#'if you write a novel you learned how to write that novel'
physalian · 2 days
Fuck Grammarly
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Okay I need to rant about Grammarly. A program I never used before and never will now. Doubly pissed because their ads keep interrupting my peaceful 4-hour Minecraft music session with their fake-ass influencers.
Guys. Gals. Nonbinary pals.
“As a corporate girlie—” learn how to write a proper concise email.
“I used to spend hours proofreading—” enjoy the process, and then the product.
If you hate proofreading, to the point where you’ll consult a robot to do it all for you, then you hate writing. If all you care about is the end product, sorry to say but ‘writing’ is like, 30% of writing. The other 70% is editing, by design. You’re supposed to like it.
Of course I’d love to have beautiful artwork of whatever’s in my head, but I’m going to love whatever I make a whole lot more than whatever I type into some garbage generator. Because I love the process of creation.
Do I think editing is tedious as hell? Absolutely, but it’s still a tedium that I enjoy. I like fixing my mistakes, I like improving my sentence flow. I like thinking about patterns and connections that I didn’t see before and revising and reworking until I’m satisfied.
For the humdrum day to day work emails that some of us have to write—if you’re sending out whole essays to your coworkers that you need a robot to write for you, you’re doing it wrong. Corporate emails are boring and trite, but I can type out a “hey please do this thing for me” faster than I can load up ChatGPT or Grammarly, type out my prompt, make sure the result is what I actually want to say, and then send it to my coworker. If you can’t, learn.
Apparently, Grammarly used to be a helpful way to check for spelling and grammar errors. I don’t have any issue with the AI that runs spellchecker whatsoever. I type so fast and miss typos constantly and when the spellchecker is absent, like on this website, it’s annoying af.
But that’s not what Grammarly is about anymore, and that’s not what the above ad was trying to sell you, either.
You won’t get better if you don’t practice. You won’t get better if you aren’t the one making, seeing, and fixing your mistakes. Especially if you write fiction where grammar rules are a suggestion at best. My published novel is littered with flagged words and sentence fragments that I know are technically improper English, but I sacrificed an MLA-proof paper for something fun and entertaining.
AI does not understand nuance and flavor text and aesthetic choices. It never will.
If you train yourself by using a crutch you don’t need, you will end up needing it because you’ll be too afraid to act without it.
Fuck up. Make a mess. Make mistakes. You won’t make them for long once you see them. You do not need a robot to do it for you. We’ve been writing books for hundreds of years and all the authors who came before did it just fine without a robot.
This isn’t even about writing novels, it’s about communicating in the written medium. Fucking. Learn. It’s not rocket science, it’s not coding in C++, it’s not brain surgery. It’s stringing words together in a comprehensible sentence.
And obligatory disclaimer: To anyone who has an impairment and needs these tools, this is not about you and you know it.
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radley-writes · 25 days
I don't understand people who say things like 'but it doesn't matter if we don't pay artists/writers for their labour, or use free AI programs to replace artists/writers to improve our profits, because in a perfect world everyone would have UBI so it wouldn't matter xxx'
like. yes. but until we reach that perfect world, artists and writers need to eat?
why are you promoting AI replacement of creative people instead of working towards UBI? Until we have UBI, supporting generative AI in the creative field is no different to supporting supermarkets laying off all their till staff to turn to self-check out, or supporting factories who shut down and move overseas to exploit workers in countries with fewer human rights legislations?
Yes, in a perfect world, everyone would receive UBI. Therefore, people across the globe couldn't be exploited by corporations, and artists could create for the joy of it, in whatever way we desire - including with AI!
But we do not live in that perfect world.
Do you seriously expect this move towards generative AI to encourage people to support UBI, as opposed to people being forced into jobs they hate to make ends meet or no longer being able to support themselves financially?
Especially all the disabled people who make a living creating art and writing/editing, because that is, in fact, a career that is often far more available to disabled folks than a regular 9-5 or a retail job where you're expected to be on your feet all day (miss my disabled ass with the 'anti-AI = ableism' stance lmao).
This is not going to create your army of revolutionaries. This is just going to result in more independent creators being crushed under the boot heel of capitalism, as anyone who would've hired them flocks instead to the free alternative, and they're forced back into an incredibly exploitative labour market.
I agree that generative AI by itself is just a tool and is not inherently a problem.
But it is being abused, in ways that hurt creators.
If you support generative AI... what are you doing about that?
