#'free to imagine your own ending' type beats
cheswirls · 6 days
cant believe it's been 12 full weeks of jellyfish can't swim at night and now it's overrrrrrrr noooooo
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spitdrunken · 5 months
i am absolutely insane about your headcanons with the vee's, my mind is so full now... this is exactly what i was hoping to find when searching through the hazbin x reader tag after watching the episodes 👁️🙏🏻 please i'm so!! the being a writer for the vee's imagine is such a good idea, val and his.. comment especially got to me..
also, for your consideration:
Val — or all of the Vee's, really —, but, in the beginning, he's really not convinced about the quality of your dialogues, despite all the lines he's read (or, well, has had Vox read to him), so naturally you have to read your previous stories out loud to him, cheeks flushing and squirming when it gets to particularly graphic scenes and his gaze on you is so very heavy, smoke caressing your jaw while you stumble over your words.. It's worse if you've written about them and a character who resembles you, and Val's smile widens when you skip from story to story, mentioning the character — definitely not you — sucking Vox off, bending over willingly for Val and begging for Velvette to touch her, or even take all three of them at once, greedy...
Also the. love potions Velvette makes have me feeling things.. Her or Vox but they might end up putting a drop or four into your glass — purely accidentally, of course! —, and...
this is terrible.. my mind is too full now... i might have to post writing for hazbin now and it is your fault alone.. (affectionate; truly, I've enjoyed your thoughts so very much!! thank you for sharing!)
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :D!! I had an absolute blast writing it myself, and I've been thinking about it lots!! Your ask made it even Worse (/pos) and I simply had to write more!! Please please please let me know if you write something for Hazbin, I can tell from your ask already that it'll be wonderful! And if you ever wanna chat about these guys, feel free to message me again, haha.
Notes: power imbalance, sexual harassment, heavily dubious/noncon due to love potion usage.
The fact Vox even bothers at all to take the time to sit Valentino down and read to him is already a show of your quality— He really wouldn’t go through wrangling him like that for just anyone, especially not with Val getting a bit pissy when being reminded your works were being compared to his. He needs to be told that, obviously, Val, some mere written words are never going to compare, especially not in earnings, to his creations. This placates Valentino. But all Vox gets for his efforts are a lazy flick of one of Valentino’s four wrists, his eyes not even looking at him. “Look, I still think it fucking sucks. But if you wanna hire them so badly, whatever. I’ve got better shit to do than listen to daddy’s horny story-time.” Suffice it to say, he becomes a lot more… Amiable (poor you) once you’re actually working there, and he has a face to attach to the stories. He can tell upon first glance that you’re one of those pathetic little hermits, too scared to leave your own shitty apartment, barely scraping by— He’s recruited plenty of those types as whores, after all. So easily pushed around that it shouldn’t give him nearly as much satisfaction as it does.
When Valentino practically demands you join him in his room and read your previous work to him, you sputter out protests, heart skipping a beat. Every employee in the company has something bad to say about this man, and so he’s about the last person you want to be caught alone in a room with. Especially not his bedroom.
“Ah, sir, I’m not really sure—“ But he’s already wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders, pulling you flush against his side as he drags you through the halls. The first thing that strikes you is how different the texture of coat is than you were expecting. It doesn’t even feel like anything at all. “Oh, sweetheart, call me Valentino. No need to be so unfamiliar with each other.” He practically purrs, a single finger tracing up the contours of your chest. “I feel like we’re going to get quite familiar.” If all the alarms weren’t ringing in your head before, they most definitely are now. But there’s nothing you can do. His grip on you is tight and, underneath his red coat, you can feel the hard metal of a pistol pressing against you.
He takes you to his room, walls covered with posters featuring himself, and you hardly have the time to look around before he sits you down on one of his red couches, still caught underneath one of his arms. It’s hard to think, much less speak, as Valentino starts to prod you to pull out your phone and start reading. “No need to be shy. You’re such an artista, aren’t you? Don’t keep me waiting.” It’s easy, at first. When the scene hasn’t grown explicit yet, and you can pretend you’re only reading the text out loud to yourself like you always do, making sure the sentences sound right. But Valentino makes it hard for you to distract yourself entirely. He rubs circles on the skin of your thigh, and the smoke from his pipe has long since been the only thing you can smell. The red smoke makes your head a little hazier, tongue a little looser— Though that all just might be because you’re not getting enough oxygen. Your every muscle is tense and, you think, this is what being a prey animal must feel like. The first time you stutter out the word ‘cock’, Valentino barks out a laugh, loud and sudden, entirely contrasting with the sultry demeanour he’s been putting on the whole time. You jump, gaze flickering from the screen to his face, before continuing. It gets worse when you realise exactly what story you’re reading out loud to him, one of the ones you’d never even posted anywhere, so utterly self-indulgent and poorly thought out that you regret it with every ounce of your being. (Unbeknownst to you, Vox has already read every draft you’ve ever typed up, but that’s neither here nor there.)
“Sorry, can I maybe, um, read a different one?” You practically squeak out. “I realised I have some better drafts, and…” “No,” Valentino shuts you down, tone temporarily harsh. “Don’t get too fucking cocky now, you’re already taking up enough time as it is. Shit’s about to get interesting, finally.” He’s saying all of this as if he wasn’t the one to drag you there in the first place.
So you trudge onward, reading as fast as you possible can, just trying to tough it out. As you read about a scared, unaccomplished demonic main character catching the eye of a trio of some of the most famous demons in town—through entirely unrealistic circumstances—you can see his grin grow wider from the corner of your eye. His nails dig into the flesh of your thigh, the smoke surrounding your face turning to caress your cheeks.
“So, let me gets this straight… You wrote about a trio of powerful demons with matching names, taking turns fucking an absolute nobody silly. One of them’s a pimp, the other a fashion designer, and the other a business man.” Valentino doesn’t give you the chance to respond. “Greedy little slut. You even chose this one specifically to read out to me, huh? Seems I got you all wrong,” he hisses out. “This must be a dream come true for you, isn’t it?”
Let’s just say that you got enough ‘material’ to write another four or so stories, just from that line alone.
----- A drop of love potion, and models always behave the absolute best, or so Velvette thinks! (As long as you don’t put in too much. It’s very hard to take good pictures when the girls keep trying to kiss you.) No bitching, no whining, only an easy to pose, cute demon to work with. And if she dresses you up in clothes that reveal more than they obscure, purely for her own enjoyment and usage, who’s going to blame her?
Certainly not you. You won’t remember a single damn thing. Not even the parts where you babble on about how pretty and gorgeous and cool she is, and how you’ve admired her for so long— All things she’s heard a million times before. Normally, she wouldn’t care less about it, but such words coming from someone with only a drop of her potion in her system means they’re all the absolute truth. She thinks it’s almost cute when it’s coming from you, really. ------------ Vox, on the other hand, would be more likely to use his hypnosis on you than a love potion. Just to have a few minutes in the middle of a meeting where you’re practically putty in his hands, all of your usual anxiety and shame having slid right off of your shoulders. He doesn’t feel any guilt about it whatsoever. Having read all of your works, he finds it safe to say that this is the exact kind of scenario you would enjoy…
And even if you didn’t, he still would. He gets a bit of a thrill out of the loopy, relaxed smile on your face as you nuzzles your cheeks against his arm, professing all of the thoughts you had about him before working at VoxTech, and the ones you still have today. It’s during one of these exact moments, that he’d likely find out that Valentino had fucked you already, something he hadn’t found necessary to mention. They’ll have a bit of a discussion about that later!
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captainofthedauntless · 2 months
When Life Gives You Lemons
Rise Donatello x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: Reader's at the Lair to help Mikey in the kitchen. Mikey's caught up in something else. Donatello gives Reader a way to pass the time. No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader. Vague not-friends to might-be-friends with feelings. Set a few years post movie.
Commentary: He's much harder to write for than a certain blue menace. IDK if this even sounds like him.
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It's easy to think Donatello doesn't care.
Well... that's not true. You've seen him unveil his latest and greatest inventions- he cares so much it's impressive.
But it is easy to think he's extremely (impressively) neutral on you.
It's a kind of intense neutral that you haven't seen anywhere else.
He's polite. Or his version of polite, anyway. It's not like he avoids you, he just is neutral in a way that somehow pulls on your attention.
You can't explain how or why.
You're just aware of it the same way you're aware of his family's fondness for you. His near-apathy has the same volume as Leo's jokes and Raph's warm support and Mikey's excited integration of you into their schedules.
You call it Hamato Intensity, in the privacy of your own mind, the way they all are. It's shapeless and beyond definition, and you really shouldn't think too hard on it because it simply is the way that gravity just is, but you almost can't help yourself.
They just have a presence.
Maybe it has something to do with that Ninpō thing Mikey and April tried to explain to you. It's like magic, but it's not magic, but it's kinda magic? But then Donnie had cut in to explain that it was absolutely not magic and he had a whole PowerPoint and everything got very derailed very very quickly.
You were more confused at the end than you were when the conversation had started.
So you try not to think about it too much. You get that they're glowy and dangerous, and it has something to do with ancestral connections, and you think April's haunted, and that's just going to have to be enough.
It's a lot like how you don't quite get Donnie.
You're pretty sure he doesn't dislike you. Over the few months you've known the family, you've seen him dislike several people, and it is always extremely clear. It's sharp and hazardous and can be a little (lot) intimidating- and he's never been like that with you. He's just dry. A little reserved.
The weird part is that it isn't really... awkward?
Like, it should be. It so should be. Right now, with you sitting at their kitchen table waiting for Mikey to get home so you can help him with his latest culinary adventure (per his request) and Donnie silently brewing coffee and typing away at his gauntlet, it should be awkward.
It isn't.
It's comfortable, in a strange way.
The realization is a surprise- one only trumped by the surprise of him speaking.
He says your name in way of greeting, and your head whips around like he'd screamed.
"Yeah?" You say, confused.
You think it might be the first time he's said it to you.
He stares at you for a beat like he's studying you, just long enough for you to start to feel out of place. "Still waiting for Michael, I presume?"
"Yeah," You repeat, no less confused. More confused, you think. "He's grabbing ingredients. Apparently Leo ate the end of something and Mike's making him portal them around to replace it," You explain (over explain? You can't tell) with a fond amusement. "Said they couldn't find it at the first place they tried, so they're making extra stops."
Something dings on his wrist, and he drops his eyes to type something into his gauntlet again. "Excellent," He says neutrally, still typing. "That leaves you free to assist me."
You blink at him, confusion growing. Again.
He seems to notice, his hand stilling on his keyboard for an almost imperceptible moment. "If... you are not otherwise occupied, obviously."
"Um, no. Nah, I'm free," You respond, finding your footing again and deciding that much stranger things have happened, really. "What's up?"
"I require an extra set of hands in the lab, to hold a circuit board in place while neither crushing nor breaking it, which- despite his best efforts and gentle demeanor- makes Raphael a less-than-ideal candidate," He explains, his typing hand coming up to twirl once in midair in a very Donnie motion of simultaneous acknowledgment and dismissal.
It occurs to you that this is the same lab that may-or-may-not have some sort of nuke tucked away in it, depending on who you listen to.
The thought is brushed away by the realization that your curiosity outweighs your caution (again).
You slip out of your chair, nodding at him. "Sounds... uncharacteristically simple," You say, testing the waters with a gentle joke at his expense.
It seems to pay off as he nods. "I assure you, the end goal is extremely characteristic," He says, and it takes you a second to realize he's- it's not joking, but it has a self-aware, playful edge to it. It's subtle, but it's there, and it catches you off-guard as two robotic arms reach out and pour a mug of coffee without him looking.
"Then lead the way."
He turns without a word, retracting one metal arm as the other brings the mug to his hands before disappearing into his shell.
You follow him to his lab, hesitating just outside as he slips right back into his element.
You've been in the lab before, but it's rare, and usually with the company of his entire family. Here, you have no cues to follow.
He glances back at you and raises a brow.
"Do I... need to take off my shoes or anything?" You ask over the synth and bass filling the room, only half joking. It feels like walking into an operating room, like you need to sterilize your entire being before you breathe on any of the impressive technology.
"No," He says simply, turning back to his workbench, "The floor is cleaned bi-daily by SHELLDON. Bi-daily, in this case, being twice-per-day- not every other."
You nod at his back. Of course it is.
You walk towards him, not quite able to resist the urge to look around. You settle for keeping it subtle.
"Here," He says, pulling your attention from an organized mess of cables and metal hanging on the wall like technologically-advanced macrame. "Hold this over here, at roughly a 59.6 degree angle."
Taking the circuit board- a foot square and heavier than you expect- you nod again, trying not to laugh as you step to his side and lift it up to rest against yet another unintelligible pile of technology. "Right. 59.6 degrees."
"Roughly," He amends, the start of a smile visible in your peripheral. He reaches out- into your space- and nudges the board into a sharper tilt, presumably finding that approximate angle for you as his metal arms grab things from the tool chest behind him.
"Like this?" You ask, trying to hold still as he pulls away.
Oddly, you almost miss his space in your own.
"Roughly," He repeats dryly.
That's alright. You aren't striving for perfection.
Roughly is fine.
You feel compelled to strive for perfection.
You swallow the urge.
He's back, hands full of drill and screws and metal hands holding more metal pieces that you can't quite see around his battle shell as he crouches slightly to look at the underside of the board in your hands.
"Slide it to the left- your left, not mine."
You nudge it gently.
You nudge it again.
"More- too much, back the other way."
You cock a brow at him- or more accurately, at his red-and-blue goggles, which show you your own reflection. You can't see his eyes, but he must see you, because he mimics your expression.
You nudge it back the other way.
"Adequate," He says in something close to approval.
It's nicer to hear than it probably should be.
"This will be an unpleasant sound. It will jostle the board. If it slides out of alignment, we'll have to reset you."
He's correct- as per usual. It's a very unpleasant sound, metal on metal combined with the whir of the drill, followed by clanging as his battle arms hand him extra pieces and parts.
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He ends up entirely beneath the metal monstrosity, supported by the two metal arms as he leans back to look up at the machine's underbelly.
