#'give up on' meaning 'not trying to seriously engage with other people over The Thing'
musical-chick-13 · 1 year
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...Yeah, I think I'm gonna give up on this one y'all.
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drbased · 2 months
I think it would be one thing if radblr had like, waited to get the proper info on this whole boxing situation but the response has been so confident so fast. When I first saw all the rapid-fire vitriol and transvestigating a couple days ago, I looked it up and the scant few news articles I could find talking about it were saying that she ‘may have failed the XY test’ - like what the hell does 'may' even mean??? So I was left wondering, why is everyone so confident about this with so little concrete information? Oh and shout out to the typical appearance of a daily mail article on my dash!! This whole situation has confirmed my belief that most of this community is just reactionary.
For the record, I think imane being a woc definitely has something to do with it but I think also radblr has been chomping at the bit for a high profile case to bolster legitimacy in the public eye. I understand that in our deeply misogynistic society that nobody takes feminism seriously and that being trans critical is so politically unpopular that it makes you feel like you’re going crazy, but this rushed response reeks of insecurity to me. This palpable community need to ‘prove’ that transgenderism is taking over the world has strong qanon conspiracy vibes to it; we already have a strong and well-supported body of theory and science, and I think what this experience has taught me that we need to be much more engaged with finding each other IRL and actually do something feminist, because otherwise this online community devolves fast into trying to find an alternative focus for our collective passions.
I would love to say that this is the moment where I 'break away from the community' because frankly the optics of this are teeeerrible. But most realistically, given my life circumstances at the moment, I'm not going to be going anywhere. I'll just continue my never-ending quest to collate a dashboard of people who don't share fearmongering and lying right-wing news articles because of an insecurity in their feminist politics that clearly runs so deep that they're willing to run crying to the most infamous publications run by the most powerful white men in the world just because 'well at least they're talking about it!' Give me a fucking break.
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roseykat · 11 months
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TITLE: Don't bite the hand that feeds you
PAIRING: Seungmin x reader
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever.
SUMMARY: Featuring Seungmin as your lecturer's student assistant who runs your tutorials and possesses just as harsh a personality as he fucks.
TAGS: Mean tutor Seungmin, oral sex (f!reader receiving), unprotected sex, public sex, swearing.
KINK: Freelance
TAGLIST: @kbitties @luneskies @mal-lunar-28 @kibs-and-bits @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung @queenmea604
A/N: this is for all the Seungmin stans out there x
There isn’t any way to work around a more stubborn person. People that you’ve met before don’t even come close to the level of arrogance that this person carries with them. That person being one of your tutors for a class at Uni, Seungmin. For some reason, he always has the time of day to help other people but has an issue with your supposed incompetence in completing a task when it comes to you. 
Seungmin never checks your work, never goes over your answers, discusses your ideas or anything like that. He has a very prickly attitude yet only those needles are only for you. You see the sigh he lets out whenever you need to approach him to clarify something he went over during the tutorial. You see the crease between his eyebrows as the annoyance grows when you ask if he can read a draft of yours before you submit it. 
He never does that with other students. Seungmin is happy to help them, makes conversation with them before class, and always seems to have time for them. 
The difference in his behaviour towards you definitely placed an unnecessary burden on your shoulders. But you’re not one to budge. Whether his intentions are malicious or not, you’re not exactly an easy one to crack, which is why you continued to supposedly ‘bother’ him. 
“Hey,” you approach him after one of his tutorials, hoping you used a good enough manner to not light a fire under his seat. “Would you be able to check this for me?”
Seungmin furrows his eyebrows - not a good sign, and averts his eyes from the whiteboard to look at your paper, “I can’t help you with that.”
“And why is that?” You question. “You had no trouble looking at everyone else’s. How’s mine any different?”
“Judging from your grades, I’d suspect there would be a lot of differences,” he responds.
“I’ll take that as a compliment since I’m one of the top in the class thank you,” you scoff. 
“And one of the top most arrogant too,” Seungmin fires back. “If you haven’t got anything relevant to show me, I suggest you leave. The next tutorial group starts in twenty minutes.” 
Your face contorts slightly, “well since this isn’t relevant enough for you, is it possible for you to check over one of the drafts we have to send in on Friday?”
“Can’t do that either-“
“Then what can you do exactly?” You cut him off impatiently. “Seriously, I’ve been trying to ask you for help for the past two weeks and you’ve only ever given me vague answers to my questions and you won’t proofread any of my work which is what you’re here to do.”
Seungmin takes off his glasses and closes the distance between himself and you, “I don’t help out entitled people like you who always demand things.”
You glare up at him, “I’m not entitled. I was just merely commenting about the fact that you don’t do what you’re being paid to do.”
“And you just keep proving my point as to why you are entitled, because you don’t shut up and you always complain. After every tutorial, you come up to me and ask me for something.” 
“Yeah, just like everyone else and yet, I don’t see you giving the same shit to them as you do to me,” you argue right back with him. 
“That’s because you expect things to be handed to you on a silver plate. Unlike them, you don’t work for your shit with me,” Seungmin responds, placing the cap on the whiteboard marker a little bit too rough. 
“Being here is me working for my shit,” you press back. “You’re just being a stubborn ass because you don’t like me.”
“Well you’re right with one thing,” he sighs.
You roll your eyes and scoff, “fuck you honestly.” 
It took a lot of effort not to just shove Seungmin out of your way as you headed out the door with a fresh stormy cloud looming over your head. Felix could spot it a mile away when you went to meet up with him for lunch nearby after his class too. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks carefully, studying the pained expression on your face. 
“Nothing,” you sigh, trying to let it go. “Just one of my stupid tutors.”
“Is this the same one that isn’t doing his job properly?” Felix questions, remembering the conversation you both had about him a while back. 
“You know, he’s probably dealing with things in the background that you don’t know about,” Felix points out, his habit of always giving people the benefit of the doubt starting to shine through. 
“Yeah, pretty sure he’s dealing with ‘absolute fucking dickhead disorder’,” you spit. “And even if he was - even if the worst is happening to him, he has no right to be taking out his anger or frustration on me.” 
Felix sports a disappointed look on his face, “is it just you, or are there others?”
“It’s just me, I swear.”
“Okay, I believe you,” Felix assures. “If he really is as bad as you say he is, maybe just ignore him. We’ve only got seven weeks left, that’s not too long until you can get away from him, yeah?” 
It was easier said than done, because the next round of tutorials that approached in the following week, opened up that fresh wound of just seeing Seungmin’s face and dreading it. All of Felix’s advice went out the gate, almost like it was never there in the first place.
In the end, you simply chose not to speak. What’s the point in arguing with a person who won’t move?
So right after the tutorial, you don’t bother darting straight to Seungmin and asking for his help. He’s not willing to give it to you so there’s no point in lingering behind. As you pack your things up from the table and start to head out, Seungmin peers at you from behind the glasses that you so badly want to knock off his face sometimes. 
He’s not entirely stumped that you haven’t approached him, but he is a bit intrigued. Maybe he had come across too strongly with you the other day - maybe within the past month without being of any help to you at all. Then again, Seungmin isn’t the most apologetic of people. 
“Surprised you’re not asking me to check anything for you,” he projects his voice to you just before you leave the class. 
You heard him on your way out, but what’s a retaliation going to do? Only add fuel to your own fire. Seungmin isn’t the one who’s got something to lose here. He’s just a student tutor who’s clearly got enough competence to reinforce the learning you receive during lectures. At the end of the day, his grades for this class aren’t on the line. Yours are. 
“Y/N,” you hear a voice call out to you, recognising it to be Felix. Caught up in the swirl of your own thoughts, you almost forgot Felix had been waiting for your tutorial to end as he sat in a row of seats against the wall. 
“Hey,” you call out to him. 
“So, how was it? Did you say anything to him?” He asks as you sit down beside him. 
“I just gave up,” you answer. “I forgot that you can’t get your point across to dickheads so I stopped trying. I’ll just go to the other classes' tutorials if they let me switch. Or maybe I can just cross-check my work with their tutor.”
“Geez, that bad is he?”
“The fucking worst,” you confirm.
However, you weren’t surprised to learn that Seungmin’s attitude and behaviour still continued in the following tutorial, close to an essay hand-in date which is what you didn’t need. The only saving grace is that instead of going over the content that you learned in an earlier lecture, Seungmin allowed his students to study for another upcoming in-class test in the upcoming week. 
You spent that time wisely working on the essay you needed to hand in since it was the first due. Then, by two o’clock, everyone started wrapping up their study session. You slot your books into your bag, zip it up, and ready to leave.
“You, come here,” Seungmin speaks in your direction, but you really don’t want to listen. At first to begin with, you were surprised he was even talking to you.
“And if I don’t?” 
“Don’t be stubborn. I want to talk about your assignment,” he replies. He set his bait and waited for you to take it. So you approach him hesitantly from your chair, leaving your bag behind at the table. 
“See, how hard was that?” 
You roll your eyes. Not even a full conversation in and he’s already made you reach your limit, “oh go fuck yourself.”
Upon hearing your nasty sentiment, Seungmin’s hand latches quickly onto your wrist, “what did you just say?”