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youarenotthewalrus · 6 months
Was browsing ebooks on Libby, clicked at random on a romance novel, and words fail to describe my disappointment at reading a plot summary that begins with "Lucy has been writing her dissertation on Sappho for nine years when she and her boyfriend break up" and then goes on to reveal that the "eerily attractive swimmer" she is "entranced" by, a character described by the summary as "a figure of Sirenic fantasy," is, in fact, a merman.
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hislittleraincloud · 22 days
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Gee, I didn't realize that "freshly spilled blood" is black.
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articularreview · 2 months
⚠️Spoilers for Shinrei tantei Yakumo - the lamenting doll file 03 and the epilogue⚠️
Here in case you missed it
I just read it and spontaneously wrote this.
Be careful if you haven't read it yet.
The file starts with where it left off the last time with them deciding to locate Mahiro's mother.
I kinda forgot about it since we haven't seen Isshin for a while, but this volume reminded me of how much Yakumo is influenced by Isshin. Be it the way they talk or sometimes even their mannerisms.
It's pretty much a given that they'll have to stay another night at the hotel but that would mean Haruka will have to stay in that creepy ass room again. Isshin really told Yakumo “accept the situation or sleep with her”😭😭😭
But sadly It's just like Gotou said, Their relationship label won't allow it smh
Gotou's snores and Isshin's bad posture are KILLING ME. My mom entered the room while I was having a fit of laughter I just looked crazy to her 😭
Isshin is so chill he doesn't care if you try to make him look bad. Rather his hilarious responses made Gotou look silly for complaining. Poor Gotou-san. Maybe I should learn from him... Unbotherement sure is powerful~
Anyways I guess that means Yakumo is the only one who sleeps normally hahaha
Just like I expected, Mahiro's death is weighing Hiromi down. kinda knew it from file 02, but hearing the details from Masae made me want to cry. No parent should ever go through this.
And so they split into two teams: team Gotou and Yakumo. and team Haruka and Isshin. All I'll say is that the latter team sure is a good match.
And then we have Gotou-san who not only has to put up with Yakumo's comments but also got a Salary cut too!! He suffered too much this trip. Imagine wanting to skip work only to get dragged all the way to a whole different prefecture. Still kinda his fault for ignoring Ishii smh.
Speaking of Ishii I'm happy he and Makoto were mentioned even though they didn't make an appearance. Isshin's mere presence made up for any other character's disappearance. Kaminaga-sensei is a genius for mentioning Eishin too. I think references like that will increase in the complete version. Knowing the future and the direction of your work sure makes a big difference. It was really interesting knowing that Eishin was the one taking care of Nao when Isshin's not around. Nao must really miss Isshin even if she doesn't show it on her face. I head canon afterwards Nao being overjoyed to see not only Isshin but Yakumo and Haruka too after his two-day disappearance.
The scene when that madman dragged Haruka gave me the chills. Kaminaga-sensei using TTCM as a reference sure was brutal I ended up imagining it. Haruka did her best till the very end but the situation was hopeless. She can't even resist. her mouth, legs and wrists were taped. And on top of that he had the audacity to slap her! How dare him! If that man wasn't charged with attempted murder after all this I'm throwing hands!
In the end the case was solved and we find out that Takahiro-kun was the one talking to Hiromi all along. It really broke my heart knowing that all this time he didn't even know he was dead and yet played along to try to comfort Hiromi who was mourning for her child. What a strong kid. He and Mahiro are.
The lamenting doll huh... makes sense.
In the epilogue we learn that Yakumo can't handle hot food which I thought was really cute.
Tbh his whole food preference was quite unexpected. First we learn that he has a sweet tooth (Which Haruka thought doesn't suit him at all lol) and then a similar situation to the one in the epilogue happened in vol. 7 iirc when Yakumo was (again) staring at the sake and when Haruka asked if he can't drink he stubbornally tries to only to spit it out. This man just can't be honest😂 I actually really respect men who don't drink or smoke so that's a flex~
Now some of my favorite Yakumo lines which for some reason all happen to be verbally abusing Gotou (Can't blame Haruka for laughing because c'mon how could you not?)
• “You can say that because you've never heard it yourself. Compared to Gotou-san's snores, even a train would be quieter.”
• “A member of the police stating that he'll be driving under the influence? Japan is finished.”
• “I'm saying bears can't understand the taste of wine. What if someone made up a new proverb: bears and wine.”
• "I don't want to waste any more calories than this."
• "Well, that's not surprising. A bear with damaged taste buds such as Gotou-san will never understand."
Bye I'm using these irl.
I'll also add these two because I keep remembering these two exchanges and laughing:
"I see. If you don't want to, it's fine. But please stop bringing cases to me from now on."
