#'we should make sure ppl are comfortable :)' yes 'so we should consider their opinions' yes! 'and their opinion is that your existence is
vampacidic · 1 year
every once in a while i like to listen to conservatives talk. just to see how they're doing over there. and the absolute double think necessary to be a conservative is mind boggling
like one of the big things with conservatism is "keeping up the past" right. and that "past" is just western european ideals which is its own bucket of worms but the gist is "individualism good, sharing bad". however right wingers (specifically trans ones. think blaire white) will talk about how "the majority is cis so we should make sure they're the most comfortable :)" THAT JS THE OPPOSITE OF INDIVIDUALISM. WHICH YOU WERE JUST TELLING ME IS GOOD. THESE THINGS MEAN THE OPPOSITE THINGS AND I AM CRYI G
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but it makes me sad that a poor quality video was enough for some to drop JK and call him names."
I’m tired of reading this tbh. Some of us think the video is probably real and we don’t call JK names? I haven’t seen Demini and their anons calling him names, or did I miss something? We just think the video is real and it makes us question our previous opinion about Jikook, which in the end we know nothing about or not even 5% of their lives. Sure, some ppl might call him whatever but I haven’t seen any of that around here? Again, we just think the video is real and JK was with that girl and their privacy was invaded. As for me I have 0 idea if she was a fling or a friend, but it does very much look like JK and its apartment, come on. And the amount of ppl focusing on details like the window bay when we all know angles can trick our minds big time is weird. Remember when the very first taennie pic was leaked? The one in the car? So many armys were trying so hard to debunk it, saying it was an edit using a pic of Tae from in the Soop or whatever… well that aged well. I’m not saying the video is 100% real, who knows, could be a hoax, but honestly.. let’s be real, it looks legit. And JK is more than allowed to bring a woman into his apartment, he’s a grown adult, he does whatever he wants with his own private life and I think we’ve all been pretty clear on this blog that the problem was his privacy being invaded. A lot of us are Jikookers who are trying to consider all possibilities here, and if it turns out JK was involved with that woman then good for him. As for me I see no problem with him dating someone else than Jimin even though I used to be pretty hellbent on them being a thing. Well, now I try to take a step back and look at things as objectively as I can. I’m so disappointed in Jikookers pitting at eo and calling us names because we think the video is real. Stop with the cult like mentality.
Thank you for this. It got so tiring always talking about that video and why it can't or can be real. First was the security system, then the couch, the windows.... like, can we put it to rest, please? I did this post to address the 🪟 because I constantly get asks about it, and this is the last time I will engage in conversations about the videos's authenticity unless some new information comes up.
Yes, I believe this is JK and his apartment. No, I don't know who that woman is and what her deal with JK was. I don't have a problem with JK engaging with women, and I wouldn't call him any names ever over it because it is not my business to judge him. It's completely fine and reasonable to wonder, though, what Jikook's relationship is in light of this new information. I see so many accounts acting like people are idiots for thinking this may be JK or that Jikook were not together then, or maybe were never together to begin with, or trying to make some "conclusions" over the nature of their relationship.
We can't "conclude" anything because we know too little, and shipping is like walking a path blindly. You start in one direction, thinking you will find a meadow because you feel grass underneath your feet, but then you end up in a lake. We can only make assumptions based on clues from the partial information we have. The key is that we should be objective while doing it. I see too many people comfortably showing clear subjectivity in their "analyses" by taking small, unrelated things and turning them into a narrative, and then denying everything that may counterpose it.
To me, these types of people are delusional, have no critical thinking, basic logic, or science understanding. In real life and in science, when you are exploring a hypothesis, your deductions should come from the evidence and information you are presented with and not the other way around. If new information becomes available, some of those deductions may turn out to be incorrect. You accept it and continue with your theory in a way that best explains all the data you have available now. Simple.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
hi im asking u this bc u seem to be bee duo enthusiast so
ive been calling c! beeduos relationship platonic because i thought that was what their cc’s said, and i thought they had said that they were uncomfortable with ppl shipping the characters. But ive seen a lot of posts that say their relationship is canonically romantic? and i absolutely do not want to come across as homophobic by watering down a mlm relationship to just friends because that happens so much in media so.
what is the canon state of their relationship / ur opinions on the platonic thibg
dont worry abt answering if u dont want to!! i see a lot of differing opinions and i trust yours :)
aw it’s totally fine, im flattered you asked me about this!
let me put it simply: it’s a whole mess, lol.
first im going to talk about what’s happened fandom-wide that caused differing opinions, and then i’ll explain my own opinion/interpretation. :]
(this got really fucking long im so sorry)
ranboo and tubbo initially proclaimed the relationship was romantic, specifically in argument with the wiki editors who had set it as platonic by default. (you can see this in the vod where they decide they’re canonically married— it’s very funny. chat tells them the marriage is already on the wiki, they check, tubbo is jokingly offended that it says platonic and asks if he needs to up the romance).
tubbo also makes jokes about adultry, which sort of implies the relationship is not necessarily a platonic one.
(theres definetly more in that stream alone but it’s been a long time since i watched it so i don’t remember a lot of it.)
the wiki, because of this, suffers from going back and forth on platonic and romantic, seemingly unsure where the joke ends and the canon begins, or if its canonically a joke! a mess, as you can already tell.
this gets more complicated as the marriage bit goes on: outsiders, such as phil and scott, both at one point say “platonic marriage”, which then ranboo and tubbo agree with. however, when chat asks them if they’re platonic, they say the opposite. so there is a lot of confusion there.
there’s also the difficulty of being able to tell streamers and characters apart. ranboo and tubbo both don’t like being shipped irl, and that’s their boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. (they’re also minors, but tbh when they’re 18 in a year i will still be following their boundaries regardless of their legal age).
due to people not wanting to be accused of minor shipping, they started adding the platonic tone indicator to most of their drawings— basically a way of saying “no homo”. meanwhile, tubbo frequently on stream flirts with ranboo and makes quite a bit of nsfw comments towards him that are frankly hilarious.
this goes on for a while with nobody really sure what’s canon, but a lot of people assuming it’s probably platonic, until: the drama of the mods night. a few mods dmed all the wiki editors telling them ranboo wanted his canon character relationship officially set to platonic.
unfortunately for those mods; the very same day, a few hours later, ranboo on stream makes fun of puffy delivering him and tubbo “friendship flowers”. because, and i quote, “bruh. we’re literally married. this must be how the ancient greeks felt.”
in case you don’t know, the internet often jokes about how historians will call ancient greeks ‘very good friends’ when they are quite obviously gay. so in this context, ranboo is joking that people will call him and c!tubbo, who are married, “close friends”, when he doesn’t think they are.
basically, ranboo canonized romantic bee duo, the very same day the mods told everyone he’d wanted a platonic one.
chaos and drama immediately erupted everywhere. on tumblr, we were talking about how weird it was of his mods to do something like that without asking him first. we ALSO talked about how weird it was of them to assume that ranboo can’t make his own decisions, or assume teenagers cannot be in relationships without it being sexual. twitter did the same thing but in the opposite direction: called ranboo mods homophobic, or said they were mad ranboo felt pressured into making a romantic relationship canon ‘just so people could have mlm rep.’
i dont want to go into detail about the drama that happened that night because apparently official people follow me and i dont want to stir it up or have them come “clarify” things. im just saying what we talked about.
ranboo in typical ranboo fashion apologized quickly and seriously. he was deeply sorry for possibly offending anyone with how he’d portrayed his rp relationship with tubbo, and he also assured everyone the mod thing was just a miscommunication.
he said he would talk to tubbo and they’d decide once and for all whether it was platonic or romantic, and then announce so everyone would know.
it’s now been a few months and we've had no word from them on that development. we still have no clue.
now, here’s my opinion:
i want to take ranboos word for it that it was a miscommunication with his mods, but... we had it on good authority from people on the wiki team and people in the discord with the mods that (while it was happening) they were really going after the wiki admins, and also made some weird comments about it. that combined with the way ranboo seemingly had no clue (considering he canonized their romance that very same day).... it’s very. sus of the mods.
then there’s the canon we’ve got since then. although occasionally adults in the room have called it a “platonic marriage” and tubbo once (back when it first started) called it a “plankton tectonic” marriage, in roleplay it’s been... kind of not that. tubbo and ranboo make nsfw jokes about each other in character, and their characters also share a master bedroom and bed in the mansion. there's also the way c!tommy really thinks it’s a romance between them as well, and they agree with and play off that— for instance confirming that they “fell in love” when he asked, or ranboo confirming that they “make out on occasion”.
people will still put platonic on their art and posts, imo, because they’re worried about breaking ranboo and tubbo’s irl boundaries by looking like they ship them. or even just being accused of shipping real life minors. and that’s a valid fear to have.
the thing is though: c!bee duo are not cc!bee duo. they’re roleplay characters. cc!bee duo are not okay with being shipped, but they made their characters get canonically married, and call each other “husbands”. so it’s okay to write the word “husband” in your comic without adding “platonic” to it, i promise.
telling the ccs that their characters have to be platonic is... weird. it comes off as not only babying them, but also as saying teens can’t date without it being gross. which isn’t true.
(this is why seeing people overuse “platonic husband” so much bothers me. like, they ARE husbands. you can just say it. what are you trying to hide...?)
do i think they’re canonically romantic? ehh, its likely. it’s still okay to interpret them as platonic, because again, it’s hard to tell where jokes end and roleplay begins. like, maybe it’s jokes in the rp too, and c!bee duo are just friends. friends can and should be allowed to make jokes like that with each other! aro & ace marriages exist!
or, maybe it’s actually part of the rp, and they’re very much romantic. we don’t know!
some people say they could be a qpr (queerplatonic romance), which i could see. (a qpr is a relationship that fluctuates between, or can’t quite be sorted into, “romantic” and “platonic”. people in a qpr can do romantic things while having platonic feelings for each other). in my opinion this is a very valid interpretation as well!
CONCLUSION (sorry this got so long omfg):
are c!bee duo romantic?
its likely, but you can still interpret them however you like!
should i put /p on bee duo content?
ehhh? i find it annoying when it’s overused (as do others), but if you’re worried you can. its up to preference. putting it too much is weird though
should i put /p on things cc! bee duo do?
no. you’re not the one saying it so you can’t decide the tone tags for that. imagine you said something to your friend and a random stranger came up and was like “haha but that was /p right...?”
can i ship c!bee duo?
mmm. i’m not sure on this one. they are canonically married and very flirtatious, but the ccs don’t like being shipped and they’re close enough to being the ccs that actively shipping might be against boundaries.
can i treat c!bee duo as romantic?
yes. literally just don’t be weird about it. it’s not that hard! you can understand that two characters are husbands without making it weird
here’s the most important thing: boundaries. cc bee duo still haven’t told us what their preferences and canon is about this whole thing.
right now, i am assuming based on what they already show us they’re comfortable with, but! the second they give us any more info! all these opinions will change!
i am only going off what they do. i would never want to cross boundaries at all. i just wish they would make theirs a little more clear.
..... i hope that helped anon, i went way off the rails... i need to go to sleep.
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dianapana · 3 years
SH Day 2: Fashion Statement
Modern AU, OOC
Bullies exist everywhere you look, in school, at work, on the street and most of all, on the internet. Countless bullies hide behind the anonymity the internet provides them in order to bring down strangers for no apparent reason. But there is always a reason, jealousy, an inferiority complex, a superiority complex, or plain and simple the bully is a pile of trash and no one should call it a human being. One of the worst things one can do when being active on social media is read the comments, because no matter how many positive comments there are, one bad comment outweighs them all. Scrolling through my Instagram I see the perfect example of this issue. Hinata is barely an acquaintance, I have not seen her since middle school almost a decade ago, she’s not active on any social media, or at least she wasn’t until today. The picture in front of me brings back all of my past thoughts of her, how pretty her face looked, how refreshing and pleasant her lower voice tone was; out of most people I was aware of at the time, she was one of the least annoying. The only thing that bothered me at times was her meek demeanour, how easy she’s fold under the pressure of bullies; and it would appear that she had not changed in that particular category.
The picture was there, I liked it, I looked through the comments, I saw all the negative ones, I saw them misgendering her due to her short hair and baggy clothes, I saw them calling her names; and then there was nothing, because the picture no longer existed. Much like in school, the bully applied pressure on her, and she caved in on herself and chose to hide.