You look down at your arm in disbelief, then back up to him, his eyes narrowing at you, “what?”
“Say it again.”
“I said; ‘go fuck yourself.”
“Fucking brat.” 
Without warning, Seungmin’s hands grasp the sides of your arms in a flash, backing you against the wall behind him. Out of nowhere, his mouth comes down and crashes against yours in a bruising kiss. There’s no time to process what’s actually going on when you start kissing him back, allowing his tongue to delve deeper into his mouth. 
In the back of your mind, you can’t believe your own actions, but at the same time, pushing back on him also feels like you’re letting some of that frustration go. To take things further, Seungmin breaks away from you for a moment, turning your body by your arms, and backs you straight into the desk until your hips hit the edge.
Your first instinct tells you to lean back while your legs automatically lift so that Seungmin can slot right in, pressing his semi-hard dick against your pussy. 
It gives you the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist, trying to bring him in closer as you hope for more friction. Seungmin pins your wrists down to the desk, kissing along your jaw and down to your throat where he bites and sucks until there’s a line of future regretful hickies for you to deal with later on. 
“D-Do something,” you stammer, feeling so dizzy from the pleasure that you desperately start to chase. 
“Why should I?” He mumbles into your skin. 
You turn your head, watching figures of people pass by through the frosted glass of the door who could potentially walk in at any given time. In saying that, a portion of you recognises that there’s something so naughty about being caught in the act. 
“Please Seungmin,” you beg for him, feeding into his ego. 
His head rises from your neck, “that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say ‘please’.” 
You didn’t care what he meant by that. All you care about is relieving that itch inside the pit of your stomach because you know that horny feeling will take a long time to dissipate. Nonetheless, Seungmin seems to listen to you when he unbuttons the first two buttons of his white dress shirt. 
His fingers reach down to your jeans, unzipping them and yanking them right off your legs until you’re just left in your underwear, already soaking through. Seungmin uses the pad of his thumb to brush gently over the fabric which is sticky to the touch. It makes the corner of his mouth tug up. 
“Keep quiet if you don’t want people to come in,” he warns before taking his glasses off and placing them to the side of you before kneeling down. 
Your chest already starts heaving just feeling his warm breath fan across your inner thighs. The anticipation leading up to it has you clawing at the desk when Seungmin starts removing your underwear. 
“Look how fucking wet you are,” he speaks from a stance of astonishment just seeing what he was able to do to you from a simple makeout session and some rough and tumble. 
His comment turns you into a flustered mess that is easily shattered when Seungmin moves his mouth closer to your pussy, kissing your inner thigh and inching closer until he reaches your clit. Your back arches in an instant. One hand clasps over your mouth to stifle a loud moan at the heat of Seungmin’s mouth, the other grabs a fistful of his hair and starts tugging. He doesn’t dare hold back; sucking on your clit, lapping up at what he can to make your entire body shudder. 
It never occurred to you that Seungmin is like this. You’ve always made him out to be some rich, entitled, arrogant, teacher's pet with good grades and an outstanding reputation when he goes and does shit like this – eating you out in broad daylight, in public.
Whatever rabid spirit took over Seungmin, it wasn’t stopping him. His tongue dances perfect circles and random shapes against your clit, embracing your thighs quivering shamelessly around his head. 
“Oh my god, feels…feels so good,” you mutter, using every drop of energy you can to subdue the moans into whimpers. 
Not even the hand you’ve been trying to use to cover your mouth is working because when Seungmin keeps building you up to that edge, you increasingly become louder. But that’s all on him for initiating this, not that you’re complaining. Not when your head is just about thrashing back behind you on the wooden surface trying to syphon all the pleasure you’re getting. It’s like rouge electricity, a live wire inside of you that has no chance of being tamed. 
“Fuck, gonna make me cum,” you mumble, eyelids already fluttering. “So…good.”
Seungmin heard that as a sign to press his face further into your pussy but kept the same momentum and pace that his tongue uses to make you cum, and when you do, every ounce of pleasure pours into all the cells throughout your body. It rattles you in such a good way, that you forget how hard you’re tugging on Seungmin’s hair as he continues to eat you out through to the very end. But you managed to stay quiet – just. 
Your body unstiffens and your chest heaves up and down trying to catch air. The orgasm was so massive that afterwards, you couldn’t figure out what time it was or where you were. It nearly took out every bit of consciousness you had remaining. 
“Been wanting to do that for a while,” he rasps. 
Whatever that means – not that you can articulate it as of yet. You’re still trying to grapple with reality and when Seungmin unzips his pants to free his cock, you know there’s no point in trying.
He’s big in length and has a sizeable girth. He teases you with his tip, sliding up and down from your now oversensitive clit to your drenched hole. Just feeling how wet you are makes him wonder one thing:
“Are you a virgin?” He asks. 
You’re still trying to regain a bit of consciousness, only able to muster a few words at a time, “no...no I’m not.”
“I pinned it down to either that or someone hasn’t touched you in a while,” he responds. You groan at the embarrassment. Seungmin must obviously be that experienced for him to make such an observation. 
“The latter. Now just hurry up and fuck me.” 
“Shut up,” Seungmin snipes, even though he begins to push his cock inside of you at a terribly slow pace. 
You didn’t realise how much you had been aching to have someone inside you. Your own fingers can’t seem to do the right trick of actually feeling full and satisfied. But now that Seungmin is here, slowly thrusting in until he reaches the hilt, can he make you feel that way. 
“Jesus fuck,” Seungmin bites down on his lip and has to hold onto the edge of the desk beside your body for support. 
He’s never felt anything like it. Even after sleeping with other women prior to you in his past, there’s something about the way you feel that isn’t like the rest. Maybe it’s from the fact that you hadn’t been touched in a while or not, either way, Seungmin can’t contain himself when he starts thrusting properly. 
His cock glides in like melted butter, the lewd wet sounds making you want to hide from embarrassment. But Seungmin revels in it like it’s about to slip through his fingers like sand. So he lowers his body onto yours, resting some of his weight comfortably on you. It’s intimate yes, but it enables Seungmin to start whispering things in your ear. 
“So fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” He purrs. “Such a good girl for taking all of my cock, especially for someone who hasn’t been touched in a while. Just opened up for me so easily.” 
No words could ever spring to your mind in response to that, but it causes your body and mind to have a reaction you’re all too familiar with from about five minutes ago. That tingly feeling starts creeping up inside you the longer Seungmin keeps fucking you. His cock repetitively hits such a deep sweet spot that you don’t think anyone’s ever reached before. 
“S-Seungmin…it feels…fuck it feels so good,” you moan right in his ear, your arms clinging to his back. 
“Yeah?” He chuckles. “I bet it does with the way that you’re clenching around me.” 
Seungmin just keeps finding ways to unintentionally embarrass you, but if there’s one thing that he’s learnt about you and himself, it’s that he likes seeing you so flustered. He thinks it’s cute. In saying that, he doesn’t want to get too caught up in things when the euphoria that has already built itself impossibly high starts making itself known.
Just like you, Seungmin feels too good right now. He’s doused in warmth from the heat wrapping around his cock and the way that your walls keep involuntarily clamping around him. 
“S’too much…” you gasp for air, fingers digging into his clothed arms at this point. “M’gonna cum again please.”
Seungmin presses himself up away from your body but still thrusting at his same pace, “go on then. I want to see your face when you do.” 
It washes over you quickly and he’s fast to clock onto the small reactions beginning to change. The only thing that doesn’t alter is the fucked-out look you have on your face. That remains all the way up until the bliss starts packing its punch. Seungmin’s hips don’t hamper your orgasm, not when he watches your eyes roll back and sees the words to describe how you’re feeling become lodged in your throat. 
“Y-Yes!” you call out, your voice echoing throughout the empty classroom. Your wet walls convulse around Seungmin’s cock, clutching onto him for dear life as you cum hard. 
“I suppose that’s why you cum so easily, huh?” He asks, catching his breath. “Because nobody’s been touching you? Poor thing.” 
Your cheeks burn a bright red as Seungmin continues to fuck you, right up until he’s had his fill. Regardless of how overstimulated you are, he can’t stop because he’s nearly there. His hips stutter forward a few times as he chases the tail of his orgasm, getting hit with it right at the last second. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he lowers his head, watching where his cock keeps disappearing into and listening to your whimpers. It’s all enough to tip him right over the edge and into a pool of warm euphoria. “Yes – fuck!” 
With a few more grunts and thrusts, Seungmin slows right down as he cums inside you. For a split second there, his vision started to go splotchy. It reminded him of the fact that he hasn’t cum that hard in a while. In saying that, you get to bask in the warm sensation that fills your lower half. 
“Shit,” he gasps, breathing heavily. In the back of his mind, something told him that he shouldn’t have done that. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” you swallow, trying to dampen your dry throat. “You’re lucky I’m into that.” 
He lets out a breathy chuckle and for the first time, you’ve actually seen Seungmin genuinely smile. 
