#'he had a heart of gold' 😥
thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork and June Millington (one of the founders of the rock group Fanny), 2012.
Janis Ian and June Millington on Peter...
“In mourning for Peter Tork, one of the kindest people I’ve ever known, who was so gracious and so good to me when I was starting out. It’s testimony to the man that his family asks donations to be made to Institute for the Musical Arts, founded by June Millington and Ann Hackler to support women and girls in music. Lovely man, and a sad day to know he’s gone.” - Janis Ian, Facebook, February 22, 2019
“Thank you Peter Tork and family for your incredibly powerful gesture in suggesting that people make a donation to IMA’s ‘In the Names of Our Mothers’ fund, in support women and girls in music. Especially in these times, so meaningful ~ you will be remembered here for generations! Thing is, you’ve been such a good friend to me (us) over the years, and continue to give. That is a true testament to your soul, and your spirit. Love you always, xx June” - June Millington, Facebook, February 23, 2019
“I met him [Peter] here in Massachusetts through our really great friend Leah Kunkel. […] And they were really good friends since Peter and John Sebastian and Leah, Mama Cass… were in the Village […] And Peter did a benefit for us once […], for IMA. […] And he did record here as well. […] Peter was here a few months before he died, he came to actually record that last song that he put out with The Monkees [‘Angels We Have Heard On High,’ from Christmas Party; the instrumental track, featuring Peter on banjo, was originally from A Beachwood Christmas, 2003]. […] I wish I could have recorded him for my podcast because he told me a few stories which I love so much. [...] He played a great piano, which I didn’t know until the last time he was here. He swung by the piano and he — even though he was sick and he didn’t have much energy — he sat down and he played some brilliant classical piece. I’m like, ‘Peter, I didn’t know you played the piano!’ And he said, ‘Oh. Yeah.’ And I said, ‘How did that come about?’ He said, ‘Oh, I took lessons.’ So his parents definitely wanted him to be, shall we say, cultured, and have… you know, to play piano, the have a college degree and all of that. […] He was such a smart guy, he was so funny, he was so funny, he would be quipping all the time, you know. And it was, the last couple of years were a little bit of a slog for him because the cancer was coming back and it was really trying to get him. But he — he kept his humor intact the whole time. He was really a very generous, and he was a super-funny guy. That’s my biggest impression of him, is how giving he was. And he wanted to support IMA, the Institute for the Musical Arts, which is a nonprofit that supports women and girls in music by passing on what we know. So we do rock ‘n’ roll girls camp […], lessons — everything is being passed on to future generations. So it’s the only organization of its kind in the world where we are really hands on passing it on. And he just loved that. Like, he sent his daughter here — his wife had, you know, had a daughter, so they sent her here to one of our rock ‘n’ roll girl camps. So he put his money and his time where his mouth was, you know. […] So he was always trying to think of ways that he could help. He recorded here. You know, as I said, he was super-generous. He had a heart of gold, I gotta say. Super heart of gold. And he and Leah remained really good friends, really good friends until, you know, the last days. […] He was so smart. He was on top of current affairs, you know; he had so many jokes at the top of his fingers. […] He was a super-talented guy. […] Go to IMA dot org to take a look at this place. Peter realized the value. He loved passing it on. And he loved being around women and working with women, there’s no, you know (laughs), there’s no other way I could say it: he loved women. And he wanted to help, you know. And he let us know that, boy, he wanted to help and he did help.” - Plastic EP, 2021
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I remember you mentioning A court of Thorns and roses in your posts once when talking about malleus character archetype. Have you read acotar series? If so I really want to know what you think about it. Your post is how I found out this series. It's pretty meh 😕 to me but I would really like to read your thoughts on it 😊. Also are non twst related ask allowed? If not I'm truly sorry😥. You can just ignore this ask
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Oh god 😅 That was such a long time ago that I can’t even locate the original post where I made that comment…
To summarize what I said then, I had expressed that the way Malleus is presented to us reminds me of the bad boy supernatural love interests in romantasy novels.I believe the online book community colloquially refers to these characters as “Shadow Daddies” and I find that hilarious. To clarify, I do NOT mean to say that Malleus is Yuu’s “canon” love interest or anything like that. When I say that Malleus is “like” a Shadow Daddy, it’s just in the tropes they share. (For example, being overpowered, brooding, and misunderstood as a “bad guy” when, in actuality, he has a heart of gold and is just lonely.)
