enhaheeseung · 2 days
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Pairing: heeseung X fem reader
Warnings: crying, break up, angst, heartbreak, arguments.
Word count: 1400+
Note: another short one, continuation of part 1 you can read it here
You barely made it to the driveway with your luggage, and your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, was literally following you into the parking lot in his boxers, practically begging you not to leave him. “Babe, please don’t go,” he said, holding onto the door handle on the driver's side, stopping you from getting in.
“Move,” you told him dryly, trying your best to keep your composure.
“No” he shook his head back and forth and you sighed deeply. “Let’s just talk it out, please, y/n. I regret what I said, and I don’t even know why I said it cause I love you, and I need you so much, baby. You don’t understand. Just the thought of not waking up next to you, is killing me inside.”
“Well, you said it so easily like our relationship meant nothing. You ended five years in five seconds like my feelings didn’t matter. It killed me inside to hear you say that to me, and now you only care now that you’re hurting,” you kept your tears at bay for however long that would be.
“No baby, listen, I love you, okay? I was stupid to even say that to you. I’m sorry I hurt you.” his hand slipped off the handle, reaching to take hold of your hand, but you evaded his touch.
You unlocked the car, attempting to leave so you wouldn’t have to talk to him any longer. It was already hard enough to leave him. You didn’t want to make it harder and stay.
“Wait, y/n, I-“
“I thought you said you were done talking,” you rudely cut him off, replying to him harshly.
“I meant none of it. Believe me, please just come back inside.” You could hear the desperation in his voice grow with every syllable.
“Nothing you say can ever change my mind.” You used his own words against him, glaring at him as you opened the back door and loaded up your luggage before entering the driver's side.
“Just give me a chance, please, baby, don’t leave me.” his voice was soft, barely audible after being mixed with the strong winds outside.
“I’m done talking” you shut the door in his face no matter how many tears rolled down his cheeks and no matter how hard he tried to get the door open you ignored it all backing the car out of the driveway while he begged and pleaded for you to stay even going as far to come out into the street despite the neighbors watching the whole scene unfold.
A tear finally rolled down your cheek, and you could still see him in your rearview mirror, watching him for one last time as you got further and further away from him.
He stood at the edge of the driveway, not even caring about being in his underwear. All that plagued his mind was the thought of never seeing you again as your car disappeared into the distance.
You arrived safely at your parent's house a few hours later. They asked tons of questions when you came through the door, but all you told them was that you and heeseung broke up.
That’s the only thing you could manage to get out.
Of course, they were shocked, angry, curious, and sad all at once, but you couldn’t talk about it right now. You were too hurt. Toluckily, they understood you wanted to be alone right now, and you appreciated that cause you just needed some time to register what was actually happening and what breaking up with heeseung meant for your future.
You plopped down on your old bed after putting your luggage down, staring at the ceiling and wondering how things went so wrong in the past year.
One week after the breakup
[Voicemail One]
“Hey baby, did you arrive safely? I texted you a week ago, but you didn’t read them,” he dryly chuckles. “Anyways, I hope you did. I hope you’re resting well and having fun with your family. I’m sorry again for hurting you; I just- I don’t know,” he sighs frustratedly. “You’re probably never gonna get this, uhm, bye, I guess.”
Two weeks after the breakup
[Voicemail Two]
“Hey, little one, I know you’re not listening, but it brings me comfort just sending this to your phone. It’s like I’m really talking to you.” he clears his throat softly. “I miss you, and I love you so much, can’t stop thinking of you and what you’re up to. I’m not doing much; I'm just working like always, but I’m off this week. They gave me a full week's vacation,” he sighs, wishing he had gotten it a few weeks sooner. Maybe that dreadful night wouldn’t have ever occurred. “Wish I could spend it with you. I wish I could spend every day with you.” he goes silent, just thinking about you and him and all the things he could have done differently instead of irrationally taking his anger out on you. “I hope your days are better than mine. I’m gonna go now. Bye love”
Three weeks after the breakup
[Voicemail Three]
“Hi love, how are you? I’m doing good, but it could be better. Vacation isn’t the same without you. It’s so…. Silent, I miss our conversations. I miss how we’d just cuddle all night and be lazy together, “ he laughs. “It’s ironic now I have all this free time and no one to spend it with. I know this will be the most boring week of my life, but I hope you’re having fun wherever you are, even if it’s not with me. Talk to you later, baby.”
One month later…..
[Voicemail Four]
“Hi, sweetheart. I thought you might like to know I’m sleeping more and eating a lot more, too. I barely get any work done now cause I’m always thinking of you. You take up every crevice of my brain. I’ve been sleeping 'cause it feels like time goes faster that way, and when I’m asleep, I don’t have to think about how much I miss you, and well, I eat more 'cause I’m bored,” he chuckles at himself. “I’m a mess, but I’m sure you already know that. By the way, I literally begged for you to stay. Well, I’m sure I’m probably ringing your ear off, so I’ll say bye. I’ll call you again tomorrow, same time. Love you, baby, bye!”
Two months later…..
“Oh umm, hi, I wasn’t expecting you,” heeseung grins at your mom, who was standing outside his door.
He wasn’t expecting any visitors, but he was pleasantly surprised to see her face.
“Hi,” she greets, simply not as cheery as she once used to be when she saw him. “Y/n said she had a few things, and I offered to get them for her.”
Heeseung nods with a smile, opening the door wider so your mom can enter. “Come in.” he can’t say that he’s not a bit sad that you didn’t come over to get the remaining items you had left at his place. He was hoping maybe he’d get to see you at least one more time, but apparently not.
Your mom enters with perfect posture, her head held high, making it obvious that she wasn’t the least bit impressed with what she used to call her son-in-law.
“How are you?” He says timidly while they walk to the living room, where your stuff is placed neatly in a brown box.
“Fine” she answers headed straight for the box not interested in even talking to him after what you told her about him.
“And y/n?” He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes, hoping to at least get an update on your whereabouts and how you were doing after all this time.
“She’s fine is this all there is?” Your mother responds quick leaving no room for any other questions.
He feels his body relax. Just knowing you’re doing okay made him feel better. “Y-yes, I’m glad to hear you’re both doing well.” he offers a smile that doesn’t even get noticed. “Would you like me to take that to the car f-“
“I have it, thank you, heeseung.” She used his real name, something she never did after you and him started officially dating, and it hurt his heart being called that by her.
She walked to the exit, seeing her own way out. “By-“The door gets all but slammed in his face, making him feel even worse about what he’s done to you and, evidently, your family as well.
He locks his door, shuffles back into his bedroom, lying on your side of the bed, and pulls out his phone so he can send you yet another voicemail.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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bambiziip · 2 days
any anton thoughts are WELCOMED 🤭🤭🤭
! smut (slight strength kink, slight dom/sub dynamics, oral reader receiving, anton is a munch) | anton x afab reader
anonnnie you’re highkey just on time cause i’m having such an anton moment… (the ask before this also being about anton im glad we’re together in this)
the emojis make me think you want this to be smut so i went with that, i hope that’s okay! if you didn’t want smut, i can def write some fluff for u too🥹
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i stand as the president of munch anton community
anton couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
you had talked about this prior, but you noticed he had been putting work into his arms recently and it has not gone unnoticed by you; in fact it’s welcomed.
you wanted him to be a little rough, just grip you, throw you around a little for lack of better words, but hey, you knew you wanted it.
this brings you back to your actual moment in time, your shirtless long-term boyfriend in front of you, after pushing you onto the bed in a sex-charged moment, moving fast to start to eat you out.
anton cursed under his breath as he roughly pulled your leggings off, they were simply in the way in his opinion. he started giving small kisses on your inner thigh, pushing the other leg in a downward motion to get to where he wants to be.
you were already getting goosebumps on your thighs as he leans down, laying on his stomach licking one strip down your folds, making eye contact with you right away.
fuck, those puppy dog eyes had another use than being so cute. there was so much emotion in them already, like he wouldn’t want to be doing anything else with his time.
“so pretty, baby, you taste so good.” he laps up the wetness pooling between your thighs, his lips that were already perfect enough seeming to glisten in the dull lamp light on your bedside table, when he comes back up for air.
it’s insane and feels euphoric. he’s gripping onto your thighs, thumbs sure to make marks for later with how hard he’s pressing. all while alternating between gently sucking on your bundle of nerves, playing with different parts of your folds with the tip of his tongue which seems to have an entire mind of its own.
you honestly can’t help the instinct to arch your back at all the pleasure, but anton presses a large hand down on your hip to get you to stop moving so much, gruffly saying, “stop moving so damn much, baby, please, i’m making you feel so good, aren’t i?,” which sends another throttle of pleasure down your spine.
nodding frantically and biting down on your lip almost too hard, he leans forward and starts pushing his tongue inside of you, eliciting a small scream of surprise mixed with desperation from your mouth. you needed to cum so bad already.
you knew anton could tell at this rate, if the smirk against your folds as he lapped you up told you anything.
“cum just from my tongue, doll, you can do it. i know you can.” he breathed against your clit, diving down one more time to send you over the edge, holding your legs open with a force coming directly from his arms that have a heat-related red to them now.
eyes rolling to the back of your head from the petname he knew you loved, you let go of the tight circle of everything that had been building inside of you. anton squeezed at both of your thighs to help you through it, pressing kisses at your knee once you came to.
there was gentle hum of lazy silence shared between the two that went on for a couple minutes, enjoying each other’s space. you came around a fair bit more, hearing anton clearing his throat.
“round 2?” he cocked his head in an almost precious way, your mind frazzled on how your boyfriend could be so cute after doing all that.
