#'can't have any hope or optimism in this song'
cosmogyros · 1 month
I wish I had more songwriter friends. It would be so cozy to be able to grumpily text each other
"Ughhh I'm stuck on this one line and can't figure out what to write"
"What's a good but somewhat unexpected chord to stick into a song in the key of G?"
"Tell me if you get what I'm going for with this verse, I'm trying to walk the line between too vague and too explicit"
...or even sit around in person working on our songs together 🥺
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idiopathicsmile · 7 days
School Gymnastics: A Tragicomedy
So one day when we were in third grade, our P.E. teacher divided us into girls and boys. (I don’t remember what the boys had to do. Wrestling? Tackle football? I don’t know, probably not at age nine, but that’s not the point. Gladiatorial combat? I still don’t really understand kids’ sports.)
What matters for this story is that all the girls had to do gymnastics. Now—and I suspect this won’t surprise you if you know literally anything about me—I was always terrible at any form of school athletics. I am intensely, almost impressively uncoordinated. This doesn’t affect my life much at 36, but it was often a miserable way to be a kid. The only playground game I liked was playing pretend, because when you are playing pretend, you don’t have a bunch of people ostensibly on your side screaming in your ear, “Pretend faster! Pretend over there! Pretend with greater accuracy!”
Anyway, gymnastics and my clumsy, doughy little body. I couldn’t do a cartwheel. I couldn’t do a backwards somersault. I couldn't do any of it. We had an entire unit on this business and I literally did not learn how to even safely attempt a single move besides the log roll (lie flat and roll sideways on your belly). In retrospect, this seems like maybe it was in part a teaching problem, not a me problem, but that’s actually not the point either.
The point is, at the end of the unit, we were told to divide ourselves into little teams and choreograph a group gymnastics routine. My group, faced with my long list of limitations (more limitation than girl, really) decide my role will be to just forwards-somersault around the rest of the group as they do their moves. (This is itself kind of embarrassing but trust me, it is but the appetizer.) My friend Ashley has the Lion King soundtrack and we all agree that it is a great choice. The movie has only come out a couple of years earlier, and it of course features some funny, peppy options. 'Hakuna Matata'? 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King'? It's all coming together.
Carried on a wave of youthful enthusiasm, none of us even think to double-check which track Ashley has picked. Foreshadowing!
So the day of the performance comes. Another group goes right before us. They had picked “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, which was a huge hit at the time. I mean, it still is because it’s a classic, but then it was big and new. They step onto the mat and immediately begin to do choreographed dance moves, which they have worked into their routine. We had not thought of this. Oops. Dance moves, of course! So they incorporate the necessary gymnastics, it goes over really well, the energy is high, and now it’s my group’s turn.
I take my place at the edge of the mat, the mat we are required to stay on for the length of the piece. Ashley cues up the track she’d chosen.
A song starts up. Instantly, I recognize it from the movie. It is the very slow instrumental music that plays when Simba realizes his dad is dead.
‘Well, this is not optimal,’ I think. I've been on this planet for nine years; I can see that much. But it’s too late to change the track, and so I tell myself, ‘It’s okay. I’m a performer. I can sell this.’ I put on an extremely solemn face and begin to execute a series of the world’s saddest somersaults.
Friends, when I say “sad” I mean it, in every possible sense of the word. Picture a nine year old with the gravest possible affect, determinedly doing somersaults to the slowest, most serious music she can imagine, in a careful ring around her friends who have actually learned any gymnastics whatsoever. Okay, now as the music starts to pick up and get more hopeful, imagine she gets real dizzy and in front of everyone, she rolls all the way directly off the mat, careening dangerously towards the assembled students.
Somehow, I roll myself back onto the mat, we survive what feels like hours of humiliation, we stagger away, and I blessedly avoid adding “puking my guts out in front of all of my peers” to my very short list of gymnastics tricks.
Later, I asked Ashley what in the world possessed her to choose that song.
“It didn’t have any words,” she said.
(There was absolutely no rule against using songs that had lyrics.)
Anyway, that’s why being an adult is better than being a kid.
I may have to do laundry and make my own dinner and wrestle with more complex existential angst, but you know what I haven’t been asked to do in like 26 years? Somersault for three minutes straight to the musical shorthand for “this cartoon lion cub has no choice but to process the weight of unimaginable grief for his dead dad.” And you know what? If I live another 50 years, I can be pretty confident nobody will ask me to do it then, either.
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Hello! Can I ask for a (Hazbin Hotel) Charlie Morningstar!Reader X Idia/Leona/Malleus?
You can choose any of the three I don't mind! (And if you don't know who charlie or know the show you can just ignore this ^^)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Ofc I know Charlie <33, I love her and Alastor so much!!! I binge watched the whole thing on the first day of release lol. Hope u enjoy this, darling, wrote both Leona n Idia! :)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are so optimistic and kind, as well as communicative. You are the total opposite of Idia who prefers to isolate himself in his room and watch you from afar, at least for now while he gathers enough courage to bathe in your light and presence.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Idia loves your songs and will constantly start humming when he's around you or hesitantly sing to express himself, just like you like to do. It's a little strange for him but he gets used to it quickly, not caring if his voice misses the right tone.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He knows about your powers and studies them meticulously, keeping all information about them in his mind for the hypothetical case he has to fight you one day. He would hate to do that, however if he is going to fight you he will fight to win.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He loves your horns and he likes to trace them with his fingers, to feel their hardness and texture. If you let him, Idia would love to decorate them with flowers and bows.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ It doesn't matter what you are or who your parents are, Idia loves you enough to not care if you are literally royalty from hell. What's more, he supports your idea of ​​reforming sins, listening to your ideas and offering tips on how to improve them.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ On days of extermination, he prays for your safety. If possible he will drag you out of hell and into twisted wonderland, where he can care for and protect you without a shadow of a doubt.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Leona finds you annoying at first glance. He just wants to take a nap, but here you are babbling about sinners, a hotel, your friends, your dreams, humming and singing and daydreaming. It's terribly irritating, but intriguing. Even though you make him lose sleep, he is attracted to your optimism, he needs a little hope and kindness, even if he doesn't realize it or say it out loud.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He also doesn't care if your father is Lucifer and your mother is Lilith, if you are a demon or hell royalty, as long as you come and cuddle him a little, he doesn't care at all. This doesn't change his feelings for you, not even a little. You're so loveable and friendly that he can't find in himself to mind your differences.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Also loves your horns, the shape of them, the texture, he likes to touch them and he let you touch his fluffy ears too. Only in private though, because he has an image to maintain but he melts in your touch everytime, even if you kissed every inch of his skin and played with his arms in public he couldn't get angry at you. He don't have the strength to. But please don't do it in public 🥺
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Won't sing with you but he 100% hums even if he deny it. Loves hearing you sing though, be in a loud tone or hushed, he finds great comfort in it, could listen to you singing forever.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He may be the second prince but he has resources to protect you during the extermination day if you want to hide - highly unlikely because your every proud of your status and love to help your people. So Leona prefers to fight at your side. How did he go to hell? Man, I dunno but he went there to help you and to fight with you, to protect you and your dreams. And you aren't getting hurt with how closely he watches over you.
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fairyhaos · 10 months
seventeen as seventeen songs
requested by @nishloves
notes: honestly this was hard to do 😭 i kept thinking about songs that are most iconic for that member rather than which song they fit, but hopefully it's still somewhat accurate <3
[the spotify playlist with these songs in too]
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clap. if there's any song that screams "i'm the leader of seventeen and we're better than any of your lazy asses", then it's clap. it's also such an iconic song, and the hypeness and brightness and the coolness and suaveness it radiates all at once is very very seungcheol, if you ask me. it also doesn't hurt that he looked so so good with his silver hair in the mv.
snap shoot. okay, this one sounds really unusual, but hear me out. snap shoot gives encore song vibes, goodbye song but not quite goodbye, "today was fun and i hope to see you soon" vibes. it's like standing back and watching everyone have fun because of something that you did. it's being happy n having fun by seeing that you made others have fun. and that's jeonghan.
falling for u. it's such a delicate song, all polite and sweet and delicate and therefore it's just very very much joshua. the youthful, almost playful edge to the melody reminds me of him, along with the kind of naive, "you're so pretty so i fell in love" kind of loving that the song feels like makes me think of josh. also a bonus that he has tons of lines in this song, since it's just a duet w him and jeonghan haha
my my. the hope!! the sweetness!! the little funky music in the intro that adorably reminds me of junhui's voice!! it's all just so him. the way this song just encapsulates feelings of youth and life and being forever young and forever going towards your dreams... that never-failing optimism is so junhui it almost hurts
hit. if you don't think the constant "woah woah woah woah woah"s and "let me drop the 음악" aren't the most hoshi things ever then idk what you're on, man. it's hype, it's powerful, it's "im better than you and even you know it" and so cocky but also so True that you can't even refute it. it's about always doing better, always going further, and that's just so hoshi.
lean on me. jazzy, chill, dependable vibes are a very very wonwoo thing, actually, and that's what this entire song is about. it's laid back, and yet loving at the same time, caring and comfortable and ready to be by your side. it feels like a song you'd listen to while on a walk with him at night, his camera up to his eyes, his hand wrapped around yours.