… I’ve actually seen multiple posts comparing Malleus and Rhysand, if you can believe that 💀
The rest of my response isn’t really TWST related, so I’ll put it under the cut for ya ^^ I tried to keep my thoughts concise and free of spoilers.
But to your question! Yes, I actually have read the first three books of ACOTAR but not the novella (A Court of Frost and Starlight) or the sequel, A Court of Silver Flames. I got into the series because it was highly recommended within its genre, but I came out of it really disappointed. I continued reading hoping that it would get better, but it really did not.
Maas has this really melodramatic and yet simultaneously juvenile way of writing dialogue that does not mesh well with what I’m looking for in a romantasy read. She’ll have characters give exposition or speeches that go on for like 10 pages straight and also have supposedly wise ancient fae cracking potty jokes like a middle schooler trying to impress their friends. It makes the books a lot longer than they have to be. In actuality, the plot involves a lot of running around and having all the right questions answered by conveniently placed chess pieces. I also did not enjoy the vague world building (like several side characters are never given proper names and instead are always referred to by title) and the near-constant mention of mating bonds. What I did like was how Maas wrote action scenes and descriptions (even if they often veer into purple prose). She also comes up with some unique concepts—but the execution of those concepts isn’t great, so the ideas are left sort of shallow and floating there waiting to be fully realized.
Romantasy and fairy tale retellings are some of my favorite things to read, so I was sad that I didn’t think that highly of this beloved series. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book I’ve been able to seriously get immersed in 😔 ACOTAR’s explosive popularity has led to many other authors trying to replicate Maas’s success, which has flooded the market with horni fae books and even similar titles (“A [noun] of [nouns] and [nouns]”). (And as someone who does NOT find Malleus attractive at all, you can imagine I’m not thrilled.) I have really mixed feelings about that… While of course I don’t mind if people enjoy ACOTAR or ACOTAR-adjacent books, I dislike that it makes up the bulk of what is marketed to me. It makes it a lot harder to find something that’s more suited to my tastes.
If anyone seeing this post is interested in trying out ACOTAR, I caution you that it is a “new adult” book, meaning it is intended for older teens (I would recommend 18+, honestly). There is a lot of violence and… explicit intimate scenes… in the series.
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coffee-in-veins · 25 days
Ngl, I was waiting for you to join in the fun with the OC ask! Anyways I'm perpetually curious about your Heiress. And seems like RRR characters are also on the menu!! Heiress: 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? 🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events? 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? RRR!Reynauld: 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? 🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends? 😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool? RRR!Dismas 🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
I had to restrain myself ;; I want to ask about more tbf xD
hello hello! o/ thank you for the ask ^^
also feel free to ask more! i may take some time to answer but i'll do my best to answer still
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
not gonna lie, i had to read what all those even are. Commander or Executive for MBTI and 5 for enneagram, maybe? Heiress is logical to a fault (we'll see more of that later) so she has to be someone logical, lacking empathy, goal-oriented and lax in breaking the taboos. not sure if such people would even do those tests xD
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
she has a sword of black metal, and it looks too used to be ceremonial (despite being notably cared for, it's visibly damaged) but no one had ever seen her wield it
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
no one ever saw the Heiress consuming anything. occasionally, there's a silver goblet and a crystalline decanter on her desk, but no one ever saw her take a sip. likewise, no one ever smelled smoke on her
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
she was born in a place far away in both time and space. but she is too practical to miss it more than a minute once a couple of years or so. she knows she cannot go back anyhow, so she abandoned the memory, mostly. in her head, there's no point to grieve something which will not be back
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
efficiency. she is utterly, completely, absolutely dedicated to perfecting efficiency of slaying HoT. you can call her speerdunner for trying her best to shave off weeks of time and even single gold coin off each week to make it better. luckily for inhabitants of Hamlet, she knows that healthy and mentally stable (or at least relatively stable), fed people fight better than starved, sick and dying ones, and money spent on gear is the money she's not getting back if they die down there.
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
Rey believes he has a big social circle, and that he's close to a lot of people but the key word here is "believes". In actuality, he's clammed up and all those people see what he tries to sell as the "ideal version" of himself, instead of actual him. Rey is actually extremely lonely, and is in an uphill battle of trying to convince himself that he's fine on his own. Dis was probably his closest confidant, and knew a lot of dirt Rey wishes he didn't.
can't say it's all on him, though. he was close to Barristan and now is close to Sir Jolland and "proper" heroes. he's also close with the abbot, to everyone's detriment, and the abbot saw the amazing potential of isolating him and making him an attack dog on all "improper" in the town
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
since Rey doesn't have family (in his own head), friends win by default xD hell, the man admits, he loved his horse more than his son. my Rey ain't a good dad...
