#'breast reduction'
silkentine · 3 months
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In honor of my original meme hitting over 99k notes on tumblr dot com, I’ve made a sequel nearly 4 years later!
(original below)
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what-even-is-sleep · 1 year
ahh just got booked for a consultation meeting with a gender therapist for possible surgery this is unreal ahhhh
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sergle · 1 year
Okay- I've started Part 2 of my Detittification Saga!!
Reblogs would be appreciated!! I'm going to get these thangs off if it kills me.
If it helps with scale, here's my bra:
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getinfobl · 10 months
Medicacityclinic - Mega+ (2)
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Breast augmentation ın turkey surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Turkey, with many individuals traveling to the country to undergo the procedure. Istanbul is a top choice for breast augmentation surgery due to the reasonable prices and quality of service provided by clinics and surgeons.Patients can choose between surgery or fat transfer to achieve their desired breast size and shape. With certified hospitals and experienced surgeons, breast reduction in turkey surgery in Turkey is a safe and effective option for those seeking to enhance their appearance Breast reduction surgery is another popular cosmetic surgery in Turkey, particularly for those seeking to achieve a more comfortable silhouette. The average cost of breast reduction surgery in Turkey ranges from €1800 to €4000, but the final cost may depend on various factors. At Vantage Clinic Istanbul, patients can receive personalized consultations and top-class breast reduction surgery from internationally reputable surgeons. This surgery can help individuals achieve balance and confidence in their physical appearance, leading to improved self-esteem and quality of life. Istanbul is a popular destination for bbl surgery turkey due to the expertise of surgeons and the use of advanced techniques. In addition to BBL surgery, other popular cosmetic surgeries in Turkey include Hollywood smile turkey, dental crowns, dental implants, and labiaplasty. With a range of options available and high-quality service provided by clinics and surgeons, Turkey is a top destination for those seeking to enhance their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 28 days
"That's why I'm so excited for this stupid semester to be over! I'm trying to be a professional fashion model and the stupid guys at my university can't stop thinking with their cocks. It's kind of pathetic, really. But if in the meantime it placates these horny nerds and gives them something to play with and enjoy. On one hand..... I hate having these enormous cow-tits bouncing and jiggling every time I do literally anything. They're just so fat and swollen and sweaty..... God knows what boys see in silly stuff like this.
At any rate, like most universities these days our insurance is given out by the university and we're signed up for all kinds of programs and drug trials. You know, normal stuff. But I was oh so lucky enough to be selected for compulsory breast growth so my boobs can get big enough by the end of every semester that the surgery students can reduce my boobs back to a dignified girth. I shudder to think of all the money my family spent on tuition just for my body to be at the mercy of a bunch of horny med students.
Apparently the boys there had a crush on me, selected me and sent my info to the university insurance provider. So now for my whole time here at this school, earning my Bachelor's, my breasts will be subjected to this humiliating torment over and over. Imagine how mangled they'll be by the time I graduate? Might as well lop the things off by then...... I mean, just look at what I'm dealing with! Men play with them incessantly, whether through my clothes or they insist on pulling them out to have their fun. It is rather amusing, I'll admit. I like to stroke their faces and call them handsome as they handle my oversized breasts. I enjoy seeing them squirm, their cocks getting so big, a lot of boys cum in their pants simply from kneading and groping me. It's kind of empowering.....
And to think this is only after a couple months of these rapid-growth injections. Two months left. I could double in size. How will that even work? My poor back aches as it is. My boobs have huge stretch marks and look so swollen and red I tend to keep them covered. Boys don't seem to mind but other girls giggle and gossip. Then in another two months, when these hornball magnets are unbearably huge, I guess I'll be begging like a pathetic Hentai princess to not have to grow any bigger. For my captors to please stop forcing my body to expand! The med students will love hearing me beg. Then the whole university gets to watch my tits get dismantled, streamed live. I'll be flat chested again, given a couple weeks to recover, then I'll be given the injections yet again.
