell where the beast began and the human ended? Jaune came back before, and Oscar knows that “he” will as well, so he can’t help hoping that his brother will come back
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pestilentbrood · 10 months
VERY long Ramble incoming
honestly now that I'm looking at the auraboa lore situation, I'm just disappointed. There was such POTENTIAL in the idea of the Loop and the horror of a new generation inexplicably being disconnected from it, forcing the newly hatched children into a world totally separate from that perceived by their parents (I mean, hell, they perceive TIME differently!).... but then the writer(s?) just fell ass backwards into Icky Tropes.
I feel like I can see what the idea was, especially with the recent alterations to the Encyclopedia entry... It seems like staff fundamentally understands the true Horror potential here, but... Instead, through the short story, they proposed it through the lens of a condescending outsider character, turning the fears of the older generation into something trivial. And also weirdly demeaning the Auroboa's situation by portraying them as overreacting.
Why... why would you do that? Like, from a storytelling perspective? What's gained from that? Why not embrace the true horror and even Emotional significance of that disruption? Why instead go for "ohh we NEED outsider help we NEED to be saved because we are so helpless and it is so Silly that we, creatures who have never experienced such things, do not know what sleep is"????
And if they WANTED to have a condescending outsider, I feel like they COULD have done that, but it would have to have that character realize the horror at some point. And make it obvious that their attitude towards distressed parents and children facing Eldritch Shit and the Sudden Deconstruction of it was not cool!
(or at the very least be a bit more...idk. Consistent with said outsider character? Juniper just goes from "omg I am so honored that the fascinating creatures of the behemoth have chosen me to speak to" to "oh their wasting my time because they don't know what sleep is. I'd rather be sleeping!! 🙄" like girl... c'mon now. Why are we trivializing it like this. Do you want me as the reader to be invested in their plight or not.)
I mean come on. They're beings connected through one networked hivemind-like system, yet each still maintains a silver of individuality that allows them to move freely throughout the Behemoth that they care for. And they've got an eldritch understanding of time that no other dragon could understand. They're seeing the future, past, and present unfold simultaneously. They're witnessing the birth and death of the world at the same time, and have no way to communicate it to other dragons. The best they can do is maintain their home, and even then, they see its roots spread and decay all at once.
And then the newest generation is suddenly disconnected. An inherent link between parent and child and all dragons in-between, that has existed since the creation of their species, is just suddenly GONE for the newest births. With NO explanation for it. The children have no easy way of communicating with their parents. The children are experiencing time in a way that was not meant for their species. They've forcefully been shoved into a circadian rhythm that they are Not! Built for!
The only way a parent could communicate properly with their child would be when the latter is sleeping, something that is also completely foreign to this species. It would be terrifying for all involved!!!
They are literally experiencing eldritch horror from the perspective of the eldritch being forced into the mortal.
Like why WOULDN'T there be panic!!! And why would that panic be trivialized! Why are we only shown the perspective of an outsider who looks at this situation and goes "Oh the silly tree beasts are being so silly over nothing, it's no big deal!"
That and the way the auraboas talk to outsiders. Like. There was such potential there. Real opportunity to explore how ancient, time-bending beings would communicate to someone who couldn't even BEGIN to understand the intricacies of it.
Instead we got what feels more like baby talk (even described as though they were hatchlings enunciating their first words, which... I dunno man, maybe we don't want to compare them to children like That) and less like... Beings that experience all of time at once. I mean, the hatchlings and the adults speak the exact same way, and that doesn't make any sense given the literal time barrier going on.
I totally get why people thought there was just a language barrier and that auraboas had their own language, thus causing the disjointed speak, and not that it was because They Do Not Experience Time Like We Do. And I feel it would've been far easier to get it across by just... I dunno. Do anything else?? I saw someone on here suggest they speak in the "wrong" tenses, or using multiple tenses in the same sentence, which I think would've been far more clear.
Like, as opposed to "saplings wilt! saplings silent!" just "the saplings will wilt in silence, they've wilted in silence, they are wilting silently." Said all at once like all things are true simultaneously. And if we're going for hivemind, have each auraboa speak in a different tense, all at the same time, and have them switch it up every time. Have our outsider get confused and be like "which is it? are they wilting now, or have they already wilted?" and the cluster of auraboas respond in a cacophony of yes's, no's, and maybe's all at once.
Would've probably gotten across the "alien" vibe they were supposedly going for far better than wide-eyed desperation for an outsider's guidance conveyed through disjointed, in-world described as baby speech.
And also maybe would've had less accidental connotations. Because as it stands, I completely see why people have made the connections to the real world where they have. This doesn't read like eldritch timey-wimey intrigue, or even a respectful look at how younger generations can become detached from their families' cultures over time and the struggles that come with it. It reads like a culture being perceived by an ignorant outsider who (despite supposedly respecting these dragons) scoffs and rolls their eyes because the tree beasts with their funny words are being silly again, and that Hey, isn't it actually a great thing that the children are fundamentally different in all manners now? Because now they can join the rest of us in the "real world."
Yknow. Ick.
(I Personally think it would've been better to have the perspective be one of the Auraboas themselves, especially one of the children, to really understand what was going on here. Give us the full brunt of the mind of a creature experiencing all of time interwoven as one shape. The waters fall and the oceans crash with waves. They've now fallen to drought. The ocean has yet to be born. Caves have been carved out through the waters' currents. And when I break from this timeline, I open my eyes to see a child, the child not yet born, the child born now, the child born yesterday. Why can't I hear it? Why couldn't I hear it? Why won't I ever hear it?)
I dunno. People more qualified than me to speak on this matter have already torn the lore apart, I'm just... dropping my own two cents. Potential got weirdly squandered and we ended up instead with unfortunate implications and tropes that could be connected a liiiittle too awkwardly to irl situations.
*Also, before anyone points out: Yes, I know the hatchlings aren't COMPLETELY detached from the Loop and can join it when they sleep. But the fact is, these thangs never had to sleep before. That wasn't in their species' nature. So that's still weird and foreign for them on both sides. And since the hatchlings now have a circadian rhythm, they can't stay connected to the loop permanently. And also Also, seeing as the previous generations aren't experiencing time linearly, who's to say they even recognize when their child joins the loop? They'll speak with an echo of their child when that child was last asleep ages ago, not knowing that it's not them presently, because there is no 'present' for the older generations.
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busy-baker · 6 months
And here it is, folks. Astarion’s first morning as a father. This is branching off from my series Thicker Than Water. Enjoy!
Astarion recounts his first morning as a father while Tav is resting. His thoughts wander to when he first found about their little one.
f!Tav x Astarion
Word Count: 1.4k
The light creak of the wooden floorboards beneath Astarion’s feet caused the high elf to pause, teeth gritting and eyes scrunching.
He looked back to where his beloved rested in their bed. Her hair was tangled and splayed about, an arm was flopped over her eyes and her night dress was wrinkled and shifted, slightly exposing her. He snorted at the image, but he also thought she never looked more beautiful.
Next to where they sought the comfort of each other’s arms every night was now a bassinet. It was adorned with all the frills you could imagine. Astarion made sure of that.
His falter in sneaking must have been a bit too loud because he noticed a stirring coming from the bassinet.
Attempting a second chance at redemption, the vampire tiptoed, as to not disturb his wife, and leaned over the small bed.
Astarion found his breath taken away every time he laid his eyes upon his newborn daughter. She was quite the miracle and shared an uncanny likeness to him, not that he would know. He was simply basing it off of what Tav had said.
His little one did give him one gift he was eternally grateful for and that was the ability to see a glimpse of his former self in her green eyes. He would fall to his knees with just one look from her and he didn’t care how powerless that made him seem.
The tiny babe didn’t fuss as he reached pallid hands into the bassinet and gently lifted her to cradle in his arms. She didn’t root or whine so she wasn’t in need of feeding.
Maybe a changing? The spawn thought.
He had watched Tav and Jaheira demonstrate how to change the dhampir. His nose turned up at the thought but he had fought horrid beasts in the past. Surely, he was quite capable of replacing a diaper. He silently thanked the gods he was blessed with a daughter so there was less of a threat of his clothing being soiled during the process.
After ten minutes, three different diapers, and attaching and reattaching the pins multiple times, Astarion admired his handiwork. He would be doing this with his eyes closed in no time. Well, maybe not the safety pinning.
He raised Juniper so she laid on his shoulder, her face towards his, and he took a seat in the armchair near the corner of her room.
Sunlight streamed through the window as it broke through the clouds. The warmth felt nice against his face and bare torso compared to the frigid chill of the previous day’s blizzard. His daughter’s face snuggled in closer to him and he smiled at her cheek smushing against where the heat settled on his cool skin.
“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” He whispered into her hair, kissing lightly, “And now we can share it together.”
His little one offered no response other than a wide yawn and a blink. Her eyes wandered around his face as his hand stroked slowly up and down the length of her back.
Astarion Ancunín was a father. If someone had dared to utter that statement not long ago, it may have caused the vampire’s undead heart to reanimate itself only to die out once again from a heart attack.
It was such an unwelcome thought in the one or two times it had wriggled its way into his head. Children were nasty creatures. They whined and cried and were often sticky for unknown reasons. Why anyone would choose to bear such a thing he never understood. As much as he hated his curse of vampirism, he was thankful it prevented him from ever producing a child. Or so he thought it would.
Tav’s words floored him the day she revealed she was pregnant. Astarion felt his soul begin to sink into the deep depths where he shoved all his darkness away, where his old self lay waiting to resurface with the mildest inconvenience. He had worked hard to become better for her and for himself. Granted, he was still cynical and could be quite the bastard without his daily blood.
His words towards her were venomous. Part of him wanted them to cut deep and to feel how he felt, that their lives would be over as they were just beginning, but then he watched as the light left her eyes. He hadn’t realized there was a flicker of hope in them until the last spark of it went out.
His love. His fearsome and resilient love wanted this child that they had made together. Of course she did. She worshipped the ground he walked on even when he couldn’t fathom a reason why.
But would he be sufficient? He was nothing more than a glorified hero. The only reason others looked up to him is because he happened to be part of a group that stood against the Absolute. A simple matter of right place at the right time.
Not to mention his past continued to haunt him with Cazador’s words echoing through his mind in random thoughts and never ending nightmares.
His detest towards the idea of a child turned into fear of ruining one, raising a twisted version of himself to continue on a lineage of self destruction.
The pale elf left his wife to herself for that evening, returning only when he was stumbling through the door of their home, inebriated from a few wild boars. She refused to be by his side as he went to her in bed and one look from her in the kitchen and he knew he deserved every bit of scolding she threw his way.
Tav never once yelled though. She never spat in his direction and told him what a lousy father he would be. She was pissed off, rightfully so, but she remained composed. She waited for his words and in that moment, Astarion knew he wanted nothing more than to have a little family with her.
Every single day leading up to the birth of their little one was spent cherishing the woman who gave him the most unexpected miracle of his life. They weren’t all easy but they were all completely worth it.
Astarion’s pointed ears perked up and his eyes shot open as the door of Juniper’s bedroom slowly opened. His wife walked in, looking more refreshed than when he had last seen her, about an hour ago from his estimates of the sun’s rays.
She smiled as she approached him, taking his cheek into her hand and brushing her thumb lightly over his lips. He leaned into her touch, turning to kiss her palm.
The elf bent before him, moving the hand that held his face to caress the silver hair of their daughter. Her lips pressed the softest of kisses to the baby’s head, then cheek and finally the tip of her blushed ear.
Juniper let out a small, content sigh as if to acknowledge her mother’s touch, never awaking from her reverie.
“You’ve never looked more beautiful, Astarion,” his wife said, echoing his thoughts of her from before.
Smirking, he replied, “Fatherhood? Is that what gets you going?”
Tav rolled her eyes at his comment but couldn’t contain her giggle. A genuine smile broke out across the rogue’s face at her laughter. It was a joy to hear every time, especially when he was the one bringing it forth.
Juniper began to squirm against him at the sound of her mother’s voice. Her tiny lips started to press at his chest, her face squishing into him as she tried to find a source of food.
Cradling her into his arms and standing, Astarion was now in front of Tav.
“I believe your mother is better equipped for what you require, my love,” he told the suckling dhampir.
The elf held out her arms, waiting for the hungry babe. Astarion placed a soft peck on his daughter’s nose before shifting her over to his wife. He offered a kiss to her also and then turned to leave the room, giving them some alone time.
Before he could exit, his name was called, beckoning him back in.
“Yes, darling?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, patiently waiting.
“Why is Juniper’s diaper backwards?” Tav questioned, fussing at the newborn’s cloth covering. It did look odd.
Shit, Astarion thought, groaning loudly.
Maybe he will be able to change diapers in dim lighting soon, with a lot of help.
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reythenerdypisces · 6 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth
it's been way way way too long, I'm sorry, but I'm back with part 4 and part 5 will be uploaded by Monday!!
Whenever I thought about her [Rachel] (and I'm not saying I thought about her; she just like crossed my mind from time to time, okay?), ... this is after meeting her once!
She bared her fangs. I was so paralysed I couldn't move but Rachel through a snare drum at the empousa's head. Rachel is a beast with inanimate objects
We'd [Percy & Annabeth] fought together so many times we knew each other's moves. We could do this, easy.
Annabeth's hand slipped into mine. Under different circumstances I would've been embarrassed, but here in the dark I was glad to know where she was. It was about the only thing I was sure of. CUTEST
"I wouldn't have paid any attention except... well, it was Luke." She [Juniper] blushed a little greener. Grover huffed. "Forget what I said about good taste."
I stepped away from Annabeth. "We were just looking at maps," I said stupidly. Malcolm stared at me. "Okay."
"Percy, the spider's getting away. Do you really want me to explain the exact details of how I was born?" "Umm...no. That's okay."
Annabeth glared at me like she was going to punch me. Then she did something that surprised me even more. [...] I probably would've sat there for the rest of the day, staring at the lava and trying to remember what my name was, but the sea demons jarred me back to reality.
"They sent you to me, my brave one, knowing that you would break my heart." "But... I'm just... I mean, I'm just me." Percy has everyone in love with him and he still asks 'me?'