You end up in a long-abandoned rolling chair. You tell yourself it's just because Mikey isn't home yet.
Eventually, Donatello calls your name.
"Four-point-five millimeter hex key."
You glance over at the little work table he'd rolled over earlier, and spot a tray of neatly organized hex keys. A closer look reveals perfectly placed labels.
One reads 4.5, so you slip it out of its slot and roll forwards to pass it to him.
"Thank you."
You hum a little acknowledgment, and kick your chair back slightly.
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"-and for some insane reason, he decided to catapult himself-" You wave an arm out in emphasis, mid-story as Donnie meticulously wires together the plates you had installed, and a third metal arm darts out to gently catch your wrist.
You stop speaking, and you stare at each other.
"Hotplate," He says after a beat.
You glance over your shoulder, and your hand is being held just shy of a metal platform on the desk behind you. There's a little red light on the front, and a bright purple sign plastered neatly below it, warning Hot. Do Not Touch. Do Not Use As Microwave.
"Thanks," You says softly. You can feel heat wafting off it now, enough to give you the impression that had he not interceded, you'd be nursing a nasty burn.
He hums and retracts the hand, tucking it neatly into his battleshell. "You were reminding me of Nardo's foolhardy ways?" He prompts, attention already returning to the project in front of him.
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Eventually, you hear Mikey holler from outside the lab, calling you.
"I guess that's my cue," You say.
Donatello does not look up. "Agreed. I appreciate your assistance."
"Any time," You say casually.
As you turn to leave, you're absolutely dumbfounded to realize you actually mean it.
You've enjoyed your stint as his lab assistant.
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"How was the lab?" Mikey asks, a little too playful for your tastes.
"Hazardous," You quip dryly, replaying the hotplate incident. "No wonder he's so protective of it."
You miss Mikey's response, mentally counting metal hands.
Donatello's battleshell has more than two.
You're pretty sure you've seen him with five before.
...So why did he need help?
"Hello?" Mikey asks gently, an innocent- too innocent- smile on his face.
"Sorry, flashbacks to my near-death experience." It's not quite a lie.
He doesn't quite buy it.
"I said if he asks you to test fit a helmet, say no," Mikey repeats.
You nod slowly. "Speaking from experience?"
"Don't worry about it," He chirps, slipping an apron over his head. "Speaking of experiences, are you ready for Angelo's All-You-Can-Beat Eggstravaganza?"
"Absolutely," You grin, happy for the change of subject.
And excited for lemon bars.
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"You're telling me-"
"Nardo, don't-"
"I teleported all over New York and the Hidden City-"
"You are in the way-"
"So that you could get your wrenches passed to you?" Leo exclaims, the picture of incredulity as he stands between Donnie and the equipment you'd helped with. "That was your grand plan?"
"I had no grand plan," Donnie responds, stubbornly sidestepping his twin. "Michelangelo had a grand plan. I was a victim, dear brother, same as you."
"Oh, of course, of course," He says, hands coming up in dramatic surrender. "Because spending time with someone you have the hots for-"
Donnie taps at his gauntlet, turning his music up over his brother while sliding back beneath his newest baby.
"-Is exactly the same as stopping in thirteen stores-" Leo continues louder, undeterred- "for a niche lemon species you eventually start to think Mikey made up!"
"And did he?"
"He might as well have, for how deep into Witch Town we ended up!"
Donatello rolls his eyes sharply, adjusting bolts above himself.
They don't need adjusting.
"If you don't come out to try their lemon bars- and sing their fucking praises- I will come in here and haul you out myself," Leonardo proclaims, ducking into Donnie's space. Persistent, unyielding, obstinate. "And I will tell everyone- everyone, you heard me- about last month and the rollerskates-"
"You are a monster."
"And I will do so in detail," Leo finishes, a smug grin on his face.
Donnie glares at him.
"We're not kids anymore, hermano," He says matter-of-factly. "You've taken on supervillains, aliens, ancient mystic entities, and all of NASA's cybersecurity-"
"-You can handle a direct conversation without hiding behind your tech."
Donatello does not respond.
Leo pats the metal chassis they're hunched beneath in lieu of touching Donatello himself and takes his leave.
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The kitchen is loud when you and Mikey present a tray of perfectly sliced, perfectly proportioned lemon bars, each presented in an adorable white paper liner and covered in a light dusting of powdered sugar.
It's loud and happy and sounds like love, and you find yourself marveling at that Hamato Intensity again as Raph and Casey bicker about the wrestling match they both watched the night before and Casey Jr excitedly asks Mikey all about the bars and April and Leo and Splinter sneak in closer to the tray, only freezing when Mikey fixes them with a dangerous glare over Junior's shoulder.
It's a lot. They're a lot.
It smells like citrus and sugar and coffee.
The coffee reminds you of the smell of steel, which reminds you of the clanging of metal, which reminds you of whirring drills and gentle nudges and self-assured sass from beneath a machine you still don't understand.
And then you're jolted from the surprisingly warm memory by Mikey sliding a lemon bar just under your nose, happily saying something about chef privileges, and the bars taste every bit as good as they smell and he's grinning broadly and your heart feels warm all over again at the happy sounds from the group you love so much.
Metal claws dip into your vision, dangling your keys in front of your face like a worm in front of a fish. "Missing something?" Donatello asks dryly, quietly, from behind you.
"Where were these?" You ask, cupping your hands beneath them and catching as the metal claw releases.
"Workbench," He says simply, his claw- and another- darting forwards and grabbing two bars by their liners. He drops one in your hands and takes the other, tucking his metal extensions away. "How did these turn out?"
"Why don't you try it and find out?"
"I like to know what I'm getting into."
"I'm biased," You shoot back, your voices similarly amused. "As a man of science, you recognize the issue here, no?"
"Touché." He takes a bite, chewing slowly, thoughtfully.
"It appears you are more-than-adequate in the kitchen as well," He says, and it feels like a compliment.
It feels like a big one.
You nod, playfully smug. "I'm happy to hear it."
You are.
The realization makes you feel a little brave. "If you find yourself needing an assistant again..."
"I'd have to be able to steal you away from Mikey."
"I think he can share."
"In that case," Donnie says, amusement in his voice as he speaks beneath the noise of his family, just to you, "I will keep you in mind."
It doesn't sound half bad, really.
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lucysarah-c · 22 days
Not sure if this is like, allowed to be answered and feel free not to of course. But reaction to Levi finding out someone tried to assault his s/o, or just hurting them in general like a more targeted instance rather than a battle, even before they are partners and could just be friends, you think more of a quick death or Levi would get sorta sadistic?
Have a great one 🐞 and thanks for always feeding us amazing works
Hi dear! Ah, no one has called me "bug" in years!!! Haha, thank you—that was so sweet of you!
Don’t thank me! Thank you for reading and stopping by my blog.
I really like this ask… Maybe because I’ve had a similar scenario in mind for my fic, but I just can't seem to find the right approach to it. I’ll try my best here! I’m 100% a "violence doesn’t solve anything" kind of person, and even when someone is truly horrible, I can't stand seeing them get hurt, especially physically. I’m that "sensitive" type, sorry haha. I feel Levi would say something similar to what my mother always tells me: "Don’t try to be more Catholic than the Pope" (a saying we have in Argentina, meaning "Don’t be too nice because people will take advantage of you. Be a little bit tough when necessary").
So, I’ll be completely honest with you: No, this ask doesn’t make me uncomfortable. But I do believe that Levi would resort to violence in certain situations. Levi killed a couple of guys just because they messed with Isabel’s hair. If his special someone (be it a friend, girlfriend, etc.) got hurt or was assaulted, Levi wouldn’t wait to see if she filed a report or went to the police.
He would simply stare at her and demand, "Who was it? Do you know them? Can you identify them?"
If it happened recently and she still shows signs of the struggle, she might try to downplay it. "It’s over now… It doesn’t hurt that much—"
"I didn’t ask if it hurt or if it was over. I asked who did it," he’d reply firmly.
She might avoid giving straight answers, trying to brush it off, perhaps out of shock, embarrassment, or fear—fear for Levi and the trouble he might get into. "I already filed a report and—"
"Have you ever seen any of those bastards behind bars because of a report?" Levi would counter. "Who was it? Give me a name."
"I pressed charges—"
"I’m sorry to break it to you, but men aren’t scared of charges. They know they can get away with it. They know they have friends who will bail them out, who will erase the charges, who will stand up for them," Levi explained. "Do you know what the only thing those assholes fear is? Being treated and beaten down the way they treat others. Beasts like them only understand their own language."
If the person responsible is someone Levi can’t directly deal with, like a higher-ranking officer or an MP, he’d still find a way to make them pay. He’d beat them up so thoroughly and probably in public to humiliate them. Levi knows the military can't afford to lose him, so while he might not be able to kill them, he’d ensure they couldn't sit straight for a long time. The most sadistic I can imagine him being is if he beats them so badly that they end up begging for mercy. And then Levi, lifting them by their hair, would say, "Don’t beg me—beg her."
Now, if the perpetrator is a regular citizen… they’re dead without a second chance. I can’t see Levi being sadistic in the sense of torturing someone, but he wouldn’t give them a quick death either.
So, that’s it. I hope I managed to write this well enough!
Thank you so much!
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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mysteriawrites · 8 months
Hey can you write about Luxiem having a crush on the reader who is also a nijisanji vtuber? I just can imagine how cute that will be
Of course I can dear requester (requestee?). Here you go!
Luxiem with a Vtuber S/O
An: I had my own idea for a vtuber wave that I’m gonna use for this but feel free to use your imagination
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You and your genmates are part of the royalty themed wave: REGALIA
Luca Kaneshiro
You were the bright and cheery royal of your wave. The stereotypical royal that brought a smile to everyone's face, was a friend to everyone, and shined bright like the sun just like our boss.
You and Luca are always goofing off during collabs. You guys usually play Minecraft and team up to prank the other members (and sometimes each other).
Luca also uses your collabs as an excuse to use his pickup lines on you so he can play them off as jokes as to not be embarrassed for being so cheesy.
You guys inevitably end up working on a cover together. Whether you work on the art, the animation, the mixing, or do vocals with him it ends up being a huge hit. Breaking 1 million views in less than 24 hours.
In group collabs you two proceed to be absolute menaces. No one is safe from your relentless trolling. Whether it's crab game, among us, Mario cart, or goose goose duck you'll have half of the branch in a fit of rage by the end. Truly a terrifying duo.
Shu Yamino
You were the mysterious royal of your wave. Your aura exuded power and beauty as well as danger.
You and Shu mainly play fighter games or fps games together. If you're good at these types of games then you make a formidable team that guarantees victory, but if not, Shu doesn't mind teaching you. He's just glad to have someone to share his favorite games with.
He also likes to play silly games with you like that bunny game. You guys are in perfect sync, and even when you're not you have so much fun laughing and talking that it doesn't matter if you beat the level or not.
I feel like you guys would have a Lego building handcam stream. No real reason it just seems right. You guys build the most intricate structure that it's honestly intimidating.
It's noticeable to everyone how much Shu loves streaming with you, because he laughs so much more. He's sillier goofier and more unhinged and having fun and the chat can feel the chemistry and positive energy a mile away.
Ike Eveland
You were the quiet, smart, and bookish royal. Always a book in hand with elegance and grace.
You and Ike partner up to play story games. If there is no in game voice acting, you two will take turns voicing different characters and putting on a whole performance for chat.
You guys also do covers together. If you don't feel confident about your singing ability, then Ike will coach you and help you build up your confidence. Man really wants to hear your voice.
You guys will also do watch a long streams of your favorite films or anime. Gushing about your favorite characters and scenes. He thinks it's it really cute when you're excited about your favorite character (and maybe just a little jealous).
At first Ike is more quiet and polite whenever you guys' stream together, but as time goes on, he becomes more mischievous and teasing. He won't admit it, but he thinks your reactions are cute (just like the rest of you) and it makes him want to tease you more.
Mysta Rias
You were the rowdy and rebellious royal. Always stirring up mischief and not letting anyone tell you what to do.
You are Mysta's emotional support when it comes to scary games. This can go one of two ways. Either you're good with horror games and you're actually helpful, or you're also bad with horror games and you're both screaming your heads off. At the end of the day though you both had fun either way (even if you can't sleep that night).
You're the voice of reason during cooking streams. Even if you're not a great cook you can't be bad as him. At the very least you manage to save yourselves from food poisoning.
You two also play silly co-op games like keep talking and nobody explodes. It's funnier when you both share a braincell and have to figure out how to work together to beat the game.
Mysta may not collab often, but you're his favorite person to collab with. You have plenty of misadventures in off collabs too.
Vox Akuma
You were the warrior royal. Always protecting others and standing up for what you believe in.
You and Vox would have cooking streams together. Whether you're good at cooking or absolute shit, you two will have fun goofing off in the kitchen and still make a meal that's at least edible.
You guys also have film discussion podcast like streams where you talk about the latest films. You discuss your thoughts and opinions about the film, but also deep things like symbolism and what the directors and actors were thinking.
You know how Vox is when it comes to Ike. Well, he's like that, but times 10 when it comes to you. Flirting with you at every chance and gushing about you every time you achieve something significant in your streaming career.
Sometimes his chat will make jokes about who he loves more you or Ike? He will answer cheekily "Why choose I have two hands~", but he always makes sure you know that he of course loves you more.
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sundrop-writes · 6 months
Decided To Break It
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Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before...
Apathy that always finds a way to break me down.
Abby confronts your abuser, and you both come out better on the other side because of it.
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Hurt and Comfort. Can be read with or without considering the canon events.