And this will be my life for over three more years! Forced to watch helplessly as my breasts grow to absurd, male-jerk-off-fantasy proportions, only to be chopped down to nothing, over and over. If these boys need so much practice why not line up all the busty girls and just chop off their breasts one by one like a regular community college? No.... instead these students see fit to get creative with me. So, I'll get the humiliating pleasure of growing massive blimp-tits every four months. I feel like my brain my start to crack..... Having to endure this for so long as I try to study and not look ridiculous in front of my peers. My growing breasts groped and pulled from my clothes, slapped around and fucked. I already feel like I'll never get the stink of cum out from between these sweaty, fat udders of mine. Even once the students chop them down to mincemeat in two months. I feel like a lab animal. Like all I am is this pair of breasts that exist solely for men to play with and torment and experiment on. Maybe instead of being a model I ought to donate my body for medical research, sign away my rights, and literally just become a pair of breasts for horny old doctors to run tests and trials on..... One thing at a time, I need to graduate first. Not for my diploma, but so I don't disappoint all these boys looking forward to four years of inflating and chopping off my boobs.... I simply can't abandon my purpose like that. ❤️"
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
Ryan Reynolds did a TV ad promoting Argos catalogues (I don’t even know if we make them anymore?). In the same dream, he also paid for the breast reduction I’d been wanting for years, and we were super close.
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howlongis1instant · 4 months
When I remove these fat bags on my chest I'm gonna leave off the nipples and tattoo something else there
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localboobsenjoyer · 5 months
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"This art gallery sucks, but at least I got to steal the breasts of all these trophy wives." Around the both of you, a lot of formely busty rich women roam around the venue, oblivious to what they lost thanks to the quirk reality alteration power your wife's family possesses. "Yeah, I know, sugar, but we need to go now. Your top is at its limit." Your wife looked resigned, but in the end, she agreed to leave. That is, until one last woman enters the room, flaunting her impressive bust in a tight yet elegant outfit. You tried to stop her, but it was too late. As her bust deflates into nothingness, your wife's breasts grow even bigger, signaling the end of her already struggling top. As you try to cover your now-topless lady, you could feel the jealousy-filled glares of the other people in the room, even if they couldn't possibly know what they had lost. Your wife didn't help either, since she proudly and slowly walked toward the exit, bathing in all the envy that she was generating.
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zepskies · 9 months
This is very very niche one, but how would Beau, Dean and Ben react to seeing reader has breast reduction scars, and that’s how they find out about it since she never mentioned having one? I won’t be offended if you ignore because again, it’s very specific 🤣🫶
Hello my lovely friend! @chernayawidow
Ooh this is very niche, but I'm okay with that! I love a narrower prompt. It makes it easier to imagine, to be honest. And I can safely say this is the first time I've gotten a request like this. 😘
*cracks knuckles* Here we go!
Pairings: Dean Winchester x F. Reader, Beau Arlen x F. Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only on this one for some smuttish behavior. Description of surgical scars, body insecurity and body appreciation.
Headcanon: How Dean, Beau, and Ben would react to seeing your breast reduction scars.
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Dean Winchester
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Let's start with Dean...
The first time he spots it is after a hunt, in the room of this week's grungy "motel crap."
He notices the edge of some kind of scar under your breast when he accidentally walks in on you changing.
He only sees it peeking out from the edge of the bra you're trying to hook on. It's black and lacey, and it immediately attracts his attention (in more ways than one).
"Dean!" you gasp. Your face sports a wild blush. "Learn how to knock, damn it!"
Shit! He remembers himself with a shake of his head and a placating hand in the air as he spins away. "Sorry!"
Of course, he's not going to say anything then. He wonders if it was a hunting injury, from before he met you.
He buries that curiosity...until you two finally start dating.
The subject doesn't come up, however, until you have sex for the first time. Dean has you underneath him in his bed. Kisses are feverish, hands exploring each other's bodies like a pair of teenagers making out. He can't lie to himself, he kind of feels giddy like a teenager.
But he notices that you're self-conscious about him getting your shirt off. You almost stop him with your hands on his wrists.
Dean hesitates. His hand are already under the hem of your shirt, but they become more soothing along the curve of your waist.
"Everything okay?" he asks.
Biting your lip, you nod and encourage him to continue. He goes slow, but he eventually takes your bra off, and he sees them.
Faded, pink scars (small circles around the nipple, with an anchor line stemming down the middle of the breast, and a small curve line underneath).
A younger, less mature Dean might not know what to say at first.
He might ask, with a note of caring, "What're these?"
He also might feel the need to lighten the question with a joke (not at your expense), of which you might not appreciate in the moment. And he'd very earnestly apologize.
And he might ask if he can touch the scars, softly tracing the outlines.
You would explain to him that it wasn't a hunting injury, or anything like that.
The answer is simple: You had breast reduction surgery. If you feel comfortable enough with him, you'll share the reasons why. (To reduce your lower back pain, and make it easier on your body to live your life and do your job. And the truth is, you feel better.)