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benevolentbones · 2 days
clumsy | spencer reid x reader part 3
part 1 | part 2
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warnings: clumsy reader! nothing else really
word count: 1.7k
a/n: part 3 of clumsy as requested by many:) hope you enjoy, comments & reblogs appreciated <3
spencer laid back on his mattress, shuffling over to give you enough room to lay down beside him.
the bed was a smaller double, the fbi certainly didn’t like to overspend when it came to the accommodation for the team. your arm brushed against his as you laid down beside him, turning on your right side to face him.
your faces were just inches apart, spencer could tell you were exhausted, you blinked a few times your eyelids growing heavier every time you shut your eyes.
“spence..will you make sure to wake me in the morning, i don’t want to oversleep.” you yawned out, your nose scrunching up as you settled down into the pillow.
his face contorted into a smile as he watched you. “i will, don’t worry just try and sleep okay?”
you closed your eyes before nodding to spencer, you pulled up the blankets pressing your cheek into the soft bedding.
“goodnight spence..” you mumbled out.
“night y/n.” he replied, rolling to lay on his back.
spencer couldn’t fall asleep for the life of him, he was too aware that you were sleeping peacefully beside him. every so often he would direct his vision to your sleeping figure, your body moving lightly with every breath you took.
just like on the jet, you looked so calm when you were asleep, and he couldn’t quite get over the fact you were sleeping in his bed for the night.
spencer hadn’t given it much thought, he wasn’t one to daydream about a fantasy life with someone. but watching you next to him, sleeping so calmly, it was something he had grown to long for. he could imagine himself going to sleep next to you every night, waking up to you every morning.
spencer chewed on his lip, redirecting his gaze back to the white ceiling. it was almost painful for him to imagine. he wanted that with you, so badly. but he knew better than to dream of things like that, this was a once off event, it wouldn’t reoccur, you wouldn’t feel the same.
eventually the hazel eyed man managed to fall asleep, shallow breaths escaping his lips as he drifted into a slumber.
rays of sunlight beamed through the crack in the curtain, casting a warm glow through the otherwise dimly lit room.
spencer had a habit of waking up at the same time every morning, 8:15am to be exact, and this morning was no different.
the brunette man’s eyes blinked open slowly as he adjusted to being awake, he went to roll over but realised he was stuck.
his eyes shot downwards, now noticing your body pressed against his, your arms wrapped around his torso with your head buried in his chest.
spencer’s face flushed, his arm was draped over your body and he checked his watch. 8:15am exactly. he should really be getting up soon to get ready, hotch wanted to meet everyone at the station at 9:45am.
you stirred in your sleep, nestling closer into spencer’s chest, letting a deep sigh pass your lips. he didn’t want to wake you, to ruin this moment with you. this would most likely never happen to him again.
but realistically he had to, if you both weren’t up and ready in the next hour you would be late, and then the team would be suspicious.
spencer tried to pull back, removing his arm from your side. this plan didn’t seem to work, as you were very much holding on for dear life.
“y/n…we have to get up.” he whispered out, trying to rouse you from your hibernation. when his words were met with nothing but soft breathing, he attempted to move again, speaking up louder this time.
“y/n..it’s past eight. we have to get up.” his soft voice laced with a slight gravely undertone. you finally began to blink your eyes awake, quickly making sense of where you were.
you looked up, your eyes meeting spencer’s defined features. “good morning..” he muttered out, his previous attempts of pulling away from your hold failed so he lay with one arm rested against you.
your face irrupted into shades of crimson, you pulled back, shifting to your side of the bed. your once warm presence gone, letting the morning air chill against spencer’s skin.
“i’m so sorry- i didn’t mean to- i’m a cuddler sometimes i just-“ you rambled on, trying to explain that you in no way meant to make spencer uncomfortable.
he let out a small laugh, now able to sit up in the pool of sheets around him. his hair was tangled and stuck up in parts, the dark circles under his eyes not as noticeable as the night before.
“it’s alright, really, i didn’t mind.” he stood up, shuffling over to his to-go bag and pulling out some clothes and toiletries for the day.
you sat up in the bed, face still flushed, watching as he ambled around the room.
“i’m going to shower, we have to leave in thirty minutes okay? you can stay or-“
“i’m going to check to see if my clothes are dry, ill meet you outside?” you rushed your words together, spencer barely able to hear what you said.
“oh- yeah, okay i’ll meet you outside.” spencer couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. yes, he knew you needed to get changed and get your things from your room, but something in him was hoping you’d stay. he shook the thought from his mind as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
you returned to your room, walking over to where you had laid out your clothes. you picked up the fabric, and thankfully it was dry. your eyes scanned the small room, landing on the untouched double bed. you let a sigh slip past your lips, wishing that you could go back to last night.
it was 9:45 on the dot. the team all met at the station, it was cold, worse than yesterday so everyone was all bundled up. you decided to wear the hoodie spencer let you borrow under your puffer coat, he surely wouldn’t mind.
they were currently looking for an unsub in his late thirties, who abducted and murdered local women, disposing of them by a lake just outside of town.
garcia had managed to pull up a list of potential unsubs.
“reid, l/n. i want you to go back to the dump site, see if we missed anything. morgan and i will head to the first suspect’s house.”
“on it, sir.” you nodded, walking towards the police station doors with spencer following close behind.
it was a short enough drive from the station, you sat in the passenger seat as spencer turned a corner on the icy road. you both sat in silence, your eyes scanning the slate toned sky.
he pulled up to the scene, stopping at the line of glossy police tape. you both stepped out, shutting the doors in sync.
“do you want to start by the water?” spencer questioned. his lean frame adorned a black coat, with a dark purple scarf tucked into it. he had combed through his previously messy locks, and wore a grey beanie.
“yeah sure.” you muttered back, following in spencer’s footsteps as he ducked under the police tape and began to descend down the bank.
a veil of white powdery snow covered everything as far as the eye could see, and i’m your opinion it was pretty useless being sent out to the dump site when you couldn’t really see anything.
but alas, you limboed under the tape, stepping in spencer’s footprints in the snow.
“just watch your step here it’s a little icy.” spencer had turned back to you, despite being lower down the bank he was still taller than you. he reached out his hand to take your gloved one. you locked fingers with him and took one step, just slightly to the left of spencer’s footprint, where you had intended to go.
you immediately felt your grip on the ground falter, causing you to slip backwards, falling back into the blanket of white below you. spencer instinctively reached out to catch you, but the momentum pulled the both of you down.
you both tumbled into the snow, spencer falling directly on top of you. instantly you both began to laugh, faces inches away from each other, cheeks flushed from the cold air.
for a moment, the laughter subdued, replaced by soft breaths. spencer’s eyes, soft and kind, held your gaze. the freezing snow was doing nothing to help the burning you felt in your cheeks.
“you know-“ spencer began, his voice just above a whisper. “i was only joking when i suggested you were falling for me- but if you keep this up- i’ll have to believe you are.” he let out a small chuckle.
spencer propped himself up, dusting the snow off of his hands. you sat up, feeling a small ache in your back, turning to face the taller man sitting beside you in the snow.
“maybe i am.” you muttered out, immediately regretting it.
spencer’s eyes fixed on your form, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. you stared back, internally fighting against the urge to take back your words. the silence stretched on, the snowfall around you acting as a curtain that enclosed the moment.
spencer's expression shifted from confusion to something softer, something almost hopeful. "wait," he said slowly, "do you mean that?"
you swallowed hard, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly. "yes," you admitted, your voice trembling. there was no going back now. "i mean it, spence. i think i’ve been falling for you for a while now."
for a moment, spencer just stared, as if trying to process your words. then, a smile spread across his face, lighting up his features in a way that made your heart skip a beat. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to hear you say that," he said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and happiness.
before you could respond, spencer leaned in, his hand gently cupping your cheek. his touch was warm against the cold air. he paused, searching your eyes for any sign of hesitation. seeing none, he closed the gap between you, his lips meeting yours in a tender, lingering kiss.
the world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you, surrounded by the gentle whisper of falling snow. when you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting together.
"well," spencer said with a grin, "i guess i don't have to joke about it anymore."
you laughed softly. "no," you agreed, "you don't."