Word Count: 5,000
The Last of Us Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: reader uses she/her pronouns, themes of abuse and abusive relationships, domestic abuse, childhood friends to lovers, hurt and comfort, mentions of canon deaths and incidents of canon violence, Abby has a self deprecating inner monologue, Abby experiencing some transphobic comments (even though she is not trans in this - angry cis men are just like that), the reader’s abusive partner is a man, the reader is described as having injuries from a physically abusive incident, the reader experiencing physical and emotional abuse from a romantic partner, the reader is saved from her abusive partner by Abby (and Manny), the reader is mentioned to be wearing Abby’s clothes - but Abby is a big muscled girl so I think plus sized girls could fit her clothes (especially if they were clothes that were big on Abby), Abby calls the reader ‘baby’, some romantic involvement between Abby and the reader (but the bulk of the focus is on Abby rescuing the reader form the abuse), technically cheating - because the reader kisses Abby while she is still involved with her abusive boyfriend, Abby murdering someone with her bare fists (technically with her fists and then smothering him with a pillow), somewhat graphic descriptions of Abby beating up the abuser, happy/hopeful ending. 
A/N: Title comes from a Marianas Trench song of the same name. I have always thought of it as a very Abby song (and it’s on my Abby playlist) - I think it definitely represents her following the Fireflies and then the Wolves with them feeding her blind promises that don’t work out for her, and when she ‘decides to break it’ is when she decides to break free from the mould in order to help Lev and Yara. And in this case, the broken promises and lies are two fold - her pushing down her feelings for y/n and her seeing y/n be 'happy’ with the abusive boyfriend, and when she finally snaps is when she 'decides to break it’. I like how it fits. It could also be fitting of how someone in an abusive relationship is fed lies and empty promises and it’s difficult to break away from that.
Abby had always liked you.
She always loved you, even if she claimed over and over again, wasted her breath telling people that it was strictly the type of love reserved for a friend. 
But she refused to admit the true nature of those feelings to herself. She refused to call it love, or romance, or affection. Maybe because she didn’t even realize that’s what it was in her own mind. But she definitely had a childhood crush on you that blossomed into something else along the way. 
You were someone that Abby’s dad was always fond of when you lived with the Fireflies at Saint Mary’s hospital. And though you weren’t studying to become a medic, Jerry always pushed Abby to hang around you more because you were sweet, good natured, and bookish, and he always thought you were a very good influence on her. 
It was something that led the two of you to become fast friends. When the two of you were still so young and the world was still so small, you were each other’s biggest priority in it. 
Abby often mourned for those days like winter days mourn for summer. But she could never imagine how the two of you might get back that kind of closeness. 
Living at the WLF, you unintentionally drifted away from Abby. 
The Salt Lake Crew was always close, especially after making the treacherous journey from Salt Lake to Seattle with nothing more than a tiny glimmer of hope for their safety after the bloody massacre at Saint Mary’s. 
Abby protected you the whole way, made sure you never had to carry a gun, would have thrown down her life to save yours at any moment during the journey - especially when she was stuck in such deep depression after her father’s death. In a lot of ways, you kept her alive during those days. You kept her spirit alive, made sure she held onto the good memories of her father instead of throwing herself headfirst into the darkness. 
But when everyone integrated into the WLF, things changed. It was a very rapid shift from the group spending 24/7 together, watching each other’s backs, to everyone having different jobs based on their skills and having colliding schedules that caused them to part and spend less and less time around each other. 
Manny and Abby were the ones who ended up staying the closest - ironically, even closer than the romantic couples of Mel and Owen, and Leah and Jordan. Mostly likely because they roomed together, and they often patrolled together. 
Abby was always regretful of the fact that she didn’t get to see you more often. 
Whenever Abby saw you around, in the cafeteria or during the rare occasions when the old crew could work their schedules to get together (usually using someone’s birthday or another celebration as an excuse) she mourned the fact that the two of you were drifting apart. It seemed like the two of you were becoming more like strangers as the days went on. 
You had taken a job as a dog trainer, wrangling the many pups that the WLF raised and kept on hand, so Abby saw you most often in passing if she was checking out one of the dogs for patrol. 
She often found herself with a pang of yearning in her chest if she saw you cooing sweetly at the pups, petting them, knowing that they could tear out the throats of enemies with their teeth but cuddling with them and calling them ‘baby’ in the same breath. 
(Deep down, she was reminded of herself - how she felt rough and horrible and she often felt unlovable, but she thought someone as soft and sweet as you could still love her. She hoped that you would.)
Very often during their conversations, Manny insisted that Abby had a crush on you. He said that she always had and that he had seen it for years, and Abby was being dumb not to pursue her feelings for you. These conversations usually ended with Abby rolling her eyes and pointing the finger back to his love life, asking why he didn’t just settle down with one of the many nice girls who frequented his bed. 
The topic came up so often between them, but it was something that Abby tried not to think about. The two of you dating. The two of you being anything more than friends. It felt so fictional. Often when Manny spoke about it, it felt like a joke in her ears. 
It was something that was latent in her mind until she saw you with him.
He was some random scumbag - some new trainee who had come in from a settlement outside the city that Isaac had broken up. He had allowed some of their people in (“strength in numbers” he always said). But seeing you with him, Abby gave less of a shit about where the guy came from, and started thinking about where he was heading to and how quickly she could get him away from you. 
Seeing the way you looked at him, with stars in your eyes, entirely lovestruck, while he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear - it just made Abby nauseous.
Abby had been working with some of the new recruits. Fucking morons. Isaac had asked her to whip them into shape, her experience and skill vs their idiocy. 
It was the only reason she knew the guy. It was the only reason she could pick out his stupid face among the seemingly endless sea of people at the WLF. 
She remembered this idiot specifically. He had made sure of that. He was too cocky, but didn’t know his way around a gun. When he had gotten his hands on one of the semi-automatics, he got trigger happy and put several bullet holes in one of the concrete walls. He would have blown away half the squad if his dumbass had been two inches in the other direction. 
When Abby had snatched the weapon out of his hand and began reprimanding him about gun safety, he had gotten in her face and called her a ‘meathead’ and made some rude comments about her possibly having a dick. Clearly, he was intimidated by her size. She let him be. 
(And yeah, she did have a dick. In a box under her bed. One that the girls she and Manny shared around often joked was better than the real thing.)
It was immediately clear to Abby that you didn’t have a clue what the guy was really like. You wouldn’t have any interest in him if you knew what he was like in the field, if you knew how he had spoken to some of your friends. 
You kissed him sweetly on the mouth before you parted ways. Clearly completely unaware that Abby was watching with rage boiling inside of her veins. It was only when Abby looked at the crushed water bottle in her hand that she realized why her shoes were wet - unconsciously, she had been imagining that it was his head.
Manny chalked up her hatred of your new boyfriend to jealousy. And maybe it was. She had no other reasons to hate the guy. No good ones, anyway. Incompetency aside, he learned fast and got over his major flaws, and he quickly learned to only trash talk Abby behind her back so that she couldn’t take any real complaints about him to Isaac. 
When you brought him to Jordan’s birthday party and introduced him to the rest of the group as your boyfriend, they all seemed happy for you.
They didn’t suspect anything when he glared at you with absolute fire in his eyes as you joked around with Owen - someone you thought of as a brother. The cause of a very funny story (that the group still brought up often) when you ate literal dirt rather than kissing him during a game of truth or dare when you were all teenagers. 
Unfortunately, Abby didn’t have any evidence to back up her horrible gut feeling when you and your ‘new boo’ disappeared from the party so suddenly. When she had asked Nora, apparently you left because you were complaining about being tired.
Over the next few weeks, Abby watched you fade away from a distance. 
Your glowing smile became a dull, fake one. Whenever she saw you, you avoided her gaze. And the rare times when you would look her in the eye, she could see you crying out for help from within.
She thought she was being paranoid. She thought it was her pure spite of the man you were dating - some jealousy, a childhood crush bubbling over, the fact that she hadn’t gotten to you first. The fact that she hadn’t been brave enough to confess her feelings to you that she hadn’t even admitted to herself. 
She wanted to believe that you were fine, that you were thriving and happy in your new relationship, before she let herself think that you were actually being hurt by someone who claimed to love you.
Until one night when she was alerted by a knock on her door. 
She and Manny had just come back from a thirty hour patrol shift, and he was already dead asleep. Abby had just gotten out of the shower, combing through her long, wet tendrils as a characteristic Seattle storm thundered outside.
She rushed to put on a tee shirt along with her form fitting boxer briefs to look decent. Even though the only light in the small apartment was currently the flashes of lightning from outside as she walked across to the door. She thought perhaps she had imagined it, the sound of knuckles, the sound of someone trying to grab her attention. It would have been easy to mistake. The thunder rumbling and the rain pounding on the windows was certainly distracting. 
Nonetheless, she opened the door to check if her mind was really that far gone after such a long shift. 
She gave a small smile when she saw you standing there. Usually you didn’t take time out of your busy schedule to come and see her. 
But when the next flash of lighting came, and fully illuminated you where you stood in the hallway, it made Abby’s gut curl with a unique sickness. The look of pure fear in your eyes, the swelling of purple around one of them, the distinct marking around your neck that looked like fucking handprints, marks of thumbs attempting to press into your windpipe.
Abby felt the rage of god and intense pity, mourning and regret, her love for you swell up inside of her all at once.
She said your name in a voice so gently, a timid kindness that you hadn’t been treated with in weeks - it instantly broke you.
You broke down in sobs, muttering out ‘I’m sorry to bother you’ - but Abby didn’t let you get out a moment of apologetic self pity before she swept you up into her arms, pressing the uninjured side of your face against her chest as she ushered you into the apartment and closed the door behind you.
You clutched onto her like a lifeline when stranded at sea, balling your knuckles into the fabric of her shirt as she put her strong arms around your quivering body, cradling you. She had a heavy suspicion as to what had happened to you, but she was going to wait for you to point at the suspect before she went spinning out of control.
The commotion - the echo of your cries - easily woke up Manny, and you began to profusely apologize before he trampled over this with his worry for you. He instantly reminded you of the big brother figure who used to slide you his pudding cups before he went to arms training while living at Saint Mary’s. 
He made you a cup of tea while Abby sat you down on the edge of her bed, cradling you against her chest and waiting for you to calm down. 
When Manny saw the marks on you, he exchanged a look with Abby. He knew that whoever had harmed you would soon be experiencing infinitely more wrath than they ever thought to bring upon you.
Eventually, your sobs calmed enough for you to explain the situation to them. 
Just as Abby suspected, you ended up telling her a long tale about how this once dreamy boyfriend had turned into a monster; he had shed his skin and shown another face, and he had been abusing you for a few weeks now, hurting you in the worst ways, right under everyone’s noses. 
Abby felt a stinging type of guilt splash up into her throat, and she had a feeling that she was never going to forgive herself for letting you be around that man. 
It had started at Jordan’s birthday party. That night, he had accused you of sleeping with Owen behind his back, and you had nearly scorched your throat trying to explain to him that Owen was your long-time friend, more like a brother to you. But that had only ended with you having a busted lip for ‘lying’ to him. 
And things had only gone downhill from there. 
The most recent incident being him coming home from a patrol to find that the dishes in your now shared apartment weren’t done, and he had called you a sloppy, lazy pig. The ensuing fight had ended with him nearly strangling you to death until you broke one of those dirty plates over his head.
Abby pulsed with anger, and when she went for the door, Manny stopped her. 
He nodded toward where you were still sitting on her bed, your body still visibly shaking as you stared at the floor with a completely blank look. Thunder rolled outside and the loud sound caused your entire body to jolt, and more tears rolled down your cheeks. 
Abby’s insides ached for you. She felt guilty for not following her gut feelings sooner, for not trying to help you sooner. 
“Abs, she needs you right now.” Manny told her. “I want that pendejo dead as much as you do.” He grunted these words with intense furocity, anger, passion. He needed to protect you as badly as she did. 
Abby almost tempted him. She wanted to encourage the bad side that she knew he had. She wanted that fucking prick’s throat under her hands, struggling for breath right now. 
“But tonight…” Manny continued, putting a hand on Abby’s shoulder, pulling her from the murderous revere that he knew she was disappearing into. “She needs a safe place to fall. Tomorrow, we can go to his place with a body bag and a shovel.” 
Unfortunately, he was right. 
So, as much as she wanted to charge out the door and bring the wrath of god to the man who had hurt you - instead, she got you to drink the rest of the tea, and then she got you something oversized and comfortable to wear. 
She put you on the inside of the bed, closer to the wall to help you feel safe. 
Abby stared up at the bottom of the bunk, cursing herself for not trusting her instincts, listening to your sniffling cries. She was entirely surprised when you spoke. 
“I’m sorry.” You said, once again attempting to apologize for ‘imposing’ yourself on Abby and Manny in your time of need. As if you weren’t supposed to lean on good friends. As if these friendships weren’t founded on needing each other. “I shouldn’t be bothering you like this, I-” 
You moved to climb around Abby, moved to get out of the bed, and Abby stopped you with a gentle hand on your waist. You froze on the spot, your body half pressed against hers. She tried to ignore the tingles it sent through her, feeling you pressed up against her so close. You were vulnerable. You didn’t need her and her stupid feelings making things so messy. 
“Are you seriously going back to him?” Abby asked, her throat nearly stripped raw with rage. 
You let out a quiet whimper, and She wanted to kick herself. Of course you thought her anger was misdirected at you. 
“I’m sorry.” She doubled back, entirely quiet now. She reached up, gently cupping the back of your head, trying to soothe you. “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant, I’m sorry-” 
“It’s all my fucking fault.” You sobbed, dissolving into more harsh cries. “I should just listen better. I can be better, I can be better, I know, I just-” 
“No.” Abby growled, now entirely insulted by the idea that you would ever think it was your fault. Even if you swung first, no one ever had permission to hit you. Not on an earth where Abby was breathing. If anybody ever laid their hands on you, no matter their stupid reasons, they deserved to have it come back on them twice as harsh. “It’s not your fucking fault. Not a chance, baby.” 
‘Baby’ - the word slipped from her lips before she could stop it, and at first she hoped that you wouldn’t hear it over your own chest shaking cries. 
But it seemed to soothe you. In a moment, your sobs quieted down, and you melted into her, your body going lax against hers, laying on top of her in a way that she had quite literally only dreamed of. 
“Abby-?” You croaked out, not daring to ask if your ears had been mistaken. 
“You deserve so much better than that.” Abby replied, her voice quaking with passion and the intense purity of her declaration. “So much better than whatever that fucking asshole has been giving you.” 