A Dean in his 40s would probably have seen this before, and know what they are. But he'll still be curious on why you did it, because he's curious by nature.
He'll want to make sure you feel comfortable with him, asking you if the scars are still tender, and where you'd prefer to be touched.
But the scars don't faze him.
"I like 'em," he later says, with cheeky green eyes, and his tongue moving lazily between your breasts.
You giggle at that, carding your fingers through his hair. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," he smirks. "I got me a little tiger. She's got some pretty stripes."
You laugh fully at that, and your body trembles with it underneath him. It makes him smile against your skin.
You're a beautiful woman, and he feels lucky to have this chance to be with you. Not just in your bed, but trying to be together.
Because it's a chance he didn't think he'd ever get to have again.
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Beau Arlen
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Ah, my Cowboy Sheriff...
He first notices it on the summer you two start dating, when you two go swimming at the lake. It's Montana, so the water is still pretty cold, but you both are too high on the giddy feeling of a budding romance to care.
He sees the edge of a crescent shaped scar under your breast, under the sexy bikini you're rocking. It piques his curiosity, which is already near insatiable at the best of times.
So much so that when he next has you in his arms in the water, and his arms are wrapped around your waist, with your arms wrapped around his neck, he gains enough courage to ask you, thumbing gently at the edge of raised flesh on your skin.
"What's this, darlin'?"
You're matter-of-fact about your answer, telling him it's your breast reduction scar. It's also a subtle way you test men.
You can tell a lot about someone's character by the way they react to things like this. Especially when it's something you might've been insecure about at first. But these scars are just a part of your body now. Though they'll fade even more in time, there's a chance they might always be there. So you've accepted this, and don't find cause to hide.
Beau takes your response in with a nod.
"You're...okay with it?" you ask.
Beau smiles and presses a tender kiss to your cheek. "What's to be okay with?"
"Yeah?" you lightly press. You smile at his beard scratching your cheek. You turn your head, and he gives you a proper kiss.
"Of course, sweetheart," Beau says. And he means it.
He's a father. He watched many a change happen to his ex-wife's body over the course of pregnancy, birth, and over a decade later of natural developments with age. He's aged and changed too.
So superficial things like stretch marks and fading scars aren't going to deter him in the slightest from being with you.
His thumb edges around the hem of your bikini, sliding under the tie in the back. His smile grows a bit cheeky, while yours becomes knowingly suspicious.
"Maybe you'll let me get acquainted," he hedges. His voice deepens with southern drawl and flirtation.
Your heart beats faster, and your smile deepens.
"Okay, Sheriff...but only if I get the same privilege." And your knees begin to slide his swim trunks down his hips under the water, at the same time he unties your bikini.
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Soldier Boy (Ben)
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Aw geez, this cheeky motherfucker...
Ben would easily be the most unfazed.
This man's gotten "around," so to speak. He's pretty much seen it all in his 102 years of pussy plowing. (Minus 40.)
You're different, however. You're more than that.
You were the first one to treat him like an actual person when he made it out of Russia, back to the States, back to New York, after dealing with Homelander and ending that piece of shit at Vought Tower.
While the whole world either looked at him like an oddity or a terrorist, you saw a man, displaced from everything he had known.
A man entirely alone.
Until you.
Still, it took all the patience he had within him to even get you to agree to date him. And you were cautious about physical intimacy. At first he thought you were shy (or worse, a fucking tease).
Or maybe...maybe you were afraid of him.
"It's not that," you tell him firmly. You feel comfortable and safe in his arms. You look up into his eyes, and he can't help but kiss you. You cling to him tightly, like you're starved for touch. His touch.
He sits down on the edge of his living room couch and brings you down with him, to straddle his thighs. You take his face into your gentle hands and briefly look down at him with a smile.
He sees things in your eyes that he's never seen from a woman before. Softness. Genuine caring. Maybe even something deeper.
But you tense up a little, the second his hands venture under the hem of your blouse.
"What's the matter?" he asks. His brows furrow. He can't fucking figure you out. You seem to be into him (and more), but you don't want him to touch you.
You hesitate. "It's just...um..."
With much effort, Ben controls every impatient, borderline callous remark he wants to make and squeezes your hips.
"Just tell me, baby doll. You're not gonna shock me."
You smile at the sight of his grin. You let out a breath and take off your blouse yourself. Ben eyes you hungrily as you bare yourself to him.
