#red shoes snow white
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sboochi · 7 months ago
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When he finds out his fellow athlete friend he's met online is also going to the Olympic games, Merlin is stoked, however he doesn't imagine that "Red_Shoes" isn't the artistic gymnast he thought, but her country's weightlifting champion. That doesn't stop him from getting the biggest crush on the pretty girl he saw training the other day though.
I bring you this humble sports au, as someone with 0 knowledge about the subject, besides the fact that literally every woman I saw competing on tv these days is gorgeous
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therabbitthatpostthings · 1 year ago
If I had a nickel for every time a great movie with an amazing message
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Got box office bombed because of god-awful marketing
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I’d have 2 nickels! Which isn’t a lot but, strange that it happened twice right???
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pinkrangersarah · 1 year ago
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i show my love through memes
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kaiustuff · 1 month ago
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Western AU :>
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woolpuppet88 · 3 months ago
Whelp incredibly niche movie time!!!
Red shoes and the seven dwarfs, if you haven’t seen it i 100% recommend it! If you saw any of the atrocious advertisements for it I promise the movie is actually so wholesome and just really wonderful!
now for actual g/t lol
Imagine after Merlin and Snow get married Merlin got cursed again (to his credit it wouldn’t be his fault it was an actual witch this time) like I’m imagining he’s out fighting a witch with the rest of the f7 like old times Yknow? And well being cursed to be a troll for a whole year and not being able to keep your skills sharp must suck when fighting a witch that’s keeping everyone else too preoccupied with minions to help you fight the main bad guy who decides to use a.. tiny.. curse (hilarious i know)
Yeah don’t worry the guys handle the witch before anything bad happens (unless your angsty, I’m not tho) i fear i do not have a good enough grasp on their characters to actually write something like this but listen you people are free to use these I’m just the idea dispenser
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frie-ice · 2 years ago
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Because it was Musically Disney AMV's video, Merlin X RedShoes : Who I’d Be (before it got boarder blocked), that got me to make the blank Who I'd Be meme, I decided to fill my first version of this meme with the characters from the video. MDAMV's also used Prince Merlin in the YouTube video to reference Dwarf Merlin picturing himself as the hero in the song, along with having Snow White as her Red Shoes self.
There is also the fact that Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is a little similar to DreamWorks' Shrek. When it comes to Fairy Tale worlds and the main couple being touched by appearance changing spells and magic.
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walkingoneliner · 2 years ago
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The pose came in a dream, the background was a literal nightmare though
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years ago
Rachel Zeglar: I’m gonna be the first Snow White who is not going to be a damsel in distress dreaming about true love and instead she’ll learn to become a fighter and a great leader for her kingdom! No one’s ever done an independent Snow White before!
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hisnamesdylan · 5 months ago
So I just watched Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs and it’s such a good movie.
And (spoilers) at the end the magic mirror is talking about how you can only take the shoes off if you want something more than what they’re giving you. They only really mention how she takes off the shoes to save Merlin, which is really cute and great, but she also takes off the shoes to feel more herself and more comfortable in her room before someone knocks on the door. And Snow also takes off the shoes to get away from the guards.
There have been times when she couldn’t take the shoes off, but also times when she could. Which I think is really cool.
She wanted to be comfortable more than she wanted to be “pretty”. She wanted to be safe more than she wanted to be “pretty”. And she wanted to save someone she cared for more than she wanted to be “pretty”. I think that’s all great.
(Also I find all the thirst edits I’ve come across for either Merlin without the curse or Snow with the shoes really ironic for what the movie is about.)
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letstalkabot · 9 months ago
Merlin and Self Worth in Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs
Merlin values physical appearance above almost anything in people, this extends to himself as well.
We first see him and the rest of the f7 attacking the fairy princess because he thought she was a witch because “she looked like a witch”. This is also the first example of him judging based on appearances.
The second example is his immediate acceptance of red shoes when she’d broken into their house. Continuously he’d make comments about other people’s appearance, her father included. Remarking how red shoes must take after her mother.
He also makes self degrading comments about his appearance. It’s mostly to red shoes about how she’d like him so much more once she sees what he really looks like, not seeming to bat an eye or believe her when she says she likes him and it doesn’t matter what he looks like.
It seems he only values himself for his appearance and that bleed into his view of others. He only thinks of himself as worthy and deserving of love if he’s “beautiful”, he doesn’t see himself as being lovable if the only thing he’s offering is himself as a person.
When in the forest after snow reveals herself, he has an epiphany that snow likes dwarf Merlin over human Merlin. This changes his entire view and ultimately realizing he loved snow(the person) for snow(the personality) not snow(the person) for red shoes(the appearance).