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea @thedancingnerdmermaid
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lcriedlastnight · 3 days
Accidental kiss with enemies to lovers with Oscar
this is such a good idea, thanks anon! hope you like.
tw: fem!reader, swears, idk if this even makes sense, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 881
everyone said you held a grudge for way too long. you would disagree but you can't really because you've held a grudge against oscar piastri since you met him and you've known him for years. you wouldn't admit this to anyone but you can't even remember what it was he did that had pissed you off so badly, that you knew from the first time you spoke you didn't like him.
it did cause a little commotion between the paddock, seeing as you frequented it often, and you were not going to stop enjoying your favourite sport because of oscar's annoyingly cute face.
the amount of run ins you have had with the mclaren driver, where he gives you that polite cat smile and you scowl in response. you find it weird he still tries to be kind to you even though he knows you don't like him.
your standing with alex, charles' girlfriend as the grid surrounds you, waiting for the drivers parade. you really like alex, she always gives you the best fashion tips and it never hurts to see your favourite furry friend, leo. charles had told you to stop playing favourites with his sons, seeing your clear distaste for oscar. you had rolled your eyes, not finding the joke funny to begin with. although that probably had something to do with the fact that it involved oscar and you claim to hate anything involving oscar.
the room was small which made it seem like the forty-odd people inside, look like they were packed in like sardines. you were literally brushing shoulders with people trying to get from one side of the room to the other. you had remembered that you had left your handbag on the chair across the room, so you put on a brave face as you try to make your way through the sea of people. everyone was aware of the lack of space and tried their best to move when someone was trying to get past, it was just difficult when there wasn't really anywhere to move to.
now, you were clumsy at the best of times so having to avoid about eighty pairs of trainers as well as anything else laying on the floor seemed like the most impossible mission that you were sure to, without a doubt, fail miserably. you make sure every step you take is carefully planned. you couldn't however, plan for the boys of rb to cause a ruckus and sending poor yuki barrelling towards you. you didn't see it coming, as yuki tripped into you from behind it creates a chain reaction. it's almost like it happens in slow motion. yuki calls your name in a warning but it's too late as you trip over your own feet and a foot that has somehow ended in between yours. the owner of the foot spins around to see what's going on and you barely have time to register that it's oscar you are this close to - and falling into.
oscar's hands are quick to grab hold of your waist to steady you and stop you from falling on top of him. he clearly didn't use enough strength because you were still falling too fast and before you could question how in the fuck it could even happen, his lips were on yours. if it wasn't for the foot oscar had stuck behind him, he probably would have went falling too.
you pull away from his as soon as you realise what has happened. oscar's hands are still on your hips as he holds you towards him. you blush bright red in embarrassment and it's probably the cutest thing he's seen. the things oscar would do right now to pause this moment to take a picture of you and your rosy cheeks.
most of the grid has seen what had happened and all you want is for the ground to swallow you whole. how has a three second kiss made you want to marry this man? you jump away from the driver like he had burned you. "fucking hell. watch where you're going next time, piastri. i could report you for that."
your brows are furrowed as the other drivers seem to part like the red sea to let you by. you end up leaving the room, going to the bathroom to compose yourself.
oscar stands there with pink ears, his friends watching on in amusement as he stares at the door you just left through. if he wasn't in public he knew he would be putting his fingers to his lips, just like they do in the movies.
"well i did not see that coming. well in, oscar, one step closer." lando comments. a hand slapping the back of the curly haired boys head. it was charles on the behalf of the still awestruck oscar. he feared he was never getting over this, oscar needed another kiss soon or he would die. he was sure of it. he just wanted the next one to be on purpose. the guilt already eating away at him even though he didn't really do anything wrong. an idea pings to his head.
oscar will find you and apologise. maybe you will want a kiss as an apology. a man can only hope.
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varpusvaras · 3 days
Breha wanted to have a soulmate.
Her parents were soulmates. They both had a mark of the Hand of Skies, the constellation visible during the winters of Aldera, on their left shoulders. Her mother had originally had the right hand of the constellation, while her father had had the left hand, and the mark had completed itself for both of them after they had met each other for the first time. It had been an early match, and her parents had grown up together since they had been ten years old. For as long as Breha remembered, she had looked at their love and connection, and indulged herself in the warmth and familiarity they shared with each other, dreaming of having the same for herself.
Her parents hoped for her to have a soulmate, too.
"Being a Queen is an important task", her mother always said. "Sometimes, it can be very lonely, too. I have gotten over so many moments of doubt with your father on my side."
She didn't talk about the other reason to her, but Breha knew about it anyway. She knew enough other Royals, other Nobles, of people born into influental families all across the Galaxy.
She knew what happened to those who didn't have a soulmate.
A soulmate was a part of you. A soulmate was someone who no one would ever take away from you. A soulmate was someone who would stay at your side.
A soulmate meant protection.
Breha didn't fully believe that her parents would make her marry someone she did not truly want to, but the fear was still there, and it gnawed on her, stronger and stronger, with every passing year. Alderaan was an affluent world, after all. Old, rich, and located in the Core. Many would be vying for the hand of the future Queen, if it was free for the taking.
Her parents had both gotten their marks at nine years old. Most people on Alderaan got their marks before their tenth birthday.
Breha's twelfth birthday had come and gone, and her thirteenth was fastly approaching, and there was nothing.
She didn't dare to speak about her growing nervousness to her parents. It felt like she would be insulting them, by insinuating that she thought that they would force her into something she did not want. She couldn't just keep it all inside, either, as it continued to bother her more and more.
In the end, she went to her grandmother.
"Sometimes it just takes time", her grandmother said, stroking Breha's back as Breha sniffled against her collar. "Sometimes the Galaxy and the Force has to look at things a little deeper, and to take a lot of things to consideration, things that you and me, or no one else, for that matter, has no idea about. It has to look at so many options before making the decision, so that the decision is the right one."
It did make Breha feel a little better. Maybe she had hope. Maybe she or whoever it was, at the other side, was just a little difficult to match with. Breha didn't think of herself as particularly difficult or complex, but maybe the Force knew something tha she didn't.
So she kept her hopes up, and she waited.
--- ---
She got her mark a week before her birthday.
She had noticed it immediately after waking up, and she had jumped out of her bed and ran to her parents to show it, without even bothering to change out of her nightgown before going.
Not that they cared, as they were just as happy as Breha herself.
The mark was a small flower, on the inside of her left wrist, with seven rounded petals that turned to sharp points at the last second. Breha thought it looked a lot like a star, if one had been turned into a flower.
Her grandmother agreed when Breha showed the mark to her.
"It's a forest star", she told her, "they grow in very deep forests, where sunlight comes through the trees only in small dots, and all the colors are dark and the ground is always glistening with water."
She turned Breha's hand a little to see the mark better, as it was sitting off center, on the right side of Breha's forearm. She was quiet for a moment as she looked at it, clearly contemplating her next words.
"What is most notable of them", she said, finally, "is that they always grow in group of threes."
She ran her fingers over the mark once more, and then gave Breha's hand a little pat.
"It's a beautiful mark", she told Breha, smiling. "With a mark like that, you're going to have a wonderful soulmate, I already know it."
Breha believed her. She had been right about the mark. She would be right about her soulmate as well.
--- ---
Breha met Bail Prestor when she was just shy of seventeen, after she had finally gotten her feet properly back under herself. She noticed him immediately, and joined him and his father to a debate between few other noblemen of Alderaan, that had been invited to the Palace.
She took his side against one of them, and when Bail turned to look at her and smiled, a little unsure but genuine still, Breha felt like something had bloomed underneath her skin.
When she looked down, there was another flower on her arm, on the opposite side of her original one.
She lifted her eyes back to Bail, to see him looking at her now with surprise in his eyes and equal amount of surprise in the smile he still had on his face.
Breha smiled back at him, brightly, with joy and relief.
--- ---
"I will do my best", Bail promised her that night, "no matter what, I will be the soulmate you deserve."
Breha believed him.
"Thank you", she said. "I will do so as well, for you."
She was there for Bail just as much as Bail was for her, after all.
--- ---
"I must admit", Bail said one day, when they were walking through the gardens on a late afternoon. "I am still a little surprised about the mark."
"How so?" Breha asked. She had the feeling that Bail wasn't talking about being the soulmate of the Princess.
"My mother looked up the flower when I got my mark", he said. "She told me that they grow in threes. I expected you two have two flowers, or something similar, I think."
That was right. Breha glanced at their hands. They had both received each other's mark, so they had fullfilled the mark for each other, but the flowers sat apart from each other on their skins, leaving a gap between them.
A gap, just wide enough, that a third flower could fit in between, linking their flowers to each other.
"That would've made sense", Breha admitted. "My grandmother told me the same. We have fullfilled each other's marks, though. I think that is the most important thing."
"It is", Bail said. "It just makes me think..."
He looked down on their hands, and then up at the sky, right past the mountaintops.
"If there is someone out there, with a single flower on their hand", he murmured, reaching for Breha's hand as he spoke.
Breha laced their fingers together, and thought.
All marks had a meaning. A point of connection. Like her parents, with each one side of a whole constellation, two hands made of stars, always meant to be holding each other.
Wouldn't it mean something, too, for her and Bail to have flowers that always grew in threes?
Breha looked up at the sky as well, and she wondered.
--- ---
Years went by. Breha married Bail. She became the Queen.
There were two flowers on each of their arms, apart from each other, with just enough space for a third one in between them.
--- ---
Being a Queen was sometimes lonely work.
What her father had not told her, was that being a Senator was sometimes just as lonely.
During the longest days, Breha would look down on her hand, to the two flowers on her skin, her own and Bail's, and she would draw strength from seeing the proof of the connection she and Bail had, even when the void of space was in between them.
She knew Bail did the same, and Breha was happy that she had been able to give him that connection, that lasted over time and distance.
She looked at her mark for a long time, when the word of the war starting reached Alderaan.
--- ---
Bail was calling her in the middle of her Court.
Usually, when he had something to tell her during their work hours, Bail would send her a message and ask her to call him, or call Visaiya, if it was something more urgent. It wasn't like him to call her like this, without sending a word out first.
She looked up at her Ministers, and gave a signal.
"My deepest apologies", she said, standing up. "I am afraid that I have to take an incoming call right away from the Viceroy."
There were no objections. The war had forced them to raise their means of security on both Alderaan and Coruscant, especially since Bail had not confined himself to only inside the Senate and the House. Anything sudden regarding him was treated with utmost gravity.
She stepped outside the Courtroom into the foyer to answer.
"Are you alright?" She asked, instantly, when the call connected and Bail's image appeared. "What's going on?"
Bail didn't look injured or even angry or crestfallen or anything of the sort that she had kind of expected.
Instead, he looked almost flustered when he looked at her, his eyes wide open, like something entirely unexpected had happened.
"I am alright", Bail answered, and then drew in a deep breath. "Something has happened, and I needed to tell you about it right away."
Before Breha could ask more, Bail pulled up his sleeve, and turned his hand around to show her.