"This and that are a different story."
"No, it's the same thing. Ah, that's right. So that Gotou-san will stop bringing me cases, I'll be reporting to the police that you've been leaking investigation details to a civilian."
"What!? Don't joke with me! I'll get fired if you do that!" Gotou shouted in panic.
"Good then. That way I won't have to involve myself in cases that have nothing to do with me, and taxpayer money won't have to go into paying the incompetent Gotou-san; just like killing two birds with one stone."
"What did you say!?"
"Isn't that great? This way, Gotou-san can also play around to your heart's content. So it'll be more like killing three birds with one stone," said Yakumo, grinning as he looked at Gotou.
He really stabbed where it hurt. Having been commented like that, Gotou wouldn't have a way to refuse. "Fine. I'll help. Happy?"
Gotou lifted his heavy bottom up from the sofa reluctantly as he sighed. Yet Yakumo wasn't done with his counterattacks.
"Not really, it's fine even without Gotou-san helping."
"That wasn't what you said earlier!"
"Sorry about that. Could you please tell me what I should do?" Gotou asked formally while swallowing his displeasure.
"You should know if you listened to the story"
"I'm asking because I don't know."
"You should have if you paid close attention to the whole story."
"Well I don't know!"
"Is that something to be proud about? Good grief.”
Too much Yakumo😂
Volume 11 is up next. I'm really really excited for this one because Unkai and Miyuki are one of the best antagonists I've ever read. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Yakumo but their back stories are very very well written and explains how they ended up that way. That last arc will wrap everything up. I remember reading the book description a while back but Laute's translations stopped at the time so I thought I'll never read it.
The day has finally come!!!
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threadmonster · 3 months
I got the Drrr!! Side stories novel and well, great, now I have to talk about transman!Shizuo ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ what a shame.
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Just imagine Shizuo already feeling insecure enough about his violent outbursts, he didn't need gender dysphoria on top of it. Of course he didn't actually know what any of that was he just knew girls weren't supposed to act that way. His gender was probably a target of the bullying. "That's not a girl, that's a gorilla." He quickly abandoned feminine clothing, he felt better in his body that way but the bullying didn't get better.
I think we can safely say that he has good parents and a good home life, but he still worried about disappointing his parents. Not only did they have to deal with his monstrous anger and strength, he didn't feel like a girl. He respects his parents so much that the idea of even chopping his hair off and hiding his body felt wrong.
By middle school he confides in Kasuka, who ended up giving him a hair cut. Their mother panicked and for a moment Shizuo thought she was mad that he would do such a thing, she always said how pretty his hair was. She ends up telling him, "If you wanted a haircut you should have just said so" and made an appointment.
He's still wearing the girls' uniform and tries to adhere to the gender norms. He causes enough problems, the least he can do is appreciate the body he was given no matter how uncomfortable going through puberty was.
Maybe puberty hit him too early and he was offered puberty blockers. He was hesitant and was gauging whether or not his parents would be upset but he could tell they really wanted him to make the choice he wanted.
So one day after a fight he gets pulled along by Tom and they're chatting. The conversation is awkward. Cutting his hair was one thing but bleaching it seemed entirely different. He didn't really understand why but he ended up "coming out" to Tom and was genuinely confused by the concept of transgender because up until now he only understood the general distaste that existed around crossdressers. He knew what gay and lesbian was and he never really thought much about his own preference. What was Tom talking about?
It was the first time being told something like "you don't seem much like a girl" felt like a compliment and validated him.
After that he bleached his hair and wore the boys' uniform. After that his parents brought up his treatment, they had taken notice of the changes in their daughter over the years and could tell he was ashamed to bring it up to them. They used the topic as a way to show they supported him no matter what and he managed to open up a little bit and they bought him a binder, switched words and pronouns.
Hanging around Tom really helped him come to terms with himself and slowly he shook the belief that he had to be a girl.
By highschool the rumors about him spread so much and altered that none of it was a problem. He could just be a guy.
But then there was Izaya. The rumors Izaya heard, he was expecting the monster to indeed be a girl. When they met, for a split second Shizuo had a fear, like if this person wanted to he could ruin the success Shizuo had with his transition and the public perception of him. But Izaya just frowned as he looked him up and down, "Ah so the monster really is a guy."
Shizuo was angry, of course, everything about this guy pissed him off. He was pretty sure he was actually being insulted too. Still there was a part of him that was absolutely ecstatic. Fighting with Izaya somehow ended up being a gender affirming activity.