At the end of the movie, after he sacrificed himself, he looks at snow and says, “ you’re the most beautiful woman in the entire world. My eyes are open.” This is so beautiful because after viewing everyone with this judgmental lens, including himself, he finally can see people, namely snow, for who she is and for more than the girl he thought she was.
Edit/ he says, “whether my eyes are open or closed.” When he was dying. Not sure why I didn’t put that.
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sboochi · 4 months ago
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Taste test
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mellificmonarch · 3 months ago
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Snow White from Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs. It's a really cute movie!
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mythicalgeek · 1 year ago
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Remember when Sam Claflin played in two Snow white movies, and both his character's where legit snacks 🤣🤭😍
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kaiustuff · 2 years ago
Bueno,toca interrogarte sobre el Lore de tu oc,van a ser varias preguntas y no hace falta aque respondas o que des respuestas largas
1 cómo fue la infancia de Diana? Tiene algún hermano o hermana?
2 con quien la emparejas(si es con nadie ta chévere,pero me parece muy cuca su interacción con Hans)
3 Nació en un lugar frío? Me da vibras de juego de tronos y eso que no via serie
4 Cómo serie su relación con el cast de la peli?
Intentaré responder sin que suene muy loco su lore
1 Diana no tiene ningún hermano/a, no tiene ningún familiar ya que ella proviene de una comunidad aislada que no cree en los lazos familiares ni fraternales (es un culto en varias cosas) su comunidad es su familia y al ella estar en el círculo de los cazadores (son los vigilantes de su aldea) considera a sus compañeros lo más cercano a sus hermanos, en cuanto a su infancia parece por su rostro inexpresivo qué pasó una vida dura pero todo lo contrario, ella estuvo muy feliz con su estilo de vida cuando era pequeña, puesto que era todo lo que conocía, jamás sintió que no encajara o la llegaron a maltratar, fue consentida por su pueblo al verla como la cazadora perfecta por su físico y su inteligencia
2 La verdad es que la historia de mi oc tomo un rumbo inesperado, yo creé a Diana con una conocida de Instagram que también creó su propio oc, y las creamos con la idea que fueran pareja pero actualmente no estoy en comunicación con esa persona así que por ahora Diana estará soltera, a mi me gusta creer que la interacción que tiene con Hans es tierna y que ella lo ve como un niño al cual proteger ^^
3 Si! Ella es de una parte de la isla con temperaturas bajas, pero lo puede resistir porque es descendiente de vikingos que llegaron a la isla mucho tiempo atrás
4 Pues su relación con el cast es variado, Hans y ella se llevan bien aunque Diana no hable demasiado o lo demuestre (le encanta sus postres) con los trillizos está fascinada por las cosas que inventan y cada que los ve les pregunta cosas o si inventan los observa con curiosidad, Merlin le da desconfianza por la magia que posee y por un tiempo le tuvo miedo pero después aprende sobre la magia y considera a Merlin como su mentor, con Jack no tiene una relación estrecha, ella solo lo tolera porque no le gusta que sea tan materialista, pero Jack está encantado con su estilo y su forma de vida, Snow quiere mucho a Diana por su forma de ser y quiere enseñarle el mundo de afuera, mientras que Diana tiene sentimientos encontrados porque por un lado respeta a Snow como líder y monarca pero siente que es su enemiga por conflictos qué hay entre su gente y el reino blanco, a pesar de esa desconfianza Diana no es hostil con ella y con el tiempo le agarra cariño. Y Arthur es un caso muy aparte porque Diana lo detesta a morir por todo, su personalidad, su forma de hablar y que sea crea tan fuerte, y el también se siente así, todo lo que es Diana es despreciado por Arthur, cada que pueden se agarran con la chancla y se dan sus buenos golpes, pero siempre llega alguien para separarlos y que no se maten xd
Las explicaciones son muy largas lo sé y me disculpo ((*^*))
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tragically-jane-doe · 5 months ago
Fuck everyone who convinced me red shoes and the seven dwarfs was insanely fat phobic and shit
This movie is amazing and so reminds me so much of 3d animated 2000s animated movies just way better animated
It's free to watch on Roku channel or freevee or Tubi if you want to watch it
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sainte-melasse · 1 year ago
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JSK : Blooming Snow White Underbust JSK by Baby the Stars Shine Bright Blouse : Innocent World Cardigan : Axes Femme Kawaii Headbow : Baby the Stars Shine Bright Tights : Baby the Stars Shine Bright Shoes : MollyPolly on Taobao
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