247. it's romantic, but also a little wistful at the same time? elegant, yet nostalgic, thoughtful and sweet and like dancing across a glass lake. it's what woozi feels like, with his intelligence and how delicately he feels things. to be honest, a lot of the ballad-style, romantic earlier songs of svt fit him rlly well, but 247 even more so
hit song. it's a smooth feeling song, like running a cloth over a black marble countertop. honestly, finding a minghao vibe song is really hard for me, but some of their gentler songs seem to fit him, full of devoted, almost shy love that feels very minghao to me. that devotion, that softness and yet the determination also present feels like him
boomboom. purely based on the vibes of the song tbh, and the prominent drums and chromaticism of the melody feel like mingyu, along with the brass accents and the confidence and coolness is just all so very very there that it makes me think of mingyu practically almost instantly.
kidult. not only because his vocals in this song are both iconic and utterly incredible, but even its message is very dokyeom. it encapsulates his innate urge to help people, to heal people, to make sure they smile and that they know they're loved. it's a precious song, and a song about letting others know they're precious, and has me crying and smiling, just like dokyeom does.
'bout you. it's a devastatingly romantic song, like a simple, easy love. it's like the type of love with zero complications, just full of two people laughing and running through fields hand in hand and hearts full of love for one another. the entire song feels so fresh, almost citrusy, and never ever fails to bring a smile to my face. just like seungkwan, actually.
crush. im gonna be real with u i have no idea how to explain this one but yeah. crush gives me vernon vibes and idk, maybe it's the funky vibes of the song with its mild chromaticism that give me a vernon feeling, but yeah. vernon is crush. (maybe it's because that's what i have on him-)
domino. it's a light song, like floating but not quite. almost as if bouncing on your feet in midair, leaping across clouds which just gives me chan vibes. it also gives me movie ending credits song vibes after a bright, high school-set rom com learning-to-grow kind of movie which is very very chan in my opinion
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu @sakufilms
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lou-struck · 3 months
Dodge This!
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Mirio Togata x reader (ft. Tamaki Amajiki)
~ Mirio has a new hobby and he just had to bring you along to cheer him on.
W.C. 2.6k
a/n: this was a sleep-deprived idea but I really am happy at how this turned out. I really had to incorporate some non-canon pop culture references for narrative sake. 
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The dimly lit pathways do little to conceal the drying puddles of rainwater on the street around you as you and your boyfriend, Mirio Togata, pass rows of darkened buildings in the city's warehouse district. 
"Are you sure we're heading to the right place, Mirio?" You whisper, looking around for any sign of another person. "It seems awfully quiet around here."
He gives you a smile and drapes one of his strong arms around you, pulling you close. "There's nothing to worry about, y/n; we'll get to the gym soon. I just can't wait for you to see me play."
The game in question, dodgeball…
It's no secret pro heroes have some of the hardest jobs out there. Over time, pros have found ways to unwind after work just like everyone else, joining book clubs, poker groups, and adult sports teams.
The latter of which has been gaining more traction in recent years.
After hearing about a quirk-friendly recreational dodgeball league, Mirio jumped at the chance to sign up for a chance to use his quirk for something other than work. The first few times he had gone out, he returned sweaty, slightly bruised from ducking and diving against the gym floor, but more happy than you have seen him in a while. 
This is saying something because he is literally a big ball of Sunshine, hope, and optimism. All wrapped in a thick coating of good humor and affection.
At first, you did not want to go. Not because you weren't interested in watching a bunch of Pro Heroes throw rubber balls at one another but because it seemed like this was his thing. This little league has been so therapeutic for him you didn't want to inject yourself into the experience. But after weeks of pleading from him, you finally relented, knowing that in your heart, he wants to share this new and exciting part of his life with you, the person he loves most in the world. 
"Oh, watch your step there," he says suddenly. His large forearm shoots out in front of your stomach to stop you from stepping into a massive pothole full of rainwater. 
"Thank you." Looking down into the deep hole in the ground, you shudder, imagining the uncomfortable sensation of walking around all night with a sock drenched in rainwater. "You really saved me there, Lemillion." your smile is soft as you meet his twinkling gaze. 
His smiling cheeks flush a light pink color at the soft way you said his Hero name. "Anything for you," he beams, taking your hand and guiding you over the obnoxiously large puddle. His hand stays comfortably on your own as you continue walking down the paved street. He happily hums the Mission Impossible theme song, his current hyper-fixation, until he comes to a stop in front of a large warehouse. The white fluorescent light on the outside flickers as it is circled by big white moths.
"And here we are," he declares, turning his attention to you. His features turn serious as he places both of his hands on your shoulder. "Now, do you remember the first rule of underground dodgeball?"
"Ummm, don't talk about underground dodgeball?" you reply as his poker face shatters into his usual joyful features.
"That's it,” he laughs, his body practically buzzing with excitement. 
"I should've never made you watch Fight Club, "you mutter under your breath as he takes some sort of access card out of his jacket pocket and slides it into the electronic lock. It beeps in response and the little red light on the side of the sensor turns from red to green as the metal doors open for the both of you. 
You are flabbergasted at the complexity of the private facility. "All this for dodgeball?" this is kinda high tech, and you wonder which one of the country's extremely wealthy, retired Pro Heroes decided to fund this operation. 
"Yeah, isn't it the best?" he asks, practically bounding down the short hallway toward the ever-growing sound of chatter. His mannerisms remind you of a golden retriever on its way to the dog park. The mental image brings a smile to your lips as you step into a massive gymnasium, its warm overhead lights illuminating the whole room. 
A massive indoor sports court lies in the center of the room, surrounded by a few rows of bleachers. 
There are already a multitude of heroes and sidekicks standing around the room, some tossing red rubber balls into the padded walls with a scary strength behind them. The impact sends shivers down your spine as you worriedly look to Mirio. But he doesn't seem nervous in the slightest at the possibility of decapitation by rubber ball. Instead, his blue eyes are alight with the fires of competitive determination. 
"This is…" The word frightening lingers on the tip of your tongue, but he beats you to the punch. 
"Incredible isn't it? In here we get to let loose a bit and have fun without worrying about our rankings or the media."
You nod, noticing the carefree smiles of the other Heroes in the room. This league is a good thing for them to have fun and just act like they are normal people whilst throwing rubber balls at each other.
He looks at the clock counting down on the switchboard above the gym and shoots you an embarrassed grin. "It looks like we are cutting it a bit close today. My game starts in five minutes, so I'll have to warm up a bit so I can really impress you."
"I'm already impressed with you Mirio," you smile fondly. "I'll go up to the bleachers and get all settled in."
You turn to leave him to his own devices, and you feel a gentle pull on your wrist before you can step away. "Wait," he says firmly, the look on his face dead serious. "You're forgetting something."
"You cock your head to the side and try to remember what he could be talking about. When he sees that furrow in your brow, his serious face melts away, revealing that mischievous boyish grin that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. "You forgot my good luck kiss."
"Oh my," you mock gasp, "how could I forget such an important thing?"
He shakes his head, "It's a crime for sure; you'll have to pay double for this infraction."
"I think that can be arranged," you chuckle, closing the short distance between your two bodies and pressing two gentle pecks to his lips. The kiss is brief, but you can still taste the berry-flavored chapstick he put on earlier lingering on his lips. 
You pull away and playfully tug down on the hem of his shirt. "Good luck, Mirio," you murmur, nudging him off toward the court where his other teammates are waiting for him.
It's a short walk up a lightweight metal staircase to the raised bleachers. Since these leagues are pretty low profile, there aren't many spectators. You see a few groups of people waiting to play in the next round, but near the back of the bleachers, you spot a familiar-looking head of indigo hair sitting all by themselves. 
"Hello, Tamaki," you say, coming over to sit next to your friend. "I didn't know you were on one of the dodgeball teams."
"I'm not," he replies, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. The heavenly aroma of butter fills your nostrils as you pull your gaze away from the bag he must've gotten from one of the little concession areas in the warehouse. "But someone at my agency wanted to make plans tonight, and I told them I was busy, so I decided to come here so I wasn't lying to them."
"Oh, I get it," you say sympathetically. "But I'm glad you're here. I don't really know anyone else, so it will be nice to have someone to talk to."
He gives you a small smile and tilts his popcorn bag towards you. "Thanks y/n. Here, take some. I saw you were looking at it earlier."
"Thank you," you smile embarrassedly at the realization you are just as sneaky as Mirio. "Was it that obvious?"
"Just a little bit," he says. 
Suddenly, you are interrupted by the sound of a rubber ball hitting the wall with a terrifying force. It barrels back at the player who threw it like a boomerang. "Wow, do these balls just not pop?"
"Not usually," Tamaki says. "Since these games are for Pro Heros, the equipment was designed by support specialists to be extra durable. Occasionally, things will break, but it's way less common than with normal equipment."
"I see," you say quietly. Instinctually, your eyes dart over to Mirio in concern, but he looks so genuinely happy stretching and talking with his teammates it gives you a sense of security. If he isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.