He absolutely hates when Shinra says stuff like that though.
Something like that.
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candycryptids · 4 months
😇- What's their best trait?
👿- What's their worst trait?
for Tuesday and Chuu
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“Miss Chuu’s best trait? Mmm… You said this is an interview for your retelling of the Warriors of Light and their journey, right? I’d say it’s her unshakeable resolve. She decides she’s going to do something, and she doesn’t give up until it’s done. Ah… I’m not allowed to speak more on Miss Chuu without her presence, my apologies, mister Levraut.”
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“You broke into my house,”
“Your lovely wife let me in actually,”
“To wake me up from my nap and interrogate me on my assistant,”
“Interview, Mademoiselle, not interrogate. Though I am sorry for waking you, your eyes were open so I assumed-”
“Ah-ta-ta. You wanted to know Two’s best trait right? Adaptability. Any environment, any obstacle… he’s got brains enough to figure the way through most anything. And failing that? He knows a top notch engineer in Magitek to kit him with the right tools to overcome his few shortcomings. Hey wait did you fucking call me a mad gazelle, you lop-eared scab?!”
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“Thank you for your time, both of you. I have just one more question before I consider this interview complete and I let you both go back to your.. erm, busy schedules. What would you say is each others weakest trait?”
“I knew it! This IS an interrogation! Two, don’t-”
“Ah, that would be Miss Chuu’s paranoia, mister Levraut. Most of her other traits net positive gain,”
“Watch your mouth, Two.”
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“That is.. ah, her paranoid trait has served to pull her out of many situations she would have landed in had they not afforded her foresight and caution to approach most situations.”
“Two’s worst trait is how I just can’t seem to keep mad at him when he finds and exploits loopholes in whatever rules I’ve set for him. And last week I asked him to bring me lunch, and he was nowhere to be seen for nearly six bells.”
“… Miss Chuu, if I may, you were in Azys La, and you called me via Linkpearl to bring you specifically egg sandwiches from the Bismark, even utilizing the Aethernet it takes time… and when I arrived at your last marked location you were nowhere to be found.”
[Duo Oc Ask Meme !]
#I’ve been rotating this ALL day but I think this is relatively acceptable#id misunderstood the assignment right at first but my husband is v smart and cleared it up for me ahdbfcjdjcjddna#if I wrote non-dialogue with this it would take me a lot longer and way more words because I’d get caught up in the. all of it.#I have another one from this to chew on still but I’m trying to figure out the best pair up for the question cbdbfbdndns#And I also have a big lore question I’m still working on 🫣🫢 I took some screens for it today and I’m resisting doing a bunch of fiddly edits#because if I did I’d have to ask my friend to borrow one of the written alphabets he made up#and then I’d have to learn to write it and I just can’t make myself do that actually I’m just a wee frog#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv levraut#ffxiv Gears Duo#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv elezen#Levraut Manseauguel#Chuusday Gears#Tuesday Gears#please appreciate their faces in the last panel I was trying very hard to convey a particular vibe#and I only just realized I forgot to fix Chuu’s skirt#poor Lev is just trying to compile information for his novel about the adventure’s of the Warriors of Light and how they saved the world#as we know it like 15 times or something.#spawn speece#writing this was silly and fun ;v;’#ty for the ask 🫣💖 I hope I got this right in the end of it all#also sorry for the Christmas Colors my mental jury is out on if I enjoy it or not-#I gave Tuesday Blue finally in situations where it’s Chuu and Tue so it’s not green on green.#🤦 can you tell I played Mario Odyssey repeatedly#ask game
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Lineup of all of the characters that appear long enough to need a visual representation of them in the game lol
#I added a few people that you can randomly run into around town (like at the inn or in the forest or etc) and have very short conversations#with just to kind of flesh out the world a little more in a more natural-ish seeming way. Like nobody in the main cast would really#have much reason to talk about the actual city you're in or anything. Since most of them havent lived there that long anyway.#But if there's a ''city inspector'' that you can run into whilst he's writing up notes examining the local inn. then maybe there could be a#few dialogue options with him where you can ask about things like that. since he would know more about the area as an offical Government#Worker or etc. Optional of course. since I have to be so wary of my natural inclination to lore dump lol and am trying extra hard to make i#all stuff thats easily avoided/skipped. But for the people like ME who deliberately choose to exhaust every possible optional dialogue#option and explore every single inch of the world and try to collect as much information as possible - then there are a few extra places to#do that. Though obviously not all of them just give exposition for like 15 paragraphs blandly. Some you don't really learn anything from#and it's kind of just.. random flavor to make the non-shop map locations more ''lived in'' feeling. Like the random#little girl you can talk to in the park doesn't bizarrely start reading out the wikipedia description of some War that happened 10 years ag#or whatever. she's just complains about school a little and asks if you've tried the nearby ice cream cart treats and etc lol#ANYWAY..