You lifted your head from where it had fallen on her shoulder then. Your eyes were glassy with tears, the one still swollen and bruised from where he had hit you, possibly worse now as the injury truly set in. Abby reached over and grazed a thumb oh-so-lightly over the ring of the bruise, cursing it for existing in her mind. You bored into her soul as you stared her down, looking for any trace in her eyes that what she was saying was a feigned comfort, rather than her undeniable truth. 
“Like you?” You posed, the words so quiet on your lips that the breath barely escaped. 
It was a fantasy. It was a far-off dream. 
But still - Abby put a hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into a gentle, entirely sweet kiss. It was a promise. She was never going to let anyone hurt you again. 
In those moments, laying in her bed in the dark, it felt more like a dream. She was too perfect. It couldn’t be real. 
When you pulled back from the kiss, your gentle breaths puffing across her now wet lips, the words got caught in her chest. 
‘I’m going to kill him.’ 
That’s truly what she wanted to say to you. In her mind it was a comforting promise, but she knew that to you, it would sound much more like a foreboding threat. 
She chose something else instead. 
“It’s okay.” She told you quietly. “Go to sleep now.” 
You nodded lightly, and relaxed against Abby once more, tucking your face into her neck. She felt comforted by feeling your gentle breathing against her skin. You fell asleep curled up tight to her body, clutching fistfuls of the blanket and her shirt as the anxiety crept back in while you slept. Abby continued to fitfully go over it all in her mind, wondering how she could have let this happen to you. 
Sometime that night, she did fall asleep (likely from the pure exhaustion of a thirty hour tour). When she woke up - you were gone. Somehow, you had sunk around her sleeping body and disappeared. 
The mind games of your abuser were in full effect; the things he had said to you dancing around inside your head. Even though Abby and Manny didn’t know it, you were on your way to apologize to him for supposedly starting the previous night’s argument. 
Both your friends were struck with worry, and they dressed quickly in order to search for you. 
They thought the best game plan would be to head to the cafeteria, to start asking around to find out if anyone had seen you. Abby was surprised when she got to the cafeteria and easily spotted you among the faces. 
She found that rage boiling in her stomach once again when she saw that you were talking to him. 
It was a feeling that quickly turned blinding when the word ‘whore’ was thrown at you. 
Apparently he believed that because you wearing one of Abby’s shirts (the clothing you had slept in and kept on) it meant you had fucked her, and you were cheating on him yet again. It was a grand conspiracy, because you had never cheated on him with anyone before. (Other than when you had kissed Abby, seeking comfort the night before.) 
But all of that was a mere blur at the back of Abby’s mind. 
She felt herself snap when you moved to walk away from him and he grabbed your wrist with an abrasive roughness, jerking you back toward him. 
Without hesitation - without even considering any earthly consequences, Abby charged toward him. When you saw her large, intimidating form appear behind him, your eyes lit up like a deer in headlights, but he didn’t seem to notice her coming. That would be his demise. He was too hellbent on torturing you to pick up on anything else. 
It gave Abby the perfect opportunity. 
She grabbed the back of his collar and lined up a punch. The impact to his nose caused him to drop the grip on your wrist, and you cupped your hands over your face to muffle a gasp as you watched the fountain of blood spatter out from the hit. He screamed out, starting on some kind of protest, but Abby landed another hit on his jaw with a curled fist. This sent him hurtling toward the floor, landing flat like a starfish on his back, only semi-conscious at this point. 
She had gathered the attention of everyone in the room by now; random strangers who stared with shock and awe as she stepped toward him and put a knee in the middle of his chest. Some people began to cheer at the very one-sided brawl as Abby continued to brutalize the man, pummeling his face with her fists, completely fuelled by her intense rage, intent on punishing him for even thinking about hurting you. 
You yelled a protest, and moved toward her, wanting to stop the violence. But immediately Manny thought better of anyone getting between Abby and her target, especially in this state of intense blinding rage, so he caught you by the shoulders and held you back. He simply let you collapse into his chest and cry as Abby continued to bruise her knuckles on the man’s stupid face. 
Owen was the only one brave enough to push through the crowd, grabbing Abby’s elbow and screaming her name. He dared to pull her off the unconscious, nearly dead man as she continued to pant like a raging bull. 
Abby didn’t even have time to bandage her knuckles before news of the incident got back to Isaac. And then you, her, Manny, and Owen got called up to his office at the FOB to explain why one of the newbies was in a coma after being beaten half to death in the middle of the cafeteria. On her way to the trucks, Abby caught Nora by the elbow and tried to convince the medic to smother your ‘boyfriend’ with a pillow. Nora said she would if she could get a moment alone in his room in the medbay. Naturally, she trusted Abby’s judgment enough to know the guy was a scumbag without having to ask why. 
Abby was the first one to be called into Isaac’s office while you sat in a chair in the hallway. You were still crying hysterically; upset that it had come to such intense violence, shocked that you had witnessed something so bloody, and terrified that Abby was now going to get in trouble with Isaac because of you. 
Manny and Owen waited with you; Owen trying to get the full story out of you and Manny sheltering you, trying to get Owen to lay off his questioning, seeing as you were still sensitive and shaken from almost being murdered the night before. 
When Abby sat in the chair across from Isaac, she crossed her arms and slouched, spreading her legs wide, her jaw still absolutely tight with anger. She made no effort to hide her bloodied knuckles. 
Isaac cleared his throat loudly before he spoke. 
“Now I know, if you tried to kill that man, you had a damn good reason to.” He said, giving Abby the benefit of the doubt. “What did he do?” 
“He knows what he did.” Abby huffed out, almost too angered to think about it without spiraling out into another rage fit. 
Isaac glared at her, obviously wanted a better explanation than that. 
“If he’s unfortunate enough to wake up, you can ask him about it.” She gritted through her teeth. 
Isaac sighed hard. “Now, that’s not very helpful, Abby.” 
Hatred churned in Abby’s chest. She hated having to speak it aloud, but she supposed it was necessary. She hated that Issac was putting you through this, rather than simply believing that Abby knew what justice was when she saw it.  
“He tried to kill Y/N.” Abby said, hot, rage-fuelled tears gripping at her throat. “He’s been abusing her.” 
Isaac did need to confirm the story with you, and you insisted that Abby sit in the room with you while you talked to him. Isaac was someone you found vastly intimidating because you rarely had to deal with him. 
Abby stood behind your chair with a comforting hand on your shoulder while you spelled out the entire thing, Isaac listening quietly - the bruises on you were more than enough proof for him, and he had Manny come to collect you and get you some water and some tissues while he told Abby how the whole thing should be taken care of. 
“When you get back, tell Nora to pull back the young man’s medical care. I don’t need him wasting resources.” Isaac instructed, firm and simple. 
He was a practical man, and Abby admired that. 
“If he somehow miraculously pulls through, we’ll… deal with him then.” Isaac continued. Abby nodded. “Next time something like this happens, deal with it more privately. Shooting a rabid dog in public frightens people. You know I trust your judgment on these matters, but… I don’t need others questioning you.” 
“Yes sir.” Abby quickly agreed. 
They took you back home and Manny took you back to their apartment to help you get settled, saying something about ‘right way to cook eggs’ as he took you down the hallway. Abby knew he would keep you distracted while she took care of business. She then visited the medbay to give Nora that note about ‘withdrawing’ the scumbag’s medical care. Which in reality, just meant that Nora guarded the door while Abby smothered the guy with a pillow, not to take any chances. 
Over the next few weeks, Abby made sure that you would be safe. She moved you into her and Manny’s apartment, ensuring you would be close by to start you on a road to better healing, and even though it was tough - things did go up from there. 
You found it easier to heal and get back to being your old self while being close by to your friends, and if you realized the feelings you’d had for Abby the whole time - that was just a bonus. 
It was something you reflected on one morning as you tossed a tennis ball to one of the dogs. You weren’t expecting Abby to come by - you didn’t think she would be collecting a dog, you didn’t think she had a patrol that day. 
“Are you checking someone out?” You asked, reaching down again to grab the tennis ball from Bear’s mouth when he brought it back to you. You took a moment to pet him, scrubbing behind his ears as he gratefully leaned into the touch. 
“It’s my day off.” She reminded you. “I just wanted to come check up on you.” 
You gave a grin at this. Even if you hated what that man had done to you, done your mind and your life - you did like how it was bringing you and Abby closer together again. 
“This is the easy part of my day.” You told her, looking down at Bear with fondness. “If you treat them right, they never bite you back.” 
Abby’s expression faltered from lightness, just for a moment. She knew it had a double meaning. You still believed that the whole thing had somehow been your fault. 
She gently reached out and took the tennis ball from your hand, tossing it far to the other end of the fenced in yard, causing Bear to run after it. It was a temporary distraction away from the dog so that you would have to face her. 
Abby knelt down beside you, where you had been crouching at Bear’s level, and cupped your face very timidly in her hand. You leaned into the touch, now locked in her precious gaze as she gathered the right words for you. 
“You are a good person, Y/N.” Abby told you firmly. “You deserve nothing but goodness in return. And anybody who treats you with anything less than kindness is someone who has evil in their heart. And they deserve to suffer because of it.” 
Tears clouded your eyes at the pure sincerity of her words. 
“Abby-” You croaked. 
Before you could get caught up in possibly arguing with her, Bear came barreling back, and dropping the ball in your lap once again. He then licked a large stripe up the side of your face, and you dissolved into laughter because of it. 
Abby wanted to get used to hearing that sound.
A/N: This is a standalone one, so please do not ask me for a sequel to a continuation to it. If you enjoyed this, please comment about the body of work that I have already written, and if you want more, feel free to check out the numerous other Abby fics that I have on my TLOU Masterlist. Thank you!!!
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mysteryanimator · 2 months
I love your animations, but I'm still struggling to view them without thinking about their last canon interaction. Can you tell me what you envision their makeup would be like?
(Lol I’m so sorry to all the ppl who work on Nocturne reading this 💀 and just generally everyone)
Thank you so much that means a lot! But now, you’ve unveiled my trap card and given me an excuse to write my thoughts on Mizrak and Olrox, so this will get pretty long. Also, this may end up being very subjective/personal taste in some parts so I hope everyone doesn’t mind (and hope you don't mind the funky grammar!) This is an open discussion too, I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts! 
Now with that out of the way here we go!
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(This is old unfinished storyboards for a previous iteration of their makeup scene I did back in jan, never finished them due to uni/another project, I'd like to someday tho because guh the themes.)
Now first of all, I’d like to think that a proper makeup/conversation wouldn’t happen for a bit and would be drawn out because they’re both still hurt, angry, sad, and confused at not only each other but themselves. They’re not the type to get into loud verbal arguments for this, definitely some verbal jabs at each other though. Mean petty comments, oh absolutely. I’d like to personally believe they’d still yearn for each other, perhaps even more so after Olrox indirectly confessed and Mizrak practically turned it down. 
Now, there are soooo many different ways that they’d even see each other again, many different ways it could come to that initial point where they’ve made up. Though I’ll go with one of my personal idea (which people keep egging me on to animate WHICH… I dunno I don’t have free time rn so I’m just blurting it out into written format while I can 😭 I want to though, maybe later in the year for fun if season 2 doesn’t beat me to it). 
Have to establish my vision, but I’d think that Richter, Maria, Annette, Alucard and Mizrak are hopping from abandoned town to abandoned town due to the inability to return to Macheoul for the time being. While Olrox has been on his own (doing what, I’m not even sure my personal headcanon for this.) I think Alucard and Mizrak have a conversation about Alucard’s past in a group setting and it strikes a chord with the monk- since after all, Alucard’s dad is THE Dracula, and his mother (bless her, I miss her) is human. You know how that whole backstory goes, and it parallels Olrox a lot. Also Mizrak and Annette will absolutely have a deep conversation too. Just solely from the comment that was made: 
“We’re all descended from gods, we just have to learn how to draw their power.” Nocturne s1 ep 2
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Annette clearly having powers from Haitian gods, absolutely challenging how Mizrak was only certain of one God. Yes, Mizrak is extremely stubborn and it will take him a bit, but he’s different from the Abott in the sense that he will not let religion blind his path to good. He ‘uses his head’ as said before, not god, not the church- his head. Mizrak’s idea of the church and his faith is now a mess and it’s up to him on how he interprets it and rewrites it knowing what he knows now (this is important I swear when it comes to the makeup scene).
Now we’re at the actual scene at hand: Olrox and Mizrak making up.
Side note: oh god I’m practically writing this whole thing as if its going to be played out for an episode, but that’s how it works in my brain LOL but you asked so you shall receive. I am so sorry HAHA
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There’s been a lot of build up from this point where they have been meeting up here and there by themselves, but you can clearly tell whenever they do they both hurt and yearn- which would lead to their proper makeup scene. I’m just inserting this for fun, but I’d imagine this would take place in an abandoned church in the town they’re camping in for the night. For a lot of symbolic reasons; devotion, sacrifice, forgiveness, gathering. This along with the simple fact, Mizrak’s relationship to the church has changed completely from here. I’d like to think that even when he’s trying to rekindle that connection with God, it leaves that icky overcoat on his skin. 
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“Faith is a company in the hardest of times, when the world abandons you.” Nocturne ep 3
The church indeed had saved him from whatever terrible horrific thing happened to him in the past, however whatever saved him can still be horrible and terrible too. It is infallible.  It is cruel in an attempt to gather community and peace. So, yes- faith can be company when the world abandoned him, but his faith is no longer with the church. He’s taking it back and finding some place else to rest it. (Olrox, it’s Olrox, probably ooc but I’m making it Olrox). 
In this church, the conversation between them will initially start as a discussion about religion, faith and that whole sort of deal. It’ll open up about Mizrak exact struggles from his mouth and how he particularly feels about it, then we get more insight onto Olrox’s thoughts, his perception of the church and perhaps even a deep dive into Aztec history again. Maybe even talk about Olrox’s Quetzalcoatl form, though really this is self indulgent. It’s an aspect I’d absolutely love to be explored and I think it being discussed in revere in a Catholic Church,  with Mizrak actually being open to it due to his new perspective? Oh my god, sign me up. Regardless, it would hold similar energy to episode 6: Gulity Men to be Judged. There’s a weight to it. 