A short man in a referee uniform steps up to the side of the court and blows the silver whistle from around his neck. The clear, high-pitched sound echoes off the walls, signaling to the teams of six to take the court.
A line of red rubber balls sit motionless in the center of the court. The players are touching the back walls with just the tips of their fingers as they stare the balls down hungrily as they try to decide which one to go for first.
There is a competitive intensity in the air that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up, but when you finally zero in on your boyfriend on the court, he doesn't seem to be at all intimidated. 
Instead of the balls or his opponents or anything else game-related, you see that he is looking up in the bleachers right at you. A big, goofy grin rests on his face as he waves up at you enthusiastically. 
You laugh and give him a small wave back just as the starting whistle blows, and both teams are off. Mario doesn't run toward the line of ammunition at all; he hangs back and paces across the floor with an open, unassuming posture that basically invites his opponents to chuck a ball at his chest. 
It doesn't take long until the first player takes the bait. A woman with plum-colored skin and a long silver ponytail steps up and throws the ball his way with a wicked speed. It has a slight backspin as it barrels toward his face. 
It gets closer and closer until he activates his quirk, and it passes harmlessly through his body and hits the wall behind him. If it weren't for the special workout clothes he was wearing, you would worry about him sinking through the ground and popping up completely naked.
"Nice throw," he smiles, crouching slightly to pick up the now harmless ball. "If that had hit me, I would definitely feel that tomorrow." He winds up his throw and slings it across the court with a curve. 
The woman dodged just barely, but the man behind her wasn't so lucky. The ball hits one of his spring-loaded knees as he tries to leap out of the way and is sent off by the referee. 
"Way to go Mirio." you cheer happily. When the sound of your voice reaches his ear, he can't help but puff out his chest with pride. 
'Watch me,' he mouths, stepping into the middle of the court. 
"Looks like someone is getting overconfident," Tamaki mutters next to you. 
"What do you mean?" you ask as Mirio sneaks a smile your way just as his opponents throw three balls at him at once. Thanks to his quirk, he is basically untouchable. If this whole 'hero thing' doesn't work out, you are sure he will have a promising career in the underground dodgeball circuit.
Because that is totally a real thing. 
"Wow, he's incredible," you murmur to Tamaki. 
"He is," the hero replies, "but Mirio has a weakness."
"Really?" you ask, struggling to think of how he can lose at this game, "how so?"
"Just watch, you'll see what I mean," he replies, taking a long sip from his water bottle.
And watch you do. 
As the game rages on, Mirio's teammates are picked off one by one until Mirio finds himself staring down his opponents. The woman with the silver ponytail and the man with the strength quirk you saw earlier warming up. 2 vs. 1 may not be a fair fight, but you have full faith in your boyfriend. 
 His evasive maneuvers are professional and practiced. He is so good at dodging, ducking, dipping, diving, and dodging some more until all of the balls on the playing field end up on his side, safely out of his opponent's reach.
With a bright red ball in his hand, you see him wind up his throw, rush to the top of the court, and send it flying through the air with all his might.
But the man from before, smiling in his black leather singlet (which cannot be comfortable), catches the ball with one of his giant hands as if it were a balloon. 
Mirio is out. 
The ref blows the final whistle, and the match ends. 
After shaking hands with each one of his opponents, his smile falls, and he sulks over to you with his head hung low. "Ahhh, I was so close," he groans, plopping down next to you and leaning his sweat-dusted brow on your shoulder. 
"But you played so well," you say gently, consoling him. "This is so much fun to watch. Thank you for inviting me."
He perks up and puts his chin on your shoulder. "You had fun?"
You nod and press your lips to his forehead. "So much fun."
Tamaki clears his throat. "You player well, fo you play again?"
"Tamaki, thank you for coming." Mirio smiles, looking over to his best friend. "Yeah, I think we play again after this game. Do you want to play? I think we can add in an extra player."
The indigo-haired man's eyes go wide as he starts to shake his head. "N-no, I can't."
"Why not?" Mirio asks cocking his head to the side."
You watch as Tamaki tries to come up with an excuse. “Because… because…”
"That doesn't sound like a reason to me." you hum thoughtfully. 
Mirio claps his hands together. "Perfect, then you'll be playing on my team in the next round."
"We could get ice cream afterward." you offer as the shy hero accepts his fate.
He narrows his eyes. "Fine, I'll play. But you're paying."
"Done," you agree, as your boyfriend looks like he is about to burst from happiness at the idea of playing dodgeball with his best friend. 
"This is great!" he exclaims, patting Tamaki on the back. "There's extra clothes in the locker room in the back, go get changed."
"You sound too excited about this," Suneater mumbles as he heads off toward where the locker room must be, with the slightest hint of pep in his step.
Your boyfriend looks at you warmly, his sapphire eyes filled with love as he takes your hand. "Thank you for helping me convince him to play. I think this will be good for him to let loose a bit."
"I think you guys will have fun." you say earnestly, "I can't wait to watch."
Mirio gently pokes your cheeks. 
"Hey y/n?"
"The love of my life?" 
You scoff as his enthusiasm brings a smile to your lips. "Yes?"
"If we win the next game can I get two scoops?" he leans in close to you and peppers your face with bribing kisses, your favorite form of currency."
"Mirio, if you win. I'll get you three scoops."
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
Let's Talk About Hazbin Hotel
Just a casual review. Hazbin Hotel's been coming up on my Tumblr dash a lot, and there's been some controversy around it. So I decided to give it a try.
(Note: I haven't engaged with anything that came out before its Amazon Prime debut)
To summarize: it's pretty okay. The animation is great and the songs are bangers. The plot is pretty solid; there are some hiccups but in only eight episodes it does pretty well in world building.
Though I guess that's where we have our first problem. Eight 23 minute episodes doesn't mean a lot of time for our characters to be fleshed out. Sure Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, and even Lucifer get their moments. And don't get me wrong, that's great. But I feel a lot of that could have been geared towards our main characters: Charlie and Vaggie.
Let me just say, I love Charlie and I think she's well-written for the most part. She's flawed, but wants the best for the people around her. And that's great. That being said, it doesn't feel like we've gotten a real deep dive into who she is. What gave her the idea to redeem sinners in the first place? How has she interacted with the people of hell prior to the hotel? We know she helped Vaggie when she was injured, did that come before or after her idea for the hotel?
(If any of this is answered in the pilot, I'm sorry. But there's a good chance new fans like myself didn't watch the pilot either)
The most introspection we get into her character are Husk's offhand comment about her bleeding heart who focuses on others' problems instead of her own and Rosie mentioning her "moxie." And those things are being told to us, not shown to us. It's hard to view her as complex, though I am holding out hope that we'll get more into her in the next season especially with Lilith's inevitable return. I'm eager to see her grow more as a leader.
(I also hope they explore her temper. For me, that's when she's at her most dynamic. Feminine rage ftw)
Now, onto Vaggie.
I'm sorry, but I really can't get into her character at all. She's mean and untrusting and... that's it? Unlike Charlie she doesn't seem to have any defining character traits. No goals or aspirations that don't have to do with Charlie's. And even then, she doesn't display a lot of confidence in her, consistently doubting Charlie's input and even outright refusing that some of the patrons can change. It's like she doesn't actually believe that sinners can be redeemed and only puts effort into the hotel at all for Charlie.
(This isn't a problem with Vaggie per se, but her encouraging Charlie to confront Valentino felt so off to me. She's supposed to be more levelheaded and rational than Charlie, so wouldn't she know that Charlie doesn't really hold that much power? Her and Lucifer are basically figureheads, the Overlords are the ones that really run Hell. Considering she's so distrustful of Alastor, Vaggie would know that right? So why push Charlie into being assertive against one?)
And this is a direct contradiction to what is being told to us about her character. She, as an exterminator, showed mercy to a sinner and paid the price for it. If she believed that the child she spared was worth sparing, she should have some optimism that sinners deserve a second chance. But outside of hyping Charlie up, that's never shown to us.
Even in Scrambled Eggs- an episode that was centered around her- doesn't tell us much about her. Just that she's a semi-competent fighter who learned trust the "hard way." But nothing about her growing closer to the residents- despite being entrusted to teach them trust- just a song about her love and devotion to Charlie.
And I know that this is supposed to be her parallel to Carmilla and that the duet sets up their meeting later. But Vaggie's goals being so focused on Charlie and not the hotel or the residents means that there's such a disconnect here. Carmilla is singing for her daughters (and even Zestial), but it's also for all of Hell. She wants to keep them out of unnecessary war. Her goal has different facets to it while Vaggie's is extremely one-way.
To put it simply: Vaggie is boring.
And it's because of these things that I really can't get into Chaggie. It's... Okay. I guess. There's so little focus on it that outside of the reveal that Vaggie's an angel, it doesn't hold a lot of relevance throughout the show, good or bad. They could have been best friends and nothing would have changed.
If I'm being completely honest, Charlie has more interesting relationships with everyone else: Alastor, Lucifer, Angel, and even Emily who wasn't even on screen with her for that long.
(Unapologetically a RoyalHalo shipper. Also an Emily stan)
Speaking of Emily, I love what they're setting her up for. It seems like she'll either Fall like Lucifer and join Charlie in Hell or take over Heaven from Sera and work with Charlie to bring a better system. Either way, I'm excited for what they'll do with her.