I wish I had taken a screenshot of the picture to post myself, but that would have been an invasion of privacy. She looked older and more mature, her hair was much shorter than in middle school, almost a buzz cut. She had always worn baggy clothes, but her style developed to streetwear, all in all, the picture was, in my opinion, a work of art. But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. I can’t explain why it bothers me this much the fact that she took it down, but it just does.
I hate all the entitled fucks that think people own them anything. Females do not own them femininity, males don’t own them masculinity and gender non-conforming people don’t own them an androgynous appearance. Gender and fashion style are different issues, they can reflect each other or not. People use clothes for various reasons, as art, as means of expression, or they use them to hide. We talked about this during one of my courses in gender studies in university and it fucked with my brain how many people, young people that are supposably ‘woke’ heard that for the first time. I was shocked how many were unaware of things that I consider common sense.
I have the urge to reach out, assure her that the shit those incompetent fucks commented is the furthest thing from fact. Maybe I also feel guilt, because I was aware she was bullied in school and never helped, my apathy always made me so sure that it had nothing to do with me. It wasn’t my issue to fix, it wasn’t my battle to fight, and this isn’t either; but I’ve also learned to understand that being quiet might not be as hurtful as actively attacking the person, but it’s damn near close enough. So, I click on her blank profile and shoot her a short message. ‘the pic looked nice. U didn’t have to delete it just cuz some ppl don’t know what style is’
It was partly to comfort her, and partly to prove to myself that I’ve become better even in the slightest. I press the lock button on my phone and the screen turns black, I put it screen down on my bed and leave the room trying to fool myself and the universe that I don’t care if she replies or not.
I return to my work desk, continuing this charade, I am actively trying to not think about it, but the more I try not to think about it, the more I think about it. There is something about a 24-year-old Hinata looking the way she does, yet listening to haters, that just doesn’t sit well with me. I’m still in deep thought about the issue when my laptop dings, letting me know I received an email. I half expect it to be Hinata, but it’s work-related and my focus turns to that for the time being. Work keeps me busy for the remaining of the day, enough to push the whole issue out of my mind for real. In a blink of an eye over 9 hours have passed.
I wasn’t able to fully finish everything I wanted, due to some issues but I have to call it a day, since I worked overtime quite a lot. I go back to my bedroom and pick up my phone ready to order some delivery for the night when I see that Hinata responded.
“That was very thoughtful of you, thank you for the kind message.”
“I agree that I shouldn’t let myself be brought down, but it’s devastating in the moment.”
“I’ll try again.”
Her last message makes me click back on her profile to see that she reposted the picture with the caption saying ‘fuck you’. A sense of pride flows into my body, and I can’t fight the urge to comment as well, ‘fuck them all’. I go back to our little chat.
“Im glad u decided to post it again.”
I’m trying to formulate a compliment that doesn’t sound weird, I don’t feel like we are close enough for me to call her beautiful or pretty without it sounding like I am flirting, stunning sounds extreme, sexy and hot feel somewhat disgusting; yet all these five adjectives describe her, because she is beautiful, pretty, stunning, hot and sexy. I’m in the midst of this internal battle when I receive a reply.
“I am too. Thank you again”
I don’t feel like I deserve thanks, so I decide not to write back ‘you are welcome’, but I still want to compliment her so I click back to look at the picture, seeing whether having the picture in front of me will help. I’m lowkey annoyed when I get a notification that I have a new message from her, I am hell bound on finding a compliment and she is hell bound on stopping me. Either way, I click on the message, but upon reading it, my annoyance dies.
“I’m actually in Konoha for the first time in forever. I was thinking…if you maybe want to meet up? I’m here for a month, let me know if and when is a good time for you 😊”
Under normal circumstances, an invitation to ‘hang out’ from any former classmate be it elementary, middle or high school would annoy me further and I’d turn it down immediately. But for some reason, the idea of meeting Hinata after so many years, seeing what she is up to, interacting with her now as adults, makes me oddly enthusiastic. I reply before I can overthink the issue.
“Sure, we can meet, I’m free every Wednesday and throughout the weekend.”
Her reply is almost instant. “That’s perfect! See you Saturday” Reading her message makes me forget what day it is, so I have to look at my phone’s calendar; Saturday is the day after tomorrow, in less than 48hs I will see Hinata. My feelings are conflicted, they lay somewhere between nervousness, which is new, and giddiness, which is even newer. In order to calm myself, I do what I always do, set a goal. By Saturday I’ll have an appropriate compliment for the picture and her, it will have more impact if I say it face-to-face anyway, yes that’s the reason I want to see her, so I can feel as if I completed this little mission of mine, no other reason…
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i saw a few posts of yours answering the common questions a lot of ppl have and its the “are tianshan a toxic couple” and i love your responses and how you say “we should take a step back to see the real picture” basically. after reading 19days twice, i’ve come to understand A LOT about our 4 boys. its that they all carry emotional baggage and trauma. and they all suffer with it through out the chapters, slowly overcoming it as the story progresses. what we have to understand as readers is that we can’t have a happy ending just yet- it’s not realistic. OX has written this story in a very clear, realistic way. with that, we have moments in the beginning of tianshans relationship where mo comes off as very annoyed or mad when tian appears. but slowly, he gets used to tian being his friend and even allows tian to see his moments of vulnerability (i.e., breaking down, explaining his child hood trauma, etc) which btw is a HUGE THING? mo literally clinging onto tian like that is a HUGE moment of vulnerability..you can even say its out of character but really its just mo opening up and allowing tian to understand him. another thing a lot of ppl assume that mo “hates” tian..which i guess is shown in the beginning moments of their first encounter but he really just struggles to accept and understand his feelings for tian. which is why he reacts the way he does sometimes when he’s flustered or nervous. (1) we can see this with the whole studs incident and how mo himself eventually came to realize he wants to wear them when HE wants. this is a huge thing again because he wants to show tian basically that he’s not wearing it for the heck of it- he’ll wear it comfortably when he wants to for HIMSELF! another thing is that moments of danger really bring out mo’s TRUE feelings for tian. (1) we can see this in the chapter special where tian pushes mo out of the way and saves him in the forest when its raining. (2) when tian sends mo a pic of his arm “bleeding” and mo LITERALLY drops everything to go to him. in these moments, mo really acts like tian is the only one that matters; he disregards everything and everyone because he cares so much about this one person. in my opinion, i do believe that mo will come to realize and accept these feelings for tian. like come on...we have gotten SO much character development. his current and past feelings for tian can be seen as him struggling to understand his feelings (trying to understand if they are feelings for a friend vs. feelings for a lover). his intimate moments with tian are always showing his frustration.
the flashbacks are coming to an end and im so sure that we’ll get to see how mo and tian dealt with being away from each other, what tian was doing the entire time he was away, etc. anyways it just makes me kinda sad when people assume that mo is heartless or that tianshan is toxic and blah blah...because like DUDE, these are real things people go through. it takes SO much courage to accept your feelings for someone. we cant just expect mo and tian to sort everything out in like 1 chapter. all of this was rambling and idek if i make sense but what do you think? do you agree/disagree? also sorry if i come off as rude it was not my intention at all T^T i really your analysis and wanted to share mine about momo with you too :D
Hello, dear anon!
Oh, please, your message wasn't rude at all! I loved reading your thoughts, thank you for taking the time to type me all this!
Your ask touches on a lot of topics I’ve talked about before, so here is a list of my previous answers that I think are relevant:
Did MGS hate HT in the beginning?
About MGS and SL’s development
Do I think Tianshan is toxic?
Do I think Tianshan is toxic vol. 2
My Tianshan “timeline”
My Tianshan “timeline” continued
Will MGS’s attitude towards HT ever change?
Will MGS’s attitude towards HT ever change, vol. 2?
You might want to check some of those out if you’re interested. But I’ll most probably end up repeating some things anyway.
““are tianshan a toxic couple” and i love your responses”
Thank you! I have to admit those were probably the hardest questions I had gotten so far. As a Tianshan OTP shipper, I understand that I’m easily biased. And as someone who often ships the problematic pairings, the whole “it’s toxic” discourse can get...tiring.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that I feel like often when people complain some ship/character is toxic, they erase the context of those things. I understand that context doesn't excuse any type of behavior but it explains it more often than not. To me, context is about taking that step back and seeing the bigger picture/overall development.
Also, I think “toxic” is a surprisingly subjective term and people have very different levels of tolerance for it. If someone sees Tianshan as toxic, I think their take is valid. It’s perfectly fine if the ship is too much for them. But I also like to remind people that this is fiction we are talking about. In fiction, things are often exaggerated. Also, fiction is a safe place to explore different things and enjoy whatever scratches your itch. No one is getting hurt. So, if something isn’t to your taste, that’s fine! If you want to have a discussion about those differences, awesome! Just don’t go around judging people for liking something in fiction.
“a lot of ppl assume that mo “hates” tian / he really just struggles to accept and understand his feelings for tian“
I think this has mostly to do with MGS being a very tsundere character. His first answer is always “no”, “shut up”, “go away”, etc. But deep down, he does care and doesn't actually hate as much as he lets people (mis)understand. Tsundere characters can be frustrating, and I get it if they annoy some people. But it’s important to recognize them, so you won’t let their “tsun” side fool you.
To me, a lot of MGS’s anger and aggression is also about his general distrust of people. In the beginning, he was hostile towards HT because to him, HT was ultimately the same as SL (ch. 138, 150, 155):
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MGS didn't understand HT’s interest in him. He didn't trust HT’s kind of people with money and influence. He had had bad experiences with SL taking advantage of him, and he wasn't about to let HT do the same. His guard was high, and the best way to protect himself was being aggressive. (This didn't apply to HT only but everyone who tried to interact with MGS.)
A lot of that early behavior makes more sense if you take a step back and look at the overall development of Tianshan and MGS. On the surface, it easily looked like MGS hated HT in the beginning when it would be more accurate to say he hated people like HT.
You suggested that MGS is struggling to accept and understand his feelings for HT, and I would agree. I’m not sure if I would go as far as saying his feelings for HT are exactly romantic just yet, but I’m sure his relationship with HT is something that MGS can’t quite figure out. He’s not only learning to trust HT but also no doubt noticing that he might - god forbid - actually care about HT. That’s a lot of “figuring out” if you consider what HT ultimately represented to MGS in the beginning and how defensive MGS was towards everyone. 
Overall, I would say that MGS is “bothered” by HT. In a good way. He can’t really understand HT or their relationship but HT “bothers” him by being persistent and poking at topics that MGS isn’t really familiar with (for example, romance). The change in him that HT is ultimately the driving force for is “bothering” him which I think is something quite human and relatable. It’s the confusion and uncertainty that keeps bugging us all before we figure something out.
“but slowly, he gets used to tian being his friend and even allows tian to see his moments of vulnerability“
One of the biggest themes in Tianshan is definitely trust. This is very much connected to your earlier point, but I wanted to take a separate look at this. I would even go as far as saying trust is at the core of everything you’re saying.
As I said, in the beginning it looked like MGS hated HT when he, in truth, didn’t just trust him. But once again if you take a step back, you can see the overall development (ch. 130, 144, 160, 188, 282, 283, 318, 346 [the last one is translated by @1154lizz 🖤]):
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MGS had learned to be suspicious of people and to believe that no one was looking out for him. No one would be on his side. No one would believe he didn't do it. No one would defend him, let alone demand justice for him. I believe a lot changed in Tianshan when MGS realized HT would be in his corner and fight for him. 
After that MGS began to gradually open up about things (SL piercing his ears, his past with SL). With that development, MGS not only let HT closer but also gave HT more control over him. He allowed HT to occupy him in ways that SL had used to abuse him: the earrings and his past. Those had been ways for SL to own and control MGS, but with HT they were about trust and protection.
Lately, it seems like MGS is allowing HT to coax his dreams and pursuing them. No matter what MGS wants to do, HT will support him. He believes in MGS. That takes trust as well because dreams can be a surprisingly vulnerable topic. Especially if you’re someone like MGS who hasn’t had that kind of support and faith for various reasons.