For the rest of my life I would always be thinking about her [Calypso]. She would always be my biggest what if. must be weird now that she's back and with Leo
"He was probably the bravest friend I've ever had. He..." Then she saw me. Her face went blood red. "He's right there!" then cut to: "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met!" And she stormed out of the room. I stared at the doorway. I felt like hitting something. "So much for being the bravest friend she's ever had."
Without waiting for us to protest, he picked up Annabeth and me as easily as if we were kittens, slung us both on his back, and galloped off towards the Big House. picturing this is hilarious
I left him in his wheelchair, staring sadly into the fireplace. I wondered how many times he'd sat here, waiting for heroes that never came back. ouch
Annabeth laughed. It was the first time, I'd heard her laugh in a long time. It was nice to hear.
The number had washed off my hand a long time ago, but that was ok. Without meaning to, I'd memorised it. he memorised Rachel's number!
How could this be a temple for my dad? My dad was a nice guy. He'd never asked me for a Father's Day card much less somebody's skull.
Ethan sneered. "There's no right side. The gods never cared about us. Why shouldn't I-" "Sign up with an army that makes you fight to death for entertainment?" Annabeth said. "Gee, I wonder." I love annabeth so so much
"Ow!" He yelled. For a moment it was only Luke's voice, full of surprise and pain. :(
Paul scratched his beard. "I don't know if it's permission, so much, but she's your mother. And I know you're going through a lot. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't talk to you about it first, man to man." [...] I thought about Paul and my mom, how she smiled and laughed more whenever he was around, and how Paul had gone out of his way to get me into high school. I found myself saying, "I think that's a great idea, Paul. Go for it." Sally and Paul are so wholesome
"And you Percy, are my favourite son." He [Poseidon] smiled, and at that moment, just being with him in the kitchen with him was the best birthday present I ever got.
the last olympian is left! on Monday, I promise :) let me know if you want the series to continue into heroes of Olympus, I'm really enjoying my reread
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ginger-grimm · 5 days
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Full Name: Juniper Aaliyah of Agrabah
Birthdate: March 26th, 1997
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Human
Family: Sultan Aladdin of Agrabah (Father), Sultana Jasmine of Agrabah, Sehzade Amon of Agrabah (Older Brother)
Love Interest: Jay of the Isle
Friends: Tabby Andrews, Greer Grimm, Falk White, Minty Liddell, Lonnie Li, Jane Godmother, Doug Dwarf, Petra Müller, Willa Darling, Tee Wiley, Rosalie Gardener, Prue Woods, Colette Potts, Ben Beast, Evie Grimhilde
Likes: Make-up, pickpocketing, traveling, partying, food, luxurious things, mysteries, tigers, taking pictures, candles, spending money
Dislikes: Boring people, sticklers for rules, being tied down, responsibility, rules, stifling environments
Phobias: Being stagnant in life
Style: Dresses, long flowing skirts or billowy pants, sandals, jewelry always, will wear her hair down mostly (if it's up, she's depressed), impeccable makeup, loves flowy clothing in general
Speech: Soft spoken but just in voice terms because the girl can yell, will cuss but it's boring to her because everyone does it, will often hum when she's bored
Physical Quirks/Scars: Plays with her clothes, hair, or hands when she's bored, has a big scar on her left arm from when she tested a tiger's patience as a child
Personality: Creative, fashionable, mischievous, fun-loving, reckless, loving, needy, likes to spoil people with gifts, gossip, loyal, ditzy
Background: Born and raised in Agrabah, Shehzadi Juniper always took after her father more than her mother. That's what Jasmine found out whenever her guards would return her youngest to her with a sheepish grin, telling her she's been stealing from the villagers. Jasmine would go on to teach her to do better and June would internalize her words...and steal from the rich and bratty instead. Knowing her brother Amon was first in line on the throne, June never bothered to learn much about the royal life, though she did enjoy the dances, learning how to create perfect make-up looks from her handmaiden. When June started running off into the desert to explore other cities, Aladdin and Jasmine decided to send her to Auradon Prep to keep her from running off. There, June enjoys the freedom of doing as she pleases away from her parent's judgemental eyes. She makes friends fast and easy with her fun demeanor and affinity to gift the ones she loves plenty of trinkets. When the kids of the Isle come to attend Auradon Prep, of course, June can't help herself from falling for the son of her parents' mortal enemy.
Faceclaim: Avantika Vandanapu
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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novankenn · 7 months
Steadfast, Immovable (2)
 Qrow grunted as he disemboweled one Beowulf, before beheading another with Hardbringer. He moved as fast as he could, using all his skill and ability to circle the small gaggle of four girls. He had almost been too late in noticing that they were missing, and now he was payingfor it. Likewise, he cursed his semblance, as more of the foul beasts emerged from the shadows. He had never seen such a concentration of grimm around Patch, and he was slowly losing ground.  Even with Tai’s help, they were, being pushed back. He was quite possibly the strongest huntsman Ozpin currently had in his employ; and Tai was no slouch, fighting with a fury he had never seen before, but they were still only two men. Dashing to the side, he avoided an attack and intercepted the charge of another. Terror spiked in his chest, gripping his heart. They weren’t going to be enough to protect them. He and Tai were going to fail, and that failure was going to cost four young girls their lives.
Rushing forward again, Harbinger in its scythe form, Qrow spun about his heels, causing the wicked blade to flash through the air, severing limbs. He couldn’t give up. He couldn’t give into fear. For Summer, he had to succeed. He couldn’t fail Saphron, Yang, Juniper and Ruby.  So focused on his own thoughts, and actions, he didn’t hear the thunderous crash of trees being uprooted or snapped off. He never heard the cry of joy, that rang out from Saphron. He didn’t even recognize that aid had arrived until he witnessed grimm being torn asunder by a stream of high caliber explosive rounds. Risking a look over his shoulder, he saw it.
The once pristine paint on its boxy form was peeling, rusty patches decorated its armor, yet its thirteen-foot tall frame, towered above the huddled clutch of girls as it plodded past them and Tai. The heavy gun that took the place of its right arm, spinning and unleashing barrages of bullets into the enclosing pack. Dodging and counter attacking a Beowulf, he took another chance to see what it was doing. It was pressing forward, levelling its claw like left hand towards a pack of Beowulf trying to charge its position.
A wave of blazing orange flames rolled over them. Qrow would never have ever thought he would shudder at the sounds or sight of dying grimm, but hearing the howls of agony, and seeing their writhing forms as the flames consumed them, proved him wrong. He hoped that the girls were not watching, that they were staying like he told them, eyes closed, and ears covered. Falling back, to be closer. He shifted his weapon into shotgun mode.
“I am merciless fury.” the voice boomed into the night, a rumbling sound that Qrow hadn’t heard for over four years. “I am cleansing rage.”
“Jaune?” Qrow shouted at the hulking metal monster, as he once again cursed his luck, just as an Alpha lunged from the shadows slamming into the massive tank like bipedal weapons platform. The screech of claws against metal was carried through the air. The sound of straining servos, and hydraulics was overlapped by the snarls of the nearly equal sized grim.
“I am the angel’s vengeance!” Jaune’s voice somehow sounded like it was shouting as his torso twisted, spinning a complete three-hundred-sixty degrees, throwing the Alpha off balance before smashing the barrels of his gun into the grimm’s shoulder, with a sickening crunch.
“Little brothers! Take my little sisters in hand, for I shall cleave a path to sanctuary. A path wreathed in fire!”
 Tai and Qrow moved, each man scooping up two of the girls, one under each arm. Behind them, they heard a howl and then a yelp, punctuated by the sound of shattering bone, and pulping flesh.
Putting everything they could, the two men, pushed what little aura they had left, girding their legs against the strain of carrying the extra weight of the girls. Behind them the ripping roar of a gun going off, accompanied by the whooshing crackle of flames scorching the air, underscored the sounds of dying grimm.
/== Table of Contents ==/
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Ramona Overblot pt 2
Ramona: -NIGHT HOWL-!
Minty: *Shoves Seth out of the way, getting blasted backwards into the stadium wall*
Clover: *Stared in alarm, frozen in place* Ramona...
Raven: CLOVER!!
Ramona: *Turns and lunges at Clover*
???: Hear my Roar! -ELDERS ROAR-!!!
Ramona: *Flinches, a strong gust of wind pushing her backwards* WHAT?!!
Mitsuri: *Rushes in* BIG SIS!
Liana: *Throws her arm around Mitsuri, keeping her younger sister close* Stay behind me!
Juniper: *Gasps as a white jaguar rushed past him* CLOVER?!
Clover: *Leaps up, climbing all over Ramona, distracting her*
Clover: *Lands then shifts into a large white wolf, tackling Ramona down*
Ramona: *Grabs Clover and tosses her into the stadium wall* I HATE YOU!!
Liana, Juniper, Holly and Poppy: *Flies around Ramona on brooms, firing elemental attacks at her*
Sina and Dina: *Rushes in, holding Sparky* MONA!
Sparky: What Daisy said is true!
Minty: *Runs forward, looking desperate* RAMONA PLEASE!
Ramona: *Whips around glaring at him*
Minty: *Throws his arms around Ramona* I LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE!!
Ramona: *Shrieks in rage, trying to throw him off* GET OFF!
Minty: RAMONA!
Ramona: *Snarls and raises her claw* YOU'RE FIRST THEN!!
Minty: *Stares at Ramona* If that'll prove how much I do love you, then strike me down...
Ramona: *Freezes, staring at him stunned* Minty...
Minty: Aha, there's the girl I love so much...
Ramona: *Looks around, her eyes wide*
Hina: *Steps back, looking cautious*
Ramona: *Covers her face, falling to her knees* Please don't look at me
Minty: *Hugs Ramona as she fell unconscious* I got you
Dina: *Aims the sight pen at Ramona curiously*
Sina and Dina: *Stands in the white room, Ramona standing twelve feet from her*
Ramona: I was a smart kid growing up, I loved to study and make my parents proud...but it seemed all of that was in vain
Ramona(5): Mom, Dad! Chrissy said I did well in etiquettes!
Livia: Mona good job but you shouldn't brag, if you saw Clover struggling you should've helped her
Clover(5): Sorry Mama...
Jack: You'll do better next time Clover, don't beat yourself up about it
Clover: Hm?
Livia: You'll do so well, make us proud okay
Clover: Okay!
Ramona: Mom....Dad....
Dina: *Stares as the memory faded away* Ramona...
Ramona: I did everything I could to get approval, but my parents would throw me a single praise then scold me and praise Clover who did the bare minimum...only Uncle Rollo saw my worth and praised me...
Ramona(8): I found the Gardenia Flower! Look!
Livia: Ramona, I'm proud but you left your sister behind!
Jack: Ramona, sisters stick together, just because your smarter and faster doesn't mean you can leave Clover like that
Clover(8): I'm here! I got it!
Livia: *Gasps then chuckles* Good job, Clover!
Jack: You did well, despite all the mud over you
Ramona: But...
Rollo: Ramona, good job, as your godfather I'm so proud of you right now
Ramona: Thanks Uncle Rollo
Sina: *Reaches out, watching the memory fade*
Ramona: I hate being second when I've always been first...I hate that I feel this way about my own flesh and blood! My own sister!
Clover(13): Mona, let's play!
Ramona(13): Not now, Clover, unlike you I want my homework to be done before the due date
Clover: You've been reading all day, just because we gotta turn it in tomorrow morning doesn't mean we can't take a break
Ramona: No, that's final
Clover: *Tugs on Ramona's sleeve* Come on, play with me!
Ramona: *Snarls and shoves Clover away* I SAID NO!! GO AWAY!
Clover: *Hits the ground then starts to cry, the tip of her ear torn*
Livia: CLOVER!
Ramona: I didn't mean to...
Jack: Clover, you alright!
Ramona: It's always me....
Dina: *Stares then perks up*
Ramona: *Trembles, tears falling down her cheeks* D-Did I do something wrong? Do my parents not love me as much as Clover? Am I a hindrance to them? What do I have to do for some attention?!!
Ramona: *Turns away and falls to her knees, her hair curtailing her face* I-I wish I never existed...
??? And ???: RAMONA!!!!!
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198
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snepfeathers · 7 months
AHHHhh okay okay I give
So, this OC is Nyx! She's in the same -verse with @bigandsoft's Juniper, a wolf who's getting used to running a business. Nyx was promoted to being Juniper's personal assistant, and ended up getting super close with them. Their relationship did not stay professional for very long at alllll, needless to say. (How could it really, when Nyx had to keep picking up all those food orders on Juniper's extended lunch breaks? It didn't help when Juniper started ordering extra food just for Nyx too, and it really didn't help when Juniper asked Nyx to make sure they finished all their orders. This is a zero waste company after all. It just seems to produce a lot of waist instead.) HR agreements were quickly signed to make sure things would be okay if their personal relationship didn't work out, but thankfully it doesn't look like that will ever come into play.
Nyx is a black cat with a few white spots - really small ones down her back that look like stars, and a series of patches around her neck that look like the phases of the moon. Still debating on if I'll give her a few little patches down her belly too, we'll see how it goes when I draw her. She's very fluffy and curvy, and I'm thinking about giving her a few floral tattoos on her shoulder/back too. She wears a lot of business casual because of the office job, but the longer she works with Juniper, the harder it seems to be for her to stay in dress code. She does love to accessorize though, and wears lots of jewelry. Earrings are some of her favorites.
Oh, and she's got a case of lycanthropy.
Or well, something similar to it at least. She goes more panther-beast thing than true wolf, but it still follows the moon cycles. And in this setting, in order to spread lycanthropy, you have to meet a very specific set of requirements. Either you're born into it, like Nyx was, or you have to share a very close bond with the person you're biting. Both parties have to love and respect each other deeply for the magic to actually take hold (be it romantic, platonic, or something else. point is, both people have to care about each other a lot*). So when Nyx noticed Juniper was suddenly taking time off on the same schedule as the full moon, she had her suspicions, but was honestly surprised. She didn't think the wolf had fallen for her as fast as she had for them. She brings it up right before the next full moon, and Juniper invites her over and they figure out what happened. Nyx gets a kick out of the fact her wolfie's "little crush" was enough to turn them. Sorry Juniper, but you can't really lie about your feelings to the moon! Nyx helps Juniper get a better handle on her new werewolf form, and Juniper is rightly impressed by Nyx's werepanther form. And of course they're both impressed by the appetites that transformations work up. Turns out you have a lot more room for food as a giant monster, go figure.