Then it gets heavier when the conversation pivots.  
Mizrak’s attachment in the church was due to him caring about people and, hypothetically, to save him from whatever detriment came for him in the past. The last canon interaction, their falling out they had in season 1 was because he cared about others. To a fault. Now, here he is, standing in front of someone he cares about. It’s going to open a conversation between what’s happening between them and finally properly discuss what happened from their last canon interaction in nocturne season 1. 
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A lot of finger and hand brushing from Olrox, which at first I’d think gets no reaction as an attempt for restraint before Mizrak warms up to it and even reciprocates by doing the same thing. All of this is very gentle in my opinion. It’s slow, tender, and most importantly vulnerable. It has the physical contact reminiscent of their first fast rough and tug in the courtyard and piggybacks off the vulnerability they both have when they both stand next to the window in episode 6. They probably also just physically get closer to each other at the moment. Just gradually though. The distance gets closer and closer until their foreheads are practically touching without them realizing it. They’re comfortable though, they don’t want to leave. 
They absolutely get to a point where they both admit to saying “I love you” without straight up saying “I love you” because that’s just a very them thing. Or maybe they do straight up state because Olrox does admit he was in love (with his partner) and doesn’t shy from that fact. It’s a nice conversion of the trope and great to hear from a mlm couple to say I love you… but man do I do love when characters get all poetic-y when their profess their devotion to each other by literally talking in prose, so maybe with good writing both can be done and still be quite powerful but still be gentle. 
In my interpretation YEAH I’LL MAKE THEM KISS AFTER THIS, this is my vision after all. Also, yeah they’re gonna fuck. In the church? Perhaps. Is it a tad OOC, maybe. HOWEVER, consider imagery and symbolism. I just think the image of it would be great, even if it was censored to hell and back, it can be so artistically done. Just imagine the implication alone with me for a second. I think the whole concept of doing it in a church is an interesting build upon the quotes from the show;
“God is not here. This church is an empty box.” From the first Castlevania series.
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“House of God? This place is just a heap of bricks and stone.” From Nocturne said by Maria. 
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The church is a husk, especially having it abandoned- it’s rather what you do with that box that makes all the difference. The people inside are the driving force, so I think it’s both poetic and funny to have Mizrak and Olrox fucking in an abandoned church. Surface level: fuck you god I’m fucking my hot vampire boyfriend in your house. Deeper level: I could write a whole thing on this but I’ll refrain. You can get the gist of breaking free of restraint, and devotion and letting himself be human, rather than a soldier (which he already slowly does). 
Though also this sex scene isn’t necessary, I just like exploring explicit content in artistic ways, especially if I can throw in religious symbols and heighten that hunger/devotion to a person- but the “I love you” in the church is pretty powerful already.  
Then after all of this they take it at their own pace. However, they only live life once and continue together like that- they both know this concept very well because of the very nature of who they are, so they spend it in each other’s company. 
Now you also get the squad’s reactions, well namely because I do not think this would be an easily hidden thing. Like absolutely could get away with it in season 1, but everyone will know something is up for sure in my iteration. The 'hypothetical' Mystery Animator season 2 iteration. As subtle as their longing stares and quiet hand touches may be reserved for just them- those little interactions are loud.
Richter would absolutely be in shambles over Olrox, the killer of his mother, and Mizrak being a thing. Both in a “this is the most horrible thing that’s happened in my life” and also a he’s going to be an absolute shithead to Mizrak and make fun of him, lightheartedly of course. Alucard would absolutely have an interesting perspective because again, his parents. Maria already has disdain for the church plus the “vampires are evil… and evil has to be fought.” However, in the presence of Alucard, I think a lot will change because he’s half-vampire. Annette, I’m unsure of what her reaction would be, because I’m very sure she’d be receptive to Alucard being a vampire and then would appreciate Olrox’s mindset and values. However, gonna keep hammering, Olrox killed Julia Belmont which I feel will be comedically hammered in if Olrox decides to hang around the squad occasionally. 
And with that, we’re done! (I think)
Thank you for reading 🫶 this probably will not happen in cv s2 but it’s fun blurting out my hc. I’m really excited to see what they do, and even perhaps even go in the opposite direction due to episode limitations… maybe a season 3 👀 who knows.
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Reference from Brooklyn 99, how would some of the boys react if we just said "If I run and leap at (Name), he will most certainly catch me in his arms" and then proceeded to run full force at them while they're carrying stuff. (You can just ignore this if you don't understand this or don't want to do this.)
I was given 'some' and immediately ignored my own rules and did 'all', that's fun.
Still, finally cracking down and writing all *checks notes* 2 requests I've gotten.
(Please feel free to send in requests, I'd love to have more to work with)
Oh it is such a rough thing for poor Nimh.
Problem A), the call alone is a little jump scare to him, and now his heart is freaking out
Problem B), he’s now faced with the dilemma of either dropping everything, or letting you eat shit on the pavement. He’d like neither to happen, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could do both
He eventually commits to catching you, but that just leads to
Problem C), he is not very strong and he can barely hold you
Give him the courtesy of keeping a foot on the ground to balance out your weight, yeah?
You joke about it sometimes before you ever commit to the bit
And every single time you do he insists to you that he will make zero effort to catch you
But you know Volks very well at this point.
And you know, among other things, that he is a dirty fucking liar
So you can only imagine your personal childlike glee when you finally do it and he does, in fact, catch you without hesitation 
He insists it’s because if you fell and like, broke your elbow or something, that’d be terrible. Medical bills and all that.
For his sake, you’re ignoring that his face is growing redder by the second. 
No hesitation 100% of the time
First of all, holding you is extremely easy for him, but also he just finds carrying you to be romantic as hell
Oh he’ll cringe if he happens to be dropping something heavy, like a weight, but he still goes for you, that’s his priority
Still, he likes looking for opportunities to show off, and carrying you around like it’s nothing is prime show off material.
He might even get in a couple squats. He knows they go appreciated.
It’s a coin flip with Eli
Though if there’s a chance you’d genuinely injure yourself he’ll probably catch you
But it’s fair game to just let you crash if it’s carpet or grass. Because he thinks it’s just a little funny. 
He also occasionally makes you pay the ‘catch tax’ 
It’s 5 dollars to at least partially make up for the drink that just died on the ground for your goofs.
Really, shame on you, you should know better.
He makes no attempt to catch you
In fact, he finds the way you end up crashing into the wall kinda funny. 
Like watching a cat really fuck up a jump.
Beyond the fact that he’s kind of a stickler with his physical contact to begin with, a lot of the things he carries around are very easily breakable
So yes it’s rude, but frankly he’s not about to shell out 1000 dollars for a new laptop because you thought you could make a goofy point- because you couldn’t.
Garret doesn’t even miss a beat
He’s got you held up in one arm and whatever it was he was holding cradled in the other
While he thinks that it was certainly an odd thing to do, it was pretty cute.
Not hard to do. He thinks most things you do are cute.
Gives you a little kiss and gently sets you back down
Don’t get overconfident though. If he’s holding an animal, the animal gets priority. They’re more fragile.
He still feels really bad about it though. You think he might cry
Dmitri also goes for the catch every time
It adds to his suave and romantic charm, obviously.
However, as the type to prioritize romance over basic logic on occasion, he’s also prone to forgetting that he’s often holding his drink of choice
No it’s fine that his foot just got doused in hot coffee, no he’s not getting a third degree burn
Appreciate the romance, he’ll go see someone about it later
Like Anon, Ichiban hesitates, because if he’s holding something, it’s likely expensive. 
However, unlike Anon, he makes the fatal mistake of still trying to catch you
And it worked maybe once. He’s still riding that high though.
He can handle it!
…But also this case of shenanigans that he has never told you to stop doing has cost more in equipment that either of you are ready to admit out loud.
You may or may not have pitched in to replace several cameras, controllers, and lavaliers 
He tries very very hard to get you to stop charging him before contact is made
It’s a flurry of paperwork, because he does catch you
Says it’s the least he could do as the doting boyfriend he is
Though he does awkwardly dismiss himself from in after a moment. 
While carrying you around is quite romantic, he won’t disagree with that, but also those papers were kind of important and he should get those together ASAP. 
People have pets in need, and they can’t get it without the information getting where it needs to be.
He promises to give you a good cuddle once it’s all sorted, however.
There’s a very direct correlation between what exactly he’s holding and how okay he is with dropping it to scoop you
Electronics? Hard no, those are pricey to replace
Instruments are also frequent victims, and it depends on its fragility.
He tried to catch you with his leg once, except all he actually did was end up kicking you in the gut on the way down
He apologized about it for fifteen minutes straight. 
But if it’s something sturdy, he has no problem with chucking it straight down and scooping you up into a whole ass cuddle. 
Oh please don’t do that outside 
He’s fine with it inside and at night. It’s very attractive, even. Smooth and charming as he sweeps you off your feet before you can even make the jump.
But in the middle of the day it’s very bad for both of you
He can’t hold his parasol and you at the same time, it’s not happening 
So get ready to either hit the deck or get caught on fire with him, depending on how much time he gets to think about it
He screams at first
There’s a loud clatter of knives, but he’s got you!
Scale insists very hard that he did not shriek like a little baby at you almost impaling yourself on his knives
Instead he scolds you over it
I mean come on, you spent an entire afternoon to keep his assassination deadline on you years away
What’s the good in wasting that, he could’ve done better things with his afternoon if you were gonna die a couple months later anyway
Puts no thought into whatever he’s holding, he just tries to hold you on top of it
It’s very uncomfortable every time, why do you keep doing that
It also doesn’t register to him that it’s his need to multitask it that results in you injuring yourself
He starts doing it to you to prove a point, and thinks he’s doing it better because he doesn’t get hurt
He has not realized it’s because you actually drop everything to catch him
But it’s still fun, and you kinda don’t want to ruin it for him.
He doesn’t even flinch
It’s like he anticipated you’d do this exact thing
And unlike some of the other boys he doesn’t even think when he drops whatever he’s holding. 
Unless it’s something on the more… incriminating side. At that point he dodges you, dodges any questions, and quickly dismisses himself from the conversation entirely.
Sure it’s entirely possible there’s a shattered plate of hot food at his feet now, but that doesn’t matter because you’re here, being contently held in his arms
He uses it as an excuse to keep holding you
It what fucking world do you think he could hold you?
He drops his coffee and his school papers
Luckily they don’t damage each other, but w o w that was a close call
But beyond losing his morning caffeine and having to gather his work back up, you’ve hurt his wrists and also your entire body
No one has won here.
He also just. Literally can’t hold you. He’s a tiny frail goth boy, he crumbles if he’s holding anything heavier than 20 pounds. 
Once you’re back on your feet, he asks if you could at the very least help him gather up his papers. They’re worth like 20% of his grade. 
Already a bit on the twitchy side, when he notices you speeding like a bullet train, he squeaks.
What exactly do you think you’re doing??? He’s been relocating his books all afternoon, you can see that he’s holding like, 8.
But, visibly cringing, they hit the floor, because he knows that he can’t hold them and you at the same time
One of them falls wide open, pages down. He tries not to think of the potential folded pages and boxed corners. 
Especially because of how pleased you look!
…But the second he can set you down he’s on the ground checking for damages.
Seth is the absolute king of the ‘casually carrying around hazardous objects’ club
But unlike everyone else in said club, he has no qualms about chucking whatever it is on the ground and scooping you up. 
This has resulted almost unanimously in making more hazards and chaos, but he hasn’t fussed about it once
He gets to give you a lil snuggle and it has the potential to cause crime. It’s a win-win for him!
You are an accessory to arson now though, so watch out, yeah?
Man goes into bullet time
It’s just a race to him to see if he can free an arm before you inevitably ‘plink’ off him and crash into the floor
Like. He does it, no real problems
But he immediately sets you down and scolds you for it
Because that was dangerous! What if he got hurt? What if you got hurt? What if he was holding something breakable, or bringing his fire axe somewhere?
All of those sound awful! 
Still, he ruffles your hair and plants a little kiss on the top of your head. He isn’t mad, he just wants to make sure you’re being safe.
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purecantarella · 1 year
Too Little, Too Late
who missed meeee? HAHAHA but yeah, finals have come to a close and i now have a significant amount of free time!! so i will be back for the next week or so before the beginning of the next term kicks up but since i've been going through my own heartbreak as of recent, yall have to feel it with me HAHAHA enjoy lovelies!! update to this, not super heartbroken anymore and i might just wind up with this girl, so pray for me. shin yuna x reader ; chou tzuyu x reader disclaimer/s : nothing much, i had to change this disclaimer cause i ended up writing a fluff piece rather than the angst it shoulda been but there's a hint of angst if you squint.
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If you were asked just what you liked about her, you’d stare off and just be in awe of Shin Yuna’s whole being. The way she smiled, the way she made others feel, the way she dressed, the impeccable way her eyes would shine when she spoke.
It was just so perfectly her.
While others called her flighty, a loose cannon ready to leave at the drop of a hat, you looked passed that. You saw her at her best and loved her at her worst. You knew why she was the way she was.
You’re her best friend after all.
“Hey!” She cries while wrapping her arms around your neck, permeating the music blasting in your headphones. Any normal person’s response to that would be immanent shock or to be confused, but you were used to her antics at this point. You smile warmly and lay a hand on her forearm before pausing your music. “Hey yourself, your manager was up all night calling me asking where you were.”
A faint sense of bitterness rumbles in your chest as you face her, “I wondered the same thing if I’m honest.”
She giggles cutely before shrugging, “Here and there, you know how it is, N/n.”
You roll your eyes, a hint of jealousy in the action but it goes completely unnoticed. As it always does. Yuna’s always been the type to go out without a word to her managers or the rest of the girls, choosing that it’s better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Which lead you to often lie to her managers, telling them you were with her all night.
“So, N/n, my sweet girl, my partner in crime,” Her rattling off makes your heart melt ever so slightly but when that cheshire grin pulls up on her lips you know she means trouble. You shake your head with an adamant look on your face, you say, "Nope, I know what that look means."