Although I have to say, even though I love You Didn't Know, I do have some things to say about it and the whole trial scene.
As I said, the Hazbin Hotel songs are good. There's no denying that. But a few of them- like YDK- kind of hinder the plot. There's so much going on in this scene- so many important revelations- that it being a song I feel undercuts that. Like Emily finding out about Extermination Day and confronting Sera about it could have used a lot more attention. Her and Charlie aligning themselves together, while freaking amazing to listen to, kind of comes out of nowhere. Even- especially- Vaggie being revealed as an angel to Charlie is a lot less intense being sung through a song.
(It still slaps though)
But a lot of songs also have the opposite effect. More Than Anything, Poison, and Loser Baby convey exactly what they're trying to. You feel the emotion and flaws of these characters, you feel the pure connection/strife.
(Songs like Hell's Greatest Dad and Respectless are for fun and do help move the story along. They also give us a glimpse into the characters. I could do without some of them, especially because that time could be better spent, but they're still fun to listen to and watch. Respectless is so fucking good man)
I'm excited to see more of Lilith and her relationships with Charlie and Lucifer. It's implied during MTA that she was the one fostering the distance between Lucifer and Charlie. I wonder if that was intentional or just through Charlie's/Lucifer's POV. Also, her being gone at the same time Alastor was is definitely hinting at her being the one who has him on a leash.
Sir Pentious in heaven🥹 I don't have a lot to say about it, it just made me happy
All in all... Pretty good. Enough to keep me engaged. Looking forward to the next season👍🏾
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merao-mariposa · 3 months
Who will you call?
When the end draws near who are you going to call?
The sky is burning and there is nothing to fight for, nothing to fight against because your opponent is invincible, the fear of death swallows you alive but its march is inexorable and you know in your heart that it is all, suddenly your life passes in front of your eyes and you call a name, what is it?
The little warrior have fought well but it is all for, only at the end can he feel his heart tighten, have he failed? Again? This can't end here he don't want it to end here and suddenly he calls his papa Missa.
Whenever he's not with Tallulah or another egg to protect, I think Chayanne would call Missa.
He is terrified that it is the end of him, they (his family) love him and he knows that there will be no danger for his papá here. He does need consolation, Is it too much to ask?
He is a good boy, a great warrior, and he did try so well. He knows that either of his parents will assure him that he did the best he could. He knows that they will give him soft guarantees that will make the feeling of inadequacy and pain diminish.
But he wants his dad Missa.
He knows he's not thinking, anyone knows that Dad Phil can face any danger better than Missa would.
But he's not being rational, he's being sentimental, he's not being the big brother, he's being the little egg who he knows he is.
He wants the tranquility that Missa can offer with the simple aura; he wants the happy optimism that Missa sticks out like a sore thumb in his gloomy and ominous appearance.
But Chayanne knows better that his father is naive, and so kind that's why he has to protect him! Even though now it seems that he won't be able to.
He doesn't want dad Phil to see him like this almost as much as he longs for his gentle protection and the right words of encouragement from him. Chayanne wonders what would he think of him?
Nothing bad, he would probably be filled with worry, concentrating on speaking sincerely and with his heart in his hand.
Like the last time…
But Chayanne knows deep inside, at his young age that this is the definitive one for him, there will be no another time.
So if he can't have all together, his family (please let the boy have all there he loves them and he needs to see them one last time)
Then he would ask for his father, the man who sang the first song he ever heard in his life, name him, teach him water drops and how to cook, the one who teach him how to turn his violence into something profitable, he wants the man who makes him happy with only his appearances in his life outside of his busy schedule.
He wants, he does need to feel loved and protected like he once did when he was a tiny egg just came to life. Maybe it sounds so childish but a part of him needs to feel like a loved and silly child again.
So this is the end…
Chayanne seeks the comfort that his papá Missa inspires, Oh how he wants to hear him sing one last time…
Her lungs squeeze painfully in her chest, the chaos around her roars like a thousand beasts indiscriminately that she already has enough pain in his body without having more, there is nowhere to run, can't run, and the name Philza turns to her tongue…
Beyond the first eggs, like Chayanne, that were loved upon arrival, Tallulah arrived with a heavy heart from the beginning.
Spreading her love everywhere as a mere defense against abandonment or at least in part (it was not the intention of the islanders to abandon her, the adoption process was not well done, some with two eggs and others with one, it was not fair for her or hope)
But on the other hand she knew what it was like to not feel the love she saw in others, she strove to give it to everyone to share just what she lacked.
In this context she comes to Philza, holding hands with Missa will not deny that she embedded part of his appearance in herself, so similar; music, ghosts, and even colors.
It was easier to protect herself from the bond that she could have with Chayanne's father if she looked like someone else (even if he was still another of Chayanne's father).
But if there is something that hurt Tallulah, it was loneliness, every bit of it was like returning a little to that Federation attic, alone eating dirt to survive.
Her fate could have been worse than this, that would have been a lonely, tragic ending.
She knows it now but before she wasn't so sure.
A mixture of jealousy and anguish choked in her throat when she saw the other children so… complete and free without having to earn anyone's love /God, she and Missa are so similar, those who say that he is not her father are so wrong.
Then she was struck down by overwhelming guilt because she had someone she had Phil! But Phil is Chayanne's father, not hers.
Never hers.
While all the other children freely adopted these traits of their parents, Tallula is happy to just see herself as her own person because she does not believe that she can bring herself the shame of imitating her loved brother's father.
She will never be able to steal it! Only sometimes it is impossible for her wings to not be blackish or for her hair to be so dark.
They are all she have, all the family she knows and that she can say about them beyond the fact that they love her deeper than she has ever let herself love others.
Words will never be enough to explain how grateful she is to them.
So she expresses it with actions, her flute, flowers, nicknames, always looking for a way to convey her feelings that she does not verbally, to share a little of how happy they make her even with the black cloud hanging over her head.
The black cloud refuses to abandon her, be it the Federation that left her behind, the monster that traumatized the people she loves most in the world, being kidnapped multiple times (isolated for a moment, alone, so alone) and walking through hell.
But they are always there, especially dad Phil!
When they took them back to that dark attic that she thought she would never return to, and when they visited that macabre place called egg island her dad Phil was always there, late sometimes, but always there, always found her.
He managed to pick her up when the code stabbed her and she arrived just in time to pull him out of the water after his (failed) leap of faith.
Could she begin to repay him for all the love and security that he made her feel? Maybe not, but that didn't matter.
Because now he understands that he doesn't have to “pay” or “earn” her father's love, she can simply… have it. To have love, to have a father and to be a daughter without being ashamed or guilt. As Chay once told her; "The more people, the more love to share."
Tallulah has been through terrifying things before, she sees it in how her life flashes before her eyes but she surprises herself that she has peace in this moment because she knows that her dad Phil will arrive, even if it is not to save her, she knows he will be there, He will be there with her and that is more than she could ask for (although she would ask for her entire family to be there)
There are worse ways to die and now she knows it better than dying of hunger in an attic forgotten by God, at least where she is now she knows that she is loved and when the storm passes she will still be loved.
She hopes that dad Phil is proud because she fought so hard and came so far. She knows that he is...
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
graphical representation of how songs on Speak Now (Taylor's Version) correspond to different miraculous ships/characters because YEAHHHH DATA!!!
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full breakdown of each song and their corresponding category under the cut!
mine - feligami
“You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded / You say we’ll never make our parents mistakes”
sparks fly - marichat (in elation)
“Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain”
back to december - first half of s5 ladynoir
“You gave me roses and I left them there to die”
speak now - adrienette (in emotion)
“Horrified looks from everyone in the room / But I'm only lookin' at you”
dear john - adrien @ gabriel agreste (gabriel agreste SUCKS #1)
“Well, maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame / Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love and take it away”
mean - marinette @ gabriel agreste (in pretension specifically) (gabriel agreste SUCKS #2)
“All you are is mean / And a liar, and pathetic / And alone in life, and mean / And mean, and mean, and mean”
story of us - s4 ladynoir
“A simple complication / Miscommunications lead to fall out / So many things that I wish you knew / So many walls up I can't break through”
never grow up – emilie @ adrien
“You got nothing to regret / I'd give all I have, honey / If you could stay like that”
enchanted — love square
“These are the words I held back / As I was leaving too soon / I was enchanted to meet you / Please, don't be in love with someone else”
better than revenge — marinette @ lila
"She's not a saint and she's not what you think, she's an actress"
innocent — ladybug (in strike back)
“Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days? / Always a bigger bed to crawl into / Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything / And everybody believed in you?”