Nyx is quickly becoming a secondary sona for me, she's been a lot of fun to bounce ideas around with. Pretty kitty that goes beast mode and has a bit too easy access to cheeseburgers? She's just so good
*Theoretically, it doesn't even have to be a loving relationship. There are rumors out there about nemesis situations, where people hated but still begrudgingly admired each other enough that the magic took hold. Forget enemies-to-lovers, we got enemies-to-werewolves. That's not what's going on in Juniper and Nyx's case, but it'd be a fun hypothetical to explore nonetheless.
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wanderingmagee · 2 years
Excalibur’s wielder and The Sorcerer:
["I believe the sword will make the right choice today." Father's words replayed in my mind as I stood in front of the legendary sword Excalibur.]
A story set many years after red shoes and the 7 dwarfs movie. Most of the Fearless Seven have settled down and had families of their own, but if they want to retire from F7 they need replacements, others to keep the magical lands safe from monsters and beasts. They must train a new team to take their places, and who better than YOU and their children, huh? How will your new team fair against the dangers of the magical lands? What curses will you guys get casted upon yourselves like your fathers? I can't wait to find out!———————————————————————
Chapter 1: Princess and the sword
“You will still be my daughter rather you pull the sword or not. But I believe the sword will make the right choice today.”
Father’s words replayed in my mind as I stood in front of the legendary sword Excalibur. It was a coming-of-age ceremony father had started with my older brother, Dallan, two years ago. Each of King Arthur’s children would attempt to pull Excalibur from her bashed-up stone prison.
My eyes cast to Dallan, who stood with our parents and six-year-old sister, Shyla. He gave me a thumbs up, but I could tell he was nervous I might free the sword. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t prayed the sword would choose another to free her, like my sister. I knew it was selfish to wish the burden on her.
“How lovely a young woman of eighteen my daughter has become. It seems she was playing fearless seven only yesterday with her little friends.”
Father spoke lovingly, wiping a tear from his eye giving me a proud smile. Embarrassed by his mushy words, I blush, looking to Excalibur. I glance around at the crowd surrounding me and the sword. A bright smile finds my face when I spot some of my childhood friends, children of my father’s friends. Curly red hair catches my attention first: Prince Goran, Son of Prince Hans, and Princess Aurora. My eyes move to the strawberry blonde beside Prince Goran, Princess Juniper, daughter of Prince Jack and Princess Attina. The two gave me big smiles and supportive gestures, which made me smile. I scan the crowd once more, not seeing the one I had hoped would be here today. Frowning, I clutch my dress.
“He promised…”
I mumble to myself, feeling sadness lying within my chest.
“Now, enough of this old king’s words! Let’s witness the choice of the stone on this special day.”
Father had been giving the same speech he had given at brother’s ceremony. Everyone now stared at me expectantly. Focusing back on Excalibur, I gulp, feeling the anxiety in my throat. My shaking hand reaches for the handle, feeling the lather touch my fingertips. With my hand gripping the handle, I take a deep, shaky breath before moving my hand to pull Excalibur.
Excalibur slips from the stone as if it had never been stuck at all. The surrounding crowd erupts into gasps and cheers. I stare at the shaped metal in my hands as if it was a ghost. Fear fills my body. Why me? Why couldn’t it have been my brother? I’m no hero… I’m barely a princess. This is all wrong.
“Excalibur has chosen! My Daughter is the wielder of the sword of legends!”
A hand settles on my shoulder, making me jump back to reality. Father is smiling so brightly it’s blinding me. I look over Mother’s shoulder as she embraces me. Dallan’s figure catches my eye. He looks beyond angry as he clenches his jaw and storms off into the crowd.
‘I didn’t ask for this, dear brother. Please… forgive me.’
I think to myself, watching Dallan disappear. Trying to will away tears, I brought my attention to the sky. Fireworks are going off overhead. Not just any fireworks, I could tell from the feel of familiar magic filling the air. He was here, after all. My eyes follow the trail of fireworks to meet a pair of honey orbs staring back. A charming grin found his lips as he leans against the large white Colum. My best friend since I could crawl, Prince Rainer, Son of Prince Merlin and Queen Snow. He wasn’t hard to miss, tall and handsome as his father, with short dark brown hair and fair skin the only thing different from his father was the rosy hue on his cheeks and he wasn’t as slim as his father was at his age, but it only added to Rainer’s handsome factor.
Father tells the story he’s told us kids a billion times before, of how Queen Snow offered to pull Excalibur for him. I slip away and make my way to Rainer.
“I take it you’re not too happy about free Excalibur, hm?”
I huff out a sigh, reaching up and taking my crown off.
“No, of course not. How could I be? My brother hates me and now I have to live up to everyone’s high expectations of this thing…”
I squeeze the sword tightly as tears well up in my eyes. Rainer steps closer, placing a warm hand on mine and my grip loosens on the sword. I meet Rainer’s soft Honey gaze and he takes my crown, placing it back on my head.
“Dallan doesn’t hate you, he can’t, he loves you too much. He will come to terms with it all, as will you.”
Rainer tucks some hair behind my ear. My cheeks flush as I look away, nibbling on my bottom lip, a nervous habit.
“I thought you weren’t coming.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle, taking a step out of my personal space.
“Well, I’m here, aren’t I? I had to help my father with some things… Don’t pout, Princess.”
My cheeks erupt in color at the nickname and the quirk of his brow. He’s used the royal title to tease me since we were little, and it still gets to me every time.
“Wait, what things?”
Rainer pats me on the shoulder with a nervous laugh.
“You’ll find out soon enough at dinner later.”
Now I was worried. What will I find out at dinner?
“(Y/n), Rainer! There you two are!”
I turn around just in time to get smushed into a hug by none other than Goran. I try to speak, but Goran’s chest muffles my words.
“Uh Goran, you’re suffocating the new Excalibur wielder.”
Rainer crosses his arms, laughing. Juniper, who had run up with Goran, joins in laughing with Rainer.
“It’s only been maybe fifteen minutes. At least let her bask in the light of Excalibur a while longer before you suffocate her.”
Juniper playfully smacks Goran’s arm as she chuckles.
“Oops… my apologizes, (Y/n)."
Goran releases me, and I gasp for air.
“Woo.. it’s alright, Go.”
“By the way, we met your grandparents on the way over. They said they’d like to speak with you.”
With a nervous feeling building up in my stomach again, I look to where Juniper pointed to my grandparents, former King Uther and former Queen Igraine. A frown finds my lips.
“I had hoped they wouldn’t come.”
I hang my head. My three friends give me looks of sympathy. Juniper hugs my arm, placing her head on my shoulder to comfort me.
“It’s just for one day, then they’ll leave again.”
They all knew I was never my Grandparents’ favorite grandchild, not because I did anything wrong, but they have their preferences. My grandparents love and care for me, just not to the extent they do for Dallan and Shyla, likely because they are the most like our father in looks and personality. Whereas I look and act like my late grandmother on my mother’s side of the family, with my (H/c) locks, (E/c) eyes, and (S/c) Complexion. A large hand on my lower back pulls me from my thoughts.
“We’ll be right here. Go, humor them, Wielder of Excalibur.”
“But Rainer.. I-I- eh-”
Rainer gives me a gentle nudge toward my grandparents. My friends give me a thumbs up as I reluctantly start walking. I love all three of them, but they could be so mean… a small smile graces my lips. I held the sword in both hands like I was to present it, or as if it was fragile. Putting on my best smile, I greeted my Grandparents who were engaged in conversation with my father.
“And what of suitors?-”
“Grandfather, Grandmother.”
I bow my head slightly in respect, hoping I did not interrupt something important.
“There’s the Princess of the hour. Well, will you look at our grandchild, Igraine? She will have her own books of legend written of her.”
Grandfather smiles, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. Grandmother smiles as well.
“Yes, dear, such a lovely young woman she has become.”
I give my thanks with a sheepish smile.
“My, what beautiful details on this sword.”
Grandfather takes the sword from my hands, holding it so the sun’s light reflects off its surface.
“I assured you it was a sight to see many years ago, Father, did I not?”
My Father let out a hearty laugh, sticking his chest out proudly as he did. Father then puts a hand on my head in a gentle manner.
“You did, my son. Yet, you never let me see before you placed it back in the stone.”
Grandfather teases father, making him rub the back of his neck guiltily.
“Come, Love, the rest of the Kingdom is waiting for the Wielder of Excalibur at the banquet.”
I chuckle as Grandmother leads me away before Father and Grandfather bicker about old times.
I now sat in the carriage with my mother, grandmother, and Shyla, watching the trees as we pass them.
“Blanchette, have you thought about what we discussed?”
Grandmother addresses my mother. I tune into their conversation.
“Yes, Mother, I have. I just don’t think it’s quite time for suitors right now. She just pulled the Sword of legend from the stone. It could cause problems.”
My eyes widen as realization hits me. Suitors!? Horror fills my face and heart as I look to my Mother and grandmother.
“It is best to get the hard part over with before they send her to protect the future of her brother’s kingdom.”
There she goes talking like not here. My eyebrow twitches in frustration.
“Suitors? I think I have a right to be included in the decision of this conversation.”
I look between the two older women.
“Dear, don’t take this the wrong way, but you know this decision is your Father and mothers alone.”
I frown, looking at mother in hopes of a different answer, only to receive an apologetic look. I turn away from the both of them, focusing back on the forest with an empty expression. Today was not my day, and the days to follow weren’t sounding any better.
We arrived back at the castle, and guards escorted us to the ballroom. The room, once full of scatter and music, turned silent upon our arrival. Everyone stares silently, then Father draws everyone’s attention to him.
“Our legendary hero has arrived. Let the celebration begin!”
Father bellowed with a hearty laugh. The room quickly erupted in cheers and beautiful melodies. I follow mother over to her friends, or as I’ve called them since I was little, my uncles and aunts.
“Nice going, Kiddo! About time someone got that sword out of that stone before your father went crazy.”
Uncle Merlin greets me with open arms. I giggle, hugging back him back.
“Thank's uncle Merlin.”
“Aw, I want a hug too.”
Aunt Snow said, joining in on our hug. We separate and the Triplets hug my legs, Pino, Noki, Kio. Who are still dwarves after choosing to live with the curse they received many years ago. It’s a long story I never tire of hearing.
“Your favorite uncles have made you a gift to help you with future adventures with Excalibur.”
“Yes, Uncle Noki engraved your favorite (Your choice) on it.”
“And Uncle Kio made sure it was your favorite color.”
The three release my legs and present a (F/c) back scabbard with beautiful engraved Silver accents for durability.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you so much, uncles.”
My gracious smile is contagious as my family around me smiles as well. A familiar figure catches my eye as I look up to see Dallan standing off in the corner by himself. A grumpy look on his face.
“I’m very thank full for the gift, uncles, but do you mind holding on to it for a bit longer?”
I ask, and the triplets nod. I hand over the scabbard, making my way through the crowd to my brother. Dallan spots me and tries to make a run for it, but I block his path.
“Brother, we need to have a discussion. Please?”
I give him puppy eyes and he huffs out a sigh, crossing his arms like a stubborn child.
“There’s nothing to discuss, dear Sister.”
Dallan’s words were bitter. He tries to brush past me, but I hug his arm.
“You know I didn’t want Excalibur. Please, don’t be angry with me.”
I lower my voice for only Dallan to hear as to not cause a scene. Dallan brushes me off.
“Just leave me alone, (Y/n). Enjoy your party.”
Dallan’s defeated bitter words linger in my heart as he retreats from the ballroom. I bite my lip to try suppressing my emotions, but I make a beeline for the balcony doors. Once out on the balcony, I take in a deep breath, feeling the need to scream become urgent. My brother hates me. I’m going to be sent to protect the magical lands, and to top it all off, I’m going to be married off to someone I haven’t even met. I gaze down at the ground from the balcony. It was looking pretty inviting nowadays to just jump. I shake the thoughts from my mind.
“Stop being such a selfish coward, (Y/n).”
I mumble to myself, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
“You’ve never outgrown the habit of talking to yourself, have you, Princess?”
I jump, spinning around to face Rainer, who’s making a worried expression. My cheeks reddened at his teasing and I turn away, putting my hands on the balcony railing.
“And lucky for me, you somehow always hear it.”
Rainer lets out a hearty chuckle at my words, giving me butterflies.
“I think it’s becoming a sixth sense, honestly.”
He gives me a playful wink before leaning his back against the railing next to me, looking up at pink and orange sky. The sun is setting already. I sheepishly glance over to Rainer, only to meet those Honey eyes that are reflecting the sunset. He’s so breathtaking, and he gives me this feeling of safety. It’s easy to forget my problems when he’s present. When had I fallen this hard for my best friend? But he sees me as a sister rather than a woman. Yet another frustration in my life.
“I saw what happened with Dallan.”
Rainer softly mentions as we break eye contact.
“I don’t know what to do, Raine… He could barely look at me.”
My voice quivers with the growing need to cry, hands clutching the railing below them.
“He’s stubborn like his father, but He’ll come around. Just let him cool off for a while.”
I give a small nod at his words. Rainer looks back at me.
“Us being the same age, Dallan has always been angry when he can’t do something I can. I’m sure it stems from the burdens he has on his own shoulders. I mean, how is he supposed to be a king when he turns werewolf every full moon? He thinks it would have been easier to be the wielder of Excalibur rather than the future King.”
I really am being selfish. I hadn’t even thought of that, because I didn’t inherit our mother’s curse like Dallan and Shyla had.
“I’m such a terrible sister. I hadn’t even thought of that.”
I groan, running my hands over my face.
“Hey, Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. It means you see him as an equal and you don’t think of him any differently for his curse. I know how much you look up to Dallan.”
I meet Rainer’s eyes again, a tear slipping down my cheek as he continues.