There, on the inside of his arm, right at his left wrist, were three flowers.
It was just like Breha had imagined it. The third flower, right in the middle of the other two, interlocked its petals precisely with the flowers on both sides of it, and so linked them all together, with no space left between them anymore.
Breha lifted her eyes to Bail, who was looking at her, like he was just waiting for her to say something.
Breha had just one thing to say to him.
"Who?" She asked.
"I don't know", Bail answered.
It was not what she had expected him to say at all.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I was just returning to my office", Bail said. "I had to wait a little since there had been some sort of incident, and the troopers needed a little more time to clear things up, and then I just felt it. And there it is, now."
Breha looked at the mark again.
Three flowers, right next to each other, interlocked.
There was a rule in giving and receiving another part of the mark, and fullfilling it.
There needed to be a point of connection in order for it to happen. It wouldn't happen simply for being in the same space with the other. There needed to be a moment of true attention, intentionally given and received, for the connection to happen.
That meant that Breha had more to ask.
"Who did you talk to?" She asked. "When it happened?"
She hadn't even needed to ask. Bail had already arrived back to the point himself.
"Oh", he said, then thought for a moment. "I think I need to have a word with the Commander of the Guard."
Breha knew from the moment Bail said those words, that many things were about to change irrevocably.
She looked Bail in the eyes, and she knew that he knew it too.
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classyrbf · 10 hours
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SYNOPSIS...dabi has always been stubborn, always been trouble, so whenever he gets hurt you’re the only one willing to help him even if he says he doesn’t need it
INFO...ex bf!dabi x fem!reader, slight angst mentions of blood, kissing, makeout, groping, mentions of a breakup, not proofread
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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Your eyes were fixated on the tv in front your as you watched one of your favorite movies. It was late at night and you were finally granted a day off from work after working seven days straight. You were exhausted and just needed time to yourself after the last hectic week. This was the perfect way to unwind. You sipped on your cup of juice, letting a small giggle at the scene from the movie before there were three loud knocks on your door.
Quickly, you paused the movie and waited in silence as you looked towards your front door. It was nearly one in the morning and you didn’t have the slightest clue who it could be. That wasn’t until you heard their voice. “Y/n, come on! Open up!” They knocked on the door again. Your eyes went wide as you recognized who it was. Jumping to your feet, you ran over to the door and unlocked it, only to see Dabi standing there slightly hunched over with his hand holding his side. “Fuck!” He hissed.
“Dabi? What—what the hell happened?” You look to see his jacket and hand are soaked in blood and you quickly pull him in and rush him towards the kitchen. He’s stumbling over his feet and groaning in pain before he plops down in one of your kitchen chairs, eyes half open. You quickly remove the jacket and discarded on your floor, a part of his white shirt covered with his blood, but all Dabi could do was chuckle at the sight.
“Motherfucker got me good. Shit!” He chuckled. You carefully lifted his shirt to see he had me slice with a knife. It didn’t seem too deep, but with the way Dabi was bleeding you weren’t sure if he needed stitches or if he was too stubborn to get help. Probably the latter.
“My gosh.” You shook your head. “I’ll be right back.” You ran to your bathroom to grab the first aid kit from the bottom cabinet, hoping you had enough to even get this gash covered up. It look to be about three to four inches in length, but you couldn’t really make it out. When you walked back into the kitchen you placed the kit on the counter and quickly washed your hands. “Wanna tell me what happened?” You asked, voice calm. You dried your hands off before opening the kit.
Dabi looked towards you, you were facing away from him as you grabbed supplies. How long has it been since he last saw you? Spoke to you? He can’t even remember. “Doesn’t matter now.” He answered. You hummed in response knowing you could never be too pushy with Dabi and his business. He always seems to hide it anyway even when you guys were dating. You’d bet money that he doesn’t even remember the last time he was here. It’s been maybe six to eight months when you saw him last, doing the same thing you were doing now, fixing him up. The breakup with maybe two years ago now, tired of the way he lived, tired of his secrets and closed off personality.
You felt like you’d never be able to get through to him no matter what you did and you reached a breaking point. Called it quits out of the blue and threw him out of the house you two lived in. Now, it’s just you. “Keep the shirt lifted,” you ordered, putting pressure on the wound. Dabi groaned in pain, cursing under his breath as his eyes clenched shut. Truth be told, he waited an hour before finally coming to you for help, contemplating whether or not he wanted to see you again after everything that went down. But he knew no one else would be willing to help him, no one would patch him up as good as you do and he sure as hell couldn’t go to a hospital.
He remembers the breakup very clearly, remembers your frustration and anger towards him and throwing all of his things out the door. But damn you two had a good thing going. You were his girl, the one he could always count on to hold him steady and keep him safe and he’ll do the same to you. He just didn’t know that keeping his secrets and keeping his lifestyle from you would drive you crazy. He just wanted to keep you safe from all of it, keep you from seeing what life was really like for him. Overtime, he came to an understanding of how you felt, so he left you alone. That was until the first time he got into a fight and then another and then now.
“Don’t be so rough!” Dabi shouted, gritting his teeth as you cleaned the wound.
“Maybe don’t go getting into random fights and I won’t. If anything, you deserve this,” you retaliated, glancing up at him. All he did was let out a loud sigh, gripping onto the table. “This is gonna burn.” You took the alcohol wipe and placed it on the gash.
“Goddamnit! Shit!” He hit is fist on the table as his leg bounced up and down. He took a deep breath in and exhaled through his nose. The stinging pain ran deep and lasted more than a few seconds as he tried to adjust to it. You lifted the alcohol pad and tossed it in the trash beside you, standing up to walk to the first aid kid to grab a bandage and gauze. “After this I’ll be out of your hair,” he spoke.
You shuffled through the contents of the box, ignoring his words as you grabbed what you needed. He looked towards you, hoping that you’d at least say something back or even look at him, but you didn’t. He looked over your figure noticing the crop top and shorts you had on, your excuse for pajamas. He quickly looked away when you walked back over towards him. "Sit up," you demanded.
Dabi grabbed onto the table for support as you gently placed the bandage on the wound, holding it in place as you wrapped the gauze around his abdomen tightly. "I appreciate this, really." He looked down at you. You hummed in response, not even glancing his way before standing to your feet. His jaw clenched and he reacted before thinking, his hand reaching out to yours. Snapping your head back to look at him, his eyes bore into yours. "Will you just talk to me for a moment? Come on, y/n."
A scoff leaves your lips as you pull your hand away from his grip. "You show up to my apartment bleeding after not seeing each other for months, don't tell me what happened, and then expect me to act like your friend?" Your brows furrow as you stare at him. Dabi then uses the strength he has to stand to his feet, now merely inches away from you.
"I know and I'm sorry-"
"This is the last time," you bluntly state.
"You know it's not," he responded. He gets into fights on purpose, gets himself hurt on purpose as an excuse to see you. There's no other way you'd talk to him, let alone let him see you. So, he gets into pointless fights just so he could come to you to get fixed up because the truth is, he misses you. He misses your presence, your touch, your voice, he misses everything about you. Then, he tells himself he doesn't want your help, he doesn't need it, but his legs are moving on their own and before he knows it, he's at your front door. "I miss you."
"Dabi...don't." You sigh, closing your eyes.
Your feel his hands wrap around your waist. "I do. I know you feel the same way otherwise you wouldn't help me."
You stay silent, looking down at your feet, afraid to look him in the eyes, but Dabi forces you either way. His finger hooks under your chin as you meet his gaze. There's tension in the air, tension so thick that it could be cut with a knife. You already know what he's thinking, the look in his eye is all too familiar with you. It hard to resist, hard to ignore the feeling bubbling in your chest and the thoughts flowing freely through your mind.
You kiss him. You broke your own rules and kissed him. Though it's been forever, your lips still feel like they belong on his, the way your bodies melt into each other feels like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. His hands squeeze your waist, groping your skin before they sneak down to the plump of your ass. Your hands entangle in his hair, pulling him in and deepening the kiss. Before he could think, Dabi pushed towards the counter, lifting you onto it without breaking the kiss.
"Shhh." His hands move up under your shirt, caressing your skin. "Let's just have this moment. Together."
You break away from the kiss, panting heavily. "But, you're hurt. I don't think-"
"I don't care. I need you."
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thelovelylolly · 2 days
Hi. I have a request for a loki x female reader. I love his character so much. I would like it too be a short fluffy one.
Can you write a fic about loki and a reader who likes him but is afraid to tell him that, so she avoids him but he realizes that she likes him because he can read her like an open book. And it ending with them kissing for the first time.
Sorry if this sounds confusing. If you can't write this that is fine.
--sam w
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Summary : you're a goddess on Asgard, and you've fallen in love with Loki. Warnings: fem! reader, r has long hair but texture and color isn't desc., some self doubt but it's very brief, let me know if i missed anything! Word count: 1.3k (not proofread) Notes: this is so cute! i did give them some more backstory so i hope you enjoy! (also dividers by @saradika-graphics !!)
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You loved Loki.
It was plain and simple. You were a goddess on Asgard and had grown up with him while Frigga taught you how to harness your magic. You and Loki clicked instantly, sometimes getting into trouble together or spending quiet afternoons between lessons together. You helped him with his pranks against his brother, he helped you try new things with your magic.
You had a crush on him when you were both children, but you thought it was just a silly childhood crush.
Then, you grew up and it didn't go away.
If anything, your feelings grew stronger and deeper.
You didn't want to ruin the friendship you had with him and he was a prince. You held no title other than 'goddess' and you had heard about all the suitors his father had set up for him. Loki didn't want any of them and always said he'd rather spend his life with you or no one at all.