You unclip your bra and his eyes are drawn to your breasts...and then the scars. Just like you feared they would be.
But he doesn't look disgusted or put off. He just raises his brows at you.
"Is that what the fuck you're worried about?" he asks.
Your throat constricts for a moment as you rest your hands on his chest. You can feel the warmth of his skin through the fitted shirt.
Ben dips his chin and catches your downturned gaze. Then his head bows a little further, and he traces the scars lightly with his tongue.
Your breath hitches. Your eyes widen as you watch him, but pleasure tingles delicately down your spine and across your skin as his tongue swirls around a nipple. He lifts you up higher against him so he has easier access. All you can do is cling to his arms, sink your fingers into his hair, and moan wantonly as he ravishes your body.
By the end of the night, he knocks every single insecurity out of your head. (And you both sleep soundly, fully sated in his bed.)
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AN: Whew! 😮‍💨 Feel like my fingers ran a marathon. I got into this one deeper than I thought I would! I hope it hit all the right notes. 💕💕
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
DW, BA & SB Tag List (Part 1):
@melancholictearz @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @lacilou
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fancyfade · 1 year
My thoughts on the DC male character ass size poll
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(also link to the original poll)
(disclaimer: no hate to jamal campbell; he's an amazing artist and the shading on that pic really does look like someone asked him to edit dick's ass bigger)
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silkentine · 3 months
Did you know in Melbourne, Australia theres a common piece of graffiti known as "garfies" that was absolutely inspired by your garfield breast reduction comic and even has a dedicated instagram page @/garfies_sightings. Example garfies:
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No, I did NOT know of Garfies!!!!!!! I needed her in my life. Wow. I'm glad she's going strong because usually those cunts in the government like to destroy art like this. stay strong, melbourne!
Thank you for sharing!!!!
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applebees4prez · 1 month
i have so many seasons left to watch of dimension 20 and haven’t even finished the ravening war but. time for a fantasy high rewatch i guess.
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sergle · 1 year
WELL, it took having my savings wiped out this year to do it, but I'm officially trying to raise funds for my breast reduction!!
It's so so needed, and I feel weird asking for help, but I'm asking for help. I can’t stand starting my savings from 0 again, and I can’t keep lugging these around. I don’t know how to describe how life changing this would be for me, or how much everyday pain the weight from these Thangs gives me. I go into it a little in the link, though. Save me from my tits??
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altrinity · 2 months
Stupid redraw I made while getting a feel for drawing the dungeon meshi cast :’) don’t question the height difference
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
"Well, it's been amazing serving you all, my loyal fans, for so many years. As most good things do, it has to come to an end! My family discovered my OnlyFans and decided I have to be punished. They love my huge boobs but after they saw me use them on you guys for money, get them whipped, burnt, beaten up..... My family decided I don't deserve such big gorgeous boobs. So they're making me get them removed. Like completely. My mom sent videos of me to a cancer research institute and they said they'll do like..... a biopsy on them. A titty autopsy, open them up and poke around for cancer, cysts, etc.... For free, like I'm a charity case with a rare disorder. Then chop them off regardless of what they find for future testing.
Of course, this procedure will be the last vid on my OnlyFans for a while. My family is demanding I stream it for all of you. This is so embarrassing..... So, my boobs will be numbed, and they'll be sliced vertically down the middle, so the surgeon can poke around and show you their insides. That makes me feel really self-conscious. My family said they want to be there to poke fun at my boobs as they're opened up and 'all that blubber falls out'. I swear they are sooo twisted. So, basically they're gonna sit there cracking jokes and mocking my huge boobs as they're picked apart for medical research. I'm soooo pissed.
I guess that's the joy of living with family and trying to do porn for a living. My perfect tits will be destroyed just for my family's amusement. Just to punish me for flaunting what I've got! They are the absolute worst! I can't believe I'll have no boobs. But I am kinda curious to see if I do have a bunch of cysts or tumors, since you guys do tend to call my boobs a pair of oversized cancer bags.... Wait. Did you tip off my family about my OF? Ooooo, are you guys actually hoping this happens to me? God, I have the naughtiest fans. I'm a lucky girl..... Maybe I'll just keep making vids anyway, with no boobs. So you guys can see what you've done to me. Will you like that? I mean..... what's the worst that they could take away after my boobs? .... I'll leave it to your imaginations. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Surgery's tomorrow morning at eight, my time. Don't be late guys, I'm sure you want to see me react as the surgeon destroys my perfect boobies.... and my family has a good laugh about it."
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