A/N: I’m not going to lie, I kind of want to make a part 2 to this but reader finds out that she’s pregnant lmao
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bro-atz · 4 months
if only it was simple [bro's 500 — hongjoong]
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[enemies to lovers, smut, royal!au, hongjoong/afab!reader]
requested by: 🍀
in which: kim hongjoong is the bane of your existence, but you cannot seem to live without him.
word count: 2k
content: smut, bathroom sex, blowjob, facial, doggy, window sex, UNPROTECTED SEX (PLS WRAP UP IRL), consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: @pocketjoong @nebulousbrainsoup pls don't kill me i have more things to finish writing hehe
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Every time your parents hosted a royal ball for all the neighboring kingdoms, you resented them because you hated the balls they threw. You honestly hated being royalty because that was just not something you vibe with. No, you liked peace, quiet, and when a sense of calm washes over the castle while you read all the books in the royal library. So, a mass gathering of people was definitely not your cup of tea. Gosh, how you would prefer a cup of tea over the stupid blood red wine in your glass.
It wasn't just the noise, either. It was the people who brought the noise. You didn't know how on Earth other princesses could gossip for minutes, hours, days, freaking eons, but they did, and you hated it. And the princes were just as bad, but rather than gossips, they just spread vulgarities. You wanted to wash your mouth with soap just listening to what they would talk about.
Prince Hongjoong of the Kim Kingdom was the worst of them all. He gossiped with the princesses, he engaged in the vulgar talk with the princes, and he treated you like scum. How you loathed him. You loathed the way he talked, walked, acted— the entirety of his being made you feel like he was put on this world to torture you. And, of course, that torturous being just had to approach you the second you fell within his line of vision.
"Hello, princess," he greeted you with a very obviously sardonic, sickly sweet voice.
"Prince Hongjoong," you bit back as you maintained eye contact with him.
"Ooh, yeah, I did not like the way you said my name just now, princess. Why don't you try a nicer tone? It would suit you."
"Go jump up your own ass and die."
"So mean," Hongjoong sniffled and wiped away his crocodile tears. "You should really treat your guests better."
You didn't even bother responding to him. You quickly turned your head away and walked away from Hongjoong, knowing that the man would not follow. He knew better than that.
While you desperately wanted a distraction, there was quite literally no one you wanted to distract yourself with. Again, you seriously hated these stupid balls. Rather than talk to another royal, you called over one of the butlers and tried to give him the glass.
"No, princess, you mustn't waste," the butler scolded you.
"Please, I didn't even want this in the first place," you sighed heavily. "Can't you just give it to someone else?"
"I'm sorry, princess, but I cannot do that either. You will just have to finish it."
Swell. With a wave of your hand, you dismissed the butler and cradled the glass in your hands, your fingernails clinking against it as you tapped your fingers. Yes, you knew not to waste food or water, but wine was not water, and it wasn't like you could give it to some starving child because children were not supposed to drink wine. So, you needed to dispose of it in another way.
It was when you accidentally made eye contact with Hongjoong again and saw the smirk spread across his face did you find a solution to your little problem. To top that, he was flirting with another princess from another kingdom, flaring up your irritation even more. You glided towards him and very purposefully spilled the dark liquid all over his jacket, effectively ruining it.
"Oops," you said rather flatly.
"Really?" Hongjoong responded with a sigh of exasperation followed by a half-assed chuckle.
"You should get that cleaned up! Here, I'll do it for you," the princess Hongjoong was talking to inserted herself between the two of you, ending your slight glaring contest.
"No, princess. It wasn't your fault. It was Princess Y/N's, so I believe she should take accountability for her actions," Hongjoong shook his head. Then, turning to meet your glare with a cheek smile, he added, "Don't you agree, Y/N?"
Before long, you were in your personal bathroom. You found the supplies you needed to get the wine stain out of Hongjoong's jacket, and rather than take the jacket off, he kept it on. He sat on the edge of the basin and waited for you to begin correcting your mistake.
"Be honest with me, princess," Hongjoong whispered as you got to work. "Do you have a problem with a wine or with me?"
"Both," you immediately responded. "But the lesser of the two evils is definitely the wine."
"That stings."
Hongjoong let out a scoff. He leaned back and observed you working on his jacket, the warmth from the alcohol he drank that night started to consume his body— it was either the alcohol or lust actually. To figure out which it was, he tucked the hairs framing your face behind your ear before placing his fingers under your chin, making you look up at him. He didn't mean to look down as he wanted to observe your facial features, but considering you were bent over, he got an eyeful of your cleavage. It was definitely not alcohol, but lust. His fingers then moved from your chin to your hair, his fingers raking through before grabbing a fistful. He ran his tongue over his lower lip before biting his lower lip, his eyes darkening with every passing second.
"Down on your knees, princess," Hongjoong said in a very low voice.
"Absolutely not," you flat out refused.
"You better listen to me when I'm asking nicely."
"Asking nicely would include the words "please" or "may", and I've never heard either of those words leave your tongue," you nearly spat out. "Besides, you said we would never do this again—"
"I know what I said, and I don't care anymore. Knees."
With a slightly wistful sigh, you lowered yourself to your knees, Hongjoong's lap before your face. Your muscle memory activated, and you got to work on undoing Hongjoong's pants, your fingers pulling at the waistbands.
"I thought you didn't want to do this," Hongjoong snickered. "But you seem so eager right now."
"Shut up, Hongjoong," you breathed out before revealing his hard red cock, your mouth watering.
You completely took Hongjoong by surprise when you immediately took him into your mouth, your head going all the way down, the tip of his cock brushing the back of your throat. Hongjoong flung his head back and bit his lower lip to hold back his moans. His hold on your hair got tighter, and he guided your head back up, his hand moving you at the calm, steady pace that he wanted.
“Yes, just like that,” he hissed through grit teeth. “Keep going, princess.”
When Hongjoong shoved your head down all the way every so often to get you to gag, it made you resent him a little more, but you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t like the rough way he was treating you while you sucked his cock. You also kind of liked it when he praised you and massaged your head when he adjusted his grip of your hair, and when you heard his breathing hitch and his moans get higher in pitch, it filled you with excitement.
“Oh— I’m cumming!” Hongjoong groaned, his cock quivering uncontrollably in your mouth.
He pulled your head back and rubbed himself a couple times before decorating your face with white stripes. You licked your lips, the saltiness of his cum lingering on your tongue as you tasted him. While it was fun momentarily, you frowned at him and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Goddammit, Hongjoong, now I need to clean my face,” you grumbled as you stood up, your fingers already beginning to clear his cum from your face.
“Would you rather I have you swallow?” he asked cheekily.
“Honestly, yeah. It’s neater that way.”
You heard him let out a slight chuckle as you turned your back to him. You poured some water into the sink and bent over to begin washing your face, letting your guard down completely. You were so fixated on clearing the opaque off your skin that you didn’t even realize Hongjoong had approached you from behind and started undressing you from the skirt down.
“Hongjoong! What are you doing?!” you yelled at him as you tried to turn around and get him to stop.
“Princess, you can’t tell me that you don’t want this right now,” Hongjoong sighed as he forced you over the sink, his bare waist pressing against yours. “You’re so wet. It’s as if your cunt is begging for me.”
You couldn’t argue with that. Hongjoong’s moans earlier turned you on to an incredible extreme, and you were itching for relief. You pressed your lips together before admitting defeat and saying, “Then you better do a good job, or I will—”
“Don’t worry, princess,” Hongjoong interrupted. “I always do a good job. You know that.”
Spreading your ass cheeks, Hongjoong got a stellar view of your glistening cunt. He ran his tongue over his lower lip as his thumbs neared your folds and spread them, your gaping hole eagerly waiting for him to fill you up. He wasted no time in lining up his cock with your cunt and shoving into you, your entire body lurching forward with the impact. Your hands gripped the sides of the sink, your hold getting tighter as he began to move at a steady rhythm, the sounds of his waist slapping against yours echoing in the silence of the bathroom.
“Oh, princess,” the prince groaned blissfully. “You’re always so tight— you were made for me, weren’t you?”
You answered with a little yelp when he changed his angle and thrust upwards, his cock rubbing against your walls all the right ways. It felt so right, but truth be told, it wasn’t enough for you. Neither you nor him, apparently, as he grabbed your waist and pulled you upright. His cock left you for a split moment so he could turn you around to face him. He then led you to the sole window in your bathroom.
Bottles clattered to the ground as Hongjoong swept everything off the windowsill and hoisted you there. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he prepared to enter you, this tip of his cock teasing your clit. A whine emerged from the back of your throat as you gripped Hongjoong shoulder’s, the fabric from his jacket getting bunched up in your grasp.
“Don’t tease me,” you whimpered as you pulled him towards you.
Hongjoong let out a snort of amusement. Locking eyes with you, he did as you quite literally begged and stopped teasing you, his cock swiftly entering you and filling you up once more. You groaned in slightly relief before biting on your lower lip to keep all of your lewd noises to a minimum. However, Hongjoong didn’t like that. With his thumb, he pulled down on your lower lip, forcing you to let go.
“You know I like to hear you, princess,” Hongjoong murmured as his lips neared yours, his breath brushing past your lips.