Surely, he didn't mean that he wanted to court and marry you, right?
He always went straight to you after meeting with suitors, which is where he found you one late afternoon. You were lounging around in the library, re-reading one of your favorite books, when he slipped through the large library doors. He closed them behind him and let out a sigh as he leaned against them.
You looked up from your book with a soft smile. "How'd it go?" You asked, even though you knew the answer.
"Terrible," Loki answered, walking over to you and sitting on the opposite end of the couch you were on. "I don't think my father understands that I'm not interested in these spoiled princes and princesses."
"Aww, you poor thing," you said teasingly, putting your book aside and scooting closer to him. "You have all these perfect options to choose from-"
"You know I don't want any of them," he quickly cut you off, smiling over at you. "But at least this one brought me a present."
"Oh, did they? What was it?"
Loki held his hand up and used his magic to make the gift appear. It was a delicate, gold crown that looked like a vine full of leafs.
"It's beautiful," you quietly said, leaning closer to get a better look.
"I was nice about it, but I knew it would look better on you than me," he replied, taking the crown between his hands and turning to face you. He gently placed it on top of your head, gently pulling a few pieces of your hair out to frame your face.
Your smile fell when you noticed how close the two of you were, your lips slightly parted as your heart raced. His soft smile made your insides melt and all you wanted to do lean forward and kiss him.
"I was right," he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear, "it does look better on you. You look like a queen."
Your gaze fell to his lips. All you had to do was say three little words and lean forward. But that could ruin everything.
Instead, you pulled away and stood up, clearing your throat awkwardly. You grabbed your book and turned towards him as you walked backwards to the doors. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go..." You quickly said before turning and leaving.
Loki watched the doors close behind you, leaving him alone in the library. His smile fell and he leaned against the back of the couch, letting out a sigh.
Something was up with you, and he was going to figure out what it was.
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A few days had passed since what happened in the library and you had done your best to avoid Loki. You felt embarrassed and you didn't want to face him. You started to avoid the places the two of you usually frequented and found a nice beach area to escape to. It was hidden by different types of flora from the palace gardens.
However, you kept the crown he gave you. You only took it off to sleep or do your hair, which was always in a style that let you wear the crown. You had gotten compliments from others around the castle and when they asked where it had come from, you simply said it was a gift.
But it was more than a gift to you. It was a slight bit of hope that Loki requited your feelings.
Yet, you were too afraid to tell him and decided that avoiding him would help. Even with your peaceful beach and your favorite books, Loki still took up most, if not all, of your thoughts. Maybe he did know you had feelings for him because he knew you so well.
He knew you well enough to eventually find you on the beach. The sun was just starting to set and it caused the clear, blue waves to sparkle in the late afternoon light. The sun also shined off of the crown on your head, making you easy to spot for Loki.
When he called your name, your heart skipped a beat. You stood up from where you were sitting and reading before turning to him, watching him as he jogged over to you.
"There you are!" He said with a large smile. "I've been looking for you everywhere the past few days, why have you been avoiding me, dear?"
Dear. Gods, you loved him.
"I...I just needed some space, I guess," you replied softly, looking out at the waves next to you two.
"Space to think about your feelings for me?" He asked with a hint of teasing in his tone.
Your head whipped around and you looked at him with wide eyes. "W-what do you mean? What feelings-"
"Darling, we've been friends since we were children, I know you," he reached for your hands, taking them in his, "I figured out you had feelings for me only recently, so don't think I've been leading you on or anything. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you that I love you."
"You...what?" You were still surprised he found out, but now he admitted he loved you? Your mind was racing and so was your heart as you stepped closer to him. "You love me, too?"
"Of course I do, darling," he said, trailing his hands up your arms to hold your waist as he pulled you closer. "Why else do you think I've rejected all the suitors my father set up for me? Why do you think I gave you that crown?"
He leaned closer, pressing his forehead against yours before saying, "why do you think I spend every second I can with you?"
You took a deep breath, letting out a relieved sigh. "I was scared I was going to ruin what we have," you whispered.
He reached one hand up and cupped your cheek, running his thumb across your skin gently. "You could never ruin it, darling."
You slowly started to lean closer, the gap between you and him closing. He met you half way and pressed his lips to yours.
You had imagined his kiss many times, but none of it compared to real life. He was soft and gently, but still held you tight and close. He knew where to place his hands, how to move his lips against yours, and when to pull away.
It wasn't a short kiss, nor was it long, but you immediately missed the feeling of his lips on yours. However, the look he gave you silently told you that more were to come.
"Would you allow me to court you, darling?" He asked softly, still holding you close to him.
"Of course, Loki," you answered, smiling up at him, "but does your father know?"
He laughed. "No, but I don't care if he approves or not. I want you, I choose you, and he'll have to be okay with that because I'm never going to change my mind."
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roguishcat · 23 hours
ooooh what is ‘a welcome distraction’???
Thank you for the ask! 💖I subscribe to the idea that Astarion is very much a cat. 🙂 Neil showing the cat that he adopted and commenting on how long it took to gain the said cat's trust was really helpful in terms of understanding what Astarion is likely to do. I'm not saying that I write Astarion perfectly, but watching that live stream helped me to improve.
With that in mind, I started writing and this wrote itself. It's not done, but it's becoming something.
Astarion stretched out languidly on Tav’s bedroll, watching her as she looked through their magic trinkets to decide which ones they could do without. Ever since Gale came to her, confessing everything, telling her of his folly, Tav has taken extra care to set aside an item or two that the wizard could consume.
Now, if this was done out of sense of self-preservation, that would be completely understandable. It would be quite unfortunate for that orb in his chest to get so volatile it would just explode at random. Such a waste that would be. The world would lose its most beautiful creature! And just as he was starting to enjoy his freedom! And he supposed the wizard had his uses too.
Astarion blinked slowly and sighed. As nice as it was to have no one try to murder them for a change, he was getting bored. And his favourite source of entertainment seemed to have no time on her hands for him.
Now that just wouldn’t do.
He moved closer to Tav and lifted his hand to rest on her head, running his fingers through her hair and then lower down to caress the exposed skin of her neck. Astarion knew that he was distracting her, that was the whole point of the gentle, feather-light touches that made goosebumps rise on her exposed arms. And when that garnered no reaction, Astarion lifted himself up to press his chest against her back, snaking his arms around her middle.
“Darling,” he said smoothly, kissing her shoulder, making a move to lift her shirt enough with insistent hands to expose skin and trace slow patterns just above her hipbones, “don’t you think it’s time for a break?”
“As nice as that sounds, I still have to go through all the scrolls and potions.”
“Nice? I can’t promise anything that uninspired,” he scoffed. Nothing about him was even remotely nice. Such a bland, plain word that carried little to no meaning.
“Something wicked, however,” he drawled, his lips almost touching Tav’s ear “that I could definitely provide.”
“Well, as delicious as that sounds, I’m not moving until I get this done. But perhaps you could help?”
“Tsk, you are no fun,” he pouted, lifting a necklace with the tip of his finger. “What’s this one supposed to do?”
“Let me just check… Misty Step.”
“Keeping it,” he would have squirreled it away earlier, but a part of him felt a sick sort of dread at taking something without waiting for permission first. It was almost like a reflex. Not to take without permission, lest he be punished.
“If you want,” Tav shrugged with a smile. “Put it into your pile, it’s that one.”
Astarion inwardly preened when he noted it was one of the bigger piles. He spied a nice bow and two rings perched on top of a set of armour. He supposed getting nice new things was worth an hour of boredom.
It was still a novel concept. Having things of his own. Being given what he needed or simply wanted with no strings attached. And it wasn’t just him that got such treatment. Tav tried her best to make sure that everyone was taken care of to the best of her ability.
Astarion would probably never admit it unless faced with decapitation, but Tav has really started to grow on him. The pleasant manner in which she carried herself, the ferocious way in which she fought, the unwavering loyalty to those she considered friends.
That was yet another novel concept, having friends.
 “Darling, I can’t help but notice that you didn’t choose anything for yourself.”
“I don’t need anything right now.”
That was a lie. Her armour breathed its last when they went up against the goblins to protect the Grove. She could definitely use a new pair of boots too.
“As sweet as you are for thinking of others before yourself, I would rather you not become a pincushion next time we are ambushed. Here,” he picked a set of armour at random, “take this.”
“And Shadowheart will have to do without, I suppose?”
“She’s a cleric. She can heal herself.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 days
I don’t think the fans freaking out are doing so because of a lack of patience or want of ‘instant gratification’. I’m sure your anon didn’t mean to imply that, and you Nalyra, have been nothing but supportive and understanding (thank you) it’s just as a DM/Daniel/Armand fan it was a lot that was (potentially) changed/revealed about the dynamic very quickly. So let me explain why some are worried?
Like I went into the finale with low expectations of anything DM being shown. I was also open to them either doing past or only-present DM, maybe Armand had become fascinated during Dubai (I thought, same with Daniel)? Could be fun! Hearing Daniel would be turned I adjusted and was also open to them starting with them hating each other because Armand turns him due to anger. Then we don’t see that scene, which sucked ngl but I adjusted and thought well we might see it in the future. Then Rollins goes and says in several interviews that won’t happen. He could be lying but I don’t think we should hold it against fans who take him at his words.
Also he’s recently said they are doing their own version (which again is fine with me) but that it will be ‘spiritually right’. So what’s spiritually right about DM? I would say there are several aspects to it - but of course not all need to happen for it to be spiritually true. It is an adaptation after all.