“The rest of the kingdom is the problem here. My Mother has always warned me about the people who think appearance means everything, but it doesn’t. It never will. I know it and you know, you’re not selfish, you’re scared. Scared of the future, but I also know how strong you can be, (Y/n). ”
Rainer comes closer, reaching up to wipe the stray tear from my cheek. His eyes seem to search mine, his face leant down to be level with mine. My eyes move to his lips and my cheeks warm under his hand.
‘Too close!’
I think to myself, panicking.
“Rainer! (Y/n)!”
Me and Rainer quickly part from each other and look to Juniper, who came rushing out to the balcony.
“What is it, Jun?”
Rainer asked with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest.
“King Arthur and Prince Merlin want to see us. Come on, slowpokes!”
Juniper gleefully says. She grabs Rainer by the hand to pull him along. I look at their intertwined hands as I follow behind them. Juniper is in love with Rainer, too. I don’t know how Rainer feels about her or any girl, really. We’ve never talked about crushes or relationships before, but Juniper is better for him than me; I know that, yet the thought makes my heart ache. They are both my friends and I want them to be happy, even if that means I’m not, so I keep my feelings hidden in hopes I wake up and don’t have them anymore. The three of us made our way back into the ballroom, where we found my father and uncle Merlin. Standing with them were the Triplets, Goran, and Dallan.
“Good, you are all here. We’re going to explain why, but not here. Follow us.”
My father motions for us to follow.
“Father, what about the celebration?”
I quickly ask.
“It will still be here. We have important things to discuss first.”
His reply made me more nervous than before. What did we need to discuss that’s so important?
[Thank you for reading have a lovely day! <3]
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jacksonroseroth · 2 months
~The Price~Chapter 46~Finale~
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala none of the pictures are ours
Taddie sang along to an Omens Of Wrath song as she put the finishing touches on her painting. While she had this constant reminder of Thatcher, it soon melted away into just music to her, just another song, just another band. And surprisingly, it gave her fuel for inspiration, at least to keep going and not take as many breaks because she was on a roll. She was practically giddy, as the opening for her gallery was quickly approaching and she was getting more and more pieces to be put up and sold.
While Taddie had begun to distance herself from the bar, she still worked every Friday to Sunday, to help with the weekend rushes. After improving the bar once she became manager, they had begun to attract the right clientele and she was able to feel okay about leaving the bar in the girls’ hands, knowing they had it now that everyone was in better spirits and the crowd was much more pleasant than before. This freed her up during the week to do what she wanted. She visited local museums, sat by the river and painted, took day trips to the beach on bright, sunny days as they rolled into spring. These trips gave her all manner of inspiration for her new pieces that she pitched to the gallery owners and ultimately won her the spot.
Switching off the speaker, Taddie paused her music and heard Juniper’s bell as she ran down the stairs, hearing the loud, booming music finally gone. She giggled and scooped up the small beast as Juniper purred and rubbed against her cheek and under her jaw.
“I know, Juni. I’m sorry, baby. Mama likes to listen to loud things when I work. Come on, you want a lil somethin’-somethin’?” Taddie giggled as Juniper climbed onto her shoulder, perching as she trilled in excitement. Taddie snickered, softly, and went to a cabinet to take out a package of freeze dried fish, then moved around the kitchen to grab a bowl, a pair of scissors and cut up the fish before adding a bit of water to it. She mixed it up and brought it to Juniper’s new cat tower, setting it on the highest perch, Juniper jumping off Taddie’s shoulder and climbing up for her treat. “Good girl, Juni.”
Taddie smiled as she gave Juniper a few pets, then went back to the kitchen to clean up and grab a cup for herself, filling it with ice and water before selecting a flavor packet to sprinkle in, and mixed it. She screwed the lid on top and took a testing sip, letting out an approving ‘Mmm’ as she walked across the floor. She jumped as a knock sounded on the door, Taddie raising a brow as she wasn’t expecting anyone, but assumed it was Ash, as she was the only one with her new address, aside from Dario, Dante, and Sebastian, who’d all helped her move.
“Ash? Hey, what are you doing here? You didn’t say you were--” Taddie called as she went to the door, undoing the locks before pulling it open. Her mouth snapped shut and she nearly dropped her cup as Thatcher turned to her on the porch, giving her a small smile.
“What are you doing here? Why are you here?” Taddie shot at him, irritated, her brows furrowing tightly. Thatcher’s smile faded as he said, “I, um, I wanted to talk?”
“Why would I want to talk to you? I told you I didn’t want to see you anymore.” Taddie said, moving to close the door. Thatcher planted his hand on the door, but quickly pulled his hand back as she shot him a fierce look.
“Taddie, please. It’s been three months. I haven’t talked to you about anything that happened. I don’t know how you are…Taddie, you shut me out. I’m concerned, I’m worried about you.” Thatcher said, drawing his brows together. Taddie sighed and shifted her weight, popping her hip.
“I’m fine, Thatcher. Happy? Can you leave now?” Taddie said.
“I don’t believe you. Taddie-“
“You hurt me, Thatcher! You killed someone in front of me! I don’t know how I can ever forgive you!” Taddie hollered at him. Thatcher took a step back and let out a deep sigh, pushing his hands into his pockets. She let out an irritated sigh and planted a hand on her hip, staring at him.
“That’s why we need to talk. Please, angel-“
“Stop. Calling me that.”
“Talk. To me, then.”
Taddie slammed the door and locked it before turning around and leaning against the door, tears slipping down her face. She sniffled and let out a soft sob before she wiped her face and pushed off the door, going up the stairs to her room.
It was finally the night of her gallery opening and Taddie was utterly terrified. The owners all told her that her pieces were amazing, phenomenal, but there was still a part of Taddie that didn’t think she’d sell anything during the entire three months and she’d wind up back in Roanoke and the bar. But she pushed that out of her mind as best she could, relieved when she saw Ash and Dario walk in, Dante and Sebastian behind them.
“Ash! Thank God!” Taddie sighed, hurrying over to her and giving her a tight hug.
“Hi! Oh, my God, Taddie this all looks great, babes. I’m so excited for you!” Ash giggled, hugging her back. Taddie moved onto Dario, then the other two, grateful to see familiar faces.
“This is awesome, Taddie. Where’s Thatcher?” Dante asked, glancing around. Taddie’s face fell slowly and she looked away, clearing her throat and shifting awkwardly.
“Um…H-He-He’s, um, not coming…He wasn’t invited.” Taddie said, lowering her voice and suddenly not so happy to see the boys. Dante raised a brow, exchanging a look with Dario and Sebastian before he said, “Oh…Uh-“
“We broke up…” Taddie said, bluntly, making it clear she didn’t want to talk about it any further. Dario gave Dante a nudge and shook his head at the drummer.
“So, where do we go to buy shit? All these are on sale, right?” Sebastian asked with a wide grin. Taddie glanced at him and gave him a half smile as she nodded and said, “There’s a man over by the podium-He’s the one to talk to about inquiries and buying.”
“Sick-We’re definitely buying one each.” Sebastian said with a soft laugh. Taddie’s cheeks turned red and she looked away, bashfully.
“You don’t have to. The prices are all super low. They said it was my first gallery so not to overcharge or I’d never sell anything.” Taddie said, giving him a light, sweet smile.
They all talked for a while longer before Taddie separated herself to go mingle with the others and talk up the pieces. The gallery went on for around 4 hours and by the end, Taddie was exhausted. She’d sold almost every piece, save a few that were too odd for the crowd, and by the end of the night had made around $10,000. As guests began to trickle out, Thatcher slipped in and began to wander around, marveling at her work. Ash and the boys had gone already, something Thatcher was thankful for, since no one really knew he and Taddie weren’t together, save Dario, and he didn’t want it to get awkward.
He saw Taddie in the corner, talking animatedly about something, a wide, excited smile on her face. His own smile lifted, slightly, happy to see her smile once more, but then he turned away and walked out, deciding not to ruin her night, or at the very least not confront her at the gallery. Instead, he got back in his car and drove off, toward her house.
When Taddie pulled into her driveway, she sat there for a moment, the exhaustion seeping in, but then quickly went away as excitement filled her once again. Before the night ended, Taddie was pulled aside by the gallery owners, telling her they’d been approached by an art director who was interested in adding Taddie to a show he was putting together in Paris for the spring. After talking everything over with the director, Taddie was offered a spot in a month-long gallery in Paris, where she’d be put up in a house or a studio, and all month long she was expected to paint and submit as many pieces as she could. Taddie was stunned but happily accepted, ready to faint from enthusiasm, got paid for the pieces she sold, and drove home.
As she got out, Taddie let out a small squeal and giggled and she tapped her feet, happily. She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes as she turned to lean on her car, happy tears slipping out as she sniffled. Pushing herself off the car, Taddie opened her eyes with a bright smile and dug in her bag for her keys. She got two steps up before she halted, staring at Thatcher, sitting in a chair on her porch. Thatcher sat forward, out of the shadows so his face was illuminated. Taddie was surprised he didn’t smile at her, try to charm her, instead, his brows were drawn together, tight, and his eyes looked red.
“Hi…” Taddie said, softly, slowly stepping onto the porch.
“Hi.” Thatcher said, his voice rough and raspy. Taddie chewed her lip and quickly looked down at her keys, picking at the keychain. “I’m sorry…I’ll go…”
“Why do you keep coming back?” She asked, tears stinging her eyes as her throat went dry. Thatcher roughly rubbed his hands over his face as he sat back.
“Because I fucking love you, Taddie…I’ve been in love with you for a fucking year now…I-I can’t just let you go.” He sniffled softly. She winced, biting her lip hard, as she suddenly felt guilty for cutting him off so abruptly. His head shot up, tears trickling down his face as he said, “Taddie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did--He had a goddamn gun pointed at you, kitten. I didn’t see or hear anything else. I needed to get rid of him before he hurt you again!”
“Shh, shh…Thatcher, please don’t shout-Fucking hell--” Taddie muttered, going to him and reaching out, before she stopped and pulled back, then beckoned him closer as she went to the door, unlocking it with a deep sigh. Thatcher quickly wiped his face and slowly stood.
“You don’t want me in your home. I-I’m not going to force you to-”
“Thatcher, if you want to talk to me, get in the fucking house…I’m not doing this with you out here.” Taddie snapped, taking a slow breath as her gaze drifted over to him. Thatcher nodded, lightly, and went to her, slowly. She tilted her head up to him and held her breath as he lifted a hand to her face, his fingers hovering over her cheek, then he quickly dropped it and took a giant step back as he looked away. Biting her lip, she looked away and pushed the door open as she turned the knob, Thatcher slowly following behind her. Taddie closed the door once he was in and quickly did up the locks.
As Thatcher turned to her, he saw Taddie leaning her forehead against the door, taking deep, slow breaths before she lifted her head and turned to hang up her bag and set her keys in a bowl by the door. She shrugged off her jacket, putting it in the closet, then let out a light sigh as she lifted a leg, rubbing at the side of her foot, around the straps of her heels. She went to a bench that was up against her couch and sat down with a soft sigh. Thatcher took a step toward her, then stopped, his hands beginning to shake as he restrained himself from reaching out to her. Opening her eyes to lean down and unbuckle the straps, Taddie stopped when she saw Thatcher staring at her, shaking, looking like he was going to explode or break, or both.
Thatcher quickly looked away and cleared his throat as he said, “Sorry, I just-”
“Will you? Please?” Taddie asked, lightly lifting a foot toward him, letting it fall back down, the heel clicking on the floor. Thatcher glanced at her, then fully turned his head to her. She chewed her lip and shot her gaze to the floor as she said, softly, “Please? My feet actually really hurt…I-I’m not used to heels.”
“Of course, k…Of course.” Thatcher said with a light sigh, going to her and kneeling down, sliding his hands over her foot, lifting it to rest on his knee. Taddie bit her lip and tugged at the skirt of her dress, squeezing her thighs together a little tighter. She watched him and tried not to melt as she felt his fingertips brushing over her skin as he quickly unbuckled one heel, then the other, gently lowering her foot back down before he stood and backed off.
Taddie winced and looked away from him as she said, “Please don’t do that…Don’t-Don’t back away like-like I’m gonna yell or-or hit you or something…”
“You don’t want me touching you. It-It’s really hard for me not to. I have to do that, otherwise I will…I’m not trying to hurt you anymore than I have, Taddie.” He said, tearfully and painfully. Her whole body flinched and she quickly stood, moving around the couch as she smothered her whimpers and sniffled, lightly.
“Seeing you like this hurts me, Thatcher…This-You-You’re not like this. You’re not the unstable one. Y-You’re-You’re supposed to forget about me and move on, find someone better.” Taddie said, with a light sob. Thatcher went to her and lightly slid his hands over her arms.
“I can’t forget about you, Taddie. You made my life so much brighter and happier…How do you forget the sun? Or flowers? Music, art?--I can’t forget you. I’d never forget you.” He whispered to her, gently and briefly nuzzling her curls before he pulled his hands back. She gave a tearful sniffle, then let out a sigh before she said, “Please stop pulling away from me…I’ve told you when I don’t want you to touch me…”
“Tell me now…I need to hear it, Taddie. Please…” He whispered back. With a soft whimper, Taddie quickly turned to him and buried her face in his chest, letting out a sob as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Thatcher let out a deep sigh and tightly wrapped his arms around her, walking backwards until he hit something solid, then buried his face in her hair with a light sob of his own. “Taddie, I love you--Please. I need you in my life. I need to go to sleep with you and wake up with you. I’m so sorry I killed him. I’m sorry I did it in front of you. I wasn’t thinking-Just about keeping you safe, Taddie, please believe me.”
“I know. I know--God, Thatcher, I have nightmares about it still. Jack dead, blood everywhere…You come running after me with a gun. I--” Taddie sobbed, lightly, as Thatcher quickly pulled back and gently took her face, looking down at her with a horrified look.
“No. No-Taddie, I’m so sorry. I’m s-God, what have I done?” Thatcher said with a pain in his voice that made Taddie shake her head, quickly, tugging his hands down to mimic him, sliding her hands along the sides of his face.