“We can’t be too loud, though,” you replied through erratic breathing as Hongjoong’s thrusts sped up. “The ball is still going on.”
“What a shame,” he sighed.
So, to help you keep quiet, Hongjoong’s lips met yours, his tongue immediately slipping into your mouth and tangling with yours. You moaned into his mouth as he kissed you feverishly, his waist gyrating into yours with incredible speed and vigor. Your hands moved from his shoulders to the back of his neck, your fingers running through the hair on the back of his head.
“O-Oh, Joong!” you cried.
“Are you close, princess?” he asked, his breathing hitching as he felt himself nearing his climax.
“Mmhmm… Oh, God!”
You flung your head back as you felt pleasure wash over you, white filling your vision. You were blinking stars out of your eyes when Hongjoong guided your face back down, his lips meeting your again as he seemed to not be able to get enough of you.
“May I cum inside, princess?” he asked you breathlessly in between kisses.
Hongjoong moved away from you slightly so he could get a better hold of you as he thrust rapidly into you several times before releasing his load inside you. His groan of ecstasy echoed in your ears as he dropped his head to the nook of your neck, his hot breath hitting your collarbone.
“Was that good enough for you, princess?”
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bro's 500 event | bro's 500 event masterlist
bro's 500 taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @nakiiko @hyukssunflower @aaa-sia
@k-hotchoisan @hwallazia
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@ksmutsociety @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/20/2024 Crew Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins Message on IG; How you can help; Contacting Netflix, Prime, AppleTV; General Guidelines for Wooing Networks; New Hashtags; UK Crew Updates; Petition/Fundraiser Status; Articles; Extras; Rhys' Stiddy
=== Chaos Dad's Message ===
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David Jenkins messaged us FRIENDS and gave us a new heading to steer the ship for the crew. Truly an amazing and sweet message, and helping give @renewasacrew a good place to start on new networks.
== How you can help ==
So based on Chaos Dad's tweet, what the folks over at @renewasacrew have recommended is we focus our efforts on Netflix, AmazonStudios, and Apple TV. We'll be polite menacing but also doing some more specific wooing this time so please see below for more information.
= Reach out to Netflix =
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You can reach out to Netflix Here.
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= Reach out to Apple TV =
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You can reach out to apple tv by going here.
= Amazon Prime: Thank you @mermaid-stede for this write up: =
1) if you have an Amazon account, go to My Stuff > Settings > Help & Feedback > Provide Feedback
2) If you don't, write here
3) might as well try their customer service 888 280-4331, using the same strategy from above (though you might need an Amazon account)
4) and here's an email! [email protected]
Amazon.com: AIV Website Feedback Form
You can see more of their write ups here
=New Hashtags=
#AdoptOurCrew #RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD
Things to remember:
Only Message 1 of the 3 networks at once. We are wooing them, they want to be enticed, not included in a crowd. If you are reaching out to one, make sure to reach out to all three (just separately)
Be Polite, this is a bit of a different strategy from max, we WANT these people to pick us up, we're not grumpy at them.
Yes you can use season 3 and beyond, use the same terminology David Jenkins did.
More specific info from folks regarding the things to remember:
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=== UK Crew ===
Great job everyone! Your efforts made a difference! Thanks for the update @lamentus1!
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Something else to mention for our UK and International Friends that are reaching out via social networks or email/phone:
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=Daily Engagement Reminder!=
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
=== Petition / Fundraiser Status ===
Petition: ALMOST at 75K!
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Renew as a Crew - Benefiting Rainbow Youth is fully funded at $17K!
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OFFP Care for Gaza - HITS $10K!!!! Great job all!
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=== New Articles ===
Fans Declare War Against Warner Bros., Light Up Times Square for Beloved Show
Our Flag Means Death’s Renewal Campaign Lands Times Square Billboard
=== Other Stuff ===
Some BTS from Vico's IG reels
=Wanna help out our fellow cancelees?=
Sign the Petition for Rap Sh!t!
So Dad's message kind of blew everything else out of the water today, there were some sightings of various crew on the web but most of them were reactions to David's reel so I figured it probably wasn't worth adding today. Thank you as usual to the @renewasacrew team, and @TheCozyPirate for all their steering and insight and helping make these pivots possible each day!
Side note: I saw a lot of really great stuff today-- people focused more on action with the renewal and starting to discuss fun things more and more, less dealing with trolls. I hope that means you all are getting some rest and avoiding some of the crazy shit going on.
Seriously, you're doing amazing. David sees it, the cast sees it, the crew sees it, we all see it. You should all feel super proud of yourself for all the hard work you're doing, whether it's just enjoying the show, being active in the renewal efforts, or just being you.
Please continue to make art, and fics, and goofy memes, and silly videos, and everything. Your creativity is so inspiring and fun and it keeps us all sane! (Also please share them with me I love them.)
On that note, here's Rhys grabbing one of those Stiddies.
Gif courtesy of ofmd-ann's post here
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innuendostudios · 10 months
New Alt-Right Playbook, regarding the minimization of power imbalances with "enh, it's not SO bad."
If you like this and my other work, do please back me on Patreon and/or watch me on Nebula.
Transcript below the cut.
Say, for the sake of argument, you and some other folks have gotten embroiled in a debate about the use of content warnings. One side has put forth the usual case: some people have trauma or anxiety disorders, and giving them a heads up about common triggers lets them make informed decisions about how to engage with a piece of media. They aren’t always looking to walk out, even, just to avoid a panic attack by having a few moments to prepare themselves. And this is often better for everyone as more people can appreciate the work itself and the discourse doesn’t derail into another discussion about whether it should’ve had a content warning.
And then someone from the other side of the debate says, in all seriousness (and I remind you this is about whether or not people should put a single sentence at the beginning of a video, the start of a game, outside the door of a theatre), “Can’t you just, like, have your panic attack? I mean, this isn’t life and death.”
The discussion quickly and predictably devolves from there into people who have panic attacks trying to explain how miserable they are, and how comparatively simple putting up a content warning is, and you realize far too late that this whole conversation is missing the point. Because the “it’s not life and death” crowd? They never claimed they are more inconvenienced than the person having panic attack! Content warnings ain’t life and death either! They made no attempt to frame this tradeoff as fair or justified. Only that, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not so bad.
I call this Didoing.
(Relationship Discourse would call it The Tolerable Level of Permanent Unhappiness, which is a really powerful phrase, but I came up with Didoing and I’m keeping it.)
You see Didoing everywhere. Be as gay as you want, just don’t tell your commanding officer. Be trans if you must, but pee at home. Kink is fine, but keep it out of Pride. Drag is whatever, just not in front of children. Being a woman on the internet isn’t hard if you’re willing to block seventy thousand people and just use this service to scrub all your private information from the internet so men have a harder finding your home address. It’s eleven bucks a month! What, you can’t afford eleven bucks a month??!
And, yes, all these are minimizations, and, if you want, you can point that out. You can tell them what it’s like to get a Twitter DM threatening to murder your entire family using a quote from Mission: Impossible 3. Yeah, he’s probably not gonna do it! But it can still fuck up your day; the goal is to fuck up your day. But the “it’s not life and death” crowd won’t understand, not because they don’t care, but because they don’t care enough.
But even that is letting them control the conversation. You’re trying to stress the pain of a panic attack, the anxiety of a death threat, to emphasize a gulf of iniquity between their experience, as a person who does not deal with these things, and that of someone who does. As if, were the gulf smaller, it would be not so bad. In this, you have accepted their premise. Did you even catch what the premise was? That it’s okay for things to be unfair within a certain tolerance. That some people do and should take extra precaution just to exist in the world alongside the rest of us. That it’s okay for others to suffer for the convenience of the normals. Because it’s not so bad.
This is a bit different from how privilege usually works. The issue with content warnings - really, most things people Dido over - is that, if you are a person with triggers, it means other people can provoke a panic response in you against your will. The severity of that response is, frankly, immaterial: the point is, they have power over you, and, if you’re going to operate in this world as equals, you need their word that this power will not be invoked.
The usual move for people on the privileged end of a power imbalance is to deny the imbalance exists: “white privilege is a myth,” “there is no gender wage gap,” etc. etc. You would think, the greater the imbalance, the harder it is to deny, but it’s just the opposite: people Dido when the imbalance is small (or, at least, appears small in the eyes of the Didoer). It happens with content warnings, microaggressions; “no, I don’t get followed around Macy’s like I’m gonna steal something, but is that really so important? is this life and death? don’t you have bigger problems?” (Which is a funny thing to say, because, according to white privilege: no! The bigger problems don’t exist!)
Didoing is foundational to the privileged mindset, because it’s one scenario where they will admit to the Didoee, “yes, I do have power over you… and you should just let me have it.”
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ducktracy · 3 months
the first clip for "the day the earth blew up" was posted on twitter. can you spare us your thoughts?
@aadrawings: So uh how about that new Looney movie clip?