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
Rey is all about appearances, so he would try his damnest to appear cool, collected and composed even when he's yelling and losing his shit on the inside. it takes a lot to crack his mask. but he's an increddible worrywart underneath it
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Dis likes ditties and "silly" music - what we would consider burlesque, cabaret or the like. he wants to have a good time, not to feel too dumb to listen to a song
sea shanties and rhytmic, repeated music makes him fall into melancholy and quietness because it reminds him too much of prison "call&response" songs he had to listen for way too long and even be a part of to not be torn apart by chains
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
as someone who had too many people attempt to drown him, Dismas can swim, and swim rather well. what's more, he's more used to swimming in clothes and with added weight than naked. he enjoys swimming but usually too busy to do it for fun, not to mention, he hates cold water, so it limits his options
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
he knows his native tongue, and whatever equivalent of english anyone in DD are speaking + shards, bits and pieces of the languages from the countries he travelled through (mostly the most basic of levels and cussing)
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
any alcohol he doesn't have to pay for :D
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tomatoteddy · 1 year
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Look it’s called Cat, Kazui has a kinda theme of lying and deception, I had to give him a cool masquerade cat mask (I actually planned this design before the whole masquerade line was revealed sooooooo I AM A FUTURE PREDICTOR!!!!!) He also gets a belt that acts like a cat tail a la Chat Noir
While I did base the suit a bit off the one in his thumbnail, I changed it a bit to match my vision, which included incorporating more of the gold and blue. He also has his coat around his shoulders and his bowtie untied cause the song gave me that kinda vibe of like- Kazui admitting to his lies and wanting to be able to act more free and stuff compared to the calm feeling of half if you get what I mean???????????????
Also I suck at drawing men AND masks so sorry if it’s scuffed 😥😥😥😥😥
For MV predictions, the song is so fuckin jazzy and I love it and I would love to see it have a casino/bar theme. It would kinda fit with Cat mentioning playing a game (like Poker or Blackjack or a game of cards). It could also fit in if he actually cheated cause like he cheats the game, he cheats at life, he cheats on his wife. Also, it would be a nice reference to the bar from half and I would love to see bar lady again and her importance to Kazui
Kazui has a card of hearts in his breast pocket, and that IS on purpose! Not only does it reference back to my theorised casino theme, people have also said his thumbnail and line makes him sound like a magician or conman. I also imagine that there could be two cards of hearts shown (each representing him and his wife respectively) and at the start theyre seen together but as the MV continues, the cards would be seperated more and more (representing Kazui falling out of love for his wife) before we see the last card at the end of the MV torn apart (this could reference the ending of This is How to Love you, since Kazui and Mahiru’s relationship seem to be important?)
This is more of a minor detail but I would love it if other people were shown in the casino wearing different kinds of animal masks
Anyways yeah that’s it. This post was just me being like “I WANT JAZZ I WANT CASINO I WANT SPARKLIES!!!!!!” like a magpie
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ruminate88 · 7 months
How Toxic Relationships Affect You In A New Healthy Relationship:
so technically, I was in three toxic relationships… The first guy Jake, tried to force a relationship with me, but I was not attracted to him at all. I liked his personality at the beginning of meeting him but eventually I realized he was very controlling and intimidating towards me. he made me fear him, and I started trying to get away from him, but he kept coming back nicely almost as if he was a great friend that truly cared about me. Off and on for years, I struggled to delete him out of my life because I would tell myself what if he really does care about me and he could be a great friend I don’t want to mistreat him and hurt him. 😓🥺 (I lied to myself and gave him power to keep intimidating me)
my second relationship was with a guy named Cody. It was short with him, but it was super intense and overwhelming. I had knots in my stomach. I was sick to my stomach, but I thought he was so special. I held him so close to my heart and let him in to the deepest parts of me. I shared a lot of deep deep conversations with him , unfortunately he ghosted me and that was traumatizing and that created a lot of trust issues for me. 😭
my third toxic relationship was with a guy named Andrew! I was with Andrew for over a year and I believed I was falling in love with him so hardcore. I was planning a future with him; naming our kids, thinking about vacations with him, thinking about where we would live and how we would wake up every morning together… I was completely obsessed with Andrew in an unhealthy way. I saved ALL of his pictures he would send me on Snapchat and stared at them when he was away from me 24/7, I couldn’t function. I couldn’t focus on anything. I was totally swept up by him and it was just not good for me. 😥💔 It was not normal. It was not love. It was lust and it was obsessive. No other way to explain things with Andrew, but just obsessiveness and toxicity . …..