“I-I kn-I know-I know y-you-you’d never--They’re just dreams, Patch. They’re just dreams. I don’t think that about you. I-I’m-I’m not afraid of you.” Taddie said, tearfully, trying to give him a reassuring smile, but they were both too emotional and Thatcher shook his head, pulling her back into the embrace, holding her tight.
“You should be…God, look what I’ve done to you…I’m no better than him-”
Taddie pushed him away with a huff and slapped him before she screamed at him, “Don’t you ever say that again, Thatcher Price! You are nothing like him! The fact that you’re even remotely upset about this proves it! There’s a reason I wanted to stay! There’s a reason I was so happy! There was a reason why I loved you! You were nothing like him! You never touched me the way he did! You never spoke to me the way he did! He didn’t do the things you did for me!”
“Say it again.” Thatcher said, fixing his gaze on her as he dropped his hand from his cheek, where she’d slapped him, and took a few steps closer to her. Taddie bit her lip and shuffled back, but hit the arm of the couch and began to topple backwards. As her arms flailed about, Thatcher wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer as he repeated, “Say it again, Taddie…”
“S-S-Say-Say w-wh-what?” She stammered, pressing her hands against his chest as he helped her regain her footing and let a little more space come between them.
“There was a reason why you what?” He asked, softly, lifting a hand up to gently push her curls back. Her fingers curled around the edges of his jacket as she let out a soft gasp, not fully realizing what she’d said in the heat of the moment. She shook her head, then she froze as he slowly and gently dragged his thumb over her jaw. Her eyes fluttered shut as fresh tears slid down her cheeks and a deep ache formed in her chest, not realizing how much she truly missed his touch. “Look at me and tell me you love me.”
Taddie’s eyes shot open as she looked up at him and breathed out, “I love you, Thatcher. I do. Th-The entire time…A-At least since-since we-Since-Since I showed you my scar--The way you-you just-You kissed it, you-you didn’t hesitate…”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me? Taddie, I still would have given you the money-”
“I didn’t care about the money, Thatcher! I cared about you! I cared about how you made me feel-I was so. Happy. Thatcher. You made me happy…I didn’t think I’d ever really know what that feels like…What it was like to be truly loved.” Taddie said with a deep, tearful sigh, letting her head drop forward, to rest on his chest. Thatcher slowly slid his arms around her and held her tight, gently nuzzling into her curls.
“I love you, Taddie. I want to be with you-I need to be with you…Please give me one more chance. Please…” Thatcher begged, squeezing her tighter for a moment before releasing her and pulling his hands to her arms, gently rubbing up and down. Taddie sniffled and lifted her head to him, chewing her lip as she drew her brows together. He let out a heavy sigh and dropped his hands as he gave a light nod and said, almost stating for her, “You-You don’t trust me enough anymore…I can’t get another chance.”
“Thatcher…I-I don’t see how I can be your girlfriend after every-”
“Then don’t be my girlfriend…” Thatcher said, quickly, a renewed excitement in his voice, though it shook with nervousness. Taddie blinked and opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but stopped as he quickly knelt down on one knee, tugging a small box from his pocket. Taddie gasped and shook her head, looking incredibly guilty and worried, holding out her hand to stop him as he said, “I want you in my life, Taddie. Forever. I-I don’t want anyone else, I won’t want anyone else…Another rumor in my family is a Price only falls in love once--I don’t think I was ever in love with her, I was in love with the idea of what she could be…But she couldn’t be you. No one could ever be you or replace you. Not in my life and not in my heart…I’m not asking to get married next month…But will you, Thaden Rylin Prior, somewhere in the next few years, marry me, so we can both be happy and loved?”
Taddie let out another gasp and she slid her fingers over her mouth as she saw the same sapphire ring she’d given back to him, now with an additional band of diamonds and sapphires beneath it. She let out a soft, astonished sigh, dropping her hand and sliding her fingers over the stones. She sniffled as her vision blurred with new tears. Thatcher took the rings out and reached for her left hand, gently taking it and raising it, holding the rings in front of her ring finger, waiting.
“Oh-Thatcher…I-I-I don’t know. I don’t--”
“I know…Please trust me again, my love…My angel, my Princess, my kitten…Please, Taddie.” Thatcher said, gazing up at her, his brows raised and drawn tight. As Taddie stayed silent and stared down at him, Thatcher became more and more worried that her answer was no, and she just couldn’t bring herself to say it. He bit his lip and slowly lowered her hand and the rings, letting his head down with a sigh. “Alright…I-I’m sorry-”
“If you. Ever. Do anything like this again, Patch…” Taddie finally said, Thatcher’s head shooting up to hers. He stared at her, holding his breath, until a smile slowly tugged at her lips, Taddie gently biting her lower lip before she sniffled and said, “Are we telling your parents the truth?”
“I already did. I told them before me and Father drove down when I first came here.” Thatcher said. Taddie let out a light chuckle before she asked, “What did your mother say?”
“Mother was pissed. Damn near beat the shit out of me for using you…She really liked you.” He said with a soft laugh before he stood and gripped her hand, staring down at her. “Taddie-”
“We’re not getting married until we’ve been together for at least a year. A whole year…We celebrate an anniversary and everything.” Taddie said, squeezing back as her smile lifted more. “Put the ring on my finger…Then kiss me and tell me you love me.”
Thatcher’s smile jumped across his face as he quickly lifted her hand and slipped the rings onto her finger before scooping her up and crushing his lips to hers as she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back, eagerly. She sniffled and wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him as he spun them around, kissing and sniffling between them. Finally, they broke the kiss and began laughing together, until Thatcher lost his footing and stumbled back, falling over the arm of the couch. Taddie let out a squeal, pulling her legs back as he fell, but Thatcher held her tight, keeping her in place. She pushed herself up once they’d fallen and gazed down at him, tucking her curls behind her ear before dropping her hand down to thread her fingers through his hair.
“I love you, Taddie Prior.”
“I love you, Thatcher Price.”
Taglist @badwolf-in-the-impala @sweetwombatpizza
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mareenavee · 1 year
WIP Whenever~!
OH we're on Wednesday as we're supposed to be this week for this tag, whaddya know (:
Tagged by the corvid word sorcerer extraordinaire, @paraparadigm!
Tagging @changelingsandothernonsense, @friend-of-giants, @elfinismsarts, @saltymaplesyrup, @thequeenofthewinter, @goddess-of-sorrow, @thelightofmorning, @ervona and, if either of you have some time, @airiat and @the-storytellers-seer!! (:
We're still hard at work on the fic, The World on Our Shoulders. This fragment is from upcoming chapter 23, not quite final. A scene I quite enjoyed writing after their chaos from between their last WIP Wednesday and now. Below the cut!
The cave itself was otherwise empty, as if the little beasts were off pillaging somewhere else. They were rather migratory when they had a mind to be, after all. Any cavern in a blizzard, as the saying went. They reached the end of the system of tunnels that made up Castle Karstaag only to find night had fallen while they’d been preoccupied. Nyenna was in pain, though she pretended she wasn’t. They didn’t even have any bedrolls and the weather was atrocious as best. Neloth and his bullshit. He’d get that old bastard back for this.
“No use leaving here now. More likely to die in the wind and cold than to make any real progress in the middle of the night,” Teldryn said with a sigh. “Let’s just camp as best as we can here. I’ll try and find us some food.”
“We’ll go together and set up after,” Nyenna insisted, glaring at him. As if this was an argument. She needed the rest, not to trudge around in the knee deep snow in search of snowberries. He didn’t have a bow, and was shit with them, to be fair, so that would be the best he’d be able to manage.
“I’ll be fine. You need to rest,” he sighed.
“You don’t even have a bow,” Nyenna said pointedly. 
“Then give me that spell you use.”
She sighed and walked over to him. He leaned down and she told him the words for it. They felt odd as she said them, reminiscent of ash themselves somehow, but he wasn’t sure why. He was put in mind of the Reach, too, of homes hewn of stone and dark-eyed archers peering at him from between the branches of juniper trees. He repeated them, wrong of course at first. She gently corrected him until he got the words right and felt them snap into place in his mind.
“Open palm with these things, trust me,” Nyenna said, warning in her voice. “No obstacles, or you’ll regret it.”
“Can’t be worse than summoning an Atronach,” Teldryn said. It was worse. He said the spell four times to no avail at all. Magicka didn’t even budge. He glanced back at Nyenna to find she was looking down at her hands with a bit of a distant expression. “Uh, you okay there, sera?”
“Hmm? Yes, quite alright,” she answered. He knew it was a lie. She shook her head and summoned her own Bound Bow as if she didn’t even need to think about it. Show off. He scoffed. She looked at him in surprise at the sound and cracked a smile. “Jealous?”
“Obviously,” Teldryn muttered. He snapped his fingers and tried the stupid spell again. A single arrow materialized in his hand, but no bow. This one didn’t even have fletching on it. “This spell is fucking annoying.” He held the arrow up and sighed, pausing to scratch the back of his neck with his free hand. Nyenna burst into laughter. She gasped and held onto her side, even as she chuckled.
“Just keep repeating the words until you memorize them, and we’ll practice while we’re on the road,” she said, hands on her hips, mocking his raspy Blacklight accent. It’s what he’d said to her about the Flame Atronach spell which she mastered in the span of time between one breath and the next. He grumbled to himself as she continued laughing, bracing her back against the stone of the cave’s exit.
“Oh, come on now! That’s uncalled for!” Teldryn exclaimed, exasperated. “Not everyone can be like you!” Of course her only response was to laugh and clutch at her bruised ribs again. Teldryn cracked a grin too, but she’d not be able to tell with his scarf and helmet up.
“S-sorry,” she said, still grinning widely. “I’ve never seen a spell fail quite as calmly as all that.”
“Fail,” Teldryn scoffed. “It was progress, I say.”
“Sure, if that makes you feel better about it,” Nyenna said.
“It does, in fact,” Teldryn said, mock-petulantly. He sighed and kicked at the snow. “Snowberries it is tonight then.”
“Just be careful, okay?”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“Too late!” 
Teldryn paused after he had stepped most of the way out of the cavern. He looked over his shoulder, and she was still grinning, but motioned for him to get going. So he did. He walked a few feet out into the snow and ice. He heard swift crunching behind him and turned to find Nyenna running after him. She had her travel cloak in one hand.
“No! No. I don’t need that, I have one,” he said, flapping the edge of his own cloak. He walked backwards to try and get away from her. She caught up quickly regardless.
“Just take it. You know as well as anyone I don’t actually need it,” Nyenna said, even though the wind out here could clearly tear at her skin. Still, even with the red on her face from that, she didn’t seem fazed at all by the actual chill, as usual. She stood on her toes to try and throw the thing over his shoulders, but was still a bit too short for that. He snorted and adjusted it on his own. “Get going and stop laughing at me!”
“Oh, just ask the impossible of me, why don’t you,” he snarked. She rolled her eyes with a grin.
“Go on,” she said and shooed him away again. He chuckled as she turned and walked back to the cave, arms crossed over her chest.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 years
What if Disney adapted Katie Crackernuts?
I love Kate Crackernuts, so the urge to keep the whole fairy tale intact is very strong, but I think the plot is a little too multi-stage for a true Disney animation (especially since it partly resembles Tatterhood, which we’ve already given a Disney treatment), so lets put on some Renaissance Era (Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast etc.) Disney Goggles:
There will be no sister Anne, only Kate, who gets the full Snow White treatment and will be a beautiful princess with an Evil Stepmother who has wickedly enchanted her father into loving him. This isn’t Snow White’s era anymore though, so Kate will be outspoken and stands up to the queen. We see her horseback riding, being kind to people, and being lively and smart.
The nuts need to be more of a reoccurring motif in the story, so Disney will take inspiration from Grimm’s Snow White and The Juniper Tree and show that Kate’s kind mother was buried by a hazelnut tree, under which her daughter finds solace.
Of course the Evil Stepmother is a witch, and she curses Kate, who becomes unrecognizable to everyone who cares for her. Of course we the audience can see she is still our beloved princess, but her own father banishes her when he finds a strange, disheveled girl in his daughter’s bed.
She flees, only stopping at her mother’s hazelnut tree before she goes, roaming around until she passes through a kingdom and happens to see the king, who reminds her of her own father and who looks so sad that when she finds out this is because his only son is dying of an unknown illness, she goes to the palace to find out what is going on. She offers to sit up with the ailing prince.
The prince is very handsome and very vulnerable (think Prince Eric about to drown). Kate sits near his bed, cracking hazelnuts from her apron pockets, and the prince will say something about how no one ever dares to sit up with him. Kate says she will not leave him. She watches him sleep until the clock strikes twelve and the prince suddenly rises, dresses and slips out of the room (looking entranced like Aurora under influence of the spindle).
Kate follows him unseen to the stable and when he takes a horse she takes one too (she does not jump on his horse) and she chases him all the way through a dark wood to a dark, grassy mound.
The three nights will be condensed into one, and to keep the rule of threes there will be inspiration from The 12 Dancing Princesses: the prince will dismount and pass into the hill, over a bridge and through a gate, each time saying “let through the prince, where none will find him”. But each time there will be a hazel tree for Kate to pluck a golden nut from and she will add: “and let through his lady behind him”.
This way they arrive in an underground fairy realm, but the fairies can’t be too pretty nor too demonic, so they’ll probably look impish and a bit grotesque, or very much like whirling spirits. They will dance with the prince and probably sing ominously about dancing yourself to death as you waste away.
The plot with the fairy baby is a bit...odd? It’s adorable, but lacks narrative weight. So Kate will find out that the prince will surely die unless the enchantment on him is broken. But that this will never happen because no one would dare to crack a golden fairy nut to feed it to another.
The poor prince looks very bad when they return at sunrise, despite the glamour over him he nearly falls off his horse, and Kate has to take the reigns of his horse as well as hers to lead them safely back to the castle. The prince still doesn’t notice a thing, he returns to his bed, but when he wakes without the glamour in his eyes, he will see Kate still cracking nuts. She’ll ask him if he wants one. He’ll say no. She’ll show him a golden nut. He’ll protest against cracking it. She’ll crack it anyway and he will be healed, suddenly remembering how he was enchanted and how she bravely followed him.