She sighs dramatically before falling into your lap. You can't help the smile tugging on your lips, because even if she's a world-renowned idol, she was still this silly little kid. And you adored her for it. "It's a company party and Yeji and Ryujin are going together, Lia and Chaer are bringing separate dates, would you really want me to be going alone?" Yuna looks up at you with a pout and the softest eyes imaginable, completely obliterating whatever self-control you have.
You breathe a deep sigh before leaning back on your arm, running your hand comfortably through her long dark locks. Paying special attention to her bangs that began to grow out. The singer smiles under your touch as you mutter, "You are an agent of chaos, Yuna."
"That's not a no." She retorts sing-songy, letting her eyes slide shut for a moment. You laugh gently, and for a moment you allow yourself to take her in. The soft features she has, just how loudly your heart was beating in that moment, and how the afternoon wasn't so unbearable when she was here with you.
It was stupid that you couldn't say no to her, but there was no way she would have it any other way. "Fine, I'll go to your stupid party." A satisfied smile breaks onto her face as she cracks one eye open slightly, "I'm happy."
"I can tell." As you pull your hand away to try and look at your phone, Yuna's hand finds yours. You eye her curiously before she places it back atop her head. "Don't stop doing that, it..." She trails off for a moment, her voice becoming small, "It's comforting."
Your heart stops for a moment, before you smile down at her, both her eyes now open as she smiles the way she does. Her eyes bright and warm as stars, the afternoon just drifting away. All you can think in the moment is how radiant she looks under the light of the sun and just how lucky you were to have her in your lap.
Even if it were just as a friend.
The night of JYPE's ball, you anxiously stood in front of the off-site stylist's mirror. It was odd seeing yourself in a suit or a turtleneck, it wasn't often that you were given the opportunity to wear anything like it, much less how expensive you knew the items were. You sported a dark blue suit jacket over a black turtleneck with matching black slacks and dress shoes.
You stared at Yuna getting her make-up done from behind you, laughing and joking with staff and Chaeryeong who sat beside her. You couldn't keep your eyes off her, and it was becoming more and more difficult to hide. Chaer's date siddles up to you with a gleeful look on their face, "Someone's looking rather smashing."
You smile and pull the high neckline away from you, "Are these supposed to be that itchy?" You ask with a genuine look of discomfort. They laugh and pull at their own collar. "Well, we are walking in with Itchay."
You roll your eyes and push their shoulder gently, "You're awful." They smile at you with a toothy grin, "But now for the big reveal?" You feel a pang of nervousness before you're abruptly turned around and you hear Chaer's partner ask, "Ladies, don't we just look stunning?"
Their conversation is broken the moment you both turn around. Chear, unable to hide her excitement jumps up from her chair and embraces her partner, spewing compliment after compliment between kisses. You smile as you stare at them, wishing Yuna would give you the same attention.
But what you got was somehow better.
You look over at her and see a dumbstruck look on her face as stares you up and down with a shy smile on her face. She excuses herself from her make-up artist and saunters up to you. Before you know it she's in front of you, fixing the lapels of your jacket wordlessly. Hand snaking around your neck until both hands are interlocked behind your head.
"If I'd known I'd be walking in with the most dapper gentlewoman I've ever laid eyes on, I would've dressed up a bit more." You chuckle and wrap your arms around her waist. You raise a testing brow, "Dapper? Never thought I'd ever hear that from you..." You pause as she stomps her foot while whining, but before she can fully pull away, you pull her closer, "And you don't need to dress up when you're next to me. This is me keeping up with you, bareface, full face of make-up, or whatever."
There's a silence in the room as Yuna stares up at you with soft-eyes and while you break-down internally, thinking you said the wrong thing. Then her face breaks into that bunny smile you adore so much, adorned with a light coat of blush that you can't make out if it was there before she got up or not. Her hands unclasp and pinch your cheek hard, "You're an idiot, N/n."
You laugh nervously before she turns around and sits in her make-up chair again, talking to the make-up artist and stylist. You stand there dumbfounded and feel a sense of loss when she lets you go. Chaer looks over at you once she'd finished gushing, and whispers, "You did great, just give her a minute to figure everything out."
You smile at her, disappointment resonating in your chest, "Yeah, but I don't know if I have a minute to spare anymore."
A couple hours and about a million photos for their Instagram, you found yourself in the middle of a party with aspiring stars and some of the most recognizable face in Korean pop music standing with you waiting for their drinks. You were there primarily to get a breath away from Yuna, someone who was supposed to be your best friend.
Who you promised to sit next to and whisper random gossip you'd heard or seen across the room. But after the debacle in the dressing room and how much it muddled your sense of self and how much you felt for her, you needed a break.
The bartender walks back and forth trying to get everyone's orders right, "Excuse-Can I-? Fuck it this is pointless." You grumble to yourself as you take the napkin in your hands, tearing it to little shreds.
"Yeah, they can be brutal on guests they don't know by face or name." A voice called from behind you. You turned and saw the face of the youngest member of TWICE, Chou Tzuyu herself. You blush seeing her this close, you'd always confided in Yuna that you found her the most attractive of the members of TWICE after a long drunken night on the phone. To which Yuna cussed you out and laughed.
You never thought you'd get to see her in person.
You gulped as she walked up to the bar, catching the barkeep's attention. He attended to her immediately, "A mojito and..." She trails off looking at you, you nod to the man, "Whisky on ice, please." He whips them up almost instantly, and it wasn't long before they were both in your hands.
You smile tipping your drink towards her. "Thanks, I really needed a drink to handle tonight." Tzuyu nods solemnly, before taking a sip of her own drink, cringing a bit at the taste. You laugh as you take your own sip. "Stronger than you thought?"
"No- I mean, yes?" You laugh again, staring at the singer with a quirked brow, "I saw that you needed help with the bartender and I wanted to sound cool, the other members usually order a drink for me." She says with a light flush over her tanned cheeks, you feel a flutter in your chest as she does.
You smile before nodding off to the balcony, "I think some fresh air would do me some good," You pause as you watch her face falter a little. "Care to join me?"
You were absolutely right.
The night air did you so well, and being around Tzuyu definitely helped. She was easy to talk to and even when you'd both finished your drinks, you didn't want to leave. She told you an assortment of stories about what happens behind the scenes. How Dahyun and Momo are almost always late cause they're too busy with each other, Nayeon and Jeongyeon's arguments in the morning, and how she and Sana got together. It twinged you a little to know your bias was taken but she just seemed so happy.
"Short to say, Nayeon-unnie was not very happy about the compilations of Jeongyeon-unnie with Jihyo-unnie." The young woman finished as you cracked up.
"I didn't realize just how jealous she was." Tzuyu shakes her head with a goofy smile. "There's a lot you all don't see, which sometimes I think is a good thing." She says again quietly, you look at her.
With a small gust of wind of wind takes you both by surprise. Tzuyu shudders under the cold blow and wraps her arms around herself. Mindlessly, you take your suit jacket off and drape it over her. She looks at you, her cheeks an embarrassing shade of red which makes you smile.
"Sana's lucky to have you." Tzuyu smiles up at you before the glass doors of the balcony open up. Revealing an disheveled and irritated looking Yuna. She grins at Tzuyu with a sickeningly sweet smile. Your eyes go wide before you look down at your phone screen. You'd told her you were going to get a drink almost an hour ago.
Tzuyu stifles a giggle before nodding of to you, "I have to go, N/n. I'll just get your number from Yuna then?"
You were fully aware of what she was doing, you nod off before she pushes away from the railing with her empty glass in hand. Before she can walk in though, Yuna clears her throat, "Unnie, Y/n's jacket please."
The older woman chuckles and slips off the jacket, gingerly placing it in Yuna's open palm. Your best friend's gaze never wavering, baring imaginary holes into yours. Yuna rattles off before Tzuyu can even get into the building, "I've been looking for you for the past half hour, Y/n."
The older woman pulls a sour face and shoots you finger guns, mouthing, 'good luck' before finally closing the door behind her. "I've just been here, Yuna. Socializing. Isn't that what you wanted?" You ask pointedly, spinning the empty glass in your hand.
"What I wanted was for us to be here together." She pauses taking a step closer. "What I wanted was for my best friend to be with me, smiling and chatting with me. Not sneaking off to a secluded spot to make out with her bias."
You laugh, completely blown away by Yuna's outlandish statements. "Did it look like I was anywhere near doing that?!" You call out, hands up in the air. "What if I had been just a second late, you two were standing awfully close for two people who were, just as you say, 'socializing'."
You roll your eyes and begin to walk off when Yuna puts her hand in front of you. "You don't get to walk away, Y/n."
You rub your eyes tiredly as Yuna flares her nose and stares up at you with the eyes you'd normally swoon over. "You think I didn't want to do that? Walk in with you be all cheery and make fun of the execs who are wearing suits too trendy for their own good?" Your voice softer now, not wanting to escalate the argument further.
"I wanted to be there with you, hell..." You pause, your confession on the tip of your tongue but you bite it back. Knowing that once it's out you'll never see Shin Yuna again. "You know what, forget it."
Her hand is on your wrist pulling you back, she's still fuming. "What? What were you about to say, Y/n?" Her saying your name was nails on a chalkboard to you, she never calls you by your full name, even when you had arguments.
In your mind, you really fucked it up this time.
"I can't say it."
"Well, if you aren't I am. I wanted you there with me not as my friend, not as a guest, but as mine. Because I like you so fucking much! It's insane to me just how much I like you." Your breath catches in your throat as her confession spills messily.
She pants madly as she pulls her hand away from yours stepping away from you. Normally, you'd catch her hand in yours and tell her everything's going to be okay but you're stunned in place. Yuna covers her face, no doubt red as a tomato at this point as she tries to recompose herself.
"I've done everything I can to avoid this feeling, going out to parties, taking more hours rehearsing, talked to different people. But then I saw you in the park yesterday, being your geeky self, reading the book I suggested to you and something snapped." She releases another breath, "Then I saw you out here with Chou Tzuyu, someone you said you'd leave me in the dust for..."
"That was a joke, Yuna..." You finally say before walking up to her. Before you could touch her though, she shys away from you. Leaning on the stone railing of whatever building JYP could book for his lavish event. "I know it's too little, too late. I...I'm happy for you if you want to go chase after Tzuyu."
Finally, the storm clears and Yuna looks up at you with the same puppy-dog eyes she gave you when first saw you tonight. Your stomach leaped over and over as you looked into her eyes. "Yuna...Tzuyu..." You pause, watching her cringe at the sound of her name rolling off your tongue. You smile, "Tzuyu's dating Minatozaki Sana."
She whips her head over to you with a look of shock on her face. A smile blooms on her face, "I fucking knew it! I saw them behind the scenes of one of their music videos once and I-"
Before she could finish her thought, your lips were on hers, cutting her off. Her words muffled and eyes wide as your hands cup her warm, defined cheeks. In an instant, she melts and leans into you. Arms draping over your shoulders, pulling you closer.
You pull away, just a hair apart you smile down at her, "Suffice to say, I'm no where near dating or making out with Chou Tzuyu. You were right, I'm all yours."
Yuna says nothing but pulls you closer, the noises of the party inside completely vanishing as you held her under the moonlight. Like you'd both always wanted. Completely numb to her members all crowding towards the glass doors, abruptly screaming and cheering.
You both pull away from one another, and laugh at the enthusiasm her members and their partners had for you both. You look down at your best friend, planting a lingering kiss over her cheek, making her blush deepen.
A warm and delicate smile over your lips as you say, "Not too little, not too late, Yuna." Another kiss to her nose. "You were right on time."
and there's another one!! this was what i was meant to post as my comeback but i went back to workshop it a bit. i hope you all enjoyed it!! i'll try to keep posting but given my classes begin again next week, i won't promise much. i'll crank out as many as i can this week tho HAHAAH i love you all vv much and i will see you all soon!! bye lovelies 💕 - r
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Undertale Yellow Car Headcanons
A while ago, I saw a post concerning what kinda cars the characters of the RGG/Yakuza/Judgement franchise would drive, and I really wanted to do one for Undertale Yellow's characters. Imagine this taking place in some Post-Pacifist scenario or Deltarune-esque AU where Monsters are living on the surface.
Note, if I left someone out, it's because I couldn't think up anything. If you have your own headcanons, feel free to share them!
Dalv: City Car
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Dalv in my HCs gets a smol car. First of all, because it'd just be cute for him to be driving around in one. Second of all, I think something small and low-key would fit his nature. He wants to fit in and not stick out like a sore thumb. He's a calm, responsible driver.
Martlet: Never got her license
I mean, we all know how much of a girl failure Martlet is. Do you seriously trust her behind the wheel of a car? Besides, she can fly so it's hardly a hinderance to her. If she really needs a ride for some reason, I imagine she just hits up Dalv, Starlo, or Ceroba for one.
Starlo: Chopper Motorcycle
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Now Starlo really wanted to own a horse but came to the crushing realization of just how hard it is to get your hands on one in the modern day, so he settled on the closest thing. It took him a bit, but he really grew to love his motorcycle and likes to give Clover and Kanako rides on it. He does his best to follow the road laws, but his tendency to speed has gotten him quite a few tickets.
Ceroba: Red Hummer
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Because. dude, this car kicks ass and she can watch Madagascar while she's driving!
...alright in all seriousness...
Ceroba: Family Sedan
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Ceroba is pretty humble with her choice of vehicles. Despite her fairly wealthy background, she doesn't feel the urge to signify her status with something really flashy. All she needs is something that gets her, Kanako, and anyone else she's driving from point A to point B. Generally cool-headed on the road but has brief moments of rage at points in form of colorful language or flipping the bird...usually while forgetting Clover and Kanako are in the car with her.
Clover and Kanako: Literal Children
Granted, Starlo did want to give them early driving lessons, but Ceroba very quickly shot that idea down. If they need to get anywhere, Kanako has her mom and Clover has whoever's acting as their parental figure that day.