So yes, I would say the ever-growing trust between Tianshan has changed the relationship. MGS has gone from hostile “I don’t know what you want with me but whatever it is I won’t let you” to more positively flustered tsundere-like aggression.
“another thing is that moments of danger really bring out mo’s TRUE feelings for tian“
Yes, I definitely agree with this, too. Those moments are when MGS’s “dere” side comes out so nicely (ch. 233, 234, 255, 259, 309, 329):
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With all the aggression in MGS, it’s sometimes easy to forget that he’s actually a very caring person. A lot of that is just protected by thick emotional walls because his caring side has gotten him in serious trouble before. He’s learned to harden himself in that regard, but if people are persistent enough with him they will eventually see how caring he actually is.
It’s taken some time but MGS does care about HT. And he does care about JY and ZZX. They have all wiggled their way into his heart even though it probably rarely looks like that. He curses at them and tells them to fuck off, but if it really came to something serious, he would be worried and scared for them. I think the fact that HT has deemed MGS as someone safe around whom to show his more vulnerable side is proof of how MGS treats people who are looking for shelter - both literally and figuratively.
But again, I do understand if this kind of thing doesn't appeal to some people. It can be frustrating if A’s softer feelings only come out when B is in danger or hurt. Personally, I’m living for those little nuggets of worry and affection.
“i do believe that mo will come to realize and accept these feelings for tian / we’ll get to see how mo and tian dealt with being away from each other“
I’m interested in seeing if these two thoughts of yours will eventually be combined in the comic. It seems HT will be going away, so I wonder how that will affect MGS. Will the absence make him perhaps realize his budding romantic feelings towards HT?
But overall, I do agree and believe that MGS will eventually figure his feelings out and come to accept them. Despite everything, he is the kind who can make up his mind about these things and be surprisingly confident about it. Asking HT for the earrings being a good example of this.
I really liked hearing your thoughts and agreed with your takes! Thank you for sharing them with me!
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sneakystorms · 4 years
Criticisms of gbbo episodes ranked on their validity based on my uneducated opinions because it's past midnight and i can't sleep:
"Someone who consistently underperforms shouldn't get to stay while a person who's consistently great goes home because of a bad week" - invalid. It's explicitly the premise of the show that they decide who stays and who goes based on weekly, not overall, performance. You can argue it's unfair and creates situations that are unsatisfying to watch, but it is the rule of the game - at least this season it has been, ive seen someone say that it was different in previous seasons but ive only seen this one sooo
"Even judging solely by this week's performance, laura should have went home instead of hermine" - hard to say for sure but I'm inclined to agree. Since I'm not a pro chef who knows exactly what is important in each bake, and i wasn't there to try the flavours and texture, and we're shown a version of the events that is edited and incomplete, there's no real way to give an objectively correct verdict from my couch. But considering that laura failed the technical pretty spectacularly AND did poorly in the showstopper (yes apparently her flavours were great but it was repeatedly stated that presentation matters a lot in this round) whereas hermine only did poorly in the showstopper (and I'd argue should have been first in technical) i think it would have been fairer to send laura home
"Feels suspicious that the last person of colour got booted and left three white people in the final" it does! But we shouldn't focus exclusively on this person of colour just because they were the last one - every booting of a person of colour contributed to this end result equally. So this criticism is valid, but somewhat misdirected/overly narrow
"That pond pudding looks disgusting, i can't believe they made them do that" i thought the same at first, but reading an explanation of the process makes it actually sound kind of tasty? Apparently the lemon is cooked so long that it caramelizes a little, and it's super soft and delicious
"The technicals are getting ridiculous with how little time and directions the contestants are given" - valid. This was especially obvious last week as they were simply not given enough time to comfortably complete the challenge. I understand the underlying assumption that less room to breathe equals more tension and drama, but it should be carefully balanced to ensure that this kind of situation - where everyone fails - doesn't happen, because it is incredibly unsatisfying to watch.
"The two comedians are unfunny" - 100% valid i hate their stupid bits with a passion
"Paul and/or pru are too mean" - i don't see it? Sure, Paul has a stern, intimidating show persona and they both try to look like they're always giving it straight, but they rarely seem overly mean and when they praise someone (which happens often) they do it quite kindly. The only time I'd agree wholeheartedly is those occasional moments when paul takes someone's bake and disimissively throws it on the plate or pokes it around the display, harshly criticizing it but doing so in this faux unaffected voice. Yeah it generally only happens when the bake is really bad but that shit is mean and unnecessary. But even then it's kind of like... It's reality tv. I feel like you shouldn't get so upset over something that's such a staple of the genre? Some people seem to really be out there getting genuinely furious at paul the human being for being occassionally mean in a reality tv show when that's basically in his job description
The colour correction is too much - havent seen anyone else complain about this but oh my god. Oh my god. Peter looks like an anime character. Half the ppls faces are the colour of a lobster. Prus glasses make ne want to claw my eyes out. Christ.
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yibuo · 4 years
love your hot takes! was wondering if you could give your two cents on shipping/rpf in relation to idol culture, how more often than not these pairings are subtly if not overtly used as a marketing tool etc. I’m all for freedom of expression / fandom consumption as long as the fourth wall is respected but given recent developments in c-ent I feel like we’re treading on thinner and thinner ice....
EDIT you asked for my two cents and i gave u my entire bank account. nice
ok i wasn’t sure how to answer this tbh without possibly getting attacked but i have a pretty strong opinion of rpf/shipping and how people take it to the extremes and i talked to oomf who validated me so here i go
tldr i mean people can take part in shipping/rpf if they want to and if they keep it lowkey but there’s a boundary as to how far shipping/rpf can go and there are too many instances of where people insert rpf/shipping in places that are unacceptable and this goes for all real ppl pairings 
i’m not meaning to offend anyone, and in no way are my opinions discriminatory, but also, if you’re someone who’s gonna make HUGE stretches regarding to celebrities and push your favorite ships in totally unrelated things, maybe you should step back and think about how your actions can affect your favorite people
and i’m totally stealing this from oomf, but here’s a thought:  if you ask yourself  'if i met this person irl, would i feel embarassed if they looked me in the eyes and i read this out loud to them' and if the answer is 'i would look like a pervert stalker' then like........maybe don't do what you’re doing?  
pls respect ur faves is all n don’t make them uncomfortable ! ! and also pls don’t fetishize same sex relationships !
ok so let me start by saying i’m a seventeen stan and when i was 15-16 y/o i shipped svt members, read rpf, etc, but never really was into overanalyzing every touch or gaze. i obviously enjoyed my favorite pairings interact and i read romantic fics about them. i wasn’t really into reading smut because for me, personally, fics using the members’ names and personalities even in au kinda made smut feel like visualizing the members in a sexual context and i felt like i was crossing a fan boundary, like, would my idol be comfortable with me seeing them in a sexual context with another member they tell us they consider as friends/brothers/sisters? or just in general, would they be comfortable with me thinking of them sexually? but hey, if it was a good fic i would just skip over the smut because good fics are good fics. now idk if it’s because i’m older, or other changes? i don’t really do romantic shipping or read rpf, i stick to reading fics about fictional characters because that’s what makes me comfortable (like if i ever rb two members’ interactions on my main, i stick to just tagging the members instead of their ship name, same goes on here for real people) and i still very much am uncomfortable w/ real people smut literature and art, but that’s just me
ok you see shipping a lot in idol culture because idols are in groups and members spend a good 90% of their time together, so whatever cute interactions you see  kinda lead to people shipping two (or more ig) members. i never really thought about idol shipping culture from a marketing perspective, so i asked some of my friends, and one of them made a really good point about how some ships are more popular than others, and these interactions on shows and stuff might be a strategic/marketing tactic to lure in new fans because of the “ships” being cute. i don’t know how true this actually is, but it kinda made sense. for example, in svt, mingyu x wonwoo is a super popular ship, compared to ships like the8 x vernon which no one ever talks about, even though we know that all the members love each other equally and wholeheartedly. so yeah, there probably is a subtle pushing of certain ships in order to gain momentum in attracting more fans to the group
also i’m gonna be using wonwoo and mingyu as examples but i’m not targetting anyone or anything, just hypothetical situations w/ an idol ship that i noticed to affect the members because how out-of-control SOME stans are
so as i said in my tldr, i don’t really mind romantic shipping, as long as it’s 1) lowkey 2) not pushed in places that it doesn’t belong and 3) not mentioned among the members
keeping it lowkey- pushing ships in everyone’s faces gets annoying. sometimes fans just want to enjoy idols’ content as they give it to us and frankly, it’s a little offputting when you’re trying to watch something or enjoy something and hoards of fans are fangirling over a gaze or a touch between 2 members. keep it on your private acct, or in a group chat, not in the youtube comment section of the video. but still, men and women are allowed to touch each other and show affection without it being romantic, and i feel like shipping culture kinda invalidates the platonic relationship. like unless a pairing is confirmed to be dating, why even bother with overanalyzing these gazes or touches. and no, it’s not homophobic for non-rpf fans to be annoyed, because sometimes fans just want to see the members as they portray themselves to be rather than finding a deeper (and unconfirmed) meaning behind every small thing. fans being like “bro it’s just the touch of two hands it’s not that deep” is not the same thing as fans going “ewww i’m’ not supporting them if they’re not straight” . and sometimes i feel like people try to twist non-rpfers words and call them homophobic if they’re not for shipping when sometimes people don’t wanna romantically visualize 2 people if they’re an unconfirmed couple. how can you use lgbt struggles, which is an issue in society, to fight against people who simply don’t do rpf?? how are you use that as a weapon and for what ??? (also a good amount of people who do this are lgbt fetishizers who aren’t lgbt themselves bye i said it) why can’t we all jus be friends dudes
ok but if you’re against your idols dating someone of the same gender, that’s homophobic and you needa get that checked
but that’s different from treating two members as friends rather than bfs
but this being lowkey concept applies to any pairing, straight or gay, just keep it lowkey dudes. (like for ex we see yibo and meng meiqi shippers, which also doesn’t make sense to me because it’s based off of literal crumbs but ok) it’s ok to be rpfer or non-rpfer as long as you’re respecting the idols and keeping their best interests in mind
respect ur faves pls
not pushed in places that it doesn’t belong- people need to stop bringing up ships and pairings in randomass places. for example, if wonwoo is doing a interview, with mingyu being nowhere in sight, and he’s talking about his hobbies and interests without ever mentioning mingyu, what’s the need to bring up mingyu?? people do it and it’s so... weird? like wonwoo can do things without being constantly associated mingyu? one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when shippers make these ships such a HUGE part of a members’ identitiy, when the members are doing so much w/ their lives? like no, not every move wonwoo makes, and every breath he takes is related to mingyu, but people still wanna have the audacity to mention mingyu in something completely unrelated? what’s your point?
not mentioned among the members in an uncomfy manner- like if you’re interacting with a real person, why are you gonna bring up a ship they’re included in when you have so many other things to talk about?? like ok it’s one thing to ask someone on a livestream “hey this event you guys did on xxxx show was funny, what’s the tea behind that” but it’s not okay to just mention a ship with no relation and no context to the situation. again, this counts as rpf-ers and shippers attributing a single ship to an idol’s identity much more than what it actually counts as. no, wonwoo is not 70% made of mingyu lover and vice versa. we actually saw this between mingyu and wonwoo as people kept pushing meanie (the ship) to their faces, and we saw (and  still see) a much more decreased amount of interaction between them compared to them predebut, because shippers couldn’t stay in their lane. so yes, out-of-control shipping DOES affect idols and can be harmful to their relationships if you don’t control it
^ so y’all see why i feel so strongly about this, because it literally can affect these idols’ relationships on screen
again, this applies for any pairing of any sexuality, i’m just using wonwoo x mingyu as an example because it’s something i saw when i was into rpf. i love both mingyu and wonwoo and they are wholesome together. i have friends who ship them and i’m completely ok with that because they do it without posing any harm to the members, but some people just need to take a chill pill and a seat and calm down ????
so i completely understand that shipping/rpf serves as a creative outlet for lgbt+ folks and that’s completely fine, inspiration, love, cool cool cool. just don’t be so pushy about small interactions especially directly to idols. and as for rpf-ers, don’t let rpf give you a reason to start fetishizing same-sex relationships, that shits weird and problematic...pls
again, if you ask yourself  'if i met this person irl, would i feel embarassed if they looked me in the eyes and i read this out loud to them' and if the answer is 'i would look like a pervert stalker' then like........maybe don't do what you’re doing?  