In these toxic relationships, you tend to focus on the highs and you block out the lows. There were moments with each of these guys where they made me, fearful, unstable, suicidal, and depressed; I hated myself and I felt worthless. It was very one-sided with all three of them. All they wanted was sex!!! The time that I spent with Andrew was always surrounding the talk of sex, and how he wanted to do certain things with me when we were together. Truly they use sex as a manipulative tool to keep you from walking away…… You feel so intimately close with them 😳😳😳 I felt like Andrew and I couldn’t be any closer than we were because of all the “intimacy” and just the way he would talk sooo sexual towards me all the time. Consistently sending me nude pictures of himself , and so I obsessively worshiped his body in a very, very unhealthy way. I had told myself the bold lie that Andrew was everything to me, and that there was no other guy’s body that I would ever be with and worship. I consistently bragged to Andrew how I adored his body and adored using him. That’s not love or respect. There were no boundaries with Andrew… He took advantage of how obsessed I was and treated me like dirt on the bottom of his shoe 😭😭😭😭
now that I’m in a very healthy and stable relationship, I have a new family in my life that treats me like gold! Yet there’s all these fears, and often times I have terrible dreams of my new healthy man treating me the way that my exes did... as much as I push myself to be a part of this new family, to trust my new man, to feel safe and to feel loved; I cannot express to these new people in my life what my fears are because I’m not sure they’re ready to understand me. There is a current situation happening in this new family of mine that has consistently triggered me and triggered these dreams. At first, I did not realize I was being triggered. I was fearful that my new man was going to be as toxic as my exes. He keeps proving me wrong but my guard keeps going up 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I have learned that you have to sort out and untangle the webs of lies from the past. You have to process the past: the good AND the bad! Often times I’ve been caught up focusing on the past good, the past highs and feeling nostalgic… feeling like did I lose Andrew. Did I lose the love of my life? but as I remember the VERY bad times, I remind myself that there is no way he could ever be the love of my life because he treated me so poorly… My new man treats me like gold and some reason there is times I just can’t see it! when I have these dreams that my new man is treating me like my old man did, it causes me to put a guard up. It causes me to get in my emotional head to overthink, to worry and to pull back. I hate pulling back!! I want to embrace my new man! I want to enjoy him fully!! I want to appreciate him and show him how much I think he’s wonderful.♥️🥺 I’ve never had a guy treat me so good the way my new man does, but if he could only understand my fears. 😥 Unfortunately, my new man has never even had a relationship before me. He has no one to compare me to…… He’s never seen the people I’ve seen and dealt with. My new man has mostly been surrounded by decent people. He has great parent and a great brother that is good to him, so, he sees a lot of good and well he has experienced some evil at work but not in relationships like I have……
I hate saying that my exes are evil but I don’t know how they could treat me the way they did and think it’s OK I’m never going to get closure or apologies from my exes. I’ve had to just accept the unanswered questions. I’ve had to accept the confusion and the frustration. I’ve had to accept that my ex Andrew was fake, and that the person he showed me when we first met, doesn’t even exist! 😳😥😭💔 And that hurts me SO MUCH because I thought I was falling so very much in love with him, and I would’ve traveled across the stars in the sky to get to him , but he would never cross the street for me. And yes, that hurts my feelings but also I finally understand that he’s just not a good guy for me and I do want better for him. I would hope that he would change one day. I don’t know if he has changed or would ever change but I just don’t know anything truly about him. I don’t know if he even knows himself…
My biggest advice to anyone that has been through emotional abuse, you WILL experience cognitive dissonance and that’s okay because it is very real! Your brain is conflicted and confused about what you have seen and dealt with. You saw this amazing person and then when you break up with them, they were a different person that scared you. It’s almost as if they enjoyed inflicting pain on you and that’s very hurtful and scary. You have to forgive them and you have to let them go! I held onto my ex Andrew in the back of my head for so long because I just couldn’t figure him out or figure out his intentions with me. I was trying to make sense of everything, and my brain just would not accept all the pieces that were coming together for me!! my brain wanted to believe there was some good in him and some part of him that was real with me, but the more I think about it all, I realize there was nothing real with him. There was never love with him. It was always false promises and it was just lust. It was always all about sex for him and enjoying inflicting pain on me…… And that’s not what I want for myself. I want to have a happy and peaceful life!