He will ask her how he can repay her. She will give him a nut and ask it to crack it for her. He does. The enchantment on her is broken and he will have a startled moment where he first sees her as a beautiful princess and ask her if this is still the sweet Kate Crackernuts who followed him into the fairy hill.
They will go to his father, who weeps for joy. The prince will ask if he can marry Kate, the king says he will gladly allow it if Kate wants it too. Kate says she needs to go see her father first.
They go to Kate’s kingdom, the Evil Queen is horrified to see the enchantment was broken on Kate, but she still has the King under a spell. There is a terrible confrontation, and then Kate cracks the third golden nut for her father and he is freed too.
The witch flees, possibly chased, possibly dies. Kate marries her prince. There’s a sweet wedding with music. The end.
Darn, I forgot her animal companion. Ehm….squirrel, big eyes, also likes hazelnuts, runs amok among the fairies for comic relief, there we go.
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deputygonebye · 1 year
@jundlcndwastes || Taken from here.
Women were often underestimated when it came to their knowledge of cars and how they operated from underneath the hood. Luckily for Juniper, she had been raised by a mechanic and knew more than a lot of men did, too. She wasn't going to lie, she did like crushing their egos just a little bit when she could do more than them. ❝ Yeah, actually. If you wanna grab that screwdriver and help me unscrew these bolts that would be great. ❞ Her plan was to replace the alternator and get this car running, giving them another transportation option. Plus she just really liked the car.
A campsite was, within due time, occupied by more and more survivors. Georgia bred and born, Juniper and her father were the first to have come so far outside of the state. Raised in California - the land of golden poppies and Valley quails - mistreated in California. Shane had been skeptical of them since their arrival. Strangers that were welcomed far too quickly into the group by Rick and the others; settlers that were sharing space that wasn't theirs to be part of to begin with. Questionable characters who looked as tired as Shane, himself, felt, hearing that Juniper had smuggled immigrants across borderlines only increased the ex-deputy's hesitation toward them. Doubt that settled itself to a calm simmer, smaller in size but still there just underneath the surface, peacefully did both he and the girl coexist. Friendly, in all ways, cordial, even when discussions seemed to have shown difference of opinion. Relations better than what they once were at the start, Juniper had found herself in warm regards within Shane's heart. She and August, always to be protected by the steady hands of a former officer of the law.
They were part of the gang. They were friends of Shane's - there had been worse that both he and the camp had seen - great assets and reliable. They belonged there.
"Still workin' on that alternator?" Shane asked as he did what he was told, screwdriver in hand, bolts loosened with fluid motion of the wrist. "Thought you and Jim got that all fixed up yesterday. Guy used to be a mechanic, you're pretty damn good with cars. I'm a little surprised right now, Miss Juniper. Real surprised."
Poking his head back out from beneath the hood, sunlight warming the hairs on top of his head, he said, a little cocky, a little hurt, "you know, you could've asked me for help, too. I know my way around a vehicle. Speakin' of, you ever think about givin' her a bath? Poor baby's as dirty as a pig in mud. Even a little bit of water would do her good, a rinse. Walkers or no Walkers, a clean car can be the very difference between life and death. Least, give her a little love and tenderness, woman. She ain't no beast of burden!"
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Hey, about your animal dilemma... have you thought about getting a hamster? They are pretty low maintenance and mainly active at the night, so if you are a natural night owl they are perfect.
Sadly, hamsters are too short-lived and too hands-off for them to be a viable pet for me, and they need way more space than what you might expect, so that's just too much set-up investment for something that wants no part with me and will die in 2-3 years. Juniper fills that niche of 'low-maintinance nocturnal pet that is nice to look at' just fine, but she's also going to live 30+ years (I hope), and is much, MUCH more handleable than a hamster
My problem is that I miss the companionship and routine of having a rabbit specifically. Celeste needed to be fed three times a day (pellets and greens for breakfast, then greens for lunch and dinner), and she needed her food delivered at certain time instances or she'd throw her bowl. She would also eat with you and come running over to beg if you sat down with food or went into the kitchen (sometimes from a dead sleep), and she'd come bouncing over and lift up on her hind legs after she ate dinner so she'd get snuggles. She needed hay right before she went to bed (which she demanded a sample of beforehand- preferably a flower, her favorite), and every Sunday we would put down our sheets so that she could cross the hard tile floor to the living room, where she'd spend the next hour running around, scooching under the couches, doing binkies, and booping our feet before she'd come lay down next to us to signal she was all tuckered out. She had a very precise schedule and care needs that sort of defined my entire day (in a very good way) and the prescence of a little person, one who was only 3lbs but was squishy and soft and loved it when you laid down next to her and buried your face in her shoulder. You didn't have to pet her, you could just sprawl out and mash your face into her fur and she'd start doing her happy little bunny purr unprompted. That's the sort of companionship and life rythem I'm mourning.
It's sort of a weird, acute pain where I don't just miss her, I also miss caring for her. Not having that schedule of 'okay, I need to go make breakfast for Celeste and let her out for morning zoomies' or 'I need to get kale for Celeste, she loves kale' has me completely off balance and just...empty. There's just nothing to do and the lack of that soft, uniquely inhuman companionship around, so I feel unmoored and understimulated. And I can't even fix that maniac boredom with drawing or writing either, because it never feels like the right time to do it anymore because I always used to schedule my creative times around my pets (Celeste specifically), so now I can't do anything because they aren't here and even if I went home, she's gone.
So yeah. Really weird place where I can't adopt another rabbit (or a cat, bc rabbits and cats are very similar) to make me feel less like a crumpled tissue paper, but I also am not sure if I even want to because I miss my bunny specifically. Even if hamsters would work out for me, they wouldn't really fit that same niche of 'little furry beast that shares meals with you and adores your companionship irrivocably'
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bluepenguinstories · 1 year
Remoras Full Chapter LXXIV: Baby, It’s Cold Outside
I just realized something: I underestimated my target.
Huh? ‘Target’? What do I mean?
It’s simple, my (personal) mission was to...was to what? What did I expect would happen, and if I expected something to happen, why have I been avoiding making it happen? Could it have been some subconscious guilt?
No. Doubtful.
Any guilt I feel would be conscious. I would know of it.
I already made the mistake of showing up with multiple purposes in mind, each of them clashing with the other. No, I already knew this much:
My purpose was a mistake.
I left those chicks behind. They always seemed to view me as an enemy; every time I went to feed them, they would peck at me, and not at the seeds I tossed down. Why I continued to feed those ungrateful beasts must have had to do with the fact that I too was an ungrateful beast.
I had a great job once, until I decided killing sucked all the life out of me. Most people fall out of love with their jobs at some point, but that doesn’t mean they just quit over it, right? Not to mention it paid well. So what if I didn’t have much freedom to live my life or make friends. When have I ever cared about such things, anyway? The friendliest I used to get was putting the ‘friendly’ in ‘friendly fire.’
No, that’s not even true, as I’ve tried plenty of times to wave to others, only to get dirty looks. Like, so what if I’m cold and you’re not? Does that really give them the right to judge me? Anyone would sour on people if they got nothing but dirty looks all the time, wouldn’t they?
Oh, but then we get to the two most important women in my sordid life: Juniper and Vesuvius. Such strange people, they were, and yet they desired to befriend me. Me, of all people. So what did I do? Kick the bucket like it was a game of football (the American kind or the European kind, it didn’t matter).
Then, I could have continued to have just been Rachel, yet I half-assed that.
I didn’t think hard enough about my new persona. I didn’t put in enough effort to leave that old life behind and allow them to move on.
Guess I should have moved on as well.
If I were to wrap up loose ends, the first thing I had to do was confront my target.
I approached the house, stepping atop the brown grass and the dry soil. Each step made crunching noises, just like my footsteps would have made were I in the snow.
When I entered the house through the creaking door which reminded me of the howling wind during a blizzard and the varnished wood floor which felt like ice skating, I noticed Juniper Bark: target #1. The main target. She sat upon the couch.
“Where’s Ves?” I asked.
When I last left the royal volatile beauty, she was at the dining room table. Now, however, she was nowhere to be seen. Usually, I wouldn’t have cared so much, but this was a delicate matter.
“She’s taking a nap. After you went to feed the chickens, she had a little breakdown,” Juniper explained. Her voice was dull. No cuteness at all, and she sounded rather annoyed that I talked to her at all.
She had her legs folded up on the couch, and her arm between her legs, with a television remote in her hand. My attention turned toward the TV: it was on mute, and the only thing on was crackling static.
The television turned off, which meant either that wasn’t Juniper’s favorite show, or she had already seen that episode too many times.
I slid down and sat to the side of the couch.
“You know who I am, don’t you?” I asked her.
“What do you think?” She asked right back.
Gee. I don’t know. Why do you think I asked you in the first place? Was what I wanted to ask, but god damn it, I had tact.
“How long?” I said instead.
“Since the moment you showed up. No, there was even that suspicion during the phone call.”
There was a sudden draft in the air. You know what that means.
“H-How? I thought I had the perfect disguise. I shaved my head, I changed my name. It’s not even a pun. Do you know how unbearable that part was?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Juniper just shrugged it all off, “your shiver gives you away.”
I shivered again.
“God damn it,” I cursed under my breath. It came out like an icy puff.
“Yeah, I’d say so,” Juniper agreed.
“What about Ves? Why hasn’t she caught on?”
“Oh, I’m sure she has, but she doesn’t want to admit it,” Juniper’s dullness turned to a groan before a heavy sigh, “honestly, it’s exhausting. Both of you.”
OK. That part sounded angry. Was she mad?
“Why doesn’t she want to admit it?” I asked. I could have asked the more obvious question, “why are you mad, though?” But that didn’t seem so productive.
“You really need an explanation?” She sounded even more annoyed than before. Yikes.
“Yes? Why would I ask if I didn’t want an explanation?” I was annoyed right back.
“You’re right. Sorry,” Juniper shook her head. “You’re you. I forgot things like emotions don’t come easy for you.”
“It’s not that I can’t detect emotions,” I corrected her.
“As I’m sure you’ve guessed, Ves doesn’t have any supernatural powers. She managed to get rid of the angel bit inside of her. The side effect being that for a while, it was difficult to get her to feel any sense of joy.”
“Amazing. And just as I said on the phone, it seems like she’s in a better place.”
She nodded, but she didn’t seem very pleased by that remark.
“On top of that difficulty and her tendency to dwell on the negative, she couldn’t shake off the guilt that came with your death. She’d start seeing you in everyone.”
“What, did she see me penetrating them?”
“Not like that!”
“Then like what? No, don’t tell me. Just keep going.”
“She’d compare others to you. When she met Remora, she saw her as a second chance to make things right with you.”
“What was there to make right?”
“You know, she never wanted you to die. She really wished we all could have been friends.”
Juniper lowered her head. I would have done the same, but how was I to get a good look at her if I kept my head down?
“That’s not a burden she should have bore. I told her already, it wasn’t her fault. It was my decision. Isn’t that enough?”
“You don’t see how your actions can affect others?”
I grabbed the hems of my jeans and clenched my fists.
“I was never meant to be known.”
“It’s too late for that,” Juniper waved her hand away. “You already left a strong impression on both of us.”
My ears perked up. If I was a ferret, or an ermine, or even a stoat, I would have rolled around in the snow hearing that.
“I did?”
“Of course. Hard to forget someone who tried to kill you.”
Just like that, the mood dropped like the temperature in a room filled with cool air.
“Can’t we just put the past behind us?” I asked.
“I’d love to, but the past is right beside me.”
“In that case...nice to meet you, my name is Rachel.”
“That’s not going to work this time,” she shook her head. Defeated once again.
“Why not? Why can’t it work? Why can’t I exist beside you guys as someone else?”
“Is that what you want? Then why drop all these hints about who you were, or still are, if you don’t want that part of you to be known?”
“I don’t want to be a ghost, and I don’t want to be forgotten. I had nowhere else to go. My wants may be a contradiction, but both are true at the same time.”
“So you thought this was your solution? You’re going about this the wrong way.”
“What other solution would you have come up with?”
“I don’t know, be honest? Ves and I probably would have understood if you were just upfront, instead of this tiptoeing that you’ve been doing instead. I swear, both of you think you’re doing the right thing for others without ever consulting the people you’re doing these things for. Yet for some reason, you think of yourself as the ‘rational’ one, whatever that even means. If you know communication is important, why don’t you do it?”
“Hey,” I shot back, “I don’t know what you’re scolding me for. You haven’t communicated with your wife about your jealousy. You want me to say what I mean? You should do so as well.”
“You’re right,” Juniper nodded.
What was it with people and not giving the expected reaction? Shouldn’t she have been more defensive?
“That’s why all three of us should discuss this tonight. Get it all out in the open.”
“What?!” I almost got up, I was so shocked.
“Keep your voice down. Our favorite volcano is currently dormant.”
“You could just say she’s asleep, you know.”
“I feel like I could use a nap, myself, and yet I’ve barely been awake today. It’s still morning, for cryin’ out loud.”
“Yeah, well, may as well sleep if you got nothing better to do,” I suggested.
“Nope. You’re not getting out of this one. I definitely have something better to do than rest, and that’s confronting you.”
I gulped.
“You say ‘be honest’ like it’s easy, but look at it from my point of view: if I were to be honest, wouldn’t that have stirred up bad memories? Now do you see why I believed what I was doing was right for the both of you?”
Juniper nodded.
“I understand where you’re coming from, and that’s also what you don’t understand: your presence would have stirred bad memories regardless of who you presented yourself as. You can’t fully hide yourself, and there’s always going to be those little things. It’s going to hurt, and maybe it’s supposed to.”
“Then should I not have come here?”
“That’s not what I’m saying. You, of all people, Ms. Assassin, should know that sometimes pain is necessary. That doesn’t mean we don’t like you or don’t want you here.”
“Okay, first of all,” I stood up and put one finger up, “I am not, nor was I ever, an assassin. My job and the assignments I received often involved killing people, but the correct terminology wouldn’t be ‘assassin.’ The closest thing would be a ‘garbage collector.’ I collected the trash and disposed of it.”