Like there’s the co-dependent unequal power dynamic, there’s powerful Armand falling for a fragile human, there’s Daniel loving Armand (and seeing him as he is) despite the latter’s darkness, there’s the hate-love aspect, Daniel running away, the verbal fighting, “beautiful boy”, blood addiction, Armand loving Daniel too much to condemn him to vampirism, Daniel teaching Armand about tech/the world - bringing some humanity back to him after he’d isolated for a long time etc. (Armand’s fascination with all of these things), them falling in love through a chase, Armand not being able to let Daniel go when he’s dying, Armand keeping Daniel prisoner (which has been adapted) etc.
A lot of this stuff is tied to Daniel being human when they fall in love, and a lot has therefore potentially been cleared off the table by Daniel’s turning. Some fans view certain of these aspects as essential - for example Armand refusing to condemn Daniel to vampirism/and then doing it out of love. I’m okay with them changing this up, but I think it should be okay for fans to be apprehensive as seemingly a fair amount of the DM plot beats (not just one specific one or two) must change if they are doing was Rollins seem to be implying. I don’t think most DM fans are chiefly upset that they didn’t get to see the turning now, people are worried it will never happen and that DM will be so different as to be unrecognisable as a version of DM. I’m more optimistic, but I think fans have the right to be a bit worried.
Love your blog Nalyra, hope I don’t come across as too frustrated at your other anon, I do get your point of view anon, I do (I’m sure there’s more fatalistic fans out there so I do feel you), I just wanted to share my side of it as well, since I think I get why some fans are worried and disappointed.
All good, glad you like, and thank you for explaining!!
I… think there’s enough hints by Jacob and Eric now to expect the past chase to have happened. As such I think that part of DM (the chase and falling in love) will hold.
I think the finale left a lot with a kind of ”whiplash“ feeling. Me too, tbh, after two nights. As I said, I‘m working on a separate post with my thoughts.
Because what some called rushed or pacing issues was imho very deliberately dealt punches to the stomach.
Daniel‘s turning and the eye-color change carries so many repercussions?! So much meaning. It’s almost impossible to grasp.
Which is likely intentional.
And that is very frustrating. Totally get that.
They seem to stay close to the book structure (despite everything) and so I won‘t expect the full breadth of DM pre season 4. Which is … a hell of a wait.
But at least - and this is not to shut you up or anything(!!) but coming from personal experience - at least you don’t have to deal with shit for doubting the tale at this point. Or other shit pertaining to Lestat.
Isn’t that something at least? :/
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justsescape · 11 hours
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"Oh... g-good morning, anon... um, it is morning, right? I can't really see the window beyond these things..."
You parted Uzaki-chan's bangs while she rubbed the sleep from her eyes -- as if such a move would help her see much of anything beyond her unbelievably massive chest. Years of prodigious, uncontrollable growth had doomed her to a lifetime of sleeping on her back underneath a pair of boobs that were better carried in the beds of pickup trucks than bras. She may as well have been pressing her nose against a brick wall for all the visibility they allowed her. Still, they somehow kept a perfectly spherical shape underneath the sheets of your bed. In fact, the blanket -- itself approaching the size of a tennis court -- rose and fell over her outrageously proportioned bust like they were covering two mountains on a distant horizon.
"Oh, you're already dressed anon? You look sharp!" Uzaki-chan's enthusiasm was briefly interrupted by a yawn. If ever the sun decided to leave its post, her sleepy smile could light up the entire world. "But why do you always get up so early?"
It happened so often that it had practically become your morning routine. Uzaki-chan couldn't lay down on your bed without her nipples flattening themselves against the ceiling overhead. Such were the proportions of her body: her humongous breasts fit comfortably in between the mattress and the roof -- almost like a perfectly slotted Tetris block. Her occasional tossing and turning, then, caused the erect lengths of her nipples to rub against it, and that friction was occasionally enough to prompt lactation. It certainly was enough this morning: you awoke to milk dripping upon your forehead like you were sleeping underneath a melting icicle.
"Hmph... you know, it would be nice sometimes if you'd stay in bed with me a little bit longer..."
Uzaki-chan's cartoonishly huge rack may prevent her from moving around much, but it didn't prevent her from moving you. Her fist balled around the collar of your shirt; she yanked you toward her like she had you in a lasso; and her lips planted themselves upon yours. The unmistakable softness of her lips was rivaled only by the unmistakable softness of her heaving chest. It seeped across the side of your body; you felt your arm briefly slip into her meters-long cleavage. It was the gentlest of reminders that they could swallow you up completely. Uzaki-chan never had the good fortune of reaching five feet in height herself, but if she ever laid down on top of her much taller chest, they could easily smother the entirety of your bedframe.
The kiss was over all too soon. An eternity wouldn't be long enough.
"At first I just went along with your, um... y-your interest in them," Uzaki-chan said, her cheeks perfectly rosy red. Her gargantuan tits never got out of her sight -- and yet, she stuttered as if they were a difficult, unmentionable subject. "But, well... I've sort of started to actually like growing a lot... so let's keep working hard on making me bigger, okay? I'm putting all my trust in you, anon~!"
A lifetime of happy memories awaited you. Every milky morning wake-up call would be worth it.
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stuckysimp · 9 hours
I'm like 8 years too late, but oh well - I've had this Captain America Civil War rant stuck in my head for a while and I need to get it out after re-watching it. (This is gonna be long af, but bear with me).
I feel like a lot of people missed the actual point and plot of the movie (and the marketing definitely didn't help). The whole "team cap vs team iron man" stuff becomes irrelevant after like the first 20 minutes of the movie. But of course, it's still quite a big part of the movie and I'd like to take a moment to explore what I think, the different character motivations are around why they signed or didn't (or would / wouldn't).
The only reason Tony "I successfully privatised world peace" Stark signed the accords in the first place anyway is because of his massive survivors guilt complex which we see triggered by the woman who approaches him at the end of his speech to the MIT students. Like this man does not give a single shit about the government, and much like Steve Rogers, he just wants to keep people safe. Unlike Steve, however, he doesn't trust himself to do so and thinks of himself needing the be kept in check, for someone else to take the blame (though he'd probably internalise it anyway, let's be real).
Rhodey has always kind of been more on the side of the government, even if that meant going against Tony - think Iron Patriot - so it makes sense that he'd want to sign. He understands that a group as powerful and dangerous as the Avengers needs to be kept in check, but what he doesn't understand are the risks around that. In a perfect world, it would be fine, but unfortunately government systems are stupid and corrupt.
Peter was only really in the fight in the first place because he was a child blindly following this big celebrity guy he idolised. He didn't know enough about the situation to properly analyse it, just being fed and believing whatever Tony told him (and he had no reason to go against him, so why would he? This was his shot, he's been chosen by THE Tony Stark to help). "Mr Stark said you'd say that" "he said you're wrong, you think you're right, that makes you dangerous." I 100% believe that if Peter had read the accords, that he would have been on Steve's side anyway.
Vision is an embodiment of 'good' and 'peace' - essentially everything that Ultron was supposed to be, but wasn't. He has no reason to be against the accords if it will keep people safe and he makes the point during their conversation of "our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict ... breeds catastrophe. Oversight ... oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." It's also very much the beginning kind of puppy love between him and Wanda in this movie, meaning that he will want to protect her. No matter what. Even if it means "locking her in her room."
Nat was seriously one of the only people in this movie with a brain cell lol. I firmly believe that if the accords had been properly put in place, she would have followed them until she no longer thought the government's instructions were 'right' and would have gone against them anyway. Her main goal in this movie was trying to keep the Avengers, her family, together and ultimately do the 'right' thing.
T'challa didn't give one shit about the accords lmao, he's damn king. No, he was only there in the first place to take revenge on his father's death (which at the point of the airport fight scene he still thought it was Bucky's fault. He later discovers, after following Steve and Bucky to Siberia, that it's Zemo's, and locks him up).
Steve's concerns with the accords are valid, and honestly I wouldn't have signed them either. To be told "sign, retire, or get locked up" isn't really a big winner for me lol. And the thing is, Steve's done this. He fought in WW2, he got paraded around like some big hero while men died, and he did nothing. It wasn't until he went against orders, that he actually did something helpful (saved the captured 107th division in Azzano). So, no, he's not going to be side-lined when people out there need help. That's just not who he is.
Bucky had no part in the accords, and as soon as he got introduced into the movie, that plot point became irrelevant. He was framed by Zemo, and then used to rip the avengers apart. The accords was just another log to add to the fire at that point. He followed Steve because "till the end of the line" and all that. He literally, heartbreakingly, says "I don't know if I'm worth all this," but he follows anyway.
Scott, much like Peter, is kinda just happy to be there. He's following CAPTAIN FREAKING AMERICA into battle without hesitation. But like, let's be honest, given his whole movie and character, I very much doubt Scott would be on Tony's side if he had read the accords.
Clint got dragged out of freaking retirement for this shit, and he didn't actually get involved until after Team Cap already knew about Zemo. That's why he's there. Not because of the accords, but to help Steve get to the Quinjet to get to Siberia and stop Zemo before he can go through with his assumed plan to wake up the five super soldiers who'd been stashed there. (Of course, this isn't actually Zemo's plan, but we'll get back to that later).
Wanda is going through some serious self loathing during this movie, and the incident in Lagos doesn't help. Like at all. Ma girl just wants to live her life and be left alone at this point and she's getting all of these horrible things thrown into her face by Secretary Ross. She doesn't want to be controlled, she doesn't want to be a weapon, she wants to be free. "You locked me in my room." - Girl already probably hates Tony Stark due to her family being killed by one of his bombs and Ultron, so she's mad anyway.