haunted — ladynoir (post chat blanc)
“I'm holding my breath / Won't lose you again / Something's made your eyes go cold”
last kiss — ok… i’ve always said this song is ladynoir because i miss them and i’m biased but post revolution it’s gotta be adrienette
“I do recall now the smell of the rain / Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane / That July ninth, the beat of your heart / It jumps through your shirt / I can still feel your arms”
long live — ladynoir (always but especially in revolution)
“Long live all the mountains we moved / I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you / I was screaming, "Long live that look on your face" / And bring on all the pretenders I’m not afraid”
ours — adrienette
“I love the riddles that you speak / And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos / Will be ignored, 'cause my heart is yours”
superman — ladrien (adrien’s pov) (these specific lyrics are LITERALLY that chat blanc ladrien scene)
“I'm lovestruck and looking out the window / Don't forget, don't forget where I'll be / Right here, wishing the flowers were from you / Wishing the card was from you”
electric touch — adrienette (post kwami’s choice)
marinettes pov: “Just the first time ever hangin' out with you tonight / I've got my money on things goin' badly / Got a history of stories ending sadly / Still hoping that the fire won't burn me / Just one time” adriens pov: “I've been left in the rain, lost and pining / I'm tryin' hard not to look like I'm trying / ‘Cause every time I tried hard for love, it fell apart”
when emma falls in love - marinette dupain-cheng
“When Emma falls in love, she paces the floor / Closes the blinds and locks the door / When Emma falls in love, she calls up her mom / Jokes about the ways that this one could go wrong / She waits and takes her time / 'Cause Little Miss Sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain"
i can see you — feligami
“I've been watchin' you for ages / And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it / But what would you do if I went to touch you now? / What would you do if they never found us out?”
castles crumbling — ladybug (in strike back)
“And I feel like my castle's crumbling down / And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground / And you don't want to know me, I will just let you down / You don't wanna know me now”
foolish one —adrigami (kagami’s pov)
“Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings / I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring / And you will say you had the best of intentions / And maybe I will finally learn my lesson”
timeless — love square
“We would have been timeless / Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this / So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine”
ok and i'm DONE! join me next time i try to push my taylor x miraculous agenda on you all
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I am very curios, do you have any ideas for Disney songs as themes for the Cullens/Volturi?
I mean, I hadn't thought of it before this ask, no, but we'll see what we can come up with.
I'll just do the Cullens so this post doesn't become unwieldly.
I almost went with My Strongest Suit from Aida. However, that's about the singer's insecurity and hiding this with fashion (believing she has nothing else to offer) and that's not really Alice.
I don't have anything for Alice as she's a very strange character at the end of the day and not one I can see a parallel to in Disney which means there's no song that suits her that well.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast or Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. The first is that Bella is in this small provincial town that she feels better than and falls in love with an isolated creature she's not supposed to. Bella undoubtedly feels a lot of kinship with Belle. The second is how Bella views vampirism, the grass is always greener relationship where she earnestly wants to become something she doesn't fully understand with a teenage optimism.
I'm going to cheat a bit here and pull out The Rainbow Connection from The Muppets Movie as DIsney currently owns the Muppets. There's a lot of Carlisle in Kermit, I personally think, and he's in his own way one of those stubborn head in the clouds optimists that the song describes.
Otherwise, slightly less cheating but perhaps still cheating, I'll pull Someday from The Hunchback of Notre Dame post-credits song. It's the Somewhere of the Disney repertoire in the hope that, someday, people will be better than they are now.
You can't spell Edward without Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Nothing is closer out of the Disney repertoire to Edward's self-loathing, temptation, and guilt.
You can't spell Emmett without bear puns, and there's no song more laid back and bear filled in the Disney repertoire than The Bare Necessities. Brings to mind, for me at least, Emmett's laidback personality and approach to life.
Esme's not really exacting enough to be Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way) but I'll pull out A Spoonful of Sugar anyway as it seems like the kind of advice Esme adheres to. Namely, that all you need to approach tasks you dislike are to make some element of fun to them.
The closest I can think of is Rest and Recreation from the stage adaptation of Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's not right in that Jasper's reaction to fleeing the battlefield is not to become a partier (as Phoebus is portrayed here) but it does at least address the pointless bloodshed of war that Phoebus is desperately fleeing from by any means he can.
Out There from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Obviously, this is very headcanon land of where I think the Renesmee story's going but I feel like hers will be a story of longing for the outside world that's slightly more desperate/marred than A Part of Your World (in that Renesmee can never truly belong among humans due to vampirsm).
There's also What's This? from Nightmare Before Christmas (the film was produced by Disney along with Tim Burton) In that I imagine the human world is so new and exciting to Renesmee and unfamiliar to her with no idea what anything is.
I really wracked my brains, but I couldn't come up with anything. The thing about Rosalie is, for obvious reasons, nothing really like her story happens in the Disney films. So, we don't get a character song that really emphasizes who she is, what she went through, and how she recovers.
As much as I stretch the other ones, I really have nothing for her.
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travelingparties · 2 months
11 Grasping
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*(Solo TTRPG Journaling based on Wanderhome by @jdragsky)*
*text under readmore in case you can't read my tiny handwriting*
Today, the girl and I set out on our journey. I woke her up before sunrise, to make our escape before the city became full of life. Too many dangers.
She’s afraid, I can tell.
I found an old map among my things to take with us, it should prove useful. If I’m correct, it’ll take us a little less than a day to make it to the next town over, where we can stop for the night. I’ve also broken into my savings jar in order to hire a local peddler to act as a caravan, at least for now. It’s easier than traveling on foot. I fear, though, that I may need to find odd jobs to do in each city we stay in, in order to keep paying for his services.
His name is Tiberius and, while I do not consider myself a cruel sort, he is particularly ugly, inside and out. Most peddlers tend to be; obsessed with their wares and their coin and their numbers. He is a unique sort, though. One of those cats with no fur, who has to overcompensate by wearing pounds of bumble wool. The girl keeps asking him where his fur went.
I am urging her to stay silent, but it is difficult with Tiberius around. He refuses to cease his endless yapping. He asks about me, and her, and where her parents are, and why we hired him, and for how long… I have half a mind to steal his beetle myself and kick him out of the caravan, but I remain silently seething.
If there is one piece of good to come out of his inability to not speak, it’s that song he keeps humming. The girl seemed fascinated by it, tapping her fingers to the beat. When he noticed, he asked her if she would like to learn it and she said yes. It’s an old aria, he explained, from his ancestors, passed down through generations. I think that sounds like a load of hogwash, peddlers have a tendency to make nice lies, but the girl loved the story and the song. It’s the first time I’ve seen her smile since I met her.
I decided to start calling her Aria. Maybe, if she can smile along and believe in Tiberius, perhaps I should start trying to believe in her as well.
I always did want to name my daughter Aria, but the chance always passed me by.
We’ve arrived in town, now. And we’ll be staying here for two days before taking off again. I have the money for two nights in the inn, but I’ll need to find work in order to pay Tiberius for passage to the next town. Though, if I can find my own wagon, I might not mind leaving him behind.
It’s been a long time since I stepped foot into this town. I attended university here, once, when I was still young and hopeful. Perhaps it’s the one thing that saved me from Her wrath all those years ago. I wonder if any of my old mentors are still here. It would be nice to see at least one familiar face.
Finding work was difficult. The markets are always full of vendors, but none willing to hire for a day's work. Aria seems overwhelmed by the noise. I nearly had a heart attack when I realized she had run off somewhere. Tiberius found her by a pen of rather impressive bumbles for sale, petting them gently. I had to apologize to the owner. I don’t know how to punish a child that could kill me.
The local shrine was a bust as well. Aria found old food offerings, ones that had already gone bad, and couldn’t help herself. I snapped at her and now I feel guilty. Does she even know who she is? Do I?
I’ll buy her a nice meal tonight to apologize, but I worry our funds are dwindling. We’ve barely even started our journey and it could be over by tomorrow night. Tiberius finally took pity and offered me a job. A small delivery job to the university. The teachers there purchase a fresh order of textbooks every semester. He said he’d give us free passage to the next town if we delivered them for him tomorrow.
I’m not sure how long we’ll be able to keep this up, but I’m going to keep up my optimism and hope that we’ll make it through.
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browzerhistory · 9 months
because i have been Enabled (one person said i should) i'm going to post my late night analysis of leaf pile by the front bottoms! under the cut since it gets kind of long.
(obligatory disclaimer that this is my interpretation of the song and i'll probably miss some stuff or say something you don't agree with; but the beauty of art is you don't have to agree with one another on what it's about. note that i address brian as the singer and not his name, since he's said that not all of his songs are about him specifically.)
before i get in-depth with the lyrics, i want to discuss the theme. this song references a lot of tfb's other music and overall carries a very nostalgic/reflecting tone while still looking forward to the future with hope. i think it's an excellent example of tfb's growth as a band, both in technical skill and general outlook (hehe) on life. while their older songs carried a general air of hopelessness (specifically "it's hard to get better in an environment that drags you back into bad habits"), leaf pile exemplifies the turn towards exhausted but determined optimism.
now, onto the lyrics to support my argument.
if you've listened to the front bottoms for any amount of time, the very first line will be familiar.
I wanna be
this seems like a silly place to make my first note - it's just three words - but they're the same opening words to another one of my favorite tfb songs, vacation town. however, the line in vacation town continues with "that comfortable place where you write and read." i don't doubt that the use of this line was intentional, as tfb references their other songs frequently, and vacation town's theme of being stuck in the past compliments leaf pile well.
that person again
the one that I am right now, again
for the rest of my life, and then
I wanna lay down in the leaf pile, but I can't
fear of change is a common theme both in life and in tfb's music. this opening verse establishes a singer who wants to live in familiarity forever before dying ("laying down in the leaf pile"), but can't because, well, that's just what being alive is.