lol so this is why i’m much more comfortable w/ fictional shipping, because these people don’t exist in the real world and don’t have actual lives and relationships to protect 
just respect ur faves omg and we’ll be fine
“given recent developments in c-ent” and me being a yibo stan and you sending me this strongly leads me to believe you’re referring to out of control bjyx cpf (yizhan shippers)  LOL
i don’t follow much c-ent besides xnine, uniq, r1se, and sometimes unine and the nine percent members, and honestly im not too into the fan culture so i dont follow ships there? so i’ll focus on. this ship
to be completely honest, shipping for idol groups makes some sense to me because idol group members are with each other most of the time, that’s literally their job
shipping actors who haven’t confirmed that they’re dating/no proof doesn’t really make sense to me at all--they work on one project together, and they’re off to their next., with or without each other . we don’t know if they keep in contact every day, much less if they’re into each other, but each to their own! my opinions and takes aren’t perfect and as long as you’re respecting your faves, it is ok~
ok so i’ll start of with saying: obviously, i love yibo. i love xiao zhan. they’re cute nd wholesome and evidently had good times together and learned a lot from each other regarding acting and being in the industry and just developing as people together. good for them, we love character development. amazing
is pushing bjyx a marketing tactic? most definitely yeah by tencent thanks tencent. i think you can see this through the amount of bts videos there are with just bjyx in comparison to other bts videos/interviews, even though there are many more important characters apart from wwx and lwj in cql, we don’t see as much side cast interactions as bjyx, and if we do, there aren’t that many w/ other cast members and yibo and xiao zhan?? relatively speaking
so yeah i think pushing this yibo x xiao zhan thing definitely was a tactic to further the momentum that wangxian was already having to attract stans, and it worked. like i LOVE watching yibo and xiao zhan bts videos because they are two goofs. love them. love my boys. love their camaraderie. and if people wanna ship, then go ship. cool! just be casual pls
i think where this becomes a problem is when people start projecting wangxian’s relationship onto yibo and xiao zhan because...the latter are real people. yibo and xiao zhan =/= wangxian !!!!!! (ok first of all yibo is a gremlin how can he be the wang in wangxian in real life)  what wyb and xz show us in videos is nowhere near what wangxian is hJKNDJNWD and i see so many people just equate the two pairings...nooo... and combining everything mxtx writes about wangxian in the novel and projecting that onto wyb and xz...i don’t think that’s the move dudes they have their own lives they’re not wangxian
my BIGGEST pet peeve is when people wholly credit wyb’s development as an actor and as a person to xz and vice versa. i cannot tell you how many times i see posts saying “wyb brought xz out of his shell” and vice versa and things like “xz looks like he’s having much more fun than he is when he’s with xnine, they’re soulmates” and etc
both wyb and xz have had years of industry experience before getting to know each other. they’ve gone through some of the lowest points of their careers before even getting to know each other well, and they’ve both found Their People in the industry before finding each other. to say that wyb brought xz out of his shell in a summer’s worth of filming based on some bts videos is just so unfair to the bonds xz has made with his other colleagues and xnine  members and the accomplishments he’s had before cql. same with wyb and his career prior to cql. and his uniq members, his ttxs bros, and all his other colleagues. these 2 have gone through some shit with their idol groups and it’s just not fair for cpfs to erase the significance of their career prior to cql to support and find a leverage for their shipping. i’m not saying all cpfs do this, but there is  a Good Amount That Do and it pisses fans like me off
they are not each others saviours bye
also  “xz looks like he’s having much more fun than he is when he’s with xnine, they’re soulmates”, if you guys ever watch xnine videos, you’ll know that xnine is Loud. with members like wu jiacheng and peng chuyue being so loud and extroverted, it kinda makes xiao zhan relatively quieter. but he’s still a gremlin and troublemaker and it’s not like he isn’t having fun. he’s just louder w/ yibo because yibo is more introverted than xz. relationship dynamics are relative to the relationship cmon people !!!! this is basic knowledge !!!! anyway that was a side tangent but ya
but ya my point is, wyb and xz have their own careers and they’re doing their own things now, and it’s unnecessary to bring up xz in an unrelated wyb post/article and vice versa, and it’s just so so unnecessary to link them in everything??? like i heard that cpfs prevented xz from keeping his nomination for an award because yibo wasn’t nominated so xz lost the nomination ./rolls eyes
anyway my point being, if you wanna ship them then go ahead! just do it normally and don’t bring up the ship in unrelated places (like other dramas, tv shows, etc where they’re not together), don’t spam them with bjyx related things, don’t make weird stretches/connections?? the other day on twt i saw a twt about uniq wenhan’s drama, where he was being referred to as xiao zhan (little zhan) in the drama (different  “xiao” and “zhan” characters than actor xz’s name) and i saw cpfs go “omg theYRE CALLING HIM XIAO ZHAN??? IS THIS FATE OR” like no it isnt maam it’s just a name stop reaching
ANYWAY UNNECESSARY SIDE RANTS BUT MY MAIN POINT is that people are allowed to be shippers and take part in rpf, but don’t make their identities “____’s lover”, don’t look past their current and past achievements for the sake of your ship, don’t erase their relationships with other people for the sake of your ship, stop bringing your ship into things that are only related to one person/aren’t related to your ship, stop saying creepy things about your ship (if you think the ship people would be uncomfrotable with what you say about them you probably shouldn’t be saying it)
just. respect ur faves pls no matter who they’re with ...just respect them ty
stan yibo stan xiao zhan stan uniq stan xnine
comment ur fav yibo and xiao zhan moment below
like comment subscibe
ok bye mic drop 
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battleshell · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: @dansiere whom im care tagging: extremely informative meme for ppl who have lots of cross-over interactions, i encourage u to steal it from me anyway BUT @sternenteile​ @twelvians​ @stellamris​ @grandtales​
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ he is a very, very minor NPC that i’ve essentially wrested from the game with my grubby hands; Gerson is a merchant NPC found in Waterfall, the third area of the game focused with water themes. he has less than 100 lines of dialogue (but jam-packed full of info) and doesn’t even have an overworld sprite. although noted to have a history with multiple major characters, it’s not often i’ve seen him be the main focus of any fanfics or art pieces. ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ put that faaaaaaaar away from me please tyty ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i personally believe that Gerson is a strong and potentially powerful monster with fighting capability that could rival some of the stronger Monsters in the Underground due to his background as a fighter during the Human-Monster War, but since has waned in both reputation and fighting skill. we never fight him in game and as such, will never see how he compares numerically, but it’s clear from his dialogue that he knows how to fight professionally/cleverly and would have given a hard challenge. ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mentioned before that Gerson has ties with lots of major characters - I hardly see it being put into action or talked about! i also have a soft spot for elder/older characters in general since they seem to be overlooked in favor for younger characters that carry the action of plots - which I understand and totally get, but I still like to put these characters out there for the sake of it ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ he was a funny merchant dude that said “wahaha” a whole bunch of times and carried a magnifying glass; sure he and Frisk would have been good friends after the golden ending but most people have forgotten about their interaction with Gerson once out of Waterfall ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ as one of the older if not oldest Monsters in the Underground, or from his reputation as the “Hammer of Justice” from wartime. he is also a historian and is noted to have written a few of the books in the Librarby. definitely known in the Underground, but probably only in that community ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ as mentioned before, a benefactor to the community and maybe even a sagely figure. a source of wisdom (even if cheeky) and a person of stability ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  — ehhhhhhhhhh both extremely canon compliant and then hands off the wheel, let jesus drive me away~ i only have so much canon material to work with so i have milked as much as offered to me, then went off to forge my own path in order to patch up the missing holes then add a few sprinkles. the base of the character is all there, but if you really want to get invested with him (or me) then we have a lot to walk through.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  old tortoise (NOT TURTLE) guy sells knick-knacks and cracks jokes, knows everyone’s dirty secrets but thinks they’re just funny to think about them than use them. an elder in the community who has stories to tell and lessons to teach, who has lived through half of recorded history and now spends his time just trying to make things around him interesting. a war veteran who protects his community and understands the horror of the world, but keeps eyes looking into the future even in the face of grimness itself. plays the accordion and harmonica, could probably square dance if he knew what that was. will call you kiddo.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  little to no motivation to find a passion for himself that would benefit or service just himself; his entire sense of worth comes from servicing others in some way (being a soldier and protecting people; recording history in order to teach future generations; maintaining a shop in order to literally service others) and lack of action due to decrepitude in old age. close-minded compared to other Monsters, as he doesn’t actually take to think of humans or outsiders kindly; judgmental to the point of being racist. proud and dislikes being one-upped that it could lead to pettiness, and despite his positive outlooks, very pessimistic worldview.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  funfact: Gerson is my first tumblr RP muse ever, and since i was worried about duplicate anxiety when i first started i specifically wrote him since he was a smaller character with less attention - i’ve since learned i have no anxiety about it so it’s no longer a problem, but what keeps me going today is the challenge of writing someone so different from me. the elder aesthetic along with homely, almost cottagecore kind of vibe is also appealing, and the humor that comes with gerson is a joy to write out.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  reading literature, music, artwork, pinterest, replaying the game, and doing little hobbies that would embody the character (collecting or sewing, for example) are things i can do by myself, but with other people i have the most drive when i can have friendly and nonpersonal arguments/debates about character motives or about source material like what made a character act like this or that, or about really anything as long as it makes me seriously think about characters critically and force me to recognize flaws.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ unfortunately i’m not a tortoise monster who lived for probably centuries if not decades older than myself, but i enjoy writing older characters and hope that other ppl see the potential gerson has like i do ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ you know when you have a concept and in your own mind you can see it clearly, without fuzziness or confusion, but you can’t seem to put it clearly into words without it turning into an essay because you need to connect all the other points that’s in the single concept you envisioned? yea. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ bro i should.. ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ hmu if you got pinterest and i’ll give u tons and tons of boards ]
Are you confident in your portrayal?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ this is unfair to answer as (AFAIK) i am the only person writing Gerson in... any capacity. despite that i like to think i bring out the humorous side of him, and show ppl that he and other NPCs are tons of potentials and shouldn’t be overlooked because they aren’t popular ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ i always believed my style and my skill in not only PSDs or aesthetics, but analysis or understanding was always a bit plain, without much flourish or complexity. while that is appealing on its own and has its own merits, i can’t help but feel i can always push myself to do a little more, add a little flavor, or paint an image that could only be done in writing. although i am doing enough to get the job done, i’m searching for a certain voice of writing that i like and want to integrate into creative writing in order to make it more personalized and more engaging. ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ i despise pussyfooting and will often tell ppl straight up if i have a problem with them or something about them; straightforwardness, honesty, and integrity are some of my core values and that includes being harsh if it comes to it in order to keep order ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  assuming it’s rooted in goodwill or from a point of analysis, absolutely! it’s one of the direct sources for growth and getting better at any craft, but as Tumblr loves to be.... jumpy, i’m always cautious when its not from someone i know.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  YEA BUDDYYYYY
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  absolutely, i thrive off friendly discourse as i mentioned.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  if we don’t discuss it as above, in lit any other case i’d say “well there are other blogs to follow” but since i’m like 99% sure i’m the only gerson blog that isn’t applicable lmao; the point still stands that everyone has the freedom to write a character as they wish. there are valid reasons to dislike a portayal but not a lot of valid reasons to attack someone for it - with the exception of ppl being gross. stop that, nasty.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  strangely. it’s not my job to make people like a character, you either like them or not. if you dislike them for unreasonable points then, to leave in the previous response, “clowns will be clowns, no matter what you do. I just don’t get why you would follow someone if you hate their character to begin with.”
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  of course, as long as it’s polite and all that jazz!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  depends on the meaning - i like making new friends and i find it easy to talk to new people, be it about roleplay or other things like organizing video game play sessions. however, i also have on multiple occasions have approached ppl privately saying “this is annoying/this is problematic/this is inappropriate, stop” and been met with general disdain for voicing such so Who Knows..... (tm). at least on a private level. here, publicly, i’m pretty relaxed! memes and jokes are abound. as long as a person can be mature and responsible for their actions we can vibe, yo.