Ed: Some Kinda Jeep
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Or any type of big car really. Ed would probably be the actual Hummer owner of the cast. He needs something big and fearless!...and also something that fits his absolutely gigantic frame comfortably.
Moray: Convertible
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Honestly, dunno where I came up with this one. I think it just fits Moray's style. I imagine they just really like feeling the wind against their face as they drive.
Ace: Porsche
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Again, more something I just kinda came up with for Ace. He was hard to figure out, but I settled on something sleek and expensive. Where would he get the money for something like this? From all the G he and his friend pooled together after Clover got their ass handed to them at Six Shooter! (no, I'm not speaking from experience. What makes you think that?)
Mooch: Nada
Same as Martlet. If she somehow got a license, she ended up doing something that got it revoked within mere days. If she needs a ride, she hits up one of the other members of the Feisty Five.
Dina: Muscle Car
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Tough car for a tough gal! I just have the fun mental imagine of Dina driving fast on an open road while blasting "Beat the Devil's Tattoo" on her radio. Sometimes, Ceroba joins in on it.
And that's all that comes to mind atm. Hope ya guys enjoy this little segment.
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residentfromnowhere · 8 months
TW: 18+ Themes, Mentions of Cockwarming & mentions of rough Sex
Pairings: Sanemi, Tengen, Toji, Choso, Suguru, Saturo, Jean, Eren and Connie
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What is even happening right now and why are you so damn close?
His ears are ringing with immense pressure from the situation you unknowingly put you both in. How is it that anytime he’s alone with you, you both end up in the most suggestive scenarios? From being accidentally locked in and trapped in one of the university’s janitor closets to now being unusually close to the point where yours and his lips are not even inches a part due to some asshole bumping into you and pushing you on him in a narrow isle at the library? Cupid must be working overtime because the more this happens, the less likely these occurrences are mere “coincidence”
And why are you staring at me like that?
God he wondered why you would look up at him like he was the center of your world, irises blown out of unusual proportions and your lips, god those beautifully created luscious lips just sitting there, waiting for him to kiss them to his hearts content. Why did you wear that shade of lip balm knowing damn well it’s his favorite on you? This was getting out of hand and what’s worse, those same lips are perfectly positioned to be latched and sucked on.
Ugh. Do you not understand how hard it is not to kiss you right now?
Or every other time you’re close to him? Do you actually not have a clue or are you purposely teasing him, letting him know that he could but at the same time shouldn’t? These are dangerous waters that you’re playing in if that was it. Plus, He wouldn’t fault you in the least if that was the case because in truth, he would rather have it that way than knowing you’re completely innocent in all of this and he’s the pervy one.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Oh fuck, he forgot for a second how pretty your voice sounds. You asked in almost a whisper and it made his stomach flip. He won’t lie, he’s imagined that same voice crying out for him and begging him for more on several occasions but to hear it up close and personal in a concerned tone at that is driving him crazy. You can’t just do this to him and think that he’ll let you leave without at least tasting your lips. You can’t sound like that and not expect him to want you more. It’s impossible.
You call out his name, hoping to get some type of response from him seeing he hasn’t said a thing but all you see is his eyes gradually switch from one of shock to one of carnal desire. The way his eyes where fixated on your lips made you nervous and he could tell. Both of your body temperatures were rising to new heights as the tension grew between the two of you. With the friction of your bodies pressed against each other plus the unwavering eye contact, if someone were to see the two of you now, they’d think you were way more than what you were, which was friends.
Damn it…
He’s over this. He’s over the continuous day to day intruding thoughts of you in his bed doing things and saying things that only he could hear and see, over fantasizing about how if you ever said the word, he would snatch you up and beat up that little cunt without a second thought and over the fact that for months you have been living in his head rent free. If this moment continued, it will be the end of him and he couldn’t bare not tasting you any longer.
Fuck it.
Hands moving as of having a mind of their own, you feel his hand grasp the back of your neck and pull you forward, finding your lips pressed to his. It was slow and soft at first. Then gradually, you could feel each others bodies press and bump into each other as your once slow paced kisses intensified. It was a surprise for you, sure but it was most definitely wanted. With your tongues touching and your fingernails making small cuts on his lower back, he can’t help but to let his mind melt. He’s been wanting this, you have been wanting this, and now…
“Hey, I’m sorry for that. Are you okay?”
He blinks for a second, not really sure what just happened until he looked around and saw you blinking up at him. “You were gone there for a minute. I was starting to get worried.” You said while still studying his face. “I have to go” he says before high tailing it out of there, leaving you confused and alone in the isle. He doesn’t know what’s worse. That everything after bumping into you was a fantasy that he made up or that you were inches away from seeing and feeling his hard on in his sweats. Either way, he’s going to have to take care of it and afterwards avoid you for a while because who knows what will happen if another “coincidence” happens and if it will end up in him actually doing what his heart desires?
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
I’m thinking about the angst of the restraints headcanon again. There’s the two with the least physically violent crimes, and they rank relatively low in strength. There’s the child who was violent but had to be really crafty about it; she’s the weakest of all of them. And the most dangerous of the guilty prisoners cannot be restrained.
This makes me so emotional!!! All three are the smallest of their circles. Two of them are extremely ordinary people who have never experienced/expressed physical violence before. One hadn't even fathomed the idea of someone dying until they actually did. And yet, they're subjected to the type of restraints you'd expect to see on someone who is uncontrollably violent. The fact that prisoners who committed very gruesome murders can walk free (including Mikoto) just adds insult to injury. I still couldn't everything into words, but here's a Mahiru-centric drabble featuring the same thoughts. It takes place after T1 closes but before the attacks.
“Where are our rights?”
Fuuta’s shout caused Mahiru to wince. She perched on her bedding, watching the two prisoners she’d invited to her cell. It hadn’t been the fun kind of invitation, though. Back in school, she always wanted to have parties and dates back at her place. Moving to the city, she imagined what it would be like to make university friends and take them back home with her to talk, eat, and have fun. 
Sitting in her dim gray cell with Fuuta and Amane, all of them held fast by complex sets of restraints, was not what she’d had in mind.
Amane knelt in the corner. Her arms were crossed, as if pouting, though the opposite was true. A moment ago her eyes had lowered in prayer, but it was difficult to find any peace of mind now. Fuuta snapped and shouted as he paced the length of the cell bars. They were unlocked, but like the others, he didn’t feel like being out in front of everyone. He’d give his uniform a violent jerk every now and then, but it didn’t do any good. Between his strides and growls, he made Mahiru think of those poor wild animals they keep at the circus.
“Take it easy, Fuuta.” She mustered up a smile. “Come rest with us.”
“I can’t believe you two. You’re just gonna sit here and take it? I didn’t do a fucking thing! They’re acting like I’m some big danger to society,” he yanked his arms again, to no avail. “All I did was type some things onto a screen. I’m not gonna go around stabbing anyone or anything. And you, you didn’t hurt anyone either!”
He nodded his head to Mahiru. If her arms weren’t already folded over her chest, she would have hugged herself anyway. 
“Well… I did hurt him in the end… I broke his heart badly enough that… I mean, he…”
Fuuta made a disgusted sound. “That’s all stupid romance stuff. I’m saying, you never stabbed him. Never strangled him. Never poisoned his food, or –”
“Oh god, no! How horrible…”
“Exactly! From what we’ve heard, it sounds like Haruka killed someone with his bare hands. I think Muu had a knife or something. Shidou had a whole arsenal of grisly doctor tools. Kotoko has openly talked about how she beat that guy to death. Why are they allowed to walk free while we’re tied down like wild animals?”
Mahiru was glad she hadn’t mentioned the circus.
“And Amane! It’s not like she did anything violent, and here she is!”
“That is not true.”
Both paused as Amane spoke up for the first time. 
“While I disagree with my verdict, the restraints make sense.” The others still stared blankly. As matter-of-fact as always, she continued. “I killed with my own hands. I used the amount of force I was instructed to. Just as the sinner fears the wrath of heaven, I can understand how the godless warden would fear my justice.”
Fuuta’s passion wavered, but Mahiru could feel her heart ache for the girl. “Oh Amane… I had no idea. To be pushed to the point of violence at your age…”
“I am not to be pitied. As I said, I am dangerous, and proud to be. I am doing god’s work. All heroes must be dangerous.”
Fuuta grunted, but said nothing. Mahiru gave her a gentle smile. “It’s not pity. Even if you were dangerous, it’s horrible to restrain someone like you. You’ve already had to brave so much, as the smallest of the bunch.”
She looked between the two. A sad laugh escaped her. “Now that I think of it, I guess we’re all the smallest here, hm? Aside from maybe Muu, we don’t have much height or strength on the others…”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Fuuta cried. “The fuck do they think we’re going to do?” Mahiru was just glad he’d focused on that rather than the fact she’d just called him weak. 
Voices raised in conversation down the hallway. Mikoto’s laugh echoed faintly into the cell.  
It warmed Mahiru to hear. Things had been so hard on him here. Though it had been frightening to hear him shouting at the restraints til his voice was raw – well, it wasn’t him shouting – it had been a relief when he appeared free and relaxed the following day. He seemed sheepish that he wasn’t able to help the others, having no memory of his escape. Mahiru just kept telling him how happy she was for him.
Fuuta didn’t share in the sentiment. “Meanwhile, Mikoto gets to stroll around free, and he beat the shit out of Es! He could snap and kill any one of us here, and they don’t even give a damn. But ooohhh, god forbid the guy who’s never been violent a day in his life is allowed to use his own two hands!”
The harshness of his voice wasn’t doing his argument many favors. Still, his words were beginning to get through to Mahiru. 
She’d worked so hard to be a model citizen. She was supposed to have a perfect life. She could cook, clean, sew, and take care of children. She did herself up every day; she was never a slob or a slut. She was generous to everyone she met. She showered the world around her in love. Wasn’t it unfair that her hands were tied like some common criminal? What was all that effort for – being patient when people upset her, being kind even when she disagreed with someone, all of that – if she was going to end up in the same place as someone who had stabbed another out of sheer malice?
Amane didn’t seem to be whirling with the same doubts. She closed her eyes once more. “It is simply a trial from heaven. We may be small, but all of us have an internal strength that will carry us through the ordeal.”
“I don’t think it’s any sort of religious thing, but you’re right,” Fuuta puffed his chest out. “Trials like this only make people stronger!” 
“Do you think so?” Mahiru wasn’t sure if she was asking either of them or just musing to herself. It was a nice thought. This was all part of destiny, something meant to be that would make her stronger in the end. 
But she wasn’t so sure she believed in destiny anymore. It hadn’t quite worked out the first time. 
“Hell yeah!” Fuuta must have assumed she was in fact asking him. He gave a wide, toothy grin. “It’s not like we can get any weaker, right? The warden better watch out next trial – they’ve got a big storm coming!”
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raichiii · 1 year
All Mine.
(damn okay this is my first time writing anything on Tumblr AND IT JUST HAS TO BE RAICHI SMUT, I AM A FUCKING SIMP FOR THIS MAN THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RAICHI SMUT AND THERE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. anyways, enjoy :p)
Raichi doesn't think he's the jealous type. But the anger bubbling in his chest tells him otherwise.
He watches for a moment, trying to figure out where this fool gets the audacity to chat his girl up while he was literally standing right there.
"I like your dress." The man smirks at you, pointing towards your chest.
"You look gorgeous."
He's right. You were gorgeous. The sparkly champagne gown you wore to the Bastard Munchen celebratory party merely highlighted it. But Raichi knew what he meant.
"Thanks." You replied kindly.
"What are you doing later tonight?" The man stepped forward towards you.
Raichi could have sworn he felt a vessel pop.
"She's coming home with me." He spat.
"Right, and you are?"
"Her boyfriend." His tone, laced with venom as he stared down the man who was still eyeing at you, annoyed at the fact that the man doesn't recognize him at his own team's party.
"Oh? Want to bet, baby, I can treat you better than he can." The man reaches his grimy hand reach out to cup your chin, pulling your face up.
Your boyfriend swats his hand away.
"She's not interested."
Sensing that Raichi was seconds away from beating this guy half to death, you did your best to drag him away.
"Come on Jin, let's go, please?"
Upon hearing your pleas, Raichi softens a little.
It took all your strength and luck to get him away and calm down.
"That motherfucker deserves a punch straight to his jaw." He mutters, scratching his head furiously as he sits down.
"Jingo, that'll damage your reputation, silly." You say, hands patting at his messy hair trying to tidy him up.
"My reputation means nothing to me if that means some guy gets his way with you." He reaches up to hold your wrist and bring your hand to his cheeks.
"Sweetheart, you're all I care about."
Raichi chuckles when he sees a faint blush rise to your face.
He kisses your hand.
He lets his eyes linger on the glittering golden fabric hugging your figure as you loom over him, noting that it leaves little to the imagination. He'll have to get you to wear this more often.
He accidentally glaces at your exposed chest. How soft and smooth your breasts looked. His face heats up, as he nervously looks away.
Oh god. He gulps.
"Then again Sweetness, I don't think im any better than all those ogling men."
You laugh, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"Only difference is that m' yours, you big pervert."
"You got that right." He chuckles.
"You being a pervert?" You reply coyly.
"No." He cuts you off,
"Me being big."
Raichi guides your hand down his clothed chest...
his abs...
down to his... oh.
"Jin! There are people around!" You say frantically looking around to see if anyone's looking.
He gently yanks you closer to his face.
"Then, let's go somewhere else." He whispers into your ear. You swear you can almost hear his smile.
That's how you two ended up in a secluded room in the back.
"You look so beautiful in that dress, it's driving me insane."
Raichi litters kisses down your neck, and chest, his sharp teeth marking territory. One hand holding your bare back while the other hurriedly unzips your dress.
The dress plops to the ground, as he kisses you hungrily.
"Though, you look so much better without it on." He smirks, stopping to admire the view Infront of him.
"White lace, my favourite."
Raichi loosens his tie, and positions you on the couch, he pushes your knees to your chest.
"I'm going to show you who you belong to, got that?"
He unzips his pants, freeing his length, fully erect, precum dripping out with need.
He lines his cock up against your entrance and coats it with your slick.