I wanna be that person again
the one that I am right now, again
for the rest of my life, again
I wanna lay down in the leaf pile
but I can't slow down
or I'm gonna crash, crash, crash, crash, crash
the repeat of the first verse emphasizes its point, but the changes also bring new ideas. the repetition of again affirms that the singer wishes to relive the past.
the addition to the last two lines is another reference to the rest of tfb's discography, though a lot less specific than the last one. the front bottoms sing about motorcycles in their songs a lot, and when riding a motorcycle, like a regular bike, keeping up speed is important because if you're too slow, the vehicle loses balance and falls. this also acts as a metaphor for life (sensing a pattern yet?), since dwelling too long on the past can make you lose sight of the future and get caught up in your regrets.
I wanna feel that same sense of calm
I wanna feel that same sense of peace
it felt so real before you got here
it'll be restored after you leave
after this verse, the chorus repeats again. the first two lines reaffirm a longing for a past that was easier and kinder. the second two remind me of dissociation. perhaps the singer, in meeting up with/seeing someone who reminds him of his past, loses himself in it.
(slightly unrelated note: this upcoming part of the song makes me insane. i love it so much.)
oh man
nothing ever kicked in or as hard as you did
I feel anxious, do you?
like I have to make a move
I'm just gonna do what you did
the singer feels cornered. he isn't ready to move into the future, but he can't keep clinging to the past. he addresses someone, probably the same "you" from the last line, and tells them that nothing ever kicked in or as hard as they did. this could be literal, as some of tfb's older songs also reference domestic/intimate partner violence, but there's definitely a metaphorical aspect to it too. the person the singer is addressing has had a profound and negative effect on his mental health, so much so that they're incomparable to anyone else in his life.
the singer says he's anxious, wonders whether the other person is, then says he's just going to do what they did. based on what we already know about the other person, we can assume it's nothing good.
I cut some ties with a few good friends
for it to be over how ready I am
I closed my eyes, I opened my eyes
but my mouth was closed the entire time
the singer cuts off "a few good friends;" presumably this is the move he had to make, and what the other person did too. he says he's ready for "it" to be over, which is probably related to what he had to do.
closing and opening his eyes, but keeping his mouth shut, may also symbolize the singer observing what's going on around him without making it worse by saying something wrong, which is something tfb has sang about in previous songs.
montgomery forever
first you get hurt, and then there's healing
it's a process, believe me
you stole my notebooks and now you're reading
this verse (my favorite in the song. if you even care) references another song on this album, montgomery forever, which is a song about the neighborhood brian lived in as a kid getting demolished. the usage of the title, followed by the assurance that grieving is a process, shows a resolution to grow through the challenges and losses the singer faces.
the notebook line also references a couple other tfb songs, where notebooks are almost sacred for their containment of the singer's unfiltered, innermost thoughts.
I can't wait to hear you say
that I got back a couple weeks ago
to our friends and family
I can't wait to hear you say
that I got back a couple weeks ago
this line also hits very close to home for me. i lost my best friend, joseph, to suicide when i was just 13 and he was 14. i wanted to believe that he would come back from the hospital eventually, that i'd be able to say he got back a few days ago and thank goodness he was fine. i wanted to do so many things with him that i never got to. i won't lie; i cried pretty hard when i first heard this part. it still gets to me when i'm feeling particularly sad.
but it was all to see
who could ride a motorcycle faster
as for me, I still believe
as for me, I still believe
this line is a direct pull from an old demo, sexy and alive (give an inch). despite being an arguably old song, sexy and alive takes a hopeful tone more like tfb's new music. the usage of this verse connects with the theme of growing while connecting to the past, as well as earlier references to motorcycles as a metaphor for living.
do I seem anxious to you?
do I seem backed into a corner?
as if I had to make a move
but you could tell I didn't wanna
another repetition of an earlier line. the singer didn't want to make the move/cut off his friends, but his circumstances forced his hand, which made him feel anxious and cornered. this verse is repeated a couple times, at the same time as the next one:
I can't remember, it's all a blur
the person you are and the person you were
I can't remember, it's all a blur
the person you are and the person you were
another pretty strong reference to dissociation, specifically dissociative amnesia imo. (DISCLAIMER: i'm absolutely not armchair diagnosing brian with anything. a singer doesn't have to only write about things they've personally experienced, and it's a well-established fact that brian writes a lot of stories into his songs that aren't about him (the most well-known example being father). i just have a dissociative disorder myself and felt really called out by this line lol.) this lines up well with previous references to dissociation in the song.
I don't wanna talk
I don't wanna talk, I wanna look out the window
I don't wanna talk
I don't wanna talk, I wanna look out the window
these are the last lyrics in the song. the singer is tired of trying to explain how he feels to the other person, who either isn't aware of the harm they've caused him or just doesn't care. he's given up talking it out and resigned himself to looking out the window; moving on without the other person.
thanks for reading all of this, if you got this far. if you thought any of what i had to say was perceptive or cool, let me know and i'll post another analysis - probably for hooped earrings or batman since i love both of those songs too (though i may just post those for fun). there's also a possibility i do a post like this for songs from other bands i like.
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supersymmetries · 5 months
a vaguely-presidential looking seal appears on your dashboard to the sound of trumpets--
and my large, sweaty face appears on your screen. even through the low resolution of the pre-recorded broadcast you can tell that the gel is melting out of my hair and my suit is ill-fitting.
hello fellow musers. 2024 is an election year for large chunks of the planet. primaries are well underway for many. we all love to vote here, and i would like to encourage those of you eligible to make sure that you participate in your country's elections this cycle!
recall the number of polls over the last year that we had no business winning because all of us came together and voted as one. even if that song or album wasn't our favorite. even when we didn't win. even when all it got us 2nd or 3rd place. i want you to bring that optimism and determination to the ballot box this year.
this doesn't apply just to presidential elections, but to any local races that may be underway as well. participation in local elections is lower, and your individual vote has greater sway in a smaller voting pool. this is truly where you have the opportunity to make outsized changes to the politics of your immediate area. these changes in local politics can and will result in greater changes further up the chain.
encourage your friends, musers or not, to go vote as well. go online to search for local resources that can ensure that your vote ends up being counted if work, disability, or other circumstances hamper you (your votes matter even more!).
i'm aware that it feels tired saying this in 2024, especially for those of us in the united states who will most likely have to choose between trump and biden once again. but i hope that i can convince you of the importance of not abandoning the most vulnerable of us in allowing greater demagogues to take power and at the very least, the ability to say that you did your part to preserve democracy in a time when the very future of voting is uncertain.
but this can't be the end of it. voting out of fear of the greater evil and pinching your nose every time cannot be what motivates us. fear is exhausting and can be exhausted in a short period of time, but the world order will not change overnight and we cannot expect it to with one election. instead, we have to let ourselves be motivated by love. dare yourself to love your fellow citizens, to want better for them and yourself, to believe that we all deserve better and that "better" is within our grasp.
feed someone. attend a protest. talk about your wages at work. question dichotomies. we maintain what we have, support one another, and grow. even a relatively small number of people can do powerful things when we all work together. i've seen it happen here, and it can happen anywhere, even on the scale of nations.
see you all at the polls!
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oboy-me · 2 years
> i’d love to get like headcanons for the bros with a m!mc who has a habit of collecting things?? like whether it’s just pretty rocks he finds on the ground or some random collectible GAKSHTKDJDKS IT IS GODS GUESS what he has like 50 of in his room!!!
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     Hello anon!! Thank you for being the first request on the blog! 💖 One habitual collecting M!MC coming right up for you! To preface this, this is my first ever time sitting down and writing imagine-style requests so if anything isn't right please don't hesitate to shoot me an ask or IM to correct it! 😊
▸▸ You have a habit; to you it was never a big deal, but to creatures of various core vices, your behavior is a strange little thing to learn about! You've always collected objects for various reasons — perhaps the sentimental value, or just because it looked cool. And... it started to really show in your room.
Lucifer at first doesn't pay too much attention; you're likely just curious about the Devildom's native geology, and he wont reprimand you for a harmless fascination. It served as a great tie-in for some of your classes at RAD too. However when you started to buy more and more shelves and display cases, he took a lot more notice — he was feeling a Levi 2.0 coming on. But the brothers would often fuel your collection habits, especially Mammon and Leviathan, and would always stand up for you: "He's just collecting some neat stuff! Leave him alone!" So he would... mostly.
He does, however, support your little collection in his own way. You started to receive texts about optimal ways to lay out your gemstones so they took up less space and could still stand out, he helps you pick out shelving that fits your room, and even offers an old storage room in the House of Lamentation to store some things for you to rotate in and out as you please. He does this song and dance with Leviathan already, and at least your hobby is way less intrusive or expensive.