“People are NOT trash,” Juniper looked up and scowled.
“Some are.”
“Human lives have value.”
“Yeah, yeah. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I get that.”
“What were Ves and I to you? Trash or treasure?”
“Vesuvius was trash, you were treasure. Until you became spoiled, and then you were trash as well.”
She continued to scowl. I suppose any normal person would have seen that as the point where a falling out were to occur and I was kicked out of the house, left to figure out another place to stay.
I’m sure, in hindsight, as honest and sincere as I thought I was, it only made sense for her to do so.
But for better or worse, Juniper wasn’t like that.
“Then why couldn’t you dispose of us?” She asked instead.
“Because it turns out I was the biggest piece of trash of all.”
“That’s not true, either.”
I stared down at her. Even with that fiery passion which seemed more fitting on Ves, Juniper was as kind as ever.
“I know,” I admitted. “It’s all a figure of speech. An analogy. Dehumanization to make the job more palatable. I understand, at least on some level, that people are more than just targets. Spending time with you two was probably the most dangerous thing I could have done.”
“Why is that?”
“Because...it made it harder to see you two as anything other than...something precious. I mean both statements in the most literal way possible: you two broke me, and I don’t know if I would have allowed myself to be broken by anyone other than you two.”
“You never know. But for what it’s worth, I’m glad we had such an effect on you.”
I nodded.
“It made me wish I could do the impossible: form a connection with someone. I really meant it before when I said it would have been nice if we could be friends.”
“It can still happen.”
“How? Not only are you two different people, but I should have never been in your lives in the first place.”
“Let’s consider that both of those statements are true: does that really prevent us from being close?”
“How should I know? I’ve never been close with anyone, and I wouldn’t have wished to be, were it not for you.”
“Looks like the great and powerful Rhea has a weakness after all.”
For the record, my weakness is cute girls like you.
“Hey! Don’t use that name when a certain someone is around. She could wake up at any minute.”
“You’re going to tell her anyway, aren’t you?”
I groaned.
“I doubt you’ll give me a choice.”
“You have a choice. But you’ll do it because you love us,” Juniper winked.
“Don’t use such frivolous words.”
“Heh,” she snickered, then leaped out of her seat and stood up. “Hey. Let’s go on a drive.”
“What?” Such a statement was made so little sense that it made me wonder if I heard it at all.
“Yeah. We need a few more groceries. Besides, I’m sure Ves could use some alone time, and by the time we get back, we can talk to her.”
I still wasn’t interested in this ‘talk’ that kept getting mentioned. Yes, it was necessary. But without it written out as an assignment in an organized manner, it just didn’t feel tangible.
“Do I have to? If I stay here, I can have some alone time to myself.”
“But if you go, you can have some alone time with me.”
Ugh...talk about a rock and a Juniper place. The age old question: “should I stay or should I go?”
If I stay, I get alone time with me.
If I go, I get alone time with Juniper.
Why must I be cursed with making such decisions?
“All right. If it’s for you,” I concluded after looking around the house.
Besides, if it’s between being alone with (an awake) Juniper and being alone with (a sleeping) Ves, I know which I’d pick.
“Heh. I knew you’d make the right decision!” She grinned.
Ack! She was too bright! Too cheerful!
“It’s only because I’m weak to your charm,” I admitted.
“Hehe,” Juniper was even more elated. The gall.
She slipped off her slippers and slipped on some sneakers. On a rack next to the door were car keys.
“Say, are you a little cold? Would you like to borrow one of Ves’s sweaters? Hers are about your size.”
“A ‘little cold’? Excuse me? I’m a tall cold.”
“Right. Well, it’s up to you. I’m going to be blasting the AC on the way there, as for me, it’s pretty warm outside.”
“Grumble grumble,” I grumbled as I trudged over to the bedroom.
It wasn’t too hard to be quiet in the presence of another, and I was able to slip inside, slip a sweater off of the sweater rack, and slip away.
All that said, for that brief window I was inside, I stole a glance at the bed and Ves, who happened to have her face firmly planted in the cushion of the pillow. Her resting face was, dare I admit, serene. The way the curtains let in just enough light to shine on the side of her cheek and illuminate her shoulder length, golden blonde hair with just a touch of orange streaks.
It was like watching a lemon and a tangerine sumo wrestling.
Yes, I could think of no better analogy.
Juniper had one of those tawdry white pickup trucks. Nothing fancy, and in fact, it looked the opposite of fancy; ready to collapse at any moment. Part of me wondered if Juniper just built it herself from scratch and expected it to run. But she did say she drove into town to the grocery store several times…
We got in.
Her in the driver’s seat, and I in the passenger side.
The car pittered and pattered about. Sputtered as well.
“Is this thing safe to drive?” I turned to her and asked while she was already driving it down the road.
“It might explode, but the more likely thing to happen is just that it breaks down and stops in the middle of the road,” she explained.
“That doesn’t instill any confidence.”
The whole time she drove, her eyes were fixed forward on the road. It just occurred to me that despite all the vegetation on our little crumb of the world, the surrounding area was something more of a desert. I believe I saw a few of those tumbleweeds roll across the barren fields.
Juniper must not have cared. Maybe she’s seen all the highway had to offer.
“This thing’s what they call a gas guzzler, isn’t it?” I commented while staring out the window. We did pass by little tree farms. No other houses, though. The sky was cloudy, but nothing to suggest a chill omen on the way.
“It’s not that bad. Besides, we don’t go far,” Juniper replied, with her usual cheer and smile.
Something told me the fumes coming from the back of this death machine was of no concern to her.
“If it’s not far, why don’t we walk?” I suggested.
“In this heat? No way. Maybe on a cooler day.”
“It’s plenty cold to me,” I shrugged, with my forehead stuck on the glass window. I was sure it would fog up the glass. That was proof enough I was cold, wasn’t it?
“Would it warm you up if you ran?”
“So if one day we need to go out for groceries, if you gave me a piggyback ride, you would run to the store?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“How would we carry the groceries?”
“With our hands? What kind of question is that?”
“What if I get thirsty?”
“Bring a water bottle. You’re so worried about the logistics, yet you drive a pickup truck when it’s probably not necessary to do so.”
“It was pretty important when I needed to haul wood and stuff. Who knows when we might be in the mood for building things again?”
“You can’t be serious. Isn’t there plenty at the house as it is?”
“Are you just complaining for the sake of complaining?”
I puffed my cheeks.
“I’m not just complaining. I’m making conversation.”
“All right. I got something I’m curious about.”
“Did you fake your death?”
My face clenched. Out of all the things to ask, it had to be…
“Do you think I would go through all that trouble? I wanted to die,” I rasped, just to make the message clear.
Juniper winced and her smile soured, only to bounce right back.
“So what do you think happened?”
“As in?”
“You coming back.”
“I don’t know. There was the coma idea. It’s not like there was no basis for my boxing story. But something tells me it wasn’t just a coma. I was too fresh for it to be that.”
“What do you mean?”
I shook my head. Even thinking of that cold awakening was unbearable.
“The wounds. I was still bleeding out when I woke up. I was told it was a few years later, but if it was a coma, wouldn’t there be some sign that I was being treated for it? No. I woke up in the arctic. Far from where I had intended to die. Worse, such a cold place like that, almost as if I was being mocked by the universe itself.”
“I’d say it’s easier not to think about it, but I won’t lie, it does bother me.”
“What if...say, you weren’t actually you, but rather someone who looks like you, and with your memories?”
What a rancid suggestion.
“The thought has crossed my mind. I’m not saying it’s impossible; it is. But rather, if I have all the hallmarks of me, right on down to mannerisms, to the point where changing my appearance and my name won’t change who I am, what use is it to consider that I’m anyone else but me?”
“You’re right. Sorry,” she said, and her lips turned all lopsided again.
Please don’t look that way.
“You have every right to ask me such things,” I tried what I thought would ease the mood, “the truth is, that’s still a possibility so long as I don’t know what really happened. That’s always going to linger in the back of my mind until I find the answer. If I can find the answer. But being here with you is all the ease I need.”
That wasn’t the whole truth. No one thing would give me all the ease I needed. Still, that answer should give me a few points in Juniper’s favor which I can hopefully cash in at a later date.
Her lips turned again, this time in the shape of elbow macaroni. It wasn’t the smoothest of smiles, but it was one nonetheless.
“I’m glad. I hope we can all bring each other ease.”
We soon arrived in what looked like...not a town, but more like one of those Wild West towns. You know what I mean? I hope so, because I couldn’t find another way to describe it. I didn’t see any houses for dwelling, just a few wood buildings on one end which housed small shops like ‘wood shop’, ‘candy shop’, ‘electronic repair shop’, ‘horse repair shop’, and ‘thirdhand goods shop.’ I’m guessing with the last one it was like a secondhand goods with one extra hand.
On the right end, the end we were pulling into, there was a large parking lot, then an alleyway, then the turbomarket (like a supermarket but more super, I guess).
The alleyway was just a blue painted wall which divided the parking lot from the supermarket (or turbo, I guess. Really, let’s go back to calling it a grocery store). It had a canopy up top and if I had to bet on what was in that little alley, I’d have said a dumpster and maybe some chairs for the employees to sit down and have a smoke or something. And I bet I’d win that bet, too.
As soon as we got out, a rush of freezing air washed over me and it was almost enough to knock me back.
“Air conditioning too high?” Juniper asked.
“N-No!” I shook my head with vigor, “I think if anything it’s the difference in temperature. I didn’t notice at all in the car, but it’s really chilly out here, isn’t it?”
Juniper extended her arm forward, with her palm spread out.
“Would it help warm you up if we held hands in the store?”
There weren’t many cars around in the parking lot, thank goodness for that, but there could have been eyes anywhere. In the bushes, or staring through the windows.
I looked around, but couldn’t catch the watchful eyes of anyone. Nor anything, for that matter. As far as I could tell, no spy cameras or the like.
“A-Are you sure?” I turned back to Juniper, but couldn’t quite look her in the eye. Not when her hand was so close to mine.
“It will be okay. I’m with you, remember?” Her voice was soothing, but it wasn’t her voice that reassured me, but that soft and radiant smile I was so used to seeing way back in my memories.
My arm shook as I reached out for her hand. At last, I grabbed it with a tight grip so as not to let go.
She swung our hands forward as we walked into the glass doors of the grocery store. Outside were displays of potted plants and other green vegetables.
The whole while we walked, my heart pounded and throbbed and I felt like I was about to break into a sweat and gasp for air. Worse, I started having such obscene thoughts:
I want to lock fingers with hers. I want us to play with each other’s thumbs. This is agony.
Inside was far bleaker, as the walls were some kind of murky blue and the lights above were dim to the point where I had to double check to see if there were any bulbs in there at all.
Between each aisle were baskets full of green things, like meter long zucchini and cucumbers, watermelons, and piles of cabbages.
Worst of all: there were other people. I could spy at least two people at each aisle. Some stood in line at checkout stands. Some worked the cash register at said checkout stands. Why did there have to be so many people? What if some looked at me? What if they tried to talk to me?
Juniper began to walk forward and with her free hand, pulled out some wooden contraption from her pocket which unfolded into a basket. As soon as she jerked us forward, I gasped.
“Aa...ah, right, it’s standard procedure to walk in the grocery store.”
Juniper turned to me and my face began to build up steam.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yes. I know the rules,” I said to reassure both of us.
“What are the rules?” She raised an eyebrow.
“We...uh...buy food here.”
“If it helps, you can close your eyes. Just try not to bump into things.”
I did as I was told. Anything to help Juniper.
It immediately fell apart as soon as I closed my eyes and started having thoughts of several Junipers jumping around on pink clouds.
“Aah! It’s too much!” I gasped and opened my eyes.
“Do you want to go back to the car?”
“No. I just need more time to get acclimated,” I declared. I felt so bold for it, too, even though in reality I must have taken deep breaths between every word.
The rest of the grocery shopping went okay. At one point, I tried closing my eyes again and bumping into someone. I opened them and saw a middle aged lady with brown hair in multiple buns stacked over each other in a purple cardigan sweater.
“Well, aren’t you going to say ‘sorry’ or ‘excuse me’?” She scowled.
I would have done so if she didn’t give such a dirty look. No one was asking her to do that. An accident should be obvious enough.
“You clearly should have known I had my eyes closed,” I informed the lady.
She turned her nose up and walked away.
What is with rude people? Even in such a small area as this, they’re everywhere. Yet I’m somehow seen as the bad guy.
Once that lady was a considerable distance away, Juniper turned to me.
“I know she had an attitude, but you could have still said sorry,” Juniper whispered.
“I was going to until she had an attitude. It’s her fault.”
“If I had to take sides, you know I would take yours, but sometimes we have to pick our battles.”
“What battle? I didn’t even punch her.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
“I could have.”
We continued to walk around and I watched Juniper fill her basket. She had all sorts of things, like lentils, pears, and sliced bread. I even asked if we could add popsicles and frozen pizzas and she said yes.
Once we got to the checkout counter, it was fronted by some elderly old man with thinning hair and a nasally voice. He seemed harmless enough, but not above reproach if warranted.
“Good day, Juniper,” the cashier greeted.
“Hey there, Tilty. How goes it?”
“Oh, you know. The dogs help remind me to take my arthritis meds. How about you?”
“Just grocery shopping for the wife.”
“And who is this?”
“This is Rachel,” I heard Juniper introduce and already I felt like a block of ice.
“Well, nice to meet you, Rachel,” Tilty greeted.
“Don’t talk to me,” I replied without even looking his way. “I’m still annoyed with that rude lady from earlier.”
“I see…” His voice trailed off.
“Also don’t refer to me by name until you know me,” I added.
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Juniper released her hand. “Just because someone was rude to you doesn’t mean you get to be rude to someone else!”
Now Juniper’s mad at me. Even now, things just don’t work well between people and I.
I walked out of the store.
It was clear the whole journey was a mistake to begin with. I was too hasty. I didn’t gather enough information and I paid the price for it.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Juniper called after me. Did it really matter what for?
In the alleyway was where I sat, right next to the dumpster. It stunk, but that was just part of the deal. At least the cold, concrete that I sat on welcomed my bum.