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN SPARE MY THOUGHTS! TWIST MY ARM! first, i'll link it here in case anyone hasn't seen it:
FIRST (and most obvious) THING'S FIRST: I'M SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED UUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHH!!! the film JUST started premiering in Annecy as we speak and my heart is literally pounding MY FINGERS LITERALLY SHAKING. so i apologize if this turns into a discombobulated mess i'm so so so excited and trying to keep an eagle eye out for any and all details. BUT ANYHOO
IT LOOKS GREAT!!! this is a fully rendered clip of the roughs that were uploaded back in September of 2022, so i'm already pretty familiar with this since i gushed over it to hell and back then, too. i had a few teeny tiny neurotic nitpicks that i would not take too seriously--honestly me nitpicking anything modern LT is a good sign because it means i'm ENGAGED and actively thinking and engaging with the material. there are a lot of modern LT adaptations i cannot say the same for. so it's all out of a labor of love and i also realize that most of these nitpicks are very.. you guys know my level of fanaticism. don't take it too seriously. my standards for this series AND THESE TWO KNUCKLEHEADS IN PARTICULAR who are my favorite characters of all time are so high that even the classics don't meet those expectations half the time. we all know i'm insane. BUT ENOUGH BLUFFING
my biggest critique is that it's going to take me quite a bit to get used to Eric Bauza's Porky. i LOVE Bauza, he is such a sweet guy (he sang me happy birthday as Daffy Duck and i almost exploded) and so talented and it's been really great seeing him rise up the ranks. i used to only know him as "the guy who voiced Stimpy in APC" and so i'm VERY glad to see he's gone on to greener pastures LOL.
but, with that said, the first time i saw these roughs i actually thought Porky's lines were scratch audio. there isn't enough stuttering--it's important for me to note that people give Porky's stutter WAY too much prevalence, in terms of how he sounds and just characterization as a whole. a stutter is not a personality. BUT, in the clips above, he doesn't really sound like Porky unless he's stuttering. it moreso sounds like Daffy talking to himself. Mel Blanc had Porky speak (and even sing!) in full sentences all the time, but it's never noticeable unless pointed out because Porky still sounded like Porky and Blanc knew how to make his personality come out in his voice beyond the vocal fluff of a stutter.
part of it is because i'm so used to Bob Bergen. and, even THEN, if i watch too much LTC or Duck Dodgers in one sitting, i need to "recalibrate" with the originals and hear Blanc. Bergen's Porky is much different than Mel's, more formal, the stutter more concrete in its formula (fun fact: Blanc's Porky has a southern twang in his voice if you listen for it depending on who's voice directing and i love it so much. biggest giveaway is how his "i"'s will often sound like an "ah" instead, not thinking of the stutter. I WARNED YOU we are getting into super pedantic territory here), but, much like how Joe Alaskey's Daffy is a much different interpretation than Blanc's Daffy, he was able to really make it his own. i think Bauza's Porky is still in a little bit of a limbo in finding its identity with that regard. but, also, keep in mind we've only heard him in this clip and Space Jam 2 and i have no plans of revisiting SJ2 to make a point here. sorry
THAT'S MY BIGGEST CRITIQUE i'd say! others are small, such as the design of the landlady is fun but reads like something out of the 2020 Animaniacs than anything based in the LT design philosophy, and you could argue that the fluidity is more Richard Williams-esque in its visual fluffiness and perhaps even excessiveness than, again, anything relating to LT. but i take less stock in that last one because the animation is STILL GORGEOOOOOOOOOOOOUS WHAT THE HECK!!!! so many fluid arcs and i really love that scene of Daffy talking to the landlady. the subtle twitching on Porky's cheek as a secondary action made me laugh.
other than that... you guys know that I. LOVE. LTC. i have been tracking it before it released, and there are posts on this blog (i think i saw one even dating back to its initial announcement in 2018, though it may have been a 2019 post of the 2018 upload. dunno.) dating back before i was even into LT at ALL. i've been keeping an eagle eye on every single development. the day they premiered i watched the entire batch 3 times in a row. i streamed it for you guys too! some people reading this may have been in that room.
ALL THIS TO SAY, i LOVE LTC SO MUCH and it's been the most excited i've been for anything in a very long time. i also have my fair share of nitpicks, but, as i've expressed above, they all come out of a place of love. some of the Porky and Daffy shorts in the LTCs i would have handled differently if i had my hands on them. Porky and Daffy are two characters who are deeply special to me, everyone knows me as The Porky And Daffy person including my coworkers and bosses, my friends who worked on the show and film have told me many times they're eager for my thoughts. the pig and duck are literally a part of my identity. so my critiques come more out of a place of fanaticism and love for the characters and wanting to do them justice and wanting people to see what i see in them, rather than an actual dig at the product
THAT ALL BEING SAID. there are some pitfalls and little traps the P+D (and a lot of LTC in general) shorts run into that i'm expecting to be in the movie as well. there's a little bit here with the screaming and some lines of dialogue that i probably would have shaved off (like "our roof?"). months ago i started typing up mini reviews of each LTC short that i may compile here someday--my Max subscription was about to run out and i wanted to watch all the LTCs one last time while i could. and then i renewed because i couldn't watch quickly enough and now need to return LOL--and it allowed me to lay out some of the nitpicks i have with the series more clearly, which i am fully expecting to also be in the movie. and that's okay!
ALLLL OF THIS RAMBLING IS TO SAY: I AM SO EXCITED. i've been tracking every single detail of this movie and this SERIES like a hawk since it was announced. i was even asked to work on the film back in 2021, but turned it down because i wasn't secure enough in my abilities and didn't know what job security would look like after i finished on the film. i'm glad i stuck with the decision as i did, because i figured i can draw those two any time i want, and the fact that i got asked meant that there are eyes on my work and i may get asked with other LT related offers (which turned out to be true!). needless to say, turning down the offer was genuinely one of the most excruciating things i've ever done and it seriously sent me into a pretty big funk for the next few days and weeks.
so, with all that said, it is ESPECIALLY important for me to see how this movie is and celebrate it and keep my fanatical obsessive eagle eye out. i'm so glad i get to live in a world where this is a movie that is happening and coming out. i've already got plans to see it with a best friend who i've shoved the agenda of the pig and duck down her throat many times. i am so excited to cheer on all my friends and colleagues who worked on this film. it's the most excited i think i have ever been for anything actively coming out in my life.
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devastatinglygreen · 4 months
If im being completely honest there’s a big part of me that is afraid that the fallout from LW reveal will damage them to a place I won’t find myself rooting for them anymore. I mean what if he goes back to fake take Colin and there’s a whole Friends-esque ‘we were on a break!’ situation of him being with someone else? What if they call off the engagement entirely and all we end up with at the end of episode 8 is reunited Polin but nothing more? No wedding or babies or anything? I know it’ll be real bad and hurt and I know it needs to happen, I’m concerned about the journey they’ll take from the reveal to reconciliation. How bad do you see it getting? Broken engagement? Estranged until the last bit of episode 8 as other seasons have done? Would love to hear your thoughts!
i spent a while trying to figure out how to answer this without a bunch of spoilers and truthfully, the only thing i have is do you trust the story you're watching? what about the first part of season 3 made you think that's going to happen?
or did a bunch of the sky is falling blogs/twitter users/reddit threads give you anxiety?
and i mean that sincerely. even if they do something you don't particularly like, is your idea of the story stronger than the story itself and it hinders your overall enjoyment? those people are the ones who seem to be the most unhappy with season 3 so far.
also, i am pretty sure i know where the original freak out of the ross and rachel thing came about but luke newton said this:
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i don't think he was talking about being on a break.
also they're following the book pretty well, or at least adding a good amount of it in there, and there's a whole plot/character growth for them happens after the wedding. a pretty important one at that.
i meant what i said in that i think the LW fight is going to be painful but i actually don't think the conflict will last all that long, tbh. not to bring up the book like it's gospel but seriously, colin is very aware of how society treats her and it colors the way he thinks of society because of it. he knows he's privileged and well liked and life is easier for him because of it.
eloise is still convinced that her every thought is the right one and overlooks penelope in a lot of ways which gives her sense of betrayal almost a prideful feel to it. colin is both in love with penelope and aware of her in a way that eloise isn't. i'm sure their fight will hurt and be angsty but love isn't a black and white proposition, it's got a lot more layers than that and colin's understanding and love of penelope would play into that i assume.
i suppose i'm just not worried about it. i don't have to like every part of a story to love the end result. i also don't think, after seeing how badly people reacted to every overblown spoiler/rumor, that people should take someone online on their word over the show itself and the people who worked on it.
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stormoflina · 9 months
Okay, so this is regarding that fantastic anon I got over the totally absent DomiTrent content in socials. There I shared my reasonable (or so I think) opinion on the matter, so here's the very unhinged one.
Just as a reminder, this is pure fun, I made it all up, based on speculation, I don't know anything and none of this is factual. Now, that we got that out of the way, let's do this.
So, we all know and remember (and grieve and miss!) September, the literal peak of DomiTrent, right? It all started when Trent assisted Domi's first ever goal for the club they had that very cute celebration. DomiTrent thruthers were born that day. Then, literally every Inside video we have, they are suddenly next to each other. The sm media only have themselves to blame, because it was them who launched them first when they posted them hugging and laughing and arriving to training together! This kept happening, I mean them being literally obsessed with each other. And the official socials were milking the heck out of it!!