Sam is on Steve's side from the start. With the accords, to fight Zemo, all of it. During the 'discussion' between him and Rhodey, he says "So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" He doesn't trust Secretary Ross, and is clearly hesitant to add his signature to the accords. (not that I blame him).
The main actual villain and 'plot' of the movie after the first part with the accords, was the whole thing with Zemo wanting to tear the Avengers apart to get revenge for his family dying in Sokovia. He takes advantage of the accords, and of Bucky / The Winter Soldier to do this but it's not really discussed which annoys me. It's a MAJOR part of the film, yet all I ever really see being discussed are the accords affecting the decisions of characters throughout the film with no consideration of the wider picture.
From when the UN meeting is blown up, the Avengers are being manipulated by Zemo working in the background throughout the film. He frames Bucky for murder, and Steve - who has been looking for Bucky for the past 2 years - goes after him like ‘tf man’. Bucky gets taken in and Zemo uses the opportunity to activate the Winter Soldier programming, learn about Hydra’s super soldier program, and of course - “Mission report. December 16, 1991.”
This leads to Bucky’s escape and attack, Steve and co going on the run, and eventually the airport fight. The meaning of this scene gets lost, I feel, when people relate it back to the accords because it’s not about that anymore. Not really, not for anyone. Especially not for Steve, or even for Tony.
Tony at this point, most definitely feels like his world is being torn apart. He’s losing control, he’s spiralling, and Steve just isn’t listening. He’s blinded by his anger to the bigger picture and he just wants to get a handle on the situation to deal with it further.
Steve’s forgotten all about the accords, his priority is keeping Bucky safe and stopping Zemo. He tries to tell Tony, tries to talk to him, but Tony isn’t listening either. I mean their whole interaction just before the fight shows this:
(the dialogue below has been condensed to show the key lines - basically I got rid of other characters talking irrelevantly)
Steve Rogers: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.
Tony Stark: Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?
Steve Rogers: You're after the wrong guy.
Tony Stark: Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.
Steve Rogers: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.
- later -
Tony Stark: And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
Steve Rogers: You did that when you signed.
Tony Stark: Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys . . . with no compunction about being impolite. [Steve looks aside.] Come on.
Not to mention that Tony, after learning that Zemo impersonated and killed the actual doctor dude that was supposed to see Bucky whilst he was in confinement, he DISOBEYED the accords and Secretary Ross to go and help Steve stop what they thought at the time was the reactivation of the five super soldiers who'd been left in cryo freeze.
He follows Steve and Bucky to Siberia to help them, not to fight them. That only changes because of Zemo showing the footage of Bucky, WHILE UNDER BASICALLY MIND CONTROL, killing Tony’s parents.
In this scene, Tony 100% has every right to be angry. Unfortunately, he’s the kind of person who cannot see past his anger. He gets in his head, he spirals, and he tries to kill Bucky based on blind rage. (IT WASN’T BUCKY’S FAULT DAMMIT).
And yes, Steve was 100% in the wrong for not telling Tony. This whole scene could have been very easily avoided if Steve had just pulled Tony aside and had the difficult conversation about his parents death. Tony deserved to know, and Steve was only sparing himself pain by doing it. Dick move Steve, 0/10.
The fight between the three allows Zemo, having successfully completed his plan of eliminating the super soldiers and tearing the avengers apart, to slip away. With his work done, he tries to end his own life, but T’challa stops him and arrests him instead.
Steve and Tony’s fight was unnecessary, dramatic, and heart-breaking, and I’m very glad they managed to make up later, but ye. I think, at the end of the day, they’re all just dramatic idiots with communication issues lol.
Thank you for reading my long ass essay lmao, apparently I have a lot of feelings about this movie 😂
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hebuiltfive · 2 days
Long time, no proper post! Time has been slipping between my fingers so fast these last few weeks and keeping up with literally anything has been exhausting. Not getting into that now but instead may I introduce you to my latest brainchild? A UFO x Thunderbirds crossover that exactly 0 people have ever asked for (but I thought might be fun!)
No guarantees it'll get a part two. (I'm still working on the couple prompts I received a few days ago - promise they'll be finished soon!) But in honour of it being World UFO Day, I thought I'd get this one finished and posted! Hope you enjoy it!
The first time Paul Foster awoke it was with a great groan and a terrible headache.
He blinked his eyes open. Bright fluorescent spotlights blinded him. He winced.
Indistinguishable voices could be heard somewhere to his right, but his head remained stuck in place; a neck brace, he quickly realised. Had his fall really been that bad?
Yes, for he had fallen.
Off the cliff-top. 
How far down had the Control said the drop had been? Fifty feet or five hundred? No, that second figure couldn’t have been right… He couldn’t remember. Everything was in a haze.
Paul tried to sit up again but it was no use. Only his eyes were obeying him. He darted them to the side, trying to make out his location but, with his blurry vision still making his head swim, he couldn’t make out much.
Except for the fuzzy figures at the other end of the room.
Paul couldn’t decipher how far away that was. The walls kept changing their distance. It was disorientating. The strong scent of disinfectant clouded his senses and Paul had the sudden hope that he’d been picked up by his team, that he’d awaken properly to find himself in the SHADO medibay and that he’d be soon well enough to get to his debrief with Straker by the end of the day—
He needed to know… something.
Paul had found information about… something.
God, why did his head hurt so?
Oh, yes.
The fall.
He’d forgotten about that.
Damn memory!
His eyelids closed. Paul welcomed the darkness it brought. It allowed him room to think.
Now, what was it he had to tell… that man.
What was his name again? 
This was no good! Despite his best efforts to remain calm, Paul began to panic. Waking up dazed in an unknown place was one thing, but having his memories and thoughts come and go like this? It was enough to make any person worry.
“…BP still too high. I told you to keep a monitor on it.”
“I have been! Chill, dude. I’ve got it covered.”
“We need to stabilise his vitals—”
“If you tell me to chill one more time…”
The muffled voices from the fuzzy figures were now closer. Paul snapped his eyes open. He could make out some more distinct features; broad shoulders, a fine cut jaw line and dark hair on the first person, the man who was closest to him. The other, still a little too far away, was not as easy to decipher. Perhaps a little taller, with golden hair and a slightly more tanned complexion than the first. Paul couldn’t make out what they were wearing. Blue… suits?
His heart leapt again. Had he been captured? No, that couldn’t be right. The aliens wore orange suits, space suits. They had helmets and a blue pigment to their skin, not their attire.
“Gordon!” The man closest to him snapped.
Paul went to open his mouth, to sound out any word, but failed. A pitiful groan left his lips, but it was not enough to grab the man’s attention.
The other, apparently named Gordon — a very human name, thought Paul, though he was unconvinced how well he’d remember it — came to stand at the first man’s side. He held out something… the first man took it and—
Paul felt a sharp scratch on his upper arm.
He couldn’t see it, not without the ability to move his head, but he was certain he knew what it was. Drowsiness began to take him over.
“Keep monitoring that screen.” The figure next to him, the one who had administered whatever drug that had been, ordered the man called Gordon.
Paul was fading fast. The figures that were watching over him were starting to fade into obscurity again. He tried to reach out but his fingers failed to respond.
He was sinking, drowning in the anaesthetic, going under with no way of preventing it.
No! Not until he could remember… whatever it was he needed to remember…
“Stabilising. Should be fa—”
The golden haired blur stated. Paul didn’t hear the rest of the sentence, finally succumbing to the inky darkness of unconsciousness once again.
The second time Paul Foster awoke he was a little less groggy.
Even though he had been out of it during his first round of consciousness, he could sense his environment had changed. The lighting was softer here and that stench of disinfectant had disappeared. He blinked his eyes awake and found himself lying in some sort of hospital bed, though not the standard ones used back at SHADO, and his fear began to mount again.
If SHADO hadn’t picked him up, where the hell was he?
His memory was still piecing itself back together, his head feeling as though it was recovering from an almighty hangover. He dared to move. To his relief, his legs responded, knees bending at will. Paul then tried his arms. Unlike last time, where they refused to move even an inch, he was glad to find his limbs obeying his commands. Next, he craned his neck. The brace, he quickly found, was still attached, but he could move. That was the difference and, right now, that was the only thing that mattered.
Because he had to get out of here. He had to get back to HQ and inform Straker of… what was it? Perhaps some fresh air would help clear his muddled mind.
Slowly, Paul sat himself up. He pulled the covers up his chest, more-so for comfort than for any sort of defence — for a linen sheet was not the best kind of shield —and then willed his eyes to focus. They did, reasonably quickly. He scanned his room.
Some sort of hospital, he guessed. There was a door on the other side of the room, closed but hopefully unlocked. Whatever lay beyond it was shrouded in darkness. To his right there was a machine hooked up to him. It beeped at regular intervals, with a screen detailing data. Then, to his left, there was a wall with a window. It was too high and too small for him to climb through but it was cracked open ajar, letting in the sounds of some sort of exotic bird which—
Hold on.
Paul snapped his head to the side, back to the machine that was beeping. From the angle he was currently sat in, he couldn’t make out quite what the machine was monitoring. Then, he clocked onto the needle sticking out of his hand. He followed the tubing up to the bag that was slowly dripping some sort of liquid into his system and—
Voices emerged outside the door. Paul acted fast, snapping the wires from his body. He winced as the needle was yanked from his hand and the machine let out an almighty scream. He didn’t care.
Paul ran towards the door, hoping to storm whoever was about to enter and catch them off-guard, only he was too slow. Still recovering from his ordeal, he quickly found that anything beyond a slow walk was far too painful. By the time he cleared his bed, two men were inside the room. The door behind them, and the way out it offered, had been closed and they stood in front, blocking his exit.