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martietm · 5 years
hey  friends  !  it’s  ya  girl  gigi  , i  prefer  she/her  pronouns  ,  i’m  from  the  gmt-2  tmz  ,  which  tbh  ,  i  don’t  rly  know  what  it  means  ,  and  i’m  twenty  years  old  ,  coming  out  of  my  hole  to  introduce  u  to  martina  .  she’s  real  dumb  but  so  am  i  so  i  feel  like  we  connect  over  that  u  know  ?  anyways  ,  under  the  cut  u  will  find  some  more  info  about  her  ,  n  if  u  wanna  plot  pls  smash  that  like  button  so  i  can  scream  @  u  about  how  high  school  musical  3  rly  was  that  bitch  .  yes  ,  thats  why  it  took  me  so  long  to  get  this  posted  .  i  have  no  shame  about  it  .
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ariana  grande  .  cisfemale  .  she&her  .  /  martina  bianco  just  pulled  up  blasting  929  by  halsey   —  that  song  is  so  them  !  you know  ,  for  a  twenty  five  year  old  singer  ,  i’ve  heard  they’re  really  impetuous  ,  but  that  they  make  up  for  it  by  being  so  sociable  .  if  i  had  to  choose  three  things  to  describe  them  ,  i’d  probably  say  old  band  t-shirts  ,  high  ponytail  &  dirty  sneakers  .  here’s  to  hoping  they  don’t  cause  too  much  trouble  ! 
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :  martina bianco  . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :  martie  exclusively  .  please  call  her  martie  she  will  not  answer  if  u  call  her  anything  else  or  maybe  she’ll  just  cry  abt  it  . 𝐚𝐠𝐞  :  twenty  five  . 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  singer  /  songwriter  . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  closeted  bisexual  /  biromantic  . 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡  :  newark  ,  nj  . 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞  :  los  angeles  ,  ca  /  new  york  city  ,  ny  . 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞  𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦  :  ariana  grande  . 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬  :  sociable  ,  sincere  ,  clueless  ,  impulsive  ,  unbothered  ,  insecure  ,  funloving  ,  creative  ,  unsure  ,  adventurous  .
martie  is  the  only  daughter  out  of  five  kids  ,  and  she  was  born  to  a  traditionally  italian  family  ,  from  both  her  parents’  sides  .  they  weren’t  rich  but  lived  comfortably  ,  and  had  a  really  big  family  in  general  .  holidays  and  birthdays  were  always  huge  in  her  family  ,  and  there  was  usually  a  funny  argument  that  ended  with  the  grandmas  spraying  everyone  with  a  water  hose  .  her  parents  weren’t  very  happy  together  ,  but  tried  their  best  to  work  through  their  problems  and  not  divorce  ,  since  they  were  very  much  christians  and  didn’t  really  believe  in  separation  .  they  did  eventually  divorce  though  ,  but  only  pretty  later  on  in  martie’s  life  .
considering  she  only  had  brothers  and  her  mother  worked  long  hours  ,  martie  didn’t  have  a  lot  of  female  influences  in  her  life  ,  so  she  grew  up  pretty  unconcerned  about  more  feminine  matters  ,  not  because  she  disliked  it  but  she  was  just  clueless to  it  .  when  she  grew  older  ,  she  got  a  lot  more  into  makeup  ,  but  fashion  still  isn’t  her  thing  .  nowadays  ,  she  has  a  personal  stylist  ,  but  when  she  dresses  herself  ,  martie  usually  ends  up  in  dirty  sneakers  and  ripped  t-shirts  .  
so  ,  growing  up  ,  considering  martie  wasnt  too  interested  in  most  of  her  brothers  hobbies  ,  she  had  to  find  herself  something  to  do  .  she  tried  a  great  many  deal  of  things  ,  and  ended  up  discovering  she  loved  music  ,  writing  song  lyrics  ,  playing  musical  instruments  ,  and  singing  .  considering  she  was  pretty  good  at  it  ,  her  parents  supported  her  wishes  and  paid  for  singing  lessons  &  bought  her  a  bunch  of  instruments  and  all  of  that  .
[  HOMOPHOBIA  /  BIPHOBIA  TW  ]  so   she  was  pretty  happy  and  chill  for  her  late  childhood   &  early  teens  ,  contrary  to  some  of  her  brothers  ,  martie  didnt  get  in  trouble  with  teachers  and  was  a  reasonably  good  student  ,  so  they  never  worried  about  her  while  she  was  growing  up  .  that  pretty  much  all  changed  when  martie  not  only  came  out  as  bisexual  to  her  family  but  also  told  them  she  was  actually  in  a  relationship  a  girl  .  her  family  was  very  religious  so  it  didn’t  surprise  her  when  her  mother  cried  for  days  &  was  clearly  disappointed  ,  but  her  dad  raged  and  screamed  and  threatened  her  with  all  kinds  of  punishments  if  she  didn’t  end  her  relationship  and  never  talked  about  her  sexuality  again  instead  ,   and  his  behaviour  made  her  feel  so  scared  that  she  did  end  up  breaking  up  with  her  first  girlfriend  and  didn’t  touch  the  subject  of  her  sexuality  for  many many  years  after  that  .  [  END  OF  TW  ]
it  caused  a  huge  shift  in  her  family  dynamics  ,  unsurprisingly  .  martie  felt  like  she  didnt  have  a  choice  but  to  hide  ,  and  she  really  resented  her  father  for  forcing  that  on  her  &  the  rest  of  the  family  for  giving  her  almost  no  support  .  her  brothers  tried  their  best  ,  but  it  was  really  hard  for  all  of  them  to  stand  up  to  their  father  .  so  she  focused  a  lot  on  her  music  ,  because  by  then  she  was  sure  that  it  was  her  way  out  of  that  environment  that  was  hurting  her  so  much  .
she  was  picked  up  by  a  label  when  she  was  19  ,  and  left  her  home  in  newark  as  soon  as  she  could  .  choosing  to  stay  with  new  friends  and  acquaintances  as  she  worked  her  way  into  the  music  industry  .  after  being  featured  in  a  few  other  artist’s  songs  &  having  a  first  single  to  become  a  smash  hit  (  side  to  side  )  ,  martie  released  dangerous  woman  ,  her  first  album  that  climbed  steadily  up  the  charts  until  she  was  basically  everywhere  .  it  was  a  very  sudden  change  of  environment  but  she  was  very  happy  about  it  ,  at  least  she  wasnt  stuck  around  her  dad  anymore  .
however  ,  she  is  still  just  as  stuck  as  she  was  back  in  her  hometown  ,  since  once  she  blew  up  ,  her  label  &  management  thought  it  would  also  be  a  good  idea  to  hide  her  sexuality  ,  at  least  until  she  was  more  ‘established’  in  the  industry  .  newsflash  ,  its  been  five  years  and  they  still  wont  let  her  come  out  about  it  .  she’s  definitely  growing  impatient  ,  though  ,  so  that’s  not  something  that’s  gonna  be  a  secret  for  too  long  probably  .  still   ,  there’s  not  a  lot  of  ppl  who  know  abt  her  sexuality  out  there  so  far  .
so  ,  in  the  five  years  she’s  been  famous  ,  martie  kept  in  contact  with  a  few  family  members  ,  but  definitely  not  her  dad  .  her  parents  divorced  a  couple  of  years  after  she  left  ,  and  her  mom  decided  to  make  more  of  an  effort  to  be  around  her  &  get  over  her  prejudice  to  support  martie’s  choices  ,  which  helped  heal  their  relationship  in  ways  martie  didnt  really  expect  .
considering  the  career  she  has  now  ,  martie  has  managed  to  keep  a  relatively  unproblematic  image  on  the  media  .  she’s  had  her  controversial  moments  for  sure  ,  and  there  are  definitely  reasons  for  people  to  dislike  her  ,  but  mostly  she  gets  away  unscathed  by  fans  ,  the  media  does  have  a  field  trip  coming  up  w  untrue  headlines  about  her  tho  .
okay  so  ,  martie  is  kinda  like  a  not  so  big  kid  still  ?  she’s  never  had  to  actually  be  by  herself  her  entire  life  ,  so  adulting  is  something  she  has  a  certain  difficulty  doing  .  she’s  very  unbothered  about  life  in  general  ,  so  something  really  worrying  that  mostly  everyone  would  freak  out  about will  rarely  ever  bother  her  .  but  ,  she  will  freak  out  for  three  days  if  she  gets  asked  to  pay  her  own  bills  or  something  as  mundane  .  
she  also  kinda  lives  in  her  own  little  world  ,  and  in  a  way  ,  she  can  be  very  confident  in  the  aspect  of  not  really  bothering  about  almost  anyone’s  opinions  about  her  &  her  actions  ,  if  she  wants  to  do  something  that  will  make  her  happy  ,  she  won’t  really  think  about  it  before  doing  so  ,  so  she’s  kinda  reckless in  that  way  .  but  she  also  doubts  herself  very  much  when  it  comes  to  self  worth  &  like  things  related  to  her  actual  personality  .  we  love  multifaceted  muses  am i  right ?  lmao
martie  is  great  to  make  friends  with  ,  she  will  pretty  much  get  along  with  everyone  ?  is  a  super  social  being  ,  loves  being  surrounded  by  people  ,  probably  has  a  bunch  of  her  friends  living  with  her because  she  just  doesn’t  like  being  alone  .  
loves  working  !  spends  almost  her  entire  free  time  in  the  studio  ,  if  u  haven’t  seen  her  in  three  days  chances  are  she’s  trying  to  finish  a  song  .  can  get  a  little  lost  on  it  though  so  she  definitely  needs  some  looking  after  when  she  gets  into  songwriting  mode  .
overall  a  disaster  child  ?  doesn’t  know  how  to  function  but  tries  her  best  &  isn’t  that  all  we  can  ask ? 
a  secret  relationship  with  a  girl  ,  work  collaborators  ,  a  pr  relationship  ,  exes  ,  the first  love  from  high  school  maybe  ?  ,  roommates  ,  best  friends  ,  protective  friendships  ,  good  influences  ,  bad  influences  ,  smth  based  on  ghostin’  by  ari  ,  something  based  on  you  should  be  sad  by  halsey  .
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ratchetneptune · 4 years
Zodiac Signs In Theory vs As I’ve Known Them
in theory: angry 24/7, impatient, always fighting, active, impulsive, badass, ambitious, independent
reality: I’ve noticed that Aries is very controversial, people normally either love or hate them. They’re not always angry but still argumentative and can become childish and not open-minded/empathetic during their arguments. However, when it comes to their friends, they are good listeners and uplifters. They might say some things that could make things worse while others open up to them (since they don’t have much experience being comforting), but they try their best, and at the end of the day, they help you much more than they detriment you. They are very protective of their friends. Aries also can be emotional and insecure, but they are good at putting on a bold/confident persona. A lot of Aries people I’ve met usually aren’t super active and tend to be on the heavier side. (This doesn’t mean that they aren’t active at all, and this isn’t true for all Aries ppl)
Note: most Aries people I’ve met are female (and yes, gender does influence how a sign normally acts)
in theory: lazy, stubborn, always eating or sleeping, likes music, good singers, slow-moving, easy-going, dependable, practical
reality: Taurus loves to indulge (in eating/sleeping/etc) because they are pleasure-seekers and sensual. Some consider them over-indulgent but the truth is that they work hard for what they earn. They like to “treat themselves” for the work they do. (I mean, who doesn’t like to relax?) While they seem to be moving too slow, Taurus just likes to go slow and steady, and this makes them consistent. Once they start a solid rhythm, they can’t be stopped. They can be stubborn at times but usually they are chill people and don’t like to argue. I’ve noticed that Taurus loves music, but they usually don’t listen to mainstream music. Whether it’s alternative or old school songs, I don’t usually see Tauruses listening to “popular” music. When it comes to singing, their vocal talent is a hit or miss. They can either sing well or are tone-deaf. 