#some of the art is so so evil but I'm not going to spend 800 years trying to clean it up and update it. whatever the hell mess I sketched#out in 2018 or whatever is just what I'm keeping lol... it is what it is#One of the many trials of the whole 'briefly work a few months on something and then abandon it almost entirely only to pick up work#on it literally like 4 - 5 yrs later and now you must contend with trying to decipher whatever weird shit you did years ago' experience lol#Also given the population breakdowns of the world in general I think there's an unrealistic amount of jhevona in this lineup since#they're a much rarer species to just see out and about anywhere but.. it IS a global trading center type area. and the game#takes place in the north (the country of Asen. near the coast. for the maybe 2 or less people who actually keep up with my worldbuilding#enough to know where that is lol (the same continent as Navyete (where the avirre'thel live)) and there's a decent concentration#of nothern jhevona only a short ways away so... tee hee..I shall pretend it makes sense and not merely me just wanting#to represent more of that species because I think their lore is interesting lol#I MEAN also realistically there would NOT be a human here because humans are extremely isolated species that don't even know the rest#of the world exists really and human territories are extremely protected from the outside world but... of course it's like.. well we need#at least One of them to be there for the Optional Lore. Same with the Ythrili. But at least those are like.. PLAUSIBLE.. not nonsensically#outlandish. If I had a Verrucalt or something in there THEN that would be truly lore-breaking almost lol#ANYWAY.. rambling that only means anything to me because nobody else knows what I'm even referencing but hbjh#also I think my character designs are so funny in the sense that I really do just love to do the same thing over and over again ghbjh#wow... random asymmetry and belts and arm straps and high collars where the neck is completely covered?? you dont say..how novel
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pokemonruby · 5 months
the cover i commissioned for my book is almost finished... this feels so surreal.
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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happy ramble in tags
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shinmiyovvi · 10 months
💗🌹 Painted Roses Moodboard 🌹💗
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"Promise me you won't do anything stupid, Arthur. Especially if you're gonna die over this job you got yourself in."
"I hate to break it to you, sweetheart but... At times like these, I never make any promises. Not even our pinky promise will keep it because I know for a fact that I will die in the blink of an eye, Ji Eun."
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imaginarypasta · 5 months
wouldn’t want spotify likes to be public at all except i desperately want to know who liked my oc playlist
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tarn-ati0n · 7 months
Tarn, did you ever notice that there are surprisingly many people who want to see you dead?
You know the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"
I jumped a few steps ahead and made my friends my enemies. Two in one packet.
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(I would love to hear your explanations in the tags, as always, share to get a larger data pool!)
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alex-just-vibing · 6 months
grah my head feels like it might explode
#this essay prompt makes 0 fucking sense#love this teacher. fucking hate how she teaches tho#we're supposed to have a rough draft by the end of class tomorrow#okay not too horrible#IF MOT FOR THE FACT SHE KEEOS CHAINGING THE ALREADY FUCKIBG CONFUSING ASS PROMPT#i can write essays about whatever stupid fucking novel you need me to#but myself??#a significant memory i have??? that i learned a stupid fucking lesson from?????#i have like 0 significant memories from before the age of like. 10. and still not all that many after thay <3#should i talk ab how my dad fucking died? would you like that you asshole?????????#what fucking lesson would I have learned from that? dont become a fucjibg alvoholic?#shit i feel like im gonna fucking cry again i cant do this shit#i have the general vibe for each paragraph listed out ill work on it more in homeroom tomorrow#we wont even have the full fucking class for this tomorrow cuz she's a fucking asshole who gives us like five fucking seconds in class per#assignment#fucking hell dude#especially since half the class said they hadnt even started writing by like halfway through our (shortened!) class yesterday#im gonna fucking explode#my stuff#alex is not vibing.#also pjysicially too my dumbass forgot to eat dinner cuz hehe haha omg i can sing and suddenly uts 10 and i havent showered yet and my mom#will be getting home soon so i need to shower then rush my gay ass to bed#which i am in currently.#so im also feeling the forgor to eat feeling too <3
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rnaeborowski · 8 months
my big tip for learning how to cook is look up recipes for EVERYTHING, even the most basic stuff. and taste your food often while you cook.
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