The scenes when these dropped? Girly, they dedicated half of that Inside video to them! They KNEW what they were doing with including a literal clip of Trent sniffling and clinging to Domi like a coala. Engagements were flying.
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By this time, they were all over, everywhere. Neither of them could give an interview without being asked about each other. People were obsessed with them, and the sm media was very aware of that. They were posting singular posts about just the two of them having the most basic interactions, they were totally milking it. The fact that Mo posted them together on the hot tube only added to the fire.😭
Then, the bum tickling/fingering controversy happens. Bumm. It's unexpected and uncontrollable. They were just literally caught on live, there's no editing them out, making it a certain way, nope, it's out of control and it's everywhere. And I mean everywhere. And while we were having a field day here, not everyone was... There are hundreds of comments like this (and this is only twt):
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At this point, there are viral tweets going on how both of them, especially Dominik is gay. News just dropped he broke up with his girlfriend, too. First, its all fun, clearly a joke, then it's just like the tweets show, it reaches a certain circle. It reached the Hungarian media too. Now, there are close-minded, homophobic older football fans, and there are Hungarian close-minded, homophobic older football fans. Let's just say, it did not look good.
Right after the whole bum-touching incident, Szoboszlai's dad goes to a Hungarian live broadcasting of the next Liverpool match. Of course, they pull the video out about him and Trent and ask him about it, basically, that what is Dominik doing, looks like he got comfortable in LFC already. It was light-hearted, the question, his dad response ... seemingly too,or at least tried very hard to be to. I think there was pa certain edge to it. They were trying to ask about Dominik's bromance with Trent, as most journalists did at the time, but he dismissed the whole thing and cut the conversation short with only saying that "He [Dominik] likes to clown around".
(He said "bohóckodni", which does mean clown in mirror translation. It could be also translated as joking around, but jokes imply that it's fun and light-hearted, not to be taken seriously, while what he said, again, had some real edge to it. Kind of like "fool around". A disapproving tone to it, basically.)
After that, silence. No more DomiTrent content, they even got moved in the training from being in the same group. To me, for a time, It looked like the sm team was actually going out their way not to show them together. Like the first game they had a post about them was when, against City, showing a pre-match training shorts video? That's a bit odd, considering that they were living off posting of the two just literally breathing next to each other.
So, here's what I think. I think Dominik's management did not like what was being assumed about him. That he was building up a reputation of being the "new gay acting guy, obsessed with Trent". It's not something, that at the moment, could be accepted. Not in football, and definitely not in the Hungarian footballing world. When his dad was asked about it in live TV, I think that was the last straw. I don't think he was impressed/happy about Dominik in that regard, that this was even something that people brought up and connected his son with. I think, essentially, pressured by his dad (who admittedly still have a huge influence in his life, on his agent), his team must have told the Liverpool sm team to basically stop showing them together to silence those shouts.
Again, this could have been done by the Liverpool sm team, done or supported by Trent's team, the players themselves, anything and anyone, we don't know. We don't even know if it was really an intentional move to quit showing them together. I think it was, In my mind, have no question about that. What I shared above tho? Bit of fanfiction-like😭 but in my mind, based on how his dad reacted and just the culture/Domi's relationship with his dad, could totally see it.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Charlie and Vaggie are certainly not in good hands with how Viv has written Loona, and it’s funny because Loona is like…the only exception to a female character in Helluva actually being 2 dimensional and struggling with something that’s OUTSIDE of her dad, unlike Octavia who’s whole character is to be upset at Stolas at this point, meanwhile Millie has fucking nothing but that’s besides the point.
Taking out the fact that Loona is just..hard to sympathize with like many HB characters, her having social anxiety as well as living with the fear that people wouldn’t like her when she’s angry and painting her out to be some monster is…not a bad idea at all, you just need to be a smart writer who knows how to write engaging conflict and dedicate time to their struggles and other sides, something Viv is incapable of doing because she doesn’t know how to make her female characters interesting without gushing over a man or being attached to cheap angst so the audience can feel bad for them, and clearly has no intention to actually dedicate time to exploring them since this is the Stolitz show and we don’t have time for exploring other characters outside of Blitz or Stolas’s perspective. 🙃
And don’t get me wrong, Spring Broken wasn’t a masterpiece either, but good GOD, episode 8 is just fucking EMBARRASSING to watch regarding Loona’s writing, for any writer looking to write a female character, her dialogue and actions will make you hurl, it’s so empty and lifeless. It felt like there was zero effort put into diving into her struggles, because there wasn’t. This episode was nothing but a music video but adds the plot of Loona going to a party to cover it up as a Loona episode. Viv had no fucking clue what she was doing, she makes Loona more unusual then she normally is, making her hard to read at times and then hilariously flip flop. The first half of the episode she barely has any dialogue, she gets upset at a group of hellhounds being mean to her and then stands there and looks awkward for the second half. Beezlebub certainly makes a jarring first impression, but she’s genuinely nice and outgoing, and Loona just…out of nowhere decides to leave for a reason that’s not really clear other than she has to call Blitz for the plot to move forward, and then acts hostile towards Bee for no reason when she was concerned about Blitz.
When she was in distress and wanted to leave, rather than a scene of let’s say…her venting to Blitz about how much she feels people hate her, how scared she is that she’ll never make friends because of her reputation, how insecure she is that Beezlebub seems more fun and outgoing than her that maybe Tex wouldn’t even want to be friends with her anymore, literally anything to actually have her talk and dedicate time to her struggles, Blitz could have even comforted her or encouraged her to go back in, but NAH, what turns her confidence around suddenly is simply because a hot Hellhound flirted with her. You’re so good at writing women Viv bravo, you have a female character battling trauma and social anxiety but lusting over a man is what makes her confident. Seriously….the way Loona goes from “let’s just go this isn’t working” to “Hehe I mean we could give it another try 🤭💕”- in the span of like…2 seconds was laughable.
Out of all of this I think the most insulting thing is that when Loona finally DOES make friends and socialize with other hellhounds, it’s not even the focus. We don’t even get to see it, it happens off screen expect for this one moment of her chatting with two dogs expect there’s no dialogue and just fucking puppy noises.
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I get that this episode was filler but that doesn’t excuse the unfair and shitty writing Loona once again gets. 🫤
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galedekarios · 9 months
that interview is driving me insane i've been thinking about it for the past hour and i still can't wrap my head around it. i think what really gets under my skin is it just... contradicts with the text of the game. the most positive possible reading of the ending where gale blows himself up is that it was an unavoidable tragedy dictated by fate but even that's a stretch. to say it's a good ending?? or a satisfying conclusion to his arc?? i call bull. it's more infuriating because there is such a clear good ending for gale's character arc and it's the professor ending! his arc was about learning to accept himself as he was, to value who he is as he is flaws and all, and he's done that in the professor ending! and the god of ambition ending is a bad end for him but still ties into his overall arc in a satisfying if sad way (imo). the ending where he dies just... doesn't. which is fine as a tragedy but to imply it isn't exactly that, a tragedy, is wild to me. and it being so blatantly contradictory to the actual events of the game makes me think that whole thing was just catering to people who hate gale which like... why? people who don't like him don't care about his story so why pander to them like this?
uhg. i am sorry for blowing up your inbox like this i just feel like i'm gonna rip my hair out and need to express that to a fellow gale appreciator. i love gale's epilogue SO MUCH it made me feel for a bit like maybe the writers had actually changed how they felt about him but. nope! silly of me to hope for that. wish i could memory wipe that whole interview from my brain dark urge style.
don't be sorry at all! 🖤 i feel the same way in a lot of ways. altho i feel the need to mention that gale's writer, jan van dosselaer, was not involved in this interview.
i started to make a meta post about this yesterday, but reading things like this from gale:
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act ii [after elminster] Player: An old man with a craving for cheese. Hardly the great wizard of legend. Gale: A wizard doesn't reach Elminster's age without enjoying their home comforts. Those who seek danger over cheese don't tend to live as long. Gale: For Mystra to have sent him... The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me. devnote: reflecting on mystra sending elminster, of all people - a powerful individual, becoming reflective. Gale: Time seems so infinite when you are young... a month is an age, a year is a lifetime... it is a strange feeling, to realise how little of it one might have left. Player: You're seriously considering doing what Elminster said?   Gale: Of course - he offered the clearest solution to our problem. All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go... devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he's saying (that he's going to kill himself). Gale: Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone... devnote: Trying to sound upbeat, not fully engaging with what he's saying (that he's going to kill himself). Gale: ...and I along with it. devnote: Still trying to sound upbeat, though this time the reality that this means he will die weighs a bit heavier
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act ii [act ii romance scene] Gale: I am terrified - I will not claim otherwise. My face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it. nodecontext: Hushed, vulnerable Gale: There is no point in running from the inevitable. Better to meet it, on my own terms. nodecontext: Resigned
as well as this:
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act ii [act ii friendship version] Gale: Yes... but there is so much to live for, and so few moments in which to house it all. Gale: Damn you. Damn you for giving me so much to care about. Our friends, our adventures... this would have been so much easier if it was just me. But it isn't. Gale: If there is a way - any way - to save all that's grown dear to me, I want to seize it. I just cannot fathom what that might be, other than to fail Mystra and condemn the world. Gale: Stay with me, will you? I don't want to think of it any more, but I don't want to be alone either.