You can get over that toxic ex of yours, and you can have a better and peaceful life. You will have situations arise in your current life that will trigger you and cause you to reminisce and even flashback to the feelings of the past. You’ll have moments of fear and doubt. You’ll have moments of distrust. You’ll also have moments of clarification and revelations. I advise all of you to google and watch videos on YouTube and TikTok about emotional abuse! But what these videos won’t tell you is you absolutely HAVE to forgive that person and you HAVE to remove yourself from them if you want sanity and peace. There is no exceptions because this person will only hurt you over and over and over… the abuse will never stop until they can even understand who they are, and until they receive help and can change, their habits, they’ll always be abusive and manipulative. I believe some of them are very in the dark of who they are and what they do. They must think that what they do is normal and they don’t understand how much they hurt you truthfully but then I believe there is some of them that are actually fully aware that they hurt you and it almost excites them and that’s not what you want for yourself 😰 and you don’t want to hurt them back either because you’re better than that!!!! YOU have to accept you’re not going to get apologies from them and I would not recommend you write them a letter and send it to them. I would recommend you write a letter letter to them for your own self and either save it for your own self to read over or post it on your social media to inspire others, but do not tag that toxic ex because there is just no reason to reach out to them or contact them ever again. It’s for your own good 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 you can believe me or not. I am coming from a place of understanding, compassion, and realization. I am also coming from a place of deep pain that God has been dealing with and healing me for years. I have come farther than anyone even knows , and I just want to share my story and I want to share my honest, brutal opinions with you all because I know how you feel ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 you’re not crazy! You’re not a bad person! If you feel angry towards that ex, if you write a hate letter towards them, I get it… but hate is not healthy for you!! you have to love them but from a distance!! YOU have to have compassion for them because you know that they are struggling inside and it’s something that you will NEVER understand and they too will never understand you.🥺❤️‍🩹 They will never understand the pain they’ve caused you unless God changes their heart and point of view. It’s just that simple. 😥😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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beastie-anon · 1 year
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
For Broken Gold
He's either horrible and burns everything or a master chef, I figure it's the latter since he's had so long to practice.
Oh he's always stressed, Just good at pretending.
He wants to turn the forest into a society for monsters and survivors that want to have a normal life.
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peterstanslizzie · 2 years
I just about LOST IT when STEVE unmasked himself!!! 😭
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I can’t believe after 28 episodes of meeting Steve and getting to know (& love him), we finally know what he REALLY looks like! 😮
And...he’s such a cutie 😍 with a heart of gold 💛 
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I think Dana and the writers knew how much Steve is so loved and admired by TOH community 🥰
So, this is their way of giving us some much-needed fan service 👏🏼 and it was done so impeccably well!
His little EAT PRAY LOVE road trip 🛵 with King was so wholesome and it makes me want to have my very own one with him!
The fact that he was being so friendly to King from the get-go really warms my heart 😊. King just has a way with capturing the hearts of so many people. First it was Gus, then Amity, then Edric and now Steve!
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Towards the end there, I was beginning to wonder why he’s still wearing his Coven Guard mask when he’s in a biker costume 😂, which was so RAD btw! So, I had a suspicion they were going to surprise us 🎁 with some kind of reveal later on!
I’m so happy that Steve resigned from the Emperor’s Coven and is finding his true purpose in life 💙, which is to spread good deeds to the world. 
SIDE NOTE: At least the Emperor’s Coven (despite how messed up it is) allows its workers to submit their resignations! 😆
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Aww and he’s such a softie! 💕 Him seeing that old couple and getting all emotional was incredibly sweet. I love a guy who’s in touch with his emotions 🤩
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People tend to forget that he was Lilith’s so-called former "lackey”. So, it was really cool to see him and Lilith interacting again and working together under a greater purpose! 💪🏼
Not to mention he’s encouraging her to see a therapist he knows. Working for the Emperor’s Coven sure does take a toll on one’s mental health, huh? Yikes! 😥
Did he just say to her “Hey, girl”? I can’t 🤣💅🏼
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Also, CURSE you Hooty for attacking him for no reason! 😡 I will have owl cakes for breakfast!
And lastly, I can’t get over how he’s now an actual member of the CATS 😻 (Coven’s Against The Throne) alongside powerful WITCHES and COVEN LEADERS! It’s actually insane! 🤯
Cheers to Steve and his cinnamon roll soul! He deserves the whole WORLD ❤
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