"Y/N... Make sure you do not crowd your room out too much. If something breaks, these may fall and injure you, so please exercise caution. … For my own peace of mind, if nothing else. I know I can't dissuade you from collecting more... nor would I want to. Though they may sparkle and shimmer brightly, the way your own face lights up is far more brilliant than any gemstone could ever hope to be. So please, let me know if I can assist you further."
Mammon is over the moon to hear you pick up little discarded items! That's his human! Sure, you end up keeping them, but Mammon's thrilled nonetheless at the fact that you've got a keen eye for these sorts of things. Initially he uses that as an in for you to unwittingly pluck out some valuable knickknacks that had been discarded for him to pawn off later behind your back, but... Well, when you first discovered what he did and ignored him for a week after you ended up deeply upset, he realized you collected those things for their sentimental value. Oops.
Mammon ends up fretting and eventually tracks the items he sold back down, returning them to you; "Normally I wouldn't be goin' through all this trouble for just one guy but... You're my special human, ya got that?!" And you heard it loud and clear. Now you often find Mammon's crows bringing you new shinies for your collection as part of his gifts to you, and he loves seeing that smile on your face every time you receive a new item for your collection. He sometimes even tries to weave these fantastic stories about how he came across them — nearly always something to amp up how great he is — but in the end you can tell each item was picked out because it fit your collection to a T and he knew you'd love it.
"Don't let the others pick on ya, man... Collectin's a good hobby! Ya never know when somethin' ya picked up could sell for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of Grimm! … But, not that I'd want ya to sell the stuff I gave ya... Hey, you wont go sellin' my gifts off right?! Every one of those little trinkets has a piece of my heart in 'em, so they're stayin' put, ya hear?!"
Leviathan is another one firmly in the encouragement squad; he really can't argue otherwise given he's got the worst collection habit of the brothers rivaled only by Satan's own dragon's hoard of books. When he hears you have a fascination with collecting little chibi figurines, even for series you never watched, he's immediately going on Akuzon and selling you on collecting stuff from the series he likes. This sort of immediately spirals in to a daily routine of you two swapping whose displaying what in which rooms, and needless to say it gives Lucifer a hell of a migraine to figure out what's going on. And if anyone pick on you for collecting "girlish" stuff as a guy, Levi's gonna step in to verbally berate them; he's knocking at the knees later on, but hey, no one picks on his follow otaku!
As you two grow closer, Leviathan finds himself buying more of these figurines for you, often making up some kind of excuse: "This one is part of that Devi-Sentai set, so I went ahead and got it for you!" or "This one just has to be displayed with her twin sister, it's total blasphemy to the otaku culture to have one but not the other!" … In truth, he's just glad to see you smile and enjoy his company, and these figurines are the excellent bridge that brought you two closer. Now it's just something you two do together without thinking about it.
"Hey, Y/N! There's gonna be this new sale for figurines going on at the next Ruri-Hana concert; you can't get these anywhere in the three realms otherwise, so let's go together, okay?! You being there will ease my poor heart and make all those crowds much more bearable too s-so you have to say yes!"
Satan is another one who gets the whole hoarding thing but excuses his own as a quest for knowledge rather than anything frivolous like Mammon or Leviathan, so when he sees you collecting origami initially he's rather perplexed by it. Why origami? Why so many of them? Were you building an army of familiars to one day unleash on everyone? As interesting as that would be to use on Lucifer, you inform him it's just something you collect because seeing them dancing and swaying in the ambient light of the moon is a sight you'd never get anywhere else. … Colour him intrigued, so he spends a night over and immediately understands the fascination once the lights are turned off.
After that, Satan offers you a few origami pieces of his own to add to the collection, most being unsurprisingly feline in design; he's just pleased to be able to contribute in a meaningful way to your happiness, even if the others call it a silly hobby. One day he even leaves you an intricate origami cat that has writing on it — a poem he wrote to you to wish for your happiness before he folded it up in just the perfect way to reflect the key words. It's just another in a sea of quirky little additions, but he finds that's what makes you so special.
"I don't see many men, much less human ones, getting in to such a delicate hobby, but I think it suits you if I might be honest. When I first saw all their paper figures sway and sparkle like the stars in your room, it reminded me of how your own eyes shine when you're overtaken by joy. I want to continue seeing that cute face of yours, Y/N — whether through more of these origami, or through other ventures."
Asmodeus saw you going out to buy little dolls when you started earning Grimm and almost immediately became rather curious what you were doing with them; he hardly was one to judge, but he heard men in the human world hardly ever touched dolls. He'd tail you sometimes to see you were meticulous in which one you picked, sometimes even going out to buy or commission clothes to be made for them — and that's when it hit him. This would be the perfect chance to get you to notice his impeccable fashion tastes through making clothing for your dolls! Though he hadn't quite anticipated you having so many in your room, that too would actually become part of the fun plan he had cooked up.
"Let's plan up a fashion show for them, Y/N!" You were surprised to see Asmodeus carrying a whole box of doll-sized clothes in one arm and a box of human-sized clothes in the other; he brought the wardrobes to your room where he let you pick the dolls and he pieced together the outfits for them following a theme. You both then made an impromptu catwalk to strut your stuff for the miniature audience, with Asmodeus especially enamored with you and the reserved little way you walked. He expressed that it was lots of fun and gave him plenty of fun ideas for outfits, so he'd definitely be an avid supporter of your doll collection where possible and would love to do that more in the future.
"Y/N! Wasn't that just so much fun?! ♥♥♥ Ooooh, I hope those little dolls enjoyed seeing our beautiful selves put on that show for them! I'll make sure to find more for our audience in the future~ And if anyone gives you hassle over trying to buy more, you call me and only me to your side to deal with them okay? ♥♥♥"
Beelzebub … tries to understand. When it comes to collecting anything, he's never really understood why people keep so many things that couldn't even be eaten or enjoyed beyond looking at them. The first time he stumbled in to your room to see tons of Devildom sports cards all proudly on display however, well... shocked was certainly one word to use. He'd only ever purchased those for any of the snack promos that came with them and gave the cards away after that — to see they ended up in your hands was quite interesting to him.
At least it gives him an idea of how to spend some time with you; he sits down with you in your room and helps you catalogue your cards, then looks up on Akuzon the remaining ones you still need that are tied to any food or drink promos. You both end up going a little overboard with it, but the look on your face when you unwrapped that premium foil Fangol card you've been dying for was worth the lectures from Lucifer about flooding the common rooms out with boxes of snacks again.
"Y/N, if there's a day where I end up getting a card made after me, I'll make sure to get it for you before anyone else. And you'll have my signature on it, too. I don't really get the buzz around it personally since you can't eat them, but I like helping you get them. Your smile is the most precious thing to me, maybe even more than cheeseburgers... so I want to see you smile a lot."
Belphegor doesn't understand at all initially, assuming he even noticed at first. It takes him longer to pick up on what you're doing due to the initial hostility, but once he's clued in, this demon gets really confused. Isn't it a lot of effort to go and get a collection together? And for what purpose? When he takes a visit to your room it only generates more questions than answers upon seeing you hoarding a collection of old maps of the Devildom; they were all outdated and wrong anyways, what was the appeal?
Eventually though as the two of you draw closer he starts to see a value in those maps; some may even show places that were omitted from the new maps, some may contain history of buildings once there then removed off the face of the layer they once occupied, some may even have hidden napping spots. When he gets the idea of wanting to take a trip with you and Beel, the idea of the maps clicks and you find he's suddenly buying up or earning some more for you through favors he accrues.
"When you, Beel, and I take that trip we've been dreaming of... I want you to bring copies of these maps with us, okay? That way we can discover things no one else has seen in hundreds of years, maybe even centuries... Then we can lay under the stars together, far, far away from all the commotion. I think it sounds like a fantastic idea... That way me and Beel can spoil our favourite boy without ever having to worry about our brothers catching wind of it. What do you think, Y/N?"
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Thank you again anon for sending this in! I hope these were to your liking! 😊💖
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For the fanfic ask meme (if you're feeling up to it, and in any case I hope you'll feel better soon...)
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with Solar Flare? (I liked your collection of character motifs for Reforged, so optimism...
H: How would you describe your style?
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Though honestly I'd love your answers to any of those qs - so if you don't fancy those three & you do want to answer some others don't feel constrained...
Thanks for asking! And thanks for your well wishes. I'll be okay (ideally soon).
D: I actually do not yet have a playlist yet for Solar Flare. I kind of collected songs for Reforged as I went because it was so long, but I didn't do that for Solar Flare. Yet. I do want to though.
I poked through my Pandora collection just now to see if I've got anything and I think there's a few good candidates.
"Gorgeous Nightmare" (Escape The Fate) fits aspects of Starscream's experience pretty well.
"Burnout" (10 Years) seems to fit broadly.
"Perfect Machine" (Starset) ... well, an argument could be made for this one that would need a bit of work.
"A Rash Decision" (Ice Nine Kills)
"Absolution" (Gemini Syndrome) is another broad fit
"What's Love Got To Do With It" (Black Stone Cherry cover but the original is also amazing) is pretty apt for whatever lies Megatron tells himself about Rodimus
I'm sure I've got more in there somewhat, but I am also taking suggestions.