You whine, growing desperate to feel him inside.
"So wet for me." He whispers to your ear before giving it a little lick.
He leans against you, grunting as he presses slowly into your cunt.
It takes a moment for him to sheath his entire length into you due to how tight you were.
"s' big!" You whine, your walls feel stretched out by his girth as he pushes deeper.
"Told you sweetheart."
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Modern au trans Ace has been consuming my mind lately so I thought I'll just share all of my headcanons or else I'll explode:
• Sabo was the first person he had come out to. It happened when they were around 9. Ace had always felt that something was "wrong" about him. That the way he acted, his interests and past times, and just how he would do things were "unnatural" or wierd". Once Ace became familiar with the conspet of transgenderism he just opened up to him, and was met with instant support.
• Immediately after this, Sabo gave Ace his (trademark) transgender haircut in the bathroom of Dadan's house. She actually entered it while they were there and upon seeing it she cried out of happyness. (Mothers know everything)
• Coming out to Garp was a bit harder for Ace since he wasn't sure how an older person would have reacted, I mean Garp just left there his grand"daughter" and came back to a grandson after all. But we all know that Garp would never discriminate, and plus now he has another grandson to train.
• Luffy arrived in his life after a full year after he had transitioned, so at first Ace wasn't sure how to exacly explain this to Luffy, but he did manage to open up to him after they officially became brothers. Luffy wasn't just an innocent kid, while he didn't fully understood concepts like transphobia, to him Ace is just his brother so if anyone is mean to him or calls him names he'll just kick their asses.
• Ace had been homeschooled for the 5 years that would have been him attending elementary school. Middle school was the first time he attended an actual school and at first he wasn't open or confident at all and was ready to just beat up anyone who tried to shit talk him.
• Surprisingly he made a few friends. They were mostly just Luffy's friends who were older than him or his friends's siblings, but he appreciated it anyway. His absolute best friend ever tho is Kuina. I hd her as non binary using she/they so its just trans supporting trans, and they also have like a million of other reasons to be friends but those were already pointed out.
• His top surgery was payed by none other than his father Newgate. The Whitebeards pirates would be just this one tatoo shop Ace works at that Newgate he opened after "retiring" from biker gangs and stuff.
• Obbligatory T4T Yamace, but we all already knew this, didn't we?
• Ace gets the best older trans guy advice from Franky. Because to me, he is just what every trans guy aspires to be, cool and hardboiled. And who wouldn't want to get advice from the dude who did his own top surgery in his father's mechanic shop at 15?
These are all from me, but feel free to add your own or elaborate on the ones you like.
Trans Ace is so real to me that I quite literally can't imagine him being cis. It's just so,,, Weird to me. And I absolutely love everything you said. I definitely think Sabo was the first one to know and the one who helped Ace the most with his transition, also telling Garp, who actually is way better (if you can say 'better' when something isn't even 'good' but yeah) at raising boys. At least he understands them better. So I think he wouldn't have a problem with it at all even if he's more on the "I don't really get it that much, kid, but as long as you're happy" type of vibe. I agree with everything,, When he was younger he really didn't interact with many people and usually preferred to be alone. Teachers considered him more of a problematic kid than anything, and always compared him to Sabo with the typical "how are you like this when your brother is just so polite and smart!?" but then Sabo always ends up fighting the teachers for saying that shit in front of the class and Sabo stops being so perfect in their eyes (also he starts rebelling himself a lot against the educational system lmao). And not to talk shit about Garp, but talking shit about Garp I'm sure Ace would get in trouble a lot and Garp wouldn't show up to the meetings with Ace's teachers. That only makes Ace feel lonelier and everyone thinks he's extremely troubled. When he's literally a sweetheart to both Sabo and Luffy,, When he meets Luffy's friends, he starts to open up to people. He still gets in a lot of trouble, honestly, but that's just him. I think his classmates find out about him being trans, of course, and not a lot of people are okay with that. He truly wants to fight them but he knows that if he keeps going like this he'll get expelled and he doesn't like the idea of leaving Sabo and Luffy alone ('doesn't like the idea' meaning he almost gets expelled and Sabo had to scold him and tell him that even though he has his own friends he doesn't know what he would do without him in school), so Luffy and Sabo are usually the one defending him a lot of the time since the teachers, even though they're chaotic, don't really hate them (because look at those cutie patooties how could you hate Luffy???? He gets along even with teachers). The Whitebeard pirates accept him with open arms and he finally feels he has a place to belong to. Newgate doesn't even offer to pay for the surgery, he just pays without telling him first because he knows Ace wouldn't have let him do it otherwise. He's so so grateful for them. And his brothers. And his friends. And everybody that has ever supported him. I think that he has lots of issues with depression and self-image and he often has a hard time when he acts impulsively, but Newgate always helps him. He grounds him. Gives him something to focus on. And Franky is soooo fun to be around. Newgate tells him to go see Franky and give him the money he owes him, and that's how they meet, basically. It's obvious he's trans because he goes shirtless all the time and scars are there and everything... And Ace just has to ask about his experience. Franky helps him gladly. And it's not only cathartic but also very comforting. He also meets Robin there!!!! Because married Frobin in this one. And I think Ace would absolutely love her because she keeps being oh so nice to him. She kind of reminds him of Makino, and it's extremely sweet. I think Ace now goes to help Franky from time to time when the Tattoo shop doesn't really need him there or, well, whenever he wants to because he also is extremely interested in bikes.
T4T Yamace my beloved.... Guys being guys. Dudes being dudes. I think they meet because Newgate tells Ace something about this man Kaido (leader of a gang) who owes him lots of money or something or did something very nasty to him yadda yadda Maybe they just have beef from when Newgate was into the gang stuff. And Ace keeps saying he should go and settle things with Kaido and beat him up for that, but Newgate is retired and he really, really doesn't give a single fuck about it. Lmao. Ace says he could take down Kaido himself. Newgate laughs. Ace is too proud. So he ends up looking for Kaido and fighting Yamato late at night in the street and,, Well. You know how it goes. They become daddy issues besties and turns out Yamato does not want to follow his dad's steps. Ace is curious about Yamato's experience because he doesn't seem to want to have surgery or anything, and they keep bonding over their pasts and family and Yamato ends up joining the friend group. And it's so cute. Newgate can see the kid is in love because every day he waits for Yamato to come pick him up to hang out. Or maybe he begs to get out earlier to go see Yamato. He keeps talking about Yamato,,, All the time. Even Sabo and Luffy are done with him. It's endearing.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA This is just so good. Modern Au my absolute beloved.
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meamiiikiii · 25 days
Love your reverse entry AU! Also put a silly amount of thought into the idea of Loop doing a vtuber nuzlock thing; namely, the universe hates them.
See, in my headcanon* of your AU not only do they make the mistake of naming their pokemon after the party, (discreetly, I'm guessing?) They also encounter a bug that makes the game reset if any of their pokemon faint. After freezing for a bit. And once they realize what happened, they decide to actually do their job, and make little puppets. They memorized all of their families actors lines after all! So it's easy for them to act out little scenes in between bits, while waiting for things to happen or during interludes.
Also, they look rather real for a vtuber, so they just have a 3d model of themselves mapped over themselves to hide that they are themself. Except the lighting from glowing head makes it glitch for a half second every hear and there so.
Also! Maybe the puppetry thing ends on them giving the story a ridiculously tragic ending? Because they don't feel like they can acknowledge an alternative ending for a play they star in and remain sane.
*was headcanon the right word here? Probably not. More like, 'I think it'd be neat if'
Anyway this was a lot. Feel free to ignore literally all of it! I just think it's a cool and interesting au that's nothing like anyone else is doing so I couldn't help myself.
Wah!! /pos
This is super interesting and fun anon!!! The Universe hates Loop :thumbsup: 
To expand upon your idea with more ideas (hope this is okay!): 
I can only imagine Loop, while waiting for the game to reboot after freezing, just taking out like. Wood carving tools and materials from out of nowhere and just start whittling away to make these puppets of The Party (but as they remember them, not their modern counterparts.) A few extra set pieces here and there, maybe as well. Not the King though. 
Maybe it ends up becoming a recurring thing throughout the stream while waiting for things to stop glitching out? And they start giving “made-up” backstories for each of these puppets while they’re being created well in addition to using them properly for acting out bits! 
Every once and a while someone points out their model having an “art-style shift” for a few seconds. They ignore them. 
Once they’re all completed maybe they end up putting on a whole production out of it completely discarding the nuzlocke (lmao). A completely fictional tale. Not at all based on their own experiences. 
When they get closer and closer to the climactic end. When the party is staring face to face against the final boss, the King. They stall. They think. What type of ending will this story have? They were reciting lines from memory while telling it. Going off script is scary. 
They want to continue the tale as written. They want to stay true to their memory. 
But they also don’t want any of their (puppet) Party to suffer either. So, they tweak it, just the tiniest bit.
They continue telling the tale, beat for beat. Up until when the King defeats them. In one fell swoop.
Instead of the Housemaiden being thrown, it’s the Traveler.  
Over and over again, Loop acts out the King (metaphorical, there is no puppet) throwing the Traveler puppet onto the table. While narrating the whole ordeal as well.
They get really into it too, smashing the puppet into smithereens on the table after a bit. Whoops!
This causes the vtuber model to completely glitch out, showing themself instead of the model. They abruptly end stream after that.
…Many people will probably speculate that this is somehow an ARG. 
All this happened because The Universe was like “you are not allowed to play this Pokemon Game without some form of hiccup.” lmao. 
Anon, I will repeat this again. This is a super fun and interesting idea!!! Thank you, for introducing me to a new idea I had not considered and making me think!!!!!
And I am also sorry for using this ask as an opportunity to reveal where this Loop is coming from (sort of kind of) LMAO.
For anyone who read this to the end, thank you!! And also feel free to send any other asks my way since. I like thinking. About things I have not thought before!!!!
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Death - Platonic Childe x GN!Reader
A/N: While I work on some Nilou smut, enjoy a little something from my word docs. Enjoy!
CW: Violence.
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At last, the Maguu Kenki crumbled to the ground. Childe stood up, still gripping his chest. Blood still flowed through his fingers, seeping from the thin bandage. You dropped your sword to the ground, and fell to your knees. Childe, ignorant of his own injuries, dashed to your falling body. He scooped you up in his arms. Your whole frame was a bloody mess of injuries. There were many cuts, tears, gashes  and a broken piece of rib pierced the skin, poking out from the crushed armor. His breathing was shaky.
"Childe… - you spoke, but were soon silenced by a bloody cough. The Harbinger could feel tears making their way to his eyes."
This Maguu was not like the other ones - it was fully functioning. It contained the knowledge of a thousand lifetimes, and its control of not one, but three different elements posed a significant challenge not even his Delusion could handle. He knew from the start that sailing to an abandoned, forsaken island far past Gunyu Stone Forest was a bad idea. If you had not stepped up, revealing your power over the elements, this could have been Childe’s last fight. And so there he was - wounded but alive - holding the dying body of his dearest friend. The one who loved him as a brother, the one who remained loyal and true, the cause of much joy and the creator of many memories. 
Childe could feel his voice crumbling.
"Comrade, don’t worry, you’ll be fine, you hear me? We’ll get you some help and you’ll be as good as new, just as always, right?" 
A slow, labored breath was the only response he got. Your eyes were slowly closing shut. Childe could feel the desperation growing within him. He clenched his fists. No. This will NOT end like this. 
"Hey hey hey, don’t… don’t sleep just yet, Y/N. As long as I am here, you mustn’t fall asleep, yeah? Promise me you’ll fight it… I know you can do it, please…" 
"I’ll…t-try…” - You forced yourself to speak as clearly as you could, choking on your own blood. 
His eyes widened. Yes! Yes! There’s a chance! He picked Y/N up, as gently as he could with his shaking hands, and stood up.
"Just hold on! Stay with me!" 
He grit his teeth, forcing himself into overdrive. His body cried as he started running, every cut and bruise making itself known. But he pushed through. 
The rotting boards creaked alarmingly as he ran with dizzying speed towards the Fatui ship.
Childe sat opposite his bed. In it, tucked with the utmost care, were you, deep in coma. Several strange devices were anchored to a stand by the bed. Satchels containing strange fluids, delivering nutrients to your unconscious body via needles. Your chest rose and fell slightly before his eyes. It was barely visible under the fat layers of bandages covering your broken flesh. With a pained sigh, he moved closer to the bed. Placing his hand on top of yours, he spoke in a gentle, quiet voice.
"How are you feeling today, comrade? I’m alright, if you ask me. Just as you recommended, I slept well today. Full eight hours, get it? I thought I’d never have the time, you know. But I finally found the time today. I hope you got some good rest, too. Heh. All you do is sleep, so you’ll have a lot of energy when you finally return. I can’t wait! Just imagine for a second - you and I on a hill, surrounded by a sea of Treasure Hoarders, Hilichurls, Geovishaps and Abyss servants…Undefeated as always! As…always, comrade."
His smile turned into a frown of pain. Not physical, but emotional. Childe never suffered this type of injury. It left a gaping hole in his chest. Daily, he felt something was missing. A large chunk of his time was now free. The Harbinger used all of his free hours hanging out with you. You usually walked around Liyue, beating up everything that looked at you funny. You two talked, cooked, fished and fought. It was fulfilling for him. The first day after getting back home was filled with boring, dull work he couldn’t focus on. So he dropped everything and went out, bow firmly in hand. Childe didn’t even think much of it - it was his instinct. He kept his composure at first, slicing through waves upon waves of monsters and Hoarders, but before long he broke. He changed into a crying, screaming storm of deadly rage. He cut and stabbed, staining his clothes in bright, red blood. Nobody was spared. Yet it didn’t give him any relief. The ravine you left couldn’t be filled, even with his beloved combat. He got back many hours later, refusing to give any explanation as to the reason for his departure. He found himself unable to focus, eat much or sleep for long, spending time by your bedside. He just idled. No thoughts. No memories or desires. Just grim emptiness.
Childe dropped his head on the edge of the bed.
"I’m sorry, comrade."
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Thanks for reading!
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