Note: most Taurus people I’ve met are male
in theory: superrrr fast-paced, two-faced, mentally scattered, chatty, lies a lot, changes too often, energetic, outgoing
reality: Geminis are usually very smart without trying. They are naturally inquisitive and witty. They can adapt easily to new situations and people. Geminis are usually good at giving advice yet are somewhat (lowkey) judgmental. They are playful (and usually not “mainstream”) people. Gemini usually has pretty artsy vibes. Super honest people and aren’t afraid to be. Knows when and when not to take risks, and if things don’t go as planned, they can accept it and move on. They are hard to get close to (even though they’re talkative), which is why it’s hard to figure them out. Usually, if you’re asked “well what do you really know about Gemini?”, you won’t really be able to give an answer.
Note: most Geminis I’ve met are female
in theory: emotional, hyper-sensitive, weak, moody
reality: While they are emotional, Cancers can regroup and have mental strength. Because of their ever-changing emotions, they have empathy (because of their experience lol) and can be nurturing and caring. They are affectionate people, and love their friends dearly (and make sure to tell their friends that). They can be clingy but the rest of us don’t really mind since they’re such small and cute people. They can be oddballs but above all, we love them.
Note: most Cancers I’ve met are female
in theory: loud, proud, bold, self-absorbed, dramatic, attention-seeking
reality: Extremely caring people. Some of the best people to be friends with. Yes, they can be dramatic sometimes, but they will always be loyal to their friends. They know when to appreciate their friends instead of neglecting them. The reason they like to be “confident” is that they are secretly self-conscious about what others think of them. However, they remain highly charismatic people and are very energetic. They can have big/noticeable hair, but that is not always the case. Generous and genuine people, they’re rarely fake (unless they’re self-conscious... in that case, fake it ‘till you make it!). Sometimes they like to be the center of attention and like to have a lot of friends, but only a close circle will know their true feelings.
Note: most Leos I know are female
in theory: annoying, neat-freaks, rude, perfectionists
reality: Not necessarily neat-freaks but likes things to be in a certain order. They are usually pretty bold and popular people (from what I’ve noticed). They can be eccentric and outgoing. I’ve noticed that Virgos are usually very pretty people and while some see them as rude, they’re just opinionated and not afraid to speak their minds. Some of them are all talk, but most of them won’t hesitate to follow through with their actions. Don’t get on their bad side, they can be quite scary (lol). They do what’s necessary and practical in their minds. Super supportive friends but can be critical at times.
Note: most Virgos I know are female
in theory: fake, can’t make a decision, pretty, popular
reality: Libras are very likable people, but they don’t tend to be popular. Because many people like Libras, they can get away with more things. Lots of Libras are social floaters, as they can be so social that they fit into many friend groups. They can be shy at first, but once you get to know them they are very outgoing. However, while they might have many friends, they will only have a few who they are close to (and it’s either super easy or super hard for them to find people they can be open with). When they find the people they truly vibe with, they stick with them for as long as possible. They seem to not be able to make a decision, but they are just empathizing and weighing all the potential options that will have the most benefit and justice towards all. They can’t really hold in their own secrets, but they can seal their mouths when it comes to others’ secrets. While they do love to gossip, they won’t reveal information that’s personal to others. They like to make others happy and tend to be people pleasers. They usually neglect their own needs to maximize the happiness of others. If they actually realize that they need a break, it’s usually because of an outside influence that convinces them to. They’re fun and energetic people, and good, fair mediators. Like Taurus, they also are very indulgent people. 
Note: most of the people I know are Libras, and I know the same amount of Libra men and women
in theory: mean, mysterious, intense, passionate, extreme, cold, always doing it
reality: Scorpios seem to be mean, but only because it takes longer to get close with them than others. They put up a wall and aren’t very social, but they develop very good friendships (due to the time and effort it takes to get close with them). They come across as cold and mysterious but only because they’re shy (and even though they’re shy their simultaneously bold???). Scorpios are often mistaken for fire signs because of their intensity, but they are indeed a water sign! They love when others give them empathy and they are very empathetic themselves. They can be intense at times, but they are also extremely comforting. They close themselves off often, and you can’t force them to open up, you’ll just have to wait it out and let them come to you. The more you press/rush them the less likely they will let you in. They aren’t always doing it, but yes they’re horny. They don’t usually seek relationships and like to take their time, but they aren’t opposed to fuck buddies. They are open to talking about sex, which is comforting since many consider sex a taboo. In general, they are really nice to talk to about taboos, since they won’t judge you about it.
Note: I know many Scorpios but not all of them are Scorpio suns. The ones I know have different Scorpio placements (Scorpio suns, risings, and cusps), but the risings and cusps share many qualities with Scorpio suns! I know both many female and male Scorpios
in theory: adventurous, creative, stubborn, exaggerators, assholes
reality: Confusing people. They are more hypocritical than Geminis (from what I’ve seen) and are usually clueless. They don’t really know much “street smarts” and speak without knowing the full truth. They aren’t intentionally rude, they just try to speak their minds. They hold grudges because of their opinions. They are free-spirited, cheerful, and carefree, and love to soak up life. They don’t like to look for the negative in the world (they love to see the beauty in it) and the reason they usually dislike people is because others don’t see the world as they do. We should really envy the way Sagittarius people look out onto the world, they see it as an endless adventure that’s beautiful and filled with dreams waiting to be fulfilled. They are super fun to be around and hang out with. They come off as cheerful people, but nobody really knows what goes on behind the surface. They’re closed books. Like Geminis, you won’t really know them personally, or much about who they are as a person / down to the core. Usually, we have very surface-level friendships with Sagittarius.
Note: I only know a few Sagittarius ppl, and they’re females
in theory: boring, materialistic, ambitious, perfectionists, sense of purpose
reality: Capricorns are practical people. They aren’t necessarily boring or perfectionists, they just know their own limits. They always take a practical approach to things and tend to think with their head rather than their heart. This isn’t a bad thing since they can usually predict what outcomes they get based on their decisions. They usually are pessimistic, and prepare for bad outcomes (always being practical, as usual). They have a stereotype of being ambitious and materialistic, but the Capricorns I know are unsure of who they want to be / what career they want to go into. While they are focused on the present and don’t like to dwell too much in the future, they tend to be successful in whatever they do, due to their hard-working mindset. They don’t usually dwell on the future, but they are long-term thinkers. The reason they focus on the present is so they can put in the work now so they don’t have to do it later. They are smart and successful, and that’s no accident. They work hard for what they want and are very independent. They don’t rely on others too much. In general, they aren’t too social and tend to be short. They are reliable and stable friends and are really good to talk to about serious topics. They have good ideas/opinions/solutions since they tend to think realistically.
Note: I know around the same amount of Capricorn men and women
in theory: cold, detached, unemotional, weird, aLiEnS, quirky, heartless
reality: These oddballs do have emotions. All of the Aquarius people I’ve known are extremely emotional people. They seem emotionally detached but that’s only because they attempt to rationalize their feelings and don’t like to display their negative emotions. However, they are usually friendly, bubbly, and are great friends to have. They are humanitarians and love to help others. It’s hard to generalize Aquarius because all of them are unique. The way each Aquarius sun acts usually depends on their other placements. Aquarius people are unconventional, imaginative, and idealistic.
Note: most Aquarius people I know are female
in theory: shy, unrealistic, emotional, daydreaming 24/7, spaced-out
reality: Pisces people don’t like to focus on the negative and need lots of time to rest and retreat, which is why they like to have their heads in the clouds. These sensitive guys and girls learn a lot from daydreaming, like adaptability, compassion, and how to focus on the positive and how to have empathy. Unfortunately, while they like to focus on the positive, I’ve noticed that many Pisces are prone to mental illness. They can become quite sad and anxious. Most of the Pisces I know struggle with mental health issues. Although they experience negative emotions more often than others, their friends and family can help ease them. They will have good highs that balance out their lows. They are nice friends to have, as they can be very helpful and compassionate. We should all treat the Pisces we know better, since all they want to do is be nice (and they’re sensitive bois).
Note: I based most of this off of Pisces women
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 5 years
What is your opinion on wlw saying the f word? I get both sides to the argument. Yes this is historically a slur targeted at mlm therefore it’s their slur. But wlw also get called it. Most homophobic people don’t think “oh wait to insult her I need to use this slur”; they just say whatever they know including the f word. It’s kinda like dyke. Lesbians wanna say it’s lesbian exclusive despite bi women being called if, yet lesbians say they can say the f word because they get called it.
im not sure what my comods think so i will just say what i personally feel as a bi trans man.....i think the usage/context is more important than the exact identity of the person using it. like homo- & trans-phobes tend to not understand lgbtq+ identities at all & as a result i think a lot of us have been called multiple slurs regardless of "accuracy" re our identities. and then if ur trans that just compounds this issue, bc then u might get called a slur more often that doesnt, or no longer, applies to ur identity - so does that mean youre not allowed to claim it ? this kind of nitpicking is just counterproductive & promotes division btwn lgbtq+ ppl that is just unnecessary.
but i do think we should consider when & how we use these words. reclaim them as you want & what makes you feel comfortable. but i think we shld just be careful abt who we label as that if its not ourselves (ie a wlw calling their mlm friend a f*g) & who is seeing/hearing that. i find that cishets dont typically understand intracommunity uses of these slurs or the fact that they are not included in that.
but generally i think its s/t thats up to the lgbtq+ person on what theyre comfortable reclaiming. & they shouldnt have to drag up all the trauma of the homo- and/or trans-phobic violence that theyve faced to "prove" they can use it. the real problem are the bigots that continue to exist & use these terms against us.
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inside-aut-blog · 5 years
A guide to writing touch-averse characters, by someone who can’t even pat the shoulder of their crying grandma*:
Initial questions:
Consider: Why is your character touch-averse? Is it because of sensory issues? (If so, is the character autistic? ADHD? Do they have fibro? Standalone SPD? A combination thereof? Something else?) Trauma? (If so, what’re the specifics?) Orientation? (If so, are they aromantic? Asexual? Dysphoric? A combination thereof? Something else?) Are they just kinda like that?
Consider: How does your character experience touch-aversion? That is, what’s it feel like to them? (Is it overwhelming? Does it physically hurt? Does it make them physically uncomfortable? Emotionally uncomfortable? Anxious? Panicked? Angry? Nauseous? A combination of these? Does it vary?) And to what extent? (A little? A moderate amount? A lot? Does the severity remain the same all through, or does it increase if the touch lingers, or decrease, or fluctuate? Is the effect immediate, or delayed? Does it vary?)
Consider: What are the nuances of their experience? For example, are some moments better or worse than others? (High-energy ones? Low-energy ones? Emotionally-charged ones? Others?) Are some kinds of touch better or worse than others? (Light? Firm? Unexpected? Forewarned? Brief? Prolonged? On their back? Hands? Chest? Arms? Shoulders? Knees? Neck? Other?) Is touch more or less bearable from certain people? (Children? Men? Women? Strangers? Friends? Very close friends? Family? Very close family? Pets? Partners? Doctors? Other?)
Consider: How do they approach their touch-aversion? For example, how do they usually feel about it? (Neutral? Negative? Positive? Other?) Are they able to set boundaries? (If so, do they? If so, do they enforce them?) How do they respond, in any case, if those boundaries are violated? (Do they freeze? Do they flinch? Do they jerk away? Do they shrug off the touch carefully? Do they keep still and bear it? Do they snap at the person? Do they speak calmly? Do they panic? Dissociate? Other?) How do they talk about it, if it all? (Neutrally? Negatively? Positively? Other?)
Consider: How do others approach their touch-aversion? For example, how do different people feel about it, if they’re aware of it? What assumptions do they make? How do they act on those assumptions, if at all? Do they respect your character’s boundaries? Do they try to desensitize your character? Do they want to?
Common pitfalls:
The character grows comfortable with touch; this correlates with a character arc that involves them growing kinder, warmer, more compassionate, or more “human”
Recommendation: Avoid.
(Seriously, avoid.)
Equates being touch-averse with being cruel, uncaring, and inhuman
Implies that it’s a character flaw to be outgrown or fixed
Implies it can and should be outgrown or fixed
As a concept, full of ableism. So much ableism
Inaccurate, hurtful on all counts
The character grows comfortable with touch from a specific person or group of people; this correlates with increased levels of closeness, trust, and/or emotional intimacy
Recommendation: Tread carefully.