H: You know, I'm not sure. I suppose it depends on the piece. I think I tend to write in an informationally dense way, but it's really hard to objectively describe one's style while being elbow-deep in it constantly. I just kinda look at it and go "well, it looks like I wrote it but I can't tell you how."
I do know one habit I have though: I pick mundane color words unless I have a really good reason to pick a more literary one. I have to wear migraine glasses, so I'm a little color challenged visually. Most pinks, reds, and oranges of similar values look kinda the same to me.
N: I kinda wish someone would finish From The Claws of Death. I have a sheet of notes about what I want the end to be, but I just... for multiple reasons, haven't had any motivation to finish it at all or flesh out some of the middle bits. I should have just left it as a one shot, honestly. It's not abandoned because it does need to get finished, but I'm also angry at it.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
What did you think of Gag Order?
Oh god, I love it.
And, as per usual, when I love something, I write a damn essay about it. The shortest version: this is going to be my album of the year. I think it's Kesha's masterpiece.
It's definitely Kesha's most mature and vulnerable album yet. It reminds me a lot of If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power by Halsey, in that they both deal with a lot of reflection, confronting their self-loathing, finding faith. But while I think IICHLIWP is ultimately Halsey's story about finding faith in love and in themself, Gag Order is about Kesha seeking answers and surrendering to something else.
It's powerful, nameless - and hard to resist wanting to follow her when she cries out for it. Some might call it "god," but I think that, while she does name-drop some religious figures, she's not really talking about any specific religion or belief system.
But I also think this album is about Kesha struggling with the darker parts of herself. Rainbow and High Road were so much about finding peace and acceptance, forgiveness and redemption. Even when she explored darker topics or her trauma, it was couched in this (probably necessary) optimism and positivity that acted as a wall between the painful truth and our perception of her. Maybe even her perception of herself.
I don't think she was willing or ready, for whatever reason, to fully leave the "Tik Tok"/"Die Young"/"Blow" party-queen of the early 2010s behind. Both Rainbow and High Road have had multiple party anthems on them, even if they were more grown up and less focused on youthful recklessness than the songs on Animal and Cannibal.
But the closest thing Gag Order has to a party/dance anthem, the kind Kesha is most known for, is "Only Love Can Save Us Now." And while it starts with a really aggressive, thumping (fun!) beat and the verses feature that iconic Kesha kinda-rap (her words, not mine,) the chorus bursts out in this incredible, gospel-esque belting chant of Kesha begging god to save her. And the music shifts from a dance/club beat to an acoustic guitar and a gospel choir arrangement.
It's so powerful, and while I go nuts to it, it definitely is a far-cry from songs like "Die Young" and "Blah Blah Blah," or even "Woman" and "Tonight."
It's not a song about partying. It's a song about surrender.
The same themes are echoed in songs like "Eat the Acid" and "Something to Believe In." Kesha was reckoning with some dark shit, and she found herself seeking something more. I don't know if she always liked what she found, or enjoyed the process.
As a result, it's also definitely Kesha's saddest album. She's had one or two sad songs on every album ("The Harold Song," "Dancing with Tears in My Eyes," "Resentment," "Father Daughter Dance," etc) but this record has at least four, depending on how you interpret them.
"Too Far Gone," "The Drama," "Living in My Head," "Fine Line," and "All I Need Is You" are all pretty sad, definitely more slow-tempo and ballad-y. And "The Drama" is the only one that ends with any sort of tongue-in-cheek humor.
That protective armor, the silly party-queen persona, is almost non-existent on this album. And as a result, this is Kesha's best work yet.
And I love party-queen Kesha, don't get me wrong!! I've loved Kesha since the beginning, I never had a moment where I didn't. I talk a lot about Halsey being the artist that changed pop music for me, but Kesha came before. There's no world where I listen to Halsey without Kesha. (God, y'all, I think I'm realizing how much she means to me writing this, lmao.)
The hopeful songs are definitely there, like "Hate Me Harder," "Happy," and "Peace and Quiet." But even those have a melancholy to them.
Sonically it's also really different. Not just the instrumentation, although that's a big part of it. It's more trance-y, industrial, kind of psychedelic, and the vocals involve more chanting and repetition. She's also using her voice in a really cool way, often more like an instrument than just a way to convey the lyrics.
The vocalizations in "Peace & Quiet" and "Living in My Head" are really novel, and I've never really heard her sing like that before. She started out singing as a yodeler, and I think people always underestimate her voice. It's stronger and more interesting than ever on this record.
I also really liked how she used the repetition of "you don't wanna be changed like it changed me" as a rhythm element in "Eat the Acid."
This album is definitely a departure from anything she's ever done, and I think it's going to have a mixed reception as a result. "Only Love Can Save Us Now," the closest thing to a party song, is already quickly becoming the most popular one on the album. A lot of them haven't even cracked 1mill plays on Spotify yet. (I'll get them there by myself dammit.)
But, if you ask me, it's a no-skip album. I think Kesha's first.
This is so long, and although I could absolutely keep going, I'll stop now. But I'll go deeper into my album ranking/what I think of each song if anyone asks, haha.
But yeah. Go listen to Gag Order. Unless you don't wanna be changed like it changed me.
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omgkalyppso · 11 months
9 ship songs
@vlwv left an open tag to post 9 songs for one or more ships! So I'm going to make (/start on?) a (very embarrassing) playlist for Étoile and Astarion.
I'll tag @bosspigeon, @umbralstars, @hatefulserpent, @klkirbles, @lucius-the-sinful and YOU.
Why does t/mblr keep un-italicizing random words.
1.Something, something. Sacrifices which cost more than they're worth.
Eat Your Young by Hozier. spot/ify. y/t.
I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something Let me wrap my teeth around the world Start carving, darling I wanna smell the dinner cooking I wanna feel the edges start to burn
2. I've been listening to the album Conditions of a Punk a lot lately and it was a hard choice between Hot Tea, Nobody, Move Me and Everything Machine, but Hot Tea is so earnest and evokes such a comforting image to me.
Hot Tea by half-alive. spot/ify. y/t.
Ooo! Hold you in my hands like hot tea Knowing I'm safe 'cause you want me Ooo! Sitting in a garden at your feet You, me, only Holding on and on You're clawing at the corner of my heart, I Can't afford to lose you any longer Holding you like hot tea You, me, only Holding on and on
3. Étoile's hope and optimism after Oathbreaking? Gone. Astarion realizing that this might have larger repercussions after Étoile's little mermaid moment? Conflicting. Blood tw and fictional character death / murder cw for the y/t video.
Written In Blood by She Wants Revenge. spot/ify. y/t.
You taste like tear stains And could have beens, But I love a good train wreck. Your hair balled up inside my fist, You tell me don't get too attached Like this is just entertainment. Then again it could go up in flames, And I'll take you down in the name of love. Maybe one last kiss just to ease the pain All or nothing it's written in blood
4. Étoile accidentally needing to reorient their devotion from their Paladin order to their party, is so fun. That they were already incapable of keeping the whole of their heart from Astarion before they also had almost no where else to trust it to, manifests in stuff like this. Flashing images cw for the y/t video.
Boys Like You by Tanerélle. spot/ify. y/t.
I should be ashamed How I break for it When you're not around I just ache for it Sit around and wait for it Oh, God, give me peace It should never feel this good Being weak on my knees Praying for you
5. How many playlists that deal with vampires include either Teeth or Monster by Lady Gaga? askdfjadsk Sorry.
Teeth by Lady Gaga. spot/ify. y/t.
Help, need a man, now show me your fangs Tell me something that'll save me I need a man who makes me alright (Man who makes me alright) (Just tell me when it's alright) Tell me something that'll change me I'm gonna love you with my hands tied Show me your teeth (Just tell me when) Show me your teeth (Open your mouth, boy) Show me your teeth (Show me what you got)
6. More lost Paladin nonsense, but also the complicated distance of immediate families. Close up of an eye cw? for the y/t video.
Unconditional II (Race and Religion) by Arcade Fire. spot/ify. y/t.
I'll be yours (I'll be yours) You can be mine (You be mine) Love unites Breaking as the light divides Into the color of your eyes I'll be your race and religion You be my race and religion This love is no competition United body and soul
7. Something kinky for fun.
Illegal Tender by Louis XIV. spot/ify. y/t.
You’re taking off your stripes Even your knees are nice I’ll tease you with a knife until you’re screaming for your life I think so too And you surrender Can I spend you up? you’re my illegally illegal tender
8. Learned of this song through fallyn @twiddletaffy's vampire playlist. (:
Vampires by Night Club. spot/ify. y/t.
Vampires are the enemy 'Cause they'll do anything to get to me They breed, but they never bleed So they bleed from me, yeah they bleed and It's bringing me down It sucks the life from me Put me into the ground Kill my misery
9. Learned of this playlist from tyler @/clickbaitcowboy's full moon playlist. (: Not quite vampires, but I think the vibes were perfect.
Wolf Like Me by Lera Lynn. spot/ify. y/t.
We could jet in a stolen car Bet we wouldn't get too far 'Fore the transformation takes And the bloodlust takes And the crave gets slaked My mind has changed My body's frame But God I like it My heart's aflame My body's strained But God I like it
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