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act iii [before the netherbrain] Player: Gale... I think we should consider using the orb as Mystra intended. To blow up the Netherbrain. Gale: I'm getting rather tired of how often those I care about seem to reach the same conclusion.
when you have this:
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and i just... couldn't finish the meta.
it's absolutely beyond comprehension for me how anyone could try to frame this as an ending that is the right one in "many ways", as the "guy who starts off annoying everyone", eating your "most priced possessions", having to "give back to the world".
for the founder of the company to say he wasn't "ready" the "first time", but he's finally "ready" now.
gale's death isn't only unnecessary, an instruction given to him by his former mentor on the behalf of a goddess, who would've sacrificed not only him but thousands of others to achieve her own goals, he doesn't want to die. he's terrified. he wants to live. he is offering this because he believes that his time has run out. because he wants his death to have purpose if it must happen. because he feels he made a mistake far bigger than he can ever make up for. because he doesn't want others to waste their chance at life like he feels he has. the will he leaves behind in the epilogue if he sacrifices himself isn't finished because he thought there would be more time. i could go on and on.
and again, the question is too... for what exactly does he need to "give back to the world"?
being perceived as annoying after coming out of what is presented as isolation and depression? asking for help with a now chronic impairment that feeds on his very soul and wreaks havoc on his body? for making a mistake? by that logic every companion deserves the same fate.
which brings me to the contrast to how most of the other companions are framed in this interview: k*rlach, "the labrador of the party". l*e'zel, "she's so young". ast*rion, "much of what he does it out of fear". sh*dowheart, "the jason bourne" and "victim of religous trauma". w*ll, "the true baldur's gate hero".
the difference is staggering. there's empathy here. there's at least a surface level understanding and/or appreciation of the characters there.
...and then you have gale.
it's alienating and disappointing to see devs have so little respect and care for their own character, as well as for the parts of their fandom who have grown attached to the character exactly for the strengths and flaws he has, for the struggles he faces and for the healing journey he can have if he is helped and lives.
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divijohm · 2 months
Can you Do When Ben Drowned Comforts Suicidal Fem!S/O (Also If Anyone is Suicidal then I Felt Sorry for Them and I Wish I Could see People Have to Care for Them or Someone have to Call Suicidal Hotline So It will Helps Them, Seriously Don't do this IRL Otherwise Suicide is Tragic)
Ben comforting Suicidal s/o
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A/n: As a person who tried to kill myself 3 times by pure rage and raw strength (unplanned) I'll base this in my experience. If you're passing through this thoughts please seek help the world isn't as shitty as media makes it look like, I recommend following @/jacobsimonsays on TikTok he tells daily good news about the world, also #hopecore is great it'll give you a lil more hope in humans ALSO step outside, even if it's just in your backyard take a little bit of sunlight, eat and drink, go for a walk, get a pet if you can, seriously it may sound dumb but as someone who's been there this helps lots. The pet specially is a great suicide prevention, you'll think of them when you're trying and (at least for me) it makes you stop, just remember to take care of the lil fella
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⚰️ He found you, rope attached to your neck, you weren't really up anything you're just going to pull the rope until you died. You were crying, but you weren't stopping anytime soon. You wanted it all to end, he had to call help because he couldn't get your grip out of the rope. You blacked out but other than that, and the rope bruise on your neck, you're fine
⚰️ then he found you, again, this time violently banging your head on the wall trying to crack your skull over he managed to make you stop voluntary, he did a quick bandage on your bleeding head but not much after that, he was worried of course but he didn't really knew how to best act in this situation so he just. Stayed there while you cried until you slept.
⚰️ The third time was what really got him, you're in the bathtub, you've used something that made your body limp, your head wasn't above water and your wrists where cut making the water a pretty light pink, he panicked so hard he couldn't help you nor get help. You're not moving, he thought you died he screamed so hard that he bleed out of his throat, someone else heard it and helped.
⚰️ "Why would you do that? Aren't you happy here? Don't you like my company? Have I done something? Is someone or something bothering you?" He asked after you finally woke up. You couldn't answer, you didn't know what was wrong, your life wasn't bad, you lived well, you had good friends, a good family, etc. Maybe you weren't cut out for this world. You couldn't answer so you cried, cried and cried some more he held you close the whole time.
⚰️ He never really asked why after that only time
⚰️ After that chat you stopped your attempts, for his sake and for the sake of your family, you would want your favorite family member and him to have to bury you, but that didn't mean you've stopped desiring death.
⚰️ You started acting more recklessly than your usual, they would notice if looked close enough, you started eating less and when you did it wasn't healthy, you've stopped looking to both sides when crossing the street, engaged more with potentially violent people, started drinking (more if you drunk already), etc
⚰️ no one seemed to notice, but Ben did, he was worried but didn't know how to approach the situation.
⚰️ After some research from his part he started taking care of you in subtle ways, taking you to those fancy healthy restaurants where there's all the junk food you like but they're made of healthy things, calling you to go to park dates so you can get sunlight and walk a bit, healthy things disguised as silly stuff
⚰️ You got a little bit better with all that, after all a healthy body is a healthy mind but still not good enough for Ben you were still acting too recklessly for his taste.
⚰️ He heard that pets help people's mental health so he got you a dog, a big one, think golden retriever or German Shepherd big. You love it.
⚰️ You're not in good health yet, you still have your super down days, but now you're better and the future looks a little bit brighter
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velvetvexations · 4 months
I'm not engaging in whataboutism when I see someone who has "death to the USA and Israel" in their header and go like, "you know there are other bad countries, right?" because I am literally just trying to ask, no seriously, why are you not concerned about literally anything else that doesn't directly affect you?
Like it sucks hard to have been so concerned and vocal about Saudi Arabia and Russia and China and Israel, for a decade now, just to see exactly one of those go viral to the point of tunnel vision.
That doesn't apply to everyone who engages in pro-Palestinian activism or critiques liberals, obviously. This doesn't even apply to everyone who hasn't gone as hard on, like, supporting Ukraine. Like, I do get that people don't have time or the capacity to talk about everything all the time. But it's just so conspicuous, you know? Where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2022? Actually, where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014? Because I was there and it felt like no one else in the West, at least not that were my age, could care less. The support Ukraine got from us in 2022 was somewhat encouraging, but it certainly wasn't a youth movement. It certainly wasn't the hardcore crowd that still dreams about a Russian dommy mommy even though the Russian Federation is the greatest example of capitalist parasitism that's ever existed.
One might say that to an extent, Israel is different because the US is tied to it. But like, we're increasingly tied to Saudi Arabia day by day, and if you want to hate Democrats, Biden shook the prince's hand - you know, the guy who famously ordered the brutal assassination of a journalist in a shockingly grotesque and gruesome way? Republicans have greatly affected aid to Ukraine and the results of the 2024 election could be game over for them if we let it.
But for as long as I've been alive foreign policy was just grown-up politics while the people who are all "voting blue means you only care about Americans" now completely ignored everything outside their window, and continue to ignore everything except this new thing that's completely taken over their brains as being what you absolutely must prioritize above all else, even doing things that would keep that issue from getting even worse.
And is that even accelerationism? Because I keep thinking "fucking accelerationists", because that's what they claim, they give it an accelerationist window dressing, but I don't think that's what it is. I think it's people who have their heart in the right place being led by lazy insincere grifters who think it makes them look smart to brag about the privilege of not having to vote because nothing will change for them personally.
So like. I want everyone to keep talking about Israel and Palestinians. I just wish they'd talk - I wish they'd give a damn - about other things too.
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Feeling Weird About Promoting Stories
Anonymous asked: How do I get over being ashamed to promote my story more? While I definitely write for myself, I like a bit of validation as well but I'm too shy and feel a bit...cheap? There's a person in my writing community who goes around begging people to read their stuff. They keep track up to where you've left comments, and then asks why haven't you commented on their other chapters. They also passive aggressively say nobody likes their stuff enough to leave comments and other things to guilt people into guilt reading their stuff. I've been encouraged by friends to market my stories more, but I just can't bring myself to do it because I feel like I'm in the same boat as this person.
(Ask was edited for length...)
First, I want to be clear that what this person (in your writing community) is doing isn't promoting themselves. It's nagging and badgering, and if they ever try that as a fiction writer, they'll have a very short career.
What they're doing is like hitting someone over the head repeatedly with a pillow. Promoting your story is like standing there holding a sign that shows information about your story. You're not asking anyone to read your story. You're not badgering them by appealing to their sympathy or sense of guilt. You're literally just saying, "Here's my story..." It's up to them whether or not they want to check it out.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with or shameful about promoting your work/product. If there was, we wouldn't have TV commercials, print ads, movie trailers, billboards, etc. The key is to do it in a way that doesn't annoy or badger your potential "customer." When promoting books and stories, that means doing it in a way that's quick, interesting to the reader, and not doing it so frequently that they get sick of hearing from you.