Implies touch-aversion is something to be overcome or fixed with love
Risks supporting myth that it can always be overcome with enough love
Can imply that it must be overcome in order to have a healthy and/or emotionally fulfilling relationship
Inaccurate, potentially damaging on all counts
Someone is very physically affectionate with the character despite their obvious discomfort; this correlates with a narrative about the other caring for them very deeply and wanting to break down their emotional walls or otherwise help them
Recommendation: Tread very carefully.
Plays into the above issues
Depicts a violation of boundaries (no matter how benign the intentions)
Inaccurate, damaging
The character finally willingly submits to physical affection; this is portrayed as particularly heartwarming or a sign of growth
Recommendation: Tread carefully.
Can play into the above issues
Can be patronizing and/or infantilizing
Avoiding common pitfalls**:
The character grows comfortable with touch; this correlates with a character arc that involves them growing kinder, warmer, more compassionate, or more “human”
Option one: Just don’t do it.
Option two: No really, don’t do it.
Option three: I’m serious.
Option four: Don’t.
Secret option five: Do not!!
The character grows comfortable with touch from a specific person or group of people; this correlates with increased levels of closeness, trust, and/or emotional intimacy
Option one: Don’t do it
Option two: Include someone else who stays broadly touch-averse; portray their close relationships as equally healthy and emotionally fulfilling
Option three: Have the characters talk about boundaries; portray it as a process and focus on consent
Option four: Portray the increased comfort as non-absolute even within the relationship(s), even as emotional intimacy increases.
Secret bonus option five: Mix and match!!
Someone is very physically affectionate with the character despite their obvious discomfort; this correlates with a narrative about the other caring for them very deeply and wanting to break down their emotional walls or otherwise help them
Option one: Don’t do it
Option two: Have the narrative criticize the other character’s violation of their boundaries
Option three: Have the other character ask about boundaries first; portray it as a mutually-agreed-upon thing
Option four: Contrast it with other characters who respect their boundaries and are portrayed as better at connecting with and/or helping them
Secret option five: Mix and match!!
The character finally willingly submits to physical affection; this is portrayed as particularly heartwarming or a sign of growth
Option one: Don’t do it
Option two: Have other characters make it clear that they genuinely don’t have to do it; the impending affection is an offer, not a requirement
Option three: Have the character choose to initiate physical affection in a way that’s comfortable for them
Option four: Have the character accept a sign of affection that’s more comfortable for them than the ones previously attempted; portray it as a heartwarming sign of growth on the part of the other characters
Secret option five: Mix and match!!
My personal pet peeves:
Touch-averse character “slowly” grows more comfortable with touch with respect to a specific person; this process takes about a week. Maybe a month, tops
I’m sure it absolutely does work this way for some people!
But in my experience, it definitely does not.
For me, I’d need at least three months of knowing someone before I even thought about hugging them. Likely more (and an extenuating circumstance besides) to actually try
Touch-averse character finds themself utterly comfortable hugging someone they just met because they insta-click
See above
Touch-averse character is suddenly much more (or even completely) comfortable with physical contact the instant they become upset
Again I’m sure it probably does work this way for some people!
But for me, and I’m sure for many others as well, it actually if anything gets kinda worse?
Generally a bad time
Touch-averse character’s touch-aversion is played for laughs
I’m sure there’s a way to do it well, but usually it just comes off rude
Things I’d personally like to see more of:
Touch-averse characters that come with pre-established exceptions
These types of relationships are the most interesting to me. Got that implied pre-existing trust and closeness baked in there, real nice
Also, they feel less like a fixit narrative because we don’t see it happen and the character is still uncomfortable outside of the exception(s)
Touch-averse characters that don’t have any exceptions
Sometimes ppl just don’t have none and it’d be nice to see that u know
Touch-averse characters who are simultaneously touch-starved
I enjoy suffering
Also, it happens
Also also it makes for some nice internal conflict (and external, potentially)
Stories that in some fashion mention why they’re like that
Say the autism word. Say the trauma word. Say the asexual word. The aromantic word. The fibro word. The [insert other word]. Say it
(please. I am begging you.)
Other characters respecting the touch-averse ones’ boundaries
I am a simple person with simple desires
Stories with more than one touch-averse character
I am a simple person with slightly more complex desires,
Stories with touch-averse characters who stay touch-averse
I am a simple,,
In conclusion:
That is all I have
Please go forth into the world and make some sweet sweet touch-averse losers
Thank you for your time
*with the caveat that I am but one single person whose thoughts, opinions, and experiences are very very far from universal; also the caveat that I have admittedly never had occasion to try patting the shoulder of my crying grandma, but have certainly failed to so much as concernedly nudge numerous other weeping loved ones–but that’s less humorously phrased, so I give myself a pass on accuracy in favor of wittiness
**these are course not all of the possible pitfalls or even necessarily the most common or even necessarily the worst–and others might not label them pitfalls at all, which is fair as it’s certainly possible to include most of these very successfully–but they’re the ones that have historically bothered me the most, personally, individually, as an individual person, and so here they are; I hope they’re useful, enjoy
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dweebgf · 5 years
What are ur opinions on these things? Are aces lgbt? Neopronouns valid? More than 2 genders? Transmed or tucute? He him lesbians? Ace spectrum? Self diagnosing? Pan = bi? Pan is transphobic? How many sexualities? Lgbt or lgbtq? Pro mogai? Genitalia preferences transphobic? Does dating trans ppl make u gay or bi? Do aces face oppression? Neurogenders? Can children b ace? Are MAPs and pedos valid and good? Is queer a slur? Are trans men real men?
ok i know this is like a troll/trap anon being sent around but tbh if ur gonna unfollow me for my opinions i don’t,,, really care
are aces LGBT: sure why not, as long as you don’t insert yourself into conversations that aren’t about you or talk over others (usually lesbians) i have no qualms with you being in the community and also like. its not my call whether or not someone is inherently LGBT
neopronouns valid: there is no scientific backing for them and therefore i will respect them but do not necessarily believe in them 
more than 2 genders: nah i don’t think so? nonbinary people are valid, but they are outside the gender binary, therefore don’t fit into a construct of one or the other; not a third, but outside.
transmed or tucute: i guess people would consider me a transmed, but most people don’t know what that means??? like we don’t think you need to loathe yourself to be trans, or be cisnormaitve. the only requirement is dysphoria, mild or otherwise. dysphoria does not mean hating yourself; it is a disconnect. this is my personal opinion for the sake of this post, but i would not speak over members of the trans community. 
he/him lesbians: i don’t really get it, tbh. like. if you’re more comfortable using masculine pronouns, wouldn’t you rather be perceived as masculine or masc-aligned? like. lesbian means women who love women, and he/him women doesn’t rly make sense to me? if ur a he/him lesbian and wanna explain to me id be willing to understand though!
ace spectrum: ??? i mean. what does this mean?? it’s real if thats what ur asking??
self diagnosis: yes. many people cannot get a diagnosis, due to health, safety, or financial issues, and these people deserve to be able to find a label and community to help them deal with their mental illnesses. as long as it is an informed, researched, thought out diagnosis, i see no issue. self diagnosis often leads to professional diagnosis.
pan = bi: i think they are similar, and can be used interchangeably, but if the distinction is significant to you, that’s valid.
pan is transphobic: what?? ive literally never heard this but it sounds dumb
how many sexualities? sexuality is fluid, but if you find a label that works for you, go for it.
Lgbt or lgbtq? interchangeable. same thing. queer is an umbrella term.
pro mogai? no.
genitalia preferences transphobic: not inherently. if you say ‘i won’t have sex with you because you’re trans’ then yeah, but if you say ‘im sorry but it would cause me significant trauma/distress/etc. to have sex w a penis’ then no?? no one should expect that of you either.
does dating trans ppl make u gay or bi: only if you’re a man dating a trans man / woman dating a trans woman (gay) or mlm/wlw who also dates the opposite gender (bi), no, dating trans people has no bearing on your sexuality. trans men are men, trans women are women. full stop. 
do aces face oppression: i would say so, but definitely not to the degree of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and trans people. i am however speaking in broad terms of the majority, there’s obviously gonna be some shitty cases no matter your orientation
neurogenders: fuck not that shit is so offensive
can children b ace: depends on what you mean by children. literal children? don’t have a sexuality, full stop. younger teens coming into puberty, hormonal changes, etc? sure! and if that changes when you get older, thats fine too.
are MAPs and pedos valid and good: ahahahhahahhahahahahhahah fUCK NO, AND IF YOU THINK THEY ARE IN ANY CAPACITY, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. 
is queer a slur: in my opinion, no, its a scientific term, as well as a term we fought to be able to use. if its used in a derogatory way against us by someone who isnt LGBT then yeah its a slur, but in the same way lesbians can say dyke but men cannot call us that, we as queer people can choose whether or not we want to say it, and cannot police others who disagree.
are trans men real men: yes?? next question??
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stallionspirit444 · 6 years
Sebast*àn 29, Male, Straight, Brooklyn, NY
Jan 16, 2019, 12:57 am
Idiot: What are u up to?
Me: Lol I'm not doing much. Working on my tumblr and listening to some epic music on youtube from HDSoundi
Idiot: U r musician?👍 Niece wondering how tall ka..& where from...?:)
Me: I mean i am.  But i just love music. I hope you know I'm a lesbian
Idiot: Oh how did u decide on that? What age ?
Me: I love girls. 19
Idiot: Niece says she was always bi.. Do u love guys? Why. I'm from usa but she was adopted into US long ago from Asia~she is very mixed sweetheart teen beauty..
Me: OH COOL I'm adopted from China! That's amazing! Tell her there's a group off of Subtle Asian Traits on Facebook called Subtle Asian Adoptee Traits
Idiot: Haaha no way👍😄😍🌷   👍ok I will
Idiot: Piao liang nu hai" she says *blowkiss*
Me: Lol
Me: Why are you so close to your niece that she is watching your dating profile?
Idiot: Why not?- she loves pretty girls lol - especially your .."amazing pics",.. We often girl-watching together lol. Dui- lol You are sexy teen model for sure!", she says~💕😍😘👍
Me: But like your niece shouldn't be seeing any of this is a minor. How old is she. I just want to make sure there's nothing bad going on here.
Idiot: See what?? Lol ppl chatting?? Hahaha. Bad?? Huh?? What r u talking about?
Me: Well no no haha you know what i mean
Idiot: She talks to people every day...- don't u ? No clue wats wrong...in u..
Me: I just found it initially weird for like family members to be looking on one dating site.
Idiot: Lol r u ok??
Me: Like i keep my dating life private. Especially if they're younger than me
Idiot: Nah it's normal typical dear 👍
Me: Alright.
Idiot: 🌻sorry but u seem a bit off lol. Odd*
Me: Alright whatever. I'm a mechanical engineering major. I was raised to just be cautious about finding things I feel odd with. So i'm expressing my opinion.
Idiot: Families always talk & laugh about each other's dates in life.. Lol :);)
Me: Also i'm trying to be cautious because i'm talking to an older man. A straight older man.
Idiot: We share ur opinion...-right back at you..:) lol. Why cautious?? That's the safest type of person: older str8 male lol everyone knows that.
Me: Women are seen as objects sometimes in society. So I've been raised to just be cautious with older folks
Idiot: Haha how "old" do u imagine I am?? Lol :)
Me: I am having a civil conversation with you aren't i? It says youre 29. Meaning you've got a job or a career and such and I'm still in college
Idiot: Yes boys r typically objectified- true so guys r raised to be cautious-- ESPECIALLY dealing with younger females. Of course. A lez girl. Huh?- r u civil? Lol
Me: Please don't mock me.
Idiot: What..?- career/ college-?? Huh? Ur mocking me
Me: Let's start over. Hi, this is Mary. I've been on dating sites for 2 years. I'm 20 years old, about to be 21 in April
Idiot: I'm far too mature to "mock" others.
Me: I consider myself to be a lesbian, only interested in other girls
Idiot: Obviously- since I'm more more mature
Me: I am adopted from China. I love video games, ice skating, playing ukulele
Idiot: Why lez?
Me: Sir, i would kindly suggest following what I am doing here and trying to start over.
Me: I am lesbian because I like girls. Girls are attractive to me. And men are not
Idiot: Yes u should follow my lead. I agree
Me: Why are you straight then?
Idiot: I obviously know Wat lez means; again, I asked u why u made that choice.
Me: It was not a choice. Does your niece say being bisexual was her choice?