The first man to approach him had light hair. “What did you go and do that for?” There was an air of sarcasm in his tone which Paul did not appreciate.
It must have shown on his face as the second man rolled his eyes and exasperatedly sighed. “Gordon, we talked about this.”
Paul recognised the deep baritone, he recognised the name used… These were the two men from before, from when he had first woken up.
“Yeah, yeah, disorientated, blah, blah. I was only asking.”
As the second man, distinguishable by his darker hair, started to advance, Paul backed away. He was in no position to fight but held his defence stance firm.
“You don’t need to worry.” Said the dark-haired man. “We’re not here to hurt you.”
“What do you want from me?” Paul asked, eyeing the two men warily.
“To help you. That’s all, I promise.” He gestured back to the bed. “Let me get you hooked back up. You’re not fit enough to be walking around yet.”
Paul was hesitant. His eyes narrowed towards the IV stand. “And what exactly was I hooked up to?”
“We’re not trying to poison you.” This Gordon fellow claimed. Unlike the other man, he was less concerned about being cautious around him.
Paul almost appreciated that.
“It would be detrimental to us to do that.” He continued. “It’s not exactly our raison d’être to do harm. Quite the opposite actually.”
The dark-haired man, who Paul had yet to receive a name for, had managed to make it to the bedside during Gordon’s little ramble. He flicked off the screaming machine and assessed the state of the IV tubes, all while giving Gordon a glare.
Gordon sighed. “Look, let’s get you back to bed and then, once you’re better, we can explain what’s happening.”
“You could just explain it to me now.”
Paul dared a quick glance over Gordon’s shoulder. The door was still closed but he didn’t see either of them lock it. If he could get past Gordon, then maybe he’d be able to make it out of the room before the other man had a chance to act. It was clear they both thought of him as weak and feeble at present.
“If you’re thinking of running, don’t.” The dark-haired man with the deep toned voice offered softly. “You won’t make it far before you end up collapsing and you’ll only do yourself more damage in the long-run. I know it’s a lot to ask right now, but it really is in your best interest to trust us.”
Inwardly, Paul chuckled. He wasn’t an overtly paranoid man, not even since beginning his work with SHADO, but there was a limit to which he was willing to blindly trust two men in a strange location when it involved drugs and being unconscious. 
He rammed into Gordon’s shoulder, sending the poor unsuspecting man flying. His estimation of getting out of the door before the other man had a chance to react was accurate, and Paul was soon running down a small corridor. He could hear both men yelling for him to come back, but Paul wasn’t going to listen.
He reached the end of the corridor in a matter of seconds, ignoring the pain that was searing through his body. Perhaps they had been right when they’d informed him that he wasn’t strong enough to go sprinting so soon, but he wasn’t planning on running a marathon. All he had to do was find the exit.
Paul called for the elevator that was waiting for him at the end of the hallway and thanked his lucky stars when the doors opened for him instantly. The men must have used it to come down and visit him; the elevator was still on this floor.
Once inside the lift, he quickly examined the buttons. Highlighted with a bright light was the floor designation of BG3. Paul guessed that meant Below Ground 3. There were more buttons designated as BG and he wondered just how deep this complex, wherever it was, went. At the sound of the men closing in on him, Paul pushed the button that read First Floor and watched as the door slid shut.
He leant against the wall, relief washing over him as quickly as the lift rose in its shaft. If he could just last a little longer, then he’d have a chance of making it.
But, by the time the elevator doors opened again, Paul could barely walk in a straight line. He’d strained himself far too much and the aches in his body were becoming unbearable.
Paul made it all of two steps before he crashed onto the floor.
Onto the soft, beige carpeting.
Footsteps ran towards him. Without lifting his head, Paul could only make-out green sneakers and red laces.
“Grandma!” The new voice yelled. “A man has just collapsed outside our elevator!”
If he wasn’t so uncomfortable, what with all the pain, Paul might have laughed at the kid’s — for he sounded younger than the initial two he’d dealt with — confusion. Then again, the kid wasn’t the only one confused.
Grandma? Was that some sort of codename? And what kind of agency employs children?
The more Paul learned, the less he understood. If this was all some sort of test, he wasn’t sure he was going to pass it anytime soon.
By the time more footsteps could be heard, padding across that exceptionally lush carpeting, Paul was virtually out for the count again. He identified cool hands as they rested on his forehead, he heard the muffled voices as they debated what to do with him, he felt pairs of strong arms lift him and carry him to… God knew where.
Paul zoned in and out of consciousness. This time, it seemed, he didn’t need a special drug administered to help him pass out. He wasn’t sure for how long he’d been out.
“Straker…” He attempted to plead with his captives. “Must tell… Straker… Please… He must… Know…” 
He didn’t hear any sort of reply. Perhaps he had only pleaded to them in his mind.
The darkness consumed him for a third, hopefully last, time.
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rosicheeks · 4 months
i do not know if i ever sent this to you. i have posted it. i hope you like it Princess.
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#uhhhhhm no you HAVE NOT SENT THIS TO ME BEFORE?!?!#I literally am speechless#I’m not super talky right now#but even if I was I feel like I’d still be fucking speechless#like I already said I love your writing 🩷#and it fucking BLOWS ME AWAY when people write about me or use me as an inspiration#like????????? what??????? me???????????!#I’m going to keep this close to my heart and look at it whenever I’m feeling down#I don’t remember if I said that already but it’s true#I need to get a journal or a cute box to put things like this in so I can just grab it and look through them when I’m feeling shitty#one thing I needed to say is the fact that you shared this with me now of all times??? is kinda crazy to me#idk if it’s a coincidence or if the universe/God/whoever/whatever is trying to tell me to go back into music and singing#not going to go into it too much but I’ve been looking at my life a lot lately#and I’m realizing I’m not getting any younger…. I know I’m still young but if I don’t do something soon -#my life is going to completely pass before my eyes and I really really don’t want that#I’m *finally* going to get mental help soon (long story but I have to wait a few weeks)#and once I’m actually mentally stable I can focus on what I want to do with my life#so I’ve been thinking a lot about my performing arts background and then randomly a get an email from a choir director I know#asking if I could please join the choir for their Easter performance cause they could really use my high notes#and she just kept complimenting me and it felt really nice ☺️#then when I went to the first rehearsal I sat next to this girl and we were singing a part and the first sopranos go up to a high A#and I can hit it easily but most of them couldn’t so it felt like I was going this mini solo lol#but she asks me what my range is and I told her that back when I trained I could sing queen of the night which I think goes up to an F6#and she was talking about how impressive that is#and it made me think about if I actually trained and got back into it how good I actually could get#I don’t mean this to be like ‘look at me look at me I’m so good’#it just feels nice to have a little bit of a direction again#who knows if I’ll actually go down the music path again but it does sound damn exciting#I miss it with all my heart - I miss singing and performing and acting… I even miss music theory#anyway rant over and i ran out of space but thank you so much I seriously can’t thank you enough 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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sysig · 11 months
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Those quick-jumps out of prison leave something to be desired... (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Law Abiding Citizen#LAC#LAC Russ#Doug Peterson#It's funny 'cause the post that houses the tags that inspired this train of thought was not that long ago right?#But in real time it's been about a week and a half since I wrote those - which means I had a bit to stew on them before jumping in hehe#Russ in solitary appealed to me too much to just leave alone#Much like Doug to Russ! Lol#There's also something about drawing him in an orange uniform that's Something hmm ♪#I always feel like I set them down for just long enough to forget how to draw them lol#Well the idea wouldn't leave me alone no matter what so here they are anyhow! Haha#Honestly even to the point where I've considered doing a big write about it hm hmm ♫#But for as long as I'm toning them I'll be happy to show off my process doodles lol#They're too sparsely posted! Fix it!#It does feel indulgently dark but that also aligns with them and their whole Deal - they're rather flexible on that front :)#They can be silly and they can be serious! I am kind of ignoring timing-and-placement vis a vis who says what went lol#It's part of the indulgence hehe#Anyway! Lol#I feel like Russ would be pretty quickly shunted out of sight of everyone if any of his abilities stayed intact#''He keeps setting shit on fire - nobody can figure out how! He doesn't have a lighter!''#Bad behaviour! You're not going to be released quickly if you keep that up!#Just stick him in a box and don't worry about it anymore#Why doesn't Doug help him break out? Where's the fun if he starts as a criminal? Where's the challenge of corruption?#No it's just an excuse lol ♪ They both kinda just overlook Russ' time in prison in canon it would defeat the purpose to here#What new adventures will they get up to :3c
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lecliss · 11 months
My mom doesn't even know why I can't login to my bank account so that's kinda concerning but I gotta go to the bank tomorrow to finally get a checking account and a debit card so hopefully they can figure out what's going on.
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okay so in my mission of reading All Of Spider-Man I recently finished the infamous Clone Saga and let me tell you.
90s comics fans were WRONG. it RULES. it reignited my love of the spidey comics. peter has been demoted to third favorite parker brother. ben and kaine are everything to me. I came into it already knowing id love kaine bc I loved him from the more modern stuff I've read already. but ben reilly hit me like a fucking freight train. i wasnt expecting to even like him all that much and he became my favorite so fucking fast.
but most importantly I think marvel should cater to me, specifically, and make a whole comic of ben as spider-man with retired peter acting as his backup/support. they only operated like that for a brief period but it was everything I didnt know I wanted. it is a dynamic duo I would never get tired of. they loved each other so much and were so fun even when they were mad at each other. i miss ben reilly every day.
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