Many fan-fiction writers have a social media account associated with their writing which they can use to help drive traffic to their stories. So, for example, an Instagram, Tumblr or Facebook page. The link to this social media would also be shared at the bottom of each story to give fans a place to stay updated on your writing.
A promotional post would look like...
1 - A text post with a little teaser or hook:
Hi, everyone! I just updated Two Balls of Yarn over at AO3. Let's just say this is the chapter where everything goes sideways. You can check it out here: [link to story on AO3, username, or whatever]
2 - A graphic: for example, a book cover for your story, a mood board or aesthetic, a gif set, or story art, along with a caption that says something along the lines of what's up above in #1. Alternatively, it could say something like: Two Balls of Yarn, updated 9/3/23, available here...
If you're have a story in progress that you're posting every week or so, you would do such a promo post every time you update. However, once every few days or so, you might also choose to promo an older story. Depending on the social media platform, you may also want to do other types of posts occasionally, such as episode reviews (if for a TV show), reblogs of fan-art or gif sets related to the fandom, etc. You might even share links to other writers' stories that you really enjoyed.
Also, and this is SO important... 90% of success when promoting on social media is reciprocal engagement. In other words, if you want people to read, like, and comment on your stories, you need to read, like, and comment on other people's stories.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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mong---mong · 4 months
How You Met SKZ (Changbin)
Sorry for not posing for a while, I'm trying to consistent, but I noticed when i post a lot, all my post don't get noticed, and I know you guys like my stories, so I didn't want you guys to miss them! Anyway here is Changbin's Version~
Meeting Changbin was a godsend for him, even though you had just done the humane thing. You see when they met Changbin was in a relationship.
That day you were at the mall, shopping for business clothes to take on your trip to present a slide show in Japan.
You wanted something to blow them away, hopefully you would’ve gotten promoted to CEO, even though you were young only 21 but you had a drive for success. What you didn’t know at the time, is that the company you worked at was trying to collaborate with Seo Industries.
In the end would mean there was one CEO. You find yourself infront if the first store, the crowd had thinned out by this point, all you see was a well-built man in a suit, on his phone waiting on a bench outside the store.
You walk into the store, which seemed vacant minus the employees, and 4 customers that were huddled around something. You go over to the cheaper section, while you had money, you spent it well.
You gazed at the beautiful dress suits, and the dresses, when you stopped by one. A red off the shoulder dress, that had a short train at the end.
Checking the price you knew for sure, this wasn’t suppose to be in this section. It was so beautiful though, and you rarely treated yourself. So this was the perfect time.
You grab the dress, imagining yourself in it, as you go to look at other clothes. You didn’t need new ones, but you liked browsing in case there was a beautiful object that just needed to come home with you.
That’s when you overheard the girls talking. “I can’t believe Changbin gave you a $70,000, engagement ring!” Your eyes widened, and you couldn’t help but eavesdrop. 
“Well I always looked at it, whenever I had the chance to, at least he isn’t a complete idiot and catches onto things..” The lady says, you thought this was something sweet, a kind gesture. $70,000 was a bit pricey, but who were you to judge, you were about to pay $300 for this new dress.
“So Sumin, are you going to sell the ring and run off with the money?” One of the friends asked, catching your attention. “Why of course, Changbin had spent so much money on me, I’m sure he is almost out of money..” the lady named Sumin replies.
You felt your heart do a flip as you heard something you weren’t supposed to hear. You tried to keep walking, before the lady steps in front of you. 
“What a cute dress..I’ll pay triple for it, if you give it to me” the girl said, you were so angry about what you heard you forgot every bit of mannerism your parents taught you. “You won’t pay for it your fiancé will!”
The girl scrunched her face  and turned towards the door leading into the mall. “Changbinnie!” She whined.
The male that was sitting outside the store came into Sumin’s comfort. “I love that dress, and I want that for my bridesmaids, but for our seamstress to make it she’ll need the exact copy” she puts in a fake put and Changbin looks at you then Sumin.
“Well she does have it and it’s not like she stole it from you, if you already asked if you could have and she said no, then that means no, and maybe you’ll find something that you like even more!” Changbin said so positively.
He seemed like such a nice man, the lady scrunched and said. “Do you know who I am?!” She spits in your face as you say “You're a scandalous, evil woman, who wants nothing but to hurt the people that love her!”
You blurted, and she snatched the dress from your hand walking up to the counter. You never would’ve cared, or taken it too seriously. You feel in love with that dress though. You were shocked to see yourself getting so emotional.
“I can buy you anything else in this store, just please don’t take it away from me.” You said, shocked to find yourself begging.
“Hah! After what you called me, I don’t think so, and you can’t even afford some of this stuff, you probably have to get a loan for this dress alone!” She laughed, with all her friends, the only one not laughing was you and her fiancé.
You pulled a business card out of your purse and said “L/N Y/N, CFO of Shin Industries..” her eyes widen at the as she took it from your hands.
“Sounds tempting, but I don’t think you understand, I want these for my bridesmaids!” She says, and you rolled your eyes. “You mean for the wedding that your not even going to show up to, because you plan on taking your engagement ring and running away?” 
Sumin was about to slap you when Changbin’s hand stopped her. 
You watched the couple fight, and it ended up with you having the dress, Changbin having the engagement ring, and a couple that broke up.
“I’m so sorry, for all the drama…I caused.” You said guilty as you bowed to him. “Don’t be, you just saved me from marrying that woman..”
You nodded feeling shy as you gripped the dress, “I should pay you back for the dress, since she used your card..” you said, grabbing you wallet. “No need, think of it as a thank you gift..”
You smiled and said “Atleast let me do something for you..” Changbin smiled and said “Your very persistent..fine, try on the dress, and we’ll call it equal.” Shocked by the request you go into the changing room, and change into dress. 
You step out onto the platform, and look at the mirror, Changbin was behind you a smile on his face. “What do you think?” You asked. “My opinion doesn’t matter, look into the mirror, and ask yourself what you think.”
You smiled looking at yourself. “I think I look stunning..” Changbin grinned, “I couldn’t agree more..”
The length is not biased towards the artist, I just have different I ideas for different stories!
Have a wonderful day~
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gaogaigoatgrrl · 7 months
i get the feeling the transmasc thing isn't just surface-level what-it-says-on-the-tin stuff, so i gotta ask what's the actual problem for us with transandrophobia? it just looks like a word like transmisogyny (though structured differently) so i don't really understand what the immediate problem is
you have to understand that a significant part of the reason the term "transmisogyny" exists in the first place is that everyone (generalizing), including tme trans people, routinely treats trans women and transfems like absolute dogshit, and they get away with it because they have privilege over tma people.
i'm not just talking about being mean. i'm talking about denying us community support, pushing us into precarity, then taking advantage of our desperation to use us as scapegoats and sexual objects and throwing us away when we're no longer useful. it's not just cis men who do this. tme people in general engage in this bullshit. i've been on the receiving end of it myself, specifically from transmascs.
there is no "equal but opposite" counterpart, but some (but not all) tme trans people are immature enough that when they hear tma people trying to develop terminology to name this dynamic, their first thought is "hey, no fair! why don't i get a fancy oppression term too?"
in the past, it was en vogue to just deny the existence of transmisogyny outright, or to use semantic trickery to claim that it affects all trans people (the latter method is gaining popularity again, however). now, the angle's that everyone's oppressed in their own way, so there's no need to point fingers, right? but that ignores the fundamental nature of oppression. it's a thing that groups of people do to other groups of people to subordinate them for their own collective gain. who's subordinating men?
this is the part where someone will want to accuse me of saying that trans men aren't oppressed at all. and that's outright untrue. trans men are oppressed, and viciously at that. but that's not because society oppresses men. transphobia is just that bad on its own (not to mention when it intersects with other oppressions besides misogyny-- we'll get to that later).
tl;dr: it's bad because it gives tme trans people a way to duck responsibility for the way they treat trans women (and transfems more broadly). it obfuscates intracommunity power dynamics that regularly get transfems trapped in isolation, povery, and homelessness and killed and makes them easier to avoid addressing. if everyone involved were cis, it'd be easy to see this for the antifeminism that it is. i was seeing manosphere circles (mra, mgtow, incel, pua, etc.) use a lot of similar arguments and talking points in a cis context ten years ago.
i should cap this off by saying that transmisogyny isn't the only power dynamic that bears mentioning within trans circles. racism, particularly antiblack racism, is also a significant problem in similar ways (arguably worse), and white trans people (like myself) should not be dodging responsibility for that either. all of us have a responsibility to make sure that the most vulnerable among us do not get left high and dry, and i believe that in general it is both ethical and strategically smart to work in solidarity with other oppressed groups that sometimes overlap with our own. there are tme trans people who share this insight wrt women, and i am grateful for their willingness to stand up for us.
liberation does not come from sweeping conflicts like this under the rug, but from treating them like real problems that need to be taken seriously and actively worked against. fundamentally, my beef with transandrophobia theory is that it interferes with this process and is therefore anti-liberatory.
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