Idiot: Hetero is pre-programmed / automatic. Yes if course she chose. As she clearly says. Same as most lesbians say same: choice. Of course it is. U can choose guys anytine u want. I'm sure u soon shall. 💕👍
Me: Please respect my "decisions" and "choices"
Idiot: R u suggest I g u don't? I never said that. Pls stop assuming u know me. Xie Xie
Me: Okay i'm sorry for my assumptions
Idiot: Ur choices r urs.  Obviously. U chose chicks. For a bit. Commmon phase. Especially at ur age group. Very typical
Me: I would feel much more comfortable if you could not suggest that I made a wrong decision. Temporary or not. So your niece will go back to being "straight"? then?
Idiot: I never said that either. Gee- why r u so disrespectful of me? Ur kinda odd kiddo :) lol. Why so many "quotation marks"-?? Hehe
Me: You said "common phase." ”Chose chicks. For a bit"
Idiot: So ur not sorry for assuming. Please just stop it
Me: I did not choose for a bit. So you assumed I chose for a bit. Which is wrong
Idiot: Yes of xcourse u chose.  For a season.
Me: Not for a season
Idiot: U can easily choose to go with nature
Me: Nature for me is to be with girls. Straights are the weird ones imo
Idiot: Instead of choosing against.
Me: I like going against. It's freeing and natural
Idiot: "Straight"= normal. Obviously lol
Me: So what do you think about your niece? I'm just curious
Idiot: Look at all of nature, reproduction, animals, insects- everywhere...- even much of plant life.  Lol. Why r u asking me what her future sexual choices will be?? Lol so weird...
Me: So what do you think about your niece's choice? I'm just curious. Can't I be weird?
Idiot: What is "freeing",- exactly? Can i-?? Ur question is obviously misguided,& this waste of time.
Me: Honestly. I wish I could have changed your point of view. This was a waste of time. I pity you.
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dyk3nukem · 7 years
all the vday asks
i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
i think so. 
3: Longest relationship you've ever been in?
2 years and counting!
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
I’m trying to unlearn some bad behavior, but that’s all!
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
w my first one: i hate him and he hates me but we’re civilw my second one: lmao we have each other blocked on instagram and she tried to send at least two diff people to guilttrip me about breaking up w her
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
i sure hope not!
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who's well known for cheating?
i’d want to be just friends with them for a while first, so we could establish some healthy communication and security in the relationship, and then i’d see what i’d feel comfy with .
9: What's the most important part of a relationship?
communication!!! a relationship is nothing if you guys don’t talk to each other about your wants and needs!
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
serious relationships! one time i tried to have a fling but when i was about 2 do the succ he suggested we watch sword art online and i sent him home
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"?
i think it can be a rly healthy thing for ppl to take a small break from being in a relationship! we all have our own burdens and issues, and sometimes we need to deal with those by ourselves, and that’s okay! 
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
lmao no
13: What's one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
i regret the entirety of both my relationships previous to this one tbh? my first bf i only went out with bc we were best friends and i didn’t want to lose him, but i was not at all ready to have a boyfriend. w my girlfriend, i just...yikes lol that was a bad time
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
like 15 or 16 i guess? 
15: Do you believe in the phrase "age is just a number"?
i’ve only heard ppl say that when they’re being p*dophiles so like... no
16: Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
not rly tbh
17: Do you believe it's possible to fall in love on the internet?
not personally, but if other ppl can, thats rly cute and i support them!
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
cheating, not respecting physical/emotional boundaries, murder probably
19: How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
i ended my last one bc she crossed physical boundaries so like? other than that idk
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
i think so! 
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
yeah!! all of my partners have been friends! its a solid foundation for a relationship
23: How many relationships have you had?
24: Do you think love can last forever?
i think love starts as a feeling and stays as a choice. it doesnt always feel the same, but it grows with you, so it changes as you (and your partner/s) change!
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
its a pretty thought!
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of?
LMAO no way!! my mom hates my partner but i hate my mom so she can suck it
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
Don’t date someone just because you’re expected to! Wait until you’re ready!
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
of course! they’re hard as fuck, but it can work!
29: What do you notice first about another person?
their walk, how they stand, speech patterns
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
We Just Dont Know!
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
of course not! i’d be highkey hypocritical
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
yup! it sucked hella!
33: Do you want to get married one day?
i think it sounds lovely! it’s gonna take me a few years to get fully comfortable with the idea (my parents r divorced, i’ve been engaged, so it’s made me a little skittish) but i think eventually, being married would be sublime
34: What do you think about getting your partner's name tattooed?
i personally wouldn’t do it, but if other ppl want to i think its rly cute
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
36: Are you still a virgin?
We Just Dont Know!
37: What's more important: Looks or personality?
38: Do you enjoy love films?
tbh they only serve to make my heart ache
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! my partner has rose bushes all over their house and in the summer they give me roses and it’s the sweetest thing and i’ve saved all but one of them
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
my partner’s cat!
41: What's your imagination of a "perfect date"?
they take me to an art museum, we hold hands and whisper jokes to each other. they take pictures of me while i’m not looking; i return the favor. we kiss on the bus ride home and we’re in love.
42: Have you ever read "Romeo & Juliet"?
43: What's more important: Your partner or your friends?
i consider my partner a friend, so, both!
44: Would you consider yourself "romantic"?
if u do an xray, u find me 2 be filled with pablo neruda sonnets
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
46: Have you ever been "friendzoned"?
nah thats a stupid concept
47: Which "famous couple" is your favorite?
that super gay king and his boyfriend what were their names?
48: What's your favorite love song?
oh i love so many,, The Way I Am by ingrid michaelson?
49: Have you ever broken someone's heart?
yeah probs
50: If you're single, why do you think you are?
i’m not :D 
51: Would you rather date someone who's rich but a douchebag or someone who's poor but a nice guy?
depends on how horny i am (nice guy)
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
a little bit, ya! i think
53: Are you jealous of couples when you're single?
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
For me, its like? 6/10? 
55: Would you consider yourself "clingy", "overly attached" or "jealous"?
yeah i’m trying to work on it but im,,,, really fucking clingy
56: Have you ever "destroyed" a relationship?
i dont think so
57: Do you think it's silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
No reason to consider suicide is a silly reason! Emotions are hella fucking hard to handle, and it doesn’t help when you  invalidate the people experiencing them.
58: Are you the "dominant" or the "submissive" part in a relationship?
okay everyone fucking thinks my boyfriend tops but I’M THE TOP YOU GUYS
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner's birthday or your anniversary?
60: What's your opinion on open relationships?
I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable in one, but I think they’re a healthy way to experience love!
61: Who's more important: Your partner or your family?
Depends on the issue I guess? 
62: How do you define "cheating"?
If they do anything w/ romantic/sexual intent without clearing it w me first
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
Nope! Jerkin it is fun
64: Do you think Valentine's Day is overrated?
It’s capitalism but also i love roses
65: Would you consider yourself a "cuddler"?
yEAH holy shit yall i used to be so fuckin touch repulsed but now i die every time i’m not being held
#bunny mumbles
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lvoplds · 7 years
aye ! i’m d or dennis either is hideous. she/her and i’m a big ol’ Gay. my timezone is gmt but that means nothing bc i sleep like garbage & that’s pre much all the ooc info i got bcos i’ll ramble which makes sense considering i’m leo’s mun --- speaking the fuck of ! hit the readmore for a lil breakdown i’m trying to keep brief ( i lied barbara sue me ) + the like button if u wanna plot <3
☆ · ˚ . ✦ . ˚ { COLE SPROUSE, TWENTY-FOUR, HE/THEY } spotted! LEOPOLD FISK making their way down the streets of the ues. i swear, every time i hear WELCOME TO JAPAN by THE STROKES, i think of them. the DEMIBOY is currently a COLLEGE STUDENT. though everyone knows them for being HEEDFUL & WELL-ROUNDED, page six says they could be BITTER & PERIPHRASTIC. according to gossip girl, LEO BLACKMAILED THE ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR TO GET INTO UNIVERSITY, but that could be a rumor. { d, 20, gmt, she/her }
so, leo feat. some basics --- just turned twenty-four. demiboy with preference to either he or they pronouns. 
he’s ny born and raised. a fact that’ll be fun later: his mother’s from scotland & he has family he visits there.
he’s demisexual/demiromantic. romantic and sexual attraction come hand in hand with emotional depth and since he’s so skeptic/extra about the first and uncaring when it comes to the latter, it makes it difficult for leo to be available, but not at all impossible bcos hey ! he’s very open to connecting with people. he just needs to reset some of his priorities and ideals on people. it’s been two years, cunt.
a continuation to the point upstairs -- he’s pretty social though not as much as he used to be in highschool ?? he says it’s bc of college which is partially true but u never know.... now it’s pretty much him being socially operating: extensive phonecalls, he likes talking. keep him updated. spill teas and ur feelings, hon. the wingman of his people;  think caleb gallo from the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo or cher horowitz got brutally murdered by amber and possessed josh lucas. will set you on a date on the spot which is IRONIC considering he *gasps* has cynical opinions on dating but that’s a preference not a fact. venting-friendly; he pays attention and takes mental notes and will be able to keep up. the catch is that you never see him during the week and if you do, it’s by planned accident. he’s a big Nerd and also lives in campus. td;lr: he’s the parental figure but mostly the aunt who lives five states away but knows your business because she cares and is also going through a rough divorce  handled poorly by her budding alcoholism and needs the distraction.
THAT BEING SAID, it’s not a shocker to know that his mother is a therapist and he clearly takes a lot from her. known one to socialite moms all the way to governors’ wives in the upper east side --- and that’s how he managed to blackmail the admissions director of nyu.
as smart as he is, the one thing he’d worked for ( maybe not too hard, but he didn’t think he’d need to ? straight a’s should be more than enough ) somehow did nawt work ??? and he’s not ???? taking that ??? at all ?? WHAT ??? and in comes his moral ambiguity where he reasoned w himself that yea... he deserved this. and the director shouldn’t be diddling with their family friend -- no, her being a model is not an excuse. and yes leo had to investigate to know whom that was  -- so this is karma. right ? right. and it happened. he ofc didn’t tell them he’s their therapist’s spawn -- his mom goes by her maiden name - but he knows the reveal would be #iconic on graduation day.
additional fuckshit he’s on about: he’s a famous local erotica romance novel writer in scottland and goes by pseudonym brenda j. thomson who wrote elicit confessions. it’s as extra and terrible as it sounds.  
FAMILY FRIENDS ? absolutely. they’d notice the shift in personalities maybe. he was extra before and he’s extra now but less and studying environmental law with a full blown depression. #grown
EXES ? just a major one. they’d been a Thing^tm throughout high school but dissolved as most relationships would after grad. i’d say it’s the most intense romantic relationship he’d had but that’s only because it was his first and while it hurt before, he knows that’s what it was now -- still refers to them vaguely and dramatically as his first love/experience by habit and for point delivery purposes but it means less to nothing now.
A NEIGHBOR ? has to come back home to someone next door on the weekends ! they could be close, absolutely despise each other, a little bit of both, etc.
HIS CLOSEST FRIENDS ? these people... are his life. literally wouldn’t go a day without talking to them. his lil web of lovely distractions. whether it’s who he met after grad or knew all his life, they’re important. if they all know each other ? kudos ! if they don’t ? he’d probably mention them in conversation or make it a point they would one day, no problem. ( i wanted to set a number aka five ppl but nah - a good starter number tho and the rest are budding friendships bc we stan those )
MOM’S FREQUENTERS ? yes. people who see his mom, whether it’s a muse or a muse’s parent. he’d probably run into them when he stops by his mom’s therapy office or knows of them. anything could be done and fleshed out more here !
DORM MATE ? yes. they share a dorm, they’re mates. they crash parties together and steal minivans for fun.
ENEMY ? rivalry is approved in this house. could be friends before and shit went left why not leo’s a shithead ?? im ready to go off !
FRENEMIES ? only talk when they’re forced to in social settings or in a group of people. heavy opinions of each other. passionate despising, maybe a little too passionate -- for everyone’s comfort.
FRIENDS HOW ??? they only ever talk on the phone/text. only. it’s weird, they don’t know how to explain it but that’s pretty much it and it works ! they’re comfortable enough to talk about fleshlights and communism.
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