Ever since meeting you two, I lost my edge. Worse, I can’t get it back. Worst still, I have nothing to show for it. Even my rough exterior just comes off as pathetic now.
Across the street from where I sat was a wooden sign with small, black printed text. I couldn’t see what it said, even when I squinted my eyes. But the contents didn’t matter. It was all about the image.
I pantomimed having my rifle in both hands. I knew that was lost forever as well, so a pretend one would have to do.
I squinted my eyes as if I were trying to get a clear view for my target, then…
“There you are!” Juniper’s voice.
I didn’t even hear any footsteps. I was so caught up in the bliss of some faux-glory days that I didn’t even sense any sounds outside of my thoughts.
I looked up. She stood over me, but with the shade of the canopy, she cast little shadow.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
“Daydreaming of a life long gone,” I answered.
“Right. You know, at the store, that clerk meant you no harm or offense. Everyone who shops around here tends to be friendly.”
“Except that one lady,” I pointed out.
“Yes, except her. Except she might have been having a bad day as well. I’m not saying she was, but it’s possible. Either way, you don’t have to be formal, I’m not even asking you to be nice, but can you please try not to be mean?”
“I was just laying out my terms and conditions.”
“Right. And you said how you were still mad with that lady from earlier.”
“Annoyed. And it’s the truth. Was I not supposed to say what I mean?”
“That’s not it. Look, I’m autistic, so sometimes these things are hard --”
I waved my hand away.
“I get it already,” I stopped her. “I know I’m not supposed to be rude to service staff and I even try to be friendly around strangers. I’ve tried saying hello to people only to get called a weirdo, and I’ve tipped people whenever I can, and I still get looked at funny for it. I’ve tried with people, but I don’t get the same treatment back. It only stands to reason that most people would make me uncomfortable.”
“I get there’s a lot of people like that, and may not give you a chance. I’m sure Tilty doesn’t hold a grudge, so you should be fine for a next visit, if you wanted to. But even if you’re nervous, it doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole.”
“No, but knowing how cruel people can be does.”
“No! Hate begets hate!”
“Sure, and love thy enemy is a nice sentiment until said neighbor wants to hang you or put several bullets in you.”
“I love you, though.”
“Stop that!” I leaned back and my face turned pale.
Juniper set down the basket of groceries next to the wall and sat down next to me. I panicked and backed away again.
“What are you doing?!” I demanded.
“I want to see the world the way you see it,” she answered.
“Well, that’s going to be rather hard with you sitting in front of me.”
“Remember way back when you said my kindness was a weakness?” She asked.
She wasn’t totally blocking the view. After all, she was shorter than me, so as long as I sat up, I could still see things just fine.
“Yeah,” I answered, “and I don’t think that’s true.”
“I think you had a point. I think you said that because of how people could end up taking advantage of me. I also know how cruel and cold the world can be, just as I knew then. But I still helped people then, and I know I’ve been taken advantage of before, too. I guess I’ve just been lucky that it’s always ended up resolving itself and turning out for the better. But I know not everyone’s so lucky.”
“I like your kindness, though.”
“Thanks. I also get that you’re more guarded and can be more cautious and even at times aggressive. The life you led couldn’t have helped, either. Not to mention, few people understand your condition or even wish to understand and just judge you for what they see. There’s probably a lot more than that, but I get where your worldview comes from. I don’t think it’s bad to be guarded, either, especially because sometimes caution is needed. It’s just important to know that while it may be hard to see it sometimes, there are kind people, too, and sometimes you need to be kind while also being cautious.”
“Can you show me an example?”
“Can I at least hug you?”
“Not unless you want the popsicles to melt. Come on, let’s head back home.”
Back home, I ran in and tossed the box of popsicle sticks into the freezer.
When I ran back out of the kitchen, Juniper stood next to the dining room table with the basket of groceries.
“Hey, you two, where have you been?” Ves asked, emerging from her room.
“We went to the grocery store,” Juniper replied, and pulled out a couple of pears.
“Yay! Pears!” Ves ran over to the pears and took one, then before taking a bite, gave Juniper several kisses across the face.
It was painful to bear witness. Was it because I wanted to be the one to kiss Juniper all over? Or...
Do I want to be the one being kissed all over by Ves?
I cringed at such a thought.
She wouldn’t even have to lean over that much like she does with Juniper. With Juniper it’s like she’s a hen and pecking at bird seeds on the floor.
“Are you okay, Rachel?” Ves asked, tilting her head as she did so.
“Yeah,” I said, while looking away.
It wasn’t that I was jealous, right? Maybe I was disgusted. After all, the very act of seeing people kiss was a fairly normal thing to be disgusted by.
Or maybe it’s just disgusting that it’s not happening to me.
“We ran into a rude lady at the grocery store,” Juniper explained.
“Oh no, is that so?” Ves asked.
“Yeah. But I didn’t punch her. So it’s okay.”
Juniper turned and fixed her gaze upon me. It was either a glare, or a reminder.
Oh, right. The talk.
“You might want to hurry up and eat the pear. You probably won’t have an appetite soon,” I suggested.
“Uh. What?” Ves gave a nervous chuckle.
“Yeah. Finish the pear. Then you should probably have a seat at the couch.”
Juniper then titled her head as well. Both of their eyes were upon me.
“Yeah. You might wanna eat a pear or something, too, Juniper.”
Knowing my recent string of luck, this will probably result in failure.
They both sliced through those pears with their front teeth, like a woodchuck with wood. After tossing them out back where the compost pile was, they went over to the kitchen. Both of them sat on the couch, toward the right end. Juniper sat in front of Ves. Which would have made Juniper closer to me. Any other time, I would have found that a treasure, but it was really the princess I wished to break.
I continued to stand. It felt better that way.
“So what is this about?” Ves asked.
“You know this kinship we’ve been feeling? It’s no coincidence,” I began.
“It’s not?”
I shook my head.
“You see, while I said earlier that my ‘death’ wasn’t your fault, and I didn’t mean to make you cry, it is true that you inspired it. You see, three years ago, I was in the area when you were still a therapist and hearing about you made me want to quit…”
I stopped after seeing Juniper’s jaw hang low.
I sighed. That wasn’t right.
“Fuck it,” I shook my head, “there never was any boxing.”
“There wasn’t? But okay, were you in the area? And how did you know I was a therapist? Also, sorry if you saw me around that time, I was going through a lot.”
“I know you were. And you’re damn right I was in the area. You were such a shitty therapist, and you know why? Because you were a fake. You were never supposed to be one in the first place. Somehow you thought such a job, which you yourself weren’t qualified for and had no idea what to say to others, would bring you happiness.”
“Now hold on a second. Where do you get off?” Vesuvius scowled.
It seems I struck a nerve. That wasn’t important. If anything, it was all a part of the procedure.
“I have every right to get off on you! You caused so much trouble at that time, not just for me, but for others around you. And sure, they may have forgiven you, and I get it was largely not your fault, but seriously? You can’t blame one of those celestials for every action you took. Some of that was on you.”
“Celestials? What? And what do you mean trouble for you? I don’t recall ever seeing you as a therapist.”
“Oh, but you did. Just under a different name, with a different set of hair. Does Clara Waters ring a bell? If not, that’s fine, it’s not one of my favorites. It was a fake name, just like you were a fake therapist. There was also Clair Skye. Do you see what I’m getting at here?”
“What? What are those names?”
“And you wanna say you’re in a better place, and that you moved on, but I heard about what went down between you and Remora. You were waiting for an excuse for your grief to be over that you tried to project onto someone else. Now, I know you’ve moved past that as well, but here you are: saying you’ve moved on still, yet willing to deny what’s right in front of you for the illusion of wellness. So now it falls on me, the ghost of Christmas past, to tell you, Mr. Scrooge…”
“Stop messing around, Rhea!” Juniper scolded.
“Right. I was so caught up in my rant I forgot what I actually wanted to say.”
Tears began streaming down Ves’s cheeks.
“What kind of sick joke is this?” She asked, at first soft, but then she continued, louder, “where did you hear all these things? More importantly, why are you saying such things?”
There was no need for me to plea for understanding or give such a pitiful pursed lip. If my stare wasn’t enough, I didn’t know what was.
“I know I don’t look like a zombie, but I figured the scar would be a dead giveaway. Considering it was a parting gift.”
“Enough!” She shouted and sobbed into her hands.
I stared for a few seconds, but couldn’t think of anything else to reach her with. The truth really wasn’t worth the damage.
“I’ll find somewhere else to go. Thank you for these past few days. Both of you,” I bowed, then walked out of the house.
Not even a few steps outside, and the clouds turned black as it started to rain. First a drizzle, then a downpour.
I continued walking in spite of how soaked I was. My destination was the highway. Where to? Wherever I could dry off.
As I neared the highway, I began to think of that reaction more.
It’s like what I was trying to avoid came true. What was it worth telling her anything? We could have stayed...what? I couldn’t have stayed Rachel. Not like I could ever keep the same name for very long.
Twice in the same day, I made that woman cry.
I made a scene at the grocery store and made Juniper mad.
All I’ve been doing was making life worse for the both of them. What delusions did I have? Some kind of silly fling? In this lifetime? No, not even in the next.
I’m pretty sure I began to cry as well. It could just be my eyes were strained from the rain getting in my eyes, but the drops, which I was sure fell from either my cheeks or my nose, tasted salty. Almost warm, or a little sweet.
This confused sense of warmth was the best I could ask for.
I shivered again. Was it just me or was the rain getting more intense?
Behind, I heard splashing and clicking sounds as if someone was running over. I turned back, and there Juniper was, running toward me.
She was just a few steps toward me when she tripped against some wet soil and almost fell. I caught her hand just in time and held her up.
“Thank you,” she huffed.
“What are you doing out here?” I asked.
“You need to get back inside!”
I looked back toward the road. I wasn’t far. It wasn’t like I was forced to go in.
“I really can’t stay,” I concluded.
“Rhea, it’s cold outside!”
“Yes, and it will be cold inside, as well.”
“You’ll catch a cold.”
“I’m already cold.”
She grabbed my hand tighter and tried to pull me toward her.
“Come on!”
“No. I don’t have a place here.”
“And I’m saying you do!”
“But what about Ves?”
“She’s still on the couch! She wants you back in!”
“What if she’s not?”
“You’re right. She might be in the bedroom getting blankets.”
“Then why would you lie?”
“I’m not! You’ll see!”
“Make sense!”
She stood up on her tiptoes and reached her hand up to my cheek, wiping away some of the rain (and possibly tears).
“Sorry. I’m not one of those ‘kissing in the rain’ types. Besides, I don’t think we’re done talking in there.”
“What will Murphy’s Law charge us with this time?”
“Would you rather speculate or find out?”
I guess I would rather find out, as I ended up following her back in.
Inside, the lights were warm with candlelight on the tables. On the couch was no Ves, however.
“I thought you said she’d be on the couch.”
“Look! Blankets!” Juniper pointed to a spot on the couch where a blanket was laid down and several other blankets hung off the neck of the couch.
I shook all the rain off of me, just like a dog would, then raced toward the couch.
Once I wrapped myself in all the blankets, I shivered about. So business as usual.
Ves emerged from the kitchen with a mug in her hands.
“Would you like some hot chocolate?” She asked. I noticed her eyes were red and puffy.
“Hot. Cold. Doesn’t matter.”
“Okay. Do you like chocolate?”
I glared at her. She glared right back at me. I wondered if my eyes were red as well.
“Yes,” I said at last.
She brought forth the mug and set it down at the coffee table not far from the couch.
She sat down across from me, back at the right end where she was before. She had her legs curled up.
“Sorry about my outburst. I didn’t mean for you to walk out,” she said.
“You’re forgiven.”
“Am I?”
I glared at her, then started to cough.
“What is with you and forgiveness? As if that’s the real issue here?”
“Well, what about you and all that rant about how I caused all these problems and I’m not actually all mentally well?”
“It’s all true.”
“As brutal as ever, I see,” she scowled.
“And you’re still stubborn as all hell.”
“You’re one to talk. We could have worked together on a solution, you know.”
“Same goes to you. I offered multiple times.”
“Yeah, but don’t you see those were bad solutions and wouldn’t have worked anyway?”
“As if you had any better ideas.”
She chuckled.
“It really is you, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, princess. It’s me.”
“I don’t know how.”
She reached out and placed her palm on my cheek. It may have been warm. Hot, even. I was just too cold to tell.
“Part of me must have suspected. I felt a closeness with you in such a short amount of time, yet I just didn’t want to believe the possibility that you were actually familiar. I still love Juniper, and I think I have feelings for you as well.”
“Ah? That’s your reply?”
“Um. Congratulations?”
“I have something to say, too!” Juniper hopped over and tracked mud all over the floor. She crouched down at the edge of the couch and peered up. “I love Ves, and I love Rachel...er, Rhea, as well!”
“Should I start my own cooking show?”
Juniper nudged me.
“Well, the truth is, I’ve had a crush on Juniper,” I admitted.
“That was obvious from the start,” Ves replied.
“No it wasn’t. Don’t just decide something’s obvious when it isn’t.”
“Can I lay beside you?” Juniper asked.
“Is there room on the couch?”
“You can squeeze in if you put one leg over Rhea’s,” Ves suggested.
Juniper crawled up next to me on the left side of the couch and laid to the side, facing right, with her right leg over me. Ves ended up doing the same, only from the left end. They wrapped their arms around my chest, as well, and rested their heads on each shoulder.
“Truth is, I also feel a closeness with Ves. So maybe the reason didn’t start the same as the reason with Juniper, but in the end, I think my feelings for both of you ended up at the same place.”
The room was silent for a while until Ves started rubbing her hand against my chest.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“You just feel so real,” she answered.
“That’s because I am.”
“Are you sure this isn’t a dream?”
“It’s not one of mine.”
“Not mine, either. I’m too aware for it to be.”
“Not mine!” Juniper grinned. I reached up and ruffled her hair.
“Then if it’s none of ours, whoever’s dream it is doesn’t matter. We’re real to each other,” I concluded.
They didn’t say anything to that, but that they rested soon afterward seemed to indicate it was a satisfactory answer.
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